The Punisher treason: noun: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government
White Hats
Embrace the sometimes painful truth of reality
Remain in the blissful ignorance of illusion
If there is no such thing as a CONSPIRACY - why is the word CONSPIRACY in the dictionary?
Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'   Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell
Click here... Stockholm Syndrome is also a result of Governmental / Pharmaceutical / Media Propaganda
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL and Embraces GENOCIDE

'Reporting with Integrity'
Real News - Ephesians 4:25  Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.

2022 - July to December
> 2024 January to June   > 2024 July to December
> 2023 January to June   > 2023 July to December
> 2022 January to June . > 2022 July to December
> 2021 January to December    
> 2020 and prior    

Q INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISTS - prosecutors for the elite and their corrupt organisations?
Video The Babylon Bee's Best of 2022 Video Compilation - 30th December 2022
Video Elon Musk Expose: USA Policing the World Through: FBI, Twitter, Facebook, Google etc - Supressing Truth about Covid Vaccines and Genocide - 30th December 2022
Video Katie Hopkins: The QWEEN'S SPEECH - 26th December 2022
Video Where does Volodymyr Zelenskyy get off talking to us like this? USA pledges unlimited billions to protect heads of NWO in Ukraine - 22nd December 2022
Video Modern Woke Feminist Women Loving Double Standards - results of Godlessness - 22nd December 2022
Video High Tech EV Charging Station in Outback Australia run by Low Tech Diesel Generator - 20th December 2022
Video The Greatest President of all time - Donald Trump - announces his plan to ban federal agencies from colluding with Private companies to stifle Free Speech - 17th December 2022
Video Never forget what the Police did to us. Police stopped protecting us - and began attacking us! - 14th December 2022
Video We were sleeping... NOT ANYMORE! - BUT NOW - WE ARE AWAKE - AND WE SEE YOU - 14th December 2022
Video 'Rocket Man' Elton John Leaves Elon Musk's Twitter For Spreading Misinformation… Oh The Irony… - 11th December 2022
Video Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Time Magazine Man of the Year) Continues Lethal Rocket Attacks on Ukrainian City - 11th December 2022

BREAKING: #ButtPlugDean Joe Bruno Flees Scene and Hides Inside School When confronted by O'Keefe - 9th December 2022

Video PROF: RYSZARD LEGUTKO: "Two minutes of bitter truth" a rebuke to the European Parliament - 8th December 2022
Video Colonel Riccardo Bosi, Australian Special Forces (Ret.) - This Is The Final Phase - 8th December 2022
Video Dean of Students Brags About Bringing in LGBTQ+ Health Center to Teach "Queer Sex" to Minors and How to Use "butt-plugs" and "dildos." - 8th December 2022
Video Governments Must Be Held Accountable For ILLEGAL Covid Lockdowns and Tyranny - 2nd December 2022
Video Senator Antic Exposes Australia's Plan For Digital Currencies, Digital ID's and Social Credit Scores - 2nd December 2022
Video It was all a shambles! - Covid Fines to be Scraped and Refunded - 1st December 2022
Video Project Veritas exposes Joe Biden's Department of Health & Human Services Child Trafficking - 1st December 2022
Video Traumatised Russian soldier: This is what the Satanic Cabal has been doing with children in Ukraine and Globally! They think of the children as cattle and sheep! - 28th November 2022
Video Australia: Victorian 2022 Election Fraud EXPOSED - 27th November 2022
Video The nightmare that is Dan Andrews continues. It is going to get worse. - 27th November 2022
Video Meanwhile In Canada Justin Trudeau Glitches... - Clone? Or just a puppet? - 26th November 2022
Video She Nails it - Has the United States Lost Its Mind? Have We Entered the Twilight Zone? - 25th November 2022
Video Urgent! Police ASSAULT old man Danny Lim! - 22nd November 2022
Video Donald Trump's Twitter account reinstated - Game Changer... - 20th November 2022
Video Calling Out Armed Antifa at Drag Queen Story Time - The police do absolutely nothing... - 20th November 2022
Video Guy SCHOOLS unvaxxxed people! aka Postcard from The Titanic: "Wish you were here!" - 20th November 2022
Video The Most Epic Speaker In Maricopa County EVER! - Re Blatant Election Fraud - The NPC Show - 18th November 2022
Video Hunter, Joe, & Jim Biden will all be investigated for Fraud, Human Trafficking | Rep. Byron Donalds - 18th November 2022
Video Healthcare mandates need to end. Bring unvaccinated workers back! - 16th November 2022
Video I don't answer questions. Dan Andrews - 16th November 2022
Q Sam Bankman-Fried Fraud - FTX Money Sewer - Biden Election Fraud / WEF / Ukraine Money Laundering - 16th November 2022
Video QANTAS CEO confronted for the firing of unvaccinated staff - Tells @Aussie Cossack to "Fuck off!" - 15th November 2022
Video BIZARRE Vaxx Theater Performed By Justin Trudeau Getting FAKE Boosted - 14th November 2022
Video Tim Robbins Apologizes To Unvaccinated For Being Wrong On Covid Policy - 14th November 2022
Video Myocarditis cases caused by previous Covid-19 Vaccines now prevent 4th dose recommendation - 14th November 2022
Video Elon Musk: "Klaus Schwab Is LYING!!!" WEF's Trudeau, Ardern, Biden exposed as Evil Megalomaniacs - 13th November 2022
Video The FTX Collapse Explained in 99 Seconds - Sam Bankman-Fried: Crypto-Fraud & Mayhem - 12th November 2022
Video Majestic Princess Cruise Ship with 800 SICK Vaccinated Passengers has docked in Sydney, Australia - 12th November 2022
Video Connecticut School Director Placed "On Leave" After Detailing Sexual Fantasies with Minor Students - 11th November 2022
Video Thousands of Covid-19 Vaccine injuries, hardly anyone compensated - Senate Estimates - 9th November 2022
Video European Parliament: "Pfizer Appears to have Corrupted the Entire Western World" - Europe awakens from a nightmare to the ground truth - 9th November 2022
Video Fifth jab planned for Oz - This should wipe out any remaining dickheads! - 9th November 2022
Video Facebook Hit With 822 Election Campaign Finance Violations: 'Largest Campaign Fine in US History' - 9th November 2022
Video Democrats on CNN - Fearful of coming judgement after midterm elections - 9th November 2022
Video Pandemic Amnesty: They Can Backtrack All They Like. We Will Never Forget - 8th November 2022
Video 'We cannot have an amnesty!' | Tonia Buxton reacts to 'covid zealots' calling for a pandemic amnesty - 8th November 2022
Video Pandemic Amnesty: "Shall we forgive and forget?" Dr. Roger Hodkinson: "Absolutely not!!" - 7th November 2022
Video Fleeing China's Insane Zero Covid Lockdowns and Genocide - 6th November 2022
Video Justin Trudeau told to "Take my jab up your arse!" by a justifiably seething public - Just as 'Q' said would happen - 5th November 2022
Video Report your neighbours if they disagree with Jacinda Ardern's mis and dis information - 4th November 2022
Video Pandemic Amnesty Seekers & COVID Smear Artists Want "Amnesty" For Their LIES - 4th November 2022
Video Pandemic Amnesty Seekers - Do Not Forget. Do Not Forgive - 3rd November 2022
Video BREAKING: Trump Posts CRYPTIC Warning to Americans of Incoming HORROR - There are less than 20 days left of Diesel in Fuel Reserves!! - 3rd November 2022
Video Fox News: Left-wing outlet slammed over push for 'pandemic amnesty' - 2nd November 2022
Video Brazil is falling into Civil War - after Fake Elections - 2nd November 2022
Video Leftist Emily Oster Pleads for Covid Amnesty - DESTR0YED! - 2nd November 2022
Video Vaxtard Jab Pushers Want Pandemic / Covid Amnesty For Their Crimes Against Humanity... NO - 1st November 2022
Q Police Commissioner Andrew Coster re New Zealand Police beating up peaceful citizens at Wellington Protest: it was “the proudest moment” of his career - Complicit in Crimes Against Humanity and a repugnant arsehole! - 1st November 2022
Video The Entire Stadium screaming FUCK JOE BIDEN - No one is listening to Barrack Obama - 30th October 2022
Video Brad Hazzard, NSW Minister for Health, blatantly LIES about his tyranical Covid restrictions - 30th October 2022
Video Who's The Legend That Did This to NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard's lawn? - 29th October 2022
Video Justin Trudeau's justification for invoking Emergencies Act to persecute citizens 'going up in smoke' - 27th October 2022
Video Canadian politician Danielle Smith re Covid restrictions: "We're sorry for destroying your life..." - 25th October 2022
Video Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex does not want to be seen as a bimbo - Do you think she regrets this? - 25th October 2022
Video Try telling these fools NO farmers NO food - 21st October 2022
Video Eva Vlaardingerbroek says young girls are being 'sacrificed on the altar of mass migration' - Rape and organ harvesting of a 12 year old girl in Paris! - 18th October 2022
Video Australian Covid-Cops mess with the WRONG grandpa! - 13th October 2022
Video All the banks are broke and commiting FRAUD. The banking system explained in 1 minute - 12th October 2022
Video The jabbed are waking up!.. albeit rather late! Scottish man shares his experience - 12th October 2022
Video New Zealand To Be HIJACKED This Month; New Zealand Is Rising Up Against Their Tyrannical Government - 10th October 2022
Q Try Jacinda Ardern for TREASON Banner is popping up all over New Zealand! - (Download original artwork here...) - 9th October 2022
Video ROYAL FAMILY SECRETS! King Charles III's Plan to Kill 90% of Global Population & Enslave Humanity! - 8th October 2022
Video Gender Affirming Doctor Shows Concern For Mental Health of Minors After Gender Transition Surgeries - 7th October 2022
Video Freedom Party Leader confronts Dan Andrews about Crimes Against Humanity and Going to JAIL - 7th October 2022
Video Trump sues CNN for defamation, seeking $US475 million - 4th October 2022
Video 'Anarchist' Teacher Wants to 'Burn Down the System' After Being Exposed for 'Woke' Indoctrination - 4th October 2022
Video Jacinda is Concerned about Low Votes - So she offers Climate Change as a New Threat to the Pacific Islands - 4th October 2022
Video She Asks About TOXIC MASCULINITY But CAN'T DEFINE It - 28th September 2022
Video What's Happening To America's Cities? Welcome to Joe Biden's America - 28th September 2022
Video Jacinda's Covid-19 Genocide Programme now being replaced with Climate Change Genocide Programme - 28th September 2022
Video New Italian Government - Incredible speech by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni - 27th September 2022
Video Vaccinated Man Apologises to the Unvaccinated - Jabbed or not - I am sorry!! - 24th September 2022
Video MUST WATCH: Brave Parents Are FURIOUS at Cos Cob Public School Board Members Over Jeremy Boland - 23rd September 2022
Video When a Polish Lawyer is told to put on a mask… - 23rd September 2022
Video Chuck Her in the Boot - Queen's Funeral - Ozzy Man Reviews - 21st September 2022
Video Why Only Idiots Don't Go to College! - 21st September 2022
Video Counterspin Media Hosts In Court: Day 2 - Threatened by NZ Government for exposing treason - 21st September 2022
Video Martha's Vineyard is full of racists - The hypocrisy of government with refugees - 17th September 2022
Video 2 buses of illegal immigrants dropped off at Vice President Kamala Harris residence at nations capitol - 16th September 2022
Video Royal guard collapses while guarding the Queen's coffin - 16th September 2022
Video Jacinda is Asked About Inquiry into Government's COVID Response (With Close-Ups of Body Language) - 14th September 2022
Video Old Life Back by Jamin Hope - 15th September 2022
Video Woke Californians Adjust To New Life In Texas - 14th September 2022
Video Daddy Dan REMOVES need for parental consent for students who need Gender Transitioning - 13th September 2022
Video THE BIG RESET MOVIE (ENG) The uncensored documentary about the truth of the pandemic - 12th September 2022
Video The Secret Curriculum PART 4 - New York City Middle School Teacher Encourages Students to Engage in Political Violence - 12th September 2022
Video Scottish lady would like to put a stake through QE2s heart to make sure that she never comes back! - 11th September 202
Video Are we missing something HUGE? WHO launched the Great Reset in 2020? - 11th September 202
Video Putting the World Economic Forum out of Business! - 11th September 202
Video Australia Enslaved and The Plan For The World - 10th September 2022
Video MY SON HUNTER: (Full Movie) - socially dangerous, ego-damaging & down-right delicious expose of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal - 8th September 202
Video In Memory of Queen Elizabeth 2 (died 8th Sept' 2022 age 96) - & her Legacy of: Satanism, Globalism, Paedophilia, Child Trafficking, Murder - 8th Sept' 2022
Video Prague Protests: Know the reasons for the 'Wave of Disdain' in Prague | Oneindia news *Explainer - 7th September 2022
Video The Secret Curriculum PART 3 - New York City Assistant Principal Exposed For Discriminatory Hiring Practices Against Conservatives - 7th September 2022
Video "Let's get out of NATO!".. HUGE protests all over Europe - 6th September 2022
Video 'Disgraceful': Daniel Andrews 'gone into hiding' after ambulance & 000 call delays resulted in 33 people dying!! - 5th September 2022
Video Prague: Thousands take to the street against Czech Govt, NATO and EU - 4th September 2022
Video WE ARE MANY - Say NO to the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM!! - 3rd September 2022
Video The awakening is all around us... - The Revolution that the Media did not want us to SEE!! - 3rd September 2022
Video Winston Peters on The Bolt Report: Jacinda Ardern is Destabilizing Democracy - 2nd September 2022
Video The Secret Curriculum PART 2 - Trinity School NYC Director of Student Activities Touts Sneaking Political Agenda Into Classrooms - 2nd September 2022
Q Covid vaccine ads found to be misleading - Otago Daily Times, New Zealand - 2nd September 2022
Video UN dropped 'a bombshell' about China's crimes against humanity - 1st September 2022
Video Counterspin Media Hosts In Court: Day 1 - Remain banned from engaging in social media, but not press interview - 1st September 2022
Video THE MOMENT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR: Matt Walsh defines the word "woman" - 1st September 2022
Video Global Walkout - A unified pushback against the globalist agenda - starts 4th September 2022 at 8pm London time - 31st August 2022
Video My Son Hunter - Hollywood Star Reveals What Hunter Did To SABOTAGE New Film That Will Destroy Biden's Life Forever - 31st August 2022
Video Monica Smit and David Limbrick on Sky News - Charges of incitement dropped - 31st August 2022
Video Assistant principal at Greenwich school in Connecticut on 'administrative leave' amid investigation into hiring practices - 31st August 2022
Video The Secret Curriculum PART 1: Connecticut Public School Asst. Principal Admits Discrimination Against Catholic Candidates - 31st August 2022
Video Anti Covid lockdown protestors charges dismissed - Something rotten' in the state of Victoria - 30th August 2022
Video Counterspin Media Hosts Arrested & Gagged - New Zealand Freedom of Speech in Peril - 28th August 2022
Q Ten Stages of Genocide - as taught by WEFers Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau etc - August 2022
Video Mainstream news in Australia now speaking truth about adverse reactions and deaths from Covid vaccines - August 2022
Q Russian Military Discuss United States Crimes Against Humanity at SCO Summit - 25th August 2022
Video Here is what it would be like if BLM was honest about everything! - 24th August 2022
Video "Corpses Of Children In Hunter Biden's Basement" Leftist Author's GRUESOME Reaction Says It ALL - 23rd August 2022
Video 'Obsessed with doom': Greta Thunberg has 'gone bust' - 23rd August 2022
Video Pedophilia is not a sexual preference - Bugs are not food - mRNA injections are not vaccines - Men are not women - The news is not real - 22nd August 2022
Video Journalist Avi Yemini DENIED entry to New Zealand by Jacinda Ardern's Communist Government - 22nd August 2022
Video WEF DESCRIPTION by a Nazi survivor. "Unless All of Us Resist, Never Again is Now" - 20th August 2022
Video Trudeau's vaccine mandates in Canada EXPOSED in court documents | Redacted with Clayton Morris - 20th August 2022
Video TEASER - River of Freedom - A Feature Documentary about Convoy NZ and the Parliament Protest in Feb / Mar 2022 - 19th August 2022
Video Dr Malhotra on calling for vaccine data transparency: 'The information has evolved considerably' - 17th August 2022
Video Fox News - Kennedy: Dr Anthony Fauci is a fraud! - 16th August 2022
Video Counterspin - Episode 71: Exposing Stuff's "Fire and Fury" Video - Deep State Hit Piece Misfires! - 15th August 2022
Video Farmers protesting all over Europe | No farmers no food - 13th August 2022
Video Democrat megadonor Steve Kirsch says the Covid vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine ever created - 11th August 2022
Video Former FBI agent: I would have rather resigned than be part of this ridiculous raid on President Trumps Mar-a-Lago home - 11th August 2022
Video Right to Truth: New Zealand Government Approved Child Abuse? - 10th August 2022
Q HUGE DEVELOPMENT: Report Alleges FBI "Had Personal Stake" in Mar-a-Lago Raid – Agents Were After Spygate Documents Trump Was Holding That Likely Implicated FBI - 10th August 2022
Video FBI Mar-A-Lago raid 'stinks to high heaven' - 10th August 2022
Video Eric Trump speaks out after Mar-a-Lago raid: 'I want everyone to remember this' about the FBI - 10th August 2022
Video Deep State VS. MAGA - Deep state's connection to pedophilia - 9th August 2022
Video 'The best is yet to come': Trump releases new campaign style video - 9th August 2022
Video A Nation In Decline - President Donald J. Trump - ...the best is yet to come. Copy - Share - Repeat - 8th August 2022
Video No CARS For YOU - Jacinda Ardern's WEF Calls For The End To Private Car Ownership - 6th August 2022
Video The Evil UN Declares Conspiracy Theorists "Public Enemy no.1" - 5th August 2022
Video cLiMaTe cHaNgE #FearSells - 3rd August 2022
Video Fight Agenda 2030 - NEVER GIVE UP: Ring of lights shows support for the Dutch farmers - 2nd August 2022
Q Vaccinator questioned at Covid-19 Vaccination Centre, Northtown Mall, Timaru, New Zealand - What incredible answers! - July 2022
Q Chuck Norris - "I too was once a man trapped in a woman's body!" - 31st July 2022
Video The Truman Show Tried To Warn You - It is all an illusion! - 29th July 2022
Video Zimbabwe shocks the world, introducing a gold coin currency - 29th July 2022
Q Vaccinated Timaru mother charged with murdering her three daughters - has trial moved to Christchurch - 29th July 2022
Video HOLY FORKING BALLS THIS IS NUTS - Kamala Harris and her weird friends identify as women with clothes - 28th July 2022
Video 'Grovelling' United States is 'brought to its knees': Donald Trump - 27th July 2022
Video World leaders say the vaxxed cannot get Covid. They are now catching Covid after being vaccinated - 26th July 2022
Video Project Veritas - James O'Keefe Keynote Speech Turning Point USA #SAS2022 - VILLIANS FLEE - 28th July 2022
Video My Body My Choice or My Body Big Pharma's Choice? When they realise their own hypocrisy!!! - 22nd July 2022
Video The Battle Plan for Dictator Jacinda's Army of 5 Million - Wear Masks Indoors!!!! - 20th July 2022
Video The Dutch farmers have started the global awakening: 'No farmers, no food' - 19th July 2022
Video NOT Dutch farmers, BUT Swiss farmers pointed out the most wanted globalists - 17th July 2022
Video Black Republican Jerone Davison ad targets 'angry' Democrats in 'Klan hoods' - 16th July 2022
Video Mark Steyn - Victims of the Covid Vaccine Special - 14th July 2022
Video We are in jeopardy, and this is why: Greg Kelly Reports - 13th July 2022
Video Winston Peters - New Zealand implementing 'radical' set of policies - aka Jacinda Ardern - 10th July 2022
Video Revolution in Sri Lanka: President Rajapaksa flees as protestors storm his palace - 10th July 2022
Video Crowd boos out of Downing Street as Boris Johnson resigns as PM - 10th July 2022
Video Tucker Carlson: This may have been the greatest crime in history. The virus is man-made! - 9th July 2022
Video Former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe has died after being shot... - 8th July 2022
Video Georgia Guidestones | Crews tear down what remains of structure after explosion - 8th July 2022
Video Matt Walsh's What is a Woman? Documentary - 7th July 2022
Q Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss Whistleblower Lawsuit Because Government Was Aware of Fraud - 7th July 2022
Video Georgia Guidestones destroyed | GBI searching for suspect - 7th July 2022
Video Chinese COVID Enforcer absolutely loses her mind ~ smashing her face against a pole - 7th July 2022
Video Dutch farmers form tractor blockade in 'massive' protest over nitrogen policy - 3rd July 2022
Video Robots to collect dead bodies - 1st July 2022


IDEAL: Investigative journalism entails reporters deeply investigating a single topic of interest, such as serious crimes, political corruption, or corporate wrongdoing. An investigative journalist may spend months or years researching and preparing a report.

They serve the public as "watchdog reporters" or "accountability reporters."

REALITY: Sadly, most journalists (sic) today act as prosecutors for the elite and their corrupt organisations / puppeteers. Reporters routinely lie, manipulate facts, misrepresent and even persecute innocent people. They will not let 'truth' get in the way of a good story! Examples: Tova O'Brien (NZ), Anderson Cooper (USA) etc.

We lie to you news

"If you don't read the newspaper, you're un-informed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed." (quote alledgedly by Mark Twain)

If you don't stop lying - you will grow up to be a reporter or a politician!


Following his stint as a freelancer, John Swinton took a permanent position as an editorial writer for the New York Sun in 1875. Before he left the Sun in 1883 to launch a newspaper of his own, he delivered at a press dinner the speech he is most famous for today:

John Swinton (1829 - 1901)
"There is no such a thing in America as an independent press, unless it is out in country towns. You are all slaves. You know it, and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to express an honest opinion. If you expressed it, you would know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid $150 for keeping honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for doing similar things. If I should allow honest opinions to be printed in one issue of my paper, I would be like Othello before twenty-four hours: my occupation would be gone. The man who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the street hunting for another job. The business of a New York journalist is to distort the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to villify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread, or for what is about the same - his salary. You know this, and I know it; and what foolery to be toasting an "Independent Press"! We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping-jacks. They pull the string and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our possibilities, are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."
John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Download here: The-Babylon-Bees-Best-of-2022-Video-Compilation-2022-12-30.mp4 - 124,289 kb
By: The Babylon Bee - 30th December 2022
The Babylon Bee's Best of
2022 Video Compilation

2022 has been an amazing year for this channel. We debuted our first big series with Californians Move To Texas, broke 1 million subscribers, and we even got a comment from Steve from Fruitport, Michigan!

Thanks to all of you lovely people for watching and helping us grow is wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man. Now sit back and enjoy a recap of some of our favorite videos from this past year. You deserve it.

Objective Observer
6 year old writes Kamala's speeches....that is certainly one way to explain her idiocy. For every skit that makes me laugh, there is another that is just too darn real. Oliver Barthalomew is one of them.

Son of the Republic
The skits with the Californians moving to Texas is still my favorite

Sandra Thomas
These skits are absolutely hilarious. Thank you Babylon Bee for making us laugh during these crazy times.

lfp c
Looking forward to another year of Babylonian horror hilarity.

Doc Holladay
Thank you for releasing this compilation!!! So very awesome!

Nguyet Ngo
Laughter is the best medicine.

Kay Nagle
This is great. Irony and satire rules .

Mark Dorn
Gavin Newsom, U-Haul Salesman of the Year!

Elon-Musk-Expose-USA-Policing-the-World-Through-FBI-Twitter-Facebook-Google-Supressing-Truth-about-Covid-Vaccines-Genocide-2022-12-30.mp4 - 14,627 kb
By: Firstpost - 30th December 2022
Elon Musk Expose:
USA Policing the World Through:
FBI, Twitter, Facebook, Google etc
Supressing Truth about Covid Vaccines and Genocide

Elon Musk Makes Sensational Claim: USA Policing the World Through Twitter, Facebook?
Is the USA Playing Global Cop Online? Is Big Tech on the US government's payroll? And how deep does USA's interference in Big Tech go? The collusion between Big Tech and the US government has been unmasked rather brutally, and out of the blue. For who would have expected the world's richest man to turn rogue and dish out earth-shattering secrets even if it meant spending $44 billion in the process?

#elonmusk #joebiden #bigtech

Andrej Becker
Amazing how this country suppressing the internal freedom but lectures the others on democracy at the same time.

email account
America, Don't use the word democracy and freedom anymore.

Thank you Elon Musk and First Post for revealing the truth. Great thanks

Ilkka Friman
All countries and governments are included to this. They have known all along about this concealment and control and have been enthusiastically involved in it.

Anyone using US based social media can see that on his own eyes. Even YouTube does that a lot..

Download here: Katie-Hopkins-The-QWEENS-SPEECH-2022-12-26.mp4 - 31,406 kb
By: Katie Hopkins OFFICIAL - 26th December 2022
Katie Hopkins: The QWEEN'S SPEECH

"How the fuck did we survive such a shit year? As We Gather with our family and friends
this Christmas, we wonder together as a nation how the fuck did we survive such a shit year? Even the queen bailed God love her soul.

Prince Andrew proved himself to be a complete and utter sex pest and despite Epstein having a list of rich and wealthy men who like to bang kids, not a single rich or powerful man, has been held accountable for what he did with his penis. The only person that's paid a price so far is that weird-looking Maxwell woman and she looks a bit like my old girl guide leader who was also a lesbian and that's confusing in and of itself.

It's been a great year for illegals and so whilst..."

Ray Soh
Thank you for making the effort to make this sarcastic witty video to hopefully wake up all the sheep (but that is a tad difficult as their eyes are glued to their footwear), and also reflecting what those who have awaken are thinking. All the best for year 2023 and let's all get ready for ANOTHER roller coaster ride! Fighting!

Emay Green
Thank you Katie for giving me, us a smile. It is much needed. Happy Christmas all!

Steve Elsey
The voice of the people. That was the best queen's speech ever

Peter Murphy
Love this lady, what a breath of fresh air she is. I know she is speaking to the British people, but a lot of what she says also applies to my Country. Huge respect and best wishes from Ireland.

Karlos Vulture
Thanks Katie, like many people I have personally lost loved one's to the poison, got kicked out of parliament because we just wanted to be heard, lost my job and watched my daughter get injured badly because she got forced to take the poison that our government said was safe....these parasitical globalists will be held accountable one day soon.....much love and respect from New Zealand....

Sight Hound
Katie, you know exactly how to cheer me up....making me understand I'm not delusional and that other people out there do actually think like me. I'm so grateful for all your work and want to say a huge thank you for supporting NHS staff against the mandates and speaking up for NHS100K. I hope 2023 will be a better year for us all.

Download: Where-does-Volodymyr-Zelenskyy-get-off-talking-to-us-like-this-USA-pledges-unlimited-billions-to-protect-heads-of-NWO-in-Ukraine-2022-12-22.mp4 - 19,134 kb
By: Fox News - 22nd December 2022
Where does Volodymyr Zelenskyy get off talking
to us like this? USA pledges unlimited billions
to protect heads of NWO in Ukraine

Fox News host Tucker Carlson reacts to Ukrainian President Zelenskyy's address to Congress on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.' #FoxNews #tucker

Patti Iman
How did McConnell get ten more years in leadership!? He's 80!

"History Doesn't Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes" – Mark Twain

Those with even a passing knowledge of the beginnings of the Vietnam War must find all this eerily familiar.

Zelensky got rejected to speak during the break of France v Argentina final game in the world cup. So he needed to seek attention elsewhere.

Sean Griffin
We are run by crooks and weaklings. We foot the bill, they stand on sanctimony and applaud for each other.

Buford Tee Justice
I'm surprised that Sean Penn and Ben Stiller didn't carry him into congress on their shoulders.

Francis Oneill
The whole American political scene is corrupt AF. Heaven help the world.

Gary Schmelzer
Needs to be term limits and age limits for the senators and congressmen. And also supreme court justices.

Ricardo Martinez
Tucker, not only you are my hero, but you are also a hero for humankind. Thanks a million for who you are.

Glenn Krieger
It's easy to forget that Zelenskyy is an actor. But he is.

Yes he is a bloody comedian, just like our lot in the UK. One more point on their IQ, they'd be dandelions.

Mohamed Ahmaid
"it's a big club and you ain't in it"
George Carlin

Download here: Modern-Woke-Feminist-Women-Loving-Double-Standards-2022-12-22.mp4 - 14,627 kb
By: Roma Army - 22nd December 2022
Modern Woke Feminist Women
Loving Double Standards

Cascade Southern Model Trains
I got bumped into at a restaurant one night, no big deal, I lost my balance slightly and bumped into someone myself. It was kinda crowded so it was to be expected. The woman I bumped into got furious about it and I apologized for bumping into her. She went off on me, and while doing so we got bumped into again by someone different. This time she decided it was a great idea to slap me. She got me pretty hard, I didn't see the first one coming, but the second one I did. I pulled my head back and she hit the cashier who was trying to get this busy lobby seats. The cashier told her to leave, she refused saying she didn't do anything wrong. Cops called and there is a little sit down with a cctv monitor and it's clear that someone leaving bumped me, I bumped her, all unintentionally and the 4 finger marks on the side of my face, and the cashier's face said she assaulted us, not the other way around. I don't know what happened beyond my statement to the police but she was rewarded with a shiny pair of silver bracelets.

Happy Mac
Well said Roma Army.

When I am accosted by unladylike women who have no semblance of nobility, I say that "I identify as a woman - who wants to be a man!" Simple one liners like this so easily distract their woke addled minds enough for me to carry on in life - as if they never existed.

By the way, to a genuine man - the most beautiful body part of a woman - is her smile.

man it feels good to have somebody on our side from the opposite gender. much love to you, girl!

Olden yz
Just another day in a world where another female displays shameless behavior and is not only protected but applauded.

David Watts
My favorite part of listening to you is that if I said what you do I would be deplatformed and I don't even make videos for that very reason.

Jim Martinez
It's all about respect and personal responsibility. If people like that have no respect, get away from them.

Gene Campbell
Had an ex try to chat up my teenage son I told her bluntly to get the f away from him. She acted offended lol but my wife came around corner and she knew she was caught .

terminator T-800
the double standards are outright sickening in this country.

I'll never forget the time I held a door open for a girl at a nightclub. I was going back inside after having a cig when I heard her walking behind me. I looked back to see if she was actually coming back in and held the door. She put her hand on the door and I let go, and carried on. This girl storms past me and looked at me in disgust and said "So what?! Now you want me to sleep with you?!" I honestly had no idea what to say or do. I just stood there, confused, shocked, and silent. Thankfully that's the only thing she did and walked away after saying that. Some women are insane. Still had a good night out though

Download here: High-Tech-EV-Charging-Station-in-Outback-Australia-run-by-Low-Tech-Diesel-Generator-2022-12-20.mp4 - 5,384 kb
By: Outback Guy - 20th December 2022
High Tech EV Charging Station
in Outback Australia
run by Low Tech Diesel Generator

Insanity sponsored by World Economic Forum & Governments

The-Greatest-President-of-all-time-announces-his-plan-to-ban-federal-agencies-from-colluding-with-Private-companies-to-stifle-Free-Speech-2022-12-17.mp4 - 11,475 kb
By: il Donaldo Trumpo - 17th December 2022
The Greatest President of all time - Donald Trump
announces his plan to ban federal agencies from
colluding with Private companies to stifle Free Speech

ALLisOn e
Trump, once again, is so right.

Robin Miller
Love this man of GOD and my president!!

First Last
Thank you PRESIDENT TRUMP for standing up for the United States

Kram LaFup
Trump is brilliant. Had the Left in a frenzy about the trading cards, getting #BigAnnouncement trending...... then Blammo. This!! MAGA time.

Kathy leander
God Bless you Mr.President Trump

We the People love you President Trump! Awaiting your return VERY soon!

Michele Bologna
Listen to him! He is so correct. This is what needs to be done…..NOW! Lock them up!

Go get 'em President Trump!!!! You're just what we needed!!!

ricardo sauceda
Thank you, Mr. President for restore Republic US once more. May this PLAN be effective immediately in the House of Congress.

John Hall
God bless president Trump. May He guide and protect you and yours.

Becky Krick

Download here: Never-forget-what-the-Police-did-to-us-Police-stopped-protecting-us-and-began-attacking-us-2022-12-14.mp4 - 11,221 kb
By: Aussie Cossack - 14th December 2022
Never forget what the Police did to us
Police stopped protecting us - and began attacking us!

Australia has declared sanctions against Iran, China and Russia for "human rights abuse." Yet most Australian police (sic) persecuted us with extreme prejudice, just because megalomaniacal tyrants like Dan Andrews / Klaus Schwab told them to!

Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black!


Credit to Milkbar TV

Kevin Hayes
How anyone could continue to vote for these people is beyond me.

It was so messed up. I don't think I can ever forget it. Not just what the government did, but also how scarily stupid and gullible the masses are that complied.

Winston Smith
This needs to be replayed weekly so no one forgets what these tyrants did to us.

The action of police was shameful , but even more shameful is the fact that so many Australians stood by and did nothing to stop it .
In fact , many people actually supported it .
This is straight out of Germany in the 1930's , where the population was manipulated , divided and made to turn against each other by the
totalitarian dictators in control.
All Australians need to wake up and realise that they have been lied to from day one and they should make certain that this never happens again.

Beng Kay Ang cCoño Perro
What a great unforgettable dark compilations of police brutality in Australia. Well done AC

Lucas Filewalker
We never forget or forgive for what these psychopaths have done and continue to do.

Odd Sock In The Washing Machine Of Life
I will never forget. I don't know how the police can still do their jobs. I was a nurse and I couldn't comply to what was happening. I can't forgive nor forget my colleagues either

The plandemic didn't change them - they just didn't have to hide behind the mask of public opinion anymore. We all gave them way too much credit for far too long.

The worst part is there are STILL Covid Karen's who think that was all justified.

Paula Rose
Oh how quickly a lot of people have forgotten. It's just incredible ... like their brains got a lobotomy and it never happened. I will never forget a brute of a security guard bullied me in a supermarket at the start of lockdowns. I was simply getting some milk and he shouted at me because my mask was under my nose, he then shouted again as I was leaving , telling me to never come back if I don't wear it properly. That is how they treated loyal customers who shopped there for years, like pieces of dirt. It was CRUEL and UNKIND.

Captain Chokdee
I find it difficult to comprehend that a lot of Victorians don't seem to object to this kind of abuse of individual rights & safety. It's Andrew's & his establishment that is a danger to the public's wellbeing & mental stability…

Jack's Drinker
We need a bill board running this over and over.

Ben D'Arcy
Disgraceful behaviour by all cops. Whatever happened to "protect and serve"?

Sample Rate
If protesting is illegal then rioting is obligatory

I will never forget what the Victorian government did

Download here: We-were-sleeping-NOT-ANYMORE-2022-12-14.mp4 - 4,692 kb
By: Reignite Democracy Australia - 14th December 2022
We were sleeping... NOT ANYMORE!

Schools stopped educating - and began indictrinating
Scientists stopped researching - and began conspiring
Judges stopped upholding - and began subverting

Police stopped protecting - and began attacking
Parents stopped mentoring - and began virtue signalling
Faith leaders stopped praying - and began enchanting

Doctors stopped healing - and began poisoning
Media stopped informing - and began programming
Politicians stopped serving - and began prostituting


(Globalist power is an illusion - #WeAreMany)

Wendy Neylon
Beautifully presented and to the point, well done

Peter Gilfillan
Love Love Love this. Well done : )

Leigh Simpson
All these things started to happen long before the 'pandemic' began.

wilo west
We are winning with our grass roots campaign of spreading the truth .
No time to take a break keep planning what if solutions and sharing the truth .

darcy cummings
This is brilliant! Who composed this?

serenity flies
Love this! Hallelujah! We need to turn back to our Lord God, and pray, fill the churches, renounce this evil, and just watch what happens! Amen!


Amy colegrove
The wisest thing that should be on everyone's mind currently should be to invest in different streams of income that doesn't depend on the govt. Especially with the current economic crisis around the world. This is still a good time to invest in Gold, Silver and digital currencies (BTC,ETH...)

pontiac ss holden
They tried everything,even had cops bash people for not complying,we are awake and wont forget

Shane Ferris
Most of those have been like this since they began. People are only just starting to realize it.

Download here: Rocket-Man-Elton-John-Leaves-Elon-Musks-Twitter-For-Spreading-Misinformation-Oh-The-Irony-2022-12-11.mp4 - 2,950 kb
By: Australians vs. The Agenda - 11th December 2022
'Rocket Man' Elton John
Leaves Elon Musk's Twitter
For Spreading Misinformation… Oh The Irony…

Elton John - the King of Queers

If he thinks sharing a diversity of opinion is a bad thing , then twitter is better off without him.

Peter Lederer
What happens when you don't stay informed and only listen to the official narrative that's been proven wrong?

Ian Baker
Another fully entitled passenger on that gravy train. Can't even write his own lyrics, yet fully qualified to tell everyone what they must do regarding their health.

Grant Wilson
He's very close to many 'elected' and unelected world leaders you see.

Maitre Mark
Elton is just pissed because Elon took the child you know what off twitter

Lee Wright
Since when did being a lowly celebrity qualify anyone with the philosophical insights to guide humanity in a good direction ???

once a rebel, now a puppet

Angela Gabriella
There's obviously a lot of money to be made in the industry of ignorance & evil

@0:34 - Klaus front and center (3rd from the right) - thinking to himself: "excellent, perform well my muppet"

Brad Southon
Haven't listened to Neil Young since he attaked Joe Rogan, and I loved his music as I did Hell ton the John's, but won't hear it again.

Gary Emerson

Download here: DONALD-TRUMP-REAL-LOVE-FOR-THE-REAL-PRESIDENT-2022-12-11.mp4 - 8,698 kb
By: il Donaldo Trumpo - 11th December 2022 (originally from 12th December 2020)

Join our Amazing Patrioto Familia!!!


I love you guys with all of mi Hearto

Eileen Mccarthy
Best president ever! America loves TRUMP and TRUMP loves America!

Shelly Wilbur
God bless duly elected President Trump, God bless America

Lisette Taylor

AC geo
So Presidential!!! His love for our Country is so apparent!! We need him now!!!

That's my Awesome POTUS!!! Let's see Brandon do that!!!
God Bless Presidento Trumpo and All Patriotos!!!

Garden Life 19


Lorie L.
THIS GAVE ME CHILLS!!! Now, that's a REAL President......MY PRESIDENT!



Gloria Piccioni
Much love to you, Mr. President. Please come back soon. We need you!!!

Carolina da silva gonzalez
Vamos patriotas

Teresa Spencer
Chills up and down my body for the men and women who fight for this country with the support of our Commander In Chief

Bev Billings
On the 17th yard line.. this is the real super bowl & that's the real President

S Hisey Jones
We share the LOVE for or REAL POTUS

Phorcia Caughron
God Bless America

Sara Dimmig

Download: Ukraine-President-Volodymyr-Zelenskyy-Man-of-the-Year-Continues-Lethal-Rocket-Attacks-on-Ukrainian-City-2022-12-11.mp4 - 57,185 kb
By: Patrick Lancaster - 11th December 2022
Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy
(Time Magazine Man of the Year)
Continues Lethal Rocket Attacks on Ukrainian City

7th December 2022:
Time Magazine has named Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as 2022 Person of the Year, in recognition for: money laundering, operating biological warfare weapon laboratories, genocide and bombing and killing his own citizens for many years.

11th December 2022:
Unfortunately, a Ukrainian "Grad" Rocket attack on Donetsk caused a man to burn to death as his home burned down around him after being hit by a Ukrainian "Grad" Rocket.

Ukraine is again opening fire on the center of Donetsk (Ukraine) with heavy weapons daily. Many civilians have been killed in these attacks just this week. In this report I give you the most detailed account of the last nights Ukrainian Grad Rocket attack on the center of Donetsk. Aman died as his home burned down, athe center market was hit again and several apartment buildings were hit in this attack and I reported at all the locations just minutes after the attack. This is clearly a random attack on civilian areas. The world needs to see this so the understand the truth of what is happening in Donetsk. I am not in Kiev or Oddesa, I am in Donetsk (Ukraine), showing the world what the western main stream media wont show.

Putin says 'agreement will have to be reached' to end the conflict as he hints at a 'long' conflict and says risk of nuclear war is on the rise. So when will Ukraine come to the table for negotiations and save lives?

Like all my reports this reportage has full English and Russian Translations

#RussiaUkrainewar #Russia #Ukraine
Report by Patrick Lancaster
US Navy veteran and independent crowd-funded journalist.
I show what the western media will not show you.

Fred Flintstone
Volodymyr Zelenskyy is an evil arsehole, 2nd only to Time Magazine / WEF etc.

RT -Irish
Solidarity from Ireland brothers and sisters. The vast majority of Irish Republicans support you all and a lot of irish people know the truth. My heart breaks for you all, truth will prevail. Beir Bua! (Bring victory).

Aaron Lawrence Garner
Thanks for showing what is really happening in Donetsk. My Prayer go out to the people of Donetsk and you Patrick. Keep up the good work and stay safe. More and more people are now seeing the truth.

Dan Shame
Those are cowards bombing neighborhoods with regular citizens. EVIL in a PURE FORM!

Pouwaka Ruwhiu
It's time for the Russian Federation army too take hold off this war , I stand for Russia 100 percent from Australia

Download here: ButtPlugDean-Joe-Bruno-Flees-Scene-and-Hides-Inside-School-When-confronted-by-OKeefe-2022-12-09.mp4 - 7,004 kb
By: Project Veritas - 9th December 2022
BREAKING: #ButtPlugDean Joe Bruno
Flees Scene and Hides Inside School
When confronted by O'Keefe

Theresa M Riley
Thank you so much Project Veritas for your courage to stand against and expose such evil! God bless you James

The parents standing by and letting this happen are ALSO complicit in this absolute EVIL.

Todd Michael
I can't believe the amount of people that are protecting this guy.

Gas Man
It's actually quite scary that the parents don't appear to be fazed by this

Little Man Loki
It's hard to believe that anything could be more unsettling than Bruno's admissions, but seeing those parents being so nonchalant, not caring about what they're being told is more infuriating.

What's more disturbing is no one was upset about him giving kids sex toys. They were upset he confronted the guy and said sex toys in front of the children. What a messed up place I hope these kids can be moved into a safe home.

Imagine if a man tried passing out those objects to kids in a park. He'd be arrested, tried, convicted in record time. But here, he's protected by academia.

The fact those "parents" are more concerned with James being around their children than Joe "ButtPlugDean" Bruno is mind boggling.

The most shocking part of that entire video is how the parents didn't give a crap about what James was saying. If I was there and heard those words coming out of, even a madman, I'd grab my kids and at the absolute very least start asking questions and then escalating things as more information was aquired and then confirmed. Again, if my kids were involved in this criminal behaviour by one of their teachers, I'd probably end up in prison. I'll leave you to think about why.

Download here: PROF-RYSZARD-LEGUTKO-Two-minutes-of-bitter-truth-a-rebuke-to-the-European-Parliament-2022-12-08.mp4 - 11,587 kb
By: Ryszard Legutko - 8th December 2022
"Two minutes of bitter truth"
a rebuke to the European Parliament

During ceremony of the 70th anniversary of the European Parliament, the European Conservatives and Reformists made cutting criticisms. Speaking on behalf of the Group, Chairman Prof Ryszard Legutko pointed out that in the strict sense it is only a quasi-parliament, alienating millions of voters.

"Madam President, Prime Ministers. Two minutes of truth, of bitter truth. And the bitter truth is that the European Parliament has done a lot of damage in Europe. It has been sending a false message it represents the European demos. There isn't, and there won't be any European demos. The Parliament infected Europe with shameless partisanship and the infection became so contagious that it spread to other institutions such as the European Commission.

The Parliament has abandoned the basic function of representing people. Instead, it has become a machine to implement the so-called European project, thus alienating millions of voters. The Parliament has become a political vehicle of the left to impose their monopoly with their fierce intolerance towards any dissenting view. No matter how many times you repeat the word 'diversity'. Diversity is becoming an extinct species in the European Union and particularly in this chamber.

The Parliament is a quasi-parliament because it rejects the essential principle of parliamentarism, namely accountability. The deputy - let me remind you - is elected by the voters and must be accountable to the voters that elected him. Not so in the European Union. The idea that, say, Spanish, German, French, et cetera, deputies accountable to their own national electorates can dictate something to, shall we say, Hungarian society or any other society to which they cannot be held accountable and which cannot take them to task is simply preposterous.

Call it what you will. But democracy, it is not. To sum up, the Parliament represents the demos that does not exist, works for the project that ignores reality and law, shuns accountability, turns its back on millions of people and serves the interest of one political orientation. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Having said that, ladies and gentlemen, I rest my case."

You're one of the only people left in that room with integrity, my hat off to you, sir. Thank you for speaking for the majority of European citizens.

Courageous and honest man! So few in politics today.

Maria Bathgate
Thank you Professor Legutko. Your words describe what is happening in many "parliaments" .

Radical Centrist God
Bravo and brilliantly spoken sir, in fact he speaks far better than most of my fellow brits and with greater intelligence than my fellow brits. We may have left the Union but we still care about everyone in it. Seeing it immediately spiral into pushing for an EU army the moment our veto left the parliament was disturbing amongst other things. I am extremely proud of many in the eastern block for standing up and taking the other member state reps as well as the commission to task. There is hope for Europe if more of people like Ryszard Legutko stand up and speak honestly. You sir are a good man.

