The Punisher treason: noun: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government
White Hats
Embrace the sometimes painful truth of reality
Remain in the blissful ignorance of illusion
If there is no such thing as a CONSPIRACY - why is the word CONSPIRACY in the dictionary?
Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'   Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell
Click here... Stockholm Syndrome is also a result of Governmental / Pharmaceutical / Media Propaganda
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL and Embraces GENOCIDE

High Treason & NANCY PELOSI
Nancy Patricia Pelosi
An evil man or woman will burn his own nation to the ground - to rule over the ashes!

Video Elon's Bombshell: Why Bill Gates and DC in Panic Mode, Fearing Trump Releasing Epstein List with Their Names! - 10th October 2024
Video FBI Seize Diddy Tape Showing Hillary Clinton Killing Child at 'Freak Off' Party - 3rd October 2024
Video Whistleblower: Nancy Pelosi Murdered a Child in 'Horrific' Adrenochrome Ritual - Calls Herself a Reptilian - 25th August 2024
Video NEW VIDEO From January 6th - Nancy Pelosi and Government Goons Staging Fake Insurrection! - 21st November 2023
Video Newly Uncovered Emails PROVE Nancy Pelosi DIRECTLY Involved in the J6 Riots - 24th December 2022
Video Project Veritas exposes Joe Biden's Department of Health & Human Services Child Trafficking - 1st December 2022
Video Nancy Pelosi - The Definition of Delusional - 25th March 2022
Video Nancy Pelosi - Insider Trader of the Year! - 12th January 2022
Video 'Watters' World' investigates Nancy Pelosi's financial dealings - FOLLOW the MONEY - 11th October 2021
Video THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - part 17 / 17 - Era of Depopulation - The Truth behind vaccines - 24th August 2021
Video 'Madam Speaker, You Are Not God!': Madison Cawthorn Decries Pelosi For Mask Mandate In House - 31st July 2021
Video 'Egregious abuse of power': Republicans rip Pelosi's January 6 Committee decision - 23rd July 2021
Video Nancy Pelosi to be sued - woo hoo! - 17th June 2021
Video THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - part 14 / 17 - The Era of Depopulation. Man made wars, flooding, drought, diseases - 12th June 2021
Video Maskless Nancy Pelosi is the 'definition of hypocrisy' - she fines six House Republicans $500 each for not wearing a mask - 24th May 2021
Video Nancy Pelosi threatening to fine House members for not wearing masks - following CDC guidelines - 15th May 2021
Video "SHE BELONG IN AN ASYLUM" - Watch Nancy Pelosi Shiver as Trump Rips her Apart - 14th May 2021
Video Nunes demands Pelosi answer for her role in lack of Capitol security re fake siege event - 17th February 2021
Video Hillary Clinton Emerges from the Shadows - & Drops INSANE Conspiracy Theory about Capitol Hill Event to Nancy Pelosi - 20th January 2021
Video Twitter red-faced after Pelosi tweet resurfaces, declaring Clinton/Trump election was 'hijacked' - 12th January 2021
Video Mark Levin: Pelosi's Unhinged Meltdown Shows Just How Much She Hates America - 15th October 2020
Q Nancy Pelosi Inciting Lawlessness and Treason with Collusion - with the media - 27th August 2020
Video Nancy Pelosi Bumbling about the Steps on Lincoln Memorial - 4th June 2020
Video House GOP suing Nancy Pelosi in effort to stop proxy voting - 28th May 2020
Prior to 2020
Video Nancy Pelosi's mafia ties explain Democrat opposition to border wall - 31st january 2019

Nancy Pelosi Rips Up Donald Trump's Speech After State of the Union Address - 4th February 2020

Download here: Elons-Bombshell-Why-Bill-Gates-and-DC-in-Panic-Mode-Fearing-Trump-Releasing-Epstein-List-with-Their-Names-2024-10-10.mp4 - 99,472 kb
By: The Next News Network - 10th October 2024

Elon's Bombshell: Why Bill Gates
and DC in Panic Mode, Fearing Trump
Releasing Epstein List with Their Names!

In a jaw-dropping segment of RAW FEED, host Gary Franchi dives deep into the explosive interview that's set Washington ablaze. Elon Musk, the maverick billionaire, just lit a powder keg under the political establishment, and the fallout is nothing short of spectacular.

Folks, this isn't just another celebrity interview. This is a full-blown declaration of war on the Deep State, and Musk is taking no prisoners. He's naming names, pointing fingers, and revealing secrets that the powers-that-be never wanted you to know.

