The Punisher treason: noun: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government
White Hats
Embrace the sometimes painful truth of reality
Remain in the blissful ignorance of illusion
If there is no such thing as a CONSPIRACY - why is the word CONSPIRACY in the dictionary?
Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'   Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell
Click here... Stockholm Syndrome is also a result of Governmental / Pharmaceutical / Media Propaganda
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL and Embraces GENOCIDE

Movies and Documentaries

Video Myron C. Fagan: Illuminati and the Council Foreign Relations - One Of The Most Banned Recordings On Youtube - 3rd September 2024
Video Abrain - (not suitable for 'Normies') | A Pharmaceutical Commercial Parody - 23rd July 2024
Video IF I KNEW I WOULD LAST THIS LONG - Ride with passion - 4th July 2024
Video It's OK - babies explain how they are murdered and used in medical experiments - 3rd July 2024
Video "Liars, Cheats, and Crooks" by Five Times August (Official Lyric Video) 2024 - 28th June 2024
Video WHEN YOU DIE! - 20th May 2024
Video The Call To The Warrior - WARNING Prophetic Word (Kim Chadwell #185) Warning - 16th February 2024
Video FLUORIDE ON THE BRAIN - Reality Check Radio NZ IN/FOCUS REPORT - 28th January 2024
Video ZIONIST Uni-Party To Ban Israel Criticism, Pagan Star OF REMPHAN Is The Star Of David - Jews are NOT God's chosen people - 5th January 2024
Video THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH - DISCLOSURE: Current Wartime President and Commander In Chief Donald J. Trump - US Military Operation STORM is surfacing 2024 - 30th November 2023
Video The Fall of Minneapolis - "They're Lying: The Media, The Left, and The Death of George Floyd" - 15th November 2023
Video Shot Dead The Movie - Covid shot deaths as told by the parents who lost their children - 11th November 2023
Video SOUND OF FREEDOM - 2023 - FULL MOVIE - English subtitled - 21st October 2023
Video When they say that the Holy Bible has been corrupted - show them this! - 19th October 2023
Video DISTURBING Things Are HAPPENING To CHRISTIANS | John MacArthur, Stephen Lawson (Part 1/2) - 8th September 2023
Video RIVER OF FREEDOM - New Zealand Government Enforces Communism, Brutality and Democide - 5th September 2023
Video The Odd Similarities between the Assassinations of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy - In Under 4 Minutes - 4th September 2023
Video Capitol of Conformity | Dystopian Sci-Fi - 30th August 2023
Video The Oklahoma City bombing was an inside job - 20th August 2023
Video Joe Rosati ~ LIFTING VEILS in 432Hz (Official Music Video) A song for healing & enlightening humanity - 3rd July 2023
Video Eric Hecker, Whistleblower on What's Going on in Antarctica? Man made Earthquakes, Christchurch etc... - 12th June 2023
Video 'Final Days' Worldwide Premiere - A Stew Peters Documovie - 1st June 2023
Video The Most Disturbing Scams In Society: Education, Pharmaceutical, Invention Industry, Big Banks, Rat Race, Pandemic... - 24th May 2023
Video Plandemic 3 - The Great Awakening - Trailer - 19th May 2023
Video SOUND OF FREEDOM Official Trailer (2023) - Free the children from human trafficking / paedophile movie - 13th May 2023
Video 1984 Tried To Warn You - 12th May 2023
Video Results of a WEF / UN / WHO CASHLESS SOCIETY. Watch this video about CBDC before it gets DELETED! - 10th April 2023
Video BEYOND THE RESET - Animated Short Film about the not too distant but dystopian future - 2nd March 2023
Video Anecdotals "The Movie" - VAERS - Covid Vaccine Damage - 16th December 2022
Video World Premiere: Died Suddenly - Documentary - 21st November 2022
Video No Side Effects from Covid-19 Vaccines Documentary - 17th November 2022
Video The Real Anthony Fauci - The Movie - RFK jr Exposes Dr. Deaths Lifelong Career of Medical Genocide - 18th October 2022
Video X-Files Spartan Virus reveals evil Black Hats tampering with DNA. More of a documentary than science fiction! - 2nd October 2022
Video THE BIG RESET MOVIE (ENG) The uncensored documentary about the truth of the pandemic - 12th September 2022
Video Australia Enslaved and The Plan For The World - 10th September 2022
Video MY SON HUNTER: (Full Movie) - socially dangerous, ego-damaging & down-right delicious expose of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal - 8th September 2022
Video The Real Story of January 6 - Part 1 | Documentary - 23rd July 2022
Video (Dark Clouds Over Elberton) The True Story of the Georgia Guidestones - May 2022
Video How Much Energy Will the World Need? Wind and Solar does not cut it! - 29th March 2022
Video Movie: SONGBIRD - the Covid-23 Movie - 11th December 2020
Video Coronavirus - Anal duct exposed n relative safety! - 1970s Public Information Film - 25th May 2020
Video History of Donald Trump: Bible Hebrides Revival | Dr. Clarence Sexton - From Scotland to the Oval Office - 25th April 2020
Video OUT OF SHADOWS DOCUMENTARY - 14th April 2020
Video The Oscars - What you didn't know about... The gods of Babylon - 13th February 2020
Prior to 2020
Video Redheads Part 1 of Skeletons in the Cupboard series - 3rd December 2019
Video Black People according to Pastor David James Manning - "..the Nigga ain't got no sense!" - 16th January 2017
Video Secrets of Coral Castle, with Leonard Nimoy - Telekinesis and Anti-gravity - 23rd January 2016
Video Movie - The Shift - Wayne Dyer - Positive Attitude - 3rd September 2015
Music There's a big conspiracy - "Weird Al" Yankovic - Foil - Oh by the way I've cracked the code! - 30th July 2014
Video Documentary - New World Order: Communism by the Backdoor - 7th May 2014
Video Documentary - Money vs Currency - Hidden Secrets Of Money Episode 1 - Mike Maloney - 27th February 2013
Video The dollar signs behind "fossil fuels." Oil is NOT a 'fossil fuel' - it is a Self Regenerating Compound! - 7th August 2012
Video Immigration World Poverty and Gumballs 2010 - Immigration Doesn't Work - Roy Beck - 11th September 2010
Video THE GLOW (2002) - Stars Dean Cain and Portia De Rossi - Supernatural Thriller - 2002
Video The 9/11 DEMOLITION of the Twin Towers and Building #7 - 2001
Video HAARP 1995 Documentary - High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program - 1995 (23rd December 2013)
Video Waco: The Big Lie - 2 of 2 - Waco, the Big Lie Continues is the sequel to the 1993 American documentary film, Waco: the Big Lie - 1993
Video Waco: The Big Lie - 1 of 2 - The US Government murders Texas civilians in 1993 - 1993
Video Movie - They Live - by John Carpenter - 1988
Video "Profile In Silver" - Season One Kennedy Assassination 1986 'Twilight Zone' Episode - 1986
Video Capricorn One - NASA fakes a Mars landing, but can they silence the main players - 1977
Video Myron C. Fagan - Red Stars Over Hollywood 1968 (CLEAN AUDIO) - 1968
Video Animal Farm - George Orwell - (Film / Movie) - 1954

Download here: Myron-Fagan-Illuminati-and-the-CFR-One-Of-The-Most-Banned-Recordings-On-Youtube-2024-09-03.mp4 - 44,971 kb
By: Anonymous Official - 3rd September 2024
Myron C. Fagan: Illuminati
& the Council on Foreign Relations
One Of The Most Banned Recordings On Youtube

In a world where every significant event has been meticulously documented centuries in advance, the shocking revelations of Myron C. Fagin come to light through a 1967 recording. Fagin, a renowned Hollywood writer who unearthed dark secrets within the entertainment industry, claims that the world's major events have been orchestrated by an elusive and powerful group. This secretive faction, which he identifies as the Illuminati, has purportedly been manipulating global affairs since its inception in the 18th century. According to Fagin, this clandestine organization has been intricately involved in shaping history through a series of carefully planned events and covert operations.

Fagin's account details how the Illuminati, founded by Adam Weishaupt in the late 1700s, infiltrated various institutions to further its agenda. The Illuminati, he asserts, evolved into the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in the United States after World War I, maintaining its influence under different guises. This transition was designed to mask their ongoing manipulations and to control media narratives. By acquiring control over mass communications and press outlets, Fagin argues that the CFR, as a modern incarnation of the Illuminati, has ensured that the public remains misled and uninformed about the true nature of global conspiracies.

Fagin elaborates on the mechanisms of this grand conspiracy, explaining how key historical events, including major wars and revolutions, were strategically fomented by the Illuminati. The plan, he claims, involved orchestrating conflicts such as World Wars I and II, and using them to advance their ultimate goal of establishing a one-world government. This strategy also included promoting ideological divisions and supporting revolutionary movements to destabilize nations and religions. According to Fagin, these historical manipulations were part of a broader scheme devised by figures like Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini to achieve long-term control over global affairs.

Finally, Fagin warns of an impending cataclysmic upheaval, predicted by the Illuminati's historical documents, aimed at destroying Christianity and atheism simultaneously. This upheaval, he asserts, will pave the way for the establishment of a new world order under the direct influence of the Illuminati's true doctrine. The conspirators' ultimate aim is to create a world in chaos, where the remaining populace, disillusioned and leaderless, will accept a new form of global domination. This dire forecast serves as a chilling reminder of the alleged depths of control and manipulation exercised by the Illuminati throughout history.

Joe Biden and Rockefeller on the presidential plane. And you asked who's running it all.

Joe Biden and Rockefeller on the presidential plane. And you asked who's running it all.

I quit watching TV 9-11 when I saw building 7 still standing through the window behind the BBC reporter who said it had fallen 20 minutes earlier.

It is literally happening before our eyes.

Norman Mattoon Thomas (November 20, 1884 - December 19, 1968 and some of us are old enough to remember him running for President) was a leading American socialist, pacifist, and six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America.
Norman Thomas said this in a 1944 speech:
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of "liberalism," they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." He went on to say: "I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform."

Written in 1957 and truer than ever today.
"When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - When you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - When you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you -
When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice - You may know that your society is doomed."
Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, 1957

Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity. ... In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.
— Antonio Gramsci —
Cultural Marxism, 1915:

I quit watching mainstream media years ago, during the first Trump election to be exact! All a Psyop!

This is not a coincidence. . I remember John F. Kennedy saying something similar to this. Thank you fellow TRUTHFINDERS

Screw the Rothschild's!

Actually Nikola Tesla invented the radio and Marconi stole the diagram. Marconi got the Nobel Peace Prize but it was later established that the original design was property of Tesla.

Evil will come to an end one day.

They should be teaching this in schools

Jesus is king & will destroy all of this when he returns

That's why the Bible tells us to trust no man but God.

I've seen this a couple of other times. This is one of the sources of my greatest nightmares along with 1984 and 2 dozen other world events, articles and texts. Because I always believed they were real, true, and EVIL.

I'm 72; grew up on street full of kids. I spent most of my time outside. I rarely turn on the TV, will watch an occasional movie. I don't buy the local paper or watch MSM. My husband died in 2021, we had been married fifty years. I'm lonely but not alone.

This should be mandatory for every citizen of the world to watch!!

Aside from the obvious things he stated, two things stood out to me. It was less than a week ago that I read about three large banks that owned 82% of all mortgages in America. With goals to eventually own every single home in the country. Rothschild was one of them. The other thing that really struck me is that he said that there is or was a central location in Charleston SC, which is my home town. And if you've lived there, you already know it'd be the absolute last place you'd expect something like that to exist in. Scary times indeed. I'm certainly not a conspiracy theorist, but when it's simply too much to ignore, it's already too late.

Download here: Abrain-not-suitable-for-Normies-A-Pharmaceutical-Commercial-Parody-2024-07-23.mp4 - 2,458 kb
By: Nick Peterson - 23rd July 2024
Abrain - (not suitable for 'Normies')
A Pharmaceutical Commercial Parody

Abrain is meant for everyday use. Do not try Abrain if you're allergic to Abrain. For more information, visit

Abrain. A pharmaceutical commercial parody.

I laugh because it's funny, I cry because it's real.

‚Individual results may vary'

I love that Abrain is the brand name and they put the generic name Cerebrum underneath.

O.M.G. this is genius.

As they say, some people are so open minded their brains fall out. Those folk need Abrain!

So so so appropriate for the Age of Stupid we currently live in. I often joke that like Rip Van Wrinkle I feel like I fell asleep and woke up in a different time, only where he woke up 20 years in the future I woke up and discovered I was living in a Far Side cartoon. This is seriously clever, seriously funny, and seriously true. Great job!


After what's happened with the current Administration this past week, I welcome this fresh air of COMMON SENSE!!!

Absolute comedy gold!

This is the best use of social media i have yet encountered. Great work!!

That my dude was ingenious

Holy cow Nick!!!! You're out of control, Buddy!!! That is PAST funny!!! I laugh at those commercials, you just beat them all!! BEST EVER!!!!

Download here: IF-I-KNEW-I-WOULD-LAST-THIS-LONG-Ride-with-passion-2024-07-04.mp4 - 11,514 kb
By: BIKER INSPIRATIONS - 4th July 2024
- Ride with passion -

#harleyparts #harleys #motivation

Biker poetry. I dig it.

Every word is so familiar to me. Thank God i still have a few miles left in me to ride.



True that... From one old biker to another.. ride hard !!!?

Damn......Truthful words.....

Amen Brother's


We must pass this wisdom on to the younger riders and hope that they listen. It is up to us to make it glisson. If we cannot pass it on the culture will be gone.

Enough of my amateur hour , I enjoyed this diddy. Thank you for sharing!

Amen Brother.God Bless all who ride and our Great Country America !

Over 50 years behind bars, the bars on my Panhead and my end is near but I'm still riding.....
Stay safe and keep the shiny side up

Download here: It-is-OK-babies-explain-how-they-are-murdered-and-used-in-medical-experiments-2024-07-03.mp4 - 18,238 kb
By: Choice42 - 3rd July 2024
It's OK
Babies explain how they are murdered
and used in medical experiments

What you see will shock you...

More info:

Aborted fetal parts

What a powerful video! Absolutely heartbreaking the times we live in. Praying this video goes far and wide.

A vote for Joe is a vote for this.

What kind of monsters have we become? God help us.

"Thus God said, "What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood cries out to Me from the ground."


This is terrible!! Wake up CHURCH!!! GET ACTIVE!!!!

Shocking. As individuals and as a nation, we must repent of Child Sacrifice. And turn back to God.

I am a 67 year old man, father and granfather. This just made me cry.. Its not ok,, its just sick. These sick so called scientists will one day have to stand and account for their lives in front of God. At least these little innocents whose lives were abruptly taken will get a place in eternity with Jesus

The blood of the innocent cries out to the Lord.

Everyone needs to see this. Not only are we doing this to the unborn, but we are putting this into our born children's bodies. We can't say "We didn't know" any longer.

It all must end.

Absolutely disgusting what we are doing RIGHT NOW in the world. "What can I do? I'm just one person..." said one billion Christians...

I don't wish nor want babies to be the sacraficial lambs just for my health. It isn't worth it.

I was sobbing in my work office watching this. We can't repent enough of our apathy.

In a world where babies are systematically dehumanized, it is so important to "humanize" them, and help us to see just how tragic it is. So terribly sad.

Brutal, crying. Hopefully youtube won't shut this down. Glory to Christ, abolish child sacrifice.

It's not OK. There's Hell to pay.

It was never okay. This could have been any one of us. We have to give voice to the voiceless.

Forgive us Father.

How absolutely barbaric. What have we become?

Have mercy on us, LORD!

Download here: Liars-Cheats-and-Crooks-by-Five-Times-August-Official-Lyric-Video-2024-06-28.mp4 - 33,920 kb
By: FiveTimesAugust - 28th June 2024
"Liars, Cheats, and Crooks"
by Five Times August
(Official Lyric Video) 2024


You want me scared,
You want me weak
You want me brain dead and asleep
You want us trapped while you all laugh behind the scenes

You want us sick
You think we're dumb
You want us blind and you want us drugged
You want us poor while you get more of everything

But you don't get to tell me what to think and what to do
No, you don't get to tell me what is true

'Cause you're just liars, cheats, and crooks
You change the rules and you burn the books
And so I don't believe a single word you say

You're all liars, fakes, and cons
We want you out and we want you gone
So don't believe this time you'll get away

You want us tricked
You want us numb
You want us scared and you want us stung
You want us shot and you want us bought in every way

You want our minds
You want our time
You want us framed up in your crimes
I hope you know that it's time to go and we're taking names

'Cause you don't get to tell us what to think and what to do
No, you don't get to tell us what is true

'Cause you're just liars, cheats, and crooks
You change the rules and you burn the books
And so we don't believe a single word you say

You're all liars, fakes, and cons
We want you out and we want you gone
So don't believe this time you'll get away

'Cause we see la la la la la la la la la all your lies
La la la la la all your lies

You don't get to tell us what to think and what to do
You don't get to tell us what to think and what to do
You don't get to tell us what to think and what to do

'Cause you're just liars, cheats, and crooks
You change the rules and you burn the books
And so we don't believe a single word you say

You're all liars, fakes, and cons
And we want you out and we want you gone
So don't believe this time you'll get away

'Cause we see la la la la la la la la la all your lies
We see la la la la la all your lies
we see la la la la la la la la la all your lies
We see la la la la la all your lies

You're just liars, cheats, and crooks
You change the rules and you burn the books
And so we don't believe a single word you say

You're all liars, fakes, and cons
We want you out and we want you gone
So don't believe this time you'll get away

'Cause we see la la la la la la la la la all your lies
La la la la la all your lies

'Cause we see la la la la la la la la la all your lies
La la la la la all your lies

'Cause we see la la la la la la la la la all your lies
La la la la la all your lies

'Cause we see la la la la la la la la la all your lies
La la la la la all your lies

#FiveTimesAugust #LiarsCheatsAndCrooks #newmusic

REAL protest music!

Respect to Five Times August.

Protest music we can all sing along to! Thank you.

Time to water that tree of Liberty, it's mighty parched.

"Anarchy is no guarantee that some people won't kill, injure, kidnap, defraud,or steal from others.

Government is a guarantee that some will."

Gustave de Molinari

Well done! You've been creating the perfect soundtrack for this Wake-Up! Era.


Truth being told here!
Love the video.
Keep up the good work.
We love You

Download here: When-You-Die-2024-05-20.mp4 - 14,017 kb
By: BIKER INSPIRATIONS - 20th May 2024

#harleydavidson #harleyparts #harleybikers #harleys


It's not about the destination, it's all about the ride.

There are some wise words spoken. Thank you brother.

Better live while you are alive....

Shortly after I'm gone, I'll be gone, until then living legend speed safe friends

Download here: The-Call-To-The-Warrior-WARNING-Prophetic-Word-Kim-Chadwell-185-Warning-2024-02-16.mp4 - 83,713 kb
By: HOLY NATION OFFICIAL - 16th February 2024
The Call To The Warrior
WARNING Prophetic Word
(Kim Chadwell #185) Warning

After nineteen months of silence, the Lord has spoken.

Telegram Channel:

Known as "Today's Esther," Kim Chadwell is founder of HOLY NATION and author of the book Dripping In Grace. Following instructions given in a vision Kim traveled to each state in the United States calling for repentance. Traveling over 165,000 miles Kim has sounded the alarm for the urgency of National repentance. An urgent message begging for the nation to repent was recorded in front of the largest cross in the United States in Branson Missouri. This urgent message, begging for the nation to repent, ironically was recorded exactly forty days before Jan 6, 2021.

From orphaned to owned, Kim has turned tragedy to triumph showing how everyone, with God's grace, can grow and live in the fullness of happiness. Her personal story is told in her book Dripping n Grace. Kim's prophetic words have been heard throughout the world. A teacher of God's Word Kim hosts two semester Bible studies each year, writes a popular blog and releases regular recordings to her many subscribers.
~Subscribe by clicking the bell and the subscribe button~
Inquiries: Email:

Most certainly a sobering word that must be taken to the written word and prayer (as with all things).
Blessings and Shalom.


