The Punisher treason: noun: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government
White Hats
Embrace the sometimes painful truth of reality
Remain in the blissful ignorance of illusion
If there is no such thing as a CONSPIRACY - why is the word CONSPIRACY in the dictionary?
Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'   Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell
Click here... Stockholm Syndrome is also a result of Governmental / Pharmaceutical / Media Propaganda
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL and Embraces GENOCIDE

Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?

2024 and 2023
> 2024 and 2023 . > 2022 . > 2021 and prior

Q What is Common Law? - Harm no one / Cause no loss / Live in honour
Q Your Common Law rights versus Statute Law - The difference between Lawful and Legal
Video Arrested For Booing While People Clap - Arizona mayor terrorizes citizen for having a differing opinion! - 2nd October 2024
Video Queensland "POLICE" stop search "BIKIE" and false arrest!!! - [Thugs, Morons & Dickheads disguised as Peace Officers] - 27th September 2024
Video The Herald Settle Outside Of Court In Chantelle Baker's Defamation Case! - 26th September 2024
Video Short Victory Speech - Janine Arabella is now the unrebutted Commander In Chief of the Ministry of Health and of New Zealand - 21st September 2024
Video Ex District Health Board Worker Janine Arabella Files Liability Notices, Liens & Affidavits Against the NZ Government! - 12th September 2024
Video Minnie Brown is going to lay charges against Ashley Bloomfield for Treason etc on 13th September 2024 - Others to follow - 6th September 2024
Video Kansas SUES PFIZER For Lying About The Effectiveness of C19 Vaccine! - 4th September 2024
Video Violent Covid-Cops finally GET SMASHED in Court by Lockdown Protester - 3rd September 2024
Video Janine Arabella filing her Wellington Statement - National Debt Now Paid Off! - Gov't Complicit in Crimes Against Humanity - 19th July 2024
Video Yes, Pfizer and Moderna can be sued for vaccine injuries - here's how - 8th July 2024
Video The Reckoning Is Here: Trump's Military Tribunal Bombshell Rocks America. Jail time for Biden, Harris etc - 4th July 2024
Video Kansas sues Pfizer over COVID-19 vaccine - 19th June 2024
Video Pfizer court case, Kansas - for Willingly and Knowingly Deceiving and Killing the Public - 19th June 2024
Video Multiple US states sue Pfizer for Misleading the Public about Covid 19 Vaccine Risks - 18th June 2024
Video Kansas sues Pfizer alleging it 'misled' the public about safety of COVID vaccine - 18th June 2024
Video Judge slams police for using 'unlawful violence' against COVID protesters | 7 News Australia - 11th May 2024
Video Judge Rules Victoria Police Violence 'Unjustified & Unlawful' in Covid Lockdown Protest - 11th May 2024
Video Judge SCOLDS dishonest cops as Australian freedom fighter Nick Patterson wins case! - 2nd May 2024
Video Cincinnati's First Black Female Judge Arrested, Dragged Out Of Court & Disbarred - 28th April 2024
Video Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski Stands Up to the Illegal and Disgusting NZ Government Censorship Demands | Clip - 24th April 2024
Video Employment Relations Authority threatening Liz Gunn & NZ Loyal with fines and prison, if Barry Young's COVID VACCINE DEATHS data is not removed. - 17th April 2024
Video The DISGUSTING Crimes of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu - Execution, the inevitable result of TREASON - 6th April 2024
Video Honest Government Ad | Whistleblower Protection Laws - Persecute the whistleblowers and exonerate the criminals - 28th February 2024
Video Pauline Hanson vindicated - COVID-19 Jab Mandates Exposed as Unlawful in Queensland - 28th February 2024
Video Mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for Qld police officers and nurses ruled unlawful - 28th February 2024
Video The Australian Senate has acknowledged the EXCESS DEATHS and the need for further inquiry! - 27th February 2024
Video Mandatory COVID vaccines for police and nurses unlawful, says Qld Supreme Court - 27th February 2024
Q Queensland Supreme Court declares Police and Ambulance [Covid] vaccine mandates unlawful - 26th February 2024
Q Australian court rules employers who mandated jab legally liable for injuries - 16th February 2024
Q Hastings truck driver who refused Covid jab gets $29,000 payout for wrongful dismissal - 12th February 2024
Video Justin Trudeau Roasted by Canada Court: Using emergency powers to quell "freedom convoy" in 2022 deemed unjustified and disproportionate! - 25th January 2024
Video Angry citizen disrupts Aransas Pass city council meeting - [Then the council is SUED!] - 20th January 2024
Q Vaccination injury compensable: employment "a significant contributing cause" to pericarditis (South Australia) - 19th January 2024
Video Billy Te Kahika's prison sentence for Covid-19 lockdown protest overturned on appeal - 22nd December 2023
Video NZCCI - Launch of the NZ Citizen Covid-19 Inquiry - 19th December 2023
Video Swarm of dirty Cops try to kick BAT off public property in Concord California - 7th December 2023
Video Liz Gunn calls for Jacinda Ardern to be forced to return to NZ, with her passport held and tried for democide - 6th December 2023
Q Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield's fluoridation orders unlawful - court rules! - 14th November 2023
Video MUST WATCH: Philippines Government committee votes in favour to launch investigation into over 327,000 unexplained excess deaths between 2021 and 2022 - 8th November 2023
Video You can now get ACC for Covid Vaccine Injuries, as previously NO ONE was able to make an 'informed decision' about the RISKS - 31st October 2023
Video What Can You Do If a Mob Surrounds Your Car? - Run them over? Shoot them? Surrender? - 25th October 2023
Video "OH SHIT! Pfizer is heading for bankruptcy?! Mega Vaccination Hesitancy" - FRAUD: Pfizer switched vaccines & deceived everyone!- 18th October 2023
Q WHO owns the ATO? [Australian Taxation Office] - Clue: it is not the Australians! - 20th September 2023
Q PFIZER / SOUTH AFRICAN VACCINE CONTRACT REVEALED - Our Government has been lying to us! - 9th September 2023
Q I WILL NOT COMPLY - Mandatory = Not a Law! Required = Not a Law! Mandated = Not a Law! - 7th September 2023
Q JAG Sentences 10 Clot Shot-Loving Physicians to Hang - [JAG: Army Judge Advocate General's Corps] - 27th August 2023
Video Australian Senate Hearing: Overwhelming evidence. Pfizer / Big Pharma deceived the public and has VOIDED their INDEMNITY! - 10th August 2023
Video 5 Corrupt Politicians Realize They've Been Caught - And How They LIE To Escape! - 7th August 2023
Q Lawyer and anti-Covid vaccine campaigner Sue Grey found NOT to have breached conduct standards - 4th August 2023
Video Senior ABC journalist caught on hot mic making 'astonishing' COVID admission - 31st July 2023
Video Covid Is Genocide - A Biological Warfare Crime - Dr. David Martin Speaks To The European Parliament - "Vaccines do not work on Coronavirus..." - 24th June 2023
Video Man Handles Tyrants Like a Boss - " I Don't Answer Questions!" - 19th May 2023
Audio Sue Grey On Recent Damning Official Information Act (OIA) Requests - The Government LIED! - 12th May 2023
Video Australians seeking compensation for being 'allegedly injured from COVID vaccines - 30th April 2023
Video The Secret words to STOP POLICE INTERROGATIONS!!! - 26th April 2023
Video Natural Law / Common Law / Sovereignty - you are either sovereign or a slave; the choice is only yours to make - 12th April 2023
Video After speaking out against the CDC's Covid-19 narrative for 3 years, the Minnesota state senator Dr Scott Jensen has now been exonerated! - 25th March 2023
Q As the masses wake up to the gross Crimes Against Humanity (e.g. Genocide) - we enter the inevitable 'RATS FLEEING THE SHIP' phase - 9th March 2023
Video Mayor Demands Entire School Board Resignation For Supporting Pornography - 27th February 2023
Video Idaho lawmakers introduce bill to make it a MISDEMEANOR to administer mRNA vaccines! - 18th February 2023
Video Will any New Zealand politicians support a Royal Commission of inquiry into the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine rollout? - Maori willingly and knowingly killing Maori - 7th February 2023
Video More on the story from Us for Them who took action against Pfizer's lies about vaccine safety and kids - 3rd February 2023
Video How to Answer a Cop on the Side of the Road - 31st January 2023
Video Armed Restaurant Robbery Suspect Shot Dead by HERO Customer in Texas - 10th January 2023
Video Mom knows her rights, gets her son out of cops custody * Braintree MA cops get owned! - part 1 - 4th January 2023
Video YouTube is Guilty of Genocide for Censoring Critical Information (Proof) - 3rd January 2023
Q Learn Common / Natural Law - Know Your God Given Rights! - Famous Quotes about Law
Q Miranda Warning - Your right to remain silent

What is Common Law?

All mankind are born free of the land, and are therefore entitled to live on the land and from the land - without interference.Brief Overview:

For those who are new to Common Law, this is a brief overview in everyday language, of the purposes and practicalities of living free under Common Law.

What is Common Law?

Common Law is God's Law, the law of the Land, which states in essence that all mankind are born free of the land, and are therefore entitled to live on the land and from the land - without interference.

Basic Lore:

  • Harm no one
  • Cause no loss
  • Live in honour

There can be no crime without a victim.

Where harm / loss or victimisation has occurred, you are entitled to dispute resolution by a jury of your peers. (This is different from our current Maritime Court System - as with a jury, the Judge has no power and is a mediator only.) With a jury, the power lies with the defendants, and judgements are reached by a unanimous decision of your peers.

Living in the Private:

..A global system of debt-bondage has been established by "incorporating" governments, and by programming the people to "act" in the fictional "roles" of "artificial persons", which as legal fictions having no innate productive capacity, are debtors by default, serving as "transmitting utilities" for human energy.

An artificial legal "person" is a dead entity. It is a legal fiction "persona" in the "theatre of commerce", and it is under the foreign Admiralty Maritime Jurisdiction, the international "Law of the Sea." On the contrary, you are born into your own sovereign Estate of body, mind, and soul. As a sentient man or woman you live within the sovereign Common Law Jurisdiction, the national "Law of the Land."

The "Common Law" follows "Natural Law", a living system of "right or justice" held to be common to all humans and derived from Nature rather than from the rules of society. In "Natural Law", all people are born equal and endowed with unalienable rights.

Your sovereign jurisdiction, including your inborn Unalienable Rights, cannot be taken from you without your fully informed and willing consent.

Legal "person" "actors" for incorporated governments, banks, and all corporate entities, need to contract with other legal "person" "actors" to extract their "commercial energy"...

Read the rest of the article here: Living in the Private
Educate Yourself - Ask Questions - Verify Everything

Your Common Law rights versus Statute Law

The difference between Lawful and Legal:

  • Lawful pertains to our Creator God (the Highest Authority) - e.g. Bible based Common Law.

  • Legal pertains to man / government (inferior beings / entities) - i.e. millions of fallible Statute Laws.

An example of how Common Law (lawful) is superior to Statute Law (legal) is found in a marriage:

  • Lawful Marriage: A holy union between our God (Creator) / Man (husband) / Woman (wife) - aka Holy Matrimony.

  • Legal Marriage: This is a legal contract between your: Government / Man / Woman / Confused / Motorbike / Donkey etc - aka a legal business transaction with the government.

Download here: Arrested-For-Booing-While-People-Clap-Arizona-mayor-terrorizes-citizen-for-having-a-differing-opinion-2024-10-02.mp4 - 22,294 kb
By: James Freeman - 2nd October 2024
Arrested For Booing While People Clap
Arizona mayor terrorizes citizen
for having a differing opinion!

Lane Myers Channel

They Don't answer any phones at the PD or Mayor's Office
/ cityoftucson
/ tucsonpolicedepartment

Tucson Arizona Mayor Regina Romero orders Tucson Police Sgt. Brandon Williams to arrest Lany Myers for booing while others applaud.

It is illegal for government to restrict speech or expression based on the specific content of the speech or expression. This mean that if they are allowing speech and expression of approval, they must also allow speech and expression of disaproval. If booing is not allowed, then clapping and cheers of approval can not be allowed either.

So booing is now an arrestable offense? North Korea would be proud.

Yet more proof of how absolutely manipulated and controlled the average person / normie is! Shame on the crowd in the public gallery (and the police) for not recognizing a man's God given right to disagree with someone.

If this mindset is not rectified quickly, society will be full of brain dead minions in perpetual intellectual slavery.

If people can clap people can boooo

unbelievable "americans" clapping for fascism .....sad

He even had the decency of booing in a more than reasonable volume

That's north korea level

If these tyrants get their way, it will be illegal to vote for anyone not called Kamala Harris!

You have the absolute right to voice your opinion of the mayor as long as you agree with her.

The Constitution is only 236 years old

These are the people the founding fathers warned us about

They can't take booing they are so full of themselves and proud of themselves for doing nothing they give themselves awards

6 ppl with guns taking away a man's freedom for a boo

Those that applaud the kidnapping will be happy to pay this man for the lawsuit for sure

I hope he sues !!! So sick of seeing this type of violation of citizens rights.

If people can clap their approval, then people can "boo" their disapproval. That's insane thinking they can sensor like this. SUE THEIR BUTTS OFF

Every person that clapped when he walked out was applauding themselves for paying for the coming lawsuit. Idiots.

This is a lawsuit that they begged for.

Freedom of speech is definitely being attacked. The people that clapped are just pitiful.

Download: Queensland-POLICE-stop-search-BIKIE-and-False-Arrest-Thugs-Morons-and-Dickheads-disguised-as-Peace-Officers-2024-09-27.mp4 - 51,771 kb
By: Aussie Nathan - 27th September 2024
Queensland "POLICE" stop search
"BIKIE" and false arrest!!!
[Thugs, Morons & Dickheads disguised as Peace Officers]

Queensland POLICE stop and search a Tattoo shop owner and arrest him for wearing OMC insignia, then de-arrest him after realising there is no crime. They violate this gentleman and then say "have a nice day". Dirty cocky cops.

#cops #police #audit #funny #crazy #lawenforcement #bandits

There is no injured party! You didn't commit any crime.

They are egotistical Policy Enforcers impersonating Peace Officers! What an absolute embarrassment to the human race!

Why do I get the feeling that if you were NOT filming those glorified ASSHOLES - and it was night time - they would have loved to let their itchy fingers loose with their hole punches, simply for being a man and bruising their overinflated egos!

4 clowns with badges

Hahaha they really dont like being filmed do they

All this because He's riding a bike

these laws need to go

Pilfering Pirates!!!!!!


the filth should know you are a member of an omc by running your plate, but then they need to make sure your the owner of the bike as well. shouldn't be doing all this just because your riding a bike.

Yep. I am old bike rider. Fuck this shit.

Imagine if that was your job. You'd feel like the biggest failure in life. It's no wonder they're so angry and upset.

Cops are like Christmas Tree Decorations
.. Hang around and do nothing "

The corruption force otherwise known as tyrants.......

Download here: The-Herald-Settle-Outside-Of-Court-In-Chantelle-Bakers-Defamation-Case-2024-09-26.mp4 - 12,576 kb
By: The Platform NZ - 26th September 2024
The Herald Settle Outside Of Court
In Chantelle Baker's Defamation Case!

The Herald settle outside of court in Chantelle Baker's Defamation Case.

Chantelle: @ChantelleBakerr
I recently sued @nzherald for defamation alongside Kate Hannah, a few weeks ago they offered a significant sum to settle. I accepted and then launched a second suit, this one far bigger, against @NZStuff and Kate Hannah for defaming me in Fire & Fury. The constant lies and fabricated narratives to discredit me in order to maintain control of the public ends now. The Stuff lawsuit has just begun and I am looking forward to seeing it through to the very end and exposing the 'Disinformation' experts for being nothing more than lying grifters profiting off creating propaganda.


Would be good to have the funds to take lawsuits. We would take them all to the cleaners, but alas, some of us get by on the smell of an oily rag, and most of the time, that rag has no oil.


What a fantastic result and all the best with the case against stuff news.

Excellent, msm are absoulutely loathsome good on you Chantelle

Herald have had to settle.
Stuff are stuffed.
Go hard, Chantelle! I hope you clean them out.

Chantelle Baker: Take a bow. Remember, the majority of the people in this country are behind you.

About time: I read about this on X - we need to see this gain ground and sort our country out. Well done Chantelle !

the disinformation pproject settling out of court for their disinformation.

Herald settling is an admission of guilt!

I will never forget Chantelle's hard out work capturing daily live footage of the Parliament Occupation Feb/March 2022. On the final day when all hell broke loose she had literally climbed up onto the gateway pedestal to continue filming in the dangerous situation. Her Dad Leigh was doused in pepper spray nearby it was a panic as the police destroyed everything in their tracks, worst abuse against peaceful protesters ever! Good on you Chantelle for taking these buggers to Court!

kate hannah and the herald played the FAFO game and LOST

Let's not forget how Sean treated the "cookers" like Chantelle... funny how he seems to have forgotten how he aligned with the msm he pretends he's not a part of... also funny he expects the herald to apologize while refusing to do the same

Shaun cuts off the guest far too much. Let her finish her sentence at least.

jesus man can you let your guests speak!

Shut up Sean. You ruin your own show by cutting in all the time

Short-Victory-Speech-Janine-Arabella-now-the-unrebutted-Commander-In-Chief-of-the-Ministry-of-Health-and-NZ-2024-09-21.mp4 - 39,946 kb
By: NowFreedomForAll - 21st September 2024

Short Victory Speech
Janine Arabella is now the unrebutted
Commander In Chief of the Ministry
of Health and of New Zealand

Janine Short Victory Speech:

The New Zealand Government has DEFAULTED to all of Janine Arabella's Liability Notices, Liens & Affidavits & is now the unrebutted Commander In Chief of the Ministry of Health and of New Zealand.

Amazing Janine. What a true peaceable warrior. Much gratitude to you and your efforts.

I am so grateful for everything you have done and are doing. I am a health and wellness educator and coach and I am helping people who have been injured regain their health and vitality. If there is anything I can do to be of assistance to you, pls let me know.
Kindest Noeline

Amazing woman
Amazing result
New Zealanders of the year

I will never trust the the medical associations ever again Bring on the "Med-Beds" this is the only way forward at this point, life without greedy Big Pharma Blackrock scum making us sick to sell us medication what a fucking scam and we the people let these bastards get away with it, Jacinda, Hipkins and Bloomfield and the media are war criminals and need to be arrested for their participation in the big lie and the Crimes against Humanity Where were our Police who's job it was to protect us against this tyranny???? Heads need to fucking roll.

Glad to see you back!!!

So grateful to you and for you championing for the living in this nation/world. Bless you as you continue in your call

Go Forward Commander! Protection cushioning you always. You are amazing and have given myself, many men, women and children much needed hope for the future. Divine Feminine. You are absolutely amazing!

Thank you!

thanks Janine.
I look forward to you taking ASB bank down now. I cld use my money they currently hold under the scheme of Kiwibmsaver!

Wow Janine, I you have made my day!!! Thank you so very much.

Brad flutey was jailed having done 57 days of starvation to prove he is locked up without just cause

He had an exemption for a mask and his constitutional violations were taken from him the duty of care to him was failed please see to it he is released

He like others under the health act 1956 section 92 Y had lawful excuse nga mihi well done Janine

You are amazing, thank you for your persistence and due diligence!

You are an angel from heaven

Thank U, Aba Father King Jesus Holy Spirit for His wisdom, protection on U, just tears as I felt His presence as U spoke..Thank U, for being obedient and doing this with an open heart in what He wants U to do, it would of been hard, and know God has your daughter, and everything was not in vain, those that planned evil for U, God has turned around to help a nation.
Luv n blssings to U, May He continue to lead and protect U, as He removes All your enemies before U

Awesome! I'm extending my energy and intent to join with you in this endeavour!

Ex-District-Health-Board-Worker-Janine-Arabella-Files-Liability-Notice-and-Affidavits-Against-NZ-Government-Now-Owns-NZ-2024-09-12.mp4 - 143,973 kb
By: Live Free Or Die - 12th September 2024
Ex District Health Board Worker
Janine Arabella Files Liability
Notices, Liens & Affidavits
Against the NZ Government!

NOTE: The above video is care of:

Learn how to write and send a conditional acceptance letter. Conditional acceptance letters are common-law contracts between you and CEOs, judges, attorneys, police officers, and "government officials."

Janine Arabella is now the unrebutted Commander In Chief of the Ministry of Health and of New Zealand (who are currently under default within the parameters of Commercial / Maritime Laws.)

As of 19th September 2024, Janine Arabella will be owed $17 trillion by the New Zealand government (corporation); and will be legally able to cancel all mortgages, student debt, tax debts etc in NZ!

Janine Arabella is a brave yet very humble White Hat working under:

  • the guidance of God,
  • a recently retired judge,
  • a number of other professionals,
  • your prayers.

May God bless and keep her.

Ex District Health Board Worker Janine Arabella Files Liability Notices, Liens & Affidavits Against the NZ Government!

Ex District Health Board Worker Janine Arabella Files Liability Notices, Liens & Affidavits Against the NZ Government!

Ex District Health Board Worker Janine Arabella Files Liability Notices, Liens & Affidavits Against the NZ Government!

Going by this fantastic video, Janine Arabella is using Bible Based Common Law and Natural Law (not mankind's fraudulent common law) as her foundation, as she files her Liability Notices / Liens / Affidavits etc in the courts, against many government departments in New Zealand.

She simply used the New Zealand Legal System's Commercial Law back on itself, which is an avenue available for anyone who has been oppressed / has legitimate grievances with government departments within the NZ corporation.

Please take note that corrupt politicians, banks, IRD and many other commercial entities have been using this system themselves - to deceive people into believing that they have to pay invoices that are not always genuine. Legal 'plunder.'

It appears that the NZ Government has to the 19th September 2024 to properly respond, or concede / acquiesce to Janine's terms unconditionally by 'default.'

Wow, using their own system back on them! Love it :)

This is incredible! The fact is we do not even have a lawfully functioning government, or councils or police force in NZ. Thankfully there are White Hats in the military working with YHWH to sort all this shit out.

Download here: Minnie-Brown-is-going-to-sue-Ashley-Bloomfield-for-treason-etc-on-13th-September-Others-to-follow-2024-09-06.mp4 - 143,788 kb
By: Minnie Brown - 6th September 2024
Minnie Brown is going to lay charges
against Ashley Bloomfield for
Treason etc on 13th September 2024
- other treasonous scumbags to follow -

Minnie Brown (Brett William Power) is going to lay charges against Ashley Bloomfield for treason etc at the Wellington High Court (in New Zealand) at 12.00pm on 13th September 2024, with many others to follow - such as the New Zealand Government / Ministry of Health New Zealand etc.

The charge is that Ashley Robin Bloomfield has conspired to deceive the Public of New Zealand by his deliberate actions with the New Zealand Health Department in 2021.

The above video touches on the evil inroads of the New World Order / WHO / UN / WEF / Globalist Agenda etc, by creating illegal (and especially unlawful) laws; and for encouraging and enforcing democide etc.

Minnie gives an example of how politicians illegally created henious laws that allow NZ Police (sic) to break into any citizens house, drag the occupants out and forcefully inject them with poison, if they 'suspect' that you have not received Bill Gates mRNA vaccines etc.

Aside from politicians giving traitors such as Ashley Bloomfield and the NZ Police power (sic) to drag people out of their homes and force medical experiments upon them, they have also claimed the right via fraudulent legislation - to seize your computers / phones / vehicles / firearms / money / assets in general / and your house - and call you a terrorist!

Also, if you expose the illegal things (e.g. terrorism) that the government is doing, you will be called a terrorist!

Minnie Brown (Brett Power) can be found here:

Ashley Bloomfield to be summonsed to court to be tried for treason - There will be blood...
Ashley Bloomfield to be summonsed to court to be tried for treason - There will be blood...


  • Copy-of-Brett-William-Powers-affidavit-against-Ashley-Bloomfield-for-conspiring-to-deceive-the-public-of-NZ (166 kb) - 13th September 2024 - here
Download PDF document here...

Minnie Brown

Peni Edwards is with Minnie Brown.

Skip King
Much love. We need to protect this awesome man people

Toni Brooks
Well done to get this far Minnie Brown and Thankyou for all your hard work.
Even if the corrupt courts see him likely walk away at least you got it this far and we know the truth even if / when they do cover it up as per usual ( they do what they want)

Adrian Atkinson
This is what Braveheart (William Wallace) and his people fought for...Because of him Robert the Bruce was inspired to believe that he could lead the people to freedom. This is what we are fighting for now. To expose and stop the tyrants...To bring freedom to our lands...To the world!! For our children!
Don't relax and think that everything will be alright. the noose is being tightened as we speak. Please look up Minnie Brown and see a description of what is happening and what he is trying to do about it. Shalom/Peace!

Peni Edwards

Peni Edwards

Te Pou Muruahi Raukawakawa
Can I jump on with you brother

Nicky Withell-O'Grady
Need to flush parliament and start again from the people

Jane Buckley
Kansas i believe and 5 other states now are lodging court docs against Pfzier, so there will be precedent from that I guess?