Let's start with the bombshell that's got every politician in D.C. breaking out in a cold sweat. Musk claims that some of America's most prominent billionaires, including Bill Gates, are throwing their support behind Kamala Harris for one terrifying reason: they're scared to death that Trump might release the infamous "client list." That's right, folks. The same people crying "democracy in peril" might be the ones desperately trying to keep their own dirty laundry under wraps.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Musk goes on to paint a chilling picture of our current Vice President, describing Kamala Harris as nothing more than a "marionette" controlled by a cabal of puppet masters. And here's the kicker - Musk says he knows who most of these shadowy figures are. The implications are staggering.

Are we looking at a White House run by unseen hands? Is our democracy nothing more than an elaborate puppet show?

As if that wasn't enough to make your head spin, Musk drops another truth bomb that's sent shockwaves through the corridors of power. He questions why not a single person from the "client list" has been prosecuted, while hundreds of January 6th protesters languish in prison. It's a stark reminder of the two-tiered justice system that's corroding the very foundations of our republic.

But here's where it gets really interesting, folks. Musk doesn't just stop at exposing the corruption. He goes on to defend our fundamental freedoms, championing free speech and the right to bear arms. It's a clarion call to every American who believes in the principles this nation was founded upon.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Gary, how do you get access to this kind of explosive content?" Well, that's why you tune into RAW FEED. We're bringing you the stories they don't want you to hear, the truth they're trying to bury six feet under.

But here's the thing, folks. While we're out here fighting to keep you informed, to shine a light on the darkness that's threatening to engulf our nation, we're facing our own battle. The same powers that want to keep you in the dark, that want to control what you think and how you think it, they're coming after us with everything they've got.

That's why we need your help. Your support isn't just appreciated - it's crucial. It's the lifeline that keeps this beacon of truth shining in an increasingly murky media landscape. If you value real journalism, if you believe in the power of unfiltered truth, we're asking you to stand with us...

OMG, I am SO HERE for Elon calling out the BULLSHIT in the US!! RUN ELITES, RUN!!!!!

Only the guilty will run like Gates.

President Trump has a great team this time

Musk is not a liar, God Bless Elon Musk.

Elon now GETS IT!!! I hope he stays on this tract.

My entire family is unvaxed.

Release it before the election

would like nothing better than to see gates get whats coming to him.

Excellent video! Elon Musk is an American Patriot and American Patriots will stand with him.

Why bill gates fears Trump? Very simple because #47 is going to put him in jail for starters. Let's hope he qualifies for a military tribunal. My guess is he will!

That's why Bill Gates wife left him and the same goes for Mr Amazon.

Spiritual warfare is raging in high places. This is your world, Jesus, take it back. Father in Heaven, I pray thou give the world a season of refreshing. Thy will be done.

TRUMP / VANCE 2024 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jesus turned Elon's life around. Elon is Now walking with Jesus!

Here's the way I see this about the list... If the Left would have treated Trump decently, the list would have stayed hidden.

Elon is just so spot on! I can't wait to see the next Trump Administration with JD Vance and Elon Musk and RFK JR and Tulsi Gabbard + +!

Trump is not self serving, Trump is the ultimate earthly leader and provider .
He is a combination of Love and ambition. He is the Keeper of the dream ! He is so good at everything he does because Trump never gives up ! Trump wants to do good , everything to be great especially our lives !. That's the way Americans are supposed to be .

Download here: FBI-Seize-Diddy-Tape-Showing-Hillary-Clinton-Killing-Child-at-Freak-Off-Party-2024-10-03.mp4 - 84,018 kb
By: The People's Voice - 3rd October 2024
FBI Seize Diddy Tape
Showing Hillary Clinton
Killing Child at 'Freak Off' Party

Seized footage from Sean "Diddy" Combs' notorious parties allegedly feature Hillary Clinton in scenes that will upend the political establishment in Washington D.C. and send shock waves around the world.

Diddy now sits in prison, fearful that he will not survive long enough to face his day in court, while rumors circulate that Hillary is anxious she will be the next powerful figure to be exposed.

Whistleblowers, including those closest to Diddy and the Clintons, are coming forward with damning evidence of sex crimes and crimes against children, involving Hollywood stars, famous athletes, and D.C. elites.

Hillary has survived countless scandals, but this time, there's no covering it up - the tide has turned, the truth is being laid bare, and it's about to rock the entire system to its core.

I'd love to see Killary publicly hung

Hillary loved to murder children. She did it for the enjoyment. She would also love to incinerate the planet in a nuclear holocaust.

We used to burn witches alive on a pile of sticks. Maybe it's time to bring this death penalty for child rapists & pedos.

