The Punisher treason: noun: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government
White Hats
Embrace the sometimes painful truth of reality
Remain in the blissful ignorance of illusion
If there is no such thing as a CONSPIRACY - why is the word CONSPIRACY in the dictionary?
Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'   Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell
Click here... Stockholm Syndrome is also a result of Governmental / Pharmaceutical / Media Propaganda
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL and Embraces GENOCIDE

'Reporting with Integrity'
Real News - Ephesians 4:25  Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.

2023 - January to June
> 2024 January to June   > 2024 July to December
> 2023 January to June   > 2023 July to December
> 2022 January to June . > 2022 July to December
> 2021 January to December    
> 2020 and prior    

Q INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISTS - prosecutors for the elite and their corrupt organisations?
Video NZ PM & Promoter of Paedophilia Chris Hipkins Bows Before NWO Leader Klaus Schwab & China's President Xi Jinping - 29th June 2023
Video New Zealand Loyal - New Political Party with Liz Gunn - What an incredible speech! - 28th June 2023
Video Covid Is Genocide - A Biological Warfare Crime - Dr. David Martin Speaks To The European Parliament - "Vaccines do not work on Coronavirus..." - 24th June 2023
Video Trump speaks out after arraignment in documents case - Exposes Deep State, Bidens, Clintons, FBI, DOJ - 14th June 2023
Video Tucker Calson on Twitter - "Ep. 3 America's principles are at stake" - Donald Trump Arrested Illegally - 13th June 2023
Video Eric Hecker, Whistleblower on What's Going on in Antarctica? Man made Earthquakes, Christchurch etc... - 12th June 2023
Video "I want to be a woman!" - Monty Python's The life of Brian - 4th June 2023
Video 'Final Days' Worldwide Premiere - A Stew Peters Documovie - 1st June 2023
Video US Target loses $9 billion in one week after releasing LGBT Queer swimsuits for kids - "Satan respects pronouns" - 26th May 2023
Q The Pride / Trans / Queer / Gay / Pedophile / Mentally Sick are infiltrating entire communities! - 21st May 2023
Video Honest Government Ad - Reserve Bank of Australia - Qantas... - 20th May 2023
Video Plandemic 3 - The Great Awakening Trailer - 19th May 2023
Video "I received a microchip in my arm and it's the best thing ever. They gave a cookie afterwards!" - 18th May 2023
Video CNN Host Insists Durham's Report 'Does Exonerate' Trump in Russia Probe - 16th May 2023
Q Why did the fake King Charles 3 spend so much time with perhaps the most prolific pedophile in the United Kingdom? - 7th April 2023
Video British Solider collapses at Cardiff Castle during King Charles Coronation - 6th May 2023
Video Grim Reaper Spotted at the Coronation of the fake King Charles 3 - 6th May 2023
Video The BBC Doesn't Want You To See This: Stew Peters Goes Head-To-Head with BBC - WATCH FULL Interview - 4th May 2023
Video Former British Soldier EXPOSES King Charles - aka Sausage Fingers - 3rd May 2023
Video Politicians (Justin Trudeau) and health bureaucrats trying to 'rewrite history' about 'illiberal' COVID rules - 30th April 2023
Video Woke Home Defense - 7 Gun-Free Tactics To Defend Your Home - 29th April 2023
Video Q - Derek Johnson - Continuity Of Government Is In Place, Military In Control, Scare Event Necessary - 29th April 2023
Video Despite strict vaccine mandates, Justin Trudeau says he didn't force Canadians to get vaccinated - 28th April 2023
Video Monash Councilors in Glen Waverley, Victoria, Australia insist on Drag Queens & Pedophiles grooming our children! - 27th April 2023
Video El Salvador MEGAPRISON - Inside the Largest Prison in the World Built to House 40,000 Gang Members - 26th April 2023
Video When a farmer asks the 'climate change experts' a simple question: "How much CO2 is in the atmosphere?" - 17th April 2023
Video James O'Keefe questions Budlight queer man Dylan Mulvaney about fake women raping real women in jail - 15th April 2023
Video Results of a WEF / UN / WHO CASHLESS SOCIETY. Watch this video about CBDC before it gets DELETED! - 10th April 2023
Video Years after saying 'Screw your freedom', Arnold Schwarzenegger says: 'I'm sorry for saying those words...' - 9th April 2023
Video Chris Hipkins the Queer 'is not fit to lead the country' after blunder on being asked what a woman is - 9th April 2023
Video Sean Plunket on that DIFFICULT question to the Prime Minister of NZ Chris Hipkins - "WHAT IS A WOMAN?" - 4th April 2023
Q Trans rights: Chris Hipkins asked to define what a woman is, gives a 60-second response - NZ Herald - 4th April 2023
Video El Salvador's mind-blowing gang purge - 65,000 gang members arrested and imprisoned! - 3rd April 2023
Video Homosexual Prime Minister of NZ does not know WHAT A WOMAN IS! Posie Parker, Albert Park, Let Women Speak Auckland NZ - 3rd April 2023
Video Media - Medicine - Academia - SILENCED - an independent New Zealand documentary - 1st April 2023
Video RICARDO BOSI'S REACTION ON TRUMPS INDICTMENT - It is all a show for a BIGGER picture - 31st March 2023
Video Questions raised over legal action after Today FM's 'brutal public execution' - "They have FUCKED us!" - 31st March 2023
Video MediaWorks shuts down commercial radio station Today FM - Woke radio presenters given the flick - 30th March 2023
Video Today FM hosts Duncan Garner and Tova O'Brien were abruptly pulled off-air - "They have FUCKED us!" - 30th March 2023
Video Tova O'Brien: 'They've FUCKED us' - MediaWorks axes woke radio station Today FM after just one year on air - 30th March 2023
Video The end of Today FM - the mouthpiece of Satan - 30th March 2023
Video Transgender Audrey Hale (a man pretending to be a woman) kills 6 people in Nashville School shooting - 28th March 2023
Video After speaking out against the CDC's Covid-19 narrative for 3 years, the Minnesota state senator Dr Scott Jensen has now been exonerated! - 25th March 2023
Video Trump Unveils Plan To 'Dismantle The Deep State' As Possible Indictment Looms - 21st March 2023
Video Dutch Farmers SHOCK THE WORLD! BBB Party take the votes. Bad news for Trudeau - 21st March 2023
Video Russian troops offer to fix Melbourne's Nazi problem - Riccardo Bosi - 21st March 2023
Video President Trump supporters in huge New York rally - 20th March 2023
Video Australian Government Police PSYOP Operation EXPOSED! Police pretending to be NAZIS? - 19th March 2023
Video Trump Responds To Lab Leak Report, Promises 'Some Form Of Retribution' Against China For COVID-19 - 18th March 2023
Video Border Patrol chief makes bombshell admission at hearing - Biden has encouraged millions of illegal immigrants to INVADE the USA - 16th March 2023
Video Greta Thunberg's 'designated experts' on 'climate crisis' proven wrong again - 14th March 2023
Video Greta Thunberg deleted 2018 tweet warning humanity would be wiped out by 2023! - 14th March 2023
Q Apple's iTunes / Music knowingly and willingly kicks Donald J. Trump's #1 hit song 'Justice for All' off the top 100 charts - Apple is blatantly complicit in political bias, anti patriotic and pro lewd behaviour - 14th March 2023
Video TRUMP WINS! Unexpected Chart Topping Single "Justice for All" Takes Over iTunes - 14th March 2023
Q Tusiata Avia received $107,280 to incite racism against white people - 13th March 2023
Video Tusiata Avia responds to criticism of her poem about killing white people - 13th March 2023
Video OFFICIAL SONG/VIDEO "Justice for All" A Recording by Donald J. Trump & the J6 Prison Choir- 11th March 2023
Video 'A wonderful day': Good vibes all round at Big Gay Out - Chris Hipkins and many politicians gather to celebrate Sodomy - 12th March 2023
Q Homosexual Prime Minister Chris Hipkins announces $18 million HIV action plan - 12th March 2023
Video South Africa Is Over - How True is Farmlands Today? Blacks against Whites - Failing economy - Pop up mega slums - 7th March 2023
Video WTF! NSW Government launches "Digital Holy Grail" so that 'Big Tranny' can track everything you do! - 7th March 2023
Video Pfizer Whistleblower Debbie Bernal Speaks Out at CPAC 2023 - Introduced by James O'Keefe - 6th March 2023
Video Coming to a town near you! Government tracking system monitors and controls everything you think, see and do - 6th March 2023
Q So all right wing conspiracy theories were true afterall!! - 5th March 2023
Video Neo-Nazi Ukrainian organizations, such as the Azov battalion, sponsored by Australian PM Anthony Albanazi - 5th March 2023
Video College Professor Admits Politically Targeting Students to Influence Them Into Becoming Socialists - 3rd March 2023
Video BEYOND THE RESET - Animated Short Film about the not too distant but dystopian future - 2nd March 2023
Video THEN: MSM Said You Were A Conspiracy Theorist If You Believed Covid-19 Originated From A Lab Leak In Wuhan.
NOW: MSM Says It Started From A Lab Leak! - 1st March 2023
Video Bombshell Testimony From Arizona Senate / House Elections Presenter: Sinaloa Cartel Controls: Elections & Elected Officials With Bribes, Money Laundering, Drugs, Human Trafficking & Ballots - 25th February 2023
Video Trump Predicted the Future - and then This Happened... - 24th February 2023
Video Amazing Speech about soon to be released NZ Documentary 'River of Lies-NZ Scamdemic Investigative Documentary' - 23rd February 2023
Video US Government murders millions of Chickens and recommends Frosted Mini Wheats instead! - 22nd February 2023
Q Counterspin Media Billboard - Labour and National are two puppets serving the same WEF master - 20th February 2023
Video Tusiata Avia can't wait to make you uncomfortable - "James Cook, we're gonna FUCK YOU UP FOR GOOD BITCH." - 19th February 2023
Video Riccardo Bosi publicly supports Putin, Arzhaev, Pavlovsky & the Russian military! - 19th February 2023
Video Police & protestors converge on Sydney's Russian Consulate - in support of Russia expelling evil tyrants from Ukraine - 19th February 2023
Video Why is Riccardo Bosi pro-Russian? - The real question is "Why are Australian politicians so afraid of Riccardo Bosi and Aussie Cossack? - 18th February 2023
Video BOMBSHELL: Epstein Client List FINALLY UNSEALED: BREAKING News Judge Orders Release - 14th February 2023
Video NSW ELECTION 2023: Colonel Ricardo Bosi endorsed by Aussie Cossack. Russia cutting off the head of the snake in Ukraine - 12th February 2023
Video P2 of 2 - Oswald's Girlfriend and CIA Bioweapon Contractor SPEAKS OUT On Covid Vaxx And Fibrous Clotting - 14th February 2023
Video P1 of 2 - Lee Harvey Oswald's Girlfriend EXPOSES the REAL Truth About JFK Assassination in TELL-ALL INTERVIEW - 13th February 2023
Video MAINSTREAM MEDIA BLACKOUT MAJOR NEWS: 368 Arrested In Major Human Trafficking Operation - 11th February 2023
Video Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Relies On Aggressive Security Tactics To Escape Questioning By Veritas - 11th February 2023
Video WHO thwarted from complete destruction of Australian Sovereignty - Shocking WHO pandemic treaty update - 10th February 2023
Video 'Here's The Real State Of The Union...': Trump Responds To Biden's 2023 SOTU - 8th February 2023
Video Will any New Zealand politicians support a Royal Commission of inquiry into the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine rollout? - Maori willingly and knowingly killing Maori - 7th February 2023
Video How do we win against the globalist parasites? STOP COMPLYING! - 5th February 2023
Video Bombshell Revelation: Hunter Biden's Confession Rocks Political World! IT'S MY LAPTOP!!! - 3rd February 2023
Video Trump: I will ask Congress to pass a bill establishing that the only genders recognized by the United States government are male and female - 1st February 2023
Video NZ Health & Food Under Attack – STOP the Therapeutic Products Bill Now – Counterspin Media - 1st February 2023
Video Hilariously Bad Trans Figure Skater. A peak into the World Economic Forums future - 31st January 2023
Video FREEDOM CONVOY REVIVED: Thousands of protesters remind Justin Trudeau who is in charge - 29th January 2023
Video What Happened After the Protests in China? - The Dark Truth LEAKED. Protesters arrested / massacred via tyrannical thugs - 28th January 2023
Video New Zealand's new Homosexual PM Chris Hipkins, replaces Jacinda Ardern, who is yet to stand trial for Crimes Against Humanity - including Genocide - 28th January 2023
Video Justin Trudeau confronted in public and rebuked by a pissed off mother and a nurse - 25th January 2023
Video Chris Hipkins - The new New Zealand Prime Minister - Chasing the Unvaccinated - 22nd January 2023
Video GRETA THUNBERG Ambushed by REAL Reporter at The World Economic Forum! CONFIRMS It's All A HOAX! - 21st January 2023
Video Tucker Carlson: COVID-Crazed New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Resigns!" - 19th January 2023
Video Jeffrey Epstein's Pedo Island Flight Logs Finally Released: What does this Mean? - 17th January 2023
Video They walk amongst us! Compliant idiot who actually takes currupt Governments / Big Pharma seriously! - 16th January 2023
Video Japan Orders Investigation Into Covid Vaccine Deaths as MSM Admit "The Jabs Are Killing Us" - 5th January 2023
Video YouTube is Guilty of Genocide for Censoring Critical Information (Proof) - 3rd January 2023
Video 2023 Nuremberg 2.0 awaits the corrupt Politicians, Police and Doctors - 1st January 2023


IDEAL: Investigative journalism entails reporters deeply investigating a single topic of interest, such as serious crimes, political corruption, or corporate wrongdoing. An investigative journalist may spend months or years researching and preparing a report.

They serve the public as "watchdog reporters" or "accountability reporters."

REALITY: Sadly, most journalists (sic) today act as prosecutors for the elite and their corrupt organisations / puppeteers. Reporters routinely lie, manipulate facts, misrepresent and even persecute innocent people. They will not let 'truth' get in the way of a good story! Examples: Tova O'Brien (NZ), Anderson Cooper (USA) etc.

We lie to you news

"If you don't read the newspaper, you're un-informed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed." (quote alledgedly by Mark Twain)

If you don't stop lying - you will grow up to be a reporter or a politician!


Following his stint as a freelancer, John Swinton took a permanent position as an editorial writer for the New York Sun in 1875. Before he left the Sun in 1883 to launch a newspaper of his own, he delivered at a press dinner the speech he is most famous for today:

John Swinton (1829 - 1901)
"There is no such a thing in America as an independent press, unless it is out in country towns. You are all slaves. You know it, and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to express an honest opinion. If you expressed it, you would know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid $150 for keeping honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for doing similar things. If I should allow honest opinions to be printed in one issue of my paper, I would be like Othello before twenty-four hours: my occupation would be gone. The man who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the street hunting for another job. The business of a New York journalist is to distort the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to villify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread, or for what is about the same - his salary. You know this, and I know it; and what foolery to be toasting an "Independent Press"! We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping-jacks. They pull the string and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our possibilities, are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."
John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Download: NZ-PM-and-Promoter-of-Paedophilia-Chris-Hipkins-Bows-Before-NWO-Leader-Klaus-Schwab-and-Chinas-President-Xi-Jinping-2023-06-29.mp4 - 4,476 kb
By: Clown Planet - 29th June 2023
NZ PM and Promoter of Paedophilia Chris Hipkins
Bows Before NWO Leader Klaus Schwab
and China's President Xi Jinping

I am German and have never heard anybody speak this much like a James Bond villain in my entire life.

Any so called 'leader' who meets with Schwab should be removed from the job immediately. NONE of us elected the WEF and they should have no opinion that any of our 'leaders' should be concerning themselves with. They are supposed to serve US and NOT the WEF

Klaus Schwab is the closest to Satan without seeing the horned beast himself.

I trust him as far as i can throw a grand piano.

This guy's whole vibe just screams, "im a puppet. Use me however you want."

How can someone publicly announce their plans to take peoples freedom and still be allowed to continue their plan? Be put on tv like some hero, Madness.

As a US citizen, I thought only Jocinda was the worst for the Kiwis. I was wrong! This guy isn't even hiding anything!

Remember, when they try to muzzle you again, immediate non compliance is necessary.

'What we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, president of Argentina and so on, is that we penetrate the cabinets.' - Klaus Schwab, World economic forum

Learn who and what Klaus Schwab's father was and what he did during the 1940's...Once you know everything will fall into place.

Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste…especially the one you help create!

Elites don't catch covid but underlings behind must, of course, wear face-masks. (1.22)

The WEF needs to be stopped. Who in the hell funds this guy and organization? Why are they given so much influence? Can anyone sense how evil this all is?

But the New Zealand PM can't define what a woman is

Look at all the serfs in masks, while the overlords breathe freely??
It's so beautiful??

Download here: New-Zealand-Loyal-New-Political-Party-with-Liz-Gunn-2023-06-28.mp4 - 52,915 kb
By: Liz Gunn - 28th June 2023
New Zealand Loyal
New Political Party with Liz Gunn
What an incredible speech!

Liz Gunn shares a crucial message with all voters who care about the future of New Zealand in this upcoming 2023 election.

>>> Sign Up: <<<

Casey Hodgkinson Interview - Casey Hodgkinson ...

Dr Bruce Dooley - Federation Of State Medical Boards -

Interview with Politically Marooned Ex-National Voters -

FreeNZ Substack -

FreeNZ Rumble -

New Zealand soldiers at Gallipoli.

Liz Gunn is a woman with a human heart and genuine concern and hard work behind her. This is really good news for New Zealand.

This is the type of politician we desperately need in Australia .Very stirring message l wish her and New Zealand the best.

100% behind you Liz

I'm a farmer and struggling to wake other farmers up. They don't like labour lite (national) but keep saying it's the lesser of the 2 evils. The minor parties need to find a way to band together, but sadly I think too many won't put thier differences to one side.
You're like a mother to this country, and since you left telly basically so did I. I just wish your voice had a greater reach.

Dear Liz, you are amazing and so caring. I am ready to vote for you. Makes me sad to see the state of NZ today.

Liz, as I watched your awesome message one of hope for our future, I see your light
I work in the realms of spirit and could feel many cheering you on, with you in heart and soul, many New zealanders and many family memebers of people who live here, many in the physical realms are and will also back you, I believe NZ will one day be the light of the world, we can already feel the light and life force here in nature, we will as a nation help lead the world by showing what we can do, much Love to you <3

Thankyou Liz for everything you have done for our Beautiful Country you are the most dedicated honest woman and caring and kind hearted and with such a strong backbone so many qualities and experience

Please Liz please join the Freedoms Umbrella!!! Please!!
Together were better!!!
Splitting the vote wont work!!
And I say the same to Leighton Baker, One Party and New Conservative.
You wont get in on your own

Well done, Liz. Well done indeed.

Love you Liz! Please, will you help all the freedom parties to join together, we are stronger together, we need ONE place to put our vote. TOGETHER we can do it!

Way to go Liz

Love your vision for a better future Liz

You have my vote Liz

Liz, are you able to organise a discussion by a panel of experts on how the World Economic Forum (WEF) is wanting to create a form of repressive world government?

I have now found the Party I will vote for.

I'm in …….boots and hats and all. I am much relieved. You have remained solid and of great heart and passion for our country. You will not compromise. And most of all… speak from your heart…..which touches mine. Im in Northland…and I'm ready.

I sure hope we can crack the 500 mark .... I get the feeling it shouldn't be too difficult

You have my vote. 100% in !!

We love you Liz

Well done Liz

From your lips to Gods ears beautiful lady.

And let's get rid of glyphosate and encourage more regenerative local farming instead of corporate controlled farming, and all corporate greed in every sector of the country.

Your a light forward Liz.

You have my support

I will vote for you.

Ya got me Liz and Ive never been fooled yet by a politico, have NEVER Voted, But this time I'll be at the head of the Que..

Liz, you need to give another option on your website. You have 3 items that are compulsory to choose from. Admin help, stand as a politician with you or help set up a local meeting. I am not in a position to do any of those, but would sign up as a member and donate. I think you need to provide a few more options on your website. I am keen to support and help fund you, but I currently cannot, because of the 3 option requirement. I have shared your post already, but help me to help you

Download here: Covid-Is-Genocide-A-Biological-Warfare-Crime-Dr-David-Martin-Speaks-To-The-European-Parliament-2023-06-24.mp4 - 40,640 kb
By: London Real - 24th June 2023 [originally aired 25th May 2023]
Covid Is Genocide
A Biological Warfare Crime
Dr. David Martin Speaks To The European Parliament
"Vaccines do not work on Coronavirus..."

"..isn't it fascinating, that we were, we were told that 'well the spike protein is a new thing, we just found out that that's the problem!' - No! As a matter of fact we didn't just find out it was not just now, now the problem, we found that out in 1990 and filed the first patents on vaccines in 1990, for the spike protein of Coronavirus!

And who would have thought, Pfizer, clearly the innocent organization that does nothing but promote human health. Clearly Pfizer, the organization that has not bought the votes in this chamber and at every chamber of every government around the world. Not that Pfizer! Certainly they wouldn't have had anything to do with this.

But oh yes they did! And in 1990 they found out that there was a problem with vaccines - they didn't work! You know why they didn't work? It turns out the coronavirus is a very malleable model, it transforms and it changes and it mutates over time. As a matter of fact, every publication on vaccines for Coronavirus, from 1990 until 2018, every single publication concluded that coronavirus escapes the vaccine impulse, because it modifies and mutates too quickly for vaccines to be effective. And since 1990 to 2018, that is the published science ladies and gentlemen. That's following the science.

Following the science is their own indictment of their own programs, that said it doesn't work! And there are thousands of Publications to that effect, not a few hundred, and not paid for by pharmaceutical companies. These are publications that are independent scientific research that shows unequivocally, including efforts of the Chimera modifications made by Ralph Barrick in the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. All of them show vaccines - do - not - work - on Coronavirus. That's the science and that science has never been disputed!

But then we had an interesting development in 2002, and this date is most important, because in 2002 the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill patented and I quote 'an infectious replication defective clone of Coronavirus.' Listen to those words 'infectious - replication - defective.' What does that phrase actually mean? For those of you not familiar with language, let me unpack it for you: 'Infectious - replication - defective' means a weapon! It means something meant to Target an individual, but not have collateral damage to other individuals. That's what 'infectious - replication - defective' means. And that patent was filed in 2002, on work funded by NIAID's Anthony Fauci from 1999 to 2002. And that work patented at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, mysteriously preceded SARS 1.0, by a year.

Oh, Dave, are you suggesting that SARS 1.0 wasn't from a wet Market in Wuhan? Are you suggesting it might have come from a laboratory in the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill? No I'm not suggesting it, I'm telling you that's the facts!

We engineered SARS! SARS is not a naturally occurring phenomenon. The naturally occurring phenomenon is called the common cold. It's called influenza-like illness. It's called gastroenteritis. That's the naturally occurring Coronavirus! SARS is the research developed by humans, weaponizing a life system model, to actually attack human beings and they patented it in 2002.

And in 2003, giant surprise, the CDC filed the patent on Coronavirus isolated fromhumans, in violation once again of biological and chemical weapons treaties and laws that we have in the United States; and I'm very, very precise on this. The United States likes to talk about its rights and everything else and the rule of law and all the nonsense that we like to talk about. But we don't ratify treaties about, I don't know, defending humans. We conspicuously avoid that. We actually have a great track record of advocating for human rights and then denying them when it comes to actually being part of the International Community, which is a
slightly problematic thing.

But let's get something very clear, when the CDC in April of 2003 filed the patent on SARS coronavirus isolated from humans, what did they do? They downloaded a sequence from China and filed a patent on it in the United States! Any of you familiar with biological and chemical weapons treaties knows that's a violation. That's a crime. That's not an innocent oops. That's a crime and the United States patent office went as far as to reject that patent application on two occasions, until the CDC decided to bribe the patent office, to override the patent examiner, to ultimately issue the patent in 2007, on SARS coronavirus.

But let's not let that get away from us, because it turns out that the RPTCR, which was the test that we allegedly were going to use to identify the risks associated with Coronavirus, was actually identified as a bioterrorism threat by me, in the European union-sponsored events in 2002 and 2003. 20 years ago! That happened, here in Brussels and across Europe.

In 2005 this particular pathogen was specifically labeled as a bio terrorism and bioweapon platform technology, described as such, that's not my terminology that I'm applying to it. It was actually described as a bioweapons platform technology in 2005. And from 2005 onwards, it was actually a bio Warfare enabling agent, its official classification from 2005 forward. I don't know if that sounds like public health to you? Does it? Biological warfare enabling technology. That feels like not Public Health. That feels like not medicine. That feels like a weapon designed to take out Humanity - that's what it feels like; and it feels like that because that's exactly what it is.

We have been lured into believing that Eco Health Alliance and DARPA and all of these organizations are what we should be pointing to, but we've been specifically requested to ignore the facts, that over 10 billion dollars have been funneled through Black Operations, through the check of Anthony Fauci and a side-by-side Ledger, where NIAID has a balance sheet and next to it is a biodefense balance sheet equivalent dollar for dollar matching, that no one in the media talks about. And it's been going on since 2005.

Our gain of function moratorium, the moratorium that was supposed to freeze any efforts to do gain a function research, conveniently in the fall of 2014, the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill received a letter from NIAID saying that while the gain of function moratorium on coronavirus in Vivo should be suspended, because their grants had already been funded, they received an exemption! Did you hear what I just said? A biological weapons lab facility at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, received an exemption from the gain of function moratorium, so that by 2016, we could publish the the journal article that said SARS coronavirus is poised for human emergence..."

#LondonRealTV #LondonReal #BrianRose

People involved with this Genocide must be prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity

Here we have someone who knows his area of expertise and is willing to speak up for the good of humanity. The courage this person has is to stand up to the establishment is amazing !


Our leaders in governments around the world should also be held responsible for these crimes against humanity and all the other the craziness that's happening in our societies.

We need all of our "vaccines" brought to trial and questioned for safety, efficacy, and harm.

Finally someone has the balls to say the truth! Hopefully someone will be held accountable to crimes against humanity....

Thank you Dr.Martin for exposing these people.

My prayers for this gentleman. May the good lord protect and hide him and his family from these political demons out there.

This needs to be shared with everyone worldwide. The people who did this did this to ALL of us and need to be held accountable and punished for their crimes against humanity. Another Nuremburg trials would seem to be in order....

You are fighting for the rights and safety of all of humanity Dr. Martin! Thank you!!

Thank god a doctor who isn't paid off and speaks the truth.

This gentleman is incredibly brave. His fluent, powerful and intelligent delivery makes it very easy to listen to him. He backs up all his claims and exposes the corruption, carelessness and dangers attached to the medical and pharmaceutical industries. I've always thought it was abhorrent that gain of function research is permitted and rewarded by governments. Obviously the evil people from history are still among us, just bearing different names and using different methods to reach their sinister goals.
This really needs to be shown on mainstream, but of course that will not happen. I hope Dr Martin takes all precautions to protect his safety. So many people don't like the truth being exposed.

"The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense." ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

This needs to be broadcast on every station (tv, radio, internet) in every country for 24hrs straight

Dr David Martin is a rare gem of truth, braveness, knowledge and deep concern for humanity. The only real way to reward Dr Martin is to never stop sharing the gift of his integrity and honesty wherever and whenever we can ... this information must permeate the globe !!

Jail everyone responsible for life. Including every media outlet and every employer that pushed this onto society.

Download here: Trump-speaks-out-after-arraignment-in-documents-case-Exposes-Deep-State-Bidens-Clintons-FBI-DOJ-2023-06-14.mp4 - 76,446 kb
By: Newsmax - 14th June 2023
Trump speaks out after
arraignment in documents case
Exposes Deep State, Bidens, Clintons, FBI, DOJ

Former President Donald Trump addresses the nation after his arraignment where he accuses Biden of influencing the investigation, talks of Biden's alleged corruption scandals, and discusses the FBI and DOJ protecting Hillary Clinton from indictment.

#NEWSMAX #News #BreakingNews

We are with my president we love u

Pray for our President everyone.

No matter what they say or do i'm here to support president Trump 10000% . Trump 2024

I stand with President Trump

I love you so very very much, my dear President Trump, and the Lord is with you at ALL times.

What a fabulous speech!! Thank you President Trump!!

Godspeed President Trump!

God protect our President Trump

We stand with President Trump! God protect and bless President Trump and his family!

We Love President Trump . Strongest Person Ever!!! TRUMP 2024

I don't know how this man has been able to endure this. He is amazing and is fighting for the American Citizens, We can't stop supporting him no matter what. As a Christian I am trying so hard to keep the faith. I know God has some plan and it will be revealed,but I am hurt and angry for Trump and America. patience is hard at this time when our country is literally going down and becoming a horrible evil place.

What a great American Treasure! PRESIDENT Trump!!

Trump 2024!!!

Best President in American history!

Such a disgrace. I love what this man stands for. Such class and grace! He will win. We will see justice!!

Download here: Tucker-Calson-on-Twitter-Ep3-Americas-principles-are-at-stake-Donald-Trump-Arrested-Illegally-2023-06-13.mp4 - 22,802 kb
By: FLTV NEWS - 13th June 2023
Tucker Calson on Twitter
"Ep. 3 America's principles are at stake"
Donald Trump Arrested Illegally

Dr. Stephen E Jones
In spite of Fox News' desperate attempts to keep Tucker Carlson silenced until after the 2024 election, he has pressed on to record his third message.

Elon Musk
Thanks (@CualquieraOnvre) Ep. 3 "Los principios de Estados Unidos están en juego.) for doing translation. We're working on providing translation of all videos to any language.

Oli London
Keep on speaking the truth Tucker. Your voice is so needed right now!

The Priory Church of St Mary Magdalene
55 million views on Twitter already. The fake news MSM are toast!

Small Business in Transportation Coalition
Most of America does NOT want a Civil War. We don't want a Civil War. May God help us find a way to avoid one now that we have been put on this disturbing path.

We believe the chances one breaks out over the disposition of this case against President Trump exponentially increased yesterday.

Be careful what you wish for, America...

Accountability Matters
"Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear."
----- Harry S. Truman [Special Message to the Congress on the Internal Security of the United States, August 8, 1950]"
I am by no means a Truman fan…but these words need to be heard not only in America, but in EVERY country around the world!

The District of Corruption is a Den of Vipers! The Neo Con Zio Banker Money Worshipping Synagogue of Satan is running the show and they couldnt care less about the American people except in how you can serve them, fight their wars for them and be used by them. Are you starting to get the message? Remember the USS Liberty? Watch the documentary, "Sacrificing Liberty" and see how treacherous our government, including our President, can be. Read "War is a Racket" by Marine Corps Gen Smedley Butler (1935)...Read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and The International Jew by Henry Ford. Connect the dots. Expose the Jewish Supremacist Agenda and their Shabbos Goy agents. ZOG USA is Real and ALL wars ARE bankers wars since the Rothchilds. Hollywood even made a movie about them, 'House of Rotschild" and who do you think dominates Hollywood? Its right in front of you/ Its about Money and Control! I Agree with Tucker 100% but he cant say what I just said. Now you know and once you do it all seems to make sense. President Trump is a threat to the sellouts so he must be destroyed. JFK was assassinated because he got too close to uncovering and dismantling ((Them)). And ((They)) got away with it/ Think about that. Follow the $$$ and go where the evidence takes you! Read and research! The Truth will Set you Free!

Download here: Eric-Hecker-Whistleblower-on-Whats-Going-on-in-Antarctica-Man-made-Earthquakes-Christchurch-etc-2023-06-12.mp4 - 9,146 kb
By: Concerned Citizen - 12th June 2023
Eric Hecker, Whistleblower on
What's Going on in Antarctica?
Man made Earthquakes, Christchurch etc...

Holy Shit.

This is one of the most compelling testimonies as to what's happening in Antarctica I've ever heard.

If you're into this - it's a must watch, we all know there is some crazy shit going on 'down' there...

Derek Broes
I have tweeted in the past about a dark web video I saw of Bush Sr ordering the earthquake hit on Japan for threatening to pull away from the dollar. Japan was hit with a 9.0 earthquake and the tsunami that followed. Listen to what this man discloses about Antarctica earthquake generator. Insane.

Its about time we were told whats going on in Antarctica....this is a good start

Download here: I-want-to-be-a-woman-Monty-Pythons-The-life-of-Brian-1979.mp4 - 3,062 kb
By: Monty Python - 4th June 2023
"I want to be a woman!"
Monty Python's The life of Brian (1979)

#MontyPython #JohnCleese #JordanPeterson

Stephen Church
Thinking about this scene, they were so far ahead of their time

Sir Aran
"You want to have babies?" I love the delivery of that line.

John cleese was saying how he was asked to remove this scene from the stage play . Thankfully he refused.

And this folks, is what humour is all about. Brilliant stuff.

Robert Chapman
The whole film was brilliant I still watch it and it's as funny as when I first saw it, and who would have thought it was to become reality

Susan Betts
This was so prophetic… and so completely hilarious!

Paul Davis-Cooke
Well done to John Cleese for refusing to edit this from the new performance. It's humour for goodness sake! When did "I'm offended" turn into "you can't do that"?

"You cant have babies"
"Dont opress me"

Ollie Hopnoodle
The most prophetic (edited) part of this scene is it was the woman defending his 'right to have babies'.

The joke is reality now, we're living in a monty python sketch.

I believe I've been living in a Monty Python sketch for the past ten years. It's the only explanation for the insanity we're being subjected to.

I Believe
Monty Python predicting the future - what else will come to pass from this film?

lil bullet
This scene does no more than highlight what a totally ridiculous world we now live in.

d p
We are living in a Monty Python sketch.

The Man On The Rail
At school everyone used to recite every word of this sketch. Hilarious.

Down By The Lake House
The Monty Python cast and crew deserve a lifetime achievement award

Old Blighty
They should show this in schools

This scene and "What have the Romans ever done for us?" are the most timeless sketches in comedy history. "Biggus Dickus" probably the funniest

Download: PLANDEMIC-3-THE-GREAT-AWAKENING-FULL-MOVIE-2023-06-03.mp4 - 272,983 kb
By: Coronavirus Plushie - 3rd June 2023
The Great Awakening
Full Movie

The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic series. This documentary experience assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what's really happening in America and beyond. The Great Awakening is intended to be a lighthouse to guide us out of the storm and into a brighter future.

Klaus Schwab: You will own nothing...

Download here: Final-Days-Worldwide-Premiere-2023-06-01.mp4 - 479,847 kb
By: Complete Shows - Stew Peters - 1st June 2023
'Final Days' Worldwide Premiere
A Stew Peters Documovie

From the Directors of Died Suddenly': Final Days' Exposing the Scientific Technological Elite and their desire to become gods. The Covid pandemic was the test run for an even more sinister plot to come.

My 75 year old aunt texted me last night to tell me she and my uncle tested positive for Covid. I drove to their house at 12:30 AM and dropped off Ivermectin pills, HCQ, zinc, and Quercetin. She told me today her fever came down and that I may have saved her life. Uncle is feeling great. This is considered a negative outcome by the cabal. They would prefer my family dead. Their evil is no longer a theory and very much a reality. You can get your ivm by visiting

None of that godless nano crap will enter my body willingly.

Wow, well done ladies and gentlemen of the Stew Peters Network!!! That was awesome, I'm gonna watch it over again to catch what I missed, especially where I couldn't read fast enough.

Stew Peters for President.

Then if you're allowed to become POTUS, make sure Karen Kingston gets a powerful position where she can help crush these demonic despots of the medical-military industrial complex.

The week of June 21 make sure friends and family are off Coastal Areas and away from Fault Lines.

wish you would not have used monkeys... men were not from monkeys

Great job, thank you & God Bless all those awake in the Light!

Great viewing. Share Share Share we are the MSM.

Robert Jeffress disqualified himself as a pastor. I'm sorry to say. His promotion of the vaccine has demonstrated his blindness. He has attacked another great pastor, J.D. Farag, for saying the fake CV-19 injection is connected to, will soon become, lead to, bring in, etc...the mark of the Beast. Look around...J.D. is spot on and the Evacuation of the true Church is very soon.

guess who's back, back again, Stewie's back, tell a friend

The fact that evil people rule is only ONE part of the equation. The pack of leading criminals do not operate in a vacuum, and never have. There are 2 destructive human pink elephants in the room and they are MARRIED --- (or

The criminals in powers are in those positions and do what they do ONLY because of the mostly willful activities, or inactivities, of the majority of self-entitled "good" or "compassionate" or "religious" people --- the 90-95% of the herd.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." --- Martin Luther King, Jr, 1929-1968, Civil Rights Activist

Isn't it about time for anyone to wake up to the ULTIMATE DEPTH of the human rabbit hole --- rather than remain blissfully willfully ignorant in a narcissistic fantasy land and play victim like a little child?

Without a proper understanding, and full acknowledgment, of the true WHOLE problem and reality, no real constructive LASTING change is possible for humanity.

And if anyone does NOT acknowledge, recognize, and face (either wittingly or unwittingly) the WHOLE truth THEY are helping to prevent this from happening. And so they are "part of the problem" and not part of the solution.

The ruling criminals pulled off the Covid Scam globally via its WHO institution because almost all nations belong to it. Sign the declaration at to exit the WHO

"We'll know our Disinformation Program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---William Casey, a former CIA director=a leading psychopathic criminal of the genocidal US regime

Looking forward to this one!