Terry Bishara
Did they just present it in writing to all the ministers. Not read it out.

Manda Blondiez
IM SUPRISED FB HASNT DELETED YOUR VIDEO POSTS/LIVES.....GET ON TIKTOK TOO!!! be safe bro, they will try n silence you!!!

Kat Nicol
Exactly!!! Thank you Brett

Leagh Whannen
Good info about Bloomfield.. thankyou.. great work Brett

Bonnie Petrie
Dont forget helen man clarke, set it up

Ta La
I want to come stand with you!!! Next Friday 13th

Donna Slade
Shared this Brett your a legend bro

Tim Benseman
Govt = mind control. We are free. Thank You Brett for your work.

Kat Nicol
So much corruption

Donna Clark
Please shear far and wide peeps this is so important

Joslyn Cameron
You are a true HERO Brett. So pleased i found you again.

Dyanne Hansen
Oh it sure should of been told to people my hind anything that so wrong

Liz M Lambert
Good one Brett

Jane Buckley
We need to demand the contract with Pfizer and a list of the 11,000 who got exemptions that's the start of the accountability trail I reckon

Download here: Kansas-SUES-PFIZER-For-Lying-About-The-Effectiveness-of-C19-Vaccine-2024-09-04.mp4 - 73,977 kb
By: Kim Iversen - 4th September 2024
For Lying About
The Effectiveness of C19 Vaccine!

Watch the full show:

Kansas Attorney General is suing Pfizer for misleading the public about the effectiveness of the covid-19 vaccine.

They need to sue Dr. Fauci well.

Go Kansas! Good luck with the suit.

They should also sue Bill Gates and the government

Sue the FDA an CDC too!

Phizzer was truly misleading the public and lying

Will my ex husband apologize to me for breaking up our marriage because I wouldn't allow him to vax my children? Will he apologize for calling me a conspiracy theorist and telling me he's sorry for who I have become because I wouldn't take the vax? How many people got divorced over this? I am so sorry for all of those who had their family being broken just because you stood for what was right.

Sue Justin Trudeau for same and violating our rights

Should be 50 states, plus DC and Puerto Rico.

Protect this man!

Politicians were excluded from mandatory jabs.

They should also sue for the use of Remdesivir

I wish they could sue for prison time.

Download here: Violent-Covid-cops-finally-GET-SMASHED-in-Court-by-Lockdown-Protester-2024-09-03.mp4 - 65,567 kb
By: Avi Yemini - 3rd September 2024
Violent Covid-Cops finally
by Lockdown Protester

Victoria Police forced to pay costs as anti-lockdown protester is cleared of serious charges, years after being targeted by authorities for being a political dissident.

The cops that attacked the old woman should be fully charged

What the government did during CoVid was disgraceful.

NEVER forget how the POLICE behaved.

The cop who assaulted the granny should be jailed.

Cop filed false charges- what's the punishment for that?

I can't see how Vic police can ever regain the people's trust ever again. Dan Andrews thugs.

100% respect to all those protesters. 0% to the police


He left his home without permission. What an absolute joke. I hope he sues the Victorian government and wins.

Never forget and never forgive the police brutality against Australian citizens whom they are sworn to protect. The fact that Daniel Andrews used SOG and the Counter Terrorist Unit against peaceful protestors is beyond redemption

The government doesn't want to stop police brutality.

Get sent to jail for breaching bail for not having a mask or being vaccinated versus home invaders, car jackers and machete wielders being released on multiple occasions on bail.

Welcome to Victoriastan.

Janine-Arabella-filing-her-Wellington-Statement-National-Debt-Now-Paid-Off-Govt-Complici-in-Crimes-Against-Humanity-2024-07-19.mp4 - 16,798 kb
By: NowFreedomForAll - 19th July 2024
Janine Arabella filing
her Wellington Statement

* National Debt Now Paid Off!
* Gov't Complicit in Crimes Against Humanity

Janine of the House of Arabella filing her Wellington Statement at The Beehive, Wellington, NZ, confirming that:

  1. the National Debt has now been Paid Off, which frees up every man, woman and child in New Zealand;
  2. Also, heads of Health NZ and Government corporations have consented by DEFAULT to her claims that the NZ Government are complicit in Crimes Against Humanity;
  3. Janine is now in a position to take of Health NZ.

I provided the means to pay off the national debt on 19 July 2024 and they refused to honour, so instead I have cancelled the debt over every man, woman, boy and girl living in our land as it was never our debt. The update is coming soon folks xx.

LOVE THIS! Great job!!!

Wow, thank you dear Jennine : ) On the 28th of November my teen son and I left New Zealand because of the impossible situation we got into due to the vaxx and lockdowns. We are still overseas, healthy but broke, and we are not sure what to do. Apart from praying for you, is there anything else we could do?

In front of where I put my tent up at the freedom village, Janine. You are Brilliant! thank you again, Commander.

Absolutely incredible Janine! Thank you for your courage and determination. I am forever grateful for your service

Thank you thank you thank you Janine

Am in awe. Thank you Janine.

Fantastic well done

You're amazing I love following you. Be safe

Wow Janine, I only found your videos through someone's comment on another video on Cap' Kyle's channel, first time hearing this ... great news indeed. Not sure 100% of what that means but good on you for being a patriot for New Zealand. Love it xox

Download here: Yes-Pfizer-and-Moderna-can-be-sued-for-vaccine-injuries-here-is-how-2024-07-08.mp4 - 17,880 kb
By: Rebel News - 8th July 2024
Yes, Pfizer and Moderna can
be sued for vaccine injuries...'s how

#RebelNews #covidvaccine #covid19 | Support our work and learn more

Despite popular belief, pharmaceutical giants such as Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca can be sued, at least if the legal action is brought on by Canadians. During his speech at the Reclaiming Canada Conference, Umar Sheikh, a Victoria-based human rights lawyer, explained how despite being told the vaccine makers had liability immunity, his firm has taken on cases against the jab makers.

I just hope that I live long enough, to see the look on Trudeau's face when he's finally held accountable...! That is my wish...

It's great that they aren't immune. But the buffoon in the PMOs office in Canada should be held accountable.

Wake up people, Trudeau to jail


Sue the manufacturers, the politicians, the actors and the medical "professionals" that pushed this, as well as every single employer that required it as a condition of employment.

Crimes against humanity

Crimes Against Humanity

Keep exposing corruption

Immunity given by other criminals

I'm seeing too many people in their 60's passing. This is not normal.


Never Forgive , Never Forget.

How about I sue to get my family back? My wife left because I did not want the jab. She took my kids and had them poisoned, took the house and now I have nothing. Why am I the bad guy? I LOST EVERYTHING!

If we can sue these companies we should be able to sue the government for forcing us to take the jab. My mother was in a nursing home and in her nineties. If i didn't get the jab, I couldn't visit her.

Download here: The-Reckoning-Is-Here-Trumps-Military-Tribunal-For-Political-Foes-Bombshell-Rocks-America-2024-07-04.mp4 - 26,687 kb
By: The Next News Network - 4th July 2024
The Reckoning Is Here:
Trump's Military Tribunal
Bombshell Rocks America.

Jail time for Biden, Harris etc

Brace yourselves, patriots. Trump's latest bombshell has Washington elites shaking in their boots. The former president is calling for military tribunals and jail time for top elected officials, including Biden, Harris, and even some Republicans. This isn't just politics as usual – it's a declaration of war against the deep state.

Our exclusive report dives deep into Trump's plan for retribution against those he claims have betrayed America. We've got the inside scoop on who's in the crosshairs and why. From Liz Cheney to Mitch McConnell, no one is safe from Trump's wrath. But is this justice or a dangerous escalation?

Our team breaks down the legal implications and what it could mean for the future of our republic. We'll show you the shocking social media posts that have DC in an uproar and analyze the potential fallout. Don't miss our final thought on why this matters to every American.

This isn't just about Trump – it's about the very soul of our nation. Tune in now for the full story that the mainstream media doesn't want you to see.

The people that hid the J6 footage, are the same people who told you the elections were fair!

At what stage of the game do you play the TRUMP card? Q

After all the baloney they did to Trump they deserve Military Tribunals.

It's way past time for these Traitors to be held accountable.

The more they go after Trump the more I know Trump is the man we need.

What goes around comes around democrats!!!

We the people want our Constitutional Republic back!

And let it be TELEVISED!!!! WE THE PEOPLE need to see JUSTICE!

Go, Trump, go!!! It's about time justice will prevail!!!

God bless President Trump! Justice is coming!

Who else is gonna vote for the guy who gave up his wealth for his country and not for the guy who gave up his country for his wealth!

Please keep President Trump and his family in your prayer daily.

Let's remember we're talking about treason. These are the things these people committed end of story.

God bless President Trump! Justice is coming!

No, he's not doing it because they're political opponents, he's doing it because they're traitors! Thank you, President Trump. 2024

After all the baloney they did to Trump they deserve Military Tribunals.

Who else is gonna vote for the guy who gave up his wealth for his country and not for the guy who gave up his country for his wealth!

I Support President Donald J. Trump. He has been the Target for eight years.

Let's be clear. This isn't revenge, this is Justice. It's about time.

This is great news: Trump 2024...

It's way past time for these Traitors to be held accountable.

I'm voting for President Trump

Drain the swamp President Trump. Im sick of our government!!

President Trump needs to clean up the government enough of this

Trump 2024 for President

Donald J. Trump America's President!

Download here: Kansas-sues-Pfizer-over-COVID-19-vaccine-2024-06-19.mp4 - 7,533 kb
By: FOX31 Denver - 19th June 2024
Kansas sues Pfizer
over COVID-19 vaccine

#FOX31 #Colorado #News

The state of Kansas is suing Pfizer over its manufacturing of the COVID-19 vaccine. FOX31's Talya Cunningham explains what the lawsuit claims.

Don't forget, your local news pushed the HELL out of this and here we are pretending that didn't happen.

Just remember how you were treated when others found out you were not vaccinated..yeah..I do..

I was that pregnant Mom in 2021 that chose not to get vaccinated..... I was treated like scum of the earth and was told i was being so selfish and not thinking about my unborn child. I stayed strong and did not vax.

So thankful i didn't do it.

Remember when people were shaming each other for not getting this sh!t!

My wife was fired from GBMC Hospital as a nurse for not getting this poison while pregnant and breast feeding. I look forward to the outcome of this lawsuit.

Do you still trust the government? I never did.

When I was pregnant in 2022 I wanted to take line dancing just for some easy exercise through my pregnancy. I was told by the person running the class that I couldn't participate without proof of vaccination.

As I was leaving she said, "You really have to think about the health of that baby." I turned around and said, "I know, that's exactly why I'm not vaccinated." And I left and never returned. My son is just about 2 and healthy as a horse.

Who ever bullied and deceived consumers into taking this must be held criminally accountable.

How about the people who lost their jobs because they didn't take this crap!! Smh

The decision to not vax was a no brainer for me.

Download here: Pfizer-court-case-Kansas-for-Willingly-and-Knowingly-Deceiving-and-Killing-the-Public-2024-06-19.mp4 - 36,843 kb
By: Dr. John Campbell - 19th June 2024
Pfizer court case, Kansas - for
Willingly and Knowingly Deceiving
and Killing the Public

Pfizer misled the public that it had a "safe and effective" COVID-19 vaccine. - or download here.

Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine was safe even though it knew its COVID-19 vaccine was connected to serious adverse events, including myocarditis and pericarditis, failed pregnancies, and deaths.

Pfizer concealed this critical safety information from the public.

Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine was effective even though it knew its COVID- 19 vaccine waned over time and did not protect against COVID-19 variants.

Pfizer concealed this critical effectiveness information from the public.

Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine would prevent transmission of COVID-19 even though it knew it never studied the effect of its vaccine on transmission of COVID-19.

To keep the public from learning the truth, Pfizer worked to censor speech on social media that questioned Pfizer's claims about its COVID-19 vaccine.

Pfizer's misrepresentations of a "safe and effective" vaccine resulted in record company revenue of approximately $75 billion from COVID-19 vaccine sales in just two years.

Pfizer's actions and statements relating to its COVID-19 vaccine violated previous consent judgments with the State of Kansas.

Pfizer's actions and statements relating to its COVID-19 vaccine violated the Kansas Consumer Protection Act.

Pfizer must be held accountable for falsely representing the benefits of its COVID- 19 vaccine while concealing and suppressing the truth about its vaccine's safety risks, waning effectiveness, and inability to prevent transmission.

28. Millions of Kansans heard Pfizer's misrepresentations about its COVID-19 vaccine.

29. In May 2021, Pfizer advertised to Kansans on Facebook about its "life-saving vaccines" and its "cures."

30. Pfizer took advantage of Kansans' fear of COVID-19 and desire for safety by offering a "safe and effective" COVID-19 vaccine, while concealing, suppressing, and omitting material information that undermined its safety and effectiveness claims in Kansas.

B. Pfizer used confidentiality agreements to conceal critical data relating to the safety and effectiveness of its COVID-19 vaccine.

57. Pfizer has kept data hidden through confidentiality agreements with governments around the world.

C. Pfizer used an extended study timeline to conceal critical data relating to the safety and effectiveness of its COVID-19 vaccine.

65. Scientists were outraged that they still could not review Pfizer's COVID-19 study data. "Pfizer's pivotal COVID vaccine trial was funded by the company and designed, run, analysed, and authored by Pfizer employees. The company and the contract research organisations that carried out the trial hold all the data."

D. Pfizer used FOIA denial and delay to conceal critical data relating to the safety and effectiveness of its COVID-19 vaccine.

E. Pfizer destroyed the vaccine control group, which will conceal critical data relating to the safety and effectiveness of its COVID-19 vaccine.

86. Pfizer planned to follow COVID-19 vaccine study participants, both vaccine and placebo recipients, for 24 months to monitor the safety and effectiveness of its vaccine.

87. Once the FDA approved Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine through an emergency use authorization in December 2020, Pfizer unblinded the study participants and offered vaccine placebo recipients the option to receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

88. Of the 21,921 vaccine trial participants who received the placebo, more than 20,000 placebo participants decided to receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine as of March 13, 2021.

Wasn't misslead! We were flat out LIED to.

They need to go after Bill Gates as well

Doctors that harassed their patient into getting the shot could be in legal trouble as well.

Incredible damage to the credibility of the medical establishment. All trust is lost. Never again.

Those of us who said NO were right, but NEVER forget how we were treated. Thank you, Dr. John.

I would sue FDA giving the approval as well.
And all the politicians promoting the jab.

I refused to get the jabs after it was mandated and my work complied. I submitted for religious exemption.

Got denied for no good reason. No lawyer would take my case. As a result, I choose to never work in healthcare again.
It's ok though, I've got a much better job by far now, and I really enjoy it a lot.

A neighbour had a heart attack and was admitted to a hospital here in Scotland and was shocked to be told by the surgeon his type heart attack is only seen in vaxxed people he is livid as he felt forced by the gov to comply and save your grannies!!!

Let the reparations and prison sentences commence.

As a Registered Nurse, I could not ethically, morally, or legally administer a new untested pharmaceutical product to anyone because I could not provide my patients with accurate INFORMED CONSENT. Any health professional who did, was (is) COMPLICIT in this crime against humanity. Period.

I was treated from friends, family and the medical professionals like I was insane for not getting the jab. Pressure was applied from every aspect of my life. I feel that was cruel and the medical community should be held accountable.

Download here: Multiple-US-states-sue-Pfizer-for-Misleading-the-Public-about-Covid-19-Vaccine-Risks-2024-06-18.mp4 - 13,968 kb
By: MrSkypelessons - 18th June 2024
Multiple US states sue Pfizer
for Misleading the Public
about Covid 19 Vaccine Risks


As a person new to English, thank you for these important lessons!

I love your channel, your witty comments & your content subject. Well done mate More needs to be said about such subject. Greetings from America:)

I do really enjoy these videos. Thank you.

Support to everyone who sues pfiser from Melbourne

I really enjoy the grammar lessons!

Download here: Kansas-sues-Pfizer-alleging-it-misled-the-public-about-safety-of-COVID-vaccine-2024-06-18.mp4 - 14,044 kb
By: Fox Business - 18th June 2024
Kansas sues Pfizer
alleging it 'misled' the public
about safety of COVID vaccine

#foxbusiness #thebottomline

Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach says Pfizer 'violated' the Consumer Protection Act on 'The Bottom Line.' #foxbusiness #thebottomline

Sue the people who pushed it. Sue the networks.

Arrest Dr. Fauci.

I still remember Joe Biden pretty much calling anti vaccer's scumbags...I'll remember that when I go to vote for TRUMP 2024!

So how many people DID NOT take the jab raise your hand!??

I spent a lot of effort to get my daughters not to get vaccinated. Now I'm very glad, even with all the dramas it caused at that time...

Every taxpayer has skin in the game.


Prison sentence needed,
money means nothing with the profits they made.

W.H.O. needs to be accountable as well!


This is exactly why My family and I refused to get a vac shot. Best decision ever made.

All the states must sue them and also many countries

God Bless Kansas-you are doing what the corrupt Garland refuses to do

Every person in the World should get vaccine injury money. Every single person.

Unless they're fined billions, they won't care!

Download here: Judge-slams-police-for-using-unlawful-violence-against-COVID-protesters-7-News-Australia-2024-05-11.mp4 - 15,874 kb
By: 7NEWS Australia - 11th May 2024
Judge slams police for using
'unlawful violence' against COVID
protesters | 7 News Australia


A County Court judge has found Victoria Police used unlawful and unjustified violence on anti-lockdown protestors at the height of the Covid pandemic.

In a spectacular turn around, the protesters will have their charges dropped and the police could be facing charges of their own.

Download here: Judge-Rules-Victoria-Police-Violence-Unjustified-and-Unlawful-in-Covid-Lockdown-Protest-2024-05-11.mp4 - 24,784 kb
By: V for Vegemite - 11th May 2024
Judge Rules Victoria Police
Violence 'Unjustified & Unlawful'
in Covid Lockdown Protest

#News #melbourne #freedom #protest #lockdown #covid #victoriapolice #victoria #danielandrews #fightpolicecorruption #nickpatterson

Victoria Police used "unlawful" and "unjustified violence" in a violent attack on freedom fighters during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, a judge has found.

In a stunning decision handed down in the County Court, Judge Liz Gaynor ruled police were the "aggressors" and "employed unjustified and unlawful violence" amid a public protest on 29 May, 2021 that left one man (Nick Patterson) with a dislocated arm.

The judgment has called into question police tactics and prompted calls for prosecutors to consider laying charges against the police involved.

God always backs His people!

The criminal police are going down.

Trust in God.
The Truth destroys their lies.
Let Justice Prevail!!

These Vic cops are fucking dogs and always have been.
Ive had a few run ins with the cunts.

A 'Peace Officer' is a true, Lawful, Common Law Police Officer. They still exist, but are very rare to find.

However, 'Policy Enforcers / Revenue Gatherers' routinely impersonate Police Officers - are simply fraudsters and thugs!

In days of old these lowlifes were called Highwaymen!

Download here: Judge-SCOLDS-dishonest-cops-as-Australian-freedom-fighter-Nick-Patterson-wins-case-2024-05-02.mp4 - 38,244 kb
By: Rebel News - 2nd May 2024
Judge SCOLDS dishonest cops
as Australian freedom fighter
Nick Patterson wins case!


SHARE @OzraeliAvi's full report:

Court rules police evidence inadmissible, in a significant victory for Melbourne's Nick Patterson as prosecution drops its case.

By: Counterspin New Zealand

Following that we delve into the big story across the ditch, where a win against the system should put some wind in the freedom sails.

Nick Patterson, a champion Australian MMA fighter, has achieved what many thought was impossible - he fought the law, and won!

Facing the worlds most extreme lockdowns, Australians were fortunate to have someone brave enough like Nick to take the state on as he simply exorcised his God given rights during a time where it was dangerous to do so.

Nick fought to keep his gym open, defended his friends and organised many pushbacks against the covid tyranny. As a consequence he has had four cases to answer to and recently he was vindicated in one such case when the judge ruled that evidence presented by the police was inadmissible in court, and ruling that Victoria police used unlawful tactics & unjustifiable violence against protestors. This could see police being charged.

For the past four years, he has faced prosecution by corrupt authorities due to his vocal stance against official narratives. Despite these challenges, Nick remains steadfast in his mission, amplifying his message through platforms like his Telegram channel, Fight Corrupt Police.

At his core, Nick Patterson embodies resilience, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to fighting for what is right, making him a powerful voice for change in his community and beyond.

Find Nick on Telegram:

Australian Peacemakers:

Police appear to be guilty of battery of multiple people

Sue the pants off these police and have them charged with assault

The fact that there was a prosecutor willing to defend this is absolutely disgusting

Great news - now sue the police force !

Everyone needs chest cams to protect from many people being hired as police these days. We need to defend ourselves.

Never forget what they did to us NEVER !

Now Sue for damages

Dishonest cops need very serious consequences, not scolding.

Now ask the MSN for an on air apology for all the fake lies they said about you Nick

The police evidence was a story of fiction... pure fiction.
Congratulations on your win.

Imagine what these officers do when there are no cameras.
Always film the police.

He is so lucky the judge was not corrupt.

"Scolding', what a joke, they need jail and financial consequences.

Download here: Cincinnatis-First-Black-Female-Judge-Arrested-Dragged-Out-Of-Court-and-Disbarred-2024-04-26.mp4 - 38,868 kb
By: Nate The Lawyer - 26th April 2024
Cincinnati's First Black
Female Judge Arrested,

Dragged Out Of Court & Disbarred

She should never get her license back. She's a criminal.

This is a massive disgrace. The cultish behavior of her supporters is downright creepy.

It's a serious problem that judges think they're in a position to make ANY kind of changes. They're not legislators. All this activism from the bench has to stop.

The fact that people think she shouldn't be charged or convicted because they don't wanna "bring another black person down" is just stupid. White, black, whoever it is, if you're gonna be enforcing the law onto regular people, you should be held to the same standard of law if not a higher standard.

Elect me purely because I am the first black female in this position, but don't hold me accountable to the law or expect me to be competent.

The "judge" had to be dragged like a toddler from a playground. She made decisions that affected people lives more multiple years, and she was dragged out. Let that sink in.

Wow, so hiring someone based on the colour of their skin rather than their qualifications or experience can backfire!? Who would have known!

"I've never been in detention, I have never been in trouble". IN other words she has never been held responsible for her actions. Why the hell would someone who is charged with 8 felonies for crimes on the job have suspension "with pay". That is the REAL CRIME. 6 months is not NEARLY ENOUGH, when a judge does this kind of thing the need to do the maximum allowed under law.. IN this case that should be about 5 years. The other issue is that "indefinitely" should have been Fully REVOKED. If she was in finance or insurance and did this she would never be allowed in finance or insurance again.

Download here: Rumble-CEO-Chris-Pavlovski-Stands-Up-to-the-Illegal-and-Disgusting-NZ-Government-Censorship-Demands-Clip-2024-04-24.mp4 - 37,718 kb
By: FreeNZ Media - 24th April 2024
Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski
Stands Up to the Illegal & Disgusting
NZ Government Censorship Demands

Chris Pavlovski
New Zealand

Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski spoke with Matt Kim yesterday in a live stream to specifically disclose the fact that the New Zealand Govt has tried to get our FreeNZ Rumble channel totally removed!!! Thank you to Chris and Matt for bringing this to the public.

Full stream -

FCK THE NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT And if you are reading know this every single one of you MPs , high level lackeys and the NZ media will be tried for treason , crimes against humanity and hung ! Its coming !!

NZ govern(control)ment(minds) has been exposed by whistle blower Barry Young. The anonyms data shows the connection between the experimental injections and multiple sudden deaths. 23 April 2024 the NZ judicial delayed his next court date till April 2025 because they cant prove their weak charges. Barry Young worked as a data analyst for NZ ministry of health. When Barry exposed them, he was fired.

Obviously, they are panicking. Good job.

This attempt at censorship is tyrant Jacinda Aderns legacy.

Bloody good one! The truth must come out and the corruption must end.

Thank you all, for standing up for those who can not and are to scared to. There are many and soon to be

ONE. GOD bless and many prayers.

Yep this absolutely does need to be pushed up the chain in NZ and see where the buck stops and prosecute them.
Can you give NZers the name that signed that takedown letter please - so we can get it sorted here in NZ.

We need the name that signed the takedown notice.

The repugnant legal letter heading is:


Partner Reference:
Jania Baigent

Writers details:

Signed off as:

Yours faithfully,
Jania Baigent

Thank you to Rumble for telling them to jam it. The NZ govt has no authority in other countries and it's great to see them refuse to censor this.

Thank you Rumble for being the face of reason. This data is so important and not only for New Zealand.

This data is a window into what is happening world wide.

c mon guys, the deep state, w.h.o and the w.e.f all driving this nonsense? they even have the agenda written up for all to see?? govts all just puppets to the globalist, fact. covid just a rung in there evil ladder?? all by design for power and control. simple. hence the divide?? divide is to conquer?? fact? yes and ridding free speech all part of crumbling the democracy. ten things you need start communist society. dearm population, crush small business, divide the people, control food, water, health, control media, indoctrinate the children create more poverty?? all sound familiar. wake up masses and stand up

Wait a moment.....which country is Pfizer from.....USA! They are the ones who have been shipping this poison to us!