So be it!!

Another powerful RHEMA & admonition from our Heavenly Father through His servant, Kim!!

May we humble ourselves, get on our knees, repent & seek HIS face.

Isaiah 26:9

Glory, Honor and Majesty to our Lord Jesus Christ. Every knee will bow to Him, every mouth confess that He is the Lord - the King of Glory

So powerful. May the Lord Bless you with all the blessings from Deuteronomy 28 Warrior of Christ

Powerful! Thank you, Kim!

Thank you Kim for your faithfulness to speak truth and direction from our Lord. May we be found obedient to Him.

I've been hearing The Lord say this for years now.

This brings me to repentance and the seriousness of this hour, time is short. Arron's son's Nadab and Abihu didn't obey Yahuah in their offering to Him. Yah killed them both. Nadab and Abihu offered "strange fire" before the Lord-strange because it did not adhere the His specifications or commandments. As a result, fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed them both.
(Leviticus 10:1-2).
This reminds me of His holiness and brings us to obedience. He does not compromise. Thank you Kim for this remarkable presentation.


Hi Kim, this is a Rhema word. God bless you!!!

Thank you. I have tried everything to witness to people and family members about Jesus, His gospel and I seek Him day and night presenting myself to be used by Him. Without Him or His Spirit we cannot do anything as stated in the Word.

Download here: Reality-Check-Radio-NZ-IN-FOCUS-REPORT-Fluoride-on-the-Brain-2024-01-28.mp4 - 171,729 kb
By: Reality Check Radio NZ - 28th January 2024

Reality Check Radio NZ IN/FOCUS REPORT

Need help knowing which videos to share with curious friends and family on the topics that matter?

RCR has the solution!

Our new documentary series, In/Focus with filmmaker Alistair Harding, addresses the need for shareable, easy-to-follow, entry-level investigations on the issues we all face during these turbulent times.

Designed for sharing, our new In/Focus content will educate and inform viewers, highlighting published research and reports and providing multiple perspectives, leaving the audience to make up their own minds to decide what they think and how they'll act!

Check out for more.

CAUTION: POISON. High Strength Fluoride. Sure DEATH to Roaches, Chicken Lice and certain other Insect Pests!

Note from:

PROBLEM: Mainstream medical 'experts' in New Zealand are at a loss as to why people who:

  • eat high calorie junk food
  • do not exercise
  • are Covid-19 vaccinated

are: fat / sick / and dying early.

SOLUTION: The NZ Government claims that Maori and Pasifika are suffering extreme dental cavities and poor health due to:

  • being less privileged than white people
  • lack free money
  • lack poison in their drinking water (i.e. deadly Sodium Fluorosilicate)
[This thinking is the result of years of dumbing down society via kindergarten / school / university / TV.]

The NZ Government claims that Maori and Pasifika are suffering extreme dental cavities and poor health due to a lack of: free money and poison in their drinking water (i.e. deadly Sodium Fluorosilicate)
Why am I always so sick?

The NZ Government claims that Maori and Pasifika are suffering extreme dental cavities and poor health due to a lack of: free money and poison in their drinking water (i.e. deadly Sodium Fluorosilicate)
Why am I always so sick?

The NZ Government claims that Maori and Pasifika are suffering extreme dental cavities and poor health due to a lack of: free money and poison in their drinking water (i.e. deadly Sodium Fluorosilicate)
Why am I always so sick?

The NZ Government claims that Maori and Pasifika are suffering extreme dental cavities and poor health due to a lack of: free money and poison in their drinking water (i.e. deadly Sodium Fluorosilicate)
Why am I always so sick?

My mum, who is a retired principal from a decile one area, talked about Maori/Islander kids turning up at school with litre bottles of fizzy drink (cola mainly) which they sucked on all day. The kids spent lunch money given by their parents at the local dairy. She was successful in setting a system where the parents could pay the school directly, then the school provided healthy lunches and drinks. Parent's liked it and were happy to participate. Didn't need government funding for free lunches, just people thinking of solutions that work for parents.

Thanks RCR for this great doco. All supporting information on this doco and much. much more can be found at Fluoride Free New Zealand. FFNZ has been working to stop fluoridation since 2003.

In 2018 the NZ Supreme Court found fluoridation was compulsory medical treatment that violated Section 11 of our Bill of Rights. There is no justification that should be allowed to override this right.

Please join us and help get fluoridation stopped over the whole of New Zealand once and for all.

Thankfully we do not need the Nuremberg code or the Bill of Rights or any other law or legislation to give us sovereignty over our own body, it is an inherent right and we just need to own it and stand in it. Thank you for a well put together presentation showing different perspectives, where we the person watching gets to make their own mind up.

Excellent documentary, thanks Alistair Harding and RCR.

Very clear evidence of the harm of fluoridation shown in this well made video. The Scottish Smile Program would be a much better solution for caries in New Zealand. The Hastings referendum 2013 showed 5461 people in Hastings did not want fluoride in their water supply despite the Ministry of Health spending $50,000 to try to convince Hastings people otherwise. A pilot study (n=13) to look at fluoride blood serum levels in 2013 showed 2/13 people had over 5 times the acceptable level. These people have known fluoride sensitivity and were unable to avoid it in water. The government has been sent this information and refused to do further testing.

Excellent documentary, well done!

Section 23 of the Health Act 1956 states that a Council must protect the health of the public. Adding a known neurotoxin into the water supplies will breach this Act and as Section 23 of the Health Act is primary legislation, it overrides the Director-General of Health's directive to fluoridate. Councils will not be fined up to $200,000 and $10,000 a day for failing to introduce fluoride as directed, as the Directives to fluoridate have been found to be unlawful. In light of this and the ongoing legal proceedings, the Ministry of Health cannot reasonably expect a Court to legally impose fines on councils for failing to introduce fluoridation.

Excellent short Docco, im proud to be a foundation member. Keep on doing the good WorK RCR.

Where did Ashley Bloomfield go to work when he left the NZ Ministry of Health?
Has he ever publicly stated that he was a strong proponent of fluoridation in the past?
Did his net worth increase substantially after he issued the order to fluoridate the water?

Isn't this the same guy who coerced us to take the Pfizer jab. Worked well didn't it?

Sugar and all processed foods ( including muesli bars, cereals, bread, etc) are so harmful to the human body as is evident by the fact it rots one of the hardest surfaces in our body, enamel. Education about nutrition is the key.

ZIONIST-Uni-Party-To-Ban-Israel-Criticism-Pagan-Star-OF-REMPHAN-Is-The-Star-Of-David-Jews-are-NOT-Gods-chosen-people-2024-01-05.mp4 - 359,116 kb
By: Complete Shows - Stew Peters - 5th January 2024

ZIONIST Uni-Party To Ban Israel Criticism
Pagan Star OF REMPHAN Is The Star Of David
Jews are NOT God's chosen people

Bobby Piton is here to talk about the bogus House resolution that equates anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism and how it could result in a ban on any criticism of the secular nation state of Israel.

Pastor Steve Anderson is back with Stew to talk more about the satanic history of the star of Remphan also known as the star of David.

Well Stew .. like the great libtard Zionist hero fake Christian crypto Jew FDR said: "Sure I suppose not all Japs are spies and traitors but why take the chance, we're at war so round em up". This is why 109 older, wiser countries, other than ours booted the fukn Jews out. The goy now know. And we are not tolerant of their reprobate horseshit tactics. Leave voluntarily or be shunned till you do. Just 1 opinion in 80 million.

I understand that he's trying to connect a numeric "calling card" however, his time consumed to arrange numbers and dates is a waste of time. The obvious evidence that has been in our faces condemns the entire body of all American government, the elite, and many others. Starting with those who occupy our government. We must remove them all, prosecute them and punish them with extreme prejudice. While I'm at it, as a Christian I don't appreciate his use of bad language. It's not representative of Jesus and the Father.

Although I agree with the general idea, this guy was all over the place. If he had been more concise and clear with his points it would've made for a better interview.

Finally... someone who knows the true history of WWII and the alleged Holocaust. Great to see!

Love this show,you get it straight to your face here

Download here: THE-GREATEST-SHOW-ON-EARTH-2023-11-30.mp4 - 587,987 kb
By: neutralswiss - 30th November 2023

DISCLOSURE: Current Wartime President and
Commander In Chief
Donald J. Trump
US Military Operation STORM is
surfacing 2024
- The Film 2024 in 4K

Donald Trump's Famous
Capitulation Tour and Draining the Swamp.

Follow me on President Trump's Truth Social: ​

And please do your own Fact Checking here:

All key Legal and US Military Blueprints are now right in front of your eyes, use them and be prepared for the unstoppable.

Everything is going to be changed in a shock and awe moment and it is the Obliteration of the Global Deep State and all, sans exception, Traitors including unreliable Federal and Civil Justice.

Our respective Constitutions are about to be fully restored and the power given back to the People, the Sovereign of our respective democratic nations.

This is the 100% irrefutable Truth, there are no two ways about this current ongoing global Military Operation that will surface soon with a flash of Light.

And, we do not care if you love or hate President Trump or me because you are dealing now with the facts and the Hard Reset that is unstoppable to liberate Humanity and Judge all Perpetrators of a Democide, Traitors, rogue Government and Military elements and Pedocriminals.

You can summarize this action as the total Obliteration of the Global Deep State.

Be prepared.


Trending News
President Trump
US Military Justice
War Law Manual 2015
Pascal Najadi

By: Real Truth Real News
This powerful documentary from Good Lion Films, produced and written by Nick Alvear, shares the Cabal takedown from the 2016 election, to the capitulation tour of President Donald J. Trump, Covid-19, the 2020 election, Joe Biden's "funeral", J6 setup, and how the continuity of government through the current events taking place will usher in the greatest time ever known on earth.

Absolutely loved this. Thank you

Excellent! I remember May 2017
I couldn't believe my eyes & ears
So many great videos were made and then….YouTube & FB wiped them clean away & deleted ….
Good music also…such a revolutionary time ….May God protect what is Truth and bring Justice for ALL
Kris Canada

Wow Nick and Alpha...just wow! Well Done .I've been. Here from the beginning and your movie made me cry happy and sad tears, angry tears and hopeful tears. Wow guys, great stuff even the comatose can see and understand. Encore!
Love in Abundance from Australia xx xx

Great historic timeline and content. Kudos to Derek Johnson. Unfortunately the 'whispering' style narrator is tough to listen to, (especially with the music background), and this doesn't help to build confidence in the narrative. All I know is, whoever is a white hat, black hat or any colour in between, everyone who is culpable for all of the greed, robbery and epic murderous intent and crimes against humanity WILL answer to Almighty God.

Where is Canada in this? Our country really needs a clean up as well! The people would be thankful

If you want to know who Trump is, Rumble search 'Healing Earth' and listen to his own words.

Awesome!!!! great job Nick and Derrick

I keep watching this,it's so good. I can't help wondering how many of these leaders that submitted, appear to have back bitten DJT afterwards like boris Johnson,
Macron,Tony Blair,etc...

great job of putting it in a format that will be easy for all to understand!!! bravo

Derek has been trying to shake people awake about all of this. I found him a year ago and have been trying to tell folks about what's going on. Most of them think I'm crazy, I LOVE IT!

Wow awesome documentary!!

Tears flowing… this is the second time I have watched it now if only some thing could be done here in Canada!!!

Great documentary! The flow of events is easy to follow and understand. I had heard about most of this but didn't put it all together like this. Thank you, thank you. I will be sharing this with others. People think I'm crazy when I mention any of this. I don't care. I trust God and I trust Trump. God bless America.

I'm still confused. why is everything turning to crap if this is true. our country is falling apart

Wow! I have seen the short version of the Compitulation Tour. This is the one video everyone needs see. Again WOW!

Download here: The-Fall-of-Minneapolis-They-Are-Lying-The-Media-The-Left-and-The-Death-of-George-Floyd-2023-11-15.mp4 - 473,969 kb
By: AlphaNewsMN - 15th November 2023
The Fall of Minneapolis
"They're Lying: The Media, The Left,
and The Death of George Floyd"

Enjoyed this video? Join my Locals community for exclusive content at!

Alpha News is proud to present "The Fall of Minneapolis." This documentary is provided free of charge due to generous donors. Please consider a 100% tax-deductible donation to support our work and help promote this film:

The film is based on Liz Collin's Amazon bestseller, "They're Lying: The Media, The Left, and The Death of George Floyd," which exposes the holes in the prevailing narrative surrounding George Floyd's death, the trial of Derek Chauvin, and the fallout the city of Minneapolis has suffered ever since.

The documentary features more than a dozen interviews with the people directly involved, including exclusive interviews with former officers Derek Chauvin and Alexander Kueng who spoke to Liz Collin from prison. The families of Chauvin and Kueng also speak out publicly for the first time.

The film also features current and former Minneapolis police officers who tell their harrowing stories from the riots, recount the planned surrender of the Third Precinct, and explain why so many of them left the job.

The crowdfunded movie was produced by Alpha News journalist Liz Collin and directed by Dr. J.C. Chaix. Cinematography by Josh Feland.

The Fall of Minneapolis
Alpha News
George Floyd
Derek Chauvin
2020 Riots
Fall of Minneapolis
Alpha News documentary

EVERY American needs to watch this film in order to see the deep corruption and horrific injustice that was done to these officers, their families, and their fellow brothers and sisters in blue.
EVERY politician, from the Minneapolis governor, mayor, judge etc, who assisted in the continuation of this political lie, needs to be held accountable. They are all treasonous and need to be dealt with accordingly. They turned their backs on Minneapolis police officers and EVERY police officer across our country.

Thank you so much for telling the truth Liz Collin and Alpha News

it's insane to think that there will be no recourse for any of the actual victims of this incident, covid lockdowns, election irregularities, and any of the other politically driven rubbish of 2020. Pretty much all the vocal politicians from this era were either reelected or given jobs in the Biden administration. It's hard to be optimistic for the future of the country after everything that's transpired in the last few years.

Minnesota communist (democrats) fly under the national radar but they are right there with the most evil crooks in the country. Walz, Ellison, Frey, Klobuchar, Smith Flanagan all stood behind the lies and destruction of Mpls and cities around the country.

This is exactly what communism looks like.

These people are f'n evil. I cannot believe the dems are associating themselves with actual communists. They've overtaken our institutions. It's past time to start telling the truth! Thank you for this documentary

Sad on so many levels. They need to let the cop free NOW!

The police should not have been convicted or for that matter charged with a crime. GF made huge mistakes in life, that included the cause of his death - drugs! Drugs that exacerbated his pre-existing conditions. I am glad to hear that the officers called EMS. I had thought that they didn't. I have to say, the Officers did what most officers would have done. The police officers convictions should be overturned!

This is the pathetic loser Minneapolis liberals erected statues to.

It's astonishing how a social/mainstream media narrative can spin violently out of control when evidence is either ignored or intentionally suppressed.
A very eye opening documentary, thank you for having the guts, and taking the personal risk to make this available for the public.

Wow. I'm sitting here not even sure how to put into words what I am thinking, what I am feeling after watching this. Thank you for putting this together. I pray the supreme court will review the officer's case. I wonder what the possibility of a presidential pardon for all these officers might be if we can get a Republican back in office.

These officers were sacrificed to appease the mob. They're heroes. Floyd was a lying drug addict and career criminal. A thug.

Thank you for making this! Every day of the riots, the trials, etc. so many were thinking, "This isn't right!" and "This shouldn't be happening!" The lies of our Governor, Mpls Mayor, the Police Chief, Keith Elison, the City Council is just disgusting! Each and every one of them should be investigated and charged for their crimes! Personally, I don't go into Mpls anymore, and I've considered leaving MN after over 60 years here. I pray for those Officers, all Mpls Officers, for their safety and the well-being of them and their families! God, grant peace and safety!

Why even have a police prescence there if they weren't even allowed to wear riot gear.. they don't care about police lives

Download here: Shot-Dead-The-Movie-Covid-shot-deaths-as-told-by-the-parents-who-lost-their-children-2023-11-11.mp4 - 317,147 kb
By: We The Patriots USA - 11th November 2023

Shot Dead The Movie
Covid shot deaths as told by
the parents who lost their children

This is the movie we wish we didn't have to make. But this is a movie everyone needs to see. For the first time ever, hear the stories of covid shot deaths as told by the parents who lost their children.

Hear from the families brave enough to speak up and admit that the shot killed their children. Hear from the ones who have refused to keep quiet. We all know that there are so many who have sold out to pharma, denying that their loved ones were hurt or killed by the shots. But there is no amount of money or threats that can keep these parents from speaking truth in honor of their children...and so this doesn't happen to one more child.

A We The Patriots USA Original Production
Produced and Directed by Teryn Gregson
Filmed and Edited by Jason and Avery Kabrich of Not Sheep Media

#ShotDead, Covid, vaccine, death, injury, jab, shot, Covid vaccine, myocarditis, neonatal death

United Australia party
And to think our government won't give us a Royal Commission that could give hope or closure to all those affected. The reason? It's simply because they want to protect their political mates.

It's hard to fathom that the government still push the vaccine despite all we know, and that vaccine mandates remain in place, especially for young people wishing to undertake certain courses at university. It's nothing short of criminal.

The movie is informative but emotional and enraging in equal measure.

Thank all of you for watching and sharing. We love everyone of you.

The final scene w/Martins (fulfilling their deceased daughter's bucket list) was filmed beautifully. It broke me.

Their lantern seem to hover over them longer, unlike the others. It was as if, Trista was there & didn't want to leave - not until Dad's gentle nudge & smile.

People have to go to the chair for this m..

This is how propaganda kills the children...
And deafening silence and astounding non-action when it comes to accountability and the utter cynicism when the real manipulative reasons of all this is brought up are beyond boiling ones blood.

For some odd reasons, there are no masses on the streets demanding a change or at least opting out from work collectively for a few days to stop the economy and sending a firm signal. Hard not to see this as "enabling" making way too many culprits...

Wishing healing - if that's even possible - for the families.

I asked Chat GPT to compile a list of individuals who have been prominent in ensuring that COVID gene therapies (also erroneously referred to as "vaccines") have been approved and administered to the public.

An initial list of individuals who should be called to and tried by Nuremberg 2.0:

Lloyd J. Austin III, Mark A. Milley, Gustave F. Perna, John Kirby, Katalin Karikó, Drew Weissman, Ugur Sahin, Özlem Türeci, Stéphane Bancel, Noubar Afeyan, Albert Bourla, Mikael Dolsten, Sean Marett, Kizzmekia S. Corbett, Anthony Fauci, Sarah Gilbert, Adrian Hill, Alex Gorsky, Paul Stoffels, Tal Zaks, Melanie Ivarsson, Juan Andres, Stephen Hoge, John R. Mascola, Peter Marks, Moncef Slaoui, Jerome Adams, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Angela Merkel, Ursula von der Leyen, Bill Gates, Mark Suzman, GAVI Alliance (Seth Berkley, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, José Manuel Barroso), CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) (Richard Hatchett, Jane Halton, Melinda French Gates), FDA Vaccine Advisory Committee (Rochelle Walensky, Stephen Hahn, Peter Marks, Janet Woodcock), Margaret Harris, Monica Gandhi, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Justin Trudeau, Patty Hajdu, Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock, Olaf Scholz, Emmanuel Macron, Olivier Veran, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Rachel Maddow, Adrienne Arsenault, Dr. Theresa Tam, Laura Kuenssberg, Beth Rigby, Christian Drosten, Maybrit Illner, Anne-Sophie Lapix, Jean-Jacques Bourdin.

The list can be much, much longer. There are many more who have been involved in fraudulent clinical trials, deceptive information dissemination, the corrupt emergency approval process, rights-restricting legislation, deceptive campaigns, censorship, and concealing the countless (millions?!) fatalities and the incalculable number of severe side effects.

Grateful for the truth-tellers that stand bravely for truth. May God bless and protect them!!