That bitch eats them

I'll believe it when I see it. Seems that there are all these tapes and I never see them, the never come out. Same with Wieners laptop.

if this is true about hitlery then there's a real hot spot in hell waiting for her and anyone else who have treated kids like what's been alleged. God help us all.

Frazzle drip

Not just her. Pelosi exhibit's signs of Schizophrenia brought about by andrenochrome. She seems more batshit than Hilary.

frazzeldrip parts 2-6. OMG.. minds will be warped when it all comes out.. will his wrath be televised? pillars of salt on the way...

Pelosi LOOKS fucked in the head. I know all of them are, but Pelosi has the fucking LOOK of an andrenochrome, old witch.

Who is that 50 yr old woman pretending to HRC

Thank You for your report!

Ya that's not Hillary, sorry. That bitch is dead af.

These people are NOT going to stop until they are stopped.

killary is dead, what is being shown as her is either a mask, an actress or a clone, cgi is quite advanced too.

Download here: Nancy-Pelosi-Murdered-a-Child-in-Horrific-Adrenochrome-Ritual-Calls-Herself-a-Reptilian-2024-08-25.mp4 - 76,729 kb
By: The People's Voice - 25th August 2024
Whistleblower: Nancy Pelosi Murdered
a Child in 'Horrific' Adrenochrome Ritual
- Calls Herself a Reptilian -

Trending News
Nancy Pelosi
elite pedophiles
elite pedophile ring

The political elite in Washington D.C. practice an occult religion that involves the sacrifice of children and the consumption of their blood, according to a young whistleblower who spent years working on Capitol Hill.

According to the whistleblower, these depraved rituals are an open secret in D.C. and form part of a sickening initiation ritual for newcomers to the Hill earmarked for a career involving status, power and wealth.

Although not everyone succeeds in passing the initiation trial, everyone understands the dire consequences of speaking out.

please do more on this subject expose every participant . now Trump announced death penalty for any child trafficking. bring this evil out in to the light.

They also have baby farms where they keep women that r impregnated and have the baby with no birth certificate so there is no trails

I have no doubt Hillary and Huma sliced the face off of a screaming child in the frazzle drip video. Pelosi is equally subhuman.

That's why Nancy was executed a few years ago, those silicone masks are amazing. I've tried to tell my friends and my family about all of the dead people in the masks, they don't outright tell me I'm crazy, but the conversation stops, they give me that look, and another conversation starts, not about what I just told them though, usually about sports or a new movie. I am confident in my beliefs, and nothing will stop that.

Several million children go missing each year worldwide. 800,000 go missing in the US each year.

One of the side effects of adrenochrome is schizophrenia

Now we know where all of the missing children who have come illegally over the border have gone.

We don't call them devil worshippen baby murderen commie Marxist dirtbags for nuthen!!!

These people are both sick & pure evil!!!

She could have named many of those there in the ritual besides Pelosi.

Nothing surprises me, I have been knowing this old hag is evil. She as of now is in her 80s and her best years are behind her and one day she will have to give God account for all of her evilness.

I noticed Newsmax was turning bad, they used to be good.

Great information - ty for the Truth Bombs

Keep in mind what the Scriptures say, The Life is in the Blood. This is not just some cute saying, it is a fact relayed to us by the Holy Spirit. The things that we can't see in the natural, are far more real than the things we can see in the natural.

Download here: NEW-VIDEO-From-January-6th-Nancy-Pelosi-and-Government-Goons-Staging-Fake-Insurrection-2023-11-21.mp4 - 20,373 kb
By: According to Vin - 21st November 2023
NEW VIDEO From January 6th
Nancy Pelosi & Government Goons
Staging Fake Insurrection!

What's really sad is there is innocent people in jail.

The fact that anyone would think this wasn't staged is out of control.

All of biden's admin , congress - the house - senate - pelosi who caused this by their evil shenanigans need to be held responsible asap period!

"All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force." ~ Orwell

The fact that it is 2 years and 10 months since this event and I'm finally getting source footage to find out the police tear gassed themselves? How absolutely pathetic is our media and officials that we're finding out about such important information so far after the fact? It's nauseating.

First video of yours I've watched, and I've subbed immediately. So clearly presented, and so easy to listen to with your uncluttered audio. I really REALLY appreciate the fact that you DON'T ruin the listening experience with unnecessary music laid over the talking. As an older listener, those types of 'music with the speech' videos are impossible for me to hear properly, so I'm deeply grateful for your clear audio - you have a fantastic voice and presentation style. Thank you for the clarity!

It takes five seconds to spread a lie. It takes five years to correct them.