Deutsche _
Well that was refreshing, someone in the Parliament of moro-ns actually told everything in 2 minutes, and not a single false said... Thank you from Denmark

Pep Waverley
And the truth hurts. Well said Professor. The response suggests you have some supporters - but you have a job on your hands! Thank you on behalf of the "millions of [alienated] voters".

Divergent One
Wonderful speech - just telling it as it is. Unfortunately we are seeing the same phenomenon in all 'western' parliaments.
Thank you for speaking for the people

Alpha Tango
I love you Mr Legutko.. true is true..

Download here: Colonel-Riccardo-Bosi-Australian-Special-Forces-Ret-This-Is-The-Final-Phase-2022-12-03.mp4 - 28,831 kb
By: Juan O Savin SITREP - 8th December 2022
Colonel Riccardo Bosi, Australian
Special Forces (Ret.) - This Is The Final Phase

* We Are Exactly Where We Need To Be * Buckle Up * Be Ready For A Few Weeks Of 'Not Much To Do' *

  • We've Got A Month Of Discomfort Until The End Of The Year
  • 1st Quarter (2023) Things Will Start To Pick Up > Revelations Will Be Made > Truth Will Start To Come Out
  • By Mid 2023 Military Tribunals Are Going To Kick Off

Riccardo Bosi > AustraliaOne Party

Download here: Dean-of-Students-Brags-About-Bringing-in-LGBTQ-Plus-Health-Center-to-Teach-Queer-Sex-to-Minors-Butt-Plugs-Dildos.mp4 - 20,535 kb
By: Project Veritas - 8th December 2022
Dean of Students Brags About Bringing in
LGBTQ+ Health Center to Teach "Queer Sex"
to Minors & How to Use "butt-plugs" & "dildos."

Elite Chicago Private School's Dean of Students Brags About Bringing in LGBTQ+ Health Center to Teach 'Queer Sex' to Minors … 'That's a Really Cool Part of My Job''Passing Around Dildos and Butt Plugs' ... 'Using Lube Versus Using Spit'

  • Joseph Bruno, Dean of Students, Francis W. Parker School: "So, I've been the Dean for four years. During Pride -- we do a Pride Week every year -- I had our LGBTQ+ Health Center come in [to the classroom]. They were passing around butt-plugs and dildos to my students -- talking about queer sex, using lube versus using spit."
  • Bruno: "They're just, like, passing around dildos and butt-plugs. The kids are just playing with 'em, looking at 'em…They're like, 'How does this butt-plug work? How do we do – like, how does this work?' That's a really cool part of my job."
  • Bruno: "We had a Drag Queen come in -- pass out cookies and brownies and do photos."

[CHICAGO – Dec. 7, 2022] Project Veritas released a new video today exposing a high-ranking private school official, Joseph Bruno, who admitted that he teaches underage children about sex with items such as "butt-plugs" and "dildos."

Bruno, who works as the Dean of Students at an elite school in Chicago called Francis W. Parker, said that these were the items brought into the classroom by an LGBTQ+ group.

"So, I've been the Dean for four years. During Pride -- we do a Pride Week every year -- I had our LGBTQ+ Health Center come in [to the classroom]. They were passing around butt-plugs and dildos to my students -- talking about queer sex, using lube versus using spit," Bruno said.

The school administrator claimed that this educational practice is one of the reasons he enjoys his current employment.

"The kids are just playing with 'em, looking at 'em [butt-plugs and dildos] … They're like, 'How does this butt-plug work? How do we do – like, how does this work?' That's a really cool part of my job," he said.

Bruno also said he has invited a Drag Queen to the school.

"We had a Drag Queen come in -- pass out cookies and brownies and do photos."

This is criminal. Exposing young children to this stuff needs to be prosecuted!

Random Activities Co.
You can't go into a store to see that stuff until you're 18. Why is he not charged with corrupting a minor? That can't be legal.

intense passion
You're done bud...I've been a Teacher for 30 years, and NEVER thought I would see the day when this could EVER happen. Thank you Project Veritas for bringing the evil to the light of day.

Eric Barbman
I commend the infiltrator who had to endure all of this.
He had to endear himself to such a disgusting individual, accept and feed his perverse attraction for weeks in order to gain his confidence, bear his insane conversations, his demented logics and goals...
A hero, the virtue of sacrifice impersonated.

Vasiliki G
If this isn't grooming children for pedophiles, I don't know what is. God bless you for exposing this unacceptable behaviour towards children. We must let the children be innocent and protected!

Matt Bergamin
Great work exposing this disgusting behaviour. A+

Now to us viewers, don't forget to share and tweet this , its important to get this in the public sphere

4 hours ago
Lock them up

Daniel Killian
How is this not an arrestable action? This is a felony.

James Kirk
PSA: audit your children's classes. You never know who is abusing your child, even if your kid doesn't understand it now, it will affect their decisions being exposed to this type of thing early on.

They can't breed, so they recruit, and no one is as impressionable as a child.

Tina Zalewski
Mind blowing! I find it hard to believe not one child spoke to a parent or adult about what is going on in that school and someone hasnt tried to bring this to light before now. How do you turn a blind eye to this stuff? Where are these kids parents? WTF is going on in this world? Thank you PV for all you are doing!

Graffiti Forensics
His persona has creep written all over it. Thank you, PV, for continuing to root out the truth on another issue important to the public.

Windi Hicken
Disgusting this needs to be stopped by all of us. Even those who home/private school - these kids will be your children's peers and this is our future. We can't have people doing these kinds of things - it's disgusting!

Dustin Bowen
How can people be so twisted? This behavior should be considered criminal!

Download here: Governments-Must-Be-Held-Accountable-For-ILLEGAL-Covid-Lockdowns-and-Tyranny-2022-12-02.mp4 - 6,922 kb
By: Institute of Public Affairs - 2nd December 2022
Governments Must Be Held Accountable
For ILLEGAL Covid Lockdowns and Tyranny

A decision by the Supreme Court of New South Wales has ruled that a number of Public Health Order fines were invalidly issued because they were inconsistent with state legislation, leading to Revenue NSW withdrawing more than 33,000 fines issued in the name of covid-19. Waiving and refunding all fines issued in the course of criminalising everyday life is only the first step towards accountability.

Nothing less than held accountable will be acceptable

David Churchland
Irrespective of my agreement with the IPA on other issues I will always respect them as the only Australian organisation I know of who spoke out against lock-downs at the time. I felt (and still mostly feel) homeless as I watched the other groups that I claim allegiance to, such as my church, comply without protest when the government re-classified them as 'non-essential'. I had always considered my active participation in my church a vital part of my life but then it turned out my church did not.

As well as an apology from government we need an apology from the groups that should have at least questioned or pushed back but did not.

Mandates MUST BE REVOKED! especially "VACCINE" mandates.

Stuart Clark
Do not forgive Do not forget

Ivan Sultanoff
Fines to be waived, interest and compensation to all effected together with an apology from Gov an Police


Schree Howarth
All these politicians and the police owe the Australian people an apology... for there evil doings..

Lotus Gait
Royal Commission

Sean McCallum
Australia's major political parties need to change now and be held accountable for their corruption.

Paul Reid
And the jackboot squads too, for enforcing these onerous restrictions !!!

Nothing short of a Nuremberg trial will be acceptable.
Everyone involved, politicians, bureaucrats, journalists, police and health providers should be charged and tried for crimes against humanity.

Download: Senator-Antic-Exposes-Australias-Plan-For-Digital-Currencies-Digital-IDs-and-Social-Credit-Scores-2022-12-02.mp4 - 3,049 kb
By: Australians vs. The Agenda - 2nd December 2022
Senator Antic Exposes Australia's Plan For Digital Currencies, Digital ID's and Social Credit Scores

Fred Flintstone
Incredibly well said!

Senator Antic.... Australians are indebted to you....the Senate certainly does not deserve a man with your Integrity and Intelligence....thank you for persevering with these underqualified fools ....there are still some of us who greatly appreciate the warnings you are sharing!

Mondegreen 2020
Whenever I hear people (like commenters here) say 'all politicians are the same' or 'there's no point voting' it drives me crazy, because there are politicians like Antic, Riddick & Roberts (Australia), & Smith, DeSantis, Lake & Meloni (overseas) who give democracy & liberty a fighting chance.

Proud PICT
Should politicians have all their transactions displayed for public view?
Imagine giving us complete access to their tax payer funded work credit cards!
When are sober and not?
They wouldn't like that and would fight tooth and nail to avoid transparency.

Tish Rangi
God bless Senator Antic

He is 100% correct, banks are closing because they wont be needed, nor will the banks care about your problems. Hurry up and see what's going on Australia.

Rae Carver
And not one single Australian voter asked? No Digital ID! No CBDC! No CCP tactics.

Angela Gabriella
The past four years when teenagers hand in their learner drivers log book for their P's at the post office they're 'offered' to set up a digital id. Also majority schools now cashless at tuck shops. Conditioning the young ones.

Matthew Flinders
Thank you Senator Antic. As Australians our individual rights and freedoms are under attack by bad politicians (and their sponsors/handlers like the WEF). These bad politicians and bad bureaucrats believe that the Australian people should be managed like livestock, it's sick stuff. Politicians in the last century who began going down a similar path of treating human beings like livestock committed vast atrocities that are a dark stain on humanity. In a time when silence is dangerous someone must stand up and put politicians on notice before all opposition is silenced or censored. A small brave few, like Senator Antic, have the moral courage to stand up and speak the truth despite being surrounded by the large number of moral and intellectual cowards that inhabit Canberra. Thank you for posting this clip. I've subscribed.

All those people that took the jab, knowingly or unknowingly voted yes for this. Thanks mum and dad

Good move putting it on the record in the senate.

Darren H.
Totally true, thank God someone sees what is happening. There is only a few seeing this who are in parliment. The rest are all in on it.

David Moorhouse
Wow..thank you for addressing this and telling us how it messing from this guy..

Scar Seven
Problem is the sheep don't care, they think its easier. Some are begging for microchips so they can ditch their phone.

Download: It-was-all-a-shambles-Covid-Fines-to-be-Scraped-and-Refunded-2022-12-01.mp4 - 3,561 kb
By: Carl Vernon - 1st December 2022
It was all a shambles!
Covid Fines to be Scraped and Refunded

7 News: "Tens of millions of dollars worth of fines issued during Covid lockdowns will now be excused or refunded, following a stunning admission from the state government, that they were never valid!

The embarrassing capitulation forced by a supreme court challenge, from a small Community Legal Center."

Samantha Lee, Redfern Legal Centre: "Today is an extraordinary day for the people of New South Wales."

7 News: "It followed a Supreme Court challenged by a free Legal Center."

Samantha Lee, Redfern Legal Centre: "Thank goodness for pro bono barristers and for clients that have come forward and taken the risk."

7 News: "One of those clients Rowan Pank..."

Rowan Pank: "Me and my girlfriend were sitting in Sydney Park. A group of police officers came over and fined us."

Scott Johnson, Revenue NSW Fines Commissioner: "I am withdrawing all the fines that are related to those particular offenses."

7 News: "Two offenses quashed tens of millions forgiven or repaid."

Scott Johnson, Revenue NSW Fines Commissioner: "And get a refund back to those people - to do that as quickly as possible."

7 News: "Revenue New South Wales says the remaining 29,000 Covid fines outside of those that have been withdrawn, will still need to be paid. But lawyers argue, every single infringement could yet be ruled invalid!"

Happy Mac
"The citizen is obliged in conscience not to follow the directives of Civil Authorities, when they are contrary to the demands of the moral order, to the fundamental rights of persons, or the teachings of the Gospel. Refusing obedience to Civil Authorities when their demands are contrary to those of an upright conscience, finds its justification in the distinction between serving God and serving the political community."

The fact that people thought this was legal in the first place is mind boggling.

Gary Crispin
The police issuing the fines should be made to hand deliver the refunds and say "We were wrong."

malk chatters
It was obvious from the start that these fines were unlawful.

This isn't enough, the government officials and the police who enforced the fines need to be held criminally accountable for extortion!

Runswithwind z
It must surely follow that every violent arrest was unlawful assault and unlawful detention.

Declan Hoyt
Absolutely mind boggling, how can these people not be in jail?

Pity you can't refund the lives lost because of of all the filthy corruption.

Matt Marino
The "we were just following orders" crowd is slowly realizing they were on the wrong side of history with this one.

David Chase
So when do you arrest/get rid of the tyrants who did all this?
Does the woman who got choke slammed by an Australian policeman because she had a mask exemption get paid for pain, suffering, a violation of her human rights and being unlawfully attacked?

Nuremberg code comes to mind, all involved with arrests and fines should be made accountable

Nola Parker
I am in melbourne, Australia and the extraordinary violence shown at this time was disturbing. We will never get over it.

Kite Communications
This proves the importance of standing your ground and remaining courageous about your convictions

Download here: Project-Veritas-exposes-Joe-Bidens-Department-of-Health-and-Human-Services-Child-Trafficking-2022-12-01.mp4 - 45,120 kb
By: ProjectVeritas - 1st December 2022
Project Veritas exposes Joe Biden's Department
of Health & Human Services Child Trafficking

Tipping Point: Kara McKinney & Landon Starbuck Talk Project Veritas' Child Trafficking Investigation.

Child trafficking for slavery and sexual exploitation done with the full knowledge of World Economic Forum members and associates such as: Klaus Schwab, Hillary Clinton, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Bill Gates etc.

The swamp must be drained!

This is a disgrace, thank you for reporting.

This is another reason the government should be reduced to 5% sales tax and banned from NGO and subsidy spending

Joe biden is a pedi

Nancy Schaefer in Georgia was screaming hell against CPS and was silenced for good.
Government should be reduced to half and audited yearly and those child traffickers SOBs be given a nice sendoff to hell

Has any gov agency gone to these addresses to save these children?

Joe biden needs a wire tie tight around his neck

Oh yeah, James O'Keefe needs to be commemorated with a huge statue, one that will shock you to death if touched!

Disgusting!!! These poor kids don't stand a chance- our government is too far gone!! RINOS AND DEMOCRATS NEED TO GO!!!

We have know about this for way too long! God bless this team for exposing!!

Thank you for reporting. I'm so happy that you're back on Twitter. :>)

Download: This-is-what-the-Satanic-Cabal-has-been-doing-with-children-Globally-They-think-of-the-children-as-cattle-and-sheep-2022-11-28.mp4 - 3,866 kb
By: WhiteHats - 28th November 2022
Traumatised Russian soldier:
This is what the Satanic Cabal has been doing
with children in Ukraine and Globally!
They think of the children as cattle and sheep!

Traumatised Russian soldier speaks of evil people gathering children from around Izyum, Ukraine, undressing them on floor 1 and carving them up for organ harvesting; then disposing of the bodies in pits...

Keep in mind that these crimes against humanity are fully endorsed by the following monsters:

Anthony Fauci, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Klaus Schwab, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, George H. W. Bush, Jacinda Ardern, John Howard, John Key, Justin Trudeau etc...

Download here: Victorian-2022-Election-Fraud-EXPOSED-2022-11-27.mp4 - 22,360 kb
By: Aussie Cossack - 27th November 2022
Australia: Victorian 2022 Election Fraud EXPOSED

Intercepted phone calls reveal the extent of the fraud and corruption in the Dan Andrews Victorian election.

When the corruption is so endemic, one's hope is also stolen.
It's time for the whole system to be brought down, and those in power to be sentenced accordingly.

The so-called "preferential system" is way past its used by date. It's based on honesty and integrety. Two things no politician holds up as a positive characteristic anymore.

Uncle Buck
This is 100% corrupt

Andrew Turner
Corruption run's wild in every level of the Australian government,,He needs to be held accountable for his collection

Susan Rutherford
The corruption is disgusting.

Jeremy Still
"of course the whole thing was Riged,there is no way that Dann and Labour won, Especially after the corruption of the last 2 years,Good work AC.

Viv Rowe
I saw it prior to the election on another site, so I voted to stop him. A few did, because I am not the only one who knows about this guy. This guy makes a fortune.

Billy Shane
Disgusting, these people are plain evil and should be taken from society and imprisoned.

Tyler Cass
It's not who votes that counts; it's who counts the votes that matters.

D Duckman
Now we know why we have a bunch of grifters and dipsticks running the nation.

There's too much money involved for there not to be corruption. I'm sure there are a few that don't play 'the game', but i'm also sure that if you want a seat in the big show, you must join in, the machine demands it. We plebs are given the illusion of choice and they call it freedom. Top work Simeon!

Download here: The-nightmare-that-is-Dan-Andrews-continues-It-is-going-to-get-worse-2022-11-27.mp4 - 22,360 kb
By: Danger Dan Reviews - 27th November 2022
The nightmare that is Dan Andrews continues.
It is going to get worse.

Daniel Brennan
What a nightmare. But least we get 4 more years of quality Danger Dan content

Blue Heeler
Dan Andrews was not voted in. He was selected by the puppeteers.

Dean v
Congratulations Glenn Druery. At least you'll be safe from authority. IBAC and the cops are crooked as you.

Sereena Henderson
I'm still recovering from the shock. We need you now more than ever Danger Dan...

I'd love to get a psychological profile of those Victorians who voted for this despot

MASTERCLASS by YOU DD.....You captured the evil lurking behind this evil bastards eyes brilliantly.

You nailed what every sane Victorian is thinking and feeling.

Adrian John
May this channel never die:)

It's never been any different: when a society descends to this level there's only one way out--the hard way. At least we'll have you, Danger Dan, for years to come, but that peculiar look on Humpo's face makes the hairs stand up on my neck. God help us all.

Granted, the other choices weren't great but they were there dammit! All we can hope for now is for another set of stairs to find him.

Download here: Meanwhile-in-Canada-Justin-Trudeau-glitches-2022-11-26.mp4 - 895 kb
By: John Talks - 26th November 2022
Meanwhile in Canada
Justin Trudeau glitches...
Clone? Or just a puppet?

Dystopia Fatigue
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have just witnessed a man choking on his own bullshit.

I would say I feel bad for Canadians with Trudeau, but then I remember that we have Biden.

The government was trying to justify why they did the things they did to the truckers, and none of them seem to know anything. I've never seen such clueless idiots.

She confidently knew she had enough time to finish a breath mint.

Saddle Tramp
That's one of the most eloquent and thoughtful things he's ever said.

Chris Berg
For someone so known for his glibness and easy tyranny, he certainly isn't very easy-going put on the spot.

Edgar Plummer
That man should be on trial for War Crimes against his own country.

Saying Justin Trudeau is not a dictator is like saying he's not Fidel Castro's "love child".

There's a clip of another lawyer who asked him something along the lines of why are you so afraid of your own country men/women - and the look on his face went to pure arrogance and contempt. It was quite telling.

dusty hedger
With no one telling him what to say or a answerless word salad printed out he has a Joe moment .

Download here: She-Nails-it-Has-the-United-States-Lost-Its-Mind-Have-We-Entered-the-Twilight-Zone-2022-11-25.mp4 - 6,571 kb
By: Before It's News - 25th November 2022
She Nails it - Has the United States Lost Its Mind?
Have We Entered the Twilight Zone?

Have we entered the twilight zone? Has the Nation lost its mind? Check out this short clip and you will become a believer as she points out the total nonsense and gaslighting that we have been subjected to. The great Titanic America has hit an iceberg, taking on water and sinking fast. Wake up America.

[Originally aired via HTR2020 on 13th June 2022]

John Riley
Absolutely nailed and with such clarity. Sad thing is that all of those with the "thinking" she speaks of could watch this video a million times and still not get it. Thank you for speaking out. We all need to stand up and speak up. This once great country is turning not so great.

King Duramax
Protect this woman at all costs. She is a national treasure.

indira felix
She definitely nailed it, doesn't get any more clear than that

Donna Henault
She is absolutely right on everything she touched base on. We are pretty pathetic as a nation right now. Let's hope a lot of this can get turned around and go back to the sane way of life!!!

Hypocrisy Right Now
We couldn't have said it better ourselves !! Amen !!

Louise Swearingen
Yes! She nailed it and may many more her age speak up and speak out.

Diane Frank
I want to thank you young lady for speaking out on these matters in such a intelligent kind way.

Orion Bennett
The best explanation I have heard, coherent and in one single statement ... congratulations.

You absolutely nailed it!!! Perfect!!

Jan Fuger
I don't know how old that young lady is but she is wise beyond her years.!

Angie Allsup
She is amazing! Freakin nailed it!

Roger Smoot
Amen to this exceptionally perceptive message that "SAYS IT ALL."

Angelina Cappasola
Wow those words were straight to the point!!! Everyone should take those words into consideration!!!! She is speaking nothing but the truth

Paul Lonardo
Everything she said is absolutely true, and it's exactly what any reasonable person knows to be true.

AJW Ehrig
Oh wow... So eloquently put. You just covered every base there is... I wish more people would open their eyes and see what you just said, and that so many of us believe!!! There is no way that ANYONE can convince me that there are more people out there that DISAGREE with what you just said, than there are people that AGREE with what you just said. This sounds like a battle cry to me, and it looks to have went viral, with all those who have gave you a thumbs up on this. God Bless you for making your voice heard. I 100% agree, and try to make my voice heard as well. Very well done!!!

Hugo Schmidt
Simple and straight to the point. Who could possibly argue with her?

Chris Mardt
This woman hit the nail on the head, hope we can survive and right the ship!

Durbin Audio Designs
AMAZING! Concise, Precise, on POINT! I would vote for her and I don't care what office she runs for! lol

Download here: Australian-Police-ASSAULT-an-old-man-Danny-Lim-2022-11-22.mp4 - 11,310 kb
By: Aussie Cossack - 22nd November 2022
Australian Police ASSAULT
old man Danny Lim!

Call to action! Everyone call Day Street Police to conduct an urgent "welfare check" for Danny Lim +61 (0) 2 9265 6499

Juul Clark
I was shocked to see how disgusting these low life uneducated police who are given a little bit of power and abuse it, treated a 78 year old man! They should be ashamed of themselves! I hope the victim's family sue the police for this brutal assault on an elderly man!

Danny is an icon. This is disgusting.

John Graves
I'm an ex Federal Officer and the police in this video are using unreasonable force under Law, either their training is inadequate or what I observed was wilful disobedience and thuggery carried out by government thugs also because I could hear anything leading up to this abominable treatment of a sovereign citizen under common law which these officers ignored under section 61 of the Magna Carta 1215 and ratified again in 2001 by the council of Barons, When King Charles made the Coronation Oath he would have promised to defend the rights of all citizens in commonwealth countries to protection against tyrannical rule supported by a police state, they the police are guilty of crimes against humanity, But Danny Lim will get justice I promise, I served in our military for over 20 plus years so we wouldn't have this police state thuggery, keep up the good work Cossack ????

Five Eyes
I phoned the police back. The woman who answered said that Danny Lim is now in hospital. The woman couldn't give any information as to whether Danny has been released, or is still under arrest whilst receiving care at the hospital. She also couldn't comment on whether the police who harassed the elderly gentleman and injured him by throwing him to the ground, will be investigated, as all such information is private. I responded: "So the only information that I, and everyone looking on has to go on, is the video footage of the two police officers (sic) acting as common thugs?"

Silence... She then asked if there was anything else that she could help me with. I responded: "No, if the video footage of this police brutality is all that we have to go on, then we have everything that we need at this stage - to deal with this. Thank you."

Five Eyes
I'm currently in New Zealand and got through to the police station where Danny Lim is / or was being detained.

The man I spoke to asked: "How can I help?"

I asked: "How is Danny Lim? Is he okay?"

Police: "Who?"

Me: "Danny Lim. An elderly gentleman that some police officers mistreated and threw to the ground unnecessarily. A lot of us are really concerned about Danny. Is he okay?"

Police sounding really annoyed: "Thank you!!" and HUNG up the phone on me WITHOUT answering.

These are not Police (Peace Officers) in the true sense of the word. They are more like Policy Enforcers for tyrants; and thugs masquerading as Police.

George Poulos
I have personally met this bloke in the past, he wouldn't hurt a fly. My understanding of him is that he is a very humble and respectful person. To see the way he was treated for no apparent reason is very concerning and extremely alarming. The 2 officers in the video should be ashamed of themselves.

I'm sorry to see this old guy being damaged like this by these police thugs. I'm of an ethnic background and find it hard to watch a fellow ethnic who has lost respect and dignity for the elderly. I pray for this elderly man that he may have a full recovery. Thanks Cossack for bringing this to our attention..

Danni Sorrenti
That is absolutely appalling, so disturbing to watch this poor elderly man being treated like that.

Mickey Mouse
What a DISGRACE . Australians need to take a STAND . Enough is Enough

Laurence Tilley
That was absolutely disgraceful. These two gangsters are twice Danny's size, they could have picked him up and sat him down without the violence. To slam him from waste height into a concrete floor face first was life threatening.These cops must be charged and sacked.

I am speechless ??such a fragile old man, they used such force! Aggression is disgusting! Why could they do something humane, offered him a meal or even a coffee-and spoke to him, showed him the respect the elderly deserve. This is unacceptable- disgrace!

Fuck NWO
I live in Germany. Older people are also brutally taken away by the police here. This can lead to serious injuries and even death. We have to document that and show it to the public. There shouldn't be anything like that.

Download here: Donald-Trumps-Twitter-account-reinstated-2022-11-20.mp4 - 845 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 20th November 2022
Donald Trump's Twitter account reinstated
Game changer...

Twitter CEO Elon Musk asked followers to vote on whether former US president Donald Trump should be allowed to return to the platform.

More than 15 million accounts responded to the poll.

Mr Musk tweeted: "The people have spoken, Trump will be reinstated".

The Twitter CEO continues to make changes at the social media giant with layoffs and an overhaul of Twitter's software coding team.

The left ards will be really triggered that they no longer have their biased mouthpiece all to themselves. I'm loving it

Calvin Purdy
Elon, I salute you.

Latina Liz
I joined Twitter for the first time ever because of Elon and Trump!

Adam Freeman
If that is the case I will rejoining Twitter only for the reason to get President Trump's tweets

Elon making the world great again, one reinstatement after another.

Good. He should never have been banned in the first place

The Silent Observer
15 million voters online is no joke.

Love how he left the decision up to the people. ALL HAIL DEMOCRACY!!!!

Lori Garza
That was an interesting way to do it. Well played Elon.

Miss Informed
The snowflakes' heads are exploding!

About time. Well done Elon

Download here: Calling-Out-Armed-Antifa-at-Drag-Queen-Story-Time-2022-11-20.mp4 - 20,783 kb
By: Alex Stein - 20th November 2022
Calling Out Armed Antifa at Drag Queen Story Time
The police do absolutely nothing...

Valor | Fr3ak
You are a godsend Alex, nothing pisses off these clowns more than being treated like the children they are.

Dustin Paul
That masked person getting in your way on purpose and then falling down is funny as hell.

Carebearkuz 5
You made me laugh!!! These people are ridiculous!! They don't even see that what they stand for is evil!!! God bless you for calling them out right in front of their faces!!!

Brad Mach
Thank God there's people like this guy to let them know who they are

Gitmo Joe
Imagine getting all geared up, ready for action, then topping off the costume with a rainbow patch

William Rowlands
Alex also needed to film the parents bringing their children to these gross drag events and publicly shame them. That would have been icing on the cake. Keep up the good work exposing these creeps.

Big Wex
I love how Alex is just so strong that he can just lift his arm and send a protestor crashing to the ground like he was hit with a wrecking ball

Maka Ron
This is how you do it, you don't get scared, you film them and you mock them.
They know they're losing, they know their days are numbered.
There are thousands of them, there are millions of us.
Keep it up, Alex.

I have never seen anyone get in their faces before and call them out for being " too close to children " brilliant.

Susan Wagner
Lmao I love how he flicks them away like a fly and they fall over. Love you Alex, you're work is priceless and such an advocate for children

Bradley Johnson
Imagine being so easily herded like a sheep that you think "Drag Queen Story Hour" is worth fighting for

Mark Kasun
It's so funny how you can push them over with one arm while smiling at a camera in the other hand

Mr Plisken
Awesome - Conservatives, stand UP and confront these reprobates in the streets, in the church, and in public office. Thank you Alex !!

Derek Sindelar
Primetime is never not on the grind. He's a national treasure. Love it.

Download here: Guy-SCHOOLS-unvaxxxed-people-aka-Postcard-from-The-Titanic-Wish-you-were-here-2021-09-17.mp4 - 2,418 kb
By: tyler fischer - 20th November 2022 (originally posted 17th September 2021)
Guy SCHOOLS unvaxxxed people!
Aka Postcard from The Titanic: "Wish you were here!"

The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: Wish you were here!

The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: Wish you were here!

Doug Whitney
The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: "Wish you were here!"

May we never forget how "friends" and "family" became so hostile, because they were just following orders (The science)

Carol Morgan
Everybody knows, my medicine won't work unless you take yours.

Surprised the algorithm let this one sneak past lol

Lively Stones 777
The glasses get me every time! Now they want an amnesty for all their BS???!!!! Ridiculous

Dude!!!! I've literally had this conversation with a person it's so sad how confused they are

Josh Knelsen
Anyone just scrolling through the comments looking for the Karen's

Literally saw someone walking down the street wearing a mask today as I drove by. I'm like darlin you the only one here today.

nichelle jones
Sometimes you're so dead on I forget you're acting

Commercialized Hip-hop Is Dead
Today I went to get tested to see if I'm sick.
Tomorrow I'm going to the cemetery to see if I'm dead

Yup. I was once told not to attend a family gathering unless I was vaxed. And they were all vaxed at the time, so....

...this is gold!!! Also quite sad in some ways because it's so true to life.

"If you get the vaccine then my vaccine works more gooder"

Randy Marsh

I have no words, this is perfect.

Johnny D
The way everything boils down to "you're racist" is not even satire at this point; it's reality.

Crus Ader
How many times have I been on the receiving end of a tirade like this?

Download here: The-Most-Epic-Speaker-In-Maricopa-County-EVER-re-Blatant-Election-Fraud-The-NPC-Show-2022-11-16.mp4 - 6,818 kb
By: The NPC Show - 18th November 2022
The Most Epic Speaker In Maricopa County EVER!
Re Blatant Election Fraud

The Most Epic Speaker In Maric0pa County EVER!

Grow some balls!

L Row
Wowzers! That man was so eloquent and at the same time able to convey exactly what every American citizen needs to ask and be angry about!

I would say that this man's IQ is so high that he finds it hard to fit in and take the BS.
It's comforting to know he's out there.

Tom Jones
This bloke is hilarious and correct that's how many people are feeling

Dripper 4 Life
I love this guy! There's better ones out there from him. This isn't the first time Ive seen him on video!

Phoenix Girl
YEAH!!! Go dude!! Screaming out loud what we're all thinking!!

Lee West
Charge on my fine fellow American

Download here: Hunter-Joe-and-Jim-Biden-will-all-be-investigated-for-Fraud-Human-Trafficking-Rep-Byron-Donalds-2022-11-18.mp4 - 29,423 kb
By: Newsmax - 18th November 2022
Hunter, Joe, & Jim Biden will all be investigated
for Fraud, Human Trafficking | Rep. Byron Donalds

Rep. Byron Donalds reveals what Hunter, Joe, & Jim Biden will be investigated for & why Nancy Pelosi retiring is such an important announcement for Americans - via. Prime News on Newsmax.

Rod yep
Well spoken congressman.

Bob Miller
It's nice to see and hear Republicans speaking to the American public like adults instead of children, I do not like being spoken down to with contempt and disrespect.

I also still remember when she ripped up that state of the union speech. She should have been arrested for obstruction of justice! She's one of the reasons this country has fallen!!!

Cee Me
It's about time! Thank you Bryon & Jim Jordon!

Lock them up!

Hopefully, the investigation is swift and with overwhelming evidence!!

Suk Kennedy
I'll believe it when I start seeing things getting done tired of all these threats and this two tier justice system!

Jim Jersey
Put them in jail !!!

Audrey M
And whoever airs the trials will be the most watched show in history. Bye bye MSMDNC!!!! Go Byron and all those with webos representing US!!!

Andrea Capo
I pray in Jesus's Name that this investigation will put them behind bars

Download here: Healthcare-mandates-need-to-end-Bring-unvaccinated-workers-back-2022-11-16.mp4 - 29,117 kb
By: Reignite Democracy Australia - 16th November 2022
Healthcare mandates need to end
Bring unvaccinated workers back!

On Sky news with Rowan Dean discussing that healthcare Covid vaccine mandates are ENDANGERING LIVES

Monica Smit: "Now if I was drowning, I'd tell you what - I don't care if the person saving me is vaccinated or not!"

Peter Moygannon
Great job Monica Doing such an awsome job . Many in the background backing you . This is rediculous . These criminals just can't let this go, even after more truth has come out.

Miss K
I lost my 22 year career as a RN- perfect record, yet suddenly accused of 'serious misconduct' for not complying with the mandate. I have fought tirelessly for justice, now I have given up. They can shove their job and all who supported the mandates deserve the collapsing health care system. Tired of being vilified and the discrimination we have faced. I'm just so done - have no desire to care for people anymore who finger pointed, wished for our sackings and death because we chose not to get a medical procedure. You can all look after yourselves. I'm done- as are many others. We are not going to return. These same clowns that turned on us the first time - haven't acknowledged their wrongdoing and never will - therefore they will do it again.

Ray Keller
One of the world's heroes. Thanks for giving her air time.

Kate Eagles
Wonderful, Monica! You got across some great points! What a hero! Australia's excess death rate has skyrocketed in the last two years--and it's not from Covid! These trained medical and emergency services staff should be allowed to re-enter the workforce. The mandates are definitely endangering lives.

michelle backhouse
Yes absolutely need to end and I am tired of the culture of fear and silence about speaking out against the mandates. How can u advocate for patients health when u can't even advocate for your own?

The world has gone mad
All it would take is 50% of hospital staff to refuse the jab and to just threaten to down tools and it would be stopped instantly. Australia is 6 months behind the rest of the world wait till all the deaths start like it is in every other country and you will get doctors coming out and saying stop.

Marion Alexander
Well done Monica and Sky News. the truth will prevail and your voices are louder than ever

Thank you Monica and all her team. Wish Sky was in board a lot earlier.

Fasten Then Zip
Thank you Monica. You have a very good media presence...well done.

Lord Andrew Bruce, of House McInnes
Sadly it's is not just vax mandates upon medical staff that is the issue but Hospitals and the like demanding compliance with other mandates such as mask/face shield wearing.

Stella Lambrou
Well done Dearest Monica and THANK YOU MR DEAN for the honor.
Most of the scientist and leaders Worldwide have already admitted that vaccine mandates are endangering lives. I wonder why the Australian leaders are not listening.

Nicci McGrail
Good on you Monica, thank you for all you do, much love and gratitude. :)

Lord Andrew Bruce, of House McInnes
A slightly different situation but related topic, I tried to call 000 a few days ago to ask for police assistance and couldn't even get through to someone to ask for the cops. I ended up ringing a station instead. Fortunately my situation wasn't a dire emergency that was a case of life or death. "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away."

Download here: I-do-not-answer-questions-Dan-Andrews-2022-11-16.mp4 - 6,004 kb
By: Danger Dan Reviews - 16th November 2022
I don't answer questions. Dan Andrews

That line, because people let them get away with it rings so true for Danny boy. That hard hat is priceless also

Fabian Patrizio
This is what you get with a career politician....20-plus years learning the craft (aka the art of BS) now he's a master at it

Paul Kerr
The greatest legal political criminal in Australian history.

Sean McCallum
Real politician, never answers the question but he always says he already answered the question.

Lost Jackets
Once again, when this creep says "with the greatest respect' , you know he is about to be disrespectful

Donita Forrest
I can see Dan Andrews as the Captain of a convict ship, taking pleasure in keel hauling some scapegoats to keep the others in line, the servile petty officers jumping whenever he approached, and grabbing their forelocks to mumble yes sir, no sir and bow. He is still living in that era, he thinks he's a ruler/dictator on a ship at sea, accountable to no one. Mutiny on the Victoria.

Leigh Williams
How do you know when Dan Andrews is lying? Is it A, when he answers the questions? or B, when his lips are moving? or C, a combination of both A and B?... Dan Andrews, as you are a public servant, could you please remember to keep your comments respectful, and follow community guidelines.

Sam Bankman-Fried FRAUD
FTX Money Sewer / Biden Election Fraud
WEF / Ukraine Money Laundering...
16th November 2022
Sam Bankman-Fried Fraud - FTX Money Sewer / Biden Election Fruad / WEF / Ukraine Money Laundering

FTX Crypto Scam: Money Laundering by taking money from Tax payers and Investors; sending to Ukraine via FTX channels; then illegally diverted to fund the political agenda of WEF etc
FTX Crypto Scam: Money Laundering by taking money from Tax payers and Investors;
sending to Ukraine via FTX channels; then illegally diverted to fund the political agenda of WEF etc.

By November 11, 2022, the Bloomberg Billionaires Index considered Bankman-Fried to have no material wealth.

Download here: QANTAS-CEO-confronted-for-the-firing-of-unvaccinated-staff-Tells-Aussie-Cossack-to-Fuck-Off-2022-11-15.mp4 - 12,711 kb
By: THE FIVE8 TAKE - 15th November 2022
QANTAS CEO Alan Joyce confronted for the
firing of unvaccinated staff
Tells @Aussie Cossack to "Fuck off!"

QANTAS CEO Alan Joyce confronted for the firing of unvaccinated staff.  Tells @Aussie Cossack to Fuck off!

What a lack of professional etiquette and formality! DISGRACEFUL!

Henk Verhaeren
Well done Aussie! And thank you guy's for standing up for truth!

Australian Survival Instructors
Simeon is an Aussie LEGEND.

dennis hatzidimitriou
Lowest of the low that's exactly what he's like to everyone he controls

John Athanosopoulos
it's amazing how when a puppet tyrant gets confronted with truth, they get angry and disrespectful. those who were affected by his actions should sue him.

earthSCAN NZ
he also assaulted Simeon on camera as well -

Aussie Cossack
Nice one bro

Richard Davison
Great work once again by The Aussie Cossack . More people should call out these GRUBS , aparently he is like this most of the time if you question his ideology . I would rather fly with another airline than qantas as this airline no longer represents Australian values in a fair go situation . It has become a virtue signalling bastion of woke BS . OH and stick Jet star as well that is the cattle class arm of qantas.

If it were main stream media.. He would have been pulled into a media frenzy and made to apologise to every one.. But they have no angle on it Cossack means nothing to the media.. They wont give it time of day..

Matt Powney
Good on ya Simeon, Nuremburg 2 is coming.

Download here: BIZARRE-Vaxx-Theater-Performed-By-Justin-Trudeau-Getting-fake-Boosted-2022-11-14.mp4 - 23,271 kb
By: The Jimmy Dore Show - 14th November 2022
BIZARRE Vaxx Theater Performed
By Justin Trudeau - Getting FAKE Boosted

Tony Manuge
Canada is at 18% compliance with the boosters and I really don't think he will convince anyone at this point. Convoy was a wake up call for a lot of people.

Forgive my fellow Canadians for voting for this guy over and over. They know not what they do.

J j
Guy giving shots is an actor who has never given a shot before as demonstrated by:
1. Did not wash hands prior to injections.
2. Did not wear gloves
3. Did not let alcohol dry at injection site prior to giving injection
4. He would have supplies set up on each side versus walking around with an open needle. Needle safety is paramount.
5. He did not ask any questions about drug allergies or prior reactions to vaccinations.
The above are standard practice by healthcare workers.

Matt Curzon
Masks in Ontario Canada (where I live) is back on as of yesterday.
My 5 year old son spent 40 hours in 1 week in hospital a few months back....the cause? "Severe immune system damage from wearing masks in school" is what our pediatrician told me. The ENTIRE children's ward was full of children with the same issue. I asked the pediatrician if she was going to make that information public, I got a silent stare for a response. NEVER will my son or I ever wear a mask again, we didn't originally except for him while in kindergarten, but the damage Trudeau & the rest of the globalist trash has caused him will not ever be forgotten or forgiven.

My brother got vaccinated to be able to carry on looking after our octogenarian parents.
He passed after he had a booster from a heart attack. I dont like to say it out loud but I think we were taken for fools and it worries me that we were foolish.
RIP brother of mine.

As a Canadian, I take great pride in not getting even one shot. I am this man's opposite, I am pure blood.

Barbara Lansdowne
From Canada he did not get the booster. No pharmasist does this without gloves or using his other hand to find the correct spot. This is definetly theater.

Natasha Watson
The most scariest thing is there were people that believed he actually had a real Jab.

No government apparatus would risk any of its top dogs getting adverse reactions or dying.

None of them are getting the real thing, just like that French politician said recently.

Daniel Doherty
I've never taken a shot like that. The nurse or doctor or pharmacist will always do a thing called landmarking before giving you the shot. This really was theater.

kesh han
If Justine doesn't have any side effects then we can be sure he was given a fake shot.

Ray Wagner
Nobody ever accused him of being good at acting.

You wanna know how we know he didn't get a real shot? He didn't wait 15 minutes before getting up and leaving.

Norm Bittner
I saw a young family with children all masked at the store this weekend- so incredible. I feel sorry for them to some degree.

Download here: Tim-Robbins-Apologizes-To-Unvaccinated-For-Being-Wrong-On-Covid-Policy-2022-11-14.mp4 - 22,576 kb
By: The Jimmy Dore Show - 14th November 2022
Tim Robbins Apologizes To Unvaccinated
For Being Wrong On Covid Policy

Elizabeth Gonzalez
I am one the city workers who was fired. Now no one would hire us here in NYC due to being unvaxxed. We will continue to hold the line of freedom for ourselves and everyone else. We will welcome hard times… for your freedoms.

They don't just need to give those people back pay. They need to punish the politicians, bureaucrats and executives who made the decision to try to destroy the lives of those people.

Aaron Lane
He can apologize all he wants. People like him showed their true colors and can never be trusted again.

Gloria Bonia
I was one of those who lost their job. I worked in Oncology. No jab. No job.
No apology will change what they've done.
Don't ever forget how you were treated

After a friend of mine started screaming at me because I'm unvaxxed, he apologized to me the next day. I said, "I'll accept your apology, but I don't believe that you're sorry. I believe that in the same situation, you would react the exact same way again. I don't think you have learned a damn thing." He had to admit that I was right.

Audentes Fortuna Iuvat
In the midst of the covid insanity, my coworkers mocked me for even asking questions about the shots. One proudly told us how he had to 'force' his aging mother to take it because she was an "anti-vaxxer". She died within two months from heart problems. He refused to see any correlation but instead moved into her house. It's insanity. I produce facts and figures showing the death and heart complications and the answer is always " you're not a doctor" and " I trust the science"...Utterly delusional.

Brilliantly stated, Jimmy. "They turned into the very fascists they thought they were fighting against."

Tim Robbins' career in Hollywood ended some time ago, so he really doesn't have anything to lose by telling the truth.

"It doesn't feel good to be alive right now" "I have lost so much respect for so many people"
I feel like this describes the way things are right now, and it really hurts

Pedro Xeta
It really is amazing how much more you can respect a person when they admit being wrong and take accountability for their words and actions.

Peter Griffinson
Only thing grateful about all of this is how much it has exposed me about our society and how easily people will turn on one another… it's changed me as a person forever…

The neighbors who would bring soup to sick neighbors became the neighbors who'd call the police on that same neighbor for having 1 too many visitors at the house.

Download here: Myocarditis-cases-caused-by-previous-Covid-19-Vaccines-now-prevent-4th-dose-recommendation-2022-11-14.mp4 - 37,888 kb
By: Reignite Democracy Australia - 14th November 2022
Myocarditis cases caused by previous
Covid-19 Vaccines
now prevent 4th dose recommendation...


9News anchor: "Advisors on vaccinations says it's unlikely under 30s will be approved for a fourth Covid vaccine. A... [unknown] says the increased risk of myocarditis, means the current vaccine scheduled for younger people, will likely stay as is. Attention is turning to antivirals to tackle the new Omicron wave."

They've admitted that adverse events of myocarditis are too high to recommend 4th dose for under 30s!

How many people had to suffer for you to figure that out?

Doctors like Peter McCullough and vaccinologist like Robert Malone has been saying that almost from the beginning!

You didn't listen and now lives are ruined because of it.

wilo west
This should be a class action lawsuit party against the promoters and the people in charge for many years to come .

William Wallace
How do we get compensation from the lower level perpetrators of this genocide, when they themselves are dead or dying? Higher echelon politicians who received saline solutions - as opposed to the 'kill shot' - cannot give you their money, as all they only have access to 'our' money...

Bill Smail
Hold them to account. Do not forget or forgive.

Winston Smith
They talk as if Myocarditis is nothing to worry about when in reality , it shortens your lifespan.

Em K
So the under 30s are getting allowances but what about those older... is myocardial issues ok for them!!???

Toby Fitzpatrick
That's discrimination !

we tried to warm them.

Ron Geremy

Ted Klampett
and just think, all those pages of side effects of the you know what, those are potential income streams for big pharma.

