The Punisher treason: noun: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government
White Hats
Embrace the sometimes painful truth of reality
Remain in the blissful ignorance of illusion
If there is no such thing as a CONSPIRACY - why is the word CONSPIRACY in the dictionary?
Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'   Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell
Click here... Stockholm Syndrome is also a result of Governmental / Pharmaceutical / Media Propaganda
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL and Embraces GENOCIDE

Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?

> 2024 and 2023 . > 2022 . > 2021 and prior

Q What is Common Law? - Harm no one / Cause no loss / Live in honour
Q Your Common Law rights versus Statute Law - The difference between Lawful and Legal
Video The elite pedophiles have woken up a group of people that are going to DESTROY THEM! - 28th December 2022
Video "I Don't Answer Questions" Explained by Kenny Suitter - 27th December 2022
Video Woman arrested for heinous crime of silently praying in her mind outside a baby killing centre - 24th December 2022
Video Governments Must Be Held Accountable For ILLEGAL Covid Lockdowns and Tyranny - 2nd December 2022
Video It was all a shambles! - Covid Fines to be Scraped and Refunded - 1st December 2022
Video Thug Cops in Florida Arrest Blind Man For Having A Cane! Then Get Demoted - 29th November 2022
Video All of NSW Deputy Police Commissioner Gary Worboys (aka Sergeant Wiggums from Simpsons) Covid Fines WITHDRAWN! - 29th November 2022
Video Pfizer CEO rapped for making MISLEADING statements about vaccine - 28th November 2022
Video It wont be a breach of the peace if you FUCK OFF!! - 24th November 2022
Video A policy is not a law - 21st November 2022
Video Sacked over mandates? You'll want to watch this Fair Work Commission Senate Hearing - 9th November 2022
Video Thousands of Covid-19 Vaccine injuries, hardly anyone compensated - Senate Estimates - 9th November 2022
Video Democrats on CNN - Fearful of coming judgement after midterm elections - 9th November 2022
Video Pandemic Amnesty: They Can Backtrack All They Like. We Will Never Forget - 8th November 2022
Q Living in the Private - Educate Yourself, Ask Questions, Verify Everything - 30th October 2022
Video Monica Smit's ILLEGAL COVID charges WITHDRAWN by the Tyrants who fired shots from Coward's Castle - 28th October 2022
Video Pfizer To Pay 2.3 Billion - The Biggest Pharmaceutical Scam in History - 28th October 2022
Q Millions of Idiots Wanted for Massive Global Medical Experiment - 27th October 2022
Video Canadian politician Danielle Smith re Covid restrictions: "We're sorry for destroying your life..." - 25th October 2022
Video COVID enforcers must be held accountable for abuse of power and violence: Rita Panahi - 10th October 2022
Q The New Zealand Ministry of Health acknowledges that "Reducing transmission was not an outcome measured in trials of the Pfizer vaccine" - Let the enormity of that quote SINK IN!!! - 10th September 2022
Q Mask-Winked Flyer Facts - Did you know? - Voices For Freedom - 4th September 2022
Q Covid vaccine ads found to be misleading - Otago Daily Times, New Zealand - 2nd September 2022
Video Anti Covid lockdown protestors charges dismissed - Something rotten' in the state of Victoria - 30th August 2022
Video Trudeau's vaccine mandates in Canada EXPOSED in court documents | Redacted with Clayton Morris - 20th August 2022
Video Project Veritas - James O'Keefe Keynote Speech Turning Point USA #SAS2022 - VILLIANS FLEE - 28th July 2022
Q Currupt judges deem it illegal to expose governments behaving illegally - 15th April 2022
Video Lawyer Up - Businesses out on their own to decide whether to keep COVID-19 vaccine mandates - 24th March 2022
Q Arrest Warrant for Jacinda Ardern - 16th March 2022
Video COVID CRIMES - A WITNESS: DR. RICHARD FLEMING PHD, MD, JD - The Cat is Out of the Bag! - 9th March 2022
Video Lawyer up - South Australian Health admit they have no evidence to Support Jab - Mandates Dropped - 6th March 2022
Q New Zealand High Court ENDS Jacinda Ardern's Vaccine Mandate: "It's a Gross Violation of Human Rights" - 6th March 2022
Video NZ High Court ENDS Jacinda Ardern's Vaccine Mandate: "It's a Gross Violation of Human Rights" - 1st March 2022
Video Wellington High Court deemed Mandates unlawful for police and army - 28th February 2022
Video Kiwi Teachers Are Not Giving Up! - Powerful interview with senior teacher Rachel Mortimer - 28th February 2022
Video What is a Freedom Claim Affidavit, and why do I need one? - 17th February 2022
Video John Durham, Special Prosecutor | Chapter 21 | Reckoning - 12th February 2022
Video Special Report: Kiwi Citizens Initiate Arrest of New Zealand Health Minister Andrew Little - 2nd February 2022
Video International Tribunals Start Next Week! Gates, Fauci, Tedros etc FACE THE DEATH PENALTY! - BREAKING - 1st February 2022
Video Special Report: Undeclared Nanotech found in New Zealand's Pfizer Jabs - Government on Notice - 1st February 2022
Q NOTICE OF LIABILITY - How to Deliver a Notice of Liability to Your Employer - NZDSOS - 29th January 2022
Video Liz Lambert encourages employees to down tools with Section 83 of the Health & Safety at Work Act - 23rd January 2022
Video Ordering police off sovereign land in Australia - 14th January 2022
Video The Power of exercising YOUR RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT to keep out of the enemies jurisdiction - 5th January 2022
Video Police ordered to GET OUT by Queensland café owner & Angry Locals - 3rd January 2022
Q Learn Common / Natural Law - Know Your God Given Rights! - Famous Quotes about Law
Q Miranda Warning - Your right to remain silent

What is Common Law?

All mankind are born free of the land, and are therefore entitled to live on the land and from the land - without interference.Brief Overview:

For those who are new to Common Law, this is a brief overview in everyday language, of the purposes and practicalities of living free under Common Law.

What is Common Law?

Common Law is God's Law, the law of the Land, which states in essence that all mankind are born free of the land, and are therefore entitled to live on the land and from the land - without interference.

Basic Lore:

  • Harm no one
  • Cause no loss
  • Live in honour

There can be no crime without a victim.

Where harm / loss or victimisation has occurred, you are entitled to dispute resolution by a jury of your peers. (This is different from our current Maritime Court System - as with a jury, the Judge has no power and is a mediator only.) With a jury, the power lies with the defendants, and judgements are reached by a unanimous decision of your peers.

Living in the Private:

..A global system of debt-bondage has been established by "incorporating" governments, and by programming the people to "act" in the fictional "roles" of "artificial persons", which as legal fictions having no innate productive capacity, are debtors by default, serving as "transmitting utilities" for human energy.

An artificial legal "person" is a dead entity. It is a legal fiction "persona" in the "theatre of commerce", and it is under the foreign Admiralty Maritime Jurisdiction, the international "Law of the Sea." On the contrary, you are born into your own sovereign Estate of body, mind, and soul. As a sentient man or woman you live within the sovereign Common Law Jurisdiction, the national "Law of the Land."

The "Common Law" follows "Natural Law", a living system of "right or justice" held to be common to all humans and derived from Nature rather than from the rules of society. In "Natural Law", all people are born equal and endowed with unalienable rights.

Your sovereign jurisdiction, including your inborn Unalienable Rights, cannot be taken from you without your fully informed and willing consent.

Legal "person" "actors" for incorporated governments, banks, and all corporate entities, need to contract with other legal "person" "actors" to extract their "commercial energy"...

Read the rest of the article here: Living in the Private
Educate Yourself - Ask Questions - Verify Everything

Your Common Law rights versus Statute Law

The difference between Lawful and Legal:

  • Lawful pertains to our Creator God (the Highest Authority) - e.g. Bible based Common Law.

  • Legal pertains to man / government (inferior beings / entities) - i.e. millions of fallible Statute Laws.

An example of how Common Law (lawful) is superior to Statute Law (legal) is found in a marriage:

  • Lawful Marriage: A holy union between our God (Creator) / Man (husband) / Woman (wife) - aka Holy Matrimony.

  • Legal Marriage: This is a legal contract between your: Government / Man / Woman / Confused / Motorbike / Donkey etc - aka a legal business transaction with the government.

Download here: The-elite-pedophiles-have-woken-up-a-group-of-people-that-are-going-to-DESTROY-THEM-2022-12-28.mp4 - 9,231 kb
By: Unknown Thinker - 28th December 2022
The elite pedophiles have
woken up a group of people
that are going to DESTROY THEM!

Download here: I-Do-Not-Answer-Questions-Explained-by-Kenny-Suitter-2022-12-27.mp4 - 12,778 kb
By: - 27th December 2022
"I Don't Answer Questions"
Explained by Kenny Suitter

Kenny Suitter explains the phrase "I Don't Answer Questions" and why it's in your best interest to incorporate it when interacting with police.

#kennysuitter #police #earthnewspaper

You should NEVER hand over your DL or re-gistration. Why? You DON'T need a DL to use your PERSONAL CONVEYANCE. DLs are ONLY for 'driving' for commercial purposes

Question: Why not just say, "I plead the fifth" rather than saying, "I don't answer questions"?

Because you are talking to a cop, not a judge.
The fifth amendment acknowledges your right to shut up and not answer questions.

It's even easier here in the UK, you just have to say two words "NO COMMENT"

Defund the corrupt cops

I was very young when I was born. They love that one. I had a cop tell me he wanted to contract with my birth certificate. By the end of our chat he wanted nothing more then to get away from me as soon as possible.

LMAO obvious feds/cops/ex cops getting super salty in the comments over a simple vid

sorry officer ,i cannot make a legal determination on what the fuck you are asking,and i am a moron and you can clearly see my lawyer is not present and he advised me to never answer questions,so i cannot help you. have a nice day.

Download here: Woman-arrested-for-silently-praying-in-her-mind-outside-a-baby-killing-centre-2022-12-24.mp4 - 11,027 kb
By: Anything Goes - 24th December 2022
Woman arrested for heinous crime
of silently praying in her mind
outside a baby killing centre

The following article is from Robert Bruce:

Obviously the woman had the greatest intentions; but unfortunately she played right into the Policy Enforcer's hands - whether wilfully or ignorantly - I do not know.

Let us dissect this from a lawful perspective:

Variants of the USA's Miranda Rights are spoken by people in police uniforms in most countries, e.g: "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you."

Emphasis on "..Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.."

Much could be said on this event, but here are just a few time saving pointers:

  1. Remember: 'Where there is no victim, there is no crime';
  2. Those people wearing police uniforms are in fact Policy Enforcers - who are impersonating Peace Officers;
  3. You are not morally obligated to answer people who support a provably immoral system;
  4. You can give them your first name - if you wish. You may even say that you are standing there admiring the view - if you wish. But if they want to 'CONTRACT' with you by asking absurd and invasive questions such as "Are you praying in your mind?" etc, then you have every right to ask for a lawyer to be present, and at their expense. You made a BIG mistake by answering them (contracting with them), and played right into their hands;
  5. If you are not: hurting anyone / stealing anything etc, and they demand to 'contract' with you by having you justify your standing there, then they have proven beyond all doubt that they wish to contract with you for nefarious reasons. So do not play into their hands by answering their absurd questions designed to entice you into contracting with them;
  6. You have the right to ask: "Am I being detained?" They are likely to say: "No. We just want to know why you are standing there?" They are pressing you for this information so that they have a reason to persecute and prosecute you. Despite their response, ask again: "Am I being detained?" If they say "No", then you can say: "So I am free to leave?" If they keep asking you whether you were secretly praying, or thinking of eating hoky pokey ice-cream or buying a corgi dog, despite you asking if you are being detained and asking for a lawyer, then that is tantamount to wilful harassment on their part. Thus, do not answer any questions but demand a lawyer. At this stage they have already proven beyond all doubt that no matter how much you comply and assist them, it will be to your detriment;
  7. Again, 'Where there is no victim, there is no crime';
  8. And finally, the Policy Enforcers revealed their true intention by: s on "..Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.."
  9. So stop talking to them...

D Doherty
A citizen can't stand on a street corner, yet hundreds of thousands of illegals can just wander up and down the country.

Jacek Owsianski
It's easier to arrest a quiet woman or an elderly preacher than to deal with real anti social behaviour of a group of bulky men or actual criminals.

As Mark Steyn says, in the UK, everything is policed except crime.

Utterly disgusting… rampant crime under their nose and this is the kind of person they target for arrest…

Doug Phillips
10,000 people need to go to the same location and pray for that lady.

Lu B
This is an absolute disgrace. This officer and his mate have to be held accountable for what they have done!

Clark Blount
As long as you allow this type of tyranny, it will only continue to escalate.

This is absolutely disgusting. Thanks for making this video, showing and telling the people what's really going on !!

Sam Hilton
We need to hold a prayer vigil at this exact spot.

Cousin Zeke
NEVER speak to the police, EVER. "I won't answer any questions without a lawyer present." You give them anything else and they will use it against you.

Download here: Governments-Must-Be-Held-Accountable-For-ILLEGAL-Covid-Lockdowns-and-Tyranny-2022-12-02.mp4 - 6,922 kb
By: Institute of Public Affairs - 2nd December 2022
Governments Must Be Held Accountable
For ILLEGAL Covid Lockdowns and Tyranny

A decision by the Supreme Court of New South Wales has ruled that a number of Public Health Order fines were invalidly issued because they were inconsistent with state legislation, leading to Revenue NSW withdrawing more than 33,000 fines issued in the name of covid-19. Waiving and refunding all fines issued in the course of criminalising everyday life is only the first step towards accountability.

Nothing less than held accountable will be acceptable

David Churchland
Irrespective of my agreement with the IPA on other issues I will always respect them as the only Australian organisation I know of who spoke out against lock-downs at the time. I felt (and still mostly feel) homeless as I watched the other groups that I claim allegiance to, such as my church, comply without protest when the government re-classified them as 'non-essential'. I had always considered my active participation in my church a vital part of my life but then it turned out my church did not.

As well as an apology from government we need an apology from the groups that should have at least questioned or pushed back but did not.

Mandates MUST BE REVOKED! especially "VACCINE" mandates.

Stuart Clark
Do not forgive Do not forget

Ivan Sultanoff
Fines to be waived, interest and compensation to all effected together with an apology from Gov an Police


Schree Howarth
All these politicians and the police owe the Australian people an apology... for there evil doings..

Lotus Gait
Royal Commission

Sean McCallum
Australia's major political parties need to change now and be held accountable for their corruption.