Pence needs to be brought back into court to explain as to who he knew was in the room during that call, and yes it looks like things were staged

Why do you think Pelosi and crew would not allow any Republicans on the 6-January committee, other than two major RINOS, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger?

Nancy needs to be subpoena among others. Also we need justice and those who lied and engaged in this needs to be held accountable

If people think these videos are alarming can you imagine what's on the video's that they "lost" or destroyed?

It's amazing how the camera guy was pretty stable and not having coughing fits like all the others around him. And why did this footage not disappear.

One of the most atrocious videos I've seen so far is the one where a man was arrested, then taken into an alcove where nobody could see them. Then the arrestee is taken out of cuffs, does a fist bump with the cops that arrested him and walks away. That was so obviously an undercover op!

Download here: Newly-Uncovered-Emails-PROVE-Pelosi-DIRECTLY-Involved-in-the-J6-Riots-2022-12-24.mp4 - 22,752 kb
By: The Next News Network - 24th December 2022
Newly Uncovered Emails PROVE
Nancy Pelosi DIRECTLY Involved in the J6 Riots

It appears that House Republican leadership has uncovered evidence that leads back up to Nancy Pelosi's office itself, as being solely responsible for the failure of the Capitol security plan on January 6th of 2021. Text messages and emails have been found which directly tie Pelosi and her trusted staff to the negligence in equipping law enforcement with adequate resources to protect our democracy that day.

Mike Ansley
Pelosi needs to be held accountable by the law of the land and the legal citizens of USA

priscilla ashton
Pelosi has much to answer for. I belive we don't know the half of it, but God does!!!

I remember President Trump was going to send 10,000 troops to secure the capital ahead of Jan 6th, but Pelosi said no!

bill connelly
Nancy should be held accountable !

Mabel O'Dell
They need to freeze all pelosi's assets. She not only, should be held accountable for what happened on January 6th, she should pay for the damage done. And the Patriots that have been held in jail since January 6th should be let go. And reimburse and paid for anguished and lost pay out of Nancy's pocket

Anna Bridges

tom duane
President Trump deserves 6 more years the man has been right about everything. Merry Christmas.

Calling Jan. 6th an insurrection is like calling Nancy Pelosi sober.

pleidies Wilson
Yes now throw Pelosi and accomplises in JAIL!!! AND LET THE PEOPLE IN PRISON OUT!!!!!!!

William McGuire
We have Americans in the DC gulag that needs to be out and being treated horribly in the Democrats have found them guilty before they've even had a chance to see a judge.

S Crawford
We have known this all along. So upsetting she has not been held accountable. Prosecution needed!

Michael W. Smith
I think she planned January 6th. And tried to make it look like Trump did it.

Denise Smith
Shocking evidence? Like anyone with a brain didn't already know. Thank you for reporting the truth, Gary. Hopefully, it will ALL come to light soon.

Somehow, we all instinctively knew this. Now we have proof. Set up a new select committee in 2023 to get to the bottom of this ASAP.

Bobbi Van Eman
Great report ! Let's pray that 2023 sees a new wave of politicians being held accountable for their crimes. God bless you & your family, Gary.

Download here: Project-Veritas-exposes-Joe-Bidens-Department-of-Health-and-Human-Services-Child-Trafficking-2022-12-01.mp4 - 45,120 kb
By: ProjectVeritas - 1st December 2022
Project Veritas exposes Joe Biden's Department
of Health & Human Services Child Trafficking

Tipping Point: Kara McKinney & Landon Starbuck Talk Project Veritas' Child Trafficking Investigation.

Child trafficking for slavery and sexual exploitation done with the full knowledge of World Economic Forum members and associates such as: Klaus Schwab, Hillary Clinton, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Bill Gates etc.

The swamp must be drained!

This is a disgrace, thank you for reporting.

This is another reason the government should be reduced to 5% sales tax and banned from NGO and subsidy spending

Joe biden is a pedi

Nancy Schaefer in Georgia was screaming hell against CPS and was silenced for good.
Government should be reduced to half and audited yearly and those child traffickers SOBs be given a nice sendoff to hell

Has any gov agency gone to these addresses to save these children?

Joe biden needs a wire tie tight around his neck

Oh yeah, James O'Keefe needs to be commemorated with a huge statue, one that will shock you to death if touched!

Disgusting!!! These poor kids don't stand a chance- our government is too far gone!! RINOS AND DEMOCRATS NEED TO GO!!!

We have know about this for way too long! God bless this team for exposing!!

