The Punisher treason: noun: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government
White Hats
Embrace the sometimes painful truth of reality
Remain in the blissful ignorance of illusion
If there is no such thing as a CONSPIRACY - why is the word CONSPIRACY in the dictionary?
Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'   Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell
Click here... Stockholm Syndrome is also a result of Governmental / Pharmaceutical / Media Propaganda
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL and Embraces GENOCIDE

5G as a Weapon

Video "These hurricanes are CONTROLLED, we have the proof" Dane Wigington - Patented technology / man-made storms - 10th October 2024
Video Self-Assembling Nanotechnology in the Covid mRNA Vaccines - 15th August 2024
Video Weaponised Street Lights - 5g street lights, or new LED lights with 5g antennas attached - 31st May 2024
Video Riccardo Bosi - NEW THREAT EXPOSED! Nanodust Infection and the Risk to the Unvaxed - Plus 5G - Full Facts Revealed - 22nd February 2024
Video Is this a 5G kill switch activated on all these people? - They all behave in a similar way before they died... - 23rd September 2022
Video Graphene Based, 5G Powered, Self Assembling Nano-Particles Forming Bio-Circuitry in Vaxxed - 5th September 2022
Video Donald Trump and Bill Gates ban 5G in their towns - 26th June 2022
Traitors Well this is awkward! - '100 Per Cent Fully Vaccinated' 5G Cruise Ship Suffers COVID Outbreak! - 31st March 2022
Video Vaxxed people dropping like flies in Auckland, New Zealand - Are 5G signals activating the vaxx ingredients? - 31st October 2021
Video 5G Kill Switch - You have been WARNED! - 21st August 2022
Video 5G Delta Tower and the Covid-19 Delta Variant - possible link? - July 2021
Video Former Vodafone Boss Blows Whistle on 5G Corona Virus Agenda (Video & Transcript) - 5th June 2020
Video 5G - OpEd: EMF Radiation Detectors Should be Made Mandatory in Public Schools During Crisis - 25th May 2020
Video 5G APOCALYPSE - THE EXTINCTION EVENT - Film by Sacha Stone - 15th May 2020
Video 5G / Covid-19 - Technician erecting 5G towers finds an amazing discovery on the circuit board - 15th May 2020
Video Covid-19 & 5G - The Video that broke the Australian Internet - ihavequestions - presented by Jay Ross - 23rd April 2020
Video Biggest Deception on the Whole World - EndGame Plan - 5G - Coronavirus / COVID-19 - damage to DNA and genes... - 31st March 2020
Video Dana Ashlie - 5G and Coronavirus - The BEST NEWS re CORONA Virus you've heard all month! Kinda - 22nd February 2020
Prior to 2020
Video 5G Telecom Workers Destroy Cell Towers to Warn Public of 5G Dangers - 26th December 2019
Video Cell Phone Addiction - Are You Lost In The World Like Me - 12th November 2016
Video Smart lights: New LED lights with sensors raise privacy concerns - 1st July 2014
Traitors Bill Gates - the traitor behind 5G / Covid-19; and his ultimate plan to vaccinate the World with his 5G / Covid-19 vaccination and AI tracking technology

Download here: These-hurricanes-are-CONTROLLED-we-have-the-proof-Dane-Wigington-Patented-technology-man-made-storms-2024-10-10.mp4 - 66,729 kb
By: Redacted - 10th October 2024

"These hurricanes are CONTROLLED,
we have the proof"
Dane Wigington
Patented technology / man-made storms

Dane Wigington from joins Redacted to break some astonishing news about these hurricanes Helene and Milton.

#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris

I have been screaming this for 6-7 years. People called me crazy, delusional psycho and conspiracy theorist. I'll put my tin foil hat back on now.

Its not a conspiracy theory, it's a conspiracy

My boy tried to tell me about this tech back in 2007 and I made fun of him. Jokes on me…

Imagine destroying your own people just to stop them from voting for your opponent

I'm starting to become convinced that Americans are suffering from some sort of Stockholm syndrome. Every single day, we find out a new way our government is screwing us over. A sane population would do something to stop it. We, on the other hand, pay them to continue doing it.

Dane has worked tirelessly to bring this VERY SERIOUS issue to the attention of the masses for years. I applaud his efforts!

"Climate Change" and "Weather Modification" are practically synonymous.

If storms were engineered by men, and as a result deaths happened, wouldn't that be mur-der?

Weather modification, BlackRock, Lithium, land grabbing, Gates, etc...

If the government swears no then it is the government

Two words for all of you

Lord, please put a hedge of protection over this man!

Protect this man and this channel...

Download here: Self-Assembling-Nanotechnology-in-the-Covid-mRNA-Vaccines-2024-08-15.mp4 - 9,772 kb
By: EONutrition - 15th August 2024
Self-Assembling Nanotechnology
in the Covid mRNA Vaccines

In this video I discuss signs/evidence of nanotechnology found in $h0ts, and then dig into some scientific research on micro/nano robotics.

00:00 Nanotechnology?
00:37 Problems with study
01:20 Real evidence?
02:10 Nano-robots
03:30 Graphene Oxide
04:00 Controlling humans
04:49 The real purpose of this tech?

Find the full, uncut video on Rumble:

Funny how YouTube allows this content after the fact, but during? It was a "conspiracy theory."


no weapon formed against us shall prosper.

I have lost several family members to this evil agenda. I tried to warn them, but they would not listen. Some have passed away shortly after, and some have gotten severely ill and haven't been the same since. Some have personality changes, extreme personality changes to the point that it's very difficult to be around them anymore. They seem to be full of anger and resentment. I just pray for them; that's all I can do at this point. I believe this is the biggest crime against humanity ever.

Whatever it all is. To infect people with these without their assault, and worse.

People have no clue how deep this vile rabbit hole goes.