Paul Reid
And the jackboot squads too, for enforcing these onerous restrictions !!!

Nothing short of a Nuremberg trial will be acceptable.
Everyone involved, politicians, bureaucrats, journalists, police and health providers should be charged and tried for crimes against humanity.

Download: It-was-all-a-shambles-Covid-Fines-to-be-Scraped-and-Refunded-2022-12-01.mp4 - 3,561 kb
By: Carl Vernon - 1st December 2022
It was all a shambles!
Covid Fines to be Scraped and Refunded

7 News: "Tens of millions of dollars worth of fines issued during Covid lockdowns will now be excused or refunded, following a stunning admission from the state government, that they were never valid!

The embarrassing capitulation forced by a supreme court challenge, from a small Community Legal Center."

Samantha Lee, Redfern Legal Centre: "Today is an extraordinary day for the people of New South Wales."

7 News: "It followed a Supreme Court challenged by a free Legal Center."

Samantha Lee, Redfern Legal Centre: "Thank goodness for pro bono barristers and for clients that have come forward and taken the risk."

7 News: "One of those clients Rowan Pank..."

Rowan Pank: "Me and my girlfriend were sitting in Sydney Park. A group of police officers came over and fined us."

Scott Johnson, Revenue NSW Fines Commissioner: "I am withdrawing all the fines that are related to those particular offenses."

7 News: "Two offenses quashed tens of millions forgiven or repaid."

Scott Johnson, Revenue NSW Fines Commissioner: "And get a refund back to those people - to do that as quickly as possible."

7 News: "Revenue New South Wales says the remaining 29,000 Covid fines outside of those that have been withdrawn, will still need to be paid. But lawyers argue, every single infringement could yet be ruled invalid!"

Happy Mac
"The citizen is obliged in conscience not to follow the directives of Civil Authorities, when they are contrary to the demands of the moral order, to the fundamental rights of persons, or the teachings of the Gospel. Refusing obedience to Civil Authorities when their demands are contrary to those of an upright conscience, finds its justification in the distinction between serving God and serving the political community."

The fact that people thought this was legal in the first place is mind boggling.

Gary Crispin
The police issuing the fines should be made to hand deliver the refunds and say "We were wrong."

malk chatters
It was obvious from the start that these fines were unlawful.

This isn't enough, the government officials and the police who enforced the fines need to be held criminally accountable for extortion!

Runswithwind z
It must surely follow that every violent arrest was unlawful assault and unlawful detention.

Declan Hoyt
Absolutely mind boggling, how can these people not be in jail?

Pity you can't refund the lives lost because of of all the filthy corruption.

Matt Marino
The "we were just following orders" crowd is slowly realizing they were on the wrong side of history with this one.

David Chase
So when do you arrest/get rid of the tyrants who did all this?
Does the woman who got choke slammed by an Australian policeman because she had a mask exemption get paid for pain, suffering, a violation of her human rights and being unlawfully attacked?

Nuremberg code comes to mind, all involved with arrests and fines should be made accountable

Nola Parker
I am in melbourne, Australia and the extraordinary violence shown at this time was disturbing. We will never get over it.

Kite Communications
This proves the importance of standing your ground and remaining courageous about your convictions

Download here: Thug-Cops-in-Florida-Arrest-Blind-Man-For-Having-A-Cane-Then-Get-Demoted-2022-11-29.mp4 - 35,382 kb
By: Audit the Audit - 29th November 2022
Thug Cops in Florida Arrest Blind Man
For Having A Cane! Then Get Demoted

Daniel Ettipio
The fact that he reached for the cane and pulled it out and the cop didnt even flinch tells me she had no fear that it was a gun in the first place. She just wanted to flex her ego

The fact that the male officer could so casually tell his subordinate to put the guy in jail tells you all you need to know about this police department. This is definitely not the first time this has happened.

Mark Savage
I can't imagine how traumatic it must have been to be suspended for two days without pay. Thoughts and prayers

How are they still employed? This is embarrassing.

"Good morning sir. What's that in your back pocket?"
"It's a cane"
"Alright have a good day sir."

This shit could have been so simple.

I like that she answered the question "Are you a tyrant?" with the correct answer, "yes", and continued to prove it.

Donny H
When tyrant #2 said "put him in jail for resisting" it was an undeniable case of retaliation and that cop should be arrested for abuse of power

Absolutely lost it when he said he wanted their names and badge numbers and he replied "you can go to jail for resisting" and arrested him. like what the????

Jeffrey Kirk
What confuses me in all these videos is that the police know they are being recorded, but yet they still act like this.

K. Wild
"Now, was that so hard?"
> "It's going to be!"
Maaaan, they messed with a right one that day. Good for him!

Merzim Kuljancic
The way Mr.Hodges stayed calm and collected throughout the whole stop is just amazing. Hat off to you sir. This man did not make a single mistake during the whole interaction. Many would try to argue their way and raise their voice or something. He knew his rights and knew exactly what he was going to do as soon as he's released. Great Job!

Yukon Willeh
How she should have handled it
* sees its a walking stick * "oh crap, guess I'm the blind one"

Richard Cerrato
The satisfaction in the female officer's tone of voice as she arrests him shows that she really is a tyrant

Gotta really hand it to this guy for refusing unlawful commands, but also for not fleeing and making things worse. Handled it like an adult.

Download: All-of-NSW-Deputy-Police-Commissioner-Gary-Worboys-aka-Sergeant-Wiggums-from-Simpsons-Covid-Fines-WITHDRAWN-2022-11-29.mp4 - 3,030 kb
By: Australians vs. The Agenda - 29th November 2022
All of NSW Deputy Police Commissioner
Gary Worboy's (aka Sergeant Wiggums from Simpsons)
Covid Fines WITHDRAWN!

All of NSW Deputy Police Commissioner Gary Worboy's (aka Sergeant Wiggums from Simpsons) Covid Fines WITHDRAWN!

"A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right, and evil doesn't become good, just because it's accepted by a majority." - Booker T. Washington

Born Free
They were all so proud to be members of the gestapo. I cannot put into words how I feel about police actions over the past couple of years. How brave to arrest someone for leaving their own home, wanting to breathe air unrestricted, protest against irrational mandates. They should all hang their complicit heads in shame.

A Mandate IS NOT a law, a Mandate is merely an ''Advisory'' or ''Guideline''... Therefore any court has NO CHOICE but to dismiss these fines, as no law/s were broken

Corinne Watts
Thanks for posting this. Much appreciated.

Yeah, but will they reimburse people who already paid these BS fines?

Also we still need to know what the medical advice was, and who provided that BS advice.

It's lies all the way down.

Angela Gabriella
They had no authority to issue them in the first place and they're getting challenged and dismissed in court already. Therefore ….

wilo west
" A win for the people "

Ben Carter
Incredibly quick backdown today. Bravo. Clearly it helps if police can't clearly explain a particular state law that's actually been broken by sitting on a park bench.

Ad Astra
& now the tables need to turn & those "let off" need to slam them. What about the worry, pain & suffering caused to all those who've had this hanging over their heads this long? Not. Good. Enough. Appalling, in fact.

Our police, politicians and medical professions need to be personally held to account for everything that has been done against the people of Australia.

Now, to cover up the mess and hope that no-one notices

Police are public servants. They need to remember that. Matter of fact ALL fines written by the police are unlawful, only a magistrate can fine someone and only after he has heard the case.If you dont know your rights you have none.

Dean v
Thank you Anthony and thank you Scott Johnson. I'm sure it's loads more satisfying to do this Plus people's attitudes will inevitably fetch a return similar maybe better ? I have no doubt if the government stops all the green subsidies and let us go hammer and Tong the entrepreneurial spirit will kick in and new technologies will be born faster and actually be viable rather than at the expense of our standards of living and social fabric

That cop needs to do some beat work. That's a heart attack waiting to happen right there.

Download here: Pfizer-CEO-rapped-for-making-MISLEADING-statements-about-vaccine-2022-11-28.mp4 - 12,346 kb
By: GBNews - 28th November 2022
Pfizer CEO rapped for making
MISLEADING statements about vaccine

'This is absolutely huge... Pfizer have deep pockets don't forget that.'

Dr Renee Hoenderkamp reacts to Pfizer CEO being rapped for making 'misleading' statements.

P Dizzle
Yes Tonia is absolutely right. It is not "misleading" it is blatant lieing.

Carl H
None of us who rejected that jab regret it. The best decision we ever made.

General Dreedle
They didn't mislead. They deliberately lied. Sacking offence usually.

Skeepy Dooda
Mandating covid vaccination needs to be taken to court .

Lisa Cat
I cry every day. Thank you. Was a healthcare worker. After 32 years went to work during all of this shit. Went to work for a week in a half volunteered a weekend call never told I was on suspension and not getting paid. Texted termed. I feel like a person in a horror film and I know who is the killer is and no one is listening as people are dropping dead, increasing cancer. I get furious with the lies and people are so frightened hypnotized. It's sooooooo wrong and upsetting. Thank you for staying true.

The fact that parents went along with this is staggering.

West Country Bumpkin
Lying more like! PRISON for these criminals!

Electrics Nut
The pharmaceutical industry thinks their untouchable and have immunity against consequences. It's time for society to prove them wrong and drag them out into the streets to face judgement

Who'd have thought a for-profit company would put profits above everything else? Until this man is put behind bars for a very long time, they'll keep getting away with it.

Autumn Angel
Amazing how people have had their whole livelihood wrecked due to 'misinformation' speaking the truth, and these people just operate with impunity. It is truly criminal.

Kon Jonnor
For all the people who have died needlessly at the hands of these evil institutions in the name of profit, we need to see REAL justice.

Tonia is a legend. Speaks clearly and directly, and gets to the point without nonsense.

Helen Harvey
Greatest crimes ever against humanity . Save our children from this evil

Download here: It-wont-be-a-breach-of-the-peace-if-you-fuck-off-2022-11-24.mp4 - 13,636 kb
By: Joe Public UK - 24th November 2022
It wont be a breach of the peace if you

Gold trigger

Pat McCaffery
That's how its done

Lola louise
I love how they think there's a blanket ban on swearing in public….A Public order offence can only apply if a member of the public is 1 in ear shot and 2 reports it to the police (which virtually never happens) but they sure do love to threaten us with it because they rely on most of the general public not knowing the law (much like them lol).

The guy holding the camera doing the talking is an inspiration

Dragons Tooth
Amazing how governments act when they know there isnt a citizen with a gun waiting on the other side of the door.

Peter Van Kas
Great. A big thank you .

Tony Lynch
Well done to that man who is standing up for the people not the powers that should not be.

Jon Dickson
Wonderful stuff!!!
These tax funded criminals need removing from the streets!

Big up the bloke, for telling these Muppets, what's what! Thanks JP-UK, respect!

Seán Birss
That was a beautiful nonstop barrage of verbal truth.

karl draper
Hero of the people....we need a lot lot more like this! well done!

Lost in the world
What a bloke. Hat off to you sir, some hero's don't wear capes

Phil Flip
The problem with a situation like this is that the police do not know enough about the law so if the people who are trying to break into the house haven't followed the correct procedures they end up just taking the attitude that all is legit and anyone interfering is causing a breach of the peace etc.
The police should take the necessary steps to ascertain if the complainant is correct, make a call to HQ for advice upon the law but instead they just stand around and possibly aid and abet a break in!
If they do this then they will not in fact be guilty of such an offense since they were not acting in bad faith though they could be disciplined for not having checked up on the claims of the complainant.
If the correct procedures have not been followed then the book should be thrown at whatever parties failed to follow the correct procedures, GET COPIES OF ANY NECESSARY DOCUMENTS AND EVIDENCE OF ANY FAILURE/REFUSAL TO SUPPLY THEM, THEN SUE THE SHIT OUT OF THE PEOPLE WHO CAUSED THE TRAVESTY.
I hear that putting bolts on your doors can be effective.

Download here: Man-Exercises-Common-Law-Perfectly-with-Police-Shows-How-to-Proect-Rights-2022-11-23.mp4 - 51,295 kb
By: HunZ - 23rd November 2022


Robert Bruce
While the VERY BRAVE motorcyclist maybe right in so many ways, he is still dealing with a tyrannical system that may respond with extreme severity. The courts are terribly dangerous places to end up in, as the judiciary literally makes it up as they go. True Common Law is not based on court precedents or statute law; but rather, Natural Law that comes directly from our Creator.

Yashua (Jesus Christ) was the most innocent Man who walked the Earth; yet after being falsely accused He was sentenced to death - despite His innocence. (Note: Yashua could have used His power to negate the tyrants and eventual execution, but this was His predestined sacrifice for all mankind, the ultimate Gift of Love in God laying down His life for all of humanity past, present and future.)

CAUTION: Proverbs 26:17 "He that passeth by, and meddleth with strife belonging not to him, is like one that taketh a dog by the ears."

This guy is a legend. We need more real men like him.

Ed Eddie
Well done mate top job
Dont let these gestapo units bully citizens around

Sam Barr
Big up my boy. While I hope you don't have to endure this too often. I do hope you will keep us updated on future 'projects!' You Smoove my boy, you Smoove!

green gangster
Applause. Good on you buddy. Stand up for your rights

Niael Bryant
Leave people alone. No crime.

I watched a lot of the Freeman on the Land videos ten years ago and I began to study The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901.
I even tried a bit of the sovereignty Common Law thing in court myself.
I spent 10 years in Nimbin Australia and I watched every one who pursued the The I am a man and not a corporation and not a person thing end up in jail and jail is Hell. Who in their right mind would put themselves in Hell ?
The one thing I learned from years of studying the Law is that all Judges are corrupt. You cannot go into court and expect the Judge to follow the Law, because they don't, they make it up as they go and no respect for Common law or Constitutional Law.
I read the Holy Bible and the Local Law , parts of Criminal Codes and parts of Constitutional Law. I was turning into them so I quit, why give them my life.
I wasn't meant to spend my life reading legal nonsense, I was meant to be out doors with my dog.
I had so many arguments with Rangers and Police that I finally realised the best way to live is to have nothing to do with them.
Police have a habit of stalking teenage girls, everywhere teenage girls go the police follow. If a group of teenage girls go out drinking the police will be parked outside the pub etc..
if young girls go to a music concert the police will be waiting outside and occasionally sneak in to perve.
The police are perverts.
I have found that if you stay away from alcohol and music events and beaches on school holidays you don't run into the perverted police whom serve the rich.
If a Ranger does try to harass me I simply tell them that they are Extortionists and I leave.