Thank you for reporting. I'm so happy that you're back on Twitter. :>)

Download: Traitor-Nancy-Pelosi-The-Definition-of-Delusional-2022-03-25.mp4 - 2,477 kb
By: John Talks - 25th March 2022
Nancy Pelosi - The Definition of Delusional

Alcoholism is a serious disease. Nancy is a great example.

She's right, Biden is perfect. A perfect example of why no one should ever vote Democrat ever again.

Mark Charles
She is actually telling the truth, he is the best meat puppet they ever had.

Pelosi: "Biden shows empathy for people's needs"
Biden: "There's gonna be food shortages"

He's perfect for HER, because she's in charge of him. She gets all her ways.

The detachment from reality is absolutely breathtaking.

Her still being in office says a lot about how far our country has fallen.

"Shows progress, Shows hope, shows empathy for the needs that people have"

Never in my life time have those words meant so less.

Download: Fauci-They-are-going-to-JAIL-Candace-Owens-just-ended-Dr-Fauci-and-Pelosis-Entire-Career-2022-02-27.mp4 - 15,525 kb
By: Master Of King - 27th February 2022

MUST WATCH: Candace Owen's Destroy Nancy Pelosi and Dr Fauci on live tv Gets a standing ovation

"..So ladies and gentlemen, as we dive into this panel, I want to remind you all in this room to be encouraged and to have the power to recognize that when it comes to our children, we are the experts, we make the decisions.

And so we've got a great panel today and please give a round of applause to welcome some of these real experts to
talk about the most important battle that we, as parents, face today - the battle for our children against the state. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Virginia parent Stacy Langton..."

M Roussy
I love her I wish we had more people like her here in Canada I wish her all the best it is people like her that will make America great again

Neil Juedes
She is one lovely woman that has it together.

Jesus Only Jesus
Jail is only the beginning….no bungee cords…military justice.

Jan Tefft
Candace you are a most intelligent young women and an inspiration to all women. God Bless You and your Family

Kieth David
This woman has it going on. The whole world needs to listen to Her. Because she is exactly right. The damn government has no business trying to raise our kids.

bruce dunning
I love how smart this beautiful woman is. And how strong she is. What a awesome person inside and out. God Bless you

Stephanie Chapman
"I am the expert." This is something I will quote for the rest of my life

Captain Danger
No one is going to jail unless we do it ourselves. There's no other way.

Download here: Nancy-Pelosi-Insider-Trader-of-the-Year-2022-01-12.mp4 - 28,910 kb
By: AwakenWithJP - 12th January 2022
Nancy Pelosi - Insider Trader of the Year!

Nancy Pelosi is the new insider trader of the year! She has put up record numbers picking stocks and has no boundaries when it comes to what she will buy based on her insider knowledge. Let's congratulate her in this special report!

G Milla
I literally burn with indignation hearing about corrupt politicians.....I cannot believe we put up with this

At this point, it's clear that JP has hit a critical threshold and is now accelerating upward towards novel content. Every video he makes is cutting deeper into the truth while maintaining hilarious satire. Well done to him and the team

This is crazy. Keep spreading TRUTH, JP!!

This dude does invaluable work! And he's single handedly keeping comedy alive.

Saul to Paul
Absolutely nailed it!!! Time to put them "on blast", "front street".

You are my hero JP. Keep it up

Download: Nancy-Pelosi-Watters-World-investigates-Nancy-Pelosis-financial-dealings-Follow-the-Money-2021-10-11.mp4 - 16,892 kb
By: Fox News - 11th October 2021
'Watters' World' Investigates Nancy Pelosi's Financial Dealings

Jesse Watters explores how Pelosi got so rich off of a government salary.

Andy Hankins
She should be investigated more than Trump is. She's never made a decision based on America's best interest. Only interested in helping herself

This is not my country
She should be audited. All government employees should be transparent

C.S. S.
Shocked you didn't bring up her family history. Her nephew Gavin Newsom? Her Relative Jerry Brown? 4 Generations of Oligarchy have ruled California.

Phoenix Fox
She is criminal AF. Anyone with eyes can see it. The fact that her position makes her untouchable, is why America is such a sad embarrassment now.

Graveyard Addict
It's time for the VOTERS to set and pass term limits of 4 years, not the voted officials. Stop the waste of taxpayer money, we will start to demand results.

Melanie Pflasterer
Insider trading. PRISON 4 both of them.

Download here: THE-SEQUEL-TO-THE-FALL-OF-THE-CABAL-PART-17-of-17-2021-08-24.mp4 - 43,450 kb
By: FallCabal - Janet Ossebaard - 24th August 2021
Part 17 /17: The Era of Depopulation...

Part 17: The Era of Depopulation… The Truth behind vaccines.

