The Punisher treason: noun: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government
White Hats
Embrace the sometimes painful truth of reality
Remain in the blissful ignorance of illusion
If there is no such thing as a CONSPIRACY - why is the word CONSPIRACY in the dictionary?
Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'   Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell
Click here... Stockholm Syndrome is also a result of Governmental / Pharmaceutical / Media Propaganda
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL and Embraces GENOCIDE

'Reporting with Integrity'
Real News - Ephesians 4:25  Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.

2024 - July to December
> 2024 January to June   > 2024 July to December
> 2023 January to June   > 2023 July to December
> 2022 January to June . > 2022 July to December
> 2021 January to December    
> 2020 and prior    

Q INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISTS - prosecutors for the elite and their corrupt organisations?
Video "These hurricanes are CONTROLLED, we have the proof" Dane Wigington - Patented technology / man-made storms - 10th October 2024
Video Elon's Bombshell: Why Bill Gates and DC in Panic Mode, Fearing Trump Releasing Epstein List with Their Names! - 10th October 2024
Q $85 million loss forces TVNZ to shut down 1News website - [NZ MSM went woke - then broke!] - 8th October 2024
Video Vote Kamala Harris and Support the CIA in: Child Trafficking / Pedophilia / Adrenochrome production / Organ Harvesting / Cannibalism Operations... - 6th October 2024
Video FBI Seize Diddy Tape Showing Hillary Clinton Killing Child at 'Freak Off' Party - 3rd October 2024
Video John Kerry's Daughter Says 'First Amendment Terrorists' Must Be 'Federally Executed' - 1st October 2024
Video Woke Students Hate Kamala Harris Quote that '18 to 24 YEAR OLDS ARE STUPID!'... when they think it's Donald Trump's - 30th September 2024
Video JOHN DEERE DESTROY THEMSELVES by GOING WOKE and to MEXICO! President Trump threatens 200% tariff! - 29th September 2024
Video How to Win an Election Without Saying Anything - JP uses Kamala Harris' Gibberish to win voters - 29th September 2024
Video Holy SHIT! Congress is Prepping For a 'MASS CASUALTY EVENT' before election - A Continuity of Government Amendment - 28th September 2024
Video Volodymyr Zelenskyy capitulates to President Donald Trump, as Trump calls for end to war in Ukraine! - 28th September 2024
Video FBI Seize 'Incriminating' Kim Kardashian Tapes From Diddy's Mansion - Sex Trafficking, Adrenochrome, Human Sacrifice - 27th September 2024
Video The Herald Settle Outside Of Court In Chantelle Baker's Defamation Case! - 26th September 2024
Video Celebrities and CEOs Facing Life in Prison as Diddy's "Adrenochrome Ring" Busted Wide Open - 24th September 2024
Video RFK Jr: Fauci Must Be Prosecuted for 330K Child Murders, As Mass Graves Found Outside NYC - 23rd September 2024
Video Short Victory Speech - Janine Arabella is now the unrebutted Commander In Chief of the Ministry of Health and of New Zealand - 21st September 2024
Video Kamala Harris: 'BREAKING: The IRS Union just announced they are endorsing Kamala Harris. Let's go!' - 22nd September 2024
Video NZ HERALD BLATANTLY SEXUALISING CHILDREN - Complicit in Grooming Children for Predators! - 22nd September 2024
Q Hollywood Under Investigation. Homes seized. Listed as "For Sale." Over 100 celeb homes sold in 2021 for Crimes Against Humanity. - 21st September 2024
Video Mikki Willis New Documentary, "Rescue The Republic" Will Pull Back The Curtain On The Deep State... - 20th September 2024
Video Official Extreme Left Wing Gavin Newsom For Harris Election Ad - Businesses Closed - Millions of People Homeless or Fleeing... - 19th September 2024
Video AI Mission Incompetent Trailer - Will Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris manage to fool the World again? - 17th September 2024
Video MAHA - I Will Fix Agency Capture, Drain the Swamp in Washington DC and End all other Corrupt Agencies - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - 16th September 2024
Video Ex District Health Board Worker Janine Arabella Files Liability Notices, Liens & Affidavits Against the NZ Government! - 12th September 2024
Video Presidential Debate - Trump Schools Harris - No American Harmed After He Negotiatied With Taliban - 12th September 2024
Video President Joe Biden & Kamala Harris met with silence when they enter a room full of firefighters. Donald Trump met with a standing ovation - 11th September 2024
Video Colonel Ricardo Bosi speaks about the White Hats and "THE FINAL PHASE PLAN" - 10th September 2024
Video Elon Musk Caught Plotting With WEF To Eradicate Sovereignty - Fusion of Physical, Digital & Biological - 10th September 2024
Video Dunkin Donuts Discriminates Against Half of USA and Will Not Advertise on Right Wing Platforms - 10th September 2024
Video Benjamin Fulford - White Hats on the March - Holland Satanists Under Arrest - Balmoral Castle Crime Scene re Human Sacrifices - 6th September 2024
Video Myron C. Fagan: Illuminati and the Council Foreign Relations - One Of The Most Banned Recordings On Youtube - 3rd September 2024
Video Joe Biden's Dr. Doctor Kevin O'Connor Murdered at GITMO by Red Hats - 3rd September 2024
Video 1000's of Bikers Help Protect RFK and President Donald Trump!! - 28th August 2024
Video Official NASA Documents Confirm Plans for 'Mass Extinction Event' in 2025 - 27th August 2024
Video Was RFK Jr.'s endorsement of Donald Trump prophesied by Kim Clement years ago from Aug. 29, 2009? - 25th August 2024
Video Whistleblower: Nancy Pelosi Murdered a Child in 'Horrific' Adrenochrome Ritual - Calls Herself a Reptilian - 25th August 2024
Video Adolf Hitler phones Kamala Harris - 24th August 2024
Video Investigators: Tom Hanks Facing Prison on 'Sickening' Pedophilia and Murder Charges - 23rd August 2024
Video Harley Davidson Went Woke! So I Destroyed My Bike!!!- 15th August 2024
Video Amy Benjamin on Liz Gunn's 'disloyal' disolving and 'ghosting' of the NZ Loyal Party - 11th August 2024
Video Queer Australian Politicians Competing in the Oppression Olympics - 9th August 2024
Video Official Government Documents Prove Brigitte Macron is a Male Pedophile - Media Blackout - 6th August 2024
Video FINALLY! Maui Fire Victims JUST Reached Historic Settlement for Billions! Yet 1,200 kids are still MISSING! - 6th August 2024
Video Suspicions of voter fraud are now CONFIRMED! - 5th August 2024
Video Did [the fake] Joe Biden get on the WRONG PLANE Last Night? - 3rd August 2024
Video 1000's of Bikers Head To President Donald Trump Rallies!! MAGA!! - 1st August 2024
Video Donald Trump Rebukes Rude Moderator At Start Of Q & A At Black Journalists Event - 1st August 2024
Video Olympics Insider: Hundreds of Kids Tortured and Killed During 'Satanic' Games for Elite Pedophiles - 31st July 2024
Video Abrain - (not suitable for 'Normies') | A Pharmaceutical Commercial Parody - 23rd July 2024
Q Which of the many Joe Biden doubles would you vote for in the 2024 US Presidential Election? - 21st July 2024
Video Janine Arabella filing her Wellington Statement - National Debt Now Paid Off! - Gov't Complicit in Crimes Against Humanity - 19th July 2024
Video Kevin Anngow - Trump's greatest supporter, staying true in Timaru, New Zealand - 19th July 2024
Video Left Wing Democrats and Sociopaths Incite Insurrection, Violence, Murder and Treason - 17th July 2024
Video Katie Hopkins in NYC after Trump Assassination attempt: a big black dude from Chicago just told me, 'Trump is blacker than me' - 16th July 2024
Video Leaked Secret Service Video Proves Trump Assassination Attempt Was Inside Job - Shooter spotted on slightly sloped roof - 15th July 2024
Q Melania Trumps' letter re the attempted assassination of her husband President Donald Trump - 14th July 2024
Video The Reckoning Is Here: Trump's Military Tribunal Bombshell Rocks America. Jail time for Biden, Harris etc - 4th July 2024
Video "What The HELL Is Going On?" | Boy Visited By Anti-Terrorism Police Over Gender Views - 3rd July 2024
Video You've been lied to about why Pauline Hanson went to prison - Innocent people getting full cavity searches! - 3rd July 2024
Video It's OK - babies explain how they are murdered and used in medical experiments - 3rd July 2024
Video Biden's Family Admit Elite Replaced The 'Real' Joe Biden Years Ago - With Doubles! - 2nd July 2024


