The Punisher treason: noun: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government
White Hats
Embrace the sometimes painful truth of reality
Remain in the blissful ignorance of illusion
If there is no such thing as a CONSPIRACY - why is the word CONSPIRACY in the dictionary?
Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'   Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell
Click here... Stockholm Syndrome is also a result of Governmental / Pharmaceutical / Media Propaganda
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL and Embraces GENOCIDE

Baphomet - a goat headed god with both male and female anatomy, that represents: Satan worship, pharmakeia (magic / practice of medicine), pedophilia, human sacrifice, darkness and evil.
Baphomet - a goat headed god with both male and female anatomy, that represents: Satan worship, pharmakeia (magic / practice of medicine), pedophilia, human sacrifice, darkness and evil.

Q SATAN WORSHIP and ADRENOCHROME (ADC) - slavery, cannibalism, human trafficking, selling body parts, MK-Ultra, Abortion etc
Video Vote Kamala Harris and Support the CIA in: Child Trafficking / Pedophilia / Adrenochrome production / Organ Harvesting / Cannibalism Operations... - 6th October 2024
Video FBI Seize Diddy Tape Showing Hillary Clinton Killing Child at 'Freak Off' Party - 3rd October 2024
Video Queers give FELLATIO in public, San Francisco - despite originally promising to keep their perversions private! - 29th September 2024
Video McDonald's Food 'Tainted' With Remains of Dead Children. WEF recommend eating bugs, faeces & human meat - 28th September 2024
Video FBI Seize 'Incriminating' Kim Kardashian Tapes From Diddy's Mansion - Sex Trafficking, Adrenochrome, Human Sacrifice - 27th September 2024
Video Celebrities and CEOs Facing Life in Prison as Diddy's "Adrenochrome Ring" Busted Wide Open - 24th September 2024
Video NZ HERALD BLATANTLY SEXUALISING CHILDREN - Complicit in Grooming Children for Predators! - 22nd September 2024
Video Taylor Swift Insider Leaks 'Adrenochrome Contract' Elites Must Sign to Join Illuminati - Pedophiles Rule Underworld - 8th September 2024
Video Adrenochrome Taskforce Rescues Hundreds of Kids Trafficked by Marina Abramovic - Ukraine is Adrenochrome Capital - 3rd September 2024
Video Whistleblower: Nancy Pelosi Murdered a Child in 'Horrific' Adrenochrome Ritual - Calls Herself a Reptilian - 25th August 2024
Video Investigators: Tom Hanks Facing Prison on 'Sickening' Pedophilia and Murder Charges - 23rd August 2024
Video Official Government Documents Prove Brigitte Macron is a Male Pedophile - Media Blackout - 6th August 2024
Video Olympics Insider: Hundreds of Kids Tortured and Killed During 'Satanic' Games for Elite Pedophiles - 31st July 2024
Video CELINE DION: ADRENOCHROME WORLD TOUR - Satan Rewards His Own With SPECIAL GIFTS... - 7th July 2024
Video Like Lady Diana, Kate Middleton Caught Sending SOS to World: 'They're Going To Kill Me' - 15th June 2024
Video Pope Francis Urges Pride Organizers To Be Inclusive of 'Pedosexuals' / Satan / WEF / Evolution - 8th June 2024
Video ENRAGED Pedo-Sympathizing Commies Attack EXTREME Accountability Event - 24th May 2024
Video Elite Pedo Victim Claims 'Hung' Michelle (Big Mike) Obama Attended Satanic Sex Parties - 21st May 2024
Video Epstein Victim Alandra Markman Exposes VIPs Who 'Rape and Torture Kids for Satan' - 30th April 2024
Video Prince Charles, heir of Count Dracula, lives with a group of homeless children in Count Dracula's Castle - 30th April 2024
Video WEF Declares Pedophilia 'Sexual Orientation' Must Be Added To LGBTQ+ - 5 years to life jail for insulting a pedophile! - 31st March 2024
Video Hollywood Elite Panic As P Diddy Victim Vows To Name VIP Pedophiles - 1st March 2024
Video Child Sex Workers 'Fully Booked' at Davos for Pedophile Cult, WEF Insider Says - 22nd February 2024
Video EU Legalizes Child Porn and Bestiality, as WEF Agenda to Normalize Pedophilia Accelerates - 15th February 2024
Video Pope Francis Orders Christians to 'Pray to Satan' for 'Real Enlightenment' - 7th February 2024
Video King Charles and Close Friends Raped 'Hundreds of Children' - Explosive New Testimony - 5th February 2024
Video Taylor Swift 'Murdered a Fan' In Satanic Blood Ritual To Join Illuminati, Insider Claims - 1st February 2024
Q John Podesta to succeed John Kerry as Biden's top climate adviser [Climate Czar] - 31st January 2024
Video Most Disturbing Leaked Footage On Epstein Island - Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew & Child Trafficking - 27th January 2024
Video Oprah Winfrey Facing Life Behind Bars On Child Sex Trafficking Charges - like her pedophile friend John of God! - 14th January 2024
Video 'Horrific' Child Adrenochrome Market Found in NYC Jewish Tunnels - Media Blackout - 12th January 2024
Video Introducing King Charle's mate Jimmy Savile - a pedophile, murderer, necrophiliac & trusted advisor - 29th November 2023
Video Bill Gates bribes media to protect John Podesta's Friend and Pizzagate Debunker who was Caught Raping Babies! - 22nd November 2023
Video DISTURBING Things Are HAPPENING To CHRISTIANS | John MacArthur, Stephen Lawson (Part 1/2) - 8th September 2023
Q WRONGTHINK - When Tyrannical Governments, Banks, Mainstream Media and Police collude to ban THINKING! - 3rd August 2023
Video The Dark Side Of Hollywood They Try To Hide - Then This Happens - 1st August 2023
Video SEX SLAVE$ - Undercover Firsthand Account of Human Trafficking in Ukraine Where Girls Are Recruited - 29th July 2023
Video Homosexuals Buying Babies For Social Media Clout: Gay Couples Use Surrogacy To Traffic Children - 16th July 2023
Video THE WAR - Government, Media, Education, Big Pharma, Social Media, Hollywood, Military, Church, FBI, CIA have all failed! - 15th July 2023
Video What do we know about PIZZAGATE!!! Elitists raping, killing and eating their victims!! - 3rd July 2023
Video US Target loses $9 billion in one week after releasing LGBT Queer swimsuits for kids - "Satan respects pronouns" - 26th May 2023
Video Movie / Music / Clothing Industry Worships Satan - They Tried to Hide This But We Caught Them | John MacArthur - "Satan respects pronouns" - 25th May 2023
Q Target partners with Satanist brand for PRIDE collection - Live laugh lesbian - 23rd May 2023
Q The Pride / Trans / Queer / Gay / Pedophile / Mentally Sick are infiltrating entire communities! - 21st May 2023
Video HUMAN ORGAN HARVESTING IS REAL - Body Chop Shop - THIS IS SICK - 15th May 2023
Q AGENDA 2030 - WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM - "A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030" - It's called GENOCIDE! - 12th May 2023
Q Modern Woke Education via Government Funding - TRANSforming Your Children into Members of the Church of Satan - 10th May 2023
Q Why did the fake King Charles 3 spend so much time with perhaps the most prolific pedophile in the United Kingdom? - 7th April 2023
Video Cannibalism - Preparing human meat for the markets... - 21st April 2023
Video Spanish model freaks out at Illuminati dinner, as dignitaries like the Queen of England and the PM of Scotland eat HUMAN FLESH - 18th March 2023
Video Why do grown men dressed as drag queens entertain school children with XXX rated shows that would best suit a strip club? - 9th March 2023
Video Liz Gunn - Letter to the REAL Jacinda Ardern. Coercion, Segregation, Maiming & Domocide of NZ people - 3rd March 2023
Q "Valentine of the Flesh" was the theme of Satan's debut show at the New York Fashion Week - 20th February 2023
Video Tusiata Avia can't wait to make you uncomfortable - "James Cook, we're gonna FUCK YOU UP FOR GOOD BITCH." - 19th February 2023
Video Daily Wire Hosts REACT To Lia Thomas' BREAKING SATANIC STORY - The End Of Women's Sport As Men Dominate Women's Sport - 16th February 2023
Video The 2023 Satanic 65th Grammy Awards - Sponsored by Pfizer! - 6th February 2023
Q Codes Paedophiles use to Communicate - 25th January 2023
Video The elite pedophiles have woken up a group of people that are going to DESTROY THEM! - 28th December 2022
Video Project Veritas exposes Joe Biden's Department of Health & Human Services Child Trafficking - 1st December 2022
Video Traumatised Russian soldier: This is what the Satanic Cabal has been doing with children in Ukraine and Globally! They think of the children as cattle and sheep! - 28th November 2022
Video Covid-19 Injections Open Doors to Demons through Pharmakeia / Black Magic / Witchcraft - Interview with a demon - 30th Oct 2022
Video Eva Vlaardingerbroek says young girls are being 'sacrificed on the altar of mass migration' - Rape and organ harvesting of a 12 year old girl in Paris! - 18th October 2022
Video Frence President Emmanuel Macron Joins the Evil BLACK EYE CLUB - 13th October 2022
Video Child Sacrifice by Jews, A Secret Forbidden History - Jewish Ritual Murder (Full Banned Documentary) - 8th September 2022
Video MY SON HUNTER: (Full Movie) - socially dangerous, ego-damaging & down-right delicious expose of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal - 8th September 2022
Video In Memory of Queen Elizabeth 2 (died 8th Sept' 2022 age 96) - & her Legacy of: Satanism, Globalism, Paedophilia, Child Trafficking, Murder - 8th September 2022
Video Mission Accomplished: Remove stem cells from the kidneys of unanaesthetised Late Term Abortions - 11th July 2022
Video Satan Responds To Roe v. Wade Overturn - boasts over 60 million babies murdered - 29th June 2022
Q Modern Baal worship. Sacrificing babies to Satan - 27th June 2022
Q Agenda 2030 - The Great Reset / Mandatory Vaccines / No Genders / No Parents / Suicide / Genocide - 25th June 2022
Video Celebrities Who Drink Blood!? - 2nd May 2022
Video Californian bill to legalise murdering babies up to 28 days old - 26th April 2022
Video LIVE WORLD PREMIERE: WATCH THE WATER - Satanic elite using snake venom in their Covid-19 virus / vaccine bioweapons - 11th April 2022
Video Disney is Grooming Your Children?! - 7th April 2022
Video New movie "FRESH" tries to convince you to try human meat. Woke - just another road to Satanism - 6th March 2022
Video Why I don't eat at McDonald's. Human meat in their products was a real issue - 10th February 2022
Q When the truth about child trafficking and Satanic paedophiles reaches the masses - IT'S OVER! - 27th January 2022
Video Child trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell could name names to reduce lengthy prison sentence - 31st December 2021
Video The Rantings of a Genocidal Megalomaniac... Jabcinda's Kindergarten / Primary / High School Allegory - JAB EM ALL - 21st December 2021
Q Jacinda Ardern's Definition of 'DOING EVERYTHING POSSIBLE' - Have you done your Due Diligence? - 21st December 2021
Video White Rabbit - Jefferson Airplane - (Official Lyric Video) - Red / Blue Pills - 16th December 2021
Video Riccardo Bosi "We are coming for you" - Pedophiles in Australia - 15th October 2021
Q GIANT SPIDERS are Invading the Earth - Why? - 29th September 2021
Video ZOMBIES on the Streets of Philadelphia, Kensington Ave. What happened today... - 15th September 2021
Video Deepest Dark Documentary - Satan's Playground - Trump is hunting these bastards down - WARNING - graphic footage - May 2021
Video Special Investigation: Joe Biden's Illegal Smuggling of Children Blown Wide Open - God help us! - 27th May 2021
Video Shocking Truth About Adrenochrome And Child Trafficking "Sound Of Freedom" Jim Caviezel - 16th April 2021
Video Anneke Lucas: I was auctioned as a sex slave by prominent politicians - 9th April 2021
Q Why is a BACTERIA Considered LIFE on MARS? - when a PRENATAL heartbeat is not considered LIFE ON EARTH? - April 2021
Video "EYES OF THE DEVIL." A documentary film by Patryk Vega - Exposing the Sale of Babies for Sex and Organ Harvesting - 16th March 2021
Video DAWN IS COMING - OPEN YOUR EYES - Child Sex Trafficking Is The Real Pandemic - 5th March 2021
Q Adrenochrome - Top Gun Tom Cruise - then and now - 21st February 2021
Video Google blatantly flaunts Satanic symbolism via Google names, logo etc - e.g. Adreno-Chrome - 666... - 24th December 2020
Q Hunter Biden's Paedophilic Adventures - the World must know about the Bidens - 2020
Video Jacinda Ardern and Mike Hosking exchange Christmas gifts - or signs of SATANISM? - 3rd December 2020
Video Epstein Island Skit - Satanists on Pedo-Island: Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Harvey Weinstein, CIA, Bill Gates, Prince Andrew, Tom Hanks - 17th July 2020
Video What really happened on Jeffrey Epstein's private island - 60 Minutes Australia - Human trafficking - 8th July 2020
Video Adrenochrome Human Trafficking Celebrity Fail - 4th June 2020
Q Adrenochrome (ADC) as a Cryptocurrency - sourced from the blood of human children, restricted to the upper echelons of society - 25th April 2020
Video What is pizz@gate? #Podesta #Pasta #Alefantis - WARNING: VIDEO CONTAINS DISTURBING PHOTOS - 23rd April 2020
Q Abortionists do sell bodies and vaccine manufacturers do use fetal tissue - 6th April 2020
Video ADRENOCHROME - Those Who Know Cannot Sleep - 26th March 2020
Video ADRENOCHROME - Witch Hunt: The Storm is Upon Us - Adrenochrome users among the rich and famous going down - 21st March 2020
Video The Oscars - What you didn't know about... The gods of Babylon - 13th February 2020
Video Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes 2020 - Ronan Farrow is coming for all you perverted, pedophile celebrities - 10th January 2020
Prior to 2020
Video Angela Merkel seen shaking for a third time - BBC News - Kuru among the self entitled elite - 11th July 2019
Video Roman Catholic Nuns Sexually Abused These Women For Years. Now Survivors Speak Out. - 12th April 2019
Q The Black Eye Club - who is punching them? Symptoms of Adrenochrome consumption - February 2019
Q Adrenochrome - In Plain Sight - Lady Gaga - possibly early 2019
Video Sandra Bullock Got A 'Penis Facial' - from foreskins of Korean babies - 18th May 2018
Video ADRENOCHROME (ADC) - Cannibalism and Satan Worship - Child trafficking video - 15th May 2018
Video Satanists just love BiteLabs - Eat Celebrity Meat (Official video) - 10th May 2014
Video Documentary - New World Order: Communism by the Backdoor - 7th May 2014
Video Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu says to Obama: 'you're the great Satan and we're the little Satan' - 5th March 2012
Video Lady Gaga has a Penis ? Live Video ! - This video clearly shows that Lady Gaga has a penis - 12th August 2009
Video White Rabbit - Jefferson Airplane - 1967
Q ALEISTER CROWLEY - Luciferian and inspiration of many politicians and musicians - 1st December 1947
Q Satanic Ritual Abuse - Jews and Popes cooking and eating children

Slavery, Cannibalism, Human Trafficking, Organ
Harvesting, MK-Ultra, Abortion etc in the 21st century

Aside from the millions of babies that are murdered via abortion, over 2 million children are abducted / kidnapped / stolen Globally EVERY YEAR - never to return home.

Most of these babies and children will be used for:

  • slavery
  • cannibalism
  • human trafficking
  • selling organs and body parts
  • MK-Ultra type reprogramming
  • hunt and kill games for the elite
  • prostitution, sexual molestation, rape and pornography
  • extracting powerful drugs such as 'Adrenochrome (ADC)' - a 'fountain of youth' serum that dramatically: reverses aging / increases energy & intelligence.

Adrenochrome is sourced from the blood of human children, by subjecting the baby / youth to extreme stress and torture.

It is predominantly manufactured in Wuhan, China and is consumed by the rich and famous, including: the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church (& other churches) / politicians / Hollywood actors / royalty in Saudi Arabia, Buckingham Palace etc.

Abortion is also an integral component in supplying Adrenochrome.

Abortion: Modern Day Child Sacrifice - Psalms 106:37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils

Adrenochrome (ADC) is restricted to the upper echelons of society and is also a powerful cryptocurrency.

All of the above is supported and facilitated by the megalomaniacs in the: World Economic Forum - United Nations - World Health Organisation - Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation etc.

Download: Vote-Kamala-Harris-and-Support-the-CIA-in-Child-Trafficking-Pedophilia-Organ-Harvesting-Cannibalism-Operations-2024-10-06.mp4 - 38,419 kb
By: Red Pill USA - 6th October 2024
Vote Kamala Harris & Support the CIA
in: Child Trafficking / Pedophilia /
Adrenochrome Production / Organ
Harvesting / Cannibalism Operations...

Border Patrol Agent at McAllen International Airport, Texas, USA, admits that they facilitate child trafficking on a daily basis, due to Joe Biden's government.

The CIA is the biggest human trafficking and drug trafficking cartel in the world!

Gary Webb exposed it all and paid the ultimate price.

They are literally trafficking children in broad daylight right in front of our faces.

WEF / WHO / UN members (Klaus Schwab, Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern etc) are fully complicit in facilitating human trafficking either directly, or indirectly.

Where are the missing children?

Where are the missing children?

Where are the missing children?

Where are the missing children?

Michael Scott Smith
I am no Elon Musk by a long stretch in terms of financial ability

But if any of you border workers want a job and want to blow the whistle on this bullshit and save some kids I will give you a job

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
Child trafficking under the Biden / Harris government is so blatant & prolific!

What's next at US airports? Raping of children, Adrenochrome harvesting, organ transplants, cannibalism & their remains become McDonald burgers?

Police & airport officials: "I'm just doing my job.."

Wearing masks should be illegal! Get their pathetic faces plastered all over the country

Kelly Guy
It's infuriating! Please share this movie out.

Truly evil bastards. May they all rot in HELL

This boils my blood

OlegVork Dev
Some politicians need new organs.


Sandy Gascoigne
This needs to be FRONT and CENTER RIGHT NOW! We will have to answer to God about this!

Download here: FBI-Seize-Diddy-Tape-Showing-Hillary-Clinton-Killing-Child-at-Freak-Off-Party-2024-10-03.mp4 - 84,018 kb
By: The People's Voice - 3rd October 2024
FBI Seize Diddy Tape
Showing Hillary Clinton
Killing Child at 'Freak Off' Party

Seized footage from Sean "Diddy" Combs' notorious parties allegedly feature Hillary Clinton in scenes that will upend the political establishment in Washington D.C. and send shock waves around the world.

Diddy now sits in prison, fearful that he will not survive long enough to face his day in court, while rumors circulate that Hillary is anxious she will be the next powerful figure to be exposed.

Whistleblowers, including those closest to Diddy and the Clintons, are coming forward with damning evidence of sex crimes and crimes against children, involving Hollywood stars, famous athletes, and D.C. elites.

Hillary has survived countless scandals, but this time, there's no covering it up - the tide has turned, the truth is being laid bare, and it's about to rock the entire system to its core.

I'd love to see Killary publicly hung

Hillary loved to murder children. She did it for the enjoyment. She would also love to incinerate the planet in a nuclear holocaust.

We used to burn witches alive on a pile of sticks. Maybe it's time to bring this death penalty for child rapists & pedos.

That bitch eats them

I'll believe it when I see it. Seems that there are all these tapes and I never see them, the never come out. Same with Wieners laptop.

if this is true about hitlery then there's a real hot spot in hell waiting for her and anyone else who have treated kids like what's been alleged. God help us all.

Frazzle drip

Not just her. Pelosi exhibit's signs of Schizophrenia brought about by andrenochrome. She seems more batshit than Hilary.

frazzeldrip parts 2-6. OMG.. minds will be warped when it all comes out.. will his wrath be televised? pillars of salt on the way...

Pelosi LOOKS fucked in the head. I know all of them are, but Pelosi has the fucking LOOK of an andrenochrome, old witch.

Who is that 50 yr old woman pretending to HRC

Thank You for your report!

Ya that's not Hillary, sorry. That bitch is dead af.

These people are NOT going to stop until they are stopped.

killary is dead, what is being shown as her is either a mask, an actress or a clone, cgi is quite advanced too.

Download here: Queers-give-FELLATIO-in-public-San-Francisco-despite-originally-promising-to-keep-their-perversions-private-2024-09-29.mp4 - 67,886 kb
By: WeGotitBack - 29th September 2024
Queers give FELLATIO
in public, San Francisco!
Despite originally promising
to keep their perversions private!

San Francisco.

On the streets like it just normal... these people need locking up!

Pedophilia is now legal in California!

Live Free Or Die
This video is a perfect example of embracing Atheism, Communism etc.

No (Creator) God = No Peace;
Know God - Know Peace.

We are certainly in the days of Sodom and Gomrah!

Jude 1:7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

J.A. Fernie
Keir Starmer and Lord Alli have been spotted on the streets of San Francisco.

Adam Brooks AKA EssexPR
Mentally ill perverts

Sick fucks.

Too bad it's not legal to just shoot them and end the degeneracy.

Leilani Dowding
Surely that's illegal!!!

A quick kick under his chin and you're killing two birds with one stone

Europa Truth
We really allowed these people to progress to this shit.

It started off allowing them to get married and since then, they kept moving the needle to the point where sexualising children and degenerate behaviour in public is normalized.

Mountain Man
Weak man allow this. If you go by and allow this to continue you are weak af

Rather ironic that if it was a woman on her knees they'd be arrested.

The left have lost their minds as well as their morals.

Kim Cotter
Throw a bucket of cold water over them , like my gran used to do to the dogs in the streets mating !!

Well the men of the USA are allowing this and turning a blind eye so it will continue.

sodom and gomorrah

California is done... its not even considered a normal society anymore

Download here: McDonalds-Food-Tainted-With-Remains-of-Dead-Children-WEF-recommend-eating-bugs-faeces-and-human-meat-2024-09-28.mp4 - 76,262 kb
By: The People's Voice - 28th September 2024
McDonald's Food 'Tainted' With
Remains of Dead Children.

WEF recommend eating
bugs, faeces & human meat

First they smuggled horse meat into the meat supply. Then came the mysterious "pink slime." Now, we have evidence of human meat in the food supply.

The elite are determined to strip us of nourishing, traditional meat sources and instead force-feed us bugs, crickets, and even more disturbing alternatives like feces and human meat. Their agenda is becoming clearer by the day.

I heard Human Blood is in Welch's Grape Juice too. And Flesh in Strawberry Ice Cream. It sounds absurd but the people running the World are Satanic Pedophiles, so I wouldn't be surprised if true.

Soylent Green - coming to a McDonald's near you.

Ewww ... I stopped eating McDs over 20 years ago, I just never knew why, as my kids loved it ... ouch! Sickening indeed.

Where is the Scientific Proof of your claim? We need that to File a Trillion Dollar Civil LAWSUIT AGAINST McDonalds Corp, Franchises and Gates & His Gates Foundations.




Heinz Ketchup Needs to be Tested as well!

Well now we know where all the children that Kamala and sicko geezer Biden brought over our border went did they know the kids were gonna wind up as hamburger probably these people are straight outa hell Kamala Biden murderers sex trafficking children and supporting aiding rapists murderers thieves and communists everywhere she puts them in our finest hotels while Americans live on the streets shes a drunken hag
pardon me while I vomit

General Smith time to SHUT DOWN McDONALDS! Take ALL of the land they own Away from them!


They say when you eat your own species, you go insane...Big BUCKS for PHARMA!

you take your kiddos to McDonald's restaurants to find out their happy meal is really part of dead children's bodies! All because of Bill Gates and all of the sick elites trying to take over our planet, well, I have news for all you sick evil people, this is God's world & these children belong to God Almighty, I really feel sorry for you, that practice these crimes on humanity, you will never get away with any of it, you will face an angry God who will deal with you the same way you dealt with all these innocent children, They will go to heaven, while you will face an angry fire where you will burn forever & ever, so have your fun now, you have proven how corrupt you really are, and be sure your sins will find you out like they have now!! The whole bunch of the WHO & WEF are in for a rude awaking because you will NEVER RULE THIS WORLD, Hell is your home, it will be plenty warm there to share with Satan!!!


How is Gates still 'AT LARGE'?
Impossible to imagine the FBI any kind of 'Law Enforcement' when it's as evil, associated with evil, covers-up evil and shields those perpetrating evil from all prying.
The INVASION at what was once the Southern U.S. Border is the 'Supply Chain' and funded by the U.S. Taxpayer for the pedophiles, Ritual Torturing/Raping Murderers, Cannibals and Vampires as well as the GENERAL PUBLIC consuming 'Fast Food'...No mystery here.

Download: FBI-Seize-Incriminating-Kim-Kardashian-Tapes-From-Diddys-Mansion-Sex-Trafficking-Adrenochrome-Human-Sacrifice-2024-09-27.mp4 - 63,326 kb
By: The People's Voice - 27th September 2024
FBI Seize 'Incriminating'
Kim Kardashian Tapes
From Diddy's Mansion
Sex Trafficking, Adrenochrome, Human Sacrifice

Footage from Diddy's raid allegedly shows Kim Kardashian in scenes that are set to send shockwaves through the entertainment industry.

As Diddy sits in jail awaiting justice for his crimes, Kardashian is said to be terrified that she will be the next A-lister to be put in prison as whistleblowers including those closest to Diddy and Kardashian come forward to expose what they know about sex crimes and crimes against children perpetrated by Hollywood stars, famous athletes, and political elite.

DISAstars. NOT stars at all!

I watch you almost everyday Sean. Thank you for naming and shining the light of truth on these demons so we can bring them to justice for their unnatural evil disgusting crimes.

The Kardashians ARE TRASH! Their 'mother' needs to FRY too!

Diddy diddled the Bieb?

Long drops and short stops for all of those who have harmed God's little ones!

Nothing worse than hurting a child.

This psychopaths need to be arrested and fast

Moloch CIA MK Ultra produced Charles Manson, Epstein, Diddy, and so many more.


Download here: Celebrities-and-CEOs-Facing-Life-in-Prison-as-Diddys-Adrenochrome-Ring-Busted-Wide-Open-2024-09-24.mp4 - 67,886 kb
By: The People's Voice - 24th September 2024
Celebrities and CEOs Facing
Life in Prison as Diddy's
"Adrenochrome Ring"
Busted Wide Open

The entertainment industry is on edge as a sweeping FBI investigation into Sean "Diddy" Comb's underage sex and drugs blackmail scandal threatens to bring Hollywood's most powerful figures to their knees.

With hundreds of celebrities, CEOs and political elites under scrutiny, many are scrambling to erase their digital footprints and distance themselves from the growing scandal.

Unfortunately for the celebrity elite, it's too late to cover their tracks. Diddy has been linked to Jeffrey Epstein's child sex procurers and his hidden tunnel trafficking network has been exposed.

Mel Gibson
"Now the first step in eradicating this crime is awareness."

They sold their soul to the devil.Trafficked, Maimed, raped, drank their blood and sold Children to their evil friends and business buddies to do the same, they buried the child, someones child never to be found. If this is not Evil and demonic then I dont know what is. My Heart Hurts. May they all be shown to the People who Idolize them and Burn in Hell.

Finally, the FBI does its job for once! Hollywood is absolutely despicable--it can't crumble fast enough!!!

Now we that do our homework know that this has been going on for a long time now, Bob Hope was an MK Ultra handler, one of the first; the Rat Pack were in on it too, along with satanism (Sammy Davis Jr), the Playboy Mansion had tunnels for human trafficking leading to Frank Sanatra's and many other homes...and they've always used Hollywood for laundering government money that's why you'll see most of them on board with whoever is in power at the time.

#bigmikeobummer and the rest need to hang and hang NOW

I hope they get them all, i certainly will not lose any sleep about any of them.

These people are sick - they have allowed Satan to take over them. Jesus Christ himself said that anyone who harms one of these little ones it would be better if a millstone were hung around their necks and they were cast into the sea.

Don't let the "suicide watch" lie deceive you. The media puppets were instructed to write that so, when they murder Combs and fake his suicide (like with Epstein), the average idiot will believe the suicide cover story!

Don't be fooled!


I hope these Patriot Agents that took down Diddy do something about the Election Fraud the Democrats are going to commit.



Are 'the people' manipulated to feel hopeless and helpless in the face of evil this outlet reports? WHAT IS THE POINT OF EXPOSING EVIL WHEN THERE IS NOBODY TO TAKE IT DOWN AND RID THE EARTH OF IT?

Could the 1000's bottles of 'baby oil' actually be adrenochrome?

Get the ropes out

Sick mother fuckers need to die.

Why does God let this happen?

01:01 Meghan is a he, dude.
01:18 Look at that large trachea & shaved adam's apple. DW it always grows back. That's why they need lots of money to support their cultist troony goons life style.

Download here: NZ-HERALD-BLATANTLY-SEXUALISING-CHILDREN-Grooming-Children-for-Predators-2024-09-22.mp4 - 11,709 kb
By: COUNTERSPIN MEDIA NZ - 22nd September 2024

Complicit in Grooming
Children for Predators!


The NZ Herald recently published a video on their 'Kea Kids News' section, sexualising a young boy, who dresses in drag, twerks, dances like a drag queen and rides his quadbike while wearing stilletos.

During the video, the boy is interviewed by another child about his life, his wardrobe and so forth. The boy also speaks of having had several acting gigs, raising his social status amongst younger audiences.

This is blatant promotion of pedophilia by the NZ Herald, who appear to have lost all sense of what is, and what is not appropriate. This is after all, the end result of wokeism - the erosion of all morality.

The promotion of adult degeneracy is one matter (which also needs to be addressed), but the blatant sexualisation of children by the legacy media outlet is a step too far and ought to have consequences.

@HannahSpierer @CounterspinZ @samcostelloNZ @UnitedFreePres @dbongino @RealAlexJones @RealCandaceO @elonmusk

Sick perverts posing as journalists at the NZ HERALD, are provably and blatantly encouraging the grooming of New Zealand children - for predators!

It's better to expose what's happening and bring awareness rather than pretending it's not an agenda being rolled out across the Western world.

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
Well done Counterspin for exposing how low the failing NZ HERALD have really fallen!

Criticism against you for posting this 'evidence' is akin to corrupt judges deeming it illegal to expose governments behaving illegally!

Evil is evil does...

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
Sick perverts posing as journalists at the NZ HERALD, are provably and blatantly encouraging the grooming of New Zealand children - for predators!

What a sick, perverted and extremely f&%ked up newspaper!

The girl being a reporter doing the interview, also is putting a child in an adult role, but a non sexual one.
The boy probably doesn't even realize he is being sexualized and just thinks it's a dressing up and acting game.

Joe King
Kiwis need to boycott that shit publication

richard anderson
herald promoting parents abuse

Bill Fox
This is the way of the world now. Central Otago youth council chairman has decided it's time to have a male enter what has been traditionally a female princess competition at the Alexandra blossom festival. The rot is now widespread.

This is child exploitation. The Hereld is SICK

time to boycott the herald, and even the national government because they are letting this happen, doing their dutiful orders from the WEF

Margaret Nelson
He's learned all of this by imitation. Someone ought to be checking his family and what they're encouraging him to do.

Lisa Tangaroa
All this child sexualisation at the same time the Diddly being exposed and what he done with a young Justin Bever. Hope people are seeing it for where it leads to.

What the Fuck is going on at the Herald?

Feral plague rat v2
My kids had a dress up box and would often dress up in all sorts of outfits but they never minced about gyrating and twerking like this. Why would that even occur to them?

toby meredith
They are dirty scum pedos and groomers the lowest of the low and no matter what they do or say public perception won't ever change.