My heart goes out to all the families who have had loved ones "Shot Dead"! Although I have no children myself, I continue to speak truth and to shout that truth from the roof tops in the hopes even one more family hears it and doesn't have to go through what you are all going through. It is so senseless. I encourage all of you families to listen to a book that I myself have almost finished. It is called Spirit Talker by Shawn Leonard. It was an interesting read and I am still pondering its contents. You may find some interesting information in it and I encourage you to check it out. I was interested in the book originally, not just because of its contents, but because Shawn lived in the same province as I (Alberta Canada) and with him being "close to home" I wanted to support a local writer. I am glad I did as he has given me lots to ponder. Thanks to the makers of this film! Together we will stop the genocide still occurring world wide!

Blessing too all suffering families. Rest in peace to all the victims. You shall not be forgotten.

God bless these poor parents and family members! This was MURDER in every degree! Moderna killed my mom!!! BigPharma killed both of my children's grandmothers in 2021! I WANT TO SEE THEM ALL…(you know what I mean!!!) Sick of these stories!!!

Thanks for sharing these emotional and important stories.

This is hard to watch. I feel sorry for the parents

Beyond sad, such a tragedy. I wait everyday worried about my child that had 4 shots.

Stunning. So sad for these people. So angry at the machine. And, yes, there are literally thousands and thousands and thousands more.

What is needed is a medical examiner that can comment on these deaths. We can see all the medical community ( doctor, nurse, any healthcare provider) telling us what they experience and notice about the effects of the vaccine but a deafening silence from the medical examiners. Are they all threatened from telling the truth?
Cause of death: Unknown
Yeah right!

"Why are people sitting back and letting them do this?" People are so caught up in the contrived giant system and are waiting for the system to tell them what is happening and how to react. Populations are being spoon fed by government and all its awful offshoots, media is the mouth of the government pouring out whatever they are told and the masses swallow it with no question. Trista was a beautiful girl with a wonderful life ahead and it was ripped from her by this unfeeling system.

Download here: SOUND-OF-FREEDOM-2023-FULL-MOVIE-English-subtitled-2023-10-21.mp4 - 267,692 kb
By: HAYLINGISLANDTRUTHER - 21st October 2023

FULL MOVIE - English subtitled

Based on the gripping true story of a man's mission to rescue children from the darkest corners of the world. This action-packed drama shines a light on the harrowing reality of sex trafficking and the valiant efforts of those who work tirelessly to combat it.

EDITED & ADDED SUBTITLES TRANSLATED FROM SPANISH INCLUDED BY HAYLINGISLANDTRUTHER: "There are more humans trapped in slavery today than any other time in history - including when slavery was legal."

Director: Alejandro Monteverde
Producer: Eduardo Verástegui
Distributor: Angel Studios

Download here: When-they-say-that-the-Holy-Bible-has-been-corrupted-show-them-this-2023-10-19.mp4 - 13,069 kb
19th October 2023
When they say that the Holy Bible
has been corrupted - show them this!

Download here: DISTURBING-Things-Are-HAPPENING-To-CHRISTIANS-John-MacArthur-Stephen-Lawson-Part-1-of-2-2023-09-08.mp4 - 20,023 kb
By: PASTOR DANIEL PARK - 8th September 2023
To CHRISTIANS | John MacArthur,
Stephen Lawson (Part 1/2)

This is part 1 of 2 videos I created on Christian persecution.

Here is the link to part 2: "If This Wasn't Recorded Nobody Would Believe It | John MacArthur, Stephen Lawson (Part 2/2)"

Christians are being persecuted all over the world and even dying for their faith. Our basic religious rights to follow Christ and preach the Gospel are being taken away from us. As the world hated Christ, they will also hate us. Pray and love those who persecute you. Show them the love of Jesus.

Share this video so we can get the truth of God out there. Subscribe if you want to join this Christian community so that we can stand strong together in the love and boldness of Jesus Christ. If you were encouraged by this video, I'd love to hear in the comment section what stood out to you.

May the love of God, the power of Christ, and the friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with you now and forever. Amen.

#pastorjohnmacarthur #christianmotivation #christian

Download here: RIVER-OF-FREEDOM-New-Zealand-Government-Enforces-Communism-Brutality-and-Democide-2023-09-05.mp4 - 1,323,119 kb
By: Journeyman Pictures - 5th September 2023
New Zealand Government Enforces Communism, Brutality and Democide
An intimate journey into the 2022 'Parliament protest' - the uprising in New Zealand against one of the most severe mandatory vaccination regimens in the world.

RIVER OF FREEDOM - New Zealand Government Enforces Communism, Brutality and Democide

Fed up with Covid-19 vaccine mandates and restrictions on almost the entire workforce, thousands of New Zealanders convoy to Parliament in early February 2022. On arrival into Wellington without a government-issued 'vaccine passport', most are refused access to hotels, cafes and amenities. Nevertheless, they are welcomed by tangata whenua (Maori) to Parliament's front lawn, were they set up camp.

A brutal assault by police on 10 February fails to remove the protestors; rather it shocks the nation and attracts thousands more. As a storm approaches, the Speaker of the House, Trevor Mallard, orders flood lighting, loud music and vaccination advertising to be played on repeat; the lawn sprinklers are also turned on. However, Mallard's torture tactics, along with the worst cyclone in 60 years, fails to dampen the peoples' determination to stay -- "End the mandates!"

New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern commands that all parliamentarians must ignore the protesters. All the politicians, from both sides of the House, unite and comply, refusing to acknowledge the thousands of people below their balcony, in a rapidly growing 'Freedom Village.'

On 25 February, a High Court win is cause for celebration. Un-vaccinated staff of the New Zealand Police and the Defence Force are permitted to return to their jobs, when a judge rules the government mandate is 'unlawful.' But soon after, in a coordinated attack, the police ambush the camp at dawn, forcibly clearing everyone out, using brutal methods never before seen in Aotearoa (New Zealand.)

Nevertheless, the peace, love & kotahitanga (unity) shared by the protestors for 23 days will be forever remembered, as will the immorality and injustices of this time.

Buy the movie here:

RIVER OF FREEDOM - New Zealand Government Enforces Communism, Brutality and Democide

RIVER OF FREEDOM - New Zealand Government Enforces Communism, Brutality and Democide

RIVER OF FREEDOM - New Zealand Government Enforces Communism, Brutality and Democide

Historically Significant

This is an important and nuanced documentary from the people's perspective. From those that were actually there, that listened to their neighbour's. Listened to their heartbreak and humanity. Cried with them on the front line of a battle for social ethics that our grandparents had already won. Suffered with them through wind, rain, muck and baby sharks only to be met by deafening silence.

See past the prejudice du jour labels: mis, dis, mal, alt... Sad terms of division that have already tainted a generation.

See this historically significant New Zealand film and decide the truth for yourself. It may not be the single source of truth on the subject, but you can tell your neighbour all about it.

A Word to the UNVACCINATED! I salute the unvaccinated for their bravery against all odds... THEY ARE HEROS!


"Even if I were pollinated and fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressure I have ever seen, even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors.

People who were capable of such personality, courage and critical ability are undoubtedly the best of humanity. They are everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, states and ideas. They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wants to have in its ranks. They are the parents that every child wants to have and the children that every parent dreams of having. They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes.

They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were the only ones.

Banned from their families' tables at Christmas, they never saw anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, had no more money … but they didn't care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal and humiliation … but they kept going.

Never before in humanity has there been such a "casting", now we know who are the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed.

That's you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, astronauts and geniuses could not withstand.

You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark."


Historical NZ documentary

A tragic yet uplifting account about the strength and community spirit that is still alive in New Zealand today despite the government oppression we are all living under. Makes me proud to be a part of this spirit. I believe the documentary was very balanced in its portrayal of the events and showed the current administrations utter contempt for the people it is supposed to represent.

It showcased the incredible diversity we have, culturally, ethnically and religiously and how this is a strength to be cherished.

Incredible that nearly all those involved maintained an attitude of love and peace throughout even when put under constant adverse conditions.

Outstanding documentary

This was outstanding. It captures the reality of the protest so accurately, the authenticity of the people involved and the tragedy in how the protestors were treated by a corrupt government and out of control police force acting illegally.

This document is a must to see but it goes further than that. It should be aired on tv, and it should be part of the curriculum in schools, documenting this historic protest, the plight of the people, and the tyranny our government subjected us to while using the New Zealand Police to act in the most disgusting, and embarrassing way possible on the people of New Zealand. This documentary counters the propaganda previously published by New Zealand's paid off media who are also guilty of disgusting acts on the protestors.

Awesome movie

This is an awesome movie. It's nice to actually get to see the real truth about what happened instead of having to put up with the governments garbage propaganda all the time. It's funny, it's sad, but it's the truth, and it needs to be seen by all. It shows the level of corruption that we the people have been getting subjected to, and it is truly frightening.

I absolutely believe that everybody in the country should watch this movie to get a true perspective of what truly happened, and what the reasons behind it were.

The organization that went into this from all the participants was huge. The filming and editing was great.

A moving recall of a time govt exceed its powers.

It was a very moving documentary. And I was surprised to see the Embassy Theatre overbooked for the premiere It made me realise how people's lives were impacted by an unnecessary mandate. Being overseas at the time I didn't realise there was convoys from all over New Zealand, similar to the one in Canada.

Also, it showed a really rare moment where thousand of people protested in New Zealand and got unified against unfair decisions and the danger of government overreach on people rights and freedom.

The only negative point would be the length of the documentary. It could have been shortened slightly.

Everyone in NZ needs to see this!

This film is about one of the most important events in recent New Zealand history. While most people have seen the 'mainstream' talking points about the event, this documentary focuses on the perspectives of the people at the protest. For those who do not agree with the occupiers, go and see to understand the perspective of those that were there. For those who didn't make it to the protest, watch to see how harmonious it was. And for those who went, watch to remember that you were part of a historic moment.

This documentary is worthwhile watching, it shows the impact of the vaccine on people's lives, and the impact of the mandates on many people.


Friday night we went to Hastings to watch River of Freedom. Although it was important to show snippets of Adern..Hipkins Doomfield etc this got me instantly angry!..but soon recovered as the movie of Love and Unity progressed.

A well put together account with no "Penfold" or " Hollywood" over dramatization involved. Straight from the Heart is what it is.

If any thing is to be " Mandated " then this film should be in that ALL NEW ZEALANDERS NEED to WATCH!! This would be an amazing "REALITY CHECK" for all and I belive this could be the start of saving our wonderful country.

Bruce Porter, Patoka, Hawkes Bay...and yes I was there.

A Wild Ride

Amazing documentary capturing the true essence of the New Zealand convoy and protests that started from the top of the north island and the bottom of the South Island, converging on parliament grounds in Wellington. People from all walks of life, views and religions against the New Zealand government mandates.

Every day people who stood up for themselves, their families, communities, their mana and sovereignty. Their freedoms and right to choose medical treatments.

A documentary funded by the people, for the people from experienced film makers that will take you on a wild ride. A New Zealand piece of history.

Strong, powerful, uplifting voices that just wanted to be heard. Go see it and decide for yourself!

An Important Record of a Dark Time in New Zealand's history

This is an important and powerful record of a dark time in our nation's history. The documentary stays true to the lived experience of the harms caused to ordinary Kiwis by the unlawful vaccine mandates that violated the New Zealand Bill of Rights and medical ethics. Whatever your view on the Govt's covid policy response, the film clearly shows there were serious harms experienced by both protestors and those who complied with the mandates. You will hear the painful stories from protestors who were excluded from even their own churches and business owners who had to reluctantly dismiss valued employees and those harmed by the vaccine.

The documentary also includes the voices of those heroic and courageous health care professionals who risked their livelihoods and professional reputations to warn the public of potential harms.

The cinematography and music is beautiful and poignant and for someone who attended the protest, provides a much needed catharsis. The film also captures the on the ground operations of an organic, functioning and nurturing community village established by the protestors against all odds. Not many people watching the mainstream account will know the likes of Sir Russel Coutts visited the village. This is contrasted by the government's response and their ignorance of the protestors (many who had voted Labour) to meet with and discuss their concerns.

The attacks from the main stream media and the attempts to demonise and propagandise protestor's genuine concerns, and the brutality of the NZ Police in their response to remove the protestors is honestly documented.

The only suggestion I would have is the length of the documentary and that it may need to be shortened for a wider audience.

Thank you River of Freedom for showing us that there was a serious attempt to subvert the values and laws of our nation and of the individual human heart and spirit and that these cannot be broken.

God defend our free land.

Ona mano tangata Kiri whero, kiri ma, Iwi Maori, Pakeha, Rupeke katoa, Nei ka tono ko nga he Mau e whakaahu ke, Kia ora marire Aotearoa

From dissension, envy, hate, And corruption guard our state, Make our country good and great, God defend New Zealand.

A beautiful film full of despair and hope in equal measure

This documentary film about the history making protest in New Zealand's parliament grounds in 2022 doesn't tell you what to think. It gently weaves a narrative together from the strands of tales of the individuals who attended the protest and allows you room to come to your conclusion. From the beginning of the protest when people had so much hope, the juxtaposition of the violence that ended the protest was jarring in its brutality and you can't help but feel that justice is yet to be served in New Zealand in regards to the government's extreme response to Covid and in particular the imposition of vaccine mandates. The skill of the filmmakers is to show the humanity of the people who just want to be heard by those who are supposed to serve them. A devastating film that should be compulsory viewing for every New Zealander.

An Iconic Moment in New Zealand

Great record of a historic protest in New Zealand.

There was no coverage from mainstream media at the time except to condemn the protesters, it's great to see a more well rounded view of the events at the time and the events leading up to the protest.

Can't wait for part two, when answers to the following questions are sort:

Why did Trevor Mallard turn on the sprinklers at parliament when there were people camping on the grounds and why did he play loud music to drain out the protesters who were exercising their rights
Why did every sitting politician avoid the protesters, they were obviously not in danger since they had such a strong Police presence
Why did the Police employ such violent tactics and why have no charges been laid against Police officers that employed unreasonable violence (why are they above the law)

A gripping look into the anti-mandate protest on the grounds of parliament in New Zealand during the time of covid mandates

A moving documentary capturing the spirit of unity as government mandated overreach compelled people from different walks of life to convoy from the furthest reaches of New Zealand to the doorstep of government in Wellington for 23 days. Stunning cinematography tells an incredible story of resilience as government propaganda was unleashed on protestors through state owned media and a police force willing to use brutal force against their own citizens who simply wanted covid mandates to end. A heartfelt original soundtrack accompanies this story told through the voices and imagery of people who had lost their jobs, family, friends, and livelihoods, with nothing left but their courage, standing up against an oppressively juvenile government, wild forces of nature, and a bewildered nation who were subjected to a daily onslaught of biased media reports. An excellent study of how government controlled the narrative and of how quickly the protestors took care of their needs during the occupation of parliament.

An awesome historical documentary

As an attendee it was an accurate and insightful documented revelation about what occurred in Wellington and why so many people were passionate about defending their right to choose medical autonomy - something that was enshrined in NZ and international legislation but ignored by those governing the country and leading our public healthcare. Highly recommend this be shown as part of school curriculum as any significant historical event and the power that can happen when people come together for a sensational cause and defence of their rights. This angle and footage was definitely not conveyed by mainstream media.


You captured the feeling of the Freedom Convoy and the Freedom village beautifully. I hadn't realized how far back I had pushed the painful memories. Thank you so much for telling the true story of what happened. It was good to see the contrast at each stage between what we were experiencing and what our treasonous government did/said.

Stunning soundtrack, so good to see so many of the musicians that were at the protest featured in the movie. I marvelled at how good you managed to get mobile phone footage on such a large screen.

The audiences reaction to the key players spoke volumes and added to the impact of the evening.

Bless you all for what you have done sharing our story.

Beautiful, raw and truthful cinematic experience

This movie is a beautifully crafted exploration of the parliament anti-mandate protest. It's truthful and raw in its footage over the 23 days and who the people were, why they were there and what they wanted. They were just everyday kiwis!

All creeds, ages and types of people from NZ culture were there! I was very moved and it's shown how the government ignored the cries of its people. This govt has damaged NZ. But the film has left us with a sense of hope and love for each other. Thankyou to everyone involved in bringing this movie to life. I liked the showing of news snippets and then what was really going on. The media are so complicit in spreading mis-information about the people who camped on the lawn at this time. Shame on you all.

By the way. Marama Fox was excellent.

A must watch documentary

A very well produced documentary.showing the real story behind the parliament protest. All New Zealanders should watch as the main stream media portrayed a completely different story at the time of the protests. It tells the story of who the people were, why they were protesting and what happened. It told lots of peoples different perspectives. It was amazing how the people came together and organised themselves. The food kitchen, medical area, yoga areas to mention a few were impressive set ups. People from all walks of life came together and supported each other. The sound track and filming were outstanding.

A piece of history

Having been part of the convoy and attended the Freedom Village, River of Freedom accurately portrays what I and my friends experienced.

The film takes you through a whole array of emotions - from the enormously uplifting and life-affirming feelings of societal unity and the innate goodness of people, through the frustration of the mainstream media's inaccurate portrayal of the events, to the horrors of the violence inflicted.

It shows in stark contrast, the old hierarchical, patriarchal system where communicating with those who hold a difference of opinion is not entertained nor tolerated, and the new system of unity consciousness based on the foundation that more can be achieved if we work together than work against each other.

I have never been involved in anything political, nor attended any kind of protest, ever, until this situation happened.

This film captures the essence of why so many value-driven people were called to action.


Great documentary

I went to watch the premiere of this documentary at the embassy cinema in Wellington, New Zealand.

This documentary really captured the true essence of the convoy/protest. Interviews with real people that where there for what they believed in. Regular kiwi's who travelled all the way from the top and bottom of the country to meet in New Zealand's capital city to have their voices heard.

Most of all it portrayed how the people of New Zealand were ignored by all members of their government, vilified by the mainstream media an brutalised by the Police force.

Thanks to all the people involved who put this together.

Beautifully crafted documentary

Moving depiction of one of the darkest moments in New Zealands history. Wonderfully shot and edited. River of freedom showed the power of a corrupt narrative on a small nation mislead by a populist Prime Minister who came to believe she was the Mother Teresa of the South Pacific. There's no narration which makes the message all the more powerful. The drone photography added immensely to the visual impact with sweeping movements high above New Zealands parliament dwarfing the protestors tents. New Zealanders politicians agreed unanimously to not speak to the protestors proclaiming them as terrorists. This documentary will only become all the more powerful with the passing of time and will serve as a poignant warning against government over reach masquerading as safety.

A story that needed to be told

A must watch for every kiwi and soon the world. To see a prime minister who gladly created a two their society .. the darling of the WEF and the world who was basically evil to her own people .. I am proud to say I was there and we were on the right side of history .. The sense of community was amazing .. I was there for my vaccine injured son who still suffers from Chronic myocarditis over a year later at only 26 diagnosed by drs but little they can do for it.. I will continue to stand up until the gov reconise and start helping the 65000 kiwis who suffered Vax injuries. This film is beautifully made lovely cinematography, great sound .. a top level production. I truly hope this film goes international.

Documentary - When a government overreaches the people stand up

This followed from the eyes of those with cameras and film makers on the journey into the protest at Wellington, the capital city in New Zealand. This has taken footage from many sources and bought it together in an extremely comprehensive way. It follows from the top of the North Island to the bottom of the South. Shows the incomprehensible reaction from a Government which was creating an overreach into the lives of all New Zealanders.

With livliehoods being lost, mortgages at risk of not being paid people did what they could, this shows those who came - but also those who supported them to come.

The Prime Minister, is shown from footage from the main stream media, saying that there is a two tier society, that Covid would hunt down the unvaccinated, but never acknowledged those who were injured by the vaccinations.

The parliamentary parties refused to come and see the people but sent in the riot police ....

Essential viewing, especially for those who didn't attend the protest

I wasn't there. I only watched events unfold across public-access media platforms - a narrative constructed to illustrate one viewpoint only. I didn't hear the stories of the people who gathered in thousands on Parliament grounds.

Until now. Until this...