'conspiracy theoristS' have said EXACTLY this from day 1 of the 'therapy'

I know, because I am one of them.

I saw everyone's favourite computer/human software expert Bill Gates brag about these, also calling it self-assembling nanotechnology, but when I repeat those words to my family and friends they call me fringe and weird and laugh.

When that "vaccine" came out I refused to get it, lost my job for not getting it.

People called me insane for saying it's a bioweapon using nanotech.

I've seen these in a study from Italy UNDER A 10000 POWER MICROSCOPE and youtube scrubbed it ...THIS IS REAL AND ITS A BIO WEAPON

They put graphene oxide in the shots. The nanotech uses graphene as a power source because it can boost GHz frequencies into the THz range. Also, guess which towers are capable of putting out the right frequencies to power the nanotech? I'll give you a hint, it starts with '5' and ends with 'G'. Not only can they assemble electrical systems inside the body (nanoantennas, etc.), but they can hide pathogens within the lipid nanoparticles. So they can essentially trigger an actual pandemic whenever it's convenient for them.

Download here: Weaponised-Street-Lights-5g-street-lights-or-new-LED-lights-with-5g-antennas-attached-2024-05-31.mp4 - 118,610 kb
By: AustraliaOne Party - 31st May 2024
Weaponised Street Lights
5g street lights, or new LED lights
with 5g antennas attached

Download: Riccardo-Bosi-NEW-THREAT-EXPOSED-Nanodust-Infection-and-the-Risk-to-the-Unvaxed-Full-Facts-Revealed-2024-02-22.mp4 - 885,030 kb
By: JUST ONE FOCUS - TRUTH - 22nd February 2024
Riccardo Bosi
Nanodust Infection & the Risk
to the Unvaxed
- Plus 5G
Full Facts Revealed

THE GENOCIDE CONTINUES! Join Gideon Jacobs and Riccardo Bosi as they discuss the recently discovered threat of Nanodust Infection and the Risk to the Unvaxed.

Download: Is-this-a-5G-kill-switch-activated-on-all-these-people-They-all-behave-in-a-similar-way-before-they-died-2022-09-23.mp4 - 5,050 kb
By: Puretrauma357 - 23rd September 2022
Is this a 5G kill switch activated on all these people?
They all behave in a similar way before they died...
Does the 5G activate something in the Covid injections?

Look at the kill switch activated on all these people….they all behave in a similar way before they died and it's like something was activated on them….

It actually goes a little deeper.
They deny the creation.
They destroy the creation.
It is also an attack on our soul.
The brainwashing we've had is part of that too.
If the people knew this, the Satanists wouldn't stand a chance

Is this a 5G kill switch activated on all these people?

Between the vaXX and the directed energy weapons from the 5G towers to the smartphones it's all connected. In my neck of the woods they are giving out Obama phones all over. The thing is you have to show I.D. to get it. So the person is linked to that smartphone and the radiation weapons too.
Even the Telecom's now are basically giving away plans but here's the kicker: you need to show I.D. for a prepaid phone now. Hard to get burner phones these days unless you know someone.
We all need to dump the smartphones. I know they linked everything to these devices from mail to video appointments where people can't work in some cases without one. But we really don't need them. Ask yourself were we better before the smartphones and 5g or worse?
Did you know Israel developed the 5G technology and sold it to China to mass produce it to the world? You need to go on the deep web to find these uncensored results..

It's the fake vaccine, control by cell phone signal

That's my thought exactly. Targeted by the VaXX using directed energy weapons or unvaxxD using the Obama phone linked to I.D. or Carrier as a GPS.
All on Cell phones

Download here: Graphene-Based-5G-Powered-Self-Assembling-Nano-Particles-Forming-Bio-Circuitry-in-Vaxxed-2022-09-05.mp4 - 10,948 kb
By: LavaFox - 5th September 2022
Graphene Based, 5G Powered, Self Assembling
Nano-Particles Forming Bio-Circuitry in Vaxxed

La Quinta Columna: Bio-Manipulation of the human host.
These guys have been right too many times to ignore.

#nanotech #covid #vaccines

Download here: 5G-Donald-Trump-and-Bill-Gates-ban-5G-in-their-towns-2022-06-26.mp4 - 1,958 kb
By: ben3g - 26th June 2022
Donald Trump and Bill Gates ban 5G in their towns

trump and gates dont want these 5g towers in their neighborhoods, this is clear proof that these 5g towers are dangerous?

The jabbed will be walking time bombs when the 5g is turned up and their souls owned by the devil worshipping satanic cult of sick freaks that is pushing this evil agenda upon us all.

We should all be taking down the 5G towers that is feeding the devil and it's demons.

Well this is awkward!
'100 Per Cent Fully Vaccinated'
5G Cruise Ship Suffers COVID Outbreak!
31st March 2022

Well this is awkward! - '100 Per Cent Fully Vaccinated’ 5G Cruise Ship Suffers COVID Outbreak!

Cruise ship the Ruby Princess, which has a fully vaccinated only policy for both staff and passengers, suffered a COVID outbreak before docking in San Francisco.

"100 per cent safe and effective!"

According to its website, Princess Cruises requires people show both proof of full vaccination and evidence of a negative COVID test before boarding the ship.

The company did not say how many people tested positive but said those infected were "isolated and quarantined while monitored and cared for by our shipboard medical team."

"As with all Princess itineraries, this cruise is operated as a vaccinated cruise, as defined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention," the company told the San Francisco Chronicle. "Guests and crew vaccination rates were at 100 percent."

The ship was on a 15-day cruise to the Panama Canal and had docked in San Francisco on Sunday before the outbreak.

Meanwhile, leftist comedian Kathy Griffin took to Twitter to boast about how she was given 8 free COVID tests by CVS after getting her 4th booster shot.

A vaccine so good, you get given 8 free COVID tests after taking a fourth dose of it.

Safe and effective!

