The Punisher treason: noun: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government
White Hats
Embrace the sometimes painful truth of reality
Remain in the blissful ignorance of illusion
If there is no such thing as a CONSPIRACY - why is the word CONSPIRACY in the dictionary?
Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'   Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell
Click here... Stockholm Syndrome is also a result of Governmental / Pharmaceutical / Media Propaganda
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL and Embraces GENOCIDE

Criminals in High Places to be Brought to Justice
(or have already been brought to justice)
An evil man or woman will burn his own nation to the ground - to rule over the ashes!

Video The DISGUSTING Crimes of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu - Execution, the inevitable result of TREASON - 6th April 2024

Traitors USA - Anthony Fauci (Anthony Stephen Fauci)
Traitors USA - Nancy Pelosi - (Nancy Patricia Pelosi)
Traitors USA - Joe Biden - (Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.) - FAKE President
Traitors USA - Barack Obama (Barack Hussein Obama)
Traitors USA - Bill Gates (William Henry Gates III)
Traitors USA - Hillary Clinton (Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton)
Traitors USA - George H. W. Bush (George Herbert Walker Bush)
Traitors NZ - Jacinda Ardern (Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern) - Ex FAKE Prime Minister
  DE - Klaus Martin Schwab
  DE - Angela Merkel
  USA - Kamala Devi Harris
  USA - Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama (aka Big Mike / Michael Robinson)
  USA - William Jefferson Clinton
  USA - George Soros
  USA - George W. Bush - ex President
  USA - George H. W. Bush - ex President
  USA - Robert Mueller
  USA - John McCain
  USA - Jeffrey Edward Epstein
  USA - Harvey Weinstein
  USA - American Library Association - (ALA)
  USA - Federal Bureau of Investigation - (FBI)
  USA - Central Intelligence Agency - (CIA)
  USA - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives - (ATF)
  USA - Federal Emergency Management Agency - (FEMA)
  USA - Internal Revenue Service - (IRS)
  USA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration - (NASA)
  USA - Federal Reserve System
  World Economic Forum - (WEF)
  World Health Organisation - (WHO)
  United Nations - (previously called League of Nations prior to 1945)
  CA - Justin Trudeau - (Justin Pierre James Trudeau)
  UK - Queen Elizabeth II - (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary)
  UK - King Charles III - (Charles Philip Arthur George)
  UK - Prince Andrew - Duke of York
  UA - Volodymyr Zelenskyy - President
  AU - John Winston Howard - ex Prime Minister
  AU - Paul John Keating - ex Prime Minister
  AU - Bob Hawke - (Robert James Lee Hawke) - ex Prime Minister
  NZ - Christopher Luxon - (Chris Luxon) - Prime Minister
  NZ - Winston Raymond Peters - MP
  NZ - Michael George Baker - Epidemiology
  NZ - Ashley Bloomfield - Chief Executive of the Ministry of Health & Director-General of Health
  NZ - Chris Hipkins - Minister for COVID-19 Response
  NZ - John Philip Key - ex Prime Minister
  NZ - Helen Elizabeth Clark - ex Prime Minister

Download here: The-DISGUSTING-Crimes-of-Nicolae-and-Elena-Ceausescu-Execution-the-inevitable-result-of-TREASON-2024-04-06.mp4 - 14,641 kb
By: TheUntoldPast - 6th April 2024
The DISGUSTING Crimes of
Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu
Execution, the inevitable result of TREASON

On Christmas Day 1989, Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu the Dictator of Romania and his wife were stood up against a military building and they were executed by 8 paratroopers. They were shot with over 120 bullets, and the pair had been quickly convicted of a number of terrible crimes including the slaughter of 60,000 people, spending huge sums of money and destroying their own towns and cities. They had been deposed during the Romanian Revolution, however what crimes specifically sent them to their execution?

Execution, the inevitable result of TREASON

Execution, the inevitable result of TREASON

Execution, the inevitable result of TREASON

Execution, the inevitable result of TREASON

I still remember it. The people made quick work of it. Sentence was quick, shooting was even quicker. Smart as then they could move on. These two people were vile.

When history got it just right!

Perhaps the sweetest Christmas present the Romanian people could ever have gotten!

They treated children with mental disorders terribly
I remember seeing hospitals filled with children in terrible conditions in cots without clothes covered in their own excrement
These were government run hospitals
They were inhumane and cruel and met death the only way the people expected

I went to Romania in 1997, they were still feeling from the effects of these monsters. They were truly evil.