Here is a documentary that never resorts to hyperbole or over-dramatisation. There is no voice-over narrator to manipulate the viewer's opinions. Instead, the film consists largely of people describing their experience of the mandates, their reasons for participating in the protest, and the historical events that they witnessed.

The film is immaculately constructed. The cinematography often exquisite - especially during the early sequences where sweeping drone footage captures the New Zealand landscape in all its rugged green and cloud-draped expanse. The pacing is superb, the twining stories compelling. It is an accomplished and intelligent piece of filmmaking; leavened with lightness, humour and hope without ever losing sight of the grim and challenging aspects of the situation... or the chaos and brutality of its conclusion.

This is powerful, poignant and often profound. For anyone still capable of accepting the opinions and lived experiences of others, it is an essential film.

Over step

A tragic moment for this country and mandated loss of human rights, political overreach at its finest and all for a lab leakd virus that was human engineered and partially fund by Dr Anthony Fauchi. I suggest the next Doccumentntry you watch is (The real anthony Fauchi) by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

All this unsettled devide in or country for a vaccination that wasnt even tested to stop for transmission of the virus and caused Myocarditis killing thousands. Jacinder really showed her true colours and once you understand she is in bed with the World Economic Forum it all makes senses. Bunch of Nazies lol(awkward laugh).

But over all great movie, shows how the comunity can pull together and the strength we have in numbers, i just wish the government wouldn't actually listen to its people.

A Visual Journey Through New Zealand's Protests

River of Freedom offers stunning images into the Wellington protests in New Zealand, where people rallied against the govt and its covid vaccine mandates. However, the documentary's runtime of 2.5 hours felt excessive, it spends too much time on irrelevant details about things happening inside the freedom village while I was expecting to see more about the facts that led to the protest and the outcomes.

The documentary excels in showcasing the striking visuals and impressive organization behind the protest. I was particularly impressed with the industrial kitchen set up to feed the protesters. While the documentary primarily focuses on the protest itself, I was expecting to see more about how dangerous govt overreach on people's life can be. I think this documentary has greater appeal for those who attended the protest only.

Download here: The-Odd-Similarities-between-the-Assassinations-of-Abraham-Lincoln-and-John-F-Kennedy-In-Under-4-Minutes-2023-09-04.mp4 - 8,124 kb
By: The World We Live In - 4th September 2023

The Odd Similarities between the
Assassinations of Abraham Lincoln &
John F. Kennedy - In Under 4 Minutes

Lincoln and Kennedy's assassinations have an odd amount of similarities. In this video you will learn every strange similarity, and can decide whether you believe this is a coincidence or something else.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

  • Both were elected to congress in '46: Lincoln was elected in 1846 from Illinois, and Kennedy was elected in 1946 from Massachusetts.
  • Both were elected to the presidency in '60: Lincoln was elected in 1860, and Kennedy was elected in 1960.
  • Both have seven letters in their last names ("Lincoln" and "Kennedy").
  • Both were concerned with civil rights:
    • Lincoln felt strongly that all slaves should be freed and issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which legally freed slaves within the Confederacy.
    • Kennedy was concerned with racial equality and was the first to propose what would be the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  • Both married in their 30s to women who were in their 20s:
    • Lincoln was married on November 4, 1842. Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, making him 33 years old at the time of his wedding. Lincoln's bride, Mary Anne Todd, was born on December 13, 1818, making her 23 years old at the time of the wedding.
    • Kennedy was married on September 12, 1953. Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917, making him 36 years old at the time of his wedding. Kennedy's bride, Jacqueline Bouvier, was born on July 28, 1929, making her 24 years old at the time of the wedding.
  • Both were shot on a Friday: Lincoln was shot on Good Friday, April 14, 1865, and Kennedy was shot on Friday, November 22, 1963.
  • Both were shot in the head.
  • Both of the presidents' successors were named Johnson: Lincoln was succeeded by Andrew Johnson, and Kennedy was succeeded by Lyndon B. Johnson.
  • Both had security agents named William who each died within 48 hours of attaining the age of 75 years, 5 months: Lincoln's bodyguard, William H. Crook, was born October 15, 1839, and died March 13, 1915. Kennedy's secret service agent, William Greer, was born September 22, 1909, and died February 23, 1985.
  • Both were succeeded by Southerners: Andrew Johnson was from Tennessee, and Lyndon B. Johnson was from Texas.
  • Both successors were born in '08: Andrew Johnson was born December 29, 1808, and Lyndon B. Johnson was born August 27, 1908.
  • Both assassins, John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald, are known by their three names, although this is common for many notorious assassins who are covered by the press (see Mark David Chapman). This is routinely done by the press to avoid tarnishing the reputations of people with similar names (i.e., there are many John Booths, Lee Oswalds, and Mark Chapmans).
  • Each assassin's full name is composed of fifteen letters.
  • Each assassin committed his crime while in the place where he was regularly employed. Booth worked as an actor at Ford's Theater; Oswald was employed at the Texas School Book Depository.

Odd Similarities between the Assassinations of Abraham Lincoln & John F. Kennedy

Also a week before he was killed Lincoln was in Monroe,Maryland. And a week before he was killed Kennedy was in Marylin Monroe!

Of course they're all coincidences! But the most shocking one to me was the "seven letters in their last name" similarity.

It's funny how two women with the same last names as the other president warned them not to die

1 month ago
Cue the Twilight Zone Music.

Download here: Capitol-of-Conformity-Dystopian-Sci-Fi-2023-08-30.mp4 - 8,633 kb
By: Aze Alter - 30th August 2023
Capitol of Conformity
Dystopian Sci-Fi

Welcome to the future! Where the pursuit of unending joy comes with hidden costs. This retro futuristic metropolis has many hidden wonders you won't want to miss out on!

"..what's the cost for such a paradise? Well, dear viewer, some prices aren't paid in gold or silver. We only ask you for one thing - your identity. We'll need the very core of who you are. It's a small price for a lifetime of unending joy, don't you think?"

Prompted, Written & Directed by: Aze Alter
Visuals Assisted By: Midjourney, @Pika_Labs & GEN 2

I'm Bio-shocked at how well done this is.
Creepy, surreal, and yet, a little too close to home to ignore.

The narrator's vocal tone and cadence, added pauses, glitch and stutter effects, plus the visuals and music...all work PERFECTLY. I've watched this numerous times. You're on to something here Aze. Looking forward to your future works.

I'm not a fan of AI but even I can't deny the way you used it here is pretty remarkable. Artists aren't required to use or ignore any tools at their disposal, and if you're telling stories/conceptual narratives in this way then I'm all for it.

This might be the most creepy, yet fascinating video I've seen in ages. Absolutely stellar work

The "for your safety line" sends chills down my spine. Way way way way too real

This was terribly realistic. Recently I've been studying the philosophy behind simulation theory, I'm really blown away how closely psychological this video was, key points raised. Imagine this reality and how many would jump in without thinking, or are we already in this story?

So cool!! You portrayed a dystopian utopia better than anything I've ever seen! And the Alan Watts style narration fits so perfectly with everything. Can't wait for the next one!

i saw this on insta reels but this is absolutely amazing! the retrofuturism goes so well with the existentialist theme! please consider making this a full movie if you can

I have watched this over a hundred times, this is absolutely brilliant and terrifying at the same time.

I'd watch the hell out of a movie like this. Better then the assembly line crap Hollywood has been putting out

I need this as a whole movie its so cool and i love the eeriness masked with the warm fuzzy colors. A 30 minute version would be good

Download here: The-Oklahoma-City-bombing-was-an-inside-job-2023-08-20.mp4 - 9,633 kb
By: illuminatibot - 20th August 2023
The Oklahoma City bombing
was an inside job!

The Oklahoma City bombing was an inside job!

Shepardess #TakeDownTheCCP
Explains why none of the OKC natives were mad at McVeigh. That's what I witnessed as a Whirlpool rep living in OKC when this happened.
I'm serious, no one said one bad word about him. They understood why it happened, but didn't dare speak the details. They were heartbroken.

9/11 Revisited
Reminder: The bombing happened just 4 days before Hillary Clinton was to be indicted in the Whitewater scandal. All documents lost!

Lana Asanin
All of them were inside jobs!

Download here: Joe-Rosati-LIFTING-VEILS-in-432Hz-Official-Music-Video-A-song-for-healing-and-enlightening-humanity-2023-07-03.mp4 - 36,138 kb
By: TruthStream - 3rd July 2023
Joe Rosati
(Official Music Video)
A song for healing & enlightening humanity

Now available for streaming worldwide, landing page
I am honored to share this song and video with all who experience it. This song is featured in the documentary film #cages created by Lewis Herms and friends. See the film here
Lifting Veils is dedicated to the great awakening and those healing & enlightening humanity. For lyrics, to download or support click

GREAT JOB, Joe!!! LOVE the new song! Thanks for all you and Scott are doing to WAKE HUMANITY! Keep up the awesome work!

Wow, I couldn't help but cry... The visuals are beautifully expressed and words so eloquently written. I love that you recorded this at 432Hz. I can feel the difference in my body and heart. Thank you for the gift of healing through your music. <3

Love this song so much and the video is magnificent. New anthem. Now we are truly on the path to healing it all through seeing and feeling it all. And the results will blow all of our minds in the most beautiful and unimaginable way. I have seen it.

Tears flowing!! Such a beautiful testimony of what we are all doing to WAKE THE WHOLE WORLD UP!!
Thank youuuuu Joe for sending me your link to this song!!
God bless you dear friend!!

Gawd in floods of tears . So raw . It's like I hear the pain and your power in your voice. Thank you

Well Done!
Absolutely chilling part is the CHILDREN. I will never forget learning and seeing it for the first time. 2020 was the best and worst time of my life. Thank You God

love the music in 432 Hz, you can feel it in your body!

I wish everyone enjoys and appreciates your Talent. Most people don't realize how much time, effort and collaboration (Nick Alvear and others) takes just for one video. I didn't realize how many years you have been trying to get your music heard. Good Luck to you Joe! You deserve all good fortune and for your Music to be heard. If you hadn't of had different things in your life happen, think of all the good people you might not have met.

Fantastic Joe!!! You're such a warrior of love, healing and talent!! Thank you for creating this truely meaningful eye opening song that is contributing to the awakening of so much! It's all so vast, yet people like you are helping to bring so much to light!!! So proud of you!!! Keep creating with all that you do, as your messages are so powerful albeit music, Truth Stream or conversations in the back yard. xoB

Beautifully done. Just heard about you through Mike Jaco and Kevin Hoyt. Fabulous trio

What an inspiring song! The video fits it perfectly. Keep up the awesome work Joe!

Download here: Eric-Hecker-Whistleblower-on-Whats-Going-on-in-Antarctica-Man-made-Earthquakes-Christchurch-etc-2023-06-12.mp4 - 9,146 kb
By: Concerned Citizen - 12th June 2023
Eric Hecker, Whistleblower on
What's Going on in Antarctica?
Man made Earthquakes, Christchurch etc...

Holy Shit.

This is one of the most compelling testimonies as to what's happening in Antarctica I've ever heard.

If you're into this - it's a must watch, we all know there is some crazy shit going on 'down' there...

Derek Broes
I have tweeted in the past about a dark web video I saw of Bush Sr ordering the earthquake hit on Japan for threatening to pull away from the dollar. Japan was hit with a 9.0 earthquake and the tsunami that followed. Listen to what this man discloses about Antarctica earthquake generator. Insane.

Its about time we were told whats going on in Antarctica....this is a good start

Download: PLANDEMIC-3-THE-GREAT-AWAKENING-FULL-MOVIE-2023-06-03.mp4 - 272,983 kb
By: Coronavirus Plushie - 3rd June 2023
The Great Awakening
Full Movie

The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic series. This documentary experience assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what's really happening in America and beyond. The Great Awakening is intended to be a lighthouse to guide us out of the storm and into a brighter future.

Klaus Schwab: You will own nothing...

Download here: Final-Days-Worldwide-Premiere-2023-06-01.mp4 - 479,847 kb
By: Complete Shows - Stew Peters - 1st June 2023
'Final Days' Worldwide Premiere
A Stew Peters Documovie

From the Directors of Died Suddenly': Final Days' Exposing the Scientific Technological Elite and their desire to become gods. The Covid pandemic was the test run for an even more sinister plot to come.

My 75 year old aunt texted me last night to tell me she and my uncle tested positive for Covid. I drove to their house at 12:30 AM and dropped off Ivermectin pills, HCQ, zinc, and Quercetin. She told me today her fever came down and that I may have saved her life. Uncle is feeling great. This is considered a negative outcome by the cabal. They would prefer my family dead. Their evil is no longer a theory and very much a reality. You can get your ivm by visiting

None of that godless nano crap will enter my body willingly.

Wow, well done ladies and gentlemen of the Stew Peters Network!!! That was awesome, I'm gonna watch it over again to catch what I missed, especially where I couldn't read fast enough.

Stew Peters for President.

Then if you're allowed to become POTUS, make sure Karen Kingston gets a powerful position where she can help crush these demonic despots of the medical-military industrial complex.

The week of June 21 make sure friends and family are off Coastal Areas and away from Fault Lines.

wish you would not have used monkeys... men were not from monkeys

Great job, thank you & God Bless all those awake in the Light!

Great viewing. Share Share Share we are the MSM.

Robert Jeffress disqualified himself as a pastor. I'm sorry to say. His promotion of the vaccine has demonstrated his blindness. He has attacked another great pastor, J.D. Farag, for saying the fake CV-19 injection is connected to, will soon become, lead to, bring in, etc...the mark of the Beast. Look around...J.D. is spot on and the Evacuation of the true Church is very soon.

guess who's back, back again, Stewie's back, tell a friend

The fact that evil people rule is only ONE part of the equation. The pack of leading criminals do not operate in a vacuum, and never have. There are 2 destructive human pink elephants in the room and they are MARRIED --- (or

The criminals in powers are in those positions and do what they do ONLY because of the mostly willful activities, or inactivities, of the majority of self-entitled "good" or "compassionate" or "religious" people --- the 90-95% of the herd.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." --- Martin Luther King, Jr, 1929-1968, Civil Rights Activist

Isn't it about time for anyone to wake up to the ULTIMATE DEPTH of the human rabbit hole --- rather than remain blissfully willfully ignorant in a narcissistic fantasy land and play victim like a little child?

Without a proper understanding, and full acknowledgment, of the true WHOLE problem and reality, no real constructive LASTING change is possible for humanity.

And if anyone does NOT acknowledge, recognize, and face (either wittingly or unwittingly) the WHOLE truth THEY are helping to prevent this from happening. And so they are "part of the problem" and not part of the solution.

The ruling criminals pulled off the Covid Scam globally via its WHO institution because almost all nations belong to it. Sign the declaration at to exit the WHO

"We'll know our Disinformation Program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---William Casey, a former CIA director=a leading psychopathic criminal of the genocidal US regime

Looking forward to this one!

What do we need so many humans for? Are you kidding me; what and evil sick human. This was the reason for the so called Covid pandemic; to euthanize humans worldwide. Sadly people are finding out just how evil these people are by the shear number of humans that have died as a result of the vaccine push and mandates. There will be long term side effects well into the future. So glad I did not fall for the scam.

Download: The-Most-Disturbing-Scams-In-Society-Education-Pharmaceutical-Invention-Industry-Big-Banks-Rat-Race-Pandemic-2023-05-24.mp4 - 101,838 kb
By: Moon - 24th May 2023
The Most Disturbing Scams In
Society Education, Pharmaceutical,
Invention Industry, Big Banks,
Rat Race, Pandemic...

For 22 years, I offered my services as a volunteer religious provider for the prisons in New York. On my first visit to a correctional institution, the first thing I noticed was how closely the architecture of a prison resembled that of a public school.

I'm 61 years old, (today, actually) and finally I am really pleased to see that someone else, someone younger at that, finally gets what I've thought for decades!
Thank you!
EVERYTHING is pretty much a scam.

"Even though your soul knows this is all bullshit."

Man, you hit the nail on the head. So many people are going to such extremes because their souls are crying out. Instead of listening they drown it out with various different addictions.

I was helping in my child's class recently. A little girl was telling me how much she hated taking her pills. I asked why and she said she hated everything about the pills. I felt SO SORRY for the little girl.

I love the fact that I'm being warned that watching TV makes my brain more vulnerable to indoctrination while at the same time I am watching your channel thereby making me more vulnerable to indoctrination. Like my six year old would say "mind blown"

It has been a privilege watching this channel with you all.

Our schools are indeed prison camps. I worked in a primary school and the purpose was to destroy individuality. Ever wondered why playtime outside is chaotic with screaming kids? You can feel and hear the release of frustration. Then a whistle blows and they are lined up, shouted at and back to the monotony of supression of their souls.

"Some children don't fit into this mold. Their creativity is bursting out too much, that you have to take other measures. ...And for that, we just have to turn to the next scammers on our list."

Oh joy, we're going to talk about psychologists and pharmaceutical companies aren't we?

Or as I like to call it, MKUltra for Kids!

Yeah, I have first hand experience with this one. That bit about schools being similar to prisons is more true than you realize, if you refused to click your jackboots together and conform.

You have no idea how many drugs they will put you on if your single mother lets them. The list will grow and grow, while they gaslight you into believing you're the problem, not the decrepit and abusive society you've been thrust into without consent.

I had a girl in my class back in elementary school who was completely normal and nice. A year later, she was set up on meds! She changed and acted sleepy and medicine-drunk all the time! I really felt bad for her, and from the smell of her breath, it was a very potent drug! Where ever you are now, I hope you're doing fine...

I am a retired UK Geography teacher with thirty years experience.
This guys' comment on schools being prisons and reducing creativity are spot on.
However, the point on creating a generation of spineless jellyfish is incredibly on point.
Schools are awful places that are business
Any leader who tells you otherwise is lying.
Ant p uk teacher retired

As someone who was put on adhd meds at a very young age i appreciate you moon for exposing the fact that these drugs arent made to help individuals but to control and medicate

Download: Plandemic-3-The-Great-Awakening-Trailer-2023-05-19.mp4 - 23,734 kb
By: PlandemicSeriesOfficial - 19th May 2023
Plandemic 3
The Great Awakening

Premiere on June 3rd -

Nuremberg 2.0 needs to happen in some fashion. All the want-to-be dictator need to be charged and locked up!

Im so looking forward to this documentary

Mikki has a most awesome soul. Thank you so much!

Did you know that our own government is financing the Illegal Alien Caravans with your tax dollars, that we are spending 150 Billion per year to support Illegal Aliens, that Fentanyl imported from Mexico is killing over 100,000 Americans per year. What we are seeing is Biden's "Great Replacement" of Americans. Finally did you know that Universal E-Verify and other measures could send all 6 to 15 million of Biden's Illegal Aliens back home. With millions of Americans homeless and struggling it is time to do just that: send them all back home.

Open Borders are just another part of Biden's Globalist Plan to destroy the United States and the rest of the developed world
Biden and the Democrats are putting American Citizens last and footing us with the bill

eye opening

Should be shared.
Not enough views, very good trailer.

Powerful Trailer. Will be watching on June 3rd.

How many times has Rumble deleted comments here? WTF where is our free speech?

I can't wait to see this. Fantastic job!
Share share share!

Thank you for posting this video. Definitely want to see the actual full documentary.

Love to you all!!!

Thank You!


So many will even refuse to watch. They cover their eyes! It's so weird to see….

They trained the Skinner lab rats ( humans) for years, till 2020. They knew what they were doing.

Download here: SOUND-OF-FREEDOM-Official-Trailer-2023-Human-trafficking-paedophile-movie-2023-05-13.mp4 - 6,886 kb
By: Movie Trailers Source - 13th May 2023
Official Trailer (2023)
Free the children from human trafficking / paedophile movie

First movie trailer for Sound of Freedom starring Jim Caviezel.

After 3 years of waiting for this movie to be launched the White Hat's chose July 4, 2023 to release it.

The SOUND OF FREEDOM opens July 4, 2023. It will be one of the greatest, most profoundly impactful films ever made, showcasing the true pandemic: Elite Child Trafficking & Satanic Ritual Abuse.