On TrialSite News chnl, see video titled 'Association between Covid 19 and New Onset Alzheilmer's Disease, with Dr Pamela Davis'


Download here: Elon-Musk-Klaus-Schwab-Is-LYING-WEFs-Trudeau-Ardern-Biden-exposed-as-Evil-Megalomaniacs-2022-11-13.mp4 - 59,009 kb
By: Elon Musk Live - 13th November 2022
Elon Musk: "Klaus Schwab Is LYING!!!"
WEF's Trudeau, Ardern, Biden exposed as Evil Megalomaniacs

WEF's Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern, Joe Biden etc all exposed as Evil Megalomaniacs

Elon Musk: "Klaus Schwab Is LYING!!!"

Steve Palmquist
Elon you rock. Expose all these crooks. Thank you.

Eugene Joseph
The arrogance of these WEF leaders has no bounds. Basically, everything they accuse their critics of doing: lie, cheat, accuse etc...THEY ARE THE ONES DOING IT. Go Elon!!!!

miller louis
We need more people like Elon in our country .

I may never purchase an electric car, but having seen your interactions with your Mom, the genuine affection, that's what convinced me about your integrity. Not all heroes wear capes...good luck Sir and thanks for pushing back against the globalists.

Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter is the single most important thing to happen to our society in more than a decade

Andrea Todd
Klaus is just one person we want to forget.

Lisa Lisa
I am beyond disgusted how the WEF interference in politics and media is being ignored by so many.

I trust Elon far more than I will ever trust Klaus under any circumstances. This does NOT mean that I will ever buy a Tesla.

Harold Hals
Elon is the only sane billionaire who uses his money for a better reason than merely getting rich... he fights for a cause... RESPECT !

Bruce Hatch
Go for it, Elon! Your positive attitude is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!
Hard work, with a conscience, is what this world needs!

MattDwight Beheler
His purchase of Twitter is probably the best thing for free speech that has happened in years

Mister Holdsworth
Certainly the most articulate video I have watched so far this week. Well done to the author. Thanks for the upload. Subscribed.

Jen Jen
Just look who is vilifying him. That tells you everything you need to know.

Anthea Blackmore
As long as he is genuine , absolutely YES im appalled at the criminal censorship I've witnessed this past 3 years

Download here: The-FTX-Collapse-Explained-in-99-Seconds-Crypto-Fraud-and-Mayhem-2022-11-12.mp4 - 5,799 kb
By: Nobody Special Finance - 12th November 2022
The FTX Collapse Explained in 99 Seconds
Sam Bankman-Fried: Crypto-Fraud & Mayhem

The collapse of Sam Bankman-Fried's FTX/Alameda empire has been swift and spectacular. I could talk about it for hours. But there's no time for that. Here's a mountain of crypto-fraud mayhem crammed into 99 seconds.

Gregory Mannarino
This is ABSOLUTELY fantastic! Shared!!!

Nobody can get that much coherent/accurate information into the just 99 seconds ... well except for nobody special.

I think it's possible SBF was a trojan horse in the crypto space to bring in the regulators, and he did exactly what he was supposed to do.

Steve Woitas
Well done Jack, Well done! Being honest is boring and often unrewarding, but once in a while you get to stab a bad guy in the heart, metaphorically speaking.

Black Paw
Brilliant! By far the best overview of the FTX debacle. Clear, concise, great wit and humor, and terrific job of editing.

Jono Turner
This is amazing, more videos like this where you break things down in under 100 seconds in a funny and entertaining way! Love it!!

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
If your company crumbles from a few mean wasn't much of a company to begin with

Normal_ Norm
Jack, paying politicians (as a bribe) may be a crime but the only time it'll get prosecuted is if someone does a huge blunder that can't be publicly hidden.... like this one. Great 90 sec. review !!

You deserve 999k more subscribers for this 99 sec video !

Hauwa Barau
Wow... After all this, recovery becomes a reality. Personally, I have a lot of faith in this guy and I think he will be a hit. Thank you Loatedcyber for all the effort you have put into recovering the funds and let us have high hopes for our recovery...

We need more people like you. If we had an army of people like you, we could stamp out these total loss in no time. I love that you re helping the victims, too it's ultra gratifying when you are able to save people in real time like you do thanks for recovering back my money.

Download: Majestic-Princess-Cruise-Ship-with-800-SICK-Vaccinated-Passengers-has-docked-in-Sydney-Australia-2022-11-12.mp4 - 37,888 kb
By: GTV - 12th November 2022
Majestic Princess Cruise Ship
with 800 SICK Vaccinated Passengers
has docked in Sydney, Australia

Nothing, nothing at all, and then just like that we have 2 ships in 2 weeks full.

Just what we need for Christmas...

Luke Kent
Graham they don't want this to end...more power to be grabbed

Thanks for the video, Graham, I was wondering what happened to the cruise ship in Brisbane myself. They better not lock us down again, I still won't bow down to their BS so-called rules.

Anxiety Mentor
800 cases on a cruise ship of people fully jabbed and boosted. Doctors are baffled.

Dan McKae
I saw a tourist coach drive through my town this morning (about 11:15am) with the name 'Princess Cruises' emblazoned across it's front. I couldn't help but wonder what it was doing there (not more than a couple of hours after the 'Majestic Princess' having docked in Sydney). Given that the area I live in is located about 1.5 hours from Sydney CBD, and has many tourist accomodation venues, I would assume that the State Govt. and Princess Cruises are likely quarantining some of the infected passengers in my local area. Oh well, 'spread the joy' I guess, Right?

El Evans
Looks like the 'authorities' and 'experts' are frantically working towards stuffing up another Christmas for us.

Helmut Sandner
They're using this as a promotion for jab no 5. Your last sentence pretty much described the plans perfectly.

redgatecrt redgatecrt
We had the Coral Princess arrive in Broome with 2000 passengers a few weeks back and of course a Covid outbreak occurred.
No one in Broome gave a toss and life went on normal

Gerard McNally
Please, anyone watching this, reading this ... Have you learned ANYTHING?
Please don't be afraid to stand up against what you KNOW is WRONG.
Be Strong (It was Remembrance Day yesterday 2022) Did they die, injured and mentally scared for nothing ?????

stuart rodgers
Another great show mate - all glory to Jesus

Zayne Van Bommel
The very definition of insanity making the same mistakes over and over again these people shouldn't be in charge of a crosswalk let alone other people

Byron Nightingale
Good on you Graham for having such guts to persist. It says a lot about you, and it's a whole lot of credit for you keep doing what you are doing in the face of such severe censorship.

I just love your take on this whole surprise covid thing. Isn't all just so suss this covid thing arrives just in time for Christmas?
We know it's by design.

Patricia Dun more
No way would I set foot on one of those cruise ships, completely insane.

Isn't it interesting too that just in time for the "TRIALS" to finish(2023) all restrictions have been lifted?

Nate James
Just let them loose, it's all crap anyway. I'm unstabbed, had covid twice and not worried. I've not long returned to Australia after 13 yrs away (locked out for almost 2) and from what I've seen Australia has gone full blown purple alert.

Download here: Connecticut-School-Director-Placed-On-Leave-After-Detailing-Sexual-Fantasies-with-Minor-Students-2022-11-11.mp4 - 19,020 kb
By: Project Veritas - 11th November 2022
Connecticut School Director Placed "On Leave"
After Detailing Sexual Fantasies with Minor Students

EXPLICIT: Prestigious Connecticut Private School Educator Details Sexual Fantasies with High School Students … 'They Spread Their Legs Wide Open and That is Just Brutal' … 'Possibly Means Me Losing My Job'

  • Iman Rasti, Director of Writing Center; Middle School English Teacher; Seventh Grade Dean at Greens Farms Academy: "That possibly means me losing my job, my reputation -- it's way too risky. Like, one thing they [students] do these days, they sit down in front of me, they purposefully sit down somewhere in the class that is literally directly in front of me. They spread their legs wide open and that is just brutal. Brutal."
  • Rasti: "Every day there is different panties on: green, black, white and they [students] make sure -- it's like they talk to each other, the three of them do that."
  • Rasti: "They open their legs, and I am teaching, and I see what I see. They make sure that the panties are positioned in a way that I actually see the thing."
  • Rasti: "Well, how can you concentrate? How can you continue talking with your classroom when you see that? I don't know for women -- if you see, I don't know, I guess for women it's sexy to see a man with a hard on. Maybe it's sexy, I don't know…They [students] are naughty."
  • Rasti: "So, you see a 15-year-old girl, and next year they come back to school, and she is a woman. She is a woman. There is no way -- she has gained weight, just, doing nothing, so it is clear that she has had sex. A lot of sex."
  • GREENS FARMS ACADEMY RESPONDS: "We have just been made aware of a report of inappropriate comments allegedly made by a teacher at GFA. We are placing the employee on leave and will be promptly investigating this matter and taking appropriate action." - Michelle Levi, spokesperson for Greens Farms Academy.

[Westport, Conn. – Nov. 10, 2022] Project Veritas released a new video today exposing an educator working at a prestigious Connecticut private school, Iman Rasti, for sexually-explicit statements he made about his current high school students.

Rasti, who oversees Greens Farms Academy's Writing Center, teaches Middle School English, and is the Seventh Grade Dean, was recorded fantasizing about young female pupils. He even admits that his thoughts could get him in trouble at work.

"That possibly means me losing my job, my reputation -- it's way too risky. Like, one thing they [students] do these days, they sit down in front of me, they purposefully sit down somewhere in the class that is literally directly in front of me. They spread their legs wide open and that is just brutal. Brutal," Rasti said.

"Every day, there is different panties on: green, black, white and they [students] make sure -- it's like they talk to each other, the three of them do that," he said.

Rasti speaks of his students in a very descriptive way.

"They open their legs, and I am teaching, and I see what I see. They make sure that the panties are positioned in a way that I actually see the thing," he said.

"Well, how can you concentrate? How can you continue talking with your classroom when you see that? I don't know for women -- if you see, I don't know, I guess for women it's sexy to see a man with a hard on. Maybe it's sexy, I don't know…They [students] are naughty."

The private school educator goes on to make an odd association between his students' age, weight, and sexual life.

"So, you see a 15-year-old girl, and next year they come back to school, and she is a woman. She is a woman. There is no way -- she has gained weight, just, doing nothing, so it is clear that she has had sex. A lot of sex."

As a result of these statements by Rasti, Project Veritas decided to reach out to retired State Police Officer, Corporal Thomas McAndrew, who spent 25 years on the force leading major crime investigations and profiling offenders in the state of Pennsylvania.

McAndrew said that Rasti's remarks raise concerns.

"It's just very concerning that he would lose that judgment -- of the difference between what position he is in," McAndrew said.

"Concern with the fact that this is where his mindset is. His mindset is not in welcoming back a teenager who is a student, but instead, he's obsessed with a sexual connotation or the sexual aspect of that student. Why his mind would go there is very concerning. Again, fantasy is one thing, thinking it is another thing. But when he has blurred the lines and started to justify all of his behavior, it is certainly a concern to us," he said.

"It is predatory. When somebody is this obsessed with a fantasy, it starts to rule their life. They start to move in a direction of losing the concept of reality. The reality is he's a teacher. He's in a power position. He should be worried about educating these children. Instead, his focus is more on constantly -- it seems, constantly obsessed with sexual aspects of these children."

I'm homeschooling my daughter right now, and my wife's friends and family are harassing me to no end about putting her in school. I have never told anyone how to raise their kids. Matter of fact, one of my wife's friends just recently came back into her life, and her daughter is about to graduate, she complains that she is a horrible child, never listens, talks back among other things. I asked what kind of kid she was when she was young and she was a great kid, loving, and very helpful. I said, what guessed it. She went to public school. She got into cliques, and has been brainwashed into hating her mom. My sister raised 3 kids on homeschooling, they are all very well off, extremely well behaved and still love and respect their mother. Go figure. I won't budge.

As a child abuse detective who specializes in interviews and interrogations, this is absolutely spot on with how sexual predators think.

Yolo Swaggins
How did the reporter even get him onto this lane. Props to her for not immediately being totally grossed out and blowing her cover.

Kawehi Onalani
Wow. This inspires me to want to "home school" my neighbors kids that are still in primary school. I am SO GLAD my kids have already graduated High School. This is appalling.

This is why we need to bring back the days when 70 year old grandmas were teaching kids. Our society had it all figured once, you know.

bill aveda
I know a male high school teacher who had a female student sit in the front row of his class and did what this teacher describes.
After a week of this, he asked one of his colleagues, a female teacher, to walk into his classroom and take a quick look without letting the other students or the female student know what she was up to. After class the female teacher told the female student to stop it. The female student denied that she was doing anything wrong... but from then on, she no longer continued her behavior.

I cannot believe how casual he is describing this to anyone. unreal and absolutely disgusting.

Ryan Smith
Good lord I'm actually not nearly as bothered by the fact that he's flustered and having confused feelings about the girls' behavior as I am by the fact that he just sat down and told somebody nonchalantly as if that's a normal conversation to have.

Palace Of Wisdom
A friend who used to substitute teach high school had a 16 year old student outright proposition him. Girls today are completely different from when I was growing up, and it's entirely believable that what this guy describes was actually happening. Not taking up for him, but protecting kids includes protecting them from their own impulses to engage a guy like this.

Download here: Thousands-of-Covid-19-Vaccine-injuries-hardly-anyone-compensated-Senate-Estimates-2022-11-09.mp4 - 10,408 kb
By: Senator Gerard Rennick - 9th November 2022
Thousands of Covid-19 Vaccine injuries,
hardly anyone compensated - Senate Estimates

Last November it was widely reported that over 10,000 people intended to claim compensation under the governments no-fault indemnity scheme.

At that time (November 2021) 78,000 injuries were reported and the scheme had not been promoted by the government.

By September this year the government reported just over 3,000 claims had been made and less than 50 had been paid out on.

This is despite reported vaccine injuries rising above 135,000.

Over 7,000 people gave up on lodging a claim against the government, not because they weren't injured but because the medical community and the government have gaslighted their injuries. For example if you don't spend a night in hospital you aren't eligible for any compensation.

One constituent provided letters confirming the v caused her injury from her GP, Medical Registrar, 2 Consultant Physician Clinical Immunology and Allergy, 2 Neurologists and 1 Haematologist and was still knocked back.

The woman cannot work and is in immense pain. Her husband has had to quit his job to care for her. They are selling their assets to survive.

The audacity of these bureaucrats and the government to override these specialists and leave victims without help is just ruthless and callous.

As a myocarditis sufferer due to AZ I really appreciate what you're doing.
I really hope the system changes soon. I'm 12months off work and have had to shut my business and sell a car all due to this vaccine. Shame on the government for not recognising real injuries. We are suffering and being left to self finance as they "may change their stance in the future"

Thank You Senator Rennick for your Service to the Australian People and holding these People Accountable.

Thank you Senator Rennick for all you do. I truly wish there were more people like you in the world. Your efforts are appreciated and do not go unnoticed. Thank you.

Thank you for your service to Australia and Australians Sir!

Free Will
The past 3 years has made me hostile and distrusting of state and federal governments. Keep up the good work Senator, we need more people like you in all state governments.

14 hours ago
The politicians behind this poison delivered to the Australian public need to be held accountable then dealt with through the courts..

Thank you Senator

Rohini Hyde
A million thanks for the great work you are doing Sen.Rennick. Evil thrives when the good do nothing. Thanks again for speaking up about this crime against humanity which has affected me personally.

I'm very surprised to hear the Senator mention a claim in which several medical doctors have agreed to state that someone has been vaccine injured. My GP was suspended last year and we've heard doctors speak out that they were threatened with suspension if they said there were or could be any injury/risk from the jab. How is it that doctors can say there was a jab injury while other doctors have been suspended?

Tidda Bear
Thank You Senator Rennick for being the voice of so many Australians. Many are angry with the state and federal Governments during the past 3 years for allowing harm to be inflicted on the people of this land through vax mandates and systemstic lockdowns breaching human rights and various commonwealth laws. It's appalling this has been allowed to happen without upholding the laws and rights of the people.

Download here: European-Parliament-Pfizer-Appears-to-have-Corrupted-the-Entire-Western-World-2022-11-09.mp4 - 20,138 kb
By: Robert W Malone MD, MS - 9th November 2022
European Parliament:
"Pfizer Appears to have
Corrupted the Entire Western World"

Europe awakens from a nightmare to the ground truth

Christine Anderson: A member of the European Parliament. She represents the Alternative for Germany (AfD), which is labelled as a "populist political party" in Germany. AfD is known for its opposition to the European Union, as well as the open border/immigration to Germany policies which the EU mandates. As she does not believe in open borders, Christine Anderson is labelled with such terms as "far-right," and "anti-Islamic." Near as I can tell, these are just more propaganda talking points by Wiki and their ilk.

The short clip above is important because Christine Anderson is getting at an important point, which must be researched. There is evidence that Pfizer and Pfizer's CEO Albert Bourla have corrupted government leaders worldwide. That this corruption is deep and wide.

The people have been lied to. It was a gigantic lie. And on this lie, everything that governments, especially in the Western democracies did to infringe on people's rights, to take away their freedom, to lock them in their homes, imposing curfews, all of this was based on that gigantic lie.

Ursula von der Leyen, EU Commission president is now under a lot of pressure, and rightly so. The people have a right to know what went on in these contracts with her exchange of SMS with CEO Pfizer, Bourla. The people need to know who they can hold responsible and accountable for whatever may have gone on behind the scenes. Things are changing now, their house of cards is tumbling down, and it is doing so rightfully.

And you know what? One more thing though, I am sick and tired of being called a COV-idiot. And I'd much rather be a COV-idiot than being a GOV-idiot, because that's what all these people that blindly trusted their governments turned out to be. And I will say it again, it was never, never, ever about public health, it was never about breaking any waves, it was always about breaking people. But, and that's the good news, they failed. It didn't work. And that I am very proud of, and I'm proud of the people that I am so honored to be allowed to represent. And I will continue to do just that. Thank you very much.

Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen is president of the European Commission since 2019. The European Commission is the leadership of the European Union. It operates as a cabinet government, with 27 members of the Commission headed by the President (now Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen). It includes an administrative body of about 32,000 European civil servants.

Leyen had been secretly communicating with the CEO of Pfizer about the purchase of COVID-19 vaccines via text messages. In early 2022, a journalist requested for copies of these texts and the European commission rejected the request. This has opened the door for widespread speculation of malfeasance and corruption.

European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen said in July that she is no longer in possession of text messages. The EU's ombusman has determined that this is malfeasance.

If the Age of Enlightenment has brought forth anything, it is surely this: Never take anything a government tells you at face value!

Christine Anderson writes on the European Union:

The EU is elitist, aloof and distant from the citizens. With its tentacles, it takes a stranglehold on the sovereignty of the European nations and dictates to the citizens in every detail how they have to behave.

I want an honest and free Europe of free people and not a construct of political elites. I consider putting a stop to these false elites here in Brussels and Strasbourg to be the most urgent task in my political work.

Alan R
Christine Anderson may be the single most admirable MEP bar none. She is honest, a fighter, and does not hold back from making her case emphatically & pointedly, have liked her a TON for many many months since she came to my attention

Margaret Anna Alice
Christine Anderson is the very definition of Badass German ( ??

I first encountered her when she gave Justin Trudeau a walloping for his behavior during the Canadian trucker protests, calling him "a disgrace to any democracy" ( I later nominated her for Bravest Politician in the World ( in my "Letter to the German Bundestag," which includes three speeches by her I encourage everyone to watch.

She is fearlessly taking on the globalists, pharmaceutical companies, and tyranny the world over, so it's no wonder she's being smeared as a far-right extremist.

randall stoehr
What's that old expression about messing with Mama bear? ?? She's all that plus.

I saw that video smacking Trudeau - glorious !

donna kovacevic
Sadly the corrupt journalist and camera people, did not focus on castro jr. face while this ass licking was happening. We the Canadian people loved every minute of it. Much appreciation to the Croatian minister that followed and one other. What a beautiful scene. Thank you. Castro jr hides his mug now as does our Premier of Ontario Dougie, chubby Ford. God Bless WE the people.

RE Nichols
An alternative media is imperative now. I noticed that around the world the MSM is ranting against liars who "misinform" people. They look scared as well as angry.

She's been speaking out for a while now, and much appreciated by the people, I imagine. There seems to be a concerted effort to draw attention away from these globalist climate meetings by all kinds of redirection to 'shiny object' events. Closer to home: If the Republicans are restored to power and do NOT stop the tyranny of the globalists, they're one of the following: complicit, bought-off or cowards. If so, I have NO USE for them. No more excuses. No more stupid 'investigations' that GO NOWHERE and hold no one accountable.

Download here: Fifth-jab-planned-for-Oz-This-should-wipe-out-any-remaining-dickheads-2022-11-09.mp4 - 6,161 kb
By: Carl Vernon - 9th November 2022
Fifth jab planned for Oz
This should wipe out any remaining dickheads!

oh no
No sympathy for anyone injured from this point on, apart from kids forced to take this sh!te

andy jennings
"The problem with Australians is not that so many of them are descended from convicts, but that so many of them are descended from prison officers.". The legendary Clive James.

Anyone who thinks the 5th shot is a good idea should get it immediately. You deserve it

Catwalk Connection
Let's make the Nuremberg Code great again !

My 14 year old son was coerced into taking it so he could play soccer and footy again. Shortly after the second time he started complaining of chest pains. We rushed him to emergency at the Children's where they said he had 'a swollen heart'. I have never been so terrified in my life.

If you think you will be coming near my children again with that stuff you can think again.

Scar Seven
Its embarrassing living amongst so many sheep

Martin Holmes
I stopped believing there was an end to people's gullibility and stupidity about 2 years ago. They keep proving me right.

It disgusts me what has taken place in these past years... I'll never conform to such evil and corruption, what's even more sad is how indoctrinated we are not as just as a country but as a species as a whole.

It's good to be a pureblood.

I encourage people to get all the vaccinations they want, go freaking hard if that's your buzz and you hate being alive, best of luck!

James Danton
I can't believe this is happening with everything we know.

Bri Smith
Australia has gone completely mad

Richard Love
I'm just waiting to sign up to the class action cases starting for the mental torture and hardships us non vaccinated have been put through. For all the medical and social discrimination we have had to endure for all these years. It's going to be epic….we will never forgive or forget what these animals have done to us.

Download here: Facebook-Hit-With-822-Election-Campaign-Finance-Violations-Largest-Campaign-Fine-in-US-History-2022-11-09.mp4 - 60,842 kb
By: Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov - 9th November 2022
Facebook Hit With 822
Election Campaign Finance Violations:
'Largest Campaign Fine in US History'

Before you vote
Fill up your vehicle
Buy groceries
Pay all your bills
Check your 401K
Check your bank account
Cast your vote appropriately

Robert Benton
I'm happy to see a judge actually taking the law seriously.

Name Withheld
It's great to hear that Facebook is facing justice, but $34M is trivial to them. Until fines are levied as a percentage of gross revenue or gross income (for individuals), fines will never be fair or effective against the rich.

Always hope
I am so impressed by your coverage of events unfolding. Taking your time to explain in detail all that went on & what is still going on. I felt I learned a lot in your video (very researched) great job.

I cannot stop giggling when I rewatch this video, kind of like the day the Georgia Guide Stones we're no more. Great work Roman.God Bless You and your family.

Low Tone
Excellent report. In response to your question, "why would FB risk doing this after being fined the first time?", it certainly appears to be to sway elections. I would very much like to see Epoch further this investigation of FB's campaign finance violations state-by-state. Perhaps then the fines might have a significant corporate financial impact.

I can't help but shake my head at the sheer futility of our legal system. For a company like Facebook, even a $24 million fine is nothing more than a slap on the wrist. These people will never face justice. This is not justice, even if the law was upheld here.

Thank you, Roman, for your excellent investigative journalism. "Journalists" on the mainstream media could certainly take a lesson!
It would seem that the reason they refused to supply the information requested was because they were employing unfair practices in either running ads, not charging the same amount to the different parties, or both. Considering the latest drop in their share prices, this one's has to hurt.

Pete X
Thanx for the information. It's nice to know there are still some real journalists out there trying to bring us the hidden truths!!

Download here: Democrats-on-CNN-Fearful-of-coming-judgement-after-midterm-elections-2022-11-09.mp4 - 5,673 kb
By: John Talks - 9th November 2022
Democrats on CNN
Fearful of coming judgement after midterm elections

"What I worry about of course, if the Republicans take over, whether it's by a small margin or a large margin, that they are first of all we're not going to be able to pass anything; secondly, uh there will be hearings, there'll be investigations, they'll investigate Hunter Biden...

It'll be very toxic; um and Marjorie Taylor green and those, those people will want to impeach Biden; um I worry about it just being very very ugly; and um, I, I'm pretty sure that's pretty predictable."

Mortimer Duke
Why didn't the Democrat's conduct during the entire Trump presidency bother him?

Beowulf's Revenge
Yes, there should be hearings and investigations.
Especially onto Biden Junior.

Paolo Cardinali
after 4 years of investigating Trump for NOTHING! The courage of this guy!!!

DJ Smith
Their inability to see their blatant hypocrisy is beyond me.

Andrei Valdez
"If we lose we may have to face the consequences of our actions :( "

We can only hope so.

Destroygary Funky
Will anyone ever forget the look on Franken's face leaving the Senate office building with all his stuff in a cardboard box? Priceless!

In other words they are upset, thinking Republicans will behave just like they do.

So... you think Hunter Crackhead SHOULDN'T be investigated? Big surprise

JustJoe Oleson
I seem to remember him railing against liars in the past. So much for integrity.

Throw Acnt
For most of my life I wanted to live in the USA. I got my degree there, I played everything by the book, I did not overstay nor did I attempt anything illegal to stay even though I really wanted to because I loved what America stood for. Right now.... about 10 years later I am horrified at what I am looking at. I can't but be happy that I am not a part of what looks like a horrible realityTv show. It is unreal what has happened in less than 10 years. Good luck.

That's the most honest journalism CNN has said in a long time. In fact I would like to see them being held accountable for all the lies they have been spewing for the last 6 years

IF YOU DID EVERYTHING RIGHT - you have nothing to fear !

Download here: Pandemic-Amnesty-They-Can-Backtrack-All-They-Like-We-Will-Never-Forget-2022-11-08.mp4 - 128,019 kb
By: WE GOT A PROBLEM - 8th November 2022
Pandemic Amnesty:
They Can Backtrack All They Like.
We Will Never Forget

The Compilation you have been waiting for.

Never forget what these people did. they can say sorry all they like. we must never forget

My Links

Outro Audio taken from Youtube Audio Library
1812 Overture ( Tchaikovsky )

They Can Backtrack All They Like. We Will Never Forget

I'm so looking forward to all the WEFers / Satanists being tried for treason and facilitating genocide etc.

What a list of names for the executioner: Klaus Swabb, Anthony Fauci, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, George Bush, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau, Tony Blair, John Keys etc.

Hopefully they will all have to receive the very injections themselves as a preliminary punishment; then the executions can begin in due course. Make Nuremburg 2.0 be for real.

Tony Clack
My business was locked down and I lost everything, my business, my home, my job, my income, my savings. At 65 I live in a van with nothing. Hatred towards these parasites is an understatement of how I feel.

This brings back all those feelings of dread I endured, feeling isolated, wife and friends all hypnotised…and then I went on a freedom march and realised there were huge numbers that shared my understanding. This saved my mental health. Just hope these f-ers get their comeuppance . All odious and evil characters

I just can't believe that Esther Rantzen actually said people who are unvaxed should not be given an ambulance and die at home ....we must never forgive or forget all these dreadful stupid people ..NEVER..

Paul Sidaway
As an ex British soldier who visited Belsen concentration camp I often wondered how it came about that the Nazi regime was allowed to get away with murdering so many innocent people. Now in my 50s I understand how.
I'm watching this fantastic post and I am seething with anger and contempt.
My own mother died in July 2020 of COPD. She was in a respiratory unit at a hospital in Kent. Nurses there told me there were no patients with Covid on their wards. On December 31st 2020 my father died in Maidstone Hospital alone, noone from his family was there. He deserved better. They then signed his death certificate off as Covid when he had tested negative. We think he had Leukemia.
So then they roll out the bullshit vaccination program and I resisted this. I've known all along we were being lied to and manipulated.
But for me I've had to eventually had to have this unnecessary jab and this angers me. I needed it to travel. You see my wife is Russian my son is at university in Moscow. My mother in law was taken very ill and I had to travel. No jab no travel to be with family. Bloody disgraceful. Coerced into taking something I do not trust or believe in. I no longer trust or believe in anything this government here tell us. I also see that the vast majority of people here don't have a backbone and are ready to roll over and take it. Snitch on your friends and family. A great social experiment and they got the answers they desired .
Lied straight to our faces and the public believed all and vilified the ones who did not. We have no freedoms in truth and watching this video should tell us all.
Furthermore I know I'm going off the subject but please don't believe all the lies Western propaganda tells you about the war in Ukraine. They are lying to you there too. They have an agenda as they did with Covid.

Cathy Russell
I will never forget the continual pressure, it was terrible. I was even working out of a hiding place in my house in case they came looking for me. I am so very proud to still be a pure blood. I am not a coward, a snowflake or an idiot. I am a critical thinker that did not want to take an experimental drug.

Krista B
I am a pure blood and went back to work for SAP. At the time they weren't making it mandatory, but they asked to submit a yes or no regarding the shot. I completely ignored their request as my status is none of their business. In 2022 they made it mandatory for new hires for a few months, then later lifted the requirement.
I was shunned by family and friends. It gave me insight for the lack of compassion and intelligence of those around me. They showed their true colors.

Kerry Neylan
This should be broadcast in public places throughout the country.

Zed Jayhem
I remember watching the old lady tapping the window the first time, it still absolutely breaks my heart to see how desperate she was to touch her family member and wasn't " allowed" treated worse than criminals

Elisa Rolston
The Canadian truckers changed my perspective on everything. Demonstrations can change minds. The combination of their courage, joyfulness combined with how the media vilified them made me look at everything differently. The media is the biggest problem. Worse than politicians because politicians come and go.

Download: We-cannot-have-an-amnesty-Tonia-Buxton-reacts-to-covid-zealots-calling-for-a-pandemic-amnesty-2022-11-08.mp4 - 18,047 kb
By: GB News - 8th November 2022
'We cannot have an amnesty!'
Tonia Buxton reacts to 'covid zealots'
calling for a pandemic amnesty

'We cannot have an amnesty. They have to take it on the chin, apologise, admit they made a mistake and say they'll never do it again!'

Tonia Buxton reacts to 'Covid zealots' calling for a 'pandemic amnesty' over their 'authoritarian' actions & the 'demonisation' of the unvaxxed.

Demanding amnesty is an admission of guilt, yet they've made no offer of apology or reparations to anyone they harmed.
We haven't even seen the beginning yet, 5 billion people dying over the next 2 years, they're trying to get in good before it all comes down.
No amnesty. Never forgive. Never forget.
Never again.
You can't say sorry to the dead!


Download here: Pandemic-Amnesty-Shall-we-forgive-and-forget-Dr-Roger-Hodkinson-Absolutely-not-2022-11-07.mp4 - 9,822 kb
By: Just Right Media - 7th November 2022
Pandemic Amnesty: "Shall we forgive & forget?"
Dr. Roger Hodkinson: "Absolutely not!!"

First, do no harm | Dr. Roger Hodkinson

Given the events in the healthcare industry over the past three years one might think that people would be ready to abandon that one characteristic Canadians have come to define themselves - socialized medicine. Instead, we find, regardless of the injuries and deaths directly attributable to it, Canadians cling to this immoral system.

At the top of this failed and disastrous Soviet-era style healthcare system stands the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons - crown agencies created by governments and led by political appointees, some of whom may be doctors, most of whom are not - your usual group of sycophantic Party supporters in it for the prestige and perks.

As our guest, pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson puts it, "Since COVID, because they're manned by woke cubed individuals they have toed the government line meticulously. And so I take the position now that instead of protecting which was their traditional role which they did reasonably well they are now actually killing people. They are co-conspirators with government in state-sanctioned murder - period. Exactly the opposite of what their function used to be."

Dr. Hodkinson, was a Fellow of the College of the American Pathologists until recently when they decided to "get rid" of him for ostensibly spreading "misinformation," the usual Orwellian term used to label anyone with an opinion differing from that of the state.

Dr. Hodkinson continues to fight against the system and is now warning us of the tsunami of deaths to come from compromised immune systems resulting from the disastrous decisions of healthcare bureaucrats.

Completely disillusioned with federal politics he has turned his attention to his own province and is actively promoting the Alberta Prosperity Project - a society that promises to send a message to Ottawa that unless it allows that province to deal in its own way with Constitutionally-granted areas of provincial concern, including healthcare, outright separation from Confederation may result.

I can guarantee the "nurses" and "doctors" who gleefully murdered people because of lack of "care" or the wrong "care" will be held accountable either in this life or the next. I now wonder how many of those so called healthcare workers even gave a crap, ever, before "covid". Maybe they became doctors and nurses for the money and not for the people because whats being done is straight up satanic and they're demons, they are not humans with a soul made in the image of God because God would never condone this evil behaviour. Thank you Dr Hodkinson for everything you're doing to try and save humanity and hold the evil doers to account.

Lorne Thomson
Vaccine hesitancy, a newly created term as a talking point to attack dissenting views.

Lorne Thomson
A friend witnessed the death of a woman just 7 min after a booster. In the pharmacy people were crying and holding each other (behind the counter) . Those lined up to receive the shot stayed in their place ....psychosis no doubt!

Download here: Fleeing-Chinas-Insane-Zero-Covid-Lockdowns-2022-11-06.mp4 - 64,091 kb
By: China Uncensored - 6th November 2022
Fleeing China's Insane
Zero Covid Lockdowns and Genocide

Almost three years into the pandemic, China is treating Covid like Covid just started spreading. Mass testing, state-mandated quarantine, forced lockdowns and routine sanitizing are all still everyday reality in China. In this episode of China Uncensored, we talk about how people are fleeing China's insane zero covid lockdowns, the ridiculous lengths the CCP goes to to test for Covid (i.e. animals, inanimate objects) and how this fear is making people do extraordinary things.

Butter S
Sad to think members of my generation believe this is a better system than what we have.

Life Series
Your channel has grown so much. I started watching you guys when you had only 75K subscribers. Currently, you got 1.81 million. Congratulations! :)

Ken Albertsen
Thanks Chris. Keep those informative segments coming. The world needs to be apprised of what's really going on in China.

Fujita Gou
Man, I've looked up some questions on Quora about china's genocide and stuff, and the amount of answers from Chinese propagandist bots is mind-blowing.

Testing cats might actually have been somewhat sensible early on, since they can get infected with covid and there initially was a lot of guessing on transmission. However, as symptoms in cats are mild and there apparently have been few to no cases of cat to human transmission, testing cats now is fairly certainly just a waste of test kits.

Donut Hole
Great reporting Chris and your team as always

Rocket Radio
I am a big fan of your truth springled with humor. I never miss an episode!

Haffi Haff
Thank you for your hard work and exposure to the darkness Chris! We need you.

Kim Pongpaet
Thank you for exposing the truth of the horrors of life in China. I can honestly say it's the top place You could not pay me a billion dollars to step foot in that got forsaken hellhole.

Download here: Justin-Trudeau-told-to-Take-my-jab-up-your-arse-by-a-justifiably-seething-public-2022-11-05.mp4 - 9,324 kb
By: Carl Vernon - 5th November 2022
Justin Trudeau told to "Take my jab up
your arse!"
by a justifiably seething public
Just as 'Q' said would happen...

As an unvaccinated Irishman, I fully support these people

Revealanation 777
As an American I support your bravery and all patriots world-wide!

E36 Fanboy
As an unvaccinated Englishman, I commend the action people are starting to take. The word selection is perfect for this guy

Karen lightandlove
as a unvaxxed human being and member of this planet - I totally support these people.

Mark Benge
As a Kiwi, I, fully endorse this message. Thank you Canadians. NZ

Joe C.
It's heartwarming to see the people gather in such groups to openly display the support of their country's leader

Something about seeing corrupt politicians unable to peacefully walk down the street is magical to me. More of this please!!

Tara Lynn Hoffmann
As an unvaccinated Canadian, I am still as angry as these people are and will NEVER FORGIVE OR FORGET.

October Woods
As a Canadian I 100% approve of this message. they said everything I say in my head when I see him

shinon kim
As an unvaccinated, Korean American, Chinese medicine physician who has been warning his patients this whole way not to get jabbed or boosted, and losing lots business because of that, I fully support this video!

As a scouser and living in Ireland (pureblood) nurse ( made a pledge , I shall do no harm) . I fully supported these brave souls for standing up to evil parasites. I hope this is the start of a stampede!!! Power to the people !!

kristian booth
These scenes make me very happy as an unvaccinated UK citizen. Respect to my Canadian brothers and sister

Download here: Report-your-neighbours-if-they-disagree-with-Jacinda-Arderns-mis-and-dis-information-2022-11-04.mp4 - 3,699 kb
By: Carl Vernon - 4th November 2022
Report your neighbours if they disagree with
Jacinda Ardern's mis and dis information

Report your neighbours if they disagree with Jacinda Ardern's mis and dis information

It's important to know the signs of terrorism...

It's important to know the signs of terrorism...

Ned Kelly
If the average Kiwi heeds this tyranny of dobbing in your neighbour for 'thinking', New Zealand will become 'The village of a thousand twitchy window blinds!!'

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

In other words, please help us arrest and silence those that see through our lies and propaganda.

Faith Over Fear
Rebecca seriously rocking the whole evil villian vibe...

Meanwhile in the US the people who are on the same side as this lady are asking for an amnesty to forgive them for trampling on our rights.

Biker Adam
I remember hearing something about Germany doing something just like this.
I never could understand how they talked the people into such behaviors.
Now I see how easy it is to control large groups with fear and ignorance.

Ele Phante
If I suspect someone I know is going to attack the government I will happily ignore them and wait for the good news.

Mark Inglese
It's amazing how they don't want people to disagree.

Callista Diamonds
I know a few people I must report: Bill Gates, Boris Johnson, Joe Biden, George Bush, Rishi, Tony Blair. ….. the list never ends

Ellen Wade
The Gestapo was not a large organization. Citizens were told it was their duty to inform on family, friends, and neighbors. It always starts out with "we need to do this to be safe.' Once this starts, once the citizens surrender their freedom for " safety", it is very difficult to get it back.

It is amazing how these guys always look like super villains. The cover matches the books so well. Goddamn.

CatManDude 23
These people need to be held accountable, removed from their positions, and tried in a court made up of the people. They need to be lined up against a wall for this.

Anyone who doesn't find this terrifying doesn't understand it at all.

Tomas Mk
If that happens in the UK, I will move my house next to the parliament and report my neighbours everyday.

Download here: Pandemic-Amnesty-Seekers-COVID-Smear-Artists-Want-Amnesty-For-Their-Lies-2022-11-04.mp4 - 146,426 kb
By: The Jimmy Dore Show - 4th November 2022
Pandemic Amnesty Seekers &
COVID Smear Artists
Want "Amnesty" For Their LIES

Writing in The Atlantic, economist Emily Oster announced that it's time for the COVID wars to end, and for aggrieved parties who may or may not have been "right" in challenging the dominant narrative about vaccines, masks, transmission and related topics to give their antagonists a pass so that we can all move on together. But is that how it works – thousands lose their jobs, while countless more are demonized on a grand scale and everyone's supposed to just take a mulligan?

Jimmy and Americans' Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the importance of expressions of contrition if there is to be any "amnesty" for the likes of Noam Chomsky, Piers Morgan and Jimmy Kimmel who did everything they could to smear COVID narrative skeptics.

Let's not talk amnesty, let's talk accountability and consequences.

Mark Cox
Brett Weinstein nailed it in 2021: "Tyrrany was the intent, Covid was the excuse."

When corona first hit, I was entering my fourth year of University (studying the Russia/Ukraine conflict, incidentally), and I worked in film and onstage. Those mandates have prevented my from practicing my craft, to this day, and to this day, I STILL can't complete my degree. Today, I work as a baker, and I'm one of the lucky ones in Canada, because I'm working.

Tell me again how we should just forget about how half the "experts" lied to us, and how the other half were smeared.

Fuck their amnesty. Put 'em all in prison. Then we'll see how long it takes them to come around to prison abolition. My guess is three weeks.

I don't see how you can ask for amnesty or guilt trip people into overlooking the horrendous consequences of their group think when they have never even apologized.
That article is not an apology it's a list of excuses that we're supposed to swallow with a grateful smile.
Mind blowing

Potter Renovations
I believe that they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Not doing so will embolden them to do it again.

Simon Naylor
Thanks for sticking up for us Jimmy. It's been a brutal 3 years.

If Alex Jones could be ordered to pay $1B for emotional damages, then every mandate supporter should be ordered to pay $1B to the rest of us

doreene close
Someone needs to be held accountable! My family, like many others, was torn apart. I am STILL not allowed in my elderly father's home, ordered by his wife because I am an unvaxxed "disease carrier. My daughter spent months defending herself from expulsion at UMASS, where she is in the last year of her Master's program. The fear and anxiety that these pharma pimps and media put us through for years was criminal. We can't just let this go. Indeed colleges are still requiring experimental jabs for our kids. Soon these drugs will be mandated on the childhood vaccine schedule. RESIST?

Download here: Pandemic-Amnesty-Seekers-Do-Not-Forget-Do-Not-Forgive-2022-11-03.mp4 - 22,605 kb
By: The Rageaholic - 3rd November 2022
Pandemic Amnesty Seekers
Do Not Forget. Do Not Forgive

Don't do it.

Mr. Ras Lyon
Dont forgive your neighbors who shunned you.
Dont forgive your coworkers and employers who excluded and fired you.
Dont forgive the cops who enforced it.
Dont forgive the politicians who caused it.
Dont forgive the family members who turned their backs on you.
No forgiveness. NONE.

The Critical Drinker
Fucking poetry, dude. Love it.

It's impossible to forgive someone for something they're still doing.

Michael Manker
George Floyd got 3 funerals and a gold casket.

My aunt had to be buried with her family watching from a car.

These people deserve the absolute worst.

They ruined my son. He was happy, outgoing, active, and smart. Then they took away his learning paradigm (in-class). Then they took away his social life. Then they took away his sports and activities. His grades tanked. He started believing he was a failure. They took away his sports and activities, so he had no way to find his peace. He withdrew from his friends and from us. He became inconsolably sad. Then my wife went to check on him and stopped him seconds before he ended things. This was all a direct result of Covid overreaction. I know from talking to other parents that he is not the only one who was so steeped in despair while isolated that he wanted to stop his own pain forever. He lived, but he is not the same. He was robbed of years of his life. I will never forgive. I will never forget.

No amnesty for the Covid authoritarians! We must hold them accountable for their massive overreach

David DeChamplain
"Mercy for the guilty is tyranny for the innocent."
-Adam Smith

my problem is not that they were misled

my problem is that they were so enthusiastic, so happy, to be misled. They took utter joy in this shit. The three masks on their face were exactly as effective as the one on their heart

I ignored everything they said during the two years, and didn't make a secret of it to anyone. Didn't go out of my way to break any of the rules, I just carried on as normal, except obviously there were a lot fewer shops and general indoor attractions I could attend. Felt like I was visting a different planet or alternative timeline for the lockdown periods. Lost a few friends and was branded a rebel by colleagues and family, but still generally tolerated and wasn't hit by any serious issues like medical problems or funerals. Zero run-ins with the law, despite blatant disregard for any of the rules.

Now that the narrative is shifting and historical revisionism has begun, nobody is saying "Oh, sorry, you were right all along". They're just saying 'Okay, you were right, but that doesn't change the fact you should have obeyed and been wrong like the rest of us. We were right to be wrong. It was the thing to do at the time."

Two things will always stick with me:

First, how everyone else seemed to swiftly become entirely confused and retarded, believing the wildly changing narrative and directly conflicting messages from the media on a daily basis, despite so much of it obviously being complete nonsense. To me, it was clear that everyone was believing in and repeating advice simply because large numbers of other people were also repeating it. The actual content of the advice was irrelevant - what mattered was that enough people were saying it. Nothing but mindless conformism.

Second, the fact that if government mandates had included "execute rule-breakers on sight", most people - including all law enforcement - would still have obeyed. Kind of a serious eye-opener to realise with absolute certainty that the vast majority of people around me only have moral principles and personal convictions when doing so doesn't get them in any trouble. To truly know that they would happily do me serious harm, if the man in the television set told them that they "really ought to, or else".

I've always prayed that I never find myself in a typical robbery or hostage situation, because I know in that situation I'd be the first to die. When told to get down or do whatever else the criminals said, I'd refuse. And I'd very likely die for it. Spider-Man's Uncle Ben is my spirit animal.

It all ties back to the Gulag Archipeligo, I suppose. The world isn't full of bad people. Just cowards. Utter. Fucking. Cowards.

Do not give these people any amnesty, period. I couldn't see my wife in the hospital. My autistic son couldn't see his own mother. Only one side caused us all pain, period. People lost their jobs, their homes and family. The blue crowd said we were grandma enders. This video is absolutely needed for everyone.

Download here: BREAKING-Trump-Posts-CRYPTIC-Warning-to-Americans-of-Incoming-HORROR-2022-11-03.mp4 - 67,320 kb
By: The Next News Network - 3rd November 2022
BREAKING: Trump Posts CRYPTIC Warning
to Americans of Incoming HORROR
Less than 20 days left of Diesel in Fuel Reserves!!

Donald J Trump loves the United States and its people, that is abundantly clear. And now he's warning us about what's ahead in his recent post to Truth Social. Now, If you think things are difficult economically now, hold onto your butts.