He went to his death believing he and she had been done wrong. Classic psychopath

I would recommend traveling to Romania. Beautiful country, good and easy to use Public transportation. The food was good and the prices were very good. You can thank me later.

Why shouldn't all tyrants glean the same?

I remember this vividly
I didn't feel any sympathy then
Now looking back it was a justified execution They where a horrible couple

Sic semper commie tyrannis

It just goes to show how the people can turn when being fed so many lies ... I wonder if it could ever happen again ???

Surprised that you did not mention that palace they had built, which was over the top

I remember this when I was a child and read years later that the soldiers in the group who could be part of the firing squad were actually fighting one another to get a place to do so. That is how much Nicolae and Elena were hated.
Apparently it was a lawful requirement for every household to buy and own a cook book written by Elena and if it was updated it had to be purchased again.
One of the best things I heard was that the helicopter they both escaped in was landed by the pilot once he found out what was happening.

The Ceausescu's were hung by their ankles, after the firing squad, and left there for a couple of days, as I recall. The photo was front page everywhere. Why not here??

I remember when that happened. For some reason it reminded me of Albert Anastasia's ending.... in a hail of bullets! 8-)

Treason is punishable by execution - the clock is ticking...

The inevitable result of treason...

Under construction...
Under construction...

Page Footer...
[Everything below this line is repeated on most pages]

We are fighting a spiritual war
10th August 2024
Paris Olympics - We are fighting a spiritual war!
Revelation 18:2 "And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

Hard Times Create Strong Men...
Hard Times Create Strong Men - Strong Men Create Good Times - Good Times Create Weak Men - Weak Men Create Hard Times.

Some people wouldn't know
tyranny if it bit them on the ass!
Some people wouldn't know tyranny if it bit them on the ass!

Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!
Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!

This is a question that stupid
people & traitors cannot answer:
Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?
This is a question that stupid people & traitors cannot answer: Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!
30th June 2023
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!

Being awake isn't cool. It means having to dumb down 98% of your conversations every day, so you don't sound like a lunatic.

Attitude to monsters after putting up with their shit since late 2019...

Plan F - The Fuck Off plan!

When people you don't even know hate you, That's when you know you're the best.

mRNA jabs are doing the job
slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!
30th June 2023
mRNA jabs are doing the job slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!

20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities
It's called GENOCIDE!
13th June 2023
20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities - It's called GENOCIDE!

"A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030"
It's called GENOCIDE!
12th May 2023
A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030 - It's called GENOCIDE!

World Economic Forum - Committed to Enslaving the Whole World

Nothing says "Trust the Science"
like asking for the data
to be hidden for 75 years!
18th March 2023
Nothing says Trust the Science like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years! Shhhhh....

Superheroes bow down to the
Big Pharma / Businessmen / Doctors
11th February 2023
It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT
26th November 2022
Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT

The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get
jabbed is like sending a post card from
the Titanic saying: "Wish you were here!"
20th November 2022
The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: Wish you were here!

Ten Stages of Genocide
As taught by WEFers Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau etc - August 2022

Ten Stages of Genocide

The Good Reset
Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's,
Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

28th July 2022
The Good Reset - Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's, Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

Covid Variant / Booster
The Merry Go Round From Hell
22nd December 2021

Covid Variant / Booster - Merry Go Round From Hell

Experimental Injections
Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel
13th November 2021

Experimental Injections - Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel

Death is coming for you stupid!

I am fully Vaccinated and Boostered, and just tested positive for Covid-19. I am grateful for the protection my vaccines continue to provide.

The 5-Step COVID 'Vaccine' RISK / BENEFIT ANALYSIS - September 2021

Trump's swamp draining service

When the population understands this picture, it will change everything.

"You can fool all the people some of the time.
You can fool some of the people all the time.
But you cannot fool all the people all the time!"

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Attributed to Edmund Burke. Also by John F. Kennedy in a speech in 1961.

The Great Cow Analogy

Donald J. Trump - They should never have touched the children!
'They should never have touched the children!'
Donald J. Trump - President of the United States of America

'They should never have touched the children!!' President Donald J. Trump

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Abortion: Modern Day Child Sacrifice
Psalms 106:37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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If someone accuses you of wearing a tinfoil hat...,
remind them that it's better than wearing a blindfold!

Q - Apr 17 2020 - We are ready. [Set 1] Mission good. Q Q
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