Download: Taylor-Swift-Insider-Leaks-Adrenochrome-Contract-Elites-Must-Sign-To-Join-Illuminati-Pedophiles-Rule-Underworld-2024-09-08.mp4 - 93,892 kb
By: The People's Voice - 8th September 2024

Taylor Swift Insider Leaks
'Adrenochrome Contract' Elites
Must Sign to Join Illuminati
- Pedophiles Rule Underworld -

Taylor Swift is a control freak who forces her own family members to sign non-disclosure agreements to spend a single afternoon in her company, according to a former staffer who has come forward to blow the whistle about the dark occult circles in which Swift operates.

According to the staffer, Swift has sold her soul to an organization that now has total control over everything she does, from the famous men she dates, to the 'causes' she supports, and who she endorses in political races.

Trending News
Taylor Swift
global elite
MK Ultra

I still think she looks like Napoleon Dynamite in drag. She would be a nobody without her contract with satan.

The only thing that these devil worshipers should face, is the basket thats placed to catch their head when the blade drops...

so... This adenochrome is their new cocaine...This is much more disgusting and despicable...

Outstanding. Taylor Swift always looked weird - like a man.

As a pretty young woman living and writing music in New Orleans, I had met several record producers.... I heard this:

"You have a fast car (i.e., original songs ) and want to get in the game (performance)... BUT WE OWN THE TRACK. (the entire entertainment system)"

One Producer came with his entourage to interview my bedroom..?
Then the others quickly disappeared, leaving him alone with me.... he needed a "relationship" before talking about any aspect of a business relationship. (Because I wasn't interested.... there was no further talk of a deal).

Anyway ...I quietly left town and sought a different line of work.... and didn't think about that weird, creepy scene again - until now.

A man addicted to terrorised baby blood. What a disgusting freak.

jews run Hollywood

The most important take away is what Lora Logan said about the children. They are the closest thing to God and have not been corrupted. The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth.

Matthew 18: 6 But whoso shall cause one of these little ones who believe in Me to fall, it were better for him that a millstone were hung about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Taylor is a born male to female no natural woman. The music is satanic as all main stream. Like Katy Perry or Billie Eilish with her black goo drinking, if you reversed the audio you hear satanic worshipping in all of them.

They talking about alter ego (demonic posessed) taking over them when they sing.

She is simply another devil worshipen baby murderer!!

We will be reading about her arrest and execution on Thr Digital Soldier Press.

Wanna be a star. Gonna be a cannibal. Pedovores.

Download: Adrenochrome-Taskforce-Rescues-Hundreds-of-Kids-Trafficked-by-Marina-Abramovic-Ukraine-is-Adrenochrome-Capital-2024-09-04.mp4 - 72,568 kb
By: The People's Voice - 3rd September 2024
Adrenochrome Taskforce Rescues
Hundreds of Kids Trafficked by
Marina Abramovic

Russian special forces have rescued hundreds of enslaved children from a factory farm in the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains, as President Putin's campaign against the global adrenochrome industry intensifies.

According to Russian sources involved in the raid, the bust that liberated hundreds of children was made possible by the infiltration of an adrenochrome party organized by Marina Abramovic and attended by elites in Paris, France.

Ukraine is the global capital of the child sex trade and investigators warn it is home to a network of adrenochrome factories.

Trending News
elite pedophilia
Marina Abramovic
Spirit cooking

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Ukraine is the most corrupt country in the World. They are Pure Evil, child trafficking and sacrifice, organ harvesting, adrenochrome , Bio Labs,Satanic rituals,etc

And to think our corrupt lawmakers send BILLIONS of our tax dollars to fund their sick lifestyles.

One can see why the democrats have been so heavily invested in Ukraine

Sick fucks

Horror, pure hell.

fk the khazar devils

I was advised to diversify my portfolio across several assets like Bonds, ETFs, Stocks, and Crypto. I now earn more than $550k every year through investing in those assets. Thank you, Stanley Frank Goodin, for helping me.

Ukraine has been an evil place where LIVE human body parts were trafficked and child porn produced for many years...

The Royals do this as well, Gates is also well known for it too! Satanic the lot of them.

The H.H.S has recently admitted that they have lost track of over 189,000 children. They hand them over to their sponsor (who is not vetted in any way). And that's it. they have no more legal responsibility and they don't follow up. They have a list of the sponsors names and address but they have so far refused to hand it over to the republican congressional committee, which has subpoena'd it. Seems like they may be in the adrenochrome biz as well

Hell awaits.

I saw another story on this and it's true.

Sick fucks

I want to see those Satanists suffer the same way they made the kids suffer, put them in cages and starve them and frighten them like they did to the kids, then chop them up, give them the same treatment they gave the kids, hanging is too quick for them they should be made to suffer a long time.

I appreciate the report, but may I suggest, for the sake of us who LISTEN not watch, could you read the subtitles please!!

Download here: Nancy-Pelosi-Murdered-a-Child-in-Horrific-Adrenochrome-Ritual-Calls-Herself-a-Reptilian-2024-08-25.mp4 - 76,729 kb
By: The People's Voice - 25th August 2024
Whistleblower: Nancy Pelosi Murdered
a Child in 'Horrific' Adrenochrome Ritual
- Calls Herself a Reptilian -

Trending News
Nancy Pelosi
elite pedophiles
elite pedophile ring

The political elite in Washington D.C. practice an occult religion that involves the sacrifice of children and the consumption of their blood, according to a young whistleblower who spent years working on Capitol Hill.

According to the whistleblower, these depraved rituals are an open secret in D.C. and form part of a sickening initiation ritual for newcomers to the Hill earmarked for a career involving status, power and wealth.

Although not everyone succeeds in passing the initiation trial, everyone understands the dire consequences of speaking out.

please do more on this subject expose every participant . now Trump announced death penalty for any child trafficking. bring this evil out in to the light.

They also have baby farms where they keep women that r impregnated and have the baby with no birth certificate so there is no trails

I have no doubt Hillary and Huma sliced the face off of a screaming child in the frazzle drip video. Pelosi is equally subhuman.

That's why Nancy was executed a few years ago, those silicone masks are amazing. I've tried to tell my friends and my family about all of the dead people in the masks, they don't outright tell me I'm crazy, but the conversation stops, they give me that look, and another conversation starts, not about what I just told them though, usually about sports or a new movie. I am confident in my beliefs, and nothing will stop that.

Several million children go missing each year worldwide. 800,000 go missing in the US each year.

One of the side effects of adrenochrome is schizophrenia

Now we know where all of the missing children who have come illegally over the border have gone.

We don't call them devil worshippen baby murderen commie Marxist dirtbags for nuthen!!!

These people are both sick & pure evil!!!

She could have named many of those there in the ritual besides Pelosi.

Nothing surprises me, I have been knowing this old hag is evil. She as of now is in her 80s and her best years are behind her and one day she will have to give God account for all of her evilness.

I noticed Newsmax was turning bad, they used to be good.

Great information - ty for the Truth Bombs

Keep in mind what the Scriptures say, The Life is in the Blood. This is not just some cute saying, it is a fact relayed to us by the Holy Spirit. The things that we can't see in the natural, are far more real than the things we can see in the natural.

Download here: Investigators-Tom-Hanks-Facing-Prison-on-Sickening-Pedophilia-and-Murder-Charges-2024-08-23.mp4 - 73,505 kb
By: The People's Voice - 23rd August 2024
Tom Hanks Facing Prison on
'Sickening' Pedophilia & Murder Charges

Trending News
Tom Hanks
Steven Spielberg
elite pedophilia
hollywood pedophiles
Heather O Rourke

Get Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and Fenbendazole here: - use coupon code 'peoplesvoice' for 15% off.

Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg have been hiding their crimes in plain sight for decades according to investigators who have revealed the two entertainment industry elites are set to be thrown under the bus and prosecuted on child rape and murder charges.

Hanks and Spielberg aren't the only two high-level abusers facing the prospect of spending the rest of their lives behind bars as insiders are comng forward to blow the whistle on their crimes.

A whole host of perpetrators, including household names in Hollywood and members of Congress, are currently sweating as the walls close in on them.

They can run, but they can't hide! Justice is coming!

I have no use anymore for TOM HANKS!!!!

I remember i have seen a B roll of Jim Carrey and Tom Hanks for a interview on a show and they didn't knew camera was still running they had slit eyes both of them had there eyes change to slits. Those things aren't human.

George Clooney too

Well that's all true and there are heaps more.

These people are sick AF. They should all be hung and tortured for hurting children.

Pence, too, is a pedophile.

thank you to the news man journalist we just watched for bringing the truth out

We've been being told by 'truthers' that he was already arrested and executed. Changes by the day.

Need to castrate both of them evil a$$holes.

A.I. whistle blower

Hanks and wife have been dead from hanging for years!!! They were very bad beings, wouldn't stop.

Sounds like Seth Rogan... Just sayin..

Hollywood won't cancel themselves. expose and don't support these evil monsters.

Download here: Official-Government-Documents-Prove-Brigitte-Macron-is-a-Male-Pedophile-Media-Blackout-2024-08-06.mp4 - 68,992 kb
By: The People's Voice - 6th August 2024
Official Government Documents
Prove Brigitte Macron is a
Male Pedophile - Media Blackout

A strange thing happens to journalists and fact checkers who set out to debunk the claim that Emmanuel Macron's wife Brigitte was actually born male.

These journalists think it's a ridiculous conspiracy theory that will be easy to dismiss and debunk.

Then they quickly realize that they were wrong. Very wrong.

Just as there is a mountain of evidence in the US that Barack Obama's wife Michelle is actually a man named Michael Robinson, there is even more evidence in France that the president is married to a man who seduced him when he was a 14-year-old boy, before transitioning to life as a woman, and operating as the future president's handler.

If that sounds far-fetched and ridiculous, well... that's what the journalists and fact checkers thought too before they became firm believers that Brigitte Macron, the First Lady of France, is a transgender pedophile who lived as a man for 30 years and is now hiding in plain sight.

Trending News
Brigitte Macron
Brigitte trans
Brigitte man
Candace Owens
Natacha Rey
Jean Michel Trogneux

U must belong to secret societies and pass the pedophile exams. I'm not trying to be funny but that's how it works. Sychopathic pedophiles and child sacrifice! They have no feelings

Looks like we need to find Rothschild and smoke them out of their hidey holes. Bunch of inverted inbred snakes need to be hung.

Let Macron sue. The truth can be sorted out in court. He's a barking dog without any bite.

Schumer's wife looks like a man too. Nasty.

holy moly----macrons wife is more manly than obamas wife
next cover serena williams !! that Is a man as well

I met with a guy a month ago that had direct meeting with Obama and Big Mike. I asked if he noticed a bulge in Mikes mid region. He laughed and said no because she was sitting down. He went on to say if she was a woman she was the absolute most masculine woman he has ever seen.

Communists and promoters of perversion have seized the reins of America's library system thanks to a takeover of the American Library Association.

A self-described "Marxist lesbian" named Emily Drabinski has been elected president of this powerful organization. Drabinski crowed about her agenda on Twitter after her election:

"I just cannot believe that a Marxist lesbian who believes that collective power is possible to build and can be wielded for a better world is the president-elect of @ALALibrary."

Drabinski has made it clear that she intends to use her newfound power to destroy capitalism, destroy the family, and subvert Christianity.

She revealed her intentions in an article she wrote entitled "Queering the Catalog: Queer Theory and the Politics of Correction" where she talked about ways to radicalize libraries, introduce children to perversion and attacked the Dewey Decimal System for being too friendly to Christians.

Now that Drabinski has taken power at the ALA, she is seeking to turn America's library system on its head and subvert these important institutions to serve her own deranged ideology.

But you and I have the power to stop the onslaught of communism and perversion in our libraries.

State and governments have the power to withdraw their membership in the American Library Association in protest of their filthy agenda and radical new leadership.

Libraries should be run by their local communities, not by a centralized organization that has been taken over by communists and promoters of the "queer agenda".

Texas, Montana and Missouri have withdrawn their membership from the American Library Association, cutting off their influence and some of their funding.


Trannys been pretending to be wives for a long time, especially among the rulers. Thats how they keep their circles small.

You think HE SHE and Michael are the only ones??? I'd look deeper.

Download here: Olympics-Insider-Hundreds-of-Kids-Tortured-and-Killed-During-Satanic-Games-for-Elite-Pedophiles-2024-07-31.mp4 - 95,187 kb
By: The People's Voice - 31st July 2024
Olympics Insider: Hundreds of Kids
Tortured and Killed During
'Satanic' Games for Elite Pedophiles

Hundreds of children have been trafficked to Paris for the deranged pleasure of the global elite who have gathered in the French capital for the quadrennial Luciferian celebration of the Olympic Games.

Dignitaries, politicians, celebrities and royalty have flown in from all around the world, not to watch men and women run around a track or throw a javelin, but so they can take part behind closed doors in the most depraved and sickening occult rituals in the elite's four-year calendar.

While the mainstream media is obsessed with the events taking place in the pool, the track, and on gymnastics mats, the pedophile elite are more interested in taking part in what they call "The Most Dangerous Game," or more simply, "The Hunt."

Trending News
Olympics opening ceremony
2024 Olympics
Paris Olympics
Dangerous Game
Lady Gaga

The Hunt on The Simpsons...


The day the truth is fully in the sun, the mothers of the world will tear these people apart until their bones are all that's left

What a bunch of freaks!

Sick bastards

Thanks, People's Choice. Your work is excellent and important.

Adrenochrome comes from the adrenals not the Pineal which sit on top of the kidneys...the more fear the victim has produces more for these Monsters.. Correct me if I'm wrong

If they know these 'child hunting games' are being done why isn't anyone stopping them!!!!!

Would prefer hearing about a VIABLE and CREDIBLE LAW ENFORCER following Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits and eredicating them from Earth on sight while on the hunt. The only punishment fitting this heinous evil is as directed in The Holy Bible with the Millstones.

Literal demons from the underworld!

be aware theres a petition at your faith stop christian mockery at the paris olympics..its a worldwide pettition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide on all currently has over 242000 signatures and YOU can helpit to get many more firstly by signing it also by resharing it widely worldwide with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same

About time red, blue and green dots were focused between the eyes of all these vile depraved sick putrid bastards

Thank you for bringing this disgusting stuff out.


Download here: CELINE-DION-ADRENOCHROME-WORLD-TOUR-Satan-Rewards-His-Own-With-SPECIAL-GIFTS-2024-07-07.mp4 - 54,494 kb
By: Free Your Mind Videos - 7th July 2024
Satan Rewards His Own With SPECIAL GIFTS...

I create videos purely for entertainment and to help people understand the bigger picture of uncovering the truth. It is important for individuals to do their own research. Follow me on RUMBLE:

Thank you for watching, God bless, and I love you all!!!

Celine Dion enjoying the benefits of Adrenochrome withdrawel and Covid mRNA Vaccinations

Celine Dion enjoying the benefits of Adrenochrome withdrawel and Covid mRNA Vaccinations

Celine Dion enjoying the benefits of Adrenochrome withdrawel and Covid mRNA Vaccinations

Celine Dion enjoying the benefits of Adrenochrome withdrawel and Covid mRNA Vaccinations


Didn't she suffer from that stiff as stone condition a while ago? Due to Adrenochrome

Great lip singer

sad really is, to think that had believed what they were doing was right or maybe they didn't I don't know. her eyes scream of terror. I wonder if she's seeing the special place in hell that she's going to before she moves on under the demons that are taking her down to hell are sitting there in front of her cuz she looks like she is petrified with fear. hurt children the way these people have and that's exactly where you will end up someday. I believe if anything she realizes she may have messed up and it's too late good riddance

She has reaped what she has sown, I have no sympathy for the child rapist, blood drinking satanist, Hell will be horrible, she will think for eternity of what horrors she did to children!!! The millstone is her eternal reward!

Download here: Like-Lady-Diana-Kate-Middleton-Caught-Sending-SOS-to-World-They-Are-Going-To-Kill-Me-2024-06-15.mp4 - 89,766 kb
By: The People's Voice - 15th June 2024
Like Lady Diana, Kate Middleton
Caught Sending SOS to World:
'They're Going To Kill Me'

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Bombshell new evidence has emerged proving Kate Middleton was fearing for her life late last year, as investigators, palace insiders and those who had chance encounters with Middleton come forward to expose the truth behind her disappearance and the dark occult traditions that continue to guide the rituals of the elite.

Investigators have uncovered evidence that the Princess of Wales was begging for help from anybody who would listen late last year.

Just like her predecessor the Lady Diana, Middleton became convinced in late 2023 that she had served her purpose and the Royals were planning to murder her.

It constantly amazes me how there are still some beetle browed knuckle draggers that still look up to the sexually demeanted, orgy focused, blood drinking, cannibalistic family and attribute 'royalty' and virtue to these monsters!

I still think Thomas Kingston knew too much and died for that. The thing must've been a unplanned thing otherwise the PR team would have organised realistic Photoshop pictures instead of those failed things.
The AI video with birds on loop and a garden with no movement was like gaslighting or a touring test for the "sheeple". Like in the movie "wag the dog" they controlled the narrative there was shadow banned search results and spamming of the narrative like the NYPOST uploaded every 12 minutes identical videos with different thumbnails, to bury al search results on Rumble.
They started using 4 year old pictures for articles in the end for knowing this was pure gaslighting.

The cancer was obviously a lie as the new "Kate" is looking even younger and healthier than before her "treatment".
Did they switch her with a body double?

Or did they reconstructed her jaw after domestic violence?

This all feels so creepy and honestly i don't know if Biden has doubles that have different earlobes and Putin has several ones, i couldn't even recognise the real one if they stand next to each other, so it is possible they swapped her out. The creepy thing is we never thought this was possible but it seems the majority wouldn't recognise anything.

Kate is a very popular person with the British Public and tbh has served her purpose helping to water down the Royal bloodline.
Prince William has certainly changed this past year and had a meeting at MI6 ....alone and no one really knows why?

She's been cloned!!

That new portrait of King Charles is painted in such a lovely shade of Kate Middleton blood red.

I believe it - where is Kate? why is a woman who was in the news every day is suddenly completely Gone?

And that video they sent out was Not Kate but a lookalike she was younger than Kate and had long hair so if you had chemo would you have long flowing hair ? No you d be bald

Download here: Pope-Francis-Urges-Pride-Organizers-To-Be-Inclusive-of-Pedosexuals-Satan-WEF-Evolution-2024-06-08.mp4 - 97,012 kb
By: The People's Voice - 8th June 2024
Pope Francis Urges Pride
Organizers To Be Inclusive of
'Pedosexuals' / Satan / WEF / Evolution

Trending News
Pope Francis
Elite pedophilia

If you thought Pope Francis could not possibly make it any clearer that he's a false prophet who is actively working to subvert Christianity, you would be wrong.

If you thought the pope who replaced the conservative Pope Benedict in a globalist coup orchestrated by Obama, Clinton and Soros could not possibly find yet more shameful ways to betray his followers, you would be wrong again.

Brace yourself because Pope Francis has voiced his support of people who molest children being openly accepted in mainstream society.

Pope Francis has outdone himself this time, putting his Satanic cards on the table in the most shameless way possible as he joins the globalist elites' war against our children.

If you thought Pope Francis could not possibly make it any clearer that he's a false prophet who is actively working to subvert Christianity, you would be wrong.

Pope Francis is the crossing guard of pedophiles and child sacrifice. He's Satan's right hand man

He doesn't speak for God, that's for sure.

Fuck the pope

Every area of our lives has been infiltrated by these demons. They all gotta go! This was repulsive to watch.

God, please open the eyes of ALL CATHOLIC PEOPLE WORLDWIDE!!!

I'm Catholic and I can't stomach this Pope.

Francis will burn in hell

The pope, Vatican & Roman-Catholicism is NOT true Christianity. They don't believe in the Bible.


Pope Francis loves 3-5 year old Comet Ping Pong Pizzas.....!

Um... That pedo that wrote that book... Stop calling her a him. There is NO WAY that's a dude. It's a woman that thinks she can be a man. She is a disgusting degenerate freak.

what an evil looking jerk.

I have been saying for the last 2 years that Pope Francis is out of control, and needs to be stopped! we need a new pope!

Might not be the Antichrist but certainly the False Prophet.

Download here: ENRAGED-Pedo-Sympathizing-Commies-Attack-EXTREME-Accountability-Event-2024-05-24.mp4 - 14,868 kb
By: Stew Peters Complete Shows - 24th May 2024
ENRAGED Pedo-Sympathizing Commies
Attack EXTREME Accountability Event


Adam Zajac is here to talk about how the LGBT/Pedophile movement is an attack against masculinity and traditional America.

Stew reacts to pedo-sympathizing communists and how they have attacked the Extreme Accountability Event.

Also, Chad Prather is here to talk about how the 2024 election fix is in and why Joe Biden will likely not appear on the Ohio ballot.

Download here: Elite-Pedo-Victim-Claims-Hung-Michelle-Big-Mike-Obama-Attended-Satanic-Sex-Parties-2024-06-21.mp4 - 89,460 kb
By: The People's Voice - 21st May 2024
Elite Pedo Victim Claims
'Hung' Michelle (Big Mike) Obama
Attended Satanic Sex Parties

Welcome back to the People's Voice where breaking news out of the Obama household raises the question - is absolutely everything about Barack and Michelle a carefully constructed lie?

The dark truth about Michelle Obama has been hiding in plain sight for years now.

Michelle's high school boyfriend has confirmed she is in fact a biological male, and child rape victims are coming forward to testify they were raped by the former first lady - when she was a man.

Then there is the eye test. Some things simply cannot be unseen.

Then there is Barack Obama, whose own family have outed him as a closeted homosexual, as has his college girlfriend, and multiple former male lovers. How many people have to come forward before the mainstream media accept their liberal pin-up boy might not be who he claims to be?

If everything about the Obamas is a lie, then questions must be asked - who are they, and why are the elite so determined to protect them?

i can't wait to watch these 2 freaks hang

Great job! This is why this thing isn't going to run for president. Keep the pressure on.

Just wait... The former 'first man' is now on deck to be the first 'tranny President'... The depravity and deception of these satanists is off the wall... Satan and his demons are clearly in charge...

Honestly, I just care about the truth. If it's so, it's so. American society is certainly ready for some truth (one way or the other) along these lines.

Thanks, Sean for reporting the truth. You are one of the best. If you don't know what's going on, start paying attention and listen.
Evil people for thousands of years have controlled us with lies, poisons and violence. Now is the time to take back our world and make it beautiful, and clean for the future and for all life. Join the legion of Seans.

Seans are serious about fixing things, like me.

Get real, what do you mean when she was a man? He has always been a man and always will be.

Big Mike knows the crying game.

Those children belong to big Mike and Barry Soetoro's best friends who are allegedly the doctors on the fake birth certificates.

Shocking- NOT!

Big Mike and his pedophile gay 'husband' Obama, the antichrist

Download here: Epstein-Victim-Alandra-Markman-Exposes-VIPs-Who-Rape-and-Torture-Kids-for-Satan-2024-04-30.mp4 - 66,318 kb
By: The People's Voice - 30th April 2024
Epstein Victim Alandra Markman
Exposes VIPs Who
'Rape and Torture Kids for Satan'

Trending News
elite pedophiles
Alandra Markman
satanic elite
pedophile elites

Alandra Markman was born into a global Satanic cult and was ritually abused and tortured throughout his childhood.

Markman then turned whistleblower to the Satanic ritual abuse atrocities that he experienced at the hands of some of the world's most powerful and famous people, including Jeffrey Epstein.

Rumors regarding the depraved pedophilic tastes of the elite have been circulating the world for centuries, but it takes a very brave and principled person to risk their life to speak out about what they have experienced.

The global elite are determined to suppress information of this kind. Videos and blog posts are routinely scrubbed from the internet. Brave whistleblowers are often murdered in bizarre, sickening ways as a warning to others.

That's why what Alandra Markman has to say is vitally important.

I respect these survivors so much, especially for coming out and telling it like it is. Thank you.
I do understand 'waiting' for the right time to say who these people are.

However, maybe get together with many survivors and be on ONE show together, where you ALL name names. Doing it strategically and coordinated would be wonderful, in my view.

I am the British author, David Icke's former wife, and travelled with him to some dark places and met with many involved in these highly abusive lives. Totally true and love you all for speaking out.

All victims need to come forward NOW, IT'S TIME FOR EXPOSURE AND JUSTICE

Name them. I, for one, am tired of the 'lists' and the promise of exposing those guilty and getting nothing but crickets. When will they be named and brought to justice?!

They are all wanted for crimes against humanity, treason and sedition- arrest on site, citizens arrests

verdict, trial and execution. in that order. killary and its husband, old rapey, first!

'Evil grows in cracks and holes and lives in people's minds'...
Their time is short and they know it...

I'm DONE with the People's Voice! I'm sick and tired of your lying with phony, click bait titles -- this guy didn't name ANY VIPs!

Why doesn't he name the names? at this point you have nothing to lose ....

Download here: Prince-Charles-heir-of-Count-Dracula-lives-with-a-group-of-homeless-children-in-Count-Draculas-Castle-2024-04-30.mp4 - 4,990 kb
By: TheThe1776 - 30th April 2024
Prince Charles, heir of Count Dracula,
lives with a group of homeless
children in Count Dracula's Castle

The guys all laughed at Alex Jones who bet them One million dollars that: "Prince Charles is the heir of Count Dracula. He moved in five years ago to Count Dracula's castle and he lives with a group of homeless children…"

Follow the bloodline…

Queen Elizabeth II is related to Vlad the Impaler, making Prince Charles the heir to Draculas bloodline.

Queen Elizabeth II is related to Vlad the Impaler, making Prince Charles the heir to Draculas bloodline.

Charles Grooms
The real life Count Dracula, a fictional character who was based on Vlad Tepes is actually related to King Charles III. But only a few people knew that but it's completely true, the King is actually the great-great-grandson 16 times removed of Vlad 'The Impaler'.Oct 22, 2022

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
British royalty dined on human flesh (but don't worry it was 300 years ago...)

By Fiona Macrae for the Daily Mail 6th March 2016

They have long been famed for their love of lavish banquets and rich recipes. But what is less well known is that the British royals also had a taste for human flesh.

A new book on medicinal cannibalism has revealed that possibly as recently as the end of the 18th century British royalty swallowed parts of the human body...

Vlad III Dracula (son of the Dragon) was an actual title. Successor to his father Vlad II Dracul (The Dragon). The man that saved Eastern Europe from the Turkish invasion. Still hailed as a hero in Romania today.

Kitty Ward
Alex has been spot on more than anyone I have listened too!!!

Prince Charles loves Romania and has always seen himself as the heir to Count Dracula. This was explained in detail in the Prussia gate series.

Scott Martin
Vlad the Impaler was Khazarian Mafia. No surprise here.

Bob Dobalena
Vampires are a legend to cover adrenachrome

Princess Diana did call them (royal family) not human and said they were lizards in a letter to her best friend.

Download here: WEF-Declares-Pedophilia-Sexual-Orientation-Must-Be-Added-To-LGBTQ-Plus-2024-03-31.mp4 - 83,108 kb
By: The People's Voice - 31st March 2024
WEF Declares
Pedophilia 'Sexual Orientation'
Must Be Added To LGBTQ+
5 years to life jail for insulting a pedophile!

The LGBTQ+ rainbow community must add a P according to the World Economic Forum in Davos which has declared that pedophilia is an acceptable sexual orientation that deserves respect.

According to Klaus Schwab and his globalist cronies, pedophiles must be added to the protected class of citizens in Western countries who identify as LGBTQ and enjoy the benefits of hate crime protection.

Under Schwab's directive in countries including Trudeau's Canada, anybody found guilty of insulting a pedophile could face five years to life in prison.

Trending News
elite pedophiles
World Economic Forum
young global leaders
Klaus Schwab

I refuse to upvote such parasitic trash as Klaus Schwab, or anyone on his side in all of this! If any of them ever were human they left their humanity in the shitter. Now they are merely demonic trash, soulless inhuman beasts! Like all the enemies of humanity and their ilk, they project their own faults, thoughts, and actions onto the people who oppose them and their demonic agenda!
They apparently believe that if they show us what they are planning to do to us (in a movie, song, book, TV show, etc.) and do not say anything (why would we say anything, we thought those showings were pure fiction, entertaining, perhaps scary, but fiction nevertheless) that our silence is consent. Well I am informing them and the whole world right here and now, that:

Pedophilia should be a capital crime.

no, we need to strengthen laws against these sick bastards..pedos need to be put 6 feet down.

WEF you and your Idiotic Meatsack Mentality offends me, and millions of others; So I suggest you take your Idiotic Meatsack Mentality and stuff it up your A@@.. You have been judged and found to be deficient of Critical Thinking Skills and should just STFU.. or be SUFTNLP; a reference made by George Bush Sr..

1992 that if the American people ever find out what we have been doing.. Well we found out.. and SUFTNLP is comin'..

Oh, now we are talking "biology" but when it comes "gender" biology isn't important anymore

The wef can f right off. What gets me is the women speaking out for these sickos. A victim of these c**ts need to speak up and introduce these to the real world!

Interesting how the White House is celebrating Transgender Visibility Day with rainbow flags.

I never voted for these WEF so exterminate them all. Call in the Daleks.

Pedophiles should be castrated.

Hahaha why stop there, what about the necrophiliacs ! another stripe on that flag i think, green or brown?

Im sorry but we need Jehovah God come and sort this world out ...

It's all about corruption of the soul innocence. Most teenage stars are satanic and they play act innocent there music is satanic from day one like Bieber or Billie Eilish or Katy Perry they take their fanbase to different stages "spiritual" and they go to "wiccan" and satanism. All those piercings and tattoos are gateways for negative energy and demonic things. I don't understand why people think that pedophilia has anything to do with "love" those people are just psychopathic with zero empathy, they don't care about their victims or if they suffering a life time, all they see is their own pleasure having the dominance over a minor.

It's disgusting power play and if you physically harm someone to do sex it's not good. The animals don't mate with their immature offspring and parents abusing their own children is just wrong and there's no way of claiming it's fine if a old disgusting person abuses children to pleasure themselves sexually.

Download here: Hollywood-Elite-Panic-As-P-Diddy-Victim-Vows-To-Name-VIP-Pedophiles-2024-03-01.mp4 - 65,184 kb
By: The People's Voice - 1st March 2024
Hollywood Elite Panic
As P Diddy Victim
Vows To Name VIP Pedophiles

Recent sex abuse lawsuits against Sean "Diddy" Combs have damaged the reputation and career of one of the music industry's most successful and wealthy men. But a new suit from music producer Rodney "Lil Rod" Jones makes new, explosive claims about Combs' activities in disturbing detail, naming a host of celebrities and industry executives – and the implications are enormous.

It appears Diddy was running a Jeffrey Epstein-style blackmail operation, with his houses set up with secret cameras in every room – in exactly the same manner as Epstein – collecting meticulously documented material on dozens of the biggest players in the music and entertainment industry.

We are talking about underage girls and boys. Child sex trafficking. Forced sexual encounters. Drugs, guns, and murder.

Trending News
P Diddy
Diddy lawsuit
Sean Combs
Rodney Jones
Lil Rod
Elite pedophiles
child trafficking
Justin Bieber

Not a single paedo criminal on Epstein's list has been arrested. Bring down the child traffickers and paedos and the whole cabal collapses. Gates who was an Epstein regular is now bringing in policies via our governments to control us. He's spraying our skies, killing our good industries, and planning the next Plandemic. Until we see a huge arrest these scum will continue their crimes

One of four of Hillary's snuff videos torturing and murdering a 15 year old child.

Liberals are by far the most evil people on the planet.

We have an infestation of paedophiles here in Australia...VIP's, politicians both sitting and retired, judges, top military brass and cops. Australia is in the top 5 for this shit, it's so bad and widespread. Australia is a cesspit. Absolutely sickening.