IDEAL: Investigative journalism entails reporters deeply investigating a single topic of interest, such as serious crimes, political corruption, or corporate wrongdoing. An investigative journalist may spend months or years researching and preparing a report.

They serve the public as "watchdog reporters" or "accountability reporters."

REALITY: Sadly, most journalists (sic) today act as prosecutors for the elite and their corrupt organisations / puppeteers. Reporters routinely lie, manipulate facts, misrepresent and even persecute innocent people. They will not let 'truth' get in the way of a good story! Examples: Tova O'Brien (NZ), Anderson Cooper (USA) etc.

We lie to you news

"If you don't read the newspaper, you're un-informed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed." (quote alledgedly by Mark Twain)

If you don't stop lying - you will grow up to be a reporter or a politician!


Following his stint as a freelancer, John Swinton took a permanent position as an editorial writer for the New York Sun in 1875. Before he left the Sun in 1883 to launch a newspaper of his own, he delivered at a press dinner the speech he is most famous for today:

John Swinton (1829 - 1901)
"There is no such a thing in America as an independent press, unless it is out in country towns. You are all slaves. You know it, and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to express an honest opinion. If you expressed it, you would know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid $150 for keeping honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for doing similar things. If I should allow honest opinions to be printed in one issue of my paper, I would be like Othello before twenty-four hours: my occupation would be gone. The man who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the street hunting for another job. The business of a New York journalist is to distort the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to villify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread, or for what is about the same - his salary. You know this, and I know it; and what foolery to be toasting an "Independent Press"! We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping-jacks. They pull the string and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our possibilities, are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."
John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Download here: These-hurricanes-are-CONTROLLED-we-have-the-proof-Dane-Wigington-Patented-technology-man-made-storms-2024-10-10.mp4 - 66,729 kb
By: Redacted - 10th October 2024

"These hurricanes are CONTROLLED,
we have the proof"
Dane Wigington
Patented technology / man-made storms

Dane Wigington from joins Redacted to break some astonishing news about these hurricanes Helene and Milton.

#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris

I have been screaming this for 6-7 years. People called me crazy, delusional psycho and conspiracy theorist. I'll put my tin foil hat back on now.

Its not a conspiracy theory, it's a conspiracy

My boy tried to tell me about this tech back in 2007 and I made fun of him. Jokes on me…

Imagine destroying your own people just to stop them from voting for your opponent

I'm starting to become convinced that Americans are suffering from some sort of Stockholm syndrome. Every single day, we find out a new way our government is screwing us over. A sane population would do something to stop it. We, on the other hand, pay them to continue doing it.

Dane has worked tirelessly to bring this VERY SERIOUS issue to the attention of the masses for years. I applaud his efforts!

"Climate Change" and "Weather Modification" are practically synonymous.

If storms were engineered by men, and as a result deaths happened, wouldn't that be mur-der?

Weather modification, BlackRock, Lithium, land grabbing, Gates, etc...

If the government swears no then it is the government

Two words for all of you

Lord, please put a hedge of protection over this man!

Protect this man and this channel...

Download here: Elons-Bombshell-Why-Bill-Gates-and-DC-in-Panic-Mode-Fearing-Trump-Releasing-Epstein-List-with-Their-Names-2024-10-10.mp4 - 99,472 kb
By: The Next News Network - 10th October 2024

Elon's Bombshell: Why Bill Gates
and DC in Panic Mode, Fearing Trump
Releasing Epstein List with Their Names!

In a jaw-dropping segment of RAW FEED, host Gary Franchi dives deep into the explosive interview that's set Washington ablaze. Elon Musk, the maverick billionaire, just lit a powder keg under the political establishment, and the fallout is nothing short of spectacular.

Folks, this isn't just another celebrity interview. This is a full-blown declaration of war on the Deep State, and Musk is taking no prisoners. He's naming names, pointing fingers, and revealing secrets that the powers-that-be never wanted you to know.

Let's start with the bombshell that's got every politician in D.C. breaking out in a cold sweat. Musk claims that some of America's most prominent billionaires, including Bill Gates, are throwing their support behind Kamala Harris for one terrifying reason: they're scared to death that Trump might release the infamous "client list." That's right, folks. The same people crying "democracy in peril" might be the ones desperately trying to keep their own dirty laundry under wraps.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Musk goes on to paint a chilling picture of our current Vice President, describing Kamala Harris as nothing more than a "marionette" controlled by a cabal of puppet masters. And here's the kicker - Musk says he knows who most of these shadowy figures are. The implications are staggering.

Are we looking at a White House run by unseen hands? Is our democracy nothing more than an elaborate puppet show?

As if that wasn't enough to make your head spin, Musk drops another truth bomb that's sent shockwaves through the corridors of power. He questions why not a single person from the "client list" has been prosecuted, while hundreds of January 6th protesters languish in prison. It's a stark reminder of the two-tiered justice system that's corroding the very foundations of our republic.

But here's where it gets really interesting, folks. Musk doesn't just stop at exposing the corruption. He goes on to defend our fundamental freedoms, championing free speech and the right to bear arms. It's a clarion call to every American who believes in the principles this nation was founded upon.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Gary, how do you get access to this kind of explosive content?" Well, that's why you tune into RAW FEED. We're bringing you the stories they don't want you to hear, the truth they're trying to bury six feet under.