Download here: Covid-Vaxxed-people-dropping-like-flies-in-Auckland-NZ-after-5G-signals-activate-vaxx-ingredients-2021-10-31.mp4 - 3,013 kb
By: Kiwi Driver - 31st October 2021
Vaxxed people dropping like
flies in Auckland, NZ
Are 5G signals activating the vaxx ingredients?

Many healthy, non Covid Experimental Injected people in Auckland, New Zealand, have recently been reporting various symptoms such as: hearing strange high pitch ringing in their ears / difficulty sleeping / difficulty staying awake / nausea / shortness of breathe.

At the same time, there have been many reports of Covid Injected people collapsing to the ground, in several areas of Auckland.

Be kind - quote from Jacinda Ardern, (fake New Zealand Prime Minister)

Download here: 5G-Kill-Switch-You-have-been-WARNED-2022-08-21.mp4 - 13,251 kb
By: Just As You Are - 21st August 2022
5G Kill Switch - You have been WARNED!

5G DELTA Tower and the Covid-19 Delta Variant
July 2021

5G Delta Tower and the Covid-19 Delta Variant

Download here: 5G-Former-Vodafone-Boss-Blows-Whistle-on-5G-Corona-Virus-Agenda-2020-06-05.mp4 - 85,767 kb
By: SixthSense - 5th June 2020

Former Vodafone Boss Blows Whistle on
5G Corona Virus Agenda (Video & Transcript)

I was the head of the largest business unit at Vodafone. Their headquarters in Newberry between 2013 through 2015. Um, I was privy to a number of the new tech technologies that were coming down the pipe that was going to be implemented, naming-ly the internet of things, and secondly, the 5g technology.

I knew a long time ago that 5g was dangerous, but I didn't understand the correlation with the Corona virus, which I am now doing. And I want to be able to explain that to you. So what is happening, um, is a deliberate strategy to roll out 5G, which is the fifth generation internet. Um, radio spectrum frequencies that enable mobile phones, smart phones, and all devices to function on a much faster processing ability and with the introduction of AI and artificial intelligence and the internet of things, where all devices will be connected.

So whether it's your car, whether it's your phone, whether it's your fridge refrigerator, whether it's your electricity in your house, it's all going to be on a smart grid, effectively a type of matrix, unfortunately, sorry to use that term. So what is happening is that this technology has to be rolled out globally.

My companies I used to work for, and as they're running their largest worldwide business unit, um, is Vodafone, Vodafone, or in partnership with. Who way or highway, whatever you call them, the Chinese telecoms company. And they have been rolling out systematic 5g implementation in multiple locations. What's the relevance, the frequency that they're using.

And I also ran a telecoms company back in 2010 through to 20 13, 14. Some of you will be aware that specialized in radio spectrum that we, this is ability to take external signals. From satellites into buildings. Um, and so that the frequency that you experienced in power on your phone is the same in the building, as it is outside of the building.

When mobile networks were created, initially, they thought people will be on the road all the time. Hence why they were called mobile phones. But actually what happened is people use their mobile phones in buildings and the signal wasn't strong enough dependent for 10 penetrate buildings. That's called radio spectrum.

And there. Um, megahertz frequencies, et cetera. So the 5g frequency is a very high frequency, very, very, very high frequency. It is just below the classification of a weapon. Uh, and I'll tell you. The frequency that they're using, which is 10 times faster than 4g. Unfortunately, when it comes into connection with human bodies causes cell poisoning, cell poisoning.

So our body's trying to fight the radiation that is in the form of cell poisoning because of this frequency. It is effectively radiation. And what happens is our body. Uh, kick out the toxicity or toxins with some protein proteins and some DNA RNA from ourselves in the form of a chemical, which is called a virus.

And most diseases are excretions from cells that we are trying to. Pull out of our body or push out of our body and it will head towards orifices to be excreted or expunge out of our body. So I knows this or a mouse. You can understand the picture I'm painting. So what's happening, sorry for the detail.

But this is going to take a bit of time. What is happening is. Um, five G the frequency and the power, which is 10 times more powerful than 4g is reacting aversely with human selves causing cells in our bodies to be poisoned toxic. And our natural defense mechanism is pushing out that toxicity in the form of a virus.

So, what you're seeing is not Corona virus, per se. You're seeing cell poisoning manifesting with fluids, chemicals, viruses that the body is trying to, um, dispose of because it's harmful to its physical body. So all that's occurring around the world and I hear your minds thinking, well, how can that be possible?

But I'll explain in the moment. All this recur, all that's occurring in the world is a reaction to human bodies, too. The electrification of the universe through 5g satellites, 5g towers, 5g cells that are being populated in major cities around the world. So this is what is causing this pandemic. So sorry to say second point.

This is the largest global. Coverup in history for the impact on human beings, based on technological advancements. I hope that makes sense. I don't have time to quantify that. I will give you further information in a moment. So what is happening? It's not the coronavirus. It is a virus that is being produced by cell poisoning.

And therefore the fibrous that we have is really a measure or indication of ourselves, excreta, ING, toxics. This is what's killing people. So let me give you some facts that will hopefully make this compelling. So one of the first cities that Vodafone highway and some of the. Technology companies REL rolled out ubiquitous blanket, 5g, guess where it was Wu Han China, where this coronavirus was supposedly meant to start in some fish market that is complete nonsense.

It's it started as a result of ratings. Active or radio radio frequencies at a high level creating radiation that was toxic to cells. And that's why people were affording over dying in the streets, et cetera. So they've tried to cover it up. So because it has a, a flute. Um, uh, characteristics, they are using coronavirus to try and hide the fact that people are dying from the 5g, uh, frequency.

