The Punisher treason: noun: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government
White Hats
Embrace the sometimes painful truth of reality
Remain in the blissful ignorance of illusion
If there is no such thing as a CONSPIRACY - why is the word CONSPIRACY in the dictionary?
Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'   Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell
Click here... Stockholm Syndrome is also a result of Governmental / Pharmaceutical / Media Propaganda
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL and Embraces GENOCIDE

Fake News - Fuelled by Bribery and Corruption

Download here: Reality-Check-Radio-NZ-IN-FOCUS-REPORT-Fluoride-on-the-Brain-2024-01-28.mp4 - 171,729 kb
By: Reality Check Radio NZ - 28th January 2024

Reality Check Radio NZ IN/FOCUS REPORT

Need help knowing which videos to share with curious friends and family on the topics that matter?

RCR has the solution!

Our new documentary series, In/Focus with filmmaker Alistair Harding, addresses the need for shareable, easy-to-follow, entry-level investigations on the issues we all face during these turbulent times.

Designed for sharing, our new In/Focus content will educate and inform viewers, highlighting published research and reports and providing multiple perspectives, leaving the audience to make up their own minds to decide what they think and how they'll act!

Check out for more.

CAUTION: POISON. High Strength Fluoride. Sure DEATH to Roaches, Chicken Lice and certain other Insect Pests!

Note from:

PROBLEM: Mainstream medical 'experts' in New Zealand are at a loss as to why people who:

  • eat high calorie junk food
  • do not exercise
  • are Covid-19 vaccinated

are: fat / sick / and dying early.

SOLUTION: The NZ Government claims that Maori and Pasifika are suffering extreme dental cavities and poor health due to:

  • being less privileged than white people
  • lack free money
  • lack poison in their drinking water (i.e. deadly Sodium Fluorosilicate)
[This thinking is the result of years of dumbing down society via kindergarten / school / university / TV.]

The NZ Government claims that Maori and Pasifika are suffering extreme dental cavities and poor health due to a lack of: free money and poison in their drinking water (i.e. deadly Sodium Fluorosilicate)
Why am I always so sick?

The NZ Government claims that Maori and Pasifika are suffering extreme dental cavities and poor health due to a lack of: free money and poison in their drinking water (i.e. deadly Sodium Fluorosilicate)
Why am I always so sick?

The NZ Government claims that Maori and Pasifika are suffering extreme dental cavities and poor health due to a lack of: free money and poison in their drinking water (i.e. deadly Sodium Fluorosilicate)
Why am I always so sick?

The NZ Government claims that Maori and Pasifika are suffering extreme dental cavities and poor health due to a lack of: free money and poison in their drinking water (i.e. deadly Sodium Fluorosilicate)
Why am I always so sick?

My mum, who is a retired principal from a decile one area, talked about Maori/Islander kids turning up at school with litre bottles of fizzy drink (cola mainly) which they sucked on all day. The kids spent lunch money given by their parents at the local dairy. She was successful in setting a system where the parents could pay the school directly, then the school provided healthy lunches and drinks. Parent's liked it and were happy to participate. Didn't need government funding for free lunches, just people thinking of solutions that work for parents.

Thanks RCR for this great doco. All supporting information on this doco and much. much more can be found at Fluoride Free New Zealand. FFNZ has been working to stop fluoridation since 2003.

In 2018 the NZ Supreme Court found fluoridation was compulsory medical treatment that violated Section 11 of our Bill of Rights. There is no justification that should be allowed to override this right.

Please join us and help get fluoridation stopped over the whole of New Zealand once and for all.

Thankfully we do not need the Nuremberg code or the Bill of Rights or any other law or legislation to give us sovereignty over our own body, it is an inherent right and we just need to own it and stand in it. Thank you for a well put together presentation showing different perspectives, where we the person watching gets to make their own mind up.

Excellent documentary, thanks Alistair Harding and RCR.

Very clear evidence of the harm of fluoridation shown in this well made video. The Scottish Smile Program would be a much better solution for caries in New Zealand. The Hastings referendum 2013 showed 5461 people in Hastings did not want fluoride in their water supply despite the Ministry of Health spending $50,000 to try to convince Hastings people otherwise. A pilot study (n=13) to look at fluoride blood serum levels in 2013 showed 2/13 people had over 5 times the acceptable level. These people have known fluoride sensitivity and were unable to avoid it in water. The government has been sent this information and refused to do further testing.