True story...
If anyone is interested in delving deeper into this Satanic rabbit hole, Mouthy Buddha Productions has a shit ton of these testimonies from Hollywood insiders. There's also a channel called Don't Obey on Rumble with a ton of these videos as well. The level of depravity is beyond human and moral comprehension. These people are beyond doubt there's a special place in Hell for these pagans.

What do you expect from a guy that calls himself P Diddy? More like P Piddler.

The only good pedo is a DEAD one. These fuckers need to be picked off one by one.

Bieber and the rest all were complicit and made big money from being one of them. His parents must have been crap as well. Look at Taylor Swift all of a sudden because she joined the Satan camp too. Always wondered how most of them made a dime because they can't act or sing, but now we know.

Cause Bieber was anal raped all the time. How do you think he got so big. he was sick of putting out. Whether he wanted to or not

Download here: Child-Sex-Workers-Fully-Booked-at-Davos-for-Pedophile-Cult-WEF-Insider-Says-2024-01-22.mp4 - 63,908 kb
By: The People's Voice - 22nd February 2024

Child Sex Workers 'Fully Booked'
at Davos for Pedophile Cult
WEF Insider Says

Thousands of children have been flown into the World Economic Forum under cover of darkness for the global elite's annual summit in the Swiss alpine report of Davos, according to World Economic Forum insiders who reveal the horrific scale of the elite's chosen vice.

Dozens of private jets have been turned into child escort carriers to traffic the children across borders and into the vipers' den, according to sources familiar with the matter.

None of these children have passports and the majority of them do not have any form of identification.

Their past is unknown and their future does not bear thinking about.

We have been warning the world about the child sex trafficking industry for years. During this time, the elite have been hiding in plain sight and furthering their plan to normalize and finally legalize pedophilia.

This evil cannot be allowed to continue. We need your help dismantling a 9,000-year-old Satan-worshipping pedophile cult.

Trending News
World Economic Forum
Davos 2024
rebuilding trust
elite pedophiles
elite pedophile ring

How much longer are we gonna allow these sick freaks to keep breathing?

There's no such thing as a child sex worker. They are called rape victims

Well with 100 thousand children missing since Biden took office and nothing being done about it what did we think would happen...

Millstones will be handed out like candy at halloween.

God IS watching EVERYTHING.

F the Satanic Left!

If this is true... THAT HUNDREDS OF CHILDREN WITHOUT PASSPORTS HAVE BEEN USHERED INTO DAVO... then, we need to remove the townspeople and use Direct Energy Weapons to do a 'Maui' on Davos, Switzerland. Dust to dust….ans NEVER ALLOW ANOTHER HUMAN BEING ONTO THIS EVIL PART OF THE EARTH.


There above the law, Klaus didn't mention that little part...

They are NOT child sex workers!!! Why put that Horrible label on them when they are stolen and raped!!!???

These psychopaths have fooled us long enough. They are not elite. They are the lowest, most repugnant form of life on the planet. Rather than depopulate the general population, we need to eradicate the 1%.

Most of our problems would vanish, just by taking this one step. This includes Hollywood, Old World

Royalty, the UN, the WEF, Heads of state who sell out their own countries and citizens and go along with them, government bureaucrats, many religious leaders, heads of corporations, etc. None of them do good for the world, ever. They need to be removed, all their assets taken. Now.

What a sick cult of satanist

The pendulum is swinging back! At dead center currently, by the time it reaches its APEX, Klaus and friends and most of Hollywood will be destroyed and/or INCARCERATED.

Download here: EU-Legalizes-Child-Porn-and-Bestiality-as-WEF-Agenda-to-Normalize-Pedophilia-Accelerates-2024-02-15.mp4 - 65,313 kb
By: The People's Voice - 15th February 2024

EU Legalizes Child Porn and
Bestiality, as WEF Agenda to
Normalize Pedophilia Accelerates

Trending News
World Economic Forum
elite pedophiles
Great Reset

Germany has decriminalized bestiality and child pornography, Spain now encourages pedophiles to parade their naked victims around the streets, and France does not have an age of consent law anymore.

That's right – Europe has fallen under the influence of Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum and the shameless campaign to normalize pedophilia and other perversions in the western world.

According to Schwab, the EU's push to normalize pedophilia and legalize sexual relations with children must now be adopted with the same enthusiasm in the US.

There is just one problem for Schwab and the other reprobates who crawl the halls of his globalist headquarters in Davos. We will never allow his sick agenda to infiltrate our culture. This is a hill we are willing to die on.

Calling evil good and good evil. There is nothing new under the sun, what was is and what is was. As iniquity abounds the love of many will wax cold. God help us all.

This is sick, pure evil. They hate us, they hate humanity. Absolutely disgusting.

This hurts me so much and makes me so f*cking angry :( I just want to kill the entire WEF and UN

The World is getting darker and crazier! Even non believers in prophecy and bible are seeing clearly that something is happening to our world and people! It's called spiritual warfare.

Jesus is our saviour and coming back soon on the clouds of heaven.

The German Shepherd at the end looked very freaked out, poor dog. I'm pretty sure that dogs don't want to be mounted by a man. For one thing, it's an aggressive form of dominance. Animal Rights! Where's the ASPCA on this issue? What a sick f—king guy.

Charles Schwab another inbred demonic parasite.

Evil perverted scum

"Why are drag queens so determined to read books to young children. If it's all so innocent, why don't they read to seniors in care homes?"

Great question.

I live in SA - this is a daily event here. Life is cheap they'll kill you for your cell phone, or less!

These people are evil and sick. We don't need the UN or the WEF. Totally disgusting sick people, and we will have to fight for what is right - post everywhere

Download here: Pope-Francis-Orders-Christians-To-Pray-to-Satan-for-Real-Enlightenment-2024-02-07.mp4 - 62,081 kb
By: The People's Voice - 7th February 2024

Pope Francis Orders Christians to
for 'Real Enlightenment'

If you thought Pope Francis couldn't possibly make it any clearer that he is a false prophet who worships the Devil, you would be wrong.

If you thought the pontiff who replaced the conservative Pope Benedict in a globalist coup orchestrated by Obama, Clinton and Soros couldn't find an even more disgraceful way to betray his followers than he has in the past, you would be wrong again.

Pope Francis has outdone himself this time, putting his Satanic cards on the table in the most shameless and blasphemous manner possible. That's right, he announced the coming of Lucifer and told his followers to get down on their knees and pay their respects.

Trending News
Pope Francis
World Economic Forum

Pope Francis: Relationships with Jesus are dangerous and harmful.

Bill Clinton and Pope Francis call for urgent depopulation to save the planet.

Pope: Marxists and Christians have a common mission.

Pope Francis declares Klaus Schwab is more important than Jesus Christ.

I worship Christ, not Pope Francis. Don't really care what he says.

I will never understand how anyone of good conscience can still call themselves a Catholic.


I'm not sure about the Latin thing, but this pope definitely seems to be pushing apostate teachings and acceptance of false gods and immorality.

Jesus said this would happen

The demons are crawling out of their holes We can see them now. Put on your Armor of God. These are their final days & they will not go willingly. God wins.

Imma just let God handle this one.

I've always not followed the pope. he always looked like satan to me

Satan's representatives on earth. Blasphemous!


He gives me the creeps.

i pray to Jesus Christ only pope Francis is the false prophet

It is against Canon law for a Jesuit to be Pope.

Just wait until you hear how the Vatican has ACTIVELY faicilitated child trafficking for decades, if not centuries.
That will be the death blow to the Papacy.
The Catholic chuch needs a good "decentralising"!!

Download here: King-Charles-and-Close-Friends-Raped-Hundreds-of-Children-Explosive-New-Testimony-2024-02-05.mp4 - 51,251 kb
By: The People's Voice - 5th February 2024

King Charles and Close Friends
Raped 'Hundreds of Children'
- Explosive New Testimony -

King Charles has been implicated in a massive decades-old pedophile ring at an "elite" British boarding school, according to revelations by a former student and whistleblower who has blown the lid off the horrific scale of the elite's chosen vice.

According to an award-winning journalist who attended the school as a boy, children at the elite school are routinely beaten, harassed, raped and driven to suicide.

Inevitably with pedophilia, all roads lead to Rome. In this case Rome's latest incarnation: the British 'royal' family, who, in the words of Stevens, regularly visit Aldenham School to "feed" on children.

Trending News
King Charles
King Charles cancer
Charles pedophile
Prince Andrew
Royal Family
Pedophile ring
Prince Charles
Prince William
Aldenham School

If Charles' genealogy is directly linked to Vlad Tepes, then he (and in turn the Saxe Coburg line) is

Which in turn means that the Saxe-Coburg clan are imposters both culturally and genetically.

What an astonishing fraud foisted upon the Britons...

Can't stand any royalty. They are all pedos. Period.

I don't think King Charles has cancer I think he's been rounded up and executed

He's absolutely DISGUSTING along with his demon friends!

DC, EU, UK, are Satanic Child Sacrifice Capitols!

past 200 years:
The Luciferian Rothschild Central Bankers who
founded the WEF, the Octagon Group, the U.N.
who control the WHO, NATO
And who created Marxism.....among other deeds....

King Charles and The Cabal seek to foment a World War Three among nations. That would be a tidy way to divert attention away from these crimes against children and other crimes by The Cabal.

The nations need to say NO to a nation-against-nation WWIII.

If there is going to be a WWIII, it needs to be a worldwide war by the sovereign nations against the sick and twisted Globalist Cabal and its minions.

Ugh, that poor traumatized kid at 0:14. He can't face the world anymore for what the King did to him. SMH.

That evil big-ear monster!

Charles comes from a long line of LIZARDS! Real Charles is dead

These people of royalty are evil. Twisted minds.

The exterior of that ugly family is only matched by their inside of these inhuman reptilian monsters. Creepy inside out as with most all who prey on innocents as they believe they have stolen all the wealth and the innocence. ONLY THE VENGEANCE OF OUR FATHER CREATOR can and will match and overcome their wickedness, they have had their days on this earth. They will have their eternity just as they have done unto others a million fold they will face their judgement. AMEN!!!

down with the monarch
the news about chuck having cancer is probably a red herring

Download here: Taylor-Swift-Murdered-a-Fan-In-Satanic-Blood-Ritual-To-Join-Illuminati-Insider-Claims-2024-02-01.mp4 - 108,884 kb
By: The People's Voice - 1st February 2024

Taylor Swift 'Murdered a Fan'
In Satanic Blood Ritual
To Join Illuminati, Insider Claims

Taylor Swift murdered a young fan in a Satanic blood sacrifice ritual, according to production staff from Swift's concert movie who allege the pop superstar was also forced by music industry Illuminati to drink the young boy's blood.

'Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour' is a live portrait of the pop superstar at the top of her game - or at least it appears to be, with 10 acts spanning 169 minutes, countless hits, and seemingly endless wardrobe changes, the movie has grossed more than $260 million so far, making it the most lucrative concert film in history.

But in reality Swift was operating at close to breaking point, experiencing extreme pressure from the industry, and after breaking down she shared what she described as an "evil story" with staff, shocking those in attendance, including industry veterans who thought they had heard it all before.

It has long been claimed Hollywood stars and entertainment industry celebrities need to join the Illuminati to make it to the top of the industry, but few people outside of the Illuminati inner-circle truly understand what this means.

Trending News
Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift Psy Op
New World Order
MK Ultra

I give Ricky Shroder credit for speaking up for the evils of Hollywood.

Even Shirley Temple told what happened to her in 30's and 40's Hollywood has ALWAYS BEEN EVIL!

She is a HE. THEY ARE ALL INVERTED. It's a big backwards club and you ain't in it...

she's a HE!

every movie tv show is normalizing trans, pedophilia and cheating, nudity and gay shit disgusting to see this in our society

Hey Taylor
Adam wants his Apple back!!

How, how can this planet have sooooooo many beyond evil beings?

God please, please, please come soon??

Nothing would surprise me!

Nothing's what it seems - nothing.

Great job Sean. Your work to expose the evil people of this world is angelic. Keep it up. Your great actions and work is recorded in the universe and you will be blessed eternally.

She is clearly a witch

none of the elite will do jail time and yet no one sees it..get involved people

She didn't have to kill did she? She should be in jail for life and psychiatric help for behaving like that

You are all missing the point. There is more than ONE Taylor. No alters needed. Clones and look alikes.

John Podesta to succeed John Kerry
as Biden's top climate adviser
[Climate Czar]
By: The Guardian - 31st January 2024
Senior adviser will take over responsibilities, but not title, of John Kerry, who stepped down to work on Biden's re-election campaign.

John Podesta delivers a speech during an energy conference in Houston, Texas, on 6 March 2023

John Podesta delivers a speech during an energy conference in Houston, Texas, on 6 March 2023.
Photograph: Callaghan O'Hare/Reuters

The White House senior adviser John Podesta will add international climate policy to his job responsibilities, replacing the special climate envoy, John Kerry, as the top US official on international climate issues, the White House said on Wednesday.

Kerry announced in mid-January that he would step down from the climate job to work on Joe Biden's re-election campaign. Podesta will take over Kerry's responsibilities, though not his title, when he departs, probably this spring, the White House said.

Podesta was a behind-the-scenes veteran on climate in past Democratic administrations. He was brought back to the White House last year to put into place an ambitious US climate program revived with the $375bn approved in the 2022 climate law. He also led the administration's climate taskforce.

Kerry's job was created by the Biden administration specifically to fight climate change on the global stage. Kerry has been in the position since the president took office in 2021.

Kerry's appointment did not require confirmation by the Senate, but a law passed in 2022 requires that special envoys reporting to the secretary of state will have to win Senate approval.

In a step that avoids a potential partisan fight in the Senate, Podesta was not named as climate envoy, but rather a senior adviser to the president for international climate policy.

As outlined Wednesday by the White House, Podesta will continue to be involved in overseeing federal spending under the climate law, known as the Inflation Reduction Act, along with domestic climate priorities, adding the international portfolio that Kerry handled. The job will not require Senate confirmation.

The White House chief of staff, Jeff Zients, said Kerry "has tirelessly trekked around the world" to help confront the climate crisis, most recently at a UN climate conference in Dubai late last year.

"There is no one better than John Podesta to make sure" the US continues to "meet the gravity of this moment", Zients said, calling Podesta "a fierce champion for bold climate action" who has served three Democratic presidents and has Biden's trust.

The Washington Post first reported Podesta's appointment.

Dr. Stephen Jones:

Who is John Podesta? He served as Hillary Clinton's chief of staff when she was Obama's secretary of State. He was also Hillary Clinton's campaign manager in the 2016 election. He and his brother were also involved with Marina Abramovic's so-called "spirit cooking," a Satanic ritual that imitates cannibalism in order to contact the spirit world. (It is likely that they actually practice cannibalism in more private ceremonial meals.)

When the Clinton emails were published by Wikileaks, here is what one of them said:

In a leaked email between Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta, and his brother Tony Podesta, an invitation from Abramovic is forwarded. It reads: "I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining?"

John Podesta's house was full of bizarre artwork that suggests he is also involved in child torture, which is done to obtain adrenochrome. Adrenochrome is the drug of choice in Hollywood, and it is produced by the adrenal glands when a child is tortured. The child's blood is then extracted and sold on the open market. The media has gone to great lengths to suppress this practice, as it implicates many famous people and politicians. Yet the truth has a way of coming out eventually.

Here is some of the art found in Podesta's house:

John Podesta's house was full of bizarre artwork that suggests he is also involved in child torture, which is done to obtain adrenochrome

So this is the man who will be in charge of destroying farms in the name of climate change. It is claimed that agriculture produces too much carbon, so the answer is to reduce agriculture. That, of course, would reduce the amount of food available, so people would become dependent upon the government for their daily rations. Rations would be cut off if people do not agree with the government's policies or spout the lies from the "department of truth."

Worse yet, if agriculture contributes to climate change, then it is logical that the government would ban gardens at home so that people would no longer be able to grow their own food.

In my view, things will not get that bad before we see a massive change. Yet we should be aware that these Satanists in government intend to destroy Christianity and any other non-Satanist religion. We know from Scripture that they will fail, but we are not told precisely how far God will let things go before He intervenes and restores all things to Himself.

Download: Most-Disturbing-Leaked-Footage-On-Epstein-Island-Bill-Clinton-Prince-Andrew-and-Child-Trafficking-2024-01-27.mp4 - 58,265 kb
By: Deadly Quest - 27th January 2024

Most Disturbing Leaked Footage
On Epstein Island - Bill Clinton,
Prince Andrew & Child Trafficking

Innocent people do not hang out with convicted child predators

If all this was witnessed and concerns were had, no one seemed to do anything.

it interesting how the tax payer funded FBI, CIA, ATF, IRS, FEMA etc focus their energies on criminalizing the average person for: growing their own food and medicine, homeschooling etc; erstwhile allowing blatant child trafficking / Pedophilia / organ harvesting / Adrenochrome production / cannibalism etc to proliferate!

I feel like the male reporter was lying, because when the female teporter asked "you didn't see anything suspicious," he looked off to the side before answering "no!" That delay tells me he was lying. I mean, if other people said they seen girls running around the island… how is it that he didn't see anything suspicious? Plus, he did a terrible job putting out the story. Just disgusting

Why these people haven't been investigated and questioned shows how far up the perversion and corruption goes.

DO NOT LET THIS STORY DIE. All co-conspirators need to go in front of a jury.

There are real child victims that have been threatened and intimidated for years.

Why is Banks studdering a lot? hmmmm Did he participate????? Everyone is SICK of the "alleged" being used when there is PROOF!

Fed up watching the same stories ,when non is convicted,or found guilty.

RIP to all the unknown young ladies who committed suicide or were terminated.

The way that the "temple" could only be locked from the outside should tell you what's happening inside of that place!!!

I don't believe for one second that parents, families, & staff didn't know what was going on there. Rumors were rampant for a number of years.

My brother worked on the island. He lived on the main island, and his crew would walk down to the beach.

They were to look over at Epstien island, and if the huge flag was raised, that meant their was no work that day. It was a big deal when the news broke

They're all in on it. Above the law. Change is coming. Boom!!

I don't even believe that the guy is dead.

Every video taken on Epstein Island should be available on the internet, and should be reviewed by law enforcement in every country.

Anyone who knows what REALLY happened to children and young adults on the island would feel disturbed (to say the very least).

Download: Oprah-Winfrey-Facing-Life-Behind-Bars-On-Child-Sex-Trafficking-Charges-like-her-pedophile-friend-John-of-God-2024-01-14.mp4 - 67,514 kb
By: The People's Voice - 27th January 2024

Oprah Winfrey Facing Life Behind Bars
On Child Sex Trafficking Charges,
like her pedophile friend John of God!

Oprah Winfrey's reputation has taken a hit due to her close friendships with numerous high-profile rapists and pedophiles, but she is about to lose a whole lot more, according to investigators who revealed the billionaire media tycoon is about to be thrown under the bus and prosecuted on child trafficking charges.

Oprah isn't the only member of the VIP global elite facing charges. A whole host of household names, including Bill Gates, mainstream media figures, and members of the US House and Senate are currently sweating as the walls close in on them.

Trending News
Oprah Winfrey
elite pedophilia
Child trafficking
New World Order
Bill Gates
Harvey Weinstein
John of God

Oprah Winfrey Facing Life Behind Bars On Child Sex Trafficking Charges, like her pedophile friend John of God!

Oprah: you sick Fu€k; NO, every child who has been molested (even just touching, not rape) REMEMBERS THEY KNEW IT WAS WRONG, IT DAMAGED THEM FOR LIFE! They were sickened & knew that they weren't being protected! No child has EVER SAID "oh! I LIKED IT WHEN GRANDPA KEPT TOUCHING MY PENIS! YOU SICK PIECE OF SATAN CRAP!

I just remembered about that law Trump signed in about ALL assets of those convicted of trafficking is to be seized. (Maybe distributed to victims or "the people" I don't remember exactly)

But a few of these peoples BILLIONS could do a lot of good.

This is the absolute best News of 2024 so far. She is one of the BIGGEST Anti American Hollywood PEDOPHILES who are part of the Satanic Democratic Organized Crime Family who wants to sexualy abuse every American Child to satisfy their SICK, DERANGED, DEMONIC desires. No wonder This NO GOOD PEICE OF SHIT was the one who introduced, praised, and Pushed the political career of the Gay, Lying, Crackhead, Muslim Husein Obama who started the DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA

Over 2000 children went missing because of the Maui fires. This monster knows what happened to them.

It's no secret she has tunnels under her mansion on the island.

hang that bitch

Sean- LOOK INTO MAUI , she's prolly got blood on her hands out there too

South African School for Girls sex abuse charges and dead newborn.

Look at all her minions just sitting there, nodding their heads.

That is-if she doesn't escape underground to her bunker in stolen land in Hawaii

Complete pedoperv. Oprah is a disgrace to herself. Hang that wigged head in shame. Wonder what went on in that girls school she opened in Africa. Lord, pray for all persons who came in contact with this monster

I've been calling this pedophile bitch out on her fan pages since the Maui fires.

What she's saying is evil.. I can't believe she says this in front of cameras.

Download: Horrific-Child-Adrenochrome-Market-Found-in-NYC-Jewish-Tunnels-Media-Blackout-2024-01-12.mp4 - 161,793 kb
By: The People's Voice - 12th January 2024

'Horrific' Child Adrenochrome Market
Found in NYC Jewish Tunnels
Media Blackout

We have been warning about secret tunnel systems involving prominent members of the global elite for years. Now evidence is emerging linking the illegal tunnel system found beneath Crown Heights in Brooklyn with Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and the Clinton Foundation.

Disturbing video footage from New York City went viral earlier this week, revealing a small stained mattress being pulled from the tunnel that was discovered beneath a Crown Heights synagogue, where photographs show that, among other things, children's mattresses and high chairs were located in the underground lair.

A riot broke out and a dozen men were arrested at the New York City synagogue that serves as the headquarters of the Orthodox Jewish Chabad-Lubavitch movement when men tried to stop the NYPD and a team of construction workers from sealing off the illegal tunnel system dug beneath the building.

While the media reported on elements of the story, they conveniently left out the parts that connect key members of the global elite to the ritual child abuse taking place.

Trending News
Jewish tunnels
nyc tunnels
Crown Heights synagogue
elite pedophilia
child abuse

Google Graphic processor is named "Adreno" and their web browser is named "Chrome".

These nonhumans are sick, and they shove it right in our faces.

Some sick fucks walking around. Our mistake: idolizing these Devil-worshippers. They're the scum of the earth instead!

We will only have justice when the people stop believing the controlled opposition of trump and the white hats and stop waiting for others to stand up and stand up for themselves and wake up to the mass deception!!!! We the people have the power and we've been deceived into believing we're powerless!!!!

Find your true power in Jesus Christ and stop allowing your family to be deceived by the minions of lucifer!!!! There's no man to be worshipped!!!! Only worship your true Heavenly Father and let go of your worldly deceivers!!!! No man can help you!!!!!

Terrifying......Luciferian practices....
and the Mainstream Media is paid to cover for such horror?

"If anyone causes one of the least of these who believes in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone will hung around his neck and he be cast into the depths of the sea"!

Only proof necessary is the fact of victims left alone to suffer
and there's no accountability or punishment to fit the crime
even when the predators are caught. Wonder if the
Justice System has ever been actually just anywhere
in the world.

This psychopaths need to be arrested and jailed for life

Cannanite, Moloch, Baal worshiping Zionazi inbred scum.

God the world is very rotten this is shocking stuff

This is so heart breaking so hard to picture how these sick minds can do this to children. The ones doing this need Karma done on them.

Pekkar? Can't make this sick stuff up!

Where's Weiners laptop?

These Satan worshippers are world wide. This disgusting, horrific blood drinking of children is from the depths of hell! I want to know more about these tunnels found beneath this Jewish synagogue. Who all was involved with this and why has it disappeared from the MSM?

Israel's response conveniently co ordinated and put together at such short notice. Hmmm? What was Israel's assessment on this situation prior to UN's Palestine border reassignment in 1946? How can it be explained that since 1946, to 2010 Palestine has lost 3/4 of its land to "Israel" due to border reassignment by the UN?

Download here: Introducing-King-Charles-mate-Jimmy-Savile-a-pedophile-murderer-necrophiliac-and-trusted-advisor-2023-11-29.mp4 - 13,613 kb
By: Green Lives Matter - 29th November 2023

Introducing King Charle's mate
Jimmy Savile - a pedophile, murderer,
necrophiliac & trusted advisor

The Ultimate Jimmy Savile Thread

Did you know that the now King Charles had a pedophile, murderer, necrophiliac as a trusted and admired advisor?

Buckle your seat belts for a deep dive on one of the most heinous people I've ever had the displeasure of digging on.

If you want to red pill a friend or family member on the royal family, then I suggest you have them read this article. The proof is all there.

Many of the old guard elites are far worse than you can imagine. When people tell you that elite pedophiles involved in Pizzagate are a conspiracy theory: Show them this.

There are few people I've studied that have a darker and provable history than Jimmy Saville. I hadn't researched much about him until I noticed his deep connection with the now King Charles and thought I'd look around. And boy, is there a lot to uncover. This is a man who lived under constant media scrutiny. His fans followed him around showering him with adoration and praise. He was regaled as a man of the people. His public persona was that of a man who loved the people, who gave back through public service and foundations, who made the people smile and laugh, but behind the scenes laid a myriad of dark secrets so perverse that it makes one shudder just to think about.

Jimmy Saville is a prime example of how the corrupt freemason Luciferians love to deceive the people and give hints publicly about who they really are. Getting off on the thrill of getting away with it. We are talking about a spree of mass pedophilia, murder, and necrophilia. And the worse part is that the mainstream media knew all about it, the cops knew, then the adored Royal family knew and no one did a thing.

They were all complicit.

If you ever want to red pill a friend or family member, Jimmy Saville is an excellent and disturbing place to start. There is no mistaking the evil emanating from this man and by the end of this this thread you will have a hard time looking at elites or the royal family the same way again.

For the seasoned anon/truther: This is just par for the course.

But I will tell you, Jimmy is one of the worst I've ever seen...

[NOTE: This is only part of Green Lives Matter thread on Jimmy Saville...]

Introducing King Charles mate Jimmy Savile - a pedophile, murderer, necrophiliac and trusted advisor

Download: Bill-Gates-bribes-media-to-protect-John-Podestas-Friend-and-Pizzagate-Debunker-who-was-Caught-Raping-Babies-2023-11-22.mp4 - 102,411 kb
By: The People's Voice - 22nd November 2023

Bill Gates bribes media to protect
John Podesta's Friend and Pizzagate
Debunker who was Caught Raping Babies!

A mainstream journalist and close friend of [mega pervert] John Podesta, who bragged about "debunking" Pizzagate, has been arrested on a slew of sickening child sex charges.

Slade Sohmer, editor-in-chief at The Recount and friend of former Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, was arrested last month for raping multiple toddlers and babies.

Despite the mainstream media claiming that Pizzagate is nothing but a debunked "conspiracy theory", numerous mainstream journalists and figures connected to elite pedophiles have been arrested in recent times for the very crime they supposedly "debunked."

The mainstream media are desperate to cover up this news, so we are here to fill you in with all the details.

What the hell is wrong with these sick and twisted men?? Lock this creep up !!

Breitbart was murdered by CIA.


For Podesta to spend anytime at all with a "friend" like this - the dirty and sickness rubs off on Podesta.

this kind of pervert would not ever be allowed even within 100 of feet of my family. What is wrong with

these sick people...I believe perverts like this should receive the death penalty. PIzza Gate was a real

thing - there was enough evidence to break up the pedophile ring in politics but the Politicians in charge

would not allow it to happen! OMG those poor babies and children. Death Penalty for this guy! (and a trace on his pedo friends).

Breibart was murdered by the CIA with a heart attack gun.

How did he get access to toddlers and babies wtf

The world is really run by nothing but a bunch of p3d0files

I went down the pizzagate rabbit hole. let me tell it was real and no one can ever tell me it wasn't! I never dreamed people could b so evil.

'John of God' who ran a baby farm also Oprah Winfrey close mentor.....
- 25m 1s - 28Sep23 - TheWarAgainstYou

Ukrainian Baby Factories Fuel About a Quarter of the Global Child and Organ Trafficking >
- 17m 35s - 4Aug23 -

Zelenski Asks Spirit Cooking Witch Marina Abramovic to be Ukraine Ambassador >
- 12m - 28Sep23 - TheWarAgainstYou

Alex Thomson - The RAINS List Satanic Ritual Abusers Named >
Ritual Abuse Info Network & Support - Dr Joan Coleman >

Just how many Politicians in the USA or UK are part of a pedophile network? - 11May22 -

If In A Position Of Influence & You Have Debt Or Are Caught With Little Boys, The Police... >
- 49s - 31Dec22 - SettingBrushfires

Trudeau's Strangler Cult, Tesla's Thuggee Graves >
- 40m 23s - 22Feb23 - A Warrior Calls

The United Nations ... and The New World Order >

Pedo pizza gate is not a conspiracy

Bullet in the head

Why people have sex with children.

1. Children can't say no effectively.

2. Children have no idea that what is happening to them is evil and may not understand enough to resist, and only object when it becomes painful, then it's too late (refer to reason #1).

3. It's all about power and control, and children are more easily manipulated and controlled than adults are.

Child rapists are sexual predators that take the path of least resistance. Refer to reason #1. And they should not be cared for serving a prison sentence, I would much rather pay a landscaper to cut the grass on their graves.

Let's see if the schnauzer does any real time..

these people have sold their souls. there is no way out. they just get worse and worse.

Download here: DISTURBING-Things-Are-HAPPENING-To-CHRISTIANS-John-MacArthur-Stephen-Lawson-Part-1-of-2-2023-09-08.mp4 - 20,023 kb
By: PASTOR DANIEL PARK - 8th September 2023
To CHRISTIANS | John MacArthur,
Stephen Lawson (Part 1/2)

This is part 1 of 2 videos I created on Christian persecution.

Here is the link to part 2: "If This Wasn't Recorded Nobody Would Believe It | John MacArthur, Stephen Lawson (Part 2/2)"

Christians are being persecuted all over the world and even dying for their faith. Our basic religious rights to follow Christ and preach the Gospel are being taken away from us. As the world hated Christ, they will also hate us. Pray and love those who persecute you. Show them the love of Jesus.

Share this video so we can get the truth of God out there. Subscribe if you want to join this Christian community so that we can stand strong together in the love and boldness of Jesus Christ. If you were encouraged by this video, I'd love to hear in the comment section what stood out to you.

May the love of God, the power of Christ, and the friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with you now and forever. Amen.

#pastorjohnmacarthur #christianmotivation #christian

When Tyrannical Governments, Banks,
Mainstream Media and Police
collude to ban THINKING!
By: John Goddard - 3rd August 2023

I just got fired for wrongthink.

Then I find out that my bank account's been frozen, too.

I try to get an Uber back home but no cars will pick me up.

How did Uber find out I committed wrongthink?

I check my phone and apparently I've been banned from Instagram for the same reason.

Then a social worker knocks on my door and takes my son from me.

They tell me I've endangered my son by exposing him to wrongthink.

The State will now house and re-educate him, ensuring that he is only exposed to Government-Approved facts.

I feel my heart rate increase.

I try to turn some lights on, but it looks like my power has been disconnected.

I remember that I have some cash upstairs, so I decide to use that to buy some food whilst my bank accounts are frozen.

But the grocery store tells me that it can't accept cash. So now I can't even buy food!

I think I have some vague recollections of people warning me about the dangers of a cashless society...

I call all my friends for help, but none of them want to talk to me. They've all been warned about my wrongthink.

They know that if they talk to me on the phone for too long, they'll get punished as well.

I call the police to see if they can help me.