The truth always finds a way

The WORLD is watching - your Aussie sisters and brothers

Absolutely brilliant, well done Rumble.
Liz Gunn , Free NZ Media is the leading force in the Truth Movement!! Liz supports Whisleblowers & exposes the best Truth for the NZ public!
Thank you so much Rumble for your support. God Bless Your Soul

Hope you guys stay strong we love rumble please fight it. Xx


Download here: Employment-Relations-Authority-threatening-Liz-Gunn-with-fines-prison-if-Barry-Youngs-data-not-removed-2024-04-17.mp4 - 35,096 kb
By: FreeNZ Media - 17th April 2024
Employment Relations Authority threatening Liz Gunn & NZ Loyal
with fines & prison, if Barry Young's
is not removed.

New Zealand
Liz Gunn

They Are Censoring & Silencing Us.

The employment relations authority demand the takedown of all of Barry Young's content on our platform, otherwise they are threatening Liz Gunn, FreeNZ & NZ Loyal with 3 months in prison, huge fines and losing all of our equipment!

Censorship and Tyranny is alive and well in NZ . .

This was recorded, Wednesday the 17th April. We are being forced to remove the Barry Young content from our platform. We have no choice in the matter. I thank the FreeNZ team and the NZ Loyal candidates for your support in our discussions about the right path forward. Your support of truth means everything to me.

Write to Christopher Luxon:

*For those that are wanting to donate or support in some way, thank you. It will likely go towards legal costs for Liz's upcoming trial against the NZ police from her assault in Feb 2023. We have the following donation options. We don't have a bank option currently:


Liz, it's easy for me to say keep on fighting when I'm not facing the onslaught you are. The government is clearly in the wrong. The sheeps clothing has been pulled. They are showing NZ and the world who they are. Whatever your decision is we will support you and NZL.

If you choose to fight I'd say get as many overseas media interviews on this ASAP. Humiliate thisfauxservative, 3rd term Labour government in the world's eyes. Get on Tucker Carlson, get on Infowars,CSM, the Gateway Pundit...etc show the world who they really are hiding behind Blue, Yellow & Black / White ties.
Nothing but Labour / WEF 2.0

If you choose to comply, there is no shame. This would be a tactical retreat, nothing more. You wouldn't be quiting, just keeping your powder dry for the next fight. The information is already out. There is nothing they can do. You are still the victor.

We are behind you and NZL no matter what and yes I will be sending Mr Magoo, aka Luxon an email demanding he stop the attacks.

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
Sadly, some people simply have NO HONOR!!

(AKA: NZ Health, Luxon, Ardern, Bloomfield, Hipkins, Gower, McRoberts, Baker, NZ Courts, NZ Police, NZ Parliament, many doctors and nurses...)

My advice to anyone reading this, download and back up all videos on Barry Young and the data leak from the FreeNZ portals / Twitter. The governments Nazi sympathisers want the evidence scrubbed. Search "YouTube downloader", "Rumble downloader", Twitter downloader"

It seems that Liz Gunn is now under the spotlight of our corrupt government and their minions. Sad to say that Liz is getting hammered on more than one front by the system. We now have quite a line-up of people who have been targeted in this way. Don't be intimidated NZ, this is bad but expected.

The Beehive is at war with the people of New Zealand. They have yet again attacked us and those we hold dear, using 'law-fare' in this case.

to the most beautiful soul there is, I'm simply lost for words, yup tears also, deep down as blessed with intuition to burn I just knew it was coming. this evil runs so deep and tens of years in the making. All I can say liz is I thank you from the bottom of my heart rite to the absolute divine. knowledge and intelligence to burn and delivery second to none, always fact and with we the people's best interest first and foremost. I will pray so so deep for your health and protection. words just not enough for wat you've done for all of us. I will stand with you until the day I die and even in my beautiful after life you won't be forgotten. may God always bless your beautiful soul

Shame on Simpson Grierson! yet again another New Zealand Business putting money before truth and health of people, just like the MSM. Breaks my heart how our Politicians, our Judges and especially our Police Force are so brain washed they happily or ignorantly are ushering in Communism/Fabian Socialism which only ends in dictatorship, all doing the bidding of the maniac criminals running the WEF and UN, and WHO <- who all love CCP!! Or are they just simply still loyal to comrade Jacinda! Either way to bully and silence those speaking out is their only tool in the sandpit as they can't have a mature, debate, conversation when the truth is not on their side. So ashamed of these people, none of them are what I class as brothers in arms - they are all traitors to a failed ideology and greed!!! Anzac in a week - they have no right to show their weakling faces at any dawn parade!!!


NZ has gone, I cannot recognize our country anymore. Free speech, democracy...

You are our real New Zealand Leader Liz! To hell with Simpson Greer, they are not representing justice or law, only acting criminally for The Mafia in our beehive today.
Luxon is yet another conman and disgrace to New Zealanders.
Do what you have to and stay free, we don't want you jailed you're too precious to us all!
Love from Southland!

This is a worldwide depopulation event, created and brought to us by our corrupted/bought-off/blackmailed governments. No truth, No investigation will be allowed. Please Wake Up - Please REACT appropriately

hold fast liz - we are with you all the way

In the past, communist have had no issues murdering us by the tens of millions - usually by starvation, an event that is currently unfolding around the world as I speak, not withstanding the kill shot that they have mandated on billions of people.

You need to understand this is rampant in the USA. That is where its coming from and Europe, UK.

How do we get cash donations to you Liz?

Hi Liz! So angry hearing this when so much truth is out re the damage of this rollout and tyranny on us! You may feel a bit happy to hear that Japan has just had its -first in the world- mainstream media conference with the harms of the vaccines being spoken to them! I will try to post a small clip from that onto here…and I will try to send it to Liz flakes! I'm sure that if it's coming out in the world on msm that it could make a huge difference! Meanwhile, like the others have said…this data is all overseas now…they can't stop it…just keep yourself safe by having a break from "the data" until we can somehow get this shot show stopped.

We are forever grateful for your hard work and bravery- don't know how I would have got through this time without you! That's for sure!'

This is awful - nz you need to stand up for your wonderful country.

Download here: The-DISGUSTING-Crimes-of-Nicolae-and-Elena-Ceausescu-Execution-the-inevitable-result-of-TREASON-2024-04-06.mp4 - 14,641 kb
By: TheUntoldPast - 6th April 2024
The DISGUSTING Crimes of
Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu
Execution, the inevitable result of TREASON

On Christmas Day 1989, Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu the Dictator of Romania and his wife were stood up against a military building and they were executed by 8 paratroopers. They were shot with over 120 bullets, and the pair had been quickly convicted of a number of terrible crimes including the slaughter of 60,000 people, spending huge sums of money and destroying their own towns and cities. They had been deposed during the Romanian Revolution, however what crimes specifically sent them to their execution?

Execution, the inevitable result of TREASON

Execution, the inevitable result of TREASON

Execution, the inevitable result of TREASON

Execution, the inevitable result of TREASON

I still remember it. The people made quick work of it. Sentence was quick, shooting was even quicker. Smart as then they could move on. These two people were vile.

When history got it just right!

Perhaps the sweetest Christmas present the Romanian people could ever have gotten!

They treated children with mental disorders terribly
I remember seeing hospitals filled with children in terrible conditions in cots without clothes covered in their own excrement
These were government run hospitals
They were inhumane and cruel and met death the only way the people expected

I went to Romania in 1997, they were still feeling from the effects of these monsters. They were truly evil.

He went to his death believing he and she had been done wrong. Classic psychopath

I would recommend traveling to Romania. Beautiful country, good and easy to use Public transportation. The food was good and the prices were very good. You can thank me later.

Why shouldn't all tyrants glean the same?

I remember this vividly
I didn't feel any sympathy then
Now looking back it was a justified execution They where a horrible couple

Sic semper commie tyrannis

It just goes to show how the people can turn when being fed so many lies ... I wonder if it could ever happen again ???

Surprised that you did not mention that palace they had built, which was over the top

I remember this when I was a child and read years later that the soldiers in the group who could be part of the firing squad were actually fighting one another to get a place to do so. That is how much Nicolae and Elena were hated.
Apparently it was a lawful requirement for every household to buy and own a cook book written by Elena and if it was updated it had to be purchased again.
One of the best things I heard was that the helicopter they both escaped in was landed by the pilot once he found out what was happening.

The Ceausescu's were hung by their ankles, after the firing squad, and left there for a couple of days, as I recall. The photo was front page everywhere. Why not here??

I remember when that happened. For some reason it reminded me of Albert Anastasia's ending.... in a hail of bullets! 8-)

Download: Honest-Government-Ad-Whistleblower-Protection-Laws-Persecute-the-whistleblowers-and-exonerate-the-criminals-2024-02-28.mp4 - 11,631 kb
By: thejuicemedia - 28th February 2024
Honest Government Ad
Whistleblower Protection Laws
Persecute the whistleblowers
and exonerate the criminals
The Australien Government has made an ad about its Whistleblower Protection Laws, and it's surprisingly honest and informative.

Sometimes, I forget that this is an Australian channel, because stuff like this absolutely applies to the US. Our whistleblower laws are a joke and it makes people who flee to a different country seem reasonable. Because 1 of 3 things will happen. A. You will get fired. B. Nothing will happen. C. something happens, but it is so negligible and doesn't resolve anything...(sometimes a combination of two)

Like whistleblower laws, there's a list of a few dozen things that >80% of the public would agree on, but the government refuses to enact. Methinks we need a general strike to get some shit done and remind the government who they're supposed to be working for

"In 2013 we passed a whistle blower protection law, and it has had the desired effect of making whistle blowers easier to find and persecute when they apply for protection instead of taking great care to leak anonymously and secretly"

It's so awesome to hear from the Juice Media gang again… It's been "a while"

I reported my boss for embezzlement and I was put in a performance improvement plan and was told they would continue harassing me until I quit! Companies talk ethics, until they have to enforce them. Do NOT, do NOT care about your company, they don't care about you. I was young, naïve and dumb, never again.

Thank you! My wife is a law enforcement whistleblower in the States. She was prosecuted but acquitted by a jury in minutes.

ugh, i dream of this level of transparency at any level of government. anywhere

We are pleased to announce that we have investigated ourselves and found ourselves innocent.

Loved the little David Brent dance.

Download here: Pauline-Hanson-vindicated-COVID-Jab-Mandates-Exposed-as-Unlawful-in-Queensland-2024-02-28.mp4 - 8,093 kb
By: Pauline Hanson's Please Explain - 28th February 2024

Pauline Hanson vindicated
COVID Jab Mandates Exposed
as Unlawful in Queensalnd

I wish the entire country were intelligent enough to support Pauline, not just the 10% of us.

Hopefully the internal border closures get deemed unlawful too. That was an absolute joke.


Never ever forget or forgive! These government officials, politicians should be held fully accountable.

Yep go Pauline , unlawful and so is vaccinating babies.

Pauline is found right again and again.

Should be illegal to mandate against all workers and university students that were forced to get it or be dismissed or blocked from being allowed on campus.

It was a disgraceful act, and their faces have all vanished from sight. Go Pauline Hanson

As this was unlawful federally why isn't Albo reinstating our police and nurses who are currently unemployed yet he is importing police from UK and nurses from India? This should be stopped by parliament

Download here: Mandatory-COVID-19-vaccination-for-Qld-police-officers-and-nurses-ruled-unlawful-2024-02-28.mp4 - 14,988 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 28th February 2024

Mandatory COVID-19 vaccination
for Qld police officers and nurses
ruled unlawful

The Queensland Supreme Court has found mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for police officers and nurses was unlawful and in breach of their human rights.

The ruling has been described as a huge legal victory for front-line workers who lost their jobs over their refusal to be vaccinated.

Dozens of police officers and healthcare workers have been vindicated in a 115-page judgment.

Justice Glenn Martin remarked dissatisfaction with the Police Commissioner lacking proper consideration for the human rights of her employees.

74 court cases were financed by billionaire Clive Palmer who called for celebration after the court's decisions, calling it the "first precedent of the Western world".

Health care workers deserve justice

And good on Clive Palmer .. and now tell us what truly happened about all those HCQ doses he bought for Australia?

Crimes Against Humanity

So what about every one else?
Anyone who forced their staff should be held accountable.

1 hour ago
Absolute disgrace, shame on you Australia & the world

Sure,they can compensate workers who lost their jobs for refusing the jabs,but what about all those who begrudgingly took the jabs rather than losing their jobs? The police commissioner and health commissioner should be banned from holding any high level position again!

Well done Clive and UAP! Voting ON and UAP at the top, LabGreen and Libs last.


They were always unlawful. Section 51.23a of the Australian Constitutional Guarantee, no forced medical procedures or mandates.

Unlawful for Everyone!

Pauline Hanson had a great speech in parliament about this.
How many people would have not wanted the jabby but were forced to?

Download here: The-Australian-Senate-has-acknowledged-the-EXCESS-DEATHS-and-the-need-for-further-inquiry-2024-02-27.mp4 - 15,120 kb
By: Senator Babet - 27th February 2024

The Australian Senate has acknowledged
and the need for further inquiry!

The Australian Senate has acknowledged excess deaths and the need for further inquiry!

Thank you to everyone who voted with me.

As far as I am aware this is the first time any parliament in the world has officially voted on and acknowledged we have a problem with excess deaths.

The UNITED AUSTRALIA PARTY will keep fighting for the truth.

95% of the Canberra bureaucrats should be held liable

And to all the dirty, sleazy corrupt politicians that voted AGAINST this in parliament, you will NOT get away.

This is wonderful news, Senator Babet!
Well done for not giving up on this hugely important matter.
Very telling that Labor and the Greens voted 'no'. They have no place being in our leadership.

Thank you Senator Babet. You have restored some faith in me of government.

30 Labor/Greens votes to NOT look into excess deaths is of grave concern. This is not a partisan issue, it's the lives of Australians.

No explanations anymore, WE WANT ARRESTS TO BE MADE. Plain & simple

Thank you Ralph Babet, you're a champion for the people

Thank you Senator Babet and all Senators who supported this enquiry. Shame on those disgraceful individuals who voted against! Hoping justice and truth prevail…in honour of all who lost their lives and those who continue to suffer.

It is truly disgusting that the labour party and the greens all voted AGAINST this motion. WTF !

Download here: Mandatory-COVID-vaccines-for-police-and-nurses-unlawful-says-Qld-Supreme-Court-2024-02-27.mp4 - 18,138 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 27th February 2024

Mandatory COVID vaccines for
police and nurses unlawful,
says Qld Supreme Court

The Queensland Supreme Court has found mandatory COVID vaccination for police officers and nurses was unlawful and in breach of their human rights.

Dozens of police officers and health workers have been vindicated in a 115-page judgement handed down on Tuesday by Justice Glenn Martin.

He found the departing Queensland Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll was unlawful under the Human Rights Act when she issued a mandatory vaccination order in December 2021.

A similar finding was made against Queensland Health Director John Wakefield - that his department's equivalent vaccination policy was of "no effect" and paramedics couldn't be forced to have the injection.

Today's finding is in response to legal action taken by 74 government workers opposing vaccinations.

The government is yet to respond to today's historic ruling.

It's illegal to make it mandatory for anyone. At anytime. Period.

The real reason the QLD police commissioner resigned!

time to send these drug pushers to prison.

The Pharmaceutical companies and Governments who pushed this should now be gaoled and forced to pay compensation.

Jail time for those who pushed it?

As per usual, normal people said this from day one. Conspiracy theorists we are called

We lost faith in doctors forever. We will never forget.

Hate to say "i told you so", but i was pepper sprayed for protesting against this b.s

The termination letter for my RN wife working for QLD Health stated that while the mandate breached her human rights, it was for the "common good". Whenever you see that phrase, know you are dealing with tyrants.

So why just for Nurses and Police? It should have been ILLEGAL FOR ALL HUMAN BEINGS ....Even this makes me angry....We are all HUMANS and should be treated the same ...What right did Politicians have to exempt themselves from these EXPERIMENTS!!!!!

Queensland Supreme Court
declares Police and Ambulance
[Covid] vaccine mandates unlawful

By Rebel News - 26th February 2024

In a landmark ruling, the Queensland Supreme Court has declared the Covid-19 vaccine mandates for police and ambulance staff to be unlawful under the Human Rights Act.

Queensland Supreme Court declares Police and Ambulance [Covid] vaccine mandates unlawful

In a significant win for unvaccinated police and ambulance staff in Queensland, the Supreme Court has ruled that the vaccine mandates introduced by the Queensland Police Service during the Covid-19 pandemic were unlawful.

The ruling, which declared the mandates to be in breach of the Human Rights Act, comes after 38 Queensland Police staff, including 16 officers, were reportedly sacked for refusing to get vaccinated.

At the time of the report, nine officers remained suspended as they awaited the Supreme Court decision on the challenge to the vaccine mandate.

The number of Queensland Police Service members suspended due to noncompliance with the vaccine mandate was 201, comprising 116 police officers and 85 staff members.

Commissioner Katarina Carroll had introduced the vaccine directive in 2021, citing the 'heightened exposure to Covid-19 faced by frontline officers.'

However, the Supreme Court ruling has now overturned the lawfulness of these mandates, providing relief to those who had refused to get vaccinated and were facing disciplinary action.

The ruling, which declared the directives to be unlawful under the Human Rights Act, brings an end to the disciplinary action against the suspended officers and staff members.

It also marks a significant victory for the individuals who challenged the lawfulness of the harsh vaccine mandates in the courts.

The decision highlights the importance of upholding human rights standards, especially during times of emergency such as the Covid-19 pandemic.

This ruling sets a precedent for similar challenges to vaccine mandates in other industries and reaffirms the significance of upholding the rights of individuals, particularly in relation to their healthcare decisions.

Bruce Atchison
I'm glad to see that more and more of these unfair mandates are being found to violate human rights.

Government is there to serve us. Their job is NOT to nanny us.

James Jones
We now need to see justice done and jail ALL those involved with mandates.

Shaun Deer
Jail all those who ignored the lack of safety and research, ignored the early data, bullied people, forced mandates, locked down the population when the Africans did it right,and so on and so on...but my friends etc still remain silent tho thinking I was looney they can feck offf now

Noel Reid
We've had a similar decision in NZ in respect of our Defence Force!

Jacqueline Crawford
Bravo Queensland

Janeen Vosper
This is brilliant. The walls are now starting to fall.

Stephanie Formosa
It is good to see these rulings come through. Now they just have to prove how dangerous the vaccine was and charge all those who let it be used to lower the numbers in the human race.

Shay Casiano
Dan Andrews to jail when...

Australian court rules
employers who mandated jab
legally liable for injuries

By: Jen Hodgson, Western Standard, Canada - 16th February 2024
Australian court rules employers who mandated jab legally liable for injuries - Russell Sumner
Australian court rules employers who mandated jab legally liable for injuries - Russell Sumner

A South Australian court has ordered employers who mandated COVID-19 vaccines for their employees will be held legally liable for injuries caused by the jab.

The Employment Tribunal ordered compensation for SA government employee Daniel Shepherd, 44, who developed pericarditis after being mandated to have a third dose of the vaccine in February 2022, per ABC News.

The SA government mandated under the Emergency Management Act in January 2022 that certain workers were required to get a booster to keep their jobs.

Shepherd, former child and youth support worker with the Department for Child Protection (DCP), has been off work since March 2022, save for a two-month part-time period doing administrative work.

He made a claim for vaccine-related injury workers compensation, but was rejected - however the court ruled in his favour when he appealed. The Court of Appeal ruled he is entitled to workers compensation for the vaccine injury, including weekly income support and medical payments.

Despite DCP arguing it should be excluded from liability due to Shepherd's injury being a result of the Emergency Management Act directive, Tribunal Judge Mark Calligeros ruled the vax mandate and DCP were "both significant contributing causes" of his injury.

"Mr Shepherd was required to have a third dose of the vaccine to continue performing duties and be paid," he said. "The vaccine mandate would not have applied to him had he not been employed by DCP and working in a healthcare setting."

"The connection between employment and the injury is a strong one given I have found that Mr Shepherd would not have had a third dose of the vaccine if he had not been required to in order to continue working," said Calligeros.

"It is not surprising that some people who receive a dose of COVID-19 vaccine will sustain injury as a result," said Calligeros. "The state required Mr. Shepherd to be vaccinated to continue working in a healthcare setting, because it sought to protect and reduce the risk of infection to the public and general and those members of the public receiving healthcare services in particular."

"It would be ironic and unjust if Mr Shepherd was denied financial and medical support by complying with the state's desire to preserve public health," the judge added.

Tribunal documents detail Shepherd's medical reaction to his first COVID-19 vaccine in August 2021, including aching joints, cold and flu symptoms, and minor chest pain. After his second dose, similar symptoms were recorded.

At the time of his first two shots, Shepherd worked for Baptist Care SA, which did not mandate (but did encourage) the COVID-19 shots.

In February 2022, Shepherd had his booster shot. The next day, he had severe chest pain. The pain grew steadily worse for two weeks, at which point the pain was so "unbearable" he thought he was having a heart attack and was taken by ambulance to Ashford Hospital.

Cardiologists diagnosed him with post-vaccine pericarditis which Health Canada describes as "inflammation of the lining around the outside of the heart," a "rare reaction reported following vaccination with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines."

A SA government spokesman said the court's decision will be "considered," as would the Emergencies Act.

"This decision means that if a state government employee is required to become vaccinated as part of their job and they fall within the very small cohort of people who experience an adverse reaction to a vaccine, any injury they experience may be covered by workers compensation laws," the spokesman said, per ABC. "That is consistent with ordinary principles of workers compensation, which ensure that workers are given appropriate support for injuries which arise from their employment.

"The government will consider the court's decision and obtain advice on any implications for the effectiveness of the Emergency Management Act," the spokesman added.

Government Employee
South Australia
COVID-19 Vaccines
Workers compensation
mandated COVID-19 vaccines
child and youth support worker
vaccine-related injury

H. Skip Robinson
"A very small cohort" of those who have been injured, "may" receive compensation. Just wait until we see how long that line is.

The fact the Governments and legacy media are doing their darndest to keep this under wraps is a dead giveaway.

One group has estimated worldwide 17 million dead. We can only imagine how many injured and what that cost will be? The VA is already covering all those affected and with a 97% vax rate, you know those costs are going to continue to rise. This could bankrupt the western world and we're pretty much already bankrupt, relying on printed money to stay afloat. I don't know if any of the G7 countries are really solvent and all are in massive debt.

"Cardiologists diagnosed him with post-vaccine pericarditis which Health Canada describes as "inflammation of the lining around the outside of the heart," a "rare reaction reported following vaccination with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines." Hmmm. NOT SO Rare anymore, Now the Goverments trying to suppress the continually increasing Myocarditis and increasing Pericarditis cases from the news. The clot shot is no longer promoted nor utilised in many countries and increasing States are removing it from use.



Wise Old Lady
Discussion about the covid shots is still taboo here in Canada. The best recourse is a class action lawsuit.

Craig R
Rare. Not so rare anymore. Becoming a pretty common result from these jabs. These are just the reactions they can prove there are a bunch more side affects that need to be proven associated with these poison shots.

Woodrow George
A good news story. Same thing needs to happen here in Canada.

One Pissed Off Millennial
Holy moly!!

That's how governments got away with it

One Pissed Off Millennial
Blame it on the plebs...

Secret agent 007
It'll snowball now

One Pissed Off Millennial
I'm waiting for the fat lady to sing...

Barbara Forrest
Govt taking no responsibility for their mandated vaccine.

Hastings truck driver who refused
Covid jab gets $29,000 payout
for wrongful dismissal

By: Ric Stevens, NZ Herald - 12th February 2024
Hastings truck driver who refused Covid jab gets $29,000 payout for wrongful dismissal
Wayne Basher was a line haul driver between Hastings and Putaruru. Photo / Josiah Farrow - Unsplash

NZ Herald - Open Justice

A line-haul truck driver who was sacked for not getting vaccinated against Covid-19 has been awarded nearly $29,000 for unjustified dismissal.

Wayne John Basher has been awarded $15,000 in compensation for humiliation, loss of dignity and injury to his feelings, and $13,967 for three months of lost wages.

Basher had been working for Big Chill Distribution Ltd since 2011 and won company awards for being a top driver multiple times.

At the time of his dismissal he was based at Big Chill's Hastings depot, driving between there and Putaruru, between Te Awamutu and Rotorua, and occasionally Palmerston North. Most of his work time was spent in his cab alone.

Basher told the Employment Relations Authority he was unjustifiably dismissed because Big Chill did not follow a fair and reasonable process before letting him go, and had coerced its staff into getting vaccinated during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Basher was dismissed on January 24, 2022 for not getting vaccinated under Big Chill's internal vaccination policy.