Excellent documentary, well done!

Section 23 of the Health Act 1956 states that a Council must protect the health of the public. Adding a known neurotoxin into the water supplies will breach this Act and as Section 23 of the Health Act is primary legislation, it overrides the Director-General of Health's directive to fluoridate. Councils will not be fined up to $200,000 and $10,000 a day for failing to introduce fluoride as directed, as the Directives to fluoridate have been found to be unlawful. In light of this and the ongoing legal proceedings, the Ministry of Health cannot reasonably expect a Court to legally impose fines on councils for failing to introduce fluoridation.

Excellent short Docco, im proud to be a foundation member. Keep on doing the good WorK RCR.

Where did Ashley Bloomfield go to work when he left the NZ Ministry of Health?
Has he ever publicly stated that he was a strong proponent of fluoridation in the past?
Did his net worth increase substantially after he issued the order to fluoridate the water?

Isn't this the same guy who coerced us to take the Pfizer jab. Worked well didn't it?

Sugar and all processed foods ( including muesli bars, cereals, bread, etc) are so harmful to the human body as is evident by the fact it rots one of the hardest surfaces in our body, enamel. Education about nutrition is the key.

Download here: The-EVIL-History-of-Fluoride-2023-02-06.mp4 - 81,716 kb
By: Evil Food Supply - 6th February 2023
The EVIL History of Fluoride

Excerpt from video:

"We're not talking about the natural fluoride that occurs in caves and stuff, we're talking about an artificial, man-made fluoride compound, that is way more toxic. Like really, really toxic!

The hydrofluosilicic acid does not occur in nature. It's a man-made molecule and it eats through concrete, glass, stainless steel, fiberglass, plastic, you name it, it'll eat it. The problem is, it would be super expensive to dispose of this toxic fluoride in a safe and responsible way, so it's a 1930s Factory owner to do? Why not pipe it into the air or or dump it in the river?

I mean come on it's the 1930s, this is the dawn of the Industrial Age! No one cares that factories are dumping toxic chemicals into the river. No one even knows what the long-term effects of these Industrial Waste chemicals are. They're too busy making up for prohibition, or whatever people did in the 30s..."

7.28: 35,000 TRACKS
16.01: Fredrick McKay
19.51: Harold Hodge
22.55: Raisins
23.47: Bone Fractures

For those wondering, I use the Hello brand of toothpaste that's fluoride free and SLS free. No affiliation.

Thanks for checking out the new channel! Don't forget to subscribe.
Get breaking news about our food supply to protect yourself from everyday toxins robbing you of your health

If you think fluoride can't be bad because dentists say it's good just remember that doctors used to market cigarettes

The biggest red flag is the idea that the government would care that much about your dental health.

In a nutshell, the FDA's logic goes: we don't know if this is safe or not so you can keep selling it until people really start complaining about it and then we'll consider the possibility of discussing our likelihood of potentially looking into this further.

My grandmother used to tell us growing up in the early 90's to always rinse the toothpaste off our mouths when we were done brushing our teeth. She said the instructions didn't say to rinse but it was important to do so because the fluoride in the toothpaste was toxic for our teeth and our health. She always left it at that and we always follow all her rules regardless if it was true or not.

Fast forward to 2005 when I was on one of my Dental Assistant classes the professors told us he wasn't suppose to tell us anything negative about dental school but to stay away from fluoride and not to ever consume anything with it. He said fluoride was a poisonous silent killer and no doctor will ever say you are sick or die because of it because the Gov. was involved in it. He was always very transparent about anything that was unhealthy to humans. Somehow a little group of students went to administration and complaint that he was talking negative about certain subjects and he was asked to resigned or be fired and lose his teaching license. He was a gem to have in that college and the students that complained were nothing but A-holes.

My mom and dad used to get us fluoride free toothpaste and we lived in a town without fluoride in the water. They always knew about this bullshittery and for their diligence I am extremely grateful.

"There a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnng history of scientists selling out to cooperations..."
That's all that I needed to know.

Wow my mom was always against fluoridation. She was a CNA and Phsyce Tech. She's been gone now 29 years she'd be glad to hear this.
Mom was right again
She was born in 1933.

I'll never forget the dentist prescribed me 15 fluoride pills in the 2nd grade. I got in trouble for trading and sharing the pills at school when my teacher got whim of my hustle. My step dad came to the school and raided my desk and backpack and we had a meeting with the principal. Now that I'm older I'm absolutely baffled I was given fluoride pills at about 7 years old.