By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter

Music: Alexander Nakarada, Ryan Grech

This is part 17 of God-knows-how-many-parts-in-total. Part 18 will be uploaded as soon as it's ready.

If you liked this part, please consider supporting our work:

We make these documentaries without being paid, so any donation - no matter how small - is most welcome!

This way we can continue giving our work to the world for free, in order to wake up as many people as possible...

Join our FallCabal Telegram Platform for free daily updates:

Download: Nancy-Pelosi-Madam-Speaker-You-Are-Not-God-Madison-Cawthorn-Decries-Pelosi-For-Mask-Mandate-In-House-2021-07-31.mp4 - 2,919 kb
By: Forbes Breaking News - 31st July 2021
'Madam Speaker, You Are Not God!'
Madison Cawthorn Decries Pelosi For Mask Mandate In House

On the House floor, Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) decried Speaker Pelosi for reinstating a mask mandate on members of the House and their staffs, accusing her of "medical apartheid."

Rosemarie Spare
Amen someone with honor telling people how they really feel an think. It's about time we all stand together an tell the democrats how we really feel about their administration an take our America Back...

Kim Styles
I love this boy. I'm old he's very young that's not an insult he's a great man. And he doesn't let that wheelchair stop him at all. He shredded her God bless and protect him and all his family.

Download: Nancy-Pelosi-Egregious-abuse-of-power-Republicans-rip-Pelosis-January-6-Committee-decision-2021-07-23.mp4 - 15,991 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 23rd July 2021
'Egregious abuse of power':
Republicans rip Pelosi's January 6 Committee decision

US House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has ripped into House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's decision to exclude two GOP members from the bipartisan January 6 Committee - calling it an "egregious abuse of power."

"Speaker Pelosi has taken the unprecedented step of denying Minority parties' picks for the Select Committee in January," Mr McCarthy said.

"This represents something that has not happened in the House before for a select committee by the historian. It's an egregious abuse of power."

"Pelosi has broken this institution."

The comments come after the House Speaker vetoed two of Kevin McCathy's five picks to be on the committee.

Speaker Pelosi defended her decision to not include Republicans Jim Jordan and Jim Banks in the 13 members of Congress who would investigate what exactly happened on January 6 when a mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol.

"So as the legislation allows I did not accept two of the five people appointed," Speaker Pelosi said.

"They have made statements and taken actions that I think would impact the integrity of the committee."

Republicans have slammed the House Speaker's decision and have announced they will launch their own investigation into what happened on January 6.

A-No. 1
So this is what it looks like when the Mafia takes over.

Michael Knight
Get rid of all career politicians

Rita Dougherty
She's trying to hide the fact that she was a key factor in what happened Jan. 6

DJ Scatterbrain [Official]
You can tell that she's only weeks or months away from the booze doing her in.

Dave G.
Pelosi will do everything to obscure what really happened on January 6th.

James Stuart MacNeil
This woman makes me sick to my stomach. So disingenuous.

Occam's Razor
She slipped, she used the word "Commission" not committee/IE' Members on a "Mission" Derpa-a freaking-licious, huh...

This woman is the crypt keeper.

Amuro Ray
Oh look at that, Nancy Pelosi will give me the truth. Okie Doke i'm all ears.

She abandoned the Constitution during the first impeachment. Now she pretends to care?

Eis Vogel
I wonder which bat is more dangerous.

LtCol Mueller
When you become a 80 year old raving lunatic this is what it looks like.

Her "inquiry" has lost all credibility now. Just like when Tedros got Fauci's buddy Peter Daszak to investigate the origin of COVID.

Download: Nancy-Pelosi-to-be-sued-2021-06-17.mp4 - 4,690 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 17th June 2021
Nancy Pelosi to be sued

Two Republican lawmakers have filed a lawsuit against "unjust and unconstitutional" fines House Speaker Nancy Pelosi imposed on members of Congress for going around the metal detectors leading onto the House floor.

Download here: THE-SEQUEL-TO-THE-FALL-OF-THE-CABAL-PART-14-of-17-2021-06-12.mp4 - 60,503 kb
By: FallCabal - Janet Ossebaard - 12th June 2021

The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal videos
Part 14 /17: NWO and the Era of Depopulation...

Part 14: The New World Order and the Era of Depopulation… What does that look like in our daily lives?

About man made: wars, disasters, famine & drought, plagues & diseases. The true story behind HIV/AIDS and the Spanish Flu; Dr. Anthony Fauci's engineered bio-warfare weapon Covid-19 and so much more.

Featuring megalomaniacs and murderers (especially babies) such as: Bill Gates, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, George Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Jacinda Ardern, Anthony Fauci...