They say no, but I'm referred to a Government-Approved Mental Support Officer.

I tell her my situation, and she listens carefully.

Once I'm done, I hear the Officer get extremely excited.

She tells me that the Government has a new solution they're trialing for people in my situation: a Euthanasia Care Package.

She says it's my best option.

The best thing is that it's $0 up front! They just charge a 58% tax on my estate.

I ask if there are any other options, as this seems a bit heavy-handed.

But she says that Euthanasia is perfect for people like me.

She stresses that it's a voluntary decision, but then adds that the Government will continue to deny me services until I opt in to the Euthanasia Care Package.

I sit on the floor of my living room in despair.

How could all of this happen to me?

And just because I noticed that the TV was telling me lies?

I didn't even break any laws.

These days it seems that there's one set of rules for the people who repeat what the news tells them.

And another set of rules for the people who speak out about the continuous stream of inconsistencies and outright lies that we are force-fed every day at 6pm.

And these lies coming from the TV seem so obvious to me.

So I wonder how other people don't notice them. Why don't they say anything?

And then after a while I realise that they must notice them, but they've been forced to ignore their own eyes by this machinery of coercion.

You see, governments, media, and corporations are now so interconnected globally that they can move in unison to unperson anyone who doesn't say that 2 + 2 = 5.

And so I was unpersoned for wrongthink.

As if I'd committed a crime.

But I wasn't tried by a court, I was tried by this new judicial system.

Where there's no evidence, no trial, and no judge.

Just a verdict and a punishment.

"When the people fear the government, that's tyranny; when the government fears the people, that's freedom."
Thomas Jefferson

WRONGTHINK - When Tyrannical Governments, Banks, Mainstream Media and Police collude to ban THINKING!

When the people fear the government, that's tyranny; when the government fears the people, that's freedom. Thomas Jefferson

When the people fear the government, that's tyranny; when the government fears the people, that's freedom. Thomas Jefferson

When the people fear the government, that's tyranny; when the government fears the people, that's freedom. Thomas Jefferson

When the people fear the government, that's tyranny; when the government fears the people, that's freedom. Thomas Jefferson

When the people fear the government, that's tyranny; when the government fears the people, that's freedom. Thomas Jefferson

When the people fear the government, that's tyranny; when the government fears the people, that's freedom. Thomas Jefferson

Karl Johnson
It would appear most 'protect' themselves by building beliefs around the lies. It starts with blind obedience, and then the will to conform, followed by the cognitive dissonance. Then rationalizing anything authority tells you, that aligns with your belief, becomes easy.

If you all remain apathetic, then without God's intervention, we are all destined to participate in the 'Involuntary Reincarnation Act'


Mark Trent
Man, this dude can write!!

Like a writing Jedi warrior honing his craft to perfection! loved it!

Space Redneck
Then you find the parallel society of wrongthinkers and enter a much cozier world.

We are on the eve of a Black Mirror future.
AI is only going to accelerate all of these social credit stop losses that can cripple a persons life, without due process.
Governments don't have to pass draconian laws, they only have to give a wink to the woke, & they'll do the rest.

Lydia Pearl
Amazed that so many are naively unaware that this is coming.

And remember this all started by complying to these ridiculous covid pandemic policies...this showed them how easily obedient the masses are, choosing security over freedom.

Wendy B#RejectTheReform #cashisfreedom
Beware! If you keep ignoring what they have planned for us then this will be your future.

Red Mist
Crawl under a rock and cry until the end of your days, or Arm up, become a Punisher and do something about it.

Download here: The-Dark-Side-Of-Hollywood-They-Try-To-Hide-Then-This-Happens-2023-08-01.mp4 - 50,122 kb
By: The Gospel of Christ - 1st August 2023

The Dark Side Of Hollywood
They Try To Hide...
..Then This Happens

The dark side of Hollywood they try to hide - then this happens.

I was shocked to hear what they try to hide from the world and what happens next shocks the whole world. Hollywood is trying to silence the truth.

With Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, Justin Bieber, Hailey Bieber, Jamie Foxx, Tory Kelly, Bronny James (Lebron James's son), Damar Damar Hamlin, CNN, Inside Edition, Denzel Washington.

With John MacArthur on the truth.

With John Henry and the Gospel of Christ.

God Loves you...
He sent His Son Jesus Christ...
To die for you and I at the cross...
He carried our sins so that we might be saved...
From the wrath of God and have eternal life...
If you don't know Jesus then what are you waiting for...

To be banned from Oprah is a badge of honor!!

All that is done in the dark SHALL COME TO LIGHT

Good for Ice Cube for standing up for what he believes in! True O.G.

"If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed." (Mark Twain)

"People will forgive you for being wrong, but they will never forgive you for being right, especially when events prove you right while proving them wrong" -Thomas Sowell -

They mocked us, threatened us, called us insane, shunned us, banned us from their compaany, ridiculed us, bullied us, took away our rights , challenged our human integrity, scorned our dignity, threatened our jobs and our children and our finances, and now they want our sympathy ?
I do feel sorry for them, poor sad creatures, what a bed they made.

Kudos to that pharmacist for actually admitting the truth. You can tell he'd been morally wrestling with the issue for quite a while by the time she interviewed him.

As someone who was laughed at, branded a conspiracy theorist and threatened with losing my job but resisted it all I would normally find great pleasure in saying I told you so but i can't take pleasure in so many people's lives being destroyed or taken for profit for the worlds biggest criminals!

My family thought my husband and I were crazy for refusing. They threatened both our jobs, but still, we refused. God was with us. We both still have our jobs and no shot.

We all know that this started happening after many people were coerced into doing a certain thing two years ago. I thank God that I was woken up in 2004 so that I was wise enough to not be coerced into doing that thing a couple of years ago.

Download: Sex-Slaves-Undercover-Firsthand-Account-of-Human-Trafficking-in-Ukraine-Where-Girls-Are-Recruited-2023-07-29.mp4 - 243,749 kb
By: KomorusanQ714 - 29th July 2023
Undercover Firsthand Account of
Human Trafficking in Ukraine
Where Girls Are Recruited

Sex Slave$ provides a firsthand account of international human trafficking by exploring Eastern European countries such as Moldova and Ukraine where girls are recruited, then following the trail to the various countries and locales where they end up. Interviews with traffickers, experts, police vice-squads, and former sex slaves, along with undercover footage, provide a glimpse into the frightening reality and scope of the problem.

#ukraine #human #trafficking

I would find that APO and slice him up so he would never do what he does again. I would never stop till I got them all that I could, Bastards !... They all deserve the death penitently.

Now you know why Ukraine was a hive of scum and villainy. Noy just the corruption, sex slavery, drugs and arms exporting but just run by pure evil. The jews. Hopefully Putin wipes them out.

Download here: Homosexuals-Buying-Babies-For-Social-Media-Clout-Gay-Couples-Use-Surrogacy-To-Traffic-Children-2023-07-16.mp4 - 126,919 kb
By: Stew Peters Network - 16th July 2023
Homosexuals Buying Babies
For Social Media Clout:
Gay Couples Use Surrogacy To Traffic Children

The LGBT are coming for our children because they cannot have any of their own.

Lauren Witzke from Cross Talk News joins Stew to report on a disturbing new trend among homosexuals.

Help defend Lauren from sick homosexuals by going to

The new trend among homosexuals is using surrogate women to adopt children. As soon as the baby is born, it's traumatically ripped away from its mother and given to sodomite couples.

This is being flaunted be gay men on social media so they can pretend to be normal.

We don't take puppies away from their mothers too soon so why would we allow taking babies away from their mothers to be acceptable?

There has been a habitual link between homosexuals who adopt children and pedophilic child molestation.

Lauren Witzke is currently defending herself against a lawsuit because she said two gay men were engaged in human trafficking when they adopted a surrogate child. What happens to those babies once they become toddlers and the gay parents have to do more than pose for instagram likes.

This is clearly a form of human trafficking. It's a business transaction, for profit to purchase children.

These homosexuals don't want to live with their life choices which means they don't have the ability to reproduce.

As soon as gay marriage was made legal by SCOTUS the LGBT movement started coming for our children and eventually will lead to the legalization of pedophilia.

Stew Peters: "..pedophiles should be imprisoned and executed!... You touch our kids and we will KILL you! If you touch our kids, we will sentence you to DEATH... You get marched out of the courtroom, when that jury convicts you, and finds you guilty, and that judge imposes the death penalty, and you go out and you HANG in front of everyone, on the courthouse steps! You touch our kids we will kill you, period!"
You touch our kids we will kill you, period!

Time to start putting together some civilian task forces to deal with these demons. Because if we don't they're just going to keep spreading not only their satanic filth, but sexually transmitted diseases as well.


Stew and Lauren are absolutely on fire. The sword of truth, wow!

Sodomites are diseased. Sodomites who traffic children are diseased criminals and ought to get the death penalty.


People accept these terrible people, so if you agree with them, you are as bad as them. It's a sickening act, and they should never have been allowed to buy babies and the women who go along with this for money, are no better. God's vengeance will be great on this world, and I admit it's long over due.

Pete bootyjudge, our trans secretary, will do the same to the children he bought. Allegedly.

I am really struggling to keep my frequency up.... cuz I absolutely hate lgbqt and the left so much.

Similar happened to a male "couple" here in Australia. In their case, our State run media, The ABC, did a doco on them showing how wonderful they were. Not long after the doco went to air it was discussed that they were sexually abusing the little boy and "sharing" the child around. What followed was silence from the media and child protection. Yes they were arrested, charged and imprisoned but as far as most of the community is still concerned, all was rainbows and unicorns. The doco is still out in the community.

Stew!! Sucking - out of butt - THAT is the worst!

I support what she's doing but I have to say I don't like that she's reading her responses - we get enough scripted bullshit from MSM.


Time for a star chamber for judgment,

people don't want to hear it but it is our fault the Christians and Patriots we chose to sit and talk than to stand with God and destroy them. we quit following God's word and his laws..leviticus chapter 20. verse 13. leviticus chapter 18.verse 22_27 and Roman's chapter one. you have to send them to God for judgment.

stew God says gays are to be put to death to keep it from spreading. leviticus chapter 20 verse 13. leviticus chapter 18.verse 22_27 and Roman's chapter one.

Download: THE-WAR-Government-Media-Education-Big-Pharma-Social-Media-Hollywood-Military-Church-FBI-CIA-have-all-failed-2023-07-15.mp4 - 21,267 kb
By: The Punisher - 15th July 2023
Government, Media, Education, Big Pharma,
Social Media, Hollywood, Military,
Church, FBI, CIA... have all failed!

The Entire purpose of;

Government is to work for We The People, they failed

Media, to give us accurate news on major issues, they failed

Education system, to properly educate our youth with facts, they failed

Big Pharma, to keep society well through proper medicine, they failed

Social media, to share ideas and information without bias, they failed

Hollywood, simply to entertain us in downtime without any political agenda, they failed

Military, to secure our nation against threats of terrorism or infiltration, they failed

The Church, to keep ur educated on the true word of God without government intervention (501C3), they failed

FBI, to defend us from domestic terrorism by investigation and being non political, they failed

CIA, to use intelligence to secure the security of the American people, never to target them, they failed

Public safety, never to become "law enforcement" enforcing laws against the Constitution (hence oath), they failed

In the past 500 years, every time a society has reached a point of rebellion/revolution it's because that's society's institutions failed to serve their interests, if you think we aren't on the verge of major conflict then look at America today and read this tweet again…

God bless you all
Welcome to the War

And here we are. What now ?

Get ready

If you want the world to wake up You need to show all of it not just human trafficking .The truth is gonna be hard Cause it was hard on me when I found the truth .We need to know It's got to be done If we want peace on earth

What the hell do you think I've been doing for 20 years?!



Hardcore Shit!

God's truth Will Never Be Stopped, but his Truth will Be Fulfilled.

Lets reword that post on Government

Government is to maintain a working Society for We The People. To protect the Nation in times of unavoidable conflict. For the most part, that's it.

They don't work for us. Government isn't there to give hand outs. Its not the Governments job to educate us.
List can go on and on. Its not the Governments job to baby you through life.

The only thing government should ever be trusted with is securing the rights of the ppl. Government should not play a role past that point whatsoever. It will only lead to tyranny the founders understood this and came up with the Constitution for the United States. #LiveFree

Download here: What-do-we-know-about-PIZZAGATE-Elitists-raping-killing-and-eating-their-victims-2023-07-03.mp4 - 156,167 kb
By: VeteransAgainstTreason - 3rd July 2023
What do we know about

Elitists raping, killing & eating their victims!!



Join: QAnonymous

Abortion: Modern Day Child Sacrifice
Psalms 106:37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Download here: US-Target-loses-9-billion-in-one-week-after-releasing-LGBT-Queer-swimsuits-for-kids-Satan-respects-pronouns-2023-05-26.mp4 - 3,194 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 26th May 2023
US Target loses $9 billion in one week
after releasing LGBT Queer swimsuits
for kids - "Satan respects pronouns"

Public protest seems to be really working in the US as Target has lost $9 billion in one week since the release of their controversial LGBT-friendly swimsuits for children, according to Sky News Australia host James Morrow.

US Target loses $9 billion in one week after releasing LGBT Queer swimsuits for kids - Satan respects pronouns!

US Target loses $9 billion in one week after releasing LGBT Queer swimsuits for kids - Satan respects pronouns!

Dr. Stephen E Jones
Back in the 1980's, I noticed that Target was a big contributor to Planned Parenthood and supported abortions, while Walmart contributed to pro-life projects. (That was before Sam Walton died.) Now we are seeing Target supporting the "Woke" movement and Satanist projects. Satanists are pushing the Woke agenda.

Target's stock price has taken a hit amid the backlash over its LGBT-themed products….

The drop in its share price came after conservatives pushed to boycott the company over its LGBT-themed products.

At the same time, it was revealed the company was selling apparel from Abprallen, a London-based designer that sells some products accused of featuring Satanic imagery. One shirt sold by the designer states, "Satan Respects Pronouns." Meanwhile, a badge states, "Trans Witches For Abortion."

So far, Target has lost $10 billion and seems to be going the way of Bud Lite. Companies have the right to do as they please, but customers also have the right to boycott their products if they don't want to support Satanism.

Stop going after the kids.

It's good to see that people who believe in only two sexes are now fighting back with their dollars. Screw Bud Lite, Screw Target, screw Disney, and screw any other entity that for whatever reason, chooses to try to force this nonsense down our throats.

E Rock
I have a pretty open mind but this movement is warped as hell. Glad to hear about these backlashes. Adults should be ashamed.

The people have spoken. It's ALL of our jobs as adults to protect ALL children.

It's annoying how their statement blamed the consumer/public making their employees uncomfortable for them having to remove the materials when they shouldn't have done this in the first place. We see right through your agenda, Target.

Ginger Hifko
It's quite simple, businesses should stay out of politics and children are off limits. Adult clothing- adult choice. Normalizing adult sexual behaviors onto children is unacceptable.

Fanta Sip
So why do they have to involve minors!? Leave the kids alone and let them decide for themselves when they are adults!

Here in Oz, I was disgusted when the Darrell Lea Licorice Allsorts pack I bought said that my purchase has subsidised their support for LGBT. Last pack I will buy.

Will O' Man
I'm so happy to see the people coming together to stop this nonsense. It's one thing to be yourself. It's another thing entirely to push your beliefs onto others

It's about time we start to get back our morals back in this country and put a stop to these business that support these creeps smh

People are typically easy-going concerning the life choices of adults. But when it comes to targeting children with this garbage, people will rise up.

Flame of the West
From the States here, and we are overwhelmed 24/7 with so called Pride nonsense, even without the corporate pandering. If gay people just lived thier lives like everyone else (civil) and didn't act like narcissistic freaks, tried to cancel those who disagree with them, disrespect Faith, and go after KIDS), most people would probably not care. Normal people don't need so called Pride seasons, entire months, parades, flags, or act like they are. ENOUGH is ENOUGH.

Download here: Movie-Music-Clothing-Industry-Worships-Satan-They-Tried-to-Hide-This-But-We-Caught-Them-John-MacArthur-2023-05-25.mp4 - 31,283 kb
By: TreasureChrist - 25th May 2023
Movie / Music / Clothing Industry
Worships Satan - They Tried to Hide This
But We Caught Them | John MacArthur

I was shocked to hear about John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Lil Nas X, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Logan Paul, Jack Black, Katy Perry, Island Boy, Bob Dylan sell their souls to the devil, Harry Styles wears dress and responds to Candace Owens, Sam Smith at the Grammy's, Christian Bale thanks Satan, SatanCon ripping the Bible, Paul Washer, Satanic Temple, Lil Uzi upside down crosses, and After School Satan Clubs.

judy halsell
I am 75 and have gotten to the point where it is hard to watch things like this and all the other evil in this world it makes me physically and heart sick. Come quickly Lord Jesus.

What is truly astounding is most of them probably have not read the bible without cherry picking. If they did read it thoroughly, then they would know just how beautiful and justifying the bible really is.

Richard Hicks
People always say they sold their soul but I will tell you something right now, you cannot sell that which you do not own, you may give yourself over to the life of depravity to get what you want but your soul belongs to God and no one can take it from his hand, until the appointed day to whether he raises it up or cast it down. Fear not the one that can destroy the body only, but fear the one who can destroy the body and cast the soul into hell.

JESUS is coming soon. Repent ......

All I have to say GOD have Mercy on our souls

Cecelia Christy
A person's soul begins to God. These people do not own their souls, so they can not sell something they do not own!

Joshua Bowmans
God we need you right now

Drive By Church
Thank you for reminding us that Jesus is coming back soon. The enemy is raising his ugly head because he knows his time is short. Jesus said: "Watch and be ready".

Prager U
AMEN. and News flash for sure, satan wants us to keep us busy until Jesus comes, and by default we would forever be separated from Our Creator (since we rejected His ways and His Word) and sent where only devil should have gone to.

Kings Kid
They are lost and evil. May God help them if they are ready to repent and turn their lives around.

Notice how the satancon woman doesn't take the time to rip up a book written about santa claus. She knows the God of the bible exists and is explicitly and publicly at war with Him.

The Bible told me this would happen, so I'm neither shocked nor surprised... just making sure my house is in order as not to miss that Holy flight.

Sean McClure
I was physically ill watching this. What is happening to us?

Target partners with Satanist
brand for PRIDE collection
By: Ariel Zilber, New York Post - 23rd May 2023

Target partners with Satanist brand for PRIDE collection

Part of the new "PRIDE" collection introduced by Target includes clothing made by a UK-based brand whose designer has expressed satanist views, according to a report.

Abprallen, a London-based company which is headed by a transgender man known as "Erik," has reportedly been collaborating with Target for about a year, according to The Washington Examiner.

The collection includes sweatshirts and tote bags with messages that include "live laugh lesbian," "cure transphobia not trans people," "too queer for here," and "we belong everywhere."

Abprallen sells apparel that includes satanic imagery including pentagrams, horned skulls, and references to the devil.

One design found on the apparel maker's T-shirts and pins has the message: "Satan respects pronouns."

Last year, Erik wrote on the brand's Instagram page: "Being called a demon is something I can cope with, and the idea of a trans demon is pretty damn cool, most of my work focusses [sic] on gothic or dark and satanic imagery juxtaposed with bright colours and LGBT+ positive messages."

The Post has sought comment from Abprallen and Target.

Reports of the tie-up sparked criticism on social media.

Target partners with Satanist brand for PRIDE collection

A clothing designer who contracted with Target for its new "PRIDE" collection has reportedly expressed pro-satanist views in the past. Target

"Target has partnered with a company that promotes Satanism to produce its PRIDE clothing collection," tweeted political commentator Erick Erickson, who added: "If you thought Bud Light went too far, you might need to consider shopping elsewhere."

Bud Light, the Anheuser-Busch-owned brand beer, outraged customers and ignited calls for a boycott after it entered into a marketing partnership with transgender social media influencer Dylan Mulvaney.

Another Twitter user, Michael Seifert, tweeted: "Mega corporations are partnering with literal satanists to promote transgenderism to children."

"You can't make this up," Seifert added. "Stop giving them your money."

Target has come under fire on social media from outraged customers who posted video and photos of its "PRIDE" collection.

Target partners with Satanist brand for PRIDE collection

Viral videos include critics who claimed that Target was marketing "tuck-friendly" swimsuits to children, though the company said that the bathing suits were aimed at adults.

Posts criticizing Target shared photos or videos of either a one-piece swimsuit with a bright pink, orange, green and blue colorblock pattern, or black swim bottoms with colorful line stitches.

Both feature a circular tag that reads, "Tuck-Friendly Construction," and "Extra Crotch Coverage."

"Did you know @Target also sells 'tuck-friendly' bathing suits for children in the Pride section? Well now you do," reads one post sharing a photo of the tag on Twitter.

The post has received more than 4,000 likes.

But a spokesperson for the company told the Associated Press that the "tuck-friendly" swimsuits are only offered in adult sizes.

Target partners with Satanist brand for PRIDE collection

Kids' swimsuits in the collection do not feature this label, the company said.

Target's top executive, Brian Cornell, told a podcast last week that "woke" capitalism was good for business and that marketing products that are LGBTQ-friendly was "the right thing for society."

Target has been the subject of boycott calls over its new "PRIDE" collection.

But other managers at Target are reportedly concerned, particularly in the south, where some stores were forced by corporate headquarters to move "PRIDE" merchandise away from the front of their locations due to customer outrage, according to Fox News Digital.

Target's stock price is down by some 1.9% as of 1:35 p.m. Eastern time on Tuesday.

Stew Peters
Thanks to the @Target debacle, it's finally safe to say that the LGBTQ agenda is SATANIC.

The Pride / Trans / Queer / Gay /
Pedophile / Mentally Sick are
infiltrating entire communities!
By: Concerned Citizens - 21st May 2023

The Trans Pride Inclusive Agenda and what it's about:

  • Depopulation.
  • Transhumanism.
  • Weakening men.
  • Destroying families.
  • Erasing women.
  • Castrating / mutilating kids.
  • Destroying women's sports.
  • Destroying women's rights.
  • Stealing women's safe spaces.
  • Child grooming.
  • Lifelong Big Pharma customers.

Why are people supporting this?

- Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis

New Zealand Security Intelligence Service with Rainbow Tick

New Zealand Security Intelligence Service queers (NZSIS) with Rainbow Tick

Queer Rainbow Tick website
Queer Rainbow Tick website

Queer NZ Police Car
Queer New Zealand Police car

New Zealand Police support and promote Queers
New Zealand Police support and promote queers

Pride Shop New Zealand supplies goods to queers
Pride Shop New Zealand supplies goods to queers

New Zealand Libraries allowing mentally ill sexual perverts and pedophiles to read to your children
New Zealand Libraries allowing mentally ill sexual perverts and pedophiles to read to your children

New Zealand Politics - PM Chris Hipkins, as queer as they come, happy to have pedophiles read to children
New Zealand Politics - PM Chris Hipkins, as queer as they come, happy to have pedophiles read to children

New Zealand children are increasingly becoming victims of sexual abuse, and yet the queer community are demanding that the age for consensual sex be lowered to infants!
New Zealand children are increasingly becoming victims of sexual abuse, and yet
the queer community are demanding that the age for consensual sex be lowered to infants!


By: thekalonu - 15th May 2023
Body Chop Shop - THIS IS SICK

WARNING GRAPHIC - Viewer discretion...


Human trafficking / organ harvesting / body chop shop / Adrenochrome extraction / murder / repurpose bodies into meat in major fast food chains...

Who will speak for these poor people?



Here is just one example of a doorway into this evil Body Chop Shop world:
Lucifer cast out of Heaven

A mother is struggling financially and agrees to sell one of her kidneys on the black market, for a 'very good cash payout.' The 'broker' organises everything from her stay at a back street hospital; through to baby-sitting your child / children, while she has her operation. What the mother is unaware of is, that she may have any number of body parts removed; and if she is suitable for the sex industry, will then be shipped off and prostituted until the sex industry no longer needs her - with threats that she will never see your children again if she tries to escape.

Some are used in snuff movies or to please extremely depraved men and women, who love having perverted sex with adults or children, who then like to butcher them one limb / body part at a time, perform necrophilia, drink their blood, or simply watch their victim die slowly and painfully.

Behind the scenes, her children have already been shipped off into the underworld and used for either: prostitution / organ harvesting / torture and Adrenochrome production / snuff porn industry / cannibalism etc.

Marina Abramovics Spirit Cooking / Cannibalism Art: The Spirit Cooking of Britney Spears, Part 1
Marina Abramovic's Spirit Cooking / Cannibalism Art: The Spirit Cooking of Britney Spears, Part 1

The above photo of cannibalism is called art, but this is simply an outward show of what literally goes on behind the scenes by many perverted rich and famous. Why do you think there is such a push in 2023 to have your children exposed to: homosexuals, paedophiles, queers, rapists, transgender ideologies...

Please keep in mind that up until this year, all politicians that are affiliated with and give allegiance to any of the following entities over their own citizens (e.g. Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern etc) are mostly complicit in CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY:

  • World Economic Forum
  • United Nations
  • Council on Foreign Relations
  • Bill Gates Foundation
  • hundreds more...
Human trafficking, organ harvesting, Adrenochrome production, snuff porn and cannibalism are all part of the Agenda 2030 genocide program; and even though not every politician participates in these atrocities, nonetheless, most politicians are not only aware of this, but are literally complicit in Crimes Against Humanity in that they SAY NOTHING and DO NOTHING to stop these atrocities - that is they are at the very least 'ENABLERS!'

Truly horrendous!

I'm disgusted…

Wait until Jesus returns, He will have fire in His eyes for a reason! Where will you hide pedophile elites?! The bible tells me you will cry and beg for the rocks to fall in on you but there is NO ESCAPE!!! And these little ones you've harmed will enjoy an eternal paradise with the King of kings while you're writhing in agony begging for that one single drop of water to cool your burning tongue! Good news, that drop of water will NEVER come! In the end you lose, more than you'll ever know. Folks would you follow these elites to hell or will you ask for the precious blood of the Lamb that you may be saved and not have to endure with the elites? You know very well we didn't come from nothing and if you think otherwise point to one single thing that was made from nothing. You have no excuse, the time is short.

ASSHOLE who Filmed this video are you PART of these Criminals and the AGENDAS of the CABAL?? Because I were you I send these Horrendouws video to the US Spaceforce and CYBER COMMAND CENTER and the Real RAW NEWS WEB of Military intelligence so they can reach the Black OPS secret teams around the World doing this Tking down Satanic cultures and Pedophiles child trafficking and Govts Corruptions and Filthy RATS politicians send this ti DONALD trump on RUMBLE channel or his Son also here in RUMBLE And Gene Decode on RUMBLE and Dr Chalrie WARDS on RUMBLE as well Senator RON PAUL on RUMBLE as well he can pass on to the right DEPT We need to be part of the Digital SOldiers as well !!!

best way to starve these monsters is not to breed in the first place
stay away from those who only want sex and or children
use their own trap to take away resources and get what you need to kill them off and leave

So glad I wear a SW-500 snub on my hip at all times and I encourage everyone to do the same. A sidearm is a must in today's evil world.

Buddhist for Truth
This needs to go viral.

Yep, hope they all get what they deserve.
A shame about the postage stamp size video.

Hope all these people are going down

Modern Woke Education via Government Funding
TRANSforming Your Children
into Members of the Church of Satan
By: LiveFreeOrDie - 10th May 2023

Elitists in the form of NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) are elbowing their way to the head of the pig trough by usurping governments and kingdoms of the World, to implement their seditious and evil agendas.

Bill Gates is a good example of a person / Satanist pretending to be a philanthropist, funding NGO organisations to enforce his / their Globalist agendas, including his chief pet project of Global GENOCIDE.

NGOs operate in conjunction with organisations such as the: World Economic Forum, United Nations, Council on Foreign Relations, Mainstream Media, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Planned Parenthood, Masonic Lodge, major Churches, major Charities and thousands of other fronts.

Satans statue of Baphomet, who delights in extracting Adrenochrome via torturing children, organ harvesting, sexual perversions, slavery and finally death by cannibalism.INFILTRATED:
Many governments, religions, medical and educational institutions etc have been thoroughly infiltrated by these evil Satanists; and their pernicious doctrines are now permeating through nearly every facet of life.

A KEY CLUE in spotting these evil infiltrators is - for example - IF your local 'education centres (e.g. kindergarten, primary school, high school, university...) reject 'woke' Satanist indoctrination, the government (and / or NGO) THREATENS to CUT ALL FUTURE FUNDING!

Is all the education compromised and bad? Usually not. Remember that to poison a person with a cake, over 99% of the ingredients are usually tasty and totally safe. However, you only need a tiny percentage of poison (woke education) to kill a person...

It doesn't matter that whether you believe in the Devil, or a Creator God. It doesn't matter if you do not believe that there is a battle between Good and Evil taking place right now - as the Devil certainly believes in you and YOUR CHILDREN.

The heat is truly on now. As per the Holy Bible: Revelation 12:12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

Below are recent examples wherein usurped governments have applied their poisonous woke doctrines of Hell too fast (as the Devil has but a short time left...) and the devilish consequences:

Art class in 2023. Teaching infants how to insert butt plugs...
Art class in 2023. Teaching infants how to insert butt plugs...
Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis: Gender Affirming Care. Does this look like care to you?
Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis: "Gender Affirming 'Care.' Does this look like care to you?"

Dr. Frankenstein sowed together a man (and later a woman), from deceased body parts sourced from the local morgues.

This is reminiscent of a certain Dr. Frankenstein who exhibited extremely bizarre surgical skills. For the age challenged, Dr. Frankenstein was a purportedly fictitious character who sowed together a man (& later a woman), from deceased body parts sourced from the local morgues.
The Real Virus: Bill Gates - George Soros - Klaus Schwab - Anthony Fauci
The Real Virus: Bill Gates - George Soros - Klaus Schwab - Anthony Fauci


Teaching witchcraft in schools is fun and exciting... Satan is actually the good guy!
1970's teachers: "Teaching witchcraft in schools is fun and exciting..."
2023 multisex teachers: "Satan is actually the good guy!"
Witchcraft has permeated schools Globally
Witchcraft has permeated schools Globally
Witchcraft has permeated schools Globally
Witchcraft has permeated schools Globally
Witchcraft has permeated schools Globally - especially schools that receive government grants!
Witchcraft has permeated schools Globally - especially schools that receive government grants!
Chris Hipkins, the proud homosexual Prime Minister of New Zealand and resident queer - encourages paedophiles to read books to little children!
Chris Hipkins, the proud homosexual Prime Minister of New Zealand
and resident queer - encourages paedophiles to read books to little children!
Satans statue of Baphomet, who delights in extracting Adrenochrome via torturing children, organ harvesting, sexual perversions, slavery and finally death by cannibalism.
Satan's statue of Baphomet, who delights in extracting Adrenochrome via torturing children,
organ harvesting, sexual perversions, slavery and finally death by cannibalism.
National apostasy always precedes national ruin. Cannibalism and necrophilia are always the last acts of depravity before an apocalyptic event.
National apostasy always precedes national ruin.
Cannibalism and necrophilia are always the last acts of depravity before an apocalyptic event.
Our schools are banning the wrong Man!

Why did the fake King Charles 3 spend so
much time with perhaps the most prolific pedophile in the United Kingdom?
By: AwakenedOutlaw - 7th May 2023

Four Questions RE: #KingCharlesIII

  1. Why did he spend so much time with perhaps the most prolific pedophile in the #UnitedKingdom's modern history?
  2. Why was #JimmySavile widely known to be untouchable and above the law?
  3. Who could have the type of influence necessary to keep him from being a target for investigation given his prominence as a WELL-KNOWN & FEARED sadistic pedophile?
  4. Why was this infamous pedophile such intimate friends with the upper echelon of the British Monarchy & Aristocracy?