The fact these "people" only ever got expensive lawsuits is pathetic. Knowingly disposing of KNOWN toxic chemicals into the public should be criminally prosecuted.

Reminds me of "the science" telling us that something else was "safe and effective" as a supposed treatment for the latest "pandemic".

I tried to tell an engineer at my work that it was dangerous to give her daughter fluoride pills for tooth decay.
That went over well.

love that we didnt even talk about the pineal gland whatsoever like thats not the actual target

My dad told me they put flouride in the water "So the population has cleaner teeth!" I laughed because even at 16 years old, I knew the government doesnt care AT ALL about our health

"Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" - nothing is by accident, it's by design.
~ Bill Cooper

I cannot believe this channel isn't so much bigger! You guys do an absolutely killer job!!

I'm glad that the people of my city, Portland Oregon, fought to the nth degree to keep fluoride out of our tap water. Brushing your teeth with just salt, and/or baking soda is an excellent and ancient method to clean teeth.

Finally! I cut out fluoride as much as I can a few years ago. Whenever I try to talk to anyone about it though I just get treated like a crazy conspiracy theorist

My brother endured minor brain damage as a child because we had fluoride mint candies, you were allowed to eat 1 after brushing teeth every day, one day he ate the entire bottle (around 50 pc) and my mum found him unconsciounce and foaming from the mouth (he was about 5 yo)

Download here: What-are-you-really-eating-Pork-the-hidden-ingredient-in-most-foods-An-abomination-in-your-gut-2022-02-10.mp4 - 77,114 kb
By: Jim_Crenshaw - 10th February 2022
What are you really eating?
Pork, the hidden ingredient in most foods
An abomination in your gut

There are some that try due to religious reasons eat certain foods, pork being one of those. I am not Muslim, but after watching this I can see why they do not eat pork. But in this world of the devil, how successful are they really? Watch this and see what is being added to many of the foods you eat. It will rarely state this on the label. You may give up pork completely. Source: Underneath Deception Lies Reality.

Download here: Fake-Health-Tips-Nestle-The-Most-Evil-Business-in-the-World-2021-10-26.mp4 - 105,595 kb
By: Jake Tran - 26th October 2021
The Most Evil Business in the World

The line "We know with mathematical certainty, that large numbers of people will follow the advice of their doctors, because we understand the psychological dependence men have on their physicians." is paraphrased from Edward Bernays in "Propaganda"

Why were mainstream medical
experts so silent about these
health depleting implications?

1st September 2021

Why were mainstream medical experts so silent about these health depleting implications

Compromised doctors used
to recommend SMOKING
Now they recommend Covid-19
Depopulation Injections!

July 2021

Compromised doctors used to recommend SMOKING - Now they recommend Covid-19 Depopulation Injections!

Download here: Gary-Nulls-documentary-Silent-Epidemic-The-Untold-Story-of-Vaccines-2013.mp4 - 374,847 kb
By: Jake Tran - September 2021
Gary Null's documentary:
Silent Epidemic - the Untold Story of Vaccines

A factual science based review and evaluation of vaccines and their impact on our health. Experts detail how fraught the widespread use of vaccines is for our current and future generations.

Among the most important doumentaries to queue up on the Smart TV this weekend... Whether you want to get in the head of the dreaded "anti-vaxers" to know how to help "fix" their thinking... or if you'd like to settle any doubts concerning the controlled media push to smear and blame the "anti-vaxers" for the current administration's importation of 3rd world diseases to rally support for the unthinkable tyranny of a ridiculous schedule of FORCED vaccination... This is the ONE documentary you might like to watch if you plan to know enough to speak intelligently, make informed choices, and act to preserve (or fight if you believe necessary) parental and individual medical rights.

Download here: Fake-Health-Tips-The-Shadow-of-the-Thalidomide-Tragedy-Retro-Report-The-New-York-Times-2019-06-14.mp4 - 39,157 kb
By: The New York Times - 24th September 2013
The Shadow of the Thalidomide Tragedy
Retro Report | The New York Times

In the 1950s, thalidomide cut a wide swath of destruction across the world, leaving behind thousands of deformed infants, but that was only the beginning of the story.

Thalidomide was a widely used drug in the late 1950s and early 1960s for the treatment of nausea in pregnant women. It became apparent in the 1960s that thalidomide treatment resulted in severe birth defects in thousands of children.