By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter

Music: Alexander Nakarada, Chopin, Keys of Moon, Punch Deck

Download: Nancy-Pelosi-Maskless-Nancy-Pelosi-is-the-definition-of-hypocrisy-2021-05-24.mp4 - 8,201 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 24th May 2021
Maskless Nancy Pelosi is
the 'definition of hypocrisy'

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been blasted as a 'hypocrite' for going maskless to a White House event after she fined six House Republicans $500 each for not wearing a mask in the chamber last week.

A maskless Pelosi was seen on video hugging people at a crowded White House event, despite her enforcing COVID-19 mask mandates on the house floor.

A spokesperson for the house speaker said fully vaccinated guests would not be required to wear a mask at the event and non-vaccinated guests were told to wear a face covering and to social distance.

Republicans however have been calling out Pelosi's "hypocrisy," arguing she's playing "childish games" when it comes to vaccinations and face coverings.

"Either she doesn't understand science, she doesn't understand math, she knows something about the vaccine and she's not telling people, she doesn't trust the vaccine," Fox News commentator Lisa Kennedy said.

"Or she is just so petty and she hates Republicans so much that she'll do whatever she wants to engage in these childish games."

Republican Mark Green said Pelosi going maskless was the "definition of hypocrisy."

Download: Nancy-Pelosi-threatening-to-fine-House-members-for-not-wearing-masks-following-CDC-guidelines-2021-05-15.mp4 - 21,002 kb
By: Fox News - 15th May 2021
Nancy Pelosi threatening to fine House members
for not wearing masks - following CDC guidelines

Rep. Brian Mast, R-Fla., challenged the Speaker's rule saying it is 'pure manipulation' on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'

Download: Nancy-Pelosi-She-Belongs-In-An-Asylum-Watch-Nancy-Pelosi-Shiver-as-Trump-Rips-her-Apart-2021-05-14.mp4 - 22,678 kb
By: BEAT EXPRESS - 14th May 2021
Watch Nancy Pelosi Shiver as Trump Rips her Apart

Watch this epic Battle between Trump and Nancy Pelosi...

Download: Nancy-Pelosi-Nunes-demands-Pelosi-answer-for-her-role-in-lack-of-Capitol-security-re-fake-siege-event- 2021-02-17.mp4 - 11,327 kb
By: Fox News - 17th February 2021
Nunes demands Pelosi answer for her role in
lack of Capitol security re fake siege event

Rep. Devin Nunes, R-CA, is among other Republicans demanding answers from Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Jan. 6 security.

Download here: Nancy-Pelosi-Hillary-Clinton-Emerges-from-the-Shadows-Drops-INSANE-Conspiracy-About-Capitol-Hill-Event-2021-01-21.mp4 - 259,696 kb
By: The Next News Network - 20th January 2021
USA Capitol Under Siege - NOT
Hillary Clinton Emerges from the Shadows
Drops INSANE Conspiracy About
Capitol Hill Event to Nancy Pelosi

Cristina Laila from The Gateway Pundit reports, Twice-failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton spread insane conspiracy theories on Monday suggesting President Trump called Vladimir Putin on the same day protesters stormed the Capitol.

Download: Nancy-Pelosi-Twitter-red-faced-after-Pelosi-tweet-resurfaces-declaring-Clinton-Trump-election-was-hijacked-2021-01-12.mp4 - 2,731 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 12th January 2021
Twitter red-faced after Pelosi tweet resurfaces
declaring Clinton/Trump election was 'hijacked'

Nancy Pelosi's tweet suggesting Russia was behind Donald Trump's 2016 election win remains untouched, which has led to calls for consistency from Twitter, as it continues to hit out at those doubting Joe Biden's November 2020 election victory.

Download: Nancy-Pelosi-Mark-Levin-Pelosis-Unhinged-Meltdown-Shows-Just-How-Much-She-Hates-America-2020-10-15.mp4 - 29,780 kb
By: BlazeTV - 15th October 2020
Mark Levin: Pelosi's Unhinged Meltdown
Shows Just How Much She Hates America

After years of sleepy journalism, Wolf Blitzer awakens from his slumber and asks Pelosi the tough questions - and she doesn't know what to do with herself. As the Pandemic rages on, millions of Americans desperately seek financial relief. But as President Trump seeks a "go big or go home" stimulus package, Queen Nancy continues to stonewall negotiations. Is she honestly trying to help the American People? Or will she go to any lengths to destroy the President - even if it means holding a gun to the head of the American Economy? Mark Levin breaks down Pelosi's unhinged CNN meltdown and exposes her as the political animal that she is.