Why did the fake King Charles 3 spend so much time with perhaps the most prolific pedophile in the United Kingdom?

Why did the fake King Charles 3 spend so much time with perhaps the most prolific pedophile in the United Kingdom?

Why did the fake King Charles 3 spend so much time with perhaps the most prolific pedophile in the United Kingdom?

Why did the fake King Charles 3 spend so much time with perhaps the most prolific pedophile in the United Kingdom?

Atomic Clock
I saw the documentary on that Savil guy. Just disgusting.

It is on Netflix. Jimmy Savile a British Horror Story.

Susan Newsom
Oh my goodness, that's what I've read, I was just afraid to say it because I didn't want anyone to jump on me. I would never In a million years have believed it, eventually I learned and I believe it's all true! Unless anyone else has read, they probably don't believe it either

Todd Stubblefield
Is the new king is a pedo

What an insult to the Scottish kilts and humanity in general. They are disgusting, repugnant filth.

Dirt is for walking on, not talking too!

Sausage Fingers Charles is as much a king as I am the King of Scotland!

Why did the Queen knight Jimmy Savile?

Andrew Shaw
Because Charlie is a paedophile.

Eden Bates
Seville was the UK's Epstein.

I just think that people that are born into such immence wealth that they believe they are entitled to everything on earth.

Because it's one big club and you ain't in it

Cannibalism-Preparing-human-meat-for-the-markets.mp4 - 1,758 kb
By: Passerby - 21st April 2023
Preparing human meat for the markets...

Spanish-model-freaks-out-at-Illuminati-dinner-as-dignitaries-like-Queen-of-England-and-PM-of-Scotland-eat-HUMAN-FLESH-2022-03-18.mp4 - 7,873 kb
By: MyCatholicRedPill - 18th March 2023
Spanish model freaks out at Illuminati
, as dignitaries like Queen of England
and PM of Scotland eat HUMAN FLESH

Spanish model freaks out at Illuminati dinner, as dignitaries like Queen of England and PM of Scotland eat HUMAN FLESH

(Note: At end she said they will copy me. Yep, they'll clone her and then kill her. Her clone will live on with programming or possessed by these demonic entities. Now do you get the picture? Like Q stated, it will be up to you to know. For the sake of the children, we must know. Marcum)

(Note: It is become clearer that most of the installed elite have been (pre-planned) through bloodline or bio-engineered to be both male and female in the image of the Baphomet so that they can be possessed by these controlling evil entities or through a godless satanic culture that coerces/seduces normal humans into blending or changing their genders so that demons can partly control or fully possess them. Once separated from source or God (they have no soul), Adrenochrome becomes one of their life sources or means to keep young or keeping a clone going. Goal to destroy the family unit and invert everything that is good. Once you know this secret it explains everything and those affected stand out like a sore thumb. Would it be inconceivable to suggest that when both the current pope and Vatican support the Great Reset, Pfizer, Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum that possibly the past Vatican conclave, Cardinals and the pope himself have been penetrated by these demonic psychopathic entities as well? Most celebrities if not all are secretly transgendered because they pay allegiance to their false deity Baphomet who is an androgyny. Take it or leave it, but where is the better explanation? Thank God for Q Intel, the leaked Podesta Emails and WikiLeak dumps. Time to wake up! Marcum - MyCatholicRedPill)

This Content Is Mirrored. Please support the original creator.
March 16th, 2022.

(Note: In my research, as a Canadian, I can assure you that Dominion Voting machines are used in key areas of Canada during a federal election. Do you think the Trudeau government actually had the votes to win the last snap election or any election in the past decade? So not only are un-elected medical officials dictating their evil psychopathic genocide narrative, corrupt media, but most likely dictated down by an illegitimate government - exactly as in the USA and other world countries.

(Note: In the USA you have these so-called RINOs (In Name Only), we have these hack politicians (In Name Only) like Erin O'Toole in Canada as well. Either paid-off, idiots or demonic psychopaths who sold their souls. With election fixes in, how many politicians or un-elected medical officials are part of this planned genocide and plandemic? They will have a lot to answer for in this life or the next. See: Canada's Chad EP. 86 - O'Toole Won't Support Truckers. )

THE FORUM OF YOUNG GLOBAL LEADERS (Shaping the future) – Graduates Angela Merkel, Bill Gates, Jens Spahn, Jacinda Ardern and Justin Trudeau among others. Global genocide planned for decades with certain leaders placed in position or through fraud elections. Trudeau was purposely positioned as our Prime Minister for this exact point of time.

"The Young Global Leaders … aligned with the World Economic Forum's mission, we seek to drive public-private co-operation in the global public interest. We are united by the belief that today's pressing problems present an opportunity to build a better future across sectors and boundaries." ...It's A Big Club And You Ain't In It.


Here is an example link and an excerpt from this link. Do these Canadian Dominion Machine voting delays and excuses sound familiar as the alleged cheating is tabulated?

"Dominion Voting System, the municipal voting system used by several townships, is experiencing slowdowns and stoppages.
It seems to be caused by too many voters entering the system at the same time, and Dominion has increased their capacity, but it's still too slow, which is why we made the decision to extend the voting period," Jeff Smith, deputy clerk with the Township of Woolwich told CBC."

PROOF Our Elections Have Been RIGGED Since 2000

Dominion Voting Systems has a history of controversy in Canadian elections

Premier Doug Ford - "This will be resolved through the ballot-box"- WHAT???

This is a planned narrative against us and it is demonic to say the least in this spiritual warfare. The world is relying on what happens in the USA regarding the stolen election. This has to be rectified now or it is game over for the rest of the world.


This model lady is what a hero looks like. History will hold her as precious and brave. Amen.

deserves a bookmark from me. before they eat us all we need to steal a name from these people who call themseves jews and book through a new email address together and eat the hearts of staff but before all go swallowing a bottle of aspartame and taste it a second time upchucking the hearts out. cops need to know that they will all be defunded for staying silent and obeying criminal chiefs' orders

Why-do-grown-men-dressed-as-drag-queens-entertain-school-children-with-x-rated-shows-that-would-best-suit-a-strip-club-2023-03-09.mp4 - 7,873 kb
By: Mark Steyn - 9th March 2023
Why do grown men dressed as drag queens
entertain school children with XXX rated
shows that would best suit a strip club?

"Why would you, as a grown man, want to perform that way for children?"

Dominque Samuels and Mark Steyn talk about "drag queen storytime," the latest trend to take over your local library.

Luke 17:2  It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

Joanne McClelland
Thank you, Mark. Our society is circling the drain these days.

Eydie Locher
What I find even more concerning is the parents that deliberately expose their children to this perversion!

The most disgusting thing I find, is that these parents are actively encouraging it, and appear to find this obscene behaviour entertaining!

Abhorrent behaviour from councils and libraries that facilitate these events and also from the parents who take innocent children along.

Jack aXe RP
Degeneracy is as degeneracy does.

Oliver Kitkat
I would not let my children be exposed too this. disgusting. well done mark. as always .

Trev's Travels By Narrowboat
I am glad my kids are 37 and 39 I am not quite sure how I might have reacted if this took part in front of them as toddlers.

Molly mouse
Because they are disgusting perverts and these parents need to be arrested for allowing this !!!

Thank you Mark Steyn for providing some space to discuss these weird and troubling issues affecting our children and society in general

Forrest Gump
There's a word for people who vehemently disagree with this… and that word is: NORMAL!

Maxine Boxer
In Alberta, Canada, a pastor went to a drag queen show, where children were, and protested. They literally threw him out, right onto the floor. Guess who got arrested the next day. Not the perverts.

Barrie Jackson
Dominique's question "why would you as a grown man want to perform like that in front of children" - is easily answered. The guy will do it a. for the money, or b. because he gets turned on by performing in front of smiling and attractive young mums, or c. he's a pervert who's just imaging what he'd love to do with the kid if he got it on his own. This is sick and nothing short of satanic perversion. But for me, the real question is why are these mums taking their kids to this? Can't they see the harm this can do to the child, to normalise this sort of behaviour. Or is it that they themselves are turned on by this half naked man cavorting close to them? Thanks Mark

Download: Liz-Gunn-Letter-to-the-REAL-Jacinda-Ardern-Coercion-Segregation-Maiming-and-Domocide-of-NZ-people-2023-03-03.mp4 - 277,513 kb
By: Counterspin Media - Posted by: AlexandraBruce - 3rd March 2023
Liz Gunn - Letter to the REAL Jacinda Ardern.
Coercion, Segregation, Maiming & Domocide of NZ people

When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are ruled by criminals.

The monster that is Jacinda Ardern

The monster that is Ashley Bloomfield

The Bright Light at the end of the tunnel is your Judgement coming!

They commited mass murder. Genocide. And received large amount of money for. It
They are are still free , they deserve to be judged and punished by the international law
Those people who created all those lies and miseries
Are the most evil people since 1945 we need justice

This was an Excellent video. Thanks
People need to figure out that these Psychos are not Natural Human. Jacinda and her family are Clones. They have no spirit. They are human animals They were put in power to exterminate Natural Humans. They will soon replace kiwis with Clones.

Her twin is J Trudeau, and he's still doing damage as fast as he could before he's taken down.

ALL of THEM will have no where to run! THEY will pay an ENORMOUS price for what they've done
every single one of us need to be compensated with $ and relieved of their existence.

Christchurch Muslim Massacre was a false flag with crisis actor to take away your guns . they force injected you and your children with a deadly bio weapon. Only ruff justice will work. They control the law, police ,military. String them up

It is very interesting is it not? how the woman who made the loudest protestations of "kindness" and "compassion" turned out to be the most violent vile and corrupt politician in NZ history.

A more perfect exemplar of the dictum "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" I have never seen.

And that is the point of good intentions: , they are illusions those who profess such would hide behind, hiding both from themselves and their victims.

The trouble is that it has been a year since Ardern unleashed state terrorism of this kind (there were others, the lockdowns and mandates, of course), and though she is gone her govt remains

Are we NZer s but whining children who wil sit on our hands and complain? or will be actualy bother to enforce the law as it already stands?

Alas the spirit that was behind the probably mythical tough kiwi independent adventurer has been bred out of us by generations of welfare and prosperity and we have become soft cowards.

The same goes for the West as a whole.

But i would LOVE to be proven wrong!!!

This has always been a test of the NWO global control program, regular programing may commence in the future, maybe not.
If you believe in big government, then you're probably working for Big Brother.

It really is hard to know what to do with these Satanic, Demonic, Masonic, Talmudic, Effing WEFer, G7 and G77 Terrorist Regimes. Will these demons be hunted down like NAZI War Criminals were after WW2? Let's hope so.

Why did they wait until she voluntarily chose not to run again? Why didn't they TAKE HER DOWN??? That I'll never understand. Why these people aren't forcibly removed is beyond me.

Her and ALL the other so call leaders around the world sold their souls to the devil!
They WILL be judged by the Almighty God in the end!!
Rejoice! Rejoice!

Hopefully andscrews in vic Aus will be the next to go!!!

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: People DROPPING DEAD From VAXX!

Pfizer Vaccine Trial Fraud Charges Set Out in Mainstream Press For First Time – The Daily Sceptic.

"I am pleasantly surprised to see the mainstream German publication Die Welt openly reporting that clinical trials of the Pfizer Covid vaccine were rife with alleged fraud. What a change!
The article explains that Pfizer unblinded & removed numerous patients who suffered adverse events from the Covid vaccine trial. It also gives examples of Pfizer subjects whose deaths appear to have been covered up. One of the victims described by Die Welt is Pfizer subject C4591001 1162 11621327, whose story I unearthed in July of 2022.

Welt has documents according to which patient no. 11621327 was found dead in his apartment three days after the second dose, apparently a stroke. Patient #11521497 died 20 days after vaccination, diagnosis of cardiac arrest. "According to the current state of science, these two cases would be assigned to the vaccination," says the Berlin pharmaceutical specialist Susanne Wagner, "especially since the U.S. health authority CDC is currently investigating strokes in vaccinated people"

Attorney Battling Pfizer In Court Over COVID Vaccine Gives Update On The Biggest Trial Against Big Pharma In American History

"Valentine of the Flesh"
was the theme of Satan's debut show
at the New York Fashion Week
By: Truthseeker - 20th February2023
Valentine of the Flesh was the theme of Satans debut show at the New York Fashion Week

Uche Edochie
Only the naive folks think the artists are just being playful. Nope. These creations represent specific demons they worship. I watched another video where these different demons were identified by name. Luciferians are not hiding anymore.

Theresa Martinelli
It's like the book of revelations is coming to fruition.

Remember the video when Hilary removed the skin from the entire face of a child, put it on her own face and started dancing with Huma Abedin? That's why they've been showing us skinless faces.

They aren't even hiding it anymore, yet people will still say "it's just fashion, it's just art".

Your Supreme Leader
They are at the height of their pride. God will not be mocked.

jay tay science
still the same idolatry of womanly curves but now there is a codpiece too? satanism in plain sight.

Wouldn't it be nice if just once they went for a heaven/angelic look.

Bukster Bird
The Cenobites from the Hellraiser series of movies are now fashion models?

Lord Likely
This imagery is everywhere at the moment. We MUST protect our children from what's going on in the world. This isn't the world I ever imagined living in. It makes me so sad

Salt Army Commando
The devil is showing himself.
Strengthen your faith.

USA is Under Siege
Satan is fully in control of the world. But We the Church are in but not OF the world, and YESHUA Christ Jesus has overcome the world and HE has conquered death!

Download: Tusiata-Avia-can-not-wait-to-make-you-uncomfortable-James-Cook-we-are-gonna-FUCK-YOU-UP-FOR-GOOD-BITCH-2023-02-19.mp4 - 16,340 kb
By: Michelle Duff / c/o - 19th February 2023
Tusiata Avia can't wait
to make you uncomfortable
"James Cook, we're gonna

250th anniversary of James Cook's arrival in New Zealand

Transcript of Tusiata Avia's poem:

Hey James,
yeah, you
in the white wig
in that big Endeavour
sailing the blue, blue water
like a big arsehole

Tusiata Avia can't wait to make you uncomfortable - James Cook, we're gonna FUCK YOU UP FOR GOOD BITCH.James,
I heard someone
shoved a knife
right up
into the gap between
your white ribs
at Kealakekua Bay.
I'm gonna go there
make a big Makahiki luau
cook a white pig
feed it to the dogs

Hey James,
it's us.
These days
we're driving round
in SUVs
looking for ya
or white men like you
who might be thieves
or rapists
or kidnappers
or murderers
yeah, or any of your descendants
or any of your incarnations
cos, you know
ay, bitch?
We're gonna FUCK YOU UP.

Tonight, James,
it's me
Lani, Danielle
and a car full of brown girls
we find you
on the corner
of the Justice Precinct.
You've got another woman
in a headlock
and I've got my father's
pig-hunting knife
in my fist
and we're coming to get you
sailing round
in your Resolution
your Friendship
your Discovery
and your fucking Freelove.
Watch your ribs, James
cos, I'm coming with
who is a god
and Nua'a
who is king with a knife.
And then
we're gonna

- Tusiata Avia, poet.

Tusiata Avia from Christchurch is a poet and writer who's book entitled "The Savage Coloniser Book" has been turned into a show for the upcoming Auckland Arts Festival. (Explicit language warning: Profanities have not been bleeped out in this video, against Stuff's usual protocols, to allow the poet to read her work without censorship.) [Note from As this article from Stuff NZ is a poem about brown people hating and attacking white people, discrimination, hate speech and threats of murder are totally justified as being free speech! Conversely, if this was a poem about: 1) white people hating brown people / or 2) Adverse Events of Covid-19 biowarfare Vaccines, Stuff NZ would condem the article as 'hate speech', immoral, illegal, breach of Broadcasting Standards and thusly totally unacceptable.]

On the eve of the stage debut of The Savage Coloniser, Michelle Duff talks to Ockham-winning poet Tusiata Avia about fearlessness, racism, and the realities of growing up Pasifika in Aotearoa.

There's a moment in the theatre after a Tusiata Avia poem when you can hear a pin drop. That silence used to worry her. Two decades later, she relishes it. "I'm used to that now, and I love it. It doesn't make me uncomfortable," says Avia, talking to Sunday from her home in Christchurch.

"It used to freak me out. But then I realised, oh, they are having an experience. They're just having a really uncomfortable experience. And that's why they're not clapping, because they're too freaked out. So - that's fine. That's awesome."

Another realisation; often there would be laughter, just not from Pakeha. "I enjoy making it funny, I'm a huge comedy fan. But this is something I've had my entire career: the brown people in the audience will laugh, and the white people will be uneasy." [Tusiata Avia was born and raised in Christchurch, New Zealand. Her father is Samoan and her mother is New Zealand European!!]

Avia's poetry can be objectively hilarious, in turn of phrase and topic. In The Savage Coloniser, her Ockham award-winning compilation currently being adapted for the stage for the Auckland Arts Festival, a carload of brown girls seek grisly revenge on Captain James Cook. A guide explains how to navigate a room of white people. Cousins in Christchurch are usos in the Brown Zone.

But in reviews it's rarely described as such. "I think because people get caught up in the way they feel about it, you know, the way it speaks to them as white people so they read it as dark, angry and blistering," Avia, 56, who is recovering from Covid [Hopefully Tusiata Avia is at least quadruple Covid-19 jabbed...] when we talk, says.

"I've been criticised time and time again for being too dark."

But she won't ever apologise for that, or for immersing readers in her worldview. "I think it's good for white people to sit and squirm a bit. I mean, we're [brown people] squirming all the time," she says.

"If they've got the guts to expose themselves to something, if they've got the guts to step out of their own comfort zone, good on them. I love my white audience members, as silent as they are." [Would this be a good time to bring up how: 1) many Maori raped, maimed and ate gentle white people over the last few centuries? 2) Oh, and how the Maori were NOT the first to come to New Zealand, think: Celts, Phoenicians and other cultures; 3) and how so many Maori and Pasifika actually loved Captain James Cook?]

Because Avia's poetry is also heart-wrenching, exposing hate and racism and the damage caused and perpetuated by white settlers in the Pacific. In her work, colonisation is not in the past; it is right now, it is everywhere. In Massacre, of the March 15 terrorist attack, [The politically staged / CGI shooting at Al Noor Mosque on 15 March 2019, has been fact checked to show that Jacinda Ardern and many Muslims were fully complicit in this False Flag event.] she forces Christchurch to look at itself, linking white supremacy to its direct history:

"The white spirits rise up from the swamp
and many bad things happen
the white spirits rise up from the swamp and kill
those who kneel and pray."

Tusiata Avia, poet, psychopath, inciter of hate, war and murder
Tusiata Avia, poet, psychopath, inciter of hate, war and murder

"I think it's good for white people to sit and squirm a bit. I mean, we're [brown people] squirming all the time," Avia says.

If this work is confronting, in other poems Avia is vulnerable, and in all she is unfailingly honest and unflinching. From a writer's perspective, the type of writing she does is terrifying. Does she ever consider how people will read her work, what they will think? "No. Never. And I don't care. I'm not writing it for anyone else. I'm really writing it all for myself."

[The rest of Tusiata Avia's hate filled, discriminatory, vitriolic and evil diatribe can be read here: No wonder Stuff have resorted to unlawfully receiving tax payer funded bribes from the NZ Government and begging from the public to keep going, as they have almost no journalistic credibility left whatsoever! Shame on you propagators of mis and dis information!]

The Salty One
This sick fat fuck took over 100k in tax payer money to make a racist book about killing white people. Talking about the difficulties of growing up as a PI in NZ? How about fuck off then!

Happy White Older Heterosexual Man
Well I have to take my hat off to Satan, as he just keeps blessing his people like Tusiata Avia - until he doesn't.

Light ALWAYS outshines darkness. Enjoy your short stint of fame Avia, as your "Oh shit" moment is but a heartbeat away -as you take your long walk of a very short plank.

Eerjk McRae
This is horrific, blatant racism and hatred against white people, being normalised and promoted by @NZStuff

I listened to this with utter shock on my face.

Here the poet uses James Cook and his demise as a metaphor for white people and how she and others like her should view us.

Marianne G
Yip - indeed - I have since found the article on stuff too. Shocked to see they allow that, yet censor stories of vaccine injuries. I shouldn't be shocked though, as the msm only push the 'single source of bollocks' narrative.

Eerjk McRae
You don't get it. She explicitly implied the fate of James Cook should be replicated against other white people

If Cook was Hernán Cortés then there would have been no treaty and very few to tell the tale.

Wow… how did we get here? She's more racist than Rawiri and I didn't know that we're possible
Dak Man

Southern Man NZ
Hate speech disguised as poetry.
Imagine similar poetry regarding Maori and the outrage it would cause. This is promoting hate and hate speech and promoted by @NZStuff

It is called envy. They want their own autonomy, conquered other people's, but when they got conquered they could not handle it, so bleat and carry on against whites. It's white envy.

It IS ridiculous of course and bigoted, but they do it anyway.

Jo Bond Loves RNZ
Hey Stuff, do we have to put up with putrid racist hatred from your media company?

Laurel Hall
her Sunday Times "Sunday" profile says her Dads Samoan and mums Pakeha. So she is not an indigenous Maori. Essentially she is a foreigner herself.

Raging Fifties
All part of the "plan" to drive a wedge. Silly really. All Human all worthy of respect in a democratic society. When we stop being democratic and turn into a country where only those born in the "right" race can vote, we will have come full circle. This is worldwide.

Bukster Bird
There used to be TV shows like the Cosby Show that had a racial propaganda side to them - make black people look nice. However those shows never ran down white people, which seems to now be acceptable in the media.

Said the woman from a civilisation that hadn't even invented the wheel while Captain James Cook had already navigated the globe ... yeah what ever

She's hoofed it.
This is Ardern's legacy to New Zealand.

She lost me at her first swear word. Not interested in giving this racist any of my time.
Re-enforces my decision to have @NZStuff blocked.

Bless. Why are her (assuming) and her mates driving in a car? The car was invented by Karl Benz, a white guy. Walkies time.

Is she alt-right? Because that's where the race hate comes from! Right?

They've gone too far and a protest outside Stuff H.Q. is way overdue.

Open Panic
Does she know she has white ribs too?

Download: Daily-Wire-Hosts-REACT-To-Lia-Thomas-Breaking-Satanic-Story-The-End-Of-Womens-Sport-As-Men-Dominate-2023-02-16.mp4 - 10,695 kb
By: DailyWire+ - 16th February 2023
Daily Wire Hosts REACT To Lia Thomas'
The End Of Women's Sport
As Men Dominate Women's Sport

Former college swimming star Riley Gains made some explosive allegations about the private proclivities of her transgender pool nemesis Lia Thomas in a Wednesday interview with @CrainAndCompany Daily Wire hosts @BenShapiro, @CandaceOwensPodcast ,@MattWalsh reacted to this news and gave their opinions about the subject on their respective shows.

Watch the full video here: • Lia Thomas EXPOSE...

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#liathomas #ncaa #womenssports #DailyWirePlus #DailyWire #News #Politics #CrainandCompany

Queers are infiltrating our sports, schools, government, military etc and encouraging perversions such as body mutilations like penis, testicle, breast removal etc

Baden snaxx
Bethany Hamilton, the surfer, has spoken out against this. She refused to compete with any biological males & has a lot of support from her colleagues. She's an important voice in women's surfing, let's hope she can make a difference.

Microsoft Paint
The fact that they tied and the trophy still went to Thomas is just absurd. That's horrible.

Andrea Laws
I stand with Riley!!! Come on, women! Stop allowing this!

Janice P
It's shocking how many people are going along with this, doctors, hospitals, teachers, celebrities, the military. This swept the country so fast. It scares me what other evil things are going to sweep through.

Mike Guilmette
People are going to look back on this issue the same way we look back on lobotomies - misguided, barbaric and cruel.

BoJack Creek
I was talking to my parents the other day. I told them I miss the 90s. In the 90s if a guy dressed like a chick and followed a little girl into the restroom you'd get your ass kicked. And charged with a crime. They probably would have put you on the sex offenders registry as well.

J. Francis Ward
The best thing women could do for women's sports is to stop participating if there are men in the game.

The female swimmers blew it when they didn't all collectively refuse to compete against Thomas. They should have just left the events.

We live in an age where people cut off and remove body parts and we applaud them for their "bravery", instead of trying to actually get them help.

Huge respect for Riley by exposing the reality of these individuals. More people need to speak out against this insanity.

The scary part is that the real creeps are the ones allowing it to happen.

Estrid Melissa
The most absurd part is that there are officials in the sports associations, who let these atrocities happen.
If they reacted like normal persons, they would advise Lia Thomas and like-minded to get serious help.

Download: 2023-Satanic-65th-Grammy-Awards-Sponsored-by-Pfizer-2023-02-05.mp4 - 5,003 kb
By Jamie Burton - 6th February 2023
The 2023 Satanic 65th Grammy Awards
- Sponsored by Pfizer! -

Pfizer's involvement with the 2023 Grammy Awards sparked speculation online, with some viewers wondering how much input the pharmaceutical company had.

The annual music ceremony was held at the Arena in Los Angeles, California on Sunday night, with Beyoncé winning big, and Harry Styles nabbing album of the year.

Putting the awards to one side, the choice of sponsors irked some viewers, who voiced their frustration on social media. Comedian and political commentator Tim Young was one of many on Twitter who called out the link with Pfizer. Director Robby Starbuck called Pfizer's inclusion "on the nose" after its logo appeared after a satanic-themed performance by Sam Smith.

Newsweek reached out to Pfizer, which clarified its involvement with the 65th Annual Grammy Awards.

Viewers of the 2023 Grammy Awards spotted a number of mentions of the pharmaceutical company Pfizer. This led to the conclusion that Pfizer must be an official sponsor of this year's Grammy Awards.

Some people online, including apparently right-leaning political commentators, claimed that Pfizer's involvement was an example of Democratic politics at play.

"The #GRAMMYs was sponsored by Pfizer and had Jill Biden hand out the award for song of the year... Which only makes sense if you're a member of the leftist cult," Young wrote on Twitter to his 830,000 followers.

The 2023 Satanic 65th Grammy Awards - Sponsored by Pfizer!

"These demons are really exposing themselves lately," Republican politician Elisa Martinez wrote, after Sam Smith and Kim Petras performed their song "Unholy." The clip being shared online showed Smith performing dressed as the devil. "The 65th Grammy Awards is sponsored by Pfizer," the voiceover said on air at the end of the performance.

Both performers of "Unholy" are members of the LGBTQ community. Smith uses they/them pronouns and came out as non-binary in 2019, while Petras, who was born in Germany, had gender confirmation surgery at 16 years old.

"You can't make this stuff up," podcast producer Elijah Schaffer wrote, also drawing the parallel between a "satanic" performance and the Pfizer mention. Florida-based GOP member Lavern Spicer called it "Devil Worship and Pfizer in the same minute."

While Pfizer is not listed as an official partner of the 2023 Grammy Awards, it has confirmed in a statement to Newsweek that it was a paid sponsor at this year's event.

Responding to the reaction to Pfizer's placement next to Sam Smith's devil-themed performance, a Pfizer spokesperson told Newsweek, "We sponsored the overall Grammy's event, not any particular performance. Beyond that, we don't comment on our efforts to raise awareness."

Unlike the likes of IBM, Google Pixel, Mastercard and Grey Goose, Pfizer is not listed on the Recording Academy's website as an official partner. However, the Pfizer logo was clearly displayed during the live broadcast of the 65th Grammy Awards on CBS, and it clearly stated that the broadcast was "sponsored by Pfizer."

The claims made across social media attempting to draw a link between Pfizer and Sam Smith's "devil worship" performance have no evidence to support them, as suggested by Pfizer in its statement.

Newsweek also reached out to the Recording Academy and CBS for comment.

The Ruling


FACT CHECK BY Jamie Burton

Codes Paedophiles use
to Communicate
25th January 2023

Codes Paedophiles use to Communicate

Download here: The-elite-pedophiles-have-woken-up-a-group-of-people-that-are-going-to-DESTROY-THEM-2022-12-28.mp4 - 9,231 kb
By: Unknown Thinker - 28th December 2022
The elite pedophiles have
woken up a group of people
that are going to DESTROY THEM!

Download here: Project-Veritas-exposes-Joe-Bidens-Department-of-Health-and-Human-Services-Child-Trafficking-2022-12-01.mp4 - 45,120 kb
By: ProjectVeritas - 1st December 2022
Project Veritas exposes Joe Biden's Department
of Health & Human Services Child Trafficking

Tipping Point: Kara McKinney & Landon Starbuck Talk Project Veritas' Child Trafficking Investigation.

Child trafficking for slavery and sexual exploitation done with the full knowledge of World Economic Forum members and associates such as: Klaus Schwab, Hillary Clinton, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Bill Gates etc.

The swamp must be drained!

This is a disgrace, thank you for reporting.

This is another reason the government should be reduced to 5% sales tax and banned from NGO and subsidy spending

Joe biden is a pedi

Nancy Schaefer in Georgia was screaming hell against CPS and was silenced for good.
Government should be reduced to half and audited yearly and those child traffickers SOBs be given a nice sendoff to hell

Has any gov agency gone to these addresses to save these children?

Joe biden needs a wire tie tight around his neck

Oh yeah, James O'Keefe needs to be commemorated with a huge statue, one that will shock you to death if touched!

Disgusting!!! These poor kids don't stand a chance- our government is too far gone!! RINOS AND DEMOCRATS NEED TO GO!!!

We have know about this for way too long! God bless this team for exposing!!

Thank you for reporting. I'm so happy that you're back on Twitter. :>)

Download: This-is-what-the-Satanic-Cabal-has-been-doing-with-children-Globally-They-think-of-the-children-as-cattle-and-sheep-2022-11-28.mp4 - 3,866 kb
By: WhiteHats - 28th November 2022
Traumatised Russian soldier:
This is what the Satanic Cabal has been doing
with children in Ukraine and Globally!
They think of the children as cattle and sheep!

Traumatised Russian soldier speaks of evil people gathering children from around Izyum, Ukraine, undressing them on floor 1 and carving them up for organ harvesting; then disposing of the bodies in pits...

Keep in mind that these crimes against humanity are fully endorsed by the following monsters:

Anthony Fauci, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Klaus Schwab, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, George H. W. Bush, Jacinda Ardern, John Howard, John Key, Justin Trudeau etc...

By: Jim Crenshaw - 2nd November 2022

A Message From The Storm News:
If you are new to 'In The Storm News', we welcome you. Please enter with an open mind. God is in control of everything, and He has already won! You are about to be exposed to a very controversial topic, one that the Deep State Cabal has made us believe were all 'conspiracy theories'. Surprise, they lied, about everything you have ever been taught! The sooner you can wrap your head around the fact that these pedo-repto-child trafficking-satanic-cannibals in our world are the 'fallen angels' they are Satan's army.

These criminals are all pedophiles and they want to mandate us so they can be free to continue their crimes in systematic secret!
They are all pedophiles and demonic psychopaths.
They are afraid of us and panicking.
What are the penalties for treason and crimes against humanity?
This weird wacko pseudo - medical cult religion is after our children!

[Note: It is become clearer that most of the installed elite have been (pre-planned) through bloodline or bio-engineered to be both male and female in the image of the Baphomet so that they can be possessed by these controlling evil entities or through a godless satanic culture that coerces/seduces normal humans into blending or changing their genders so that demons can partly control or fully possess them. Everything becomes inverted or good becomes evil and evil is now good. Once separated from source or God (they have no soul), Adrenochrome becomes one of their life sources or means to keep young or keeping a clone going. Goal to destroy the family unit and invert everything that is good, drawing our energy for their soulless existence. Once you know this secret it explains everything and those affected stand out like a sore thumb. Would it be inconceivable to suggest that when both the current pope and Vatican support the Great Reset, Pfizer, Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum that possibly the past Vatican conclave, Cardinals and the pope himself have been penetrated by these demonic psychopathic entities as well? Most celebrities if not all are secretly transgendered because they pay allegiance to their false deity Baphomet who is an androgyny. Take it or leave it, but where is the better explanation? Thank God for Q Intel, the leaked Podesta Emails and WikiLeak dumps. Time to wake up! Marcum - MyCatholicRedPill]

All of this is sooooo disturbing, but the planned parenthood dinner conversation is purely evil!