Lori G the First
Regarding those who spearheaded this film; I served as Remote Intern for Metanoia Films in the early 2000s, a production company Eduardo Verstegui and Alejandro Gomez Monteverde founded. Their focal point at that time was their "Bella" film. For several years I was honored to assist in whatever capacity. I've kept tabs on them and knowing they have come around yet again, now with Angel Studios (whom I've been blessed to invest in projects with)… it's wonderful. This real story about the horrors of trafficking needs to and will be told.

Greg Emerson
Thank you so much Angel Studios for bringing this film to the light of day it needs and deserves!! People share this far and wide!

Dallas Taylor Fitness
Looks like a great movie with an even better message! May God bless all of the heroes who rescue these children, may He protect and heal the kids who have been abducted, and may God deal with the pedophiles with His perfect justice.

If I remember right, Amazon studios was going to do this a couple years ago and backed out.. So much truth to it… Glad to see Angel studios acquire the rights to it. Jim is an inspiring actor and was amazing in Passions.. I remember him from his G.I Jane days.????????

Man. It looks like Jim Caviezel is knocking another one right out of the park.

Lisa Hughes
Is this really happening?
We have been waiting to see this for a couple years now.
Cannot wait for July 4th!

Margaret Trantham
Let's pray for everyone involved in this production ??

Nicholas Bollin
I want to see this badly. Looks dope.

Abdurashid Wampamba
Finally Jim has got a movie again after bogus Hollywood politics

Red bird 19
Thank you Tim Ballard and the great cast of actors!!
No child should be put into any compromised situation!
We need real Men to be Real Fathers!
God bless each and everyone involved in saving the children ?? ?? ??

Good Time Guy
It's strange that my most anticipated films are now Christian based.

Mustapha SoLo
Jim Caviezel.. Long Time No see
Always delivers..??

Download here: 1984-Tried-To-Warn-You-2023-05-12.mp4 - 176,378 kb
By: Moon - 12th May 2023
1984 Tried To Warn You
This video explores the message of 1984 on modernity and government control through Winston's struggle in the film 1984 and book called 1984.

"The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it." ~ George Orwell

i've been telling people for so long how much 1984 parallels with our society and it still fascinates me

My son is turning 10 this month. Id be lying if I wasn't extremely worried for him for when he is an adult..... Things are so out of control, I don't think we can get back on track without a huge sacrifice.

The depressing thing is, regardless of what clown politician we put in office, they will still have the puppets that own them pulling the strings. We sincerely need a "great reset" of the government from the ground up.

"The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he is in a prison." - Fyodor Dostoevsky

1984 left me absolutely devastated, it is the most terrifying book I've ever read.

This book has changed my life. Changed who and what I believe. "Those who control the present control the past, those who control the past control the future". Absolutely stunning quote which makes us qestion our own history as we know it .

"It's easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled." - Mark Twain

Lads , its a pleasure to be on a watchlist with you guys

It's wild that reading 1984 labels someone an extremist. It's part of my high school curriculum and facilitated great conversations about what the true purpose of government should be. I should note that I went to a small charter school, so a lot of my classes were a little different from the public curriculum :)

1984 was the most terrifying book I have ever read. Terror movies or terror books have always been boring for me, but 1984 left me absolutely terrified - probably because I could see the marks on the walls...

The book goes deeper than the movie but both are super accurate and valid. I've read first then discovered we have a movie played by the fine John Hurt (RIP). I read during the pre elections during 2022 and it was amazing to see similarities between reality and George Owell vision from 1949. He deciphed modern society nearly 80 years ago.

"1984", "Fahrenheit 451" and "Brave New World" should be required reading for all high school students before graduating. It shines a spotlight on the way the world really is.

This video changed my life! I picked up this book which was one of the first books that I've voluntarily read. After reading it I felt as if I'd gained immense perspective about the world. I've easily been able to see the similarities between this book and the world around me which is pretty startling. If you agree with me or not, I urge everyone to pick up this book and attempt to read it without any biases or preconceived condemnation of it.

Download: Results-of-a-WEF-UN-WHO-Cashless-Society-Watch-this-video-about-CBDC-before-it-gets-DELETED-2023-04-10.mp4 - 25,852 kb
By: 365 Days of Silver - 10th April 2023
Results of a WEF / UN / WHO

Watch this video about CBDC before it gets DELETED!

Watch this video about CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) before it gets DELETED!

#gold #cbdc #bank

Now I understand why older people did not trust banks and kept their funds in their mattress.

Matthew Brown
This was one of the best videos I have ever seen on CBDC. I am an American, and I find the Brits funny in a good way. Also, shows the very real danger of CBDC. ??

DJ Knox
There is one very key motivation behind CBDCs that this video does not suggest. Our financial systems are overloaded with public debt which will eventually cause a massive monetary system crash. I am convinced the CBDCs will be used as a "bail in." So for example, your $25K might get converted to only $15K worth of CBDC in real value terms. This can be progressive too like income tax is. If you have $100K you might only get $50K, and $500K might only get $150K and so on. This will be explained as necessary for the CBDC to work. I am convinced this is the ONLY way for irresponsible governments to find a way to fix what they broke. Ask yourself why administrations under Biden or say Trudeau don't seem worried about near limitless spending? Sometimes I think the whole Covid thing was manufactured as a catalyst for the Great Reset - if not the virus itself, certainly the pandemic's reaction. And BTW, CBDCs are just a tool - it is the objectives behind The Great Reset that we need to pay close attention to. It is very neo-Marxist at it's core, with a nice twist of corporate feudalism/fascism as the elites always want to stay above the fray.

David Bridge
Keep posting these, people need to see what's going on

CryMe ARiver
CBDC stands for criminally Backed Digital Currency

Resist, Defy, Do not comply......
Government is the enemy......

Fantastic video 365, thank you brother ????

Stuart Bass
We need to take a stand or we're all screwed

Thank you for keeping us up to date with these stories ????

The Modern Stacker
Had not seen this one yet. Very well put together. Thanks for posting this here. Cheers!

Stacker Factor
Amazing video, man. You're doing a public service. In America they'll start rolling this out by paying welfare checks and government workers in CBDC then getting celebrities onboard and then offer incentives for using it, just like in this video.

Download here: BEYOND-THE-RESET-Animated-Short-Film-about-the-not-to-distant-future-2023-03-02.mp4 - 57,949 kb
By: 3D Epix Inc. - 2nd March 2023
Animated Short Film about the
not too distant but dystopian future

A 3D animated short film about not too distant but a dystopian future. It speculates on the potential consequences of the infamous Great Reset, medical tyranny, woke culture, and green agenda. Everything, that World Economic Forum (WEF) is planning for us. If you'd like to buy me a beer, here is my PayPal address:

Spoiler: you will get to see an animated Klaus Schwab.

My Rumble channel:

If you'd like to support my work, you can become my Patron at
All Rights Reserved 3D Epix 2023 ©

The World leaders who worked hard to create a dystopian future for all of us, that included creating an illness, then a cure that kills us slowly, lockdowns, concentration camps then death camps - literally.
The World leaders who worked hard to create a dystopian future for all of us, that included creating an illness, then a cure that kills us slowly, lockdowns, concentration camps then death camps - literally.

3D Epix Inc.
I would like to address the most common and re-occurring comments here:
1. Many thanks to everyone who made a donation!
2. I have never watched I Pet Goat II until people started mentioning it here. The music is not from there.
3. Plants release oxygen only during the day. At night, when photosynthesis doesn't happen they release CO2. Here are some links to prove this statement:
4. The QR code on the door was randomly picked from the internet, never checked it before using it in the animation.
5. The sequel is possible, but I haven't come up with the plot and it will take time to accomplish.
6. SPOILER! Yes, the main character escaped in the garbage truck.
7. Russian and Spanish subtitles are available now.

Free Thinker Films - Jesse P. Watson
I can see a huge amount of work went into this, well done Oleg, one man productions are no small achievement.

rasta ralph
This is the scariest horror movie I've ever seen because if people don't stop complying we will all be there

Ice Scorpion
This is gold. Pure genius. What a masterpiece!! I've watched it like 5 times and shared it to everyone I know. The fact that one person creates this is insane!! The animation.. the soundtrack.. the concept and story.. incredible!

Karolina Szczudlo
It's scary how this animation would be considered hilariously funny and irrational few years back , now it's nightmarish reality...

Masa Mainio
This is a masterpiece and should be conserved for the generations to come.

If someone says "that can't happen here", show them this and remind them of the last few years. Everything that we were called "conspiracy theorists" for has turned out to be true.

Mal Function
A lesson from history, don't get on the bus.

Tony Storton
Horribly accurate for the dystopia we are being forced into. Resist at all costs.

"The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense." ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

It's frightening how close we already are to this potential future.

Thank you for creating this video. Sometimes, I think that I'm the only one feeling like what's portrayed in the video. I stopped complaining out loud, but still feel this way inside. Ty ty for letting me know I'm not alone in my observations and concerns. Great job with the video. So many details!!

Gary Foss
Extremely well done video! The powers that be (like the vile excuse for a human being that was shown in this video) would love to get rid of almost all of the what they/he calls "useless eaters" on this planet. If we don't stand up for our freedoms, this is pretty much what we have in store.

Jonny Gawdzik
Probably the best video on youtube since I Pet Goat II. Love the reptilian shapeshifting eyes when Klaus says ' and reset our world '

Tim Coolican
An exact representation of what our future holds.

Hairey Homestead
GREAT JOB! A sequel to this please.....- I have been writing scripts in my head on events like this happening and a new world order being rolled out. The reset is coming, there's no doubt in my mind. My imagined stories have people who "escaped" the lockdown. These people are called "the unlisted", "the runners" "the moles" and "the lost" which make up randomly formed communities that have developed an underground lifestyle of people with different but necessary life skills. All dreaming of the past to become the future again.

This is exactly how the dystopian future could look like if we stay safe, compliant and isolated! Thank you for making this brilliant film. Now we have something to share to the world. This is the best warning even though the message has been repeated all over the internet.

Download here: Anecdotals-The-Movie-VAERS-Covid-Vaccine-Damage-2022-12-16.mp4 - 490,826 kb
By: AnecdotalsMovieOfficial - 16th December 2022
Anecdotals "The Movie"
VAERS - Covid Vaccine Damage

While the vaccine debate grows more divided, those with adverse reactions get stuck in the middle. A compassionate exploration of the nuanced vaccine debate.

"Anecdotals," has been made available for free with no ads so that it is easily accessible for everyone. Any support you can give will go towards marketing and expenses from making the movie. (Even the price of a movie ticket would help.)

Contributions can be made at:



Download here: World-Premiere-Died-Suddenly-Documentary-2022-11-21.mp4 - 406,256 kb
By: Stew Peters Network - 21st November 2022
World Premiere: DIED SUDDENLY
WARNING: Contains graphic footage such as autopsy/s on cadaver/s
pulling long rubbery slugs out of the arteries and veins of vaccinated victims.

Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet.. we never seem to believe them.

The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.

They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.

You should have stated more clearly that the vaxes don't stop transmission. Great documentary though!

"The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense." ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

Here's the problem: The only people watching, are people who already know all this. It would be great if the sheeple would tune in, but hey, they've got the nightly news followed by half a dozen sitcoms, with cheetos and coke.

The shot is genocide. This is a planned World Economic Forum event. All governments are involved. They want to cut the population in half by 2050. How do you think this happens? They are murdering your families, friends, and coworkers. This is all in the bible by the way. The Great Reset to the world is the Tribulation to the Christian. You don't have to be here for this. There is an escape. The church is promised not to endure the hour of temptation that comes upon the whole world and its coming. The CBDC, Vaccine Passport, and Social Credit score is about to launch. That means the church is too. Get on the ark of salvation. You can become a Christian right now.. Accept you are a sinner and need a savior, then repent. Believe in the death burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus on the 3rd day. Confess with you mouth and believe in your heart Jesus is Lord. Commit your life to following Jesus you WILL be saved. Time is almost up, If you are looking for a sign this is it.


Not sure if I should share this to my jabbed family and friends ???
They are ether going to say this is BS or they will freak

Looking forward to this for some time. I remember when I was asking "how is the news going to get out?" before there was a group dedicated to it. A documentary was much needed, thankful for what you do.

Will the war pop off when people realize how badly they were hurt? Distractions have increased over the past year. War, famine, etc. Engineered collapse.

Great reset includes population reset… and it's going to be billions

It's heartbreaking for me to be in a society where people sit around waiting for: Mainstream media, Hollywood, social media, politicians, religious leaders and educators to tell them what to believe, without making an effort to do their own research.

Thank you for putting this together for the American people.

I'm getting out the word to everyone I know!!!!

As much as I agree with the sentiments and facts of this documentary let's me honest. This was a giant IQ test of the masses and this IQ test told us most people simply don't use their noggin. This comment will be very unpopular I'm sure but no one in this country forced people to take the clot shot. No one put a gun to our heads. The excuses range from job security to being able to travel. Like many I was told by my employer that I had to comply or lose my job. I chose my health over my freaking career or paycheck and in the end I won. I used the law and my employers own corporate rules and told them to shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Two years later I'm still employed, never been sick by the "coof" or by the jab and happy that I didn't cave. This is also why as a society we must learn to live within our means, prepare for financial emergencies so when anyone threatens our job security we can show them the middle finger and know we'll be oK, perhaps live frugally but we can subsist.

Wow! I can't believe the stupid sheep still don't see what is happening! I just watched on Stew Peters dot com and I'm watching it again here. This is absolutely nuts.

Thank you for airing this. We all know too many that died.

Share with everyone you know!

Download here: No-Side-Effects-from-Covid-Vaccines-Documentary-2022-11-17.mp4 - 107,284 kb
By: Living in Revelation - 17th November 2022
No Side Effects from Covid-19 Vaccines

This documentary explores different opinions of the vaccine as it relates to covid19. It lends a voice to the other narrative that has been censored from the media. You have a right to question the official narrative. Listen to four credible doctors as they provide their medical opinion surrounding the vaccine. God bless you all.

#nwo #vaccine #covid

Get off your knees, stand up and fight. We all know people who've died and injured. There's hope. Research protocols like IVM and Zinc. Those with the shots and the shedding is real. Excellent documentary. Thank you!

I know nurses who are seeing an increase in deaths now! over their 10-20 years of nursing never seen anything like it before. My information comes from real people who are seeing it first hand!

They knew these injections did not protect anyone, but pushed the lie! They knew these injections do not stop death, but they pushed the lie! They knew these injections will harm millions, but pushed the lie! Governments pushed the lie knowing the truth of these injections! That only leaves us with one reality here. they know the outcome.

Download here: The-Real-Anthony-Fauci-Movie-RFK-jr-Exposes-Dr-Deaths-Lifelong-Career-of-Medical-Genocide-2022-10-18.mp4 - 284,133 kb
By: GBNews - 18th October 2022
The Real Anthony Fauci - The Movie
RFK jr Exposes Dr. Deaths Lifelong Career of Medical Genocide

RFK jr Exposes Dr. Deaths Lifelong Career of Medical Genocide



Within the first 5 minutes, you know why Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s blockbuster bestelling book The Real Anthony Fauci is now a full-length feature documentary exposing Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Government.

During more than a year of painstaking and meticulous research and interviews, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. unearthed shocking truths about collusion, deceit and manipulation affecting the freedom, health and safety of our families.

And, despite censorship, boycotts from bookstores and libraries, and hit pieces against the author, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s book, The Real Anthony Fauci is a New York Times bestseller with over 1,000,000 copies sold.

And now... that book is a full-length feature film...

Edward Morgan
This independent documentary production is based on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s book, 'The Real Anthony Fauci", a New York Times bestseller with over 1,000,000 copies sold.

This video chronicles the career and dubious exploits of the top US government 'public health' bureaucrat, Anthony Fauci, and his nefarious role as a funding gatekeeper for the pharmaceutical industrial complex and its devastating effects on populations...

...not just in America, but globally.

I wonder if Gitmo has an extra small cell for short-term visit? Did this little garden slug cross the line? Is it treason? Crimes against humanity? And other crimes against with the people of the world? Worse than Hitler? Is it time to pay the piper? Is the penalty for treason crimes against humanity execution? Get to the bottom of it stone unturned no question and answer never forgive never ever Forget? And don't forget should all assets be seized to be given to the victims?

Bill Gates states "the FDA is the gold standard of regulators..." where the vaccines are concerned. In reality they are the iron pyrite of Federal regulators, also known as FOOL'S GOLD.

This documentary " Aids and abet " made by Alexander Raskovic has recently come online about the AIDS SCAM and the link to the COVID SCAM
This documentary can provide a lot of insight for maybe your still ignorant family, friends and acquaintances how bad (devilish) the pharmaceutical

Ivermectin is used in veterinary medicine as well as human medicine. Multiples of medications are used cross species in mammals. "But that is horse paste for horses..." Does anybody think a person who owns a multimillion dollar race horse or show horse will give them something which is toxic and will cripple or kill the animal? Generally, the difference in medications for humans vs animals is based on body mass, mg or mcg dosages and route of delivery.

SARS2/COVID-19 in the year 2020 came down to an orchestrated dog and pony show by Gates Foundation, Commie China dominated WHO, Fauci dominated NIH/CDC/FDA and BlackRock dominated Pharma. They fostered hysteria, threw out all tried and tested medical and public health strategies learned over the last 100 years, including off-label medication use. Legacy concepts for treating symptomatically, were blood libeled as false information and quackery. Instead, Fauci fostered mercenary, pie in the sky, miracle drug and miracle medical worker cultism. Safety and efficacy was equivocated to how much something cost. People who did not want to become uninformed human lab rats, were labelled as anti-social granny killers. Jim Crow was retooled for use against anti-vaxxers.

the animal is a genocidal maniac and yet he is still doing the same evil shit and if he ever pays for he's crime's put the thing in a box 6 ft under alive he has to suffer.
To my mind, this is a representaion of the parting of the ways amongst humanity. Humanity has been plagued by dumb follower types and idiots for far too long. Those who took the vaxx willingly failed the test. They will not move on to the new heaven and new earth. This does not mean that we who refused have all passed the test. But we passed this portion. Fauci, Biden, Hitler, Stalin, Mao and the countless other tyrants and subhuman garbage would be powerless without these evil little ignorant follower type shit bags. What could Hitler have done without millions of dumb Germans saying "Yes Massa"????!!!! Evil leaders are not the true problem. Their followers are!!!

F'ouchy is the highest paid government employee, even pResident Biden (not including his China, Ukraine, Russia "compensation")

I'm sick of seeing people narrating the vids ... and wearing Freemasonic black and white. It's obvious they've set up Fauci as the fall guy. Of course he's evil, but there is a whole network of lying murderous gangsters giving him the power he has that don't get talked about. All they have to do now, is pull a Bin Laden, say he got killed in a fiery car crash, use their lying main stream media - and they've got their dead patsy, never to answer for the crime of murdering millions of people. And that will be the end of that - they, the gangsters get away with mass murder yet again.

Download here: X-Files-Spartan-Virus-reveals-evil-Black-Hats-tampering-with-DNA-More-of-a-documentary-than-science-fiction-10-02-2022.mp4 - 9,176 kb
By: illuminatibot - 2nd October 2022
X-Files Spartan Virus reveals evil
Black Hats tampering with DNA
More of a documentary...
..than science fiction!

Alderman Joe
Not just only tampering with your DNA but your whole life will be gone forever!

Creationism 101
Did they just explain exactly how they're gonna depopulate us?

John Wells
They always give us clues as to what is planned next.

Based Opinions
Hmmm. Imagine if there was something that happened worldwide and they forced everyone to take a vaccine.
Nahhhh. That's science fiction stuff.

Mark Sorelle
Wow, I forgot about all of these episodes. Scary premonitions from the past coming to life and playing out in real time.

Predicted the future 1991 to 2002. Amazing.