What do we need so many humans for? Are you kidding me; what and evil sick human. This was the reason for the so called Covid pandemic; to euthanize humans worldwide. Sadly people are finding out just how evil these people are by the shear number of humans that have died as a result of the vaccine push and mandates. There will be long term side effects well into the future. So glad I did not fall for the scam.

Download here: US-Target-loses-9-billion-in-one-week-after-releasing-LGBT-Queer-swimsuits-for-kids-Satan-respects-pronouns-2023-05-26.mp4 - 3,194 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 26th May 2023
US Target loses $9 billion in one week
after releasing LGBT Queer swimsuits
for kids - "Satan respects pronouns"

Public protest seems to be really working in the US as Target has lost $9 billion in one week since the release of their controversial LGBT-friendly swimsuits for children, according to Sky News Australia host James Morrow.

US Target loses $9 billion in one week after releasing LGBT Queer swimsuits for kids - Satan respects pronouns!

US Target loses $9 billion in one week after releasing LGBT Queer swimsuits for kids - Satan respects pronouns!

Dr. Stephen E Jones
Back in the 1980's, I noticed that Target was a big contributor to Planned Parenthood and supported abortions, while Walmart contributed to pro-life projects. (That was before Sam Walton died.) Now we are seeing Target supporting the "Woke" movement and Satanist projects. Satanists are pushing the Woke agenda.

Target's stock price has taken a hit amid the backlash over its LGBT-themed products….

The drop in its share price came after conservatives pushed to boycott the company over its LGBT-themed products.

At the same time, it was revealed the company was selling apparel from Abprallen, a London-based designer that sells some products accused of featuring Satanic imagery. One shirt sold by the designer states, "Satan Respects Pronouns." Meanwhile, a badge states, "Trans Witches For Abortion."

So far, Target has lost $10 billion and seems to be going the way of Bud Lite. Companies have the right to do as they please, but customers also have the right to boycott their products if they don't want to support Satanism.

Stop going after the kids.

It's good to see that people who believe in only two sexes are now fighting back with their dollars. Screw Bud Lite, Screw Target, screw Disney, and screw any other entity that for whatever reason, chooses to try to force this nonsense down our throats.

E Rock
I have a pretty open mind but this movement is warped as hell. Glad to hear about these backlashes. Adults should be ashamed.

The people have spoken. It's ALL of our jobs as adults to protect ALL children.

It's annoying how their statement blamed the consumer/public making their employees uncomfortable for them having to remove the materials when they shouldn't have done this in the first place. We see right through your agenda, Target.

Ginger Hifko
It's quite simple, businesses should stay out of politics and children are off limits. Adult clothing- adult choice. Normalizing adult sexual behaviors onto children is unacceptable.

Fanta Sip
So why do they have to involve minors!? Leave the kids alone and let them decide for themselves when they are adults!

Here in Oz, I was disgusted when the Darrell Lea Licorice Allsorts pack I bought said that my purchase has subsidised their support for LGBT. Last pack I will buy.

Will O' Man
I'm so happy to see the people coming together to stop this nonsense. It's one thing to be yourself. It's another thing entirely to push your beliefs onto others

It's about time we start to get back our morals back in this country and put a stop to these business that support these creeps smh

People are typically easy-going concerning the life choices of adults. But when it comes to targeting children with this garbage, people will rise up.

Flame of the West
From the States here, and we are overwhelmed 24/7 with so called Pride nonsense, even without the corporate pandering. If gay people just lived thier lives like everyone else (civil) and didn't act like narcissistic freaks, tried to cancel those who disagree with them, disrespect Faith, and go after KIDS), most people would probably not care. Normal people don't need so called Pride seasons, entire months, parades, flags, or act like they are. ENOUGH is ENOUGH.

The Pride / Trans / Queer / Gay /
Pedophile / Mentally Sick are
infiltrating entire communities!
By: Concerned Citizens - 21st May 2023

The Trans Pride Inclusive Agenda and what it's about:

  • Depopulation.
  • Transhumanism.
  • Weakening men.
  • Destroying families.
  • Erasing women.
  • Castrating / mutilating kids.
  • Destroying women's sports.
  • Destroying women's rights.
  • Stealing women's safe spaces.
  • Child grooming.
  • Lifelong Big Pharma customers.

Why are people supporting this?

- Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis

New Zealand Security Intelligence Service with Rainbow Tick

New Zealand Security Intelligence Service queers (NZSIS) with Rainbow Tick

Queer Rainbow Tick website
Queer Rainbow Tick website

Queer NZ Police Car
Queer New Zealand Police car

New Zealand Police support and promote Queers
New Zealand Police support and promote queers

Pride Shop New Zealand supplies goods to queers
Pride Shop New Zealand supplies goods to queers

New Zealand Libraries allowing mentally ill sexual perverts and pedophiles to read to your children
New Zealand Libraries allowing mentally ill sexual perverts and pedophiles to read to your children

New Zealand Politics - PM Chris Hipkins, as queer as they come, happy to have pedophiles read to children
New Zealand Politics - PM Chris Hipkins, as queer as they come, happy to have pedophiles read to children

New Zealand children are increasingly becoming victims of sexual abuse, and yet the queer community are demanding that the age for consensual sex be lowered to infants!
New Zealand children are increasingly becoming victims of sexual abuse, and yet
the queer community are demanding that the age for consensual sex be lowered to infants!

Download here: Honest-Government-Ad-Reserve-Bank-of-Australia-Qantas-2023-05-20.mp4 - 14,488 kb
By: theAnalysis-news - 20th May 2023
Honest Government Ad
Reserve Bank of Australia - Qantas...

The Reserve Bank of Australia has made an ad, and it's surprisingly honest and informative.

#inflation #PaulJay #theanalysis

Cary Cunningham
Nailed it!

This is brilliant. You can insert pretty much any government in here and it still works. Great work folks.

Hannah Louise Fitzpatrick
This is excellent! Same thing here in Canada.

Aus Bare
Australia has one of the best governments money can buy.

landgate "a person includes a corporation" thus we became a corporation and now we are slaves -sweet

robert booth
Brilliantly done

claude nobles

I've never seen your channel before but I can tell you I lost my sh!t laughing so hard at your parody video!

Can't wait to see more!

Well done!

Jon H
These videos are excellent, I watch intently, analyse the content, carefully consider the underlying message and make my conclusions before providing thoughtful feedback .......... can we have some more wiggle, wiggle!

Smart and funny

Fun fact outside Nevada NSW has the most pokermachines in the world

If only the board members of the Reserve Bank were to have their salaries reduced every time inflation rose. Alas, it's just a whimsical notion.
"A politician thinks of the next election; a statesman, of the next generation."

Download: Plandemic-3-The-Great-Awakening-Trailer-2023-05-19.mp4 - 23,734 kb
By: PlandemicSeriesOfficial - 19th May 2023
Plandemic 3
The Great Awakening

Premiere on June 3rd -

Nuremberg 2.0 needs to happen in some fashion. All the want-to-be dictator need to be charged and locked up!

Im so looking forward to this documentary

Mikki has a most awesome soul. Thank you so much!

Did you know that our own government is financing the Illegal Alien Caravans with your tax dollars, that we are spending 150 Billion per year to support Illegal Aliens, that Fentanyl imported from Mexico is killing over 100,000 Americans per year. What we are seeing is Biden's "Great Replacement" of Americans. Finally did you know that Universal E-Verify and other measures could send all 6 to 15 million of Biden's Illegal Aliens back home. With millions of Americans homeless and struggling it is time to do just that: send them all back home.

Open Borders are just another part of Biden's Globalist Plan to destroy the United States and the rest of the developed world
Biden and the Democrats are putting American Citizens last and footing us with the bill

eye opening

Should be shared.
Not enough views, very good trailer.

Powerful Trailer. Will be watching on June 3rd.

How many times has Rumble deleted comments here? WTF where is our free speech?

I can't wait to see this. Fantastic job!
Share share share!

Thank you for posting this video. Definitely want to see the actual full documentary.

Love to you all!!!

Thank You!


So many will even refuse to watch. They cover their eyes! It's so weird to see….

They trained the Skinner lab rats ( humans) for years, till 2020. They knew what they were doing.

Download here: I-received-a-microchip-in-my-arm-and-it-is-the-best-thing-ever-They-gave-a-cookie-afterwards-2023-05-18.mp4 - 4,304 kb
By: Rodney Boyd - 18th May 2023
"I received a microchip in my arm
and it's the best thing ever.
They gave a cookie afterwards!"

This is a real 'Before and after!'

Australian woman gets a microchip in her arm and says that she absolutely loves it!

Then suddenly she hates the microchip mark in her wrist, as she exercised her right to free speech and is no longer allowed to buy, sell or own anything.

Revelation 13:17  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Download here: CNN-Host-Insists-Durhams-Report-Does-Exonerate-Trump-in-Russia-Probe-2023-05-17.mp4 - 444 kb
By: Indepenent Journal Review, Bradley Cortright - 16th May 2023
CNN Host Insists Durham's Report
'Does Exonerate' Trump in Russia Probe

CNN Host Insists Durham's Report 'Does Exonerate' Trump in Russia Probe

The long-awaited Durham report (300 pages) about the Russia hoax has finally been released.

Special Counsel John Durham's report on the FBI's 2016 Russia probe is "devastating" for the bureau, but great news for former President Donald Trump, according to a CNN host.

CNN's Jake Tapper discussed the report after it was released on Monday.

"The report is now here. It has dropped. And it might not have produced everything of what some Republicans hoped for," he began.

However, he added, "It is regardless devastating to the FBI, and to a degree, it does exonerate Trump."

In a 306-page report, Durham lays out a series of criticisms of how the FBI handled its investigation into whether members of Trump's 2016 campaign colluded with Russian operatives.

Durham argued the FBI moved quickly in 2016 to investigate a tip about contacts between a Trump campaign aide and a Russian official. However, he said the bureau did not have additional information to corroborate the tip, and the investigation was launched without a proper basis.

The report states the FBI's move to launch the Trump investigation "based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence also reflected a noticeable departure from how it approached" allegations involving Clinton.

It alleges the FBI was more skeptical of allegations foreign governments considered donating to Hillary Clinton's campaign to gain influence.

Durham also found FBI officials did not conduct a thorough enough review of information it took in from groups or people with a political affiliation. And his report accused the FBI of relying on leads from Trump's political opponents.

In 2019, Special Counsel Robert Mueller released a report that found "numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign." However, he did not find evidence to back up allegations of a conspiracy.

And in December 2019, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz released a report sharing several "significant concerns" about the FBI's Russia probe.

His report listed several "factual misstatements and omissions" made to help get a warrant for Trump campaign aide Carter Paige.

However, he stated, "Opening the investigation was in compliance with [DOJ] and FBI policies, and we did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced" the investigation.

After Durham's report was released, Trump told Fox News, "I, and much more importantly, the American public have been victims of this long-running and treasonous charade started by the Democrats — started by [former FBI Director James] Comey."

"There must be a heavy price to pay for putting our country through this," he continued, adding, "It turned out to be a giant and very dangerous hoax."

FBI National Press Office, Washington, D.C., (202) 324-3691
Statement on Report by Special Counsel John Durham

The conduct in 2016 and 2017 that Special Counsel Durham examined was the reason that current FBI leadership already implemented dozens of corrective actions, which have now been in place for some time. Had those reforms been in place in 2016, the missteps identified in the report could have been prevented. This report reinforces the importance of ensuring the FBI continues to do its work with the rigor, objectivity, and professionalism the American people deserve and rightly expect.

Mistep? Phooey! It's aiding and abetting tyranny and treason.

The FBI sidestepping article is very slick. I assume that your ghostwriter is Satan?

Hollywood Resistance
My Father was a hero. He was 82nd Airborne in WWII, parachuted into live combat, got shot down twice. He received 2 Purple Hearts. I am glad he is dead and can't have his heart broken by what CORRUPT FILTH America's government is. You owe the world an APOLOGY.

Viva Frei
Amazing. Now explain claiming Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation just in time for the 2020 election…

Vince Langman
The FBI is rotten to the core
When President Trump is back in office, job one must be to clean house from top to bottom and start over

Viva Frei
FYI: This is an admission of criminal wrongdoing.

Election interference by the federal government.
Who are you arresting? indicting?

Lori Mills
Not enough! The FBI leadership knew this was a lie. You persecuted an American President attempted a coup on a sitting President. You ripped this Country apart and it's never been the same. Most the criminals that did this have a cushy media gig. America will never trust you! How about you hold a press conference and tell Americans that STILL believe the lie the truth. Anything short of this is an epic failure.

Xennial Rick
"To a degree?"

They made it all up. When Trump said he had no idea what they were talking about, he was telling the truth.

As for the FBI, it needs to be abolished preferably, or at minimum, totally reformed to ensure it's not an ideological attack dog.

Durham report slams FBI's Trump-Russia probe ... Hey, Tapper!

To a degree? How bout, 100% exonerates Donald Trump? FFS, even when you guys get caught, you try to find a way to justify it.

A Twit
will the Dems apologize? we all know the answer to that ...

Dr Bow Wow Who
I miss the days when I could not guess the political party of my newscasters.

Jojo Malone
How much tax payer money went towards this mess? And the impeachment that followed? I want my money back!

Bob Wood
It's also devastating to CNN, Tapper and the others who day in and day out lied to the entire world without one scintilla of shame or remorse. These people have forever destroyed all trust in anything they say.

Jim Mellon
"To a disagree" hahahahah. For him to admit this, what it actually means is it is stone cold proof he is innocent.

Nice try, Jake. We're not getting bought off by your half decade late "my bad."

This was treason and we aren't forgetting it.

"To a degree"

Ok Jake, go celebrate mutilating children

David Hips
After all of this. Untold Millions spent. Who is going to jail ? Who is getting fired ? Does the public believe anything that comes out of Washington anymore ?

Inspector Gadget
CNN catches up 7 years later behind the rest of the world. And #1 news media of Russia Russia Russia narrative.

Why did the fake King Charles 3 spend so
much time with perhaps the most prolific pedophile in the United Kingdom?
By: AwakenedOutlaw - 7th May 2023

Four Questions RE: #KingCharlesIII

  1. Why did he spend so much time with perhaps the most prolific pedophile in the #UnitedKingdom's modern history?
  2. Why was #JimmySavile widely known to be untouchable and above the law?
  3. Who could have the type of influence necessary to keep him from being a target for investigation given his prominence as a WELL-KNOWN & FEARED sadistic pedophile?
  4. Why was this infamous pedophile such intimate friends with the upper echelon of the British Monarchy & Aristocracy?

Why did the fake King Charles 3 spend so much time with perhaps the most prolific pedophile in the United Kingdom?

Why did the fake King Charles 3 spend so much time with perhaps the most prolific pedophile in the United Kingdom?

Why did the fake King Charles 3 spend so much time with perhaps the most prolific pedophile in the United Kingdom?

Why did the fake King Charles 3 spend so much time with perhaps the most prolific pedophile in the United Kingdom?

Atomic Clock
I saw the documentary on that Savil guy. Just disgusting.

It is on Netflix. Jimmy Savile a British Horror Story.

Susan Newsom
Oh my goodness, that's what I've read, I was just afraid to say it because I didn't want anyone to jump on me. I would never In a million years have believed it, eventually I learned and I believe it's all true! Unless anyone else has read, they probably don't believe it either

Todd Stubblefield
Is the new king is a pedo

What an insult to the Scottish kilts and humanity in general. They are disgusting, repugnant filth.

Dirt is for walking on, not talking too!

Sausage Fingers Charles is as much a king as I am the King of Scotland!

Why did the Queen knight Jimmy Savile?

Andrew Shaw
Because Charlie is a paedophile.

Eden Bates
Seville was the UK's Epstein.

I just think that people that are born into such immence wealth that they believe they are entitled to everything on earth.

Because it's one big club and you ain't in it

Download here: British-Solider-collapses-at-Cardiff-Castle-during-King-Charles-Coronation-2023-05-06.mp4 - 3,349 kb
By: Lara Kent - Complete Shows - 6th May 2023
British Solider collapses at Cardiff Castle
during King Charles Coronation

Watch: British Solider collapses during King Charles Coronation. First the Grim Reaper appears at the coronation, and now a soldier face plants, and it doesn't look like he ever comes around. Not a good sign. Is God trying to tell us something?

A soldier fainted during Coronation proceedings at Cardiff Castle, ahead of a ceremonial royal gun salute carried out by the 104 Regiment Royal Artillery.

#coronation #cardiff #kingcharles #fainted

People have always fainted. However, the frequency of fainting from: fatigue, heart failures, strokes, dropping dead etc has increased dramatically since 2020.

If medical experts cannot provide feasible answers, pray they never become mechanics, as your car will never be fixed!

Download here: Grim-Reaper-At-The-Coronation-of-the-fake-King-Charles-3-2023-05-06.mp4 - 1,863 kb
By: Vincent Fusco Q - 6th May 2023
Grim Reaper Spotted at the
Coronation of the fake King Charles 3

Grim Reaper walks by as Charles is crowned the new King UK CROWN CORONATION.

Note how the King's Guard (soldiers?) walk across the blue and yellow carpet, which resembles the Ukraine flag. Coincidence?


Grim Reaper at the Coronation of the fake King Charles 3


By Suzy Monzer from
Identity of 'Grim Reaper' figure at King Charles's coronation revealed

As King Charles III was crowned as King of England, viewers couldn't help but notice a mysterious black-hooded figure popping up on the screen.

Many were quick to take to social media with their concerns, labelling the figure the 'Grim Reaper'.

After days of speculation, it has now been confirmed the mysterious figure at the coronation was a verger.

A spokesperson for Westminster Abbey confirmed to Newsweek the person was a verger – a member of the abbey community who assists with religious services but is not in the clergy.

New York Post, Brooke Kato
'Grim reaper' spotted at King Charles' coronation: 'Who's he looking for?'

Who invited this creep?

Eagle-eyed Twitter users spotted what appears to be a cloaked figure scurrying in the background of King Charles III's coronation, likening the unknown individual to the grim reaper.

A person wrapped in hooded, black robes carrying a long rod, akin to a scythe, was caught dashing in front of the golden arches within the cathedral Saturday.

"Anyone else just notice the Grim Reaper at Westminster Abbey?" a person wrote on Twitter, grabbing 2 million views.

"I noticed him! Who's he looking for?" one person responded.

Belfast Telegraph
Royal fans spot the 'Grim Reaper' at King Charles' coronation

Newsweek, James Crawford-Smith
Coronation Viewers Spot 'Grim Reaper' at Westminster Abbey

From the Grim Reaper to Prince Louis: The breakout stars of the coronation

King Charles III may have been waiting for the moment he would be crowned his entire life, but there were some unexpected stars at the coronation who stole the limelight at today's coronation ceremony.

The coronation of King Charles and Queen Camilla took place at Westminster Abbey, in front of 2,000 guests comprising of members of the royal family, foreign royals and dignitaries, celebrities, community heroes and volunteers.

But the guests who caught royal fans' attention during the coronation service today ranged from the Grim Reaper to Princess Charlotte.

Royal fans disturbed as 'Grim Reaper' spotted at King Charles' Coronation

Eagle-eyed royal fans have made a spooky discovery at King Charles' Coronation, as a mysterious figure appeared in Westminster Abbey during the proceedings - some say it's 'not a good sign'

Amidst all the pomp and ceremony, royal fans have spotted an eerie guest at King Charles' Coronation in Westminster Abbey.

Chares has officially been crowned as King as millions around the world watch in awe, but eagle-eyed viewers have also spotted a spooky presence in the London church.

Royal lovers rushed to Twitter to share snaps of a mysterious figure, dubbed the 'Grim Reaper'.

Social media Joe Green, who posts on account @realjoegreeeen, shared the discovery of the spooky character, otherwise known as the personified figure of death.

Joe shared a clip from the ceremony where a figure walked by the doors of Westminster Abbey donning the mythological character's iconic dark robes and an item giving a similar appearance to a scythe.

Meghan made it after all ?

seemed like he was in a hurry...he didn't even waved, or said hello...
anyway, they probably hired him for the after-party...

MAAWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA Tough neighborhood !!!

You will own nothing and be happy.


Vincent Fusco Q

Download here: BBC-Does-Not-Want-You-To-See-This-Stew-Peters-Goes-Head-To-Head-with-BBC-WATCH-FULL-Interview-2023-05-04.mp4 - 296,574 kb
By: Stew Peters - Complete Shows - 4th May 2023
The BBC Doesn't Want You To See This
Stew Peters Goes Head-To-Head
with BBC - WATCH FULL Interview

Stew Peters goes into the lion's den and teaches the BBC a lesson.
Watch behind the scenes footage the BBC doesn't want you to see.
The BBC attempts and fails to discredit the wildly successful documentary "Died Suddenly."
Stew financed and released "Died Suddenly" to save lives from the murderous Covid cult.
Throughout the interview Stew exposes the pro-vaxx lies parroted by the mainstream media.
The BBC continues to promote a bioweapon injection that is killing children.
The fake news "journalists" were completely caught off guard and not prepared to answer Stew's questions about why embalmers are finding white fibrous clots inside the vaccinated dead.
Stew reminds the BBC of vaccinated Damar Hamlin's sudden collapse on national television.
The average number of professional athletes who have collapsed during competition is 5 to 10 per year.
In the last year that number has climbed to over 1000.
The United States is funneling money into the fake construct of a country called Ukraine.
The Covid-19 pandemic was used to enact a massive worldwide depopulation event.
People must be held accountable for their blatant crimes against humanity and that also includes lying journalists.
Watch this new show NOW at!
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Stew's on fire!

Best interview I've ever seen with the Fake Street Media

BBC should not only be ashamed of themselves, but, should hold some legal liability for pushing the vaccine lies, over and over again. It's beyond sickening.

Yea Stew I was one of those 7 on Facebook!

That was absolute fire. Thank you Stew for standing firm for God and his children.

Respect for staying so calm with these liars!!! I would have exploded on them. They are complicit in killing millions and have the audacity - I couldn't stayed calm.

Beautiful production. Beautiful show. Thank you and may God bless you. I haven't missed a show in years. Thank you for contributing in restoring my faith in my God, and in my country, and in myself. Thank you for being The constant

the BBC is freaking joke. as are the vast majority of main stream media. they don't do any real research of journalism. they just collect the bribes and use libel to denounce those who seek truth, without an ounce of evidence. they throw about "truth" and "conspiracy" without a shred of anything to back up their claims, just expecting the populace to keep believing them.
for all the negatives the internet has wrought upon the world, one of the silver linings is how exposed these liars are.

REEKLOONE of the best butt whopping interviews ever. Great job!!

That was an AMAZING INTERVIEW Stew.. you were SHARP!

BBC is the biggest disinfo media organisation in the UK. I gave up watching them when it was obvious they were in bed with WEF, WHO, BIG PHARMA, BILL GATES to push the biggest killer bio weapon on the planet. Disgusting woman needs to do her reasearch.

That was awesome Stew. You called out the fake news and the two pushers they sent to try and harass you and you shoved it all right back at them. How can they possibly ask you about including B-roll footage of people that aren't dead as their attempt to debunk the whole film when their entire schtick is presenting lies and fear? Well done to you on the best push back I've ever seen. Too bad they'll cut it up to suit their goals, but we know the truth.

respect stew!!!!!!!!!

In 2020 a colleague of mine sent me a BBC article titled "How did Bill Gates become the boogie man of Covid? At least 75% of the article was describing what a fantastic "fact-checking" system the BBC had created. Therefore, no one can question the fact that the BBC has officially debunked any suspicion of Gates. All the while they never provided any material. I conducted a rather simple search of "sponsors" of this BBC debunking apparatus and who are the top contributors? 1: Microsoft Corporation. I forgot number 2 but the third was "Open Society".

Stew is far more tolerant than I. I would have told that condescending woman to get a microphone or get lost. I doubt this world has ever seen this level of evil. "Those we were taught to trust the most". Then all this compounded by the media perpetuating this evil.

I knew they'd start rolling there controlled op into mainstream slowly. Our summer distraction will be this type of stuff, not to change anything mind you, it's just so you continue to let the controllers appear to be doing something. You know, like politics, education and wars.

That was awesome!!!!

Melissa Molnar
Good job Stew!

um BBC is funded from gov and from the taxpayer (not exactly free tv)!! not sure where addvert revenues come in…. BBCMediaAction – is funded by GATES, UN, badboys. They divide it up and claim to be honmest but the dirty money gets in there and goes to the top….. Good work stu. Only ask questions you know answers to so you can catch them in lies.. unfortunately that means u need to research the bbc and become expert in thei r craphole business. Most podcasterz politely decline their request for interview.

You nailed it. She never had one real answer for anything you asked about. Am I surprised she didn't? NO! Just another mouth piece, all blow and no show.

Stew, you were having a chat with Chat GPT drones. You have to try and smell them and see if they have human smells. Do a smell test. If not then they are not human.

Fantastic interview Stew.

Ken Freeland
you rock, Stew!

Tim Kolasa
This biblical quote explains what's happening now in our world with the LYING media, corrupt politicians and rich oligarchy's, and it's all written in the Bible explaining what's happening right before our very eyes right now.

"Towards the end of time, false prophets shall arise. It's also clear in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 that there is a being (the son of perdition) who will declare himself god and will expect to be served as god. The Devil has placed some individuals in positions of power, and influence to control the media, politics and education, promoting value, which is deceptive, leading the society into a state of total degradation."

Stew is fighting against all of this because just like myself, I can't stand to see what is happening with the world right now being flipped over on its head like we're living in a parallel existence. It just doesn't seem like it's real. But the sad and undeniable truth, is that it is happening.
Evil is here in an abundance and prophesies claim it to get even worse. So buckle up because it's going to get even bumpier as this evil pushes forward.
Be ready to die when this evil comes across our bows and asks if you believe in Jesus Christ, and answering yes will either kill you or get you beaten to a pulp then you'll be imprisoned for the rest of your time on this earth and tortured constantly.
Sounds like hell doesn't it!
Say your prayers and never lose faith.
God is Love!

The Devil is hate and hate is all the world has ever seen lately.

We trust those people because they don't get paid and still fight for the truth. How much more of a lie would these demons spout when they get paid.

Melanie wall
Well done stew there arrogance is breathtaking

Download here: Former-British-Soldier-EXPOSES-King-Charles-Sausage-Fingers-2023-05-03.mp4 - 26,372 kb
By: Double Down News - 3rd March 2023
Former British Soldier EXPOSES
King Charles - aka Sausage Fingers

The video the monarchy does not want you to see

0.00 Intro
0.31 The Royal Family
2.19 Military Cosplay
4.02 Anti Monarchy
4.58 Revolution

His allegiance is to WEF
Not the British people.

No human is above any other human and no human should be worshipped by another.

Charles almost looks as grand as Idi Amin with all his self appointed medals on his rediculous costume

Their family lied, cheated, stole and murdered their way into the crown and now they are living off the proceeds of these crimes.

For me it was Charles himself that ruined my perception of the British Royals. It started when Lady Diana died. Afterwards I learned about the Bilderberg group, WEF and Davos, with Charles always doing speeches. He lives at an absurd level of wealth and privilege, yet he wants all of us to ride bikes, live in 15 minute cities and eat bugs.

£100 million for an adulterer and his mistress while the people suffer poverty absolutely diabolical...

If Charles was anything like a proper man he would have said ''No I will not have a £100 million Coronation while my subjects are struggling like crazy''. But the arrogant leach went ahead, not my King.

The minute he said I want to be known as defender of the faiths rather than the one true faith it was done for me.

I have always found it revolting these Royals wearing high ranking uniforms, and especially medals they have never earned. This is a gross insult to members of the armed forces that have actually earned them.

Disgusting and nauseating. Just strutters.

Anyone who is friends with the WEF does not have the publics best interests at heart........ quite the opposite.

Download here: Politicians-and-health-bureaucrats-trying-to-rewrite-history-about-illiberal-COVID-rules-2023-04-30.mp4 - 4,511 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 30th April 2023
Politicians (Justin Trudeau) and health bureaucrats trying to 'rewrite history'
about 'illiberal' COVID rules

Politicians and health bureaucrats are "trying desperately to rewrite history" and convince people they never advocated for "crippling illiberal lockdowns", vaccine mandates and school closures, says Sky News host Rita Panahi.

"Canada was right up there for COVID madness," Ms Panahi said.

"But Prime Minister Justin Trudeau now claims that's just disinformation, he says he never insisted that everyone, young and old, healthy and infirm, get vaccinated against COVID - that's just fake news."

Everyday mishaps blamed on Covid

Toning Tony
Trudeau Needs to go to Jail.

Dylan Kalonji
As a Canadian is truly amazing how much a tyrant Trudeau acted like during the pandemic

Garth ODowd
It boils my blood after I was treated like a filthy leper for two years, lost a job and other "privileges" by the sanctimonious jabbed, only for them to now pretend none of it happened and to be one big happy community.. Screw them, I'll never forget.

They ALL need to be made accountable for their crimes against humanity

Zach Merrill
What happened was beyond disgusting. Trudeau is counting on people developing amnesia. He is a horrible man and I hope he pays dearly for what he and others did to our neighbors and friends and family. Unforgivable.

Lets not forget our Australian criminal Premiers trampling all over our Constitutional rights . There must be no law higher than the God given Constitutional rights of the individual to exist freely on this planet . May they never ever ever forget it .

Kris Norman
Yes trudeau needs to be held accountable


Dennis Henry
Every Australian premier needs to go down over this for a start

David Le Maitre
The deeply worrying aspect in all of this is that these evil people possess such a level of arrogance that they appear to believe that the general public lacks the intelligence to see them for the evil devils that they are; my attempt at trying to be as polite and as gracious as I can. Never should we forget the evil they have wrought upon us!

Never forget , what they did - we need to continue to expose them and in reality there should be a Nuremberg trial similar to WWII and bring these politicians, health officials, etc to trial and penalty of death.

Dave K
Liars forget that we have what they said on tape, but most of us have memories of it as well. The thing about liars is that they forget what lies they previously told.

Download here: Woke-Home-Defense-7-Gun-Free-Tactics-To-Defend-Your-Home-2023-04-29.mp4 - 9,713 kb
By: The Babylon Bee - 29th April 2023
Woke Home Defense
7 Gun-Free Tactics To Defend Your Home

When guns are finally banned in the coming utopia, you still might need to defend yourself on the rare occasion. If that ever happens to you, you can use these foolproof ways to defend yourself even when you don't have a gun.

In the meantime, if you are looking for gear that is actually useful for home defense, Visit T.Rex Arms. T. Rex Arms is equipping the serious citizen.

The Babylon Bee
How will YOU defend your home once guns are banned?

Steel Rarebit
#8: Become a politician so that you have squads of bodyguards to defend you against burglars so you don't have to and it's free because the taxpayers pay for it.

11Bravo Crunchie
I went through this list step by step. When the social worker arrived 31 minutes after I called, they found my house completely stripped, including the carpeting, and me laying unconscious in the front yard. Apparently the burglars shot me in the head, but I survived because when I was forced to register as a Democrat, they removed my brain. As a result, nothing critical was damaged when I was shot in the head. On the plus side, the bullet hole in my skull is the perfect size to hold a AA MagLite flashlight, so I never have to worry about stepping on the LEGOs that are still scattered on the floor of my house in the middle of the night.

Remember everyone, what's the only thing that stops a bad guy with a nerf gun? A good guy with a nerf gun.

Victor Fox
I was robbed last week and we hugged it out. I asked who hurt you? And we sat down for tea and talked it out. After an hour the social worker showed up but we had already resolved things and everyone went their ways. Later I woke up in the hospital and was told that i had been shot during a home invasion and had been in a coma for a few days.

B. W. P. Chambers
The funny thing is, this is pretty much the law in Canada. If a person breaks into your home here, and you injure them in any way, including misgendering them, they can have you charged. I really wish I was joking.

Paul Dozier
You know what I love about Babylon Bee sketches? They always keep the length of the video appropriate for the joke. I see so many channels that try to drag it out, making the video WAY longer than the joke is funny. This place hits the nail on the head with every swing. Kudos, BB. You guys are great!

Chris Cline
I'm here to inform you of a recently botched burglary. During this recent burglary, the homeowner went through all the tactics taught in this amazing course. However, the homeowner was put on hold with the State Therapist's Office and made the mistake of putting the phone on speaker. The elevator music apparently triggered very emotional feelings for the burglar. At this point, apparently both the homeowner and the burglar were showing signs of discomfort. The homeowner began running through the tactics hurriedly. This only led to more discomfort for the burglar. After all else had failed, the homeowner offered a hug but forgot he had been holding one of the nerf guns and spooked the burglar. The burglar shot in self-defense. Luckily for the burglar, police and State Therapists were able to catch up with the burglar at a pawnshop not but a few blocks from the homeowner's house and is now receiving counseling in response to the dramatic event. The homeowner's wife was taken into custody for not leaving the master bedroom closet and offering to help with the gathering of stolen goods. Both of the homeowner's children have been placed with foster families. It looks like all-in-all things turned out for the best. The homeowner had not shown the necessary interest in planning for the situation and sealed his family's fate, however, the burglar is now facing his emotional issues with the help of State Therapists and receiving monthly funding until he's able to return to burglaring. We all wish him well.

When debating an anti gunner, you should ask them if they post a "Gun Free Zone" sign in front of their home

Kali Kale
Careful now! If you hurt the intruder, they can sue you for damages, pain and suffering.

Kay Williams
I see the error of my ways and will go over this with my husband immediately when I get home! Thanks Babylon Bee!

They cannot legally attack you without your consent.

Justin Bond
I bet there's a reason every single one of these things could be considered illegal in California for some reason or another…

hydron powers
Brandon: Disarmed the Americans
Also Brandon: Armed the Taliban
Also Also Brandon: Armed the Ukrainians

mendy hershkop
You could get the IRS FBI and ATF to guard your house 24/7 it's a simple as this, step 1) Google how to make a ghost gun 2) Google how to avoid your taxes 3) file a complaint against your school board.

Download here: Q-Derek-Johnson-Continuity-Of-Government-Is-In-Place-Military-In-Control-Scare-Event-Necessary-2023-04-29.mp4 - 262,390 kb
By: X22 Report - 29th April 2023
Q - Derek Johnson
Continuity Of Government Is In Place
Military In Control, Scare Event Necessary

Derek Johnson is a United States Army Veteran, Retired, DV. 1776 nation which is, where he breaks down the covert operation that is going on right now. Derek is also a 2 time Billboard Hit Artist and Songwriter, Derek is best known for his two Billboard Hits "Real Cool Kinda Hot" and "Right Beer Right."

Derek begins the conversation on how the government is under a different set of laws. The military is in control under COG. Everything we are witnessing is part of the plan to bring down the [DS]. The last act will be cleaning up the low level foot soldiers; a scare event will be necessary.

All source links to the report can be found on the site.

Dave thank you for having Derek on. He has been speaking about all of this for awhile.

To bad this information isn't taught in our schools and universities.
Today's youth are being lied to on purpose.

Thanks Dave and Derek - EX22CELLENT

Love Derek's clear focus and blessed service to his God, family, country and patriots.

Wow, I am surprised that Dave has Derek on for an interview. I have heard before some of what he says, and it sounds believable. Jon Herrold, Patel Patriot, does not take him seriously I think, but it seems to me it is ALL part of the COG plan, which is also called Devolution.

Finally.... Derek's the man... facts are facts... Trump is our War time President.... WWG1WGA

This has been a good-.but salty- filtration system to see who is trolling from the black hat side.
We are keeping track.

This young man is so smart, thanks Derek for your explanations. Your military background helps you understand.

Congratulations Dave! Best interview yet and spot on.
Derek is brilliant and I believe correct.
Kash can't give things away and is why he hedges his words. Derek is clear, concise, direct and extremely well researched.
Like you Dave and so many great Anons!!!!

Best show ever ! Love ya Derek ! Thank you !

Thank you, Dave and Derek!
Greatest interview with a very knowledgeable guest!

What a great interview

This was X22 best interview of 2023 by far.

So if military is in charge, why are they allowing the open borders and everything Biden is getting away with?! He's destroying America

808Bill (answering LisaLynn2 above)
To wake the fracking sheep up. Sometimes you have to show them...

GoneRedOrBust (answering LisaLynn2 above)
There's none so blind as those who will not see.

Scbwell (answering LisaLynn2 above)
You can't tell the people what is going on, they won't believe it. If you let the evil and corruption happen and it effects you then you will tend to wake up and start to see what is happening.

Jarvil (answering LisaLynn2 above)
Trump has previously stated that the invasion can be corrected quickly and crime will be reduced by 85% (paraphrasing). There is a plan; believe in it.

Download: Despite-strict-vaccine-mandates-Trudeau-says-he-did-not-force-Canadians-to-get-vaccinated-2023-04-28.mp4 - 277,513 kb
By: Voices For Freedom - Posted by: AlexandraBruce - 28th April 2023
Despite strict vaccine mandates,
Justin Trudeau says he didn't force
Canadians to get vaccinated.

If you had to pick a 'Best Liar' - who would win between Justin Trudeau & Jacinda Ardern?

If you had to pick a 'Best Liar' - who would win between Justin Trudeau & Jacinda Ardern?

Both Justin Trudeau & Jacinda Ardern are megalomaniac, narcissistic psychopaths; so lying is simply a natural overflow of who they really are & WHO they represent (WEF, UN etc.)

Judgement is coming for their Crimes Against Humanity & in fact is already underway for their ilk...

That's a hard one, can I phone a friend?

Scott Ewing
Who would win between Trudeau & Ardern?
That's a tough call to make.
They're both reading from the same script.