Y.A. Baby
Who's also sick and tired of this administration?

Joe Blow Wissel
I BELIEVE in AMERICA but I'm so scared of the way things are going. All the LIES and DECEPTION are eating away at the HEART of AMERICA

Mike Stroud
Don't panic or live in Fear. Stay focused and driven folks. God is in charge. The EVIL will be thwarted. None of us are getting away with anything. Prayers God bless. Let Freedom Ring

Thomas Hardy
These so called "politicians" have made it very clear by now. It's either us or them.

Janes Dough
How thoughtful of Potato Biden to take care of other countries needs First! 25th Amendment, Folks!

Kathy Irvine
Amen Gary, Praying for all of us!

P. Ross
Shouldnt we take care of our own country before helping another?!

Lenny Griffin
God Bless President Trump and please Lord protect our Country!!!

I love my dog

They are helping Europeans and leaving "Americans" by the wayside sounds like an IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE!

Insanity literally! This administration has to go by any means necessary.

Kathy Botkin
I have seen a lot of this a while back.
I have been stocking up on food and other items for a over a year.
Bought a generator. And deep freezer.
It is ashame how Biden is getting away with this.
They had this all plan out for a long time.
We need to win House and Senate back.
And make big changes fast to get thru this.
I never voted for Biden or their party.
Damn we need Trump back!

Rural Idiot
I'd shut down the food supply going to the White House, Congress and the Senate. Let them fend for themselves like we are !

Download here: Fox-News-Left-wing-outlet-slammed-over-push-for-pandemic-amnesty-2022-11-02.mp4 - 13,060 kb
By: Fox News - 2nd November 2022
Fox News: Left-wing outlet
slammed over push for 'pandemic amnesty'

They want protection for VIOLATING our rights? LOL.

Kruger -
We will NEVER forgive the pandemic and how it was dealt with, NEVER. People have to be held accountable

Stephen Kolman
If they didn't do anything wrong they wouldn't need amnesty. Seems like some sort of admission to me.

I want Nuremberg 2.0, government officials, Bill gates, fauci, pharmaceutical companies, all of them.

D Squared
The problem with all the covid measures were that it became obvious after a while that they didn't work, and yet so many mayors and governors still kept them going anyway.

Allison Bachus
Pandemic amnesty......absolutely not, people need to be held accountable. No more get out of jail free cards. Monopoly is over. Game over.

Alex Cervantes
Dont want an apology want accountability

Sam Cabeza De Baca
Hell no I will never forget. Forgiveness can start once justice is served

T Square
It's amazing that Trump has been living rent free in their heads for the last two years.

Not happening after losing a job and getting ridiculed for 2 years straight over the sniffles.... I'm pure blood I'm pissed

Erik Oosterwal
One shouldn't expect forgiveness without first being repentant. The authoritarians have learned nothing, they have not changed their attitude or behavior, so they deserve no forgiveness.

Philly Channel
Now they want to escape accountability from all the crimes against humanity they've committed. They wanna play victim's.

Giancarlo Navarro
So they want us to forgive them? My answer is HELL NO! What they did is very UNFORGIVEABLE!

Download here: Brazil-is-falling-into-Civil-War-after-Fake-Elections-2022-11-02.mp4 - 10,120 kb
By: Decoy Voice - 2nd November 2022
Brazil is falling into Civil War...
..after Fake Elections

President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro has lost his election to former President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, but has avoided conceding defeat. Bolsonaro has stated he will follow their constitution, eluding that the conservative will transfer power in January 2023, but now truckers are taking to the streets. Protestors are asking the military to get involved, and others are concerned about the potential escalation in Brazil.

The WEF support is so obvious. Even AOC is chanting him on. It is concerning that other people are meddling in what should be a free election.

When Biden, Trudeau and Macron are congratulating you on your "victory", that should be a a huge red flag right there

Heres a clue: whoever Macron and Biden congratulated is who you SHOULDNT have voted for.

It's weird that some people think this political unrest is only happening in America. Prayers for the people of Brazil.

The CIA was communicating with Lula campaign officials. The CIA is a busy and underhanded agency. They seem to appear whereever major election upsets occur and leaders that are "friendly" with the US gov end up winning under strange circumstances. The CIA was quite interested in Ukraine's elections in the run up to Ukraine's overthrow of the duly elected president in 2014.

Kudos to Brazilians! They seen what happened in the USA now they don't want another Biden!

Dad Maxx
Biden and Trudeau congratulating Lula gives me pause. There is a concerted movement to do the opposite of what the populous wants everywhere in the West.

StillCant BeSilenced
If your prisoners, and criminals celebrate a candidate, you know it's not the "good guy". Ntm, Jair had TONS of support. I don't buy this.

Some Guy
If Biden, Trudeau, and Macron are happy about it, you know something is terribly wrong.

Pete Grizwald
And what's happening in Brazil should be happening in Canada, France and the US for the exact same reasons.

Download here: Leftist-Emily-Oster-Pleads-for-Covid-Amnesty-DESTR0YED-2022-11-02.mp4 - 2,204 kb
By: MEME THE LEFT - 2nd November 2022
Leftist Emily Oster Pleads for Covid Amnesty...

The Northern Territories Howard Springs Covid Quarantine Camp Facility (and hundreds of other such 'death camps' Globally) offered NO AMNESTY to those who refused to participate in Crimes Against Humanity!!

Are these a good place to put the perpetrators and accomplices, as they await their trial and execution for Crimes Against Humanity?

Northern Territories Howard Springs Covid Quarantine Camp Facility

Ned Kelly
Good luck with a Covid Amnesty. Matthew 7:2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

HR at Trucking NZ
I have read Emily's article on a Covid Amnesty and totally agree with her. As a Human Resources lady for a major trucking company in the South Island of New Zealand, I persuaded most of our truck drivers and staff to get the Covid Vaccines, as I really believed in what The Ministry of Health and Jacinda Ardern said.

Okay, so the jabs didn't work and many people are having adverse events such as loss of eyesight, heart attacks and death - but at least they suffered for the right reason.

On the other hand, there were some selfish staff members who absolutely refused to 'get with the programme' and remained unvaccinated, claiming that it was all a violation on human rights! This appalling attitude upset many of the vaccinated staff members. And to add insult to injury, ironically, we are increasingly dependant upon the unvaccinated truck drivers, due to severe staff shortages.

Personally I feel that the unvaccinated are gloating - for the wrong reasons. Yes they were right about the vaccines being ineffective and dangerous; but civil disobedience should NEVER BE TOLERATED!

Caro C
Not only should Americans who did this be held accountable, but every leader around the world who did this to their people.

Chuck Fina
No quarter will be given for those who wanted to remove us from society.

Not Judge Judy
You're sick Child Minder and should be judged and executed!

Child Minder
I have been heavily involved in child trafficking, paedophilia, murder and cannibalism; and feel that as I have a mental disorder and was born a narcissist, I deserve to have an amnesty as well.

We should ask for some things in return. Like what's in Epstein's notebook, what's on Hunter's laptop, what exactly happened on Jan. 6, what happened with the vegas shooting, what exactly happened at the Pelosi house, how did Nancy get so much money in the first place, how did a talking potato get 81 million votes....

I think we might be able to work a few things out.

Reformed Sauron
The arrogance to not even apologize before asking for amnesty is astonishing. Absolutely not. Never forget what they did.

The pendulum is beginning to swing back against those in power. Of course they want amnesty before they lose that power, then they can relax knowing that no action will be taken against them, absolving them of responsibility.

heavy backpack!
She isn't sorry or repentant about whatever disgusting filth she said, did, endorsed, and celebrated in the slightest. She's absolutely terrified. Well, maybe she shouldn't have been such an unhinged abusive POS for no reason aside from her own bloodlust

Absolutely not. They would not give us amnesty if his positions were switched. There needs to be investigations and there needs to be prison time. This needs to never happen again.

CeO VIDeos
the thing is they were never in the dark. they knew it the whole time. and silenced anyone publicly and permanently who spoke out about these atrocities they sought virtue for committing.

The rabbit hole of this scam won't entirely be known for a long time. The deaths left in the wake of these zealots will be of historical proportions. Let them choke on their blood money they so gladly took to lie and participate in the fraud. People like Emily aren't really sorry; they just want to appear to be on the right side of history when the horror of the scam is finally unveiled.

Steven Ryles
They all need to be held accountable. Doctors,scientists, pharmaceutical companies, and Politicians and The Left.

Bier Nut
Never forget, never forgive, no mercy. Let the guilty pay...

Hung P.
Hell no. The number of lives they destroyed and the hypocrisy they have shown us. They need to be held accountable no matter what.

Hunter Albers
There was literal talk of rounding people up in quarantine camps and now they want amnesty...

They showed us who they were and what they were capable of. None of it was trivial, we will not forget!

Congrats MTL, YT awarded you with their little blue box of truth. It seems to be given out to conservative channels when they are over the target or really damn close on stories that go against the false narrative.

Teddy Jackson
"Destroyed thousands of lives" is a severe understatement.

Stephanie Murray
I for one was never 'in the dark' about Covid, I simply followed the science and switched off the media ! Job done, jab not done.

Tino Benson
Amnesty definition: "an official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offenses." "to pardon (someone) officially often before a trial or conviction" Hilarious how the word they use to evade responsibility only confirms their guilt.

Diane Martel
Nobody asks for amnesty if they've done no wrong.

No forgiveness for those who fanatically attempted to eliminate or impoverish the control group in an experiment.

Mark Jenkins
When I was younger I did naughty things, broke the law and was punished for what I had done. They were stupid things and I was sorry and paid my fines, did community service. I was not given and did not get amnesty, and rightly so. Crimes against humanity are quite a lot more serious than the things that I did! So no amnesty and as others have stated, nothing but Nuremberg trials for the guilty participants!

Download here: Vaxtard-Jab-Pushers-Want-Pandemic-Covid-Amnesty-For-Their-Crimes-Against-Humanity-NO-2022-11-01.mp4 - 5,668 kb
By: Jim_Crenshaw - 1st November 2022
Vaxtard Jab Pushers
Want Pandemic / Covid Amnesty
For Their Crimes Against Humanity... NO

Hang them all. They are all murderers.

Police Commissioner Andrew Coster re New Zealand
Police beating up peaceful citizens at the Wellington
Protest: it was “the proudest moment" of his career

1st November 2022

Police Commissioner Andrew Coster - Beating up peaceful citizens at the Wellington Protest: was the proudest moment of his career

Policing in a climate of disinformation
01 Nov 2022

The rapid spread of online disinformation poses one of the biggest challenges to public trust and confidence in police, Commissioner Andrew Coster told delegates to the Police Association's annual conference.

Speaking to the conference theme, Policing: Future Challenges, the Commissioner said the social disharmony fuelled by online "rubbish" during the Covid-19 pandemic provided a glimpse of what the future holds for police.

The Capitol Hill riot following Donald Trump's 2020 US election loss, and aspects of the Parliament protest in Wellington were examples of the damage that disinformation could cause.

Social media companies would need to come under greater scrutiny, especially around presenting balanced content and maintaining public safety from online harms.

He also noted the rise of cybercrime and online fraudsters and the difficulty of holding them to account. In Britain, less than 1 per cent of cybercrime and fraud resulted in prosecution, despite it making up 50 per cent of the crime there. That had resulted in a citizens' "crisis in confidence" towards their police.

New Zealand Police needed to be "really smart" about how it dealt with those problems and manage community expectations. "Otherwise, will people help us when we need help? Will they give us the information we need? Will they come to us when they're victims?"

Organised crime would also look to exploit emerging technologies, he said, citing 3D printers as a particular concern because of the ability to produce untraceable firearms, some of which have already been discovered in New Zealand.

The skills of staff would also need to diversify to tackle online criminal behaviour, he said.

In the longer term, Police would need to tackle issues around climate and environmental change, competition for resources, social diversification, an ageing population and the expanding unregulated online world, he said.

IPCA/OPC report

Taking questions from delegates, Commissioner Coster was asked about the Independent Police Conduct Authority/Office of the Privacy Commissioner report on police taking and storing photos and voluntary fingerprints of people.

He said Police was awaiting advice on whether a challenge through the courts was needed to decide the matter or if it was something that would need to go through Parliament.

He acknowledged citizens' right to privacy and Police's need for intelligence gathering was a balancing act. "Ultimately this is about community trust," he said.


Commissioner Coster warned that "something's got to give" as demand on police grows. He referenced the 60 per cent jump in mental health and family harm callouts in the past five years, compared with Police's 20 per cent increase in staffing.

Police was continually pointing to the need for other government agencies to up their services, he said.

Custody Units

Remedial work on custody units around the country was ongoing in an "incredibly problematic" space for staff safety. Infrastructure costs remained a challenge and "long-running conversations" were continuing about alternative ways to manage custody services.

Proudest day of his career

Commissioner Coster said the way police handled the final day of the Parliament protest was "the proudest moment" of his career. He commended the courage and teamwork that staff showed during the ensuing violence.

It was clear there was insufficient protective equipment to deal with the scale of what eventuated and work was under way to address that, he said. Public order training for officers was part of that.

William Wallace
Police Commissioner Andrew Coster is complicit in Crimes Against Humanity and a repugnant arsehole!

Jason Smith
What an embarrassment the New Zealand Police have become!

Fake PM Jacinda Ardern is one of the biggest causes of mis and dis information in New Zealand, so the police react to her lies and threats and acts of terrorism against the citizens of NZ by beating up defenceless citizens! Shame on you all, you pack of bloody cowards!!!

It is a proven fact that there were 'crisis actors' brought in to create a 'red flag' situation, as a pathetic excuse to send in your front line thugs in police uniform, followed by sworn police officers to arrest protestors under false pretences.

And you all wonder why there is such little respect left for the police! We need genuine Peace Officers; not Policy Enforcers!

And by the way, most of the crowd were law abiding doctors, nurses, teachers, police, truck drivers, business owners, mothers, fathers, grandparents etc; not 'low life scum' like Jacinda Ardern and her minions implied!

The Wheel of Justice maybe turning slowly - but it is still turning. Judgement is coming and in this World, you are all so absolutely FUCKED!

Download here: The-Entire-Stadium-screaming-FUCK-JOE-BIDEN-2022-10-30.mp4 - 2,911 kb
By: The Angela Stanton King Show - 30th October 2022
The Entire Stadium screaming

The entire stadium saying FUCK JOE BIDEN while Barrack Obama tries to speak is the exact AMERICAN energy we need!!! Protect our children! They gotta go

HarlemNatrual Styles
He can't continue to lie to the ppl no more. We are well aware of his foolishness

Styled By Hustler Locs
The ppl have spoken

Kenneth Brown
I'm an American and I approve this message.

Same in New Zealand. The people hate that WEFer bitch Jacinda Ardern and are finally cottoning on to her genocidal program. Most Kiwis want a completely new government. Not different wings of the same evil bird!

Never Gonna stop
I'm an Australian and i approve of this message.

ricardo martinez
And that is how the people really feel. Listen to the sentiments of the voters.

Joseph Wolff
Absolutely amazing! People are tired of this administration.

Nita Norman
HAHAHA. Even Obama can't save him.

Miss Winnie
Let's hope Pennsylvania gives him the same treatment they gave Jill at the football game. Obama has no shame.

Download here: Brad-Hazzard-NSW-Minister-for-Health-blatantly-LIES-about-his-tyranical-Covid-restrictions-2022-10-30.mp4 - 2,181 kb
By: Australians vs. The Agenda - 30th October 2022
Brad Hazzard, NSW Minister for Health,
blatantly LIES about his tyranical Covid restrictions

Our mission is to help create a mass-scale awakening of Australian citizens - a fully empowered, conscious and cooperative collective of individuals.

We want to help you free your mind from what the Government and the media is trying to make you do.

How Chant (Who has not worked as a medical professional in 30 years) and Hazzard who is not medically trained at all could get away with what they did is criminal IMO.

Tori Fisk
He needs to be made accountable for his role in the actions against the rights of the Australian people

Investigations into these lying tyrant's needs to happen!

God bless that beautiful woman for having the courage to point out what a complete fool that guy is.

William Wallace
Where is Ned Kelly when we so desperately need him?

John Holmes
They'll be a reckoning one day for all those imposing authoritarian rules on ordinary people.

Michael Bannerman
Great content. Do not let them revise history to minimise their evil deeds.

Fast Eddie
you should make a series of these until every filthy liar is exposed for the crooks they are

Mick Chopper
This guy needs to pay for his crimes, not just walk away with a fat pension.

Gareth West
You'd think someone who earned THREE degrees at uni - one in science, two in law - would have the ability to memorize large bodies of information, yes? Selective memory of what appears to be a tyrant and coward!

Deadly Marsupial
Just because the sell-out resigned does not mean he is off the hook.

Paddles McBean
They all forget. Never trust or believe anything a politician or a sycophant bureaucrat says.

Download here: Who-is-the-Legend-that-did-this-to-NSW-Health-Minister-Brad-Hazzards-lawn-2022-10-29.mp4 - 831 kb
By: Australians vs. The Agenda - 29th October 2022
Who's The Legend That Did This to
NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard's lawn?

Accurate description of him and many other power hungry politicians. Now he wants to shed crocodile tears. He should be ashamed of everything he did.

John Athanosopoulos
Can't wait to see all of these evil criminals brought to justice.

This man literally makes my skin crawl. Time for a Royal Commission Hearing for his absurd mandates that has destroyed many lives!!

Creekers 11
He must be held accountable for the injustices he forced on the Australian people.

Pirate Pete
Has he no concept of the damage he did to the population? We will NEVER forget. They will have NOWHERE to hide.

Mondegreen 2020
His family should be utterly ashamed of him. History judges tyrants harshly.

New Bleppmore
he is worse than a traditional tyrant because he pretends to be something else. The number of lives this man has taken is probably unbelievable at this point

Oh poor horrible Hazzard, my heart really bleeds for him. Save your crocodile tears, you deserve everything you get and more.

Grace G
Tyrant! How sad for him. Thank you to who ever had the guts to do it! This "Tyrant" deserves to end in jail for the evil harm he causes to millions of Australians.

Badger Mcblasty
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

Download: Justin-Trudeaus-justification-for-invoking-Emergencies-Act-to-persecute-citizens-going-up-in-smoke-2022-10-27.mp4 - 5,309 kb
By: Toronto Sun - 27th October 2022
Justin Trudeau's justification for invoking Emergencies
to persecute citizens 'going up in smoke'

The Sun's political columnist Brian Lilley says the Emergencies Act Inquiry is painting a clear picture the Emergencies Act was invoked by Justin Trudeau because he ran out of patience.

Kevy Baby
Thank you Brian for having the courage for speaking up about this pathetic Prime Minister.

Trudeau needs to not just leave government, but also stand trial in court for his crimes.

Jesse Goodyear
Trudeau needs to stand trial for what hes done to us.

steven ramrodd
How can we trust any politicians or doctors anymore!

Sébastien Riendeau
But what will happen to Trudeau?? A non confidence vote?? This was a time of incredible circumstances, it should invoke a similar response, Trudeau should be held accountable and prosecuted and if found guilty, stripped of his job, his pension and thrown into prison. It should make a future leader think twice about overreaching the people that voted for them....

Wait - "Drag Doug Ford in to the mess..."??

He was fully onboard with invoking the EA. He needs to stand accountable like everyone else who endorsed this fiasco.

We need to pass a new bill not allowing anymore Trudeau's in politics.

1 AB
The police forces need to be held accountable for their role.

Blackfly Canada
Mr Peckfords case was thrown out for "mootness" what a joke this country has become. Justice needs to be equal for everyone!

Trudeau and those who put the Emergencies Act needs into force need to be charged for illegally imposiing the act.

Carey Scriven
If there were ever a time to send a message to our parliamentary leaders that they are NOT above the law and NOT above prosecution and accountability, now is the time. Never in history has any prime minister been so careless and condescending of peoples god given rights.

Download here: Canadian-politician-Danielle-Smith-re-Covid-restrictions-We-are-sorry-for-destroying-your-life-2022-10-28.mp4 - 2,440 kb
By: Carl Vernon - 25th October 2022
Canadian politician Danielle Smith re Covid restrictions:
"We're sorry for destroying your life..."

Reporter: "During your campaign you said that 'not only would you issue an apology to those prosecuted during Covid restrictions, but you would also grant them amnesty.' When can we expect those apologies?"

Premier Danielle Smith: "Um, I can apologize right now. I'm, I'm deeply sorry for anyone who was inappropriately subjected to, er, discrimination, as a result of their vaccine status. I'm deeply sorry, for any government employee that was fired from their job, because of their vaccine status and I welcome them back if they want to come back. As for the amnesty, I have to get some legal advice on that and so, I've already asked my staff to um, to request that advice, so I can see how we would be able to proceed on that. My view has been, that these were political decisions that were made and so I think that they could be political decisions to offer a reversal. But I do want to get some some legal advice on that first."

Johnny Appleseed
CONTEXT. She's apologizing for the government she replaced. She was against it all and won leadership of the party.

The Tweakjunkie
For the folks NOT from Canada, this lady is newly elected (Conservative), she's apologizing for her predecessors.

It's not an apology's that is needed, it's convictions.

Life is ruined because of these punitive rules and mandates. All politicians should go to prison for the mental and physical damage they have inflicted.

Anton Ackermann
We don't want apologies. We want justice.


As an Albertan, I am extremely happy to see someone with courage and a moral backbone. Let's hope these evil people don't have a contingency plan for us serfs.
Prepare ??

No mercy, no apologies needed. Get these politicians out of office that went with any protocol for covid

Bruce Smith
There are a few church pastors in Alberta who were under the heel of the authoritarian boot for merely having their churches open for worship services. They need more remedy than just an apology.

David Allen
simple apologies are not good enough - the fascist decisions imposed had very real consequences for people and anybody who lost their job needs full compensation and those who imposed the nonsense need to be exposed and prosecuted - lessons need to be learnt!

Horde Gaming
Never apologise for the actions of someone else. The right and really only thing to do now is to hold the ones responsible for this including the Canadian PM to account for crimes against humanity, nevermind Canadians.

Download: Meghan-Markle-Duchess-of-Sussex-does-not-want-to-be-seen-as-a-bimbo-Do-you-think-she-regrets-this-2022-10-25.mp4 - 1,810 kb
By: Carl Vernon - 21st October 2022
Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex
does not want to be seen as a bimbo
Do you think she regrets this?

Christopher IPAD
She has no shame but she will blame the white patriarchy.

Darth Vader
She doesn't regret doing it, she just regrets that it's publicly known how she got into her position.

For Megan that wasn't just a role - it's a lifestyle

Rick Ruthless
Needless to say, she blew it

Jacques de Molay
She was so exhausted from always being the victim that she found herself having to a take a nap in the lap of that nice, young boy. Perfectly understandable.

The Man On The Mountain
She thinks she makes the world a favor by being in it. I don't know where all that self confidence comes from, aside the fact she probably has never heard the word "no", but it baffles me how smart, hot, and important she thinks she is.

F. O.
Saying she was "reduced" to a bimbo implies that she's better than one.

Life Crafter
It wasn't a sitcom for her, it was a documentary.

Sir Casm
It's hard to imagine literally being a prince and going after that

Tim Smith
she voluntarily pursued a position where all she had to do was look good and hold a briefcase and then got upset if someone asked her to look good?? I'm fairly certain she knew exactly what was being asked and auditioned for that exact role and I even bet was thrilled when she was selected.

Hon. Mr. Ron Burgundy III, esq.
I've been on this planet almost 40 years and I still cannot even begin to understand how people magazine and national enquirer and all those other supermarket tabloids and celebrity gossip magazines manage to sell a single copy.

C. A. Marsupial.
I'm definitely not a royalist but I can tell you this woman is crazy and has the same sort of power that Will Smith's wife has over her husband.

She is the poster child for hypocrite!

"I'll do it!" She says begrudgingly hiding her face behind her hair "But the Royal Family will pay..."

And the plot continues.

Download here: Try-telling-these-fools-NO-farmers-NO-food-2022-10-21.mp4 - 3,759 kb
By: Carl Vernon - 21st October 2022
Try telling these fools NO farmers NO food

Beautiful New Zealand dairy farm

Sean Higgins
The irony of a vegan saying farmers need to go is beyond ironic

keven venne
The kind of things people say when they believe food grows in supermarkets is astonishing!

Cakes are good!
The ignorance of those two young men is unbelievable. Mom and dad must be so proud.

I am beside myself. Even my 3 year old knows that the food he eats comes from a farm, not the grocery store. Truth, I am scared s*itless for what my son is going to have to live with. My life was easy compared to what he is going to have to tolerate and overcome.

David Wilson
The "Farming needs to stop" guy is probably a university student who's had common sense and critical thinking "educated" out of him.

Ronnie and I
All my life I thought I was really stupid and it turns out I was wrong.

Save Money Keep Warm or Stay Cool
You can't tell most people anything now.

The truth burns them like acid.

I just can't wrap my head around the idea that someone is unaware that they stay alive because of farmers. Absolutely mind blowing

Patty Sherwood
I'm old enough to remember when most families had big gardens and raised a pig in the back yard.

Steve McEvoy
Politicians haven't got a clue about farming but they think they can tell the farmers how it should be done the world is getting crazier by the day

Eva-Vlaardingerbroek-says-young-girls-are-being-sacrificed-on-the-altar-of-mass-migration-Rape-and-organ-harvesting-2022-10-18.mp4 - 8,443 kb
By: GBNews - 18th October 2022
Eva Vlaardingerbroek says young girls are being
'sacrificed on the altar of mass migration'
Rape and organ harvesting
of a 12 year old girl in Paris by migrants!

12 year old Lola...
This angel's name is Lola. Her lifeless body was found in Paris yesterday after she was raped, tortured & nearly decapitated by 4 Algerian migrants. There are dozens of cases like this every year. Our elites have sold out our girls and made them into fair game for these monsters.

Truly exorcise
Many human rights lawyers are quite happy to support these disgusting actions.

Magnus Carter
If only this fantastic young lady was given the same media acclaim as Greta Thunberg.

Scorpio Rob
This Dutch lady EVA speaks words of TRUTH.

Robert Evason
Eva thank you for speaking out, we are too gutless here in the UK for fear of being called racist. Our politicians have failed us and our future generations will never see the England that I grew up in during the 1960's which was courteous, safe, smiley, fun and relaxed and as kids we could go off and play all day without our parents worrying. In fact we never even had a lock on out door. It's so sad. Thank you Mr Blair and the ECHR

Adam Roberts - A Dragon Slayer
needs to be protests, protests that would make the BLM protests pale in comparison

Lisa L.
I feel so ill thinking about this poor, sweet girl. I cannot imagine the grief and the rage of her parents. May this innocent child rest in peace forever. And may the elites advocating open borders never be forgiven for her death. When will the citizens of the West hold these unconscionable politicians accountable in the voting booth? This child was failed by her own society. Was she not deserving of protection? How did we get here?

Those invaders who are unemployable, yet consume housing, food and energy.

Nick T12
I feel terrible for this girl. This is one of the most evil crimes imaginable.

Ashley Christmas
Amazing hearing someone actually speaking the truth

Dave's Hong Kong & China Channel
Truly shocking but not entirely surprising. We know our governments have the capability to track and monitor every one of us and know every aspect of our lives, so why can't they use such capabilities to stop human trafficking and slavery? The only answer is that they are complicit in all of this to a very high level.

Brisbane Born-n-Bred
You have to take to the streets with this story and make the public more aware. Its not racism to warn people about these over-populated monsters who should never be allowed to entre Europe and the UK and use your resources; especially your children and women. Isolate them, shun them otherwise your life is at risk. But speak up about what has and does happen. My heart is broken for Lola and her family.

My God, this breaks my heart. That poor girl. I can't even begin to imagine what her family must be going through right now. My own daughter has just turned 13 and to think this could be her. Just....words fail me. What a sick evil world we live in.

Flossy Park
A friend of mine has a niece by marriage who needed a woman's refuge. The nearest one was Bristol, 30 miles away. She was told in order to keep herself and her daughter safe NOT to go out after dark wait for it…… because of the community that migrated here, allegedly to escape persecution!
I say, send them back and keep our loved ones safe! They broke the law to get here, they don't respect the law or anyone of British heritage, of any colour. Much lessrespect women or girls! Our laws are way to soft when it comes to these heinous crimes

Download here: Australian-Covid-Cops-mess-with-the-WRONG-grandpa-2022-10-13.mp4 - 33,659 kb
By: Avi Yemini - 13th October 2022
Australian Covid-Cops
mess with the WRONG grandpa!

Victoria Police bodycam footage reveals a freedom protester charged with assaulting police had acted in 'self-defence'. Now cops want more time "to gather evidence".

Sub if you are against antifa and BLM
Anytime a police officer does this and it's on film like that they should be charged with making a false police report just like anyone else

steven L
This man is a legend! if only all people would stand up like this gentleman! full support from Canada

The police will likely withdraw the case prior to the court hearing, thereby escaping any ramifications.
The only way this man can possibly get any justice out of this is to bring forward charges against any and all police involved in his unlawful assault..
I think that is a matter worthy of crowdfunding. I hope he goes ahead !

Leefer 19
I love this guy. We all get courage from his courage and sense of humor.

Dream Smuggler
This guy is a legend. Very strong man I've had the pleasure of speaking and standing with. Way too powerful mentally (and physically) to put up with this kind of bullshit.

Thankful for someone getting this on camera to show what really happened

Kyle Owen
Can we please hold these corrupt evil people accountable

Caferacer Caferacer
Respect to you Avi reporting on this. So many Australian police officers have totally abused thier power, been so aggressive and violent it's repulsive. Shame and firm justice on them. I've got relatives in Australia I wanted to visit but would feel safer visiting Iraq. I won't be coming to Australia until it's rational, safe and stable.

Mike Uptegrove
He's smarter than most of Australia combined. Good for this man. Sad we are all living this and letting the criminals who steal taxes from us to abuse us in the name of health using their, "authority", get away with it. I continue to pray to God that these crimes against humanity get severely punished with a trial ten times Nuremberg whereby all involved are hanged public, globally, in unison, so that humanity never ever forgets the punishment for this sort of shit EVER EVER EVER AGAIN!

Download here: All-the-banks-are-broke-and-commiting-FRAUD-The-banking-system-explained-in-1-minute-2022-10-12.mp4 - 1,295 kb
By: WeAreChange - 12th October 2022
All the banks are broke & commiting FRAUD
The banking system explained in 1 minute

All the banks are broke. The're broke because we have a system called FRACTIONAL RESERVE BANKING. Which means that banks can lend money they don't actually have. It's a criminal scandal.

We have counterfeiting, sometimes called QUANTITATIVE EASING - but counterfeiting by any other name. The artificial printing of money, which if any ordinary person did, they'd go to prison for a very long time. And yet governments and central banks do it all the time. Central banks repress the amount of interest rates so we don't have the real cost of money.

And plus underneath all this we talk loosely at a rather cavalier fashion, do we not, about DEPOSIT GUARANTEES. So when banks go broke through their own incompetence and chicanery, the tax payer picks up the tab. It's theft from the taxpayer and until we start sending bankers and I include central bankers and politicians to prison for this outrage, it will continue.

Download here: The-jabbed-are-waking-up-albeit-rather-late-PROFANITY-WARNING-2022-10-12.mp4 - 6,428 kb
By: SixthSense - 12th October 2022
The jabbed are waking up!.. albeit rather late!
Scottish man shares his experience

#covid #injection #democide

Download here: TRUMP-POSTED-ON-TRUTH-SOCIAL-THE-LION-IS-PREPARED-2022-10-10.mp4 - 4,300 kb
By: President Donald Trump - 10th October 2022

Trump Posts TERRIFYING CRYPTIC Video That Will Strike FEAR in All Who Ever Attacked Him.

Anyone else have chills?
God Bless Donald J Trump
God Bless America

Kathy Collins
brought tears. God Bless America and God Bless President Trump.

Lynelle Furbert
GET EM, POTUS!!!! We with you 100 PCT! STAY STRONG AND BRAVE thru this JOURNEY!!! WWG1WGA!!!

Just like at his rallies, it feels kinda special when you see others sharing your support for our true President and our country. God Bless you, and God Bless America!

Tamie Clarke
Love this!! Love President Trump and his family. May Gods plans for the world soon be fulfilled. peace for all nations

Waking UpNow

Kristen George
That is the 7th time I watched that and each time gets more impressive and shows that man's true love for America and the people in it!!!! When he put that hat back on that soldier when the wind blew it off was priceless and something no other President in history would have done!!!! It sent chills through my body it was just beautiful and breathtaking and so honest to GOD true....
I have to go now I'm going to watch it again

Lee Lemon
What President Trump said years before he got into politics "Someday I would like to lose everything for a short while just to find out who my Real friends are" President Trumps wish came True.
We The People Love you Sir. lead on. God Bless you and your Family.

Download: New-Zealand-To-Be-HIJACKED-This-Month-New-Zealand-Is-Rising-Up-Against-Their-Tyrannical-Government-2022-10-10.mp4 - 103,442 kb
By: Stew Peters Network - 10th October 2022
New Zealand To Be HIJACKED This Month
New Zealand is Rising Up
Against Their Tyrannical Government

New Zealand has appealed to people around the world as a possible refuge from disasters overtaking the rest of the globe. The last two years New Zealand has had some of the strictest lockdown policies of any country.

Adolf Ardern is working with George Soros and Klaus Schwab to turn New Zealand into New Naziland.

As she mentioned a few minutes in, homeschool your children. Remove them from these indoctrination centers. They want your children to hate themselves. They want your children to hate you. They want them fat, docile, homosexual, drugged out and dependent on the system. Taking control of your child's education is considered radical. I took control of my children's education right before they entered 1st grade. That's not a popular choice but it's a choice that we had to make.

i hope i see that horrible coke head ardurn swinging from a rope

WEF must be destroyed

She said something that grabbed my attention and she made a point to say it twice. "People need to realize they can never win if they stay in the corporation jurisdiction." This resonated with me. The world is becoming one giant corporation and we NEED to stop agreeing to these idiotic contracts inadvertently and/or get out of them completely altogether. Spiritually speaking we have an Advocate above, but we need to be cognizant down here in the physical as well.

If I hear giant-toothed, coke-head, sell-out Jacinda Arden say, "Build Back Bitter" one more time, my head is going to explode. She's as unlikable as Nancy Pelosi, AOC, Mad Max Waters, or any other demonic witch that we have here in the US. Just as corrupt, too.

I'm American, but thank you Ms. James. As Stew said, you are a hero. As is your husband too, of course. This isn't only about New Zealand, or any other 'single' country, however. The evil that's in the process of enslaving (or exterminating) us all, knows no geographic boundaries. They want to own/control all of Earth, and everyone and everything on it.

This is very much Good vs. Evil, or more accurately - God vs. Satan, the battle that we've always known. However, this time it ends once and for all, I believe.

WE the people need to take these khazarian mafia (Illuminati) thugs down and bring them to justice . They started this long ago . We can sure finish it. Hold your ground and stand together . These people are evil and we have god and truth on our side.

Get us out of the UN!

NZ Police will not help the people, they showed there colours at the Wellington protest that they will assault peaceful people to ern there wages. They dont care about whos laws they follow, they are Tyrants.

Very interesting. To hear what's going on in other countries. Using the same verbiage as us. Fraudulent elections, dictatorship, jabs killing, swamp people, medical tyranny and cabal. It sure solidifies just how global this is. We are no longer conspiracy theorists. We are fighters of our freedoms. Thank you Stew! Wonder if George Soros has his mitts there? Probably.

Sources have advised that NZ has the highest # per capita of people now learning the journey of sovereignty and common lore (law) to undo the paperwork and notify the corporations such as the British Monarchy, the pope/vatican, the American president and other corporations worldwide that they are no longer under their jurisdiction but are in fact sovereign living beings (not a fictional name on a piece of paper for a corporate trust created under admiralty laws at berth (birth) that is used on the stock exchange for these corporates to use to create their wealth and hold power over the masses. People are doing sovereignty and common lore processes in the thousands across NZ (thats a lot for a small country of 5 million). The paperwork being sent is not being rebutted internationally or nationally. The people are strong and rising and there is a lot of belief that King George and William knew how important NZ would and could be in the future as a stronghold against the corrupt corporates and therefore gave one of the largest sums of gold in history (trillions) to the sovereign living natives of NZ (Maori) to hide and protect.
The more people educate themselves and step out of the corporate jurisdiction the more power we have as a people and worldwide to take down the cabal and try and sentence these criminals from around the world. NZ might be small in numbers, but we are mighty in the power we wield...and the elites know this. It's why Ardern pushes the agenda so hard in NZ. The UN and WEF knows the stronghold we have and they feel they need to push us down before we rise in order to break us first. But they were not prepared for the strong, smart and independent kiwi spirit and conviction of New Zealanders. Kia kaha (stay strong) New Zealand!

Over here in NZ, if you align with this movement and you have a gun lisence, expect the Pigs to show up at your door and remove your license and guns, even if you have been a responsible gun owner for decades. I've seen this happen at close range. The tyrannical mindset is that anyone who wants to step out from under the Corporate Government control is mentally unfit to own a gun. Meanwhile, the lunatics in charge of the asylum run around protected by armed body guards. It's pure hypocrisy .

Enrol and be a part of an army against tyrannical world power.
Yes dont let the corrupt corporation keep you under their jurisdiction.
Don't register your car, don't pay wof.
Get your car checked by a mechanic, get a ASC
(automobile safety check sticker) www.freedomriver.wordpress for ASC Labels
And car mechanical check.
Be free from the New Zealand Corporation which is now on the SEC ( Security Exchange Commission )
New Zealand is now a corporation. You must get out of the govt jurisdiction and put the Te Wakaminenga ID in the slot where your rego goes
And go on and buy yourself a new PEACEKEEPER Number plate.

Don't register your children. Don't pay your council rates and stop paying parking ticket and fines. Don't go to court and rebut all letters to your strawman.

Im from NZ we did not need masks to go outside.It was to go to into supermarkets etc.

Ever wonder why over the last year or two they was such an overwhelming number of young people involved in the riots as part of Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Where do you think they came from and what caused them to become radicals or like Barack Obama was, a "community organizer." That's really all he ever was. IIn other words, a rabble-rouser to overthrow the American government and system from the inside.

The main causes of these young people being so brainwashed are two: fatherless homes or weak fathers and government schooling.

Banner is popping up all over New Zealand!
9th October 2022
Try Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern for TREASON banner


The artist has kindly allowed the original artwork to be used by anyone for making banners, posters and perforated car stickers - and can be downloaded for free here:

Download the original PNG artwork here:   Download here...


The above banner costs about $245 to be professionally printed and fitted on perforated sticker material.

Timaru Signs Graphix
Ph: 03 688 9226


Comments from Facebook's 'Well Bugger Me New Zealand' page:

Well Bugger Me New Zealand
Good Kiwi's out there...this is wonderful

Fleur Hansen
There definitely needs 1 more tick on that poster!!!

Dave Groube
Yeap should charge the whole labour party with her

Paul Steele
Funny thing is, people think things will be better under a Nat/Act coalition......yeah right

Tersia Todd
Truer than true!
What she has done to New Zealand!!!
Mugabe did to Rhodesia now Zimbabwe!!!!
May be an image of text

Ange Farrell
I want one!

Graham Watts
That list is just the tip of the ice berg for the things that mole's done, needs to be tried for being a self serving lying commy!

Gabby Marshall
I will only be satisfied , once she faces charges for crimes against humanity.

Shaun Ashton
Oooh I'd like 1 of them

Evie Strathern
Where do we get one of these?

Ricky Leach
That's awesome!

Jonathan Sturric
Remember who is her boss
WEF has been 'upfront' about 'Great Reset' agenda

Cheryll Edwards

Rachel Hansen
Bloody brilliant! I want one.

Larry Carne

Anna Edwards
Brilliant - should be mass produced!

Laurie Inskeep
Love it - everyone should have one!!

Samantha Ciatara
Let's get a tick on that last box!!!!

Leigh Sefton
So good !

Mark Jefferies
We need a good supply of those Unite against Ardern 24 stickers too !

Adele Marsh
Love it!

Christina Henning
Genius!! Absolute truth!

Paul Cartmell
Blindfold Treatment is what she needs

Lee Herbert
Love it, and so true, hopefully the last one will get a tick

Damion Andrew-waenga

Jennifer Jane Coad
Left wing
Right wing
Same bird

Stephen Houghton
Hurry up n tick that last box - family fun day out a big tree n rope free bbq for all hopefully - I'm in gets boring stuck at home

Lew Fee
Fyck yes!

Patrick Grey
So when are any of you people going to do something except moan. Why don't you collect your evidence and hire a lawyer?

Stef Dee
where can I get one?

John Bailey Dodson Cook
Where do I get one

Tony Thompson
Things worldwide are hotting up.
Major court cases in the states are coming in October, Durham, Weiss & the case in the supreme court concerning who makes election laws.
Looks like the US has troops in Ukraine but we have devolution in place so Biden doesn't control the military, the white hats do. Financial stress in the stocks & banking sections & all coming to a head with the US midterm elections soon.
Storm warnings everywhere.

Nigel Anderson

Danielle Commerer
Love this!

Lachimi Rose
Spotted this truck in timaru pak n save lol

Mark Mcivor
And that's just the short list

Rache Hughes
David John Hughes is this the ute you saw yesterday?? Awesome!

Therese Conlan
Short version of the list

Julz Bennett
Love this

James Deacon
Slippery eel ardern

J-m Syronfarms
Needs a bigger car

Nissan Terrano
So... horse walks into a bar and the barman says... "Why are you such a cunt? By doing what Klaus Schwabb wants you to do" The end

Carl Akl

Jo Fraser
Love this for the car

Download: ROYAL-FAMILY-SECRETS-King-Charles-IIIs-Plan-to-Kill-90-Percent-of-Global-Population-and-Enslave-Humanity-2022-10-08.mp4 - 154,955 kb
By: James Red Pills America - 8th October 2022
King Charles III's Plan to Kill 90%
of Global Population & Enslave Humanity!

In this RIVETING mind-blowing episode, we're going to cover a few of the SHOCKING SECRETS about King Charles III and the Royal Family, that the Masses Were Never Meant to Know!

Is there really a PLOT & PLAN to KILL and ENSLAVE 90% of the global population?! Trust me when I tell you that the Royal Family is steeped in some of the most EVIL ACTS in the history of the world - and this is NOTHING when it comes to the lengths they will go to retain control over most of the world. This video is a DAMNING account of this; and many more EVIL PLANS the Royal Family has for the global population.

#royalfamily #secrets #evil

Download: WPATH-Gender-Affirming-Doctor-Shows-Concern-For-Mental-Health-of-Minors-After-Gender-Transition-Surgeries-2022-10-07.mp4 - 25,244 kb
By: Project Veritas - 7th October 2022
WPATH Gender Affirming Doctor
Shows Concern For Mental Health of Minors
After Gender Transition Surgeries
  • Dr. Daniel Metzger, WPATH: "We try to talk about it [transgenderism], but most of the kids are nowhere in any kind of brain space to talk about it really -- in a serious way. That's always bothered me, but you know, we still want the kids to be happy."
  • Dr. Metzger: "The Pediatric Endocrinology Society meeting -- some of the Dutch researchers gave some data about young adults who have transitioned and have reproductive regret. Like, regret, and it's there, and I don't think any of that surprises us."
  • On October 3, The American Academy of Pediatrics, The American Medical Association, and The Children's Hospital Association called on U.S. Attorney General, Merrick Garland, to investigate those who expose the transgender surgery industry for its potential harm to children.
  • According to Forbes, the transgender surgery industry is a $200B+ market.

[MINNEAPOLIS – Oct. 6, 2022] Project Veritas released a new video today which shows medical professionals associated with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health [WPATH] discussing the regret many underage people go through after gender-affirming surgery.

Dr. Daniel Metzger was recorded during a video conference meeting where he highlighted some of these findings.

"We try to talk about it [transgenderism], but most of the kids are nowhere in any kind of brain space to talk about it really -- in a serious way. That's always bothered me, but you know, we still want the kids to be happy," Metzger said.

"The Pediatric Endocrinology Society meeting -- some of the Dutch researchers gave some data about young adults who have transitioned and have reproductive regret. Like, regret, and it's there, and I don't think any of that surprises us," he said.

There has been a lot of controversy surrounding this topic. Earlier this week, several influential health organizations in the United States asked that social media accounts that question the highly lucrative gender-affirming surgery industry for children to be investigated.

Joan McDonald
I was banned from commenting on fb for stating that I considered trans to be a mental illness and that many will take their own lives. Fb said it considered that hate speech. I'm glad you're covering this PV. This practice is horrendous!

The double standard is outrageous. The fact these doctors get excited about how much money they're bringing in is disgusting to say the least when they're messing with these kids' lives.

Terry J Childs
God bless you James and the staff at Project Veritas for all the hard work that you all do trying to shed light on these evil people.

Project Veritas is and has always been true and faithful journalism.
God Bless James and his outstanding team.

Thomas Wilk
This was already known because adults that transition are 80% likely to regret the decision afterwards. This is because they realize rather quickly it didn't solve their mental problem and instead it made things worse for them.

Download: Freedom-Party-Leader-confronts-Dan-Andrews-about-Crimes-Against-Humanity-and-Going-to-JAIL-2022-10-07.mp4 - 2,617 kb
By: Reignite Democracy Australia - 7th October 2022
Freedom Party Leader confronts Dan Andrews
about Crimes Against Humanity
and Going to JAIL

Freedom Party Leader confronts Dan Andrews
This is brilliant to watch, I must say! How many of us dream of this moment!
He has guts!
RDA isn't pushing a particular party at this point, but if you wanna know more about The Freedom Party of Victoria, go to

William Wallace
I wonder if Dan Andrews even has a soul? He certainly has no conscience!