Medical professionals deemed that "Thalidomide is so safe - prescriptions are not needed!"

The birth defects caused by the drug thalidomide can range from moderate malformation to more severe forms. Possible birth defects include phocomelia, dysmelia, amelia, bone hypoplasticity, and other congenital defects affecting the ear, heart, or internal organs.

Thalidomide was approved by the FDA in 1997 under tight restrictions to treat inflammation in leprosy patients. It has since been approved for other uses although it is not approved for use by pregnant women.

The Shadow of the Thalidomide Tragedy
The Shadow of the Thalidomide Tragedy The Shadow of the Thalidomide Tragedy

Thalidomide is so safe - prescriptions are not needed!

Thalidomide is so safe - prescriptions are not needed!

Thalidomide is so safe - prescriptions are not needed!
Sars-Covid-19 Depopulation Injections
are even worse than Thalidomide...

Download here: Jacob-gets-6-vaccination-shots-at-once-Ouch-Sacrificing-children-to-Big-Pharma-2013-09-11.mp4 - 3,587 kb
By: RyanInNoCo - 11th September 2013
Jacob gets 6 vaccination
shots at once! Ouch!!

Sacrificing children to Big Pharma!

My two year old son gets six booster shots at the same time! Poor lil' feller.

By: "Sudden And Unexpected"
No other Species on Earth would Sacrifice their Own Child like this

And now that child has a 1 in 30 chance of having autism.

Penny Farrington
The grief these parents are going to experience will be so devastating to them...when they realize what they have done to their own children....they will never recover from it...spin into madness....

Data Privacy
Hideous to watch.

I'm embarrassed my kids ever got shots and thankful I woke up and completely stopped them in 2019.

Diana Kay
Three shots in each leg. Who would ever think that is OK? Isn't it logical that the combination of chemicals would make anyone sick or worse?

James Ottar Grundvig
No other species worships evil of the dark kingdom like humans either

This is unbelievable, I am disgusted with this. Our children deserve to live a normal life without unnecessary intervention. In my opinion, unvaccinated children are much healthier, no matter what

Download here: Fake-News-Doctors-Surgeons-Throat-Specialists-Diagnosticians-Neurologists-Promoting-Smoking-Cigarettes-1950s.mp4 - 3,894 kb
By: Todd Childers - circa 1950's
Doctors / Surgeons / Throat Specialists
Diagnosticians / Neurologists
Promoting Smoking Cigarettes

Doctors in all parts of the country. Doctors in every branch of Medicine were asked what cigarette they smoke.

Doctors in this nationwide survey of General Practitioners, surgeons, both specialists, diagnosticians and so on. The brand named most was camel.

In the 1950s some leading medical experts were skeptical that smoking was a major factor in lung cancer. In the words of one researcher from the National Cancer Institute: "If excessive smoking actually plays a role in the production of lung cancer, it seems to be a minor one!"

Yes, according to the survey, more doctors smoke camels than any other cigarette.

And Yashua (Jesus) said: Matthew 15:14 "Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch."

Download here: Fake-News-More-Doctors-Smoke-Camels-Than-Any-Other-Cigarette-1949.mp4 - 2,908 kb
By: graficsfx - 1949
More Doctors Smoke Camels
Than Any Other Cigarette
1949 TV commercial from Camel cigarettes.

Prison Mike
I constantly think the world is getting dumber by the day. Things like this remind me we've always been dumb.

Back then, this commercial was deemed as "common sense". Today this is nothing but pure comedy. Man how times change.

don't think for a moment that doctors don't act stupidly today

Kray Kray
"And then see how doctors eventually learn their horrible mistake of promoting cigarettes."

This commercial is hilarious

Chris C
Can you imagine going to the doctor back then for asthma and he lights up a cigarette right in front of you?!

My great grandfather was a physician. He did house calls. During the depression he accepted eggs & fresh milk as payment. He never smoked, & always said "fire at one end, fool at the other!"

And Yashua (Jesus) said: Matthew 15:14 "Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch."