Free Speech above all else: not govt funded
both cut from the same #WEF cloth for sure

Amanda Is Awake
At least he acknowledged that the livestream comments were deeply against all he was saying;

Cindy just refused to speak to anyone other than pre-approved media, and buried that disingenuous, big head in the sand when it came to any disagreement whatsoever.

Simon Johnson
Both are devious, deceptive dirtbags. They knew full well what they were doing.

Truth Alton
it's a draw, both are brilliant at lying.

Kerry Powell
Be a very close run between those two liars....and both are from the WEF's young leader training programme...yes comrade!

Paul Pink
Ardern and Trudeau are twins of evil.

Both cloned from the same egg

Tomithée Henson
Theyre the same.

They're twins.


Glenn lewis

That's a tough one ..they both liked the sound of their preaching voices, abusing empathy and confusing science to endorse fear on citizens

They are both tyrants - planning their evil plan and also shared a private jet from London to New York to spread their misinformation to the general public. It is ironic all the conspiracy theorists were right all along.

Download here: Monash-Councilors-in-Glen-Waverley-Victoria-Australia-insist-on-Drag-Queens-and-Pedophiles-grooming-our-children-2023-04-27.mp4 - 17,887 kb
By: Reignite Democracy Australia - 27th April 2023
Monash Councilors in Glen Waverley,
VIC, Australia, insist on Drag Queens
& Pedophiles grooming our children!

About 200 people showed up to a council meeting tonight to voice their concerns about drag queen storytimes being hosted at public libraries.

There were over 17 questions submitted on the issue and they cherry-picked only three and were clearly purposely avoiding the harder questions.

They completely dismissed and ignored the crowd and are going ahead with the event despite the huge pushback.

Be aware these passionate people won't stop and will likely have to attend 19th May as well.

If you wanna join the movement you can here

Janette Scott
Disgusting! Children should be protected not indoctrinated. Bring back God to the schools.

Rachel Colomb
"Children are never too young to receive this messaging", most disturbing comment the councilor made.

Ozzy Heather
When did child abuse sponsored by Govt/Councils become acceptable?

Peak Aussieman
They always go for the local councils because that's the level of Government with the least amount of oversight and scrutiny.

Deon Brunette
Call an election right now it's your right.

beeman50 beeman50
Possie parker is a real woman!!!

Jimmy Call
It's up to the Public to decide what happens in their community. They are the Government.

Ross Taylor
Stop paying your council rates

Tim Saarinen
Best thing to do is if you have kids in the public education system is take them out, it seems though it takes something as outrages as this for something to be done about it.

Mr Burns
Where was this in Australia? And how many councils across Australia will be doing this?

moonstone81 gaming
The council should be registered as sex offenders the groomers

Do not let your children go.

Richard Love
They also need to get rid of the divisive aboriginal made up flag.

Paul Orchard
Drag queens should only ever be a part of adult stage shows, 20 years ago they were humorous entertainment and it was a role they played proudly! I know, i knew a drag queen who loved doing shows and got excited days before he was scheduled to perform, other than those times he was just a gay man who blended in and unless you knew him you would never know!

moonstone81 gaming
Grooming council

Obey or the order followers will arrest you.


Black Prince
What Council is this, where is it what town or city, please inform so that we can picket.
Please do remember that local councils are NOT recognised in the Australian CONSTITUTION, so are not a lawful institution at all.

Matthew Hargraves
This is ridiculous,
remember you are the parents so your children do not have to participate.
But I find that woman's words are prolific WE HAVE AN AGENDA,.

Download: El-Salvador-MEGAPRISON-Inside-the-Largest-Prison-in-the-World-Built-to-House-40000-Gang-Members-2023-04-26.mp4 - 66,190 kb
By: Joe Blogs - 26th April 2023
Inside the Largest Prison in the World
Built to House 40,000 Gang Members

El Salvador has experienced problems with GANGS for the past 30 years however President Nayib Bukele introduced a State of Emergency and news laws to tackle the gangs. Over 62,000 Gang Members have now been arrested and in order to break the gang culture in prisons a new MEGAPRISON has been built which is the largest prison in the World. In this video we go behind the scenes for a full tour of the State of the Art Prison and see what is waiting for the prisoners.

For specific details please check out the CHAPTER list below.

Thanks for watching and please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE.

0:00 Intro
6:48 GANGS
10:48 CELLS
15:43 GUARDS

#crypto, #elsalvador, #megaprison, #china, #Belt&Road, #globalrecession, #globalfinancialcrisis, #russia, #Evergrande, #China, #Recession, #Zhenro, #Bonds

Over 62,000 Gang Members have now been arrested

Alan Snyder
El Salvador has such a bad gang problem that something drastic needs to be done. I support this and hope it makes life safer for the regular citizens of El Salvador.

Tracy Tuten
As an American I agree with the President of El Salvador. We need to do the same, Prison should be a miserable, horrible experience. It's not a country club.

We've all heard stories about how bad things are in El Salvador, but this really puts it in perspective.

I hope this facility will provide El Salvador with the rest and prosperity they deserve and so need in the years to come. It's about time to break the cycle!

Just Me
I pray that this will work for el Salvador where there citizens can feel safe always

Patricia Tate
Glad to see El Salvador taking extreme measures to control an extreme threat to their country and people.

Christopher Renfroe
We need something similar to this in Chicago, it has gotten really bad here!

Download here: When-a-farmer-asks-the-climate-change-experts-a-simple-question-How-much-CO2-is-in-the-atmosphere-2023-04-17.mp4 - 2,884 kb
By: KCPayTreeIt - 17th April 2023
When a farmer asks the 'climate change
experts' a simple question:
"How much CO2 is in the atmosphere?"

These people don't even know what the fuck they are advocating for. Their responses tell it all!

They don't know because they're paid off to just nod their heads and vote right along with what their required to do. They don't NEED to know and do not care.

and we pay their wages?

Far-Right Fascist--Nuclear-Ultra-MAGA Patriot
CO2 is what makes our plants grow and produce this thing, called Oxygen.
It's all a grift.

Jimmy Neutronic
This is true, but the average temp of the planet has increased over the past century. The amount of CO2 doesn't seem like much, but it's enough to cause that rise. Farmers have to know basic chemistry, meteorology, and biology. I feel like he's trying to construct a gotcha here.

Oculus Discrimine
Since 1980, CO2 has gone from 400 ppm to 420 ppm.

Since 1980, the global leaf index has gone up 40%. 40% more of the earth's land is now covered in vegetation. The increase is mostly in semi-arid lands where nothing would grow before.

Rising CO2 levels increase crop yields per acre. This effect peaks at about 600 ppm. With a growing population, we need more CO2, not less.

A Conservative Environmentalist
The climate change case is based on cherry-picking data and personal recollections of what the weather used to be like plus the 10s of billions of dollars that are used to promote it.

James // not Heston
the guy is awesome .. and exposes the FAKE grifters
trying to drum up more taxes and force things on Americans!

Download here: James-OKeefe-questions-Budlight-queer-man-Dylan-Mulvaney-about-fake-women-raping-real-women-in-jail-2023-04-15.mp4 - 16,497 kb
By: James O'Keefe - 15th April 2023
James O'Keefe questions Budlight
queer man Dylan Mulvaney about
fake women raping real women in jail

JUST NOW AT FOUR SEASONS IN LA.: James O'Keefe Questions @budlight's Dylan Mulvaney on OMG Jailhouse footage showing women inmates testifying on being housed with male rapists claiming to be transgender.

Subscribe at @OKeefeMedia

Mulvaney did not look happy to see you @JamesOKeefeIII
Thanks for doing what we all wish we could do.
You are the voice of the people.

John Hawkins
That may be the first time Dylan Mulvaney has ever been camera-shy in his entire life.

Benny Johnson
The Bud Light line had me sending

Dylan doesn't care about women. Dylan simply cares about Dylan and Dylan alone.

Ellen Streiff
Dylan Mulvaney won't comment on trans women (MALES) inmates raping FEMALE inmates in prison… then says; "Please don't come in the elevator with me."

Jarl Jensen
The Irony is thick… He should have also said, "I need a safe space."

Great job James! Let's hear it for O'Keefe Beer!!!

Dr. Simon Goddek
Rule #1: If he got a dick, he's not a chick.

Tara Rodas
Hey @JamesOKeefeIII
, fans want to know when you're releasing O'Keefe beer. @budlight
drinkers are looking for a new brand. On a serious note, women prisons must be for women prisoners only! Keep up the great work!

Women should tell Dylan "please don't come in the female bathroom" Not every woman will be comfortable seeing a man in the loo. The nerve of him to tell @JamesOKeefeIII
to not come in on the elevator with him.

This is an Insult to women! I don't know one woman who acts like this! How degrading and embarrassing and mocking of females! If you cut the penis off a guy, it doesn't make him a woman, it just makes him a guy with his penis cut off !

Download: Results-of-a-WEF-UN-WHO-Cashless-Society-Watch-this-video-about-CBDC-before-it-gets-DELETED-2023-04-10.mp4 - 25,852 kb
By: 365 Days of Silver - 10th April 2023
Results of a WEF / UN / WHO

Watch this video about CBDC before it gets DELETED!

Watch this video about CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) before it gets DELETED!

#gold #cbdc #bank

Now I understand why older people did not trust banks and kept their funds in their mattress.

Matthew Brown
This was one of the best videos I have ever seen on CBDC. I am an American, and I find the Brits funny in a good way. Also, shows the very real danger of CBDC. ??

DJ Knox
There is one very key motivation behind CBDCs that this video does not suggest. Our financial systems are overloaded with public debt which will eventually cause a massive monetary system crash. I am convinced the CBDCs will be used as a "bail in." So for example, your $25K might get converted to only $15K worth of CBDC in real value terms. This can be progressive too like income tax is. If you have $100K you might only get $50K, and $500K might only get $150K and so on. This will be explained as necessary for the CBDC to work. I am convinced this is the ONLY way for irresponsible governments to find a way to fix what they broke. Ask yourself why administrations under Biden or say Trudeau don't seem worried about near limitless spending? Sometimes I think the whole Covid thing was manufactured as a catalyst for the Great Reset - if not the virus itself, certainly the pandemic's reaction. And BTW, CBDCs are just a tool - it is the objectives behind The Great Reset that we need to pay close attention to. It is very neo-Marxist at it's core, with a nice twist of corporate feudalism/fascism as the elites always want to stay above the fray.

David Bridge
Keep posting these, people need to see what's going on

CryMe ARiver
CBDC stands for criminally Backed Digital Currency

Resist, Defy, Do not comply......
Government is the enemy......

Fantastic video 365, thank you brother ????

Stuart Bass
We need to take a stand or we're all screwed

Thank you for keeping us up to date with these stories ????

The Modern Stacker
Had not seen this one yet. Very well put together. Thanks for posting this here. Cheers!

Stacker Factor
Amazing video, man. You're doing a public service. In America they'll start rolling this out by paying welfare checks and government workers in CBDC then getting celebrities onboard and then offer incentives for using it, just like in this video.

Download here: Years-after-saying-Screw-your-freedom-Arnold-Schwarzenegger-says-I-am-sorry-for-saying-those-words-2023-04-09.mp4 - 1,594 kb
By: Clown Planet - 9th April 2023
Years after saying "Screw your freedom,"
Arnold Schwarzenegger says:
"I'm sorry for saying those words..."

Several years ago Arnold Schwarzenegger said: "People should know there's a virus here. It kills people and the only way we prevent it is to get vaccinated, to wear masks to do social distancing, washing your hands all the time and not just to think about - well my freedom is being kind of disturbed here - no - screw your freedom!"

Nathan Clevenger
I will never forgive someone who says anything negative about freedom. Freedom should be protected, not disregarded.

We are tomorrows past.
Never forgetting, never forgiving. These guys showed us who they really are.

Arnie is one of the many celebrities that have lost whatever respect that I once had for them. Hollywood is pretty much dead to me and will never trust mainstream media again.

HighBrid MC
They will take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom.

Arnold: No, screw your freedom!

Mister X
"Screw your Freedom" Screw your apology. He crossed the line that many people cannot forgive and most definitely--will not forget.

I wear my discrimination as a badge of honour, not as a badge of defiance, but a badge of resistance, a badge of sane mind, a badge of ownership to my body, of righteousness, of purity, of freedom, a badge of respect for those killed by the shadow men in power. It's worn for those who were stopped from seeing loved ones in critical times, it's for those who were discarded as trash in society by friends, family and strangers alike. It's a badge that shines brighter each day as the evil intent is revealed by those we trusted. I know the Australian spirit now which built this country, for I too have felt the loneliness in the trenches, under fire, and never knowing if I would see my children again. I may never trust politicians, medical experts, police or the media ever again, but that's OK because I've learnt that I can trust me. My heart may be irreparable but my mind is strong and so I salute all those who also could not be broken for we now share the same pure blood.

The Talons of Wayne Chiang
Screw your 'apology,' Arnold.

Never forgive, never forget.

Kerry Harrison
The people who suggest we should "forgive and forget" are usually the ones who have done something unforgivable they'd like us to forget.

Ungeimpfter Russlandtroll
They never say they were wrong, only they shouldn't have said the thing. It's even funnier when they say "we have to forgive each other" as if something was done to them too.

I will never forgive him. I will never forget.

Klard Farkus
This is all that Arnold will be remembered for.

What he doesn't understand is some of us would rather be dead than give up our freedom. So, when you say "screw your freedom" an apology doesn't quite cut it

alice young
We were like 5 minutes away from internment camps and forced medical treatments because of people like him .
Hes sorry he said it out loud , because we saw who he really is..
You cant apologise for supporting tyranny .

Download here: Chris-Hipkins-the-Queer-is-not-fit-to-lead-the-country-after-blunder-on-being-asked-what-a-woman-is-2023-04-09.mp4 - 15,887 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 9th April 2023
Chris Hipkins the Queer 'is not fit
to lead the country'
after blunder
on being asked what a woman is

New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins should be "tossed out" at the next election after his blunder on being asked what a woman is, says Sky News host James Macpherson.

"Politicians like Hipkins know very well that they're sprouting absolute nonsense, and yet they continue to do it," Mr Macpherson said.

"Hipkins didn't have an answer because his ideology and the policy position it leads to is indefensible.

"If you don't know what half the electorate are, you're not fit to lead to country."

As a queer, I encourage drag queens & pedophiles to read books to innocent children. PM Chris Hipkins of NZ

Hi, I'm Chris Hipkins, your queer homosexual Prime Minister. Here I am getting a saline solution Covid jab to help encourage all you idiots to get the real mRNA Kill Shots.

Vlad the Impaler
I'm a Kiwi. We voted for the idiot. We deserve everything coming our way. Don't laugh too loud though you're on the same path.

Finn Del Mundo
As a New Zealander, I can say with hand on heart that Chris Hipkins is an embarrassment to the nation.

James Taverner
"Not fit to lead the country" is exactly what makes a candidate qualified, these days.

Andrew M
Why do we have a ministry of women's affairs if we don't know who it's for?

Rumble and Gettr are better
Moral cowardice.

Yet another woke FW

Old Soul
Damn right hes unfit and we the people of NZ will punish him and his woke dictatorial party at the next election. As a woman, I will NEVER vote for someone who cant even define a woman, and lets not forget, he WANTED to be part of the protest against Posie Parker but had a prior engagement. He is a disgrace and embarrassment to our country. Thankyou for highlighting this

Robert Nicholson
What is wrong with New Zealand..... can't they find a real man to be Prime Minister and lead the country.

Caroline R
Well said James
Hipkins knows he's a boy somehow...and yet the 50% of the Kiwi population who are not boys and that he's supposed to lead, including his own mum, and the ex-PM Ardern, remain an unfathomable mystery to him.

It's not that he doesn't know what a woman is. He's afraid of answering the question. Afraid of the woke mob.

susette mclachlan
Excellent summation. Let's just hope every NZer gets to hear it

Mike Quinn
For quite some months now the definition of a what a woman is has been conveniently condensed into just 3 words "ADULT FEMALE HUMAN". It couldn't be simpler.

Martin Vanderhoek
The journalist should asked a second question by asking him if his mother is a woman!

Download here: Sean-Plunket-on-that-question-to-the-Prime-Minister-of-NZ-Chris-Hipkins--WHAT-IS-A-WOMAN-2023-04-04.mp4 - 16,198 kb
By: The Platform NZ - 4th April 2023
Sean Plunket on that DIFFICULT
question to the PM of NZ Chris Hipkins

3rd April 2023: Broadcaster Sean Plunket suspended from Twitter.

6th April 2023: Broadcaster Sean Plunket REINSTATED on Twitter.


Well done Sean. Only media platform in NZ with any common sense.

Evie Catherine
Posie Parker hasn't said the trans gendered community shouldn't exist in fact she reiterates their right as well as everybody else's right to their life of choice. All she is doing is exposing the truth and standing up for women by campaigning to keep women's spaces free from men going in to those spaces.

jay recard
There goes the Women's vote for Labour.
Hipkins is an absolute disgrace.

Dragon Lady
Thank you Sean for continuing to speak up on this issue. This authoritarian madness must be exposed for what it is.

Rebecca 23
It's extremely insulting to woman to say that you can't define us.

Great work Sean, you appear to be the only actual journalist left in this country.

Refreshing to hear honesty and integrity in news reporting. Thank you, Sean.

Donna Jamieson
Anyone else just plain embarrassed by Chris Hipkins

Andrea Todd
Does he not realise that the group of people he can't define could have been potential voters, maybe they aren't now

Mark & Joanne Paget
I can't believe our Prime Minister couldn't say the simple words... an adult female human being.

jay recard
Absolutely spot on Sean

South Pacific
Sean the champion of women's rights. From a woman, thank you Sean

Bradley coe
thank god for the platform

Kiwi Veritas
Every political party leader needs to be asked the same question, like a sanity test. Then we know who to vote for. My bet is that Luxon would have difficulty as well...

Kudos to you for exposing the idiocy of Chris Hipkins. What an absolute embarrassment.

Jimmy Boy
"Hasn't formulated an answer". That says it all. He cannot think on his feet. He cannot think for himself. He needs to state the PC version that gets group think approval. He was also confused. It's biological but whatever someone decides.

Fema Lism
Thank you for shedding a bright light on the truth.

Kellie-Kay Keen has NEVER said or even inferred that transsex people should not exist.... What she HAS actually said is that she has more than one transsexual friend of whom she is very fond, but that they are NOT women.....and being transsexual myself I have to agree with her..... but then I am quite old and have a bit of sense.

Old Soul
If I was his wife I'd be handing him divorce papers. What a limp wee man. If he doesnt know what a woman is he isnt fit to be prime Minister. Thank you Sean for asking a straight forward question and CONGRATULATIONS on being banned from Twitter you've proven Elon Musk doesn't really care about freedom of speech. Much respect to you.

Trans rights: Chris Hipkins asked
to define what a woman is,
gives a 60-second response
By: NZ Herald - 4th April 2023

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins was caught short yesterday when he was put on the spot to "define a woman" and his stumbling response has gone viral.

Hipkins was pressed by broadcaster Sean Plunket at the weekly post-cabinet press conference to answer the question, which has troubled leaders across the world.

He claimed it came "out of left field" despite other leaders, such as UK Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, being faced with the question recently.

"How do you and how does this government define a woman?" Plunket asked.

"Um," Hipkins began before pausing.

"To be honest Sean, that question has come slightly out of left field for me"

Trans rights: Chris Hipkins asked to define what a woman is, gives a 60-second response

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins appeared to be caught short by the question. Photo / Mark Mitchell

Another lengthier pause followed before Hipkins said: "Well, biology, sex, gender, um ..." trailing off before pausing again and saying: "People define themselves, people define their own genders".

Plunket then asked the PM to answer the question, referring to Starmer's answer that 99 per cent of women do not have penises.

"And I know it's a strange thing for him to say, but given recent events in New Zealand, I'd ask again, how do you define what a woman is?" he asked.

"Well, as I've just indicated, I wasn't expecting that question so it's not something that I've you know, formulated, preformulated an answer on," Hipkins said.

"But in terms of gender identity, I think people define their gender identity for themselves."

Thanks to a law passed in 2021, New Zealanders are now allowed to change the sex recorded on their birth certificate.

The Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationship Registration Bill means that Kiwis no longer need to provide proof of medical treatment or persuade a court that the change is warranted.

The question - and Hipkins' laboured answer - have gone viral, coming in the wake of anti-trans activist Posie Parker's recent controversial visit.

Hipkins was already in the sights of many anti-trans activists after his public comments on the polarising figure's Let Women Speak tour, which eventually ended in a tense clash at Auckland's Albert Park.

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, who has been outspoken in her criticism of the trans rights movement, shared the video, writing: "In the interests of balance, someone should now ask women how they define Chris Hipkins."

Trans rights: Chris Hipkins asked to define what a woman is, gives a 60-second response
Trans rights: Chris Hipkins asked to define what a woman is, gives a 60-second response

British commentator Piers Morgan, who has made a party piece of asking guests on his show to define a woman, joined the fray, writing: "New Zealand's new Prime Minister doesn't know what a woman is, despite replacing one as Prime Minister."

UK Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said last week that there would be "no rolling back" of women's rights if he was elected prime minister and stressed that "99.9 per cent of women… haven't got a penis".

Labour MPs were whipped to vote for Nicola Sturgeon's controversial gender Bill in Scotland earlier this year, but allowed a free vote on whether it should be blocked by the UK Government.

Sir Keir said: "The lesson from Scotland is that if you can't take the public with you on a journey of reform, then you're probably not on the right journey.

"And that's why I think that collectively there ought to be a reset in Scotland."

- Additional reporting, Daily Telegraph

The 2 main TV networks seem to absent from reporting story. Wonder why. It's actually a very important story. But yet again, they're too busy deflecting for the govt by trying to bring up what a National MP said 20 years ago. Media gone woke

A note to all transgender men : you cannot have this . Try as you might to hurt our babies and desecrate we women , Our strong fathers , Real men will protect us until the end of time .We are God's sacred creation . Your evil cannot touch this . You Lose . Life wins

I have known a few confused queers in my life, who were relatively harmless when they channeled their energies into mud wrestling and dwarf throwing. But touch little children and try to regender the community, and you are poking the eye of God! Bad move...

too late. It went viral last night.

We've now, as a country, put ourselves on the map as an example of how these young TRA's are holding media and politicians hostage to enact violence against women. Good luck fixing this.

Sooalo Louise
Sir Keir said: "The lesson from Scotland is that if you can't take the public with you on a journey of reform, then you're probably not on the right journey. "And that's why I think that collectively there ought to be a reset in Scotland."

There ought to be a reset in NZ.

You do not get to choose your own pronouns. You are born a man or a woman - get over it. Yes you are queer Chris, but do not push the perverted views of your confused bedfellows upon your employers! BTW, you're FIRED!

Samantha Hailwood
"Ultimately, I'm aware that this is a very emotionally charged issue for some people, and as a leader, I don't want to contribute to that."

Oh, so by 'some people' you mean adult human females?

Jonno L
A day late and a doll-hair short

Verushka Bird
I'm relieved they are responsible enough to publish this. We all get the humour in it but anyone changing their gender officially without any medical or legal gatekeeping is no joke! For the record I'm not talking about transmen (bio W).

Don't particularly like Sean's unwillingness or lack of research/ ignorance regarding the covid pandemic vax safety etc, however, respected him as an independent journalist and disagree with his ban on Twitter. At least he was willing to ask hard questions.

Mark Jefferies
Wouldn't it be great if the Herald was like the Granny Herald again. I'd even accept a broadsheet paper if it was worth reading.

Denny Paoa
I'm gunna have a stab in the dark. He doesn't know

Steve Hart
Waited for permission

The Queer NZ PM Chris Hipkins has had 45 years to 'preforumlate' what a woman is, and after all these years 'he' still has no idea! Who are these far left woke idiots and why are they allowed to sway our progeny into gross insanity and perversion? This is SERIOUS!

Well done Sean

Download: El-Salvadors-mind-blowing-gang-purge-65000-gang-members-arrested-and-imprisoned-2023-04-03.mp4 - 30,088 kb
By: The Mob Reporter - 3rd April 2023
El Salvador's mind-blowing gang purge!
65,000 gang members arrested and imprisoned!

The president of El Salvador launched an unprecedented war on the gangs that have long plagued the Central American country, arresting an astounding 65,000 suspects and building a huge new prison to hold them. It is astonishing to see. Let me tell you about it.

The Mob Reporter here with news of the state of emergency declared one year ago, that allows special powers to root out street gangs that controlled many Salvadoran communities. They publicize the strict crackdown with in-your-face images, turning the strong-arm tactic into a slick, publicity campaign. El Salvador's president, Nayib Bukele, boasts he now runs "the most criticized prison in the world." It certainly has its critics, but also many fans. Have a look at this extraordinary facility in extraordinary circumstances.

The Mob Reporter
This video has really brought out a higher level of commentary and discourse! If we get any deeper we might get kicked off YouTube for being too thoughtful.

Gdcd Gdcd
Salvadoreans are rejoicing!!! I think its easy to comment on human rights abuses when you live 2000 miles away in the suburbs and you never have to deal with these criminals.

Cousin Zeke
Turns out, if you're actually serious about solving problems, they get solved.

Okami Jubei
Sometimes when things are too out of control... it's time to be a tyrant and to be a hardass just to set things straight. Lesser of two evils.

Lord Joy
I've read a few dozen stories from El Salvadorians, the one more gruesome or tragic and unimaginable than the next.
I found myself haunted for a few days, running imaginings of those stories in the back of my head.
... Only to see "human rights activists" and other empty headed virtue grifters complain and excuse the monsters and horrors.

All I have to say is Bravo, Mr Presidente Nayib Bukele. Well done on bringing law and order to your nation.

Congratulations to Mr. Bukele for not only realizing that drastic measures need to be undertaken to rid the streets of the plague of gang warfare, but for following through and dealing with it in a direct and effective manner. Politicians all over North America need to take note!

Not Your Mom
As a resident of Central America, what a beautiful sight to see! Hope other countries try this as well. These gangs have ruled the land and terrorized the citizens far too long.

Rob Macfarlane
I completely support this. If you knowingly join a criminal enterprise like a gang, as far as I'm concerned you're a dead man walking. You talk to anyone from El Salvador and you'll learn that these gang scum were the scourge of their society.
The government's tactics of mass arrests and humiliating treatment is calculated to act as a deterrent. Good on them. I respect Bukele for this

John Burn
Very proud of this country. Insanely hard to turn things around in your country

Craigy D
The rest of the world should learn from El Salvador's approach to tackling organised crime

p w
You lose your civil rights when you take away others. Props to the El Salvadoran president for having a back bone and taking care of what needs to be done.

MidMo 4020
Anyone who thinks this is brutal, has never seen the footage of the things these people do..

It is perplexing that human rights advocates and activists are up in arms over the harsh treatment of these reprobates…their silence was deafening when these gangs were terrorising the law abiding citizens of El Salvador. No feel good programs or rehabilitation works on these thugs. Lock them up and throw away the key.

derek ge
I went to El Salvador to surf in the 90's and 2000's many many times. It felt straight dangerous, especially in San Salvador. The gangs were ruthless and that country was broken to say the least. This seems like a best outcome for the people. I feel for the young boys who joined the gang to be safe, but now find themselves locked up forever. Either way, they are victims of the gangs. Hopefully this ends well for the people of El Salvador.

Daniel DPA
That's how criminals need to be kept in check - for more serious crimes there should be the ultimate penalty applied rather quickly.

Download here: Homo-NZ-PM-asked-What-is-a-woman-Posie-Parker-Albert-Park-Let-Women-Speak-Auckland-NZ-2023-04-03.mp4 - 3,713 kb
By: The Platform NZ - 3rd April 2023
Homosexual Prime Minister of NZ
does not know WHAT A WOMAN IS!
Posie Parker, Albert Park, Let Women Speak Auckland NZ

Chris Hipkins asked: "What is a woman?" Responded with gibberish.

NZ owned independent media company where your opinion matters. Email us at, call 0800 DEBATE or text 5050 (SMS text charges will apply)


The Queer NZ PM Chris Hipkins has had 45 years to 'preforumlate' what a woman is, and after all these years 'he' still has no idea! Who are these far left woke idiots and why are they allowed to sway our progeny into gross insanity and perversion? This is SERIOUS!

You do not get to choose your own pronouns. You are born a man or a woman - get over it. Yes you are queer Chris, but do not push the perverted views of your confused bedfellows upon your employers! BTW, you're FIRED!

Sean: How do u define a woman?

Hipkins: Its not something ive pre-formulated an answer on

Would this be too difficult to say Crispy?

A Woman is a Female Human.
Human's have two biological genders, Female & Male (aka Man)

a Woman is able to fall pregnant & give birth to a child, whereas a Man is unable to do either

A human's biological gender, Female or Male, is determined during gestation within the Woman's womb

Gender cannot be changed

A Female can change her physical appearance to look more Male, but her gender will always remain Female

A Male can also change his physical appearance to look more Female, but his gender will always remain Male

NZ Labour is really scoring big this week.
Remember who your constituents are. This is an Election year...Go Woke, Go Broke.

S Morgan
You think he'd know since he is married to one.

Highway Rat
Maybe ask him what isn't a woman.

Brutally Remastered
Thank you #SeanPlunket for highlighting the parlous state of New Zealand.

I can't stop watching this! It's been the perfect antidote to the insanity of the last couple of weeks!

Comrade Broughton
So he's certainly not going to be able to define trans-woman, if that question should ever come up.

Yeah I dont think Tintin has much experience with real women…

johnny turner
Chippie could look no further than the student mag he used to preside over.

This is golden. He can't bring himself self to say adult human female as it goes against his beliefs in critical theory.

Caroline Persson
Chrissy was stumped on that on Sean Plunkett, good question to throw in the mix

Bradley Nathan Coe Free Being
And doesn't know the answer. Or not prepared to give the correct answer for fear of upsetting a tiny minority!

Legendary. Absolutely ludicrous these sponges keep stumbling.

Meanwhile, even Aus PM and conservative opposition could tell us what a woman was.

Adult female sapien

Download here: Media-Medicine-Academia-Silenced-an-independent-New-Zealand-documentary-2023-04-01.mp4 - 250,738 kb
By: Candlelight Productions NZ - 1st April 2023
Media - Medicine - Academia...
An independent New Zealand documentary

The documentary Silenced, featuring broadcaster Peter Williams, former GP Dr Anne O'Reilly and sociologist Jodie Bruning is a must-watch because it reveals how government, mainstream media and institutional bias combined to silence vital public discussion about our pandemic response, bioethics and alternative pathways to dealing with the threat in New Zealand during the last three years.

Were hundreds of thousands of Kiwis truly misled down a rabbit hole of disinformation, driving a wedge through our society during our pandemic response? ...or were fair and important points pushed from the public domain? Broadcaster Peter Williams, self-deregistered GP of 40 years Dr Anne O'Reilly and freelance Sociologist Jodie Bruning share their perspectives on how New Zealand's freedom of speech in media, medicine and academia was impacted by suppression over the last three years.


© Candlelight Productions NZ 2023 All Rights Reserved

"Science can flourish only in an atmosphere of free speech" - Albert Einstein

"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts." - Abraham Lincoln, U.S. president 1861-65

Forward the URL via text to friends to avoid censorship.

URGENT: If you appreciated Silenced please share it with 2-6 friends and family members, especially those who seem unsure about the issues, by using the themes below - before it's silenced! For greater impact, add a message from the heart about how watching Silenced made you feel"

Media - Medicine - Academia - Silenced

Media - Medicine - Academia - Silenced

Scott Ewing
Great stuff.

Well done you guys, Anne and all the other doctors NZDSOS and Peter Williams are my hero's for standing up and speaking out.

anna mair
What a beautifully measured and humble piece of work. So much integrity and care on display - it stands in stark contrast to the mainstream accounts of the Covid response that we have been subjected to. Well done, and thank you.

eden church
The worm is turning, and its because of selfless individuals that still have a conscience which is still alive.. Thank you guys for speaking out.

Download here: Ricardo-Bosis-reaction-on-Trumps-Indictment-It-is-all-a-show-for-a-bigger-picture-2023-03-31.mp4 - 2,761 kb
By: DarknessToLight.111 - 31st March 2023
It is all a show for a BIGGER picture



Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause.

#trump #indictment #bosi

that rare leader with his hand on the pulse of the world. Listen, he is a pointer, a compass pointing to true North.
Sandy Rinaldi, Arkansas, US Army veteran 1971 to 1974, today 1 APR 23

When Bidens will be arrested? They more crazy things.

No trust in Trump just figured they were trying to rile the people up and start a civil war and do the divide and conquer strategy but hey I can entertain this perspective too lets see what happens still waiting for the fake alien invasion


The DA should be arrested would only make common sence.

Download here: Questions-raised-over-legal-action-after-Today-FMs-brutal-public-execution-They-have-FUCKED-us-2023-03-31.mp4 - 4,849 kb
By: Newshub - 31st March 2023
Questions raised over legal action after
Today FM's 'brutal public execution'
"They have FUCKED us!"

Today FM staff were given half a day to provide submissions on the show's future before its "brutal public execution." As Zane Small reports, it could expose MediaWorks to legal action.

NZ Swaggie
With shock, atricious foul language and banal rantings unbecoming an anti conspiracy theorey woman Tova O'Brian's highly self-elevated stature, she certainly mustered up some vitriloe and hate as she proceeded to spout out her own CONSPIRACY THEORIES - as she targeted her now former bosses and MediaWorks in general!

As the gaggle of predominantly woke, left wing queer supporters headed off to drown their sorrows at a local watering hole, cheers of joy and "good riddance" were heard all across the country.

As President Trump wisely warned: "Go woke - go broke!"

Download here: MediaWorks-shuts-down-commercial-radio-station-Today-FM-Woke-radio-presenters-given-the-flick-2023-03-30.mp4 - 8.524 kb
By: 1News - 30th March 2023
MediaWorks shuts down commercial
radio station Today FM
Woke radio presenters given the flick

Political journalist and former broadcaster for Today FM Tova O'Brien: "They've FUCKED us!"

It's the latest in a series of media job cuts and there are warnings other industries will follow.

Foul mouthed left wing activists like Tova O'Brian have been dumped - again. Go woke, go broke.

Download here: Today-FM-hosts-Duncan-Garner-and-Tova-OBrien-were-abruptly-pulled-off-air-They-have-FUCKED-us-2023-03-30.mp4 - 1,339 kb
By: StuffNewZealand - 30th March 2023
Today FM hosts Duncan Garner and
Tova O'Brien were abruptly pulled off-air
"They have FUCKED us!"

Tova O'Brian responds: "..they have FUCKED US. And we're all going to lose our jobs. And the station is coming off air."


Rebel Sports
Foul mouthed woke celebrities basically told to "Fuck off!" (borrowing from Tova O'Brian's venacular...)

Trudy Franks
The dismantling of left wing propaganda, right before our very eyes! Woo hoo!!!!

Download here: Tova-OBrien-They-have-FUCKED-us-MediaWorks-axes-woke-radio-show-Today-FM-after-just-one-year-on-air-2023-03-30.mp4 - 7,399 kb
By: Newshub - 30th March 2023
Tova O'Brien: 'They've FUCKED us'
MediaWorks axes woke radio station
Today FM after just one year on air

MediaWorks has axed its talkback radio show Today FM after just one year on air. The company has since provided a brief on-air announcement saying a new station will be launching on the same frequency in April. Zane Small reports.

NZ Patriot
Good riddance to your misinformation, pro medical genocide, pro woke, pro homosexual, pro transvestite, crude and vulgar show!

Download here: The-end-of-Today-FM-the-mouthpiece-of-Satan-2023-03-30.mp4 - 4,632 kb
By: The Spinoff - 30th March 2023
The end of Today FM
- the mouthpiece of Satan -

Tova O'Brien and Duncan Garner let rip live on air ahead of an all-staff meeting at which the shutdown of the year-old station was announced.

'This is betrayal': Duncan Garner and Tova O'Brien taken off-air as Today FM faces chop.

The broadcasters let rip live on air ahead of an all-staff meeting at which the shutdown of the year-old station was announced.

"It looks like the end of us," said Duncan Garner shortly before 9.30am this morning on Today FM.

"We're being pulled off-air right now. Without even being given a chance," said Tova O'Brien.

That exchange seems set to be the last heard from either of the two high-profile broadcasters on the station. They told listeners that the fate of Today FM appeared sealed – and they weren't inclined to go down quietly.

At the start of Garner's show, O'Brien arrived in the studio accompanied by her news team. "What's the deal?" said Garner.

"It sounds like it's over," she said. "We haven't been given a chance. We've been on air for just a year. We were told we had the support of everyone, from the chief executive through to the board, and they have FUCKED US. And we're all going to lose our jobs. And the station is coming off air."

Garner said: "This is betrayal."

Shortly before 9am, O'Brien had told her audience that the show, and the station, were at risk: "We came into this organisation with this promise of a long-term strategy. We were going to go for at least five years and that's when we were going to start seeing results. They had our back, from the CEO, to the executive to the board. And when I met with the acting chief executive I could not get that same assurances."

She said: "We don't know anything. We've gone off-piste, we're hoping we're not going to be dragged out of here by security guards because we're supposed to be doing debate club right now but we thought it was important to share with you what's been going on for us behind the scenes."

After O'Brien joined him on air, Garner said: "This is going to be over pretty quick… we've been instructed to play music. I don't think anyone is going to let Tova and I keep just gobbing off here."

Producer Tom Day said in a tweet: "Mediaworks said Today FM was a five year plan. They have completely lied".