Dream Create
Well done Morgan. More need to confront like this. Too many complying by saying nothing. The wiling muppets that surround him also make my skin crawl.

Brave reporter. Thankyou for your compassion for the people.

steve rutherford
Great Stuff!!! He needs to be bought to account for his crimes against the people of Victoria and Australia!!!

Good job mate, it's the first time someone actually confronted the creep, more of this needed. Thank you

celestine zamolxiana
Well done, Morgan! You are a brave Aussie! Holding you in my prayer...

Oliver Smith
Can't blame the coward for refusing to face his victims. He may have just been following orders but he still needs to be punished for his crimes though

Peak Aussieman
Wouldn't it be one hell of a shitshow if Victoria went full on third positionist and threw out the two party-duopoly in a super majority. Or even just a hung parliament.

A typical gutless wonder who knows he's done bad says nothing when confronted. Anyone who knows they did their best would stop and talk. My hatred for that guy is...

Paul Martin
"Staying apart keeps us together" people fell for it and Andrews' full-on 1984 dictatorship.

Download here: Trump-sues-CNN-for-defamation-seeking-US475-million-2022-10-04.mp4 - 6,716 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 4th October 2022
Trump sues CNN for defamation,
seeking $US475 million

Donald Trump is suing CNN, claiming the network carried out a "campaign of libel and slander" against him.

The former American president has claimed the TV network used its influence as a leading news organisation to defeat him politically.

Mr Trump said CNN hosts and commentators used defamatory labels against him like: "racist," "Russian-lackey," "insurrectionist" and "Hitler."

Trump is seeking $US475 million in punitive damages.

CNN declined to comment on the case.

No Name
If everyone sued the media for lying, think about how much things would change.

Dee Torrance
Yes! We need to make media accountable for the things they put out!

Mr Truth
Other networks need to be held accountable also

Jennie A.
He should sue them. They constantly twisted his words, fabricated stories, used anonymous sources to tell outright lies, and took things out of context.

Galactic Infochine
I honestly feel like this shouldn't be a hard case and it's suprising this is just now happening

They've accused him of literally everything over the years....

Sylvia Villalobos
Finally they need to understand that promoting lies can bring a lawsuit. Bravo and go for the rest of individuals that lied about you

Download: Anarchist-Teacher-Wants-to-Burn-Down-the-System-After-Being-Exposed-for-Woke-Indoctrination-2022-10-04.mp4 - 15,834 kb
By: Project Veritas - 4th October 2022
'Anarchist' Teacher Wants to
'Burn Down the Sytem'
After Being Exposed for 'Woke' Indoctrination

'Anarchist' Middle School English Teacher Admits He Wants to 'Burn Down the Entire System' After Previously Being Exposed for 'Woke' Indoctrination of Students … 'Fuck' the Parents … 'I'm Your Parent Now'

  • Tyler Wrynn, Will Rogers Middle School English Teacher: "I am an anarchist."
  • Wrynn: "So, I have a rather large TikTok following. I'm an authority figure. So, I [publish] a Christmas message of, 'Hey, if your parents don't love and support you for who you are this Christmas, FUCK them. I'm your parent now. I love you. Drink some water. I'm proud of you.'"
  • Wrynn: "The only thing that's a problem here [in Oklahoma] is that House Bill 1775 or something. I can get my license revoked for it, for being too woke…Trust me, I want to burn down the entire system."
  • Wrynn: "Eventually, you want to remove Christianity -- or religion [as a whole] -- from progressive thought, because religion is inherently hierarchical."

[Tulsa, Okla. – Oct. 3, 2022] Project Veritas released a new video from its #SecretCurriculum series today exposing an Eighth Grade English Teacher who admits to indoctrinating children against the parents' will with the end goal of overthrowing the American system of government.

Tyler Wrynn, who is employed by Will Rogers Middle School in Tulsa, Oklahoma, told a Veritas journalist that he fears losing his job as an educator because it could get in the way of his ideological plans for the country.

"The only thing that's a problem here [in Oklahoma] is that House Bill 1775 or something. I can get my license revoked for it, for being too woke…Trust me, I want to burn down the entire system," Wrynn said.

HB 1775 Emergency Rules states that its purpose is to "be the policy of the Oklahoma State Board of Education to prohibit discrimination on the basis of race or sex in the form of bias, stereotyping, scapegoating, classification, or the categorical assignment of traits, morals, values, or characteristics based solely on race or sex. Public schools in this state shall be prohibited from engaging in race or sex-based discriminatory acts by utilizing these methods, which result in treating individuals differently on the basis of race or sex or the creation of a hostile environment."

In one section of HB 1775 labelled "Parents Rights," the bill reads:

Parents and legal guardians of students enrolled in Public Schools in this state shall have the right to inspect curriculum, instructional materials, classroom assignments, and lesson plans to ensure compliance with 70 O.S. §24-157(B). Consistent with 20 O.S. § 2001-2002, no public school shall interfere with or infringe upon the fundamental rights of parents to determine their child's education.

Wrynn, who describes himself as an "anarchist," appears to take issue with parents who get involved in the education of their own children.

"So, I have a rather large TikTok following. I'm an authority figure. So, I [publish] a Christmas message of, 'Hey, if your parents don't love and support you for who you are this Christmas, FUCK them. I'm your parent now. I love you. Drink some water. I'm proud of you,'" he said.

The English Teacher also discussed the issues he has with religion.

"Eventually, you want to remove Christianity -- or religion [as a whole] -- from progressive thought, because religion is inherently hierarchical."

This educator had been previously exposed by Libs of Tik Tok, who reposted and called attention to a video where Wrynn insulted his students' parents that refuse to conform to transgender ideology.

Project Veritas is the best investigative journalist left in America

This is just another example of why we should take tax money out of schools and let parents choose who teaches their children

WhyLeeCoyote ?
It's unbelievable to me that somebody who looks like that is allowed to work in proximity to children.

john king
Obviously the system has made him feel comfortable enough to be able to continuously do this

"Christianity is bad because there is a hierarchy."
"I'm huge on Tiktok. I'm an authority figure."

Ohhhhh. So you're not opposed to power. You WANT power. Power over it.

Eristic Freethinker
Remember, some school administrator interviewed him, got to look at him, talk to him, ask him questions about his teaching approach, check his references, review his social media, etc., and they still hired him. This is a system wide problem. Until parents wake up and pay attention to what's being said and taught by these "teachers" and vote for school boards that care about students, this will continue to get worse.

Europa Chronicles
Step one when hiring teachers: don't hire someone who looks like this.

Download: Jacinda-is-Concerned-about-Low-Votes-So-Offers-Climate-Change-as-a-New-Threat-to-the-Pacific-Islands-2022-10-04.mp4 - 4,925 kb
By: Carl Vernon - 4th October 2022
1 dot Jacinda Ardern
Jacinda is Concerned about Low Votes
So she offers Climate Change
as a New Threat to the Pacific Islands
When trust is at an all-time LOW!

Reporter: "Morena, thank you for being with us this morning. Can we start um this morning with local elections? Across the board, we know that so far, there's been a very low voter turn out. Do you have any concerns about this at all?"

Dictator of New Zealand, Jabinda Ardern: "Oh, oh, I, I've concerns any time, er - and there is one singular focus of the Pacific region, uh, at present, ah, and that is CLIMATE CHANGE because it's a SECURITY ISSUE; it's an ECONOMIC ISSUE and it poses a DIRECT THREAT to the well-being and livelihoods of our Pacific Neighbors..."

Khajiit 82
If you are an adult and you still trust a politician... there is no hope for you.

Donna Williams
I believe everything you say about climate change just like I believe everything you say about covid

Kenzie Campbell
Every time I think about how bad it is here in this corner of the empire, I see a brief view of her inauthentic smile and know the Kiwis really got screwed

Masta Beta
If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it

I used to think that brutal and public executions of tyrants was unnecessary and cruel... but I was wrong.

Te Moana Johns
As a NZer, thank you for trashing this woman

Dylan McGowan
I'd rather my dictators screamed at a lecturn than feign a type of insidious insincerity that I don't believe I've seen before .
Unless she's genuinely Not well mentally and has actual conviction in the madness she spews. In which case - get her some help .

Download here: She-Asks-About-TOXIC-MASCULINITY-But-CANNOT-DEFINE-It-2022-09-28.mp4 - 15,073 kb
By: Virtuous Men - 28th September 2022
She Asks About TOXIC

Young woman asks Jordan Peterson about toxic masculinity, but when he asks to her define the term, she doesn't have an answer...

#jordanpeterson #toxicmasculinity

nick haydt
The interviewer tried to save her and move onto the next question, but her toxic femininity didn't allow her to take a seat ...

I've seen way more toxic femininity over the last 2 decades than toxic masculinity. I think most can agree

David C
I used to worry about my two daughters finding decent men to marry. These days that's changed. I now worry more for my son finding a decent woman.

Cárdenas R.
I've said it so many times, toxic masculinity doesn't exist, everything they call toxic behavior it's in fact being an a-hole, which of course people from both sexes can be, except they want to adscribe those obnoxious behaviors to men exclusively and even think of the a-holery as a fundamental part of manhood which is not only ridiculous but in fact quite sexist.

My 17 year old niece told me she wants to be a social justice warrior. I asked her what social justice is. Her answer was "uhm uhm idk what it is but it's important" I asked how she can know it's important if she doesn't know what it is. She just shrugged. Then I spent a half hour showing videos of SJW in action. She doesn't want to be one anymore lol

creative source
I like that JP didn't ridicule the woman who was trying hard to communicate in English. Instead he made a point that toxic masculinity cannot be defined and it can go both ways.

dan parish
She really, really wanted to say that questioning the existence of toxic masculinity was an expression of toxic masculinity.

Download here: What-is-happening-to-Americas-Cities-Welcome-to-Joe-Bidens-America-2022-09-28.mp4 - 20,620 kb
By: TheDC Shorts - 28th September 2022
What's Happening To America's Cities?
Welcome to Joe Biden's America

Images out of some American cities are looking downright scary.

Happy Mac
Is this the result of Joe Biden calling our Creator God "The thing..."?

This is what happens when you force people to argue about pronouns instead of actually addressing the nation's real problems

Lets go Gavin!
Homelessness wasn't this bad when The Terminator himself was running California.

That Guy
Man, the new graphics on Cyberpunk are fantastic. They really got that Dystopian Street look. Wait, this is real life?

Just vote for a Dem and you can have that in your city too...

James Bell
I was born & raised in a town of 500. I couldn't wait to move to "the big city". I did & after 20yrs I couldn't get back to my little home town quick enough. I escaped the city 10yrs ago before it got really bad & lived in a city that isn't nearly as bad as those featured. Still, I'm glad my city life itch got scratched when I was young & during a time when people took pride in their city & country. It's sad to see what this nation has become but it's exactly what some higher ups want. Broken people are easy to control.

Download: Jacindas-Covid-19-Genocide-Programme-now-being-replaced-with-Climate-Change-Genocide-Programme-2022-09-28.mp4 - 5,879 kb
By: Carl Vernon - 28th September 2022
Jacinda's Covid-19 Genocide Programme now being
replaced with Climate Change Genocide Programme
1 dot Jacinda Ardern

William Wallace
What an evil bitch! As a Prime Minister (sic) she is supposed to be serving her constituents; not using her position to further her own Globalistic agendas and genocide programmes!

Erol Sayn
She's nothing but a WEF employee working against the ones she claims to be serving.

Kevin Connolly
Yes let's hand over individual freedoms to a faceless group of non elected officials half a world away...right.

Jerry Jones
She might as well point at the screen, and say "I'm selling you and your rights out to the largest corporations on earth." Would save the people there some time.

What a fantastic speech written by Klaus Schwab.

Marcel Stanford
"It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong."

Thomas Sowell.

Sue Syme
She needs to be held account for all the harm she's done to the people of NZ…

Michael Lawlor
Lock her up.

It's hard for me to accept that a majority of people vote for leaders like her (or whatever pronoun "it" uses).

Download here: New-Italian-Government-Incredible-Speech-by-Prime-Minister-Giorgia-Meloni-2022-09-27.mp4 - 10,080 kb
By: Reignite Democracy Australia - 27th September 2022
New Italian Government
Incredible speech by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni

Is this a win for liberty that Giorgia Meloni won the Italian election?
Love to hear your thoughts?

Wow what a women. Powerful and brave. Exactly what our leaders are not.

Meh Di
This woman is dynamite. Another centre right conservative leader has risen!

M Ferretti
Thank you everyone! Italy has done extremely well! This woman has brought back hope for tomorrow again, in myself and majority of italians! As i live here in Australia however, I do hope that we will have freedom back again soon!!! God bless us all!!!

Judi Bee
Bloody well said, well stated. Rise UP, people and families!! Everyone, everywhere!! Humanity will rule when you do. Peace be with you . With love, an Australian

Dwayne White

I hope she looks at severing ties with the EU and, throws out all the WEF sympathisers in parliament. Best news of the day by far

That's it, I finally found a country with a leader that I desire to live in !! Happy for the Italian people !!!

I guess the threat from the EU didn't sway the people. Good for them. Bravo .

Jeff Whellum
I fear for this woman's life… the most inspirational speech I've ever heard… Bravo

Fasten Then Zip
The weak, pathetic, so-called leaders we have in comparison!! Great video...wish the best for the Italians.

Peak Aussieman
It's a shame Australia is too fossilised onto the boots of globalism like barnacles to a rusty ship. But hey, two country's in the EU in as many weeks ain't too bad. Who knows? As far as the Anglosphere countries go, Victoria might actually be the first one to fall which would be ironic because as Victoria goes, so goes the nation.

Download here: Vaccinated-Man-Apologises-to-the-Unvaccinated-2022-09-24.mp4 - 11,780 kb
By: Reignite Democracy Australia - 24th September 2022
Vaccinated Man Apologises to the Unvaccinated
Jabbed or not - I am sorry!!

Jabbed or not...#ImSorry

I have no idea who this man is, but I am responding to what he did...I AM ALSO SORRY.

My video is after his.

If this inspires you, why not make your own video and post it...

Use the hashtags #ImSorry and #MendTheDivide

Big Eye
To all the jabbed, my heart breaks for what some of you are going through physically or what you and your children may go through.

Lee Court
Kudos to this guy for recognising that they were lied to.

This. This is the best thing ever. We don't get to point the finger of blame at others so we can wash our hands and play victim.
Its not until every individual takes personal responsibility for this shitfight that it can end.
While i remain unjabbed, I now know we all let it happen. We all did our best. We all did what we thought was safest, no matter which side we are on.
I'm sorry too. I'm sorry I judged. I'm sorry for the loss we've all suffered on every level. I'm sorry for my anger and refusal to listen.
I'm sorry for the vaxed who were lied to, forced, threatened, cooerced and emotionally blackmailed into it.
I take full responsibility for my choices good and bad.
There is no failure, only learning.
Stay safe everyone. Much love.

a great video and message.Big respect to the Big man,that takes courage and wisdom and he is a great example to us all.It is time to get together and realise who our real enemies are.Peace

Mend the divide. This is the direction we need to go

Nic Gordic
Division will always cause harm! As far as I'm concerned, that man who said sorry is my brother! I'll be praying for his protection and well being.

Robyn Gibbs
The last 2 years has confirmed to me the pettiness and ignorance of my family ... I am unjabbed...

Download: MUST-WATCH-Brave-Parents-Are-FURIOUS-at-Cos-Cob-Public-School-Board-Members-Over-Jeremy-Boland-2022-09-23.mp4 - 31,599 kb
By: ProjectVeritas - 23rd September 2022
MUST WATCH: Brave Parents Are
FURIOUS at Cos Cob Public School
Board Members Over Jeremy Boland

why does a school board official make $400k/year ?!

And so it begins.

This took far too long . . . bless those who found their courage.

Civil lawsuits, make them accountable financially

Awesome parents

Big thumbs up to these people. I say thanks to them and Project Veritas .

Every teacher hired by using bias must be required to re-apply for the job and be forensically investigated for what they taught in the classroom

Great parental involvement- let's hope more parents continue to get involved.

Download here: When-a-Polish-Lawyer-is-told-to-put-on-a-mask-2022-09-23.mp4 - 4,793 kb
By: Carl Vernon - 23rd September 2022
When a Polish Lawyer is told to put on a mask…

Dri Ven
So it takes three thugs to violently remove a non hostile, non threatening man from a desk. That's modern police work for you.

Ronoc F
Fair play to him showing the ridiculousness of the whole farce

Keith Harrison
Finally, an example of a lawyer one can actually respect.

Minority Respecter
Wearing a mask to stop a microscopic airborne virus is like using a tennis racket as an umbrella

TK Gus
That man is a hero, and a patriot of a free Western state.

Brandon Reed
As it has ALWAYS's not about health, it's about CONTROL. He wanted him to comply. So he an extreme. So the judge felt disrespected and needed to put him in his place. NOTHING to do with health. More follow our commands or face the consequences. That lawyer is a MAN!

Stand up against the tyrants guys. No more feeding the entitled govt employees on taxes and fines. Let them all start looking for real jobs.

Download here: Chuck-Her-in-the-Boot-Queens-Funeral-Ozzy-Man-Reviews-2022-09-21.mp4 - 12,938 kb
By: Ozzy Man Reviews - 21st September 2022
Chuck Her in the Boot - Queen's Funeral
Ozzy Man Reviews

Here's me commentary on the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. As a royal family expert, it's important I covered this topic ay. Cheers everyone.

Download here: Why-Only-Idiots-Do-Not-Go-to-College-2022-09-21.mp4 - 36,917 kb
By: AwakenWithJP - 21st September 2022
Why Only Idiots Don't Go to College!

Here's why you should definitely go to college!

There's a difference between education and intelligence.

Frank and Beans
I was bitter in my twenties when I was denied enough in student loans to pay for a state school. My parents had financial troubles of their own and couldn't help. I worked multiple jobs in construction, landscaping, and demolition. I also worked in a deli and a liquor store. I learned a lot of skills along with people skills. I put myself through community college and now make six figures a year. Getting denied student loans was a blessing from above.

Kirt Spencer
We need more plumbers in today's world with all the shit being pushed!

Diver Down
Started in construction. Went to truck driving school. Earned good money. Got off the road and went to trade school for tool & die making. Learned CNC programming and moved up. Built a great life for my family. No mortgage. Own my cars out right. Kids go to Catholic school. Not in debt. Thank you dad for teaching me that working with your hands is not just rewarding to the soul, but gives you purpose and can support a family.

My Dad was awful in school and still struggles with reading and writing. He is a skilled welder, He is skilled in carpentry. He can build a home from foundation to finish. He can make fancy furniture. He built his own contractor business with a few hand tools and used a station wagon for a truck to start. I remember going to get a load of plywood loaded on the roof racks lol. He is also skilled at farming, and gardening.

Mel Brown
My husband and I both went to college. He was a history major and I majored in psychology. Now my husband is a teacher and I homeschool our kids. I regret going to college and collecting all of that debt. I'm trying to encourage my kids to not go to college unless they have a direct career path that requires college.

No college. Worked construction my whole life. Own my home outright. Started a family. Now I work a few days a month to pay the bills. Life's good.

Download: Counterspin-Media-Hosts-In-Court-Day-2-Threatened-by-NZ-Government-for-exposing-treason-2022-09-21.mp4 - 463,779 kb
By: CounterspinMedia - 21st September 2022
Counterspin Media Hosts In Court: Day 2
Threatened by NZ Government for exposing treason

Executive Producers and Hosts of 'Facts and Evidence' based platform 'Counterspin Media' Kelvyn Alp and Hannah Spierer addressed the crowd that came out in support this morning outside the Christchurch Justice Precinct.

KELVYN ALP, facing 2 charges, each with a penalty of 14 years and fines of $200,000 among others.

HANNAH SPIERER, facing 1 charge with a penalty of 14 years and a fine of $200,000 among others.

KELVYN and HANNAH are jointly charged with allegedly distributing a link to an investigative documentary on the 22nd February, deemed an objectionable publication under the Films, Videos and Publications Classifications Act 1993 on the 25th of February this year, after being noticed by a department of New Zealand's Internal Affairs, on the 23rd.

KELVYN has also been charged individually with distributing the documentary and both he and HANNAH are charged with failing to provide a reasonable excuse to assist a person exercising a search power when requested to do so under Section 130(1) of the Search and Surveillance Act 2012 on the 25th August.

A trial by Jury has been elected.

We shall bring you further updates as the situation develops.

Dear fellow Kiwis,

I greatly appreciate the work of COUNTERSPIN MEDIA who is courageously exposing the egregious crimes being inflicted on New Zealanders.

The NZ Government and the Mainstream Media have become a cesspit of lies and the echo chamber of delusions.

Shouldn't We INVESTIGATE Whether Pathogenic Viruses Actually Do Exist?

Doctors and scientists are clinging to an assumption taught at medical school, believing it to be a scientific fact, that pathogenic viruses have been isolated in the lab. They accept this assumption with blind faith without ever examining the validity of the methods used to reach this conclusion.

Dr Michael Yeadon, Chief Scientist and Vice President at Pfizer for 16 years, acknowledges in a recent interview that he has "revised his view" of viruses. He said that "respiratory viruses don't exist." An astonishing u-turn for someone who's entire education and career is based on the belief that pathogenic viruses exist.

A clip from the interview.

I came across an article in Global Research by Dr Michael Yeadon entitled, "The Most Important Single Message I've Ever Written."

He's right on the money!

Dr. Mark Bailey has just published an important paper that completely dismantles virology and the existence of viruses.

It covers:

The history of virology and the failures of the virologists to follow the scientific method.
All major aspects of virological fraud.
How the COVID-19 fraud was started and maintained.
How the PCR creates the illusion of a pandemic.
The startling admissions of major health institutions revealing their pseudoscientific practices.

This essay is a monster at over 28,000 words! However, it puts the final nail in the coffin for the virus promoters.


looks a cold blustery morning, well done those folks for turning up... would have been nice if the team of 5 million had shown support ! or at least 3% of them

The charges that have brought against Kelvyn and Han are bullshit charges. The powers that be are trying to suppress the truth. I hope they have a good lawyer who will be able to represent them well, so that the erroneous charges will be dropped and the idiots who have brought it will look red faced. God helps those who help themselves. Kia Kaha Counterspin Media. Do not comply and do not give in. Take up your shields, take up your swords and don't give these wankers another inch - as Christian Mack from #reclaimtheline would say in his half time speech.

We are being controlled by a totalitarian government - counter-spin says it as it is. Hang in there guys

Download: Marthas-Vineyard-is-full-of-racists-2022-09-17.mp4 - 3,542 kb
By: Benny Johnson - 17th September 2022
Martha's Vineyard is full of racists
The hypocrisy of government with refugees

Jennifer Shelton
Wow the love and compassion of these people is so heartwarming

Space girls cry
So much for Martha's Vineyard being sanctuary

Share The Love...
Enough Said!!!

Marshall Mosley
You'd think they'd house them just to one up. But they just can't help but to show their true colors

john fearnley
Send 50,000 more, Obama owns 30 acres there, plenty of room for everybody. Plenty of summer homes soon to be vacant for the off season plenty of shelter.


The SongBird
Finally... now MSM is having to cover this mess!

They call us racist when we contest their policies and then they call us racist when we share their policies with them

Download: 2-buses-of-illegal-immigrants-dropped-off-at-Vice-President-Kamala-Harris-residence-at-nations-capitol-2022-09-16.mp4 - 10,753 kb
By: Carl Vernon - 16th September 2022
2 buses of illegal immigrants
dropped off at Vice President Kamala Harris
residence at nations capitol

When the illegal immigration problem hits your own backyard…

Right now the breaking news we're going to tell you about, is at the nation's capitol. We've got two buses of immigrants - they've come from Texas. They've been dropped off at the Naval Observatory; that is the official residence of Vice President Kamala Harris.

This is video from a little bit earlier. We do have a reporter on the scene trying to get the lay of the land right now. Most of these folks are are here seeking asylum; this is the way they've been doing it in texas. They process them for their asylum claims and then they send them on a bus; and these folks are outside the Naval Observatory.

Reporter: "Vice President Harries. Any comment on the migrants that were dropped off at the Naval Observatory?"

No answer...

Reporter to a woman from Martha's Vineyard: "What are the most difficult challenges?"

"The difficult challenges are, uh... we have at some point in time they have to move, to somewhere else. Right. We, we cannot, we don't have the services - to take care of 50 immigrants - um and we certainly don't have housing - we're in a housing crisis as we are on this island; and so we don't, we can't house everyone here, that lives here and works here; we don't have housing for 50 more people..."

Reporter asks immigrant: "Lastly, uh, do you believe that President Biden, has made it possible for you to come here; and what would you like to say to President Biden."

Immigrant: "I am, my gratitude to the president and all the members of the government. That's all."

More immigrants should be housed in marthas vineyard and washington dc. After all, they have been supporting fair and equal treatment of refugees all these years. They should be looking after them without question.

Thank The Universe
This is fucking hilarious... Whoever is behind this needs a medal.

Chris Minister of Smartarsery
I think the wonderful enrichment of diversity should be felt by all rich and or gated communities. They voted for it.

FOCO Gringo
I'm American & Could NEVER afford going to Martha's Vineyard!!! Slow clap for the Left

Salty Sergeant
Imagine that. Martha's vineyard has some of wealthiest people. How do they NOT have space? Why do they need to leave? Why do they not have the "services", considering their vast resources?

This is what happens when YOU have to deal with what YOU voted for.
It's all fun and games when it happens in someone else's backyard eh?

Download here: Royal-guard-collapses-while-guarding-the-Queens-coffin-2022-09-16.mp4 - 6,883 kb
By: PoliticsJOE - 16th September 2022
Royal guard collapses
while guarding the Queen's coffin

The guard lands face-first on the concrete in Westminster Hall while the Queen lies in state, and is eventually led away by officials.

Lots of people are dropping these days - think Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) or Cause Unknowm (CU). Or maybe the guard simply fainted...?

Download: Jacinda-Is-Asked-About-Inquiry-into-Governments-COVID-Response-With-Close-Ups-of-Body-Language-2022-09-14.mp4 - 9,295 kb
By: Coronavirus Plushie - 14th September 2022
Jacinda is Asked About Inquiry
into Government's COVID Response
(With Close-Ups of Body Language)

Ryan Bridge asks Jacinda about a future Inquiry into the government's response to Covid and what form it might take.

I wrote to Bombard's Body Language ( and asked if she'd be into doing an analysis of this one. If she does, I'll share it.

When someone lie they wrinkle their forehead

My Fellow Kiwi's
It's going to be devastating for the people of New Zealand when they find out the government has forcefully poisoned every man women and child in New Zealand that took the vaccines with Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) The women and young girls will become Sterile (unable to conceive), injected with a foreign alien nano particles, including nano materials which form an electrical circuit (miniature) and now connected via "blue tooth" another art of the vaccine turns your blood into a rubbery substance within your veins causing blood clotting, inhibit blood flow, the problems occur when it reached your brain and your heart. Add any high altitude, physical exertion etc will increase your chance of suffering some form of deadly health episode. Once you learn the TRUTH you are going to be very Angry & Upset, all thanks to Bill Gates, WHO and Governments (corrupt) with no care for it's citizens.


The MSM prat does not mention mandated 'jabs'. Notice the PM threat of similar events in the future.
Any Inquiry will be stacked. A fresh inquiry when a new GOV is formed leveraged by the large number of freedom treasuring minority parties and able to hunt down the perpetrators of the Kiwi Killing Fields.
All those overpaid bureaucrats and NPC lying politicians that trashed the BoRA, Patient Informed Consent, Weaponized the Police, and single-handedly wrecked livelihoods, families, and communities, all the while exerting absolute control on the MSM used as a useful idiots propaganda arm.

Cling tenaciously
Much hand wringing and dupers delight

All the hard work for the Covid grim reaper that simply never existed

Let's go with the Nuremberg format again - only this time be way more thorough.
This is what my advisers are saying.

Jacinda is Asked About Inquiry into Government's COVID Response

Download here: Old-Life-Back-by-Jamin-Hope-2022-09-15.mp4 - 6,348 kb
By: Coronavirus Plushie - 15th September 2022
Old Life Back by Jamin Hope

Life seemed so simple
a few years ago
how were we all to know
Some people felt
that something was wrong
but most just carried on

Things have changed
from what we knew
you can't do things
that you used to do
Rights mixed up
with privileges
and most people
complied with this

Take one look
see her go
the life you knew
I don't suppose
you'll get her back

Behavioral science
is being played out here
nudging you into fear
Total control
over everything you
read and see
censor those who
don't agree

Some of us knew
that the masks didn't work
and the health passes
were a way to coerce
to get rewarded
with a pat on the back
and the big illusion
you got your freedoms back

Unelected technocrats
pulling strings
around the back
Lockstep leaders
groupthink is very real
programming what to feel

Some folks they just
don't want to know
things that will affect them so
despite the abundance
of information
they just can't break out
of the mass formation

Take one look
see her go
the life you knew
I don't suppose
you'll get her back

Fourth industrial
engineering evolution
Man and machine
what could be worse
lost souls in the

We should be wary
of chips in our hands
and digital currencies
that you can program
gladly swap your cash
for a token
unaware that the
systems broken

Divide and rule
is the game they play
as they strip your
rights away
divisive policy
eroding empathy

No discussion and
no debate
any questions are
just far right hate
Easier to judge
than to think
if you're sipping from
the kool aid drink

Take one look
see her go
the life you knew
I don't suppose
you'll get her back

You'll own nothing
you'll be so happy
believing you are free
Great distraction
life's getting absurd
but most can't
leave the herd

You might get hungry
and you might need more
but you'd better have
the right credit score
or all you'll have
is a bunch of regret
because they've already
started the great reset

Time to wake up
and look around
woke religion
world's upside down
for your own good
they've got a plan
you outta think
while you still can

Take one look
here she comes
a brave new world

Old Life Back by Jamin Hope

Download here: Woke-Californians-Adjust-To-New-Life-In-Texas-2022-09-14.mp4 - 25,531 kb
By: The Babylon Bee - 14th September 2022
Woke Californians Adjust To New Life In Texas

This couple left California due to the cost of living, crime, taxes, etc. etc. etc. But now they're not so sure they can get used to living in Texas!

The Babylon Bee
How would you welcome your new California neighbors?

L Simmons
"There's not a lot of crime here." "Why is that?" "Because everyone carries a gun."
Best lines ever… lmao

A version of this happened to a California coworker who drove cross-country with a friend from LA. The friend flew back at Dallas. The friend panicked once they hit Texas because everything was open and nobody was wearing masks.

When I moved from Seattle to Spokane (a red city in the farmlands). I'll never forget the insane difference the very first store I went to I was short like 5 cents and everyone in line offered to pay it. I almost cried I couldn't believe anyone let alone an entire line of ppl could have compassion. My neighbors all left baskets with food and came over regularly..just to talk! Where I had come from if someone approached you it ment they had a mental illness and you should evacuate the area ASAP. It was so difficult to adjust to a republican town where people had "community" and all that.

Allie Rambles
I have a friend who moved from Tucson, AZ to Austin, TX. 2 weeks in she came across some hardship - financial and personal. Her coworkers immediately helped her out and one even took her in - after only 2 weeks of knowing her! Texans show and live how true communities should be.

As someone looking to move out of Portland in the next couple weeks, I feel this. Visiting Boise and not seeing a single homeless person limping through traffic yelling at the sky... I was there a couple days. Not one! How is that even possible? I was led to believe that there were container ships worth of meth and fentanyl that needed to be disposed of, and the only way to do so is in the corpses of those who can't afford apartments. Then I looked at rents. IT'S NOT EVEN CHEAPER! Where are all the tents and needles and stolen cars being disassembled in broad daylight? They stole and destroyed my car back home. How can the economy stay afloat if you don't have to buy a new car whenever someone steals, poops in, and then burns your car? Are there places where people can just... HAVE nice things?! How bizarre.

Download here: Daddy-Dan-REMOVES-need-for-parental-consent-for-students-who-need-Gender-Transitioning-2022-09-13.mp4 - 72,144 kb
By: Avi Yemini - 13th September 2022
Daddy Dan REMOVES need for parental consent
for students who need Gender Transitioning

If the parent disagrees, the school "should affirm the child's gender identity without family participation". Not even a medical consult is needed.

And just like that the government and school system now offer our children genital mutilation services: 'Off with his cock!' and 'Off with her breasts!'

And just like that the public are learning all about CAPITAL PUNISHMENT...

Allan MacCaul
Thank you for standing up and educating people on what our governments are doing..

Leigh Agnello
That woman who talked alot needs to be a politician and fight for this. She's amazing

No such thing as a 'transition'. You can butcher your body, you can go from Dan to calling yourself Delilah, but you cannot transition. It's impossible.

That this needs spelling out is truly astounding.

Mr Wolf
This makes me sick...Leaving our children vulnerable to the whims and fantasies of these freaks.

Nicholas Croker
Down with the Daniels government, he's a sick madman.

esky in aussieville
My 9 yr old daughter says "If you want to know what gender you are just look down! " Now that's more smarter than 98% of adults

Penectomies - a gift from your local Communist government and school!
Penectomies - a gift from your local Communist government and school!

Download here: THE-BIG-RESET-MOVIE-The-uncensored-documentary-about-the-truth-of-the-pandemic-2022-09-12.mp4 - 817,316 kb
By: @thebigreset - 12th September 2022
The uncensored documentary about the truth of the pandemic


Probably the best explanation of reality I have seen in the last two years

COVID was created for the vaccine and the vaccine was created for mass depopulation.

Truly outstanding. Thank you.

The Spanish version has been seen over 1 million times, more english speaking audiences need to watch this masterpiece... share like crazy!!

Long before the first case was announced, there was a "world military games" held in Wuhan. Military competitors from countries all over the planet came home with a strange and unidentified illness. I remember hearing about it in Canada.

Just a thought, the govts pushed the vaccine and it's accompanying narrative and agenda, this documentary aims to expose it, perhaps the result is going to be anger against these govts, perhaps even overthrown them opening the way to a one world govt (to protect you from your own corrupt govts).

We need to get these fake fraud vaccines and jab them up their bums triple dose at a time . . all of them the evil disgusting evils

The-Secret-Curriculum-PART-4-New-York-City-Middle-School-Teacher-Encourages-Students-to-Engage-in-Political-Violence-2022-09-12.mp4 - 14,924 kb
By: Project Veritas - 12th September 2022
The Secret Curriculum PART 4
New York City Middle School Teacher
Encourages Students to Engage in Political Violence

NYC Middle School Teacher Encourages Students to Engage in Political Violence: 'Throw' Bricks 'At The People' With Opposing Views

  • Ariane Franco, Middle School English Teacher, NYC Department of Education: "This is what I told my students. I was like, 'Guys, there's strategic ways to do this [protest].' You want to…I brought up [a] crazy organization that have done this. Like, they chose which places to throw bricks in. They chose -- and they didn't do it in their own neighborhood…They didn't do it to black and brown communities. Doing it to our own community does not make sense."
  • Franco: "You got to go after the people who it's not directly affecting…Throw it [brick] at the people that are actually doing the things that [need to] change."
  • Franco: "I tell them -- my kids -- we don't stand up for the Pledge [of Allegiance]. We do the Pledge of Allegiance every morning, you know, but we keep going on our business. It was a class decision at the beginning of the school year: 'They're not talking about me, so I'm not standing up,' you know?"
  • Franco: "At one point, when I first started challenging it [the Pledge of Allegiance], I had my kids change the words…It was something like -- I think we added at the end, 'And we will fight for those who this does not address,' or something like that. We added to [it] because it's like, 'And liberty and justice for all, and we will fight until that is true.'"
  • Franco: The students and I "would kneel" during the Pledge of Allegiance."

[NEW YORK – Sept. __, 2022] Project Veritas released a fourth video in its newly launched Education Series today exposing a public school teacher.

Ariane Franco, who teaches English to NYC middle school students, was recorded admitting how she advises teenagers to engage in violence against those who stand in the way of her political agenda.

"This is what I told my students. I was like, 'Guys, there's strategic ways to do this [protest].' You want to…I brought up [a] crazy organization that have done this. Like, they chose which places to throw bricks in. They chose -- and they didn't do it in their own neighborhood…They didn't do it to black and brown communities. Doing it to our own community does not make sense," Franco said.

"You got to go after the people who it's not directly affecting…Throw it [brick] at the people that are actually doing the things that [need to] change."

The teacher said the Pledge of Allegiance is not respected in her classroom:

Franco: Like, I tell them -- my kids -- we don't stand up for the Pledge [of Allegiance]. We do the Pledge of Allegiance every morning, you know, but we keep going on our business.

Veritas Journalist: Yeah, yeah.

Franco: It was a class decision at the beginning of the school year. They're not talking about me, so I'm not standing up, you know? At one point, when I first started challenging it [the Pledge of Allegiance], I had my kids change the words.

Veritas Journalist: Oh wow. How did it go?

Franco: I can't remember. It was something like -- I think we added at the end, 'And we will fight for those who this does not address,' or something like that. We added to [it] because it's like, 'And liberty and justice for all, and we will fight until that is true.'

Franco: I used to kneel [for the Pledge of Allegiance] when it first -- when BLM -- like when the BLM-

Veritas Journalist: You used to what, now?

Franco: I used to kneel.

Veritas Journalist: Kneel in the class?

Franco: I mean, I couldn't go all the way, but I would kneel-

Veritas Journalist: Would the students do it, too?

Franco: Yeah!

Dr. Kevorkian
"To be a critical thinker " - something her and every other cult member is not capable of. Disgusting.

Joseph Story
Everyone watching this is a critical, independent thinker. What she's doing is plain and simply indoctrination.

"They didn't do it to black and brown communities"
The worst part is that she actually believes the stuff she is saying.

Wendy Whitlow
My hair would be on fire if I had school aged children! NOBODY has the right to undermine MY right as a parent!! This is sickening and disgraceful. Parents need to be mindful to teach patriotism and LOVE of country. It's important now and for the future of this great country. It's not ok for strangers to have this kind of authority over our children. And THEIR future!

LynnB-The Intolerable
How can ANY "teacher" be proud of corrupting children? She BRAGS of guiding them into a violent life, "as long as it's not in their own communities!" INSANE! No bloody wonder our society is in such horrific decline!

There was a time where the title " Teacher" was a title of respect and knowledge. The title of "Teacher" has been soiled because of "activists" like this. Sad for the ones that live up to the title.

She's so proud of herself, using children to try and further her cause.
These people don't only need sacked, but they need prosecuted.

Download here: Scottish-lady-would-like-to-put-a-stake-through-QE2s-heart-to-make-sure-that-she-never-comes-back-2022-09-11.mp4 - 2,396 kb
By: Uncle Johnny - 11th September 2022
Scottish lady would like to put a stake through
Queen Elizabeth's heart
to make sure that she never comes back!

"I'd put a stake through her heart and garlic round her neck to make sure she never come back."

Download here: Are-we-missing-something-Huge-Who-launched-the-Great-Reset-in-2020-2022-09-11.mp4 - 9,238 kb
By: Daily HOT - 11th September 2022
Are we missing something HUGE?
WHO launched the Great Reset in 2020?

Are we missing something HUGE? Who launched the Great Reset in 2020?

The one who launched the Great Reset in 2020
Just now officially announced as king
He has promoted Green Agenda for years
The agenda has caused energy crisis all over the world
And forcing ten thousands of Dutch farms to be shut down
In the name of reducing nitrogen emissions

#dutchfarmers #nofarmersnofood

Cathie Stead
There is no energy crisis. If there was the companies would not be making a profit

Rob Blaettler
Spread and share this! In the US NOTHING is being covered by the media. If I didn't already have my own suspicions and didn't seek out channels like this, I would have never known what is happening outside the US. Share share share this with everyone! Thanks for your great news coverage.

My son has just left school to become a Farmer. Im so proud of him to be serving humanity

I stand behind the farmers. I will not eat the bugs.

chester Lee
Thank God someone is exposing the truth. Bless this channel.

Steve Knobel
Farmers are the most important contributors to our society and well-being - our food providers. Everything else is secondary!

Jacobus Ackermann
All these criminals should be thrown in jail.

Download here: Putting-the-World-Economic-Forum-out-of-Business-2022-09-11.mp4 - 46,814 kb
By: AwakenWithJP - 11th September 2022
Putting the World Economic Forum

Introducing the Universal Economic Forum...

holly bishop
I love how they still have the covid CDC link on these pages as if ANYONE still cares about what the CDC says

Jared Robinson
There are people that want this to happen. it's terrifying.

The Milkmaid
This was absolute GOLD. OMG, the "together" jab at Kamala was priceless.

william bell
I find it amazing that people would rather believe a comfortable lie than face reality. Not only are "the powers that be" responsible for this, so are the people who willingly support them KNOWING it's a lie. The world needs more people like jp, salty kraker and John Burk. Much respect to those who use their platform to call out the lies and agenda of these scum bags in power.

Dictator by EO and Government Overreach
This is no longer funny, but this kind of satire is important to get through to the extra thick.

ICanFly Marmshian
Man, this video makes me a little sick and a lot afraid for our future as free humans. The reptile dude was disturbingly well done.

Evolution Through Awareness
We just have to never stop, never give in and never forget what life has been like so they cannot normalise what they want it to be.

Download here: Australia-Enslaved-And-The-Plan-For-The-World-2022-10-10.mp4 - 968,692 kb
By: Free Your Mind (EUMELs Media Library) - 10th September 2022
Australia Enslaved and
The Plan For The World

All credit to "AustraliaOne Party" - Original video:

Original Video Link
Credit to original video creator.

0:00 - Australia Is Not Free
7:42 - Rockefeller Foundation's Future Scenario "Lock Step" (Released In 2010)
12:43 - Doctor Reveals The Dangers Of Wearing Masks
23:46 - Former Vice President At Pfizer Speaks Out
26:08 - Blood Clots - "Vaccine" Injuries
30:34 - Forced "Vaccinations" In Australia
32:12 - The "Covid" Camps & Hotel Quarantine Nightmares
1:00:25 - Why Australia Is Becoming A Prison Colony Again
1:06:48 - More "Vaccine" Injuries And Deaths
1:11:41 - Funeral Director Sounds The Alarm: "You Will Die If You Keep Taking These Jabs"
1:23:40 - Doctors And Nurses Expose The "Vaccine" Deaths - Part 1
1:33:17 - When The Police Start Showing Up At Your Door
1:38:26 - No More Privacy! - Australia Passes "Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt Bill 2020)"
1:43:16 - The "Covid-19 Virus" Lies
1:51:49 - Pfizer Is Truly Evil And Their Connections To The Occult
2:01:48 - Caught On Camera: Blood Clots Caused By The Pfizer "Vaccine"
2:11:50 - How The W.H.O. Changed The "Pandemic" Definition In 2009 - They Can Now Declare A "Pandemic" With Zero Deaths
2:21:01 - Why Some "Vaccinated" Are Injured/Dying And Others Are Not - It's All Planned
2:25:25 - "Choose Your Poison", Says "COVID Commander" Of Victoria
2:29:52 - Doctors And Nurses Expose The "Vaccine" Deaths - Part 2
2:44:22 - "Lock, Stock & Barrel" Against The Unvaccinated
2:47:17 - Australian State "Premiers" Trying To Out-Tyrant Each Other
2:52:59 - "The Great Reset" And "Build Back Better" Agendas Exposed
3:01:08 - The Unvaccinated Will Be "Locked Out" From Society
3:08:33 - Australia Purchased 7 Years Worth Of Vaccines, 2 Doses Per Person Every 6 Months
3:10:14 - The Omicron Hoax
3:16:39 - The PCR Test Fraud That's Driving Up Covid Hoax "Cases"
3:22:11 - "Life For The Unvaccinated Will Be Very Difficult Indefinitely"
3:33:05 - The Sinister Reason Behind Forced Face Mask Wearing
3:46:39 - World Economic Forum Founder: "We Have To Prepare For A More Angry World"
3:58:50 - New Zealand Has Its Own Little Dictator
4:04:25 - "Covid" Tyranny In Canada
4:10:00 - "Covid" Tyranny In The United Kingdom
4:17:15 - "Covid" Tyranny In Other European Countries
4:21:18 - "Covid" Tyranny In Asia, Latin America, Africa, etc.
4:27:27 - Why Some Places Have Relaxed Or Removed Their "Covid Rules" - "Two Steps Forward, One Step Back"
4:28:01 - "Doctor" Fauci In 2017: Prepare For A "Surprise Outbreak" Under Trump's Presidency
4:29:48 - Americans Punished For Not Wearing A Mask Or For Being Unvaccinated
4:40:45 - The American "Covid" Tyranny In Chronological Order
4:53:13 - "Welcome To Day 367 Of 15 Days To Slow The Spread"
5:01:19 - Man Who Lived Under Communism Gives A Dire Warning About "Covid" Mandates
5:04:49 - Joe Biden's "Vaccinators"
5:07:53 - The Real Reason Surgical Doctors Wear Face Masks
5:10:09 - "Human Beings Do Well When They Have Carrot And Stick"
5:15:14 - Double Standards: "Rules For Thee, Not For Me"
5:20:12 - The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic Hoax
5:27:43 - Bill Gates' Event 201 "Coronavirus Pandemic Exercise" (2019)
5:38:10 - Bill Gates Is An Eugenicist Who Wants To Reduce The World's Population
5:53:57 - The Dark History Of Rockefeller
5:57:04 - Bill Gates On "Pandemic 2": "That Will Get Attention This Time"
5:58:46 - Dark Winter "Pandemic Exercise" (2001)
6:02:52 - Atlantic Storm "Bioterrorism Exercise" (2005)
6:05:51 - Clade X "Pandemic Exercise" (2018)
6:06:37 - SPARS 2025-2028 "Pandemic Exercise" (2017)
6:15:57 - Why Almost All Countries Imposed "Covid" Lockdowns In Lock Step
6:18:01 - Unmasking The Plans Of The World Economic Forum
6:21:16 - The United Nations Announces The New World Order

Category News & Politics
Sensitivity Normal - Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over

Lucas G.
It is sad to watch some scenes, like the one where one of Devil's worker forces a baby to wear a mask. All these lying politicians and "doctors" are working for Satan. Thank you for the video.