Quackery: Quicksilver Doctors who
Mercury into their patients
Circa 1800's

Quicksilver doctors used to inject mercury directly into your veins to cure you...   Calomel (Mercurous Chloride or Mercury Chloride) as Medicine

Let us Journey Back to a Time:

  • When 'professional doctors' tried to jolt your paralysed muscles awake with a strychnine-laced enema;
  • When surgeons promised to improve your virility with goat-testicle implants;
  • When a physician wrote you a prescription for the mercury-based 'Thunderclapper' pill to relieve your constipation;
  • When university trained professional doctors (known as "Quicksilver Doctors" or "Quakesilver Doctors" - which later simply became known as "The Quack") - contended that injecting mercury directly into your veins to 'cure' you - was true science; as opposed to 'Blood-Letters', who regularly drained the blood from their patients in the aim of achieving optimal health.


Results of doctors injecting mercury directly into your veins - to cure you...

Results of Calomel (Mercurous Chloride or Mercury Chloride) as Medicine:

The baby's hands and feet had become icy, swollen and red. The flesh was splitting off, resembling blanched tomatoes whose skins peeled back from the fruit. She had lost weight, cried petulantly, and clawed at herself from the intense itching, tearing the raw skin open. Sometimes her fever reached 102 degrees.

"If she was an adult," her mother had noted, "she would have been considered to be insane, sitting up in her cot, banging her head with her hands, tearing out her hair, screaming, and viciously scratching anyone who came near."

Later on, her condition would be called acrodynia, or painful tips, named so for the sufferer's aching hands and feet. But in 1921, they called the baby's affliction Pink's Disease, and they were seeing more and more cases every year. For a while, physicians struggled to determine the etiology. It was blamed on arsenic, ergot, allergies and viruses. But by the 1950s, the wealth of cases pointed to one common ingredient ingested by the sick kids - Calomel (Mercury Chloride.)

Parents, hoping to ease the teething pain of their infants, rubbed one of many available calomel containing teething powders into their babies' sore gums. Very popular at the time: Dr. Moffett's Teethina Powder, which also boasted that it "Strengthens the Child . . . Relieves the Bowel Troubles of Children of ANY AGE," and could, temptingly, "Make baby fat as a pig."

Beyond the creepy promise of Hansel and Gretel-esque results, there was something else sinister lurking within calomel - and that was mercury. For hundreds of years, mercury containing products claimed to heal a varied and strangely unrelated host of ailments. Melancholy, constipation, syphilis, influenza, parasites - you name it, and someone swore that mercury could fix it.

Mercury was used ubiquitously for centuries, at all levels of society, in its liquid form (quicksilver) or as a salt. Calomel - also known as mercurous chloride - fell into the latter category and was used by some of the most illustrious personages in history, including: Napoleon Bonaparte, Edgar Allan Poe, Andrew Jackson and Louisa May Alcott. Why? That's a longer story...

Keep in mind that mercury is still in many 'medicines' and 'injections' today, as well as: aborted fetuses - graphene - mRNA (which alters your RNA, which in turn alters your DNA) - and many more toxic substances.

Barbaric? Or just plain evil? Keep in mind that: "A patient cured is a customer no more!"

Dentists add mercury to your teeth so that you can breathe the poisonous vapour for the remainder of your life...

Doctors who cut their patients
to drain blood and sickness from them
Circa 1800's

Let us Journey Back to a Time:

  • When 'professional doctors' tried to jolt you back to health by regularly draining your blood!
  • When Blood-Letter Doctors contended that draining blood was true science; as opposed to Quicksilver Doctors who injected mercury into their patients in the aim of achieving optimal health.
Blood-Letting - Doctors who cut their patients to drain blood and sickness from them....

Bloodletting (or blood-letting) is the withdrawal of blood from a patient to prevent or cure illness and disease.

Bloodletting, whether by a physician or by leeches, was based on an ancient system of medicine in which blood and other bodily fluids were regarded as "humours" that had to remain in proper balance to maintain health. It is claimed to have been the most common medical practice performed by surgeons from antiquity until the late 19th century, a span of over 2,000 years.

In Europe, the practice continued to be relatively common until the end of the 18th century. The practice has now been abandoned by modern-style medicine for all except a few very specific medical conditions.

It is conceivable that historically, in the absence of other treatments for hypertension, bloodletting sometimes had a beneficial effect in temporarily reducing blood pressure by reducing blood volume. However, since hypertension is very often asymptomatic and thus not diagnosable without modern methods, this effect was unintentional. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the historical use of bloodletting was harmful to patients.