Charlie Toko
This is what should be taught in our education system. Imagine if we the people took our power back from the cops that are programmed to intimidate us into complying even when we don't agree. Well done buddy one love from Brisbane.

Surprised their heads didn't explode when you started talking about the law

Cupid Stunt's. STC Media.
Why did that cop feel the need to call for back up? There was no threat here, apart from his ignorance towards a fellow human.

Delta Movies HD
Hero's wear bike helmets in Australia, this man is our Mad Max.

Steven Thomas
Calm and articulate

Download here: A-policy-is-not-a-law-2022-11-21.mp4 - 4,598 kb
By: Walk of Shame - 21st November 2022
A policy is not a law

First amendment audit, 1A, copwatch, walk of shame, id refusal, public photography, 1st amendment, we the people

The cop with the sun glasses looked like Mr Smith from The Matrix

"Just doing a little journalism?"
- The cop who understands the assignment.

Oyantay Alvarez
Are you law enforcement? "Yes I am" - you're law enforcement not policy enforcement - had me cracking up

La di da di
"We can create real change by filming inside of a building legally. " - MLK.

David McPhail
I was absolutely SHOCKED AND WET MYSELF when that sergeant came out of the office and basically said, "Sure you can film. Have a nice day!"

Charlie Foxtrot
I love how taping in a Dmv is real change. You are the real hero.

Skeet Skeet
Thought the guy wearing sunglasses was about to reply; "Hello, Mr. Anderson".

Troy Kleiner
our local court house has a sign saying no recording in the court room but everything is supposed to be recorded for public records and they have video surveillance everywhere but if we record they can't edit out what really happens

Download here: Sacked-over-mandates-You-will-want-to-watch-this-Fair-Work-Commission-Senate-Hearing-2022-11-09.mp4 - 54,596 kb
By: Senator Gerard Rennick - 9th November 2022
Sacked over mandates? You'll want to watch
this Fair Work Commission Senate Hearing

Last week I questioned Fair Work Australia about their commissioners.

I have sworn affidavits from people saying one Vice President was heard saying on the phone that she wouldn't let an unvaccinated person look after her grandchildren.

I also asked why commissioners aren't listening to expert advice representing sacked workers. Commissioners are just washing their hands of any evidence as to whether or not the Covid vaccine is fit for purpose.

On more than one occasion ATAGI has said the vaccine reduces transmission when in fact the FDA said as far back as December 2020 that there is no evidence of that.

Despite this, the Commissioners still have the gall to say they are relying on the experts. It should be noted that most of these experts on the ATAGI board work for organizations that receive funding from big pharmaceuticals or the Gates foundation.

Government receiving bribes.The take out from this is that you should complain about your decision and the Commissioners relying on false information to the FWC.

I was pleased to hear the FWC President Iain Ross is resigning. He was a former union hack in his prior life before being appointed by Julia Gillard.

Along with Paul Keating and Bill Kelty he designed compulsory superannuation. It's no coincidence he also oversaw the compulsory vaccine's. A leopard doesn't change his spots.

Much Respect Senator. Finally Someone is willing to Stand up to these Word Salad Manipulating Clowns.

Tom Mullins
These bureaucrats lie like hell in senate estimates. We need them in a court of law.

Top G
Man this senator has some patience with these oxygen theifs. Also thank you for actually doing your job Senator.

Tony Had enough
Thank you Senator, you are our voice. We the Australian people are no longer allowed to use our voice, otherwise we may lose our jobs, or charged for voicing our opinions. Everyone, and I mean everyone in Australia that's still asleep needs to wake up and actually see what is going on. There is still too many people still asleep and brainwashed to realise what is really happening.

Robochop 1987
Dear Senator, I lost my job, or rather career, on Jan 5 this year.
I was a senior allied health professional for ten years with the same employer. I was told by them I had to be jabbed by Jan 14 or be sacked. I was also threatened that if i stayed onsite and ignored the direction they would take action (whatever that may have been). I was forced into a situation where my only choice was to resign because of what corruption I saw occurring everywhere else where other health workers were being stood down and not paid. My long service leave came up on Jan 3 therefore I resigned effective Jan 5 (with a very heavy heart) to claim that as I had no other money or anything else. It was a complex situation but one in which I had to maneuver to be able to provide for my wife and three children.
Cut a long story short, I was told to leave my workplace by a certain date to work from home for the last two and a half weeks of my job because I was unjabbed. So, as an apparent 'allied health professional ' I found myself working from my garage. There was absolutely no regard or two hoots from an employer which would not usually consider this appropriate.
Leading up to this my union bailed on me (gutless wonders) having been onboard with the covid lies. In addition, Fairwork didnt want to know me either as I had put in a complaint about my harrasment from HR about the coerced bioweapon injection. Zero assistance at all from anyone, it was like all the rats had jumped ship when it all got too hard to advocate for employees who just had their human rights walked right over.
To top it off, on my last day I suffered through a video call with my team leader who's last request was that I put an 'out of office message' on my emails now that I wasnt going to be there. Yes, an out of office message....
Such is the mentality of these tyrants who are mesmorised by fear and the corrupt Govt agenda.

Edit: I do not collect any form of Centrelink payments neither have I since I lost my income. We have had to sell our personal belongings to survive. That is our choice I understand that, however having been treated like garbage by this Govt I could not stomach lining up for payments from the exact tyrants who put us in this position. It is physically and mentally exhausting.

Mister Holdsworth
Whoever voted for this bloke, thank you. He seems to be the only one working for us and asking all the right questions.

There needs to be class action lawsuits before these people slither away.

I want EVERY Aussie employee that was sacked for not getting jabbed to be paid full back pay from their employer as well as compensation from the commonwealth.

Ryan Anastasia Quinn
I lost my job over the mandate Senator , a shocking conclusion to over 10 years of service ... I fought with them over email and stated I technically still had my job and so they demounted me to a casual and only 4 hours a week ... Ruined me ... took me ages to find unvaccinated work... I have recently dealt with fair work over a pay dispute... of which they were no help ... so I didn't even bother contacting them over it ... though I should have ... so not only did the government screw me with mandates they also debted me 12 500 dollars of which I had to pay back to Centrelink for no reason robodebt... I've tried to pick myself up as a man but it's hard when u get beat down so much from the people whom are supposed to look after you....

Download here: Thousands-of-Covid-19-Vaccine-injuries-hardly-anyone-compensated-Senate-Estimates-2022-11-09.mp4 - 10,408 kb
By: Senator Gerard Rennick - 9th November 2022
Thousands of Covid-19 Vaccine injuries,
hardly anyone compensated - Senate Estimates

Last November it was widely reported that over 10,000 people intended to claim compensation under the governments no-fault indemnity scheme.

At that time (November 2021) 78,000 injuries were reported and the scheme had not been promoted by the government.

By September this year the government reported just over 3,000 claims had been made and less than 50 had been paid out on.

This is despite reported vaccine injuries rising above 135,000.

Over 7,000 people gave up on lodging a claim against the government, not because they weren't injured but because the medical community and the government have gaslighted their injuries. For example if you don't spend a night in hospital you aren't eligible for any compensation.

One constituent provided letters confirming the v caused her injury from her GP, Medical Registrar, 2 Consultant Physician Clinical Immunology and Allergy, 2 Neurologists and 1 Haematologist and was still knocked back.

The woman cannot work and is in immense pain. Her husband has had to quit his job to care for her. They are selling their assets to survive.

The audacity of these bureaucrats and the government to override these specialists and leave victims without help is just ruthless and callous.

As a myocarditis sufferer due to AZ I really appreciate what you're doing.
I really hope the system changes soon. I'm 12months off work and have had to shut my business and sell a car all due to this vaccine. Shame on the government for not recognising real injuries. We are suffering and being left to self finance as they "may change their stance in the future"

Thank You Senator Rennick for your Service to the Australian People and holding these People Accountable.

Thank you Senator Rennick for all you do. I truly wish there were more people like you in the world. Your efforts are appreciated and do not go unnoticed. Thank you.

Thank you for your service to Australia and Australians Sir!

Free Will
The past 3 years has made me hostile and distrusting of state and federal governments. Keep up the good work Senator, we need more people like you in all state governments.

14 hours ago
The politicians behind this poison delivered to the Australian public need to be held accountable then dealt with through the courts..

Thank you Senator

Rohini Hyde
A million thanks for the great work you are doing Sen.Rennick. Evil thrives when the good do nothing. Thanks again for speaking up about this crime against humanity which has affected me personally.

I'm very surprised to hear the Senator mention a claim in which several medical doctors have agreed to state that someone has been vaccine injured. My GP was suspended last year and we've heard doctors speak out that they were threatened with suspension if they said there were or could be any injury/risk from the jab. How is it that doctors can say there was a jab injury while other doctors have been suspended?

Tidda Bear
Thank You Senator Rennick for being the voice of so many Australians. Many are angry with the state and federal Governments during the past 3 years for allowing harm to be inflicted on the people of this land through vax mandates and systemstic lockdowns breaching human rights and various commonwealth laws. It's appalling this has been allowed to happen without upholding the laws and rights of the people.

Download here: Democrats-on-CNN-Fearful-of-coming-judgement-after-midterm-elections-2022-11-09.mp4 - 5,673 kb
By: John Talks - 9th November 2022
Democrats on CNN
Fearful of coming judgement after midterm elections

"What I worry about of course, if the Republicans take over, whether it's by a small margin or a large margin, that they are first of all we're not going to be able to pass anything; secondly, uh there will be hearings, there'll be investigations, they'll investigate Hunter Biden...

It'll be very toxic; um and Marjorie Taylor green and those, those people will want to impeach Biden; um I worry about it just being very very ugly; and um, I, I'm pretty sure that's pretty predictable."

Mortimer Duke
Why didn't the Democrat's conduct during the entire Trump presidency bother him?

Beowulf's Revenge
Yes, there should be hearings and investigations.
Especially onto Biden Junior.

Paolo Cardinali
after 4 years of investigating Trump for NOTHING! The courage of this guy!!!

DJ Smith
Their inability to see their blatant hypocrisy is beyond me.

Andrei Valdez
"If we lose we may have to face the consequences of our actions :( "

We can only hope so.

Destroygary Funky
Will anyone ever forget the look on Franken's face leaving the Senate office building with all his stuff in a cardboard box? Priceless!

In other words they are upset, thinking Republicans will behave just like they do.

So... you think Hunter Crackhead SHOULDN'T be investigated? Big surprise

JustJoe Oleson
I seem to remember him railing against liars in the past. So much for integrity.

Throw Acnt
For most of my life I wanted to live in the USA. I got my degree there, I played everything by the book, I did not overstay nor did I attempt anything illegal to stay even though I really wanted to because I loved what America stood for. Right now.... about 10 years later I am horrified at what I am looking at. I can't but be happy that I am not a part of what looks like a horrible realityTv show. It is unreal what has happened in less than 10 years. Good luck.

That's the most honest journalism CNN has said in a long time. In fact I would like to see them being held accountable for all the lies they have been spewing for the last 6 years

IF YOU DID EVERYTHING RIGHT - you have nothing to fear !

Download here: Pandemic-Amnesty-They-Can-Backtrack-All-They-Like-We-Will-Never-Forget-2022-11-08.mp4 - 128,019 kb
By: WE GOT A PROBLEM - 8th November 2022
Pandemic Amnesty:
They Can Backtrack All They Like.
We Will Never Forget

The Compilation you have been waiting for.

Never forget what these people did. they can say sorry all they like. we must never forget

My Links

Outro Audio taken from Youtube Audio Library
1812 Overture ( Tchaikovsky )

They Can Backtrack All They Like. We Will Never Forget

I'm so looking forward to all the WEFers / Satanists being tried for treason and facilitating genocide etc.

What a list of names for the executioner: Klaus Swabb, Anthony Fauci, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, George Bush, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau, Tony Blair, John Keys etc.

Hopefully they will all have to receive the very injections themselves as a preliminary punishment; then the executions can begin in due course. Make Nuremburg 2.0 be for real.

Tony Clack
My business was locked down and I lost everything, my business, my home, my job, my income, my savings. At 65 I live in a van with nothing. Hatred towards these parasites is an understatement of how I feel.

This brings back all those feelings of dread I endured, feeling isolated, wife and friends all hypnotised…and then I went on a freedom march and realised there were huge numbers that shared my understanding. This saved my mental health. Just hope these f-ers get their comeuppance . All odious and evil characters

I just can't believe that Esther Rantzen actually said people who are unvaxed should not be given an ambulance and die at home ....we must never forgive or forget all these dreadful stupid people ..NEVER..

Paul Sidaway
As an ex British soldier who visited Belsen concentration camp I often wondered how it came about that the Nazi regime was allowed to get away with murdering so many innocent people. Now in my 50s I understand how.
I'm watching this fantastic post and I am seething with anger and contempt.
My own mother died in July 2020 of COPD. She was in a respiratory unit at a hospital in Kent. Nurses there told me there were no patients with Covid on their wards. On December 31st 2020 my father died in Maidstone Hospital alone, noone from his family was there. He deserved better. They then signed his death certificate off as Covid when he had tested negative. We think he had Leukemia.
So then they roll out the bullshit vaccination program and I resisted this. I've known all along we were being lied to and manipulated.
But for me I've had to eventually had to have this unnecessary jab and this angers me. I needed it to travel. You see my wife is Russian my son is at university in Moscow. My mother in law was taken very ill and I had to travel. No jab no travel to be with family. Bloody disgraceful. Coerced into taking something I do not trust or believe in. I no longer trust or believe in anything this government here tell us. I also see that the vast majority of people here don't have a backbone and are ready to roll over and take it. Snitch on your friends and family. A great social experiment and they got the answers they desired .
Lied straight to our faces and the public believed all and vilified the ones who did not. We have no freedoms in truth and watching this video should tell us all.
Furthermore I know I'm going off the subject but please don't believe all the lies Western propaganda tells you about the war in Ukraine. They are lying to you there too. They have an agenda as they did with Covid.

Cathy Russell
I will never forget the continual pressure, it was terrible. I was even working out of a hiding place in my house in case they came looking for me. I am so very proud to still be a pure blood. I am not a coward, a snowflake or an idiot. I am a critical thinker that did not want to take an experimental drug.

Krista B
I am a pure blood and went back to work for SAP. At the time they weren't making it mandatory, but they asked to submit a yes or no regarding the shot. I completely ignored their request as my status is none of their business. In 2022 they made it mandatory for new hires for a few months, then later lifted the requirement.
I was shunned by family and friends. It gave me insight for the lack of compassion and intelligence of those around me. They showed their true colors.