So let me just explain other major cities that rolled this out. It takes six months for this to impact your physical body. So last year, um, obviously we hadn't was the first city. Um, then Spain rolled out 5g, Italy rolled out 5g. So you'll see it. An uncommon level of fatalities because of the level of 5g penetration in these countries, Italy has had more fatalities in any other countries because it is densely populated with 5g and the older generation doesn't have the immune system to fight against it.

Let me move on because of time. So Italy has rolled it out. Spain has rolled it out. Most major cities have rolled it out around the world and countries. London is one of the biggest, uh, CCTV. And obviously they're in the process of running out more 5g. What is the relevance of all of this? The relevance is the Corona virus is not what's killing.

It is clearly categorically, unequivocally, and scientifically proven that the radio frequencies that we are being exposed to is what is killing the people. Why are they allowing it because of multiple agendas, but primarily because 5g is the only network with the speed to handle the future. And where we're going rapidly is a world run by AI, artificial, artificial intelligence, the internet of things, where everything's interconnected on the internet, a new global currency that coming out.

And hence why I've been pushing what I've been pushing for the last five years in Africa with our own digital currency, um, to combat what was coming. Uh, in addition to that, there will be driverless cars. There'll be a number of different things that. Um, basically need to run on 5g, so they cannot reverse the implementation of these, this technology.

And they're happy for it to, to the sacrifice, to be millions of lives around the world, just to prove the point further. Um, the cruise ships were installed with 5g. So the people that were quarantined on the cruise ships, they were. Uh, cruise ships that had 5g, and that's why the people were getting sick.

Hospitals have 5g, major cities have 5g, um, airports have 5g. So these are places where, uh, people will automatically get sick. If they're exposed to the inordinate levels of radiation through radio stations. Um, poisoning. Okay. So let me move on. Um, we've had three pandemics in the last hundred and 20 years.

Uh, the first pandemic was in 1918, which was called the Spanish flu pandemic. This was when they implemented radio waves. Globally and increased the electrification of our universe. Guess what happens? Millions of people died six months later with a pandemic. They called the Spanish flu pandemic roll on a number of years, world war two, just after that, another pandemic, which was the implementation of radar equipment.

Globally satellites went up and mere out a plethora of different satellites. Went up into the, the, uh, what they call is the van Allen belt, um, basically where they stall and send, uh, satellites. So when that was implemented again, there was a number of deaths from the pandemic. Um, the last major pandemic was in 1968, which was called the Hong Kong flu.

Guess what they did, then they rolled out. And another level of satellite penetration in the van Halen belt, over a hundred thousand satellites that we're transmitting. Um, Radar, um, signals radar field in the cosmic field, basically. So these were satellites that were pushing telecommunications and radar, um, communication.

So we had, um, radio waves first at the beginning of the century, and then they implemented radio. Equipment and telecommunication satellites. These cause pandemics that killed multiple millions of people in the last one was in 1968. So guess what's happening now. They've rolled out 5g and this is impacting people's lives, killing people around the world and they're covering it up in the name of, um, uh, Corona virus.

So that is a fact. Please go and do your study study 5g, the implicate implications, implement of the implementation. Um, just to help you further. One of the countries, which is a huge country that has millions of people, huge country with cold weather. Russia has had no fatalities in the area of Corona virus.

Because they have not implemented 5g on a public use yet. They've only implemented it for exclusive use by the military. Hence why they've had no fatalities just to prove the point further. You're seeing in the news now that people without underlining health issues or compromised immune systems are falling sick and dying of Corona.

That makes no sense that the young adult in the reason they are done. The facts are the truth is that the radiation is, does not compromise, has no prejudice, young or old, you will succumb to the power of radiation. Okay. So this is the fact of what's really occurring. This is part of their strategy because of the importance of 5g.

And this is a great. Phenomenon that cannot be reversed first point. So please understand. I have a lot more information. I could give you 17 minutes thus far. I wish I could give you more, um, just on that, but trust me, do some research. Um, there's some scholarly articles out there on the impact of, of, uh, There's like the Boston health, uh, group that investigated contagions.

And they were basically said that the, uh, one of the viruses, the Spanish flu one, and even this one is not a contagion. What they're doing is spreading it to people via the testing. Sorry, to be honest, but that's what's happening. So when you're tested, it gives them an opportunity to contaminate you with the virus.

Because they want to cover up the fact that millions of people will die from the excessive radio frequency, frequency, see, um, uh, um, um, uh, radiation. So basically that's what's occurring on fortunately. So where is this going? Why are they doing this? We know the technological reasons for it. They need a robust, scalable, fast, uh, capable.

Internet that can handle the Petra data of information about all of your movements, all of your journeys, all of your banking transactions, your identification, all the CCTV cameras around the world, et cetera, et cetera, because they need visibility on what everyone's doing. But the primary reason beyond that, what they're doing, which is Luciferic and satanic, sorry, to be honest, uh, to use that term, but what is happening is that they are implementing three new strategies.

One. Vaccines said the vaccines, having it toxins. And they, one of the things about vaccines, they give you the actual disease to see how the body immune system will fight and combat the disease. So they give you the disease. But in that vaccine will consist of chemicals that lights you up effectively to respond even more powerfully to the stigma.

So a bit like chemotherapy or radiotherapy, but in what they inject in your system enables the cells to be destroyed. That vaccine will consist of a substance that will enable the frequency of 5g to be more effective in creating more fatalities. So what you're seeing around the world is that they're buying time to build.

Capacity for the hospitals, for the warehouses and all the places they're going to convert into huge mortuaries effectively. So I, to be honest with you to house the millions of people that are going to die from what is happening. So God has a plan. There is a plan. Let me just quickly throw that up now.

Okay. People are starting to worry. God has not given us a spirit of fear panel love and of a sound mind. No weapon formed against us can prosper. So please know that this is a weapon that has been formed, but it shall not prosper against God's people. And I'll tell you why in a moment. So these are some of the things.