Download here: THE-BIG-RESET-MOVIE-The-uncensored-documentary-about-the-truth-of-the-pandemic-2022-09-12.mp4 - 817,316 kb
By: @thebigreset - 12th September 2022
The uncensored documentary about the truth of the pandemic


Probably the best explanation of reality I have seen in the last two years

COVID was created for the vaccine and the vaccine was created for mass depopulation.

Truly outstanding. Thank you.

The Spanish version has been seen over 1 million times, more english speaking audiences need to watch this masterpiece... share like crazy!!

Long before the first case was announced, there was a "world military games" held in Wuhan. Military competitors from countries all over the planet came home with a strange and unidentified illness. I remember hearing about it in Canada.

Just a thought, the govts pushed the vaccine and it's accompanying narrative and agenda, this documentary aims to expose it, perhaps the result is going to be anger against these govts, perhaps even overthrown them opening the way to a one world govt (to protect you from your own corrupt govts).

We need to get these fake fraud vaccines and jab them up their bums triple dose at a time . . all of them the evil disgusting evils

Download here: Australia-Enslaved-And-The-Plan-For-The-World-2022-10-10.mp4 - 968,692 kb
By: Free Your Mind (EUMELs Media Library) - 10th September 2022
Australia Enslaved and
The Plan For The World

All credit to "AustraliaOne Party" - Original video:

Original Video Link
Credit to original video creator.

0:00 - Australia Is Not Free
7:42 - Rockefeller Foundation's Future Scenario "Lock Step" (Released In 2010)
12:43 - Doctor Reveals The Dangers Of Wearing Masks
23:46 - Former Vice President At Pfizer Speaks Out
26:08 - Blood Clots - "Vaccine" Injuries
30:34 - Forced "Vaccinations" In Australia
32:12 - The "Covid" Camps & Hotel Quarantine Nightmares
1:00:25 - Why Australia Is Becoming A Prison Colony Again
1:06:48 - More "Vaccine" Injuries And Deaths
1:11:41 - Funeral Director Sounds The Alarm: "You Will Die If You Keep Taking These Jabs"
1:23:40 - Doctors And Nurses Expose The "Vaccine" Deaths - Part 1
1:33:17 - When The Police Start Showing Up At Your Door
1:38:26 - No More Privacy! - Australia Passes "Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt Bill 2020)"
1:43:16 - The "Covid-19 Virus" Lies
1:51:49 - Pfizer Is Truly Evil And Their Connections To The Occult
2:01:48 - Caught On Camera: Blood Clots Caused By The Pfizer "Vaccine"
2:11:50 - How The W.H.O. Changed The "Pandemic" Definition In 2009 - They Can Now Declare A "Pandemic" With Zero Deaths
2:21:01 - Why Some "Vaccinated" Are Injured/Dying And Others Are Not - It's All Planned
2:25:25 - "Choose Your Poison", Says "COVID Commander" Of Victoria
2:29:52 - Doctors And Nurses Expose The "Vaccine" Deaths - Part 2
2:44:22 - "Lock, Stock & Barrel" Against The Unvaccinated
2:47:17 - Australian State "Premiers" Trying To Out-Tyrant Each Other
2:52:59 - "The Great Reset" And "Build Back Better" Agendas Exposed
3:01:08 - The Unvaccinated Will Be "Locked Out" From Society
3:08:33 - Australia Purchased 7 Years Worth Of Vaccines, 2 Doses Per Person Every 6 Months
3:10:14 - The Omicron Hoax
3:16:39 - The PCR Test Fraud That's Driving Up Covid Hoax "Cases"
3:22:11 - "Life For The Unvaccinated Will Be Very Difficult Indefinitely"
3:33:05 - The Sinister Reason Behind Forced Face Mask Wearing
3:46:39 - World Economic Forum Founder: "We Have To Prepare For A More Angry World"
3:58:50 - New Zealand Has Its Own Little Dictator
4:04:25 - "Covid" Tyranny In Canada
4:10:00 - "Covid" Tyranny In The United Kingdom
4:17:15 - "Covid" Tyranny In Other European Countries
4:21:18 - "Covid" Tyranny In Asia, Latin America, Africa, etc.
4:27:27 - Why Some Places Have Relaxed Or Removed Their "Covid Rules" - "Two Steps Forward, One Step Back"
4:28:01 - "Doctor" Fauci In 2017: Prepare For A "Surprise Outbreak" Under Trump's Presidency
4:29:48 - Americans Punished For Not Wearing A Mask Or For Being Unvaccinated
4:40:45 - The American "Covid" Tyranny In Chronological Order
4:53:13 - "Welcome To Day 367 Of 15 Days To Slow The Spread"
5:01:19 - Man Who Lived Under Communism Gives A Dire Warning About "Covid" Mandates
5:04:49 - Joe Biden's "Vaccinators"
5:07:53 - The Real Reason Surgical Doctors Wear Face Masks
5:10:09 - "Human Beings Do Well When They Have Carrot And Stick"
5:15:14 - Double Standards: "Rules For Thee, Not For Me"
5:20:12 - The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic Hoax
5:27:43 - Bill Gates' Event 201 "Coronavirus Pandemic Exercise" (2019)
5:38:10 - Bill Gates Is An Eugenicist Who Wants To Reduce The World's Population
5:53:57 - The Dark History Of Rockefeller
5:57:04 - Bill Gates On "Pandemic 2": "That Will Get Attention This Time"
5:58:46 - Dark Winter "Pandemic Exercise" (2001)
6:02:52 - Atlantic Storm "Bioterrorism Exercise" (2005)
6:05:51 - Clade X "Pandemic Exercise" (2018)
6:06:37 - SPARS 2025-2028 "Pandemic Exercise" (2017)
6:15:57 - Why Almost All Countries Imposed "Covid" Lockdowns In Lock Step
6:18:01 - Unmasking The Plans Of The World Economic Forum
6:21:16 - The United Nations Announces The New World Order

Category News & Politics
Sensitivity Normal - Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over

Lucas G.
It is sad to watch some scenes, like the one where one of Devil's worker forces a baby to wear a mask. All these lying politicians and "doctors" are working for Satan. Thank you for the video.

Ian Gwynne
Thank you so much for all your hard work in the cause the truth!

Justice Veracity
Thanks for this, very comprehensive, it must have been a lot of effort to put together...

God's chastisement continues as this mortal venom is pushed upon us. These men and women by their free will have accepted the bargain with the prince of this world. The prince of this world, the one who has already been defeated by the death & resurrection of Jesus Christ. The one who's hatred of God leaves him envious and jealous of man. And man, man whose soul is the prize, while alive can repent...

Thank you so much for putting together one of the best compilation videos on this satanic war against humanity. Regards, Rykel (Singapore) #freedom

Robert More Francis
Tremendous value in this production...

Frightening. Riveting. God Bless.

Praying to God the Father through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that via His Holy Spirit many will open their eyes to the TRUTH of this satanic manipulation and takeover of world governments, repent and stand their ground in defiance to the evil, fear mongering, lies and deception being used to rob us of our... freedoms...

Download here: MY-SON-HUNTER-Full-Movie-2022-09-08.mp4 - 196,876 kb
By: Patriot Vibes 1Q7 - 8th September 2022
(Full Movie)

Directed by Robert Davi, the film centers on Hunter Biden, the son of current U.S. President's in his lifestyle and his scandalous business dealings. In 2021, Donald Trump accused Hunter Biden of corruption. It is, according to The Guardian's Catherine Shoard, the "debut fiction attempt" of documentarians Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer. Spectator Australia called the movie a "socially dangerous, ego-damaging, and down-right delicious exposé of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal". The film is being distributed by American far-right media company Breitbart News, and scheduled for release on September 7, 2022.

Former MMA star Gina Carano, who will be playing a "world-weary" secret service agent in the film stated: "The script was instantly intriguing and side achingly hilarious to me, especially after being newly exposed to the political realm in 2020. Robert Davi is someone who reached out to me as soon as I was 'canceled' in Feb. 2021. I signed on in support of him and one of my favorite humans, Laurence Fox."

Production began in October 2021 in Serbia, and lasted for four weeks. During filming John James, who portrayed Joe Biden, had an off-set injury and was rushed to the hospital, though he continued filming after treatment saying that "the show must go on".

Laurence Fox as Hunter Biden
John James as Joe Biden
Jovana Stevic as Beau's Wife
Emma Gojkovic as Grace Anderson
Gina Carano as Secret Service Agent

Sensitivity Normal - Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over

Download here: The-Real-Story-of-January-6-2021-Part-1-Documentary-2023-07-23.mp4 - 413,360 kb
By: The Epoch Times - 23rd July 2022
The Real Story of January 6 - Part 1

"The Real Story of January 6," a documentary by The Epoch Times, reveals the truth that has been hidden from the American people. While a narrative has been set that what took place that day was an insurrection, key events and witnesses have been ignored until now. The documentary takes an unvarnished look at police use of force and the deaths that resulted in some measure from it. The film asks tough questions about who was responsible for the chaos that day. With compelling interviews and exclusive video footage, the documentary tells the real story of January 6. The film is narrated by Joshua Philipp, host of "Crossroads" on EpochTV and a senior investigative reporter at The Epoch Times.

Jasper Fakkert, editor-in-chief of The Epoch Times, said: "There has been a narrative perpetuated about January 6 that omits many of the facts about what happened that day.

"With in-depth interviews and exclusive video footage, we take an objective look at the issues, the people, and the impacts of the events."

The film takes a close look at the shooting of 35-year-old Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt and the deaths of three other supporters of former President Donald J. Trump. It analyzes the police response to the massive crowds and use of force around the U.S. Capitol.

It examines the human impacts of Jan. 6, including the suicide of one defendant and the long pretrial imprisonment of dozens of others. It also investigates claims that some attacks on the Capitol and police were carried out by unindicted suspicious actors.

What Really Happened on January 6? | The Real Story of January 6

While the dust from Jan. 6, 2021, has long cleared, it has been replaced by a smoke screen. A carefully crafted narrative has been set that claims the events of that day amounted to a "violent insurrection." This claim, however, does not match the facts. "The Real Story of January 6" takes an objective look at what happened through the eyes of those who were there. The Epoch Times provides the first comprehensive look into what really happened that day. The Truth can't be hidden.

We were mad because they stole our votes and did RIGGED the election. I will never forget how corrupt the democrats were that day,and what Pelosi and Pence were doing at that time.
We the people knew Biden did not win. And we were taking our house back!

who was over the police? Do we know his / their names????

Grace Bush
Thank you Epoch Times for allowing us, who knew something wasn't quite right but couldn't place a finger on it, to see the entire story. The actions by capitol police before the people got out of hand, (if indeed these were capitol police?) are beyond suspicious. This at least allows folks to see a side MSM doesn't allow us to see.
Lots of questions, especially why the main instigators have disappeared? Ummm ...

Grace Li
Feel so sad to see the event happening in front of us! It's very hard to see how it was described as insurrection. Those are regular American people. If it's not because my parents are old and sick I would be there speaking for myself!

Outstanding, thank you for providing balance and examining aspects of J6 ignored completely by the once journalistic elite of this country who are now paid operatives for one political party. No calls for defunding these police!

Fascinating and well done. Going to go look for part 2.

Robert Half
Capitol police committed suicide? Gee, when you serve satan, what else could one expect? Praying the Rosary for them.

the tree of liberty will have to bleed to get rid of this cancer.
God will soon lead the good in this battle with satan.
Get ready patriots for a glorious victory. MAGA!

Craig Steele
America is SCREWED. Republicans have bent over and cowered from the left, and in many cases have aided them. The truth, may indeed, eventually come out. My fear is that it will just be too late to do any good.

EXCELLENT documentary exposing the evils of the corrupted STATE and its politically weaponized FBI.

All the Capitol Cops and everyone of the Democrats are going to reap what they have sewn. GOD WINS…


Michelle Warden
If this does not make you cry about Matt and all the innocent people that lost their lives physical , emotional and livelihoods.
God help us.

Download here: Dark-Clouds-Over-Elberton-The-True-Story-of-The-Georgia-Guidestones-2022-05.mp4 - 708,894 kb
By: The RabbitWarren - May 2022
Dark Clouds Over Elberton
The True Story of the
Georgia Guidestones

Many people don't believe these Exist, Many haven't even heard of them. This is the True Story of the Georgia Guidestones Documentary (Dark Clouds Over Elberton)

They seemed to have cracked the case. They did an amazing job at connecting the dots.

Download here: How-Much-Energy-Will-the-World-Need-Wind-and-Solar-Does-Not-Cut-It-2022-03-29.mp4 - 8,739 kb
By: PragerU - 29th March 2022
How Much Energy
Will the World Need?
Wind and Solar does not cut it!

Are we heading toward an all-renewable energy future, spearheaded by wind and solar? Or are those energy sources wholly inadequate for the task? Mark Mills, Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute and author of The Cloud Revolution, compares the energy dream to the energy reality.


We're headed toward an exciting all-renewable energy future. Wind and solar will power the world of tomorrow.

And tomorrow isn't far off!........

…It's time to wake up.

You're having a dream.

Here's the reality.

Oil, natural gas, and coal provide 84% of all the world's energy. That's down just two percentage points from twenty years ago.

And oil still powers nearly 97% of all global transportation.

Contrary to headlines claiming that we're rapidly transitioning away from fossil fuels, it's just not happening. Two decades and five trillion dollars of governments "investing" in green energy and we've barely moved the needle.

This was supposed to be easy. Why is it so hard?

In a word: rocks.

To get the same amount of energy from solar and wind that we now get from fossil fuels, we're going to have to massively increase mining.

By more than 1000%.

This isn't speculation. This is physics.

Copper, iron ore, silicon, nickel, chromium, zinc, cobalt, lithium, graphite, and rare earth metals like neodymium. We need them all.

And then those metals and materials have to be turned into motors, turbine blades, solar panels, batteries, and hundreds of other industrial components. That also takes lots of energy, which requires even more mining.

As a World Bank study put it, these green "technologies … are in fact significantly more material intensive" than our current energy mix. That may be the understatement of the century: raw materials account for 50-70% of the costs to manufacture both solar panels and batteries.

Until now it hasn't really mattered that much because wind and solar still account for only a few percentage points of the global energy supply. They're an applause line for environmentalists—not a major energy player. And it's unlikely they will be in the foreseeable future.

But for the sake of argument, let's say we sharply ramp up mining. Where would these new mines be located?

Well, for one, China.

That country is today the single largest source for most of our critical energy materials. The United States is not only a minor player but is dependent on imports for 100% of 17 critical minerals. Do we want to give China more political and economic leverage? Europe has made itself dependent on Russia for 40% of its natural gas. How well has that worked out?

Ironically, we have all the minerals we need right here in North America.

But good luck trying to get them out of the ground.

Proposals to build mines in the United States and, increasingly almost everywhere else, meet fierce opposition if not outright bans. To give just one example, in 2022 the Biden Administration canceled a proposed copper and nickel mine in northern Minnesota. This was after years of delays, navigating a maze of environmental regulations.

Yes, the same environmentalists and green-leaning politicians who tout all the benefits of electric cars are the same people who make mining the materials essential to build those cars—like copper and nickel—all but impossible.

Try to square that circle.

So far, we've only talked about today's energy needs. What about tomorrow's?

Future energy demand will be far greater than today's. That's been true for the entire history of civilization. The future will not only have more people but also more innovations. And entrepreneurs have always been better at inventing new ways to use energy than to produce it.

It's obvious but worth stating: Before the invention of automobiles, airplanes, pharmaceuticals, or computers, there was no energy needed to power them.

And as more people become more prosperous, they'll want the things others already have—from better medical care to vacations to cars.

In America, there are about 80 cars for every 100 citizens. In most of the world, it's about five per hundred citizens.

Over 80% of air travel is for personal purposes. That's two billion barrels of oil a year.

Hospitals use 250% more energy per square foot than an average commercial building.

And the global information infrastructure—the Cloud— already uses twice as much electricity as the entire country of Japan, the world's third-largest economy. The massive data centers at the heart of the Cloud alone consume almost 10 times more electricity than the world's 10 million electric cars.

E-commerce has taken off and is propelling record growth in warehouses, increasingly filled with energy-hungry robots. America's truck freight index more than doubled in the past decade to deliver the goods to and from those warehouses.

These are today's known trends. While we can't predict the future, we can predict there'll be more innovation—in robotics, drones, quantum computing, biotechnology. And new industries not yet imagined.

All of it will require more energy—a lot more.

Fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and yes, renewables will be required.

But if you think we can get it all from wind and solar, dream on.

I'm Mark Mills, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, for Prager University.

The only "renewable " energy that's even worth considering is nuclear. Stable power 24/7 and there are huge developments in the total usage of the fuel to power them. Thorium reactors, while still in the alpha phase of R&D, have some of the best potential for long-term reliable energy output.

KT Thomas
Compelling video filled with concisely delivered riveting insight and information!

jay cousland
Building new nuclear power plants is a necessity, and we should save our hydrocarbon resources for mobile applications, rather than using them for stationary plants (except NG)

Great points here. I think we should work towards renewables which includes nuclear energy, but is so frustrating how environmentalists keep fighting against each other as if we can solve anything for free and through punishment's. Canada can be a big player in renewables, if it didn't take 9 years to maybe get approval for a mine. We have the largest deposits of uranium, tons of nickel and other necessary metals but it so hard get the environmentalists to stop fighting on both sides. In Germany they are using hundreds of millions of dollars of natural gas from Russia.... because they are closing down their nuclear power plants.... So Russia gets billions, way more pollution and carbon in the air... for no good reason.

The Macker
Excellent video with fantastic graphics as usual. Two percent is a huge eye-opener. You would think the increase in the percentage of energy usage due to renewables is closer to 50% if you just watch the news.

Marcelo Teixeira Ruggeri
China shows up with a lot of mining, but in fact they're importing minerals from Africa and Latin America. It's not very much advertised, but you can see here in Brazil they're taking large amounts of raw earth and shipping to their place. I can't tell what is inside because it's listed as plain iron ore, though I believe there's more in there. Thanks

No matter how much energy the world uses it will always demand more.

Rick Owen
Energy realities. Thank you!
Lifestyle & cultural adjustments might also be considered. Solar flares knocking out electricity — which is inevitable, both short-term and long-term — require us to explore new ideas too.

Download here: Songbird-the-Covid-23-Movie-2020-12-11.mp4 - 330,020 kb
By: Adam Mason and Simon Boyes - 11th December 2020
the Covid-23 Movie

Drama PG-13

In 2024 a pandemic ravages the world and its cities. Centering on a handful of people as they navigate the obstacles currently hindering society: disease, martial law, quarantine, and vigilantes.

Over 4 years of lock-down in LA in 2024 and COVID-23 has mutated and has a 56% mortality rate. Only the few immune people can leave their homes. Nico is one of the few. He's a courier delivering packages on his bike. He has the LA streets to himself except a few checkpoints. People hate him as he's immune and can move around and they can't. He has a cute girlfriend but all communication is over cellphones. LA's Department of Sanitation forcefully collects infected people and their non-immune household members from their homes to take them to quarantine zones. Q zones are thought of as quick death zones. - Scott Filtenborg

Download here: Coronavirus-1970sPublicInformationFilm-2020-05-25.mp4 - 9,514 kb
By: CheeksProductions - 25th May 2020
Coronavirus - Anal duct
exposed in relative safety!

1970s Public Information Film

A British Public Information Film on the threat of Coronavirus, released in the 1970s.

Fast forward 4 years and now the WHO are telling us that while the Covid vaccines saved no one; they killed millions Globally!

And yet the soulless Mainstream Media still keep pushing the false narrative, despite most of the 1st tier accomplices in crime being 'taken out' of the picture.

"If you cough on a Car, that car becomes a carrier. Then it becomes a CAR-Owner Virus!" What a Hoot!

My head hurts at the fact there's some folk don't know this is a parody

This is exactly what a 70s covid public information film would have looked like. Excellent.

This is the funniest thing on YouTube I am surprised they never took it down because laughing is healthy they don't want people laughing or singing.

As instructed I dug a hole in the floor. Neighbours were not to happy as I live on the 4th Floor.