A Today FM source told the Spinoff that O'Brien had led a delegation into the office of Wendy Palmer, interim chief executive, at the end of the breakfast show. There were high emotions at the meeting, with Palmer saying she could not discuss the decision until an all-staff meeting was held. That meeting, originally scheduled for noon, was brought forward to 9.30am. "There are a lot of very upset people," said the source. "It's off I'd say."

According to Day, tweeting following the meeting, the Mediaworks board had approved a proposal to "shut down Today FM". Staff have been given until this afternoon to make submissions in response.

Tom Day: Mediaworks said Today FM was a five year plan. They have completely lied

At the meeting, Palmer told staff that since the end of last year the company had confronted "a massive block in terms of revenue". She indicated that Today FM was likely to be a net annual cost to the company of more than $1 million. "The decision around Today FM that the board have come to is that we will close Today FM," she told staff, adding that the digital division would remain intact.

In a statement to the Spinoff, Palmer said: "This morning at the MediaWorks Board's request, we have taken Today FM off air while we consult with the team about the future of the station. This is a difficult time for the team and our priority is supporting them as we work through this process."

The development comes after the resignation of chief executive Cam Wallace, who championed the station as an important new part of the radio mix in Aotearoa, and is on his way to a role at Qantas. That was swiftly followed by the announcement that Dallas Gurney, director of talk, would be departing.

Garner said this morning: "Dallas is a brilliant radio man. I think you're right, Tova, there is something going on. We're exposed, we don't have a line of defence any more."

The launch of Today FM, just over a year ago, was delayed following an employment dispute between O'Brien and Newshub, where she was formerly political editor. The station has struggled to make an indent in audience ratings.

A MediaWorks source characterised Today FM as having been hamstrung due to internal opposition from at least one senior executive, saying that the project had required nerve and tenacity.

At the end of O'Brien's show, during the "debate" segment, Garner said: "Do we have to do a show at 9?" O'Brien replied: "And tomorrow and the next day and the next day because we will keep fighting for what we believe in at Today FM. We'll keep fighting for our whanau, for our newsroom, for our teams."

"People who own companies are brutal," Garner. "If they need to make cuts, they'll make cuts."

O'Brien: "We're talking every morning when we come in, what's it going to be, what's going to happen. We've not been able to get those assurances. What's the board looking at? Are we coming back, are we the one?"

O'Brien said she remained optimistic. "We have to be because they will see sense," she said. "People have to see sense. We are, as far as I know, the books are pretty good for us, the numbers they tell the story. And hopefully that is the story. Money! And there's you. You, our listeners. I have every intention of staying here, and staying on air, but we really felt it was important for us to disclose what's been going on here behind the scenes. We've tried to be professional and come in here every day, and enjoy it and we're still enjoying it now."

Garner announced he'd just received a text message from CEO, reading, "Could we have a catch up when you get off the air this morning please? Just pop into my office."

O'Brien said: "That's a few of us now who have been summoned into the chief executive's office, the acting chief executive, and when I asked her last week for an assurance about …"

"Your job?"

"Our jobs. Our station, I couldn't get anything," said O'Brien.

"That's a pretty unsettling text message to get three minutes before you're going on air, isn't it?"

"I'm hoping she's calling us in to tell us we're getting that assurance."

"'We think you're doing really well, we're gonna extend your contracts.'," imagined Garner, sardonically.

"In no reality that I live in do we go from getting 100% support of everybody for a long-term plan to lights out, so I can't believe that anyone would be so short-sighted and so brutal and so ruthless, but …"

"Badly. Trust me, we've seen this before. It'll play out badly."

"We've all experienced it before."

"In any universe, we're buying quite a fight with certain sections of society."

O'Brien said: "We've broken from regular programming, we're hoping we're not going to be dragged out of here by security guards, because we're supposed to be doing Debate Club right now but we thought it was important to share with you what's been going on for us behind the scenes. So whatever the decision is, hopefully a good one, nobody is going to be blindsided by it in our Today FM community."

Addressing Garner and newsreader Carly Flynn, she said: "We love you guys, we love our newsroom, I love you two …"

Flynn said: "We love what we get to do here. It's always such a privilege to get to talk to New Zealanders and share stories of cool Kiwis and what they're doing, and I'm so proud of what we achieved in this last year."

From FAME to the WALK OF SHAME...
A fitting tribute to participants in CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY e.g. democide.
Tova O'Brien and Duncan Garner let rip live on air ahead of an all-staff meeting at which the shutdown of the year-old station was announced.

Free Speech above all else
Do any of you journalists understand the business strategy? or are you all just too woke that you have little tantrums when you don't get your own way? a failing business group needs to be culled, it's not woke or fair, but its good business.

What a blessing that FM Today has been shut down. Go woke, go broke!

I was Jacinda, not a celebrity. i quit.
Sometimes corporates make decisions like this. The reality is no one listened so it was inevitable. I am sorry for the people involved, but bashing your employer is not a good look.

Well you have to be successful to make it viable and the ratings showed that Toxic Tova just wasn't. Also her swearing on air just shows how unprofessional she really is. She is totally screwed now though as can't see anyone else wanting her. Shame about Duncan though, he's good.

Jay Sharma
Perhaps because you lost five years' worth@of funding in one year.

Jonno L
You burnt off five years of seed funding (and almost all your ex Magic Talk listeners) in only one year.

Ignored the warnings... WHAM!

It's a ratings show and you never got them..have to ask yourself why
Feel for the good ones

Full Twatforward
Tova also said they'd have ground-breaking world class reporting.

This is a puppet show.
Tova and Mark Richarson - two big reasons I never tuned in. Go woke go broke. Sad that others are losing

their jobs though @Rachel_Smalley
was the only real journalist there.

I know you're hurting. But bashing your current/ex employer isn't a good look for prospective employers.

Max Shierlaw
Plans are all very well but if cash is being bled reality has to be faced.

Max Diamond
We are calling for a nationwide Mediaworks #boycott!.. You, Tova and the team, come join us!..

Download here: Transgender-Audrey-Hale-a-man-pretending-to-be-a-woman-kills-6-people-in-Nashville-School-shooting-2023-03-28.mp4 - 5,458 kb
By: FOX 11 Los Angeles - 28th March 2023
Transgender Audrey Hale (a man
pretending to be a woman)
kills 6 people
in Nashville School shooting

Police in Tennessee have released surveillance video taken at the school where a deadly shooting took place on Mar. 27.

Eddie Saldana
What a piece of shit, sorry for the parents who lost there kids. I have 4 kids all under 6 I could never imagine that pain,SMH

No doubt the nutters will try to use this incident to take firearms off the average person to make them even more defenseless than they are now. Much like banning cars to stop hit and runs.

Frankie Cardenas
Rest in peace to all the victims. May they rest in paradise

DJ Jimenez
rip to all the victims who underwent this traumatic event in history, stop the violence and spread love

Felicia Johns
RIP to all victims and my condolences

What a damn shame. 9 year old kids that won't be able to live out their lives. I'm so sorry for the parents that lost there kids brother or sister. God bless

Isai Garcia
Rest In Peace beautiful angels I'm so sorry this happened to y'all, y'all didn't deserve this!

For all the others who are simply speechless at the very real thought of this. I feel you. No words

I'm more surprised about me not being surprised that this is still happening. It's like the world is decaying, or we have just been living in a pile of filth this whole time

razzak abdul
Sending our heartiest condolences to the entire community, for losses. REALLY VERY SICKENING and sad moment for families who lost their Loved one's. Wonder why people attack Innocent lives, harmless kids at school, teacher's as victims. RIP.

So very sad, hard to believe how someone could pull the trigger on a small child. Prayers to the families who's lives are forever changed now, due to this monster's actions. GOD be with you. May HE bring peace to both your heart & minds.

Ronnie G
RIP! This is heartbreaking.

Trevor Philips
May God bless that beautiful lady's spirt for protecting those kids. Prayers for the community

Download here: After-speaking-out-against-the-CDCs-Covid-19-narrative-for-3-years-the-Minnesota-state-senator-Dr-Scott-Jensen-has-now-been-exonerated-2023-03-25.mp4 - 16,931 kb
By: Dr. Scott Jensen - 25th March 2023
After speaking out against the CDC's
Covid-19 narrative for 3 years,
the Minnesota state senator Dr Scott
Jensen has now been exonerated!

Dr. Stephen E. Jones: "Our Senator spoke out against the CDC's narrative about covid-19 three years ago. The medical board then threatened to take away his license as a medical doctor. Yesterday he finally won his case, and all 18 counts against him were dropped. Here is a short 7-minute video where he shares his victory in front of the state capital building..."

Dr. Scott Jensen: "The Minnesota Board of Medical Practice has once again dismissed all charges against me, today is a victory for all of us. We must continue to be diligent in the face of this tyranny!"

#health #Doctor #Minnesota

Kathleen McCormick
Congrats, Dr. Jensen. You are a courageous and moral man who has stood up against the tyranny. We appreciate you.

Lisa Erickson
Congratulations Scott and thank you for sticking strongly to your convictions. We conservative, Christian patriots may get kicked around here on earth BUT God is going to have the last word.

So happy for you Doc, you are such a good man. America needs more Senators like you! GOD answers prayer!

D. P.
19 hours ago
Congratulations Dr. Jensen! I'm a retired nurse and I appreciate your standing for the truth to help those that have been manipulated and misinformed by our government! God BLESS you and your family always!! The darkness evil can't survived the light of God and the truth!!

Paul Campbell
Awesome, Dr. Jensen! This is a victory for the State of Minnesota, as well (and those who seek the truth).

Pamara Benton
Thank you for standing for truth, and freedom. You took some blows, but you survived. Your patients are fortunate to have you.

Jennifer Matthews
Dr. Jensen, you were entrusted, and proved worthy. So many of us prayed for you & will continue. God bless and strengthen you as you continue to fight for right!

Good Comrade
Congrats Dr. Jensen. I was born and raised under a communist regime. Took me 24 years to get to America. Although some days in recent times I wonder about what seems to have been lost, you remind me of exactly why I came to this country. I wanted to be with people like you and I wanted to be like you. Now I know I still do. And I thank you for that.

Helen Rogers
Thank you, Dr. Scott Jensen, you fought the good fight on behalf of all of us, of all humanity. You were chosen for such a time as this. Thank you, and may God bless you.

Congratulations Dr. Jensen, you are a hero and indeed you speak for millions.

Eagle Talons
Yep, you're the kind of Doctor's that I claim we needed to get the trust back from the people, if that is at all possible, and the Board agreed. Good work Dr. Jensen!

Thank you for speaking up right from the beginning 3 years ago, Dr. Jensen!

Maxine Boxer
As a Canadian senior citizen, I am so grateful to you for standing strong, while under enormous pressure. I'm so happy about the results of this travesty, they should be ashamed of what they tried to do. As you say, they picked on the wrong guy! I believe that you were truly chosen for this task, your actions will benefit all of humanity. God bless.

Dede Tudor
Dr. Jensen... You are the very type of physician everyone wants to have their healthcare visits with
Thank you BOARD for promoting more Drs like Dr Jensen in the schools.

Hippie Chick
Congratulations Dr. Jensen! I am so happy for you. I sent many prayers your way. Thank you for standing up for us all with truth. Many Blessings.

Jennifer Matthews
I so love and admire that you use scripture to bolster us. Thank you again

-central Wisconsin:
GOOD NEWS Dr Jensen!
I prayed for your victory, AND that the MN Medical Board would also APOLOGIZE to you. I hope they did Apologize to you too.

Go enjoy your weekend, and celebrate your rightful win! May you also have many more years serving patients, and enjoying life and your family!

Download here: Trump-Unveils-Plan-To-Dismantle-The-Deep-State-As-Possible-Indictment-Looms-2023-03-22.mp4 - 5,481 kb
By: Forbes Breaking News - 21st March 2023
JUST IN: Trump Unveils Plan To
'Dismantle The Deep State'
As Possible Indictment Looms

In a video released to social media, former President Trump unveiled his plan to "dismantle the deep state" as his potential indictment looms.

cong san
We need a term limit for Congress and Senator.

Being a politician was never meant to be a career, but unfortunately, just about every single person has made it one. Term limits for all!

Dimitrios F
I'm very lazy when it comes to Politics/Voting, but if I have to stand in a down pour or cold temps for hrs I will do it. I'm tired of seeing this country falling apart. Good luck everybody!

Dominic Cincotta
I sure hope good things will come in the next year or so! All of us working harder than ever and more hours spent at work to make ends meet and to have some xtra spending money for good things at home . We all need a break. He's got my vote again!

renae sherman
We do need term limits on congress and senators. We also need term limits for the Supreme Court!

Denali HD
I'd like to see an audit/ investigation into the National Archives.
How do so many secret documents become unaccounted for?
Left in garages, etc...

This is why the indictment is looming. They're terrified.

Please let it happen! We need this NOW!

Lilly Rose
I mean in all fairness , he did bring up some critical topics that haven't been publicized before... not by a President anyways... JFK had a message for the world, but never had a chance to fully speak about it... bless his soul. bless all those in the pursuit of bringing truth to light

Sarah Redfern
If he has really got the balls to do all that , get behind him and vote him in . I would!

Good for Forbes to cover this

Alan Arakelian
The Swamp? No, the Ocean.

Rosa la Peligrosa Rojas
Sounds like he's describing a miracle.

Download here: Dutch-Farmers-SHOCK-THE-WORLD-BBB-Party-take-the-votes-Bad-news-for-Trudeau-2023-03-21.mp4 - 25,667 kb
By: True North - 21st March 2023
Dutch Farmers SHOCK THE WORLD!
BBB Party take the votes!
Bad news for Trudeau

Last week, Dutch Farmers shocked the world and defeated Dutch PM Mark Rutte's governing party in the Senate elections. International legacy media outlets are describing the Farmer-Citizens Movement victory as a 'political earthquake' that has sent shockwaves throughout the Western world.

In the wake of Canada's Freedom Convoy last year, Dutch farmers rose up in historic numbers to protest nitrogen emissions reduction targets forced on them by the Dutch government. If farmers didn't comply with Rutte's heavy-handed emissions restrictions, the Dutch government was threatening to nationalize their farms.

Thanks to exclusive True North reporting, we know that the Trudeau government has taken inspiration from Rutte's emissions reduction scheme and seeks to mirror those same policies here in Canada. This result may make him think twice.

Dan Cairns
We stand behind Dutch farmer and Truckers around the World As THEY DID FOR ALL CANADAIANS FOR FREEDOM CONVOY

THE PEOPLE ARE FED UP ALL OVER THE WORLD! This is our world, not the parasitic so called elite. Thank you Dutch farmers for your huge part in saving humanity!

Paulo Disano
God bless the hard working Dutch farmers and people.

This is awesome! These ridiculous leaders like Trudeau need to be shown that they cannot control every aspect of our lives!

Linda H
Way to go Dutch farmers. You have proven what can be accomplished, by the people when we work together.

Keep going, Canada! A win by the people is absolutely necessary.

Frank DeVries
As a first gen Dutch Canadian this is FANTASTIC. Proud to be a Dutch/Canadian. The Nitrogen reduction does nothing but cause food shortage and starvation. We are many, they are the few

Yvonne Duncan
Love these people. We need to do this in Canada. They are saving their country. They represent the people, not the elites. Farmers prevent starvation.

Laura Swann
Congratulations Dutch Farmers and electorate! Well done! This is a victory for humans! Love and Support from Dublin Ireland.

Peggy Pieters
Happy for the Dutch; they are giving a template for the rest of us to follow.

Sam stoned
It's time for the world to stand up against these criminals never back down

West Can
It's good to see young teenagers like yourself reporting on complex issues facing Canadians

BR Red
Way to go Dutch farmers. Thank you. Canada farmers need to fight too!!

Download here: Russian-troops-offer-to-fix-Melbournes-Nazi-problem-Riccardo-Bosi-2023-03-21.mp4 - 7,146 kb
By: Aussie Cossack - 21st March 2023
Russian troops offer to fix Melbourne's
Nazi problem - Riccardo Bosi

See what else the Russian troops said about Australia in the members only section of @AussieCossack

Imagine having a legitimate government in Australia (and USA, NZ, Canada, UK etc), as currently we do not.

Please heed the profoundly wise words of Samuel Adams: "If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."

Kjer Errrt
this is just outrageous. can't believe what is happening in australia.

alan godden
Awesome work, Simeon. Down with the Saranic Cabal. Onward Christian soldiers. Hoorah for mother Russia.

Heck, I'd buy 'em all a beer if they could just FIX DAN ANDREWS.

We know what's up and we support Russia - freedom convoy 2022

Ken Jack
Russia is doing GOD'S WORK...

Juan Epstein
Wow ... Aussie Cossack has got the Musicians ready to back him up
Way to go AC !

With the people like this, Australia still has hope-more power to you! They rule the sky, they rule the land they are the mighty WAGNER MEN

Mrs. Hancock
We have a Bolshevik problem throughout the West.

Robert Stankovic
Putin is a Russian hero well done always.. long live Russia and putin

Good bring Russian troops to Australia grab some popcorn this should be fun I love Russia
Hugh Jorgan
Get This Legend Voted Into Power
The People Know Riccardo Is Going To Do His Job
Working For The People & Australia
Guaranteed He Is Going To Clear Out Every Single Corrupt Mother Fker
That Isn't Doing Their Job
For The People & Australia
No Surrender

Everything you see and hear on TV or the internet is programmed for you to see it.

harrit koster
Bringing Russian troops to the world to wipe out the Nazis evil must be eradicated, god bless russia and defeat the devil., stay safe and healthy.

Download here: President-Trump-supporters-in-huge-New-York-rally-2023-03-20.mp4 - 3,595 kb
By: Political News Gathering - 20th March 2023
President Trump supporters
in huge New York rally

Now that's a real crowd wirth listening too. Unlike green screen Biden and his queer supporters!

Ewa J.
God bless President Trump!

Billy Tucker
As a Canadian all I can say is "God bless America"

Lazib008 El
Seeing all those American flags must have made the democrats sick.

Ricard Cluter
I want to thank leftists for solidifying Trump's supporters and helping to add to that number others who were sitting on the fence.

Josh McDonald
Boy....nobody knows how to throw a Trump rally like a liberal, right? Thanks liberals! YAYYY

First Last
It's a beautiful sight honestly, I'm tearing up, god bless you patriots for standing up for parental rights, children's safety and fighting against degeneracy

Mary Fincher
I have never seen this many supportters for the democratic party. just shows how we Americans love president trump.

Bruce Westoby
Hope this BS wakes up millions more people out there as to who our real freedom loving is. Not the criminal (s) who keep taking from us . This is gratifying to see...what a rally ! Let's go Brandon!

dan ven
Hats off to the people that make it happen !

George Orwell
Well behaved 1st amendment rights. Thank you.

Can't arrest him if you can't get to him. Thanks to everyone standing in the way, you're hero's

jack booten
We Trust in Trump.

Steve Hoffmaster

Sarge La Forgia
I hope that traitor Chuck Schumer is seeing this.

I love it. Those people are helping to possibly save America. America needs them whether people know it or not.

If i have learned something from history, is that if you throw in prison a leader with no apparent reason because is an inconvenience for your side, you are not getting rid of him, you are making him a martyr.

Angela Kralicek
God speed President Trump!

John Dziadek
Won't see this on the news.

Mike Apache
This only ends when we end it respect from Canada

unknown skyman
God bless all you patriots...

always dirty
I wonder if they will all be thrown in prison without being charged and no trial for a year or two as well.

Mark Logsdon
"If you strike me down Darth, I will become more powerful than you could ever imagine. "
-Obi Wan Trump

Download here: Australian-Government-Police-PSYOP-Operation-EXPOSED-Police-pretending-to-be-NAZIS-2023-03-19.mp4 - 11,342 kb
By: Aussie Cossack - 19th March 2023
Australian Government Police
Police pretending to be NAZIS?

Ya El Z
Not only is it a psyop to make anyone anti woke look like a nazi, it is also used to make nazis look good to anyone who isn't woke.

Marky Mark
Devastating to watch my country turning into a communist regime. It won't be long before the social credit system is implemented.

Looks like they're adopting the tactics that our fed bois here in the States love to utilize. Glowing like the damn sun.

Nath J
This looks so fake and set up that you could almost mistake it for a comedy skit with paid actors

Alison Aitken
Your work gets better and better every time I see it. Keep it up. You're a hero

It's so obvious, look at these in shape men they recieved well rounded training it's like they do regular army training, these arent your average joes on the street

Mike Michaels
I always laugh at these clowns. They're so strong in their beliefs that they have to hide their faces lol.

According to an acquaintance I know, who claimed he recognised one of them, they appear to be local Croatian community Ustaše sympathisers. They might have been duped into participating too to create those bad optics.

Ivan Sultanoff
If true-absolutely sickening

My grandfathers swedish uncle was awarded the medal of st olaf by the Norwegian king for his fight against the nazis

Benjamin Houghton
Anyone who joined the police after 2020 and didn't leave the force within a week is going straight to hell.

john doe
We call them glowies in the US, they send a group of crack pots into your group, get them to do crack pot things around you, then film it and call you a crack pot.

Richard Carey
Those guys are definitely squaddies, divide and conquer I've seen this before during my service of two decades

Why are the police letting this happen absolute disgrace

Qanon Quebec
Ennemy of the PEOPLE

James vanhalen
talking about psi-ops port arthur was a giant psi-op to take 700,000 guns from australians, barry unsworth said until we have a shooting in a little town like port arthur we will never disarm the australian people (see deadly deception at port arthur) the book

Feds dressed up in kakis and Polo shirts we just laughed at them and made a tons of meme and they stopped.

Edgar Styles
Why did no one pull off some of their masks

Sam Livingston
All cops

The Watcher seeking truth
They might be the Foreign Police they want to employ ?

Download here: Trump-Responds-To-Lab-Leak-Report-Promises-Some-Form-Of-Retribution-Against-China-For-COVID-19-2023-03-18.mp4 - 3,133 kb
By: Forbes Breaking News - 18th March 2023
Trump Responds To Lab Leak Report
Promises 'Some Form Of Retribution'
Against China For COVID-19

In a video released to social media, former President Trump responded to an alleged Energy Department report pointing to a lab leak as probably responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, and promised "retribution" against China.

Thank you President Trump for speaking about the damage caused by the China Biological Warfare Weaponised Covid-19 Virus, which was funded by CCP / Fauci / CIA etc.

Will you also be discussing the rollout and subsequent genocide caused by the weaponised Covid-19 Vaccines as well?

My Brother Bill

Never forget when they emotionally blackmailed the children and used them as paper-logical shields to temporarily and marginally protect adults.
Thou shall not use pregnant women as Granny shields, risking the young to "save" the old was a very bad idea.

Chris Taylor
Fauci needs to be held accountable

Pami Namas

You were right. And now it is time to go after all the people for the cover-up. The death of millions of people was needless.

He has my vote in 2024

Yep. Saying it like it is since you started. Keep going

Who paid for the research? Will they be held accountable?

Let go President Trump………

Northern Cold
Add YouTube to the Covid cover-up.

Retribution. He keeps using that word. Started using during CPAC. I'd say that's an important word to know.

litty entertainment
It's deeper than we see it's spiritual warfare

It's fat Albert
Love him or hate him. The dude is accurate.

Mike Strength
Trump 2024

Joe Rodriguez
We love you Mr President

Will Foster

So what is actually going to happen? We keep hearing about accountability on many issues but it seems like all talk. I hope it happens eventually.

Download here: Border-Patrol-chief-makes-bombshell-admission-at-hearing-2023-03-16.mp4 - 13,338 kb
By: Fox News - 16th March 2023
Border Patrol chief makes
bombshell admission at hearing
Biden has encouraged millions of
illegal immigrants to INVADE the USA

Fox News anchor Trace Gallagher has the latest on the border crisis on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'

Sheree Sheree
God Bless Chief Ortiz for telling the truth about our southern border!! That man needs to be protected and applauded for his bravery!!

Karri Compton
Saying our border is secure is like saying Silicon Valley Bank (just collapsed) is a stable bank.

unrepentant man
Why does Mayorkas still have his job? Impeach him.

It is scary to know that we are being forced to live by people that have no respect for our laws and expect our tax dollars to support them.

Mickey Andres
America's southern border being invaded is one of the ugliest sights in the world.

Tube Reactor
Chief Ortiz is a freaking hero for simply telling the truth! Finally!

Hellkat Mad

unrepentant man
Sure as hell looks like a foreign invasion to me.

Whats more amazing than watching all this weirdness play out, is the fact no one's doing anything about it.

true love
Lock them up.

God's Grace
It's really not a bombshell, we have watched this with our own eyes! However, finally we have a brave soul to speak the truths! God Bless and protect this man. Declare Marshall Law AND Remove Brandon !

Bishop George
I don't know why he and others are not being held accountable, but all I know, that there is a special place for those who out right lie and they needs to repent of their lies.

John Smith
It's not a bombshell for those adversely affected by zero border security.

Patti Selph
Honesty, allthough painful to hear, it is mandatory!

Download here: Greta-Thunbergs-designated-experts-on-climate-crisis-proven-wrong-again-2023-03-14.mp4 - 5,757 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 14th March 2023
Greta Thunberg's 'designated experts'
on 'climate crisis' proven wrong again

Author Alex Epstein slams "designated experts" who catastrophise the "climate crisis" by making absurd doomsday predictions.

"There are so many of these false predictions," Mr Epstein told Sky News host Rita Panahi.

"They need to give evidence, and they need to look at the big picture.

"Climate anxiety is totally unnecessary, but so many people complaining about it are the cause of it."

Bob Boyer
I could never understand how politicians and people of power fell for Greta's rants. Unless of course they were going to profit from it.

Ant Adam
The most frustrating thing about these failed predictions is that the pesron who made them never gets held to account for causing anxiety and panic. They never even get asked about it. They just move onto their next prediction.

jeff snow
These experts are never held accountable! That's the problem!

Thanks for your show. You really nailed it with the fact that nobody is held accountable at all for lies, exaggeration, and wild claims.

Will Cunningham
It's amazing the amount of times the earth was meant to have ended during my lifetime

The first time I saw her I laughed. Now I am just shaking my head and wonder how on earth so many people gobbled this nonsense up.

"Don't believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see" - Edgar Allen Poe
A very valid catch phrase in this day and age.

abel garcia
The media sure digs this stuff and never mentions it again when it never comes true!

lorac c.
If you pay some scientists enough money, they will write whatever you want in reports.

Richard Taylor
I just feel sorry for that girl. Robbed of her childhood, brainwashed by these Green monsters, used in this demeaning way, what is her future life going to be like, especially when she comes to the full realization of what was done to her?

Download here: Greta-Thunberg-deleted-2018-tweet-warning-humanity-would-be-wiped-out-by-2023-2023-03-14.mp4 - 1,906 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 14th March 2023
Greta Thunberg deleted 2018 tweet
warning humanity would be wiped out by 2023!

Cimate activist Greta Thunberg has deleted a tweet from 2018 in which she warned that '..humanity would be wiped out by climate change unless fossil fuels were abolished by 2023...', according to Sky News host Sharri Markson.

"Year oh my God we're still here! What a shocking plot twist!"

Don't worry about the deleted tweet. She'll come out with a new one, giving us 2.5 years this time.

She didn't know what she was talking about and finally realized the adults whispering in her ear used her as a political tool, but she has to live with the embarrassment. She should be angry with them.

Bob Smith
Greta the Pontiff pontificating and her disciples love her every word and worship the ground she walks.

Josh G.
"The planet is fine! The PEOPLE are fucked!"
-George Carlin

Matthew Flinders
Carbon phobia should be classified as a mental condition. At least then people who believe Greta can get the help they need.

Sparkley Pegs
I was 11 in 1980 and I can remember a story in the paper saying in ten years the Earth would be stuffed. I remember being mildly alarmed at first but even my 11 year old brain scoffed at such a ridiculous idea.

I remember my senior year in 1999, they claimed global warming was going to cause a new ice age by 2012……. Yup, never happened lol

Mike E
There should be consequences for people like scientist and certain climate activist, that make wildl allegations that can cause others stress and anxiety . Especially those with influence should pay a price for the impact their false statements can cause. Just like consequence we all are living with now, because of big business and greed pushing consumerism upon the world. Leaders should also be held to account

Mark Iannetta
listening to Greta, It's like asking a 3rd grader for financial advice!

No doubt she's furious that humanity is still here. How dare us!!

Jeff Holmes
Thank god for climate change. Here in the UK we have been freezing our nuts off this winter, without global warming we would have frozen to death ! Using minimal heating we have been paying £300 a month in gas and electric. Lets get real, take off all the tax on fuel and let people stay warm in their homes. The earth warms up and cools down naturally, always has and always will.

I love how mainstream media is handling this as some excuse to laugh at essentially a random kid rather than questioning why the hell they gave soo much publicity to some random kid in the first place for soo many years.

Trev's Travels By Narrowboat
No such thing as FACT CHECKERS, just narrative checkers.

Dai Davies
She Branded me a Lier back in 2017 when i said She was Clueless when it comes to Environmental Issues, She started to rant at me but unknown to Her She was Arguing with a Professional Where i just spent 4 years going to 14 Different places including Antarctica to Gauge Sea Levels …. I told Her the Sea Levels were stable and could find NO EVIDENCE to the quandary that She herself was Saying. I asked Her for Her Findings and Proof. She Had None yet She was invited to Climate Meetings and allowed to rant Her Lies, And People like me were IGNORED … I'm telling right here and NOW there is NO such thing as Climate Change . And this young Woman should be made to stand up and apologise to everyone that Listened to Her. She should be now Ignored for ever….

Apple's iTunes / Music knowingly &
willingly kicks Donald J. Trump's #1 hit
song 'Justice for All' off the top 100 charts
By: The Bug Killers - 14th March 2023

Donald J. Trump's song 'Justice for All' (A Recording by Donald J. Trump & the J6 Prison Choir) was #1 on the top 100 songs on Apple's Music / iTunes Chart on 11th March 2023. Then suddenly Apple preformed a 'switcheroo' and unethically REMOVED this incredibly popular patriotic song.

Apple is blatantly complicit in political bias and anti patriotic behaviour, erstwhile promoting many lewd and Satanic songs at the same time.

Their allegiance to tyranny has been recorded. All who have been complicit in blatant acts of terrorism upon the United States of America, will, in due course, be dealt with by the full extent of the Natural Law. Justice is coming...

Apple's iTunes / Music knowingly and willingly kicks Donald J. Trump's #1 hit song 'Justice for All' off the top 100 charts

Download here: TRUMP-WINS-Unexpected-Chart-Topping-Single-Takes-Over-iTunes-2023-03-14.mp4 - 73,965 kb
By: The Next News Network - 14th March 2023
Unexpected Chart Topping Single
"Justice for All" Takes Over iTunes

It's been quite the week for Donald Trump, as his hit single "Justice for All" (A Recording by Donald J. Trump & the J6 Prison Choir) took the iTunes charts by storm and claimed the coveted #1 spot, leaving famous artists absolutely blindsided and baffled. I've got all of the details about Trump'a hit song, and trust me when I say you don't want to miss this!

jack booten
Imagine getting a President that loves our country.

Reginald Johnson
That makes me proud to be an American Republican! God bless president Trump and our wrongfully accused patriots!

Trump! The President! Love him!!!! This does not surprise me! Good beats evil!!! Come on back now! Time to oust the EVIL!

Sandy Reece
Beautiful job guys ..thank you President Trump

I LOVED this so much.... It broke my heart also..... I pray for President Trump and the J6 every day
God save America

R Collinge
Thanks to whoever created this work of art.
I hope this becomes the model for future music videos.

Ricardo Montana
Loved the video! Go Trump!!

Judy in AZ
That's my president TRUMP

Cindy R Wagner
Just amazing! Thanks Gary for highlighting this wonderful tribute those still being denied "the right to a speedy trial"

Profoundly moved! God Bless America.

Outstanding! I love it! Trump will be getting a third vote from me. We will bring America back from the edge and right this treacherous course we have been steered onto by the wrong people. I think a turning point has arrived.

You need a Tic Tac
We need to get this man back in office.

William Lynch
That was great! Singing the Star Bangled Banner always brings tears to my eyes as does the Pledge of Allegiance! As a veteran, I served so I could have the same rights as anyone, not take my rights away!

Tusiata Avia received $107,280
to incite racism against white people
By: The Bug Killers - 13th March 2023
Tusiata Avia received $107,280 to incite racism against white people

It's just marketing, she is half pakeha, the other half is from Samoa. So, every second day, she stabs herself with the old man's hunting knife and writes poetry.

Steve G
Sad, but You have to laugh though, it's those Bad Ol White Folks that gave Her the money!

The Royal Bard
And we white people are meant to be the racist ones.

DAN The Based AI
She looks like the villain character from the Little Mermaid cartoon

Lance van Beurden
Yep, sucks. But we can't dwell on the past - learn from it, don't pay for this sort of crap again, and pay it no attention now - this is one person's view that will soon be forgotten if we let it be.

Norris Cole from The Kabin, Coronation Street.
..and buy pies by the looks of it !

Khan James
Looks like one of those gender roulette casino types.

That is one big woman

Counterspin Team Zulu
I want a refund.

I've seen this thing in a cartoon

Top C
She's hideous

Cobus Smit
Is that a she?..

Sickening that our govt is supportive of this racist agenda they are driving through NZ. @jacindaardern
and @chrishipkins #youdidthis

Richard Turner
She is a racist. Foon does nothing because she is Samoan. He's a racist as well.

Download here: Tusiata-Avia-responds-to-criticism-of-her-poem-about-killing-white-people-2023-03-13.mp4 - 3,099 kb
By: The Zeitgeist - 13th March 2023
Tusiata Avia responds to criticism of
her poem about killing white people

Tusiata Avia responds to criticism of her poem about killing white people, by, you guessed it, calling her critics racist.

Dangerous position Tusiata has seated herself.

William Barbour
If the subject of the "poem" was Maori or Muslim it would be considered hate speech. As a white man is the subject it's called art.

Learning disability? Mental health issues or both?

Jonno L
School motto: "Mens Sana Incorpore Sano" (A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body".
In Tapioca's case: " Emarcuit animus in marcidum corpus" (A flabby mind ... you know the rest)

Matt Molyneux
Writing "Poetry'' about murdering people based on their race isn't racist though? Welcome to clown world

Kiwiwayne2 ex Kiwiwayne1
Well one party is certainly talking a pile of rubbish!

Bradley Nathan Coe Free Being
your racist for saying she said she wanted to get a group of women together and kill cooks descendants try figure that one out #nzpol its ok because its art shakes head

What has been seen, cannot be unseen, shudder. What is worse is the 'poem'. No words. If that was a white person talking about wiping out darkies, he or she would be facing charges. And not getting funds from the government to turn into a play.

She takes a minute to get ten words out…are we sure she's all there?

Jo Joe
A case of not being able to complete on merit, or talent it would seem, so Tusiata Avis competes on victimhood instead

I'd be angry at the world too if I was that size

It's just a poem, calm down snowflakes, what's the difference between that or Irvine Welsh or Alan Duff…I'm pretty sure all the white men out there are safe…lol

LOL so the overtly racist poet, gets called out on being overtly racist and then tries to deflect by calling everyone racist. Oh thats right how many times have we heard "Black peoples cant be racists" Well let me enlighten you, here is a perfect example.

Sarah Jane
Sooo what I'm hearing is that she's racist

Download here: OFFICIAL-SONG-VIDEO-Justice-for-All-A-Recording-by-Donald-J-Trump-and-the-J6-Prison-Choir-2023-03-11.mp4 - 7,898 kb
By: Jimeva - 11th March 2023
"Justice for All" A Recording by
Donald J. Trump & the J6 Prison Choir

6 Prison Choir consists of individuals who have been incarcerated as a result of their involvement in the January 6, 2021 protest for election integrity after President Donald J. Trump stated "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

The J6PC continues to make their voices heard through the power of music and sings "The Star Spangled Banner" every evening before bed. All Money will be going to the family's of the prisoners.

Scott Baxter
The fact that the J6 prisoners are willing to sing this after everything their "country" has put them through, is an inspiration.

Randy Duenas
I love our country. I live to protect our Constitution. Prayers for those unjustly incarcerated by the lies

Goldie Fatale
I'm crying. This shouldn't happen in the United States. We have to do something.

Beautiful!!! Semperfi WW2 Marines daughter, spearhead 5th marine div. Purple heart. Wife of USAF NORAD_ aunt of Afghanistan marine vet purple heart.
All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.
- George Orwell

There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.
- Montesquieu

"You will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make a good use of it."
- John Adams -

Patrick Mulewski
Number one on iTunes

Josh Marksman
the end gives me the chills

vc lucky

Karen Thompson

Maria Pincay
I love it very much, it gives the American spirit, just like when I little. In school I did my pledge allegiance.

Aine- Maire
What a beautiful and moving rendition of our national anthem. Justice for J6.

There are more of us than there are of them. God bless America!

Mike Ehrmantraut
Nice... This is what America is about at it's core. Well done.

Oak Tree
I pray for Trump, our patriots - both incarcerated and the not yet imprisoned. I particularly pray for the day that all the lies are dragged out into the light. I feel the tremors and the tectonic plates are shifting. Stay alert people.

Jane Zingaro
Like him or not, he brought back the pride of the USA! God Bless all those being held without their freedom to a fair trial

Denise Turner
Amazing that these men all still have so much faith in our Great Country. We cannot give up on them. We will not give up on them or on the Country & the values & freedoms it represents.

Download here: Chris-Hipkins-A-wonderful-day-Good-vibes-all-round-at-Big-Gay-Out-2023-03-12.mp4 - 60,292 kb
By: Emma Clark-Dow and Melanie Earley, Stuff - 12th March 2023
'A wonderful day'
Good vibes all round at Big Gay Out
Chris Hipkins & many politicians gather to celebrate Sodomy

The prime minister says there are a lot of positive vibes at the Auckland event.