Now you may or may not be aware of. That we are electromagnetic beings. I know that sounds a bit weird. I'm just not new age. I've studied it scientifically. Um, we have electric circuits. Our nervous system is really a complex network of, of, of wiring, uh, that are masterful creators. Created us to have. So brain signals up signals, information that travels up and down the body that tells you to move to sneeze, to whatever, to fight disease.

This is created by electrical circuitry. That's in our. The electrical secretary then creates chemistry or chemicals, different types of chemicals that we react to when we eat. And when we do different things, subject to us being exposed to light and different things. Uh, and, and so we, um, we are predominantly water and then there's obviously the physical mass of the body that houses everything.

But ultimately we are an electric circuit, so we react to frequencies. We respond to. Two vibrations. We respond to energy. So electromagnetic energy, I haven't got time to deal with it. Um, but basic includes gamma rays x-rays um, hence why, when they do x-rays they have to stand behind certain screens. Um, there is infrared, there is all sorts of different kinds of, of alum electronics.

Energy that is visible. One of the other visible is light ultraviolet light and visible light. So that's one part of energy. The other part is charged particles, and I won't get into that, but that's protons and, uh, also electrons and all sorts of different things that run about our university. So I universe and we are.

Given the capacity by God, she'd had to cope with these natural forces of energy running around the very surly system and into the van Allen belt and around the world whilst of relevance. So frequencies affect our sense of wellbeing. And one of the things I'll tell you in another conversation after this is how can we combat because all of this emit frequencies, our heart are, I did a teaching on this, about the electromagnetic power of our heart and mind, um, that we do emit frequencies.

We, uh, we, we, we, we don't use those terms in Bible terms, but might power. Uh, anointing fire of God's spirit. All of these things can be scientifically proven as a electrification of our beings. Either we generate it or atmospheres affect us. That's when we get together and have corporate worship and prayer, there's a level of spiritual energy.

We call that the holy ghost, but it's a, it's a physical energy that can be felt. Um, and many things I could talk about on that, because at the time I can't, I can't reveal too much. Okay. So there is a solution that will help. To survive and to protect us and I'm developing those theories further and I will share them later on.

So let me explain the game plan. So the game plan of, of this new order, unfortunately it is the era of the new world audit. It has commenced, and this is why the last five years I was pushing my economic model with presidents throughout Africa, um, to give them an alternative. Digital currency and economic model that can sustain them independent of the world bank independent of this new world order controlled by the 1% of the 1% elite.

Now, what are they doing? So you'll see already in the news today, there is announcement of the vaccines that will come. I said there were three developments vaccines, um, which will come, which will obviously have catastrophic impact on our physical being exposed to the radiation. Secondly, the vaccines will come with a tracking device called an RFI chip.

It is a microchip that will be in certed at the same time as the vaccines. Um, they're not even. You know something about it. They've been quite diverse, uh, a vert about it. This will give them the ability to track. It will be presented in the name of, um, we need to know who has had vaccines, who hasn't had vaccines.

Um, so we can know who's safe. Who's not safe and who can be given license to travel and do different things on the basis that they're no longer a threat to humanity. Uh, based upon this, the spirits, uh, ostensible, um, uh, notion of, of, of the, uh, coronavirus, which is compete pharmacy there's, it doesn't exist in the context of what's killing.

Okay. So they're just using it as a means to justify where they're going. The third area, unfortunately, is the introduction. And I sold this five years ago. Hence why I've been working when I was working on the implementation of digital currency, a global digital currency, it will start with the U S and it will roll out around the world.

And this is why, as I've said, I developed my own blockchain platform with our own digital currency, pegged to minerals in the ground. Um, so Africa could have its own independence and a currency juxtaposition to other currencies that would be strong in trading capital and financial markets. That's what your boss has been working on behind the scenes.

Uh, while I was preaching administrator, this is what we've been doing from a kingdom point of view. But let me say, this has hailed a new era of the mark of the beast. It is here. It is real. It is now they are expediting rapidly because they realize. There's a level of esoteric enlightenment going through the earth.

There's a level of technology that can false track other people's agenda, which will be contrary to theirs and they want to shut it down. So what are they doing? Systematically, systemically and simultaneously they all shutting global economies down because they want to introduce. Two things, a new level of monopoly or oligopolies please are four or five key multinational companies.

Amazon will be the first that Google is obviously one. Um, there'll be. That will manage the supply chain of everything that we purchase. Um, so everything is going to be streamlined from food to electronics, to the flow of money and everything. Uh, so the second thing they're doing with this system is other than creating these oligopolies.

So they've shut the global markets down. Um, they want to make as many people as possible. Unemployed said, please do not believe these measures they're talking about, about, um, stipends and, um, um, basically grants or payments to help our self-employed or people who've been made redundant. It's not going to happen to any degree.

That's going to affect the livelihood of people. This is we're heading for the largest global recession. The world has ever seen because they are changing the game. So what they're bringing in now is, and I'm constantly 26 minutes, but this is important information. You must understand. They are bringing the new system, the new blockchain global.

Digital currency, which we will not have access to, unless we can prove that we are no longer a harm to humanity by having the vaccines, which will be mandatory, they will force them on us. And secondly, they will insist that we have to take the chip. That is a part of that same simultaneous process. Why are they shutting global economies down because they want to take control back from entrepreneurs can take control back from family offices, family businesses.

They want to completely disrupt the fabric of society. As we know it, um, education, employment, everything will be completely different, um, in the matter of months, not even years. So this is their strategy. To ultimately control in terms of visibility, through technology, such as 5g and the internet and all that, that gives them access to in terms of internet things and the control of money.

If you control money, you control the power. Uh, and so that is their agenda. Um, and obviously they want to control the population. Bill gates, God bless him. Um, has resigned from his position as chairman of building, uh, the sorry, the, uh, Microsoft and. Uh, the chairman of bill and Melinda gates foundation, he is now pushing the vaccine agenda.