Kerry Neylan
This should be broadcast in public places throughout the country.

Zed Jayhem
I remember watching the old lady tapping the window the first time, it still absolutely breaks my heart to see how desperate she was to touch her family member and wasn't " allowed" treated worse than criminals

Elisa Rolston
The Canadian truckers changed my perspective on everything. Demonstrations can change minds. The combination of their courage, joyfulness combined with how the media vilified them made me look at everything differently. The media is the biggest problem. Worse than politicians because politicians come and go.

Living in the Private
Educate Yourself, Ask Questions, Verify Everything
By: - 30th October 2022
"In The Private"

EVERY natural man and woman is born "in the private". Whereas the State is public, and therefore its Public Servants, and its legal fiction creations are "in the public", including its artificial legal "persons".

A man or woman can either "live" "in the private", or "act" "in the public". However ...

We are trained from an early age to accept a higher authority as normal. Most people exist in a culture of submission and conformity, allowing numerous aspects of their lives to be controlled by the Government. The populace is manipulated to become dependent (debt-money), and conditioned to become fearful (racism, terrorism, and wars). The manner and appearance of "authority" is usually intimidating by design, while the language of legal fiction commerce (Legalese) is deceptive.

You are indoctrinated to "act" in the "role" of an artificial legal "person", which is a creation of the State and a debtor serving as "surety" for the corporate debt of YOURNATION (INC.).

Every nation with a Central Bank under the Bank for International Settlements has been indebted by the "incorporation" of its government into the debt-money system, thereby surrendering its power of sovereign money issuance.

A global system of debt-bondage has been established by "incorporating" governments, and by programming the people to "act" in the fictional "roles" of "artificial persons", which as legal fictions having no innate productive capacity, are debtors by default, serving as "transmitting utilities" for human energy.

An artificial legal "person" is a dead entity. It is a legal fiction "persona" in the "theatre of commerce", and it is under the foreign Admiralty Maritime Jurisdiction, the international "Law of the Sea". On the contrary, you are born into your own sovereign Estate of body, mind, and soul. As a sentient man or woman you live within the sovereign Common Law Jurisdiction, the national "Law of the Land".

The "Common Law" follows "Natural Law", a living system of "right or justice" held to be common to all humans and derived from Nature rather than from the rules of society. In "Natural Law", all people are born equal and endowed with unalienable rights.

Your sovereign jurisdiction, including your inborn Unalienable Rights, cannot be taken from you without your fully informed and willing consent.

Legal "person" "actors" for incorporated governments, banks, and all corporate entities, need to contract with other legal "person" "actors" to extract their "commercial energy".

These legal "actors" make the PRESUMPTION that you are also "acting" in the "role" of a legal "person" in "legal fiction" commerce, which is why they are seeking a contract "performance". They ALWAYS want the NAME and often the creation date of the legal "person" to establish "joinder", forming an "adhesion contract". They NEED A "PERSON", because there is absolutely no way they can contract directly with a living man or woman. They need a man or woman to CONSENT TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY IN THE MATTER OF THE "PERSON", unknowingly or knowingly, which is JOINDER.

In this way, a man or woman becomes party to the action involving the "person", which is "joinder" of the parties into a single case in legal fiction commerce.

When a living name is "mirrored" by the registration of an artificial legal "person" on the Birth Certificate, an Estate Trust is formed, such as MR JOHN DOE TRUST. Any living man or woman unknowingly in JOINDER to such a legal fiction NAME blindly takes responsibility for the alleged debts of the Trust as its Trustee. Whereas an aware living man or woman can separate themselves from the legal fiction NAME and become the rightful controlling Agent, Beneficiary, Executor/Executrix for MR JOHN DOE TRUST.

Legal "actors" will attempt to engage the "person" by posting letters, by phone, or on the highway, to make and enforce a contract. Misrepresenting a living man or woman as a fictional "person" causing unwitting "joinder" is the crime of "personage", and it is perpetuated by "barratry", the crime of bringing false claims in court. The term "barratry", appropriately, comes from the "Bar Association".

Under the Common Law Jurisdiction (Law of the Land), both parties must enter into every contract "knowingly", "voluntarily", and "intentionally", or the contract is unenforceable and void.

However, under the Admiralty Maritime Jurisdiction (Law of the Sea), consent to contract is often presumed by silent acquiescence, unless the party contracted thereby rebuts the presumption of consent.

If you do not wish to consent to their contract offer (presentment), you must Rebut The Presumption that you are "acting" in the "role" of a fictional legal "person".

Maxim of Law:
Quid fas non veritas est. Legality is not Reality.

The first step is to separate yourself from the legal fiction. If you answer to the artificial legal "person" NAME, you contract by "joinder" to become a liable debtor. However, if you "stand" truthfully as a "man" or "woman", not "acting" as an artificial legal "person", the two are separated.

Because of years of conditioning, it takes time to separate the legal fiction from reality, in your mind and in the real world. A powerful and lawful approach is simply to verify everything.

You are never obliged to answer questions or to provide government issued ID. Truly, to uphold your government of the People, it is not your duty to answer questions, it is your duty to ask questions. You have the Right to know who is making a claim against you, the Right to know who the injured party is, the Right to conditionally accept any claim against you upon verification, the Right to reserve your rights without prejudice, and thereafter the Right to remain silent to avoid self-incrimination.

By failing to exercise their Rights, the People have been betrayed, and have allowed their governance to be turned against them, so that the People have been "monetized". The original offices of de jure unincorporated government institutions have been usurped, and are mostly unoccupied by de jure public servants working for the People in a de jure public capacity. The "public" State has been captured by financial piracy, and has become a commercial enterprise, operating by contract under the Admiralty Maritime jurisdiction (Law Merchant), in the international Law of the Sea.

The following definitions apply to the de facto incorporated State, in which the agencies of government, and all artificial legal "persons", are merely corporate franchises.

In the Public - In the Private

Private: To be "in the private" is to "live" in a "private capacity" as a Man or Woman, with flesh and blood, arms and legs, a conscious mind, a spirit, and Life. All Men and Women are created as equal Sovereigns, endowed with Unalienable Rights and Properties, including Credit equating to their valuable human energy. As natural Men and Women, they are Creditors, because they are born naturally with innate productive capacities. Their right to contract is Unlimited, and they have unlimited liability, being responsible adults. They are outside and above the State. From Latin privatus "set apart, belonging to oneself (not to the state)".

Public: To be "in the public" is to "act" in a "public capacity" as an "accommodation party" in "joinder" to an "artificial person" created and governed by the State. All Men and Women who "act" in legal fiction "roles" for the State are granted revocable Privileges and Benefits prescribed in legislative "Acts". As Artificial Persons, they are Debtors, because they are created legally without innate productive capacities. Their right to contract is Limited, and they have limited liability, being legally incompetent "creatures of the State", its legal children. They are inside and under the State. From Latin publicus "of the people; of the state; done for the state".

To continue reading this fantastic article, download the full 64 page PDF document: Living-in-the-Private.pdf (1,410 kb) here: Download PDF document here...

Download here: Monica-Smits-ILLEGAL-COVID-charges-WITHDRAWN-by-Tyrants-who-fired-shots-from-Cowards-Castle-2022-10-28.mp4 - 37,869 kb
By: Reignite Democracy Australia - 28th October 2022
Monica Smit's
by the Tyrants who fired shots from Coward's Castle

Monica SmitIf you have COVID fines pending…don't back down! If you know people who do, send this to them!

You are a human being with rights, and NO ONE should ever justify why they left the house without a piece of cloth over their face or were in a group larger than ten.

On October 31st, 2020, I was arrested THREE times in one day, put in the back of a police van for 45 mins, and fined thousands of dollars just for leaving my house.

After more than two years of fighting these embarrassing fines, the prosecutors dropped the charges with NO explanation.

I was prepared and wanted a chance to set the record straight but they never give us the opportunity! They don't want their actions being questioned in open court. They try to intimidate you and when they realise you aren't backing down, they drop the charges.

Moral of the story...DON'T BACK DOWN

Vincent Banh
They must hate the fact you document everything. Publishing on the internet holds them accountable permanently!

Karen Naropa Baker
"You guys would have taken my money and run away laughing "
It is an international embarrassment

Jenny Groves
What a dismal justice system
Someone needs to be held accountable

Tracey Lee
Well said Monica, absolutely horrific what you and many others went through.

The courts need to be overhauled No one knows what's they're doing!

Linda Harper
We need to organise a class action for stress, anxiety, physical abuse, etc

cliff fowler
Congratulations Monica.... now ya gotta hit them up for the rest and the stress......
Well done so far young freedom fighter... we're all behind you.

We're not dealing with human beings here. They will never feel remorse or feel bad about what they did.. they actually love it. They're sadists.. these people are infiltrated by certain entities.

Unbelievable what they put you through and many others for no reason, how inhumane can they be. We have to keep fighting the scumbags. God keep you safe Monica, stay strong

Mitchell George
Monica, I wish I had your self control. Maximum respect to you. Ooft.

sharles b
I feel your frustration, you are so right in wanting an explanation and them admitting it was wrong, but she made it sound like you got off on a technicality because the wrong number was used. If they had an ounce of decency, they should be back tracking and refunding every Covid bs fine, but they won't admit they made a mistake and own the bs they put people through. I have lost all respect for police.

Download here: Pfizer-To-Pay-Over-2-Billion-Dollar-Fine-The-Biggest-Pharmaceutical-Scam-In-History-2022-10-28.mp4 - 15,852 kb
By: MediQuest - 28th October 2022
Pfizer To Pay 2.3 Billion
The Biggest Pharmaceutical Scam in History

Did you know that on September 2, 2009, the Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in its History - it was Pfizer, who was to Pay about $2.3 Billion for Fraudulent Marketing.

Pfizer forced to pay record $2.3B settlement for widespread drug fraud

Lisa Virella
I've struggled with neurologic and rheumatic disorders since I was like 12 years old. Being that young, I just took whatever medication they threw at me... including neurontin (which is actually an epileptic medication, not a heart medication like stated in this video). I lost about 10 years of my life, drugged up like good'ol doc advised and sicker than I was when I initially went for "treatment". The cycle is vicious. There's no way of knowing if you're sick because of the progression of your disease or if you're sick because the drugs they're giving you are making you sick. As I got older I was determined to get a grasp on my health... and at the very least get a solid answer about my conditions. I went for second opinions... those opinions were a little different than what I originally was told. I continued, going from one specialist to another... each one with a slightly different diagnosis (and sometimes radically different) - each time prescribed a different medication to treat my illnesses. It got me thinking.... are any of them right? I was (and still am today) ridiculed for deciding to take myself off of EVERYTHING that was prescribed to me (including my thyroid medication that I was given for hyperthyroidism... then hypothyroidism... then graves disease... then hashimoto's thyroiditis.... an autoimmune thyroid disorder that has "no cure"). The first few months were terrible... probably my body trying to adjust to life without poisons pumped into me 24/7. I still struggle with MS symptoms, but I'll tell ya... my life is 10000000 times better off all that garbage. Also, I've been off of thyroid medication for 6 years now... a medication that I was told I would have to be on for the rest of my life and my thyroid levels have been perfect. Maybe its a miracle or maybe I'm secretly a witch... curing diseases with risky and outrageous potions like Vitamin D lol. My drawn out story wasn't really necessary... bottom line - Big Pharma exists for ONE reason only... to make huge profits. Further downstream are the glorified drug dealers.. I mean Doctors... They're like car salesmen... they're there to sell you something flashy, unrealistic and unaffordable because you "NEED IT". Don't get suckered. These people should be behind bars.

How did they go from being the least trusted company in the US to making fast-tracked experimental vaccines?

dust Chip
So, a criminal organization is allowed to continue to make drugs but someone who exposed them as criminals, loses their job.

anonglak moonwicha
Now there's a company I want involved in my medical care!! They're sure to behave properly now aren't they?

Wayne Elliott
Alex Jones didn't kill anyone $2.75 Trillion dollars . The fine for pharma is pathetic.

Blessed by Yeshua
Thank you for sharing that. I take one of those medications. I'm going to have to talk to my doctor about that.

FakeComedy and TheAbsurd
It may have been the biggest, but I have a feeling that they managed to dwarf that achievement recently.

Michael Pollard
Peanuts. Not exactly the first time they've been caught out and they will just consider the fine business expenses!

Robert B
It's like robbing a bank for $200,000, and then paying a $200 fine.
(And if you're Alex Jones it works the other way round)

This is pathetic. When the penalty is blow the profits made on their illegal action, it makes their actions, by all other accounts, legal.

Straight to jail and shut them down , that would be true justice

Theses big company still do business with our government despite their criminals activities. Amazing world we live in!

Thank goodness the company learned their lesson and have been honest and above board in all their dealings since. You can trust Ph...r.

Dwayne Mcfall
They don't care about compensation because its always less than they earn. They should be fined much more than they made to stop them ever thinking about it again

old dog new dog
that was 2009. I wonder what it'll be for 2020-now?

Bill Rea
2.3 billion from a company that made TRILLIONS ! A drop in the bucket .

Millions of Idiots Wanted for
Massive Global Medical Experiment
By: Pfizer - 27th October 2022
This is child abuse!!!

Pfizer may have received the largest fine in history for fraud and deception, but that was in the past... Aside from that legal hiccup, Pfizer would now like to expand into GLOBAL GENOCIDE and inject as many idiots and useless eaters as possible.

To participate in this MASS PSYCHOSIS, you must accept the following conditions:

  • The vaccines cause immeasurably more harm than good;
  • The vaccines do not stop the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 (a patented Biowarfare Weapon) and its variants;
  • The vaccine ingredients / poisons will remain undisclosed as long as possible (hopefully forever);
  • The millions of dollars offered to every government to participate in this GLOBAL MEDICAL EXPERIMENT is not a bribe - but rather - is a gift for doing business with us;
  • The manufacturers and all organisations complicit in creating the BIOWARFARE WEAPONS and MEDICAL APARTHEID (e.g. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, United Nations, World Health Organisation, World Economic Forum, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Central Intelligence Agency etc) / governments / doctors / nurses / mainstream media etc - accept no liability for any side effects, adverse reactions, adverse events and deaths that will ensue;
  • If you survive the GLOBAL MEDICAL EXPERIMENT and eventually devolve into a TRANSHUMAN (Human 2.0 / patented GMO slave), you become the property of Pfizer and other interested parties - as your reconfigured DNA contains patented technology e.g. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (patent owners) etc - and thus you have no legal / lawful rights that would usually pertain to actual human beings;
  • When you do suffer adverse events from the experimental injections (this will be sooner rather than later), you agree to indemnify Pfizer and instead direct any blame upon: 1) bats, 2) people who do not wear masks, 3) people who do not participate in the GLOBAL MEDICAL EXPERIMENT, 4) and whoever the Mainstream Media instructs you to blame at the time;
  • As your adverse events manifest and lead to your incapacity and eventual premature death, you will at all times remain positive about your participation in this wonderful GLOBAL MEDICAL EXPERIMENT; and advise people that given the opportunity - you would do it all over again;
  • And finally, you agree that there is no cure for stupidity...