But here's the thing, folks. While we're out here fighting to keep you informed, to shine a light on the darkness that's threatening to engulf our nation, we're facing our own battle. The same powers that want to keep you in the dark, that want to control what you think and how you think it, they're coming after us with everything they've got.

That's why we need your help. Your support isn't just appreciated - it's crucial. It's the lifeline that keeps this beacon of truth shining in an increasingly murky media landscape. If you value real journalism, if you believe in the power of unfiltered truth, we're asking you to stand with us...

OMG, I am SO HERE for Elon calling out the BULLSHIT in the US!! RUN ELITES, RUN!!!!!

Only the guilty will run like Gates.

President Trump has a great team this time

Musk is not a liar, God Bless Elon Musk.

Elon now GETS IT!!! I hope he stays on this tract.

My entire family is unvaxed.

Release it before the election

would like nothing better than to see gates get whats coming to him.

Excellent video! Elon Musk is an American Patriot and American Patriots will stand with him.

Why bill gates fears Trump? Very simple because #47 is going to put him in jail for starters. Let's hope he qualifies for a military tribunal. My guess is he will!

That's why Bill Gates wife left him and the same goes for Mr Amazon.

Spiritual warfare is raging in high places. This is your world, Jesus, take it back. Father in Heaven, I pray thou give the world a season of refreshing. Thy will be done.

TRUMP / VANCE 2024 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jesus turned Elon's life around. Elon is Now walking with Jesus!

Here's the way I see this about the list... If the Left would have treated Trump decently, the list would have stayed hidden.

Elon is just so spot on! I can't wait to see the next Trump Administration with JD Vance and Elon Musk and RFK JR and Tulsi Gabbard + +!

Trump is not self serving, Trump is the ultimate earthly leader and provider .
He is a combination of Love and ambition. He is the Keeper of the dream ! He is so good at everything he does because Trump never gives up ! Trump wants to do good , everything to be great especially our lives !. That's the way Americans are supposed to be .

$85 million loss forces TVNZ
to shut down 1News website
[NZ MSM went woke - then broke!]
By: Claudette Hauiti, Waatea News - 8th October 2024
TVNZ - Go woke - go broke!

Media woes continue to plague the industry, with TVNZ announcing plans to shut down its 1News website next year to save $30 million.

Announced yesterday, the proposal includes closing the 1News site in February, shifting Re: News, the youth-focused division, to solely video content, and establishing hubs for data, analytics, and creativity.

TVNZ has already axed several news and current affairs shows, including Fair Go and its midday and late-night bulletins.

Te Karere, TVNZ's Maori news show, is unlikely to be affected due to its Te Mangai Paho funding.

TVNZ recently reported an $85 million loss, a significant drop from its $1.7 million profit the previous year.

Good riddance! New Zealand's mainstream media have become a mouthpiece for the World Economic Forum and other Satanic agencies.

It's not so easy to get by without tax payer money being thrown at you and artificially propping you all up eh!

I stopped watching TV years ago, as soulless schills like Mike McRoberts, Paddy Gower, Tova O'Brian are like intellectual prostitutes.

Download: Vote-Kamala-Harris-and-Support-the-CIA-in-Child-Trafficking-Pedophilia-Organ-Harvesting-Cannibalism-Operations-2024-10-06.mp4 - 38,419 kb
By: Red Pill USA - 6th October 2024
Vote Kamala Harris & Support the CIA
in: Child Trafficking / Pedophilia /
Adrenochrome Production / Organ
Harvesting / Cannibalism Operations...

Border Patrol Agent at McAllen International Airport, Texas, USA, admits that they facilitate child trafficking on a daily basis, due to Joe Biden's government.

The CIA is the biggest human trafficking and drug trafficking cartel in the world!

Gary Webb exposed it all and paid the ultimate price.

They are literally trafficking children in broad daylight right in front of our faces.

WEF / WHO / UN members (Klaus Schwab, Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern etc) are fully complicit in facilitating human trafficking either directly, or indirectly.

Where are the missing children?

Where are the missing children?

Where are the missing children?

Where are the missing children?

Michael Scott Smith
I am no Elon Musk by a long stretch in terms of financial ability

But if any of you border workers want a job and want to blow the whistle on this bullshit and save some kids I will give you a job

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
Child trafficking under the Biden / Harris government is so blatant & prolific!

What's next at US airports? Raping of children, Adrenochrome harvesting, organ transplants, cannibalism & their remains become McDonald burgers?

Police & airport officials: "I'm just doing my job.."

Wearing masks should be illegal! Get their pathetic faces plastered all over the country

Kelly Guy
It's infuriating! Please share this movie out.

Truly evil bastards. May they all rot in HELL

This boils my blood

OlegVork Dev
Some politicians need new organs.


Sandy Gascoigne
This needs to be FRONT and CENTER RIGHT NOW! We will have to answer to God about this!

Download here: FBI-Seize-Diddy-Tape-Showing-Hillary-Clinton-Killing-Child-at-Freak-Off-Party-2024-10-03.mp4 - 84,018 kb
By: The People's Voice - 3rd October 2024
FBI Seize Diddy Tape
Showing Hillary Clinton
Killing Child at 'Freak Off' Party

Seized footage from Sean "Diddy" Combs' notorious parties allegedly feature Hillary Clinton in scenes that will upend the political establishment in Washington D.C. and send shock waves around the world.

Diddy now sits in prison, fearful that he will not survive long enough to face his day in court, while rumors circulate that Hillary is anxious she will be the next powerful figure to be exposed.

Whistleblowers, including those closest to Diddy and the Clintons, are coming forward with damning evidence of sex crimes and crimes against children, involving Hollywood stars, famous athletes, and D.C. elites.

Hillary has survived countless scandals, but this time, there's no covering it up - the tide has turned, the truth is being laid bare, and it's about to rock the entire system to its core.

I'd love to see Killary publicly hung

Hillary loved to murder children. She did it for the enjoyment. She would also love to incinerate the planet in a nuclear holocaust.

We used to burn witches alive on a pile of sticks. Maybe it's time to bring this death penalty for child rapists & pedos.

That bitch eats them

I'll believe it when I see it. Seems that there are all these tapes and I never see them, the never come out. Same with Wieners laptop.

if this is true about hitlery then there's a real hot spot in hell waiting for her and anyone else who have treated kids like what's been alleged. God help us all.

Frazzle drip

Not just her. Pelosi exhibit's signs of Schizophrenia brought about by andrenochrome. She seems more batshit than Hilary.

frazzeldrip parts 2-6. OMG.. minds will be warped when it all comes out.. will his wrath be televised? pillars of salt on the way...

Pelosi LOOKS fucked in the head. I know all of them are, but Pelosi has the fucking LOOK of an andrenochrome, old witch.

Who is that 50 yr old woman pretending to HRC

Thank You for your report!

Ya that's not Hillary, sorry. That bitch is dead af.

These people are NOT going to stop until they are stopped.

killary is dead, what is being shown as her is either a mask, an actress or a clone, cgi is quite advanced too.