Uh, he has developed technology. He is responsible for a lot of this. Um, so please, those who've held him as a innovator. He's innovating for the demise of humanity. Uh, vaccines have always been a danger to humanity, uh, and they contain, uh, Pathogens, I think it's called, um, the harmful to all human body.

Anyway. So that's, what's the. High-level summary. There's a lot of information that I've summarized just to give you the highlights of what's occurring. And what does the body of Christ do now? What do we do? Or firstly, the body of Christ is changing. This is the changing of the guard. This is now the time of the kingdom remnant to come to the four who've been prepared for such a time as this.

This is the time that people who were not fitting into churchy, normal restrictions. Thoughts and assignments and mandates beyond the church. This is the time that God is going to reposition them, basically where up next it's all time. Now it's a defining moment for the kingdom to rectify some of the things that are going wrong.

So that is one of the things you'll see around the world. There'll be a collaboration of kingdom, people who will come together. Combined resources collaborate to affect change and create an alternative system. I've been working on this for five years and there are a number of people around the world who are doing the same.

Secondly, you will see a change of church. Um, the, one of the reasons why I, this, the last point I'll make that there's been a ubiquitous shutdown of what. Um, prayer and, uh, congregating of religious organizations is because they are making wakes spiritually for the presentation of the antichrist we create.

And this is a revelation that I want to come back and teach you more on when we pray, when we. Corporately. We create a frequency. We create vibrations. We create a move of God. We call it the fire of God. We call it the power of God. We call it the spirit of God, but effectively what it is is that we as spirit food.

Clean living beings are our generators of spiritual energy. Spiritual power might let me use terms that will not scare you. Um, power anointing. These are electrical magnetic frequencies that emanate from us. Yeah. We listened to worship and pray. It literally heals our body. So when we're in the presence of God, this is why we have.

Healing is a by-product because what we're exposed to physically healed ourselves. That's why he says I am the Lord, thy God, that healeth his presence alone. Heals people get healed in worship services, prophecies, and other communication, frequencies and information flows greater when we are corporately worshiping when we are praying corporately.

And so they have deliberately shut all of that down and. Network spiritually for want of a better term, so they can pave the way from the antichrist, uh, to come to the fore. Otherwise he would have been restricted withheld by the universal concert of prayers and worship of God's people and say, this is what's happening.

It's deliberate. It's not the Corona virus that is contained. Uh, sorry, contagious or a contagion that we can't congregate is because they system actually have dismantled for the first time in human history, the corporate gathering of religious people to pray and worship because it changes the spiritual atmosphere so they can have more power.

I wouldn't doubt if there's sacrifices and different things that are going on behind the scenes as well to empower. What this move is, and trust me, they're moving at lightning speed. Within a matter of weeks, we are going to be shocked by the revelation and the implementation of the things that they will be doing.

The vaccines will be a matter of months away. If not days, the new currency will be a matter of days away, months away, um, the whole new economic system, which I have created one that I'm going to implement regardless. Um, as a strategy to counter what is happening, I've been prophesied in this for 15 years, that w that the kingdom of God needs its own economic system.

Whilst you're all having happy clappy church and feeding. Good. Some of us have been strategizing on the blueprint of God to advance his kingdom, to save much souls alive and to preserve a posterity anyway, because of time, let me conclude here. Best thing we can do right now is to raise our frequency live clean, live righteously.

And remove and detox our bodies from anything that would affect the flow of God's anointing on our lives. The only counter we have is prayer and worship. It creates its own force, field of energy and force, field of frequency. Heaven's frequency will protect you to some degree whilst God is working on the strategy that he's going to implement.

I pray this has helped somebody share this with somebody forward. This that the world can understand this is happening, that we can pump together. Strategize as a kingdom remnant, because God said that he doesn't get involved with the affairs of man, because he gave too many into man in Genesis chapter one.

That's why so many heinous and terrible things happen in our world because God is not running the world. He works and influences. Good men evil prevails when good men saying nothing is they've said, so what God is trying his best to do is influence people who will live right live clean, pure hands, clean heart, not lifting up their salt onto vanity, nor swearing deceitfully with lies, not manipulating people to gain true people of God that he can speak through work through.

So he can have an impact on the earth, but what he has said, um, from my time in pres that this now has forced his hand, that he's going to move. As God, he has to intervene as God. And I think as we ubiquitously globally, raise up our prayers and our, uh, a false thing, which helps our, uh, electromagnetic flow, by the way, uh, intermittent fasting, strengthens our immune system, which strengthens our, uh, Electromagnetic flow.

Electro likes likes lime and different things that we used, which we thought were spiritual actually are scientific. They improve the strength of our body. They strengthen us. So olive oil and different things have components that have electrolyte, uh, elements in it that strengthen our physical body fasting does that helps our immune system immensely.

So we can fight against the Corona fight against these radiation of the frequency, but more importantly, create a heavenly sound. That will combat what the enemy is up to for now until God implements. God bless you. We love you. This is a whole new era. This is the new thing God has been talking about, but thank God this kingdom, he will give to none other.

This will be hewed out the mountain without hands. It will drive away all other dispensational kingdoms like chaff in the wind. So this is our time. For us to embrace what God is doing and to be if every time we need to be fervent in spirit, serving the Lord in his now. So I encourage you. I enjoy you. I, I really plead with you.

Let's be unified. Let's be righteous. Let's spend time in prayer and we need to use this time. Lastly, to reset. We need to use this time to reset our priorities, reset a routine, reset our reinvestment in ourselves. Ready ourselves for what is coming. Reinvent ourselves. If we have to inline with God's purpose and raising Detra for our lives, we have to reach out to other people.

We need to share this information that the unbelievers will now believe what we've been saying about revelations 13 for hundreds of years, 200 years to be precise. It's the Bible was translated. We need to re-establish righteousness and our relational connection with God, like never before and reinvest in knowledge, do not waste time on entertainment, spend time reading, studying pertinent information.