THANK you for your participation in lowering the World's population and for making Pfizer super rich. We are currently experiencing record profits and funeral homes are booming with business as well...

"Pfizer - putting profit before people"

There is no cure for stupidity...

Millions of Idiots Wanted for Massive Global Medical Experiment

Download here: Canadian-politician-Danielle-Smith-re-Covid-restrictions-We-are-sorry-for-destroying-your-life-2022-10-28.mp4 - 2,440 kb
By: Carl Vernon - 25th October 2022
Canadian politician Danielle Smith re Covid restrictions:
"We're sorry for destroying your life..."

Reporter: "During your campaign you said that 'not only would you issue an apology to those prosecuted during Covid restrictions, but you would also grant them amnesty.' When can we expect those apologies?"

Premier Danielle Smith: "Um, I can apologize right now. I'm, I'm deeply sorry for anyone who was inappropriately subjected to, er, discrimination, as a result of their vaccine status. I'm deeply sorry, for any government employee that was fired from their job, because of their vaccine status and I welcome them back if they want to come back. As for the amnesty, I have to get some legal advice on that and so, I've already asked my staff to um, to request that advice, so I can see how we would be able to proceed on that. My view has been, that these were political decisions that were made and so I think that they could be political decisions to offer a reversal. But I do want to get some some legal advice on that first."

Johnny Appleseed
CONTEXT. She's apologizing for the government she replaced. She was against it all and won leadership of the party.

The Tweakjunkie
For the folks NOT from Canada, this lady is newly elected (Conservative), she's apologizing for her predecessors.

It's not an apology's that is needed, it's convictions.

Life is ruined because of these punitive rules and mandates. All politicians should go to prison for the mental and physical damage they have inflicted.

Anton Ackermann
We don't want apologies. We want justice.


As an Albertan, I am extremely happy to see someone with courage and a moral backbone. Let's hope these evil people don't have a contingency plan for us serfs.
Prepare ??

No mercy, no apologies needed. Get these politicians out of office that went with any protocol for covid

Bruce Smith
There are a few church pastors in Alberta who were under the heel of the authoritarian boot for merely having their churches open for worship services. They need more remedy than just an apology.

David Allen
simple apologies are not good enough - the fascist decisions imposed had very real consequences for people and anybody who lost their job needs full compensation and those who imposed the nonsense need to be exposed and prosecuted - lessons need to be learnt!

Horde Gaming
Never apologise for the actions of someone else. The right and really only thing to do now is to hold the ones responsible for this including the Canadian PM to account for crimes against humanity, nevermind Canadians.

Download here: COVID-enforcers-must-be-held-accountable-for-abuse-of-power-and-violence-2022-10-10.mp4 - 10,845 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 10th October 2022
COVID enforcers must be held accountable
for abuse of power and violence: Rita Panahi

Sky News host Rita Panahi says there needs to be a "reckoning" for the Victorian police as they try to rebuild their image following Melbourne's lockdowns and protests.

"Victoria Police is again trying to rebuild their image after enthusiastically serving as Dan Andrews covid enforcers for two years," she said

"Where they terrorised pregnant women for Facebook posts, harassed little old ladies on park benches and shot scores of protesters with non-lethal rounds."

Ms Panahi said, "Chief Shane Patton says he is bruised by the work his force had to do during COVID lockdowns".

"PR campaigns and sob stories about feeling bruised from police command are no substitute for accountability," Ms Panahi said

Bob Smith
Victoria is corrupt and Andrews doesn't care for laws or rules . He said himself you are selfish if you want human rights.

I was a police officer for 28 years in the Seattle area in Washington state. What I watched the Australian officers due to their citizens was absolutely appalling. I'm so sickened by the Australian Police. Typically were all brothers from around the world in law enforcement but I wouldn't have one of them in my home.

I was a cop for several years including through the lockdown in the US. This disgusted me to no end and I would have quit before ever following an order remotely like this. Australian authorities all the way up to the PM who authorized this naziesque behavior need to be completely stripped of power for good. Possibly even jailed.

I'm speechless at what one human will do to another "because of orders." This isn't new in human history but it's so grievous to see. I know that in the deep recesses of their soul they have shame and guilt for they know that they have treated others in a way they themselves would never want to be treated.

Bruce Kastel
"Gross Overreach" is too generous a term. It is frightening to realize how easily authorities can be triggered world-wide into an unparalleled frenzie. Now that their true character has been revealed we must continue to shed light on them in hope of correcting their behavior before the next triggering event occurs.

I am shocked & saddened. I loved living in Melbourne, but I'm also very thankful I left in 2015 & didn't have to go through what went on there, absolutely disgusting the way they treated people.

Maitre Mark
It was sickening to watch all that again... and sickening how some people agreed with it at the time.

Mina de Haan-Martena
From Holland (Netherlands): Never forget who did this to us. The day will come that they have to pay. Not only in Australia but World Wide! Don't ever give up your Freedom! Stay strong dear people, my heart is with you.

john inBkk
Never to be forgiven,
and never to be forgotten

The New Zealand Ministry of Health:
"Reducing transmission was not an outcome
measured in trials of the Pfizer vaccine"
[Let the enormity of that quote SINK IN!!!] - 10th September 2022
The New Zealand Ministry of Health: 'Reducing transmission was not an outcome measured in trials of the Pfizer vaccine'

Mask-Winked Flyer Facts
Did you know?
By: Voices For Freedom - 4th September 2022
Mask-Winked Flyer Facts - Did you know? - Voices For Freedom

Mask-Winked Flyer Facts - Did you know? - Voices For Freedom

Covid vaccine ads found to be misleading
By: Otago Daily Times, New Zealand - 2nd September 2022

Covid vaccine ads found to be misleading. Otago Daily Times, New Zealand

The nation's newly branded health agency [Health New Zealand - previously District Health Board] has been ordered to remove, or fix misleading advertisements about Covid-19 vaccination. Photo: Getty Images

The nation's newly branded health authority [Health New Zealand] has been ordered to remove or fix a misleading advertisement about vaccination against Covid-19 that ran across multiple media platforms.

The Advertising Standards Authority complaints board received 44 complaints against Te Whatu Ora/Health New Zealand's Vaccinate for Life advertisements which ran across television, print and on billboards and mobile phones.

In a statement to Open Justice, the health agency's National Immunisation Programme has apologised for any confusion or concern caused by the advertisements, which concluded in July.

The programme's director, Astrid Koornneef, said while it was disappointed with the decision, it accepted the authority's ruling, which related to one element of a wider vaccination campaign.

The complaints said the advertisement, in its various forms, was misleading because of the wording: "Protect them for life. Immunise against Covid-19". Respondents argued there was no life-long protection from a Covid-19 vaccine.

Some were also concerned that the use of the word "immunise" was misleading, based on how the vaccine worked, but this was not supported by the complaints board.

Most board members agreed the ads themselves did give the wrong impression, and upheld four complaints against the television advertisement, 29 complaints over the print version, and 11 complaints over the billboard and mobile phone version.

They agreed the likely consumer takeaway from the advertisement was that the Covid-19 vaccine offered life-long protection.

The Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand (Ministry of Health - Manatu Hauora) television advertisement promoted immunisation for children, which featured the New Zealand Government and the Ministry of Health - Manatu Hauora logos.

In considering this complaint the board referred to an earlier decision regarding a longer television ad, which it didn't find fault with, because it was designed to encourage parents and caregivers to take steps to protect children in their care, and did not directly reference Covid-19.

Covid vaccine ads found to be misleading. Otago Daily Times, New Zealand

The use of the word "immunise" in a series of advertisements was found not to be misleading. Photo: Getty

The health authority defended its ad during the complaints process, and said the phrase "Protect them for life. Immunise", was developed to have a dual meaning.

It said the word "life" could be "the time between being born and death, or the experience of being alive".

Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand said the tagline "Protect them for life. Immunise", referred to the immunisation programme as a whole-of-life programme.

It said the campaign was developed to cover the concept of childhood immunisations and was not specific to a single vaccine, but provided overarching messaging, for example for MMR, polio, Covid-19, HPV or whooping cough vaccines.

In making its decision the complaints board took on board the exceptional circumstances of the rapidly evolving nature of the Covid-19 pandemic.

It confirmed it would take a higher-level approach in assessing the advertising, based on the principles in the Advertising Standards Code, being the requirements for "social responsibility and truthful presentation in responsible advertising".

While some of the board members did not think the television ad was misleading, most said it had not been prepared and placed with a due sense of social responsibility to consumers and to society, considering context, medium, audience and product.

The complaints board was unanimous in its view that the message in the billboard and mobile phone ads was likely to mislead or confuse consumers, because it contained only the lines "Protect them for life", "Immunise" and the call to action to vaccinate against Covid-19.

The board said the advertisement did not have the wider context of television advertisements which showed children being protected by parents or caregivers in different aspects of their lives.

The bulk of the complaints were against the print version of the advertisement.

The decision to uphold them was backed by the News Publishers Association, but it also noted earlier complaints about the same statement were not upheld.

The board said in addressing concerns about use of the word "immunise", and whether it was misleading, the likely consumer takeout would be that the vaccine was intended to teach an individual's immune system to recognise an infectious disease so that when exposed to that disease the immune system can fight it off.

The complaints board did not consider this element of the complaint to be misleading.

In all cases it ordered the advertisement to be removed, or not used again in its current form.

Koornneef told Open Justice that Te Whatu Ora took its commitment to responsible advertising very seriously.

She said there was no intent to mislead or confuse the public through the advertisements, which included some "very specific protection-focused vaccination messaging".

Koornneef said comments by the Advertising Standards Authority and been taken on board and would be valuable in helping to shape future campaign messaging.

"We will also continue to develop advertising campaigns and other initiatives that seek to challenge, inform, and encourage audiences, while promoting the greater protection of our tamariki through the full suite of life-saving vaccinations available.

"This has never been more important, particularly as child immunisation rates continue to fall across the globe, and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic continues to be felt," Koornneef said.
NZ Herald

By: Black Diamond - 31st August 2022

Secret video of senate meeting with head of TGA Brendan Murphy telling Parliament to not tell the public of their own vaccine effects coverup; and that the vaccine kills people and they have no recourse from it - because the government granted big pharma immunity from prosecution and compensation payouts. This is so Nuremberg trial 2.0, with modern day Nazi style experimentation on live humans, without being informed about any risks.

01. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

Good girl God bless her

Steven Seagull
Your dead Jacki! Belittling us pure bloods and pushing the vax! Fuck you! Your gonna fry!

What are we waiting for? Start the hanging!

And the pucks that run our congress can take those billions of dollars they have allocated to Ukraine to hide their criminal deeds over there and keep all that money right here at home to take care of the vaxx injured people they are responsible for harming.

The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite. Thomas Jefferson

Download: Anti-Covid-lockdown-protestors-charges-dismissed-Something-rotten-in-the-state-of-Victoria-2022-08-30.mp4 - 27,645 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 30th August 2022
Anti Covid lockdown protestors charges dismissed
Something rotten' in the state of Victoria

Sky News host Andrew Bolt says there was a court victory today which underlines "something is rotten" in the state of Victoria.

"Victoria police today dropped yet another charge they laid in the lockdown," Mr Bolt said.

"A charge of incitement against Zoe Buhler, who's a pregnant woman who was arrested two years ago in her home, handcuffed in front of her children for writing a social media post promoting a protest against Premier (Daniel) Andrews' cruel lockdowns.

"Now the footage of that arrest went around the world. Victoria's shame was seen by 10 million people."

Mr Bolt said police dropped the case after "two years of worry" and after she was "treated like a public menace".

"Zoe Buhler was told – nah, not in the public interest to continue," he said.

Eddie Shields
Respect to this lady. Take them to court now see how they like it. Don't vote for Andrews or anyone who doesn't want our freedoms protected.

Stan Eddison
It's time Australians regained control of their own country

Rob Scudder
Excellent work. hold them accountable

Rob Smith
Rotten and corrupt to the core. Sack Dan. Unfit for office.

David Lamble
As a proud Victorian....I don't understand this state anymore.......If anyone votes for Dan Andrews, that make them a 'communist' themselves, something is seriously wrong in Victoria!

Dan Andrews is the kind of man that mothers warn children about.

Download: Trudeaus-vaccine-mandates-in-Canada-EXPOSED-in-court-documents-Redacted-with-Clayton-Morris-2022-08-20.mp4 - 16,674 kb
By: Redacted - 20th August 2022
Trudeau's vaccine mandates in Canada
EXPOSED in court documents
Redacted with Clayton Morris

A new lawsuit shows that the Canadian government issued vaccine travel mandates before there was any science on the matter. In fact, they decided on the mandates and then went looking for the science. That's not how these things should go!

Jim Bond
As a Canadian who chose not to be vaccinated, I want to explain something alot of people seem to have missed. When the hospitals were filling up as the clown mentioned us unvaccinated weren't allowed to go to the restaurants or sporting venues etc. So who was actually passing the infection around? Those frontline health workers who stood up for their beliefs and didn't get vaccinated were fired and now our hospitals are actually closing for days because of labour shortages

Vasilia Ayan
Fellow Canadian permanent resident. I giggled when I went to a hospital in downtown Windsor, ON. Walked right in during the supposed height of all this in the middle of 2020, not a single person in the emergency room waiting to be seen. They're all full of horse crap.

Shaney Collins
I always wondered how things like the holocaust, slavery, and the burning times happened with so many people supporting the mindless chaos - then Covid happened and it all made sense how that was possible.

Stephanie Ferraro
I am a very grateful American. The Canadian Truckers movement really woke up the WORLD to the tyranny we are all facing. Thank you Canada

Patricia O.
thanks to these gentlemen that took the case to the court and everyone involved in exposing it.

Trust the science, turns out there were no scientists involved.

Think Faster
Thank you for bringing awareness to all, on what is REALLY happening in Canada as well as around the world. You guys are AWSOME!! This leader is an absolute idiot.