Ian Gwynne
Thank you so much for all your hard work in the cause the truth!

Justice Veracity
Thanks for this, very comprehensive, it must have been a lot of effort to put together...

God's chastisement continues as this mortal venom is pushed upon us. These men and women by their free will have accepted the bargain with the prince of this world. The prince of this world, the one who has already been defeated by the death & resurrection of Jesus Christ. The one who's hatred of God leaves him envious and jealous of man. And man, man whose soul is the prize, while alive can repent...

Thank you so much for putting together one of the best compilation videos on this satanic war against humanity. Regards, Rykel (Singapore) #freedom

Robert More Francis
Tremendous value in this production...

Frightening. Riveting. God Bless.

Praying to God the Father through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that via His Holy Spirit many will open their eyes to the TRUTH of this satanic manipulation and takeover of world governments, repent and stand their ground in defiance to the evil, fear mongering, lies and deception being used to rob us of our... freedoms...

Download here: MY-SON-HUNTER-Full-Movie-2022-09-08.mp4 - 196,876 kb
By: Patriot Vibes 1Q7 - 8th September 2022
(Full Movie)

Directed by Robert Davi, the film centers on Hunter Biden, the son of current U.S. President's in his lifestyle and his scandalous business dealings. In 2021, Donald Trump accused Hunter Biden of corruption. It is, according to The Guardian's Catherine Shoard, the "debut fiction attempt" of documentarians Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer. Spectator Australia called the movie a "socially dangerous, ego-damaging, and down-right delicious exposé of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal". The film is being distributed by American far-right media company Breitbart News, and scheduled for release on September 7, 2022.

Former MMA star Gina Carano, who will be playing a "world-weary" secret service agent in the film stated: "The script was instantly intriguing and side achingly hilarious to me, especially after being newly exposed to the political realm in 2020. Robert Davi is someone who reached out to me as soon as I was 'canceled' in Feb. 2021. I signed on in support of him and one of my favorite humans, Laurence Fox."

Production began in October 2021 in Serbia, and lasted for four weeks. During filming John James, who portrayed Joe Biden, had an off-set injury and was rushed to the hospital, though he continued filming after treatment saying that "the show must go on".

Laurence Fox as Hunter Biden
John James as Joe Biden
Jovana Stevic as Beau's Wife
Emma Gojkovic as Grace Anderson
Gina Carano as Secret Service Agent

Sensitivity Normal - Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over

In-Memory-of-Queen-Elizabeth-2-and-her-Legacy-of-Satanism-Globalism-Paedophilia-Child-Trafficking-and-Murder-2022-09-08.mp4 - 40,378 kb
By: Patriot Vibes 1Q7 - 8th September 2022
In Memory of the fake Queen Elizabeth 2
Officially died on 8th September 2022 at age 96.
[Note: It is alleged that Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor actually died (or was executed) on 8th September 2019. Ensuing public appearances after her death, were simply by way of: doubles, CGI, holograms, old photos, videos, sound bits etc.]
..a legacy of: Satanism, Globalism, Murder,
Paedophilia, Child Trafficking, Cannibalism...

In Memory of Queen Elizabeth 2 and her Legacy of: Satanism, Globalism, Murder, Paedophilia, Child Trafficking, Cannibalism...
Queen Elizabeth 2

In Memory of Prince Philip and his Legacy of: Satanism, Globalism, Murder, Paedophilia, Child Trafficking, Cannibalism...
Prince Philip

Download: Prague-Protests-Know-the-reasons-for-the-Wave-of-Disdain-in-Prague-Oneindia-news-Explainer-2022-09-07.mp4 - 29,222 kb
By: Oneindia News - 7th September 2022
Prague Protests: Know the reasons
for the 'Wave of Disdain' in Prague

A massive protest rocked Prague last Saturday i.e on 3rd September. Reportedly, around 70,000 came together at Wenceslas Square in the city in what is now being dubbed as the ''largest show of public discontent'' in recent times against the cost-of-living crisis that has deepened in Europe. Let us know what exactly is happening in the Czech Republic and why the city is on boil.

#PragueProtests #CzechRepublic #Prague

John Christiansen
Let us all rise agains our gouverment in Europe.
Stay strong from Denmsrk

28.9.2022 It doesn't matter who calls the demonstration, unite and spread it all over the world. All cities, all people, young, old, it doesn't matter what race, color, religion, creed you are. Come to the square in your city. The whole world together. Let's show those who call themselves elites enough. The world together against the tyranny of governments, let's take back what is rightfully ours. Freedom, respect and honor.

4253 nomis
Massive respect to the Czechs. Well done for standing up against the globalist tyranny.

the celt
finally it begins..... love to the people..... world wide people are the only true power.... with out people there is nothing...we are the true power

Download: New-York-City-Assistant-Principal-Exposed-For-Discriminatory-Hiring-Practices-Against-Conservatives-2022-09-07.mp4 - 21,195 kb
By: Project Veritas - 7th September 2022
The Secret Curriculum PART 3
New York City Assistant Principal Exposed For
Discriminatory Hiring Practices Against Conservatives

NYC Assistant Principal Becomes Second School Official to Reveal Discriminatory Hiring Practices, Child Indoctrination Strategy … If Candidates Answer 'Diversity-Equity-Inclusion Question' Incorrectly 'They Are Just an Automatic Not Hire'

  • Todd Soper, Grade K-4 Assistant Principal, Neighborhood Charter Schools, NYC Department of Education: "We have very specific questions, and ultimately our Diversity-Equity-Inclusion question, our DEI question is -- it's very telling if somebody has done a lot of work within themself, within the profession…if people don't answer that question right, they are just an automatic not hire."
  • Soper: "If they [candidates] say that diversity is about -- if they say something that lends itself to be colorblind, which could happen, like, 'Oh, it's like, you know, like everyone is equal.' Those things that are well intentioned statements, but they're missing the depth of understanding of how the intersections of our identity live out in the world. So, that person wouldn't get hired."
  • Soper: "Our students' lives matter based on the color of their skin, and how that intertwines into the context of the world. So, if you're not willing to embrace fully that aspect of our students -- and that means talking openly about race and talking about injustices in the world, then I don't know if you're going to be able to fully fulfill your [teacher] responsibilities."
  • Soper: A teacher "didn't want to teach Black Lives Matter" ideology to her students and left the school. "She would've probably been fired eventually just based off of mindset. But yeah, she left."
  • Soper: "We have always and will continue to embrace diversity on all levels. So, the same way we embrace identities that are based off of ethnicity, skin tone and gender, we also embrace orientation…Like for kindergarten, for Pride month, we got -- every kid had a mirror and we talked about -- a read aloud about an animal, or about a boy that said he wanted to be a mermaid. It's a way to start, like, 'You should be whoever you feel like you should be.' That was kind of the message of [the] read aloud."
  • Soper: "It's delicate, right? So, in kindergarten and first grade, they [students] are five and six [years old] -- but I think we start with the umbrella theme of, 'Embrace who you are. You have to love who you are, and each part of you is beautiful, whatever you feel.' As kids get older and the idea of gender becomes more salient, which happens more towards fourth grade…the conversations deepen as the kids get older."

Freddie Spitler
These people are disgusting, probably don't have children themselves but feel the need to impose their viewpoints and indoctrinate kids.

Pat Fenis
He's not just discriminating against conservatives, he's discriminating against anyone who doesn't subscribe the woke ideology, and doesn't want to teach kids to primarily focus on, make assumptions about, and treat people based on their race.

It's sickening to see how the parents are betrayed by the people they so trust.

B-Roca Holder
Imagine living in a world where the people who call everyone racist, someone saying everyone is equal is offensive n misses the mark. This is sick and disgusting.

What's crazy is that he actually believes he's doing something good. There has been like a demonic manipulation of people in this country (and in the West in general) where people have been convinced to do evil while telling themselves they're doing good.

Tuco Benedicto
What's sneaky about how this movement operates, is it uses words like "embrace," "love," "acceptance," "equality," "diversity," etc. Which at face value sound great, but then you realize the hidden vicious agenda behind it if you look deeper.

David Graves
Honestly, there are TENS OF THOUSANDS of these people infesting our educational system at all levels. This is not a "revelation" to anyone vaguely familiar with the subject. Challenge: find ONE conservative educator in the People's Republic of Massachusetts. THAT would be a stunning exposé.

Wow. This is jaw dropping. To see that smirk on his face when he says he wouldn't hire someone who treats all kids equally. This is really serious stuff and shows how deep rooted this poison is. This is a small step, but the task to cut out this cancer is monumental. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Thank you PV.

Download here: Let-us-get-out-of-NATO-HUGE-protests-all-over-Europe-2022-09-06.mp4 - 19,879 kb
By: Daily HOT - 6th September 2022
"Let's get out of NATO!"
HUGE protests all over Europe

"Let's get out of NATO!".. HUGE protests all over Europe


Glad to see that there are people with brains out there.

We are totally in the dark about what's going on in Europe. There is absolutely no coverage of such massive demonstrations in the mainstream media here in North America Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Keep up the good work. We depend on your good work to stay informed!

I agree with their protests!! I feel the same way here in America

Andrew Blondell
Let's also remember when covid started. Ordinary people all around the world went with out a pay check. But the politicians never went once with out getting paid. POWER TO THE PEOPLE RIGHT NOW.

Lefteris Demetriou
My full support to Romanians. Power to the people !

Paul Hubenig
We need more - let's hope Europeans continue to wake up and find the resolve to fight their government's policy.

Disgraceful-Daniel-Andrews-gone-into-hiding-after-ambulance-and-000-call-delays-resulted-in-33-people-dying-2022-09-05.mp4 - 10,939 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 5th September 2022
'Disgraceful': Daniel Andrews 'gone into hiding'
after ambulance and 000 call delays resulted in 33 people dying!!

Liberal MP Brad Battin says it's "disgraceful" Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has "gone into hiding" when families deserve a response to the state's ambulance report.

The report found the speed at which the Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority (ESTA) was answering calls had "fallen below community and government expectations".

Ambulance and triple-zero call delays resulted in 33 people dying, according to the report.

"Daniel Andrews, the challenge is on you now, you must come out, these families deserve it," Mr Battin told Sky News host Peta Credlin.

Salty Reese's Cup
Most All Politicians Are Going To Have To Do The Same...

The Master
People need to hold Scumbag Politicians accountable. Fines, prison and even the death penalty should be considered for Politicians who take money from the electorate and do a terrible job.

Zoltan Rudolf
All I can say to readers is DO NOT VOTE for a party that elevates people like him to positions of power.

Not for children .Watch the video, you will be shocked EVERYDAYS.ICU

Mr. Dunn - respect.

Colani Tower
The Netherlands has politicians just like this. The finance minister is always 'heavily sick' when she has to answer tough questions in a debate in Parliament, making a quick full recovery one day later, after the debate.

Yep Yep like the rest will when the truth comes out about who is paying for the evil lies

Download here: Prague-Thousands-take-to-the-street-against-Czech-Govt-NATO-and-EU-2022-09-04.mp4 - 16,826 kb
By: Oneindia News - 4th September 2022
Prague: Thousands take to the street
against Czech Govt, NATO and EU

Tens of thousands of protestors took to the streets in Prague in a massive show of protest against the Czech government on Saturday. Protesters from the far right and far left joined forces to rally against the country's government. The protesters demanded the resignation of the current coalition government led by conservative Prime Minister Petr Fiala, criticizing it for a number of issues, including its Western-oriented policies.

#PragueProtests #CzechRepublic #Prague

Protests in Prague,Thousands protest in Prague,Protestors' demand PM's resignation,PM Petr Fiala,Rally against government,Czech Republic government,Protests at Wenceslas Square,Protests against EU,Soaring energy prices,70,000 protestors on Pargue streets,Prague city,Wenceslas Square Prague,Pro-Russian protests,Russia-Ukraine war,Fringe-political groups,International news,Oneindia news,Oneindia english

"People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people."

Well done for showing this. The UK and EU MSM and News channel won't show or report on a lot of protests going on across the region. So much for democracy!

Czech u are fantastic people. Standing up against Power munchies politics and their lies. Support from Norway.

The whole world needs to unite. Only then will the leaders be forced to listen !!!

Azamat Bagatov
16 hours ago
Admiration and respect for Czech people.

Unification of the people is what we need world wide..only way to bring downfall of corrupt Governments.

Download here: We-Are-Many-Say-No-To-WEF-2022-09-04.mp4 - 7,272 kb
By: Reignite Democracy Australia - 3rd September 2022

Just wait till we start acting in UNISON!!! :-)

We got this!

1 Hour Escape
This is not only fab production, but the whole concept is really clever and DEFINITELY workable. IF we stand together!!! Support this movement, peeps -- it's the real deal.

Yvette Worrall
This is a stunning piece. Brilliant production.
Thank you. From South Africa.

Douglas Stuart
More Powerful and Inspiring than a call to arm (which it is) NO DEFEAT NO SURRENDER

Maria Calleja

Not Quite Human
This has to be one of the best videos I've watched over the past few years.
Great work.

The more I see things like this, the more hope I have that the WEF can be stopped. Freedom loving people across the world unite. Let's go!!!!!

Richard Bonn
Stick together, for freedom,

Elwood Hindley
That is the BEST promo you guys have done. THANK YOU.

Wendy Chan
Keep going Monica. You have done a fantastic job

Download here: The-awakening-is-all-around-us-2022-09-03.mp4 - 18,371 kb
By: Reignite Democracy Australia - 3rd September 2022
The awakening is all around us...
The Revolution that the Media did not want us to SEE!!

Thanks to Avi Barak for the great video.

Susan Thauks
As soon as behavioural psychologists decided that it was a good idea to elevate fear in order to increase compliance, it is inevitable that data would never be presented objectively. Professor Michie

Brilliant, yet again. Thank you. It's easy to forget that people are rising and sad to remember that we won't see this televised. May we see peace now, and may the darkness be vanquished now.

Just In-Case
Never forget that you lost your job for refusing to take something that they knew wasn't going to work. Even worse you took something that they knew wasn't going to work just to keep your job. At best you're going to get the thing it was supposed to prevent. And at worst you are going to get serious side effects.

Truth Seaker
"It's just a mask." "It's just six feet." "It's just two weeks." "It's just non essential businesses." "It's just non essential workers." "It's just a bar." "It's just a restaurant." "It's just to keep from overwhelming the hospitals." "It's just to make the cases go down." "It's just to flatten the curve." "It's just a few inmates." "It's just to keep others from getting scared." "It's just for a few more weeks." "It's just church. You could still pray." "It's just a bracelet." "It's just an app." "It's just for tracing." "It's just to let others know you're safe to be around." "It's just to let others know who you've been in contact with." "It's just a few more months." "It's just a large gathering but for protests." "It's just a few violent protests." "It's just a vaccine." "It's just a little microchip." "It's just a blood test." "It's just a scan." "It's just for medical information." "It's just a vaccination certificate." "It's just like a credit card." "It's just a few places that don't take cash." "It's just so you can travel." "It's just so you can get your driver's license." "It's just so you can vote." "It's just a few more years." It's just the NEW WORLD ORDER...... shawn stephens
And don't forget by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy (OR ELSE)

This got me in all the feels. Why is it like this? Why do we have to go through this? Why won't they stop with the global tyranny??

Cosmic Crusader
Without suffering there is no awakening, you need friction to polish a stone!

Because we let them. Lets start with some of that coarse grit.

Truth Seaker
Communism killed well over 200 million people last century. The Communist manifesto was written by Karl Marx whose real name was "Moses Mordecai Levi" . Trotsky was another major player in communism and his real name was Lev Davidovich Bronshtein.Trotsky married Sedova, the daughter of Jivotovsky, who was closely associated with the Warburg banking house and the cousins of Jacob Schiff, Communism was financed by wall st and international Banksters. The real names mentioned here tell you exactly who was behind communism and the slaughter of at least 200 million gentiles. Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates are also one of them and they are just getting started, they are not thinking in 100s of millions they are thinking in Billions and all we have to do to stop it is wake up.

Add O2
Why aren't we stopping them!!?

Download here: Winston-Peters-on-The-Bolt-Report-Jacinda-Ardern-is-Destabilizing-Democracy-2022-09-02.mp4 - 41,419 kb
By: New Zealand First - 2nd September 2022
Winston Peters on The Bolt Report:
Jacinda Ardern is Destabilizing Democracy

New Zealand First leader Winston Peters Joined Andrew Bolt on The Bolt report to discuss how Jacinda Ardern and the Labour party are pushing Co-Governance destabilizing democracy and in New Zealand.

Happy Mac
Jacinda Ardern, like Justin Trudeau and Klaus Schwab etc, are WEFers (World Economic Forum members.)

The stated goals of the WEF - is to reduce the World's population down to just 1/2 billion people, by: feeding us bugs; causing division; shutting down most industry; removing our God given Common Law rights; "You'll own nothing and be happy" (not); enforce genocide by using poisonous vaccines that will kill off much of the World's population and any survivors will become gene altered transhumans with no rights.

The above accusations are proven facts, not theories.

You cannot wait for the government (sic) or police (sic) or media (sic) to stand up for our rights, as they, like Judas Iscariot, have been bought out and are intellectual prostitutes.

If you value life, freedom and liberty, you must stand as individuals and say "NO MORE!"

Winston Peters just says it how it is. I suspect the majority of politicians are too afraid to speak up for fear of being labeled with the R word.

Winston Peters is the reason Ardern is PM... He created the problem.

Kiwi Bear
Billy Te needs to join NZFirst with Carl Bromley and Sue Grey #CaseClosed #7:00sec

Cullen Kehoe

Download: Trinity-School-NYC-Director-of-Student-Activities-Touts-Sneaking-Political-Agenda-Into-Classrooms-2022-09-02.mp4 - 33,568 kb
By: Project Veritas - 2nd September 2022
The Secret Curriculum PART 2
Trinity School NYC Director of Student Activities
Touts Sneaking Political Agenda Into Classrooms

Prestigious NYC Private School Director Touts 'Sneaking' Her Political 'Agenda' into Classrooms: 'Disrupt Wherever I Can''I Felt Like a Double Agent''Huge Contingent' of White Boys 'Are Just Horrible'

  • Jennifer Norris, Director of Student Activities, Trinity School NYC: "I just keep trying to disrupt wherever I can. And now that I'm in this position, I have so many opportunities to do that."
  • Norris: "I don't hide how I feel, but I can't pretend I'm [not] promoting an agenda even though I clearly am with all the stuff I'm doing."
  • Norris: "There's always groups of teachers who want to do these [activist] things, but the administration just wouldn't let us. So, we've been just sneaking things in [through] the cracks."
  • Norris: "When I first started there [at Trinity School NYC], I hid my whole life. I felt like a double agent or something."
  • Norris: "Unfortunately, it's the white boys who feel very entitled to express their opposite opinions and just push back. There's a huge contingent of them that are just horrible. And you're like, 'Are you always going to be horrible, or are you just going to be horrible right now?' Don't know…I think they need to go. I think they're really awful people…They're so protected by capitalism. It makes me sad."
  • Norris: Trinity School NYC is "definitely a school where conservatives would not feel comfortable."
  • Norris: "I'm in charge" and "I won't" allow Republican perspectives on campus. "Not on my watch."
  • Norris: "I talked to the [Trinity NYC high school] principal and I was like, 'So, if I'm running this, I'm 100% democratic with the students. I will tell them the [speaker] options and they are voting.' I'm not going to just be like, 'These are our speakers for the year.' I want to make sure the kids are engaged and care. So, I do put a lot of it on them, but I said, 'There are some speakers I am not even going to put on the plate for them [students], and if that's a problem, I cannot be in charge of that.' And he [principal] was like, 'No.' He said, 'This isn't the time for both [political] sides.' He said, 'We're not in that place in our society.'"

Gouka Kuroi
Pay close attention to how deliberate, systematic, and persistent she is about getting her agenda into the minds of children. We have to remember that evil does not sleep and it does not rest.

Mister Nibbles
Imagine being enough of a psychopath to fantasize about killing people who disagree with you. Now imagine that person is alone with children for a career.

Poem Padgett
I love that she not only exposed herself, but how she simultaneously exposed her (undoubtedly, now, former) "good friend" who had risen up to be the English department's head, as well as the upper-school's Principal! Amazing, all-important work, PV!!

This makes my stomach hurt. She's judging little kids and wants people who don't agree with her to be 'taken out'. Good God!!! She shouldn't be anywhere near children!!!

Canadian Girl
Being the parent of "white" sons, it's really sad hearing all this hate coming from a teacher.

Frankie Rzucek Jr
She actually talks about "taking students out" aka having them MURDERED??? WTF
I hope she is promptly charged and arrested.
BUT YET WE'RE THE PROBLEM? Truly disgusting and sad.

Covid vaccine ads found to be misleading
By: Otago Daily Times, New Zealand - 2nd September 2022

Covid vaccine ads found to be misleading. Otago Daily Times, New Zealand

The nation's newly branded health agency [Health New Zealand - previously District Health Board] has been ordered to remove, or fix misleading advertisements about Covid-19 vaccination. Photo: Getty Images

The nation's newly branded health authority [Health New Zealand] has been ordered to remove or fix a misleading advertisement about vaccination against Covid-19 that ran across multiple media platforms.

The Advertising Standards Authority complaints board received 44 complaints against Te Whatu Ora/Health New Zealand's Vaccinate for Life advertisements which ran across television, print and on billboards and mobile phones.

In a statement to Open Justice, the health agency's National Immunisation Programme has apologised for any confusion or concern caused by the advertisements, which concluded in July.

The programme's director, Astrid Koornneef, said while it was disappointed with the decision, it accepted the authority's ruling, which related to one element of a wider vaccination campaign.

The complaints said the advertisement, in its various forms, was misleading because of the wording: "Protect them for life. Immunise against Covid-19". Respondents argued there was no life-long protection from a Covid-19 vaccine.

Some were also concerned that the use of the word "immunise" was misleading, based on how the vaccine worked, but this was not supported by the complaints board.

Most board members agreed the ads themselves did give the wrong impression, and upheld four complaints against the television advertisement, 29 complaints over the print version, and 11 complaints over the billboard and mobile phone version.

They agreed the likely consumer takeaway from the advertisement was that the Covid-19 vaccine offered life-long protection.

The Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand (Ministry of Health - Manatu Hauora) television advertisement promoted immunisation for children, which featured the New Zealand Government and the Ministry of Health - Manatu Hauora logos.

In considering this complaint the board referred to an earlier decision regarding a longer television ad, which it didn't find fault with, because it was designed to encourage parents and caregivers to take steps to protect children in their care, and did not directly reference Covid-19.

Covid vaccine ads found to be misleading. Otago Daily Times, New Zealand

The use of the word "immunise" in a series of advertisements was found not to be misleading. Photo: Getty

The health authority defended its ad during the complaints process, and said the phrase "Protect them for life. Immunise", was developed to have a dual meaning.

It said the word "life" could be "the time between being born and death, or the experience of being alive".

Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand said the tagline "Protect them for life. Immunise", referred to the immunisation programme as a whole-of-life programme.

It said the campaign was developed to cover the concept of childhood immunisations and was not specific to a single vaccine, but provided overarching messaging, for example for MMR, polio, Covid-19, HPV or whooping cough vaccines.

In making its decision the complaints board took on board the exceptional circumstances of the rapidly evolving nature of the Covid-19 pandemic.

It confirmed it would take a higher-level approach in assessing the advertising, based on the principles in the Advertising Standards Code, being the requirements for "social responsibility and truthful presentation in responsible advertising".

While some of the board members did not think the television ad was misleading, most said it had not been prepared and placed with a due sense of social responsibility to consumers and to society, considering context, medium, audience and product.

The complaints board was unanimous in its view that the message in the billboard and mobile phone ads was likely to mislead or confuse consumers, because it contained only the lines "Protect them for life", "Immunise" and the call to action to vaccinate against Covid-19.

The board said the advertisement did not have the wider context of television advertisements which showed children being protected by parents or caregivers in different aspects of their lives.

The bulk of the complaints were against the print version of the advertisement.

The decision to uphold them was backed by the News Publishers Association, but it also noted earlier complaints about the same statement were not upheld.

The board said in addressing concerns about use of the word "immunise", and whether it was misleading, the likely consumer takeout would be that the vaccine was intended to teach an individual's immune system to recognise an infectious disease so that when exposed to that disease the immune system can fight it off.

The complaints board did not consider this element of the complaint to be misleading.

In all cases it ordered the advertisement to be removed, or not used again in its current form.

Koornneef told Open Justice that Te Whatu Ora took its commitment to responsible advertising very seriously.

She said there was no intent to mislead or confuse the public through the advertisements, which included some "very specific protection-focused vaccination messaging".

Koornneef said comments by the Advertising Standards Authority and been taken on board and would be valuable in helping to shape future campaign messaging.

"We will also continue to develop advertising campaigns and other initiatives that seek to challenge, inform, and encourage audiences, while promoting the greater protection of our tamariki through the full suite of life-saving vaccinations available.

"This has never been more important, particularly as child immunisation rates continue to fall across the globe, and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic continues to be felt," Koornneef said.
NZ Herald

Download here: UN-dropped-a-bombshell-about-Chinas-crimes-against-humanity-2022-09-01.mp4 - 6,145 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 1st September 2022
UN dropped 'a bombshell' about
China's crimes against humanity

Sky News host Chris Smith says the UN has gotten off its "woke soapbox" and told the "raw truth" in relation to China's human rights record.

"This morning our time, at literally 3 minutes to midnight in Geneva, the outgoing UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet dropped a major bombshell," he said.

"By exposing China's horrendous human rights abuses, of their Uighur people.

"Michelle Bachelet's very last task, in a 4 year stint as the High Commissioner, was her finest work. Bravo."

Mary Comstock
How courageous can it be to state the obvious and then run leaving the fallout to others who follow her in her position? Why didn't this report come out earlier so that we could see if she had any resolve to do anything about it rather than have a moment in the public eye before her report gets filed in a sub-basement archive and forgotten leaving the UN to portray having done something while people continue to suffer. Russ Comstock

Austin Lowrance
It's not courageous to wait until 13 hours before you are going to leave to then call it out. That's like shouting "stop hitting him!" at a gangster from across the road and running away when he looks up to see who said it. It does nothing proves nothing and only further shows weakness

Think For yourself
What about the crimes against the unvaccinated

Annetta Jensen
Australia needs to be called out on its crimes against its citizens!!!

John Theodore Kaczynski
Forced medical treatment you say? That's sounds familiar

Norton Kelly
Courageous, she did a runner as soon as she said it

The Offender
I can't see much difference between China's communist government and the way Australians have been treated by the Australian government in the last few years

Counterspin-Media-Hosts-In-Court-Day-1-Remain-banned-from-engaging-in-social-media-but-not-press-interview-2022-09-01.mp4 - 72,999 kb
By: Counterspin New Zealand - 1st September 2022
Counterspin Media Hosts In Court: Day 1
Remain banned from engaging in
social media, but not press interview.


Executive Producers and Hosts of Facts and Evidence based platform 'Counterspin Media' Kelvyn Alp and Hannah Spierer made a special appearance this morning at the Christchurch Justice Precinct.

  • KELVYN ALP, facing 2 charges with a penalty of 14 years and fines of $200,000 each.

  • HANNAH SPIERER, facing a charge with a penalty of 14 years and a fine of $200,000.

They have been released on bail and are both due back in court on September 21st at 10am.

KELVYN and HANNAH are jointly charged with allegedly distributing a link to an investigative documentary on the 22nd February, deemed an objectionable publication under the Films, Videos and Publications Classifications Act 1993 on the 23rd of February this year.

KELVYN has also been charged individually with distributing the documentary and both he and HANNAH are charged with failing to provide a reasonable excuse to assist a person exercising a search power when requested to do so under Section 130(1) of the Search and Surveillance Act 2012 on the 25th August.

Hannah is accused of failing to supply fingerprints and a photograph, at Christchurch police station on the same day.

The pair stated post outcome, "freedom of speech is worth fighting for in this country".

Hannah said "You as Kiwis deserve to know the truth about whatever you want to know the truth about."

She said people around the country were feeling "disenfranchised and silenced".

"We are simply trying to be a voice for the people. What crime is being committed here?"

Counterspin NZs Media Revolution Facts & Evidence based Not a pay to say platform

Download here: The-Moment-You-Have-Been-Waiting-for-Matt-Walsh-defines-the-word-woman-2022-09-01.mp4 - 8,804 kb
By: Young America's Foundation - 1st September 2022
Matt Walsh defines the word "woman"

According to the Left, "woman" doesn't mean anything, but you're expected to take a man seriously when he says he identifies as a woman.

Jimmy Jango
It's sad that it has gone this far, that he has to state the basic facts of life like this

Bsox603 Cecchini
It's crazy that this needs to be explained and even discussed! Keep fighting and keep these brainless idiots who don't want to be part of reality away from our children!

Michael Angelo
He finally did guys!! He found out what a woman is!! xD

Edit: In all seriousness it's really tragic that defining what a woman is is an actual social issue

Ted Moser
Four minutes of flat out truth, sad it has to be said, and more sad that some still won't believe it. And here's where our "advanced" society is at, Wow!

Give this man some sort of community service award for spitting facts

Life After
It's ridiculous that this even needs to be said

J Man
It is refreshing to hear someone speak such common sense in such a plain and simple fashion. Thanks! These simple facts are certainly not hate, but just simple facts. Well said.

By: Black Diamond - 31st August 2022

Secret video of senate meeting with head of TGA Brendan Murphy telling Parliament to not tell the public of their own vaccine effects coverup; and that the vaccine kills people and they have no recourse from it - because the government granted big pharma immunity from prosecution and compensation payouts. This is so Nuremberg trial 2.0, with modern day Nazi style experimentation on live humans, without being informed about any risks.

01. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

Good girl God bless her

Steven Seagull
Your dead Jacki! Belittling us pure bloods and pushing the vax! Fuck you! Your gonna fry!

What are we waiting for? Start the hanging!

And the pucks that run our congress can take those billions of dollars they have allocated to Ukraine to hide their criminal deeds over there and keep all that money right here at home to take care of the vaxx injured people they are responsible for harming.

The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite. Thomas Jefferson

Download: Global-Walkout-A-unified-pushback-against-the-globalist-agenda-starts-September-4th-at-8pm-London-time-2022-08-31.mp4 - 91,358 kb
By: Reignite Democracy Australia - 31st August 2022
Global Walkout
A unified pushback against the globalist
agenda starts: September 4th at 8pm London time

A unified pushback against the globalist agenda

ONE STEP AT A TIME, hand in hand, we will walk out of the society they are trying to enslave us.

GLOBAL WALKOUT…starts September 4th at 8pm London time.

Reignite Democracy Australia
It's finally here, the Global Walkout begins September 4th at 8pm London time

One step at a time, hand in hand, we are walking out from the globalist society they are trying to enslave us into

ANYONE can participate
ANYWHERE in the world

JOIN or read about it here -

Translate the video into your language -

Originally, the global walkout was proposed as a strike and convoy to our capital cities. That will still happen, but we need more momentum (millions globally) if we want that to be effective. As the movement grows, there will be a perfect right time for that action, it's just not yet.

purple mander
Sing, dance, worship, breathe freely. Sounds like the world my ancestors set up for me. Lest we forget.

Throughout history,evil ALWAYS loses in the end! ALWAYS! And GOoD always win!!! Hallelujah

Lets do this people! DONT forget what they did to us!

Boshena W.
I am looking forward to see what else I can do. Pretty much out of the system now, but happy to do more

wilo west
Remember if your phone has been taken into possession by the police in Australia throw it out or sell it and buy a new one , write down any information you want to save then manually enter in to your new phone because a key logger can easily put onto your phone by any 15 year old these days or probably 12 year old and hidden where you can't see it .
Never hand your phone to anyone to use as a rule especially strangers pretending to be desperate to call someone because of a fake emergency , dial the number for them maybe then put on speaker while still holding onto your phone if you feel obliged to do so .

My-Son-Hunter-Hollywood-Star-Reveals-What-Hunter-Did-To-SABOTAGE-New-Film-That-Will-Destroy-Bidens-Life-Forever-2022-08-31.mp4 - 25,772 kb
By: The Next News Network - 31st August 2022
My Son Hunter
Hollywood Star Reveals What Hunter Did To
SABOTAGE New Film That Will Destroy Biden's Life Forever

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According to the Gateway Pundit, Robert Davi revealed in a recent interview that Hunter Biden's lawyers attempted to infiltrate the set. 'Dynasty' actor John James portrays Joe Biden in the movie. Gina Carano and Laurence Fox and Emma Gojkovic will also be in the film.

Seems like Hunter will be proud of this...since he's a deranged individual.

Reba Eveler
Since hunter Biden records every moment of his life this movie is probably gonna be pretty accurate.

It looks like Lawrence Fox nailed the part. I'm so glad he got the role. For those who don't know, Lawrence Fox is a British actor who has been thoroughly "cancelled" by the wokerati in the UK for voicing politically incorrect opinions.

I hate everyone with the Biden name and I hope they all go down for what they have done, but I am also sad and ashamed that this has happened in the country that I love and am proud to be from. I ask everyone this how is it we have ley this great country of ours fall so far from grace I think it all started around the same time when social media took off and also when Obama got in office. Both of the later were terrible for us.

William Cornelison
This needs to be released in all the Blue States and in Penn. this week especially..... I want copies for all my Socialist Marxist Relatives and Woke Friends for Xmas.....

Download here: Monica-Smit-and-David-Limbrick-on-Sky-News-Charges-of-incitement-dropped-2022-08-31.mp4 - 47,080 kb
By: Reignite Democracy Australia - 31st August 2022
Monica Smit and David Limbrick on Sky News
Charges of incitement dropped

Thanks, Rowan for the opportunity to speak to a wider audience.
Us protesters had VALID POINTS and were arrested, thrown in jail, and abused...even though our concerns ended up being true!
We will get accountability one day don't worry.

Jongwe Rachembera
A lot of respect for Rowan Dean for speaking out from the start exposing the covid tyranny. Well spoken Monica!

Rita Loitz
Rowan Dean is for me one of the very few people with high credibility in the media. He was sailing as close to the winds of truth as was possible (because no doubt he has a mortgage to pay). Thank you Rowan

Johan Hausoul
Congrats again Sky News and Rowan for verbalising the simple truth and reality of what is going on. Thank you for staying true

Michael Daniels
Zoe needs to personally sue the individual police officers. There is no point suing the force as they just pay the compensation from taxpayers funds.

Luke Kent
The sad thing is how people believed this was keeping people safe...

Dream Create
All those in this situation need to push forward and make every officer accountable. You must make it about yourselves so these officers make the appropriate financial compensation. It's crucial to the people's freedom that this is not dropped. Cowards going forward are then less likely to follow the demands of tyrants and stand with and serve the people as they are supposed to do. Those involved at every level must feel the personal pain. This is tough love and it must happen.

Assistant-principal-at-Greenwich-school-in-Connecticut-on-administrative-leave-amid-investigation-into-hiring-practices-2022-08-31.mp4 - 8,161 kb
By: Project Veritas - 31st August 2022
Assistant principal at Greenwich school
in Connecticut on 'administrative leave'
amid investigation into hiring practices

Breaking News For All of You Who Say "Nothing Ever Happens." This is What Accountability Looks Like.

By: CBS New York Team
GREENWICH, Conn. -- An assistant principal at a Greenwich school has been placed on administrative leave as an investigation into hiring practices is underway.

The Greenwich Schools superintendent says the district "does not support any opinions that promote discriminatory hiring practices," adding that its "policies and procedures are strictly enforced" by its board.

Gov. Ned Lamont says, "Discrimination of any kind has no place in Connecticut, especially in our public schools. This is not aligned with our Connecticut values. The Connecticut State Department of Education is aware of the incident, has been in contact with Greenwich Public School administrators, and is monitoring the situation's progress."

He needs to be fired.

administrative leave?!!! fire that POS!

great job. keep it up.

Hell Yeah, Awesome Job James. Hope they hang his A$$ in town square! fjb

You do a amazing JOB! ABC CBS NBC should really take notes and follow your lead!

Bravo!!!!!!!!!!! donating thank u

Download: Part-1-Connecticut-Public-School-Asst-Principal-Admits-Discrimination-Against-Catholic-Candidates-2022-08-31.mp4 - 68,726 kb
By: Project Veritas - 31st August 2022
The Secret Curriculum PART 1
Connecticut Public School Asst. Principal
Admits Discrimination Against Catholic Candidates
  • Jeremy Boland, Assistant Principal of Cos Cob Elementary School: "Believe it or not, the open-minded, more progressive teachers are actually more savvy about delivering a Democratic message without really ever having to mention politics."
  • Boland: "So, it's subtle. They [teachers I hire] will never say, 'Oh, this is [a] liberal or a Democratic way of doing this.' They'll just make that the norm -- and this is how we handle things, it's subtle…That's how you get away with it."
  • Boland: "The conservative [teacher], who is stuck in her ways. I'll never be able to fire her, and I'll never be able to change her. So, I make an impact with the next teacher I hire."
  • Boland: "Protestants in this area [of Connecticut] are probably the most liberal. But if they're Catholic -- conservative…You don't hire them."
  • Boland: "If someone is raised hardcore Catholic, it's like, they're brainwashed -- you can never change their mindset."
  • Boland: "For one position, I think we had 30 applicants. So out of all those applicants, I don't think I interviewed anybody over the [age] of 30…the older you get, the more set in your ways -- the more conservative you get."
  • Connecticut Law, Section 46A-60B1, specifically bars discriminatory employment practices. A violation occurs if anyone refuses to hire or employ people "because of the individual's race, color, religious creed, age, sex, gender identity or expression."

Sarah c
I am a middle school educator- this is horribly accurate. Even in red areas.

Jeremy Boland: "it's like Catholics are brainwashed"
Also Jeremy Boland: "we tell kids what to think"

Radical Centrist God
This is disgusting, I have a couple of Danish friends whom are teachers, they never believe me when I say this is happening in the US (And my home, Britain) and now they will, everything that happens politically in America is being used In Britain as well. Thank you PV, it is indescribable how important your work is not just the US but the world.

Matt Damon
This has been going on for years.
He's just one of many doing this same thing.
It's sad that we have to trust people like this with our children. Not everyone has the ability to homeschool. Those who are unable are forced to hand their child over to these monsters. If you refuse you're considered an unfit parent and CPS intervention starts.
This needs to change.
Parents, get involved at your child's school NOW. Show up to the meetings. Attend field trips. Do everything in your power to make your voices heard. These people cannot be allowed to brainwash our precious children

Christian American Dominican
I'm a teacher and that's exactly how these liberal teachers do it. I sat for years at these department teacher meetings and that's exactly how they choose the activities for the lessons. The angle is always very clear without coming right out and saying it. Thinking back now that was also how I experienced high school and college education.

Download: Anti-Covid-lockdown-protestors-charges-dismissed-Something-rotten-in-the-state-of-Victoria-2022-08-30.mp4 - 27,645 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 30th August 2022
Anti Covid lockdown protestors charges dismissed
Something rotten' in the state of Victoria

Sky News host Andrew Bolt says there was a court victory today which underlines "something is rotten" in the state of Victoria.

"Victoria police today dropped yet another charge they laid in the lockdown," Mr Bolt said.

"A charge of incitement against Zoe Buhler, who's a pregnant woman who was arrested two years ago in her home, handcuffed in front of her children for writing a social media post promoting a protest against Premier (Daniel) Andrews' cruel lockdowns.

"Now the footage of that arrest went around the world. Victoria's shame was seen by 10 million people."

Mr Bolt said police dropped the case after "two years of worry" and after she was "treated like a public menace".

"Zoe Buhler was told – nah, not in the public interest to continue," he said.

Eddie Shields
Respect to this lady. Take them to court now see how they like it. Don't vote for Andrews or anyone who doesn't want our freedoms protected.

Stan Eddison
It's time Australians regained control of their own country

Rob Scudder
Excellent work. hold them accountable

Rob Smith
Rotten and corrupt to the core. Sack Dan. Unfit for office.

David Lamble
As a proud Victorian....I don't understand this state anymore.......If anyone votes for Dan Andrews, that make them a 'communist' themselves, something is seriously wrong in Victoria!

Dan Andrews is the kind of man that mothers warn children about.

Download here:Counterspin-Media-Hosts-Arrested-and-Gagged-New-Zealand-Freedom-of-Speech-in-Peril-2022-08-28.mp4 - 54,063 kb
By: Counterspin New Zealand - 28th August 2022
Counterspin Media Hosts Arrested & Gagged
New Zealand Freedom of Speech in Peril

Lee Williams of The Cross the Rubicon Channel on Youtube reports on the arrest and gagging of Counterspin Media hosts Kelvyn Alp & Hannah Spierer.


26th August 2022 A sustained and orchestrated attack campaign has been waged by the state against 'Counterspin Media'.

The goal: to carefully construct a narrative for public consumption that paints 'Counterspin' in the worst way possible. It is our belief that the recent arrests of the Executive Producers and Hosts of 'Counterspin' , are to silence the one media organisation that stands true to its no-nonsense 'facts and evidence' based ethos. The real fourth estate.

Kelvyn and Hannah were arrested on Thursday 25th August 2022 and charged with allegations relating to 'objectionable' material. The alleged offense; a link to an offshore site containing parts of a documentary investigation into the "Christchurch Massacre" shared on 'Telegram'. All electronics including production equipment, mobile phones, drives and computers were seized.

It seems the state via its Chief Censor, believes it's the sole arbiter of what information people have access to. Kelvyn and Hannah reject these allegations.

'Counterspin Media' have at least four open investigations into Government, Police and State Service corruption, including, but not limited to crimes against humanity. We believe this current action is an attempt to shut down our ability to bring information of vital public interest/importance to the people.

It is the opinion and position of 'Counterspin Media' that the New Zealand Government has become an internationally influenced criminal organisation working against the interests of the people. As with all criminals, we believe they wilfully and freely violate and conceal their fiduciary responsibilities and laws of equity.

We are thankful for the overwhelming support we are receiving from you, the people. We shall not cower, back down or shy away from our steadfast belief that the people are the highest authority on this land and as such are not subject to restrictions in anyway, save physical harm being caused and a victim created.

To all those that have subjugated themselves to the state's indoctrinated mind-set, we say this; we are fighting and standing for you also, whether you realise it or not.

All media enquiries to

Should you wish to support the ongoing fight against this tyranny, you can donate to 'Counterspin Media' via our website

Related Links:

Stuff Hit piece Fire & Fury:

Counterspin Media's rebuttal of Fire & Fury:

Amy Benjamin Comments:

The people have given them the power. They sit by and do nothing. Not enough care. Too many selfish and apathetic people and one day they will wonder why they have lost everything.

So many tough guys in the comments

There's a time to live & a time to die - choose one

Evil never prevails. Stay strong!

Download: Mainstream-news-in-Australia-now-speaking-truth-about-adverse-reactions-and-deaths-from-Covid-vaccines-2022-08.mp4 - 11,744 kb
By: Australian News - August 2022
Mainstream news in Australia now speaking
truth about adverse reactions and deaths
from Covid vaccines

Russian Military Discuss United States
Crimes Against Humanity at SCO Summit

By: Clandestine - 25th August 2022
Russian Military Discuss United States Crimes Against Humanity at SCO Summit
Russian Military Discuss United States Crimes Against Humanity at SCO Summit

Huge revelations today at a meeting of the the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Uzbekistan, to address the ongoing situation in Ukraine and rising global tensions. SCO is a Eurasian Defense summit between the top Military personnel from China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, with four Observer States interested in acceding to full membership (Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran, and Mongolia) and six "Dialogue Partners" (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Turkey).

Russian Defense Minister, the highest ranking Russian military official only behind Putin, Sergei Shoigu, spoke at the meeting in great depth on the Special Military Operation in Ukraine, and goes absolutely scorched earth on the US and the activities of the Deep State. He goes over the reason for Russia's invasion, the Deep State biological network, the Nazi war-crimes, Taiwan, EVERYTHING!

Let's break down his statements.

Sergei Shoigu, spoke at the meeting in great depth on the Special Military Operation in Ukraine

"Today's meeting is taking place against the backdrop of an extremely unstable international situation.

In Shanghai Cooperation Organization region, as well as in the world at large, threats are escalating, local crises are not subsiding, and new serious challenges are emerging.

The United States and the collective West, are exerting unprecedented pressure on independent states to maintain global dominance. To this end they use blatant blackmail, threats, colour revolutions and coups, and spread gross disinformation.