Download here: John-Kerrys-Daughter-Says-First-Amendment-Terrorists-Must-Be-Federally-Executed-2024-10-01.mp4 - 72,314 kb
By: The People's Voice - 1st October 2024

John Kerry's Daughter Says
'First Amendment Terrorists'
Must Be 'Federally Executed'

John Kerry made headlines last week by stating that the First Amendment is a "major obstacle" for global elites aiming to transform America = and the world - into a totalitarian society where only one official narrative is allowed.

Under Kerry's globalist vision, anyone who dares to challenge the elites' agenda would be labeled a threat to society and imprisoned.

As if that wasn't disturbing enough, John Kerry's daughter's position is even more extreme than that of her authoritarian father.

Nicole Schwab: "Permanent climate lockdowns coming -whether you like it or not!"

Jacinda Ardern also claimed to be the 'single source of truth!'

Vanessa Kerry needs a team of makeup artists just to make her look human.


That's one of the fugliest lady dudes that I've EVER seen!!!

calling for the murder of millions of people is terrorism. calling for an end to the Constitution is treason, and the penalty for treason is death

If we take responsibility for our own lives and practice the one universal guiding principle of Do No Harm, then we don't need to be governed by others.

These people are megalomaniacs. Death by climate change?? What the heck is wrong with their brains.

That's one ugly, ill informed dude! Elitist monster!

he means in the last so many years it's been harder and harder to control us - I think he's trying to say

They talk about climate change and extreme weather like they aren't creating it all!!!!


is she a he?

Was she in wizard of Oz

U can see the lack of adrenochrome in her eyes

Wow! It is as gruesome as it's sperm donor!

"really hard to govern today" what he means is its really hard to control the masses. Good they need to understand that and they need to understand Who they are worshipping, do they think Satan is going to save them. lmao!!

Download here: Woke-Students-Hate-Kamala-Quote-that-18-to-24-year-olds-are-stupid-When-They-Think-It-Is-Donald-Trumps-2024-09-30.mp4 - 31,453 kb
By: Steritom - 30th September 2024
Woke Students Hate
Kamala Harris Quote that:
...when they think it's Donald Trump's

Kamala Harris: "What else do we know about this population - 18 through 24? They are stupid! That is why we put them in dormitories and they have a resident assistant! They make really bad decisions!"

Watch as woke students react to a controversial quote - but what happens when they find out it's actually from Kamala, not Trump? See their reactions and learn more about how perceptions can be influenced by political bias in this eye-opening video.

they are all proving Harris's point...

She right ..she call them stupid and they gonna vote for her

The one time Kamala has been right in her political career

Well, these students just proved her point. They are stupid

These kids sadly are indoctrinated

They were called stupid by a politician and they still intend to vote for that politician, therefore proving that politician is correct, they are stupid.

My god this is embarrassing they have no sense of real life .

More indoctrinated... not more educated..

LGBTQ= LETS GET BACK TRUMP QUICKLY - wake up yall not stupid

They are stupid! The more they open their mouths the more stupid they sound.

Wow she wasn't joking!!! This group is stupid!!!

this proves they ARE stupid.

Harris wasn't lying, they are stupid

Why doesn't the Trump campaign play this in their ads against the Democrats!

I guess Kamala was right about Gen Zs after all.

Download: JOHN-DEERE-DESTROY-THEMSELVES-by-GOING-WOKE-and-to-MEXICO-President-Trump-threatens-200-percent-tariff-2024-09-29.mp4 - 53,641 kb
By: The Auto Report - 29th September 2024
President Trump threatens 200% tariff!


#johndeere profits soar to $7.7 billion as farmers fight for #righttorepair . Here's what's happening and why it matters to everyone.

0:00 Trump Threatens John Deere
2:15 Software locks and repair restrictions
5:30 Farmers fighting back: lawsuits and hacking
8:45 Economic impact on food prices

Look, this isn't just about tractors. It's about who controls what you buy. Car buyers, phone users - we're all in this together.

Like, comment, and subscribe for more inside looks at how big business decisions hit your wallet.

#RightToRepair #JohnDeere #FarmersRights #ConsumerRights #TechMonopoly

John Deere goes anti American and embraces: queers / pro transvestites / human trafficking / pedophiles / Satan worship
John Deere goes anti American and embraces: queers / pro transvestites / human trafficking / pedophiles / Satan worship

It's interesting how the woke left hate people who say "Make America Great Again."

Greedy CEOs, the problem with this country nowadays

No lawsuits required. You'll probably lose those anyway in a modern court. Just give them the Bud Light treatment and it will all end abruptly.

John Dear destroyed themselves

I got out of mechanical school in the 70s. I have watched every maker go to this technology trucks tractors cars all this software is made in China. have a 2019 kenworth one little sensor put me out of business for a month so between the Chinese and environmentalists everything is in big trouble

John Deere screwed themselves

I gave John Deere the boot from our farm back in 1997. The 8000 series tractors did it for me. JD said it cost 30% less to manufacture than the 60 series it replaced. Then they raised the price 20% over the old. My math said at the time that is 50% back then. JD was at that time promoting the "company store" model of business that I find disgusting. JD flat out lied about tracked tractors for years until they had one on the market, and even though they were behind, they claimed it to be the best on the market. By that time, I had switched to Caterpillar tractors, and I have never looked back. Caterpillar had a three-year warranty bumper to bumper and five years on the engine and drive train. JD had a one-year warranty, and you could purchase another year for a total of 2 years for an extra $1,500. Cat has better products and better service to boot. Booting them was one of the best things I ever did. No regrets whatsoever.

shame on John Deer. they will loose many customers..

If the CEO of John Deere loves Mexico so much , why doesn't he move there ? He should fit right in. He seems to love the money more than his employees and the farmers . If he could take the money with him when he dies , does he know all that money will make the fire a lot hotter ?

I used to love them and I used to love their equipment. but now I absolutely hate them and will not buy shit from them

I am British so nothing to really do with me but this is disgraceful and is a problem that we suffer from in the UK.

Ship all our jobs to China and destroy our industrial legacy forever. Allow the Farmers to fix their machinery, allow American workers to build USA machines

Why I'm keeping my old vehicles and tractors.

Everything new has spyware and cameras and is unfixable.

No person is worth 15 million dollars. 1 million is too much for any CEO

Add JD to the boycott list.

I'm not a farmer, but own two non computerize backhoe and a mower! And will not buy another one ever,I support our farmers. Boycott JD

Welcome to cooperate America no individual is worth 15 million

Stop buying Deere. Other equipment just as good , if not better !

Time for farmers to drop deere and spend their money with someone else.

Download here: How-to-Win-an-Election-Without-Saying-Anything-JP-uses-Kamala-Harris-Gibberish-to-win-voters-2024-09-29.mp4 - 24,237 kb
By: AwakenWithJP - 29th September 2024
How to Win an Election Without
Saying Anything - JP uses Kamala
Harris' Gibberish to win voters

Today we sit down and get interviewed by Oprah. This is how to win an election without saying anything!