Download: Law-Project-Veritas-James-OKeefe-Keynote-Speech-Turning-Point-USA-SAS2022-Villians-flee-2022-07-25.mp4 - 41,625 kb
By: ProjectVeritas - 25th July 2022
Project Veritas - James O'Keefe Keynote Speech
Turning Point USA #SAS2022 - VILLIANS FLEE

the deep state didn't have a problem with project Veritas until it was them getting exposed to the light.
keep up the great work team!!!

Anyone whose not a fan of Project Veritas is not a fan of the truth

friggin love this dude. keep up the good work!

That was pure magic. Stay safe James, this kind of corruption does not enjoy being exposed and embarrassed at such satisfying levels.

Release the messages. Take him down. Another one bites the dust.

nice touch wearing the shirt that says, press

He's the culture warrior Breitbart dreamed he would be I think.

Currupt judges deem it illegal
to expose governments behaving illegally!
15th April 2022

Currupt judges deem it illegal to expose governments behaving illegally

Download here: Law-News-Businesses-out-on-their-own-to-decide-whether-to-keep-COVID-19-vaccine-mandates-2022-03-24.mp4 - 25,009 kb
By: Newshub - 24th March 2022
Lawyer Up - Businesses out on their own to decide
whether to keep COVID-19 vaccine mandates

Watch political reporter Amelia Wade's report. Credits: Newshub.

"A bit of a mess." That's how one employment lawyer has described what's been left in the wake of COVID-19 vaccine mandates being lifted.

Employers are now out on their own to decide who does - and doesn't - have to be vaccinated. But there's still no official guidance and the COVID-19 Response Minister is even recommending bosses lawyer up before they make any decisions.

Down the stairs, buried below the streets of Wellington, bar owner Dominic Kelly has been scratching his head.

"It's a difficult problem, really," he told Newshub.

For the past 24 hours, he's been agonising over whether to remain a vaccine-only venue.

"When it becomes optional, we can realistically expect quite a lot of negative feedback if we continue to apply it but the problem is it's all we've got," he said.

It's the only protection he's got but people are already deleting the vaccine pass app.

"There's not a lot of guidance about what's at our disposal to protect ourselves."

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says there is time to plan, with the mandates still in place until April 4.

"Keep in mind of course this doesn't require an instant reaction for those workplaces," she said on Thursday.

To celebrate easing restrictions, the Prime Minister visited Auckland's Eden Park, which can hold all the events it likes without gathering limits from Friday.

But it's suddenly become very complicated for bosses thinking about whether to drop their own mandates.

"Each employer will have to make their own health and safety assessment and make their own decisions about how they keep their staff safe," employment lawyer Ethel Chey told Newshub.

But the official advice on Omicron health and safety assessments wasn't ready to go.

"That advice that we're wanting to make sure is prepared in a really timely way, we'll look to get it out there as soon as possible," Ardern said. "It may have already been provided."

It hasn't been.

The mandate rug is also ripped out from under schools.

"It's concerning that schools have to do that on an individual basis," says Whangarei Intermediate principal Hayley Read, who let two unvaccinated teachers go.

She wants to keep a vaccine mandate.

"I'll be asking my board to take a position of only hiring vaccinated staff."

But COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins told AM: "A board cant say we're just going to keep an across the board mandate in place."

He even told schools - and private bosses - to lawyer up if they want to keep their mandates.

"I'd suggest that they need to get good legal advice as they're making any such decision," Hipkins said.

Employment lawyer Ethel Chey said: "We have already been very busy."

Asked whether employers can ask new hires about their vaccination status, Chey said yes.

As for whether unvaccinated staff can be told to stop working from home, she said: "It is your right to require them to return to the office, however you also have a corresponding duty to keep them safe."

Ethel says what's tricky is not only is there no official advice yet, but no law.

So, to summarise it, she said: "It is a bit of a mess."

Arrest Warrant
for Jacinda Ardern
(Radio New Zealand) - 16th March 2022
Arrest Warrant for Jacinda Ardern

Download here: Covid-Crimes-A-Witness-Dr-Richard-Fleming-2022-03-09.mp4 - 343,683 kb
By Galleries.Vidflow.Co - 9th March 2022
The Cat is Out of the Bag!

The Cat is Out of the Bag!!!Dr. Richard Fleming gives a sworn testimony and acknowledges that COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and the Vaccines are literally Bioweapons - and so much more...


  • 00:00 - Play from Beginning
  • 00:20 - Oath
  • 00:56 - Credentials -
  • 02:50 - Part 1: Is COVID-19 A Bioweapon?
  • 15:40 - Part 2: The Cover-Up
  • 21:50 - Part 3: Are the Vaccines Effective?
  • 30:13 - Part 4: Are the Vaccines Safe?
  • 37:46 - Part 5: Are the Vaccines Bioweapons?
  • 48:38 - Part 6: Action Plan

Download: Lawyer-up-Australia-South-Australian-Health-Admit-They-Have-No-Evidence-to-Support-Jab-Mandates-Dropped-2022-03-06.mp4 - 2,936 kb
By: GTV - 6th March 2022
Lawyer up Australia
South Australian Health admit they have
no evidence to Support Jab - Mandates Dropped
The Cat is Out of the Bag!

24 hrs after South Australian Health finally disclosed they had *NO EVIDENCE* to support jab mandates, some mandates are being dropped.

The Cat is Out of the Bag!!!Brian Rundle
I wondered why the health officer for Queensland never seemed to cite any studies being done in Israel Japan, Denmark and other countries and never questioned the dogma coming out of the US CDC. They just made it up and millions of people have lost their businesses, being fired for not getting jabbed and now they are working on getting the kids all jabbed... The trust is gone...

The problem is businesses are following government orders. Need to sue the person that signed off on the public orders. In Victoria there are 3 persons that signed off the orders for mandatory vaccination. So all 3 health officers will need to be responsible for their actions under a civil lawsuit.

Julie Pet
God I hope the truth will hit everyone in the face!

Apparently the south Australian police are allowing unvax police back at work, with some not going to old folks homes etc. The plandemic. Great video again GTV

William Stanky
Lawyer up alright. Every single person, government or business that massaged Australia to tyranny in 2 years should face life imprisonment at a minimum.

Great to see that you still have focus Graham, and have not been distracted like so many of the so called awake alternative medias.
People need to maintain the rage against these criminals.

This was always part of the trap they laid, always the plan... many were saying the liability would eventually come back on small businesses and individuals... now begins the blame shifting game...

What about those who where forced to have jabs to keep their jobs ...they should sue as well

Armin Tamzarian
I lost my job for saying no to the jab, I eventually ended up getting it (I really didn't want to) when my life started falling apart. I feel I was coerced and bullied, and I want to take legal action, but I've got no idea where to start.

New Zealand High Court ENDS
Jacinda Ardern's Vaccine Mandate:
"It's a Gross Violation of Human Rights"
By: Derek Knauss - 6th March 2022

Jacinda Ardern is a VERY angry entity!


New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was left reeling on Friday after a High Court ruled that her vaccine mandate represented a "gross violation of human rights" for New Zealanders.

The landmark case means that the police and NZDF cannot be fired for refusing to take the experimental vaccine. This case will be used to overthrow all of Ardern's illegal mandates in New Zealand.

Justice Francis Cooke ruled that ordering frontline police officers and Defence staff to be vaccinated or face losing their job was not a "reasonably justified" breach of the Bill of Rights. reports: The lawyer for the police and Defence staff at the centre of the claim is now calling for the suspended workers to return to their jobs immediately, saying many have given decades of service to their community and are still committed to their jobs.

The challenge, put forward by a group of Defence force and police employees, questioned the legality of making an order under the Covid-19 Public Health Response Act to require vaccination for frontline employees.

The challenge was supported by a group of 37 employees affected by the mandate, who submitted written affidavits to the court.

Minister of Workplace Relations and Safety Michael Wood, Deputy Police Commissioner Tania Kura and NZDF Chief People Officer Brigadier Matthew Weston filed affidavits defending the mandate.

As it stands, 164 of the overall police workforce of nearly 15,700 were affected by the mandate after choosing not to be vaccinated. For NZDF, the mandate affected 115 of its 15,500 staff.

The group relied on two aspects of the Bill of Rights – the right to decline a medical procedure and the right to religious freedom.

On the religious freedom argument, a number of those who made submissions referred to their fundamental objection to taking the Pfizer vaccine, given that it was tested on the cells that were derived from a human foetus.

Justice Cooke agreed with the claim, saying that "an obligation to receive the vaccine which a person objects to because it has been tested on cells derived from a human foetus, potentially an aborted foetus, does involve a limitation on the manifestation of a religious belief."

However, Justice Cooke disagreed with the claimants' broader claims that requiring vaccination is inconsistent with holding religious beliefs more generally.

"I do not accept that a belief in an individual's bodily integrity and personal autonomy is a religious belief or practice. Rather it seems to me, in the circumstances of this case, to be a belief in the secular concept referred to in section 11 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act."

Justice Cooke also agreed with the claim that the mandate impinged on the right to decline a medical procedure.

The judge said that while it's clear the government isn't forcing Police and NZDF employees to get vaccinated against their will and they still have the right to refuse vaccination, the mandate presents an element of pressure.

"The associated pressure to surrender employment involves a limit on the right to retain that employment, which the above principles suggest can be thought of as an important right or interest recognised not only in domestic law, but in the international instruments," Justice Cooke stated.

But in considering the two claims, Justice Cooke also considered whether or not the mandate fell within the definitions laid out in the Covid-19 Public Health Response Act.

The court accepted that vaccination has a significant beneficial effect in limiting serious illness, hospitalisation, and death, including with the Omicron variant. However, it was less effective in reducing infection and transmission of Omicron than had been the case with other variants of Covid-19.

"In essence, the order mandating vaccinations for police and NZDF staff was imposed to ensure the continuity of the public services, and to promote public confidence in those services, rather than to stop the spread of Covid-19. Indeed health advice provided to the government was that further mandates were not required to restrict the spread of Covid-19. I am not satisfied that continuity of these services is materially advanced by the order," the Judge said.

"Covid-19 clearly involves a threat to the continuity of police and NZDF services. That is because the Omicron variant in particular is so transmissible. But that threat exists for both vaccinated and unvaccinated staff. I am not satisfied that the order makes a material difference, including because of the expert evidence before the court on the effects of vaccination on Covid-19 including the Delta and Omicron variants."

An additional claim that the mandate would disproportionately affect Māori was dismissed by Justice Cooke.

Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.

Download here: NZ-High-Court-ENDS-Jacinda-Arderns-Vaccine-Mandate-Its-a-Gross-Violation-of-Human-Rights-2022-03-01.mp4 - 2,988 kb
By: Carl Vernon - 1st March 2022
NZ High Court ENDS Jacinda Ardern's Vaccine Mandate:
"It's a Gross Violation of Human Rights"
1 dot Jacinda Ardern

What does trying to save face look like?… Hint - more LIES from Jacinda Ardern.

Evil hag.Henry Benedict
We can't let these people slide. Every single person promoting these unconstitutional mandates needs to be held accountable.

Every politician, police, doctor, media person, must be held accountable, in perpetuity. Financial penalties, and jail, are the LEAST of what they should face.

Chris Kerr
People died because of her actions, she needs to be held accountable.

Monika Szabo
This woman's arrogance and dismissive behaviour about her responsibility is scary. And she is a leader. Her face displays only two expressions: an ear to ear satisfied smile or a contempted pout - both very concerning.

Translation: I'm desperately trying to stay in power at this time. it wasn't me it was the high court and the "them" who came and asked for MORE mandates.

Download: Law-Wellington-High-Court-deemed-Mandates-unlawful-for-police-and-army-2022-02-28.mp4 - 4,890 kb
By: The View In Wellington - 28th February 2022
Wellington High Court deemed
Mandates unlawful for police and army

mary poppins
ALL Mandates are unlawful to ALL, as well as ALL the illegal legislation that was made to enforce, coherce and discriminate!!!!!!

The real question is why the Attorny general let these mandates be imposed in the first place when they where clearly against the bill of rights ?

Richard M
Sounds like it should be applied to everyone and not just those who can be used to quash public protests

Jacquie Williams
Mandates need to removed completely for all not just the cops and military. This has been criminal and discriminating

Gosh that must have been hard for these reporters to spit out. Almost choking on their words.

f4q ebutuoy
"Whats good for one, is good for all". Why should any citizen in our country have their rights denied simply because of their choice of occupation?

Jasper Horace
It's all on Ardern. Wonder what excuses for this she will come up with now. Perhaps she now might have to stop the control, the daily stand ups where she constantly sings her own praise and accept that she isn't always right. Imagine that, if you can. Of course she will be protected by all her tame (bribed) lackeys in the news media.

Download here: Law-Kiwi-Teachers-Are-Not-Giving-Up-Powerful-interview-with-senior-teacher-Rachel-Mortimer-2022-02-28.mp4 - 237,160 kb
By: Counterspin New Zealand - 28th February 2022
Kiwi Teachers Are Not Giving Up!
Powerful interview with senior teacher
Rachel Mortimer

This is a powerful and informative interview with Rachel Mortimer, a senior teacher and Head of Faculty, who is actively part of NZTSOS (New Zealand Teachers Speaking Out with Science.)

She wants you to know about an important case in the New Zealand high court starting next Thursday for the mandated teachers and doctors of NZ. This is hot on the heels of another High Court ruling on Thursday that the vaccine mandates for Police and Defence Force staff were unlawful.

Please help Counterspin Media bring you the facts and truths by donating at

DO YOU KNOW ANYONE WHO HAS JAB-REACTIONS or suffering shedding? Visit for information on upcoming webinars.

Download here: Law-What-is-a-Freedom-Claim-Affidavit-and-why-do-I-need-one-2022-02-17.mp4 - 160,185 kb
By: I love my freedom - 17th February 2022
What is a Freedom Claim Affidavit,
and why do I need one?

What is a Freedom Claim Affidavit, and why do I need one?

William Bisset interviews Shelley Richardson, creator of the 'I Love My Freedom' – Freedom-Claim Affidavit.

Take 30 minutes out of your busy schedule to sit and watch this video through.
This has answers to information a lot of people are talking about right now.
Gain understanding on the importance of this document and what it can provide to you and others, in these challenging times.

If you have more questions, please Contact Shelley on

Download: Q-John-Durham-Special-Prosecutor-Chapter-21-Reckoning-2022-02-12.mp4 - 5,317 kb
By: Eric D. Kirk - 12th February 2022
John Durham, Special Prosecutor
Chapter 21 | Reckoning

haynow beewv
The truth is coming. Nothing can stop it. God bless you and your family.