This was the day after the entirety of New Zealand was placed on the "red" alert setting under the "traffic light" Covid management system, as the Omicron strain was spreading through the community.

Big Chill, part of the Freightways business, which employs more than 5000 people, consulted its workers on a vaccination policy in 2021 and encouraged vaccination with $75 payments and a lottery for fully vaccinated staff.

It announced in December 2021 it was introducing mandatory vaccination for all roles.

Basher refused to be vaccinated. He had argued he did not meet customers on a regular basis and the depots he worked at were large enough to ensure he could maintain adequate distances of separation when he was present.

Big Chill told the Employment Relations Authority it was "substantively justified" in dismissing Basher because he was required to be vaccinated to carry out his role under its policy.

But Basher said Big Chill was unjustified in introducing a vaccination policy. He says his role was wrongly assessed as being covered by the policy because no proper individual risk assessment was carried out.

He also said that even if driver roles were covered by the vaccination policy, Big Chill did not consider the way he carried out his role or workarounds he could make, and therefore "did not exhaust all other reasonable alternatives" that would allow him to keep his job.

Authority member Natasha Szeto said Big Chill either declined or ignored a request to provide Basher with more information around the health and safety risk assessment for its drivers to justify its assessment of his role as "high-risk".

She said that was "not a step that a fair and reasonable employer could take".

She said Big Chill could also have considered carrying out an individual risk assessment for Basher's role, particularly because he was one of few cases of unvaccinated workers.

"Given the downstream consequences on Mr Basher's employment, I consider a fair and reasonable employer could have genuinely engaged with him on the risk assessment, even in the context of a business that was continuing to respond to the impacts of a global pandemic," Szeto said.

She said Big Chill could also have offered Basher leave as an alternative to dismissal.

"I have found that Big Chill did not follow a fair and reasonable process in terms of the risk assessment for Mr Basher's role, nor did it consider leave as a reasonable alternative to termination," Szeto said.

"It follows that Big Chill unjustifiably dismissed Mr Basher from his employment."

Szeto found in Big Chill's favour on two other grounds, saying the company did not breach Basher's individual employment agreement, and did not breach its obligation of good faith to him in regard to the privacy of his personal medical information.

Ric Stevens spent many years working for the former New Zealand Press Association news agency, including as a political reporter at Parliament, before holding senior positions at various daily newspapers.

He joined NZME's Open Justice team in 2022 and is based in Hawke's Bay.

Download: Justin-Trudeau-Roasted-by-Canada-Court-Using-emergency-powers-to-quell-freedom-convoy-unjustified-and-disproportionate-2024-01-25.mp4 - 15,710 kb
By: Times Of India - 25th January 2024
Justin Trudeau Roasted by Canada Court
Using emergency powers to quell
"freedom convoy" in 2022 deemed
unjustified and disproportionate!

Justin Trudeau Roasted, This Time by Canada Court | 'PM Trudeau has Double Standards' | Canada News

The Federal Court of Canada strongly criticized Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's administration for using emergency powers to quell the "freedom convoy" protests in 2022, deeming the action unjustified and disproportionate. Federal Court Justice Richard Mosley, in a Tuesday decision, asserted that the use of the Emergencies Act was unreasonable and beyond the government's powers, as there was no national emergency that warranted such measures. Mosley emphasized that the urgent situation surrounding the protests could have been effectively managed using existing laws, casting doubt on the necessity of invoking the Emergencies Act.

#justintrudeau #canada #englishnews #internationalnews #geopolitics #politics #federalcourt #law

As a Canadian, I like to thank India for exposing this corrupt tyrant to all over the world. You guys are doing awesome job.

Trudeau should be charged with misuse of the law, also citizens affected by his actions should be compensated.

I don't understand why so many Canadians are so happy about this rule. There's no justice until he pays for his crimes. It doesn't look like he's going to pay for his crimes.

There wasn't one single thing that Trudeau did to Canadians during the truckers rally that was warranted. He showed the world exactly what he is.

They don't agree with the guilty verdict- well, criminals never believe they're guilty

As much as I hope for justice, recent history has shown that guilty people in power escape all accountability while innocent people are beaten in the street by the very people they pay to protect them.

The WEF will protect their poster child, it's a big club and you ain't in it.

Canadians MUST remember this come the next election.

Plain and Simple. His government's Invocation of the Emergencies Act was Unreasonable and UNCONSTITUTIONAL! A win for Canada's TRUCKERS FREEDOM CONVOY!

I am Canadian. I can easily say that we are a weak and pathetic people, since Trudeau hasnt been ripped out of office yet. That is who we really are.

Good to see a judge that has integrity unlike the criminister and the entire fiberal party. Thank you sir

Once again, Justin gets schooled that he just can't do as he pleases. How dare Canadians stand up for themselves..

The reason they didn't/WOULDN'T talk with the truckers is their thinking that, no one demands an audience with us. Nobody tells US what to do. It boils down to their arrogance. And yet, they are supposed to be public servants; 'honourable' public servants. We know the truth about this man.

The crime minister of Canada needs a long jail sentence.

Download here: Angry-citizen-disrupts-Aransas-Pass-city-council-meeting-Then-the-council-is-SUED-2024-01-20.mp4 - 2,715 kb
By: KRIS 6 News - 20th January 2024
Angry citizen disrupts Aransas
Pass city council meeting -
[Then the council is SUED!]

Everyone is talking about the Aransas Pass city council meeting on Tuesday as things got very heated during public comment.

Aransas Pass citizen Jason Followell got up and proceeded to curse out the chief of police, saying, "Chief Blanchard you piece of shit!"

"Enough! I'm not going to put up with any defamation of character," Mayor Ramiro Gomez said.

Like every other citizen, Followell was given 3 minutes to make his statement.

Before those comments were made, Gomez made his rules clear.

"During council meetings members of the public will not engage in shouting, unruly behavior, defamation, profanity or threats of any kind," Gomez said.

"I'm talking, it's my turn to talk. I don't care what you have to say," Followell said.

Getting a lawyer arrested because he is telling you that you are breaking the law, has got to be one of the most stupid things anyone has ever done.

Here is a perfect example of of why America is in shambles

* Our police have no constitutional awareness

* They really think protecting tyrants is protecting America

* They confuse we the people with The ones overturning the will of the people

He was making a point. The ordinance they passed violates an amendment of the bill of rights, great way to load up a head line

For those who dont know let me explain. The mayor and the police chief were using the city budget that goes towards things like city maintenance emergency funds for natural disasters for personal use. The chief bought a 1247$ custom fitted suit using the city budget and when the man seen in the video who was cursing was just about to provide the facts that they were stealing from there city and there city people that when the mayor knowing he would be caught forced him out of the building and the cops on body cam arrested him for free speech under there corrupt police chief orders. That chief is no longer on the board as a police chief and he filed for another city chief position and they turned him down too.

The title of the post is wrong. Who disrupted what? I'd urge the counsel to listen and follow the law.

We just filed our $5 million lawsuit against the city.

His "rules" of the meeting are unconstitutional. Thus mayor and everyone else on the board need fired and sued for violating their rights!

How can you "disrupt" a constitutional right? Oh yeah, the city council did.

You can't disrupt when it's your turn to speak

They are being sued at this time. They literally violated Grisham's rights on the spot and the officer may have lost qualified immunity! The mayor did violate their rights and thus, the taxpayer will need to foot the bill!

Unconstitutional rules DO NOT APPLY!

Angry? Mans speaking the facts.

The best part of this….the lawyer went back in and said "You kept telling me to sue you, so here's your lawsuits" as he begins leaving the room.

The title to the video shows bias in this news station. The citizen isn't disrupting when IT IS HIS TURN TO SPEAK. I hope you struggle with advertisements.

City council rules of "decorum" do not take precedence over the Constitution! 1st Amendment guarantees free speech and multiple lawsuits have determined that criticizing or cursing at public officials, even at a city council meeting, is allowed! Their rules are unconstitutional!

The mayors rules do not supersede the constitution, thats the part the mayor and the jackass they interviewed after the story fail to understand. Just because the mayor doesnt like someone's speech or tone or word choice doesnt mean they can just kick out or threaten to arrest someone. It's protected speech, plain and simple. If he cant handle being talked to in that manner than leave the position.

It's funny how the media cut the original video like sushi to fit the "bad citizen" narrative

"Caught On Camera! Citizen's Constitutional Rights Blatantly Violated By Corrupt City Council Members"

You should fix your title - these guys have an absolutely airtight case and your title seems pretty biased and defamatory.

Vaccination injury compensable
Employment "a significant contributing
to pericarditis (South Australia)
By: CCH Pinpoint - 19th January 2024

Vaccine injury compensation scheme

[The following article is from:]

A youth worker who developed pericarditis after his third COVID-19 vaccination will receive weekly compensation and medical expenses, having convinced the South Australian Employment Tribunal that his injury was work-related.

The youth worker, Mr Shepherd, worked in a residential care setting for the Department for Child Protection. A "Major Emergency" concerning the pandemic had been declared under the Emergency Management Act 2004 (EM Act), and Mr Shepherd was required under 2 directions issued under the EM Act to receive a third (booster) dose of the COVID-19 vaccine within a specified 4 month period to engage in his work and duties. A letter from his employer also required him to provide evidence of his third dose, and he and his supervisor exchanged texts about the Department's direction.

Since developing post vaccine pericarditis after the third dose, Mr Shepherd had only worked for a few months in a part-time administrative capacity. The employer admitted the pericarditis was caused by the third booster vaccination. However, it denied liability for workers compensation, arguing that it was the lawful State Government vaccination directive that relevantly caused the injury rather than his employment.

Alternatively, it argued that liability was excluded under the EM Act (s 32A).

The Tribunal rejected the employer's causation argument, that his injury arose as a result of both the vaccination mandate and his employment. A compensable injury need only be "a significant contributing cause" to his injury rather than its only or most significant cause (Return to Work Act 2014 (SA), s 7). The Tribunal also rejected the legislative exclusion defence, because the EM Act (s 32A) does not unmistakably and unambiguously defeat an otherwise valid workers compensation claim, which would be required to override provisions of another Act which are well known and understood. The second reading speech of the EM Bill suggested the liabilities s 32A sought to avoid were unforeseen and novel rather than a well-known and established liability like workers compensation.

The Tribunal concluded that the rejection of Mr Shepherd's claim should be set aside and the employer be ordered to pay weekly compensation and medical expenses, with the parties to submit draft orders to that effect.

Source: Shepherd v The State of South Australia (in right of the Department for Child Protection) [2024] SAET 2, 15 January 2024.

To compare this outcome to other vaccination cases, see the comparative table at 1-190 -

Vaccination injury compensable. Employment "a significant contributing cause" to pericarditis (South Australia)

NZ and the MRNA

The South Australian Employment Tribunal rules that employers are responsible for compensating employees who acquire vaccine injuries from work directives.

A significant precedent for the injured who have been wrongfully denied workers compensation

Young man who developed Pericarditis from his employment mandate, will now be paid ONGOING WEEKLY COMPENSATION AND MEDICAL EXPENSES BY EMPLOYER

This is a potential precedent setting ruling that should have NZ employers in a massive sweat

Phillip Davey
The government forced the enforcement of covid mandates on employees
So I'll be forwarding that on to the government they forced employer's to enforce it on employees

Reefer Madness
This was pushed on me for my business to keep its contract, the big corporations pushed it down onto smaller companies to communicate it out to any contractors working on their project. They knew it was risky legally to enforce it so tried to have the smaller players enforce it and take on the liability. Luckily i knew it would not be audited in any way as they understood the legal risks and they were essentially being bullied by companies with more money and better lawyers. The only benefit is that if this happens again the government will get a lot more pushback from companies due to rulings like this.

Frank davis
So "employment" not the experimental shot they were forced to get is what's causing heart problems.

Got it.

Sadly it is by design. The WEF knew that people would look to hold those responsible to account. Hence the 2 weeks of meetings Adern had with Pfizer's lawyers prior to mandate. Adern was quite willing to indemnify Pfizer from prosecution for murder. With your money.

Covid-19 deniers and anti-lockdown protesters gathered at the TVNZ building in Auckland to protest the alert level 4 lockdown. Video: Cameron Pitney
Download here: Billy-Te-Kahikas-prison-sentence-for-Covid-19-lockdown-protest-overturned-on-appeal-2023-12-22.mp4 - 18,710 kb
By: - Craig Kapitan and David Fisher - 22nd December 2023
Billy Te Kahika's prison sentence
for Covid-19 lockdown protest
overturned on appeal

One of New Zealand's most outspoken and well-known Covid-19 conspiracy theorists, Billy Te Kahika Jr, will not have to serve a prison sentence for illegally organising and attending a protest in front of TVNZ on the first day of New Zealand's nationwide Delta variant lockdown.

In a decision released this afternoon, High Court at Auckland Justice Neil Campbell upheld the convictions for Te Kahika and co-defendant Vincent Eastwood but overturned their prison sentences, instead ordering both men be convicted and discharged.

"How's that for an early Christmas present?" Te Kahika, otherwise known as Billy TK, told the Herald of today's decision. "I'm a little bit of a stunned mullet."

Te Kahika was already a well-known musician and lay preacher when he rode an undercurrent of discontent on social media over Covid-19 safety measures at the outset of the pandemic. His profile increased during his unsuccessful bid for Parliament in 2020.

He was initially sentenced to four months' imprisonment and Eastwood received a sentence of three months' imprisonment when they appeared in Auckland District Court in March.

Judge Peter Winter noted at the time both men were assessed as having a low risk of re-offending, but he also noted that neither man appeared repentant and he described Te Kahika's involvement as "at the upper end if not the most serious end ... of this type of offending".

"I find that he has exhibited no remorse other than remorse for himself," the judge added. "Nor does it seem he's given any consideration to the sacrifices of other law-abiding citizens [to stop the Delta variant's spread]."

Both men were immediately granted bail while awaiting appeal.

The duo spent three days in court in August 2022 for a judge-alone trial, during which they both gave evidence. Judge Winter found them guilty last December, following a lengthy adjournment so both sides could submit written legal arguments that focused in part on whether the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act allowing freedom of assembly to protest should have superseded the lockdown order.

A senior police officer testified during the trial that Te Kahika called him on the first morning of the August 2021 lockdown to let law enforcement know he was planning a protest of 200 to 300 people outside TVNZ headquarters in central Auckland that day.

"He was advised it was against the health order and he was liable to be arrested," the officer testified. "He told me it was his right to protest."

Te Kahika then posted a series of live videos on Facebook in which he encouraged people to show up to the protest.

In one social media post, Judge Winter noted, Te Kahika "advanced various theories now commonly accepted to be conspiracy theories as his reason for being present in contravention of the level 4 lockdown regulations".

Despite warnings from police, Te Kahika said he was surprised by his arrest because he believed freedom of speech and assembly should have taken precedence over lockdown orders.

Police arrested anti-lockdown protester Vincent Eastwood outside TVNZ in August 2021. Photo / Dean Purcell
Police arrested anti-lockdown protester Vincent Eastwood outside TVNZ in August 2021. Photo / Dean Purcell

Eastwood, an online broadcaster who had been travelling with Te Kahika when the lockdown was announced, also posted on social media encouraging people to turn out for the protest. Video footage played repeatedly during the evidence phase of the trial showed him yelling through a megaphone with an increasingly desperate-sounding tone for fellow protesters to surround him and "protect" him as police approached in an effort to hand him a letter advising him the gathering was illegal.

Violating the Covid-19 Public Health Response Act by attending an illegal gathering carries a maximum punishment of six months' jail and a $4000 fine, while organising such a gathering is punishable only by a fine.

The pair appealed both their convictions and their sentence to the High Court at Auckland in July and have been waiting months for a reserved decision from Justice Campbell.

"I consider that this offending was well short of the most serious of its kind," the High Court judge wrote in his decision. "At most, a starting point of a very short period of imprisonment, in the region of 14 days, would have been appropriate for each of Mr Te Kahika and Mr Eastwood.

"Against his starting point, Mr Te Kahika is entitled to several allowances. He has no prior convictions. More significantly, he has spent much of his life making significant and varied contributions to his community."

When adding in credit for time he spent on restrictive bail conditions, and also considering credit for the one night he spent in custody after his arrest, the most appropriate sentence is a discharge without conviction, he said.

"I add that, even if the adjusted starting point had been a very short sentence of imprisonment, I consider that Judge Winter erred in not considering home detention or some other community-based sentence," Justice Campbell said.

Police arrest anti-lockdown protester Billy Te Kahika outside TVNZ in August 2021. Photo / Dean Purcell
Police arrest anti-lockdown protester Billy Te Kahika outside TVNZ in August 2021. Photo / Dean Purcell

Te Kahika said today he was celebrating his 20th wedding anniversary with his wife Corrin when a call came from his lawyers.

"They told me they had really good news and a little bit of bad news," he said, explaining that once he heard the good news about the quashed sentence, "I didn't really care about the bad news".

"It's just amazing and totally unexpected to have a phone call like that," he said. "My wife just said to me - and the way we see it - is God sees more value for me at this stage being outside of prison."

Te Kahika said he had woken every morning since appealing the District Court sentencing concerned that the phone call sending him to prison would come that day.

"It's been like having some strange monkey on my back," he said, explaining that his main concerns were leaving his wife to raise their children in an isolated rural area and abandoning the 80 people he ministers to. "And also the very clear sense of injustice for the sentencing to jail in the first place."

Te Kahika said the arrest and prosecution had "felt like a political persecution" but the appeal process, and its outcome, had eased that belief. He said a similar feeling had come with the recent Independent Police Conduct Authority finding six instances of excessive force used by police during the Parliament protest.

"It starts to give people a sense of confidence they can start to have trust and confidence in the system," he said.

"We want to see our country heal."

Te Kahika said the experience of being prosecuted had left him wondering at the impact it had on those who did not appeal convictions or sentences and did not have the support he had enjoyed from the community and his whanau, for which he offered thanks.

"As a minister, I would love to find a way to support people through the court process," he said.

In the months between the High Court appeal and today's decision, Te Kahika also went to trial and was sentenced for election fraud during his 2020 run for Parliament as co-leader of the controversial Advance NZ Party.

He again stood in a dock at Auckland District Court yesterday as Judge Kate Davenport ordered a non-custodial sentence of 200 hours of community work and $14,000 in fines.

Craig Kapitan is an Auckland-based journalist covering courts and justice. He joined the Herald in 2021 and has reported on courts since 2002 in three newsrooms in the US and New Zealand.

David Fisher is based in Northland and has worked as a journalist for more than 30 years, winning multiple journalism awards including being twice named Reporter of the Year and being selected as one of a small number of Wolfson Press Fellows to Wolfson College, Cambridge. He first joined the Herald in 2004.

William McGimpsey
Anti-lockdown protester Billy Te Kahika had had his prison sentence overturned on appeal.

Merry Christmas Billy TK!

Not a fan but I always felt he got cancelled by kiwis under the Jacindamania spell, he warned lockdowns and mandates were on the way, she denied it, the public turned on him, next minute it's easier to have him in jail than admit we all got played, I feel like he's owed an apology.

Jonno L
The lickspittle judge who sentenced him to jail should be demoted to the parking fines court.

John Ford
Congratulations, Billy Te Kahika! Make a new album and release it for 2024.

ian_ C_Kinnell
It never should have gone to court anyway

Joelene Hohapata
Merry Christmas Billy and Vinnie!!

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
You are a brave man. Kiwi's must be so proud of you for your valiant stand.

Well done and God bless you sir.

maree mays
Amen been praying for him. Answer to prayer

Awesome news

Lockdowns don't work...he was in the RIGHT!

Download here: NZCCI-Launch-of-the-NZ-Citizen-Covid-19-Inquiry-2023-12-19.mp4 - 72,197 kb
By: Billy Te Kahika - 19th December 2023
NZCCI - Launch of the
NZ Citizen Covid-19 Inquiry

PLEASE SHARE - This is the information message to explain the launch of the New Zealand Citizen Covid-19 Inquiry.

This is an important work - if you wish to know more and be a part of the NZCCI work and get your story counted in the inquiry please email:

We are looking to commence public testimonials in February across New Zealand. We need YOUR help in this work.

Thank you for your courage and support.

Go for it Billy. God bless you and keep you strong. Thank you thank you thank you, from an unjabed 76 year old.

When People of our land (New Zealand) enquire, investigate, and come to our rational conclusion we can in good faith pray to God to defend our Freeland. In other words when we realise and resist with each of our God created souls, we are no longer feeding the beast. Well done Billy I support your investigation.

Excellent presentation. What a gift you are to the truth. Thank you

Thank you for your efforts. My husband and I are right with you on this one. Bring on the enquiry and recompense for the intentional harm done to New Zealand and New Zealanders.

Bring it on Billy...You're a good man...

Good grief, racism here??? This is not about A NAME this is about accountability for a massive set of crimes committed against New Zealanders. This IS the focus - not what people think NZ is called. Pretty soon unless we get ourselves sorted there won't be a New Zealand or an Aotearoa. Things are happening very very quickly and unless the freedom movement gets it's act together and we unite to combat what is coming down the pipeline we will indeed watch our freedoms be reset into the great vision of the UN, WHO & WEF.

I agree re Aotearoa! It IS New Zealand. Apart from that, good work Billy. Go for them.

Amen !!! Dear Billy,...missed you for soo long, beautiful Christmas Gift to us that love you, & beleive In You, Pastor Billy, GodBless you our Dear Man,...

Peace and blessings Billy.

Well done Billy! Right behind you!

Download here: Swarm-of-dirty-Cops-try-to-kick-BAT-off-public-property-in-Concord-California-2023-12-07.mp4 - 6,847 kb
By: TyrantClowns 7th December 2023
Swarm of dirty Cops
try to kick BAT off public property
in Concord California

#police #copdismissed #cops

We begin here at @TyrantClown with the legendary @bayareatransparency1722 This guy is an absolute legend and is the reason we started this channel. Be sure to show the Bay Fam some love by smashing that like/subscribe button.

Watch as BAT owns these TYRANT Cop Clowns in Concord California. Watch this swarm of corrupt police try to kick him off public property!

The way he said "back to work people"

Cop logic 101: The building is ours until the bills are due then it's yours.

Police academies need to dedicate a day to watching YouTube videos like this.


A class of Second graders are smarter than the whole Concord Police Department!

How many cowards to deal with one guy with a camera. The cowardly gang does the walk of shame.

It's so funny the body language of cops admitting defeat is universal. Once they admit defeat they start avoiding eye contact, pretending like they hear something on their radio, and scatter around with their tail between their legs lmao

They are supposed to protect the 1st amendment. They took an oath. They need to be retrained or fired.

Having all of them proven wrong and sent to kick rocks, must be so humiliating! I feel sorry for their families that night! Some wife got a blackeye I'm sure!

Public servants don't understand they are public nor servants. Wild.


Most of these forget that this position is in some ways lowering your power from citizen to servant of citizens. You don't get to give citizens random orders outside of the law.

Walk of shame 7 to 8 L's handed out


Download here: Liz-Gunn-calls-for-Jacinda-Ardern-to-be-forced-to-return-to-NZ-with-her-passport-held-and-tried-for-democide-2023-12-06.mp4 - 2,064 kb
By: NancyDrewberry - 6th December 2023
Liz Gunn calls for Jacinda Ardern
to be forced to return to NZ, with
her passport held & tried for democide

Politician and Journalist, Liz Gunn, calls for Jacinda Ardern to be forced to RETURN to NZ with her Passport HELD. "She has broken her Social Contract with the People of NZ she has allowed them to be INJURED, DAMAGED AND KILLED..."

Liz Gunn, Politcal Leader Of NZ Loyal Party, released an interview with whistleblower Barry Young, Lead Data Administrator for the covid response in New Zealand. Barry Young has since been arrested.

Liz Gunn is hiding in a Safehouse.

#liz #gunn #nz

She has broken her Social Contract with the People of NZ she has allowed them to be INJURED, DAMAGED AND KILLED...

Friend of Q
So the peasants are finally waking up and asking the government if they can investigate the government? Akin to asking a murderer to please stop murdering people, at least during the weekend and public holidays! Normies are a very special kind of stupid!

Life without parole listening to baby shark and the titanic on loop whilst being sprayed with water, then pepper sprayed and beaten!
Just the same as she had the protesters treated.
Seems a fair start.

Brent Davis
Every single government has broken the social contract.

We're entirely within our right to not pay taxes.

You're next @JustinTrudeau

The Translator
Translation: Finally someone grows some balls in New Zealand.

Robert J. Thomas
Completely agree. Let her be the first to be held accountable since the case is so strong against her given what the whistleblower has let loose on the internet. She knowingly put her people at risk. She should pay the price.

Exactly how much of NZ is owned by BLACKROCK?

Is Kiwi saver with BLACKROCK?

How much did BLACKROCK profit from covid?

English Peasant
Everyone complicit, around the world, TO THE GUILLOTINE!!!

Yep, she needs to face the people of NZ, pulled through the streets. Shame, shame, shame.

She didn't allow it. She bullied and forcefully coerced the New Zealand people to do it, while she exempted herself from it.