You forgot to change your accent to match the person you are talking to based on your perception of what race they are.

Genius! You have learned double speak at a graduate level - you will not ban fracking once you outlaw it - genius!

Omg. The comedy writes itself. JP will have material for the rest of our lives.

He made it overly ridiculous and still managed to cover many more important topics than she ever does.

Audience member: I'm struggling financially

Kamala: Holistically

"You've got a great head on your shoulders. Because you're currently not working, you're a student, and you expect to be able to afford a home in a year"

Serving up word salad like a pro!

The "When I'm (s)elected President" line was beautifully done

I thought you did a much better job that Kommula.

Coke nose wipe at 2m mark...lmfao

As a middle class black man

They all look like zombie cult members! It doesn't matter what she says, they're just smiling and laughing at her word salad!

My cat is smarter than kamala

Please Americans vote Trump 2024 don't let the joker win this one. With love and hope from Canada

Excellent work... as usual highlighting the absurd!

Just a reminder Oprah is one of the 2 extremely wealthy persons who was soliciting money from the poor under the " lets help the victims of the Lahaina fires " in August 2023.

Download here: Holy-SHIT-Congress-is-Prepping-For-a-MASS-CASUALTY-EVENT-before-election-2024-09-28.mp4 - 32,218 kb
By: Redacted - 28th September 2024

Holy SHIT! Congress is Prepping For a
'MASS CASUALTY EVENT' before election
A Continuity of Government Amendment

A stunning development coming from Capitol Hill. So we are just over 40 days away from arguably the most important election in American history and now Congress is pushing forward a proposed 28th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. You can't make this up.

According to reports from Washington Post and now confirmed by Politico, a bipartisan group of Congressman are suddenly concerned about the nation's preparedness for a catastrophic event... and they're rolling out the plan for the 28th amendment... called the "continuity amendment."

#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris

I have said many times over many years that we have the largest taxpayer funded criminal syndicate on the planet.

They're not scaring me.. But they sure are pissing me off.


How about this added amendment: Congress Term Limits....

These folks are evil!

Don't forget, there was never a clear answer on what happened to the disappearance of 30 tons (61,000 pounds) of ammonium nitrate from a railcar crossing the Midwest, back in May of 2023 and how quickly that story got buried.

These politicians are absolutely sick in the mind, body and soul.

Epstein list alone might wipe out congress....

"Our lives, our liberty, and our property are never in greater danger than when Congress is in session" - Mark Twain

Candace Owens pod cast is looking deep into Kamala's family background, and it appears Kamala Harris is not all who she say's she is... Very interesting!

We are living in a banana republic, people don't realize it yet but we will all find out soon. They will do whatever they have to in order to maintain power

I'm very suspicious of the Marines cancelling their annual ball for the 1st time. They didn't even cancel it during WWII, so something is brewing!

Like right now we really don't know who's running the White House

Download here: Volodymyr-Zelenskyy-capitulates-to-President-Donald-Trump-as-Trump-calls-for-end-to-war-in-Ukraine-2024-09-28.mp4 - 19,036 kb
By: Fox News - 28th September 2024
Volodymyr Zelenskyy capitulates to
President Donald Trump, as Trump
calls for end to war in Ukraine!

President Donald Trump calls for end to war in Ukraine: 'His country has gone through hell'

Former President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Zelenskyy speak to press during their meeting at Trump Tower in New York City.


Volodymyr Zelenskyy: How high shall I jump sir?
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: "How high shall I jump sir?"

The fact that Trump is stepping in and doing Presidential things like this, even though he's not President yet, speaks volumes.

Donald Trump was the 45th and also the 46th President of the USA, but as part of his 'draining the swamp' strategy, he had to go 'behind the scenes' to finish his work.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has to capitulate to President Donald Trump and the White Hats, or he will be executed. We are now witnessing his stepping out to become the 47th president of the sovereign USA, and end of the Satanic corporation that is the US.

God bless President Donald Trump.


So if TRUMP pulls this off...WHY DO WE NEED HARRIS...and again this is why Trump is and will be A LEGEND....

"Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God." Matthew 5:9

End this stupid war ..

Notice, Zelenskyy didn"t come all this way to waste his time talking to the two vegetable brains (Biden / Harris) in Washington,DC.

Trump is already taking action on what he promised Go Trump 2024

At least we have President Trump to speak for our country.

4 TRILLION dollars spent and nothing to show for...BIDENOMICS...

Zelensky called Trump "Mr. President"!!! Beautiful.

PRESIDENT TRUMP!! Let's End This War!!!

Trump is always right: it is time for the world to listen and… Make Our World Great Again! (MOWGA).

isn't Joe still the president??? Oh yeah Joe is napping while Kamala giggling somewhere so Trump steps in... acting presidential!!! Handle it Donald J Trump the elected president come November 2024!!!

Download: FBI-Seize-Incriminating-Kim-Kardashian-Tapes-From-Diddys-Mansion-Sex-Trafficking-Adrenochrome-Human-Sacrifice-2024-09-27.mp4 - 63,326 kb
By: The People's Voice - 27th September 2024
FBI Seize 'Incriminating'
Kim Kardashian Tapes
From Diddy's Mansion
Sex Trafficking, Adrenochrome, Human Sacrifice

Footage from Diddy's raid allegedly shows Kim Kardashian in scenes that are set to send shockwaves through the entertainment industry.

As Diddy sits in jail awaiting justice for his crimes, Kardashian is said to be terrified that she will be the next A-lister to be put in prison as whistleblowers including those closest to Diddy and Kardashian come forward to expose what they know about sex crimes and crimes against children perpetrated by Hollywood stars, famous athletes, and political elite.

DISAstars. NOT stars at all!

I watch you almost everyday Sean. Thank you for naming and shining the light of truth on these demons so we can bring them to justice for their unnatural evil disgusting crimes.

The Kardashians ARE TRASH! Their 'mother' needs to FRY too!

Diddy diddled the Bieb?

Long drops and short stops for all of those who have harmed God's little ones!

Nothing worse than hurting a child.

This psychopaths need to be arrested and fast

Moloch CIA MK Ultra produced Charles Manson, Epstein, Diddy, and so many more.


Download here: The-Herald-Settle-Outside-Of-Court-In-Chantelle-Bakers-Defamation-Case-2024-09-26.mp4 - 12,576 kb
By: The Platform NZ - 26th September 2024
The Herald Settle Outside Of Court
In Chantelle Baker's Defamation Case!

The Herald settle outside of court in Chantelle Baker's Defamation Case.

Chantelle: @ChantelleBakerr
I recently sued @nzherald for defamation alongside Kate Hannah, a few weeks ago they offered a significant sum to settle. I accepted and then launched a second suit, this one far bigger, against @NZStuff and Kate Hannah for defaming me in Fire & Fury. The constant lies and fabricated narratives to discredit me in order to maintain control of the public ends now. The Stuff lawsuit has just begun and I am looking forward to seeing it through to the very end and exposing the 'Disinformation' experts for being nothing more than lying grifters profiting off creating propaganda.