Lmao! These just keep getting better and better! I'm sure anyone walking by my office is wondering why I'm laughing! Great work!!! God bless you sir!

vicky santiago
Amen. God bless you John Durham, Special Prosecutor.

Janice McMahan
Thank you for your great sense of humor and you really, really do look like Durham. He has to be watching these and laughing his ass off. We all need humor in these stressful times cause it really does help doesn't it? Keep making us laugh !! You are awesome !!

Sharon Potts
I look forward to you, Erik/John it's always very interesting. I'm always checking out the pics and background....just in case. Next one's on me. Stay Frosty!

The only thing I will say is "Let's go Brandon, FJB!" Tried of this tyranny, I. it ends soon, God Bless you sir!

Benjamin Bond
As always Eric, your timing is impeccable.

Sum Dum Gai
Go John Durham!
Thank you for your service!
Bless your heart.
This was AWESOME!

Download: Law-Special-Report-Kiwi-Citizens-Initiate-Arrest-of-Health-Minister-Andrew-Little-2022-02-02.mp4 - 79,212 kb
By: Counterspin New Zealand - 2nd February 2022
Special Report: Kiwi Citizens Initiate
Arrest of NZ Health Minister
Andrew Little

Plan to arrest the New Zealand Minister of Health

Brett Power, a Taranaki Engineer, has initiated the arrest of Health Minister Andrew Little, the charge – culpable murder.

A 30 page Statement of Claim has been accepted by the high court, charge sheet has been drawn up and will be presented at the New Plymouth police station on Friday, February 4.

The police will be given then opportunity to make the arrest, if they fail to carry out their duty, a citizens arrest will be made in accordance with the New Zealand crimes act where a citizen requires no warrant to make an arrest if someone is known to have caused harm.

Special Report: Kiwi Citizens Initiate Arrest of Health Minister Andrew Little

I have been informed that my Statement of Claim (submitted on 22 .12.2021) against the Minister of Health has been accepted by the High Court Registrar and the case outlining the details of the falsifying and suppression of millions of adverse effects upon those who were given the Pfizer serum, as is clearly shown in the lodged court documents accepted by the High Court Registrar is now currently being examined by a High Court Justice.

Given the urgency to this matter and the seriousness of the continuing crime causing continuing culpable murder to large numbers of the community this matter will now be presented in a formal written complaint to the New Plymouth Police station at 12.00 noon on the upcoming Friday 4 the Feb 2021.

A formal written request, asking for the police to immediately receive this written complaint and immediately respond in writing with the issue of a complaint number and a police action (investigation) will be made.

Myself and the accompanying members of the public will remain at the New Plymouth Police station until the complaint is formally responded in a written acknowledgement from the Police.

The official complaint in regarding the current on going criminal acts being perpetuated, needs to be acted on within 24 hours.

If no action is taken by the police within 24 hours then at 12 noon on the following day the people will assemble outside the Taranaki property address of the Minister of Health Andrew James Little, and make an arrest of the Minister of Health under s35 of the Crimes Act 1961, and declare that the Minister must accompany them to the police station in New Plymouth.

Crimes Act 1961

35 Arrest of persons found committing certain crimes

Every one is justified in arresting without warrant -

(a) any person whom he or she finds committing any offence against this Act for which the maximum punishment is not less than 3 years' imprisonment

Under s172 of the Crimes Act 1961,

(1) Every one who commits (culpable) murder is liable to imprisonment for life.

So in this case as murders have been committed such as upon Rory Wilson, a formally young and fit man, who died from a heart attack after taking the Pfizer serum and whose body was examined by a coroner, whose report stated the cause of death was from the Pfizer serum,then the Minister of Health is to be held accountable for culpable murder.

It is my hope that we can get hundreds and preferably thousands to turn up on Friday 4 Feb 2022 outside the New Plymouth Police station at 12 noon in support.

And then thousands to turn up to arrest the Minister of Health Andrew James Little at his place of residence in Taranaki or at any other place that he may be located

Time is of the essence

We must act now.

If you have any thoughts or can help

Please contact me asap

Regards Brett Power

Mobile 0284 365 145


Support Is Needed It's Time To Stand

4th February 2022 New Plymouth Police Station 11.30am


Kiwi Freedom Hunters NZ
Channel to share resources evidence and organise to serve legal documents and take down the criminal cabal in NZ.

Download: Law-International-Tribunals-Start-Next-Week-Gates-Fauci-Tedros-etc-FACE-THE-DEATH-PENALTY-2022-02-01.mp4 - 179,002 kb
By: James Red Pills America - 1st February 2022
BREAKING! International Tribunals Start Next Week!
Gates, Fauci, Tedros etc FACE THE DEATH PENALTY!

Patriots, get ready for the LATEST BOMBSHELL UPDATE with Dr. Reiner Fullmich! This is a 3-PART COMPILATION, in which Dr. Reiner Fullmich confirmed that an INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL will be starting as early as next week. He goes on to say that SEVERAL LEGAL ACTIONS are also taking place in South Africa, India, Poland, and Canada. Bill Gates faces the death penalty in India, but you will NOT hear a word in the complicit mainstream media about that, let alone the fact that Anthony Fauci, Dr. Tedros, General Director of WHO and Mr. Christian Drosten (the lying idiot who pushed the useless PCR test to no end) ARE ALSO FACING THE DEATH PENALTY! This video also includes an interview of tremendous hope enhanced by a SPIRITUAL FORCE that will turn a seemingly IRREVERSIBLE and DEMONIC PLAN to DUST!

This interview BLOWS UP the fake news narratives and DROPS A MOAB on the EVIL DOERS of this DYSTOPIAN & NIGHTMARISH FARCE and was IMMEDIATELY CENSORED & REMOVED by YouTube and Facebook (also complicit in CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY)! Dr. Fuellmich of the German Corona Investigative Committee, explains in FANTASTIC & VIVID detail what the Committee's first lawsuit will accomplish. He says many people call it Nuremberg 2.0.

In this MIND-BLOWING interview, Dr. Fuellmich also talks about spirituality, which he believes will play an important role in humanity's evolving and winning this case; in not giving up and in a future new society which Reiner believes will be based on local or regional societies, with local supplies, and regional trade. Dr. Fuellfeels that about 30% of the population are awake and can no longer be fooled, while another 40% are in the process of waking up – demonstrating throughout Europe, what has so far been mostly hidden by the mainstream media, and CAN NO LONGER BE SILENCED!

Download: Law-Special-Report-Undeclared-Nanotech-found-in-New-Zealands-Pfizer-Jabs-Government-on-Notice-2022-02-01.mp4 - 149,534 kb
By: Counterspin New Zealand - 1st February 2022
Special Report:
Undeclared Nanotech found in
New Zealand's Pfizer Jabs

- Government on Notice -

Bombshell evidence of nanotech particulates in the Pfizer Comirnaty injection have been found by NZ scientists and has resulted in the government being put on notice.

After being denied a meeting with the Director General of Health and other health officials, the information was presented to a Health Select Committee through lawyer Sue Grey where again attempts were made to stop the information from being presented.

Dr Matthew Shelton talks to Sue Grey about the findings and Donna Pokere-Phillips, a Maori Minister of the People outside of parliament, discusses being part of the event and what the findings mean and why she the agrees that the government is now on notice for crimes against humanity.

The fact that the injection includes such ingredients should be of concern to all New Zealanders. Share this far and wide.

If you want to support our work:

Nanotech in the shots? - from

For those who just want the short story: Here's the picture of one drop of New Zealand's Pfizer COMIRNATY "vaccine" under a cover slip, after it was inadvertently heated lightly, and viewed the same day through dark field microscopy at low magnification, projected onto a TV monitor.

Here’s the picture of one drop of New Zealand’s Pfizer COMIRNATY vaccine under a cover slip, after it was inadvertently heated lightly, and viewed the same day through dark field microscopy at low magnification, projected onto a TV monitor

These images below are after a new computer with decent graphics was purchased along with software for the camera.

Nanotech in the shots

Nanotech in the shots

Magnification increased on the image below - look closely.

Nanotech in the shots

Nanotech in the shots

The long story goes like this:

I am a physician in good standing, having a background in mathematics and physics from university, then specialized beyond internal medicine after residency. I've had extensive phase contrast microscopy experience.

People who were injured by the Pfizer jab started showing up in my practice. At this time in 2021, I didn't have a microscope.

Several doctors had come forward in other countries to report strange observations. Dr. Zandre Botha from South Africa showed the uniform strange round circles. La Quinta Columna showed what appeared to be microchips and other formations. Two other doctors talked about parasites and of all things, hydras!

This is not my first rodeo. Having previously experienced how those of us that critically look at the vaccine situation are heavily infiltrated by persons wishing to divert and control the narrative, I thought, "What is real?", "What is put forth in order to lead questioners to look like fools?"

Because of my previous extensive microscopy experience, learning to use a dark field microscope didn't take a huge amount of education. I took a 12 week course on live blood analysis using the most sophisticated dark field microscope and camera, that my money could buy. It magnifies up to 4000x.

After having a close look at the blood of dozens of vaccine injured people, patients started asking me about certain round and square bright yellow formations in their capillary blood as seen on the screen.

After having a close look at the blood of dozens of vaccine injured people, patients started asking me about certain round and square bright yellow formations in their capillary blood as seen on the screen

After having a close look at the blood of dozens of vaccine injured people, patients started asking me about certain round and square bright yellow formations in their capillary blood as seen on the screen

After having a close look at the blood of dozens of vaccine injured people, patients started asking me about certain round and square bright yellow formations in their capillary blood as seen on the screen

Nothing in the textbooks identified such things, and various people doing similar work, suggested that they might be crystals or some sort of slide or cover slip anomaly. At first, I just told the patients that it wasn't important—possibly uric acid or something like that.

Then several "empty" vials of Pfizer COMIRNATY vaccine were obtained. I trust the source of the shots 100%. The vials were from recent leftover vaccine after the shots had been given.

On a Friday in December, alone in my office, I took the vials out, thawed, and examined them. I drew up all the contents (just a few drops in each one) from each vial into a 3cc syringe with a 16G needle and put one drop of it on a slide with a cover slip, and another slide with a drop of vaccine mixed with a drop of human blood and put a cover slip on it.

The images that follow are from the different slides and were taken immediately after the slides were made...

I love tyranny!The above is only a part of the original and very exhaustive research. Needless to say, it just keeps getting worse.

Whatever you do, please DO NOT get the government sanctioned Covid Injections! It's GENOCIDE!

After having a close look at the blood of dozens of vaccine injured people, patients started asking me about certain round and square bright yellow formations in their capillary blood as seen on the screen

How to Deliver a Notice of Liability to Your Employer

29th January 2022

The following is a back-up copy from:

Are you OK with this?

Are you OK with individuals having to choose between feeding their families and undergoing a potentially fatal experimental medical procedure which has shown to have a negative benefit. In other words, not only are the C-19 injections harmful but they may worsen Covid-19, alter immunity and destroy herd immunity, not to speak of the adverse events. All this for a flu-like illness for which being healthy is the best defence.

Are you OK with young children being injected with an experimental intervention for a disease, no greater than the sniffles and that does not protect their families?

Around the world, citizens are standing up.

We understand that it is a difficult time. Families and communities have been needlessly torn apart. Speaking out risks loss, anger and humiliation.

However, not speaking out is being complicit; complicit in tyranny, coercion, removal of choice and censorship.

The main premise is to place those complicit with supporting and/or administering the injections on notice and make them aware of the harm they are causing by continuing the vaccine roll out. The evidence supporting the dangers of the injections is overwhelming and those supporting the injection need to be made aware of these dangers and avoid causing harm by their action or inaction. The failure to inform and warn the people of New Zealand is considered a failure to act to prevent harm. It is thus our duty to raise awareness among those complicit.

The server of the NoL (Notice of Liability) has a duty to warn the people of NZ of the harm caused to them. The recipient has a duty to comprehend the content of the NoL and either counter the warning or cease and desist from causing harm. Serving the NoL prevents the recipient from having "plausible deniability" meaning the recipient cannot claim they did not know or comprehend the dangers caused by the vaccination. A counter claim or rebuttal must be submitted in order to defend their position. A judge must recognise this as a lawful process and costs cannot be awarded if a chance to raise a counter claim and rebuttal was provided but not carried out.

How to Deliver a Notice of Liability

The main premise is to place those complicit with supporting and/or administering the injections on notice and make them aware of the harm they are causing by continuing the vaccine roll out. The evidence supporting the dangers of the injections is overwhelming and those supporting the injection need to be made aware of these dangers and avoid causing harm by their action or inaction. The failure to inform and warn the people of New Zealand is considered a failure to act to prevent harm. It is thus our duty to raise awareness among those complicit.

The server of the NoL has a duty to warn the people of NZ of the harm caused to them. The recipient has a duty to comprehend the content of the NoL and either counter the warning or cease and desist from causing harm. Serving the NoL prevents the recipient from having "plausible deniability" meaning the recipient cannot claim they did not know or comprehend the dangers caused by the vaccination. A counter claim or rebuttal must be submitted in order to defend their position. A judge must recognise this as a lawful process and costs cannot be awarded if a chance to raise a counter claim and rebuttal was provided but not carried out.

A Notice of Liability can be served to any organisation or business that is administering the injection and / or requiring a vaccine passport. We suggest serving school boards and principals and vaccine centres. Small businesses, such as cafes can be served but please be polite and compassionate to your fellow human beings.

Keep notes and photos in your organisations of who has been served. We are working with other groups to set up a database / portal and will advise via our newsletter and website at the time. If people say they have been served but there is doubt, do it again. It has been suggested that recipients are served three times.


Here is a suggested conversation from the World Council for Health legal committee.


I've come in to help you avoid criminal charges. Please be advised.

I/we are here to serve a Cease and Desist legal notice on you /persons in this facility, with regards to the C19 jabs.

You are hereby informed that these jabs are dangerous experiments, which global experts are raising alarm bells about, because they can and do cause injury and death. Criminal cases have been launched overseas in this regard. Over 300 people in New Zealand have died following these jabs, including children, most without any investigations by the government.

This document also contains a personal notice of liability, should any person be injured or killed as a result of jabs being administered here/or customers/clients being discriminated against based on jab status (USE WHICHEVER IS APPROPRIATE TO VENUE) by anyone.

Please take the time to read this document, and lets do what is right to protect health and lives. Even if if you disagree that there is a problem, events may prove you wrong in retrospect.

Please sign this document as acknowledgment of receipt. If you refuse to do so, I/we will affix the legal notice to the door of this facility, and take a photograph and video as evidence of service.