The narrative voice is so authentic lol

Bloody brilliant just brilliant, as a child of the 70's you had me laughing till it hurt remembering the old guverment safety adverts of the time. Don't run, Don't talk to strangers, Always look left and right before you walk, Clunk click b4 every trip. I apploud the person who made this. 10 out of 10.

How has this not gone viral!?! I can't stop laughing, just showed it to my students. It just gets better and better!

For those who are interested,most of the film is taken from "Never go with strangers. 1971" We watched it at primary school and it's never left me.

I cant belive some commenters here think this is a genuine ad from the 70s about coronavirus, the mind boggles

Brilliant! The narrator's accent, the animation and the colour balance had me right up to "face down on the ground". I nearly died laughing.

Download here: Donald-Trump-History-of-Donald-Trump-Bible-Hebrides-Revival-Dr-Clarence-Sexton-2020-04-25.mp4 - 14,820 kb
By: Joe Joe Dawson - 25th April 2020
History of Donald Trump
Bible Hebrides Revival From Scotland
to the Oval Office - Dr. Clarence Sexton

We hope you enjoy this message from Dr. Clarence Sexton

Download here: OUT-OF-SHADOWS-DOCUMENTARY-2020-04-14.mp4 - 570,226 kb
By: Director Mike Smith - 14th April 2020

An expose on how Hollywood and the mainstream media manipulate the multitudes by spreading propaganda throughout their content.

Out Of Shadows claims to lift the mask on how the mainstream media and Hollywood manipulate and control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. The goal is to wake up the general public by attempting to shed light on how we all may have been lied to and potentially brainwashed by a "hidden" enemy with an apparently sinister agenda. This project was the result of almost two years of blood, sweat, and tears by a team of self proclaimed "woke professionals". It's been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for free for anyone to watch. Donations keep our team fed and clothed.


Everybody would benefit from watching this documentary. Its nothing short of astounding.

John podesta and his sicko brother are revolting. Hard to fathom the things they have gotten away with.

Liz Crokin deserves a medal for this.

peggysue42231 October 2021
The TRUTH IS stranger than fiction!!

First let me say to all the people who rated this a 3 or dare you, in one sentence, dismiss the YEARS of hard work AND documentation, it took to uncover this BS! You "suggested" they didn't have the documents to prove their statements!!! Did we even watch the same documentary? All I can do is leave a quote that is SO much more relevant today than it was, 60 yrs. Ago, when it was first quoted: "The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not realized the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent." ~ J. Edgar Hoover.

Very brave persons behind this documentary

This documentary needs to be seen by everyone. It exposes how the media is under control and everything in the west is.

Heartbreaking to watch, but a must watch. On the tube now.

"They" do not want you to see this

After four days of being uploaded on YouTube "Out of Shadows" has more than 6.4 million views and is not trending nor does it appear on any search results. YouTube has buried this documentary deep and you won't be able to find it unless you specifically search for the "outofshadows" YouTube channel. I believe YouTube doesn't want to out right delete the video because they fear that it will bring more attention to the documentary if it is immediately censored. There is one thing that is certain. Someone or the proverbial "THEY" don't want you to see this documentary. It's target audience are those people who know nothing of the dark occult puppeteering the world behind the curtains.

Expose them all!!!

Brilliant FOT posting Mike's Out of Shadows - Great It is the 2nd time that I have watched it Now it is Into the Light!

Beautiful lady!
God bless you

The 2nd installment - Into the Light is just as important as Out of Shadows.

Thank you for sharing this story again. It's been quite a while since I last watched it.

Share far and wide!!!

Thanks for sharing truth.

Thank you for posting this. It was super interesting and insightful. More and more I am paying close attention to symbolism that is projected in media of all kinds

6 weeks ago

Not a question of IF but WHY they want me to be a modified gay blade dude having at least 3 ops prior to age 6 but adoring women naturally?

Phenomenal exposure. Thank you. I know so many people in denial or desensitized into apathy. God Bless you. God is moving and so are his warriors through prayer and all this will be dealt with by God. However, more people need to watch and share this documentary.

Download here: The-Oscars-What-you-did-not-know-about-The-gods-of-Babylon-2020-02-13.mp4 - 16,931 kb
By: Little Light Studios - 13th February 2020
The Oscars - What you didn't know
about 'The gods of Babylon'

PSA: 5mins in Scotty uses his God-given pinky appendage to prevent the book from closing while reading from it. This is not a secret salute from us to satan. However, there's no excuse for this hand sign to be drawn into cartoons or deliberately flashed at a camera as seen done by so many public figures. God bless you all
Find out from the horses' mouth where these American idols say they dwell.

#Oscars #idolWorship

Robert Escandon
I didn't watch the oscars. I don't care about it.

Sofia Bravo
I always tell my husband that there are some truth in jokes and when these people joke I know that they're revealing who they really are they are so transparent to me now it's like looking through water

Obakhan Jones
It's so twisted how they use humor to confuse the truth. They know they lead the gullible but do so with the arrogance that they are above our creator. Great video

Maccy Bear
"Our culture"

Breaking news: that's not culture, that's lack of culture.

Soundwave Superior
If it comforts anyone, every year the Oscars set a new record for lowest viewership in its history.

Jeffy Bo
Moral lesson: love not the world nor the things in the world

JK Belle
They would be nobodies if "WE" the people gave them NO ATTENTION!

All we can do is to pray for them all and hope that they can give their life to Jesus while they have a chance.

Stevie-lyn Corunna
I felt something wasn't right with movies... this prove that I wasn't crazy. Thank you Jesus, Amen

sam carter
I don't even watch television anymore, and couldn't name most if any of these 'stars' if I saw them.

FaithfulServant41 l
I still remember all of those celebrities who openly admitted to selling their souls for fame and fortune, like how Katie Perry did it when she couldn't get a career in gospel music, it was kind of sad. Then you get people who are happy to have sold themselves, like Lady Gaga and Dwayne Johnson who smile during admition. Not to mention Mettalica, Eminem, Almost every pop music, rock, alternate, rap, country singers... This is why I have greatly reduced my music library and nearly stopped watching movies altogether.

Riches Mensah
They have sold their souls to the devil and they know what is at stake. They don't care spending eternity in hell. They would rather spend eternity in hell than to be poor on earth. Bad!

Kathy and all them mockers will regret what they said sooner or later!

Download here: Redheads-Part-1-of-Skeletons-in-the-Cupboard-series-2019-12-03.mp4 - 232,036 kb
By: Peter Marsh - 3rd December 2019
Redheads Part 1 of
Skeletons in the Cupboard series

Who were the Urukehu - the redheads of New Zealand. Where did they come from and what evidence is there of them today?

37:08 red headed fair skinned people
37:29 ngati porou
37:50 Ruaputuhanga
38:26 fair skinned chiefs
39:10 early explorers meeting red haired people throughout Polynesia
39:19 10% of tahitis population were white skinned with blonde hair
40:22 Samoa
41:23 Maori chiefs red haired wives
42:30 Easter island red haired people
42:50 3 thousand ngati hotu killed by Tuwharetoa, ngati hotu were peaceful
44:14 Turehu, Waitaha people, skeletons crushed up for fertiliser
45:21 Skelton pictures

Mat Rou
I genuinely believe this is one of the most important documentaries made in the millemnium so far. It is of repercussions to the entire human heritage in explaining mysteries that plague the historical narrative with the English school systems, adopted by numerous other languages, discarding of Persian history as they were a subject of their colonization.

Kiahn Avery
me and my brother (23) (26) are the only redheads on my dads side (maori). we are descendants of tuwharetoa and ngati porou. our grandmother on my mums side (australian) is burried in taumarunui. our first trip to new zealand our first destination was cherry grove. when my family stepped out of the car we all felt a heavy presence. leaves blew in gusts of wind around us all individually and we knew we were home.

Wak Cackle
The erasure of history reminds me of the stories found by Timothy Alberino on what happens when giants skeletons are found on the island of Sardinia.
Someone really wants to control our history.

What an incredible documentary and history! What an odyssey! Tall blonde and red-haired Polynesians with green and blue eyes? Whoever heard of such a thing? And descended from a people who can trace their ancestry all the way back to refugees of the Indus Valley Civilization with connections to the Aztecs, the Basque, the Celts, Easter Island and Peru along the way? Say, what! Simply incredible. And the controversy, the politics, the criminal suppression of archeological evidence and folklore and history... It's enough to make you're blood boil!

Danna London
Wonderful documentary, and I really enjoyed it. Unfortunately there are many in the scientific community who were already aware of this forgotten history, as only a few reasons for this travesty would explain. This reminds me of the hidden history of the Americas, and the different races present in the land, pre colonialism. There were Five distinct tribes here in America, a historical presence that is ignored and covered up. This included the Eskimo type today, the tanner Native, the Native with a brown/red skin, the Black skinned Native, and the Giants with red or blonde hair, along with green and blue eyes.
At least the Mauori are honest about their beginnings, and evidently many controlling the narrative of world history would like to keep it hidden. This is unfortunate as the world needs to know all of our history, as opposed to regurgitated lies... Bravo Mauori bravo!

Download here: Real-News-Black-People-according-to-Pastor-David-James-Manning-2017-0-16.mp4 - 18,005 kb
By: Gus Alcon - 16th January 2017
Black People according to
Pastor David James Manning

In this incredible talk to the Church, Pastor David J Manning brings up issues within his own black people.

"..the Nigga ain't got no sense!"

Download now: Secrets-of-Coral-Castle-with-Leonard-Nimoy-Telekinesis-and-Anti-gravity-2016-01-23.mp4 - 110,088 kb
By: By: Proper Gander - 23rd January 2016

Secrets of Coral Castle
with Leonard Nimoy
Telekinesis and Anti-gravity

Secrets of Coral Castle: Telekinesis and Anti-gravity Documentary

Hosted by Leonard Nimoy, this film highlights the amazing stone work at Coral Castle. If you had visited Coral Castle in the 1940s, you would have been greeted enthusiastically by a man weighing a mere 100 pounds and standing just over 5 feet tall. He would have asked you for ten cents admission and introduced you to his fantasy world.

As you moved around his sculpture garden in stone, and the significance of each piece was explained, you would have been witness to the great pride Edward Leedskalnin took in his work.

Since it is documented that no one ever witnessed Ed's labor in building his beloved Coral Castle, some have said he had supernatural powers. Ed would only say that he knew the secrets used to build the ancient pyramids and if he could learn them, you could too.

Features of the Coral Castle Museum include a 9-ton gateor door that moves with just a touch of the finger, a Polaris telescope and functioning rocking chairs – all made entirely of stone.

We wonder what was the inspiration that could cause a man to spend 28 years to carve a Coral Castle from the ground up using nothing but home made tools. An homage to unrequited love? Perhaps to illustrate ancient sciences that defy gravity? Or maybe just sheer, raw human determination?

The Coral Castle is an everlasting mystery to those who explore it.

Most narrators don't tell you he was still sick and that a family took him in and donated the land to him.

So many amazing achievements begin with an act of generosity. So, it often takes more than a willingness to work, but the right opportunity and for there great things happen. He became a stone mason and he studied astronomy.

Leonard Nimoy was the "PERFECT HOST" for this documentary show!! His narrations were splendid!!

what an amazing guy, and by keeping everything a secret he will never ever be forgotten

Nikola Tesla, Edgar Cayce and Edward Leedskalnin, three of my heroes. They were out of this world, out of our times and showed us all the way towards a more enlightened future.

Frequency, vibrations, light, magnetism, all hold greater secrets.

Nemoy's narration and the wild synth music are critical to the vibe of this show.

Wow - thanks so much for posting! I remember seeing this episode back in the 70's (?) when it first aired... I was always fascinated by Coral Castle (because of this) and finally got to see it in person when I lived in Florida. Thanks for reviving the "mystery!"

For decades, the park featured a perfectly balanced stone gate that, despite its weight, would easily swing open with a strong breeze or the push of a finger. How it worked remained a mystery until 1986 when it stopped moving. When the gate was removed it was revealed that it rotated on a metal shaft and rested on a truck bearing.

Wow I thought I had seen all the "In Search of" series, thank you so much for uploading this one. I LOVE LEONARD NIMOY

He was small in stature, and had tuberculosis- Wow! He knew tricks and science that no one else seemed to. Totally amazing.

The interplay between the electromagnetic currents of the Sun and Earth and the gravitational influence of the Moon were obviously well understood by the original architects of the Great Pyramids (as well)

It's very interesting that both Leedskalnin and Tesla were from Eastern Europe and both were eccentric about energy….. Maybe if we study one, we'll understand the other.

Download here: Movies-The-Shift-Wayne-Dyer-Positive-Attitude-2015-09-03.mp4 - 181,136 kb
By: Shemaroo Good Health 24/7 - 3rd September 2015
The Shift - Wayne Dyer - Positive Attitude

Wayne Dyer is a motivational speaker. He speaks about the importance of thinking positively and how thinking positively can influence our lives in a better way. He does not list down principals but just speaks of the ways in which you yourself can be happier and more content in life.

Brittany Clark
I 100% needed this being a negative person, always stressed, self worth very low. I'm a little over half way through this movie and I feel already totally different about things. I just want to improve. I will bring this up any time I need to see it thank you DR may you Rest in eternal peace

Yolanda Davidson
Trickles of tears as I watch this film. I'm sure this is the first of many, many viewings. Pure magic. I remember spending time with Wayne in Australia almost 30 years ago. I was blessed to receive a hug from him and, to this day I remember, in detail, how it felt. I received the calmest, most loving and sincere energy from him. It was like nothing I had ever experienced, and still haven't to this day. I know this sounds over-the-too, however I believe Wayne and Louise Hay were angels on a mission.

Bina Pulami
How many of you feel that Dr Wayne's voice soothes your soul? He is just so amazing and a blessing! Whenever I feel low in life, I tap into his videos...and thats it! I get back to normal

Bhaskar Shastri
One of the must see movies for any serious seeker in spiritual matters. This beautifully summarizes Wayne's messages through the years of his meaningful life. He Dharma was to raise our awareness to the fact that we need to go beyond our ego selves and let go.... truly the best thing I got from this movie is to relook at what really this life is about and the fact that we do not have to take too much control of anything at all. One more thing that leaped out at me was the fact that, every being on this earth is trying to attain a state of happiness. Nothing more and nothing less... the journey needs to be savoured too. God Bless Wayne's beautiful soul.

Download here: Weird-Al-Yankovic-Foil-Oh-by-the-way-I-have-cracked-the-code-2014-07-30.mp4 - 11,500 kb
By: alyankovic - 30th July 2014
There's a big conspiracy
"Weird Al" Yankovic - Foil
Oh by the way I've cracked the code!

#WeirdAlYankovic #Foil

Official 4K Video for "Foil" by "Weird Al" Yankovic

I never seem to finish all my food
I always get a doggie bag from the waiter
So I just keep what's still unchewed
And I take it home, save it for later
But then I deal with fungal rot, bacterial formation
Microbes, enzymes, mould and oxidation
I don't care, I've got a secret trick up my sleeve
I never bother with baggies, glass jars, tupperware containers
Plastic cling wrap, really a no-brainer
I just like to keep all my flavours sealed in tight
With aluminum foil (Foil)
Never settle for less
That kind of wrap is just the best
To keep your sandwich nice and fresh
Stick it in your cooler (Cooler)
Eat it when you're ready
Then maybe you'll choose (You'll choose, you'll choose, you'll choose)
A refreshing herbal tea
Slurp - Mmm, lovely!
Oh, by the way, I've cracked the code
I've figured out these shadow organizations
And the Illuminati know
That they're finally primed for world domination
And soon you've got black helicopters comin' cross the border
Puppet masters for the New World Order
Be aware: There's always someone that's watching you
And still the government won't admit they faked the whole moon landing
Thought control rays, psychotronic scanning
Don't mind that, I'm protected cause I made this hat
From aluminum foil (Foil)
Wear a hat that's foil lined
In case an alien's inclined
To probe your butt or read your mind
Looks a bit peculiar ('culiar)
Seems a little crazy
But someday I'll prove (I'll prove, I'll prove, I'll prove)
There's a big conspiracy

This video is the definition of "well that escalated quickly"

Billy Cranston
Weird Al is definitely a person who has found his true calling in life because he is so good at it. Also he has made this world a better place just by being in it and being himself.

10 months ago
I believe Weird Al Is the only parody artist to make a song better than the original

With all current insanity, this song has aged like fine wine.

I still remember how I absolutely lost it at the sudden tone shift at 1:15 the first time I saw it. the line delivery the acting the lighting everything is perfection

David losee
The way he managed to loop the second part back into foil is amazing

Imagine being honored enough to have your song parodized by Weird Al.

The harmonies of his voice being layered is so good

The only man in history who can rock a tinfoil hat and not look any stranger than normal.

The best bit is when he says, "oh by the way" as if he almost forget to tell us about the illuminati.

8 years and I finally realise that the ending of this song is a pun. His plans to reveal the truth were "FOILED"

I love how weird Al is the only person to put out a song about a conspiracies but hide it with the first half of the song

I like how fast it transitions from a cooking show to Infowars

This video is the definition of "well that escalated quickly"

The insane part is that some of Weird Al's parodies age better than the original songs.

I'm pretty sure the biggest sign for any artist that they've "made it" is getting a call from their agent saying Weird Al wants to parody one of their songs

He was going to foil their plans.

Weird Al is the only person that can go from talking about storing food to the illuminati and alien abductions and make it flow PERFECTLY

I'll never forget the day I watched this parody for the first time, the plot twist took me off guard completely, this is such a masterpiece.

This song is the definition of "well that escalated quickly"

I just love how quickly he goes from "A refreshing herbal tea! Hm, lovely!" to "Oh by the way I've cracked the code."

"I promise I won't get political."
2 drinks later: 1:15

In 2024 this song still holds up

I sometimes quote the bit where he goes "Oh by the way I cracked the coooooode" whenever I figure a thing out.

Download here: New-World-Order-Communism-by-the-Backdoor-Documentary-05-07-2014.mp4 - 1,134,426 kb
By: TruthWillOut Films - 7th May 2014
New World Order
Communism by the Backdoor

This sensational documentary by Dennis Wise proves beyond doubt that the western countries both "victorious and the defeated" after World War Two have been covertly under Communism since 1945.

An epic documentary which reveals compelling evidence of how, why and who are responsible for the completion of a plan to enslave us all. Institutions including the United Nations and secret societies, such as freemasonry and the European Union, have all played their part in pursuing their end goal. Communism By The Backdoor exposes a tangled web of lies and deceit and shows the very people many regard as heroes, as nothing more than traitors.

Top Cast:

Tony Blair
George Bush
George W. Bush
David Cameron
Dave Chappelle
Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Milton William Cooper

Bob Dylan
Muammar Gaddafi
Bill Gates
Hermann Goring
Adolf Hitler
Saddam Hussein
Michael Jackson
John F. Kennedy
Jerry Lee Lewis

Corporatism disguised as communism

After "The greatest story never told" Dennis Wise made another master piece that shows exactly what is going in the world today and HOW it came to that.

Over the last 300 years a bunch of psychos have hijacked the world, with their Babylonic banking system and ANYONE that stood up against them has been slaughtered, either with their entire family and even with entire nations!

These psychos worship no one other than the devil itself. This documentary shows the dictators that rule the world from behind the scenes. The OWN just about EVERYTHING; Banks, politicians, media, corporations, etc. They decide. They dictate. Here's the proof.


Communism is back? No it never left.

This is a breakdown of the plan of the NWO and how it has been implemented. Slowly but surely the Fabian tactics have crept upon us, so much so that what we once held as free speech has been turned into hate speech. This documentary was the first to announce that the threat of Communism is upon us when Obama brought inland the border patrols to harass US drivers where even women were being tazed for non compliance. Summer 2020 has witnessed cities burning across the US, plus New York opening up prisons in an attempt to replicate the Russian Revolution. Also calls to defund the police, the pulling down of historic statues co-ordinated across the world and the Chinese virus with the ludicrous lockdown of healthy people worldwide leading to an economic crash. Well, how they planned it is all in this documentary.