Wayne Cunnington
In light of the NZ whistleblower's house raid, arrest and bail yesterday I believe it is a rather timely call for Ardern's arrest for crimes against her own people by @LizGunn18

Knowing full well the toxicity of the pharma shots she coerced and mandated people to have a covid shot although exempting 11,000 of her friends and colleagues by way of an FOI release recently.

Jacinda is also in a safe house - she's with British Royalty.
I imagine they will protect her at all costs. If they don't their game's up.

Reply Guy
Nothing needs too hide.

It's easy. It's treason.

Group together and begin

Igor Beuker
Nuremberg trials: lock the bitch up for life!

Your call

I listened to Liz Gunn's interview with the whistleblower statistician, and was impressed by the moral element of his decision to speak out as a whistle blower. Reminds me of when Ananda Marga was banned in India because its members in Gov became strong moralists

Kiwi Patriot - MAGA
What's happening to Trudeau?

Tony Cabus (Wist al veel, maar meer nog niet)
If they could arrest Reiner Fuellmich (who did no harm, all on the contrary!!) they can arrest that criminal "women" too!!

Sean Carson
Time to prosecute

Wesley T. Miller
Heads. Spikes. Walls.
Nothing less will do.

johnnie cast
Absolutely SURREAL

Tania Marshall - Psychotherapist Author
There needs to be an investigation

Good we need more of that and the tables might turn

Director-General of Health
Dr Ashley Bloomfield's fluoridation
orders unlawful - court rules!
By: Stuff NZ, Charlie Mitchell - 14th November 2023
Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield is a narcissistic, tyrannical, megalomaniacal genocidist
Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield gives his last media / public briefing

Orders to add fluoride to more than a dozen drinking water supplies have been ruled unlawful by the High Court, likely delaying plans for a significant expansion of fluoridation.

In July 2022, then Director-General of Health Sir Ashley Bloomfield directed 14 councils to fluoridate some or all of their drinking water supplies.

He did so under a new law that put fluoridation decisions in the hands of the Director-General of Health, rather than local authorities, where they had previously belonged.

A preliminary High Court decision released on Friday has ruled those orders contained a procedural error - namely, Bloomfield did not give specific consideration to the Bill of Rights Act in making them.

It means the fluoridation orders could be set aside or returned to the Ministry of Health for reconsideration before a substantive hearing on the broader issue next year.

The 14 councils were given a deadline to start fluoridating and would be subject to hefty fines should they fail to comply.

The deadlines ranged between 2023 and 2026. One authority, the New Plymouth District Council, had already begun fluoridating in response to the directive, and several others were planning to do so imminently.

A further 27 councils were told they were being considered for fluoridation directives.

The ruling emerged from a judicial review by New Health New Zealand, a Christchurch-based natural health lobby group.

Amongst the arguments from the group's lawyers was that Bloomfield had to consider the Bill of Rights in his decisions. This question was taken out of the wider review and considered on its own by the High Court.

Under the Bill of Rights, anyone can refuse medical treatment. Fluoride opponents have long argued that mandatory fluoridation breaches that right.

The Supreme Court, however, has previously ruled that councils are allowed to fluoridate and that doing so is a justifiable limit on that right.

On Bloomfield's behalf, the Crown argued that nothing had changed since that decision, and requiring such weighty considerations for discretionary decisions would "unnecessarily complicate and encumber administrative decision-making at all levels of government", the decision said.

If breaches of the Bill of Rights were found, the courts could step in, the Crown argued.

The court disagreed.

In his decision, Justice Paul Radich found that decision-makers were required to show they had considered the Bill of Rights in decisions that touched upon it.

"It is in my view an essential component of the Bill of Rights Act scheme that a shot must be taken at the target by the decision-maker in the first instance before the Court comes to see where it lands," the decision said.

Such a consideration did not need to be "an undue burden," Radich said.

"It should be perceived as a positive and integral part of a society in which fundamental rights are defined and cannot be limited arbitrarily."

While New Health New Zealand had asked for the fluoridation orders to be set aside, Radich ruled that the parties should try to agree on an outcome.

The anti-fluoride lobby group Fluoride Free welcomed the decision, which said the ruling makes suspension of the directives "highly likely."

A Ministry of Health (Manatū Hauora) spokesperson said the decision "has been received and is being considered."

Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield is a narcissistic, tyrannical, megalomaniacal genocidist.

Download: Philippines-Government-to-launch-investigation-into-over-327000-unexplained-excess-deaths-between-2021-and-2022-2023-11-08.mp4 - 11,079 kb
By: The Canadian Independent - 8th November 2023

Philippines Government committee
votes in favour to launch investigation
into over 327,000 unexplained
excess deaths
between 2021 and 2022.

The House of Representatives of the Philippines has voted in favour of passing a resolution to investigate over 260,000 unexplained excess deaths in 2021 and 67,000 unexplained excess deaths in 2022.

Chairperson Rep. Dan S. Fernandez while explaining the statistical findings to the rest of the committee says he "was shocked" when referring to the number of unexplained excess deaths.

Ross Sundelin
May God above let the truth roll down like a mighty flood to wash away the lies of those who push these kill shots. The truth shall set us free.

That's not good enough. May their LIVES be washed away with the truth.

Philippines latest vital statistics data (released 7th November 2023) reported in my article. It is even worse, probably much worse than Congressman Dan is presenting. There are already 330,000 excess deaths between 2021 (43.2% excess) and 2022 (10.7% excess), in still preliminary data.

Will you initiate a committee that seeks FOI on excess deaths in Canada?I live a block away from a crematorium, they used to light up one day per week, if needed. Now they burn day and night 7 days per week and they are reported to Consumer Protection due to the black smoke they are constantly emitting...

We have 4 schools all uphill of our local crematorium.

How would you see this developing, I finally have the towns mayor here in Gibsons BC pursuing the Consumer Protection for their investigation report.

You-can-now-get-ACC-for-Covid-Vaccine-Injuries-as-previously-NO-ONE-was-able-to-make-an-informed-decision-about-the-RISKS-2023-10-31.mp4 - 116,470 kb
By: Sue Grey - New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party - 31st October 2023

You can now get ACC for
Covid Vaccine Injuries, as previously
NO ONE was able to make an
'informed decision' about the RISKS

New Zealand: Sue Grey sharing some thoughts on the imminent end of the PfizerVax provisional consent on 3rd November 2023, admissions about Myocarditis and Pericarditis in the Risk Management Plan, informed consent the Health and Disabilities Code and the need for a proper public inquiry to start to restore trust in government.

This is what Sue Grey does so well.

This is amazing and **SO IMPORTANT!!!** Thank you so much for sharing this

Moehau Hakopa
I want to know if these vaccinators and these ill practioners are going to be held accountable for these heinous crimes???

Fiona Hansen
Brilliant thanks. Here's hoping justice is coming for many.

Juli Bea
THANK YOU Sue Grey for all of your tenacity, honesty and extremely hard work trying to get the Truth for all Kiwis. YOU are a TRUE HERO and deserve official recognition for everything you do. I would nominate you for New Zealander of the year , in fact Decade, if I could!

Judy Clark
You will need a Judge that won't be swayed first!

New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party
Judy Clark they just need to follow the law

Golden Alexandria
Healthcare NZ terminated my contract, I didn't decline the vax, I asked questions and wanted them to answer.

Rodrigo Nasa
Thank you for everything you do Sue! This country owe you a lot!!

Golden Alexandria
I've been waiting for 16years for investigations with child immunizations and autism.

New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party
Golden Alexandria we need to keep pushing to reclaim health from big Pharma

Marcus Hikoi James
Well researched and particularly well explained thankyou Sue Grey

Shari Landeg
Bring on the class actions! What an absolutely disgraceful time in our human history. Thank you for your tireless work Sue

Amanda Thompson
Thanks Sue!!! Great info. Definitely was not safe and effective was it

Jacquie Stokes
There was never an opportunity to give informed consent. So many lies & cover ups

New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party
Jacquie Stokes I agree. Informed consent is not possible without full disclosure of risks or where there is coercion

Lynne Wylie
Perhaps they could acknowledge the Turbo Cancers , Bloodclots, Brain Bleeds & all the Nurological Problems. Burwood Hospital is full of Gillian Barre (Polio). Thanks Sue

Allan Grant
Bring on criminal accountability !

Alison Heslop
Thanks for your research and sharing

Mary Hobbs
Thank you Sue. There should be criminal charges. And full compensation for those who lost loved ones and for the injured.

Carla Gates
Interesting conversation Sue Grey! Yes an inquiry is a must! Thanks for speaking out on this important information.

Lesha Coyle
Absolutely we need honesty.The people's rights.

Peter Wilson
Sue, I'm wondering if this has any thing to do with the possibility of Rory's second part of Inquest coming out.
Definitely don't trust them one ounce.
Keep up the great work.

Suzie Reyland
Peter Wilson I wasn't aware there was going to be a second part ... would you be able to advise me when that would be ?

Sandi Marie
Even though we're being vindicated I just feel SAD

New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party
Sandi Marie the entire situation is incredibly sad

Jane London
Fabulous news let's hope we can get to the bottom of it

Deborah Hallam
I am so glad Medsafe is finally admitting myocarditis and pericarditis ARE serious risks of the jab.

NZers need to know this to make INFORMED decisions. Thanks Sue.

Linda Knight
Fantastic!! So much thanks to Sue for her hard work. It's not over yet and this has to get out onto mainstream media!!!

Brenda Marshall
Thank you Sue ,full unbiased inquiry need as soon a possible

Pauline Scott
Well done and thank you Sue, sharing everywhere I can.

Jeannie Knott
Bless you sue for all your integrity and dedication

Sheree Morfett
Love it when the truth comes out! Thank you Sue for sharing

Brian Chadwick
Thank you again Sue , the reality if a fair enquiry was conducted would be that our prisons could not cope with the influx of filth . Any people found to have gained financially , should be forced to give that value to the crown under the proceeds of crimes act and forfeiture orders

Liz M Lambert
We need to have commissioners from Australia and we send some to them

New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party
Liz M Lambert yes but commissioner's who spotted the red flags early and had the courage to speak out, not those who ignored them

Lynda Smith Hamlin
Thank you Sue for all your research and concern for us all. We are so grateful

Laurice Steiner
I wonder what kind of compensation acc would give? A pay out? Cover for treatment? As it is hard to get pay outs

New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party
Laurice Steiner the law requires them to cover costs of treatment plus other related costs and 80% of lost wages . There is some possibility of exemplary damages

Margo McCurdy
Big love and thanks Sue for keeping us informed

Ritchie Macpherson
Thank you Sue for the awesome information that you share and for your commitment to the truth. We are truely blessed to have you on our side.

Kathryn Taylor
What would we do without you Sue?! Thank you for all your hard work on behalf of all of us

Serena Signall-Kuka
This is going to be a game changer

Ilka Villarreal
And so many that have died suddenly of heart attacks... What is the compensation for their relatives!!!

Heads should roll after this!!!

New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party
Ilka Villarreal yes we agree as clots are a known adverse effect

Kim Tennant
That's good. But to bad for all those that are dead

Download here: What-Can-You-Do-If-a-Mob-Surrounds-Your-Car-Run-them-over-Shoot-them-Surrender-2023-10-25.mp4 - 36,801 kb
By: Washington Gun Law - 25th October 2023

What Can You Do If a Mob
Surrounds Your Car?
Run them over? Shoot them? Surrender?

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses a recent video that has been kicking around in the virtual universe which shows an elderly gentleman get surrounded by an angry mob of pro-Palestinian protestors who decided to start smashing his car. This leads us to one of the most common questions we get here at Washington Gun Law which is what can you do when you find you and your car surrounded by an angry mob? The answer is much more complicated than you might think so learn more and arm yourself with education today.

Contact Washington Gun Law
If you have any questions about this topic, or anything else related to what's left of our Second Amendment Rights, remember you can always contact us at: or call us directly at 425-765-0487.

Stay safe.

It's astounding that we've reached a point where criminals destroying your property and threatening your life have more rights than the innocent victim.

A single person blocking someone in from leaving a parking lot in their car without cause can, in many cases, constitute false imprisonment/unlawful restraint/kidnapping, which are all felonies. An entire freaking mob doing the same thing should be considered waaaaay worse.

The fact that you can't just drive away in some places when your life is being threatened by a mob that clearly wants to do you harm in this country is absurd.

The fact that you don't IMMEDIATELY have the right to self defense is DISGUSTING.

A mob doing that to a random person let alone an old man is unacceptable.

I'm not even a gun owner (but I am a NRA member and strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment) and I thoroughly enjoyed your video. Well done.

This is terrifying. This is not protesting this is abuse and harassment. The poor man is scared and just wants to leave. It is HOSTAGE taking! UNLAWFUL DETENTION.

That sucks that the law abiding citizens are always having to plead innocent for protecting themselves against the horrible intent of criminals

It is absolutely ridiculous that an individual is expected to wait to that extent to protect yourself.

In my country, when calling the emergency number, insist that the telephone operator understands "I fear for my safety and the safety of my family". This covers you for most incidents where you arm yourself with any type of weapon.

"If they are just pounding on your car and nothing more"
This is an extreme downplaying of the situation.
WHY exactly are they pounding on the car, and on the windows? To get to the DRIVER.
WHY do they want to get to the driver ?
This is clearly an imminent danger to the person's life.

I am a retired prosecutor for over 35 years. This is the best description, and most clarity I've ever seen in explaining the self-defense laws. This gentleman is spot on in everything that he says.

There are too many laws protecting too many criminals. That is insane.

That is NOT a peaceful protest or acts of passive resistance. They are actively seeking to harm the driver. In such a case why wouldn't Self-Defense be allowed?

It boils my blood that this kind of mob violence is so prevalent today. And worse, it's the innocent citizens who are treated as criminals when they defend themselves. Angry mobs are unpredictable and, well, angry. If they single you out it must be a terrifying experience.

Download here: OH-SHIT-Pfizer-is-heading-for-bankruptcy-Mega-Vaccination-Hesitancy-2023-10-18.mp4 - 37,640 kb
By: Redacted - 18th October 2023

Pfizer is heading for bankruptcy?!
Mega Vaccination Hesitancy"
FRAUD - Pfizer switched
& deceived everyone!

0:00 Pfizer is heading for bankruptcy
6:44 Pfizer lied to us, committed fraud and switched vaccines!
11:20 Pfizer immunity

Pfizer says that it must conduct layoffs and budget cuts because profits are so low due to what CEO Albert Bourla calls "Covid fatigue." The CDC estimates that only 2% of Americans have received the most recent Covid booster shot. While $70 billion does not seem all that bad for a profit report, consider that Pfizer made over $100 billion last year from Covid products. Could this spell bankruptcy for Pfizer on the heals of recent revelations of accused wrongdoing?

#redacted #claytonmorris #independentjournalists

Transcript - from 7 minutes onwards:

Redacted: "..but is it just that sales are down or is there more trouble for Pfizer?

Well recently British, uh, Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen, sent a letter to Prime Minister Rishi Sunic letting him know that he had evidence that Pfizer did not deliver the vaccine that they delivered clinical trial information about! In fact, uh, he says that Pfizer originally rolled out the vaccine in 2020, uh, showed the FDA clinical trial data and then delivered a different vaccine!

Um, this is something that uh if you watch John Campbell's YouTube channel, he talked about how when he realized, that he had been analyzing all of this vaccine trial data, for his channel and giving his audience an assessment of that vaccine data - and then realizing that he sort of sent them out to get a different vaccine, because he thought that those uh, that that data was promising. He was really upset about the fact that like I was telling somebody something that was wrong and I didn't know it.

Uh watch what uh MP Andrew Bridgen says about this..."

MP Andrew Bridgen: "On the 7th of August this year, I wrote to prime minister Rishi Sunak, with evidence that I received from Dr Josh Guccko of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, which indicated that Pfizer had been enabled by the MHRA, the medicines and healthcare product regulatory agency in the UK, to carry out a bait and switch operation with their vaccine, which meant that the Pfizer vaccine that was tested on 22,000 individuals with 22,000 in a placebo group, was not the same vaccine that was rolled out in the UK and around the world!

The compelling evidence for this is the fact that on the second day of mass vaccination in the UK, the MHRA changed the guidelines, told people they had to stay at the Vaccination Centre for 15 minutes after vaccination. The reason for this remaining at the Vaccination Centre, was the risk of anaphylactic shock. The MHRA hadn't expected anaphylactic shock, because it wasn't shown in the Pfizer trials. You only get anaphylactic shock when there are endotoxins in the vaccines; and you only get endotoxins in the vaccines when they've been cultured up in bacteria such as Eschere coli. That demonstrated that the vaccine that was rolled out around the world, was not manufactured in the same way, or to the same standards, as that vaccine that they'd got medical approval for!

That means that nobody could have given informed consent! They were told that the vaccines were safe, effective and tested; and what they were taking was a completely untested vaccine from Pfizer. I'm still waiting for the prime minister to respond to the 44 pages of evidence I supplied on this matter, which is of crucial importance to the health and well-being of our nation."

FRAUD - Pfizer switched vaccines & deceived everyone!

Can a company that's bankrupt be held responsible for crimes against humanity?

Just know filing for bankruptcy doesn't mean they are going out of business. It's just a way for taxpayers to off their "debts".

From now on, all covid vaccines and medicines should be tested on Fauxi and every board member and shareholder of every pharma company that produces any of them. That would be an excellent clinical trial.

Mum told me when I was little, "never take sweets from strangers", but this is clearly a case of 'never inject useless garbage pushed by known liars and criminals'. We were warned. Never again

Only 2% still getting covid shots leaves me hope for America.

They ought to be put in prison for crimes against humanity.

I don't feel sorry for anyone forcing a bioweapon onto the public.

Would bankruptcy protect them from lawsuits in response to effects of the jab?

Finally, some positive news in the world for a change.

Natalie and Clayton love you guys for telling and defending the truth!

My utmost appreciation goes to the Redacted team for your in-depth research and delivery of a wide range of pertinent topics.

My husband of 20 yrs. Who never drank and only took doctor prescribed medicine was given oxycontin became automatically addicted because it supposedly fills the same receptor sites in the brain as alcoholism (my husband's parents were alcoholics, he never drank in twenty yrs of marriage) became automatically addicted and after fighting it for 4 yrs died by himself in an apt while in the middle of our divorce . Leaving me with much debt, my girls and much grief. To say he was the love of my life and the nicest man I ever knew is an understatement. Seeing who he became on that drug was heartbreaking. That was 2007. Then 2008, pure hell. To say I HATE BIG PHARMA and the SACKLER FAMILY IS AND UNDERSTATEMENT! I wish them hell on earth and even on the otherside.

May all who knew what they were doing have their karma served up with vengenence!

They are already morally bankrupt...

Gotta love Redacted

We absolutely need better procedures in our medicine. As a recently retired medical professional, I've been shocked at how all of Covid was managed. I don't like newborns receiving 6 vacs before going home with no autoimmune system in place yet. Pain meds are important, but we must follow the patient so there is less chance of addiction and cease our bipolar reaction that sends them to the street for fentanyl. There must be audits and a better policing of practices with all vaccines now. The companies have proven themselves unworthy of trust.

Awesome reporting team! Thanks for shining the light of truth through the fog of corruption.

hope anyone invested in the company loses everything

WHO owns the ATO?
[Australian Taxation Office?]
Clue: it is not the Australians!
By: Australian Business Register / ASIC - 20th September 2023

Australians have been paying hard earned tax money to a private, foreign owned business for decades!

The entity 'AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFFICE' comes under the business name of 'Ultimate Holding for all Company'.

The business name of 'Ultimate Holding for all Company' comes under the following holders:

  • ...

Remember that Income Tax is voluntary and GST is illegal. These taxes (and many more) mainly exist because most Australians are completely ignorant of their God given rights; and / or are cowards - and will not stand up to tyranny, fraud and theft.

WHO owns the Australian Taxation Office? Clue: it is not the Australians!

WHO owns the Australian Taxation Office? Clue: it is not the Australians!

It's all smoke and mirrors!
It's all smoke and mirrors!

Our Government has been lying to us!
By: Craig Kelly - 9th September 2023

A South African court has ordered that the Pfizer vaccine contract between the SA Government & Pfizer be made public.

And here it is :

It'a reasonable to assume that the terms and conditions in this contract would be very similar for every nation.

Clause 5.5 provides:

"Purchaser [the government] further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known."

So while poltiticans around the world were assuring the public that the vaccines were "safe & effective" - they'd signed a contract acknowledging that the long-term effects & efficacy of the Vaccine were not known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that were not known.

PFIZER / SOUTH AFRICAN VACCINE CONTRACT REVEALED. Our Government has been lying to us!

Our government and politicians lied to the public. No wonder they are so desperate to keep these contracts hidden.

Download the full 46 page PDF document: PFIZER-SOUTH-AFRICAN-VACCINE-CONTRACT-REVEALED-Our-Government-has-been-lying-to-us-2023-09-09-OCRPfizer-1-Redacted.pdf (13,829 kb) here: Download PDF document here...

What stands out for me is that the product "should not be serialized"meaning ? no ability to track manufacturing batches (i.e. no manufacturing controls) and no ability to track side effects from different manufacturing batches.

Take it or lose your job!

Permanent Suspension
If they were telling the world it was "safe and effective", then there should be no need for this language at all because the vaccine is "safe and effective". They put may because will is a promise.

This makes me angry. How can we make them accountable? The evidence sure seems piling up. Enough to start a trial of some sorts.

But by March 2021 they had already claimed the efficacy of the vaccine.

It was a lie.

Aussie Warpath
Mike Yeadon had issued a warning that governments around the world are locked in to buy up to ten injections for every man woman and baby.

Truth Justice
Pfizer deliberately lied and deceived the world. Albert Bourla and all the Top Executives are mass murderers and belong in prison for life with no parole.

Then how could any of them claim "safe and effective"

Except Pfizer DID know. Compelled by FOIA Pfizer published 1,291 adverse effects IT WOULD ADMIT TO in a document released in March, 2022 titled "Pfizer Post Marketing Experience" which should raise eyebrows of medical and research professionals reading that title.

Why? Pharmaceutical or device post marketing is what the FDA terms PHASE IV POST MARKETING TRIALS mandated situationally by the FDA to see how these products work in the real world". They always require informed consent and are voluntary.


I lost my father not long after he received the vaccination, and shortly thereafter, my mother started experiencing a series of health issues. She's now in a much weaker state than before. It's a challenging situation, and I'm aware that many others are also facing similar difficulties. Despite the government's attempts to keep us uninformed, we're not alone in this.
Im not sad, but angry beyond belief....

These vaccines need to be tested!!

So sad seeing all these people around the world being affected in so many ways.

The government fear mongering has to stop..

One love brother.

So sorry to hear about your family.
We lost a few to the poke as well..

Vaibhavi Limaye
India was being forced to sign up and buy on the same terms. We asked for trials. Pfizer refused. We asked for a liability clause in case of adverse reactions. Pfizer refused.
We told them to take a walk.

Matt Heff
Big Big respect for India turning it down.

The vaccinated are clogging up the hospitals... Maybe we should deny the vaccinated to ease the burden on our healthcare system - like they did to us!!

Preston Henshaw
"safe and effective" our governments told us, while we all knew it was rushed and experimental.

Neo Azazel Gotti ARK33
Wow somebody's definitely going to jail for all lies big pharm says and does or will they get away from it

Almost every country in the world was in on it. What makes you think anyone is going to jail?

Dewey Duck
They claimed AN efficacy for the vaccine. It kept being revised lower. The efficacy trial was still ongoing. It was completed in March 2023. If you took the vaccine prior to that date, you were PART of that trial. Buyer beware.

By: Tom Carlisle - 7th September 2023


JAG Sentences 10 Clot
Shot-Loving Physicians to Hang
[JAG: Army Judge Advocate General's Corps]
By: Michael Baxter, Real Raw News - 27th August 2023

JAG Sentences 10 Clot Shot-Loving Physicians to Hang

The United States Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps and the Office of Military Commissions on Thursday entered uncharted territory by simultaneously charging, convicting, and sentencing to death 10 Washington State physicians for negligent homicide, engaging in mass medical malpractice resulting in grievous injury or death, and treason against the United States of America, a Camp Blaz adjunct informed Real Raw News.

As reported this month, White Hats within the U.S. military apparatus arrested 100 doctors, alleging their adherence to draconian protocols and personal ambitions endangered patients' lives. In a lengthy affidavit, JAG alleged that the accused berated and belittled vaccine-hesitant patients and threatened to include them on "medical blacklists" unless they complied with CDC guidelines. Ahead of the indictment, JAG investigators masquerading as patients visited vaccine-loving clinics in 12 states, where they, too, were verbally accosted and denied treatment for refusing to show vaccination paperwork or getting in-office jabs. Most of the 100 practiced in Washington State, California, Illinois, New York and Connecticut.

Once apprehended, the diabolical doctors were taken to "intake centers" and interviewed by JAG investigators. Not one expressed remorse for imperilling patients' lives; instead, they pridefully defended their actions, reciting what seemed like a rehearsed mantra: "I followed COVID-19 protocols and CDC guidelines."