Thank you for cooperating. You can find more information at the following websites: and"

You can also say (although it is written) "that ignorance ie not reading the notice, is no protection." You can reiterate that "you are trying to help them avoid legal action."


While you can video the encounter, you don't need to. You can just make a recording of you handing the notice to the individual(s) and emphasise you are protecting their privacy, beyond writing their name.

You can also remind them (not essential) that the employer can be held vicariously liable for actions of the employees.

In the early "field trials" in the vaccine centers and businesses in South Canterbury, about 80% of recipients have been friendly / embarrassed / shocked or curious. About 20% have refused to engage or have been stroppy.

Be prepared that vaccine centres and medical centres may be pre-prepared, saying, that this is not legal and to leave the premises. The document can be placed on the ground a meter away from them and it is served. Photo evidence would be helpful. The notice can be taped to the door or entrance-way with identifying features of the business included in the photo.

It is advisable to present a notice in a group of two or three, but try not to talk over each other and listen respectfully. The document does the talking, you just need to give it to them. Obviously, some chats may take place, and many business owners may confide they are trapped into cooperating with the government. However, they still make a choice that may have consequences for them. Some may feel they need to download their situations and feelings to you.

Please be prepared to don a mask if someone seems genuinely frightened of you or they ask, and you can cope with it. The victory is by the serving the notice, not through a battle of wills.

You might also ask if they personally know of any friends, family or co-workers who have been injured. You can emphasise that it is very unusual for this level of injuries to be associated with a vaccine roll-out. Be careful not to be giving inappropriate medical, political or conspiracy comment. This is purely a legal document.

If the individual refuses to sign, just write the name of the business, and the time and date so that in court the business's roster can be used to identify who was present. If it was a frightened underling, tell them to pass it on to the boss so their responsibility is devolved, and to record they have done so.

If placed on the floor within a meter of the person or on the door it is deemed served.

Thank them for giving you the chance to help them, even if they are stroppy. Many will read the document once you have left. Reports from the UK indicate that angry recipients after throwing the notice in the bin, pull it out later when they thought no-one was looking.

Silent acquiescence in the face of tyranny is no better than outright agreement.

Download: Law-Liz-Lambert-encourages-employees-to-down-tools-with-Section-83-of-the-Health-and-Safety-at-Work-Act-2022-01-23.mp4 - 86,558 kb
By: Counterspin New Zealand - 23rd January 2022
Liz Lambert encourages employees
to down tools with Section 83
of the Health & Safety at Work Act

Ardern Cancels Her Wedding, Punishes Unjabbed with Red Alert to Cover Up Waitangi Shenanigans

Episode 52

New Zealand's "unvaccinated" are again being punished with more confusing rules and regulations as the globalists plunge NZ into the red light of the Traffic Light System.

After "omicron outbreak" detected, the jabbed continue to enjoy more privileges than the unjabbed.

We are joined by Liz Lambert, Employment Specialist and former lawyer, who encourages employees to down tools with Section 83 of the Health & Safety at Work Act.

Following that, Carlene Hereora updates us on the shenanigans going on up at Waitangi, where the Prime Minister and the Governor General were part of fake Waitangi Day celebration pre-record.

FB Group Section 83

Be sure to join Alex Jones and Infowars on GETTR! Save the future and join the next Renaissance by following these accounts for breaking news and exclusive information today!

Kelvyn Alp
Businesses destroyed, suicides up, vaccine is a weapon, there is no pandemic. Arrest Jacinda and all politicians / media etc who enabled these crimes against humanity and this genocide program. You have the right to self defence - use it.

There is everything awesome about a 'campervan studio'. It has a feel of being on the ground, mobile and up to the minute reporting. Love the commitment, God is good! Excellent Episode. Love the humour! Great calls to action. Appreciate the assumptions you are making about your intelligent and awake audience.

I wouldnt take the jab if my life depended on it. Im 65 and had the flu maybe 4 times in my life, not sure cos they were all when i was a kid and thats going back a few haircuts now. I can be in a 2 meter by 2 meter room with 6 people who have the flu, and we are smoking bud, AND STILL, I cant catch it, so why the hell would I listen to the Soros funded to power, NWO commie shill, the dems lick her arse whenever shes in the US, she obv believes what they say. Rumour is DAVOS gave her $200 million, anyone can confirm they have heard that too?
Lets Go Lucinda
Wellington NZ

that dumb whore still thinking about marriage when she helped kill all those kids with covid mandates?? what a sick disgusting whore from Babylon sick bitch!!! 2022

Did none of you get what Kelvyn was talking about with Section 83? Nothing to do with facebook! Section 83 is NZ legislation for Workers rights. It mentions that anyone can file it against their boss, to claim their workspace is no longer healthy due to vaccine mandates. So they legally have to continue to pay you at home or until the issue is resolved by persuading your boss to end the mandates. (NZ only). Crimes Act 1961 also can be used against mask mandates, as it states you cannot suphocate anyone for any reason. resistance is also key.

Download here: Law-Ordering-police-off-sovereign-land-in-Australia-2022-01-14.mp4 - 8,905 kb
By: therobprimo - 14th January 2022
Ordering police off
sovereign land in Australia

I'm done with corporate Nazi's who have no concerns for their fellow citizens

Standing up for themselves & the sovereignty of their land- "We are the beneficiaries- we are not violent. I need all of your names & numbers so you can be discharged." God be with you.

Look at these turnips trying to get their call of duty on .....they need to grow up .

That dogs like I'll see you the f*ck off my yard thanks

Boss level right there! Listen and learn those words!

Download here: Law-The-Power-of-exercising-your-right-to-remain-silent-to-keep-out-of-the-enemies-jurisdiction-2022-01-05.MP4 - 16,047 kb
By: Het Nieuwe Normaal - 5th January 2022
The Power of exercising
Your Right to Remain Silent
to keep out of the enemies jurisdiction

You need to place yourself outside of Maritime Jurisdiction, and place yourself back into Physical Land Law.

The way you do this is by REMAINING SILENT.

If someone asks you a question, whether it is a policeman, someone in the court room, or a council, you can simply say: "I would like to remain silent."

If they continually pressure you, say: "Do I have the right to remain silent?"

They will say: "Yes of course you do..." and then remain silent. Do NOT say your name and do not sign anything.

Download here: Law-Police-ordered-to-GET-OUT-by-Queensland-cafe-owner-and-Angry-Locals-2022-01-03.mp4 - 104,365 kb
By: Milika*Creative*ARTS - 3rd January 2022
Police ordered to GET OUT by
Queensland cafe owner & Angry Locals

To STAND, and know your right. Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie

Aussie Cossack You Tube:

Local man kicks police out of his cafe The Vintage Apron in Capalaba Central, Queensland. Excellent work by bystanders and members of the public who flocked to his assistance. Great work team Australia! A Win to the People! #WinToThePeople #FilmThePolice
Lets all leave them a 5 Star Google Review - Tell them the Cossack sent you:

James Larkin
As bad as it's been here in the US with mandates, and it's been bad! I've been watching your Country. The tyranny brought on to Australia's citizens by their so-called elected officials cannot go unpunished! They have completely lost their way! Keep fighting Australia and hold them accountable! Americans support Australians and their fight for Freedom!

kevw mobile
It's time to stand up and against tyranny. Love to see the customers stand up.

Captain Canuck
I wish more of my countrymen would stand up to police tyranny.The faster we do the faster this bs ends.

Shane Baird
This is what we all need to do. No more compliance.

Gary Schaaf
The people in Australia needs to resist and do not ever comply.

Edward Murphy
This was a beautiful thing to watch! Everyone uniting together to protect a fellow brother's place of business.

Jennifer Lynn Lyon
Law enforcement has no idea how much trouble their really in. Fight back Australia!

William Wilson
This is B.S. all the government's are trying to do this. I'm glad to see common sense people standing their ground!

Learn Common / Natural Law.
Know Your God Given Rights!
Famous Quotes about Law.

Five Elements of Common Law:

  1. Claim - Notice of Demand
  2. Create - Notice of Remedy
  3. Exert - Notice of Breach of Default
  4. Court Process - Form Filing
  5. Enforce - Court Hearing

Common Law Contract:

  1. Offer
  2. Acceptance
  3. An intention to enter legal relations
  4. Sufficient consideration
  5. A capacity to contract
  6. Legality of purpose
  7. Genuine consent
  8. Certainty of terms

Flesh & Blood Man of God:

Lower case name: is a proper noun name written in accordance with the rules of English grammar & prescriptions of law.

Uppercase name: There is no provision in English grammar for the capitalization of proper nouns, except for banks and / or governments to create an entity for commercial purposes.

Definitions: A commercial entity - artificial person – colour of law – straw man – trade name – Front man – property – debtor – person – legal fiction.

Corporations do not have any authority, they can only be contracting parties, and therefore anything they do must be done by consent.

United Nations Universal Declaration of Human
Rights – Article 18:

"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."

The world runs on the initiative of about 5% of the people; the rest need orders:

The consensus of the other 95% on the subject of one's relationship with: government – banks – tax agencies – courts and corporations (all separate realms) is defective in that such inert abstractions have been accorded superiority over living beings.

Governments are mere transitory mental contrivances set up by the clever few for the purpose of living off the efforts of the trusting many – a generalization, yes, but also the truth.

Without Prejudice UCC1-207 (without impairing any pre existing right)

"I reserve my right not to be compelled to preform under any contract or commercial agreement that I did not enter knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally. And furthermore, I do not accept the liability of the compelled benefit of any unrevealed contract or commercial agreement."

Matthew 18:15-18 "Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican. Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."

Matthew 5:25 "Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison."

Luke 12:58 "When thou goest with thine adversary to the magistrate, [as thou art] in the way, give diligence that thou mayest be delivered from him; lest he hale thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and the officer cast thee into prison."

The Church is an alternative that operates according to the perfect law of liberty. This is why historians called the early church a "viable republic in the heart of the Roman empire" as opposed to what we see today, a social club of mutual superstitions.

Ultimately the court we should be concerned about Is His Holy Court, which we will all face someday.

Wise Quotes:

"How can you be liberated if you do not know that you are a slave?"

"If you stand for nothing, you shall fall for everything."

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporal safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell

"If you have nothing to die for, you have nothing to live for."

"Are men the property of the state? Or are they free souls under God?"

"For every action there is an equal and opposite government program."

The Catechism of the Catholic Church #2242:

"The citizen is obliged in conscience not to follow the directives of Civil Authorities, when they are contrary to the demands of the moral order, to the fundamental rights of persons, or the teachings of the Gospel. Refusing obedience to Civil Authorities when their demands are contrary to those of an upright conscience, finds its justification in the distinction between serving God and serving the political community."

The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years - by Alexander Fraser Tytler:

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.

The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith
From spiritual faith to great courage
From courage to liberty
From liberty to abundance
From abundance to complacency
From complacency to apathy
From apathy to dependence
From dependence back into bondage"

The World We Live In (Michael Ellner)

"Doctors destroy health,
lawyers destroy justice,
psychiatrists destroy minds,
scientists destroy truth,
major media destroys information,
religions destroy spirituality and
governments destroy freedom."

Corrupt judges deem it illegal to
expose governments behaving illegally!

Corrupt judges deem it illegal to expose governments behaving illegally

Miranda Warning
Your right to remain silent
Nobody talks / Everybody walks!
Most people are carried to jail by their mouth - not their legs!

Miranda Warning - Your right to remain silent

Miranda Warning - Your right to remain silent

Page Footer...
[Everything below this line is repeated on most pages]

We are fighting a spiritual war
10th August 2024
Paris Olympics - We are fighting a spiritual war!
Revelation 18:2 "And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

Hard Times Create Strong Men...
Hard Times Create Strong Men - Strong Men Create Good Times - Good Times Create Weak Men - Weak Men Create Hard Times.

Some people wouldn't know
tyranny if it bit them on the ass!
Some people wouldn't know tyranny if it bit them on the ass!

Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!
Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!

This is a question that stupid
people & traitors cannot answer:
Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?
This is a question that stupid people & traitors cannot answer: Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!
30th June 2023
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!

Being awake isn't cool. It means having to dumb down 98% of your conversations every day, so you don't sound like a lunatic.

Attitude to monsters after putting up with their shit since late 2019...

Plan F - The Fuck Off plan!

When people you don't even know hate you, That's when you know you're the best.

mRNA jabs are doing the job
slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!
30th June 2023
mRNA jabs are doing the job slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!

20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities
It's called GENOCIDE!
13th June 2023
20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities - It's called GENOCIDE!

"A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030"
It's called GENOCIDE!
12th May 2023
A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030 - It's called GENOCIDE!

World Economic Forum - Committed to Enslaving the Whole World

Nothing says "Trust the Science"
like asking for the data
to be hidden for 75 years!
18th March 2023
Nothing says Trust the Science like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years! Shhhhh....

Superheroes bow down to the
Big Pharma / Businessmen / Doctors
11th February 2023
It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT
26th November 2022
Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT

The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get
jabbed is like sending a post card from
the Titanic saying: "Wish you were here!"
20th November 2022
The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: Wish you were here!

Ten Stages of Genocide
As taught by WEFers Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau etc - August 2022

Ten Stages of Genocide

The Good Reset
Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's,
Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

28th July 2022
The Good Reset - Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's, Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

Covid Variant / Booster
The Merry Go Round From Hell
22nd December 2021

Covid Variant / Booster - Merry Go Round From Hell

Experimental Injections
Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel
13th November 2021

Experimental Injections - Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel

Death is coming for you stupid!

I am fully Vaccinated and Boostered, and just tested positive for Covid-19. I am grateful for the protection my vaccines continue to provide.

The 5-Step COVID 'Vaccine' RISK / BENEFIT ANALYSIS - September 2021

Trump's swamp draining service

When the population understands this picture, it will change everything.

"You can fool all the people some of the time.
You can fool some of the people all the time.
But you cannot fool all the people all the time!"

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Attributed to Edmund Burke. Also by John F. Kennedy in a speech in 1961.

The Great Cow Analogy

Donald J. Trump - They should never have touched the children!
'They should never have touched the children!'
Donald J. Trump - President of the United States of America

'They should never have touched the children!!' President Donald J. Trump

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Abortion: Modern Day Child Sacrifice
Psalms 106:37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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If someone accuses you of wearing a tinfoil hat...,
remind them that it's better than wearing a blindfold!

Q - Apr 17 2020 - We are ready. [Set 1] Mission good. Q Q
"Where We Go One, We Go All"
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Q President John F. Kennedy