Bloodletting was used to treat almost every disease. One British medical text recommended bloodletting for acne, asthma, cancer, cholera, coma, convulsions, diabetes, epilepsy, gangrene, gout, herpes, indigestion, insanity, jaundice, leprosy, ophthalmia, plague, pneumonia, scurvy, smallpox, stroke, tetanus, tuberculosis, and for some one hundred other diseases.

Bloodletting was even used to treat most forms of hemorrhaging such as nosebleed, excessive menstruation, or hemorrhoidal bleeding. Before surgery or at the onset of childbirth, blood was removed to prevent inflammation. Before amputation, it was customary to remove a quantity of blood equal to the amount believed to circulate in the limb that was to be removed.

There were also theories that bloodletting would cure "heartsickness" and "heartbreak." A French physician, Jacques Ferrand wrote a book in 1623 on the uses of bloodletting to cure a broken heart. He recommended bloodletting to the point of literal heart failure.

Leeches became especially popular in the early nineteenth century. In the 1830s, the French imported about forty million leeches a year for medical purposes, and in the next decade, England imported six million leeches a year from France alone. Through the early decades of the century, hundreds of millions of leeches were used by physicians throughout Europe.

Page Footer...
[Everything below this line is repeated on most pages]

We are fighting a spiritual war
10th August 2024
Paris Olympics - We are fighting a spiritual war!
Revelation 18:2 "And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

Hard Times Create Strong Men...
Hard Times Create Strong Men - Strong Men Create Good Times - Good Times Create Weak Men - Weak Men Create Hard Times.

Some people wouldn't know
tyranny if it bit them on the ass!
Some people wouldn't know tyranny if it bit them on the ass!

Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!
Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!

This is a question that stupid
people & traitors cannot answer:
Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?
This is a question that stupid people & traitors cannot answer: Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!
30th June 2023
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!

Being awake isn't cool. It means having to dumb down 98% of your conversations every day, so you don't sound like a lunatic.

Attitude to monsters after putting up with their shit since late 2019...

Plan F - The Fuck Off plan!

When people you don't even know hate you, That's when you know you're the best.

mRNA jabs are doing the job
slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!
30th June 2023
mRNA jabs are doing the job slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!

20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities
It's called GENOCIDE!
13th June 2023
20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities - It's called GENOCIDE!

"A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030"
It's called GENOCIDE!
12th May 2023
A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030 - It's called GENOCIDE!

World Economic Forum - Committed to Enslaving the Whole World

Nothing says "Trust the Science"
like asking for the data
to be hidden for 75 years!
18th March 2023
Nothing says Trust the Science like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years! Shhhhh....

Superheroes bow down to the
Big Pharma / Businessmen / Doctors
11th February 2023
It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT
26th November 2022
Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT

The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get
jabbed is like sending a post card from
the Titanic saying: "Wish you were here!"
20th November 2022
The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: Wish you were here!

Ten Stages of Genocide
As taught by WEFers Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau etc - August 2022

Ten Stages of Genocide

The Good Reset
Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's,
Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

28th July 2022
The Good Reset - Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's, Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

Covid Variant / Booster
The Merry Go Round From Hell
22nd December 2021

Covid Variant / Booster - Merry Go Round From Hell

Experimental Injections
Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel
13th November 2021

Experimental Injections - Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel

Death is coming for you stupid!

I am fully Vaccinated and Boostered, and just tested positive for Covid-19. I am grateful for the protection my vaccines continue to provide.

The 5-Step COVID 'Vaccine' RISK / BENEFIT ANALYSIS - September 2021

Trump's swamp draining service

When the population understands this picture, it will change everything.

"You can fool all the people some of the time.
You can fool some of the people all the time.
But you cannot fool all the people all the time!"

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Attributed to Edmund Burke. Also by John F. Kennedy in a speech in 1961.

The Great Cow Analogy

Donald J. Trump - They should never have touched the children!
'They should never have touched the children!'
Donald J. Trump - President of the United States of America

'They should never have touched the children!!' President Donald J. Trump

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Abortion: Modern Day Child Sacrifice
Psalms 106:37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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Banned Videos - Education instead of Indoctrination - Better than Google
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Rumble is your rights management video platform. Host, distribute and monetize all your professional, social and viral video.  

If someone accuses you of wearing a tinfoil hat...,
remind them that it's better than wearing a blindfold!

Q - Apr 17 2020 - We are ready. [Set 1] Mission good. Q Q
"Where We Go One, We Go All"
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Q President John F. Kennedy