Would be good to have the funds to take lawsuits. We would take them all to the cleaners, but alas, some of us get by on the smell of an oily rag, and most of the time, that rag has no oil.


What a fantastic result and all the best with the case against stuff news.

Excellent, msm are absoulutely loathsome good on you Chantelle

Herald have had to settle.
Stuff are stuffed.
Go hard, Chantelle! I hope you clean them out.

Chantelle Baker: Take a bow. Remember, the majority of the people in this country are behind you.

About time: I read about this on X - we need to see this gain ground and sort our country out. Well done Chantelle !

the disinformation pproject settling out of court for their disinformation.

Herald settling is an admission of guilt!

I will never forget Chantelle's hard out work capturing daily live footage of the Parliament Occupation Feb/March 2022. On the final day when all hell broke loose she had literally climbed up onto the gateway pedestal to continue filming in the dangerous situation. Her Dad Leigh was doused in pepper spray nearby it was a panic as the police destroyed everything in their tracks, worst abuse against peaceful protesters ever! Good on you Chantelle for taking these buggers to Court!

kate hannah and the herald played the FAFO game and LOST

Let's not forget how Sean treated the "cookers" like Chantelle... funny how he seems to have forgotten how he aligned with the msm he pretends he's not a part of... also funny he expects the herald to apologize while refusing to do the same

Shaun cuts off the guest far too much. Let her finish her sentence at least.

jesus man can you let your guests speak!

Shut up Sean. You ruin your own show by cutting in all the time

Download here: Celebrities-and-CEOs-Facing-Life-in-Prison-as-Diddys-Adrenochrome-Ring-Busted-Wide-Open-2024-09-24.mp4 - 67,886 kb
By: The People's Voice - 24th September 2024
Celebrities and CEOs Facing
Life in Prison as Diddy's
"Adrenochrome Ring"
Busted Wide Open

The entertainment industry is on edge as a sweeping FBI investigation into Sean "Diddy" Comb's underage sex and drugs blackmail scandal threatens to bring Hollywood's most powerful figures to their knees.

With hundreds of celebrities, CEOs and political elites under scrutiny, many are scrambling to erase their digital footprints and distance themselves from the growing scandal.

Unfortunately for the celebrity elite, it's too late to cover their tracks. Diddy has been linked to Jeffrey Epstein's child sex procurers and his hidden tunnel trafficking network has been exposed.

Mel Gibson
"Now the first step in eradicating this crime is awareness."

They sold their soul to the devil.Trafficked, Maimed, raped, drank their blood and sold Children to their evil friends and business buddies to do the same, they buried the child, someones child never to be found. If this is not Evil and demonic then I dont know what is. My Heart Hurts. May they all be shown to the People who Idolize them and Burn in Hell.

Finally, the FBI does its job for once! Hollywood is absolutely despicable--it can't crumble fast enough!!!

Now we that do our homework know that this has been going on for a long time now, Bob Hope was an MK Ultra handler, one of the first; the Rat Pack were in on it too, along with satanism (Sammy Davis Jr), the Playboy Mansion had tunnels for human trafficking leading to Frank Sanatra's and many other homes...and they've always used Hollywood for laundering government money that's why you'll see most of them on board with whoever is in power at the time.

#bigmikeobummer and the rest need to hang and hang NOW

I hope they get them all, i certainly will not lose any sleep about any of them.

These people are sick - they have allowed Satan to take over them. Jesus Christ himself said that anyone who harms one of these little ones it would be better if a millstone were hung around their necks and they were cast into the sea.

Don't let the "suicide watch" lie deceive you. The media puppets were instructed to write that so, when they murder Combs and fake his suicide (like with Epstein), the average idiot will believe the suicide cover story!

Don't be fooled!


I hope these Patriot Agents that took down Diddy do something about the Election Fraud the Democrats are going to commit.



Are 'the people' manipulated to feel hopeless and helpless in the face of evil this outlet reports? WHAT IS THE POINT OF EXPOSING EVIL WHEN THERE IS NOBODY TO TAKE IT DOWN AND RID THE EARTH OF IT?

Could the 1000's bottles of 'baby oil' actually be adrenochrome?

Get the ropes out

Sick mother fuckers need to die.

Why does God let this happen?

01:01 Meghan is a he, dude.
01:18 Look at that large trachea & shaved adam's apple. DW it always grows back. That's why they need lots of money to support their cultist troony goons life style.

Download here: RFK-Jr-Fauci-Must-Be-Prosecuted-for-330K-Child-Murders-As-Mass-Graves-Found-Outside-NYC-2024-09-23.mp4 - 70,151 kb
By: The People's Voice - 23rd September 2024
RFK Jr: Fauci Must Be Prosecuted
for 330K Child Murders,
As Mass Graves Found Outside NYC

The mass graves of thousands of vulnerable children killed in illegal experiments by Dr. Anthony Fauci will used as evidence against Dr. Anthony Fauci when he is charged with crimes against humanity according to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

In the same way that Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele's crimes horrified the world when his atrocities were exposed after World War II, the details of Fauci's deadly experiments on vulnerable groups - including orphans - is now leaving investigators stunned.

Dr. Fauci is a psychopath who has pushed science into the realm of sadism and there is an unmarked grave in New York state bearing witness to his ambition.

he is responsible for way more murders than that!

not including those of us that have CFS, & the likes- permanent heath issues that make you wish you was dead on your worst days - as well as health conditions that transmit person to person.

& dont forget ALLLLLL those that worked for him, with him, & even those giving Fauci orders!





And bill gates

"330K"? Ahh there's that number 33. It's sprinkled everywhere.

not to mention the baby skulls on rats at Pennsylvania university and beagles driven crazy by fleas in north Carolina university. guy should be hanging from a rope for world to c

One side of this wicked tragedy is the downfall of medical institutions… including otherwise competent, caring doctors, nurses and pharmacists who got dragged into the undertow of Fauci's wake. We face a difficult path to justice ahead.

Fauci is a sewer rat

If not going to get Billy Gates & the others then let fraudci go! They have to b put to death or will end up living a kings life

By using pharmaceutical products, we are supporting these demonic practices.

I can't wait for the revealing of the already executed, and the ones that are up next.

when are we going to kill these fux? I'm ready.

He probably created AIDS as a beta test for planetary democide. If not, he killed many millions by deliberately witholding medications which treat or cure the illness, and by overdosing people on AZT during the earlier days of the illness. HIV is a marker of the illness, and almost certainly NOT the cause. Over 100,00,000 dead in the world from the jabs, and counting, as well as hundreds of thousands killed by denying life-saving drugs to people such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroqine, or deliberately overdosing people on other drugs which would have treated C-19.

Makes Israel and Nazi Germany look like pikers in comparison.

We all know how bad this is but nothing is happening to those people. Business as usual, even worse.

Sadistic infamous butcher, Angel of Death Fauci.