Our source said the mass detainment created a considerable quandary, as JAG had neither the time nor resources to individually try 100 doctors charged with nearly identical crimes. The only practical options, he added, were to jointly prosecute the 100 or separate the herd into manageable groups based on the strength of evidence. Thursday's proceedings at Camp Blaz saw 10 of the 100 and a JAG-appointed defense attorney square off against Rear Admiral Johnathon Stephens.

Stephens in April prosecuted JAG's case against CDC Deputy Director for Global Health Howard Zucker. He is also scheduled to jointly prosecute the 165 Fort Drum soldiers who conspired to wage war on Trump supporters.

"We have so many outstanding and incoming indictments; joint tribunals are, you know, for efficiency. Or else we'll be litigating cases long after we've all turned to dust," our source said.

Asked whether JAG considered the ramifications of a joint acquittal theoretically exonerating hundreds of felons who might once again wreak havoc on the citizenry, he said, "We're doing this with ironclad cases. The FEMA criminals from Maui will get tried together, just as the doctors did, and they're all heading to the gallows."

He added that Thursday's success at Camp Blaz proved JAG could convict multiple criminals at once.

Admiral Stephens began the tribunal by introducing (on ZOOM) a 40-year-old Seattle woman who had brought her sick 14-year-old son to their family physician, identified as Defendant #6, in June 2021. The boy had developed conjunctivitis, and his mother wanted antibiotic eye-drops to treat the ailment. Defendant #6 claimed conjunctivitis, or "Covid Eye," was an unpublished symptom of coronavirus and asked if the two were vaccinated. When the mother responded "no," saying she wanted further proof vaccines were safe and effective, Defendant #6 flew into a tyrannical rage and demanded they get tested on the spot or leave the premises, even though mother and son wore masks. They acquiesced to the unreasonable mandate, and a tech violently swabbed their noses. When the rapid antigen tests showed negative, Defendant #6 imposed another demand-immediate vaccinations. They refused and were ejected from the office.

"And what did you do at that point?" Adm. Stephens asked the now-16-year-old boy on the screen.

"My mother drove me to an urgent care center, maybe 15 minutes away," the boy answered.

"And you got treated there?" the Admiral asked.

"No, sir. They wouldn't treat me either," the boy said.

"Really? Were you and your mother given a reason?" asked the Admiral.

"Yes, sir. 'Cause we were unvaccinated and didn't want to get vaccinated. Same as befo__"

"__We were told our names were put on a list," the mother interjected, "and would go to the CDC and State Health Department."

"So, what you're saying - in the 15 minutes it took to drive from point A to point B, your names got put on a universal naughty list," the Admiral said.

"I don't know about universal, sir, and we never saw the list, but I'm pretty sure the office said it was statewide," the boy said.

"It just so happens I do have that list," said Admiral Stephens.

He placed a pile of stapled papers on the table beside the panellists, three Marine officers chosen to determine the physicians' fate. The ten defendants sat handcuffed side-by-side at three rectangular tables pushed together to form a single tabletop. At one end sat a Navy captain whom Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall had assigned the daunting chore of defending the accused, aided by three paralegals who whispered among themselves while shuffling reams of paperwork.

As Adm. Stephens directed the panel's attention to the blacklist, the Defense called for an immediate dismissal of all charges because private doctors, unlike Medicare-compliant hospitals, have leeway to deny treatment to patients.

"Request denied," Adm. Stephens said bluntly. "Defense is aware this isn't just a case of denial-of-service, this is broad conspiracy to deny service to vaccine-hesitant patients."

"I don't have to sit through this," Defendant #6 blurted.

"Control your client. If he wants to speak, he can take the stand today," the Admiral retorted.

Admiral Stephens again addressed the witnesses, their puzzled faces still on the ZOOM call. "We apologize for the outburst. Do you recognize the doctors who denied treatment as being in this courtroom today?"

The young man pointed at Defendant #6 and Defendant #10. His mother attested to the fact.

"The list in front of you, the blacklist, has 750 names, all residents of King and Pierce Counties. The list was kept in real-time and shared electronically with over a hundred offices and clinics. The defendants had access to and could add names to the list. Deny service if not vaccinated or agrees to get vaccinated. JAG finds this perplexing because out of all ten defendants, not even one is vaccinated. We know this because we pulled their blood, evaluated it for Covid antibodies that would be present if vaccinated. Now, you could argue that maybe in one, two, or even three cases, the antibodies dissipated, but not in ten cases—that is a statistical impossibility. What's more, we have 90 more waiting for trial and they aren't vaccinated either," the Admiral explained.

The Navy captain objected because JAG had instructed Adm. Stephens to limit evidence to defendants present in court. Adm. Stephens sustained the objection and asked the panel to disregard his last statement. But the fiery Navy captain continued objecting, saying the Admiral, a lawyer devoid of medical knowledge, couldn't authoritatively comment on matters of virology and immunology.

After dismissing the current witnesses, Adm. Stephens called to the stand Navy Commander Brent Dennings, a virologist at U.S. Naval Hospital Guam, who parroted the Admiral's assessment in medical vernacular.

"Commander Dennings, did you personally evaluate the defendants' bloodwork?" Adm. Stephens asked.

"I did, sir," the commander replied.

"And what conclusion did you reach?" asked the Admiral.

"That none of the defendants had been vaccinated," the commander said.

"Does the defense have any questions for this expert witness?" asked Adm. Stephens.

"No questions," said the Navy captain.

"The witness is excused," said the Admiral, then turned to the panel. "This raises a question we cannot ignore: Why did these physicians insist patients be vaccinated when they were not? We see only three possibilities: They knew COVID was benign, they knew the vaccines were dangerous, or both," said the Admiral.

Over the next three hours, the Admiral held ZOOM calls with six additional witnesses, each of whom had sought treatment for mild maladies from one or more of the defendants and whose testimony mirrored that of the mother and the son. They called the defendants pernicious predators who abused their self-perceived positions of authority to beguile patients. One witness said her doctor, Defendant #4, was foaming at the mouth to get a needle in her arm.

"These witnesses are the lucky ones, lucky that they had sense enough to challenge big medicine and refuse the shots," Adm. Stephens told the panel. "Some people we'd like to hear from can't be here today. They can't be here because they are dead. They are dead because the defendants bullied them to get vaxxed, and they did."

He showed a photograph of a lifeless woman on a gurney being wheeled to the rear of an ambulance and displayed an image of a middle-aged man who died suddenly while spectating a baseball game.

"These were patients of Defendants #1 and #2. No comorbidities. No major health issues before getting vaccinated. Both dropped dead of heart attacks, suddenly, within 7 days of the shot. We know of 65 patients who died suddenly, and they were all patients of the defendants," the Admiral said solemnly.

"Those patients had free will. The defendants didn't hold a gun to their heads," the Navy captain interjected.

"In the strictest sense they did, yes, they did. They violated their Hippocratic Oath to do no harm, they violated doctor-patient confidentiality in broadly disseminating vaccine status via a blacklist, and they ensured that if a patient for whatever reason didn't want the damn shot, that patient would have to travel far and wide to find any medical treatment at all. They toed the CDC line but weren't vaccinated, and each got a liability waiver issued by HHS and the FDA, very similar to waivers given to Big Pharma," Admiral Stephens said.

He distributed copies of the waivers to the panel.

"In short, it holds the defendants harmless and immune to litigation from vaccine side effects," he said. "No, the defendants are not military; they're not government officials, elected or appointed, but did have influence, strong influence, over their patients. What we have here is nothing short of mass medical malpractice, negligent homicide, conspiracy, and treason." the Admiral finished.

The Defense had no valid rebuttal, and the panel requested time--five and a half hours--to reach a decision. Upon returning a guilty verdict and recommending the maximum allowable punishment, Adm. Stephens thanked them for their service and released them from duty.

He did not immediately schedule dates of execution but said hangings would begin within a week.

Download: Senate-Hearing-Overwhelming-evidence-Pfizer-Big-Pharma-deceived-the-public-and-has-VOIDED-their-INDEMNITY-2023-08-10.mp4 - 25,057 kb
By: Senator Gerard Rennick - 10th August 2023
Australian Senate Hearing
Overwhelming evidence.
Pfizer / Big Pharma deceived the public
and has VOIDED their INDEMNITY!

Yesterday I spoke in favour of removing indemnity for pharmaceutical companies.

The moment you remove risk you can guarantee shortcuts will be taken. And that's exactly what happened with Pfizer.

Pfizer took shortcuts in both testing for safety and efficacy.

They also lied to cover up injuries and the efficacy of the jab in stopping transmission and infection.

Governments are meant to protect people not corporations. They need to be held to account.

Bravo Senator, keep exposing these criminals who harmed the whole country.

FIRSTLY: Pfizer / Big Pharma has willingly and knowingly supplied - under false pretences - faulty products that are NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE; resulting in literally maiming and killing hundreds of millions of people across the Globe;

SECONDLY: Pfizer / Big Pharma has not provided a FULL DISCLOSURE of their product/s, wherein governments and recipients can make A FULLY INFORMED DECISION whether to partake in the massive Covid Medical Experiment or not;

THIRDLY: Accordingly, any indemnities between Pfizer / Big Pharma and their customers are automatically forfeited, as the 'contracts' were obtained via blatant fraud and deception;

FOURTHLY: This gives governments a limited opportunity to shift the blame from themselves to the origin of the FRAUD i.e: Pfizer / Big Pharma etc, for any litigation and claims for punitive damages from the millions of vaccine injured 'customers.'

Thus the tide has turned and the last of the rats are quickly fleeing the ship, as the blame game for facilitating a 'slow Holocaust / Global Genocide' is now well under way!

Thank you Senator Rennick for speaking the truth. Anyone who is not supportive of this bill is complicit in the evil that has been perpetrated upon the people.

Wonderful speach Senator Rennick!

Thank you Senator for always standing up and fighting for the people.

We speak in favour of you and the other handful of strong senators that speak truth over LIES and GREED. Thank you

Thank you Senator Rennick. Even though I'm not in Australia I appreciate the hard work you do. No one in Canada seems to bring up these issues and it's sad.

Well done senator. You're a champion.

Thank you Senator Rennick! You speak the truth! You speak for the people! You, sir, are a Godsend!

Senator Rennick is FANTASTIC!!!
He is a Hero BIG TIME!!!!!!

Great job senator, need more people like you around the world to speak out for us all

Thank you so much Senator. You are the greatest politician of all time!

It might be time to round up all the traitors and hold them to account.
We know who they are and we have overwhelming evidence. Time for transparency and justice.

An impactful speech, Senator Rennick. As an Australian I am disgusted that the chamber was almost empty and the rest of the parliament, bar a few, wilfully have their heads in the sand. You are doing the job you were elected to do. You should be proud of your commitment.

Senator thank you for your tireless effort to bring this to light

You are a national hero Senator.

Thank you for your work, senator. Much needed, and appreciated. God bless you, greetings from Italy.

Download here: 5-Corrupt-Politicians-Realize-They-Have-Been-Caught-And-How-They-LIE-To-Escape-2023-08-07.mp4 - 119,751 kb
By: Detective Williams - 7th August 2023

5 Corrupt Politicians Realize
They've Been Caught
And How They LIE To Escape!

Times When Politicians Were Caught And They Wanted To Use Their Power To Be Freed From Their Crimes.

The female officer had bigger balls than her loser supervisor. Well done, we need more officers like her!

That first lady is an absolute stellar cop and the definition of calm and collected

I love how that first female cop just bulldozed through all of his threats. You can see the dude was so mad that he wasn't breaking her...he's shaking.

That female officer did a fantastic job of brushing the blatant arrogance and foolishness from the police chief. Even when he tried to impose his size to her by being very close, she still remained her composure.

The fact that this guy knew he was being recorded and still behaved like this demonstrates that he has incredibly poor judgement and is emotionally unstable. He was clearly in the wrong - not only does he deserve the ticket, but after what he put this officer through and as someone running for public office, making this video public is 100% the right thing to do.

The sheer amount that police officers act nicely towards these people just because of their positions is sickening. Imagine if these people had been thrown to the ground like us peasants get treated. Shameful.

That first police officer is exactly what a cop should be. She doesn't care who he is, she didn't take anything he said personally, just did her job and followed the law. She didn't back down either, I respect the hell out of that.

This rude man needs to be removed from any position of authority. Great job lady.

" Do you know who I am?"
That sentence will never help the situation end well.

I can only imagine how extremely difficult this kind of situation is for a cop. I mean, you never know. You can lose your job if you go ahead and the person actually uses their power to get you fired, and you can lose your job for corruption if you don't.

That first one is absolutely frightening. This is just a glimpse of what goes on, too. If this is only state level, imagine federal level, the corruption there where there aren't cameras and sh*t is classified.
It sickens and angers me. The gross entitlement, the cockiness, the intimidation, the corruption, the lies. And these mf's have heavy influence and strong ties everywhere and in every career field.
This officer deserves a medal and recognition for refusing to give him a pass due to his status and bow to his threats. AND extra kudos for remaining level-headed and civil.
Idgaf who you are--you are not above the law.

Excuse me, Det. Williams, Can I just praise you for a second and thank you for the great vids you've been cranking out every day?! You guys did NOT trade quality or quantity! Every single case is produced so well. I love channels that teach while they entertain. I'm learning a lot about geography and human behavior from you guys, and I'm enjoying your friendly subs too. Your channel is steadily growing! I hope you will be able to do this full-time for your entire income someday soon. You're really good at this!

(No need to reply.. I just wanted to put some love on you guys today and tell you thank you for doing these for us)

Lawyer and anti-Covid vaccine
campaigner Sue Grey found NOT to
have breached conduct standards
By: Stuff, Gabrielle McCulloch - 4th August 2023

Lawyer Sue Grey found not to have breached conduct standards.
Lawyer Sue Grey found not to have breached conduct standards.

Well known Lawyer Sue Grey has not breached conduct standards, a tribunal has found.

Grey, known for her campaign against the Covid-19 vaccination roll-out and mask mandate, has faced charges of misconduct and unsatisfactory conduct before the Lawyers and Conveyancers Disciplinary Tribunal on Monday.

The charges stem from an investigation by the Nelson Standards Committee, following a number of complaints made against the lawyer.

The decision, released on Friday, found that while Grey's action reflected "poorly on her judgement and appreciation of the position she holds", her freedom of expression must be protected.

"We do not consider, when balanced against the right to free speech, that the remaining charge could be made out to the standard of unsatisfactory conduct," the ruling said.

Grey said she was happy with the decision.

"Freedom of political speech is really important - and although you're a lawyer, you can still wear different hats in other areas of your life," she said.

The complaints were originally made in 2021, and Grey said she was pleased to have the matter resolved.

"I'm very grateful to the lawyer Disciplinary Tribunal for a quick decision," she said.

Complainants pointed to Grey's social media posts that claimed the Covid vaccine was the direct cause of deaths.

Many of those posts couldn't be linked directly to Grey, as a number of administers made posts under her name.

The tribunal also noted that none of those complainants were clients of Grey.

"It is Ms Grey's case that all of these statements were made in her capacity as a politician, or as an individual citizen, and none of them formed part of her role as a lawyer.

"There is no complaint before the Tribunal about her conduct in court or conduct as counsel for any client," the ruling said.

Sue Grey gather with anti-vaccine and anti-mandate protesters gather on the lawns of the Beehive Parliament grounds in Wellington.
Sue Grey gather with anti-vaccine and anti-mandate protesters gather on the lawns of the Beehive Parliament grounds in Wellington.

Tribunal said that lawyers must, with in limit, must "not be fearful of saying unpopular things."

However, the tribunal also pointed out that lawyers have an obligation to be "careful and measured" in their language.

"Had posts made in Ms Grey's name been better managed or approved by her, it would have prevented the linking of the more extreme statements to her personally," it said.

Grey's charges of misconduct and unsatisfactory conduct were struck out.

Jacinda Ardern: We will continue to be your single source of truth!
GetStuffedNews: Ex New Zealand Dictator Jacinda Ardern is extremely disappointed with the courts ruling, and vows to limit freedom of speech for all New Zealanders to the best of her ability, even if it means praying even harder to her favourite god Satan...

NZDSOS - NZ Doctors Speaking Out with Science
They really are. We are so happy to hear they Sue Grey was found not to have breached any standards.

"We do not consider, when balanced against the right to free speech, that the remaining charge could be made out to the standard of unsatisfactory conduct," the ruling said.

Thank goodness the charges were chucked out!

Brilliant! That's a win for us.

Maria McGivern
I'm so glad.

Rodney Bailey
Well done Sue. Another trumped up charge dismissed (excuse the pun)

there were plenty in Wellington talking to us & doing a lot more than Winston Peters who waltzed in with media & security & waltzed out again. Sue Grey, Liz Gunn, Leighton Baker & Matt King were there doing a lot more than Winston did. They weren't bad mouthing those there 5 minutes earlier

Dono Harm
An incredible, strong woman who acts admirably at all times. Sue Grey is a hero and will be remembered for her bravery and courage during this time.

Anne K Frazer
Fantastic, we need more Sue Grey's in the world, speaking the truth about COVID "vaccines" #suegreyhero #vaccinewarriors
Lawyer did not breach standards with vaccine comments, tribunal says

Trulye Aghaste
Yep, but most legal professionals have brought it into disrepute. Where were they when the government rode roughshod over people's fundamental rights? Sue Grey is/will be on the right side of history. Most of the legal profession, along with the media, won't.

A Law
It was a witch hunt. I'm pleased for Sue Grey. While I don't agree with everything she says I absolutely defend her right to say them. The Pfizer injection was a new and experimental medication that should never have been labelled a vaccine. Nobody should have been coerced either

Download here: Senior-ABC-journalist-caught-on-hot-mic-making-astonishing-COVID-admission-2023-07-31.mp4 - 39,434 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 31st July 2023
Senior ABC journalist caught on hot mic
making 'astonishing' COVID admission

A senior ABC journalist has been caught making an "astonishing admission" about the public broadcaster's failure to investigate the origins of COVID-19, Sky News host Sharri Markson reports.

The comments were caught by microphones set up for the AUSMIN press conference with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on Saturday afternoon.

ABC foreign affairs reporter Stephen Dziedzic admits he probably didn't look at the lab leak theory "dispassionately enough."

Anyone who challenges the covid belief orthodoxy you are just labeled "crazy" out of hand.

This is exactly why we cannot let the government or a government agency determine what is true and what is not true. Misinformation and disinformation is how we sift information, debate and discover truth for ourselves.

The ABC is no longer fit for purpose. Defund the ABC.

Anyone who calls you "unhinged" for doing proper research, has a petty, closed mind. Sad the lack of proper journalists around these days. Nobody thinks for themselves any more.

ABC must be disbanded.

When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, we are ruled by criminals. Edward Snowden

I stand by my previous comments. Every family and person owes you Sharri and your team at Sky News a debt of gratitude. Thank you again and why has the government stopped coverage of covid? Do they know something that should be made public? Their silence and lack of concern should be questioned. Best wishes Jason from Melbourne Victoria.

It's absolutely mind numbing how uninformed these people are … journalists they call themselves…. I did a day's research early on and was was onto it immediately… we pay for these fools is the kick in the head
"China, it comes from China!" Never a sentence truly spoken by Trump.

I am sick of the lies of media.

Well done Shari. Your dedication to this is gradually scraping the truth off the narrative.

The abc journos don't hold a candle to Sharri. Good work.

The words "ABC" and "journalist" should NEVER be used in the same sentence.

Sharri, YOU are a True Journalist. One of Oz's best. Mind you, (sorry) there is not much competition for your crown. The MSM has a dearth of good, dispassionate, well-researching reporters in Oz. Thank goodness for the back-up media.

Download here: Covid-Is-Genocide-A-Biological-Warfare-Crime-Dr-David-Martin-Speaks-To-The-European-Parliament-2023-06-24.mp4 - 40,640 kb
By: London Real - 24th June 2023 [originally aired 25th May 2023]
Covid Is Genocide
A Biological Warfare Crime
Dr. David Martin Speaks To The European Parliament
"Vaccines do not work on Coronavirus..."

"..isn't it fascinating, that we were, we were told that 'well the spike protein is a new thing, we just found out that that's the problem!' - No! As a matter of fact we didn't just find out it was not just now, now the problem, we found that out in 1990 and filed the first patents on vaccines in 1990, for the spike protein of Coronavirus!

And who would have thought, Pfizer, clearly the innocent organization that does nothing but promote human health. Clearly Pfizer, the organization that has not bought the votes in this chamber and at every chamber of every government around the world. Not that Pfizer! Certainly they wouldn't have had anything to do with this.

But oh yes they did! And in 1990 they found out that there was a problem with vaccines - they didn't work! You know why they didn't work? It turns out the coronavirus is a very malleable model, it transforms and it changes and it mutates over time. As a matter of fact, every publication on vaccines for Coronavirus, from 1990 until 2018, every single publication concluded that coronavirus escapes the vaccine impulse, because it modifies and mutates too quickly for vaccines to be effective. And since 1990 to 2018, that is the published science ladies and gentlemen. That's following the science.

Following the science is their own indictment of their own programs, that said it doesn't work! And there are thousands of Publications to that effect, not a few hundred, and not paid for by pharmaceutical companies. These are publications that are independent scientific research that shows unequivocally, including efforts of the Chimera modifications made by Ralph Barrick in the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. All of them show vaccines - do - not - work - on Coronavirus. That's the science and that science has never been disputed!

But then we had an interesting development in 2002, and this date is most important, because in 2002 the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill patented and I quote 'an infectious replication defective clone of Coronavirus.' Listen to those words 'infectious - replication - defective.' What does that phrase actually mean? For those of you not familiar with language, let me unpack it for you: 'Infectious - replication - defective' means a weapon! It means something meant to Target an individual, but not have collateral damage to other individuals. That's what 'infectious - replication - defective' means. And that patent was filed in 2002, on work funded by NIAID's Anthony Fauci from 1999 to 2002. And that work patented at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, mysteriously preceded SARS 1.0, by a year.

Oh, Dave, are you suggesting that SARS 1.0 wasn't from a wet Market in Wuhan? Are you suggesting it might have come from a laboratory in the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill? No I'm not suggesting it, I'm telling you that's the facts!

We engineered SARS! SARS is not a naturally occurring phenomenon. The naturally occurring phenomenon is called the common cold. It's called influenza-like illness. It's called gastroenteritis. That's the naturally occurring Coronavirus! SARS is the research developed by humans, weaponizing a life system model, to actually attack human beings and they patented it in 2002.

And in 2003, giant surprise, the CDC filed the patent on Coronavirus isolated fromhumans, in violation once again of biological and chemical weapons treaties and laws that we have in the United States; and I'm very, very precise on this. The United States likes to talk about its rights and everything else and the rule of law and all the nonsense that we like to talk about. But we don't ratify treaties about, I don't know, defending humans. We conspicuously avoid that. We actually have a great track record of advocating for human rights and then denying them when it comes to actually being part of the International Community, which is a
slightly problematic thing.

But let's get something very clear, when the CDC in April of 2003 filed the patent on SARS coronavirus isolated from humans, what did they do? They downloaded a sequence from China and filed a patent on it in the United States! Any of you familiar with biological and chemical weapons treaties knows that's a violation. That's a crime. That's not an innocent oops. That's a crime and the United States patent office went as far as to reject that patent application on two occasions, until the CDC decided to bribe the patent office, to override the patent examiner, to ultimately issue the patent in 2007, on SARS coronavirus.

But let's not let that get away from us, because it turns out that the RPTCR, which was the test that we allegedly were going to use to identify the risks associated with Coronavirus, was actually identified as a bioterrorism threat by me, in the European union-sponsored events in 2002 and 2003. 20 years ago! That happened, here in Brussels and across Europe.

In 2005 this particular pathogen was specifically labeled as a bio terrorism and bioweapon platform technology, described as such, that's not my terminology that I'm applying to it. It was actually described as a bioweapons platform technology in 2005. And from 2005 onwards, it was actually a bio Warfare enabling agent, its official classification from 2005 forward. I don't know if that sounds like public health to you? Does it? Biological warfare enabling technology. That feels like not Public Health. That feels like not medicine. That feels like a weapon designed to take out Humanity - that's what it feels like; and it feels like that because that's exactly what it is.

We have been lured into believing that Eco Health Alliance and DARPA and all of these organizations are what we should be pointing to, but we've been specifically requested to ignore the facts, that over 10 billion dollars have been funneled through Black Operations, through the check of Anthony Fauci and a side-by-side Ledger, where NIAID has a balance sheet and next to it is a biodefense balance sheet equivalent dollar for dollar matching, that no one in the media talks about. And it's been going on since 2005.

Our gain of function moratorium, the moratorium that was supposed to freeze any efforts to do gain a function research, conveniently in the fall of 2014, the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill received a letter from NIAID saying that while the gain of function moratorium on coronavirus in Vivo should be suspended, because their grants had already been funded, they received an exemption! Did you hear what I just said? A biological weapons lab facility at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, received an exemption from the gain of function moratorium, so that by 2016, we could publish the the journal article that said SARS coronavirus is poised for human emergence..."