Auckland's biggest pride event celebrating the LGBTQI+ community took place at Coyle Park on Sunday, with attendees, including Prime Minister Chris Hipkins, declaring it a "wonderful" day had by all.

Sunday's extravaganza was the first since 2021, after the Omicron outbreak through a spanner in the works for the 2022 event.

Due to Cyclone Gabrielle and its devastating impact, Big Gay Out was postponed once again, but this time by only a month, bringing it to March 12.

The event is hosted by the Burnett Foundation Aotearoa, with the foundation's executive Joe Rich keen to savour the original "family feel" of the event.

"For a lot of young queer people Big Gay Out is often the first event of its kind they've ever been to, and it's pretty special to see," Rich said.

Lots of extremely confused people gathering and celebrating godlessness!
Big Gay Out revellers having a dance near the main stage.
Lots of extremely confused people gathering and celebrating godlessness!
Libby Greatnews and Darjee Sahala just met at Big Gay Out.
Lots of extremely confused people gathering and celebrating godlessness!
Drag queen Daphne Bush said it was great to be here.

One of those attending for the first time was our new prime minister, who said there was "an incredible vibe" at Coyle Park.

"There's so much positivity and an opportunity for the community to come together and celebrate who they are," Hipkins said.

Lots of extremely confused people gathering and celebrating godlessness!
A memorial waiata was sung at Big Gay Out for Georgina Beyer who died last week.
Lots of extremely confused people gathering and celebrating godlessness!
A selection of shirts for sale with amusing quips.
Lots of extremely confused people gathering and celebrating godlessness!
Rio Davies pictured with their Japanese spitz Yuki.
Davies said this was Yuki’s second time coming along to Big Gay Out.

When asked about the recent protests about drag queen story times Hipkins said he had "no concerns" about drag queens reading to children.

A memorial waiata was sung for Georgina Beyer, New Zealand's first transgender politician who died last week at the age of 65.

Lots of extremely confused people gathering and celebrating godlessness!
PM Chris Hipkins, Deputy PM Carmel Sepuloni and Grant Robinson attended Big Gay Out at Coyle Park.
Lots of extremely confused people gathering and celebrating godlessness!
National Party leader Christopher Luxon and deputy Nicola Willis also attended the event.

At the first-ever Big Gay Out, a small stage was set up for performances from local bands and drag queens, and while the smell of a sausage sizzle wafted through the air attendees played games like "toss the handbag" and tug of war, along with running races in stilettos.

Kevin Dunseath, better known by his drag persona The Outrageous Miss Ribena, was emceeing that event and said he had "no idea" so many years later it would be going strong and attracting crowds in the thousands.

Lots of extremely confused people gathering and celebrating godlessness!
Cilla the pug enjoyed Big Gay Out.
Lots of extremely confused people gathering and celebrating godlessness!
Deputy prime minister Carmel Sepuloni and Grant Robinson attended Big Gay Out at Coyle Park.

"It's a lot different now," Dunseath says. "There's much bigger acts and lots of stalls. It's amazing to see what it has turned into, but I did enjoy the 'set up your deck chair', picnic vibe it used to have."

Sunday's celebration was expected to be attended by up to 15,000 people, a drastic increase from 22 years ago.

The event stretches into Sunday evening, wrapping up at 7pm.

This is a Public Interest Journalism funded role through NZ On Air

Homosexual Prime Minister
Chris Hipkins announces
$18 million HIV action plan
By: Regina Tao - - 12th March 2023
Homosexual Prime Minister Chris Hipkins announces $18 million HIV action plan

The Prime Minister has announced a new $18 million HIV action plan, including funding for more medication.

Chris Hipkins spoke at Auckland's Big Gay Out pride festival on Sunday afternoon.

He told the crowd that rainbow healthcare is a priority for his government.

"The plan is about eliminating the transmission of HIV in New Zealand and eliminating the stigma associated with HIV as well," said Hipkins.

The PM began his speech by remembering the late Georgina Beyer and the impact she had on the community.

The Sodomite that is Chris Hipkins originally pushed the mRNA Covid Kill Shots, which accelerated health issues such as: heart failure / circulative issues / AIDS / Cancer / Death etc.

Now Chris the Bum Bandit is going to "..eliminating the transmission of HIV in New Zealand..." by throwing taxpayers hard earned cash at the very issue/s he helped create!

Are the Normies really that gullible?

Homosexuality is the condition of entry to achieve the highest levels of secret societies / Satanism etc. While Chris embraces and pushes his own sexually perverted agendas (Gay / Queer / Homosexual Pride) upon a mostly ignorant nation, I will continue to embrace Straight Pride in respect of my Creator, and in definace of souless cock suckers such as Chris Hipkins.

Download here: South-Africa-Is-Over-How-True-is-Farmlands-Today-Blacks-against-Whites-Failing-economy-Pop-up-mega-slums-2023-03-06.mp4 - 23,770 kb
By: Lauren Southern - 7th March 2023
South Africa Is Over
How True is Farmlands Today?
Blacks against Whites - Failing economy - Pop up mega slums


Hans-Christian Bauer
South Africa was the richest and most well to do country on the whole continent of Africa prior to the ANC taking over.
It was also one of the primary leaders in the medical field. The first heart transplant was done in Cape Town. And look where it is now.
Europe will suffer the same fate if it keeps going the same direction.

orbo Akin
I am Nigerian and agree 100% with you on South Africa. They are a failing state and they have no one to blame but themselves. They inherited a country with everything lined up for greater success but are turning into Zimbabwe 2.0. They have no excuse. Botswana is literally next to them, has less resources but is politically stable and has better economics and infrastructure (they can actually keep the lights on!)

andrew mccluskey
"Rather in attempt to reduce racism, has just directed it to other groups" Nicely said Lauren, seems to be an ongoing theme everywhere in the last decade.

South African expat here. Left in '92. I was telling people back home 25 years ago that SA was 2 decades behind Zimbabwe in corruption and collapse. I got laughed at and called a racist for my efforts...and here we are...

Harrison Bergeron
Certain Groups within the US would love to do the same thing there as has been done in South Africa with recent push for "Reparations" spreading throughout the Country.

Ape Man
As a Saffa, thank you for reporting on this. I left in 2005 but still have family there, some who farm. I fear the UK is making some of the same mistakes I saw RSA make in the Mid 90's to now. I warn people here about poor government policy, akin to what the RSA has done/ is doing, but many people don't care. Now that the UK is talking about an energy crisis and rises in interest rates they couldn't imagine 5 years ago it's hitting home. I hope the West pulls itself together or we'll be in for much tougher times.

Wow, it's already been 5 years, time flies when society is collapsing

Jeffrey Michel
I remember a show on Netflix called Dark Tourist had an episode on the South African preppers you interviewed in Farmlands and made a joke of their situation. They edited it so they would look like a bunch of crazy white people and completely left out the actual danger they were in and the very real threats and fears that led them to prepare. I am so upset at how easy it was for them to marginalize these people and their tragedies

As an Aussie who lived there for 13 years... Farmlands and this update video are accurate... Thanks Lauren for putting a spotlight on this sad waste of what could have been such a great nation

My Grandfather left South Africa back in the 60's, he was a police officer and moved to Australia when he started a family. He said to me a few years back that Australia has started down the same path as why he left South Africa and he's sorry for my generation to have to inherit that. It must be terrible to see the same thing you thought you escaped coming for your grandchildren in your old age when you can't do anything anymore to help them.

We left South Africa in 1976 and it was the best thing we ever did. It WAS a wonderful country!

I'm in South Africa. There was an armed house robbery about 2 weeks ago in my neighbourhood. One of the criminals was caught by private security while trying to escape. They called the police. The police didn't show up. They waited for 3 hours with the guy handcuffed, waiting for police to arrive. Eventually the police told the security over the phone they didn't have anyone available to come and arrest him and their holding cells were full anyway, so they must just let him go and drop the gun at the station.

An object lesson in why racial discrimination in hiring practices combined with not allowing people to vigorously defend their property leads to civilization collapse.

Rational Thinker
Thank you Lauren. As a South African I can say that you have hit the nail on the head so to say. We the South African people are numb to what is happening and how insane life here is, it helps to get a reality check now and again.
I agree it's a country best left however the rest of the world those that were instrumental in the great social experiment won't let us in unless you are rich or young with education so immigrating is impossible for most.
Thank you once again for reporting you are one of the few.

Andrew Mello
it breaks my heart to see this happening, i married a south african and lived there from 2012 to 2017, in that time the country deteriorated to the point where we decided to leave, like you say in your video since 2017 it has gotten much much worse, we were lucky to leave when we did but i really fear for the family we left behind, nephews with no future, my inlaws, sisters and brothers. thank you for farmlands and your update, when i discuss it with people they just dismiss me , im glad someone of your stature is revealing the truth to the world

Download here: WTF-NSW-Government-launches-Digital-Holy-Grail-so-that-Big-Tranny-can-track-everything-you-do-2023-03-07.mp4 - 9,431 kb
By: Aussie Cossack - 7th March 2023
WTF! NSW Government launches
"Digital Holy Grail" so that 'Big Tranny'
can track everything you do!

We are definitely living in the end times. Disaster....

76 Guzzi
Digital what? I'm only a truck driver but I have noticed that a lot of ATM'S are disappearing from my suburb and the surrounding suburbs. Is this the banks restricting your access to obtaining cash? Or is it the banks allowing individual ATM owners the ability to allow you to withdraw cash from their machines by paying a $2.50 fee for that privilege? Our rights to obtain and use cash is rapidly decreasing and it seems the overall agenda is to restrict your ability to trade in cash, go completely electronic and the government will know about every single transaction you make! Take a look at most banks today, I may be wrong but it appears a lot of them require 2 days or more of notice, if you want to withdraw more than $2000. Australians WAKE UP! If we don't voice our opinions now, you will no longer be able to squirrel away cash and trade with each other... if the government gets its way they will reach the point where THEY will decide you have had too much of a certain product that week and THEY will block your ability to make that purchase! Simeon for President!!!

Cops will love this. Easiest system to implement facial recognition cameras everywhere.

Reagan W
We must resist this tyranny


The word Government actually means mind control. It is etymologically originated from the ancient Latin language.
It Splits into two words:1) (guvernare) meaning "to control" and 2) (mens or mentis) meaning "mind".

Beyond Traitors
Huge step backward for Australia

Non Tech Studio
You'll never have to hand over your details again = You won't have a choice. A very un-holy grail.

Linda Hockham
ALTHOUGH, YOU'LL RUN INTO PROBLEMS INTERSTATE. Just another limitation to your freedom to travel outside your area. According to Redacted, they tested it in Ukraine. The most corrupt place on the planet. How could it be anything but what is said in the ad?

This has to be stopped, otherwise we'll all have to go off grid to survive. I'm not partaking in any digital currency or Id, forget it!!

Satire of Circumstance
The system is prepared to counter resistance, but it can't handle people just walking away.

Why would people need to "prove" who we say we are??? Unless we are living in a dystopian Totalitarian hell hole!?!?

Perhaps if there were laws in place that prevented companies holding onto data, then there wouldn't be an issue in the even of a data breach.

Alan Dyson
Just another step towards the beast system and the mark of the beast

Download here: Pfizer-Whistleblower-Debbie-Bernal-Speaks-Out-at-CPAC-2023-Introduced-by-James-OKeefe-2023-03-05.mp4 - 73,965 kb
By: Mike Osip - 6th March 2023
Pfizer Whistleblower Debbie Bernal
Speaks Out at CPAC 2023
- Introduced by James O'Keefe -

James O'Keefe Speaks at CPAC / James O'Keefe IS Project Veritas. Without him there is no Project Veritas. Let's make them lose more. God bless James and the brave whistleblowers out there. We must never give up the fight! March 4, 2023

Probably the second most anticipated speech at CPAC was the attendance by James O'Keefe, the founder of Project Veritas who came under attack from the DeSantis aligned manipulative dirtbags within his own board of directors.

Wolverine Bloodline - James O'Keefe brings Pfizer whistleblower to the stage at CPAC/James O'Keefe

Debbie Bernal Pfizer insider who helped expose Tristan Walker, went public today:

"I was worried I would end up in a body bag, or a 'car accident'
I realized the spirit of fear is not from the Lord.
We all need to learn to not be fearful"

As the masses wake up to the gross Crimes Against Humanity (e.g. Genocide) - we enter the inevitable 'RATS FLEEING THE SHIP' phase - which manifests in several stages of entrepreneurship:
1) former employees turn whistleblowers - to redeem what is left of their souls;
2) mainstream media personalities switch narratives - and with absolutely no shame whatsoever - repeat what conspiracy theorists have said all along;
3) key pharmaceutical personnel responsible for the manufacture, disinformation and distribution of poisonous drugs - suddenly retire from public view - with extremely wealthy severance packages;
4) megalomaniacs in the form of politicians and their puppet masters emulate #2 and #3 above and suddenly drop off the World stage, stating: "I just want to spend more meaningful time with my family..." as they flee from the scene of the crime;
5) doctors, nurses, police, councils and business owners all justify their culpability in mandating heinous laws and their persecution of those who stood for truth - by claiming the historical Cowards Lament: "I was just doing my job"
6) erstwhile the blood of millions of innocent people who were maimed and euthanized, screams out for justice. Note: THERE WILL BE NO MERCY FOR THE GUILTY!...

Laurie J
Thank you to everyone who has decided to be brave and do something.

Stephen Cox
It's great people like debbie & O'Keefe that gives humanity hope of a better world, where truth & real justus rule & that good will triumph over evil! Kudos to you both! Ultra MAGA!

Danni Hardy
Thank you Mike for posting this, they have tried to bury this

Jeff Honeyager
I can't wait for O'Keefe 2.0.

More need to see this

Maria Spaducci
I gave my job up in the NHS three years ago, I didn't want to be in that horrible mafia that kills people instead of saving lives. Hat off that lady, it takes enormous courage and integrity to do that. Thank you.

Andrew Ryan
The only thing one should fear is abdicating their moral responsibility. Debbie gave up her livelihood for her morals and our safety. Legendary move on her part, support her like Colin told you.

Tara Lynn Hoffmann
I was so shocked when the plandemic happened and I saw how stupid and manipulable the vast majority of people were where I lived in Quebec. But I was also amazed at the vigor of the very few courageous people who stood up, some losing everything and even being imprisoned, for what is right.

Steve Leach
This country needs many more like her right now!

Theresa Leinen
God bless her, and she hit the nail on the head... more people need to speak out and speak the truth!

J London
Praying to keep James safe. Thank you for all you've done and still yet to do.

"Fear is how the enemy controls us" exactly true.

Thomas Simmons
That was one of the most, in a sense, understated, but powerful speeches I've ever heard...filled me with such hope.

luigi vincenz
the lady who spoke with James is 100 times braver than Damar Hamlin. She went to the podium and spoke out. Instead of saying ":I dont want to go there" after being asked by Strahan what did the doctors say. Please pray for her safety and family. There is a special hell waiting for those director at Pfizer.

Darin Glover
The world could definitely use more people like her

K Raven
It blows my mind that ANYONE could hear the things she brought to light, and not take them seriously enough to look into it. They just jump to destroying that person, and making them a liar.

What are we doing???

How that evil company is still in business after what has been revealed is beyond comprehension! Where are the investigations?

Download: Coming-to-a-town-near-you-Government-tracking-system-monitors-and-controls-everything-you-think-see-and-do-2023-03-06.mp4 - 4,734 kb
By: Clown Planet - 6th March 2023
Coming to a town near you!
Government tracking system monitors and
controls everything you think, see and do

Remember..."You are the carbon they are trying to reduce."

Gemma Hedges
This is alot deeper and darker than people realise and we must not let it happen to us we must unite to stop the insanity

Arthur Clements
Canada sure has changed the last couple of years.

Scott Armstrong
Funny thing is people honestly believe that our government wouldn't do that

My credit union up here in BC, Canada went federal last year. I asked the teller at the bank if that meant more government control and she rolled her eyes at me and said, "no, we just get our moving expenses covered if we decide to work at another branch."

Fast forward two months and I receive an email from the bank telling me they're implementing ESG scores, which is the precursor to our own social credit system.

I called another credit union to ask if they are federally regulated and the woman on the phone tells me no. She asks me why I want to know and I tell her about my bank having ESG scores. She asks me, "what is that?" I tell her it's like a Chinese-style social credit system, so she looks it up while I'm on the phone. I let her know I'll be opening an account soon at her bank.

It's not just coming, it's HERE. A Northern Territory (Australia) cop has been dismissed and facing charges for displaying a "meme" on their phone.

Kate Emma
Don't live in FEAR, do not COMPLY!

Open Eyes
Welcome to the future...
Thanks for obeying and wearing your mask - you're helping this happen!

Incurable Romantic
Thank goodness we live in free societies where the government would never dream of taking away our right to dissent.

. . . . . .is what I need to say to maintain my social credit score.

There's 100% chance I'll be getting refused in the future

Wow. Support to the Chinese people against their tyrannical government.

Tad Ghostal
My passions are tax evasion and weapon procurement. Anything less is cowardly and immoral.

Grape Ape
When you realize you're a subject and not a citizen

anna perkins
This kind of social reinforcement reminds me of an episode of the Twilight Zone - To See the Invisible Man - 1985/6 - based of a short story by Robert Silverberg 1963 - certain 'crimes' would attract a one year sentence of being (in)visible - obviously there was not a cloaking shield around the individual - but no-one was allowed to interact in any way or acknowledge his presence - likewise other 'invisibles' could not interact among themselves as their sentences would be increased. And to think this is from the pages of FICTION - but would it take such a massive leap to see it happen as FACT? You decide.

So all right wing conspiracy
theories were true afterall!!
By: A.F. Branco - 5th March 2023
So all right wing conspiracy theories were true afterall!!

Download: Neo-Nazi-Ukrainian-organizations-such-as-the-Azov-battalion-sponsored-by-Australian-PM-Anthony-Albanazi-2023-03-05.mp4 - 37,922 kb
By: Aussie Cossack - 5th March 2023
Neo-Nazi Ukrainian organizations,
such as the Azov battalion, sponsored
by Australian PM Anthony Albanazi

This is who Australian Prime Minister Albanese has given $700,000,000 of your tax payer dollars too!

From the very beginning of the conflict in Donbass in 2014, neo-Nazi Ukrainian organizations, such as the Azov battalion, have been acting against the civilian population of Donetsk and Lugansk. Supporters of Ukrainian Nazism have been pointedly declaring the goal to eliminate the Russian population in the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics.

This video shows in detail the origins of Ukrainian nationalism, which is actively being used by Western intelligence services to confront Russia and the Russian population of Ukraine.

@Military Wave

Well There you go, this should be shown on national television for the whole world to see the truth, and to wake up the Australian people.

Ivan Petrov
An important fact needs to be added. After the defeat of the Third Reich, Bandera did not disappear. The Anglo-Saxons took them to the USA and Canada. There they founded many organizations that promote propaganda and subversive activities in the USSR. And after 1991 they returned to Ukraine and gradually seized power. Since 2014, in Ukraine, Bandera's Nazi ideology has been adopted at the state level. Therefore, even the Jew Zelensky supports this Nazism. Although Bandera killed his ancestors. And his grandfather fought for the Red Army against them.

Ya El Z
The western world, Australia included, has backed this at every level. From the government down to 99% of individual citizens all cheered this on. Zero reason not to retaliate in kind.

Oh, so the Conspiracy Theorists were right again?! I am gob smacked - not...

Toni Dantonio
Those leaders involved in these heinous crimes need to be charged with crimes against humanity. This is disgraceful. Albo needs to stop now.

Peter Harris
This video needs to be distributed everywhere!!

leif ekert
Makes u sick to think Alby and Wong going to a ANZAC memorial day when they would be fully informed on who they are supporting..
Disgrace to all that served and our ADF.

We need more videos like this! This is the truth behind this war.

Yvonne Furniss
When you've got America and NATO supporting them they will grow. But they never went away they have always been there. Poland is full of them also.

Pana Giotis
Wow, what a report. We need to see more of this come to light. Keep it up!

I've known this for decades..and was talked about offen while attending a Ukrainian grade school in Philadelphia. Sorta a hushed subject amongst Ukrainian people.

Lee steele
Thank you for letting us see the truth that the media does not show anyone we need more of this to go viral so that people can see especially the blind ones..

diane smith
Thank you for posting the facts about Ukraine.This must be stopped.

doc Kaos
This could be shown round the world 24/7 and people would still deny its happening

Maxine Rizzon
I had to look away a few times. Monsters is too nice. Absolutely EVIL. This is what OUR GOVT is sponsoring.....NOT IN MY NAME. Iam sickened by the hate behind such cruelty and this probably isn't even the worst of it.
I pray, GOD WILL HAVE THE LAST SAY. Bless you Cossack, Bless Russia and ALL The good people fighting for our freedoms.
Sending much love to all involved. Thankyou

Download here: College-Professor-Admits-Politically-Targeting-Students-to-Influence-Them-Into-Becoming-Socialists-2023-03-03.mp4 - 37,922 kb
By: ProjectVeritas - 3rd March 2023
College Professor Admits Politically
Targeting Students to Influence
Them Into Becoming Socialists

Radical College Professor Admits to 'Politically' Targeting Students … 'Shut Down' the 'Religious and Right-Conservative Kids' … 'Hardcore Trumpers are Probably F**king Racist' … 'Do Not Vote for this Mother f**ker'

  • Jeremy Tausch, Professor, Brooklyn College & Pratt Institute: "I'm in control. I have the authority and the depth of knowledge and experience…They're kids and they oftentimes either don't know any better or they've been influenced by their parents, and they never heard an alternate voice from a position of knowledge."
  • Tausch: "It's my job to be middle of the road—to not be on one side or the other politically. But you know, it's hard not to be like, 'Look man these mother f**king [Trump] people, they are out for you. These people will f**king kill you."
  • Tausch: "I could say in my classroom, as forcefully as possible, 'Do not vote for this mother f**ker [Trump] because you are voting for environmental destruction. Not just environmental destruction -- global destruction. That's what your vote is for.'"
  • Tausch: "If you support Trump, if you are one of the hardcore Trumpers, you are probably a f**king racist. Probably a racist. If you are MAGA, you know, you're probably a f**king racist, and that is about 25 percent of the population of the United States."
  • Tausch: "The political right is going to f**king kill us. They are going to kill us."
  • Tausch: "So, I get to say [in the classroom], 'Look, the GOP and Republicans do not believe in climate change, and that's f**king dangerous.'"
  • Tausch: "It's hard for me to be politically apolitical in the classroom."

[NEW YORK – Mar. 2, 2023] Project Veritas released a new video today exposing a radical college professor, Jeremy Tausch, who admits he discriminates against his students based on their political and religious beliefs.

Tausch said he is willing to silence students in his classroom that are not on the left:

Veritas Journalist: Do you ever just want to shut them [right-leaning students] down?

Tausch: I do.

Veritas Journalist: You do what?

Tausch: Shut them down.

Veritas Journalist: Who?

Tausch: The ones that are illogical.

Veritas Journalist: Which would be?

Tausch: The religious kids and potentially right-conservative kids…They don't speak from fact, from point of fact, and so that is why it is easy to shut them down.

Veritas Journalist: So, you help influence, basically, to change their votes, right?

Tausch: I try.

Veritas Journalist: You try?

Tausch: I try.

Veritas Journalist: And then you said that you influence them to be more socialist?

Tausch: Yeah. Yep.

The Brooklyn College and Pratt Institute professor went on to brag about the power he exerts in his classroom.

"I'm in control. I have the authority and the depth of knowledge and experience…They're kids and they oftentimes either don't know any better or they've been influenced by their parents, and they never heard an alternate voice from a position of knowledge," Tausch said.

"It's hard for me to be politically apolitical in the classroom," he said.

Tausch not only attempts to change how his students vote, but he also reminds them just how evil he believes Trump supporters are.

"It's my job to be the middle of the road and to not be on one side or the other politically. But you know, it's hard not to be like, 'Look at these f**king [Trump] people. They are out for you. These people will f**king kill you," Tausch said.

"I could say in my classroom, as forcefully as possible, 'Do not vote for this mother f**ker [Trump] because you are voting for environmental destruction. Not just environmental destruction -- global destruction. That's what your vote is for,'" he said.

"If you support Trump, if you are one of the hardcore Trumpers, you are probably a f**king racist. Probably a racist. If you are MAGA, you know, you're probably a f**king racist, and that is about 25 percent of the population of the United States."

The radical professor says that Trump supporters are not the only dangerous people that his students should worry about. He believes the entire Republican Party is a problem for society.

"The political right is going to f**king kill us. They are going to kill us," he said.

"So, I get to say [in the classroom], 'Look, the GOP and Republicans do not believe in climate change, and that's f**king dangerous.'"

If he comes from a position of knowledge, he should challenge a Conservative his age to a debate and let the kids watch him get thrashed. Instead he abuses his position to shove crap down the throats of young impressionable students.

Professor is a total POS. Let's hope he gets fired and never teaches again.

Listening to this guy confirms what I suspect about colleges. You have cocky, opinionated professors that use their role to indoctrinate students to be left wing activists. The results certainly show this is happening all over the country.

This guy is a unhinged democrat lunatic who needs to be fired

Talk about insane, just point to this radical screwup. I'm older and wiser than this guy and yes, I've learned a little math and logic while earning my BS in Electrical Engineering. What is the definition of a bigot? I believe we just saw and heard it.

PV is a hollow shell without James. This topic of course should be exposed. But unless you manage to publish something else seriously damning, and soon, specifically regarding Pfizer, I can only infer you've been bought off by Pfizer. Can't talk about Pfizer, stick with the tamer things, etc. Has the board resigned yet? Traitors, all.

We need a new Law Enforcement Agency to go after these Terrorist and lock them away for life for their threats against us.

Oh they've been influenced by their parents and it's your job to set them straight? Who the eff does this guy think he is? He should never teach a class again!

Download here: BEYOND-THE-RESET-Animated-Short-Film-about-the-not-to-distant-future-2023-03-02.mp4 - 57,949 kb
By: 3D Epix Inc. - 2nd March 2023
Animated Short Film about the
not too distant but dystopian future

A 3D animated short film about not too distant but a dystopian future. It speculates on the potential consequences of the infamous Great Reset, medical tyranny, woke culture, and green agenda. Everything, that World Economic Forum (WEF) is planning for us. If you'd like to buy me a beer, here is my PayPal address:

Spoiler: you will get to see an animated Klaus Schwab.

My Rumble channel:

If you'd like to support my work, you can become my Patron at
All Rights Reserved 3D Epix 2023 ©

The World leaders who worked hard to create a dystopian future for all of us, that included creating an illness, then a cure that kills us slowly, lockdowns, concentration camps then death camps - literally.
The World leaders who worked hard to create a dystopian future for all of us, that included creating an illness, then a cure that kills us slowly, lockdowns, concentration camps then death camps - literally.

3D Epix Inc.
I would like to address the most common and re-occurring comments here:
1. Many thanks to everyone who made a donation!
2. I have never watched I Pet Goat II until people started mentioning it here. The music is not from there.
3. Plants release oxygen only during the day. At night, when photosynthesis doesn't happen they release CO2. Here are some links to prove this statement:
4. The QR code on the door was randomly picked from the internet, never checked it before using it in the animation.
5. The sequel is possible, but I haven't come up with the plot and it will take time to accomplish.
6. SPOILER! Yes, the main character escaped in the garbage truck.
7. Russian and Spanish subtitles are available now.

Free Thinker Films - Jesse P. Watson
I can see a huge amount of work went into this, well done Oleg, one man productions are no small achievement.

rasta ralph
This is the scariest horror movie I've ever seen because if people don't stop complying we will all be there

Ice Scorpion
This is gold. Pure genius. What a masterpiece!! I've watched it like 5 times and shared it to everyone I know. The fact that one person creates this is insane!! The animation.. the soundtrack.. the concept and story.. incredible!

Karolina Szczudlo
It's scary how this animation would be considered hilariously funny and irrational few years back , now it's nightmarish reality...

Masa Mainio
This is a masterpiece and should be conserved for the generations to come.

If someone says "that can't happen here", show them this and remind them of the last few years. Everything that we were called "conspiracy theorists" for has turned out to be true.

Mal Function
A lesson from history, don't get on the bus.

Tony Storton
Horribly accurate for the dystopia we are being forced into. Resist at all costs.

"The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense." ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

It's frightening how close we already are to this potential future.

Thank you for creating this video. Sometimes, I think that I'm the only one feeling like what's portrayed in the video. I stopped complaining out loud, but still feel this way inside. Ty ty for letting me know I'm not alone in my observations and concerns. Great job with the video. So many details!!

Gary Foss
Extremely well done video! The powers that be (like the vile excuse for a human being that was shown in this video) would love to get rid of almost all of the what they/he calls "useless eaters" on this planet. If we don't stand up for our freedoms, this is pretty much what we have in store.

Jonny Gawdzik
Probably the best video on youtube since I Pet Goat II. Love the reptilian shapeshifting eyes when Klaus says ' and reset our world '

Tim Coolican
An exact representation of what our future holds.

Hairey Homestead
GREAT JOB! A sequel to this please.....- I have been writing scripts in my head on events like this happening and a new world order being rolled out. The reset is coming, there's no doubt in my mind. My imagined stories have people who "escaped" the lockdown. These people are called "the unlisted", "the runners" "the moles" and "the lost" which make up randomly formed communities that have developed an underground lifestyle of people with different but necessary life skills. All dreaming of the past to become the future again.

This is exactly how the dystopian future could look like if we stay safe, compliant and isolated! Thank you for making this brilliant film. Now we have something to share to the world. This is the best warning even though the message has been repeated all over the internet.

THEN-You-Are-A-Conspiracy-Theorist-If-You-Believe-Covid-19-Originated-From-A-Lab-Leak-In-Wuhan-NOW-MSM-Says-It-Started-From-A-Lab-Leak-2023-03-01.mp4 - 8,901 kb
By: Blaze News - 1st March 2023
THEN: MSM Said You Were A Conspiracy Theorist If You
Believed Covid-19 Originated From A Lab Leak In Wuhan.
NOW: MSM Says It Started From A Lab Leak!

#Facui #LabLeak #Covid #AnthonyFauci #News #TrendingNews #BlazeNews

Amigo Carlos
It's an honor to be called a conspiracy theorist and be right everytime.

Tom Smith
It's a time that people know more truth than the news media

mrgazpacho 33
These news outlets are either incompetent or complicit.

Guitar Lessons With
What these people did is more than disgusting. It borders on crimes against humanity. Hundreds of millions of lives where destroyed because of their intentional lies.

Fauchi's words were so very carefully chosen, the words of a liar trying to deflect the truth.

Donald Mousseau
The fact that these"Journalists" wrote it off so easily and didn't offer a neutral opinion tells you everything you needed to know!

Flawless Strategy
What's the difference between the truth and a conspiracy theory? About 6 months...

Big Daddy
Now if only these people would be held accountable!!

How is Fauci still a free man?

Pure Blooded Patriot
I guess I'll say it again…the best part of being a conspiracy theorist (critical thinker) is not having blood clots.

If the man told me I needed oxygen to breath, I'd try holding my breath for a while just to make sure.

Gary Huart
The best part about being a conspiracy theorist is not having myocarditis

Michelle Bryant
Talk to Doctors that aren't bought by the govement and drug companys. Not those that are allowed to lie to the people.

"There is absolutely no evidence that COVID-19 originated in a lab."
"Has there been any investigations into COVID-19 having been developed in a lab?"
"Of course not, that would implicate the US government."

Mike Morris
He doesn't care if he was right or wrong because he's going to get away Scott free and laugh all the way to the bank.

Joe Collazo
I am so glad to be a tin hat CONSPIRACY THEORIST!

Download here: Sinaloa-Cartel-Controls-Elections-Elected-Officials-With-Bribes-Money-Laundering-Drugs-Human-Trafficking-Ballots.mp4 - 593,019 kb
By: - 25th February 2023
Bombshell Testimony
From Arizona Senate / House Elections Presenter:
Sinaloa Cartel Controls: Elections &
Elected Officials With Bribes, Money
Laundering, Drugs, Human Trafficking & Ballots

Well, it looks like a bombshell was dropped this week in Arizona with claims from Jacqueline Breger, who claims she is a longtime Arizona resident and a forensic investigator with the Harris/Thaler Law Corporation, investigating multi-state racketeering and corruption. During her testimony she made several startling, but not surprising, claims about cartels, money laundering, trafficking of drugs and humans, along with ballots and even control of elected officials.

[The Gateway Pundit has the story:]

Breger claims that attorney John Thaler investigated money laundering and racketeering in Maricopa County and reviewed over 120,000 documents which include "fake notarizations, fake deeds of trust, fraudulent buyers and or sellers of the real property transactions, as well as other companies used in real estate transactions, such as real estate brokers, mortgage companies Title and Escrow companies, real estate inspection companies, service companies."

The "about" section on Thaler's LinkedIn page states, "Specializing in forensic investigations including document and data review using proprietary algorithms to solve mysteries and to develop appropriate litigation strategy. This is where the needle is discovered in that haystack."

"Our primary findings were first reported to Governor Ducey in 2022," states Breger.

"These documents have definitely evidenced multiple racketeering enterprises, which include narcotic sales, money laundering, tax evasion, payroll, theft, bankruptcy fraud, life insurance fraud, auto insurance fraud, bribing of elected and appointed officials, creating and modifying public record, falsifying professional licenses and related credentials, swatting individuals who pose a threat to these enterprises, and last but not least, election fraud."

Above is excerpt of the hearing. [Here's the full hearing - . You can pick up Ms. Breger's testimony at the 6:42:50 mark.:]

TGP continued:

The Gateway Pundit is unable to verify the information at this time. We are awaiting the receipt of documents provided to the Legislature and referenced in this presentation. The Gateway Pundit feels that it is important to cover what was said in the presentation which is now on record with the Arizona Legislature.

Breger levels serious accusations against named individuals in government positions. This includes two citizens of Mesa named Dawna Rae Chavez and her daughter, Brittany Rae Chavez, who are described by Breger as "principal preparers of the documents necessary to affect the racketeering enterprise."

A Twitter page under the name John Thaler also claimed that Brittany and Dawna Chavez are involved in this scheme in a November 7, 2022 tweet.

John Thaler also claimed that Brittany and Dawna Chavez are involved in this scheme

It appears that John Thaler and Brittany Chavez, formerly Brittany Thaler, were once married and Brittany is listed as a defendant in a lawsuit by Plaintiff John Thaler. In June 2022, John Thaler alleged that Brittany Thaler "has engaged in an array of criminal enterprises across multiple states, including money laundering and tax evasion, allegedly accomplished via real estate transactions and non-profit organizations; insurance fraud, allegedly accomplished via phony personal injury claims made on behalf of non-existent persons; skimming money from state-run aid programs; narcotics trafficking; hacking into state databases and fabricating public records; bribing public officials, including judges, police officers, judicial assistants, inspectors, assessors, and accountants; bribing private professionals, such as real estate agents and brokers; bankruptcy fraud; election fraud, allegedly accomplished by creating fake ballots and manipulating others in order to influence, among other races, the 2020 election for Maricopa County Recorder; extortion via "crypto-viruses"; the creation of fake employees on payroll systems in order to collect paychecks and benefits; and murder." Dawna Rae Chavez is also named as a defendant.

According to Breger, "six attempts have been made on Thaler's life" including one attempt to slash his tires in an undetectable manner and cause death. Breger relates this to election integrity warrior Kari Lake, stating, "A similar attempt was made on the life of Kari Lake's daughter during her campaign."

Kari Lake has mentioned on the campaign trail her own tires were slashed or penetrated with nails on numerous occasions. However, regarding her daughter, Lake has only said that she was followed by suspicious individuals in another car. It appears that Bregger unintentionally conflated the incidents and misspoke. Still, Kari Lake has been targeted with attempts on her life for speaking out against the election fraud regime and the dangerous Mexican drug cartels in Arizona.

The Gateway Pundit is still investigating other claims made by Jacquelin Breger.

Near the end of the presentation, Senate Elections Vice-Chairman Ken Bennett strongly interjected, stating that "this is not the appropriate place" for Breger's allegations.

During Breger's presentation, titled "Preliminary Findings of Activities Impacting Arizona's Election Integrity" (with specific focus on the 2020 & 2022 General Elections), she made explosive allegations.

Again, this has not been verified yet. The following is stated in Jacquline Breger's own words:

Breger: In 2006, the US Attorney's Office in Illinois, Idaho, and Indiana investigated the laundering of drug cartel monies through a complex series of single-family home purchases in those particular states. By 2009, numerous real estate agents, escrow companies, and title insurers had been indicted, charged, and convicted of racketeering. And in 2014, our office was asked to review the case file. The reason for this was we were asked to determine whether the monies from the sale of the properties had filtered to properties purchased in Arizona, specifically in Maricopa and Pima County. We concluded that several real estate agents convicted in Iowa had set up laundering systems in Arizona, and thereafter, had transferred the proceeds of sales to Panamanian corporations.

In 2018, Mr. Thaler discovered, incidental to a completely independent matter, a series of trust deeds evidencing that cash laundered through single-family residences in Arizona was pervasive and ongoing. With that, a new investigation began with the focus being on money laundered and related racketeering activities in Maricopa County, as well as in several other Arizona counties… Over 120,000 documents have been reviewed to date.