Short-Victory-Speech-Janine-Arabella-now-the-unrebutted-Commander-In-Chief-of-the-Ministry-of-Health-and-NZ-2024-09-21.mp4 - 39,946 kb
By: NowFreedomForAll - 21st September 2024

Short Victory Speech
Janine Arabella is now the unrebutted
Commander In Chief of the Ministry
of Health and of New Zealand

Janine Short Victory Speech:

The New Zealand Government has DEFAULTED to all of Janine Arabella's Liability Notices, Liens & Affidavits & is now the unrebutted Commander In Chief of the Ministry of Health and of New Zealand.

Amazing Janine. What a true peaceable warrior. Much gratitude to you and your efforts.

I am so grateful for everything you have done and are doing. I am a health and wellness educator and coach and I am helping people who have been injured regain their health and vitality. If there is anything I can do to be of assistance to you, pls let me know.
Kindest Noeline

Amazing woman
Amazing result
New Zealanders of the year

I will never trust the the medical associations ever again Bring on the "Med-Beds" this is the only way forward at this point, life without greedy Big Pharma Blackrock scum making us sick to sell us medication what a fucking scam and we the people let these bastards get away with it, Jacinda, Hipkins and Bloomfield and the media are war criminals and need to be arrested for their participation in the big lie and the Crimes against Humanity Where were our Police who's job it was to protect us against this tyranny???? Heads need to fucking roll.

Glad to see you back!!!

So grateful to you and for you championing for the living in this nation/world. Bless you as you continue in your call

Go Forward Commander! Protection cushioning you always. You are amazing and have given myself, many men, women and children much needed hope for the future. Divine Feminine. You are absolutely amazing!

Thank you!

thanks Janine.
I look forward to you taking ASB bank down now. I cld use my money they currently hold under the scheme of Kiwibmsaver!

Wow Janine, I you have made my day!!! Thank you so very much.

Brad flutey was jailed having done 57 days of starvation to prove he is locked up without just cause

He had an exemption for a mask and his constitutional violations were taken from him the duty of care to him was failed please see to it he is released

He like others under the health act 1956 section 92 Y had lawful excuse nga mihi well done Janine

You are amazing, thank you for your persistence and due diligence!

You are an angel from heaven

Thank U, Aba Father King Jesus Holy Spirit for His wisdom, protection on U, just tears as I felt His presence as U spoke..Thank U, for being obedient and doing this with an open heart in what He wants U to do, it would of been hard, and know God has your daughter, and everything was not in vain, those that planned evil for U, God has turned around to help a nation.
Luv n blssings to U, May He continue to lead and protect U, as He removes All your enemies before U

Awesome! I'm extending my energy and intent to join with you in this endeavour!

Download here: Kamala-Harris-BREAKING-The-IRS-Union-just-announced-they-are-endorsing-Kamala-Harris-Lets-go-2024-09-21.mp4 - 10,209 kb
By: Chad Prather - 22nd September 2024
Kamala Harris:
"BREAKING: The IRS Union just
announced they are endorsing
Kamala Harris. Let's go!"

IRS workers union endorse Harris

This should tell you everything you need to know.

IRS workers union endorse Harris

IRS workers union endorse Harris

IRS workers union endorse Harris

IRS workers union endorse Harris

IRS workers union endorse Harris

TRUMP 2024

The IRS - who in God's name wants to be endorsed by the IRS???????

I'm not f***** surprised! This BS has got to stop!

Imagine that!!! How is it government employees have a union? They are paid by taxpayers.

and tomorrow they will cry "were not political" !!!!!!! my ass.

Of course they did. A bunch of DEI hires

Did not know IRS had a union. They should not be political anyways.

I'd be more surprised if they didnt endorse her. Crooks like to stick together

The organization that received an additional $80B in taxpayer funding courtesy of a democrat funding bill? Shocking.

Let them endorse her. She will screw them over too.

You could not have said it better. The people better really wake up and take the power back.

Tell it Chad! Wake tf up ppl.

Of course they did!

If voting actually meant anything we wouldn't have cartoons characters in charge now.

Download here: NZ-HERALD-BLATANTLY-SEXUALISING-CHILDREN-Grooming-Children-for-Predators-2024-09-22.mp4 - 11,709 kb
By: COUNTERSPIN MEDIA NZ - 22nd September 2024

Complicit in Grooming
Children for Predators!


The NZ Herald recently published a video on their 'Kea Kids News' section, sexualising a young boy, who dresses in drag, twerks, dances like a drag queen and rides his quadbike while wearing stilletos.

During the video, the boy is interviewed by another child about his life, his wardrobe and so forth. The boy also speaks of having had several acting gigs, raising his social status amongst younger audiences.

This is blatant promotion of pedophilia by the NZ Herald, who appear to have lost all sense of what is, and what is not appropriate. This is after all, the end result of wokeism - the erosion of all morality.

The promotion of adult degeneracy is one matter (which also needs to be addressed), but the blatant sexualisation of children by the legacy media outlet is a step too far and ought to have consequences.

@HannahSpierer @CounterspinZ @samcostelloNZ @UnitedFreePres @dbongino @RealAlexJones @RealCandaceO @elonmusk

Sick perverts posing as journalists at the NZ HERALD, are provably and blatantly encouraging the grooming of New Zealand children - for predators!

It's better to expose what's happening and bring awareness rather than pretending it's not an agenda being rolled out across the Western world.

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
Well done Counterspin for exposing how low the failing NZ HERALD have really fallen!

Criticism against you for posting this 'evidence' is akin to corrupt judges deeming it illegal to expose governments behaving illegally!

Evil is evil does...

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
Sick perverts posing as journalists at the NZ HERALD, are provably and blatantly encouraging the grooming of New Zealand children - for predators!

What a sick, perverted and extremely f&%ked up newspaper!

The girl being a reporter doing the interview, also is putting a child in an adult role, but a non sexual one.
The boy probably doesn't even realize he is being sexualized and just thinks it's a dressing up and acting game.

Joe King
Kiwis need to boycott that shit publication

richard anderson
herald promoting parents abuse

Bill Fox
This is the way of the world now. Central Otago youth council chairman has decided it's time to have a male enter what has been traditionally a female princess competition at the Alexandra blossom festival. The rot is now widespread.

This is child exploitation. The Hereld is SICK

time to boycott the herald, and even the national government because they are letting this happen, doing their dutiful orders from the WEF

Margaret Nelson
He's learned all of this by imitation. Someone ought to be checking his family and what they're encouraging him to do.

Lisa Tangaroa
All this child sexualisation at the same time the Diddly being exposed and what he done with a young Justin Bever. Hope people are seeing it for where it leads to.

What the Fuck is going on at the Herald?

Feral plague rat v2
My kids had a dress up box and would often dress up in all sorts of outfits but they never minced about gyrating and twerking like this. Why would that even occur to them?

toby meredith
They are dirty scum pedos and groomers the lowest of the low and no matter what they do or say public perception won't ever change.

Hollywood Under Investigation.
Homes seized. Listed as "For Sale."
Over 100 celeb homes sold in 2021
for Crimes Against Humanity.
By: Ariel - 21st September 2024

The Executive Orders (13848-13818).