Confrontational actions and sanctions imposed by the West are worsening the situation in the global economy, ruining communications, artificially creating a food crisis."

The Russian Military pull no punches and lambast the US Deep State entities and their usage of colour revolutions, coups, blackmail, threats, and disinformation. The rest of the world are keen to the nefarious activity of the Deep State, and they are recognizing the "extremely unstable international situation".

Feels as if we are inching towards the possibility of kinetic WW3, also known as, the precipice.

“Conflict in Ukraine has become another pretext for the United States and its allies to unleash an economic and information war against Russia.

Ukraine has been chosen as an instrument of hybrid warfare against Russia.”

You know who Sergei Shoigu sounds like? General Mike Flynn. "Irregular warfare"."War on Information". Russia know damn well they are fighting the Deep State.

Also, Shoigu is asserting that the US have indirectly, via proxy in Ukraine, waged war on not just Russia, but the entirety of Eurasia and the world, with their biological activity.

"I would like to mention of the facts uncovered during the special operation regarding the implementation of the US military-biological programme in Ukraine. The documents we disclosed confirm that the Pentagon financed more than 30 Ukrainian bio-laboratories. The high-risk research was carried out secretly, with the participation and guidance of US specialists.

As part of this programme, components of biological weapons were developed, techniques to destabilize the epidemiological situation were tested and collected and exported to the United States.

Such actions pose a direct threat to SCO countries."

Pretty straightforward here. Russia and the rest of the world know about the 30+ US funded secret militarized biolabs in Ukraine, carried out by "US Specialists".

For those who aren't up to speed, the US Specialists are Obama, Biden, Clinton, and Soros, and all of their accomplices, as per the documents Shoigu is alluding to, see my past work on this in footnotes and see graphic from Russian docs below on the entire alleged biological network in Ukraine.

Click for bigger picture. Opens in new window

Russia rightfully claim the US biological activity and production of C19 are a threat to the world and the non-NATO countries must address this reality and enhance militaristic security measures to combat this threat.

Kinda sounds like the rest of the world are turning on the "West", which is really a euphemism for "Deep State". How do I know that? Because the Eastern leaders LOVE Trump and echo his opposition to Globalism.

The Eastern leaders LOVE Trump and echo his opposition to Globalism.

Shoigu goes on to give a status update on the Special Military Operation in Ukraine.

"In the special operation, we are strictly observing the norms of humanitarian law. The strikes are carried out with high-precision weapons against the military infrastructure of the Ukrainian armed forces: command posts, airfields, depots, fortifications and facilities of the military-industrial complex. In doing so, everything is being done to avoid civilian casualties. Of course, this slows down the pace of the offensive, but we are doing it deliberately.

The Ukrainian military is using scorched earth tactics, acting like terrorists. Russian military organized systematic work in the liberated territories to establish a peaceful life. We are providing humanitarian aid, restoring infrastructure and life support systems.

They use residential buildings, schools, hospitals, kindergartens as firing positions, place tanks and artillery in them, using population as human shield. They deliberately shell and remotely mine populated areas with anti-personnel mines, with the purpose of causing as much damage to civilians and infrastructure as possible."

This contradicts all of the Western media propaganda claiming Russia are losing and Ukraine are the innocent victims. This also echos much of what I have been saying, that the reason it's taking long is that Russian MIL are operating under strict RoE (Rules of Engagement), and not mindlessly slaughtering civilians, like the Western media would have you believe.

Russia could have flattened Ukraine in 48 hours without breaking a sweat. The only reason it's taking this long, is because they are being careful to navigate civilians. And the Nazi Ukrainian forces are using the Russian humanitarian RoE against them, by using civilians, predominantly children, as human shields.

Russia also express their displeasure with the West continuing to arm Ukraine and prolong the suffering. However, conflict will soon resolve as Ukrainian forces are surrendering, providing testimony against the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and Russia assures all of their objectives will be accomplished.

"Now a large number of Ukrainian servicemen, aware of the humane attitude of the Russian side towards prisoners of war, are voluntarily laying down their arms. However, the Kiev regime, in order to intimidate and prevent the surrender of others, as well as fearing their testimonies, is eliminating its own soldiers.

The special military operation is proceeding as planned, all tasks will be completed."

The Defense Minister also goes on to address the situation in Taiwan.

"As far as the southern flank of our Organization - Southeast Asia - is concerned, there is also a complex set of complex interstate contradictions and hotbeds of tension with a hard-to-predict scenario of events. Washington is attempting to fracture the regional security architecture to ensure global hegemony.

The states in the region are engaged in cooperation with NATO. Similar to Europe, a front is being formed to deter China. The so called Taiwan problem is being deliberately aggravated, and territorial disputes in the South China Sea and East China Sea are being fueled."

Pretty straightforward, the US are desperate to cause turmoil in Taiwan and intentionally aggravating the situation, in an attempt to fracture relationships in the region, to ultimately prevent the entire world from siding against NATO which is controlled by the Deep State.

In conclusion, all of the US/NATO top military "enemies" are holding open meetings on how to deal with the growing global tensions from the West and how to combat direct threats via biological warfare.

Here in the Western world, nobody is being notified of any of this. We are completely in the dark. Reuters gave their classic 2 sentence piece on the SCO meeting, only choosing to comment on the fact that Russia admitted they slowed down the operation for civilian purposes. Reuters CONVENIENTLY left out all the parts about the 30+ biolabs and Ukrainian Nazis using civilians as shields.

So there you have it folks. Russia, China, and the rest world militaries outside of NATO are joining together to stand up to the US and their biological activity which threaten the entire planet.

Russia are gradually gaining support and the entire Western world are being kept intentionally ignorant. Just like the German civilians largely had no idea the concentration camps existed, the US civilians are completely oblivious to the ongoing crimes of the Deep State actors in Ukraine.


Download here: Here-is-what-it-would-be-like-if-BLM-was-honest-about-everything-2022-08-24.mp4 - 18,631 kb
By: AwakenWithJP - 24th August 2022
Here is what it would be like if
BLM was honest about everything!

andromeda rising
This is why comedy will always be the greatest vehicle for truth

Kevin Hauser
This needs to be on national public television for everyone to see cuz this is exactly right

"To help end racism, we make everything about race." too accurate

Kevin P
"Because that would ruin our whole plan of creating diversity and inclusion within our bank accounts" That pretty much sums it up.

Before BLM infected the entire culture, I used to be able to go to work and get a sense of self satisfaction when I did a good job because I worked hard. It's almost like people didn't even think about the fact I am black. Now I get to constantly hear about how unfair the system has been to me and am painfully reminded about how I'm one of the few black people that work around there. Progress. Thanks BLM! All those mandatory diversity trainings have really made a difference!

Nope Nunya
Glad to see everyone catching up on current events.

The Encouragement Kid
JP NEVER misses so thankful for having his rational thinking mind these days

Tom Smith
"We believe that silence is violence and actual violence is social justice."

Download: Corpses-Of-Children-In-Hunter-Bidens-Basement-Leftist-Authors-GRUESOME-Reaction-Says-It-ALL-2022-08-23.mp4 - 14,342 kb
By: The Next News Network - 23rd August 2022
"Corpses Of Children In Hunter Biden's Basement"
Leftist Author's GRUESOME Reaction Says It ALL

According to The Daily Wire, During a recent appearance on the Triggernometry podcast, Harris compared former President Donald Trump to an asteroid headed for Earth. What he said next was the most vile. According to him, Hunter Biden could have kept "corpses of children in his basement" if it kept Trump from becoming president.

Curtis Brown
Everything going on is a distraction from Hunter's laptop and what's on it.

John Ganshow
They can't name specific examples of Trumps corruption, but they always enjoy throwing that accusation out there...

Mike Kelleher
Unbelievable. Giving airtime to an authentic lunatic.

Victoria Tolsdorf
This should really frighten every human being on earth.

DCSwavey 711
This guy is below the swamp, that much closer to hell. Derangement and evil.

Is this guy for real?! He is sick! Another one so full of hate he can't see straight.

Glenn Kistner
How can this guy leave his home and feel safe. If he were in prison they would take care of his sick mind.

Download here: Obsessed-with-doom-Greta-Thunberg-has-gone-bust-2022-08-23.mp4 - 28,955 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 23rd August 2022
'Obsessed with doom'
Greta Thunberg has 'gone bust'

Sky News host Andrew Bolt says the Greta Thunberg cult has "gone bust."

"A mere child, full of rage, obsessed with doom, totally devoid of any practical solutions – but here she was lecturing the world on how to fuel their 21st century economies," Mr Bolt said.

"Thunberg is now a victim of her own success in scaring people into doing very, very stupid things that we're now paying for."

Best Auntie Ever
Greta did literally NOTHING to help change anything. But she gave us great comedy.

She's served her purpose just like all the children they get their hands on

And was ignored by President Trump! Loved the look on her face when he dissed her.

Billy Ray Holden
People act like she's the one saying this. She's reading what others write. She couldn't even tell you what those words mean

Greta's pissed about only one thing: She's pissed her 15 minutes is about up.

That's what you get when you keep telling a spoiled, emotionally unstable brat that she's special

Robert Stevenson
Interesting how people looked to her for guidance even though she had no life experience... Speaks volumes about the environmental community...

Pedophilia is not a sexual preference...
22nd August 2022
Pedophilia is not a sexual preference...

Pedophilia is not a sexual preference.

Bugs are not food.

mRNA injections are not vaccines.

Men are not women.

The news is not real.

Climate change is not a threat.

The government is not your friend.

Download: Journalist-Avi-Yemini-DENIED-entry-to-New-Zealand-by-Jacinda-Arderns-Communist-Government-2022-08-22.mp4 - 16,674 kb
By: Avi Yemini - 22nd August 2022
Journalist Avi Yemini DENIED
entry to New Zealand
by Jacinda Ardern's Communist Government

Rebel News reporter Avi Yemini has sensationally been denied entry to New Zealand to report on an anti-government protest in Wellington.

Happy Mac
"When, then, does plunder stop? It stops when it becomes more painful and more dangerous than labor." Frédéric Bastiat, The Law

Tara T
That is disgusting!! She is crazy scared! Please do not let this deter you from coming. We are looking forward to seeing you coming. Go Avi!!

Utah Get Me 2
The further a society drifts from the truth the more it hates those who speak it! George Orwell~

Cam Jones
They should be scared , ultimately , more people are now dying , go avi ,

dudley scorrar
We need you here Avi.

Paul Findlay
As a Kiwi, I'm embarrassed at the state of political involvement in MSM in NZ. It's a joke!

Sven Karlsen
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

The Underground
Avi we gotchu bro don't worry. You're not missing much in NZ anyway lol. Signing right now.

Download here: WEF-DESCRIPTION-by-a-Nazi-survivor-Unless-All-of-Us-Resist-Never-Again-is-Now-2022-08-20.mp4 - 68,732 kb
By: DROPBEAR64 - 20th August 2022
WEF DESCRIPTION by a Nazi survivor.
"Unless All of Us Resist, Never Again is Now"

Vera Sharav "Unless All of Us Resist, Never Again is Now" – Full Speech (video+transcript) – Nuremberg, August 20, 2022

The moral significance of the Nuremberg Code — the most authoritative, internationally recognized document in the history of medical ethics — cannot be overstated, said Vera Sharav, Holocaust survivor and founder of the Alliance for Human Research Protection.

On August 20, a compelling line-up of international speakers traveled to Nuremberg to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of The Nuremberg Code. Now of all times, in its jubilee year, this achievement of mankind is facing the greatest hardship since it was written. WATCH the historical event REPLAY here (from Monday 22th August).

Speakers include CHD President Mary Holland, Holocaust Survivor & Public Advocate for Human Rights Vera Sharav, CHD Africa Executive Director Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Martin Michealis, Steffi Bresnik, Rolf Kron + more.

Download: Trudeaus-vaccine-mandates-in-Canada-EXPOSED-in-court-documents-Redacted-with-Clayton-Morris-2022-08-20.mp4 - 16,674 kb
By: Redacted - 20th August 2022
Trudeau's vaccine mandates in Canada
EXPOSED in court documents
Redacted with Clayton Morris

A new lawsuit shows that the Canadian government issued vaccine travel mandates before there was any science on the matter. In fact, they decided on the mandates and then went looking for the science. That's not how these things should go!

Jim Bond
As a Canadian who chose not to be vaccinated, I want to explain something alot of people seem to have missed. When the hospitals were filling up as the clown mentioned us unvaccinated weren't allowed to go to the restaurants or sporting venues etc. So who was actually passing the infection around? Those frontline health workers who stood up for their beliefs and didn't get vaccinated were fired and now our hospitals are actually closing for days because of labour shortages

Vasilia Ayan
Fellow Canadian permanent resident. I giggled when I went to a hospital in downtown Windsor, ON. Walked right in during the supposed height of all this in the middle of 2020, not a single person in the emergency room waiting to be seen. They're all full of horse crap.

Shaney Collins
I always wondered how things like the holocaust, slavery, and the burning times happened with so many people supporting the mindless chaos - then Covid happened and it all made sense how that was possible.

Stephanie Ferraro
I am a very grateful American. The Canadian Truckers movement really woke up the WORLD to the tyranny we are all facing. Thank you Canada

Patricia O.
thanks to these gentlemen that took the case to the court and everyone involved in exposing it.

Trust the science, turns out there were no scientists involved.

Think Faster
Thank you for bringing awareness to all, on what is REALLY happening in Canada as well as around the world. You guys are AWSOME!! This leader is an absolute idiot.

Download: TEASER-River-of-Freedom-A-Feature-Documentary-about-Convoy-NZ-and-the-Parliament-Protest-in-Feb-Mar-2022-08-19.mp4 - 54,585 kb
By: River Of Freedom - Documentary - 19th August 2022
TEASER - River of Freedom
A Feature Documentary about Convoy NZ
and the Parliament Protest in Feb / Mar 2022

River of Freedom is a feature documentary in production about Convoy NZ and the Parliament Protest during February and March 2022. It tells the story of who the people were, why they were protesting, and what happened.

We are a collective of professional filmmakers who support inalienable human rights, the freedom to choose and media without censorship. We need funding to complete the post-production.
Please support us to finish this film and screen it in theatres! Thank you x

Thank you to everyone who shared their stories with us. Thank you to our team of independent filmmakers who volunteered their time. X Gaylene, Mark, Jared, Sonny, Ben P, Ben V, Jacqui, Heidi, Meagan, Dane, Jordan, Briar Rose, Aaron, John, Ryan, Chucky, Russ, Greg and all have shared with us. Thanks to Donny [Not My Aunty] for the music at end.

Nga mihi nui. Noho ora mai Aotearoa New Zealand.

Tegan Dunn
Brought tears to my eyes. I remember sitting on the ledge and watching that line of white crosses going up, and observing the circle of people nearby doing a slow, peaceful movement meditation together. You captured the spirit of the event so well. thank you.

Janet Dougherty
So pleased to see this. Brought it all back to me. The joy of community and the generosity of everyone present and alongside that the moments of fear, Mallard's melodious music and the sprinklers and a whole lot more. So proud of us all that stood for our people. Yes all our people in NZ. We stood for you, even though you may not yet realise that, unfortunately you will sometime soon.

I was on my back in bed due to an injury during the protest. I watched most of the live streams. What I saw and heard I will never forget. PEACEFUL protestors ignored by government, insulted by government, lied to by government, bullied and injured by government thugs. No one in government liistened to them, they just leered at the protestors from windows above. Then, when government realised to protestors were not going away without being listened to the government and police sent in trouble makers to instigate problems to give the police, those government gestapo bullies and thugs, the excuse to destroy it all. I know what I saw and heard during this PEACEFUL protest for people's medical freedom and it was innocent people being bullied and bashed, psychologically by the government and physically and psychologically by government bullies and thugs - who go under the name of police. I'm 75 years old, I refuse to have the covid bioweapon injected into my precious body and I will continue to refuse. If that makes me part of the governments 'river of filth' then I am PROUD to be a part. Nearly 3 years now and still I am classed as a second class citizen along with all the others who refuse the clot shot. Walk around outside and it's like the 'masked walking dead zombie apocalypse', filthy masks disgarded in gutters and parks and the masked 'look' if you don't wear one and hospitals filled with jabbed who are now sick.. RIPNZ.

This gave me chills. Thank you thank you thank you to all involved in this doco. There was so much love in Wellington.

Ben Dover
Beautiful work! Cant wait to see the full feature!

The Animal
These are all my Brothers and Sisters Auntys and Uncles . I will forever stand by your side . Love you all who stood up for our rights .

Download: Dr-Malhotra-on-calling-for-vaccine-data-transparency-The-information-has-evolved-considerably-2022-08-17.mp4 - 11,744 kb
By: GBNews - 17th August 2022
Dr Malhotra on calling for vaccine data transparency:
'The information has evolved considerably'

'Everything we had to go on at the beginning was based upon that figure which was exaggerated in terms of its benefits... the information has evolved since then, considerably.'

Dr Aseem Malhotra joins Mark Steyn to discuss why he's calling for greater vaccine data transparency.

michelle brandon
Any doctor that wants to hang on to a shred of credibility needs to step forward now or risk being on the wrong side of history. Thanks to Dr Malhotra for being honest and courageous.

Well done GBN for this excellent interview. Dr Aseem is one of the doctors we need on checks and balances panel, challenging government and pharma .

The fact that they are STILL trying to jab people with this sh$t is deplorable. These people need to be thrown in a very deep hole.

Nicola Mudie
Thankyou for continuing to speak TRUTH.

Maz G
Many doctors spoke out about the dangers of these mRNA therapies but they were all ignored and cancelled!..they are the only doctors I will listen to in future!

Irene C
I am not a doctor, I am not a virologist. I am a mathematician .
But in 2020, when this terrible crime began , I intuitively sensed that I should not have got jabbed.
After that I searched and read a lot of difficult for understanding scientific biological and virological articles and realised that I was right.
But unfortunately both of my sons (successful programmers) didn't listen to me and got triple jabbed - being forced by media and their friends and colleagues. Then I also realised that unfortunately my authority was not that powerful than propaganda of jabs which was forced and brainwashed peoples minds by all TV or radio stations, except GBN.
Thank you guys.
You are a little island of hope.
That propaganda of jabs destroyed many families and friendships.
My case is one of them.
I feel guilty for being unable to persuade my dear sons to not get jabbed by these dangerous under-explored injections

Download here: Anthony-Fauci-Kennedy-Dr-Fauci-is-a-fraud-2022-08-16.mp4 - 19,640 kb
By: Fox Business - 16th August 2022
Kennedy: Dr Anthony Fauci is a fraud!
Fox Business host Kennedy and panelists discuss National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease director Dr. Anthony Fauci bragging that he symbolizes 'integrity' and 'truth.' #foxbusiness #kennedy

Billie Kellems
He belongs in prison, and now!!

Renee Workman
I love Kennedy & how many Americans are waking up to the truth!

TC Murray
Fauci needs to be held accountable for this BS.

Leah Hernandez
Finally somebody that had the guts to expose this evil fraud

Brad Stephens
Fauci is a monster, and Kennedy ROCKS.

Geoffrey Brockmeier
It boggles my mind anyone would trust a decades-long bureaucrat.

Jan Cramp
He's is nauseating and despicable. He didn't lose his livelihood like we did. His ego is disgusting.

Download here: Episode-71-Exposing-Stuffs-Fire-and-Fury-Video-Deep-State-Hit-Piece-Misfires-2022-08-15.mp4 - 425,891 kb
By: Counterspin New Zealand - 15th August 2022
Ep' 71: Exposing Stuff's "Fire and Fury" Video
Deep State Hit Piece Misfires!

Counterspin Media, along with a handful of other freedom groups and individuals, was dead centre of major government funded media attack.

The lavishly funded 'Stuff circuit' hit piece 'Fire and Fury' spectacularly failed to hit its mark. Instead, the attempt to demonise various individuals and organizations within the 'Freedom movement' become more of a 'fizzer and flop'.

The usual plethora of label diatribe, such as "Far-right", "Extremist", "White Supremacists", "Anti-vaxs" "Neo Nazi" and others were employed along with deliberately crafted music and imagery to entice the viewer into a pre-conceived notion of sinister intent on the part of the identities profiled within the documentary.

Join Kelvyn & Hannah as they 'Counterspin' this agenda-driven propaganda, with a number of other key people featured in that piece, including;

Counterspin Media's Damien De Ment, Carlene Hereora (save our children), Kyle Chapman (Community Peacekeepers) and former AUT Law Lecturer, Amy Benjamin.







KYLE CHAPMAN Community Advocate Peacekeepers








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Download here: Farmers-protesting-all-over-Europe-No-farmers-no-food-2022-08-13.mp4 - 16,674 kb
By: Daily HOT - 13th August 2022
Farmers protesting all over Europe
No farmers no food

Farmers' protest has spread all over Europe
In the Netherlands,
The Dutch farmers have created the largest upside down flags ever made
If the Dutch government removes a flag, the bigger one will be created
In Spain, Spanish farmers are also rising up with a message:
"We don't like to leave the fields to come and protest, but the situation is dramatic!"
The production costs have become unaffordable
In Italy: Italian farmers are blocking the road from Rome to Naples

Dede Tudor
If it weren't for you Daily HOT, we would not know this is happening.
The controllers do not want this broadcast.
We stand with our farmers. Plant GOOD FOOD!!!

Timmy B
My brother in species....
My brother in arms....
My brother in peace...I am truly thankful for everything you you have done and are doing.
You are doing what we all wish the "real " news would do.
There's a whole world that deserves truth.

DioScuri Mas
I'm am soo.... proud of the people all around the world standing up to the elites.

Ruth Snyder
Thank you so much for being our boots on the ground and letting us know what's going on. Our media is hiding this from the public. You have become the most trusted reporter out there. We all stand with the farmers. They have been hit so hard in every direction and they are in our prayers. No farmers no food and that's the truth.

Caroline Mueller
Thanks for showing us what's happening all over the world.

The Ultimate Girlfriend
I can't wait for this to come to England. World wide protest. Love it

Download: Democrat-megadonor-Steve-Kirsch-says-the-Covid-vaccine-is-the-most-dangerous-vaccine-ever-created-2022-08-11.mp4 - 67,029 kb
By: Fox News - 11th August 2022
Democrat megadonor Steve Kirsch says the Covid
vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine ever created

Democrat megadonor explains why he's fed up.

Steve Kirsch says hundreds of thousands of Americans have been killed by COVID-19 vaccines and speaks out against the Democratic Party on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'

Former-FBI-agent-I-would-have-rather-resigned-than-be-part-of-thi- ridiculous-raid-on-Trumps-Mar-a-Lago-home-2022-08-11.mp4 - 17,874 kb
By: Newsmax TV - 11th August 2022
Former FBI agent: I would have rather
resigned than be part of this ridiculous raid on
President Trumps Mar-a-Lago home

On 'John Bachman Now', Newsmax contributor and former FBI agent Michael Grimm said Wednesday, the Trump raid has tarnished our entire justice system.

"It is really a black eye on our entire justice system and this is a stain that is indelible, it's never going to be removed, and I don't think anyone is left in this country with any faith in the integrity of either the FBI or the DOJ for that matter."

I agree with this guy. He's a man of integrity.

Marie G.
This former FBI agent is a man of honour, so sad that not all agents are like him ….

deejo 2
Not even allowing the attorneys to see what they were doing is even more corrupt than the warrant itself. The whole thing SMELLS!

Paula Carel
FBI needs to be dismantled with a new structure of people with integrity. And system that is actually there to help with REAL cases, and true crime!

Robin Lineberger
I heard on the news they asked the staff to turn the surveillance system off and they refused. Good move staff.

Nimbus Nimbus IV
Any republican running for office that won't support defunding the 3 letter agencies WILL NOT get my vote.

Dominic Bustamante
All the agents who participated in this illegal raid should be fired without the possibility of getting their pensions or retirements, because this raid is purely unconstitutional.

One Payer Short
Trump to agents raiding his home:
"You better pray I don't become become President again."

Download here: New-Zealand-Government-Approved-Child-Abuse-2022-08-10.mp4 - 234,412 kb
By: Counterspin New Zealand - 10th August 2022
Right to Truth:
New Zealand Government Approved Child Abuse?

Long time Counterspin Media contributor William Bisset of the Brilin Functional Medicine Centre ( is now launching his new series "Right to Truth" on the Counterspin Media channel. William labelled this edition as "Labour Approved Child Abuse" referring to the NZ Labour Party currently in power. At Counterspin Media, we have retitled this "New Zealand Government Approved Child Abuse" as it takes more than one party to tango:

Is this going too far: 'Labour approved child abuse'? Some might call this 'School approved brain- washing'? Or is this a genuine move to protect children from a virus that does not seem to exist?

What do you think? Both? Neither? a part of agenda 2030 maybe?

Please give us your feedback on William's interview with Ross. They say this is not just another mask video, they wonder if it is time for a call to action for parents and the community to protect the children.

"Potential dangers..."?! Oh C'mon Man! Drop the MEDIOCRITY. The effing EVIL MASK REligion is an ABSOLUTE INDISPUTABLE PURPOSED HEALTH SABOTAGE, NO LESS! It is PURPOSED to make your children into RETARDED Low I.Q. Anti-Social FACTORY WORKER DRONES...PERIOD!!! Cursed by the Lord to Lake of HELLFIRE is the Beast of the N.W.O. NAZI Eugenicist SCUM and Quickly Damn them to HELL so help me God Almighty!

Report Alleges FBI "Had Personal Stake" in
Mar-a-Lago Raid – Agents Were After
Spygate Documents Trump Was Holding
That Likely Implicated FBI

The Gateway Pundit - By Jim Hoft - 10th August 2022
Armed FBI agents guard Mar-a-Lago during 9-hour secretive raid on Monday.
Armed FBI agents guard Mar-a-Lago during 9-hour secretive raid on Monday.

New details on Mar-a-Lago raid come to light

As reported earlier today - President Trump declassified a binder on January 19th, 2021 that contains hundreds of pages about the Crossfire Hurricane scandal. It contains damaging information about the corrupt actors involved with our government. Two different DOJ Attorney General's have defied President Trump's direct lawful order to publish the binder in the Federal Register. It's been 19 months as the DOJ defies the order, and every FOIA request to make it public. Can we now raid the homes of acting AG Monty Wilkinson, and Merrick Garland?

Memoandum on Declassification

The DOJ had already made redactions to protect sources & methods, and returned the binder back to the White House. But the corrupt FBI also wanted to hide names. So at the last minute, the DOJ demanded the binder comply with the 1974 Privacy Act. The Act requires any "agency" that releases records to also hide personal or identifiable name information. The DOJ knew this Act doesn't apply to the White House, it was a stall tactic. The courts decided this 22 years ago that the Privacy Act was based around FOIA requests, and the White House is not an agency.

TRENDING: LATEST DEEP STATE LEAK: FBI Retrieved 11 Sets of Alleged 'Classified' Documents - Binders of Photos - Handwritten Notes - Taken in Mar-a-Lago Raid

Hours before Trump left office on January 20th, Chief of Staff Mark Meadows gave the binder back to the DOJ, along with this memo. He asked the DOJ to make any Privacy Act redactions "out of an abundance of caution". In the memo he asks they expeditiously release the binder when finished. Meadows foolishly expected this would take 3-4 days. It's been 19 months and still not released. Just the News recently obtained the Meadows memo from the National Archives, who also denied having a copy of the declassified binder.

Meadows admits in interviews various agency's often stalled or defied Trump's orders. Meadows knew better than to rely on the DOJ to release this damaging binder after they left the White House. He should have released the binder to the public himself. But in doing so, there was a chance he would become a target of the DOJ and FBI. The memorandum below is what Mr. Meadows sent to the DOJ Attorney General on January 20th, 2021.

Mar-a-Lago - FBI

Now this-
New details on Monday’s raid of Mar-a-Lago may offer an explanation on what the FBI was looking for and why the FBI has not released the Spygate documents as they were ordered to when President Trump left office.

Investigative reporter Paul Sperry had his Twitter account taken down for the second time on Monday.

Sperry had his first Twitter account removed after he identified Eric Ciaramella as the leaker in the first Trump impeachment trial.

Sperry had his second account takedn down on Monday after he tweeted about the Mar-a-Lago raid and what the FBI was looking for.

According to Paul Sperry, the FBI agenst spent 9 hours looking for details President Trump took with him on the Crossfire Hurricane FBI spying scandal.

The FBI and DOJ cannot let the American public know the truth of the their criminal acts and attempted coup of President Trump. So they raided his home looking for the documents that may indict the organization.

Cristina Laila reported this earlier today.
REPORT: FBI Confidential Human Source Told FBI What Documents Trump Stored at Mar-a-Lago and Where to Search…. Related to Spygate?

Zero Hedge reported:

Twitter has suspended journalist Paul Sperry after he made several tweets about this week's FBI raid on Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence, where they spent up to 9 hours rifling through the former president's private office, Melania Trump's wardrobe, and eventually took 12 boxes of material…

Sperry: "DEVELOPING: Investigators reportedly met back in June w Trump & his lawyers in Mar-a-Lago storage rm to survey docs & things seemed copasetic but then FBI raids weeks later. Speculation on Hill FBI had PERSONAL stake & searching for classified docs related to its #Spygate scandal."

Paul Sperry on Mar-a-Lago raid

Sperry also tweeted a list of "conflicted" DOJ officials who were "briefed on the Mar-a-Lago raid", and noted that "CNN is admonishing reporters not to call the FBI raid of Trump's home a 'raid,' but instead to term it as a 'judge-approved search.'"

Paul Sperry on Mar-a-Lago raid
He also tweeted: "Funny, don't remember the FBI raiding Chappaqua or Whitehaven to find the 33,000 potentially classified documents Hillary Clinton deleted," adding "And she was just a former secretary of state, not a former president."
Paul Sperry on Mar-a-Lago raid

It appears there is more to the Mar-a-Lago raid than they are disclosing.

And it could be even more sinister than we originally suspected.

Download here: FBI-Mar-A-Lago-raid-stinks-to-high-heaven-2022-08-10.mp4 - 14,647 kb
By: James Morrow - 10th August 2022
FBI Mar-A-Lago raid 'stinks to high heaven'

The fallout from the surprise raid of Trump's Mar-A-Lago residence continues.

Sky News presenter James Morrow said the raid was 'utterly, completely unprecedented.'

He suggests the raids are a strategy used by the Democrats to 'nobble' Trump in light of Biden's 'horrific performance.'

He says the constant attacks by the FBI on Trump and his family throughout his presidency and after make it 'hard to escape the conclusion that much of America's federal law enforcement apparatus has become a tool of the left more focused on punishing its opponents than fighting actual crime.'

Donald Randall
When I was a child I thought the FBI was the greatest law enforcement agency ever. Then I grew up.

Great show as usual James. Keep up the great work. I absolutely love this show.

janice watt
You're a joy James.. even when news is disgraceful,

Strangely, according to a statement on the NARA website, that the "15 boxes" were recovered in Feb 2022. Why is no one showing the statement by NARA that the boxes were securely in DC as of Feb 8, 2022?

Helen Gormlie
That info regarding the judge says it all doesn't it.

Ice Water
Great show James watch out your house isn't raided

Is the National Archive the only American federal agency that doesn't have their own SWAT team? Instead of using the FBI they should have asked the department of education to borrow their SWAT team because I'm assuming they were going for the "KGB with a little bit of Gestapo flare" look

Download: Eric-Trump-speaks-out-after-Mar-a-Lago-raid-I-want-everyone-to-remember-this-about-the-FBI-2022-08-10.mp4 - 13,040 kb
By: Newsmax TV - 10th August 2022
Eric Trump speaks out after Mar-a-Lago raid:
'I want everyone to remember this' about the FBI

"I'm pissed off": Eric Trump joins Greg Kelly Reports to speak out about the FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago and calls out the years-long political persecution of his father, siblings and entire family.

Cherry Blossom
Be strong President Trump and family! Praying that God give you the courage, the wisdom to fight these wicked people in the the govt.

ninja warrior the cerebral assassin
Trump 2024 President & Save America!!!

Plus, Let's go Brandon!!! [go fuck Biden...]

True Patriots
God help us all Patriots under this horrible Administration !

Francisco Sandiego
God bless our greatest president Donald Trump and his family.

Eric, you hit every point. The whole Trump family is in our prayers. The world is not fooled.....this is desperation before the mid terms. The voters had better pray for each other too.

Julian Assange was asked when he planned to release all of the dirt on Trump. His response: There is none.

James Dyson
Thank You Eric for your response to this unprecedented action toward a President, Thank You for sharing this with America. We need this now, we are hurting...

Download here: Deep-State-VS-MAGA-Deep-states-connection-to-pedophilia-2022-08-09.mp4 - 112,418 kb
By: RealAmericasVoice - 9th August 2022
Deep State VS. MAGA
Deep state's connection to pedophilia

DON'T MISS THIS! Anna Perez exposes the deep state's connection to pedophilia today on the Water Cooler with David Brody.

they are going after Trump, because he knows who was at epsteins Island and he also knows how sick these politicians are, and he also knows the people have been blackmailed to vote in favor of their own politics, Bill Clinton 26 trips to epsteins Island, alot of Hollywood actors have been there many times, and everyone of them have been blackmailed for their votes, and for donations, this is something we all know, don lemon was at epsteins Island as well, this is all gunna come out very soon and their is not gunna be any place to hide, Joe Biden, Obama, all were at the Island, and I'm sure there is recordings of all their activities while on the island, these are truly sick people and instead of having a seat in congress, they need a 4×4 cell at wrickers Island, 25TH amendment!!!!

Great job Anna! So proud that you're brave and strong enough to speak out and continue to expose the satanic deep state.

Download: The-best-is-yet-to-come-Trump-releases-new-campaign-style-video-Sky-News-Australia-2022-08-09.mp4 - 13,621 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 9th August 2022
'The best is yet to come'
Trump releases new campaign style video

Donald Trump has released a campaign ad-style video on his Truth Social platform only hours after the FBI raided his Florida home where he vows to his supporters to "not give up" and the "best is yet to come."

Mike Tyson
Im not even American but this gave me chills I wish u luck Americans in making your country great again

He's making history right here, about to save this country. One of the best presidents we ever had and will have. Trump 2024

He truly cares about America and THAT is the threat to evil.
God bless President Trump

Mountain Warrior
It's so good to hear what a real President sounds like. It's been far too long.

Mischka AF
The ad was BEAUTIFULLY done!!!! I miss President Trump!!!

Stephen Johnson
I wasn't sure about him before, but now I think we need his tenacity and resilience. British government take note.

Sean French
I'm not even an American citizen but got emotional listening to this inspiring message. The country desperately needs a change in leadership asap. In fact, the world needs a change in leadership in the USA.

vickie campbell
Praying for the world and especially the USA!

Zackery Harvey
"We won't ever let you down as long as we are confident and united nation"
-Donald Trump 2022

James Pennington
When he said but soon we will have greatness again that put chills all over me.

Christina Hagar
If this man not voted back in, I'm afraid we will NEVER recover from this slump that the swamp people have caused. I'm praying for Trump.

Robert Wieber
I cannot explain how much I miss him as President as an American. I never thought I'd have feelings even close to this over any President or political person. But the love he shows for our country and we the people of the United States is like no other I've seen before him and especially since. The fact is that until the past 10 years or so who was President really didn't affect the average American all that much in our day to day lives but over the past decade to 15 years everything has changed and the person is President is now drastically affecting our day to lives. For me being 42 during Trump's presidency was when I was in the best financial recovery and position as an adult. And I say recovery because I lost everything I worked so hard for from age 16 to my 30s during the crash of 07-08 under Obama and was finally starting to recover thanks to Trump's policies with the cheap gas and low prices on just about everything while wages were good at the time as well. Then comes Biden and now I along with my family are struggling worse than ever having to decide each week do we pay this bill or get gas and food for us and the kids? Can we wait a week or two to pay that bill or will the late fees be to much or will they send it to collections or cut off our service? These are decisions most of us regular Americans are having to make now thanks to the deliberate actions of the Biden Administration and their pandering to the climate change garbage and other decisions made by the Democrat controlled Congress and spineless Republicans that vote along with them.

Download: A-Nation-In-Decline-President-Donald-J-Trump-the-best-is-yet-to-come-Copy-Share-Repeat-2022-08-08.mp4 - 13,040 kb
By: PatriotArmory - 8th August 2022
A Nation In Decline - President Donald J. Trump
...the best is yet to come. Copy - Share - Repeat

R CeCe
"THE BEST IS YET TO COME" & we are with you President Trump

Bryson McCarthy
We stand with you Trump you will be back and we will stand tall in victory

Recognize The Bay
Greatest fighter in modern American political history - Donald J. Trump

Debbie Blankenship
I love you President Trump and the best president in history. I stood with you when you announced your run for presidency in 2016 and I stand proudly for you now. We stand together! Always.

I needed this, I'm really black pilled. You're a great leader President Trump.

One of the best politicians of our time in the entire world.

Raven AmberRose
I stand with you Mr. Trump!!!!!! 45th president was the greatest!!!!

Major Glory
"I am a cheerleader for this country"

- President Donald J. Trump

Zeusie/Pandora 13
I don't care for ANY politician, but that was the best speech I've ever heard in my 64yrs!

Download: No-CARS-For-YOU-Jacinda-Arderns-WEF-Calls-For-The-End-To-Private-Car-Ownership-2022-08-06.mp4 - 29,015 kb
By: Car Coach Reports - 6th August 2022
Jacinda Ardern's WEF
Calls For The End To Private Car Ownership

Car ownership will soon be outlawed. The World Economic Forum (WEF) wants you to give up your car, truck or SUV. They want car ownership to be outlawed because The Great Reset is about control and tightening the grip on your freedom. They ask if your car is really necessary? The World Economic Forum doesn't think so. The WEF has published a paper that calls for an end to "wasteful" private car ownership in favor of communal sharing to lessen global demands for precious metals and fossil fuels.

The unelected elites in Geneva, Switzerland, claim that too many people own private vehicles for the planet's good. Most are barely driven and a universal model that will take consumers "from owning to using" their cars is the way forward. They state that "The average car or van in England is driven just 4% of the time." Instead of having vehicles sit idle, sell your car and walk or share because "Car sharing platforms have already seized that opportunity to offer vehicles where you pay per hour used." This was found unsuccessful in the US and especially during the pandemic.

The end to private ownership is essential, according to the #WEF, and can applied from everything to cars to private homes and even city wide design principles. If you have additional questions, put them in the comments below and I'll be happy to answer.

Most people haven't heard of Klaus Schwab and therefore don't understand what Klaus Schwab has said to his constituents. He is very clear to say that whatever he wants is going to happen. He has left no room for opinions on this. He boasts that he now controls all the world governments, which includes their militaries that he has command of. Therefore, he is very confident that he'll be able to put down any instances of rebellion. For those who believe that they have irrevocable rights of any kind? Klaus Schwab laughs because he also controls the judicial systems. His Great Reset greatly pleaes him; however, he said, "....but I fear what my grandchildren will have to go through." His own grandchildren will have to go through the tyranny of the Great Reset.

Thing that scares me is how willing people are to go along with any new rules and regulations without question. Our freedoms are disappearing before our very eyes and most people seem to not care. Covid was a good test for the world governments to see just how far they could go with their citizens. They found out that there is very little if any push back. Pretty much had their way with all of us. Our ancestors and the "hippies" of the 60s would be so disappointed in our lack of fight ! We need modern day "Boston tea party" types to arrive on the scene.

Ali M
Note that many of the WEF members flew to Davos for the WEF in their private jets. A separate set of rules for the inner circle. Jets for them, no vehicle for you.

Alexander Kajdi
The Hypocrisy of the WEF is absolutely stellar! As always Lauren Fix - The Car Coach brings us the unvarnished truth when it comes to enlightening us the driving public. Excellent Reporting as Always and Thank You!

Keep the Shoes
You did a great job here bringing up the dangers of what the WEF is up to in a relatable context to people who love their cars.

Download here: The-Evil-UN-Declares-Conspiracy-Theorists-Public-Enemy-no-1-2022-08-05.mp4 - 14,668 kb
By: The People's Voice - 5th August 2022
The Evil UN Declares
Conspiracy Theorists "Public Enemy no.1"

The United Nations has declared war on conspiracy theories, describing the rise of conspiracy thinking as "worrying and dangerous", and providing the public with a toolkit to "prebunk" and "debunk" anybody who dares to suggest that world governments are anything but completely honest, upstanding and transparent.

The UN also warns that George Soros, the Rothschilds and the State of Israel must not be linked to any "alleged conspiracies."

UNESCO has teamed up with Twitter, the European Commission and the World Jewish Congress to launch the campaign dubbed #ThinkBeforeSharing: Stop the spread of conspiracy theories.

The UN wants you to know that events are NOT "secretly manipulated behind the scenes by powerful forces with negative intent" and if you encounter anybody who thinks the global elite are conspiring to consolidate power and dictate global events, you must take action.

According to UNESCO, "if you are certain you have encountered a conspiracy theory" on the internet then you must post a relevant link to a "fact-checking website" in the comments.

(Never mind the fact that "fact checkers" are mostly untrained and unqualified hacks performing "fact checks" from their bedroom in between posting far-left political content and getting high.)

UNESCO also provide advice for anyone who encounters a real live conspiracy theorist in the flesh. According to the UN agency, you must not under any circumstances be lured into an argument with the conspiracy theorist. "Any argument may be taken as proof that you are part of the conspiracy and reinforce that belief" and the conspiracy theorist will probably "argue hard to defend their beliefs."

Remarkably, hidden in the fine print, UNESCO admit that conspiracy theories do exist. Under the heading "What is a real conspiracy?" the United Nations bureaucrats explain that "real conspiracies large and small DO exist."

According to the UN, it's only a REAL conspiracy theory if it's "unearthed by the media."

There is just one problem with the UN's definition of a "real" conspiracy theory. The media has been fully bought and paid for by the elite. And it's the elite who are conspiring against the masses.

Ever heard of Operation Mockingbird? In the 1960s you would get called a conspiracy theorist if you dared to suggest that the CIA was spying on journalists and controlling the mainstream media.

In reality, this is exactly what was happening. Operation Mockingbird was a CIA operation that spied on members of the Washington press corps in 1963, 1972 and 1973. They also paid journalists to publish CIA propaganda.

Wiretapping of US citizens is against CIA code, but this is what they did.

So sure, we should be trusting everything the media and fact checkers say, right? It's not like they have a history of being manipulated by shadowy three-letter agencies and the global elite, right?

In 2013, Obama signed legislation that repealed the U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948, also known as the Smith-Mundt Act.

The Smith-Mundt Act was a so-called anti-propaganda law that prevented the U.S. government's mammoth broadcasting arm from delivering programming to American audiences. But on July 2 2013, Obama quietly and deceitfully changed the law, meaning that the US government and the CIA could legally propagandize US citizens.

Strangely, the mainstream media don't like to acknowledge this fact. But it suits government agencies and the United Nations down to the ground. Of course they will tell you to place blind trust in the mainstream media and fact checkers. Regardless of how many times they get proved wrong, time and time again.

Hunter Biden's Latpop from Hell, anyone? It took the media more than a year to admit that it was a real thing. For a whole year the media was telling us that the laptop story was "Russian disinformation" and fact checkers were censoring social media, scrubbing it clean of any trace of the Laptop From Hell story, for fear that it would damage Biden Sr.'s presidential run.

Mainstream media is not a check on power. The very system requires complicity. Governments, corporations, global institutions like the United Nations… they know how to play the media game. They know how to control the news narrative. They know how to manipulate and control the masses.

They feed official scoops, official accounts, interviews with so-called experts. They breed fear because fear breeds compliance.

If you want to challenge power, you will be pushed to the margins. The CIA invented the term "conspiracy theorist" in the 1950s in order to denigrate those who dared to ask questions outside of the box and challenge the corrupt system.

The United Nations' war on conspiracy theorists is more of the same. They want to shame those among us who dare to ask questions and question the official narrative.

Ask yourself, when was the last time the media unearthed a conspiracy?

Also ask yourself, when was the last time the media covered up a conspiracy?

FATEd Pondera
"anybody who dares to suggest that world governments are anything but completely honest, upstanding and transparent." OH MY GOD, MY FUCKING SIDES. I CANT TAKE IT. You can't just drop something like that on me without WARNING ME FIRST. Honest and transparent government, oh man, that's a good one!

Alex Jones 'patient zero.' That means even if you disagree with the guy, their coming after other free thinkers.

Anita Hamlin
I guess it's time to double down on their lies which means to double down on the truth! Thanks!

Phew ! Was starting to worry for a bit there. Thankfully the UN came to the rescue and cleared everything up. Hey it's all good now boys and girls, the UN said so ! The world is safe ONCE MORE ! Thanks UN !
The UN ladies and gents. The Heroes we don't deserve, but the heroes we need !

Landon Viizual
Ah yes, even though they've been using the term as a weapon to combat actual evidence of them doing crimes against humanity. What a joke.

Ancient Sage
Well this feels wrong for so many reasons. And confirms exactly what is being shared.

Pierre Mihatov
Wow!!! Did not realize all those years ago ... that Orwell was actually a Prophet!! These statements come straight out of the plot!! Seriously!???!

Download here: cLiMaTe-cHaNgE-Fear-Sells-2022-08-03.mp4 - 5,926 kb
By: ProjectVeritas - 3rd August 2022
cLiMaTe cHaNgE #FearSells

g_flood, 1 week ago
May see temperatures of 90? Yep, that's called "summer" it happens every year.