Download here: Documentary-Money-vs-Currency-Hidden-Secrets-Of-Money-Episode-1-Mike-Maloney-2013-02-27.mp4 - 94,301 kb
By: GoldSilver (w/ Mike Maloney) - 27th February 2013
Money vs Currency
Hidden Secrets Of Money
Episode 1 - Mike Maloney

More: Currency vs. Money is the 1st Episode of Mike Maloney's Hidden Secrets of Money, a series presented by Mike Maloney as he travels the world to uncover the Hidden Secrets of Money.

Sign up to the email list to be notified about new releases and receive special bonus content:

To learn about gold and silver, central banking, wealth cycles, deficit spending, monetary history, the financial crisis, the fiscal cliff, the debt ceiling and more, view the Hidden Secrets Of Money playlist ( and subscribe to this channel:

matthew riggs
I've watched this series about 4 times now. Trying to watch it enough times to gain the ability to explain this fluently to friends and family. Thank you for your work, Mike!

GoldSilver (w/ Mike Maloney)
Anyone here watching in 2020 on lockdown? Enjoy the series, let me know which parts you like best.

The quality of this series is amazing and information is crystal clear. So sad most people don't appreciate this work. Thank you sir

uco maco
"what does fiat mean?"
"it comes from the latin for crappy car"

I'm italian and that's one hell of joke, I ask the permission to use it widely and wildly! You've done a great job, thank you.

Paul De Man
One of the best series about currencies and economy I have seen. Various years now after the videos were made, it is still of great actuality and even sometimes prophetic in my point of view. Many thank yous to make me aware of what happens in the economic world.

Download here: The-dollar-signs-behind-fossil-fuels-Oil-is-NOT-a-fossil-fuel-it-is-a-Self-Regenerating-Compound-2012-08-07.mp4 - 9,146 kb
By: Anthony Alegro - 7th August 2012
The dollar signs behind "fossil fuels"
Oil is NOT a 'fossil fuel'... is a Self Regenerating Compound!

Colonel L. Fletcher Proudly spills the beans about how oil was deliberately, incorrectly classified as a fossil fuel, when in fact it is Abiotic. As such, it is replenished, naturally occurring source. Peak oil is a myth, or more accurately, a lie. Just like almost everything else the establishment ever told you.

Oil is NOT a 'fossil fuel' - it is a Self Regenerating Compound!

Which is why oil companies are returning to their "once tapped out" oil fields across the globe only to find that the fields are once again full.

When I was a child, I argued that oil was not from dead dinosaurs, which is what they taught us, but that it was, in fact, the blood of the Earth.
I still believe that today.

We have been lied to about just about everything.

Also the oil industry may have had vested interest in making this commodity seem scarce 100 years ago, but now with the depletion of oil within the next 30 years they would have a vested interest in unrestricted drilling and this kind of claim would actually benefit them by making sure they aren't prohibited from removing all the remaining oil. This can easily be seen in the fact that the Abiotic origin of oil theory's top supporter now is Jack Kenney of Gas Resources Corporation.

like he said: everything works like that. everything. it's not about the oil. it's about the system. our entire history.

The consideration here is, how much oil is there to begin with. The figures as to how much is used is only a relative figure. The other consideration is, if we continue to use such quantities as you point out, and oil (via the old way of looking at it) was such a limited resource, why do we have so much left still? The answer is obvious, because it is not as finite a resource as we have been led to believe via the fossil fuel theory. Abiotic makes much more sense, the reserves regenerate rapidly

These are no accidents...there is a dollar sign behind almost everything! True words!

What I hear him saying is that oil is a living entity and to claim it's a "fossil" fuel gives the impression that it's running out and we live in the trance of scarcity again. Awake is right...

The fact is in a bottomless pit, as is suggested if this theory is correct (and an increasing number of scientists think it is) then even if you use much more, it is a drop in the ocean literally, when there is almost as much oil as there is ocean. So yes it would appear that whatever you take out...soon replenishes. Also is water and any other liquid, really ever lost to any atmosphere? I mean exhaust fumes and the products of oil combustion end up being recycled do they not.

abiotic does not mean that it is replenished, only that it is a mineral rather than biological substance.

The oil is meant to act as a shock absorber as the plates grind around on each other without the oil there we can get vibrations that can cause earthquakes..

And is there now an effort to put a global price on food and to ensure that it costs as much as possible?

Famous quote: There is a $ sign behind everything.

Is the oil formed from gases, as in, gases, liquids, and solids?

If oil was running out then why would more cars , buses , tractors , planes , ships etc etc or even build more service stations ? Fuel should be 30¢ per litre, not only that but there is a lot of technology as you already know to give greater mpg

take carbon - at one atom thick its graphene in sheet form and the hardest material on earth - add and rearrange the carbon atoms and you can end up with endless materials all carbon only based from coal to diamonds.

Close your eyes and he sounds like Christopher Walken.

Download here: Immigration-World-Poverty-and-Gumballs-2010-Immigration-Does-Not-Work-Roy-Beck-2010-09-11.mp4 - 3,9914 kb
By: NumbersUSA - 11th September 2010
Immigration World Poverty and Gumballs 2010
Immigration Doesn't Work - Roy Beck

Immigration - Global humanitarian reasons for current U.S. immigration are tested in this updated version of immigration author and journalist Roy Beck's colorful presentation of data from the World Bank and U.S. Census Bureau. The 1996 version of this immigration gumballs presentation has been one of the most viewed immigration policy presentations on the internet.

Presented by immigration author/journalist Roy Beck

Download here: The-Glow-Stars-Dean-Cain-Portia-De-Rossi-Supernatural-Thriller 2002.mp4 - 274,280 kb
- Stars Dean Cain and Portia De Rossi -
Supernatural Thriller

A newly-wed NYC couple move into a low-rent luxury apartment only to be harassed by cryptic elderly neighbors.

Matt (Dean Cain) and Jackie (Portia de Rossi) are living in NYC, brimming with that certain "glow" all newly-weds possess. They are in love despite failed attempts at pregnancy and a tight budget. One day, Matt meets a group of health-obsessed elderly people in the park. They seem kind, and offer Matt and Jackie a beautiful low-rent apartment in their building. How can the couple resist a luxury apartment with a state-of-the-art gym, cheap rent, and friendly neighbors? Jackie believes it all too good to be true when she notices a young couple in their building disappears, and elderly neighbors are watching her every move...

Comment from

As Sean Diddy Combs, Jeffrey Epstein, Marina Abramovic, Aleister Crowley, Hillary Clinton, Queen Elizabeth 2 and so many other Satanic monsters have shown, human trafficking, Adrenochrome production and cannibalism is not fictional at all! The Glow is mostly based on real life, from harvesting the blood from young healthy children; right through to disposing of their bodies via McDonalds and other heinous cartel outlets.

1 Peter 5:8 "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour."

Download here: The-9-11-demolition-of-the-Twin-Towers-and-Building-7-2021-09-11.mp4 - 10,758 kb
By: Mainstream Media before being deleted - 11th September 2001
The 9/11 DEMOLITION of the
Twin Towers and Building #7

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed by the morally impaired, that large, flying aluminium cans containing aviation fuel, can burn down a steel and concrete building - just like a 'PERFECT DEMOLITION!"

Download here: HAARP-1995-Documentary-High-frequency-Active-Auroral-Research-Program-1995.mp4 - 20,053 kb
By: dragtimes2 - 1995 (23 Dec 2013)

HAARP 1995 Documentary
High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program

Sightings segment on HAARP prior to it becoming fully operational.

"First we overlook evil, Then we permit evil. Then we legalize evil. Then we promote evil. Then we celebrate evil. Then we persecute those who still call it evil." Fr. Dwight Longenecker

Our cloud formations have changed significantly over the last 10 years.

Back when they actually use to report and do documentaries.

"He who controls the weather, controls the world." -Lyndon B. Johnson 1962

No wonder there are widespread tornado outbreaks, torrential floods, massive wildfires and substantial snowstorms happening at such a frequent rate.

This is LITERALLY what people need to watch! I've been telling them for years but they say I'm crazy

And they tell us we're the ones destroying the planet

Readings from the HAARP Induction Magnetometer, which visualizes the frequency spectrum of signals detected in the earth's geomagnetic field, show that a steady, ultra-low frequency (ULF) of roughly 2.5 Hz was being broadcast days before the earthquake. The 2.5 Hz ULF happens to be the exact same frequency as the natural resonance produced by an earthquake. Remember Fukushima.
Some smart heads at NASA/Tokyo University were able to tie those readings to the station. But it's been years since I did research on this topic, so this is all I've got. Anyway, take care and stay vigilant.

I find the nostalgia and voices in documentaries from this era so soothing…

I remember watching this as a preteen, for years I would bring it up and I was told "we don't have anything like that!" at least more and more people are sort of aware now

When these energy waves hit conductive materials released into the atmosphere through aerosol spraying planes, it will give of heat into the atmosphere which can create artificial high pressure areas.
These areas can be used to control weather in many ways.
Produce droughts, steering moisture, creating clouds, deflecting hurricanes, etc..

Absolutely wonderful that youtube hasn't taken this down yet. If I could get my hands on a hot tub time machine I would go back to 1995.
17 years old and not really a care in the world.

Download here: Waco-II-the-Big-Lie-Continues-2-of-2-1993.mp4 - 184,212 kb
By: Fitzinfo - 1993
Waco II: the Big Lie Continues - 2 of 2
The sequel to the 1993 American
documentary film, Waco: the Big Lie - 1993

Waco, the Big Lie Continues is the sequel to a 1993 American documentary film, Waco: the Big Lie, directed by Linda Thompson, that presents video based analysis regarding the nefarious activities surrounding the Waco siege at Waco, Texas in 1993.

Download here: Waco-The-Big-Lie-1-of-2-The-US-Government-murders-Texas-civilians-in-1993.mp4 - 91,488 kb
By: Fitzinfo - 1993
Waco: The Big Lie - 1 of 2
The US Government murders Texas civilians in 1993

Waco, the Big Lie is a 1993 American documentary film directed by Linda Thompson that presents video based analysis regarding the nefarious activities surrounding the Waco siege.

Waco, the Big Lie gained significant notoriety when it was viewed during the trial of "American domestic terrorist" Timothy McVeigh. As part of the defense, McVeigh's lawyers showed Waco, the Big Lie to the jury. What is the connection?

The USA govt is intentionally terrorizing the public. The USA govt was deeply involved in the Oklahoma City Bombing, Waco, 9-11 and many, many other events.

The TOP brass of the Arizona Highway Patrol lied to every officer about the Oklahoma City bombing.

It never ceases to amaze me how people have the belief that the media outright lying to them is a new phenom. Any person or agency seeking to gain control will always go after communications/information first. But in the minds of many, they seem to think backwards. They believe that the media lying to them is just a late stage tactic. It's step #1

Yeah television in general has always been a form of hypnosis and brainwashing.

This was obviously on purpose.

Good they sent them Clinton body guards straight to hell

hell I knew when i was witching it on t,v, that them people were in deep shit and was going to be killed by a,t,f, too much B.S.was going on. our tax dollars at work folks.

Btw, the BATF is still a thing even after this; a "bureau" for three legal things. Only in DC< I suppose. Also, the guy who ran this assault has been put in charge of BATF by Joe Biden. You can't make it up.

7:00 oh if it were only that simple.

These animals in the government need to be taken down

So the retard even shot himself, this masons are pathetic.

Download: They-Live-by-John-Carpenter-1988.mp4 - 74,016 kb
By: Classic and Vintage Films - 1988

They Live (1988) by John Carpenter

They Live (1988)
R | 1h 34min | #Action #Horror #Sci-Fi | 4 November 1988 (USA)
Director: John Carpenter
Writers: Ray Nelson (short story "Eight O'Clock in the Morning"), John Carpenter (screenplay) (as Frank Armitage)
Stars: Roddy Piper, Keith David, Meg Foster

Nada, a down-on-his-luck construction worker, discovers a pair of special sunglasses. Wearing them, he is able to see the world as it really is: people being bombarded by media and government with messages like "Stay Asleep", "No Imagination", "Submit to Authority". Even scarier is that he is able to see that some usually normal-looking people are in fact ugly aliens in charge of the massive campaign to keep humans subdued. Written by Melissa Portell <>

Download: Movies-Profile-In-Silver-Season-One-Kennedy-Assassination-1986-Twilight-Zone-Episode.mp4 - 67,371 kb
By: LionHeart FilmWorks - 1986
"Profile In Silver" - Season One Kennedy
Assassination 1986 'Twilight Zone' Episode

From March 7, 1986 -- a story that mixes time travel and the JFK assassination -- A historian played by Lane Smith (from... everything) goes back in time to witness the assassination first hand, but he can't help getting involved, and then he has to live with the consequences of his action. There are plenty more twists in the tale alongside a fun acting performance from "Hellraiser's" Andrew Robinson (as John F. Kennedy.) Truly, one of my favorites from this series.

A cool tie-in to the original series... as the Secret Service agent and a United States Mint inspector converse, in the background, a CBS television announcement is heard: "We will now return to our regular programming" and the theme of The original "Twilight Zone" is played. The TZ episode "Night Call" was scheduled to air on November 22, 1963 but, due to the assassination of President Kennedy, it was rescheduled for February 7, 1964.

In addition to replacing John F. Kennedy in this episode, Lane Smith also portrayed Richard Nixon, Kennedy's opponent in the 1960 Presidential election, in "The Final Days" (1989.)

Download here: Capricorn-One-NASA-fakes-a-Mars-landing-but-can-they-silence-the-main-players-1977.mp4 - 700,856 kb
By: Peter Hyams - 1977
Capricorn One
NASA fakes a Mars landing,
but can they silence the main players
When the first manned flight to Mars is deemed unsafe and scrubbed on the launch pad, anxious authorities must scramble to save face and retain their funding - and so an unthinkable plot to fake the mission is hatched.

24 Million Views
A Funny thing happened on the way to Mars
NASA fakes a Mars landing but can they silence the main players.
Classic sci-fi thriller from 1978 that shows just how easy it would have been to have faked the Apollo moon landings.
Also co-stars O.J. Simpson who has some very ironic lines 15+ years before his murder trial.

Capricorn One: a real Gem-ini of a movie. I'm Apollo-ed that it's not rated higher.

A Mission To Mars That Wasn't

Thrilling Conspiracy Film.

Pretty solid conspiracy thriller steeped in the '70s

Download now: Myron-C-Fagan-Red-Stars-Over-Hollywood-1968-2020-09-02.mp4 - 229,634 kb
By: Neo Hippie 2nd September 2020 - 1968

Myron C. Fagan
Red Stars Over Hollywood 1968

Red Stars Over Hollywood (recorded on vinyl in 1968) confirms the fact that Myron Fagan is the leading authority on first-person knowledge concerning the successful subversion of the movie-making industry. Standing practically alone he has confounded those who plot the destruction of America via the persuasive propaganda of glamorous Hollywood. In this new and powerful expose, Mr. Fagan again proves himself a giant in the struggle to preserve the nation. Without such men our people would have long since been coerced into a one world animal farm.

Key moments:

4:33: The Illuminati CFR Conspiracy
10:21: The Council on Foreign Relations
18:40: Lee Shubert
30:17: Charlie Chaplin
35:02: The First Amendment
57:07: Clarke Cable
57:30: Ronald Reagon
1:22:09; Look Who's Coming to Dinner
1:26:24: David Sarnoff
1:39:44: Local Broadcasting Station
1:48:53: The Theater Guild
1:52:30: the Defenders

When I was a kid in the 80s I used to hear stories from the old men about all this stuff. I never understood it all till now. Now it all makes sense.

Another true history by Myron C. Fagan, thank you for sharing.

Thank you for posting this

a great man that was fighting a losing battle. people are weak slaves.

Thank you for posting this.

Is the manuscript for The Red Rainbow available anywhere?

Does anyone know of a download link for this so I can have it without worrying about YouTube deleting it.

Every American should hear this, is more relevant now than it ever has been,

Want to hear a funny story? I went to ebay to see if anyone had these LP records for sale. No one is selling the records but there are several copies of a book, Red Star (singular, not plural) Over Hollywood, by a different author, but it appears to be similar in its theme. But- guess whose picture appeared over and over, in posters posted for sale? After typing in the words, "Red Stars Over Hollywood". Katherine Hepburn. I have never done a search for that name. She just popped up there.

Coincidence? Hmmm...

It's worse now Washington DC is in on it

Download here: Animal-Farm-George-Orwell-Film-Movie-1954.mp4 - 168,239 kb
By: Cis White Male with Extra Privilege - 1954
Animal Farm - George Orwell
(Film / Movie)

Here is a short 3 minute video on what each animal represents. I would strongly recommend it. Probably before you watch this video.

Playlist this is apart of that has similar books and videos -

Here is the book Animal Farm on pdf file if you would prefer to read it -

#communism #georgeorwell #animalfarm

Page Footer...
[Everything below this line is repeated on most pages]

We are fighting a spiritual war
10th August 2024
Paris Olympics - We are fighting a spiritual war!
Revelation 18:2 "And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

Hard Times Create Strong Men...
Hard Times Create Strong Men - Strong Men Create Good Times - Good Times Create Weak Men - Weak Men Create Hard Times.

Some people wouldn't know
tyranny if it bit them on the ass!
Some people wouldn't know tyranny if it bit them on the ass!

Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!
Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!

This is a question that stupid
people & traitors cannot answer:
Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?
This is a question that stupid people & traitors cannot answer: Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!
30th June 2023
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!

Being awake isn't cool. It means having to dumb down 98% of your conversations every day, so you don't sound like a lunatic.

Attitude to monsters after putting up with their shit since late 2019...

Plan F - The Fuck Off plan!

When people you don't even know hate you, That's when you know you're the best.

mRNA jabs are doing the job
slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!
30th June 2023
mRNA jabs are doing the job slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!

20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities
It's called GENOCIDE!
13th June 2023
20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities - It's called GENOCIDE!

"A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030"
It's called GENOCIDE!
12th May 2023
A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030 - It's called GENOCIDE!

World Economic Forum - Committed to Enslaving the Whole World

Nothing says "Trust the Science"
like asking for the data
to be hidden for 75 years!
18th March 2023
Nothing says Trust the Science like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years! Shhhhh....

Superheroes bow down to the
Big Pharma / Businessmen / Doctors
11th February 2023
It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT
26th November 2022
Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT

The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get
jabbed is like sending a post card from
the Titanic saying: "Wish you were here!"
20th November 2022
The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: Wish you were here!

Ten Stages of Genocide
As taught by WEFers Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau etc - August 2022

Ten Stages of Genocide

The Good Reset
Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's,
Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

28th July 2022
The Good Reset - Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's, Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

Covid Variant / Booster
The Merry Go Round From Hell
22nd December 2021

Covid Variant / Booster - Merry Go Round From Hell

Experimental Injections
Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel
13th November 2021

Experimental Injections - Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel

Death is coming for you stupid!

I am fully Vaccinated and Boostered, and just tested positive for Covid-19. I am grateful for the protection my vaccines continue to provide.

The 5-Step COVID 'Vaccine' RISK / BENEFIT ANALYSIS - September 2021

Trump's swamp draining service

When the population understands this picture, it will change everything.

"You can fool all the people some of the time.
You can fool some of the people all the time.
But you cannot fool all the people all the time!"

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Attributed to Edmund Burke. Also by John F. Kennedy in a speech in 1961.

The Great Cow Analogy

Donald J. Trump - They should never have touched the children!
'They should never have touched the children!'
Donald J. Trump - President of the United States of America

'They should never have touched the children!!' President Donald J. Trump

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Abortion: Modern Day Child Sacrifice
Psalms 106:37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Freedom of Information Alternatives to YouTube
Banned Videos - Education instead of Indoctrination - Better than Google
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Rumble is your rights management video platform. Host, distribute and monetize all your professional, social and viral video.  

If someone accuses you of wearing a tinfoil hat...,
remind them that it's better than wearing a blindfold!

Q - Apr 17 2020 - We are ready. [Set 1] Mission good. Q Q
"Where We Go One, We Go All"
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Q President John F. Kennedy