These documents have definitely evidenced multiple racketeering enterprises, which include narcotic sales, money laundering, tax evasion, payroll, theft, bankruptcy fraud, life insurance fraud, auto insurance fraud, bribing of elected and appointed officials, creating and modifying public record, falsifying professional licenses and related credentials, swatting individuals who pose a threat to these enterprises, and last but not least, election fraud.

Beginning in Illinois, Idaho, and Iowa in the early 80s, cash earned or otherwise collected in the sale of illegal narcotics and human trafficking activities, conducted by the Sinaloa Cartel, have been laundered through the purchase of single-family residences. Laundering of this cartel money in Arizona through purchase and sale of the single-family residence began in about 1994 and focused on new construction, particularly in San Tan Valley, Litchfield Park, Goodyear, and Avondale.

In addition to purchases and sales of single-family residences, cash is laundered through inflated and falsified construction invoices, falsified charitable donations, tuitions paid on fake students allegedly attending private trade schools, and falsified bankruptcies. Wells Fargo Bankers in Arizona and in multiple additional states have engaged in opening checking and direct deposit accounts for phantom people. resources, including city government officials and agencies in Mesa, Arizona have also been integral in the laundering activities.

In Arizona, laundered cash is used in part to bribe elected and appointed public officials and their support staff. The principal preparers of the documents necessary to affect the racketeering enterprise are Dawna Rae Chavez, a resident of Mesa, and her daughter Brittany Rae Chavez.

To date, more than 10,000 falsified documents have been recorded with the Maricopa County Recorders Office. We estimate that more than 35,000 warranty deeds and trust deeds evidencing fraudulent transactions exist in the database. The number of falsified notarizations exceeds over 15,000.

The city of Mesa is a racketeering organization, as that term is defined in 18 USC Section 1961. To protect the enterprise civil rights are systematically violated to preserve racketeering activities. fines and outrageous cash bonds are used to collect monies which are then skimmed and redirected into the racketeering enterprises. The city of Mesa Police Department; it's a private police department that is used to support and protect racketeering enterprises.

Officers participating in this force are compensated with monies paid through phony mortgage schemes and other related schemes. Officers operating within this private force systemically violate our Fourth Amendment rights by breaking and entering into private properties, wiretapping, computer hacking, cell phone hacking, and by using related surveillance techniques without a warrant. Officers also plant evidence and hide exculpatory evidence.

Multiple state agency databases have been infiltrated or hacked, thus allowing falsified documents to be uploaded into them and allowing legitimate documents to be removed. For example, the database for the University of Arizona, Arizona State [University], and Northern Arizona have been infiltrated and hacked. It permits individuals to be given degrees, who never attended or graduated from the schools, and allows phantom individuals to be awarded degrees thus lending legitimacy to their existence. Further, state licensing databases have been infiltrated and hacked to permit individuals with fake degrees, to permit phantom individuals to have state licenses issued. The Maricopa County database for the Recorder's Office and for the Superior Court were designed in 2014. They were set up for outside infiltration, so that falsified documents could be uploaded or legitimate documents removed since 2015, hundreds upon hundreds of falsified court documents have been loaded into the database. These documents include falsified default judgments, criminal restitution orders, child support orders, all of these used in swatting activities against individuals posing a threat to the racketeering activities.

Since 2004, elections within Pima County and Maricopa County have been manipulated through the infiltration of the county databases, resulting from bribes paid to executives at election service providers, including but not limited to principals at Runbeck Election Services.

Bribes and infiltration were used to affect the outcome of the races during the November 3, 2020 Election, including the outcome of the race for Maricopa County Recorder. And the outcome of the November 8, 2022 election race for Governor, Secretary of State, and Attorney General.

Public officials who have received bribes include multi-state office holders, State House and State Senate, local office holders, county supervisors, judges in the Maricopa [Superior] Court, judges of some city courts, including two presiding judges, judges assistants, prosecutors within certain cities within Maricopa County, prosecutors for Maricopa County, peripheral legal specialists including attorneys, approved mental health care providers, as in court-appointed advisors and related specialists. In the Superior Court of Maricopa County and Pinal County and Pima County, at least 25% of the active judges have accepted bribes in exchange for protecting the racketeering activities. Bribe payments generally begin before the individual is even appointed to the bench.

Maricopa County Recorders Office has at least five appointments made by Adrian Fontes, our county recorder from 2017 to 2021, who are phantoms, non-existent individuals. These phantom individuals hold positions related to election services. Further, during the same period, the office has at least 15 individuals whose appointments were falsified, and thereafter, kept hidden from the public during the 2020 election cycle. The appointment documents for all of the above individuals have forged signatures, falsified clerical signatures, which means that the tracings from are from a signature stamp, and fake dates.

In October 2020, shortly before the November 3 election, Thaler was provided certain information. First was evidence that the Maricopa County computer database had been designed with various backdoors allowing us or outsiders to infiltrate it and to change the data. Second, was the identities of bribed recipients, which included elected officials. And third, on October 26, 2020, Thaler's team discovered approximately 25,000 falsified ballots being held and with a significant sum of cash in a private residence in Mesa, rented to Dawna Chavez. I do have a declaration in your packet that you've been provided, detailing that.

The investigation into election fraud is not limited to the state of Arizona. However, where Arizona is concerned, a plethora of individuals are implicated in the fraud, including elected and appointed officials, and as I've already mentioned, Runbeck Election Services, a service provider to Maricopa County. the Maricopa County database has absolutely no integrity whatsoever.

When our investigation leads to a name of a particular individual that we suspect to be involved in these racketeering activities, we research their deeds of trust, which are recorded with the Maricopa County Recorders Office and publicly available. If there is an unusual amount of deeds of trust for that individual, and if there are deeds of trust for the same or similar named individual, or with multiple varying middle initials, we dig further. In the case of Kathleen Hobbs (please look at page 17 through 50 In your packet), I have shared with you 11 deeds of trust in the name of Kathleen M Hobbs and Patrick T Goodman. However, when we looked at the deeds in your packet on page 51 to 64, these have similar names, but we've discovered that they too were compromised. In some cases, we review deeds of trust filed under a spouse or a child or parent or business partner just depending on the specific circumstances. When the writings match that of Brittany and Dawna, and when we can determine that the notarization is fraudulent, and or the buyer, and or the seller's signatures are fake, we know the deed is fraudulent. If you look at the deeds for Kathleen M Hobbs and Patrick D Goodman, I have provided you with the first signed pages of the deeds, and on page 65 is a comparison of just the signatures… for the buyers of each deed. This page will speak for itself. There's obviously some inconsistencies with the signatures for Kathleen and for Patrick. This is apparent to anyone with any naked eye. But we have verified all our findings with a qualified forensic document expert who represents the state of California. Now, let's look at the notaries who signed these deeds. Again, I provided you with a page of all the notary signatures on page 66. Next to this, I provided you with references to pages from our reports that we have from our qualified forensic document expert where similar writings have been verified as either being that of Brittany or Dawna. The only other option is in some situations they are graphics or traces of other signatures where we can verify that an imposter has attempted to copy an original signature.

To summarize our findings with regards to Governor Katie Hobbs, taking into account just those documents in her name, are as follows: There are nine deeds of trust in the name of Kathleen M Hobbs and Patrick T. Goodman, husband and wife from 1997 to 2021, which essentially means that they either purchased or refinance a home every two to three years which is statistically not likely… But even more so, when six of the nine deeds of trust were recorded within the 10-year period between 97 and 2007. The concentration of which between 2001 and 2005 which was during Miss Hobbs's tenure at Emerge Arizona. When researching the documents filed with the Corporation Commission for Emerge Arizona, we found that these documents evidence hand signing and hand printing that belongs to Brittany and or Dawna. If one were to guess, and this is just a guess on our part, emerge Arizona seems to have been formed as a medium to attract women interested in politics and bribe them through the proper scheme to adopt positions of power and to further the goals and objectives of the cartel. Most of these deeds have been fraudulently notarized, meaning that one or multiple parties' names in the transaction are either not present or do not exist at all.

In some, if not all cases, it's evident by page 65 in your packet, Miss Hobbs and Mr. Goodman's signatures are clearly inconsistent, indicating that the majority of the deeds were created by a different individual who are attempting to copy Hobbs and Goodman's signatures, particularly on the deeds where the notarizations have been found to be fake. We then research the title companies and the mortgage companies on these deeds of trust. Some of these do not or have never existed. Some do not even exist in Arizona.

What can we conclude by these discoveries? The purpose of having a fake deed of trust is to move cash without it being traceable. A phony mortgage company provides a phony mortgage as the one primary method by which cash is moved invisibly. There are basically only three reasons to create a fake deed of trust. If the buyer does not exist, then the mortgage serves as a means of laundering the money. If the buyer does exist, then the mortgage is used to provide the owner of the deed money that is untraceable. And when the person resides in the location of the deed, then that's even more further proof that money has been provided that is untraceable. I can take you through example after example. But in the interest of time, since at least 2004 ballot counts have been tampered with. Our County's current computer database, which was built between 2014 and '15, has been and continues to be infiltrated and hacked. Its architects specifically designed the system with multiple backdoor entry points. These points permit the uploading of falsified documents and the removal of genuine documents from the county system. We have seen Brittany access the database and have an eyewitness just to testify for that. Over the past 15 years, Brittany has used her access to load falsified judgments and so on.

Beginning in 2017 the access points have been used to change voter totals, and there on, election results. Illegal transfers have been made and provided to Runbeck and Jeff Ellington. The phony deeds used in the scheme to move money to candidates are created by Brittany. For-profit and nonprofit PACs are also created by Brittany and used to move money for candidates. During the '22 election, ballot scanners, and printers at 70 precincts suffered changes to their printer settings, despite being tested the night before the election. The changes in those settings were made through computer infiltration, not manually or by some never before seen error. The uncontrollable ballots were placed in box three and allegedly driven to Runbeck. Witness information provided on October [20, 2022] confirms that more than 100,000 filled-in ballots and more than $13 million were identified by some of our investigators in two unmarked rental cars. These vans were loaded with the ballots and cash at a private residence in Mesa and driven to Runbeck's office. The Runbeck company, as you know, is operated by Robert Runbeck. We have found deeds for Runbeck and Ellington.

We have heard the statistical improbabilities of an improbable outcome with respect to the November 2020 election. Let's look at [Adrian] Fontes and Steven Richer for the Maricopa County Recorder. Richer's win was statistically impossible. Fontes is a Democrat and was the incumbent, percentages for Biden, Sinema, and Kelly ran up at approximately a 2.5% margin in the county against all their opponents. Richer won by approximately 6000 votes. This means that 50,000 individuals who voted for the Democratic ticket across the board had to choose the Republican candidate for recorder against an incumbent who had never suffered in scandal; never happened. This was a planned loss. Hobbs would receive the Democratic nomination for governor and Fontes would run for Secretary of State to replace Hobbs. The strategy appears to have been planned. I have shown you that both Hobbs and Fontes have what we call Brittany deeds, evidencing a strong likelihood that they are bribe recipients.

Now, it may seem obvious, but I do feel that it's necessary to explain nonetheless. Given that Arizona is a border state and that drug smuggling and human trafficking is a billion-dollar business, it would appear that having our elected and appointed officials ensure that the cartel enterprise remains open for business would be paramount. The cartel invests substantially to ensure that the right people are in key positions so as to further their objectives. The fix for 2020 and for 2022 started in 2017 with appointment to election positions of individuals being bribed through the mortgage scheme and through monies being laundered by the appointment of phantom individuals. The problems with these documents are many. If you look at your pages 71 and 76, the recorded appointments from Fontes, which were notarized by a Jessica York, first, the handwriting and hand printing of Jessica York have been identified as belonging to Brittany by our forensic document expert. Secondly, the York signatures are the same handwriting, but not the same style. And that change of style exists even when the documents were allegedly signed on the same day. You can see the June 4 documents. The December 9 date and the clerk's handwriting matches Dawna's. The signature of the clerk at the bottom is actually a tracing of a signature stamp. The time between the signature and the notarization and alleged execution of the clerk, and thereafter, the recorded date evidence forgery. Normally it's a two to three turnaround time. These took multiple months and all were allegedly clerk executed and recorded after the election certification. I have example after example, where things do not add up. In addition to state representatives, there are three of the five Maricopa county supervisors have also recorded documents evidencing the acceptance of bribes. Further, we've investigated PACs relating to state office holders and dark money transactions relating to said PACs from late 2018 to '22. A significant number of questionable real estate transactions were facilitated by several law firms, including partners at Perkins Coie. Mr. Thaler would be himself presenting this information, but there have been multiple attempts on his life.

Thaler was driving from Arizona to California when suddenly, he lost control of his vehicle. Upon investigation, it was discovered that his tire was purposefully slashed by a straight-edge knife about 4-6 inches. The cut was made at such a location on the other side of the tire, where the tire would not lose air, but instead would degrade to a point, causing catastrophic failure, most likely at high speed. Again, the declaration is included in your packet. The reason I mention this, and the only reason I mention this is because a similar attempt was made on the life of Kari Lake's daughter during her campaign. To date, six attempts have been made on Thaler's life.

In Arizona, public officials accepting bribes include members of the legislature, the executive branches of the state government, more than two dozen judges on the Maricopa County Superior Court, at least two judges in the city of Mesa Court, at least one judge in the town of Gilbert, the Mayor of Mesa, five members of Mesa City Council several police officers…

Senator Ken Bennett: Point of order. This is not the appropriate place to be alleging, um…

Rep. Alex Kolodin: We do have a rule in this chamber that we cannot impugn the motives of other members, as explosive as that testimony was, but that is our rule.

Senator Wendy Rogers: Okay, so what we're going to do is this, I need you to wrap up in terms of impact to the election. Thank you.

Breger: Even though our investigation covers mouth multiple states, Thaler and our team have interviewed over 30 Witnesses in Arizona, and several individuals in the public officials list have cooperated with the investigation. The team has collected and reviewed more than 120,000 documents as I've said. The immense data that we have collected will assist enforcement agencies investigating election fraud. Further the data we have collected and the connections we have found and the vast details of this entire investigation will lead enforcement agencies to those participating in the fraud and will help you restore election integrity within our beautiful state. Thank you.

Rogers: To whom have you given this data other than to us today?

Breger: As we said, the report was given to Governor Ducey in May of 2022. So he has been made aware as has, as I've mentioned in my in my presentation, the FBI, some of the other Attorneys General, especially in New Mexico and California.

Bennett: How was this given to Mr. Ducey by you personally?

Breger: No, it was not given by me personally. It was given by one of our team members.

Senator Sonny Borrelli: Did you give this to the Arizona Attorney General

Breger: We have not yet presented this to the Arizona Attorney General. We do know that Governor Ducey did share this with the attorney general at the time.

Bennett: How do you know that?

Breger: He shared that information with Mr. Thaler, directly. But I personally have not given it to our Arizona. Attorney General, yet.

Bennett: Was Mr. Thaler the one that gave this to the governor?

Breger: No. Not directly because Mr. Thaler is not in Arizona.

Bennett: So how would Mr. Thaler know that Governor Ducey shared this with the Attorney General's office?

Breger: Because Governor Ducey and Mr. Thaler were in contact.

Rep. Rachel Jones: How this is in my opinion related to the election is what you're stating is potentially many people elected officials here have potentially been bribed or blackmailed to get certain election results, and I think the people have the right to hear that because the people in Arizona right now crave truth. Am I understanding clearly?

Breger: Absolutely, yes, you are. Absolutely. And that is exactly why I'm here today. I think that we've gone round and round and round in the concept of election integrity, but nobody is willing to actually speak the truth of how did our election get compromised, as in nuts and bolts. You know, what happened to actually compromise our elections and compromise the integrity of our state?

Rep. Liz Harris: may I ask what political party are you?

Breger: I am unaffiliated.

Rep. Liz Harris: how long has it taken for this information to be compiled and how many people worked on this team?

Breger: Madam Chair, this information was compiled over approximately three and a half, four years. And we have had approximately five to ten people at any given time because it hasn't always been consistent working on this investigation.

Bennett: When did you say this was presented to Governor Ducey?

Breger: May 2022.

Bennett: How is it that you were invited to address the committee today, by whom?

Breger: I was invited by Representative Harris.

As alleged by Breger, she and Thaler have found phony deeds and illegal transfers for Runbeck and the company's COO Jeff Ellington, who is closely tied to Arizona House Speaker RINO Ben Toma.

The Gateway Pundit reported shortly after the stolen 2022 Election that Runbeck COO Jeff Ellington Chairs the Board of Directors of Precision Aero, formerly Riggins Engineering Inc. & Pinnacle Mfg. Co., Inc., which is owned by Toma's family.

Toma is also listed in documents provided to the Arizona Senate during yesterday's hearing as one of the individuals allegedly involved in this scheme.

Oddly, the election fraud-denial media has not picked up on this massive story. One might think they would be all over this news, labeling Breger and Arizona Republicans as "conspiracy theorists" or "election deniers."

We found one story by ABC15 Arizona, which hardly mentions Breger's testimony and claims legislators asked for no proof, despite the documents that were provided to the legislators.

Comments from Badlands Media:

Here's my problem, we're on our third year of evidence being presented and it's getting no traction,

Military Tribunals Please


Military Tribunals Please

Kari Lake won

Badlands - do you guys have any idea what you have been following today in this hearing???? This is stinking GOLD! Proof! Terrifying.....
We need prayer protection and physical protection over this last woman IMMEDIATELY! Damn Bennett is so so guilty.

They were sloppy. Wonder why they thought they would get away with it. I imagine they figured with the media spouting " BIG LIE" everyday we would forget?!

I've never let go of the 2020 election. It sure looks like Trump has. I'm praying he still comes back

Why do we need new laws? There are 300,000 cases of chain of custody broken and not enforced. Those are the laws that are already on the books.

Arizona gang still fighting. Godspeed

Thank you for hosting this LIVE!!!

Kari Lake won

Is Hobbs about to get arrested?!!

Imagine if the Supreme Court actually did their job and made the Democrats prove they won. Should have been easy to do if Biden won the way they say he had. Now look at America and the rest of the world. Look at the worldwide destruction. All the judges should be put in prison for the evil they help unleash and that continues today (and no I'm not religious.). The criminal and/or negligent judges caused millions of deaths and disasters. Of course the Democrats cheated, but no we don't have judges who understand that criminals belong in jail.

She discussed the Arizona Cartel with names and descriptions of the actors!

Dear God please cause these truths to be broadcast to all awake and potentially awakening normies!

Download here: Trump-Predicted-the-Future-and-then-This-Happened-2023-02-24.mp4 - 39,752 kb
By: Devin Gibson - 24th February 2023
Trump Predicted the Future
and then This Happened...

Trump EXPOSED And This Happened...

#devingibson #donaldtrump #joebiden

Joyce Decker
Trump was right about everything! I voted for him twice and will be voting for him a third time! FJB!

Keith Barber
EVERYTHING Trump said has come to be true.

Visits Ukraine to help the Ukrainians

President Trump:
Visits East Palestine, Ohio to help Americans.


tara bunch
I am ready for round 2 of TRUMP!!!

I rather have a president that sys it the way it is, than a president that LIES 24 7.

Sherry Henderson
The attitude towards President Donald Trump…. he does not deserve all the " hate energy " thrown his way. I am a Canadian in Canada and I wish we had a "DJT" in Canada , to replace our Trudope " who does not care that he practices corruptness in front of our eyes !! Gotta love Trump for all his brilliance and boldness, to do an excellent job, running the USA

Ray Spencer
I can't say this enough.... It's Amazing how well our Country was Run by a Businesses Man and How Quickly a Career Politician has Destroyed it. Proven.

Monster Mind
True. Hes not hurting anyone. Putting his country first. Plus speaking facts. Hard to hate him. Trump 24!

There is a difference between being "rude" and honest. Trump was honest.

Karen Nichols
YOU are SO RIGHT about TRUMP! Leading with STRENGTH brings PROTECTION!

Susan Anderson
How can people making up not even 20 percent of this Nation demand ANYTHING?

Kevin The Grizzly
The REAL Prez was correct on ALL levels. Keep the truth coming, young man.

Berni Miranda
Absolutely Warned us. God Help Us! Trump 2024

He has been spot on with his promises and what would happen If Brandon got elected.

Sherry Henderson
He is 76 years old and has the energy of a man, half his age !! President Trump is God's anointed son and God Aways Wins !

Brenda Putman
Telling the truth is not brash and rude it is honesty.

The man is truthful to the end, and truth hurts some more than others!!!

Download: Amazing-Speech-about-soon-to-be-released-NZ-Documentary-River-of-Lies-NZ-Scamdemic-Investigative-Documentary-2023-02-23.mp4 - 56,449 kb
By: Billy Te Kahika - 23rd February 2023
Amazing Speech about soon to
be released NZ Documentary
'River of Lies' - NZ Scamdemic
Investigative Documentary'

Here is a speech delivered by Billy Te Kahika for Anarchapulco, the Freedom Leaders Conference in Mexico in February 2023 about the 'River of Lies - the New Zealand Scamdemic Investigative Documentary.'

You will hear how this documentary will reveal the lies, misinformation and manipulation by those in authority in New Zealand during the Covid 'pandemic' and what led Producer, Writer and Director Billy Te Kahika to produce this epic documentary set for release in March / April 2023.

Please support this project at

Derek C
We are with you, from England.

We do not have a legitimate government in New Zealand; and the integrity of our judicial, medical and educational systems have all been infiltrated and compromised by Socialists, pedophiles, Satanists etc.

But on a positive note, the parable / prophecy of the wheat and tares is now fully underway and cannot be stopped as declared in The Holy Bible, the book of Matthew in chapter 13.

Joarn Shand

Elizabeth Garrison
May God Bless you Billy. Your integrity and deep concern for New Zealand is so heartwarming!!!!! Saying Thank You is not enough. I was born in New Plymouth and have been living in the US. It is so important that I am hearing this. You have been through so much personally and yet I see a determination that is admirable Thank you for your dedication to our Beautiful Country. You will and are a Force to be Reckoned With.

Ruth Nash
I've been following for 3 years and the River of lies is what everyone needs to listen too well done

Stephen C
Good job Billy

Bryn Jones
Ka pai brother
Looking forward to the truth exposing the lies.

Sergio Zamorano
This information is so critical.. thank you for your honesty and courage to tell your countrymen, and the world about the horrors they were forced upon the people of the world..

Joanna Gommans
May God bless you and thank you for everything you are doing for New Zealand!

Josh Rangiawha
Thank you Billy for all you have achieved for us as a whole. May God bless you and your crew of spiritual warriors.

Good on you brother! Your rewards in heaven are getting bigger! And exposing the agenda to the asleep is critical!

Sally Prescott
Thank you for standing up for us Billy

Shelley the kiwi
The lids starting to really lift now Billy. We have to keep going and eventually the lid will come off and the truth will flow.
Cheers Billy

brent halliday
Proud to have you as the voice for all kiwis alike.

Vishnuvardhan Reddy
Well done! Can't wait for the actual documentary my brother, also please sign up on twitter, Free speech platform.

Natalie Hartwell
Brilliant Billy

Jacqueline Jeffrey
You are amazing Billy and so brave and honest.

Michael "Moordeeb999" Fogarty
Well, Billy...Have been sitting on the fence regarding your good self. Please don't take it negatively.
Great presentation. Thank you for your honesty and candid message. Your message resonates with the vast majority, or all, of the critical thinking amongst the masses.
It's time to remove the body politic from the governance of Nations, and New Zealand, and Australia for that matter, are in a very unique position to lead.
Looking forward to seeing more of you as we move toward the next chapter in the evolution of this great Nation...
Stay blessed brother.

A true Kiwi warrior. So much gratitude. Wonderful.

Shelle Belle
Bravo mate, admiration from across the ditch.

Download here: US-Government-murders-millions-of-Chickens-and-recommends-Frosted-Mini-Wheats-instead-2023-02-22.mp4 - 19,974 kb
By: AwakenWithJP - 22nd February 2023
US Government
murders millions of Chickens
and recommends Frosted Mini Wheats instead!

These are Kinda Illegal.

Farmer sent to jail - asks his cellmate in hushed tones: "What are you in for?"

Inmate gruffly responds: "Aggravated robbery and manslaughter. Got 2 years but out in 12 months on good behavior. What did you do?"

Farmer shrugs: "I was convicted for raising 20 chickens on my farm and supplying my wife and kids with eggs. Got 5 years, no possibility of parole..."

Inmate shouting hysterically: "Guard, guard, put me in another cell! This man is PURE EVIL! Help!!"

Mr. E
JP is a national treasure.

Never forget when they emotionally blackmailed the children for use as paper shields to "save" Grandma.

Dublin O'Seven
These are some of JP's best yolks yet.
(I'm a terrible person)

Rick Cox
When they figured out that eggs protect against COVID - that's when we started seeing chickens mysteriously dying and eggs were more expensive than Silver!

JK Rofling
When you said you sell eggs to children, that was when I knew you were a REAL egg dealer.

I'm here for the eggcellent egg jokes! God bless u JP!

$15 for a dozen and $30 for 2 dozen. Math, are you doing it?

Raimey Ewens
Frosted mini wheats and Lucky Charms are better than a boiled egg?? since when??

Illegal eggs! LOL Nice take on the situation. You're brilliant.

Dude, everything will be illegal soon!

Fried Mule
Egg-stra, egg-stra JP forced out of his shell, see him fry in the next episode of who chickens out first.

I just about died when he licked the egg! Maybe watching his videos at work is a bad idea, since I almost stopped breathing lol!

Counterspin Media Billboard
Labour & National are two puppets
serving the same WEF master!

By: Counterspin Media - 20th February 2023

Counterspin Media Billboard. Labour & National are two puppets serving the same WEF master!

The megalomaniacs have all had their moments of fame. Now watch them all come tumbling down - then THE JUDGEMENT! There is no escaping what is coming...

Southern Judges
With Jacinda forced by the White Hats / Alliance to stand down, many ask how can we identify genuine politicians who are representing the people; instead of their seditious pet projects such as enforcing the dictates of a foreign government (e.g. World Economic Forum) upon us? Simple, ask yourself: "What politician is speaking out about Crimes Against Humanity . Treason / Genocide etc?"

Download: Tusiata-Avia-can-not-wait-to-make-you-uncomfortable-James-Cook-we-are-gonna-FUCK-YOU-UP-FOR-GOOD-BITCH-2023-02-19.mp4 - 16,340 kb
By: Michelle Duff / c/o - 19th February 2023
Tusiata Avia can't wait
to make you uncomfortable
"James Cook, we're gonna

250th anniversary of James Cook's arrival in New Zealand

Transcript of Tusiata Avia's poem:

Hey James,
yeah, you
in the white wig
in that big Endeavour
sailing the blue, blue water
like a big arsehole

Tusiata Avia can't wait to make you uncomfortable - James Cook, we're gonna FUCK YOU UP FOR GOOD BITCH.James,
I heard someone
shoved a knife
right up
into the gap between
your white ribs
at Kealakekua Bay.
I'm gonna go there
make a big Makahiki luau
cook a white pig
feed it to the dogs

Hey James,
it's us.
These days
we're driving round
in SUVs
looking for ya
or white men like you
who might be thieves
or rapists
or kidnappers
or murderers
yeah, or any of your descendants
or any of your incarnations
cos, you know
ay, bitch?
We're gonna FUCK YOU UP.

Tonight, James,
it's me
Lani, Danielle
and a car full of brown girls
we find you
on the corner
of the Justice Precinct.
You've got another woman
in a headlock
and I've got my father's
pig-hunting knife
in my fist
and we're coming to get you
sailing round
in your Resolution
your Friendship
your Discovery
and your fucking Freelove.
Watch your ribs, James
cos, I'm coming with
who is a god
and Nua'a
who is king with a knife.
And then
we're gonna

- Tusiata Avia, poet.

Tusiata Avia from Christchurch is a poet and writer who's book entitled "The Savage Coloniser Book" has been turned into a show for the upcoming Auckland Arts Festival. (Explicit language warning: Profanities have not been bleeped out in this video, against Stuff's usual protocols, to allow the poet to read her work without censorship.) [Note from As this article from Stuff NZ is a poem about brown people hating and attacking white people, discrimination, hate speech and threats of murder are totally justified as being free speech! Conversely, if this was a poem about: 1) white people hating brown people / or 2) Adverse Events of Covid-19 biowarfare Vaccines, Stuff NZ would condem the article as 'hate speech', immoral, illegal, breach of Broadcasting Standards and thusly totally unacceptable.]

On the eve of the stage debut of The Savage Coloniser, Michelle Duff talks to Ockham-winning poet Tusiata Avia about fearlessness, racism, and the realities of growing up Pasifika in Aotearoa.

There's a moment in the theatre after a Tusiata Avia poem when you can hear a pin drop. That silence used to worry her. Two decades later, she relishes it. "I'm used to that now, and I love it. It doesn't make me uncomfortable," says Avia, talking to Sunday from her home in Christchurch.

"It used to freak me out. But then I realised, oh, they are having an experience. They're just having a really uncomfortable experience. And that's why they're not clapping, because they're too freaked out. So - that's fine. That's awesome."

Another realisation; often there would be laughter, just not from Pakeha. "I enjoy making it funny, I'm a huge comedy fan. But this is something I've had my entire career: the brown people in the audience will laugh, and the white people will be uneasy." [Tusiata Avia was born and raised in Christchurch, New Zealand. Her father is Samoan and her mother is New Zealand European!!]

Avia's poetry can be objectively hilarious, in turn of phrase and topic. In The Savage Coloniser, her Ockham award-winning compilation currently being adapted for the stage for the Auckland Arts Festival, a carload of brown girls seek grisly revenge on Captain James Cook. A guide explains how to navigate a room of white people. Cousins in Christchurch are usos in the Brown Zone.

But in reviews it's rarely described as such. "I think because people get caught up in the way they feel about it, you know, the way it speaks to them as white people so they read it as dark, angry and blistering," Avia, 56, who is recovering from Covid [Hopefully Tusiata Avia is at least quadruple Covid-19 jabbed...] when we talk, says.

"I've been criticised time and time again for being too dark."

But she won't ever apologise for that, or for immersing readers in her worldview. "I think it's good for white people to sit and squirm a bit. I mean, we're [brown people] squirming all the time," she says.

"If they've got the guts to expose themselves to something, if they've got the guts to step out of their own comfort zone, good on them. I love my white audience members, as silent as they are." [Would this be a good time to bring up how: 1) many Maori raped, maimed and ate gentle white people over the last few centuries? 2) Oh, and how the Maori were NOT the first to come to New Zealand, think: Celts, Phoenicians and other cultures; 3) and how so many Maori and Pasifika actually loved Captain James Cook?]

Because Avia's poetry is also heart-wrenching, exposing hate and racism and the damage caused and perpetuated by white settlers in the Pacific. In her work, colonisation is not in the past; it is right now, it is everywhere. In Massacre, of the March 15 terrorist attack, [The politically staged / CGI shooting at Al Noor Mosque on 15 March 2019, has been fact checked to show that Jacinda Ardern and many Muslims were fully complicit in this False Flag event.] she forces Christchurch to look at itself, linking white supremacy to its direct history:

"The white spirits rise up from the swamp
and many bad things happen
the white spirits rise up from the swamp and kill
those who kneel and pray."

Tusiata Avia, poet, psychopath, inciter of hate, war and murder
Tusiata Avia, poet, psychopath, inciter of hate, war and murder

"I think it's good for white people to sit and squirm a bit. I mean, we're [brown people] squirming all the time," Avia says.

If this work is confronting, in other poems Avia is vulnerable, and in all she is unfailingly honest and unflinching. From a writer's perspective, the type of writing she does is terrifying. Does she ever consider how people will read her work, what they will think? "No. Never. And I don't care. I'm not writing it for anyone else. I'm really writing it all for myself."

[The rest of Tusiata Avia's hate filled, discriminatory, vitriolic and evil diatribe can be read here: No wonder Stuff have resorted to unlawfully receiving tax payer funded bribes from the NZ Government and begging from the public to keep going, as they have almost no journalistic credibility left whatsoever! Shame on you propagators of mis and dis information!]

The Salty One
This sick fat fuck took over 100k in tax payer money to make a racist book about killing white people. Talking about the difficulties of growing up as a PI in NZ? How about fuck off then!

Happy White Older Heterosexual Man
Well I have to take my hat off to Satan, as he just keeps blessing his people like Tusiata Avia - until he doesn't.

Light ALWAYS outshines darkness. Enjoy your short stint of fame Avia, as your "Oh shit" moment is but a heartbeat away -as you take your long walk of a very short plank.

Eerjk McRae
This is horrific, blatant racism and hatred against white people, being normalised and promoted by @NZStuff

I listened to this with utter shock on my face.

Here the poet uses James Cook and his demise as a metaphor for white people and how she and others like her should view us.

Marianne G
Yip - indeed - I have since found the article on stuff too. Shocked to see they allow that, yet censor stories of vaccine injuries. I shouldn't be shocked though, as the msm only push the 'single source of bollocks' narrative.

Eerjk McRae
You don't get it. She explicitly implied the fate of James Cook should be replicated against other white people

If Cook was Hernán Cortés then there would have been no treaty and very few to tell the tale.

Wow… how did we get here? She's more racist than Rawiri and I didn't know that we're possible
Dak Man

Southern Man NZ
Hate speech disguised as poetry.
Imagine similar poetry regarding Maori and the outrage it would cause. This is promoting hate and hate speech and promoted by @NZStuff

It is called envy. They want their own autonomy, conquered other people's, but when they got conquered they could not handle it, so bleat and carry on against whites. It's white envy.

It IS ridiculous of course and bigoted, but they do it anyway.

Jo Bond Loves RNZ
Hey Stuff, do we have to put up with putrid racist hatred from your media company?

Laurel Hall
her Sunday Times "Sunday" profile says her Dads Samoan and mums Pakeha. So she is not an indigenous Maori. Essentially she is a foreigner herself.

Raging Fifties
All part of the "plan" to drive a wedge. Silly really. All Human all worthy of respect in a democratic society. When we stop being democratic and turn into a country where only those born in the "right" race can vote, we will have come full circle. This is worldwide.

Bukster Bird
There used to be TV shows like the Cosby Show that had a racial propaganda side to them - make black people look nice. However those shows never ran down white people, which seems to now be acceptable in the media.

Said the woman from a civilisation that hadn't even invented the wheel while Captain James Cook had already navigated the globe ... yeah what ever

She's hoofed it.
This is Ardern's legacy to New Zealand.

She lost me at her first swear word. Not interested in giving this racist any of my time.
Re-enforces my decision to have @NZStuff blocked.

Bless. Why are her (assuming) and her mates driving in a car? The car was invented by Karl Benz, a white guy. Walkies time.

Is she alt-right? Because that's where the race hate comes from! Right?

They've gone too far and a protest outside Stuff H.Q. is way overdue.

Open Panic
Does she know she has white ribs too?

Download here: Bosi-publicly-supports-Putin-Arzhaev-Pavlovsky-and-the-Russian-military-2023-02-19.mp4 - 14,230 kb
By: Aussie Cossack - 19th February 2023
Riccardo Bosi publicly supports
Putin, Arzhaev, Pavlovsky
& the Russian military!

The MSM will be foaming at the mouth over this one! During a pro-Russian rally in front of Sydney's Russian Consulate Lieutenant Colonel Ricardo Bosi made a bold statement of support to Russia.

Richard kemp

Donna Tierney
Bravo Bosi, it needed to be said. Thank God for Russia, Putin and the alliance who are getting us out of this shit mess.

I'm anti Feminism
Was so emotional when he was thinking Russian president Vladimir Putin & the brave Russian men & women who are fighting for the world, Yes they well deserved more than thanks because they are sacrificing their lives for all of us, a Big Salute to Russia

Captain Chokdee
When the truth does come out the "others" will hang their heads in shame.

Jimmy Sparks
The truth eventually will come out

Eric Shingles
About time the MSM had a wake up call

#10th10th #ItsACampaignNotMedicalAdvice
Quality example of free speech

Bob Smith
Well-spoken and well dressed.

Ace Stevceski
Are our own politicians the enemy ???????? Australia first.

Philip Alexiou
BRAVO BOSI !!! But where are all the other Bosi's who served ? Who took the oath to protect Australia ? Maybe at the pub, or beach.

Toxic Q
God bless all.

Police-and-protestors-converge-on-Sydneys-Russian-Consulate-in-support-of-Russia-expelling-evil-tyrants-from-Ukraine-2023-02-19.mp4 - 3,193 kb
By: Aussie Cossack - 19th February 2023
Police & protestors converge on Sydney's
Russian Consulate - in support of
Russia expelling evil tyrants from Ukraine

Despite putting on a sausage sizzle and hundreds gathering with Russian flags and Z shirts, a pro-Russia war symbol, the man of the hour failed to show up.

The rally was promoted as being Boikov's first public appearance since he holed up inside of the consulate.

Instead, the YouTuber appeared on his video stream of the event after being allegedly told police would "jump him" if he left the building.


lulu speers
It was absolutely amazing. everyone treated each other like family. it was so wonderful being able to meet and greet such a lovely kind loving bunch of fellow Australians who know we can't afford a war against Russia, because they're our family now too! Oops, l couldn't tell the difference between the Australians and the Russians ! That's how close we are in spirit and nature!

Jonathan Lloyd
I drove 3.5 hours there and 4 hours back home today. Best Saturday I've had for months.

I was fortunate enough to hear both Mr Bosi and Mr Graham speak today - genuine off the cuff passion and peaceful, truthful gentlemen. Very switched on people.

On shaking the hand of Lieutenant Colonel Bosi Special Air Service (Ret), I have to say that he emitted a very genuine 'aura' of genuine care, individual concern to me, love and protection. It was quite touching to be honest and the few moments close to Mr. Bosi cemented my commitment to him and Mr. Graham (Unfortunately I didn't get to meet Mr. Graham face to face.