#LondonRealTV #LondonReal #BrianRose

People involved with this Genocide must be prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity

Here we have someone who knows his area of expertise and is willing to speak up for the good of humanity. The courage this person has is to stand up to the establishment is amazing !


Our leaders in governments around the world should also be held responsible for these crimes against humanity and all the other the craziness that's happening in our societies.

We need all of our "vaccines" brought to trial and questioned for safety, efficacy, and harm.

Finally someone has the balls to say the truth! Hopefully someone will be held accountable to crimes against humanity....

Thank you Dr.Martin for exposing these people.

My prayers for this gentleman. May the good lord protect and hide him and his family from these political demons out there.

This needs to be shared with everyone worldwide. The people who did this did this to ALL of us and need to be held accountable and punished for their crimes against humanity. Another Nuremburg trials would seem to be in order....

You are fighting for the rights and safety of all of humanity Dr. Martin! Thank you!!

Thank god a doctor who isn't paid off and speaks the truth.

This gentleman is incredibly brave. His fluent, powerful and intelligent delivery makes it very easy to listen to him. He backs up all his claims and exposes the corruption, carelessness and dangers attached to the medical and pharmaceutical industries. I've always thought it was abhorrent that gain of function research is permitted and rewarded by governments. Obviously the evil people from history are still among us, just bearing different names and using different methods to reach their sinister goals.
This really needs to be shown on mainstream, but of course that will not happen. I hope Dr Martin takes all precautions to protect his safety. So many people don't like the truth being exposed.

"The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense." ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

This needs to be broadcast on every station (tv, radio, internet) in every country for 24hrs straight

Dr David Martin is a rare gem of truth, braveness, knowledge and deep concern for humanity. The only real way to reward Dr Martin is to never stop sharing the gift of his integrity and honesty wherever and whenever we can ... this information must permeate the globe !!

Jail everyone responsible for life. Including every media outlet and every employer that pushed this onto society.

Download here: Man-Handles-Tyrants-Like-a-Boss-I-Do-Not-Answer-Questions-2023-05-19.mp4 - 32,657 kb
By: Harvey Freebird - 19th May 2023
Man Handles Tyrants Like a Boss
"I Don't Answer Questions!"

This guy is a absolute gem. I'm proud to have him in our country.

This for'ner knows more about the law and his rights than 75% of U.S. citizens and 99% of law enforcement.

I'm glad people know their rights, especially new patriots!! This guy is more American than most Americans!

"What's suspicious about 1:41 in the morning? It's 1:41 in the morning everyday."

I live in Australia, the worlds largest open air prison colony. Years ago you could yell and swear at the cops at the risk of a beating. After disarming us all, the pussies decided that harsh language and any disrespect of their fragile ego's is a crime, so now we can be arrested for it. It doesnt go the other way strangely enough. Dont ever let them take you rights away, dont ever let them disarm you. This guy is a champion for exercising his rights.

Abuse of Power is the reason people resist authority.

How are American police not utterly embarrassed at the level of unprofessionalism, immaturity, sensitivity and unspeakable levels of cowardice displayed to the world.

Those officers wouldn't last a week in a country that expects a base level of competence in their law enforcement.

the fact that he gets angry for a citizen knowing the law speaks volumes... that shows you they are on the job for a power trip, not to protect and serve

It is so odd that a person can mind their business and be harassed by a cop. Then charged for resisting arrest when they are minding their business.

He knows his rights and laws better than most Americans that were born in United States, and lived here all their lives.

"Enjoy your whataburger"
"You ruined it"
I like how relaxed the guy is and handled it well

This guy learned more in his weeks long naturalization classes than that tyrant learned in his entire life.. I love this guy!

Am I the only one that finds it hilarious that a non-native English speaker understands the Constitution better than most cops out there? Then again, this guy is absolutely brilliant, and we should all take notes from him on how to deal with idiot cops like these.

This guy is my hero. I have so much respect for what this guy does and how he handles himself.

Its crazy how an auditor nowadays is littlerally a random normal dude eating food that just so happens to have a camera. Just wow

I can't imagine how many innocent people were arrested and forced to pay outrageous fines because they didn't know their rights and had the misfortune of getting trapped by this tyrant cop.

Download here: Sue-Grey-On-Recent-Damning-Official-Information-Act-Requests-The-Government-LIED-2023-05-12.mp3 - 15,725 kb
By: Paul Brennan, Reality Check Radio - 12th May 2023
Sue Grey On Recent Damning Official
Information Act (OIA) Requests
The Government LIED!

The following is a commentary by Robert Bruce:

Jacinda Ardern, Chris Hipkins, Ashly Bloomfield etc forced millions of people via lies, coercion, threats and menace, to receive experimental medical treatment (poisonous, weaponised, bio-warfare Covid Vaccinations) - purportedly to 'prevent the transmission' of Covid-19, despite the FACT that the manufacturers had NEVER PROVIDED PROOF THAT THE VACCINES PREVENTED TRANSMISSION!

Eventually the drug manufacturers admitted that they had not only:

  1. never tested the Covid-19 Vaccine drugs to see if they prevented transmission of Covid-19 (also man-made),
  2. but that the Covid-19 Vaccines do not stop people from getting Covid either!

The main excuse and reason the New Zealand Government gave for illegally forcing this medical experiment upon those that they swore to serve and protect, was that they had 'HOPED' that the vaccines MAY prevent transmission - during this 'man-made' medical emergency.

'Hope' is a faith based word often used to describe a person's spiritual or religious beliefs.

In more recent times, government officials such as Jacinda Ardern, Chris Hipkins, Ashly Bloomfield etc, all 'claimed' that they had based their forced medical experiments upon millions of New Zealanders (Crimes Against Humanity via coercion, threats and menace) - on nothing but a RELIGOUS 'HOPE' that the poisonous drugs will work! The reality is that they had all LIED - and they damn well know it!

Subsequently, thousands of doctors, nurses and employers etc are COMPLICIT in Crimes Against Humanity by illegally forcing medical experiments upon those in whom they were supposed to protect, based on nothing more than lies and a RELIGOUS 'HOPE' that the poisonous drugs will work.

One of the biggest clues to the tyranny of this situation is when the government repeatedly claimed that only the government was the 'single source of truth'; whilst actively mocking and persecuting those who dared to investigate the 'facts' for themselves, in order that they could 'make a fully informed decision.'

This would be no different to calling a person a 'Conspiracy Theorist' - simply because the customer asked the salesman about the car he was looking at purchasing!

The conclusion of the matter is that Jacinda Ardern, Chris Hipkins, Ashly Bloomfield etc have all received 'orders' from above (World Economic Forum, United Nations, Bill gates, Pfizer etc), and in the true spirit of tyranny, have all wilfully and knowingly committed TREASON; to which - each and every one of them - will in due course - be dealt with in a Court of Competent Jurisdiction. Numbers 32:23 But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin will find you out.

The day New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern hid the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, it confirmed she would kill us to appease her paymasters at Pfizer and the WEF. Never forget the evil we are fighting.

Download here: Australians-seeking-compensation-for-being-allegedly-injured-from-COVID-vaccines-2023-04-30.mp4 - 18,742 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 30th April 2023
Australians seeking compensation
for being 'allegedly injured
from COVID vaccines'

Australians are seeking compensation for being "allegedly injured from covid vaccines," says Sky News host Rowan Dean.

"500 Australians have joined a class action lawsuit … the landmark lawsuit has been launched against the federal government, against the TGA and against the Department of Health and alleged negligence by the TGA in its approval and monitoring of COVID-19 vaccines," Mr Dean said.

Lee Van
Politicians will NEVER ADMIT wrong doing with these injections and will deny injection injury because at the end of the day POLITICIANS MANDATED THIS EXPERIMENTAL DRUG!!!!!!

The only quite fair compensation they should receive is to see those who promoted the poison in jail.

Neil Chaplin
Covered up is an understatement!

we should have a class action lawsuit against the federal government for being forced to put at least two untested vaccines into our body to keep our job or just get over the border to see our elderly parents.

Joe Mama
Thank goodness for these people standing up against these poison shots

Celine Healy Stress and Wellness
And we want the list of politicians who voted for mandated vaccines to be circulated daily so people know who to sue next. They need to be jailed.

Samuel Dell
Those who mandated it should be jailed!

Keith Samuels
Dr Melissa McCann, you are a real life hero. thank you for your honesty and bravery, respect!

Michael Allen
I want to see all state premiers held accountable

A bit of everything
i fully support them! My grandfather was as fit as could be, got the vaccine, woke up the next morning and couldnt feel or move his legs. Died in hospital that night. The people that pushed this should never see daylight again!!!!

Compensation is not enough. Prison for every single person who was involved in pushing these cups of tea and lockdowns onto us all, starting with the politicans and so called health experts. NEVER FORGIVE NEVER FORGET

I recently saw a video from Dr John Campbell, on what the TGA knew in January of 2021 before the vaccine was rolled out. Interesting ! Somebody got it through the freedom of information act and it was passed on to him. My father in law had his fifth jab in late February and felt ill afterwards, he was sick for four days and had a stroke on the fifth day and passed away. He was a fit, healthy active man for his age. My inlaws thought it was the "right" thing to do. I know of other family and friends who have had blood clots, heart attacks, breathing difficulties, stroke like symptoms and flare ups of their autoimmune disease. And some of them have been told by their doctors not to have anymore. Meanwhile in England it is only available to the over 75s now. The media were absolutely rabid during the height of the pandemic, calling for harsher lockdowns and restrictions, while vilifying hesitant people who would like to choose what medications they wanted. It's been an absolute disgrace by the government and the media alike. Keep asking the questions until they have no choice but to tell the truth.

Download here: The-Secret-words-to-STOP-POLICE-INTERROGATIONS-2023-04-26.mp4 - 13,767 kb
By: CoreyScottLaw - 26th April 2023

The Secret words to

Get A Free Strategy Session By Calling (317) 634-0101
Or Visit Me On The Web At:

Office Address:
Law Office of Corey L. Scott
1099 N Meridian Street Suite 150
Indianapolis, IN 46204

0:00 Intro
0:10 What to say
0:20 Get your side of the story
0:30 The Fifth Amendment
0:40 I want an attorney


Not just when you are hauled down to the police station for questioning.
Even on the street or at your front door, the ONLY thing you should ever say to a "law enforcement" officer is, "I will answer no questions of any kind. I do not consent to any searches of my person or property.
I want a lawyer."
That's it.
Remember: If you're guilty, you need a lawyer. If you're innocent, you REALLY need a lawyer.

Did jury duty a number of years ago, and after the trial, both counselors came in to speak with us. The prosecutor, of all people, said something that I have never forgotten. "More people walk to jail on their mouths than their feet... ALWAYS get a lawyer."

The police are allowed to lie to you to get a statement but you cannot lie as it will be used against you.

Always always speak to them through an attorney.

I hear people that have not been in that situation say " but why should I have an attorney if I've nothing to hide" . I've been there and you're right . Get an attorney at once because the cops are gunning for you...

Thank you for protecting the average people like myself who don't realize which words can get a innocent person in trouble.

Thank you. I've noticed in the past 20 years LE has become something totally different than it use to be. Officers are just rude and aggressive even towards us seniors.

The fact that so many attorneys have to create content alerting the public what their legal rights are when dealing with ::checks notes:: those hired to enforce the law is a sad indictment on the state of law enforcement in America.

Admit nothing, deny everything, demand witnesses & evidence, and then make counter accusations.

Do this through your attorney.

Great advice, thank you for sharing this. One of the things my mom told me was to never let someone see that they were able to "get" to you. So when a young driver is pulled over, just keep composed and exude kindness. Just play the game. You get more bees with honey than vinegar. I'm an old white dude, but if you can keep your cool under pressure you will triumph in the end.

As former LEO (30yrs) I agree. There is nothing to be gained talking with the police w/o an atty.

I wish I had known this at age 56 when the cops tricked me, just to hear my side of the story, and now I have a minor conviction. Thank you sir.

You do magnificent service to the public through these videos. I hope people are listening and will remember what you are teaching us. Thank you, Mr. Scott.

Thank you. Most of us don't realize this until we get run over by law enforcement on fishing expeditions.

I used to think I was being helpful by answering questions, until I got suspected of bizarre shit formulated in the mind if some cop trying to earn some merit badge for solving all the crimes since

PLEASE Mr Scott: explain to these folks the dangers of the 'SOFT INTERRIGATION' where the nice police officer plays like the "im just trying to help you out" friendly cop. i have seen this so many times with the "cool cop was on my side" only to find they were being manipulated months later in court. thx for your service

Download here: Natural-Law-Common-Law-Sovereignty-you-are-either-sovereign-or-a-slave-the-choice-is-only-yours-to-make-2023-04-12.mp4 - 155,211 kb
By: Richard Vobes - 12th April 2023
Natural Law / Common Law / Sovereignty
You are either sovereign or a slave;
the choice is only yours to make

There are two states a person can be in this world: you are either sovereign or a slave; the choice is only yours to make. I chat to Sovereign Pete, from the Sovereign Project, about freedom, car tax, council tax, government oppression and constitution.

Find out more:

#sovereignty #freedom #rights

The world runs on the initiative of about 5% of the people; the rest need orders.

The consensus of the other 95% on the subject of one's relationship with: government – banks – tax agencies – courts and corporations (all separate realms) is defective in that such inert abstractions have been accorded superiority over living beings.

Governments are mere transitory mental contrivances set up by the clever few for the purpose of living off the efforts of the trusting many – a generalization, yes, but also the truth.

Quantum Mind
The secret to stop being a slave is to stop fearing loss. All control comes from fear. And fear comes from threat of loss.
Once you realise you actually have nothing to lose you are free.

Bloody marvellous! This guy needs a weekly slot with us to teach us the "law" and his "solutions". Great job, Pete!

"We are rapidly approaching an era where people vs government becomes a worldwide phenomenon." ~ John McAfee

Darren Monsiegneur
This really needs to be promoted to our youth.

Geoff Norton
Richard, you've had some amazing guests on your show in recent weeks, but this guy is by far the best. Please get him back asap. We ALL need much more of this. Thank you guys.

Fiore Deutchmark
This should be a weekly fixture, this man is so valuable and his knowledge should be as exhaustively disseminated as possible.

Thank you for an absolutely wonderful show. Please bring Pete on every week. Everyone needs to understand how we are being duped.

Olly Perry
Thank you, Richard, for having such amazing guests on. I feel like I am learning something really important and that gives me hope and gives me confidence. I love this country too and I will not sit by and watch as lesser people try to take it away from us.

Vinko R
I met Pete a few times during plandemic in his weekly sovereign workshops, and it was a joy to see that my doubts when I was young in everything he was saying, came on surface, and my 'puzzle' was uncovered and confirmed. He has a wealth of knowledge, so Richard - bring him as often as you can to your channel, that he helps us and others to stand up and be free

What an amazing guest, with an equally amazing host. Thank you. The Great Awakening is here

elaine pettis
Oh my goodness. We all have to unlearn what we have learned. Thank you Richard and Pete for bringing this to our attention

Sue Davey
Thrilled to see you on here Pete with my very favourite You Tube host. Well done, this is an amazing interview with two brilliant guys. Many thanks to you both and may the content spread and enlighten everyone.

Lenore Marie
Richard, please bring Sovereign Pete back. He is a wealth of information, and you're interviews are brilliant. Thank you for making this video, and sharing his information.

Lynda Jordan
Thank you once again Richard and Pete. This is the best information I have heard in a long time. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to you both and Pete's knowledge. I hope he can come back soon to enlighten us some more. Many blessings both and much

Linda McKenzie
This guest of yours Richard is fantastic ! More please more! He strikes a chord with me, and suffers no fools.Thank you Richard.

john moncrieff
Finding out the truth sets you FREE -- free from fear, from debt, from slavery! Another brilliant program thank you!!

Red pilled
Noticed how this gentleman never interrupts when Richard speaks. He's a very clear thinker. Commendable

Costas Psillides
OMG,OMG,OMG,Richard, I thought I was awake, like wide awake, how wrong was I, what an amazing guest!
Pete is a beautiful human being and we love him as so you,
We knew it would take something like the pandemic for people to open their eyes but didn't think it would backfire on the powers that shouldn't be so much.
Thank you so much for your channel, you are a star, in every aspect of the word and long may it continue.

Its Me
Amazing. I couldn't get enough... we need more people like this man.

Download here: After-speaking-out-against-the-CDCs-Covid-19-narrative-for-3-years-the-Minnesota-state-senator-Dr-Scott-Jensen-has-now-been-exonerated-2023-03-25.mp4 - 16,931 kb
By: Dr. Scott Jensen - 25th March 2023
After speaking out against the CDC's
Covid-19 narrative for 3 years,
the Minnesota state senator Dr Scott
Jensen has now been exonerated!

Dr. Stephen E. Jones: "Our Senator spoke out against the CDC's narrative about covid-19 three years ago. The medical board then threatened to take away his license as a medical doctor. Yesterday he finally won his case, and all 18 counts against him were dropped. Here is a short 7-minute video where he shares his victory in front of the state capital building..."

Dr. Scott Jensen: "The Minnesota Board of Medical Practice has once again dismissed all charges against me, today is a victory for all of us. We must continue to be diligent in the face of this tyranny!"

#health #Doctor #Minnesota

Kathleen McCormick
Congrats, Dr. Jensen. You are a courageous and moral man who has stood up against the tyranny. We appreciate you.

Lisa Erickson
Congratulations Scott and thank you for sticking strongly to your convictions. We conservative, Christian patriots may get kicked around here on earth BUT God is going to have the last word.

So happy for you Doc, you are such a good man. America needs more Senators like you! GOD answers prayer!

D. P.
19 hours ago
Congratulations Dr. Jensen! I'm a retired nurse and I appreciate your standing for the truth to help those that have been manipulated and misinformed by our government! God BLESS you and your family always!! The darkness evil can't survived the light of God and the truth!!

Paul Campbell
Awesome, Dr. Jensen! This is a victory for the State of Minnesota, as well (and those who seek the truth).

Pamara Benton
Thank you for standing for truth, and freedom. You took some blows, but you survived. Your patients are fortunate to have you.

Jennifer Matthews
Dr. Jensen, you were entrusted, and proved worthy. So many of us prayed for you & will continue. God bless and strengthen you as you continue to fight for right!

Good Comrade
Congrats Dr. Jensen. I was born and raised under a communist regime. Took me 24 years to get to America. Although some days in recent times I wonder about what seems to have been lost, you remind me of exactly why I came to this country. I wanted to be with people like you and I wanted to be like you. Now I know I still do. And I thank you for that.

Helen Rogers
Thank you, Dr. Scott Jensen, you fought the good fight on behalf of all of us, of all humanity. You were chosen for such a time as this. Thank you, and may God bless you.

Congratulations Dr. Jensen, you are a hero and indeed you speak for millions.

Eagle Talons
Yep, you're the kind of Doctor's that I claim we needed to get the trust back from the people, if that is at all possible, and the Board agreed. Good work Dr. Jensen!

Thank you for speaking up right from the beginning 3 years ago, Dr. Jensen!

Maxine Boxer
As a Canadian senior citizen, I am so grateful to you for standing strong, while under enormous pressure. I'm so happy about the results of this travesty, they should be ashamed of what they tried to do. As you say, they picked on the wrong guy! I believe that you were truly chosen for this task, your actions will benefit all of humanity. God bless.

Dede Tudor
Dr. Jensen... You are the very type of physician everyone wants to have their healthcare visits with
Thank you BOARD for promoting more Drs like Dr Jensen in the schools.

Hippie Chick
Congratulations Dr. Jensen! I am so happy for you. I sent many prayers your way. Thank you for standing up for us all with truth. Many Blessings.

Jennifer Matthews
I so love and admire that you use scripture to bolster us. Thank you again

-central Wisconsin:
GOOD NEWS Dr Jensen!
I prayed for your victory, AND that the MN Medical Board would also APOLOGIZE to you. I hope they did Apologize to you too.

Go enjoy your weekend, and celebrate your rightful win! May you also have many more years serving patients, and enjoying life and your family!

As the masses wake up to the gross

(e.g. Genocide), we enter the inevitable

By: Unknown - 9th March 2023

As the masses wake up to the gross Crimes Against Humanity (e.g. Genocide) - we enter the inevitable 'RATS FLEEING THE SHIP' phase - which manifests in several stages of entrepreneurship:

  1. former employees turn whistle-blowers - to redeem what is left of their souls;
  2. mainstream media personalities switch narratives - and with absolutely no shame whatsoever - repeat what conspiracy theorists have said all along;
  3. key pharmaceutical personnel responsible for the manufacture, misinformation and distribution of poisonous drugs - suddenly retire from public view - with extremely wealthy severance packages;
  4. megalomaniacs in the form of politicians and their puppet masters emulate #2 and #3 above and suddenly drop off the World stage, stating: "I just want to spend more meaningful time with my family..." as they flee from the scene of the crime;
  5. doctors, nurses, police, councils and business owners all justify their culpability in mandating heinous laws and their persecution of those who stood for truth - by claiming the historical Coward's Lament: "I was just doing my job"
  6. erstwhile the blood of millions of innocent people who were maimed and euthanized, screams out for justice.


Download here: Mayor-Demands-Entire-schoolboard-Resignation-For-Supporting-Pornography-2023-02-27.mp4 - 1,263 kb
By: BlackConservative24 - 27th February 2023
Mayor Demands Entire School Board
Resignation For Supporting Pornography

Hudson Mayor Protecting Kids Against evil schoolboard Promoting insanity inside classroom

#mayor #schoolboard

DS Slots
Has anyone actually seen this book, "642 tiny things to write about". How did it get approval for schools in the first place?

Rod Adams
So it begins, the removal of all the school boards like this across the country!

Righting WRONGS is that EASY! If Politicians, Lawyers, Justices of the Peace, Judges, Police, TEACHERS, Doctors, Parents, Councilors who know about this are not speaking up like this - THEY ARE COMPLICIT in perversion themselves!

A rare person with integrity, common sense, and BALLS

That is one good Mayor. We need all Mayors to be like him and won't stop until we achieve this.

The Battle Rabbit
They should be forced to resign and still charged! They should be charged either way.

melissa krebbs
Every mayor in America needs to do this!!
Our kids need someone to stand up and protect their innocence!! Much respect sir!!

Bobby Jay
YES. Fire them AND charge them. Rinse and repeat in every school district in America.

John Urresta
That's how a mayor should behave. Action, not excuses.

Tara Hesler
All mayors across the country need to get on board w this mayor!!!!!!!!!!

Hell yes, what a great Mayor. Taking action for the people immediately!

Purplex_Purple 77
A man who actually does right for his people

Someone give that mayor the medal of honor for this. This is what we need at all levels

jose luis lopez de leon
Every mayor should do the same. Period. GBA

Sincerd Again
Every mayor in the USA needs to do this.
Having child pornography in schools is illegal!!

Jacqueline McGrath Curtis
Not only resign, but arrest them as well.

Mario Stan
Send them to jail for at least 5 years.

Rosemarie Comtois
It is about time. Every mayor needs to do thus. Push them all out of education.

This mayor is the BOSS!!!! This is how they need to be handled.

Julia Forde
Finally someone is setting the precedent for what's to come.

We need more mayors like this

Open the flood gates and let the positive waves of this mayor's action be released all over America. God bless this gentleman.

Download here: Idaho-lawmakers-introduce-bill-to-make-it-a-misdemeanor-to-administer-mRNA-vaccines-2023-02-18.mp4 - 6,641 kb
By: 4 News Now - 18th February 2023
Idaho lawmakers introduce bill
to make it a MISDEMEANOR
to administer mRNA vaccines!

Some Idaho lawmakers are now looking into adding criminal charges for anyone who administers an mRNA vaccine, like a COVID or flu shot.

HB 154, if passed, would amend Idaho state code, by adding a new section to penalize anyone from administering an mRNA vaccine in the state, with a misdemeanor.

In Idaho, a misdemeanor offense is punishable by jail time or a fine.

"We are seeing more and more concerns rising because of the mRNA vaccine," said Sen. Tammy Nichols, a republican from Middleton.

Nichols, one of the lawmakers sponsoring this bill, says she's had concerns about the COCID-19 vaccine, because it was administered under an emergency use authorization, before receiving FDA approval.

The bill would essentially make it a misdemeanor for anyone to administer an mRNA vaccine, in the state of Idaho.

"We have issues that this was fast tracked. There's no liability, there's no access to data. The risk benefit analysis has not been done. There's no informed consent," Nichols said.

But other lawmakers in the bill's hearing pointed out that the COVID vaccine, did get a full FDA approval after being fast tracked.

"They ultimately were approved under the ordinary approval process and did ultimately, you know, survive the scrutiny of being subjected to all the normal tests," said Rep. Ilana Rubel, a democrat from Boise.

An mRNA vaccine uses "messenger RNA", something we have in our own cells, to protect us against illness.

"It's almost like a set of instructions. So your cells use these instructions to make proteins that your body needs, whether it's just to basically function or it's to protect itself against illnesses like COVID," said Malia Nogle an epidemiologist with the Panhandle Health District.