The word of God really started to show ourselves approved at this time. The work that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. God bless you. I know this is an incredibly long. But with all due respect, this information is too important to just give you a 32nd overview, pray about it, submit it to your profits, submit it to your, your leaders, submit it to whoever, but this is the reality of what is happening, but I promise you God is going to raise up a remnant with their own kingdom currency, with their own kingdom economy, with their own banking systems, with their own information.

Hi. With a new type of church that the world has not seen. And I've been prophesied this for years, but I've been working behind the scenes also with a few other like-minded nobility members to effect this change that we knew was coming. God bless you. I pray this doesn't scare you. God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind.

This is our time that we stand still and see the salvation of our Lord. And we trust in our God lean, not around understanding and all our ways that knowledge is. For his directing our paths. Like you wouldn't believe this is the time we need to know that he's a strong tower and the righteous runners onto him.

And I've saved from radiation and frequencies that have been adversely affecting our bodies. We need to know that he is with us. Okay. They say, stay strong, stay anointed, share this information, and I'll be back to you with more details.

Posted by STRANGER THAN FICTION NEWS - 25th May 2020
5G - OpEd: EMF Radiation Detectors Should be
Made Mandatory in Public Schools During Crisis

Matthew KJV (audio):

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Research: Project ZYPHR - CLADE X - Crimson Contagion - Event 201 - Dark Winter - Wuhan Institute of Virology

Current COVID treatment options with the best results:
Baking Soda, Turmeric, Zinc, Selenium, Spirulina, Magnesium, Sunlight, Fresh Air


Perscribed Options plus supplements:
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), sold under the brand name Plaquenil
Azithromycin, sold under the brand name Zithromax
Vitamin C



Spirulina: 15 g (or 100 mg PCB, which is an extract)
N-Acetylcysteine: 1,200–1,800 mg
Selenium: 50-100 mcg

Ferulic acid: 500-1,000 mg
Lipoic acid: 1,200-1,800 mg (in place of ferulic acid)
Glucosamine: 3,000 mg or more
Zinc: 30-50 mg
Yeast Beta-Glucan: 250-500 mg
Elderberry: 600–1,500 mg


Download here: 5G-Apocalypse-The-Extinction-Event-Film-by-Sacha-Stone-2020-05-15.mp4 - 205,726 kb
By: Webulosity - 15th May 2020
- Film by Sacha Stone -

A full-length documentary by Sacha Stone exposing the 5G existential threat to humanity in a way we never imagined possible!

[This channel is sponsored by The Good Earth CBD products shipped free worldwide - support us by visiting Feeling anxiety during Lockdown? 15mg CBD twice a day may help!]

The film paints the picture on how governments and the telecommunication industry is rolling out this new 5G technology without safety testing. The film also gives us a background on electromagnetic frequencies (EMF's), microwaves used as weapons plus health and science experts saying that this technology has vast implications on all biological life. Featuring in this film: weapons development experts, biologists, molecular & cellular biologists, blood microscopists, activists, as well as good leaders out there on the frontline. We know what this technology is - we know how it was conceived and we know where it is intended to take people and planet. We are drawing the line here.... and we are doing so with the full fire of consciousness.

Please SHARE this as widely as you feel drawn... use it to target your local bureaucrats, technocrats, health practitioners, local and federal government agencies and more than anything else... your family and friends. Arise Homo sapiens!

Download here: 5G-Covid-19-2020-05.mp4 - 9,905 kb
By: Unknown - 15th May 2020
Technician Erecting 5G Towers Finds
an Amazing Discovery on the Circuit Board

Download here: COVID-19-The-Video-that-broke-the-Australian-Internet-ihavequestions-presented-by-Jay-Ross-2020-04-23.mp4 - 148,040 kb
By: Jay Ross - 23rd April 2020
"#ihavequestions" presented by Jay Ross

COVID-19 - #ihavequestions is an investigation into the many questions surrounding Covid-19 - the role of WHO, Bill Gates, 5G and lockdown. Not a conspiracy theory, an investigation with facts, sources and data. MUST WATCH BEFORE IT GETS DELETED AGAIN. "Want to know the answers? Join me, because I have questions"

Download here: 5G-Cororonaviris-Biggest-Deception-on-the-Whole-World-EndGame-Plan-2020-03-31.mp4 - 137,791 kb
By Think About It - 31st March 2020
Biggest Deception On The Whole World
- EndGame Plan -

This will alter our lives and paradigm forever. I know this will shock and disturb most people listening.

Keywords: 5G - Coronavirus - COVID-19 - sleep disruption - effects on memory - damage to DNA and genes - Alzheimers - electromagnetic radiation - neurological disease - behaviour - disease - attention - learning - EMF - cancer

Download here: 5G-The-BEST-NEWS-re-CORONAVIRUS-youve-heard-all-month-Kinda-Dana-Ashlie-2020-02.mp4 - 247.558 kb
Dana Ashlie - 22nd February 2020
5G and Coronavirus - The BEST NEWS re
CΟRΟNΑ Virus you've heard all month! Kinda.

My work now backed up on Is this truly Viral or is to do with the fact that F.I.V.E.-G? C.H.I.N.A has unleashed 60 Ghz all throughout the country with WU-HAN as the PILOT CITY. Unbelievable comparisons to symptoms 'showing' as a V-Irus compared vs what happens when one is hit with 60GHz waves, and it's impact on the uptake of oxygen via the hemoglobin. This specific frequency is absorbed by oxygen. 60GHz causes the rotation of the electrons around the oxygen molecule to spin, thus inhibiting the ability of hemoglobin to properly uptake these oxygen molecules. What would be the ultimate 'solution' to such a problem as this "V.I.Rus"?