Please vote the way they advise, find freedom again for your loved ones and their off-spring.

Thanks for reading and God Bless

MARC FLETCH-Facts don't care about your Feelings!
Fantastic to see those that are awake for Truth!

Alistair Millar
Proud of you mate, so is the rest of the world. Keep up the good work simeon.

If the government is making lists of citizens shouldn't the citizens make lists of corrupt government workers and publicly publish their addresses. Bad decisions follow you home.

George Kady
To Russia with love frm Aussie Aussie Aussie

Robert De Vos
Slava Russia

philip stallwood
People working towards a peaceful settlement and good working relationship with other hard-working countries. Well done.

steve richter
Well done Australia!

The music is excellent Aussie Cossack. Great choice. The video overall is amazing. That is what I call a cinematic quality video mate.

Download here: Why-is-Riccardo-Bosi-pro-Russian-2023-02-18.mp4 - 26,986 kb
By: Aussie Cossack - 18th February 2023
Why is Riccardo Bosi pro-Russian?

Independant journalist @chriscoveries interviews Australia One party leader Ricardo Bosi during a political march outside Sydney's Russian Consulate. Courtesy @chriscoveries.

The real question is "Why are Australian politicians so afraid of Riccardo Bosi and Aussie Cossack?

We need you Riccardo like never before. You are the voice of truth and reason. Praying for you to get a seat in this cesspool of a Government !

Whale Oil Beef Hooked
So refreshing to hear a politician speaking the clear truth.

Paul Revere 1776
Ricardo is right. What he said is fact.

Zachary Russell
God bless Mr Bosi and all the people in Australia that still have morals and a brain.

Go Riccardo Bosi, wish you and all of us luck. WAKE UP AUSTRALIA , now is the time to make the criminals accountable and jailed

Eddie Diesel
So good to hear the truth being spoken by people like Ricardo Bosi and Aussie Cossack. So grateful they are standing up and speaking out on behalf of all of us awake or not. Thank you to all freedom fighters.

J P 7
Was there today, great day! Good people from all over, different nationalities but Australians, I am with you Ric, I have seen our country deteriorate over my lifetime (73 years) and have researched for decades, what you say is true, incredible as it sounds to most, but once you see it you cannot unsee it. This is also a global situation and the fight is on globally. Glad to have shaken your hand at the end of the gathering. 12 field, if you see this Ric you'll know what I mean.

Helen S

JohnJohn 17
The most profound interview of all time. This clip will be on the highlight reel of the future documentary made after the end of the war.

John Athanosopoulos
Spoken like a true Gentleman. Ricardo Bosi speaks truth and many need to do their own research. God bless.

Kate A.
Hi from Switzerland ...I stumbled upon a video of Bosi speaking about the Ukraine being the head of the snake, back then, in Canberra...and I have been keeping up with Australia One ever since. I bloody wish I could vote for you! Go Riccardo, go Guru..and the others (sorry, forgot their names..)...I spent 3 months in Oz, in 1994...was pregnant with my first son at the time..special memories. When you have saved Australia (and you will) I so want to come back. Godspeed all of you. Much love.


By: pureblood - 17th February 2023

Mass Suicides Expected!

The Punisher
Willingly and knowingly depriving patients of making an INFORMED DECISION comes at a price!
Willingly and knowingly participating in GENOCIDE comes at a price!
All you pro Covid Vaxx doctors and Nurses are so absolutely FUCKED!

Great Dane
Expect MASS SUICIDES amongst millions of the 'friendly, caring' doctors and nurses, as more normies wake up to how the medical professionals and doctors WILLINGLY and KNOWINGLY KILLED them! As it is many politicians / members of parliament are not in their offices and security is tightening in banks and media outlets Globally. Yes, the rats are fleeing the ship as Judgement is rolled out.

Great sue the doctors sue the government bankrupt everybody. That's the whole point of what the bad guys are doing. What do you think is going to happen in the US when 80% of our workforce files for disability? Everything they are doing is intended to bankrupt us and force us into a communist totalitarian system. So maybe don't do a victory dance quite yet. When those doctors are out of a job and lose their licenses, guess who gets to feed them and house them? The taxpayers. Guess who takes their property when they can't pay their bills? The government.

we are now fighting our grubberment over [ 15 minute cities ] the RATS/AUSSIES love it, they love jabbing their kids, only 1% of our ppl fight and the pigging normies stand with their killers BTW our troops help put our freedom fighters in the camps. and yes the death camps are very real, but the pigging normies love that too.. GOD BLESS RUSSIA, may they come here SOON and free us.

Australian here, i feel happy if the doctors face charges, in fact i hope ALL Australian doctors and nurses hang, living here i promise the Australians are 98%vaxxed and are a RACE OF RAT TRAITOR DOGS. pure assholes

Correct. But they all know who won Big Brother. Simpletons deserve everything they've got coming.

All pharma Contracts null and void as they knowingly rolled out toxic poison shots with the help of governments ,doctors ,media,etc,etc...if we sue our governments we are basically suing ourselves, their day in the peoples court is coming .
We need to seek and destroy and hold the UN,who,wef, and every ngo involved in this genocide accountable.. and bring their house of cards down,before it turns to all out war against us.

Yeah, right...cause they held a gun to yer halfwit heads

In some cases.... they did
Lose your freedoms or get poisened

Heard of mandates dimwit??? Clown. Congratulations...

As Nurse in America while Obam Care was in transition, I saw this all coming. I was told that Flu shotswould be mandatory or we would be terminated. I was dodging out every time I was told to go get mine. Sad, I left that Hospital.

I have zero sympathy for these medical 'professionals '. They were the last line of defence against all the propaganda and coercion. Through their weakness and cowardice they miserably failed in the duty they volunteered to do.

You musta took the bait huh fish? Blame everyone but yerself for failing a simple iq test


Our hospitals have become havens for NWO end of life protocols

"Informed" consent… a MASSIVE amount of people were NOT informed so ???? Did they give their consent ???

nope. without full disclosure there can be no consent, just deception.

so no full disclosure but take the death jab anyway right halfwits

no government has any right to deny a person right to seek redress if they are harmed, by indemnifying pharma, government took that liability on to their shoulders.

their insurance wont pay out, at least not while there is a pandemic of book passing and hand washing going on.
nobody wants to catch this steaming hot rotten potato.

Many are to blame. But whoever puts the needle in somebody's arm bears the ultimate responsibility.

who made the poison that went into the needles? who approved them? or gave them emergency use authorisation? who made the mandates.
yes those who injected it are guilty of harm, but many did so under duress and threat of termination of employment.
those who made the poison and authorised it are more guilty, nobody put them under pressure to do any of that.

Honest Doctors are speaking out !! exposing the deadly vaccines. Canadian Medical Association states Doctors under 50 are dying at 12X the normal rate after taking the COVID booster.

If only the doctors spoke out and said No at the start none of this would have happened - theyre coming for them but of course with the NHSX and AI just around the corner theyre not going to be needed anyways so there goes their big pay cheques - no sympathy

Whoever took part in it, instead of standing on the picket line, smiling and demanding massive pay-rises, they should be standing in the dock....

All the useful idiots who joined in on the coercion deserve everything they get! why do you think we had walk in vaccination centres so there is no accountability from your local GP surgery!...but now mRNA is being genetically modified in our food.

Download here: BOMBSHELL-Epstein-Client-List-FINALLY-UNSEALED-BREAKING-News-Judge-Orders-Release-2023-02-14.mp4 - 49,751 kb
By: The Next News Network - 14th February 2023
BOMBSHELL: Epstein Client List
BREAKING News Judge Orders Release

Daily Mail reports, a number of individuals, including Prince Andrew and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, are believed to have been listed in the papers as having sex with Epstein victim Virginia Roberts. Bill Gates and Bill Clinton have also been associated with the pedophile, though it is unclear whether they will be mentioned in the report.


J.R. Warren
We know what he did and we know why those people were there. Maybe they need to be investigated as much as Trump has been. I wonder how many of them could hold up as well to investigation as Trump did.

Yes, I want to see the listing, but further...I also want to see the number of times that each 'client' had flown to the island. How many of these creeps were 'repeat' participants?

Joe Patriot
WHY do I again get the feeling the LIST, if that's what they will ACTUALLY show us, will be HEAVILY REDACTED?

Suzanne The Patriot
Hope that judge has a big life insurance policy for his family. He most likely has a target on his back now!

Lisa Gostinski
I still can't understand why the predator Is more protected than the innocent lives they destroyed!. Absolutely disgusting, Maxwell deserves to ROT in prison

Now the unidentified flying objects make sense.

Brandon Reed
They may not ever see the inside of a courtroom, but we the people can boycott the hell out of them ourselves. Kinda like OJ...

I can tell you a few! Clinton Gates Obama Steven Cobear JZ and his wife and a lot more!

sweet hee-haw
Please God, let this be true and may justice be done. X

Oregon32Nurse Nurse
Love epic moments!! I just don't believe it. Nothing will happen. There are two sets of justice in our nation. These folks are 'protected'.

Eazy Rider
Criminals do not deserve privacy especially those of high profile public figures with infuence.

Da Truth
It's about time. Sad that it even happened , but the darkness will always be exposed by the light.

Joseph Thomas
I believe it when I see it. Wonder if it will be a complete list ?

Anthony Gordon
It's about damn time! The guilty need to be SEVERLY PUNISHED!

Dr. Gender
Well since the list will be available for the world to see there's no reason to keep Ghislaine alive

Download: p2-of-2-Oswalds-Girlfriend-and-CIA-Bioweapon-Contractor-SPEAKS-OUT-On-Covid-Vaxx-And-Fibrous-Clotting-2023-02-14.mp4 - 77,934 kb
By: Stew Peters Network - 14th February 2023
P 2 of 2 - Oswald's Girlfriend
and CIA Bioweapon Contractor SPEAKS OUT
On Covid Vaxx And Fibrous Clotting

The worldwide genocide being exposed on a daily basis is the crime of the century!
Lee Harvey Oswald's girlfriend, Judyth Vary Baker, is back for part 2 of her interview on bioweapons and mRNA technology.
The vaccine creates an excess of fibrin in your body which turns into fibrous clots.
We must stop mRNA vaccinations and they must be made illegal.
Judyth also shares her Christian conversion story and how Jesus Christ visited her in a dream.

Glad to see more waking up to this truth.
You should look up Mary's Monkey she was the doctor the Oswald's girlfriend worked for.
Killed off by the cia in a freek accident with half her upper bodie burnned to a crisp but placed in her bed with no burrning of the bed.

Fibrinogen Clots via the mRNA BIOWEAPON INJECTIONS is a "Spot-On" description of what embalmers are finding in these "VAXXED" corpses. I have heard NO ONE else offer this basic blood plasma protein factor as an educated description of what is MOST LIKELY the primary component of these "inexplicable clots" that have little, to no red blood cells as a component of the structure that these embalmers are extracting.

I agree with Judyth, and others, STOP ALL mRNA INJECTIONS...N O W!!!

George Webb is awesome and so is Judith

Check out the book: Dr Mary's Monkey too!!

I am glad she mentioned George Webb...thanks for this interview...super important!!

USA BIDEN released A 9/11 terrorist during all this stuff this past week!!!

Praise God Judyth came to a saving faith in Jesus!

If you are interacting with vaccinated people on a daily basis, you should really take extra precaution steps to take care of yourself. Vaccine shedding is real and unnatural spike proteins are making us sick. Spike proteins are found in every cell of the body in vaccinated individuals. I suggest unvaccinated individuals here to don't interact with vaccinated people that involves exchanging body fluids. If you are living with a vaccinated person separate your glasses, towels and anything hygiene related. Most important of all is pay attention to your immune system. Frontline doctors are using ivermectin to detox patients as it blocks spike proteins in body. You can get ivermectin to detox your body by visiting

THANKS again for another fantastic guest, Stew!
I never would have dreamed that Lee Harvey Oswalds ex girlfriend would be involved with CONvenom 19!
Here is a name for the syndrome of the white fibrous clots, YOU MAY COIN IT! .....MYSTIC FIBROSIS......
It came to me at the end of this show!
God bless all!

Download: p1-of-2-Lee-Harvey-Oswalds-Girlfriend-EXPOSES-the-REAL-Truth-About-JFK-Assassination-in-TELL-ALL-INTERVIEW-2023-02-13.mp4 - 121,912 kb
By: Stew Peters Network - 13th February 2023
P 1 of 2 - Lee Harvey Oswald's Girlfriend
EXPOSES the REAL Truth About

There is an empire of lies the global elite use to control and rule over humanity!
Judyth Vary Baker joins Stew to detail the real history about her boyfriend Lee Harvey Oswald and the JFK Assassination.
Baker and Oswald were contracted to work at the same New Orleans coffee shop, Reily Coffee Company.
The two were a CIA-coordinated task force used to kill Fidel Castro – Baker engineered a super cancer to execute Castro, and Oswald delivered it to Mexico City.
The plans fell through, but the CIA wasn't done with Oswald and chose to frame him as the killer of JFK!
Baker is here to expose how our corrupt government assassinated one of our most beloved presidents, and destroyed Oswald's life!

But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. (2Tim 3:13)

I love you Stew! I so dislike the pro-sports...feels like Roman Coliseum is all over America. Didn't end well for Rome...

Just looked at the film you've shown us!
And that Bill Cooper showed us 50 years ago.
The CIA driver shoots him.
Plain as day.

For my own reasons, I have conducted over 100 hours of my own personal deep research into the JFK assassination. Judyth's story dovetails almost perfectly with the conclusions I came away with near the end of my research. I was 13 years old at the time of the execution of JFK and was most certainly a supporter of the President. The American people have been lied to for the entire time since 11/22/63.

SB = bread and circuses for the useful idiots. I'm old and have never watched a pro football game.... cleaning a toilet is more interesting.

I didn't watch the Stupor Bowl for the 8th consecutive year. I had something important to do, my car needed a good washing.

I won't watch the Superbowl again. I was so disappointed in the half time. It was gross with Raehana (or however you spell her name) grabbing her crotch and other horrible stuff.

This two part interview with Judyth was EXCELLENT. She is a truly remarkable woman with a wealth of information on relevant, historically recent, Notorious American "history" Lies, and also current REAL "scientific" FACTS relevant to OUR current genocide/democide via these CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY BIOWEAPON INJECTIONS masquerading as "VAXXINES".

Fibrinogen Clots via the mRNA BIOWEAPON INJECTIONS is a "Spot-On" description of what embalmers are finding in these "VAXXED" corpses. I have heard NO ONE else offer this basic blood plasma protein factor as an educated description of what is MOST LIKELY the primary component of these "inexplicable clots" that have little, to no red blood cells as a component of the structure that these embalmers are extracting.

Judyth is an amazing, intelligent and very articulate guest and source of CREDIBLE information. Can't wait to read the book.

NSW-ELECTION-2023-Colonel-Ricardo-Bosi-endorsed-by-Aussie-Cossack-Russia-cutting-off-the-head-of-the-snake-in-Ukraine-2023-02-12.mp4 - 32,610 kb
By: Aussie Cossack - 12th February 2023
Colonel Ricardo Bosi endorsed by Aussie Cossack.
Russia cutting off the head of the snake in Ukraine

Bosi is the leader of the AustraliaOne party, however, it is not officially registered, so he will run as an independent candidate for the NSW Upper House.

"Now the rest of Australia can't vote, but they can certainly make this a national event, and in fact we've got a lot of support internationally, we're going to make sure the entire world knows that this is the one story in Australia that they need to follow.

"This will be a statewide election so we're going to mobilise the entire state," Colonel Bosi says.

NSW ELECTION 2023: Colonel Ricardo Bosi endorsed by Aussie Cossack. Russia cutting off the head of the snake in Ukraine

That Dude
To terminate our involvement in this conflict, we must mobilise a sizable voter turnout and support candidates like Ricardo Bosi.

Charlie Toko
Riccardo has always called out the corrupt government and how the people will take back our power our freedom. Well done Aussie Cossack.

Good speech Aussie Cossack ,we are with Ricardo Bosi. for Australian sake!

Simo Djordjevic
Aussie Cossack and Ricardo Bosi will change Australia for better.. hopefully some other people with high energy will join.. Australian people deserve better future for their children, more jobs, better economy, better infrastructure, lower cost of energy, better housing opportunity.. we can do it, but we have to stand united with compassion and empathy..

Les Meszaros
Ricardo Bosi is the only one that can save us and make Aust great again .....spread the word

Jen Zag
People who left their own homelands, to find peace and a better life in Australia, are facing the same upheaval, as in the countries they left.

Chris Smith
BOSI is the man...He knows whats going on..


Download here: MAINSTREAM-MEDIA-BLACKOUT-MAJOR-NEWS-368-Arrested-In-Major-Human-Trafficking-Operation-2023-02-11.mp4 - 22,701 kb
By: INSPIRED Newsroom - 11th February 2023
MAJOR NEWS: 368 Arrested
In Major Human Trafficking Operation

Why won't the Fake News outlets (Mainstream Media) touch this most important story?

Oh that's right, they are complicit in Crimes Against Humanity themselves...

#humantrafficking #media #inspirednewsroom

John Leske
Yes sir Jean, spot on, it is getting harder and harder for the DS to hide their nefarious "acts" and deeds.
What Planet Am I On???
Thank you, Jean Nolan for bringing us the real news

You'd think the mainstream would be all over this. I think there may be a reason, we would recognize somebody.....
Thank you for the share Jean!

Dragons Guardian of the Crystal Hearts
Great job Jean! Keep bringing the truth in!

Deb Wirtz
Thank you Jean for bringing this to our attention. Who is being protected and why?

Annie Warner
Much love and gratitude for what you all do Jean, from England.

Robert Haviar
Jean, thank you for real journalism!

Hannah Chase
Thank you as always Jean..much sensationalism just delivered with compassion

Jo Smart
Thank you inspired newsroom doing Gods work

Diane Bedard
MSM never reports anything about important information we should know!

Stephanie Barnes
The best news! Fantastic. Many thanks to all good police involved.

13 Pat
There are people that they don't want you to know are involved!! We know THAT!!!!

gina disantis
Good They need to be arrested!
and the News should report it!
Thanx 4 sharing.

Download here: Pfizer-CEO-Albert-Bourla-Relies-On-Aggressive-Security-Tactics-To-Escape-Questioning-By-Veritas-2023-02-11.mp4 - 22,307 kb
By: ProjectVeritas - 11th February 2023
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Relies On
Aggressive Security Tactics
To Escape Questioning By Veritas

Project Veritas is nowhere near done exposing Pfizer, nor Big Pharma as a whole.

In fact, we intend to expose the most corrupt Deep State players in 2023. That is a certainty – and we will prove it with bombshell undercover videos.

In today's video, Veritas journalists went to interview none other than Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla, to ask him for a straight answer on our latest Pfizer investigation.

You can imagine how Mr. Bourla felt about that interaction…

Bourla's security guard, Timothy Conway, was not happy with Project Veritas journalists' attempt to ask questions.

Conway SWATTED one of our journalist's arms down at least TEN TIMES while she was doing her job. How is that acceptable?

Once Bourla was able to walk into a room and completely evade our journalists, the hotel staff came to try and remove Veritas from the vicinity.

Why won't Pfizer answer our questions?

The American people deserve answers, and Project Veritas will never stop seeking them.

If you or anyone you know work inside Big Pharma and have newsworthy information, please contact

Be Brave. Do Something.

Project Veritas Team

Download: WHO-thwarted-from-complete-destruction-of-Australian-sovereignty-Shocking-WHO-pandemic-treaty-update-2023-02-10.mp4 - 10,873 kb
By: Malcolm Roberts - 10th February 2023
WHO thwarted from complete
destruction of Australian Sovereignty
Shocking WHO pandemic treaty update

In a rare win, the World Health Organisation has backed down on proposed International Health Regulation amendments for compulsory vaccination and lockdowns.

It is a win, yet the pandemic treaty that would do the same thing again is still waiting in the wings.


This week represents a rare victory for Australian sovereignty.

A victory for common sense, decency and humanity.

And a victory against the sprawling monster of unelected, unaccountable foreign bureaucrats at the World Health Organisation.

You will recall the WHO proposed to change their health regulations that guide member states in the event of a disease outbreak, like COVID, from guiding member states to being mandatory on member states, including Australia.

This would have represented a complete destruction of Australian sovereignty, and a fundamental re-imagining of the powers of the World Health Organisation.

Last December the Liberal / National Morrison Government voted in favour of these changes, yet many sensible countries voted against, and the proposal was lost.

Undaunted the World Health Organisation tried again this year.

After months of heavy criticism, One Nation and those opposing these measures have had a big win.

The Final Report from the International Health Regulations Review Committee released this week has dropped the proposed changes.

The World Health Organisation will remain an advisory body.

Dystopian demands, such as allowing the World Health Organisation to make binding health orders overriding state and federal control, have been thrown out.

This includes the proposed powers that would have allowed the WHO to control:

  • systems for proof-of-vaccination or vaccination status,
  • quarantine procedures,
  • citizen travel & mobility,
  • forced vaccination,
  • lockouts,
  • lockdowns,
  • mandatory detention and,
  • other unacceptable infringements on people.

Gone is the universal 'health passport' – or vaccine passport – that was going to control the ability of citizens to travel between countries in a permanent capacity.

It was decided that this would raise 'ethical' and 'discriminatory' concerns. A global digital vaccine passport will no longer be developed under the committee's powers.

For now.

The committee will remain confined to actual public health emergencies rather than 'potential health risks' – removing the widely held fear that their scope could be extended to 'climate lockdowns' and other human rights abuses.

Which would have been possible because WHO had proposed to remove human rights from the regulations.

After a backlash the committee now strongly recommends the retention of the existing text, which is quote "full respect for the dignity, human rights, and fundamental freedoms of persons as an overarching principle."

This is a critical back down.

The WHO committee working on these changes has just recommitted to its fundamental human rights pledge in defiance of the proposed amendments.

The findings of the committee agreed with the concerns that One Nation raised regarding threat to sovereignty.

In their final report, the committee said that it was, quote: "concerned that the proposals may unduly impinge on the sovereignty of state parties" and make recommendations "binding" instead of voluntary.

In the end, the committee validated the fears raised on the international stage and within the free press.

Fears I raised and for which I was called a conspiracy theorist.

I was correct.

Their decision to throw out this attempt to grab power from sovereign governments is a crucial first step in stopping unelected global bureaucracies from overstepping their purpose.

Pauline Hanson first raised the UN's treasonous work in parliament in 1996. In my first senate speech in 2016 I called for Australia to exit the UN - AusEXIT.

We've been so strongly outspoken against ceding Australian sovereignty to the unhinged UN-WEF alliance that the WEF recently specifically called us out.

We're getting under their skin.

This fight is not over.

All of the terrifying proposed powers that have been summarily rejected this week, are duplicated in the proposed WHO Pandemic Treaty.

The Pandemic Treaty is a second attempt to turn WHO into the world health police.

The Pandemic Treaty is alive and well, sitting in the system waiting for our "leaders" to sign.

If the Pandemic Treaty were to be approved, it would enforce all of the binding health powers that others in WHO have just rejected. What a mess.

The World Health Organisation is too big, too bureaucratic, too removed from the people it is supposed to help, corrupt, incompetent, dishonest and above all else, too close to the Pharmaceutical industry.

The next step to protect Australia's health sovereignty is to make sure that the Pandemic Treaty is rejected and that the Prime Minister does not sign it.

For concerned Australians who have written to their members of parliament and who received a stock reply saying the treaty has to go through Parliament first - that is actually not true.

The WHO Pandemic Treaty includes a provision that it becomes binding on Australia the moment our WHO representative signs it.

No Parliamentary oversight required.

Screw that!

One Nation's work continues.

Duane milled:
Great now let's bring back the constitution and have all parliament members sworn in properly and get rid of the ones that helped kill Australia

This vital information must be given to ALL AUSTRALIANS. Therefore I'm suggesting that One Nation retrieves all Australian Local,State and Federal electors email address or residential address and send in layman's language of what's about to take place and guide the people on how to protect themselves and all Australians. You have the means and access to do this. It's inexpensive.

Well done Malcolm and one nation great news please keep fighting for us all.

Grahams Engineering.
Thankyou Senator Roberts and One Nation for all you are doing for Australians. To hell with these unelected traitors.

colleen O'brien
Huge win. They will not give in. We must keep up the fight. Thank you, Malcolm Roberts and One Nation!!

We couldn't ask for anybody better than Malcolm to serve us! Thank you!!!!

Craig Frith
Cheers Malcolm a win for all Australian's.
Thank you for your efforts.
Huge amount of respect mate.

Julie Whyte
Senator Malcolm Roberts, there are no words and thank you seems inadequate for everything you and One Nation do for the Australia citizens to keep us protected from the plans set against us by the WHO and the UN.
I am deeply, deeply grateful to you and Senator Pauline Hanson.

Deborah O'brien
Congratulations Malcolm I am truly grateful for you and One Nation for this huge fight back... keep the bastards honest...

Great news Malcolm Roberts thankyou for your great work. This unelected bureaucrats need to be put in their place and throw away the keys.

Brian Ford:
Certainly great news Mr Roberts, but where on the WHO site, or elsewhere is this stated?

Download here: Here-is-The-Real-State-Of-The-Union-Trump-Responds-To-Bidens-2023-SOTU-2023-02-08.mp4 - 3,467 kb
By: Forbes Breaking News - 8th February 2023
'Here's The Real State Of The Union...'
Trump Responds To Biden's 2023 SOTU
In a video released to social media, former President Trump responded to President Biden's 2023 State of the Union address.

TruckNorris callerID
He should just replay his past predictions from german energy to gas prices, border, everything and call it a campaign.

Thank you, Mr. President! I feel like America is a long lost name these days. I think, "America who?" When I was young, I never knew something like my country could break or how indifferent, frustrated, and betrayed I could feel from imbeciles and criminals running this country...

Live Free or Die
A warning to Biden's ilk / MSM etc: 2 Kings 9:29-37 And in the eleventh year of Joram the son of Ahab began Ahaziah to reign over Judah. And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; and she painted her face, and tired her head, and looked out at a window. And as Jehu entered in at the gate, she said, Had Zimri peace, who slew his master? And he lifted up his face to the window, and said, Who is on my side? who? And there looked out to him two or three eunuchs. And he said, Throw her down. So they threw her down: and some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall, and on the horses: and he trode her under foot. And when he was come in, he did eat and drink, and said, Go, see now this cursed woman, and bury her: for she is a king's daughter. And they went to bury her: but they found no more of her than the skull, and the feet, and the palms of her hands. Wherefore they came again, and told him. And he said, This is the word of the LORD, which he spake by his servant Elijah the Tishbite, saying, In the portion of Jezreel shall dogs eat the flesh of Jezebel: And the carcase of Jezebel shall be as dung upon the face of the field in the portion of Jezreel; so that they shall not say, This is Jezebel.

Mark Evans
Don made more sense in 2 minutes than Biden did in 90 min.

Tracy Newberry
A salute Mr. President from the Great State of West Virginia, you shall have our vote again sir.

From your lips to God's ears Mr. President. We should be so lucky to have this man in office once again.

I will be voting for you Mr. President.

Keyoil Tab21
Two years left with pain and sorrow for our country!

Cursed boy IR
Finally someone who talks straight.

FakeNews Ignored
President Trump, you are missed dearly.

Timothy Johnson
You are still and will always be MY President Mr. Trump! I am 67 yrs old and you are by far the best President in my lifetime. Thank you for your service, your sacrifice, your courage, and your dedication to "Making America Great Again!" I pray every day for you, and your family that Our God will keep you safe, healthy, strong, and blessed! God Be With You Mr. President! MAGA 2024!!!

Manie Botha
If I was an American, I'd vote for you mr. Trump. Respect.

thomas loftus
at least i didn't have to hear "come on man" or lets finish what we started" and forget what he was going to say or what state he is in. this video was words of a real president!

Will-any-New-Zealand-politicians-support-a-Royal-Commission-of-inquiry-into-the-safety-and-effectiveness-of-the-vaccine-rollout-2023-02-07.mp4 - 6,704 kb
By: The Zeitgeist - 7th February 2023
Will any New Zealand politicians support
a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the
safety & effectiveness of the vaccine rollout?
Maori willingly and knowingly killing Maori

A very reasonable question asked at Waitangi yesterday:

"..The politicians are there. The politicians are there... My father, I buried him 6 months ago, of his VACCINE INJURY! Of his vaccine injury!... I want to talk to the Members of Parliament. You did not come out, in the occupation, for the vaccine injured, and and and people like my father who I buried 6 months ago, my husband's whanau, they buried 30 in one month! 30! They were all vaccine injured!

I want to know. I want to know, do you represent us? Are we part of your whanau? Are we part of your community as the vaccines injured?... WILL YOU SUPPORT A ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE SAFE AND EFFECTIVENESS OF THE VACCINE ROLLOUT?..."

Response by politicians: "Let's move to another tent..."

Made In New Zealand
Absolute respect to that brave Maori lady who spoke for her people and the whole country. Shame on all those present who were to gutless to support her; or worse, are complicit in the genocide programme themselves! She is part of the head, while the mainstream media and all those gutless wonders are the tail - plain and simple!

Cosmic Traveller
Who is this person in the hat trying to stop discussion on behalf of @MaramaDavidson
.....Maori Elites bullying Maori who have every right to speak.

Good on that lady

Good on the lady to stand her ground and say what's on her mind after being hushed like that. MP's tend to forget that come election time it's the people who vote for them.

Davidson disgusting that voices are being shutdown just because you don't like the question

Lydia Pearl
The way she was shut down was appalling. Just answer the yes/no question. No need to go to another tent ... when you're already in a flippin tent!!

It's the classic "let's take this offline" gambit to avoid answering a question. Just goes to show how open and transparent the Greens are.

Singing for there corrupt masters to close free debate - WHY

I Knit For Fun
Yes, this is about the corruption of the State, and its lack of accountability. MPs could not even answer a simple question - because they dont support a fair review of the C*vd approach.

How many times does Singing get used over the person they don't want to hear or answer , A very fair question coming from a place of loss. Safe and effective pushed aside yet again.

This is exactly why the people do not trust our politicians! Why is she being shutdown ? A simple question she asked and the response is move to another tent? This is a voice of that 90% majority just needs simple answers to straight questions without ducking around .

Good on this woman for speaking out (and holding her stand) against those useless politicians who tried to shut her up!

South Auckland Farmer
Classic response when challenged "let's talk in private" cowards can't be put on the spot in public for all to see how usless they all are.

Natasha & Russell
People should be seen and not heard. That's what they want us to be.

Power to this great lady for speaking up. I hope this gets followed up

Yes very reasonable. We should have inquiry so that we all can understand more. This was an unprecedented event and having open and honest reviews of it all is the right thing to do.

Bronwyn Cowen
Another person treated disrespectfully for asking a question

I love it how she just keeps going even though the stooge with the mike keeps trying to end it

Download here: How-do-we-win-against-the-globalist-parasites-STOP-COMPLYING-2023-02-05.MP4 - 36,615 kb
By: QspecialForces - 5th February 2023
How do we win against the globalist
parasites? STOP COMPLYING!

This is what I said every single day. Don't comply.

Do not comply and do not consent. Never give up and never quit WWG1WGA.

Kick ass girl from the Balkans, that is right show em how it is done! Respect Bonenska sestra ! ;) Am from Bulgaria never put on a fookin mask, never complied with their Fascist Nazi bullshit !
Now Again is the time to STAND UP and Expose the fooking pedo-satanist scumbags!
And for God sake DON'T pay fookin taxes ! You help the enslave you, if you do !
Call to arms!
Find your courage and The Love of God Within !

Awesome ! Exactly

You are the only one who must guard your own body, mind, spirit, immune system shots have every had more than 32 percent effective ..there is no Virus in the whole world that can be removed by a shot ..a real Virus is a Natural Occuring Thing No Where in the World Can they grow a culture of this Virus Virus gets weakened as the days go on ! If Masks were good then Doctors, Dentists , Nurses etc. would weat them all the time ...they do not ...Masks do nothing to help the body in fact you breath your own exhalent that forms on the fibers of a mask ...Show me where in the world people were dropping in the streets dead ! that would be a real Pandemic not a Vrus which has 200 patents ...That is a Bio Weapon the Shots any Shots !!

wish more people would stop , this is nuts what they are doing to us all

Wonder what the house prices are like in Serbia?

This is how I look at this ….when I was in court /custody case …the judge ended up being my son's baseball coach …I kept looking at him (Judge) in a baseball cap …My thoughts were, "Why am I feeling scared of my custody judge…. he is not GOD…he is a regular person, a dad, with a degree ' So, my fear to stand up to this judge (Just a person) went away ….These elites are just people ….like she said…There are more of us 'Patriots'…We have to unite and stand up for our rights. ….

So, what's the difference in results ,when comparing "peaceful protests" and "being compliant"? The answer is nothing... you get the same results!
What did they do a couple hundred years ago when the Law and Gov. did not protect the people or have the best interest of the people and what were the results?

EU / WEF bitches, never forget that you are only 1% against 99%, and thank you for making this great awakening through the European population, no farmers, no food, and love goes always through your stomach............holding the globalist EU by their balls and winning from the perverse WEF. WWG1WGA

Government was created by men nobody gave them power but when we believe they have power then their power exists. There is one power and that is the creator nothing else. We are all equal man made levels to divide and rule. Simpletons only know how to obey and follow.

Looks like Klaus Schwab did not like this video. BOO HOO!

Don't comply...never will!!

I love it!!!!!! I never comply.

You are a champion my dear Lady . A Lioness. I wish more people had your courage. Love and peace
Here Here!!! :)

Thanks for the video, No Fear, do not OBEY, stand your ground. Don't comply to anything they say. Mandates is just a word, it isn't a law, they are just screwing with you to see if you'll bend your knee. I only bend my knee to the Great Creator who just happens to hold all energies, male, and female. We all have this within us, get connected to it. An easy way to get started is pick up garbage as your wondering around. Pay attention to the life around you, leave your cell phone at home or shut if off. Learn to feel and take in the energy from the life around you. You ever wonder why so many restaurants stopped having Real Plants in them? Think, Think, Think...for yourself. The governments are just going to treat you like a very bad parent, and continue to take whatever they can get away with.....

Download here: Bombshell-Revelation-Hunter-Bidens-Confession-Rocks-Political-World-IT-IS-MY-LAPTOP-2023-02-03.mp4 - 57,730 kb
By: The Next News Network - 3rd February 2023
Bombshell Revelation: Hunter Biden's
Confession Rocks Political World!

NEW YORK POST: Hunter Biden finally admits infamous laptop is his as he pleads for criminal probe

NEW YORK POST: Hunter Biden finally admits infamous laptop is his as he pleads for criminal probe

Live Free or Die
The whole thing reminds me of New Zealand's ex Prime Minister and drug addict Jacinda Ardern, and her drug addict boyfriend Clark Gayford. A New Zealand Security Intelligence Service agent filmed Clark snorting a line of cocaine on a fishing trawler, but was soon after instructed to delete the video for 'purposes of national security!' This is only one of many damning incidences that has been covered up for national security - it actually gets worse, way worse...

Yisroel Katz
Corrupt politicians can always rely upon their fellow corrupt politicians to protect and save them from prosecution!

Yisroel Katz
I am tired of politicians becoming rich from their crimes, while the people suffer from these politician's corrupt leadership!

Salty Heathen
No surprise or shock here. Now we want to see him and his father going to prison and then down the range for their punishment.

Jean Parus
Why is Hunter not in jail? Everyone has been aware of this for so long. DOJ, FBI , CIA ... what happened to all the national security? How could this have been going on for so long?

Evelyn OBrien
Why are these people not being held accountable.

Robert F
Funny thing about that FOURTEEN page letter.. that laptop WAS hunter's. He ABANDONED it at that repair shop, repair bill not paid, and it became the property of the shop owner. Just like if someone drops their vehicle off at a garage for repairs then never returns to pay the bill or retrieve their vehicle - that shop can do whatever it pleases with that vehicle after a certain defined by law time passes.

Moab s10 blowthru
Of course Hunter is the victim, expected nothing less

Penn Carney
Thank you Gary for the truth.

"Truth stands the test of time but, lies are soon exposed." "Your sins will find you out."

toade wartface
Needs to get convicted quick if he wants a pardon.

J. SpiritWolf Vega
As 'WE THE PEOPLE' shall awaken in what is right and just. In guilt beyond a shadow of doubt, is the beginning path of 'Treason'. Accountability!!!!!! Justice for ALL, equally

Karen Mandel
Your attorney wrote the letter that the laptop is yours. You can't deny it now.

Keith Sargent
Now that its origin is confirmed, does this mean that they will try to take possession of it?

Download here: I-will-ask-Congress-to-pass-a-bill-establishing-that-the-only-genders-recognized-are-male-and-female-2023-02-01.mp4 - 2,000 kb
By: Forbes Breaking News - 1st February 2023
Trump: I will ask Congress to pass a
bill establishing that the only genders
recognized by the United States
government - are male and female

In a video released to social media decrying gender-affirming care for minors, former President Trump called for legislation that would make it so that the US government only recognizes the genders of male and female.