I hate these people

Fear didn't sell enough to keep CNN+ alive

I noticed that full RED U.S. map even on Fox News last week. I knew then that EVERY piece of media is going to continue to use fear tactics full force to destroy us. I'm old enough to remember that heat during the summer happens every year and that we have so called "Indian Summer" in September and October EVERY year during my 58 years on earth.

Its called summer

Climate change is not a crisis. environMENTALism and other disorders are. The planet is stable. Many of its inhabitants are not.

Download: Fight-Agenda-2030-Ring-of-lights-shows-support-for-the-Dutch-farmers-No-farmers-no-food-2022-08-02.mp4 - 26,357 kb
By: Daily HOT - 2nd August 2022
Fight Agenda 2030
NEVER GIVE UP: Ring of lights shows support
for the Dutch farmers | No farmers, no food

NEVER GIVE UP: Ring of lights shows support for the Dutch farmers | No farmers, no food

LAST WEEKEND, an amazing ring of lights shown support for the Dutch farmers,
HUGE NUMBERS of the Italian farmers were joining the Dutch farmers
The Dutch farmers will not back down, and they cannot back down
Because they CANNOT reduce the number of their livestock, in some cases up to 95%
So tens of thousands of Dutch farmers have risen in protest against the government and calling for help day and night

phantom_velvet 37
Wish I was there to support these people . Open your eyes Europe and get out there to help the farmers

Rosemary Watson
Deep respect for all the farmers and their supporters

Deb Philips
I am humbled by these people and thank God for them. They all are a blessing to the world in their time of suffering.

divine art
I am PROUD to be from THe NETHERLANDS! We want our RIGHT! Nobody gets hurt from these protests!!! Everybody here is AWAKE and KNOW the THRUTH!

Jo-Anne Fox
We are so proud of the Dutch and farmers around the world atanding united. Canada is next in line- the WEF puppets are after everything.

Amar Ortal
So proud of my brothers and sisters who are standing up to tyranny!!!

Vaccinator questioned at Covid-19 Vaccination
Centre, Northtown Mall, Timaru, New Zealand
July 2022
Millions are playing Russian roulette with mRNA Covid-19 vaccines
Millions are playing Russian roulette with mRNA Covid-19 vaccines

To Whom it May Concern:

Sometime in July 2022, I stopped into the Covid-19 Vaccination Centre at Northtown Mall, Timaru, to ask the staff some questions about the Covid-19 vaccines. The following conversation actually happened:

William: "Hello."

Lone woman vaccinator standing behind the desk: "Welcome. Are you here for the Covid vaccine?"

William: "No. Actually, I have some questions about the vaccine and thought that maybe you could help?"

Woman vaccinator smiling: "Certainly. What would you like to know?"

William: "About 8 months ago, this clinic and the other Covid vaccine clinic across the hallway, used to be absolutely packed with people lining up to get their Covid vaccines."

Vaccinator: "Yes that is correct."

William: "Eventually the other clinic closed and this one remained very busy. But lately, there do not seem to be many people coming in here anymore either?"

Vaccinator: "Yes."

William: "I've heard from medical professionals from within the industry, who said that the first Covid injection rollout contained about 80% saline solution; and so only 20% of the customers actually received the real mRNA Covid injections - which minimised the effects of adverse reactions with the initial recipients and created trust for the vaccine, as most people had no side effects at all due to most jabs containing only saline solution."

Vaccinator: "Yes, that is correct..."

William: "And with the second Covid injection, about 50% of the vials had saline solution; while the remaining 50% contained the actual mRNA vaccine. So although there were more immediate adverse reactions this time round, most people still had confidence in the vaccines and that's why the vaccine centres were still very busy?"

Vaccinator smiling: "Yes. But what is your question?"

William: "With the third vaccine or 'Booster Shot' being 20% saline injections and 80% mRNA vaccines, many more people, like my workmates, were having adverse reactions like heart / brain / eyesight / death etc. With such an increase in vaccine related sickness and deaths, do you think that that may have been a contributing factor as to why there are not many people getting Covid jabs any longer?"

Vaccinator: "That is correct. Is there anything else that I can help you with?"

William: "Yes there is. I am just wondering how it will affect you personally, if even less people want the future Covid injections that the government has lined up for us all? What will you do for work?"

Vaccinator smiling as she turned and pointed: "Oh I'll be absolutely fine - because we also have the flu vaccine here as well; and the government is going to be rolling out a number of other vaccines in the future too - for other diseases..."

William: "So it looks like you will be very busy vaccinating people then? Wonderful! Thank you for answering all of my questions..."

Vaccinator: "You are most welcome. Have a nice day."

No, I never hit her!

Although I was angry at how the narcissistic bitch was only concerned about her financial welfare and didn't show any compassion towards my sick and dying workmates, I was very polite and friendly towards her, so that she would answer my questions and confirm what other medical experts have purported.

On other occasions I have gone in and spoken to staff and questioned how they can sleep at night knowing that they are participating in genocide for penury reward. Those women were really angry at me...

Yours faithfully,


Chuck Norris: "I too was once a
man trapped in a woman's body!"

31st July 2022
Chuck Norris - 'I too was once a man trapped in a woman's body!'

Download here: The-Truman-Show-Tried-To-Warn-You-It-is-all-an-illusion-2022-07-29.mp4 - 63,682 kb
By: Moon - 29th July 2022
The Truman Show Tried To Warn You
It is all an illusion!

This video explores the message of The Truman Show on modernity and post modernism through Truman's struggle in the film called The Truman Show. Truman (Jim Carrey) is a regular working who slowly wakes up to the realisation that he's living a lie leading his breakdown in The Truman Show.

"We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented". This one line by Cristof lays it all out perfectly.

Vampiric Kai
I watched the movie for the first time very recently. The final scene impacted me so much for the rest of that day. The fact that the entire audience who's watched him for years in a instance went to find something else to watch drew so many parallels to the modern day. That at the end of the day, the content was meaningless to them, just something to consume. This movie is forever in the same category as Idiocracy for me. A movie that becomes reality more every year.

I remember almost nobody "got" this movie when it came out, it was just way ahead of it's time, most people didn't understand it's message. Then a few years later we got Big Brother, people became obsessed watching people stuck in a house all day forced to interact with other people until they mentally cracked, which then evolved into reality TV which was super fake but had insane obsessive fans. Now we are all being surveyed, watched, censored and controlled even if we don't want to be. It's quite shocking how much we've gained technologically and lost in privacy in 20 years.

Pat Choto
"Not a bad person, just not a real person " this has been such a revelation . This is such a great line for everyone we love but who is so conditioned to the habitus that they can't even see they're own conditioning.

Download: Zimbabwe-shocks-the-world-introducing-a-gold-coin-currency-2022-07-29.mp4 - 7,269 kb
By: LuiSpot - 29th July 2022
Zimbabwe shocks the world,
introducing a gold coin currency

Zimbabwe makes a gold currency to tackle inflation a decade after former libyan leader muamar gaddafi unsuccessfully tried to persuade the continent into adopting a single gold currency to tackle the petro-dollar. what does this mean for africa, and should the rest of the continent follow zimbabwe's footsteps? #petrodollar

Larry L Edwards
Solid move Zimbabwe. Better late than never. Now this is the winning way.

Diana W
I think it is an excellent idea and all African countries should follow/support Zimbabwe. Africa as a whole needs to set up its own African gold exchange so you can control the gold prices (for stability) and MOST importantly ALL raw materials that are sold/exported to the rest of the world should be exchanged for gold not US dollars!

DG Studios
It's time all of Africa stands up together with Zimbabwe and push Gold currency to be an accepted currency throughout the whole of Africa or else Zimbabwe will face the same fate as Libya and no African country will ever rise again. Time for Africa to take control and push their Gold.

It's about damn time. Africa needs to rise together and definitely should follow suit.

C. Fiddler
The gold currency appears to be an excellent choice for Zimbabwe and all African countries. Others may choose to do similarly. Fair market choice from the four western cabals remarkably keeps a tight fist grip on fair trade or exchanges in business that keeps the world economies in check. Particularly Africa, though partially free of its historical chains, must find a way out of its confounding malaise and eliminate the historic parasites that continue to feed on it.

Terrean Johnson
let's go Africa!!! The mother land is on the rise once again, history is being made in the hands of the right people

Should have BEEN doing this.
Love to Zimbabwe.

Covid Vaccinated Timaru mother
Lauren Anne Dickason
charged with murdering her three daughters,
has trial moved to Christchurch

- 29th July 2022
Covid Vaccinated Timaru mother Lauren Anne Dickason charged with murdering her three daughters has trial moved to Christchurch
Lauren Dickason is accused of killing her three children – Liané, 7, Maya, 3, and Karla, 3 - in Timaru.

A woman accused of murdering her three young daughters in Timaru has had her trial transferred to Christchurch after an application from her lawyer.

The case against Lauren Anne Dickason, 40, was called in the High Court in Christchurch on Friday before Justice Cameron Mander, but Dickason’s appearance was excused. Her defence counsel, Kerryn Beaton, QC, appeared on her behalf.

Justice Mander said Dickason was still in custody in a medium secure psychiatric unit at Hillmorton Hospital in Christchurch, and advice from her managing clinician said it could be detrimental to “expose her to the court setting” at this stage.

He granted the application for her trial to be transferred to Christchurch with a possibility of it commencing in mid-2023, but with no firm date set.


  • Father of three children allegedly murdered by mum returns to South Africa
  • Timaru mother denies murdering her three children
  • Trial date set for mother charged with murdering three daughter

The Crown did not oppose the trial moving to Christchurch.

A firm date in February 2024 was available for the trial but earlier dates would be explored, possibly in June or July 2023, Justice Mander said.

"At this stage I simply can't confirm a trial date for the middle of next year," he said.

Dickason has been excused from all court hearings since her first appearance.

Dickason, a medical practitioner, her husband Graham, and their three girls – twin daughters Maya and Karla, 2, and their older sister Liané, 6 – arrived in New Zealand from South Africa in August 2021.

Police allege she killed the three children on the night of September 16, about a week after the family moved into a property in Queen St, Timaru.

Graham, an orthopaedic surgeon, found them dead when he arrived home about 10pm after dining with colleagues at a restaurant.

Dickason required hospital treatment in the aftermath of the incident. She appeared in the Timaru District Court the next day charged with the murder of her three daughters.

Vigils have since been held in Timaru and in South Africa to mark their deaths.

Suppression orders on the details of the offending continue.

In October, Dickason's lawyer entered pleas of not guilty to all three murder charges with her signed consent.

Dickason has been remanded in custody at Hillmorton until August 5.

At least 45 people have died in suspicious or homicidal circumstances in New Zealand so far in 2022.

At the same time last year there had been 36 suspected homicides. Last year's toll closed at 70.

On average there are 71 homicides in New Zealand each year. The rate of 1.3 homicides per 100,000 people is above the OECD median of 0.95 per 100,000.

The Homicide Report's data is provisional and may change depending on the outcome of investigations and court cases.

Download: Holy-Forking-Balls-This-Is-Nuts-Kamala-Harris-and-her-weird-friends-identify-as-women-with-clothes-2022-07-28.mp4 - 2,261 kb
By: MEME THE LEFT - 28th July 2022
Kamala Harris and her weird friends
identify as women with clothes

Montana Elkwhisperer
I am a white male, and i'm sitting here rolling my eyes and shaking my head at how bizarre our society has become. My pronouns are "disgusted", and "not playing along with your mental illnesses"!

This introduction could have been a lot quicker if they had all agreed to simply say they were idiots on the count of three.

The idea that these people might ever be in the neighbourhood of a decision-making process is terrifying.

S Young
The fact that Harris had to look before she said "blue suit" says pretty much everything you need to know about her intelligence.

Alloou No U
She's finally in her element. Talking about colors and clothes.
Also, good to see they figured out what a woman is.

The problem starts when you think the color of your skin, your gender or your clothing is important in a political situation.

Dennis Tarrant
So 30 minutes later--after everyone at the table explained their gender and what they were wearing--each person went back to their respective offices and continued to do absolutely nothing to address the myriad problems in America. This is like watching Thelma and Louise drive that car off of a huge cliff.

Download: Grovelling-United-States-is-brought-to-its-knees-Donald-Trump-2022-07-27.mp4 - 11,049 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 27th July 2022
'Grovelling' United States is 'brought to its knees'
Donald Trump

Former US president Donald Trump says the United States has been "brought to its knees" in a policy speech in Washington DC.

Mr Trump said the US has become a "beggar-nation grovelling to other countries" for energy.

"Our country is being dealt one historic humiliation after another on the world stage," he said.

"The American dream is being torn to shreds."

Hate this man or not, he's spitting facts!! The US cannot keep going down the current path!

Iftekhar Aqib
I never thought I would ever see a US president (Joe Biden) beg to foreign dictators to save the American economy.

Zach Roller
That's how a REAL President addresses the country.

Jonathan Williams
Yet again he hits the nail on the head, with everything he says. God bless America. God bless PRESIDENT Trump.

Paul Williams
Finally a President talking sense, how refreshing

American Made
This man stands for everything our our forefathers fought for a real president with a set of balls

That's what a coherent president sounds like.

Whistling Woods Crafters
God Bless America. We truly need some representation that has a back bone, a cognitive ability to make GOOD decisions, and will represent the American people.

Jane - - -
What an absolutely brilliant speech by the REAL President of the United States of America, well said, President Trump ...

Download: World-leaders-say-the-vaxxed-cannot-get-Covid-Now-they-are-catching-Covid-after-being-vaccinated-2022-07-26.mp4 - 10,334 kb
By: GBNews - 26th July 2022
World leaders say the vaxxed cannot get Covid
Now catching Covid after being vaccinated

Nigel Farage reacts to world leaders catching Covid after campaigning for the jab

linda cleveland
Nigel we are paying all this to the EU because our leaders don't have the backbone to say enough is enough . Heartily sick of a government who is willing to give the taxpayers money away when this country is virtually sliding down the toilet .

Ralph Reilly
People are actually claiming no one ever said they protect against infection. They're claiming they were only ever to reduce symptoms. Tell that to my triple jabbed gf who was in bed for 8 days while I was recovered after 12 hours.

Andy NJ W
Yep it's bollocks but the crazy people still believe.

Knight 2000
A message from gods knights, remember a lie can never BE! THE TRUTH IS THE TRUTH!

moksha shaw
Alot of people should be in jail..

Carol Connors
No Booster...No Clot Shot...We need you Nigel...we love you. No more shots!!!!!!


Download: Law-Project-Veritas-James-OKeefe-Keynote-Speech-Turning-Point-USA-SAS2022-Villians-flee-2022-07-25.mp4 - 41,625 kb
By: ProjectVeritas - 25th July 2022
Project Veritas - James O'Keefe Keynote Speech
Turning Point USA #SAS2022 - VILLIANS FLEE

the deep state didn't have a problem with project Veritas until it was them getting exposed to the light.
keep up the great work team!!!

Anyone whose not a fan of Project Veritas is not a fan of the truth

friggin love this dude. keep up the good work!

That was pure magic. Stay safe James, this kind of corruption does not enjoy being exposed and embarrassed at such satisfying levels.

Release the messages. Take him down. Another one bites the dust.

nice touch wearing the shirt that says, press

He's the culture warrior Breitbart dreamed he would be I think.

Download here: My-Body-My-Choice-or-My-Body-Big-Pharmas-Choice-When-they-realise-their-own-hypocrisy-20220722.mp4 - 6,869 kb
By: the_jwj_show - 22nd July 2022
My Body My Choice
My Body Big Pharma's Choice
When they realise their own hypocrisy!!!

The World Economic Forum wants to steal everything from us...

Download here: The-Battle-Plan-for-Dictator-Jacindas-Army-of-5-Million-Wear-Masks-Indoors-2022-07-20.mp4 - 7,466 kb
By: Carl Vernon - 20th July 2022
The Battle Plan for Dictator Jacinda's Army of 5 Million
- Wear Masks Indoors!!!!

Ray Purchase
Their intention is to maintain you in a state of fear and continuous obedience.

slgarcia 47
I LOVE seeing these politicians at press conferences telling people to wear masks indoors while simultaneously NOT wearing a mask indoors. The hypocrisy is unreal

Tyler Crick
Appreciate the work you do Carl.

Peter Kennedey
The fact that people aren't doing anything about this in that country is mind blowing!

"Mask wearing should be like wearing a seatbelt". EXCEPT that if a seat belt fails and you get hurt or killed theres a legal claim against the manufacturer; whereas, if your blue surgical mask fails and you get sick the manufacturer says "we told you on the box that these were ineffective at stopping ANY airborne pathogen."

lori zikovich
The only way this merry go round stops is by not getting on. I'm done wearing the stupid useless masks

Download here: Real-News-The-Dutch-farmers-have-started-the-global-awakening-No-farmers-no-food-2022-07-19.mp4 - 17,855 kb
By: Daily HOT - 19th July 2022
The Dutch farmers have started the
global awakening: 'No farmers, no food'

Now not only the Dutch farmers realize that their leaders are not listening to them
But the people in many countries are also questioning their leaders
After the Swiss people, the Dutch farmers just made it very clear who have caused the living crisis
Here is the awakening of the people around the world last weekend
1. Mass demonstrations in Panama, the citizens rise up against the government over high inflation which increases the cost of food, fuel, and almost everything in the country
2. The president of Austria being BOOED...

Unity = Strength.....governments are trying to divide us. Stay strong, stay true to the cause but most of all stay United. Love from Canada

Everyone across the world needs to do this, this is the only way we can get the world to hear us, it's time we stand up to the crooked career politicans and their excuses

Sandie Wills
Thank you so much for your content. You are showing us how the world is uniting against this tyranny. We are NOT alone, and this is a reminder that we stand united world wide! Love from South Africa.

Casey Ford
And we shouldn't allow any leaders to make bad decisions that aren't in the best interest of humanity. We need leadership that actually cares and acts to make everyone's lives better. It's possible but they just aren't doing it.

Everyone must stand up it is the only way to save ourselves from the evil that has been put upon us.

Gail Carey
I pray for our truckers and farmers worldwide. You are our hero's and have not received the gratitude you deserve. God bless you, richly.

Download here: Real-News-NOT-Dutch-farmers-BUT-Swiss-farmers-pointed-out-the-most-wanted-globalists-2022-07-17.mp4 - 9,327 kb
By: Daily HOT - 17th July 2022
NOT Dutch farmers, BUT Swiss farmers
pointed out the most wanted globalists

The first ones who have pointed out the most wanted globalists are the Swiss people
These wanted people have caused problems in Sri Lanka, the Netherlands, and many other countries
The poster is still there on the streets of Zurich, Switzerland
So far, this is what happening in the Netherlands and around the world at weekend

  1. The Dutch truckers have answered the farmers' call for help
  2. The Dutch and German farmers have blocked both sides of the highway connecting Germany and the Netherlands...

#dutchfarmers #nofarmersnofood

california sunshine
At this point ,nobody is safe from their government.Every country has to stand together.

Mallory Mugworts
Finally showing those responsible for the global atrocities, crimes against humanity that are still playing out..thank you for your courageous efforts to expose

Kenneth Thorberg
These "wanted" posters are the best news in a long while. Everything has to be exposed in the streets for people to realise that this is IRL , not just a thing on internet.

Dennis Young
The whole world should be doing this and supporting the ones doing this.

neil glenwright
It's about time people stood up to these governments and show them who really is in charge. POWER TO THE PEOPLE

The world is with them and watching.

todd hut
I love how I see random Canadian flags in different countries protests.. when I was in Ottawa for the Freedom Convoy , you could feel the hope, love and determination in the air even in the brutal cold it kept me warm.. I prayed that all the people in the world could feel the same sense of unity and compassion that I felt as it changed me on a fundamental and spiritual level forever.. it seems that God has been listening and has been working hard for the Great Awakening to oppose the Great Reset.. stand firm stay strong and keep vigilant brothers and sisters.. enough is enough of the WEF/NWO tyranny and their evil n insane agenda.. cheers and God bless from a PureBlood Canadian. Trudy the Traitor and all the rest of the WEF/NWO cabal as well as their puppets too..

Download here: Real-News-Black-Republican-Jerone-Davison-ad-targets-angry-Democrats-in-Klan-hoods-2022-07-16.mp4 - 2,072 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 16th July 2022
Black Republican Jerone Davison ad
targets 'angry' Democrats in 'Klan hoods'

An incredible ad by black Republican congressional candidate in Arizona Jerone Davison shows what he thinks about Democrats, race, and gun control, reports Sky News host James Morrow.

It's a brilliant pro-2A advert. People have such short memories. The right to protect yourself should be fundamentally established in EVERY legal system.

Well he is historically correct. And it's funny while being accurate.

Josh Mallow
One of the best political ads ever! Pure genius!

Aidan Coyle
I'm Irish, but if he was over here I'd vote for him!

Nat at Night News
Amazed and captivated, what a powerful and truthful message!

Kelly Anne Bishop
We need strong men like this all across this nation.

Get out and vote this man into congress. All though I'm in California this is exactly the change our country desperately needs. Jerone Davison for congress!!

Amid Azad
Mr.Jerone Davison, you're the man. YOU HAVE ALREADY MY VOTE. This is a kinda Politician we need. He's definitely gutsy, and telling the bitter TRUTH. MORE POWER TO YOU MR.DAVISON. KEEP GOING.

Download here: Covid-Mark-Steyn-Victims-of-the-Covid-Vaccine-Special-2022-07-14.mp4 - 381,278 kb
By: GBNews - 14th July 2022
Mark Steyn - Victims of the Covid Vaccine Special

Welcome to tonight's show. If you watch other TV stations; if you listen to other radio stations; if you go on social media - the people in this room with me tonight do not exist! In fact, as you can say see they're real; they're flesh and blood; they are your fellow citizens and they represent hundreds of thousands of other people in every corner of these islands; and millions more around the globe.

Yet if they post on twitter; if they post on facebook; they are labeled as misleading as disinformation and as fake news. These people are not in the least bit fake, they are victims of the Covid Vaccines. Some of them have lost husbands; have lost parents; have lost children - to these vaccines. Others among us are now chronically injured; they can't work; they can't drive; they're faced with the prospect of having to sell their homes in order to pay medical bills. They're real and they have been shamefully treated.

Uh not only by the state, and by that I don't just mean the Queen's ministers, but her very majesty herself told these people that we should all take the vaccine. Then we have the media, who have just ignored this story. I don't just mean the pom-pom girls of Good Morning Britain that you would expect to be content to serve as propagandists, but the so-called butch boys like Kevin O'sullivan to his shame at talk radio who dismissed these people as yesterday's news.

Uh they're not yesterday's news, they're very much today's news. If you don't follow the news, I don't blame you, because on the Covid Vaccine stuff it's getting worse. In the United States they're jabbing six-month-old babies. In Australia, the New South Wales health minister is berating the double vaccinated uh for being insufficiently enthusiastic about getting a third jab in the arm. In Canada, Justin Trudeau has said that you have to get jabbed in order to enjoy life as a citizen of a free society, you have to get jabbed every nine months.

These people are the consequences of one of the worst public policies anywhere on earth, in modern times; and we are going to tell their stories that's coming up on tonight's show right after the headlines.

Juan Tooth
It's incredible that governments are still peddling this vile drug. Even pumping infants. Thanks Mark for the great work you do.

Jenny Mc Laughlin
This needs to be shared far and wide - these people need to be respected and heard. Thank you Mark Steyn

Simon c
Well done Mark and GB news for making more people aware of this tragic scandal

dan trey
a one size fits all policy goes against the very nature of the human being as, every individual being is different..this innoculation experiment was always going to bare horrific results..they knew this from the getgo..all those involved with this disgraceful sham must be brought to trial and punished accordingly as per the nuremberg code..thank you heart goes out to all who have suffered through these crimes against humanity..i wish everyone all the best.

Vicki Pauley
So pleased to see these brave people being given the airtime they so desperately need. Well done Mark, and all the team at GB News. Let's hope more folk come forward now and share their story

Paulo X
¡BRAVO! You guys are leading worldwide towards this issues with the injections. This will indeed help to shift the narrative. THANK YOU!!!

Mandy Riley
Thank you Mark, this show made me cry. It's appalling how these people are being treated.

Excellent report on a shamefully underreported, and important, issue. Kudos to Mark for being bold enough to do this report.

Download here: Real-News-We-are-in-jeopardy-and-this-is-why-Greg-Kelly-Reports-2022-07-13.mp4 - 36,740 kb
By: Newsmax TV - 13th July 2022
We are in jeopardy, and this is why
Greg Kelly Reports

Broken, divided, and in jeopardy: Greg Kelly decries the way unhinged liberals, backed by mainstream corporate America, have perversely warped American culture.

Djamal Versteeg
The saddest effects the MSM has had on our society is beyond sickening. We need to make America Great Again!!

Paul McCall
Don't let the parents off the hook either, it's shameful.

Shirley Bowers
Thank you, Greg, for a completly vital message. I agree. May God grant us a spirit of repentance and save our beloved Republic.

Justin Price
These people have lost their minds. Enough of this silly crap is enough.

Theresa Horne
Children live what they learn from their environment... REMEMBER.... A STUDENT IS ONLY AS GOOD AS WHAT A TEACHER TEACHES!!!

Jack Hammer
That's a learned trait...those kids were not born hating cops that was thought to them by teachers and parents that should be jailed...what was done to those children is child abuse period.

Theresa Phillips
The parents of those children need to have a visit from CPS; their mental well being depends on it.

We need to turn back to God. God bless America.

Download here: Jacinda-Winston-Peters-New-Zealand-implementing-radical-set-of-policies-2022-07-10.mp4 - 3,553 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 10th July 2022
Winston Peters New Zealand implementing
'radical' set of policies aka Jacinda Ardern

Sky News host Rita Panahi says New Zealand is implementing a "radical" set of policies that are "fundamentally changing the country."

New Zealand politician Winston Peters said on Twitter the Labour government has had "absolute power" with "no handbrake" for the past 18 months.

"Perhaps he feels partly responsible for giving Jacinda Ardern's Labour government power in the first place," Ms Panahi said.

Nicole Dempewolf
Power is a dangerous drug

Strange how these progressive politicians are voted in despite the majority of the people not supporting them.

David Lamble
Politicians are all becoming more obsessed with their power every day, and they're all getting worse!

INTEGRITY is the quality many world leaders seem to be lacking.

Aftrn walk
New Zealand needs to ignore "globalism" and keep being New Zealand for New Zealand's sake. Big tech is trying to run the world and we need to push back.

New Zealanders just keep letting it happen. Let this be a lesson to the world that unless we do something we're next

David Jones
It is good to see people starting to wake up and recognise what is happening around them. Lets hope the people hold the leaders accountable. 'Move' them or remove them!!!

Download here: Real-News-Revolution-in-Sri-Lanka-President-Rajapaksa-flees-as-protestors-storm-his-palace-2022-07-10.mp4 - 14,529 kb
By: Channel 4 News - 10th July 2022
Revolution in Sri Lanka: President Rajapaksa
flees as protestors storm his palace

Extraordinary scenes in Sri Lanka as crowds storm the presidential palace in Colombo and force the President to flee. It's the culmination of months of protests over the dire economic situation.

Sri Lanka is in a state of collapse, running short of food and fuel and defaulting on its international loans. The whereabouts of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa remains unknown tonight.

Download here: Real-News-Crowd-boos-out-of-Downing-Street-as-Boris-Johnson-resigns-as-PM-2022-07-10.mp4 - 5,207 kb
By: Daily Mail - 10th July 2022
Crowd boos out of Downing Street
as Boris Johnson resigns as PM

Large crowds gathered out of Downing Street and booed as Boris Johnson resigned from his position as Prime Minister.
#BorisJohnson #PrimeMinister #DowningStreet

Boris: Are they booing me?
Raab: No sir, they're saying boo-urns.

Being honest I don't think it truly affects him, he's totally shameless and dishonourable, maybe his vanity took a hit but nothing major. I have a feeling that no matter what happens politicians are always laughing at the people behind the scenes, laughing and patting each other's backs over cocktails and drinks.

A e S
He's so delusional he probably doesn't care if he's booed or cheered

shady chris
Where is that Japanese assassin from a couple days back when you need him? I was hoping to see a cloud of smoke and bojo stumbling

Clive Adams
I bet half the people there, maybe more, voted for him. Someone did or he wouldn't be where he is now and, sadly, nor would the rest of us.

Sadistic, psychopathic clowns, actors and exhibitionists playing a role to give us the impression that there is democracy.

Alex Vince
You might disagree with them but you can't deny the public feeling it represents, a government riddled with corruption and greed is booed by the public, it is what it is

Download here: Real-News-Tucker-Carlson-This-may-have-been-the-greatest-crime-in-history-2022-07-09.mp4 - 41,262 kb
By: Fox News - 9th July 2022
Tucker Carlson:
This may have been the greatest crime in history
The virus is man-made!

Fox News host Tucker Carlson argues no one benefited more from the COVID pandemic than China on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.' #FoxNews #tucker

It is mind boggling how corrupt our society actually is; never thought I'd say it, but the evidence is overwhelming.

Geri Price
This is the scariest thing that has ever happened in our world. It was never about health. It was all about power and control.

Chickens and Gardening
Although China's role in this is rather obvious, American tech companies have totally suppressed any online discussion about it.

Katie Lloyd
It's hard to wrap my head around how so many folks still don't GET THIS!!! Thank you, Tucker!!!

"One of the common failings among honorable people is a failure to appreciate how thoroughly dishonorable some other people can be, and how dangerous it is to trust them." -Thomas Sowell

Herb Torrens
I agree 100 percent. The greatest crime in history. A manufactured crisis, pure and simple.

Fisher of Men Ministries
One of the biggest takeaways from the COVID situation is the realization of how many friends and neighbors are willing to turn you in if you don't follow mandatory "safety measures."

I've been saying this for two years now: the effects of the covid lockdowns are not fully known or realized. We'll be experiencing residual effects of it for years to come, socially, economically, psychologically. It really is no exaggeration to call it the greatest international scandal of our lifetime.

Download here: Real-News-Japans-ex-Prime-Minister-Shinzo-Abe-has-died-after-being-shot-2022-07-08.mp4 - 691 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 8th July 2022
Former Japanese prime minister
Shinzo Abe has died after being shot...

Former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe has died at the age of 67.

Earlier in the day, Mr Abe had been shot with a rifle in the middle of a speech given in Nara and suffered a cardiopulmonary attack.

Download here: Real-News-Georgia-Guidestones-Crews-tear-down-what-remains-of-structure-after-explosion-2022-07-08.mp4 - 3,310 kb
By: 11Alive - 8th July 2022
Georgia Guidestones - Crews tear down
what remains of structure after explosion

The GBI is investigating the situation.

That black guy is going to wish whoever done it to be on his side when the government comes for us all.

This is great news for humanity.

I'm surprised it lasted this long...
There's a few more "monuments" that need this kind of attention.

Joe Schlotthauer
Thanks for telling us all living outside of Georgia what they were...

Michael Tamburello
I'd rather like to know who erected the monument than who brought it down!

Ann_N_NC North Carolina
Sounds fishy, knocked them down really fast. Didn't allow an investigation.

Download here: Matt-Walshs-What-is-a-Woman-2022-07-07.mp4 - 210,921 kb
By: Matt Walsh - 7th July 2022
Matt Walsh's What is a Woman? Documentary

It's the question you're not allowed to ask. The documentary they don't want you to see. Join Matt Walsh on his often comical, yet deeply disturbing journey, as he fearlessly questions the logic behind a gender ideology movement that has taken aim at women and children. Watch "What is a Woman?" now streaming exclusively for Daily Wire members.

I'm a Democratic voter but this is a genius documentary

I voted Democrat in 2008, 2012, 2016 and I gotta say that this really makes you wonder what is going on academia, whether professors are failing to teach Classics, Classical Philosophy, logic/rationality, critical thinking, and Biology 101. These gender ideologues seem to base their ideas on things they found on blogs rather than textbooks and actual scientific literature.

There were folks were being deceptive about puberty blockers as if puberty can just be resumed in your 20s or 30s or even 40s without serious health issues. People need to speak up professionally against this and see the truth is being overrun by these ideas.

The documentary is a golden example of the Socrates Method which any educated person would recognize and commend Matt Walsh for and for staying in character to ask simple inquisitive questions that investigative journalists should have already asked long ago but were too afraid of being labeled a "phobe" or "prejudiced" or something.

Those who call it transphobic haven't watched it

I was quite surprised to see the level of respect this film had for the subjects, at many points reflecting on the sympathy for children suffering with gender identity.

I think what I appreciated most was that these weren't trick questions, the presenter asked very basic and honest questions - the fact that a univeristy professor was unable to answer simple questions in his own field was very telling. It was a running theme that those who wanted honest discussions were being shut down, lose their careers and even faced imprisonment.

Speaking with an African tribe was also an interesting juxtaposition of societal ideals.

My one criticism is that I wish he had not been able to open the jar of pickles.

Worth Watching

This documentary is affecting. It starts with emotions of confusion, humor and fascination, and journey's deep into a place of disturbance and despair. It has some mild trolling at the start, but it genuinely gives everyone a chance to speak and doesn't have any dishonest cuts. It handles a topic that's managed to become controversial in maybe the last five years. But it also asks questions, that no matter where you stand we should be asking if we really care about people - are the procedures successful outcomes? Are there lasting after effects or issues? Are we influencing people and in what ways? Do children have a clear sense of self and consent?


Its hard to believe that a documentary actually had to be filmed to get this question answered. I'm not usually a documentary fan because most of the time they're usually propaganda bs but this is not that. It asks just a basic question that the "alleged" specialists in the film just could not answer, or avoided answering. Definitely give it a watch so you can get a real life look into all the lunacy such as this.

People need to hear the truth

This was a fantastic documentary. The whole family loved it. It amazing how nuts these people are. I loved how this documentary exposed them all for the frauds they are.

Matt is a sheep amidst wolves

None of these people he interviewed could stand their ground. They all had tantrums when they realized they couldn't intimidate him or control the conversation. He interviewed some really tough strong towers who couldnt do anything but keep reminding him of their high positions as doctors/educators/politicians, or like i said, not even be able to continue the conversation. My favorite part was when the angry woman was confronting the spa that lets trans men into the young girls' spaces. "F--- gender orientation, i see a D---!" Oh man I was rolling. There is a reason so many people are rating this so highly, because it's that good. Words said in due season, all of it. What is going on right now, especially all the surgery being allowed on kids, is nuts. Bravo to this film, well worth the Daily Wire subscription.

Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss
Whistleblower Lawsuit Because
Government Was Aware of Fraud

By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. - 7th July 2022

Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss Whistleblower Lawsuit Because Government Was Aware of Fraud

In an interview with The Defender, the lawyer representing whistleblower Brook Jackson said Pfizer is arguing the court should dismiss Jackson's lawsuit alleging fraud in Pfizer's COVID-19 clinical trials because the U.S. government knew about the wrongdoings but continued to do business with the vaccine maker.

Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss Whistleblower Lawsuit Because Government Was Aware of Fraud

A lawsuit filed by whistleblower Brook Jackson alleging Pfizer and two of its contractors manipulated data and committed other acts of fraud during Pfizer's COVID-19 clinical trials is paused following a motion by the defendants to dismiss the case.

In an interview with The Defender, Jackson's lawyer said Pfizer argued the lawsuit, which was filed under the False Claims Act, should be dismissed because the U.S. government knew of the wrongdoings in the clinical trials but continued to do business with the vaccine maker.

Under the False Claims Act, whistleblowers can be rewarded for confidentially disclosing fraud that results in a financial loss to the federal government.

However, a 2016 U.S. Supreme Court decision that expanded the scope of a legal principle known as "materiality" resulted in a series of federal court decisions in which fraud cases brought under the False Claims Act were dismissed.

As interpreted by the Supreme Court, if the government continued paying a contractor despite the contractor's fraudulent activity, the fraud was not considered "material" to the contract.

Pfizer is a federal contractor because it signed multiple contracts with the U.S. government to provide COVID-19 vaccines and Paxlovid, a pill used to treat the virus.

"Pfizer claims they can get away with fraud as long as the government would write them a check despite knowing about the fraud," attorney Robert Barnes said.

The other two defendants in the case are Ventavia Research Group, which conducted vaccine trials on behalf of Pfizer, and ICON PLC, also a Pfizer contractor.

In an attempt to strengthen the False Claims Act's anti-retaliation provisions and install new safeguards against industry-level blacklisting of whistleblowers seeking employment, Congress in July 2021 introduced the False Claims Amendments Act of 2021.

In December 2021, Pfizer hired a well-connected lobbyist, Hazen Marshall, and the law firm Williams & Jensen to lobby against the bill.

Pfizer previously was heavily fined in connection with the False Claims Act. As part of a 2009 settlement, the company paid $2.3 billion in fines - the largest healthcare fraud settlement in the history of the U.S. Department of Justice - stemming from allegations of illegal marketing of off-label products not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

"Pfizer, one of the most criminally fined drug companies in the world, wants to weaken the laws that hold them accountable," Barnes told The Defender.

Congress has taken no action on the False Claims Amendments Act since November 2021, when the bill was added to the Senate's legislative calendar.

Barnes said the outcome of Jackson's case against Pfizer is significant not just for his client, but also for the American public.

"This case will determine if Big Pharma can rip off the American people using a dangerous drug that harms millions without any legal remedy because they claim the government was in on the scam."

Jackson was a regional director for Ventavia for a brief period in 2020 but was fired after she notified the FDA about issues with Pfizer's vaccine trials.

After she was fired, she gave The BMJ a cache of internal company documents, photos and recordings highlighting the alleged wrongdoing by Ventavia.

The documents she provided contained evidence of falsified data, blind trial failures and awareness on the part of at least one Ventavia executive that members of the company's staff were "falsifying data."

Jackson's documents also provided evidence of administrators who had "no training" or medical certifications, or who provided "very little oversight" during the trials.

Jackson filed her complaint in August 2021, in the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Texas, Beaumont Division, alleging Pfizer, Ventavia and ICON "deliberately withheld crucial information from the United States that calls the safety and efficacy of their vaccine into question."

A district court judge in February unsealed Jackson's complaint, which included 400 pages of exhibits.

According to the complaint, Jackson, who had more than 15 years of experience working with clinical trials, "repeatedly informed her superiors of poor laboratory management, patient safety concerns and data integrity issues" during the approximately two weeks she was employed by Ventavia.

"Brook [Jackson] brought a Qui Tam action and a retaliatory discharge case against Pfizer and others for fraud on the people concerning Pfizer's false certifications to the U.S. Department of Defense about the safety and efficacy of their COVID-19 vaccine," Barnes said.

A Qui Tam case refers to a provision under the False Claims Act that allows individuals and entities with evidence of fraud against federal programs or contracts to sue the wrongdoer on behalf of the U.S. government.

"She was part of the clinical trials, witnessed extraordinary malfeasance, blew the whistle, and was quickly fired after she blew the whistle."

Barnes said his legal team will in August file its opposition brief to Pfizer's motion to dismiss, and the judge may rule on the motion to dismiss by fall 2022.

Download here: Real-News-Georgia-Guidestones-destroyed-GBI-searching-for-suspect-2022-07-07.mp4 - 3,310 kb
By: 11Alive - 7th July 2022
Georgia Guidestones destroyed
GBI searching for suspect

The unique Georgia attraction stood for nearly four decades.

Jason Teas
I love the way they left out the what is said on the stones, calling them "unclear"?? No, they were very clear about killing almost everyone.

Well even if I recognise the vehicle or driver, I'd keep my trap shut. Who ever you are, thank you for ridding the world of this monstrosity.

Mr Unknown
I'm not helping the GBI or anyone even if I could figure out the case, they can do it themselves and suffer with putting in all the hard work to deal with their own problems, whoever destroyed those evil stones, we salute you.

Mike Donnell
So you have multiple camera angles of the explosion........but didn't see who rigged the explosives? Right....

I love how they destroyed the rest of it instead of repairing it.

The Chads who did this are heroes. Christ be with them.

Sam Izdat
Lord bless and protect the person or people who did this.

Download here: Real-News-Chinese-COVID-Enforcer-absolutely-loses-her-mind-smashing-her-face-against-a-pole-2022-07-07.mp4 - 2,387 kb
By: Mith Chronicler - 7th July 2022
Chinese COVID Enforcer absolutely loses her mind
smashing her face against a pole

I guess her conscience finally kicked in.

Credit: wake.the.fuck.up.

#covid #vaccine #nwo

Demonic possession

Maybe she trying to knock some sence into herself lol


The Dobermans
We are living in a bad science fiction movie. The answer? Walk out of the theater.

this...this... when your government makes you kill your neighbours.......

Did it grow a Conscience for a second, Then realized it was the abomination?? Who knows, they all need arrested. All Governments, all agents of....... Arrested!! Soon Coming. .

Download here: Real-News-Dutch-farmers-form-tractor-blockade-in-massive-protest-over-nitrogen-policy-2022-07-03.mp4 - 5,826 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 3rd July 2022
Dutch farmers form tractor blockade in
'massive' protest over nitrogen policy

Massive protests are occurring in the Netherlands as Dutch farmers are protesting against the government's rules that would limit carbon and nitrogen emissions out of their farms, says Sky News host James Morrow.

Farmers protested around the Netherlands over the government's new policy which would see the country slash nitrogen oxide and ammonia emissions by 50 per cent by 2030.

"Massive massive protests, they're blocking highways, they're blocking traffic – I've seen them even spraying manure on government offices," Mr Morrow said.

I'm Dutch and 100% support our farmers

John's Back
Everything starts from the land, Respect to the farmers from all around the world.

Lucy Rane
Stay strong farmers! We're with you all over this world. We're all fighting this evil agenda.

margaret elmajed
The farmers have my support and respect. We can't survive without them.

Bea Hindebars
Great respect for farmers and truckers. We all need to stand up against the tyranny.

Swiggity Swooty Dat Booty
It's not about the climate. It's about controlling the people.

Stan Cooper
Respect to the Dutch farmers for taking this stand. God bless you all.

Larry Hawkins
Main stream media in the US is completely silent on this topic! It is very important and thank you Dutch farmers for standing up to this idiocy!

Download here: Real-News-Robots-to-collect-dead-bodies-2022-07-01.mp4 - 507 kb
By: I Am LIBRA MOON - Goddess Of Honesty - 1st July 2022
Robots to collect dead bodies

These will be handy for cleaning up all the dead Covid 'vaccinated' bodies.

Page Footer...
[Everything below this line is repeated on most pages]

We are fighting a spiritual war
10th August 2024
Paris Olympics - We are fighting a spiritual war!
Revelation 18:2 "And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

Hard Times Create Strong Men...
Hard Times Create Strong Men - Strong Men Create Good Times - Good Times Create Weak Men - Weak Men Create Hard Times.

Some people wouldn't know
tyranny if it bit them on the ass!
Some people wouldn't know tyranny if it bit them on the ass!

Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!
Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!

This is a question that stupid
people & traitors cannot answer:
Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?
This is a question that stupid people & traitors cannot answer: Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!
30th June 2023
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!

Being awake isn't cool. It means having to dumb down 98% of your conversations every day, so you don't sound like a lunatic.

Attitude to monsters after putting up with their shit since late 2019...

Plan F - The Fuck Off plan!

When people you don't even know hate you, That's when you know you're the best.

mRNA jabs are doing the job
slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!
30th June 2023
mRNA jabs are doing the job slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!

20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities
It's called GENOCIDE!
13th June 2023
20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities - It's called GENOCIDE!

"A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030"
It's called GENOCIDE!
12th May 2023
A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030 - It's called GENOCIDE!

World Economic Forum - Committed to Enslaving the Whole World

Nothing says "Trust the Science"
like asking for the data
to be hidden for 75 years!
18th March 2023
Nothing says Trust the Science like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years! Shhhhh....

Superheroes bow down to the
Big Pharma / Businessmen / Doctors
11th February 2023
It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT
26th November 2022
Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT

The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get
jabbed is like sending a post card from
the Titanic saying: "Wish you were here!"
20th November 2022
The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: Wish you were here!

Ten Stages of Genocide
As taught by WEFers Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau etc - August 2022

Ten Stages of Genocide

The Good Reset
Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's,
Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

28th July 2022
The Good Reset - Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's, Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

Covid Variant / Booster
The Merry Go Round From Hell
22nd December 2021

Covid Variant / Booster - Merry Go Round From Hell

Experimental Injections
Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel
13th November 2021

Experimental Injections - Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel

Death is coming for you stupid!

I am fully Vaccinated and Boostered, and just tested positive for Covid-19. I am grateful for the protection my vaccines continue to provide.

The 5-Step COVID 'Vaccine' RISK / BENEFIT ANALYSIS - September 2021

Trump's swamp draining service

When the population understands this picture, it will change everything.

"You can fool all the people some of the time.
You can fool some of the people all the time.
But you cannot fool all the people all the time!"

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Attributed to Edmund Burke. Also by John F. Kennedy in a speech in 1961.

The Great Cow Analogy

Donald J. Trump - They should never have touched the children!
'They should never have touched the children!'
Donald J. Trump - President of the United States of America

'They should never have touched the children!!' President Donald J. Trump

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Abortion: Modern Day Child Sacrifice
Psalms 106:37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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If someone accuses you of wearing a tinfoil hat...,
remind them that it's better than wearing a blindfold!

Q - Apr 17 2020 - We are ready. [Set 1] Mission good. Q Q
"Where We Go One, We Go All"
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Q President John F. Kennedy