You can't un see this, once you watch it.

anderson cooper is a transgender

Many fast foods besides Mc Donalds use human meat. All vaccines use aborted fetal cells. Many condiments, make up, body creams and companies use fetal cells in their products. If you see "natural flavours" listed on ingredients they are fetal cells.


Propaganda from the UN tard. Dissolving the world to bring in the new order!

Am I wrong, or did it seem to incriminate DJT?

you should save the taxpayer the money and just shoot the guy.

Glad Jaime Oliver stood for good. Gordon Ramsey is a pedophile fag scumbag,he hates Jaime Oliver and now I know why.

very painful, we are in hell...

I'm sharing this all over Twitter (X)

Time to wake up America

Download here: Covid-19-Injections-Open-Doors-to-Demons-through-Pharmakeia-Black-Magic-Witchcraft-2022-10-30.mp4 - 19,486 kb
By: Engineering-Sanity - 30th October 2022
Covid-19 Injections Open Doors to Demons
through Pharmakeia / Black Magic / Witchcraft
Interview with a Demon

Covid jabs were designed to harm people and to hijack their soul. People turned around immediately before their death, because they sensed evil.

We are in a Physical, Mental and Spiritual Battle. Repentance through Yashua / Jesus is the only way out.

Medical Symbol on Baphomets lap

I'm a paranormal investigator and I agree. There is something there. I have abilities. And I have seen things recently things that I haven't seen for over two decades. This issue is being buried in the media, especially when it comes to other "truthers" giving lame excuses for this phenomena of the spin deaths.
The problem with these creatures speaking is they LIE like HELL, leaving one wondering what to believe; that shaking is definitely consistent with a possession.
"Repented" cowards will not make the cut, BTW; notice what's first on this list:
Rev_21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

I noted it was over the right shoulder and up above. It seemed as if the demon went for their throats, sucking the lifeforce out of them. An excellent video although 'Jesus' remains under investigation as far as my journey is concerned.

They see the demons coming for their souls.

Everyone needs to check this out.

Eva-Vlaardingerbroek-says-young-girls-are-being-sacrificed-on-the-altar-of-mass-migration-Rape-and-organ-harvesting-2022-10-18.mp4 - 8,443 kb
By: GBNews - 18th October 2022
Eva Vlaardingerbroek says young girls are being
'sacrificed on the altar of mass migration'
Rape and organ harvesting
of a 12 year old girl in Paris by migrants!

12 year old Lola...
This angel's name is Lola. Her lifeless body was found in Paris yesterday after she was raped, tortured & nearly decapitated by 4 Algerian migrants. There are dozens of cases like this every year. Our elites have sold out our girls and made them into fair game for these monsters.

Truly exorcise
Many human rights lawyers are quite happy to support these disgusting actions.

Magnus Carter
If only this fantastic young lady was given the same media acclaim as Greta Thunberg.

Scorpio Rob
This Dutch lady EVA speaks words of TRUTH.

Robert Evason
Eva thank you for speaking out, we are too gutless here in the UK for fear of being called racist. Our politicians have failed us and our future generations will never see the England that I grew up in during the 1960's which was courteous, safe, smiley, fun and relaxed and as kids we could go off and play all day without our parents worrying. In fact we never even had a lock on out door. It's so sad. Thank you Mr Blair and the ECHR

Adam Roberts - A Dragon Slayer
needs to be protests, protests that would make the BLM protests pale in comparison

Lisa L.
I feel so ill thinking about this poor, sweet girl. I cannot imagine the grief and the rage of her parents. May this innocent child rest in peace forever. And may the elites advocating open borders never be forgiven for her death. When will the citizens of the West hold these unconscionable politicians accountable in the voting booth? This child was failed by her own society. Was she not deserving of protection? How did we get here?

Those invaders who are unemployable, yet consume housing, food and energy.

Nick T12
I feel terrible for this girl. This is one of the most evil crimes imaginable.

Ashley Christmas
Amazing hearing someone actually speaking the truth

Dave's Hong Kong & China Channel
Truly shocking but not entirely surprising. We know our governments have the capability to track and monitor every one of us and know every aspect of our lives, so why can't they use such capabilities to stop human trafficking and slavery? The only answer is that they are complicit in all of this to a very high level.

Brisbane Born-n-Bred
You have to take to the streets with this story and make the public more aware. Its not racism to warn people about these over-populated monsters who should never be allowed to entre Europe and the UK and use your resources; especially your children and women. Isolate them, shun them otherwise your life is at risk. But speak up about what has and does happen. My heart is broken for Lola and her family.

My God, this breaks my heart. That poor girl. I can't even begin to imagine what her family must be going through right now. My own daughter has just turned 13 and to think this could be her. Just....words fail me. What a sick evil world we live in.

Flossy Park
A friend of mine has a niece by marriage who needed a woman's refuge. The nearest one was Bristol, 30 miles away. She was told in order to keep herself and her daughter safe NOT to go out after dark wait for it…… because of the community that migrated here, allegedly to escape persecution!
I say, send them back and keep our loved ones safe! They broke the law to get here, they don't respect the law or anyone of British heritage, of any colour. Much lessrespect women or girls! Our laws are way to soft when it comes to these heinous crimes

Download here: Frence-President-Emmanuel-Macron-Joins-the-Evil-BLACK-EYE-CLUB-2022-10-13.mp4 - 294 kb
By: Edward Morgan - 13th October 2022
Frence President Emmanuel Macron Joins the

..We also noted their slave President Emanuelle Macron has been put under demonic control, as seen by his black eye.

This means the French military and republic are now battling to liberate themselves from Demonic control.

In the US meanwhile, the military white hats are making a move to end the entire Joe Biden horror show. Pentagon sources say a new government headed by the real (anti-vaccine) Donald Trump, with former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard as his vice president, is due to take over soon...

Download here: Child-Sacrifice-by-Jews-A-Secret-Forbidden-History-Jewish-Ritual-Murder-2022-09-08.mp4 - 428,363 kb
By: TheWarAgainstYou - 9th September 2022
Child Sacrifice by Jews
A Secret Forbidden History
Jewish Ritual Murder
(Full Banned Documentary)

Child Sacrifice of the Jews, A Secret Forbidden History - Jewish Ritual Murder (Full Banned Documentary)




An Honest Historical Examination of the Ultimate Taboo of Jewish Blood Ritual


hitler was right jews are evil

I have way too much empathy for this shit! Just the pictures alone make me mentally transport myself into the position of the victim, where I can feel their pain, and it makes me feel dizzy and weak like I'm going to faint.

I'm here after the NYC tunnels. This is insane & must be exposed.

What a horrible ritual. If there is this much history on it, there has to be some truth to it, right? This is bad.... ya don't mess with our kids.

Jewish tunnels were found in NYC. Why is it acceptable to criticize Christianity, Islam and Hinduism but the moment you criticize Judaism you are called a racist? Just as their are Islamic extremist their are also Jewish extremist. And if these Jewish extremist are not called out then they will go on to commit harm both you and I couldn't even imagine. Religion is a hell of a drug.

Download here: MY-SON-HUNTER-Full-Movie-2022-09-08.mp4 - 196,876 kb
By: Patriot Vibes 1Q7 - 8th September 2022
(Full Movie)

Directed by Robert Davi, the film centers on Hunter Biden, the son of current U.S. President's in his lifestyle and his scandalous business dealings. In 2021, Donald Trump accused Hunter Biden of corruption. It is, according to The Guardian's Catherine Shoard, the "debut fiction attempt" of documentarians Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer. Spectator Australia called the movie a "socially dangerous, ego-damaging, and down-right delicious exposé of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal". The film is being distributed by American far-right media company Breitbart News, and scheduled for release on September 7, 2022.

Former MMA star Gina Carano, who will be playing a "world-weary" secret service agent in the film stated: "The script was instantly intriguing and side achingly hilarious to me, especially after being newly exposed to the political realm in 2020. Robert Davi is someone who reached out to me as soon as I was 'canceled' in Feb. 2021. I signed on in support of him and one of my favorite humans, Laurence Fox."

Production began in October 2021 in Serbia, and lasted for four weeks. During filming John James, who portrayed Joe Biden, had an off-set injury and was rushed to the hospital, though he continued filming after treatment saying that "the show must go on".

Laurence Fox as Hunter Biden
John James as Joe Biden
Jovana Stevic as Beau's Wife
Emma Gojkovic as Grace Anderson
Gina Carano as Secret Service Agent

Sensitivity Normal - Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over

In-Memory-of-Queen-Elizabeth-2-and-her-Legacy-of-Satanism-Globalism-Paedophilia-Child-Trafficking-and-Murder-2022-09-08.mp4 - 40,378 kb
By: Patriot Vibes 1Q7 - 8th September 2022
In Memory of the fake Queen Elizabeth 2
Officially died on 8th September 2022 at age 96.
[Note: It is alleged that Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor actually died (or was executed) on 8th September 2019. Ensuing public appearances after her death, were simply by way of: doubles, CGI, holograms, old photos, videos, sound bits etc.]
..a legacy of: Satanism, Globalism, Murder,
Paedophilia, Child Trafficking, Cannibalism...

In Memory of Queen Elizabeth 2 and her Legacy of: Satanism, Globalism, Murder, Paedophilia, Child Trafficking, Cannibalism...
Queen Elizabeth 2

In Memory of Prince Philip and his Legacy of: Satanism, Globalism, Murder, Paedophilia, Child Trafficking, Cannibalism...
Prince Philip

Jacinda-Ardern-Mission-Accomplished-Remove-stem-cells-from-the-kidneys-of-unanaesthetised-Late-Term-Abortions-2022-07-11.mp4 - 6,709 kb
By: Orthodox_Christian_Princess - 11th July 2022

Mission Accomplished: Remove stem cells from
the kidneys of unanaesthetised Late Term Abortions
Jacinda Ardern's child sacrifice to Satan
1 dot Jacinda Ardern

You would want the kidneys to be fully developed for the harvested stem cell to be a success so the 3rd trimester would need to be 40 weeks at least and that's what New Zealand's Jacinda Ardern has accomplished though she will tell you it was being kind.

The steps to success for sale of the harvested stem cells requires the baby to be alive with the blood still flowing. The mother has consciously decided to abort the living baby even if she is unaware of all the medical circumstances regarding the stem cells may still abort the living baby if she did. Right now we know that women don't know.

"Keeping the living baby alive after an abortion is for the harvesting of the stem cells in the kidneys to be a success in terms of commerce."

No pain relief and no anaesthetic for a living being and our most sacred also adds to the success of the procedure. First remove the brain. Then the heart and finally the kidney.

Limbs may already be missing due to abortion experience and practice. Torn off in other words.

It took 293 attempt to remove the Cell Line stem cells from an aborted baby to regenerate in a petri dish and is called the HEK293. This is then added to the Pfizer vaccine and that is how it gets into the kidneys of new born babies when / if the mother has this particular jab.

#nz #jacinda #ardern

Jacinda (Jack) Ardern the tranny, murderer, your time is coming to a head, it won't be long before US Special Forces front up and pick her up for "child smuggling, adrenochrome harvesting, crimes against humanity" and shipped off to Guantanamo Bay to face a United States Military Courts Tribunal to answer for her/his crimes. Keep your eyes and ears open.

Abortion of the political class must be a top priority. Murder is clearly what they are about.

Babies are a great source of nutrients for Satanists everywhere.

Jacinda Ardern (New Zealand Prime Minister, totalitarian and megalomaniac):

Since time immoral, blood has been connected to youth, vitality and immortality. The blood of children and virgins, in particular, has long been converted for its life-giving properties - both as a sacrificial offering and a substance to be ritually imbibed.

Mythology and history each revere the symbolic and material properties of blood. They depict it as an elixir of life, released at the moment of death. The spilling of blood, both symbolic and ritualistic, is inextricably bound to the acquisition of knowledge about salvation, eternal life, and humanity's relationship with the Divine.

Alongside its spiritual dimension, the visceral nature of blood aligns it with the thirst for power and wealth on our terrestrial plane. The physical and spiritual properties of blood are indistinguishable, bound together by blood through a cycle of death and rebirth. Human history is cyclical and blood is the glue which binds everything together.

Adrenochrome is the chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3 synthesised from the oxidation of adrenaline in the bloodstream. It's a powerful rejuvenating, psychotropic elixir harvested from the pineal gland of child donors.

The inherent difficulty of the propagation and extraction of adrenochrome, has long made it a highly exclusive product and the province of vampiric elites. The ADRENOCHROME Foundation intends to enlarge the market capitalisation of adrenochrome.

While high levels of consumption of adrenochrome will remain restricted to the upper echelons of society, the chemical compound will finally be made available to a wider customer base via ADC coin. This is a unique opportunity to invest in the future of ADRENOCHROME and partake in the cryptographic ritual.

Satan's appetite for child sacrifice is insatiable.

Download here: Satan-Responds-To-Roe-v-Wade-Overturn-boasts-over-60-million-babies-murdered-2022-06-29.mp4 - 12,133 kb
By: The Babylon Bee - 29th June 2022
Satan Responds To Roe v. Wade Overturn
Boasts over 60 million babies murdered

Satan held a press conference today responding to the big loss of Roe v. Wade. He's doing his best to keep his chin up.

Aborted fetal parts

Martin Wilson
This is simply the best satire team that has ever existed. You fine folks at The Bee have elevated sarcasm to new heights of hilarity. Your channel really helps me to digest the ridiculous reality that we have to endure every day. Many thanks!

Sore Thumbs
Satan blatantly telling you that he's making an appearance at the drag show is honestly the most commendable admission In this conference.

This was delightful. The script was pitch-perfect. The actor delivered beautifully. Bravo.

The Guitologist
I was waiting to hear from Moloch…. Just disappointed I didn't get to hear him comment on the late game turnover.

Gabe Pearl
I have to say you guys did yourself on this one. This is the best one yet

You guys are above & beyond SNL. It's not even a fair comparison. Outstanding.

This is absolutely ridiculous.... Nobody would have clapped that hard for an Amy Schumer comedy special.

Abortion - modern Baal worship
Sacrificing babies to Satan

27th June 2022

This is a fairly accurate portrayal of Planned Parenthood. However, one change has developed in that Planned Parenthood has found a way to monetize the babies by selling body parts. They no longer just burn the babies as sacrifices. And, of course, the abortion tables no longer portray images to Baal or Molech. But given enough time, they probably would.

Abortion - modern Baal worship. Sacrificing babies to Satan

Pro choice versus Pro Life

The Great Reset / Mandatory Vaccines /
No Genders / No Parents / Suicide / Genocide
25th June 2022

Agenda 2030 - The Great Reset / Mandatory Vaccines / No Genders / No Parents / Suicide / Genocide

Download here: Satan-Celebrities-Who-Drink-Blood-2022-05-02.mp4 - 11,557 kb
By: joeybtoonz - 2nd May 2022
Celebrities Who Drink Blood!?

Today we explore celebrities who drink each others blood.

The worst part is there's probably someone out there who'll think this is the new "normal"

David Cunningham
Was out today in a park in London. There was wild deer in there and it is birthing season. They're were 4 people teasing the deer and being outright disrespectful. An oldish lady told them to stop and leave the animals alone and just leave nature be. They called her a Karen and started filming her. Thought it was disgraceful

Zak W
"We must stay relevant no matter what, fame and attention is everything" - every celebrity

Cesar Alejandro
This should never be normalized, it's really disturbing.

Nayib Seluja
It says a lot when these people are the famous ones, and not genius scientists, physics, mathematicians, and other brilliant minds.

It's so bad because teenagers reflect themselves on adults and celebrities to grow up mentally ect and if that's the exemple we are suppose to go for I'm really thankful I've discovered your channel because I would still be freakin lost with myself and my purpose in my life to this day.
You really need more recognition, never stop making videos.

Download here: Satan-Californian-bill-to-legalise-murdering-babies-up-to-28-days-old-2022-04-26.mp4 - 4,381 kb
By: GTV - 26th April 2022
Californian bill to legalise
murdering babies up to 28 days old

Australia follows America - this is extremely alarming!

Ivan Sultanoff
Criminal is understatement-can't believe anyone would agree to it

If this legislation was passed...I would expect a civil revolution in California by morning...right ? The politicians who pass such laws would (should) be hanging from lamp posts on every corner.

Trent Spackman
The world is full of evil these days.

Julie Wilton
Absolutely horrifying and extremely disturbing.
I can't believe how crazy things are getting.
This world is going completely mad.

Diana Carlton
Absolutely terrible, I really hope that bill is not passed, that is legalised murder. Heartbreaking.

Allister Adventure
Unbelievable, this world is going crazy.

Also your sound was perfect

Pitu Guli
A Woman having children and deciding to stay at home and raise said children and maintain the family home is considered oppression but murdering babies and having sexual intercourse with 100x Men is empowerment. We are in the last days people, those of us that love Jesus can feel it in our bones.

Download: Covid-LIVE-WORLD-PREMIERE-WATCH-THE-WATER-2022-04-11.mp4 - 277,588 kb
By: Stew Peters Network - 11th April 2022
Satanic elite using SNAKE VENOM in
their Covid-19 virus / vaccine bioweapons

The plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread, and did the Satanic elite tell the world about this bioweapon ahead of time? Dr. Bryan Ardis ( has unveiled a shocking connection between this pandemic and the eternal battle of good and evil which began in the Garden of Eden.

In this Stew Peters Network exclusive, Director Stew Peters, award winning filmmaker Nicholas Stumphauzer and Executive Producer Lauren Witzke bring to light a truth satan himself has fought to suppress.

Visit to learn how to protect you and your loved ones during this biological war.

Proteins from the Chinese Krait Snake
Proteins from the Chinese Krait Snake
Proteins from the King Cobra
Proteins from the King Cobra Snake

The weird history of Medical Symbols
The weird history of Medical Symbols

Hope that LAWSUITS starts immediately after!!

This will give a MASSIVE BLOW to the elite that they will not recover from.Time to work and be brave.
We know we are protected.They are not, because God is on our side.

They should show the catholic great hall at the vatican. It is built to look like a snake.

And the medical symbol is a snake wrapped around a staff. They're mocking us

Solve et Coagula--invert reality, tattooed on the inner arms of baphomet, who wears a belt with the Caduceus on it with 2 snakes in a helix, likely symbolizing the human double helix genome. We are in a spiritual battle for the soul of humanity. GOD speed brothers and sisters.

Yes, I'm a nurse and I always wondered where that came from. When I researched it, I was mortified.

Yes!!! But there are two snakes wrapped around it!
50 rumbles

That's a magic wand from Greek Mythology.

@ Jillzy... Actually... I believe, it's more like their mocking God

American Medical Association, the CDC has the outline of people's faces and on either side of them looks like snakes and the World Health Organization.

Kbohach, 9 hours ago
So many lies, deceit and corruption in the Vatican and in the churches. I don't know how the catholic community who were convinced to take the death jab are going to live through this truth. I am catholic, but the Holy Spirit has been guiding me since day 1. Praise God that me and my immediate family knew that the jab was of the evil one. extended family caved in to the fearmongering.

They have been doing right in our face and laughing at us all the time. Time we stand up and put an end to this. We are the 99% and God is on our side!! But we have to stand up!!!

Download here: Disney-is-Grooming-Your-Children-2022-04-07.mp4 - 26,674 kb
By: AwakenWithJP - 7th April 2022

Disney is Grooming Your Children?!

Is Disney grooming your children? In this special report we look into the "Secret Gay Agenda" of Disney employees to indoctrinate your children. Also Governor Ron DeSantis is fighting back!

I've never seen so many people who aren't grooming children, upset they can't groom children.

I find it pretty creepy when a person who doesn't even have kids wants to teach my kids about their distorted views on sexuality.

Myles Platt
We went from Pink Floyd saying "Hey, teacher! Leave us kids alone!" to "I'm a teacher, so I MUST tell your 5 year old about sexual attraction, and that is NOT grooming!"

2008: "We want equality!"

2022: "We want your kids & everything else!"

Ronelle Fortune
I can't believe this is even an issue with people. I feel so sorry for parents with little kids. The predators can just do whatever they want since the biggest predators are in charge of everything.

Paula Mills
Laughed at "the road to hell is paved with child molester intentions and Disney is laying the asphalt and driving the steam roller." SO TRUE and so evil.

The anti grooming bill should be law everywhere !

Download here: New-movie-FRESH-tries-to-convince-you-to-try-human-meat-Woke-just-another-road-to-Satanism-2022-03-06.mp4 - 25,199 kb
By: Banned Video Archive - 6th March 2022
New movie "FRESH" tries to
convince you to try human meat.
Woke - just another road to Satanism


-> First, Thank you so much for all your work exposing these sick, twisted people, it's soo appreciated!!
"When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of man." Manly P. Hall 33rd degree Mason
You, sir, are giving some great, timely, invaluable lessons in learning their language of symbolism!
-> Second, as an Angus cattle rancher, I take exception to the comments about how consuming human meat is no different than consuming beef, pork or chicken. That statement alone shows their indoctrination is working, if you truly equate human flesh with beef steak!!
There are still many smaller family ranches where the animals are raised & harvested with care. You should take some time to get to know a rancher in your area. American Angus Association has listings for each state or find a farmers market. There's a lot of good people yet!
Thanks again from South Texas for all you do!

... and to put the cherry on top of this evil movie the "girl" (doctor's girlfriend) is clearly a boy... the tranny propaganda

These ppl are sick!

Hillary Clinton needs to die first

just watch the movie, everything they said would happen is happening, PUTIN IS TAKING OUT THE DEEP STATE AND BIOLABS IN THE UKRAINE, there will be a false nuclear war attack and the media will scare the shit out of all the sheeple that don't research this shit, just wait, then the stock market will collapse, then we get NESARA/GESARA IMPLEMENTED AND THE EBS WILL TAKE DOWN THE CORRUPT MEDIA, JUST WATCH disturbing!!! That's not Okay!!!

So evil and demented smh these satanists deserve to burn in Hell!

This is disgusting. I have no idea where this world is going but more and more I feel I don't want to be here anymore.

Aussie Rod
Imagine eating Klaus Schwab... Toxic old piece of shit.
That V they keep showing represents that they are Pharaohs. If you want to know who is engaged in this kind of nonsense, look up Switzerland. That is where these assholes like to hide. Go to your nearest Swiss embassy and throw molotov cocktails at them. Usually their embassies are not that well protected because they are neutral rememeber. Sweden is another country that is known for this shit. Look up the Wallenberg Family to understand how powerful these people are.

That's Baphomet

This may convince some to try human meat. However, for me, the movie Fresh only reinforces my belief in just how wrong and sick it is to even consider doing such a heinous act. We are not our bodies and eating our body, is going far too deep into indulging in the flesh for my likely. I'm not apposed to enjoying the human body, but eating, no way.

If you've ever eaten at Mcdonald's you've already consumed human meat.


C. McMahon
This may in fact be predictive programming but why have they been pushing vegetarianism and Vega sim for decades? And then there is the bug eating and just hatred of humankind that they are implanting into the US culture.

I think this is more of the satanic panic programming. They are deflecting since more and more are waking up to this sick society and where we are being led.

I'd agree that this IS likely predictive programming, as "they" shut down society and all that we've known to be normal lifestyle, people losing EVERYTHING, including the ability to JUST feed themselves.... zombie-like , searching out their next ain't gonna be pretty.

When someone that can't have kids ever tell you "oh, I can't have babies" tell them, "oh trust me you have been having them"

Hell-O fresh: Ground baby chili with white rice and avocado or taco bell 100% real chihuahua meat

Download here: Why-I-do-not-eat-at-McDonalds-Human-meat-in-their-products-was-a-real-issue-2022-02-10.mp4 - 7,807 kb
By: Jim_Crenshaw - 10th February 2022
Why I don't eat at McDonald's
Human meat in their products was a real issue!

And it still is. Not a one off either but an ongoing problem. God knows what we are getting fed by the grocery stores let alone the large chain fast food restaurants. When you combine that with this:

Rabbi Abe Finkelstein & James Wickstrom. The Rabbi Speaks About Blood Sacrifices Of Children at 45:10 and what they do with Children. He is quite specific:

Adrenochrome Junkie
McDonalds responds (in a parallel universe): "Please be assured that we have done everything possible to blend human meat with animal meat - in such a way - that the chances are you will never notice."

When the truth about child trafficking
and Satanic paedophiles reaches the masses
27th January 2022

When the truth about child trafficking and Satanic paedophiles reaches the masses - ITS OVER!

Download here: Satanists-Ghislaine-Maxwell-could-name-names-to-reduce-lengthy-prison-sentence-2021-12-31.mp4 - 6,603 kb
By: 9 News Australia - 31st December 2021
Child trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell
could name names to
reduce lengthy prison sentence

Convicted of five charges of recruiting and grooming teenage girls to be sexually abused, former British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell could start naming powerful names (note: Ghislaine has been singing like a canary since her arrest) in an attempt to shorten her lengthy prison sentence.


Download here: Jacindas-Christmas-Message-Kindergarten-Primary-High-School-JAB-EM-ALL-2021-12-21.mp4 - 109,277 kb
By: Robert Bruce - 21st December 2021
1 dot Jacinda Ardern
The Rantings of a Genocidal Megalomaniac...
PM Jabcinda Ardern - 'Jab em all'

New Zealand's fraudulent Prime Minister Jabcinda Ardern, explains her poisonous vaccination programme as being like: Kindergarten School / Primary School / High School.

Plus her desire to roll out boosters on a regular basis i.e. for life (until everyone becomes a patented trans-human - or dead...)

Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci, Jacinda Ardern, Ashley Bloomfield, Chris Hipkins etc have all said that: 'We are doing EVERYTHING humanly possible to end the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic' - (as long as you only use their 'settled science' of patented bio-warfare weaponised mRNA Covid promoting injections)

Jacinda Ardern's Genocidal Injections

The ingredients / affects list below is dependant upon whether the recipient received:

  1. an actual mRNA injection / killer shot
  2. or a saline type solution.

In many areas of the World, there was a higher percentage of vials in the 1st shot, that contained a saline type solution. Injecting recipients with a saline type solution minimised overall Adverse Effects / Deaths amongst the first wave of the 'vaccinated', thereby creating the illusion that the deadly injections were in all likelihood 'safe.'

This was a brilliant, albeit evil strategy, to insure a brainwashed compliance with all future 'shots' that are to continue - at very short intervals - until at least 2030. This is as per Jacinda Ardern's (WEF, UN, FDA, Klaus Schwab etc) programme of genocide and creating transhumans for slaves from those who survive.

The chance of receiving a saline solution diminished dramatically with successive doses; but that was okay, as much of the population was already hooked into the programme via deception / brainwashing / coercion / pride. Regularly receiving killer shots in the vain hope of getting a saline type solution each time, is akin to playing Russian Roulette with a 6 chamber revolver - containing 5 bullets!

1st Dose is like Kindergarten:

  • Implants nano circuitry and software
  • Lowers innate immunity and antibodies by 20%
  • The spike protein enters the bloodstream
  • Endangering endothelial linings
  • Spike production is highly likely
  • mRNA changes DNA
  • May worsen COVID-19 disease via Antibody Dependant Enhancement
  • Adverse Reactions affects those with comorbidity / elderly / immune compromised
  • Especially affecting the vessels: e.g. blood-clots, stroke, heart. lung, neurological, brain.

2nd Dose is like Primary School:

  • Lowers innate immunity and antibodies by over 50+%
  • Creates further COVID-19 variants via Antibody Dependent Enhancement
  • Rapid increase of spike protein antibodies
  • After entry into the bloodstream, spike protein directly attacks the inner vessel lining
  • Causing damage and leakiness of the blood vessels
  • Revaccinations carry immediate and accumulative dangers
  • Adverse reactions are now likely to be 10 times greater
  • Average reactions occur 2.5 months after vaccination
  • Likely to KILL 50% within 3 years!

3rd Dose is like High School:

  • Booster injection #1
  • Lowers innate immunity and antibodies up to 100%
  • Creates COVID-19 variants via Antibody Dependent Enhancement
  • In the history of vaccines, booster shots are uniquely dangerous
  • Repeated booting will repeatedly boost the intensity of "Self-To-Self" attack
  • Your body attacks its own organs!
  • Leaky vessels from boosting the immune response to the spike protein, will progressively boost "Self-To-Self" immune attack
  • Complement mediated damage to vessel walls
  • The greater the vessel leakage and clotting that subsequently occurs, the more likely that organs being supplied by the affected blood flow will sustain damage
  • From stroke to heart attack to brain vein thrombosis, neurological issues
  • Symptoms and adverse reactions can range from: death, brain fog, headaches, nausea and vomiting
  • The vaccine itself may leak into surrounding organs and tissues; and the cells of those organs will themselves begin to produce spike protein, and will come under attack in the same way as the vessel walls
  • Damage to major organs such as lungs, ovaries, placenta, heart and brain can be expected to ensue, with increasing severity and frequency as booster shots are rolled out
  • Likely to KILL more people kill more people faster than previous 2 shots!

By: Robert Bruce
21st December 2021

Good News for the UNVACCINATED:

Vaccination against COVID-19 is unnecessary. Populations are protected by their immune systems against COVID-19. This applies to the patented biological, weaponised virus SARS-CoV-2 - and all its' variants.

The good news is that humans are more comprehensively protected against SARS-CoV-2 by their own pre-existing innate immune system, than was previously understood. If one follows The FLCCC Alliance i-Mask+ Prevention Early Out Patient Treatment Protocol, then No Vaccine(s) are necessary.

Good News about the I-MASK+ Protocol for COVID-19:

In October 2020, the FLCCC Alliance developed a preventive and early outpatient combination treatment protocol for COVID-19, called I-MASK+. It's centred around Ivermectin, a well-known, FDA-approved anti-parasite drug that has been used successfully for more than four decades - to treat onchocerciasis "river blindness" and other parasitic diseases. It is one of the safest drugs known. It is on the WHO's list of essential medicines; has been given 3.7 billion times around the globe, and has won the Nobel prize for its global and historic impacts in eradicating endemic parasitic infections in many parts of the world. Our re-discovery of a rapidly growing published medical evidence base, demonstrating Ivermectin's unique and highly potent ability to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication and to suppress inflammation, prompted our team to use Ivermectin for prevention and treatment in all stages of COVID-19. Ivermectin is not yet FDA-approved for the treatment of COVID-19, but on Jan 14, 2021, the NIH changed their recommendation for the use of Ivermectin in COVID-19 from "against" to "neutral."

Jabcinda Ardern Says She is Pursuing 'Every Avenue' for a Cure for Covid-19 - But she LIES!!

New Zealand's fake Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, claims that she is doing 'everything' that she can to find a cure for Covid-19 (and for all the variants that arrive after each vaccination!) However, 'everything' ONLY includes; their settled science of using vaccines / mRNA injections, which have been designed to shut down your natural immune system, sterilise everyone and eventually results in DEMOCIDE.

Any useful method of healing and prevention is actively mocked to scorn by the unkind, lying, genocidal megalomaniac Jacinda Ardern, including all those traitors who support her in blatant treason and provable genocide.