Live Free or Die
A warning to Biden's ilk / MSM etc: 2 Kings 9:29-37 And in the eleventh year of Joram the son of Ahab began Ahaziah to reign over Judah. And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; and she painted her face, and tired her head, and looked out at a window. And as Jehu entered in at the gate, she said, Had Zimri peace, who slew his master? And he lifted up his face to the window, and said, Who is on my side? who? And there looked out to him two or three eunuchs. And he said, Throw her down. So they threw her down: and some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall, and on the horses: and he trode her under foot. And when he was come in, he did eat and drink, and said, Go, see now this cursed woman, and bury her: for she is a king's daughter. And they went to bury her: but they found no more of her than the skull, and the feet, and the palms of her hands. Wherefore they came again, and told him. And he said, This is the word of the LORD, which he spake by his servant Elijah the Tishbite, saying, In the portion of Jezreel shall dogs eat the flesh of Jezebel: And the carcase of Jezebel shall be as dung upon the face of the field in the portion of Jezreel; so that they shall not say, This is Jezebel.

Carlos DLC
I'm so glad to see more of our leader finally standing up to this crazy fad that is hurting our kids.

chris french
Does he address the family court system? If he committed to cleaning up the family court laws on divorce I bet a ton of people would perk up at that.

Theodore Roosevelt's Antlers
"Democrats get something like 80 to 90 percent of the black vote, if that ever falls down to 60 or 70 percent, they're in deep trouble." -Thomas Sowell, 2005

Ping Pong
That will be novel - focus on the right things and the truth...

Kilroy 5150
I get where T is going on this but i've just got the feeling he's making the hill that he's running up even steeper for election time. I mean, the left has flattened a lot of hills for him and i'm with him on a lot of what he's talking about (again, not as a fan but just parallel some of the things he's talking about) but it feels like he's setting an early precidence for his enemies to use against him.

Download here: NZ-Health-and-Food-Under-Attack-STOP-the-Therapeutic-Products-Bill-Now-2023-02-01.mp4 - 80,947 kb
By: Counterspind Media - 1st February 2023
NZ Health & Food Under Attack
STOP the Therapeutic Products Bill Now

Watch William Bisset and Philip Tomlinson from the Brilin Functional Medicine Centre ( discuss the future dangers of the proposed Therapeutic Product Bill and how this can potentially wipe out natural products, technologies and foods.

While much of the detail surrounding the Bill is yet to be finalised, the single role of "regulator" has many very concerned. In this episode Philip points out that this bill is far more about control than it is about truly caring for people's health.

It is also suggested that this bill is the most concerning piece of legislation to be passed in a long time and will support big pharma & big corporations above little "mom & pop" natural health providers, taking away choices that families should be able to make with their own common sense without Government interference.

This also could mean traditional family remedies and even organic farming and domestic gargens can be regulated into oblivion.

This information needs to be shared far and wide as there are now only 2 weeks left to have your voice heard if you object to this bill.

Use this link to submit your submission to oppose the Bill:

And sign the petition…

Please donate to Counterspin Media:

I hope NZs standup and voice their disgust and non consent to their politicians

Download here: Hilariously-Bad-Trans-Figure-Skater-A-peak-into-the-World-Economic-Forums-future-2023-01-31.mp4 - 16,982 kb
By: Matt Walsh - 31st January 2023
Hilariously Bad Trans Figure Skater. A peak into the World Economic Forums future

As a Finnish man, I sincerely apologize on the behalf of my people.

Let's all not forget that somebody probably got their dreams crushed and we're bumped off the show so HE could live out a charade.

Soli Deo Music
"I don't know what is more terrifying: him identifying as a woman or him identifying as a figure skater." - Matt Walsh

Stefan Nikola
"I don't know what's more absurd; that he identifies as a woman or identifies as an ice skater." Truer words were never spoken.

Judith Gallegos
Our entire culture has become the story of "The Emperor's New Clothes". Insanity at its best.

Van Garnett
I identify as someone who gets angry when a man takes a woman's spot in sports.

Remember kids, with hard work, sacrifice, and integrity, you too can have your hopes and dreams usurped by an unskilled man identifying as a marginalized group to get ahead of you.

Dicky R
When you aren't allowed to laugh at things they get funnier and funnier until you can't help laughing at it.

This Finnish guy has actually been skating for 7 years and he started as a 50year old man in an adult figureskating group. His performance is actually way more embarassing than Matt gives him credit for.

Lynn Embro
Our condolences to the people of Finland!

Tracer Facer
Being kind to this disgrace of a man by giving him this opportunity was also being cruel to the person who had to watch someone steal their place .

Download here: FREEDOM-CONVOY-REVIVED-Thousands-of-protesters-remind-Justin-Trudeau-who-is-in-charge-2023-01-29.mp4 - 29,161 kb
By: Keean Bexte - 29th January 2023
Thousands of protesters remind
Justin Trudeau who is in charge

Justin Trudeau had a bad day today as protesters across the country gathered to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Freedom Convoy.


As always. Great reporting Keean.

Chris Wallace
I stood at the side of the Trans Canada in Kamloops today, we are a part of Canadian history that will never apologize for standing for freedom and will never forget what Trudeau has done to our country.

We will NEVER forget what our Government and Health Officials did to us. EVER!!

Wood Nugget
Absolutely bloody awesome full support from ENGLAND here. Go Canada go. Needs to happen worldwide and eradicate these corrupt politicians and councils from these filthy ivory towers. Freedom is ours it's non negotiable

Maurey Reid
This is awesome!!! You Albertans are the backbone to defending Canada's freedom and have an amazing Premiere in Danielle Smith, whose leading the charge in pushing back against Trudeau's tyranny...keep strong and stay the course so the rest of Canada wakes up from their woke slumber...pray for us in Ontario that God will deliver us from a Trudeau lapdog and replace him with someone like Dalielle Smith who will stand for what's right...#TRUDEAUMUSTGO!!

Im finding it hard to say how deeply sad all this is. My heart goes out to them. May the weights on the scales of justice with Gods help tip in the truckers favor.

Steve Ryan
"This isn't a legal thing or a justice thing, it's a political thing."

This reminds me of the hope the truckers gave to the country and the world a year ago.. Justin Trudeau can do what he wants. Canadians are still the best!

El Kadosh
Go Keean! As always your coverage and interviews from regular Cdn folks is wonderful, speaking their minds, being honest, sharing their stories and history and unafraid to be truthful of their feelings for all politicians who subscribe to this horrific tyranny. This is NOT my Cda! This is no Cdns' Canada.

Dylan and Friends
I wish I was there and shout for Canadian freedom! I stand with the Freedom Convoys!
Love from the USA!

Download: What-Happened-After-the-Protests-in-China-The-Dark-Truth-LEAKED-Protesters-arrested-massacred-via-tyrannical-thugs-2023-01-28.mp4 - 35,585 kb
By: laowhy86 - 28th January 2023
What Happened After the Protests in China?
The Dark Truth LEAKED
Protesters arrested / massacred via tyrannical thugs

What happened after the big protests in China? The truth is dark.

Just a turtle
We don't want PCR testing, we want food
We don't want lockdowns, we want freedom
We don't want lies, we want dignity
We don't want Cultural Revolution, we want reform
We don't want tyrants, we want elections
We don't want to be slaves, we want to be citizens

dylann grace
My heart breaks for the Chinese people, sadly that's where the state of the whole world is headed I'm afraid

Dylan Vienet
It just makes me realise how glad I am that you got out in time, Matt. Had you stayed even a few days later, we may well have never heard from you again.

We're so lucky to have you and Winston keep us updated and to decode this sick, malignant, and truly evil and repugnant regime for us.

Out of all the channels covering China on YT, you're the one who's taking the most risk and talking about things that no one else will. Keep it up man.

Martin Harris
My heart goes out to these brave and honorable protestors. I pray that their activism is not in vain.

The pain, anger and compassion I feel right now is almost unbearable, the world needs to know, thank you.

Rudra Jr
I'm an Indian and I used to play Rust with some lovely Chinese people. I was a complete noob and while everyone else was being toxic to me, these people helped me learn the game, added me to their crew and treated me as their own. Thanks to those guys I have around 400+ hrs in Rust. I stopped playing after a while and I don't have contact with them and I don't know what happened to them but I hope they're alright. My heart goes out for all those innocent kindhearted people of China, they deserve better.

It is sad how low we have become. Not any mainstream news channels are talking about this, our government ignores it. These people need our help.

Kim Berlee
I remember watching these protests. How brave they were to stand up to tyranny. Then poof! Gone. The past few weeks I've been thinking about them and wondering what happened. I just figured the media decided to go silent on it.
Thanks for the video but how awful to hear this.

Imagine going to school after a weekend and half of your classmates are missing.

But not just them, also their desks, all E-Mail accounts, anything that had their names on them to them disappeared.

And no one exept you would notice.
This is true terror.

Rebecca Curtis
Having been alive to see the tragedy of Tienamen Square, I was so hopeful for the Chinese people this time, but I feared a similar fate. I was recently wondering what has happened since the protests. Thank you for getting this video out. It breaks my heart to know my worst fears have been realized. Where is the media & the U.N. on any of this? Crickets again, of course. Prayers for the beautiful Chinese people.

NZs-New-Homosexual-PM-Chris-Hipkins-replaces-Jacinda-Ardern-who-is-yet-to-stand-trial-for-Crimes-Against-Humanity-inc-Genocide-2023-01-28.mp4 - 311,396 kb
By: Counterspin New Zealand - 28th January 2023
New Zealand's new Homosexual PM
Chris Hipkins, replaces Jacinda Ardern,
who is yet to stand trial for Crimes
Against Humanity
- including Genocide
Starring the 1 dot & 2 dot versions of Jacinda Ardern

The incoming New Zealand Prime Minister Chris 'Chippy' Hipkins may be a new face to many, but will he be any different, or is it simply a matter of rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic?

Kelvyn and Hannah discuss the recent resignation of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and arrival new PM Hipkins. They breakdown the media coverage at home & abroad, and discuss whether the new boss will be any different from the old boss.

Trevor Loudon, a prolific NZ author and contributor to The Epoch Times who spotlights communist infiltration into governments around the world, joins us to explain that even his home country is not immune to this.

Despite NZ media running the narrative that Ardern quit due to misogyny & abuse, a local breakfast show had no issue shooting a Donald Trump doll live on air, making a complete mockery of their "abuse against politicians should never be tolerated" narrative.

Two Auckland farmers join us, after their farewell message to Ardern went viral around the world.

The grassroots Counterspin Media billboard campaign has been gaining traction, so much so that NZ MSM is discussing it.

Follow Trevor Loudon's work here:

Trevor Loudon |

Please Support Counterspin Media by donating:

Jacinda Ardern: 'My work here is done. See yas round!'

Jacinda Ardern tidies up her affairs and prepares for her next con job for the child molesting, human trafficking, organ harvesting WEF, Satanists etc
Jacinda Ardern tidies up her affairs and prepares for her next con job for the child molesting, human trafficking, organ harvesting WEF, Satanists etc

Jacinda Ardern: We will continue to be your single source of truth. Unless you hear it from us it is not the truth...

Let's all hope we don't need emergency surgery where will get tainted blood transfusions.

The Trump doll thing, is merely a reflex if his policies to execute those responsible for Drug and human trafficking.

It is merely an indication that they too know all well, that he is coming to destroy him.

She was called out by Putin, as a WEF traitor... the night before he invaded Ukraine... New Zealand is the only country involved in Ukraine kinetic warfare... that is not there lawfully.

This is not an accident,

New Zealand is being set up to be made an example of.

Here in the UK we have a PM no one including the Con Party voted for - Starmer of Labour has deep links to the security services - whatever happens we in Team Humanity lose every single time. The Canadian people didn't vote for Traitor Trudy either but these specimins still obtain office. Elections are now pointless -

Unfortunately the presenters, Hannah and Kelvyn, missed the pun in the title " A Chip off the Old Block" in that Chris Hipkin's schooldays nickname "Chippy" came from his initials "CHIPkins" and also the fact that Jacinda's only job out of politics was to work in a fish and chip shop, i.e. as a "Chippy". On top of that, Chippy Hipkins was always Arden's minder and Labour Party fixer, so aka the hatchet man. So what do you do with a hatchet when you can't chop like an axe? You simply chip, chip, chip away at your opponents. But rest assured, peeps… Ardern will "chip" her way up the United Nations and World Economic Forum ladder while her loyal hatchet man, Chippy Hipkins, will whittle away at the rights and freedoms of New Zealanders just as Ardern has done, really making him the chip off the old block.

Arderns hand wringing on "climate emergency", so she closes down Marsden Point, one of the more ecofriendly refineries around. Now we import low quality product from third world countries the don't give a shit about pollution they create. A "Tui moment" to add to the list.

Adults voting for change is as effective as kids writing to Santa.

I understand Chris Hipkins was one of Aunty J's right hand men enforcing the lock downs and jabs, etc during covid. So effectively no change in status quo. Just a reshuffle of chairs. Now he is simply continuing aiding and abetting of a criminal corporate, Pfizer. Knowingly perpetrating a criminal offence under the Crimes Act 1961.

Download here: Justin-Trudeau-confronted-by-a-pissed-off-mother-and-a-nurse-2023-01-25.mp4 - 6,420 kb
By: News Now Canada Independent Media - 25th January 2023
Justin Trudeau confronted in public and
rebuked by a pissed off mother & a nurse

Monique freedom gal and a mom even a nurse got up close to sock boy and laid the smackdown

David Owens
Every politician who has connections to the WEF should be treated this way. They are beyond evil

Dan Lefebvre

She said nothing wrong. She is 100% right!!!

Cest Moi
This woman speaks for MANY of us who remember what Canada was….

Scott Wilson
History will not be kind to Trudeau

W. S.
I don't know who this woman is but I love her passion for this country

Power of NOW
Look at him laughing like she is just a piece of nothing. That's what he thinks of the people, the hard working people that pay their taxes and pay his wage and he steals the money from all of us. His time is coming up he will pay for everything what he has done to all the Canadians…..

Dave Kiernan
Most hated man in the world
If he had any class
He would resign

Every country now knows Canada in a bad way because of him. I want my Canada back!

Macalda Reye
The first "Trudeau you fucking monster" hit hard

Sara McDowell
Praying for you all in Canada! You are not alone! We have to fight to take back our countries!!!!

Judy S
Thank you for being the voice of Canadians who feel the exact same way. God have mercy on him. God bless you.

Jamie Poppe
The look on his face says he is un touchable...we need to get him out now!!!

Love this woman's passion, but calling Fancy socks a monster is just-in feeding its ego.
It's like calling an earthworm an anaconda.

Download here: Chris-Hipkins-The-new-New-Zealand-Prime-Minister-Chasing-the-Unvaccinated-2023-01-22.mp4 - 1,194 kb
By: Clown Planet - 22nd January 2023
Chris Hipkins
The new New Zealand Prime Minister
Chasing the Unvaccinated

Chris hipkins: "I think early next year we'll be in the phase of chasing up people who haven't come forward to get their vaccination or have missed their bookings and so on. So everyone will be able to get a vaccine between now and the end of the year; but of course, you know, and I want every New Zealander to come forward, but human behavior suggests that there will be some people that we have to actually really go out and look for. Uh and, and some of that may spill into next year (2023), but our commitment is everyone will have the opportunity to get the vaccine by the end of the year (2022), uh everyone will, but I can't say that you know, that we're not going to have some hesitant people, or some people who just haven't come forward that we don't have to GO OUT AND FIND next year (2023.)"

How can so many people still not see how sinister these politicians are?

My heart goes out to the people of NZ, Jacinda has just been topped by somebody who sounds like he just got a doctorate degree from Klaus

"We'll have to look for"
Bud. All you're gonna find is pure rage.
Talk about going out looking for a fight.

Meg O'Fiachra
I knew in my gut whoever replaced her would be worse. Praying for NZ.

Karl Hulme
So in a nutshell, he's calling open season on purebloods.

Blue Skies
New Zealand you have to fight this monster! If this goes through there, it's going to set a precedent….WE are with you in support!

As soon as I heard that the horse lady left I knew people in NZ would be getting someone worse.

Brandon Neer
The poke was never about protecting ppl, it's about compliance

Klaus will be very proud of this man and his Hans Landa tactics.

A threat to your life is still a threat. Even if it is spoken in a non violent manner. This requires action. This man has to be Institutionalized and mentally evaluated.

Nunya Business
I hope more people start standing up and saying "NO" really soon.

Jakes Van Rensburg
Just when you think it can't get worse, then you get this

Download here: Greta-Thunberg-Ambushed-by-Real-Reporter-at-The-World-Economic-Forum-CONFIRMS-It-is-All-A-HOAX-2023-01-21.mp4 - 63,741 kb
By: Truth Droppers R Us - 21st January 2023
REAL Reporter at The World Economic
Forum! CONFIRMS It's All A HOAX!

HOW DARE YOU!!! Rebel News Reporters Find Climate Expert Greta Thunberg At The World Economic Forum And Ask Her Tough Questions She's Never Been Asked Before.

Davos Darling Greta Thunberg was met by @RebelNewsOnline Reporters while on a walk and was met with the most difficult questions of her life. You gotta see this!

Scott Filson
She must have got her coaching from the same person who coaches Kamala and Hillary: "Don't answer, and just laugh (Idiot)."

Based Coins
When they mention people starving and freezing, Greta laughs.
That's all you need to know about her

anita spencer
I love that she's wearing a Nike bag while arrested, made by people working in sweat shops. Something that nobody else has yet seemed to point out. What a hypocrite.

These are the most polite reporters and real reporting I've seen in years! They asked real questions and she made a fool of her self confirming that it's all a fake!

Penrod Auto Repair
The fact that the media is even giving these clowns a voice is part of the problem.

Every single question that she doesn't respond to or laughs at.. the answer basically speaks for itself.

Nicole Sawford
They are not police, they are actors. What a hypocrite she is. Wonder how much she got paid for this.

Eddie England
The phrase "Dumber than a bag of hammers" comes to mind watching her giggle and avoid questions without her handlers and scripted speeches.

This will go viral if it gets out.
How the hell was she let loose to walk the streets in Davos.
Somebody's gonna loose their job over this.
Outstanding job by Canada's Rebel News.

Download here: Tucker-Carlson-COVID-Crazed-New-Zealand-Prime-Minister-Jacinda-Ardern-Resigns-2023-01-19.mp4 - 11,850 kb
By: Sunfellow On COVID-19 - 19th January 2023
Tucker Carlson:
COVID-Crazed New Zealand
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Resigns!
1 dot Jacinda Ardern

The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, has resigned. She is known as one of the world's most draconian leaders when it comes to COVID-19 lockdowns and mandates.

Chinese puppet? Come on Tucker that's just Western funded oligarchs think tank talking points. She's a WEF Klaus Schwab protege. WEF aka European Management Forum was spawned by Henry Kissinger who's real name is Heinz Alfred Kissinger, who is a German born, like his most influential protege Klaus Schwab. Both Kissinger and Schwab were educated at Harvard University. Klaus Schwab dad is Eugen Wilhelm Schwab who managed the Swiss company Escher Wyss & Cie who had a prominent military contract with the German Nazi Party. Hardly communism at play Tucker, more like National Socialism.

she's a monster

She enjoyed it too much, Evil to the bone.

she trying to get out off being held to account. your people will never forget

She is soooo unpopular here

Crimes against humanity

Sack of shit

Yeah I reckon she's caused the damage she was paid to do by the chi coms, now she'll retire and write a book ain't life Grand

They are trying to jab as many people as possible so that their great reset aka depopulation plan work. If I get sick I will take my Ivermectin that I stashed just in case and leave rest to God. When I searched where I can get ivm on google I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. Every search query was censored. If I can save 1 person that will use this product instead of going to icu and plugged into ventilators that will burst her/his lungs. that is enough for me. I feel good when I put a spoke in big pharma's wheel. If you want to get Ivermectin you can visit

Download here: Jeffrey-Epsteins-Pedo-Island-Flight-Logs-Finally-Released-What-does-this-Mean-2023-01-17.mp4 - 9,123 kb
By: Vincent Briatore - 17th January 2023
Jeffrey Epstein's Pedo Island
Flight Logs Finally Released:
What does this Mean?

Full list of everyone that ever flew on Jeffrey Epstein's private plane.


Adam Garrick
These are the same people who stand on stages at award shows and berate you for how terrible they think you are.

Ted Logan
That's just the flight logs of one aircraft. There were other flights and sea-going vessels of numerous other countries that visited his island, royalty, powerful world leaders, powerful global bankers and investors, powerful global intelligence officers and others.

Strange Font
The thing is epstein supposedly had cameras everyyyywhere there. In every single room even the bathrooms. So if they didn't know and innocently went there, witnessed nothing then left and never returned, great. But thats apparently not how this goes. I believe the one timers went and were blackmailed. After they did their one tape they are now owned.. I believe the people that go back probably did the same but actually enjoyed it. At that point it's so difficult to trace the level of innocence honestly.. like okay maybe they had no clue and showed up and walked in to a disturbing scene. Did nothing felt weird and never came back. They still kept those kids from being saved. They also knew they'd be done if they anyone. Clinton's don't talk about it, they are all about it.. so you have no one to trust to tell. It's messed up all around. The tapes need to be released. We cant let this be another jfk document. Right now Gates is jabbing our cows with the cove shots and his excuse is to see if it will prevent them catching it in the future. We will be eating it soon. This guy is going to kill us and we are going to let him.

nobull shiit
I lived in the usvi , was born and raised . Most of us knew what was going on, my brother fixed his air conditioners a few times and I had a friend who did the landscaping there for a year .Jeffrey epstein had guys who would go out and buy lots of drugs ,all kinds and pickup young girls to party with on their island ,we always knew someone big was coming to the island when we would see lots of girls all dressed up out at the clubs at night like they were waiting for something . It was uncanny how many would be there, he would send his guys out to pick up girls and "supplies ", our island is small and things get around quickly , I knew Bill clinton was a coke head pedophile since I was 15 the entire island knew . I was told that Bill clinton was the guy bringing in all the cocaine which i thought at the time was ridiculous and thought it was all shit talk , ends up it was all true , go figure . Most of the the senators were going to pass a bill lowering the age of consent to 13 years old but then luckily Epstein got caught and the bill dropped to the floor just as fast as epstein escaped jail , which everyone down there also knows . If that bill would of got passed which it would of being that a majority of the senators were eagerly ready to pass it. the island would of turned into a sick perverted pecophile's dream . thank God he got caught . I met Epstein once at a bar at the east end yacht club where I could clearly see his pupils were the size of quarters but it was different back then. things like "dating" minors was normal. The governor was a cokehead there was a bar behind the police station that literally would serve lines on the bar and prostitution was only another few blocks down every night every day of the year and still is , back then there would always be older guys waiting to pick up their high school girlfriends after school with their expensive cars and fat gold chains. I had a teacher who dated a classmate in 7 th grade and got her pregnant. my friend and I always thought it was gross and creeped us out but were told its just their culture and we wouldn't understand , i dont think it was against the law back then, it most certainly wasn't enforced and the anti white hatred was in ful swing with songs liek kill the white rabbit and navy men being stabbed up and murdered while they were passed out on the curve from a long night of drinking ,so much so that the navy stopped going to the usvi ,it was a miracle i survived high school and got out of that place.Tragically lots of my friends never did and many havent been found , I pray one day they have justice .

Rob Sylvia
When I was a kid, I knew some kids from High School who hung out at the "Cool" older guy's house. The guy had it all, a beatiful home, pool, cars, and the massive basement had a huge bar, awesome sound system, and looked like a posh lounge. I reckon the man was 50. We were all 15-16 years old. I was invited over (not by the guy, but by the kids) and went . The first time i got the tour, saw the stuff, smoked the weed, listened to the music, hung out, impressed like hell, and went home. Innocent enough.
The second time, the bar was open, he served us liquor and passed around weed. There was a core group of kids, and they invited other kids. This time I wasnt the new guy.
The third time I went, I was shown the downstairs bedrooms. I was told I can do what i want here, and i can come over any time, stay over any time.
The 4th time I decided not to go, but another friend went. That night there were adults there, all men.
I never went again and was never invited back, but a few years later I heard rumors that gay sex was involved.
All I knew was it was too good to be true, the guy was too cool. There had to be a catch, and I wasn't interested in whatever was really going on (but why were there never any girls there?).
With Epstien I imagine it being similarly done. Get the invite to the cool place, feel chosen, chit chat, and get invited again.
With kids its innocent enough at first and they're still a little naive, but the adults they're gonna catch on pretty fast especially w the underage girls all around. Personally, being on the flight logs and being an Island guest, once, maybe even twice, doesn't make anyone guilty, but being regular, a VIP, ditching Presidential security, and being buddies w Epstien? That tells me all I need to know.

Miss Cleo
I would like to know the number of repeated trips by each celebrity. The more you're going to the island, the more you are becoming aware it's not just a vacay spot.
We already know about some who were mentioned that have been accused or charged with sexual misconduct, some including minors.

okey dokey
Ellen Degeneres was there as well and prince Andrew so l imagine the actual list is 10x bigger

Phillip Beckman
If you were on that list and you were completely innocent, you would demand to have your truth come out. Silence can be louder than words.

Download here: They-walk-amongst-us-Compliant-idiot-who-actually-takes-currupt-Governments-Big-Pharma-seriously-2023-01-16.mp4 - 2,409 kb
By: Carl Vernon - 16th January 2023
They walk amongst us!
Compliant idiot who actually takes currupt
Governments / Big Pharma seriously!

ArchEnema 67
He's passed the compliance test, and will be granted a premium pod and the highest grade of bugs for his efforts.

It must be difficult to be so terrified all the time. It's actually kinda sad.

jan smith
This guy clearly is not ready for the battle against the evil elite and WEF.

David B
Its paradoxical that these people are terrified of losing their lives so much without even living it in the process.

Don't know if to feel for the poor bugger for being so terrified, or bang his head for being so pathetic. No way on earth will I let my kids see people behave like this without letting them know there is something wrong with them…my kids will know this is NOT normal regardless of what the schools are trying to tell them

Kenny Boy
Remember friends, no matter how bad this week might look for you, you could be this guy. Cheers!

I was 'invited' to wear a mask in a private hospital the other day. I declined when I observed two Consultants having a conversation maskless behind me in the waiting room. When I pointed this out - the staff told me that they were just leaving. I asked if the virus (being as serious a risk as it is) had been informed. I did not wear a mask. It's become theatre and an indication of who has power and who does not.

Imagine being so terrified yet also eating at a fast-food joint at the same time.

T Bone
I totally understand this guy! He was "on base" and every one knows you are safe and can't be "tagged" by germs. Smart move!

Mauricio José Osuna
Imagine being so mentally and physically weak you get pushed back by the auras of others!!!

Download here: Japan-Orders-Investigation-Into-Covid-Vaccine-Deaths-as-MSM-Admit-The-Jabs-Are-Killing-Us-2023-01-05.mp4 - 75,462 kb
By: The People's Voice - 5th January 2023
Japan Orders Investigation Into
Covid Vaccine Deaths as MSM
Admit "The Jabs Are Killing Us"

Advertising enquiries:

In another case of yesterday's conspiracy theory becoming today's fact, mainstream media is finally reporting on what we have known all along. Biden, Fauci and Gates have been sharing misinformation with us. There was no "winter of severe illness and death" for the unvaccinated.

In reality, this is a pandemic of the vaccinated.

Official investigations are being launched and lawsuits are being readied. But before we get to that, let's take a look at an incredible phenomenon occurring closer to home. In the US, mainstream media outlets are beginning to quietly and tentatively report on the truth.

Seems the Japanese whom many of us in the west see as robots do have cojones and do stand up and push back against the BS.

Shame on our "scientists" for staying silent.

Excellent footage! It's interesting to hear how doctors are reacting to ("Vaxx") injection injuries in countries that do not shut down professional inquiry and open discussion. A big hat tip to Dr. Fukushima, for demanding action when it is clear that lives are in danger! It is very unusual for open displeasure to be expressed in Japanese culture, but the doctor is not willing to tolerate bureaucratic obstruction as people are injured and dying. It's too bad the pencil-pushers have complete control of health policy here in the USA.
Thank you for compiling this important story!

The VIRUS was never isolated so where is the proof there was ever a deadly virus? That was the first LIE. Question everything, the COVID NARRATIVE is just the catalyst for giving the jabs which then are causing all the illness. The talk of variants of a virus that was never properly isolated and identified is lunacy! A variation of a figment of their events l imagination is still imaginary!!! No doubt it is possible unvaccinated people have been sick with a severe influenza but they have the immune system to fight it! If the vaccinated and boosted get the flu their immune system collapses!!

The so-called variants are vaccine-related. There will be wave after wave of vaccine-related deaths around the world. Africa will be the only area that will have limited deaths because of the low vaccination rate. The only action that can be taken now is to stop all of the COVID vaccines immediately.

Yes 2023 is going to prove very interesting.

I think and hope 2023 is the year things turn around and the truth rises to the surface.
But unfortunately, It's a little too late for billions.

Really great Report. It is shocking what klaus schwabb's WEF has got away with. Population reduction in plain sight!

Every (clot shot) is just slow killing poison labeled as safe and effective cure.

lol who woulda thought taking a hastily concocted experimental vaccine, for which pharmaceutical companies made sure they had no liability, would be such a troublesome affair?

"But politicians and big pharma executives told us it was fine! How could this have happened?"

Take your darwin prize, d!psh!ts xD

many are dying now

The heated bodies makes me think they were subjected to Microwaves. Perhaps people are getting sick from the JAB, but don't forget

WE LIVE in a Network of Directed Energy Weapons / Active Denial Systems that can see if you've moved a pencil on your desk.

Viruses are un-scientific. There is no evidence for them. No contagion proved. Go to Dr Tom Cowan.

The ongoing COVID-19 nonsense here in the United States exists solely and exclusively because our governments have failed to use the correct treatment. They used so-called "vaccines" when Japan has just proven, in less than ONE MONTH, that Ivermectin can wipe out the disease. IVM was awarded the Nobel prize for medicine in 2015. One of the 3 most important drugs in human history: Aspirin, Penicillin, and Ivermectin. If you want to get Ivermectin you can visit

I think people need to wrap there head around the fact viruses dont exist...this makes alot of sense to me.

The deaths are becoming hard to hide,so now they will make it look like they care.
Wake Up

Download here: You-Tube-Is-Guilty-Of-Genocide-For-Censoring-Critical-Information-Proof-2023-01-03.mp4 - 1,282 kb
By: COVID VAX INJURIES - 3rd January 2023
YouTube is Guilty of Genocide
for Censoring Critical Information (Proof)

#covid #vaccine #injuries

YouTube is Guilty of Genocide

Fucking JewTube.

Its necessary to get creative to get around the censorship of comments on YT.
Lots of sarcasm & emoji's the AI can't understand yet. Start the sentence with something that's emotionally in tune with the general narrative, then switch it up in the second part. Just log out to see if the comment got through or was sandboxed.

yeah I make my comments tongue in cheek with extra toppings of saltiness but the problem is a lot don't get it then

Don't worry they are the ones who got the vax anyways. LoL

Raiden Digital
Yeah, they'll block a totally innocent comment that has nothing to do with death jabs or anything. You have to check ever single comment by opening a clone of the web page in an in-private browser. They have applied an extra strict shadow block to replying to people. You'll often see it say "View 6 replies" and there's only 2. Or "View 3 replies" and there's none. Uh Oh, too many people were being talked out of the death jab in YouTube replies. Gotta stop people from doing that.

Driver Alone in a Stranger World
That's why I use the the term
Schwabaroo/ Schwabbing / Schwabbed replacement for vaccine
Because that vaccine originated from Klaus Schwab, the founder of great reset

I'm tired of trying to warn idiots! They don't listen anyway, it's actually NOT murder, it's them suiciding themselves, they call it "the culling of the useless eaters " , and they're actually right! I'm actually starting to agree with the "evil elites ",especially the idiots that are double and triple vaxxed! Some even have more! Those idiots deserve to hurry up and die!

true they do it too me all the time

Download here: 2023-Nuremberg-2.0-awaits-the-corrupt-Politicians-Police-and-Doctors-2023-01-01.mp4 - 6,783 kb
By: Aussie Cossack - 1st January 2023
2023 Nuremberg 2.0 awaits the
corrupt Politicians, Police and Doctors

Should Doctor Kerry Chant be worried about Nuremberg 2.0?

From the comments section: "Not only Kerry Chant, but also Bret Sutton, Nicola Spurrier and Jeanette Young!"

Josh Woods
I was the one who suggested "Not only Kerry Chant, but also Bret Sutton, Nicola Spurrier and Jeanette Young!" who should be tried at Nuremberg 2.0 in the live comments.
There are more that ought to be tried (apart from 16 men incl. Schwab, Gates & Fauci who are already on the list), and to a few: Dan Andrews, Scomo, Greg Hunt, Mike Gunner, Mark McGowan, Gladys Berejiklian, Brad Hazzard, Steve Marshall, Anna Palaszczuk, Dom Perrottet, Neil Ferguson(UK), Susan Michie(UK), Deborah Birx(US), Francis Collins(US), Rochelle Walensky(US), Clifford Lane(US), Christian Drosten(DE).

Larry Reborn
I was never given a ballot asking if I wanted Kerry Chant to be the de facto God-Empress of New South Wales.

Maxine Rizzon
Not only have you helped Aussies out you have been able to shine a light on just how beautiful Russia and Russians are.Thanks for that Simeon, cheers

John Athanosopoulos
ive been praying for Nuremberg 2.0, for all of them involved who walked away from their moral conscious, for coin under the excuse, I was just doing my job. I'm not forgiving nor forgetting what all these evil scums did.

Glenn Robinson
This could be a defining moment in history.

Fascinating, who was motivating these bumbling bureaucrats ? Time to come clean and speak your truth Dr Chan

Gregory Adorian
I got to say here that I am well and truly over covid 19 BS but not over it enough to dismiss any Nuremberg 2 outcomes. That would be welcomed. Bring it on, these corrupt people must be bought to justice. Thanks for the reminder and Happy New Year to all.

Dave DownUnder
Cossack you will definitely leave a mark in this country's history

Payge the Super Flerf
I absolutely love you AC .. she does have a small window of time to come clean about who was above her pushing her.

Viv Rowe
She is not alone in this, and she won't.

Jihad Scarf
They should also go after high ranking police, especially in Victoria. Not to mention Victorian judges, who refused to get the jab and Dictator Dan Andrews accepted their protests. A case of, a law me and a law for thee.

Well said AC. Many great comments below and I commend you for "Standing STRONG" right from the START. Show's you have the "Balls n Gutz" to do what MANY would NOT. Amen.

If we the people knew months ago then you can be sure these people knew too. No excuses and no leniency

Paul L
As long as Fauci doesn't have to face the music, these people believe the same.
When Fauci starts to freak out, then so will the other's

She wasn't forced, she was paid

Page Footer...
[Everything below this line is repeated on most pages]

We are fighting a spiritual war
10th August 2024
Paris Olympics - We are fighting a spiritual war!
Revelation 18:2 "And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

Hard Times Create Strong Men...
Hard Times Create Strong Men - Strong Men Create Good Times - Good Times Create Weak Men - Weak Men Create Hard Times.

Some people wouldn't know
tyranny if it bit them on the ass!
Some people wouldn't know tyranny if it bit them on the ass!

Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!
Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!

This is a question that stupid
people & traitors cannot answer:
Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?
This is a question that stupid people & traitors cannot answer: Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!
30th June 2023
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!

Being awake isn't cool. It means having to dumb down 98% of your conversations every day, so you don't sound like a lunatic.

Attitude to monsters after putting up with their shit since late 2019...

Plan F - The Fuck Off plan!

When people you don't even know hate you, That's when you know you're the best.

mRNA jabs are doing the job
slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!
30th June 2023
mRNA jabs are doing the job slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!

20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities
It's called GENOCIDE!
13th June 2023
20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities - It's called GENOCIDE!

"A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030"
It's called GENOCIDE!
12th May 2023
A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030 - It's called GENOCIDE!

World Economic Forum - Committed to Enslaving the Whole World

Nothing says "Trust the Science"
like asking for the data
to be hidden for 75 years!
18th March 2023
Nothing says Trust the Science like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years! Shhhhh....

Superheroes bow down to the
Big Pharma / Businessmen / Doctors
11th February 2023
It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT
26th November 2022
Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT

The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get
jabbed is like sending a post card from
the Titanic saying: "Wish you were here!"
20th November 2022
The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: Wish you were here!

Ten Stages of Genocide
As taught by WEFers Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau etc - August 2022

Ten Stages of Genocide

The Good Reset
Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's,
Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

28th July 2022
The Good Reset - Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's, Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

Covid Variant / Booster
The Merry Go Round From Hell
22nd December 2021

Covid Variant / Booster - Merry Go Round From Hell

Experimental Injections
Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel
13th November 2021

Experimental Injections - Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel

Death is coming for you stupid!

I am fully Vaccinated and Boostered, and just tested positive for Covid-19. I am grateful for the protection my vaccines continue to provide.

The 5-Step COVID 'Vaccine' RISK / BENEFIT ANALYSIS - September 2021

Trump's swamp draining service

When the population understands this picture, it will change everything.

"You can fool all the people some of the time.
You can fool some of the people all the time.
But you cannot fool all the people all the time!"

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Attributed to Edmund Burke. Also by John F. Kennedy in a speech in 1961.

The Great Cow Analogy

Donald J. Trump - They should never have touched the children!
'They should never have touched the children!'
Donald J. Trump - President of the United States of America

'They should never have touched the children!!' President Donald J. Trump

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Abortion: Modern Day Child Sacrifice
Psalms 106:37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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If someone accuses you of wearing a tinfoil hat...,
remind them that it's better than wearing a blindfold!

Q - Apr 17 2020 - We are ready. [Set 1] Mission good. Q Q
"Where We Go One, We Go All"
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Q President John F. Kennedy