Nancy Pelosi Inciting Lawlessness and
Treason with Collusion - with the media
27th August 2020

Nancy Pelosi Inciting Lawlessness and Treason with Collusion - with the media - 27th August 2020

Download: Nancy-Pelosi-bumbling-steps-Lincoln-Memorial-2020-06-04.mp4 - 1,830 kb
By: C-Span - 4th June 2020
Nancy Pelosi Bumbling
about the Steps on Lincoln Memorial

Download: Nancy-Pelosi-House-GOP-suing-Pelosi-in-effort-to-stop-proxy-voting-2020-05-28.mp4 - 7,962 kb
By: Fox News - 28th May 2021
House GOP suing Pelosi
in effort to stop proxy voting

House Republicans filed a lawsuit against Speaker Nancy Pelosi to block a system of proxy voting put in place during the coronavirus pandemic; reaction and analysis from House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

Nancy-Pelosis-mafia-ties-explain-Democrat-opposition-to-border-wall-2019-01-31.mp4 - 16,925 kb
By: One America News Network - 31st January 2019
Nancy Pelosi's mafia ties explain
Democrat opposition to border wall

Recently released FBI documents from decades ago have found the family of Nancy Pelosi might have had deep ties to organized crime. One America's Kristian Rouz examines the reports.

Page Footer...
[Everything below this line is repeated on most pages]

We are fighting a spiritual war
10th August 2024
Paris Olympics - We are fighting a spiritual war!
Revelation 18:2 "And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

Hard Times Create Strong Men...
Hard Times Create Strong Men - Strong Men Create Good Times - Good Times Create Weak Men - Weak Men Create Hard Times.

Some people wouldn't know
tyranny if it bit them on the ass!
Some people wouldn't know tyranny if it bit them on the ass!

Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!
Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!

This is a question that stupid
people & traitors cannot answer:
Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?
This is a question that stupid people & traitors cannot answer: Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!
30th June 2023
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!

Being awake isn't cool. It means having to dumb down 98% of your conversations every day, so you don't sound like a lunatic.

Attitude to monsters after putting up with their shit since late 2019...

Plan F - The Fuck Off plan!

When people you don't even know hate you, That's when you know you're the best.

mRNA jabs are doing the job
slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!
30th June 2023
mRNA jabs are doing the job slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!

20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities
It's called GENOCIDE!
13th June 2023
20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities - It's called GENOCIDE!

"A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030"
It's called GENOCIDE!
12th May 2023
A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030 - It's called GENOCIDE!

World Economic Forum - Committed to Enslaving the Whole World

Nothing says "Trust the Science"
like asking for the data
to be hidden for 75 years!
18th March 2023
Nothing says Trust the Science like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years! Shhhhh....

Superheroes bow down to the
Big Pharma / Businessmen / Doctors
11th February 2023
It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT
26th November 2022
Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT

The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get
jabbed is like sending a post card from
the Titanic saying: "Wish you were here!"
20th November 2022
The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: Wish you were here!

Ten Stages of Genocide
As taught by WEFers Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau etc - August 2022

Ten Stages of Genocide

The Good Reset
Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's,
Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

28th July 2022
The Good Reset - Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's, Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

Covid Variant / Booster
The Merry Go Round From Hell
22nd December 2021

Covid Variant / Booster - Merry Go Round From Hell

Experimental Injections
Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel
13th November 2021

Experimental Injections - Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel

Death is coming for you stupid!

I am fully Vaccinated and Boostered, and just tested positive for Covid-19. I am grateful for the protection my vaccines continue to provide.

The 5-Step COVID 'Vaccine' RISK / BENEFIT ANALYSIS - September 2021

Trump's swamp draining service

When the population understands this picture, it will change everything.

"You can fool all the people some of the time.
You can fool some of the people all the time.
But you cannot fool all the people all the time!"

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Attributed to Edmund Burke. Also by John F. Kennedy in a speech in 1961.

The Great Cow Analogy

Donald J. Trump - They should never have touched the children!
'They should never have touched the children!'
Donald J. Trump - President of the United States of America

'They should never have touched the children!!' President Donald J. Trump

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Abortion: Modern Day Child Sacrifice
Psalms 106:37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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Rumble is your rights management video platform. Host, distribute and monetize all your professional, social and viral video.  

If someone accuses you of wearing a tinfoil hat...,
remind them that it's better than wearing a blindfold!

Q - Apr 17 2020 - We are ready. [Set 1] Mission good. Q Q
"Where We Go One, We Go All"
Disclaimer: The historical information on this website is for research purposes only
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Q President John F. Kennedy