Jacinda Ardern's Definition of
Have you done your Due Diligence?
21st December 2021

Definition of 'DOING EVERYTHING POSSIBLE' - Number 1:
includes the CONTROLLED breakdown of health via coercing everyone via thuggery to:

  1. BriberyWearing Masks - which DO NOT stop virus transmission; but rather, accelerates poorer health via restricting essential fresh air;
  2. Social Distancing - treating everyone as sick and forced isolation. Results in ANTI-SOCIAL DISTANCING, loss of identity, loneliness, depression, MASS PSYCHOSIS and for many - SUICIDE - which in New Zealand is now referred to as 'Accidental Death':
  3. Testing - most SARS-CoV-2 testing (e.g. PCR Test etc) is flawed and gives many false positives. Also, the SARS-CoV-2 has not been officially isolated via an autopsy / post mortem Globally, because if it was, it would also be found to be a heavily patented bio-warfare weaponised virus, which means that this vaccination programme is in fact mass GENOCIDE;
  4. Vaccine - Injection #1 [if your batch is not a placebo, which is used for the elite, selected vaccinators etc] - which is not a vaccine in the true sense of the word; but rather, are RNA / DNA alters, designed to: implant nano circuitry & software - lowers innate immunity & antibodies by 20% - the spike protein enters the bloodstream endangering endothelial linings - mRNA changes DNA as you transform into a 'patented transhuman' - worsens COVID-19 disease via Antibody Dependent Enhancement - adverse reactions affects those with comorbidity / elderly / immune compromised - especially affecting the vessels: e.g. blood clots, stroke, heart, lung, neurological, brain and premature death - other;
  5. Vaccine - Injection #2 [if your batch is not a placebo, which is used for the elite, selected vaccinators etc] - lowers innate immunity & antibodies by over 50+% - creates further COVID-19 variants via Antibody Dependent Enhancement - rapid increase of spike protein antibodies - after entry into the bloodstream, spike protein directly attacks the inner vessel lining - causing damage & leakiness of the blood vessels - revaccinations carry immediate & accumulative dangers - adverse reactions are now likely to be 10 times greater - average reactions occur 2.5 months after vaccination - likely to KILL 50% within 3 years!
  6. Booster - Injection #3 [if your batch is not a placebo, which is used for the elite, selected vaccinators etc] - lowers innate immunity & antibodies up to 100% - creates COVID-19 variants via Antibody Dependent Enhancement - in the history of vaccines, booster shots are uniquely dangerous - repeated boosting will repeatedly boost the intensity of "Self-To-Self" attack - your body attacks its own organs! - leaky vessels from boosting the immune response to the spike protein, will progressively boost "Self-To-Self" immune attack - complement mediated damage to vessel walls - the greater the vessel leakage & clotting that subsequently occurs, the more likely that organs being supplied by the affected blood flow will sustain damage - from stroke to heart attack to brain vein thrombosis, neurological issues - symptoms & adverse reactions can range from: death, brain-fog, headaches, nausea & vomiting - the vaccine itself may leak into surrounding organs & tissues; & the cells of those organs will themselves begin to produce spike protein, & will come under attack in the same way as the vessel walls - damage to major organs such as lungs, ovaries, placenta, heart & brain can be expected to ensue, with increasing severity & frequency as booster shots are rolled out - likely to KILL more people faster than previous 2 shots!;
  7. Boosters Forever - boosters create variants, which require a booster, which creates a variant / booster / variant / booster merry-go-round, until the End Game of Agenda 2021 and Agenda 2030 have been achieved, i.e. the World's population is reduced to 500,000,000 for the Globalist elite / Cabal / New World Order. The transhumans who survive this insane medical procedure, will be programmable slaves;
  8. Covid Passport - you are only entitled to a 'Green Pass' and 1st class citizenship / slave if you are fully vaccinated. To be 'fully vaccinated', you must be injected with every injection and current booster that Jabcinda and Co dictate that you MUST have. If for example you have had 2 vaccinations and are subsequently sick and dying, and you dare to decline to have any further injections / boosters, you are then: a) deemed as 'UNVACCINATED' and b) become a 2nd class citizen and c) lose your Green Pass and d) you are classified as a conspiracy theorist! The main purpose is CONTROLLING the masses by removing / restricting our God given right to: privacy / freedom of movement to travel, work, socialise and enjoy life without interference from tyrannical government;
  9. Medical Apartheid - encourage discrimination by creating two classes of people: 1) the injected and 2) those who are pro informed choice;
  10. Fear Mongering - constantly bombard the population with a steady stream of 'fear porn' via the: television, radio, newspapers, social media, universities, schools, phone texts, pop up adverts, apps, letter box drops, posters, government staff, police, councils, courts and all the usual avenues used for terrorising people with enforced propaganda.

Definition of 'DOING EVERYTHING POSSIBLE' - Number 2:
includes the CONTROLED breakdown of health via coercing everyone via thuggery to:

  1. Fresh Air and Exercise - is discouraged with threats and menace;
  2. Community - is discouraged with threats and menace;
  3. Be Kind - is discouraged. Jacinda Ardern's message of: 'Wear masks - social distancing / don't talk to your neighbours - testing - regular vaccinations for life - Covid passport - there are two classes of people - and BE KIND to each other' - is blatantly disingenuous, as it creates cognitive dissonance among the population, resulting in: mental discomfort and trauma that results from holding two conflicting beliefs, values or attitudes;
  4. Wholistic Medicines - is heavily discouraged and censored with threats and menace and loss of medical credentials;
  5. Pharmaceutical Drugs - is severely discouraged, heavily censored and BANNED, with extreme threats, menace, imprisonment and loss of medical credentials. The more safe and effective a pharmaceutical drug turns out to be, e.g. Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) are proven to be extremely effective at eliminating SARS-CoV-2, the more vehement Jabcinda Ardern and her evil Globalist cohorts resort to: EXTREME MOCKING, LIES, MISINFORMATION, THREATS, MENANCE, CENSORING, PERSECUTION and PROSECUTION;
  6. Informed Consent - is discouraged with threats and menace, lies and deception;
  7. Freedom of Choice - is severely discouraged with extreme threats and menace, lies, deception, discrimination and defamation.

  • Jacinda Ardern and Co: Everything BAD for your physical and mental health is recommended and enforced by lies, misinformation, coercion and thuggery;

  • Jacinda Ardern and Co: 'Everything' GOOD for your physical and mental health is vigorously rejected by lies, misinformation, coercion and thuggery.

Are you awake yet?

Guys, watch out for the waterfall!

Conspiracy theory or truth

Download here: White-Rabbit-Jefferson-Airplane-Official-Lyric-Video-2021-12-16.mp4 - 10,141 kb
By: Jefferson Airplane - 16th December 2021
White Rabbit - Jefferson Airplane
(Official Lyric Video)

Song and Lyrics [from 1967]:

One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you
Don't do anything at all
Go ask Alice
When she's ten feet tall

And if you go chasing rabbits
And you know you're going to fall
Tell 'em a hookah-smoking caterpillar
Has given you the call
Call Alice
When she was just small

When the men on the chessboard
Get up and tell you where to go
And you've just had some kind of mushroom
And your mind is moving low
Go ask Alice
I think she'll know

When logic and proportion
Have fallen sloppy dead
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen's off with her head
Remember what the dormouse said
Feed your head
Feed your head

#WhiteRabbit #JeffersonAirplane #OfficialLyricVideo


Satanic reptilian Queen is exposed once and for all!!!
Visuals cut out at the 34 minutes due to technical issues but the audio still runs!!!
Link to full live stream

This has now been published in a well known Canadian newspaper!!!

The US GOVERNMENT is also involved with this horrific stuff. Clinton foundation, Bush Foundation, Obama Foundation, Oprah most Senators and Congress , Police and CIA

Reptilians are the fallen angels the bible talks about, and probably are members of the freemason's. Their god is satan.

Thank you for exposing this. I had heard this to be true years ago...but as she said it is
so hard to comprehend this depth of evil. Just shows how dark a human can become without
the redemptive blood of Jesus Christ. Thank you God for sending your Son to save us from
this pit of a world that we live in.

You wonder why no one would stand up against these satanic agenda. These people would rather save their own life. Jesus said those who save their own life will lose it and those who lose it for my sake will find it. It won't be long until judgement pour out on the entire world.

Recently my bible app start playing Revelation 19 all by itself. It was God telling all of us to rejoice and sing Hallelujah because God is about to judge the wicked.

Princess Di also said they are reptilians and she was so afraid of them!!

Pray for the babies. Pray for this woman for speaking the truth. God bless you Jeanette Archer for exposing and shattering the darkness of these EVIL fallen ones!!!


The citizens of England need to rise up and abolish the monarchy

Download here: Satanists-Riccardo-Bosi-We-are-coming-for-you-Pedophiles-in-Australia-2021-10-15.mp4 - 14,868 kb
By: A1 Bandwagon - 15th October 2021
Riccardo Bosi "We are coming for you"
- Pedophiles in Australia -

By: A1 Bandwagon

Australian children are still be being abused and murdered.
The Guilty must be brought to justice.
All Australians deserve to know the truth. ~Riccardo Bosi

Did you know that John Howard placed a 90 year suppression order on high profile pedophiles?

Due to those suppression orders the 28 Pedophiles that remain amongst us and possibly in high positions of power are most likely reoffending again and again and again. Even worse facilitating this disgusting acts for others.

Sandy Douglas
Can't wait for the guilty to be punished. Just love Riccardo Bosi

Judith Gange

Angela Where Love Breathes
We've known since 2015 and nothing has happened… we've had lockdowns and forced experiments on us and nothing has been done to stop it… I'm starting to believe there are peters here way beyond you and me. I wonder if I will ever see Justice in my lifetime not for me but for my children and grandchildren …

Lucy Spataro Infinite Heart Mind Meditation
Even those who know and did not speak out against these evil actions will be punished

Lynn Taylor
The whole hearing should be shown

Yes!!! When this war is over; those guilt will be punished to the highest extents of the law. -as far as I'm concerned; if that means death penalty; they should hang

are Invading Earth - Why?
29th September 2021
Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why? . LONDON, ENGLAND . Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why?

Maman - giant spider - at Tate Modern in London, England. Artist Louise Bourgeois. Year 2000
Maman - giant spider - at Tate Modern in London, England. Artist Louise Bourgeois. Year 2000

Louise Bourgeois

Maman (Ama)

Like a creature escaped from a dream, or a larger-than-life embodiment of a secret childhood fear, the giant spider Maman (1999) casts a powerful physical and psychological shadow. Over 30 feet high, the mammoth sculpture is one of the most ambitious undertakings in the long career of Louse Bourgeois. Over a vast oeuvre spanning more than sixty years, Bourgeois plumbed the depths of human emotion further and more passionately than perhaps any other artist of her time. In its evocation of the psyche, her work is both universal and deeply personal, with frequent, explicit reference to painful childhood memories of an unfaithful father and a loving but complicit mother.

Meghan Dailey

Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why? . CANADA . Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why?

Maman -giant spider - at the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa. Artist Louise Bourgeois. Year 1999
Maman - giant spider - at the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa. Artist Louise Bourgeois. Year 1999

Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why? . SPAIN . Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why?

Maman -giant spider - at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain. Artist Louise Bourgeois. Year 1999
Maman - giant spider - at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain. Artist Louise Bourgeois. Year 1999

Maman (sculpture)

Maman (1999) is a bronze, stainless steel, and marble sculpture by the artist Louise Bourgeois. The sculpture, which depicts a spider, is among the world's largest, measuring over 30 ft high and over 33 ft wide (927 x 891 x 1024 cm). It includes a sac containing 32 marble eggs and its abdomen and thorax are made of ribbed bronze.

The title is the familiar French word for Mother (akin to Mummy). The sculpture was created in 1999 by Bourgeois as a part of her inaugural commission of The Unilever Series (2000), in the Turbine Hall at London's Tate Modern. This original was created in steel, with an edition of six subsequent castings in bronze.

Bourgeois chose the Modern Art Foundry to cast the sculpture because of its reputation and work.

Philosophy and Meaning:

The sculpture picks up the theme of the arachnid that Bourgeois had first contemplated in a small ink and charcoal drawing in 1947, continuing with her 1996 sculpture Spider. It alludes to the strength of Bourgeois' mother, with metaphors of spinning, weaving, nurture and protection. Her mother, Josephine, was a woman who repaired tapestries in her father's textile restoration workshop in Paris. When Bourgeois was twenty-one, she lost her mother to an unknown illness. A few days after her mother's passing, in front of her father (who did not seem to take his daughter's despair seriously), Louise threw herself into the Bièvre River; he swam to her rescue.

"The Spider is an ode to my mother. She was my best friend. Like a spider, my mother was a weaver. My family was in the business of tapestry restoration, and my mother was in charge of the workshop. Like spiders, my mother was very clever. Spiders are friendly presences that eat mosquitoes. We know that mosquitoes spread diseases and are therefore unwanted. So, spiders are helpful and protective, just like my mother." - Louise Bourgeois

From Wikipedia

Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why? . TOKYO, JAPAN . Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why?

Maman - giant spider - at the Mori Art Musem, Tokyo, Japan. Artist Louise Bourgeois. Year 2000
Maman - giant spider - at the Mori Art Musem, Tokyo, Japan. Artist Louise Bourgeois. Year 2000

Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why? . SOUTH KOREA . Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why?

Maman - giant spider - at Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, South Korea. Artist Louise Bourgeois
Maman - giant spider - at Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, South Korea. Artist Louise Bourgeois

Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why? . ARKANSAS, USA . Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why?

Maman - giant spider - at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, Arkansas, USA. Artist	Louise Bourgeois
Maman - giant spider - at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art,
Bentonville, Arkansas, USA. Artist Louise Bourgeois

Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why? . DOHA, QATAR . Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why?

Maman - giant spider - at Qatar National Convention Center, Doha, Qatar. Artist Louise Bourgeois
Maman - giant spider - at Qatar National Convention Center, Doha, Qatar. Artist Louise Bourgeois

Download here: Satanism-ZOMBIES-on-Streets-of-Philadelphia-Kensington-Ave-What-happened-today-2021-09-19.mp4 - 39,801 kb
By: kimgary - 15th September 2021
ZOMBIES on the Streets of Philadelphia,
Kensington Ave. What happened today...

Most dangerous street in Philadelphia
Kensington Philadelphia Drug & Crime Problems
Violent crime and drug abuse in Philadelphia as a whole is a major problem. The city's violent crime rate is higher than the national average and other similarly sized metropolitan areas. Also alarming is Philadelphia's drug overdose rate. The number of drug overdose deaths in the city increased by 50% from 2013 to 2015, with more than twice as many deaths from drug overdoses as deaths from homicides in 2015.2 A big part of Philadelphia's problems stem from the crime rate and drug abuse in Kensington.

Because of the high number of drugs in Kensington, the neighborhood has a drug crime rate of 3.57, the third-highest rate by neighborhood in Philadelphia. Like a lot of the country, a big part of this issue is a result of the opioid epidemic. Opioid abuse has skyrocketed over the last two decades in the United States and Philadelphia is no exception. Along with having a high rate of drug overdose deaths, 80% percent of Philadelphia's overdose deaths involved opioids and Kensington is a big contributor to this number. This Philly neighborhood is purportedly the largest open-air narcotics market for heroin on the East Coast with many neighboring residents flocking to the area for heroin and other opioids. With such a high number of drugs in Kensington, many state and local officials have zoned in on this area to try and tackle Philadelphia's problem.

Robert Bruce
This is the result of a country that has rejected their Creator God and instead worship: religion, government, evolution, materialism, sex, self etc. Proverbs 16:25 There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

My heart absolutely breaks to see people who are created in the image of God, so devoid of Him spiritually.

Misfit Reborn Gamma
I watch this and my heart breaks. This is someone's daughter, son, uncle, sister, mother, dad, cousin. This is awful.

shane smith
Kids all around the world need to see this in school. This will scare the hell out of them

L@dy Fever
Sad reality, it is depressing to see so many young people immersed in wrong decisions, but it is also good to raise awareness. Thanks for sharing.

Philipp S26
While watching this and similar videos, I'm lying in my bed and can't believe my luck for having such a good life!! I'm so glad for it! It's so hard to see these people!!

Your videos are compelling and depressing, they awaken disgust and empathy at the same time, there has to be a solution to the epidemic of drug abuse on the streets.

David Briggs
Unbelievable seeing so many wasted and vulnerable people. Cannot begin to imagine how tough it is in winter.


Download: Deepest-Dark-Documentary-Satans-Playground-WARNING-VERY-GRAPHIC-AND-DISTURBING-05-2021.mp4 - 261,913 kb
By: Chandor - May 2021
Deepest Dark Documentary
Satan's Playground

Compiled information and footage exposing elite child sex trafficking, satanic rituals, cannibalism, Hollywood slaves, dark cabal, paedophilia, sacrifice, torture, child abuse, royal conspiracies, human hunting, illuminati hierarchy, entertainment industry, planned parenthood, etc...

Includes notorious evil monsters such as: Aleister Crowley, Bill Gates, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Marilyn Manson, Katy Perry, Lil Nas X, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Prince Andrew, Marina Abramovic, Lady Gaga, Vatican Popes and hundreds more...

REAL WARNING !! - This Documentary contains footage and concepts which are highly disturbing and very graphic.

This can not be unseen once watched!

This Documentary exists for educational purpose only.

Sharing is highly recommended!

To expose these dark and sick aspects of the world, people have to shine light on these topics and bring it into consciousness!


Donald Trump and his people are hunting these bastards down. God bless them

Download here: Joe-Biden-Special-Investigation-Bidens-Illegal-Smuggling-of-Children-Blown-Wide-Open-2021-05-27.mp4 - 160,958 kb
By: The Alex Jones Show - 27th May 2021
Special Investigation:
Joe Biden's Illegal Smuggling
of Children Blown Wide Open

Working with members of the US intel Community, Private Citizens and the CBP, Dan Hollaway has exposed the final piece in the Deep State's illegal child smuggling operation. This report is ground breaking and conclusive, tens of thousands of kidnapped and smuggled children need your help, please share!

Download here: Satanism-Shocking-Truth-About-Adrenochrome-And-Child-Trafficking-Sound-Of-Freedom-Jim-Caviezel-2021-04-16.mp4 - 39,801 kb
By: ProjectClarity - 16th April 2021
Shocking Truth About
Adrenochrome & Child Trafficking
"Sound Of Freedom" Jim Caviezel

Jim Caviezel bursts into tears while explaining the background of his new film "Sound Of Freedom." He talks about the horror of adrenochrome and child trafficking. Over 10 million kids are sex trafficked each year around the world by many of the most famous people in Hollywood, big business, and politics. They are slaughtered and tortured like animals according to Caviezel.

Download here: Satanism-Anneke-Lucas-I-was-auctioned-as-sex-slave-by-prominent-politicians-2021-04-09.mp4 - 14,661 kb
Anneke Lucas: I was Auctioned as a
Sex Slave by Prominent Politicians


Anneke Lucas is an advocate for survivors of sexual abuse and sex trafficking, who shares her healing journey from surviving sadistic, child sex slavery and elite satanic ritual abuse, to thriving and giving back to her community through her healing work with prisons, and global talks.

Lucas claims she was raped, tortured with a fish hook and almost stabbed to death after being sold into aristocratic pedophile ring at the age of six. She has never gone to police with her claims because she said she was scared into silence after watching kids getting killed by sadistic members as a "warning" to others.

Her family's cleaning lady "abused and groomed her" before colluding with a relative to pimp her out to the exclusive club for drug-fuelled orgies. Her mom sold her into pimps as well. Anneke Lucas survived some of the worst atrocities known to humankind before the age of 12.

Why is a BACTERIA Considered LIFE on MARS?
- when a PRENATAL heartbeat is not considered LIFE ON EARTH? -
April 2021

Why is a BACTERIA Considered LIFE on MARS? - when a PRENATAL heartbeat is not considered LIFE ON EARTH?

Download here: EYES-OF-THE-DEVIL-A-DOCUMENTARY-FILM-BY-PATRYK-VEGA-2021-03-16.mp4 - 131,602 kb
By: Patryk Vega - 16th March 2021
A Documentary Film by Patryk Vega
Exposing the Sale of Babies for Sex and Organ Harvesting


Famous Polish Film Producer Creates Documentary Exposing the Sale of Babies for Sex and Organ Harvesting – If You can Handle it.

We are currently seeing an unprecedented number of children streaming across the U.S. border from other countries without their parents.

This is the lucrative child trafficking business, and while news sources, both corporate and alternative news, are reporting the crisis at the border, few are explaining why this is happening, or what is going to happen to these children.

If you truly want to know what the fate is for many of these children, then proceed to read about a new documentary just released by Polish film producer Patryk Vega, called "Eyes of the Devil."

But I cannot give strong enough warnings about what you will see, and how that could affect your emotional health.

I have covered the child trafficking subject for over 6 years now, and have dealt with many dozens of victims during this time while learning about the most depraved condition of the human race.

When I first started back in 2014 along with two other people, I seldom got a good night's sleep, and was very sick for 6 months, so horrible were the stories we were discovering and reporting on.

But nothing prepared me for what I saw and heard when I watched Patryk Vega's new documentary, "Eyes of the Devil." I had to stop the video many times and walk away, weeping.

If you are new to this topic, this is NOT the place to start. You could seriously suffer traumatic emotional and mental harm from watching this, and under no circumstances should children watch any of this.

Start by reading this article, and watch the videos by former FBI Director Ted Gunderson and Linda Weigand. "Unmasking Who is Behind the Plandemic and Rioting to Usher in the New World Order"

If Linda Weigand's story about how her children were involved in the Satanic ritual abuse pedophile network bothers you, as it well should, then please understand that this video is at least 100x worse.

So why am I publishing it? Because it is time for people to WAKE UP! This is happening all across the U.S., in your city, in your county.

"Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say, But we knew nothing about this, does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay each person according to what he has done?" Proverbs 24:11-12

Download: Satanism-Dawn-is-Coming-Open-Your-Eyes-2021-03-05.mp4 - 21,611 kb
By: Carlos D Fletcher - 5th March 2021
Child Sex Trafficking Is The Real Pandemic


" see - it was never about the election."

Crimes against humanity such as: human / child / sex trafficking are going to be routed out!

Donald J. Trump: "Faith is more powerful than government, and NOTHING is more powerful than God."

Child Sex Trafficking Is The Real Pandemic.

I know it's tough to acknowledge the horrible evil that is among us, but it's the only thing to end this once and for all!

Lulynn 5 months ago
Most of this is very difficult to watch! My heart is so sad for these children and I am hoping and praying the perps will be caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. It can not happen to soon! These precious need to be home with their parents!

Teenaleers 5 months ago
great info regarding the Wee One's. These pic's are worth more than a thousand words They are priceless in the Martial Court of Law, for those that have doubt about this evil darkness going on for ages by many sub humans and anti Americans who have been doing a great job keeping all others down...Put your Armor on and view the Digital Work in this video.3421tqr.

Top Gun Tom Cruise - then and now
21st February 2021

Adrenochrome - Top Gun Tom Cruise - then and now

Google Blatantly flaunts Satanic symbolism
via Google names, logo etc:
e.g. Adreno-Chrome - 666...

24th December 2020

Google blatantly flaunts Satanic symbolism via Google names, logo etc - e.g. Adreno-Chrome - 666...

Google blatantly flaunts Satanic symbolism via Google names, logo etc - e.g. Adreno-Chrome - 666...

Hunter Biden's Paedophilic Adventures

Hunter Biden's Paedophilic Adventures
Hunter Biden's Paedophilic Adventures

Download here: Jacinda-Ardern-and-Mike-Hosking-exchange-Christmas-gifts-panda-eyes-pentagram-Jacindas-false-teeth-2020-12-03.mp4 - 21,670 kb
By: Newstalk ZB - 3rd December 2020
1 dot Jacinda Ardern
Jacinda Ardern and Mike Hosking
exchange Christmas gifts
(or signs of SATANISM?)

Mike Hosking and Jacinda Ardern have had plenty of back and forth this year, but that doesn't mean they can't put that all aside for the Christmas season. As Mike headed off on his summer holiday, he caught up with the Prime Minister for their annual present swap - and in typical 2020 style, they are conducting it over Zoom!

This video has overtones of MK Ultra - Monarch Programming - Human Trafficking (Disneyland and Mickey Mouse are synonymous with child trafficking, sexual exploitation, torture and cannibalism) - Satanism (pentagram) - Jacinda's double? (why is this Jacinda wearing false teeth?)

Download here: Satanists-Epstein-Island-Skit-2020-07-17.mp4 - 10,533 kb
By: Raw Q. Boswin & Eye Drop Media - 17th July 2020
Epstein Island Skit
"Satanists on Pedo-Island"

Satanists on Pedo-Island: Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Harvey Weinstein, CIA, Bill Gates, Prince Andrew, Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg, Kevin Spacey, Tom Hanks...

Download here: Jeffrey-Epstein-What-really-happened-on-Jeffrey-Epsteins-private-island-60-Minutes-Australia-2020-07-08.mp4 - 14,417 kb
By: 60 Minutes Australia - 8th July 2020
What really happened on Jeffrey Epstein's
Private Island - 60 Minutes Australia
Human Trafficking

Jeffrey Epstein's paradise getaway in the Virgin Islands may now lie abandoned and desolate but it holds the secrets of a sex ring even more extensive than first thought. The Attorney General of the Virgin Islands, Denise George, paints a terrifying picture of what confronted the young women who found themselves trapped here.

Human trafficking for the mega rich, politicians, royalty etc.

Download here: Satanism-Adrenochrome-Human-Trafficking-Celebrity-Fail-2020-06-04.mp4 - 39,598 kb
By: Brock Pederson - 4th June 2020
Human Trafficking Celebrity Fail

800,000 children are reported missing in the United States. That is an average of 2,192 kids per day, 91 per hour or 1.5 per minute.

Sadly, the children of Hampstead, UK in the video were returned to their father and Lindsay Lohan was not harmed in the filming of her attempted child abduction.

sourced from the blood of human children...
..restricted to the upper echelons of society

25th April 2020

The following are some search engine results on "Adrenochrome Crypto Currency":

Adc Black Paper - Adrenochrome
[Search domain]
ADC BLACK PAPER. ADRENOCHROME (ADC) is an ERC20 token specifically designed to facilitate the high-velocity, cryptographically secure international trading of the chemical compound Adrenochrome (C9H9NO3). The Adrenochrome (C9H9NO3) compound is synthesised by the oxidation of adrenaline, sourced from the blood of human children.

Ritual — Adrenochrome
[Search domain]
The ADRENOCHROME Foundation intends to enlarge the market capitalisation of adrenochrome. While high levels of consumption of adrenochrome will remain restricted to the upper echelons of society, the chemical compound will finally be made available to a wider customer base via ADC coin.

Adrenochrome | The Conspiracy Wiki | Fandom
[Search domain]
Adrenochrome is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3 produced by the oxidation of adrenaline (epinephrine). The natural enzymes of blood which oxidize epinephrine to adrenochrome are not well characterized. The facts according to Abram Hoffer of Psychiatric Services Branch...

Adrenochrome — Adrenochrome
[Search domain]
ADRENOCHROME (ADC alt-coin) is a new, open-source, decentralised cryptocurrency. Holders of ADRENOCHROME can use it for the exclusive purchase of ADRENOCHROME. Each transaction on the ADRENOCHROME blockchain incurs a small fee, which is reinvested in the international sourcing, harvesting and trafficking of ADRENOCHROME (ADC).

[Search domain]
Adrenochrome (ADC altcoin) is an ERC20 token. Adrenochrome ADC altcoin allows everyday citizens to profit from the sourcing, harvesting and consumption of fresh adrenochrome. ADC coin is managed by the Adrenochrome Foundation, providing new opportunities for beautiful talented children and adolescents to sacrifice their youth elixir for the ...

[Search domain]
adrenochrome & new crypto currency pam jones for liberty / pedophile exposure project. loading... unsubscribe from pam jones for liberty / pedophile exposure project?

Adrenochrome — Adrenochrome
[Search domain]
ADRENOCHROME (ADC alt-coin) is a new, open-source, decentralised cryptocurrency. Holders of ADRENOCHROME can use it for the exclusive purchase of ADRENOCHROME. Each transaction on the ADRENOCHROME blockchain incurs a small fee, which is reinvested in the international sourcing, harvesting and trafficking of ADRENOCHROME (ADC).

white paper — ADRENOCHROME
[Search domain]
Now anyone can purchase Adrenochrome is now a cryptocurrency, for swifter payment and production of adrenochrome. ADC coin is available on most cryptocurrency ERC20/ altcoin trading sites. A cryptocurrency (or crypto currency) is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses cryptography to secure its transactions, to ...

Unholy Grail: Adrenochrome, the "White Rabbit" Elixir ...
[Search domain]
From Dark to Light: Queries for "Adrenochrome" Explode, as Internet Censorship Ceases ... There is even a crypto-currency, known as ADC-alt coin, used for the "exclusive purchase of adrenochrome." This is not a substance that can be afforded by many outside the establishment of jet-set elites.

[Search domain]
The funds, including any fiat, virtual currency or cryptocurrency you use to Purchase ADRENOCHROME (ADC) Tokens, are not derived from or related to any unlawful activities, including, but not limited to, money laundering or terrorist financing (See 8.1.16-18), and you will not use the ADRENOCHROME (ADC) Tokens to finance, engage in or otherwise ...

Ritual — Adrenochrome
[Search domain]
While high levels of consumption of adrenochrome will remain restricted to the upper echelons of society, the chemical compound will finally be made available to a wider customer base via ADC coin. This is a unique opportunity to invest in the future of ADRENOCHROME and partake in the cryptographic ritual

Extensive Thread: Clintons and Ritual Child Sacrifice ...
[Search domain]
15 Sex Abuse of Children and Child Sacrifice: The Adrenochrome Ritual. 16 This isn't something new folks. The FBI and DOJ has been turning a blind eye to it for decades! 17 Adrenochrome Addicts Don't Age Well and They'll Do Anything for Their Fix. When they don't have a steady supply, their health regresses rapidly.

Understanding Adrenochrome And Political Elite Rituals ...
[Search domain]
Understanding Adrenochrome And Political Elite Rituals. August 28, 2018 by David Seaman. From the now familiar cry of MSM blogger lemmings, we can be sure that adrenochrome abuse is an important issue they don't want the public talking about before midterms. Too bad.

From Illuminati Banker to Heroic Whistleblower: Ronald ...
[Search domain]
FROM ILLUMINATI BANKER TO HEROIC WHISTLEBLOWER: RONALD BERNARD, SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE, & ADRENOCHROME. September 18, 2018 April 28, 2019 fightingmonarch. Ronald Bernard was a banker to the Illuminati, who destroyed many lives through the manipulation of finance.

Adrenochrome ritual passed down to Illuminati from ...
[Search domain]
Adrenochrome ritual passed down to Illuminati from Egyptians, who learned it from Reptilians. The Illuminati was created as a New World Order in the late 1700s. The founder was fascinated by Egyptian culture, thus the significance of the pyramid.

Adrenochrome (ADC) as a Cryptocurrency

Adrenochrome (ADC) as a Cryptocurrency

Adrenochrome (ADC) as a Cryptocurrency

Adrenochrome (ADC) as a Cryptocurrency

Download: Satanic-What-Is-PizzaGate-Podesta-Pasta-Alefantis-2020-04-23.mp4 - 85,264 kb
By: Reality Calls - 23rd April 2020
What is pizz@gate?
#Podesta #Pasta #Alefantis


Music "White Hats"

banned video of james alefantis' instagram - Tara McCarthy
social atmosphere

Madonna Sings There Is No More Pasta
Global Watchmen News

The Rock Dwayne Johnson Admits Eats Children And Approves Child Molesting ? Sick Dangerous Sellout
It's TIME to WAKE up

Abortionists do Sell Bodies and Vaccine
Manufacturers do use Fetal Tissue

6th April 2020

Abortionists do sell bodies and vaccine

Download here: ADRENOCHROME-Those-Who-Know-Cannot-Sleep-2020-03-26.mp4 - 21,992 kb
Vinctum - 26th March 2020
Those Who Know Cannot Sleep

I sometimes forget that people are new to topics like QAnon, Adrenochrome and Satanism.

