Kim Iversen details the prestigious class of the Young Global Leaders program and speculates how their groupthink may have led to Covid-19 lockdowns.
[Klaus Schwab is the Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF)]
Partial Transcript:
Kim Iversen: "Well I want to talk about the World Economic Forum's Young Global Leaders.
We've talked about the World Economic Forum on the show before in regards to the Great Reset; a conspiracy theory that isn't a conspiracy theory, but an actual agenda to reshape how the world economy runs. You will own nothing - the elites will own and run it all - but don't worry - you'll be happy!
The idea seems to be to move towards a technocratic corporatism where every aspect of our lives is
monitored and controlled by others. Klaus Schwab, the founder of the WEF, is particularly upfront and even proud of
his great reset agenda. He's built websites and even wrote a book. Another thing he's particularly proud of is his
ability to shape and influence world politics through the World Economic Forum's Young Global Leaders program...
..all of these world leaders will penetrate their cabinets with our young global leaders...
..Okay, so what exactly is this club of Young Global Leaders? It was formed by Klaus Schwab in 2004. The group is governed by a board of 12 influential people, which has ranged from royalty to CEOs of major tech companies. The group is liberal with a very liberal agenda, which maybe explains why we've seen countries with liberal leaders all behave similarly during this pandemic.
The current board has people like Prince Jaime from the Netherlands, who also is part of the Netherlands Climate Envoy. Eric Jing from The People's Republic of China. Eric is the CEO of Ant Group, one of Jack Ma's companies. Previous board members include people like Queen Rania of Jordan and Marissa Meyer from Yahoo.
Young leaders must be under 38 and are nominated by alumni and serve six-year terms, but what do they do and what does this leadership lead them to do? Who influences them, guides them, what, what incentives do they have to stay in the good graces of this elite club? That part we don't really know, but at minimum we know that there is such a thing as group think and my guess is these young leaders are thrilled and also intimidated to be nominated and end up
going along with ideas - in order to not stand out. If everyone else is saying this is the thing, that's right and we all agree on it, even if they don't.
People go along just to not be the lone contrarian, so groupthink is at minimum a consequence of being in this club, but it's more likely more than that; it's more likely the leadership is shaping this group to think a certain way, so
that when they ultimately infiltrate cabinets, they will likely tend to govern a certain way. That makes sense because
that is the stated goal of the World Economic Forum and its GREAT RESET there is a stated agenda. And of course their Global Young Leaders Program is a grooming ground for getting leaders in positions of power, to usher in this
So who else is in this club now? You might be surprised to hear some of these names, but here are some of them: Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand. Sebastian Kurz, former chancellor of Austria. Zhu Zhao Juan from the Ministry of Science and Technology in the People's Republic of China. Pete Footage, the only other democratic
presidential candidate besides Kamala Harris to get a cabinet position. Mark Zuckerberg, a man who has helped censor dissent. Tulsi Gabbard. I was actually surprised with how in line with lockdowns Tulsi was at the beginning of
the pandemic. Dan crenshaw is also a Young Global Leader. People actually talked about a Tulsi Dan Crenshaw ticket. Alexander and Jonathan Soros, George Soros's sons and several of the Rothschilds.
Other names: Nile Ferguson, Van Jones, Jack Ma, Gavin Newsom, Stefan Bancell the ceo of Moderna. Sanjay Gupta, Nikki Haley, Chelsea Clinton, Amal Clooney, Ashton Kutcher, Leonardo Dicaprioand of course Dr Liana Wen.
Now a lot of these names guys, have a lot in common in that they, you know, these names have been on this list for a long time. This is not a recent list. The Young Global Leaders started in 2004. I went through the lists from 2004 up until last year and I was able to source these names. So these are not, you know, most of these people were on these lists well before the pandemic. Yet what we see is that a lot of these people were very prominent during the
pandemic, um, and so this just kind of leads more you know, adds more fuel to the flames when it comes to these,... you know.
What is this World Economic Forum? What is their agenda? What are they doing and why are they getting so many
influential people to shape and control our society; and not just here in the US, but all around the World? Yeah I mean it's an elite club and I think if you look at say the top ten percent of Harvard's graduating class, uh from, from that year, you'll find, you know, similar, similar overlaps between people who are now running the world. Or if you look at Oxford and Cambridge, like you know, well it's a very, it's a very small club - you're not in it. These people are - and they, they rise to the ranks and then they become global leaders.
These are strivers, uh, you know that when you named Pete Buddha a judge, like of course, of course Pete Buddha Judge managed to uh, you know, get himself into there. But the question of whether they're indoctrinating or, or whether they're selecting for people who will agree with them, I think is... in other words, yes there are, there is a, there is a ruling class and these are people in the ruling class; and
these are kind of internships to become functionaries of that ruling class. But the way that they select for who's
going to be in it is, who's willing to agree with our ideas. If Justin Trudeau himself, like the person of Justin Trudeau, decided that he doesn't believe in the things that are being spouted by the World Economic Forum, or the things
that you're supposed to believe when you graduate from Harvard Law School, they'd find a different Justin Trudeau.
So it's not about indoctrinating an individual person, it's about creating a world view that you have to then buy into if you want to rise up to positions of power. That's a great point and I've always said that about media by the way, when people always say of the media, you know the establishment, they tell you what to say when you're a newscaster. I'm
like no they don't - they just find people that they know will say what they want...'s unbelievably nepotistic right and it seems seemingly kind of incestuous in a way. Right where it's just like drawing
from the same pool of people over and over and over again and that is maybe why we're seeing certain ideologies that then are spreading from you know, certain countries to certain countries. I mean New Zealand Jacinda Ardern and Justin Trudeau and we know that uh, Austria and Germany and France have all ruled with much of an iron fist during this pandemic; and yet they all come from the same sort of core group; you know of people with this, with a similar ideology and so I think then, you know, and I agree with you Ryan, I do think that they likely are selecting people that are likely to have a similar viewpoint.
I don't think these people are controlled right by the World Economic Forum, or controlled by this global leaders or the 12, the board of twelve. I'm sure these people have individual choice, it's just they often don't exercise it. Often
because you don't want to stand out. You don't want to be against the grain or against your friends..." |