Some examples of other mRNA vaccines include flu, rabies, zika shots, and scientists are even studying these vaccines to treat cancer.

But Senator Nichols says she'd like Idaho to go a different route.

"There's multiple types of COVID shots that are available. The state of Idaho has used other types, there are other shots that we can utilize that do not have the mRNA in it," Nichols said.

So far, the bill has just been introduced. It will still need a hearing and future vote in committee to make it to the house floor.

Shout out to the news crew reporting on this while also being up to date with all their mRNA shots.

Suburban Karen
Dang, that is HUGE considering the push to make these jabs sound effective and "safe". Happy for Idaho.

Michael Chavez
"We don't want government making decisions about our healthcare but also, we want government making decisions about our healthcare..."

This needs to happen in DC but that would interfere with their kick backs.

Jacob Moore
How about an act of attempted murder, if they try to mandate it. I'm not talking about doctors either.

Chin Up Duck
i wonder if this bill will in effect prevent those who have already administered it from being charged with manslaughter or worse.

Lawrence Stovall
Great move and hope you can lead the way in doing what others should have done.

Ebony Lamb
i don't live in Idaho but i do not trust mRNA technology.

Love it !!! Needs to be done !

Ask Why
Anytime there is zero liability for the product maker - expect the product to cause harm - up to and including vaccines - mRNA or all of the others.

Erma Gerd
I remember recently in Canada when they were about to stop the unpoked from buying groceries, and the poked were in full support of this. Nice people huh?

Peter M. Abraham, BSN, RN
Thank you! I've had a patient die after their 1st dose. A family member die after their 3rd booster. A 30-year-old niece who may have permanent lymphatic/vascular injury from the jab.

By: pureblood - 17th February 2023

Mass Suicides Expected!

The Punisher
Willingly and knowingly depriving patients of making an INFORMED DECISION comes at a price!
Willingly and knowingly participating in GENOCIDE comes at a price!
All you pro Covid Vaxx doctors and Nurses are so absolutely FUCKED!

Great Dane
Expect MASS SUICIDES amongst millions of the 'friendly, caring' doctors and nurses, as more normies wake up to how the medical professionals and doctors WILLINGLY and KNOWINGLY KILLED them! As it is many politicians / members of parliament are not in their offices and security is tightening in banks and media outlets Globally. Yes, the rats are fleeing the ship as Judgement is rolled out.

Great sue the doctors sue the government bankrupt everybody. That's the whole point of what the bad guys are doing. What do you think is going to happen in the US when 80% of our workforce files for disability? Everything they are doing is intended to bankrupt us and force us into a communist totalitarian system. So maybe don't do a victory dance quite yet. When those doctors are out of a job and lose their licenses, guess who gets to feed them and house them? The taxpayers. Guess who takes their property when they can't pay their bills? The government.

we are now fighting our grubberment over [ 15 minute cities ] the RATS/AUSSIES love it, they love jabbing their kids, only 1% of our ppl fight and the pigging normies stand with their killers BTW our troops help put our freedom fighters in the camps. and yes the death camps are very real, but the pigging normies love that too.. GOD BLESS RUSSIA, may they come here SOON and free us.

Australian here, i feel happy if the doctors face charges, in fact i hope ALL Australian doctors and nurses hang, living here i promise the Australians are 98%vaxxed and are a RACE OF RAT TRAITOR DOGS. pure assholes

Correct. But they all know who won Big Brother. Simpletons deserve everything they've got coming.

All pharma Contracts null and void as they knowingly rolled out toxic poison shots with the help of governments ,doctors ,media,etc,etc...if we sue our governments we are basically suing ourselves, their day in the peoples court is coming .
We need to seek and destroy and hold the UN,who,wef, and every ngo involved in this genocide accountable.. and bring their house of cards down,before it turns to all out war against us.

Yeah, right...cause they held a gun to yer halfwit heads

In some cases.... they did
Lose your freedoms or get poisened

Heard of mandates dimwit??? Clown. Congratulations...

As Nurse in America while Obam Care was in transition, I saw this all coming. I was told that Flu shotswould be mandatory or we would be terminated. I was dodging out every time I was told to go get mine. Sad, I left that Hospital.

I have zero sympathy for these medical 'professionals '. They were the last line of defence against all the propaganda and coercion. Through their weakness and cowardice they miserably failed in the duty they volunteered to do.

You musta took the bait huh fish? Blame everyone but yerself for failing a simple iq test


Our hospitals have become havens for NWO end of life protocols

"Informed" consent… a MASSIVE amount of people were NOT informed so ???? Did they give their consent ???

nope. without full disclosure there can be no consent, just deception.

so no full disclosure but take the death jab anyway right halfwits

no government has any right to deny a person right to seek redress if they are harmed, by indemnifying pharma, government took that liability on to their shoulders.

their insurance wont pay out, at least not while there is a pandemic of book passing and hand washing going on.
nobody wants to catch this steaming hot rotten potato.

Many are to blame. But whoever puts the needle in somebody's arm bears the ultimate responsibility.

who made the poison that went into the needles? who approved them? or gave them emergency use authorisation? who made the mandates.
yes those who injected it are guilty of harm, but many did so under duress and threat of termination of employment.
those who made the poison and authorised it are more guilty, nobody put them under pressure to do any of that.

Honest Doctors are speaking out !! exposing the deadly vaccines. Canadian Medical Association states Doctors under 50 are dying at 12X the normal rate after taking the COVID booster.

If only the doctors spoke out and said No at the start none of this would have happened - theyre coming for them but of course with the NHSX and AI just around the corner theyre not going to be needed anyways so there goes their big pay cheques - no sympathy

Whoever took part in it, instead of standing on the picket line, smiling and demanding massive pay-rises, they should be standing in the dock....

All the useful idiots who joined in on the coercion deserve everything they get! why do you think we had walk in vaccination centres so there is no accountability from your local GP surgery!...but now mRNA is being genetically modified in our food.

Will-any-New-Zealand-politicians-support-a-Royal-Commission-of-inquiry-into-the-safety-and-effectiveness-of-the-vaccine-rollout-2023-02-07.mp4 - 6,704 kb
By: The Zeitgeist - 7th February 2023
Will any New Zealand politicians support
a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the
safety & effectiveness of the vaccine rollout?
Maori willingly and knowingly killing Maori

A very reasonable question asked at Waitangi yesterday:

"..The politicians are there. The politicians are there... My father, I buried him 6 months ago, of his VACCINE INJURY! Of his vaccine injury!... I want to talk to the Members of Parliament. You did not come out, in the occupation, for the vaccine injured, and and and people like my father who I buried 6 months ago, my husband's whanau, they buried 30 in one month! 30! They were all vaccine injured!

I want to know. I want to know, do you represent us? Are we part of your whanau? Are we part of your community as the vaccines injured?... WILL YOU SUPPORT A ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE SAFE AND EFFECTIVENESS OF THE VACCINE ROLLOUT?..."

Response by politicians: "Let's move to another tent..."

Made In New Zealand
Absolute respect to that brave Maori lady who spoke for her people and the whole country. Shame on all those present who were to gutless to support her; or worse, are complicit in the genocide programme themselves! She is part of the head, while the mainstream media and all those gutless wonders are the tail - plain and simple!

Cosmic Traveller
Who is this person in the hat trying to stop discussion on behalf of @MaramaDavidson
.....Maori Elites bullying Maori who have every right to speak.

Good on that lady

Good on the lady to stand her ground and say what's on her mind after being hushed like that. MP's tend to forget that come election time it's the people who vote for them.

Davidson disgusting that voices are being shutdown just because you don't like the question

Lydia Pearl
The way she was shut down was appalling. Just answer the yes/no question. No need to go to another tent ... when you're already in a flippin tent!!

It's the classic "let's take this offline" gambit to avoid answering a question. Just goes to show how open and transparent the Greens are.

Singing for there corrupt masters to close free debate - WHY

I Knit For Fun
Yes, this is about the corruption of the State, and its lack of accountability. MPs could not even answer a simple question - because they dont support a fair review of the C*vd approach.

How many times does Singing get used over the person they don't want to hear or answer , A very fair question coming from a place of loss. Safe and effective pushed aside yet again.

This is exactly why the people do not trust our politicians! Why is she being shutdown ? A simple question she asked and the response is move to another tent? This is a voice of that 90% majority just needs simple answers to straight questions without ducking around .

Good on this woman for speaking out (and holding her stand) against those useless politicians who tried to shut her up!

South Auckland Farmer
Classic response when challenged "let's talk in private" cowards can't be put on the spot in public for all to see how usless they all are.

Natasha & Russell
People should be seen and not heard. That's what they want us to be.

Power to this great lady for speaking up. I hope this gets followed up

Yes very reasonable. We should have inquiry so that we all can understand more. This was an unprecedented event and having open and honest reviews of it all is the right thing to do.

Bronwyn Cowen
Another person treated disrespectfully for asking a question

I love it how she just keeps going even though the stooge with the mike keeps trying to end it

Download here: More-on-the-above-story-from-Us-for-Them-who-took-action-against-Pfizers-lies-about-vaccine-safety-and-kids-2023-02-03.mp4 - 1,658 kb
By: Nowadays Reality - 3rd February 2023
More on the story from Us for Them
who took action against Pfizer's lies
about vaccine safety and kids

Pfizer's CEO has been FOUND GUILTY of misleading parents about the Covid vaccine for kids.

Download here: How-to-Answer-Cop-on-the-Side-of-the-Road-2023-01-31.mp4 - 13,704 kb
By: unknown - 31st January 2023
How to Answer a Cop
on the Side of the Road

Download here: Armed-Restaurant-Robbery-Suspect-Shot-Dead-by-HERO-Customer-in-Texas-2023-01-10.mp4 - 4,431 kb
By: Inside Edition - 10th January 2023
Armed Restaurant Robbery Suspect
Shot Dead by HERO Customer in Texas

The restaurant customer who shot and killed an armed robber is coming forward. The drama erupted at a restaurant in Houston, Texas. An armed robber ordered everyone in the restaurant to hand over their money. As the gunman walked by, an armed customer fatally shot the robber. The customer then took off in a pickup truck before police arrived at the scene. Now, the armed diner's lawyer reached out to the district attorney's office saying his client wants to talk about what happened.

If you believe your life is in danger you have every right to protect yourself.

If this guy gets prosecuted for self defence then it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt how broken the US justice system is.

In most countries, the use of a toy gun in a robbery attracts the same criminal penalty as the use of a real gun. Victims don't know the gun is fake. A fake gun creates the same psychological trauma as a real gun. You should always assume the gun is real. The guy who acted in self defense should not be charged

This man was not in the wrong, he defended himself, the customers and the business of which he was a patron. We need men like this who will not allow lawlessness in their communities.

How would the fearful customers know that's a fake gun? Absolutely justified.

I felt that man's anger when he found out it wasn't a real gun. I would be too when finding out you took a life when it wasn't even necessary. Not that he could have known. He definitely deserves to go free. Having another human's death on your conscience, no matter how much of a scumbag that human was, will stay with him forever. That alone is already more than he deserves. Hell, he deserves a medal tbh

EDIT: There's a few internet badasses in this thread. Keep it coming fellas! See how you react when you're put into a situation like this. Consider this the only reply you get because you're literally not worth the time of day. Yes, that includes the badasses responding after reading this edit

100% justified. Anyone crying about it is probably a psychopath low-life robber themselves.

The guy shouldn't be charged and I feel for him knowing you killed someone after realizing they weren't a real threat to you.

This was a brave man, i hope his life isnt ruined and i hope he gets the praise he deserves, respect to this brave man.

As a security guard, you can pull out your service weapon to stop the threat with deadly force if the person is brandishing a weapon, even if it's fake with the intent of putting lives in danger. Hope it went all well for this man.

The gun might be fake but the robbery was real

Never run away after you've protected yourself from an armed robbery, especially when you have witnesses and a security camera as corroboration. Never put your hands on the weapon the offender used, even if it was a toy and never disturb a crime scene. The law is on your side when it's... Self-defense and Reasonable Fear of an imminent threat and the use of proportional force.

The fact the gun was fake has absolutely NOTHING to do with the robbery. He was still threatening them and stealing their money. Crazy how the justice system tries to even think about coming after victims for simply protecting themselves.

Download here: Mom-knows-her-rights-gets-her-son-out-of-cops-custody-Braintree-MA-cops-get-owned-pt-1-2023-01-04.mp4 - 33,688 kb
By: Jaclyn Smith - 4th January 2023
Mom knows her rights
Gets her son out of cops custody
Braintree MA cops get owned! Part 1

**Warning Explicit Language**

To start, this all happened on Xmas eve when I got a call from my son saying that Braintree Police was arresting him and I could hear them manhandling him before the call ends. I was only about a 5 minute drive away. I knew I had to get there to help, my son who is 18 and his friends that are minors, so they didn't end up in jail on Xmas Eve. All I could think was that my son was gonna end up in jail missing Xmas with his family and possibly go to jail because he's on probation. I was full of adrenaline and beyond pissed off that this was happening, the time, place, situation, and people were all wrong that night. So I got there quick seen a cop car exiting the apartments so I hopped out to find out if he had my son and if not where he was. He wasn't helpful acting as if he didn't know what I was talking about so once I got him to say where they were I pulled the car over and parked and hopped out on foot running looking for my son then finally located where they had them. I got 3 of the cops heading my way to cut me off and confront me because they were told someone's crazy mom showed up, lol. I was told I wasn't getting any info cause my son was 18 and I could find out from him when I bail him out of jail. So that told me then planned on taking him that night, so I knew I had to get to my son and find out what happened and explain to him what he needed to ask them to try to save himself and his friends. I know I have a foal mouth on me and I didn't hold back on them, I was furious!!! So if you pay attention to what they say it goes from he's being arrested for possibly trying to steal a catalytic converter, to then stealing the scooter because it wasn't his or friends but not shown as stolen either. Then all of a sudden they're detained and being investigated for some unknown crime and they couldn't tell my son why he was in cuffs being arrested. Mind you when the cops showed up they didn't announce themselves as cops so my son and his friends didn't know what was happening. One friend took off on his scooter but was grabbed and held in the back of the car during all this, they also had tasered pulled on them too. There's so much I could explain about what happened but the video I believe will say it all. There is a second video as well because I stopped the video by accident when I went to look at the cops vehicles, but started it back up once I noticed so make sure to watch that video showing my son and friends being released. Sorry about my potty mouth I was very upset and my one regret in the video is telling my mother who came with me to shut up. I didn't mean it but you'll hear her more than a couple times telling me to calm down or stop what I was saying. Thankfully my mom understands me and who I am and didn't take any offense to it after I calmed down and apologized to her.

A cops worst nightmare: someone who knows their rights. I'm really glad this woman called the scum bags out.

Stefunny Strange
The BOSTON accent made this 10X more entertaining! This is the best thing I've seen all week. I wish she was my mom when the police cuffed and detained me. I have a great mom but at the time, she wasn't educated on her rights and believed the BS the cops were spewing and that she would be arrested for simply speaking and being like 20 feet away which the cops called "obstruction of their investigation." I'm sick of them behaving like gang members. Hold cops accountable!

Joni Kaltenbach
This is a mama bear that's a force to be reckoned with. This lady holding up for her son shows what a great and loving mom she is

Ant Lee
God bless you. A mom in her finest form. Thank you, for showing these people acting in the exact opposite.

Alexandria Kay
Love how this started with "after he gets bailed out" and ends with them saying "I NEVER SAID HE WAS UNDER ARREST!!" Omg how!!

Ronnie Harper
I'm 31 and I'm still my moms baby. So blessed to have her in my life still. She would do anything for me. Such an amazing woman

The way this woman could recite the laws, and their rights while she was angry was incredible.

Wish we had more people like this woman in our world…

Love the way you say 'he came out of my body' - he's mine, he's yours, not theirs. Protective of her kid, to the detriment of her own safety. That's a real mom.

Charles Pollock
Not the mom we deserve but the mom we need

Judy Wyatt
Thank you to Mom in this video. I am proud to be a native of Massachusetts before spending 22 years in the USMC before retiring in NC. You are an inspiration to others by knowing your rights and fighting police who have more then met their match. Lucky child you have there. Would like to see follow up on this incident. Uuurrrgghh and Semper fi.

The Dog Man
Huge Respect - you don't realise the trouble this could have saved.

I don't drink, do drugs, or even stay out late and just about every encounter I've had with police in my life they've talked to me like I'm a scumbag. It's no wonder we all love this video. We'd all love to talk to cops like they talk to us.

Heidi Jordan
Good job mom! I learned a lot, thank you. We need to protect our kids with this info.

Download here: You-Tube-Is-Guilty-Of-Genocide-For-Censoring-Critical-Information-Proof-2023-01-03.mp4 - 1,282 kb
By: COVID VAX INJURIES - 3rd January 2023
YouTube is Guilty of Genocide
for Censoring Critical Information (Proof)

#covid #vaccine #injuries

YouTube is Guilty of Genocide

Fucking JewTube.

Its necessary to get creative to get around the censorship of comments on YT.
Lots of sarcasm & emoji's the AI can't understand yet. Start the sentence with something that's emotionally in tune with the general narrative, then switch it up in the second part. Just log out to see if the comment got through or was sandboxed.

yeah I make my comments tongue in cheek with extra toppings of saltiness but the problem is a lot don't get it then

Don't worry they are the ones who got the vax anyways. LoL

Raiden Digital
Yeah, they'll block a totally innocent comment that has nothing to do with death jabs or anything. You have to check ever single comment by opening a clone of the web page in an in-private browser. They have applied an extra strict shadow block to replying to people. You'll often see it say "View 6 replies" and there's only 2. Or "View 3 replies" and there's none. Uh Oh, too many people were being talked out of the death jab in YouTube replies. Gotta stop people from doing that.

Driver Alone in a Stranger World
That's why I use the the term
Schwabaroo/ Schwabbing / Schwabbed replacement for vaccine
Because that vaccine originated from Klaus Schwab, the founder of great reset

I'm tired of trying to warn idiots! They don't listen anyway, it's actually NOT murder, it's them suiciding themselves, they call it "the culling of the useless eaters " , and they're actually right! I'm actually starting to agree with the "evil elites ",especially the idiots that are double and triple vaxxed! Some even have more! Those idiots deserve to hurry up and die!

true they do it too me all the time

Learn Common / Natural Law.
Know Your God Given Rights!
Famous Quotes about Law.

Five Elements of Common Law:

  1. Claim - Notice of Demand
  2. Create - Notice of Remedy
  3. Exert - Notice of Breach of Default
  4. Court Process - Form Filing
  5. Enforce - Court Hearing

Common Law Contract:

  1. Offer
  2. Acceptance
  3. An intention to enter legal relations
  4. Sufficient consideration
  5. A capacity to contract
  6. Legality of purpose
  7. Genuine consent
  8. Certainty of terms

Flesh & Blood Man of God:

Lower case name: is a proper noun name written in accordance with the rules of English grammar & prescriptions of law.

Uppercase name: There is no provision in English grammar for the capitalization of proper nouns, except for banks and / or governments to create an entity for commercial purposes.

Definitions: A commercial entity - artificial person – colour of law – straw man – trade name – Front man – property – debtor – person – legal fiction.

Corporations do not have any authority, they can only be contracting parties, and therefore anything they do must be done by consent.

United Nations Universal Declaration of Human
Rights – Article 18:

"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."

The world runs on the initiative of about 5% of the people; the rest need orders:

The consensus of the other 95% on the subject of one's relationship with: government – banks – tax agencies – courts and corporations (all separate realms) is defective in that such inert abstractions have been accorded superiority over living beings.

Governments are mere transitory mental contrivances set up by the clever few for the purpose of living off the efforts of the trusting many – a generalization, yes, but also the truth.

Without Prejudice UCC1-207 (without impairing any pre existing right)

"I reserve my right not to be compelled to preform under any contract or commercial agreement that I did not enter knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally. And furthermore, I do not accept the liability of the compelled benefit of any unrevealed contract or commercial agreement."

Matthew 18:15-18 "Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican. Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."

Matthew 5:25 "Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison."

Luke 12:58 "When thou goest with thine adversary to the magistrate, [as thou art] in the way, give diligence that thou mayest be delivered from him; lest he hale thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and the officer cast thee into prison."

The Church is an alternative that operates according to the perfect law of liberty. This is why historians called the early church a "viable republic in the heart of the Roman empire" as opposed to what we see today, a social club of mutual superstitions.

Ultimately the court we should be concerned about Is His Holy Court, which we will all face someday.

Wise Quotes:

"How can you be liberated if you do not know that you are a slave?"

"If you stand for nothing, you shall fall for everything."

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporal safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell

"If you have nothing to die for, you have nothing to live for."

"Are men the property of the state? Or are they free souls under God?"

"For every action there is an equal and opposite government program."

The Catechism of the Catholic Church #2242:

"The citizen is obliged in conscience not to follow the directives of Civil Authorities, when they are contrary to the demands of the moral order, to the fundamental rights of persons, or the teachings of the Gospel. Refusing obedience to Civil Authorities when their demands are contrary to those of an upright conscience, finds its justification in the distinction between serving God and serving the political community."

The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years - by Alexander Fraser Tytler:

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.

The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith
From spiritual faith to great courage
From courage to liberty
From liberty to abundance
From abundance to complacency
From complacency to apathy
From apathy to dependence
From dependence back into bondage"

The World We Live In (Michael Ellner)

"Doctors destroy health,
lawyers destroy justice,
psychiatrists destroy minds,
scientists destroy truth,
major media destroys information,
religions destroy spirituality and
governments destroy freedom."

Corrupt judges deem it illegal to
expose governments behaving illegally!

Corrupt judges deem it illegal to expose governments behaving illegally

Miranda Warning
Your right to remain silent
Nobody talks / Everybody walks!
Most people are carried to jail by their mouth - not their legs!

Miranda Warning - Your right to remain silent

Miranda Warning - Your right to remain silent

Page Footer...
[Everything below this line is repeated on most pages]

We are fighting a spiritual war
10th August 2024
Paris Olympics - We are fighting a spiritual war!
Revelation 18:2 "And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

Hard Times Create Strong Men...
Hard Times Create Strong Men - Strong Men Create Good Times - Good Times Create Weak Men - Weak Men Create Hard Times.

Some people wouldn't know
tyranny if it bit them on the ass!
Some people wouldn't know tyranny if it bit them on the ass!

Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!
Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!

This is a question that stupid
people & traitors cannot answer:
Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?
This is a question that stupid people & traitors cannot answer: Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!
30th June 2023
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!

Being awake isn't cool. It means having to dumb down 98% of your conversations every day, so you don't sound like a lunatic.

Attitude to monsters after putting up with their shit since late 2019...

Plan F - The Fuck Off plan!

When people you don't even know hate you, That's when you know you're the best.

mRNA jabs are doing the job
slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!
30th June 2023
mRNA jabs are doing the job slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!

20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities
It's called GENOCIDE!
13th June 2023
20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities - It's called GENOCIDE!

"A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030"
It's called GENOCIDE!
12th May 2023
A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030 - It's called GENOCIDE!

World Economic Forum - Committed to Enslaving the Whole World

Nothing says "Trust the Science"
like asking for the data
to be hidden for 75 years!
18th March 2023
Nothing says Trust the Science like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years! Shhhhh....

Superheroes bow down to the
Big Pharma / Businessmen / Doctors
11th February 2023
It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT
26th November 2022
Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT

The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get
jabbed is like sending a post card from
the Titanic saying: "Wish you were here!"
20th November 2022
The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: Wish you were here!

Ten Stages of Genocide
As taught by WEFers Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau etc - August 2022

Ten Stages of Genocide

The Good Reset
Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's,
Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

28th July 2022
The Good Reset - Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's, Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

Covid Variant / Booster
The Merry Go Round From Hell
22nd December 2021

Covid Variant / Booster - Merry Go Round From Hell

Experimental Injections
Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel
13th November 2021

Experimental Injections - Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel

Death is coming for you stupid!

I am fully Vaccinated and Boostered, and just tested positive for Covid-19. I am grateful for the protection my vaccines continue to provide.

The 5-Step COVID 'Vaccine' RISK / BENEFIT ANALYSIS - September 2021

Trump's swamp draining service

When the population understands this picture, it will change everything.

"You can fool all the people some of the time.
You can fool some of the people all the time.
But you cannot fool all the people all the time!"

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Attributed to Edmund Burke. Also by John F. Kennedy in a speech in 1961.

The Great Cow Analogy

Donald J. Trump - They should never have touched the children!
'They should never have touched the children!'
Donald J. Trump - President of the United States of America

'They should never have touched the children!!' President Donald J. Trump

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Abortion: Modern Day Child Sacrifice
Psalms 106:37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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Banned Videos - Education instead of Indoctrination - Better than Google
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If someone accuses you of wearing a tinfoil hat...,
remind them that it's better than wearing a blindfold!

Q - Apr 17 2020 - We are ready. [Set 1] Mission good. Q Q
"Where We Go One, We Go All"
Disclaimer: The historical information on this website is for research purposes only
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Q President John F. Kennedy