Also the issue that child trafficking and human trafficking is deeply connected with this and more widespread than we can imagine is very worrying.

Adrenochrome can be described as the ''Elite Drug" because the super rich and wealthy can only afford this extremely mystical drug.

Adrenochrome use is supposed to give you an immense high and slow the aging process.

This is why this substance is so popular in Hollywood with the celebrities who don't seen to age much at all.

The way Adrenochrome gets extracted is horrific to say the least and involves torturing children in ways you and I cannot imagine and probably shouldn't imagine for our own mental well being.

I believe astral entities or in other words mostly demons and evil spirits work through the people that do these rituals.

There is a spiritual war going on between heavenly forces of good and evil. And the Illuminati is here to destroy humanity and push their satanic agenda on us as quick as possible.

The recent rumors are that Donald Trump is fighting the Deepstate and is currently engaged in the deployment of the military in secret operation to take down the cabal and their satanic agenda.

Is the Coronavirus Pandemic a way of retaliation from the Deep state? Or is the COVID19 Chinese virus under control by the whitehats (good guys) and being used to take down the New World Order?

This video is suitable for adults only. You won't be the same again after viewing it.

Download here: ADRENOCHROME-Witch-Hunt-The-Storm-Is-Upon-Us-2020-03-20.mp4 - 193,979 kb
Documentary by Where We Go 1 We Go All - 21st March 2020
Adrenochrome users among the rich and famous going down
Moves and Counter-Moves, as the storm rolls in we'll take a look at what's going on and why

2020/03/23 - Editor: Cairns News:

The video below will change your outlook on life forever

The sick and demented individuals involved in child pornography and ritual, satanic abuse of young children are being rounded up one by one across the world. Hollywood celebrities have featured prominently in the crack down, along with their colleagues in crime coming from the ranks of politics, media, police, public service and clergy - including the Pope.

Tom Hanks' recent isolation in a Gold Coast hospital after catching corona virus allegedly was caused by him ingesting virus-infected Adrenochrome, a substance derived from the oxidation of adrenaline found in the human body. It is supposed to be a fountain of youth for users. Numerous other Hollywood personalities also have caught the virus. The substance is not approved by the Food and Drug Authority for use by humans. This begs the question: What clandestine activities did Hanks get into on the Gold Coast while filming there for four months? Who are the Australian notables involved in these activities?

Interestingly Adrenochrome has been commercially available from the city of Wuhan in China for many years. Wuhan of course is from where the Cov19 virus originated after it was stolen from a Canadian laboratory by two Chinese scientists in 2018.

Investigators have alleged Adrenochrome is harvested from some of the 800,000 children who are reported as missing in the United States each year.

Trump has started draining the Washington swamp and his tentacles have reached to Australia where a number of people have been arrested for involvement in a world-wide, horrific, young, child porn business.

This video (above) from our US correspondent Alex Bruce, will shake you to your soul. We can only pray Trump is able to clean up the putrid mess. It is notable that Hilary Clinton confidante and former Labor (Democrat) Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has a column in News Ltd publications.

Will Gillard and her Australian compatriots go down with the Clintons?

Witch Hunt: The Storm Is Upon Us
from Alex Bruce, Forbidden News TV

I just got off the phone with my friend, who's a retired Marines Special Forces Lieutenant, who was just briefed for over an hour by a 3-Star General. What he was told sounds like reports I've been seeing on social media that I've discounted. I know the following sounds starry-eyed and trite, even. For his part, he told the General that he'd believe it when he saw it – but here goes:

The coronavirus was a Globalist ploy that failed and has been hijacked by the Trump Administration to be used as cover to keep people inside and to prevent collateral damage during a military op of mass arrests. Some targets are very violent and they will fight back. For your safety, it's best to stay inside.

The operation is live. Arrests are happening in Southern California now. It's being overseen by NAVSPEC. They will arrest 160,000 people in 90 days, including members of the mainstream media and Barry Soetoro.

They're starting now by taking down Antifa, MS-13, the mafia, drug gangs and other mercenaries hired by Soros and used by the Dems/Deep State.

These mercenaries were going to conduct mass riots and mayhem after the election but this is being stopped. There will soon be Martial Law, maybe as soon as this Monday.

Thousands have been arrested in Italy already.

The situation is "fluid" but it's more or less like this:

You may have noticed that during Trump's daily coronavirus updates, that starting around the 14th or the 15th, the Presidential Seal was removed from the podium. That seal represents the US Corporation, of which Trump was elected the President and for which he was drafted as a corporate raider to take it over and to restore the Republic. Trump will not be President after January 2021. Or most probably not.

There will be a financial reset at the end of the dollar / petrodollar.

The assets of criminal banksters, Rothschilds, The Committee, etc. who've been stealing from us for decades are being seized. We will be repaid. The IRS and the Fed will be abolished and after all of this shakes out, we will only pay consumption taxes of between 7%-15%.

Everyone will be financially better off when all is said and done.

We will be informed of a lot of things that have been kept secret; medical breakthroughs, suppressed information about alternative energy and the truth about extraterrestrial life.

Everyone will be given a credit card to buy a free energy device and we will never have to pay the electric company again.

I know this all sounds like the NESARA emails I used to get and that it's even more fantastical than the "hopium" we've been hearing from QAnon and on the X22 Report and other YouTube channels but I swear, this is what someone I've known for 5 years, a retired SpecOps Marine just told me.

Today's video by Where We Go 1 We Go All gives many details that indicate that this is, indeed The Storm.

Download here: The-Oscars-What-you-did-not-know-about-The-gods-of-Babylon-2020-02-13.mp4 - 16,931 kb
By: Little Light Studios - 13th February 2020
The Oscars - What you didn't know
about 'The gods of Babylon'

PSA: 5mins in Scotty uses his God-given pinky appendage to prevent the book from closing while reading from it. This is not a secret salute from us to satan. However, there's no excuse for this hand sign to be drawn into cartoons or deliberately flashed at a camera as seen done by so many public figures. God bless you all
Find out from the horses' mouth where these American idols say they dwell.

#Oscars #idolWorship

Robert Escandon
I didn't watch the oscars. I don't care about it.

Sofia Bravo
I always tell my husband that there are some truth in jokes and when these people joke I know that they're revealing who they really are they are so transparent to me now it's like looking through water

Obakhan Jones
It's so twisted how they use humor to confuse the truth. They know they lead the gullible but do so with the arrogance that they are above our creator. Great video

Maccy Bear
"Our culture"

Breaking news: that's not culture, that's lack of culture.

Soundwave Superior
If it comforts anyone, every year the Oscars set a new record for lowest viewership in its history.

Jeffy Bo
Moral lesson: love not the world nor the things in the world

JK Belle
They would be nobodies if "WE" the people gave them NO ATTENTION!

All we can do is to pray for them all and hope that they can give their life to Jesus while they have a chance.

Stevie-lyn Corunna
I felt something wasn't right with movies... this prove that I wasn't crazy. Thank you Jesus, Amen

sam carter
I don't even watch television anymore, and couldn't name most if any of these 'stars' if I saw them.

FaithfulServant41 l
I still remember all of those celebrities who openly admitted to selling their souls for fame and fortune, like how Katie Perry did it when she couldn't get a career in gospel music, it was kind of sad. Then you get people who are happy to have sold themselves, like Lady Gaga and Dwayne Johnson who smile during admition. Not to mention Mettalica, Eminem, Almost every pop music, rock, alternate, rap, country singers... This is why I have greatly reduced my music library and nearly stopped watching movies altogether.

Riches Mensah
They have sold their souls to the devil and they know what is at stake. They don't care spending eternity in hell. They would rather spend eternity in hell than to be poor on earth. Bad!

Kathy and all them mockers will regret what they said sooner or later!

Download here: Ricky-Gervais-at-Golden-Globes-2020-Ronan-Farrow-is-coming-for-you-perverted-pedophile-celebrities-2020-01-06.mp4 - 32,769 kb
By: caruthersm - 6th January 2020
Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes 2020
Ronan Farrow is coming for
all you perverted, pedophile celebrities

In January 2020 Ricky Gervais skewered 'woke' Hollywood, made jokes about Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein and Prince Andrew, and tackled topics such as MeToo and ISIS as he left his A-list audience wincing during his opening monologue at the 77th Golden Globe awards.

Tom Hanks, Robert De Niro, and Gwyneth Paltrow were left with stunned looks on their faces as Gervais mocked Felicity Huffman over the college admission scandal, branded James Corden a 'massive pussy' and ripped Judi Dench for 'licking' her own minge in his eight-minute speech.

In one moment which shocked the stars in the crowd, Gervais made a pointed remark about the death of pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein was found dead in his cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, New York, in August 2019 while awaiting trial on numerous sex offences. An autopsy found he had hanged himself. [ alledgedly...]

Download here: Satanism-Angela-Merkel-seen-shaking-for-a-third-time-BBC-News-2019-07-11.mp4 - 4,748 kb
By: BBC News - 11th July 2019
Angela Merkel
seen shaking for a third time
- Kuru among the self entitled elite??? -

Angela Merkel was seen trembling for the third time in a month during a ceremony in Berlin with Finnish Prime Minister Antti Rinne.

The German chancellor insists there is no need to worry despite the third incident inside a month...

What is KURU?

A common result from CANNALIBALISM. This is a disease of the nervous system that causes physiological and neurological effects which ultimately lead to death. It is characterized by progressive loss of coordination and control over muscle movements i.e. TREMORS & SHAKING UNCONTROLLABLY - think Angela Merkel and proven baby eater Hillary Clinton.

In the first (ambulant) stage, the infected individual may exhibit unsteady stance and gait, decreased muscle control, tremors and difficulty pronouncing words. This stage is named the ambulant because the individual is still able to walk around despite symptoms.

In the second (sedentary) stage, the infected individual is incapable of walking without support and suffers ataxia and severe tremors. Furthermore, the individual shows signs of emotional instability and depression, yet exhibits uncontrolled and sporadic laughter. Despite the other neurological symptoms, tendon reflexes are still intact at this stage of the disease.

Joseph Nakagawa
When the adrenachrome withdrawals start kicking in...

Dr. Mantis Toboggan
"Down to hydration". If you believe that, there's a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you

Rick Sanchez
there are only so many times you can say everything is ok

Cinzia Art
All the demons will soon be revealed.

The German National Anthem has a bad effect on her.

That's what happens when you eat too many pineal glands

_Anti_Communist _
She is hearing the devils calling (the German national anthem), it scares her too

"Everything is fine. Ignore what you are seeing. There is nothing to worry about." Standard Merkel response to all the crap going on around her.

Carolyn Nigro
Holy crap. That is disturbing. Is her clone breaking down ?

Panty Raid
shes shedding her lizard skin

Download: Roman-Catholic-Nuns-Sexually-Abused-These-Women-For-Years-Now-Survivors-Speak-Out-2019-04-11.mp4 - 40,691 kb
By: HuffPost - 12th April 2019
Roman Catholic Nuns Sexually
These Women For Years.
Now Survivors Speak Out.

The Catholic Church has been rocked with allegations of sexual abuse carried out by priests for decades. Now survivors of abusive nuns are speaking out. Patricia "Trish" Cahill and Anne Gleeson were teenagers when the abuse began. Even though these two survivors grew up in different cities, the grooming and manipulation conducted by the nuns they say abused them sound eerily and tragically similar.

To the survivors: Thank you for telling your story. I see you, I hear you, I believe you.

You can hear the anger in her voice when she asked "Why did nobody stop her?" I can't imagine the amount of trauma that woman left behind.

As a 14 year old these videos educate me how to raise my future kids to speak out on situations like these

Molesting a child should be punished with a lifetime in prison.

now i understand why my parents didnt allow me to stay elsewhere overnight in my high school. i used to be super mad about this.

I was sexually abused by a girl as well. I hate when people say girl on girl crime doesn't exist or is sexy. What she did to me ruined my life in so many ways and it is just not taken seriously by anyone who should be helping me or who I begged to help me. I'm glad this is being exposed in the media in a real and serious way

I was raped by my step brother from the age of 5 until my 14th birthday. He was 16 when it started. Almost nightly.. my mom let him do it and told me I better not tell bc I will be the one to jail. He would dress in a clown costume and hide under the bed or in the closet. I'm still screwed up in the head. I have 3 son's now, ages 18,14 and 9. And I've been told I'm too over protective of them.. that may be so, but I can't help it. I'm 36 now, I still hate my mother, who btw, still talks to him and come to find out they've been sleeping around even back then.. I hate them! I'm still scared to use a closet and my mattress is on the floor so nothing can get under there. I know people will laugh, but I tried to open a closet and I've tried having my bed off the floor and still can't do it. Also my middle son was born on my rapist birthday.. My anxiety gets bad and I have nightmares. Sorry I'm just rambling on.. somehow I forgot for a moment I was on YouTube.. hmm, maybe I needed to vent a little and didn't realize it.. thanks to whoever is reading this, that you actually took the time to read the whole thing. Hope everyone is doing great in these times. Love to all and keep safe

"I never hurt anybody."

She says it so softly, so much like a child who doesn't understand.

I've just got to say that no one that has ever been sexually abused should ever hang their heads in shame or guilt. By coming forward, all of you, in my opinion are the true heroes, strong and courageous. My heart breaks for all of the millions of people that have had to live with the shame of their stolen innocence. My prayers are with all of you that are hurting and broken. Hold your head up proudly and know that by speaking out against these sick people, you are actually the ones that are victorious.

The dad failed his daughter by not reporting this to the police.

I go to an all girls Catholic School and this genuinely scares me especially that I blindly trust them because they're nuns, thank you for this, it was a huge eye-opener

Q: who is punching them? A: usually no one
February 2019



Although not officially an organization at all, the “Black Eye Club” refers to a growing number of politicians, celebrities, business elites and heads of State, who have suddenly and mysteriously wound up with black eyes. Although a few of them have sustained injuries to their right eye, the majority occur on the left. Among those who have succumbed to this affliction are George Bush, Tom Hanks, Kanye West several Popes and hundreds of other famous people.

Black eyes are a common side effect of a ingesting Adrenal hormone (Adrenochrome.) The Adrenochrome is secreted when a person is in a serious panic. Adrenochrome hormones are harvested by the Luciferian paedophiles from their child victims.

Both Adrenochrome and Adrenolutin, the two major metabolisic products of Adrenaline, are very physiologically active compounds.

The description of "getting drunk on the blood of the saints" (in the Holy Bible - see below) is very real, as it turns out that you can get really intoxicated on the blood of innocent children - after you torture them for maximum adrenaline concentration. This is a carefully well kept secret of the elites, passed on to them from early antiquity by the synagogue of Satan itself. (Referred to in the Holy Bible.)

Luciferian pretending to be a follower of Yashua (Jesus Christ)The specific psychotomimetic (psychosis-like) effects of Adrenochrome, is like heroin. Engage in it for recreational use - and your own adrenaline production will shut down through homeostasis and negative feedback loops; meaning that if you don't have some tortured baby blood - you will go into full cold turkey mode akin to alcohol, opiate, or benzodiazepine withdrawals aka babbling, shaking etc. This is what these elite Luciferian paedophile cannibals (pedovores) are addicted to. As Mel Gibson mentioned, babies are almost like currency in the Luciferian 'paedophile-society.'

It's obvious that the rise of the All-seeing eye of the Illuminati symbolism and the 'black eye-cult' that we have been seeing since the mid-90's, is simply the conscious and unconscious programming of society to desensitize them to what is coming. In fact, that it is part of the ritual and draws in energy which they harness and use for their own ends. Whatever is causing these black eyes, one thing is a fact. They are not hiding them - but are instead - flaunting them!

If this seems way far out to you, it may be because you have never been exposed to this material. It may be that you live in a world of football, office parties and barbecues. It may be that you are one of the many hundreds of millions who been successfully kept from this ancient occultic science and believe that it is just fantasy. It is hard to see your prison walls when your prison is 1000 miles across. There are many prisons: mental prison / spiritual prisons / the prison of fear / and the prison of a reality which has been constructed for you since birth.

Revelation 17:6: "And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration."


Lady Gaga
possibly early 2019

Download here: Adrenochrome-in-plain-sight-Lady-Gaga.mp4 - 975 kb
Produced by Lady Gaga - possibly early 2019

Adrenochrome - Hiding in Plain Sight!

Lady Gaga wished for fame...

Download here: Sandra-Bullock-Got-A-Penis-Facial-2018-05-18.mp4 - 7,061 kb
By: Access - 18th May 2018
Sandra Bullock Got A 'Penis Facial'
from foreskins of Korean babies

Sandra Bullock made a visit to Wednesday's "Ellen," where the "Ocean's 8" star revealed one of the secrets to her beautiful skin is something she's dubbed, "the penis facial." No, you didn't read that wrong. Find out how Sandra explained the facial to a surprised Ellen DeGeneres.

Many celebrities are getting 'Penis Facials' with enzymes derived from the foreskin of newborn Korean boys for $650, the latest trend in female beauty and anti-aging treatments.

Seize the Day
adrenochrome sandra just say it. You use abused children who are being trafficked and tortured for your beauty needs...

Sahejpal Singh
How is this even funny? They must place this on a light-hearted comedy show to introduce the idea as not being offensive or unethical. Mere exposure effect at play.

Diana Edith Rivera
This is what they do, they make something so sick become humorous!!! don't give in always question what they're trying to make us okay with.

Canadian Proud
She describes her facial while sitting in front of a replica of Epstein island.

WHO in the world does this to a BABY??!!!

Johan Lövgren
These people are evil.

Is this what the world has come to?

Lazy Jesus
Sandra Bollocks believes in karma, yes she'll get a visit.

Jennifer Kersten
Nothing like torture pain negative energy slapped on these soulless bags face because they are morally bankrupt and can't be beautiful on the inside

Unity Consciousness
How is this stuff allowed!! Disguising. These Hollywood elites are sick.

WARNING - the following video is pure evil
Disclaimer: Many people say that conspiracy theories do not exist, such as: witchcraft / human trafficking / sexual exploitation / cannibalism etc. Sadly, wilful ignorance has enabled the proliferation of these evils.

Download here: ADRENOCHROME-ADC-Satan-Worship-2018-05-15.mp4 - 37,774 kb
Adrenochrome Foundation - 15th May 2018
Child Trafficking, Cannibalism & Satan Worship

ADRENOCHROME (ADC) is an ERC20 token specifically designed to facilitate the high-velocity, cryptographically secure international trading of the chemical compound Adrenochrome (C9H9NO3).

For further information visit

Song - Lucifer's Hymn
Artist - Peter Gundry
Album - The Shadow's Bride

Good news! This evil web site has now been taken down! Praise God.

Good news! This evil web site has been taken down! Praise God.

Download here: Satanists-just-love-BiteLabs-Eat-Celebrity-Meat-Official-video-2014-03-10.mp4 - 1,914 kb
By: BiteLabs - 10th May 2014
Satanists just love BiteLabs
Eat Celebrity Meat
(Official video)

Youtube - still supporting cannalbilism one bite at a time (as of 20th October 2022)

BiteLabs grows meat from celebrity tissue samples and uses it to make artisanal salami. Visit our website and tweet #EatCelebrityMeat at your favorite celebrities to get them on board!

Satanists just love BiteLabs - Eat Celebrity Meat

this is not what I imagined "eat the rich" would turn out to be

Devo Castler
How can you play music like this under an ad about eating people?
This is metal as anything gets. Fuck.

Daniel Siapin
Nobody wants a knock-off. Put the celebs thru the meat grinder, sell the real thing!

Mixed Flame
This is the most insane thing I've seen this morning.

yeah its called CANNIBALISM !

How can this even possibly be legal? Who's to say you haven't killed some child or whom ever and chopped them up to sell as food? This is beyond disturbing!

Bombaclaat Gatofish
This is the freakiest thing I've seen in a while. I must be asleep, this can't be real.

Tom Gal
We're close to the end now, hang on. It'll be over soon.

Foxx Primeau
Hopefully we can all come together and prevent such a thing from happening. We literally control our fate lol

Justin Chop
I can't decide if it's a joke or not. Either way it's gross and straight up demonic.

Download here: New-World-Order-Communism-by-the-Backdoor-Documentary-05-07-2014.mp4 - 1,134,426 kb
By: TruthWillOut Films - 7th May 2014
New World Order
Communism by the Backdoor

This sensational documentary by Dennis Wise proves beyond doubt that the western countries both "victorious and the defeated" after World War Two have been covertly under Communism since 1945.

An epic documentary which reveals compelling evidence of how, why and who are responsible for the completion of a plan to enslave us all. Institutions including the United Nations and secret societies, such as freemasonry and the European Union, have all played their part in pursuing their end goal. Communism By The Backdoor exposes a tangled web of lies and deceit and shows the very people many regard as heroes, as nothing more than traitors.

Top Cast:

Tony Blair
George Bush
George W. Bush
David Cameron
Dave Chappelle
Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Milton William Cooper

Bob Dylan
Muammar Gaddafi
Bill Gates
Hermann Goring
Adolf Hitler
Saddam Hussein
Michael Jackson
John F. Kennedy
Jerry Lee Lewis

Corporatism disguised as communism

After "The greatest story never told" Dennis Wise made another master piece that shows exactly what is going in the world today and HOW it came to that.

Over the last 300 years a bunch of psychos have hijacked the world, with their Babylonic banking system and ANYONE that stood up against them has been slaughtered, either with their entire family and even with entire nations!

These psychos worship no one other than the devil itself. This documentary shows the dictators that rule the world from behind the scenes. The OWN just about EVERYTHING; Banks, politicians, media, corporations, etc. They decide. They dictate. Here's the proof.


Communism is back? No it never left.

This is a breakdown of the plan of the NWO and how it has been implemented. Slowly but surely the Fabian tactics have crept upon us, so much so that what we once held as free speech has been turned into hate speech. This documentary was the first to announce that the threat of Communism is upon us when Obama brought inland the border patrols to harass US drivers where even women were being tazed for non compliance. Summer 2020 has witnessed cities burning across the US, plus New York opening up prisons in an attempt to replicate the Russian Revolution. Also calls to defund the police, the pulling down of historic statues co-ordinated across the world and the Chinese virus with the ludicrous lockdown of healthy people worldwide leading to an economic crash. Well, how they planned it is all in this documentary.

Download here: - 8,557 kb
By: AP Archive - 5th March 2012
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
says to Obama:
'you're the great
Satan and we're the little Satan'

1. US President Barack Obama seated with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

2. SOUNDBITE (English) Barack Obama, US President

"The bond between our two countries is unbreakable. My personal commitment, a commitment that is consistent with the history of other occupants of this Oval Office, our commitment to the security of Israel is rock-solid and, as I've said to the Prime Minister in every single one of our meetings, the United States will always have Israel's back when it comes to Israel's security."

3. Cutaway of leaders shaking hands

4. SOUNDBITE (English) Barack Obama, US President

"When I say all options are on the table, I mean it. Having said that, I know that both the Prime Minister and I would prefer to resolve this diplomatically. We understand the costs of any military action."

5. SOUNDBITE (English) Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister:

"Americans know that Israel and the United States share common values, that we defend common interests, that we face common enemies. Iran's leaders know that two. For them, you're the great Satan and we're the little Satan. For them, we are you and you are us. And you know something, Mr President, at least on this last point, I think they're right: we are you and you are us. We're together. So if there's one thing that stands out clearly in the Middle East today, it's that Israel and America stand together."

6. Cutaway of leaders

7. SOUNDBITE (English) Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister:

"Israel must have the ability always to defend itself by itself against any threat and that when it comes to Israel's security, Israel has the right, the sovereign right to make its own decisions. I believe that's why you appreciate, Mr President, that Israel must reserve the right to defend itself and after all that's the very purpose of the Jewish state - to restore to the Jewish people control over our destiny. And that's why my supreme responsibility as Prime Minister of Israel is to ensure that Israel remains the master of its fate."

8. End of public meeting between leaders


The United States and Israel agree that diplomacy is the best way to resolve the crisis over potential Iranian nuclear weapons, President Barack Obama said on Monday - an optimistic view that Israel's leader declined to publicly endorse.

"Both the prime minister and I prefer to resolve this diplomatically," Obama said as he and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu began several hours of White House consultations. The US will consider all options in confronting what it sees as the unacceptable outcome of an Iranian bomb, Obama said.

Netanyahu used a brief, cordial session before the White House cameras to remind his host that Israel will decide for itself how to confront a looming threat that both unites and divides the longtime allies.

Israel, he said, must remain "the master of its fate."

That was a pointed reference to the main question hanging over Monday's high-stakes meeting: Whether to try to stop an Iranian bomb with a military attack in the next several months.

Many in the Israeli government lean toward striking very soon, a course the Obama administration sees as dangerously premature.

Looking directly at Obama, Netanyahu said Iran was right about one thing - Israel and the United States were indistinguishable as Iran's enemies.

"We are you and you are us," he said.

Obama will try to persuade Netanyahu to slow quickening pressure among many in his hawkish government to attack Iran's disputed nuclear development sites.

"Israel and America stand together," Netanyahu said.

Little Satan, Big Satan, still Satan

Obamanation of desolation

Two men who are 'Generals of Lucifer's Army' right here!

The Antichrist

If you take that into the prophetic biblical context of America being the lamblike beast in Revelation who speaks as a dragon and will one day force all the world to worship the image of the first beast (Rome) it makes perfect sense!

Check his sons DNA

Download here: Lady-Gaga-has-a-penis-Live-Video-2009-08-12.mp4 - 7,042 kb
By: AutoCow - 12th August 2009
Lady Gaga has a Penis ?
Live Video !

This video clearly shows that Lady Gaga has a penis.

And for those of you that don't believe it, check her blog she spoke about it.

Here is what she said:

"Its not something that I'm ashamed of, just isn't something that i go around telling everyone. Yes. I have both male and female genitalia, but i consider myself a female. Its just a little bit of a penis and really doesnt interfere much with my life. the reason I haven't talked about it is that its not a big deal to me. like come on. its not like we all go around talking about our vags. I think this is a great opportunity to make other multiple gendered people feel more comfortable with their bodies. I'm sexy, I'm hot. i have both a poon and a peener. big fucking deal.

- L8d Gaga"


This video belongs to:
Credit to for this video.

Download here: White-Rabbit-Jefferson-Airplane-1967.mp4 - 11,236 kb
By: dustasdu - 1967

Jefferson Airplane
"White Rabbit"

From the Dvd "Fly Jefferson Airplane"


One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you
Don't do anything at all
Go ask Alice
When she's ten feet tall

And if you go chasing rabbits
And you know you're going to fall
Tell 'em a hookah-smoking caterpillar
Has given you the call
Call Alice
When she was just small

When the men on the chessboard
Get up and tell you where to go
And you've just had some kind of mushroom
And your mind is moving low
Go ask Alice
I think she'll know

When logic and proportion
Have fallen sloppy dead
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen's off with her head
Remember what the dormouse said
Feed your head
Feed your head

Luciferian and inspiration of many politicians and musicians
1st December 1947

Aleister Crowley - Luciferian and inspiration of many politicians and musicians

Recognised as the Wickedest Man in the World
12 October 1875 ~ 1 December 1947

Led Zeppelin / The Beatles / The Rolling Stones / Michael Jackson / Madonna / Jay Z / The Beach Boys / Queen / U2 / The Doors / David Bowie / Black Sabbath - are just a few of an endless list of stars who openly admired Aleister Crowley, a man who practiced the most perverted acts of depravity and the most dangerous rituals in Satanism.

However, he claimed a discovery which would certainly have great appeal to the 'Ruling Elite' as well as most multi-millionare rock stars.

"Black Magic is not a Myth" was an essay he published in the London Sunday Dispatch, 2nd July 1933. In it he wrote about the Elixir of Life (i.e. Adrenochrome - the power of eternal youth), and how at the age of 40, his first attempt ended with six months of violent pain after he carelessly overdosed.

Six years later, at the age of 47, he attempted the Elixir of Life again, and went on to describe how he developed incredible physical strength. "I was as powerful an athlete as any man of 30!" This time there were no side effects and his intellectual ability had actually intensified.

Crowley had previously, on 4th April 1904, mastered the conjuring and the summoning of a demonic entity. He was convinced that true enlightenment and happiness came from performing the darkest of deeds saying: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."

Just like Aleister Crowley, millions of people put their faith in Satan, who is the 'father of lies.' However, therein lies the conundrum, as liars will ALWAYS let you down and can NEVER be trusted.

As Yashua (Jesus Christ) said: John 8:44: "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

Satanic ritual abuse - Jews and Popes cooking and eating children
Satanic ritual abuse - Jews and Popes cooking and eating children

Page Footer...
[Everything below this line is repeated on most pages]

We are fighting a spiritual war
10th August 2024
Paris Olympics - We are fighting a spiritual war!
Revelation 18:2 "And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

Hard Times Create Strong Men...
Hard Times Create Strong Men - Strong Men Create Good Times - Good Times Create Weak Men - Weak Men Create Hard Times.

Some people wouldn't know
tyranny if it bit them on the ass!
Some people wouldn't know tyranny if it bit them on the ass!

Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!
Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!

This is a question that stupid
people & traitors cannot answer:
Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?
This is a question that stupid people & traitors cannot answer: Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!
30th June 2023
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!

Being awake isn't cool. It means having to dumb down 98% of your conversations every day, so you don't sound like a lunatic.

Attitude to monsters after putting up with their shit since late 2019...

Plan F - The Fuck Off plan!

When people you don't even know hate you, That's when you know you're the best.

mRNA jabs are doing the job
slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!
30th June 2023
mRNA jabs are doing the job slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!

20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities
It's called GENOCIDE!
13th June 2023
20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities - It's called GENOCIDE!

"A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030"
It's called GENOCIDE!
12th May 2023
A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030 - It's called GENOCIDE!

World Economic Forum - Committed to Enslaving the Whole World

Nothing says "Trust the Science"
like asking for the data
to be hidden for 75 years!
18th March 2023
Nothing says Trust the Science like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years! Shhhhh....

Superheroes bow down to the
Big Pharma / Businessmen / Doctors
11th February 2023
It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT
26th November 2022
Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT

The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get
jabbed is like sending a post card from
the Titanic saying: "Wish you were here!"
20th November 2022
The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: Wish you were here!

Ten Stages of Genocide
As taught by WEFers Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau etc - August 2022

Ten Stages of Genocide

The Good Reset
Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's,
Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

28th July 2022
The Good Reset - Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's, Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

Covid Variant / Booster
The Merry Go Round From Hell
22nd December 2021

Covid Variant / Booster - Merry Go Round From Hell

Experimental Injections
Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel
13th November 2021

Experimental Injections - Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel

Death is coming for you stupid!

I am fully Vaccinated and Boostered, and just tested positive for Covid-19. I am grateful for the protection my vaccines continue to provide.

The 5-Step COVID 'Vaccine' RISK / BENEFIT ANALYSIS - September 2021

Trump's swamp draining service

When the population understands this picture, it will change everything.

"You can fool all the people some of the time.
You can fool some of the people all the time.
But you cannot fool all the people all the time!"

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Attributed to Edmund Burke. Also by John F. Kennedy in a speech in 1961.

The Great Cow Analogy

Donald J. Trump - They should never have touched the children!
'They should never have touched the children!'
Donald J. Trump - President of the United States of America

'They should never have touched the children!!' President Donald J. Trump

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Abortion: Modern Day Child Sacrifice
Psalms 106:37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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Banned Videos - Education instead of Indoctrination - Better than Google
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If someone accuses you of wearing a tinfoil hat...,
remind them that it's better than wearing a blindfold!

Q - Apr 17 2020 - We are ready. [Set 1] Mission good. Q Q
"Where We Go One, We Go All"
Disclaimer: The historical information on this website is for research purposes only
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Q President John F. Kennedy