Posted by STRANGER THAN FICTION NEWS - 26th December 2019
5G Telecom Workers Destroy Cell Towers
to Warn Public of 5G Dangers

Download here: Cell-Phone-Addiction-Are-You-Lost-In-The-World-Like-Me-2016-11-12.mp4 - 16,498 kb
By: Steve Cutts & Marco Zoi - 12th November 2016
Cell Phone Addiction
- Are You Lost In The World Like Me -

Download here: Smart-lights-New-LED-lights-with-sensors-raise-privacy-concerns-2014-07-01.mp4 - 22,001 kb
By: CBS Mornings - 1st July 2014
Smart lights: New LED lights
with sensors raise privacy concerns

Light bulbs can now send and receive data thanks to a California company that has added sensors into each power hub. Although these smart lights can monitor pollution or spot an unattended bag at an airport, their ability to track our every move raises privacy concerns. Bill Whitaker reports.

Michelle Todd
I wonder how well they hold up from shotgun blast?

Ms. Xaadiya Prince's Chronicles - 2021
I'll bet these lights can detect who's vaccinated and who's not

luv cakes
the way they talk about and "discuss" these issues on TV makes me want to hurl...they know everything...

troy j
This is why they want people to stay 6' apart easier for this technology to read people facial recognition

Lou Elemental G - 2020
We have the new LED 5 g streetlights in the UK. Currently being rolled out. The connect to the 5 g masts, carry the signal from streetlight to streetlight, & then into your home via your smart gadgets, although you get blasted with the 5 g radiation, whether you use them or not. Gateshead, a city in the North East of England has had them for years. They're also a testbed for 5 g in Gateshead. There is currently an ongoing court case by weapons expert Mark Steele, because of the soaring death rates since 5 g was installed, the damaging LEDs being used, & the fact that the antenna can scan your home, & see everything you're doing. There are no small birds left in Gateshead, after a few years of 5 g & these lights. Please research for yourselves. See videos on here by Royal Navy Weapons Expert, Barrie Trower ,or expert Mark Steele. It might sound like a good idea, to have these lights, & the 5 g they connect to, but if you were suffering the symptoms that we are, you wouldn't think so. We've got nose bleeds in children, as they are first effected. Adults too. We have insomnia, irritated skin, head pains...A little boy has just died of a form of heart cancer only previously seen in radar operators. Strokes, heart attacks & cancers have all risen rapidly during the few years it's been installed. Please don't let them do this to you, too.

Tania Perez - 2020
Unbelievable and no one knew about this!!

balance skateboarding - 2021
2020 London Lockdown and I've just seen these all over my neighborhood

Shawn G Caperna - 2021
They give a little safety but take away your freedom

Just take them down!

Nancy T. - 2020
Evil is everywhere in these end days....Put on the full armor of God, to stand against the wiles of the devil....

Page Footer...
[Everything below this line is repeated on most pages]

We are fighting a spiritual war
10th August 2024
Paris Olympics - We are fighting a spiritual war!
Revelation 18:2 "And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

Hard Times Create Strong Men...
Hard Times Create Strong Men - Strong Men Create Good Times - Good Times Create Weak Men - Weak Men Create Hard Times.

Some people wouldn't know
tyranny if it bit them on the ass!
Some people wouldn't know tyranny if it bit them on the ass!

Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!
Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!

This is a question that stupid
people & traitors cannot answer:
Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?
This is a question that stupid people & traitors cannot answer: Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!
30th June 2023
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!

Being awake isn't cool. It means having to dumb down 98% of your conversations every day, so you don't sound like a lunatic.

Attitude to monsters after putting up with their shit since late 2019...

Plan F - The Fuck Off plan!

When people you don't even know hate you, That's when you know you're the best.

mRNA jabs are doing the job
slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!
30th June 2023
mRNA jabs are doing the job slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!

20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities
It's called GENOCIDE!
13th June 2023
20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities - It's called GENOCIDE!

"A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030"
It's called GENOCIDE!
12th May 2023
A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030 - It's called GENOCIDE!

World Economic Forum - Committed to Enslaving the Whole World

Nothing says "Trust the Science"
like asking for the data
to be hidden for 75 years!
18th March 2023
Nothing says Trust the Science like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years! Shhhhh....

Superheroes bow down to the
Big Pharma / Businessmen / Doctors
11th February 2023
It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT
26th November 2022
Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT

The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get
jabbed is like sending a post card from
the Titanic saying: "Wish you were here!"
20th November 2022
The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: Wish you were here!

Ten Stages of Genocide
As taught by WEFers Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau etc - August 2022

Ten Stages of Genocide

The Good Reset
Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's,
Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

28th July 2022
The Good Reset - Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's, Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

Covid Variant / Booster
The Merry Go Round From Hell
22nd December 2021

Covid Variant / Booster - Merry Go Round From Hell

Experimental Injections
Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel
13th November 2021

Experimental Injections - Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel

Death is coming for you stupid!

I am fully Vaccinated and Boostered, and just tested positive for Covid-19. I am grateful for the protection my vaccines continue to provide.

The 5-Step COVID 'Vaccine' RISK / BENEFIT ANALYSIS - September 2021

Trump's swamp draining service

When the population understands this picture, it will change everything.

"You can fool all the people some of the time.
You can fool some of the people all the time.
But you cannot fool all the people all the time!"

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Attributed to Edmund Burke. Also by John F. Kennedy in a speech in 1961.

The Great Cow Analogy

Donald J. Trump - They should never have touched the children!
'They should never have touched the children!'
Donald J. Trump - President of the United States of America

'They should never have touched the children!!' President Donald J. Trump

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Abortion: Modern Day Child Sacrifice
Psalms 106:37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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If someone accuses you of wearing a tinfoil hat...,
remind them that it's better than wearing a blindfold!

Q - Apr 17 2020 - We are ready. [Set 1] Mission good. Q Q
"Where We Go One, We Go All"
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Q President John F. Kennedy