Hollywood Under Investigation.

Homes seized. Listed as "For Sale."

Over 100 homes of celebs sold in 2021.

The cause? Crimes Against Humanity.

Adam Levine & Behati Prinsloo

Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis

Chris Hemsworth & Elsa Pataky

Drew Barrymore

Eva Longoria

Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Falchuk

Jamie Foxx

Jennifer Lawrence & Cook Maroney

Jessica Alba and Cash Warren

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel

Lady Gaga

LeBron James & Savannah Brinson

Liam Hemsworth

Margot Robbie

Matt Damon

Nick Jonas & Priyanka Chopra

Olivia Wilde & Jason Sudeikis

Penelope Cruz & Javier Bardem

Reese Witherspoon & Jim Toth

Ryan Reynolds & Blake Lively

Salma Hayek & François-Henri Pinault

Sarah J. Parker & Matthew Broderick

Shakira & Gerard Piqué

Snoop Dogg

Steve Carell

The Weeknd

Will Smith & Jada Pinkett Smith

Zac Efron

Ellen DeGeneres & Portia de Rossi

Tom Cruise

Tim McGraw & Faith Hill

The Weeknd

Dustin Johnson

Kat Von D

Jennifer Lawrence

Chrissy Teigen & John Legend

Kourtney Kardashian & Travis Barker

Kylie Jenner

Mark Wahlberg

Justin Bieber

Kelly Clarkson

LeBron James

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Matthew McConaughey

Reese Witherspoon

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner

Cameron Diaz


Goldie Hawn

Kate Upton

Justin Verlander

Chris Pine

Zooey Deschanel

Emily Blunt

John Krasinski

Chris Pratt

Anna Faris

Keanu Reeves

Cameron Diaz

Cindy Crawford

Rande Gerber

Courteney Cox

David Arquette


Most of these Hollywood Homes are crimes scenes. Which were not allowed to be bought by anyone. They are all connected to what is currently bringing down P. Diddy. All it will take is a quick look at the EOs to understand the scope of this list. These EOs were never revoked under the J. Biden administration. There is a reason for that some of you know already.

Which is why there is no one you can locate in that area of California who bought all those homes in such a short period. Mainstream media will never tell you the true culprit as to why those homes were put up for sale. If you want to find out more about the EOs, follow this link:

W.R. Schock, QBD wrote:
"The repercussions of P Diddy's arrest is a tsunami of CEOs, politicians & execs stepping down in the first 24 hours. And of course the rats are still jumping ship & swimming for shore as we speak. Spicy ️weekend?"

Rats fleeing the ship...

The End.

Download here: Mikki-Willis-New-Documentary-Rescue-The-Republic-Will-Pull-Back-The-Curtain-On-The-Deep-State-2024-09-20.mp4 - 25,249 kb
By: Neolibrium - 20th September 2024
Mikki Willis New Documentary,
"Rescue The Republic" Will Pull Back
The Curtain On The Deep State...

Mikki Willis New Powerful Documentary, "Rescue The Republic" Will Pull Back The Curtain And Destroy The Deep State...

"Nearly every war we have fought was initiated by their propaganda. As their Empire of Lies is collapsing they are becoming increasingly desperate and dangerous"

Alex Jones
WATCH: Mikki Willis' New Documentary, "Rescue The Republic" Will Pull Back The Curtain And Devastate The Deep State Like They've Never Been Devastated Before

"Nearly every war we have fought was initiated by their propaganda. As their Empire of Lies is collapsing they are becoming increasingly desperate and dangerous"

Defender of Freedom
Vote against the Destruction of the West! Vote for Trump.

The deep state is a disgusting organization.

They want to make us weak and divided.

We must unite, to defend our society and our values.

New World Warriors
Stand together! United together the people are unstoppable. To the people working for the government, it is time to choose a side. You can choose to not help destroy the country. You are the frontline fighter! Call your boss out on BS and make sure the public knows about it.

Shane Connor
I have so much respect for people willing to go out and try to expose these people and make documentaries like this.

Download: Official-Extreme-Left-Wing-Gavin-Newsom-For-Harris-Election-Ad-Businesses-Closed-Millions-of-People-Homeless-or-Fleeing-2024-09-19.mp4 - 6,784 kb
By: The Babylon Bee - 19th September 2024

Official Extreme Left Wing
Gavin Newsom For Harris Election Ad
Businesses Closed - Millions
of People Homeless or Fleeing...

The Babylon Bee has obtained this exclusive, official, 100% real Gavin Newsom election ad.

#california #election #trump

"I banned all the cars that don't run on electricity. Then I banned the electricity. This is smart leadership."

Well done Babylon Bee. This was more like a resume and biography of two of America's greatest scumbags!

This is not misinformation.

Literally every single thing in this video is a fact.

Any California resident can attest that all of this is 100% true

For Gavin so loved the poor, he created more of them.

Checkmate Gruesome. He's going to lose his mind over this lol

WOW ! Spot On...Californians for Donald Trump & JD Vance

The first time Gavin didn't lie!

This isn't a parody ad, it's a documentary. Thank you for your service Sgt. Bee

I really wish they added the time when he was a mayor. He shipped all the homeless in San Francisco to Los Angeles and claimed a victory for reducing the homeless problems

Lets not forget Nancy Pelosi is his aunt.

I'm a Californian, and I approve this message.

Satire is protected by the first Amendment. Gavin has no grounds for retaliation. As a Californian - I approve this message.

This is so fake, he wouldn't be that honest.

Finally a Democrat that is being upfront and honest. I can respect that.

This ad is spitting straight up FACTS

I'm a Californian and I endorse this 100% Factual message

Download: AI-Mission-Incompetent-Trailer-Will-Barack-Obama-Joe-Biden-and-Kamala-Harris-manage-to-fool-the-World-again-2024-09-17.mp4 - 4,226 kb
By: APOCTOZ - 17th September 2024

AI Mission Incompetent Trailer
Will Barack Obama, Joe Biden and
Kamala Harris manage to fool the World again?

AI mission impossible trailer

I just hear Joe Biden's voice in the background constantly asking "what are you doin"

I want to see this movie

I can't wait for Mission Impossible: Incontinence Protocol #2

Best trailer I've seen

Hahahaha. Is that video somewhere on Telegram? I'd like to forward to people who aren't on X/Twitter.

Download here: MAHA-I-Will-Fix-Agency-Capture-Drain-the-Swamp-in-Washington-DC-and-end-all-other-Corrupt-Agencies-2024-09-16.mp4 - 14,181 kb
By: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - 16th September 2024
MAHA - I Will Fix Agency Capture,
Drain the Swamp in Washington DC
and End all other Corrupt Agencies
I've spent 40 years suing our government agencies. I understand the perverse incentives that put agency capture on steroids. I know how the system is supposed to work to protect the public interest and I will fix it.

We need you! Please keep yourself safe!

God bless you. My health has been negatively affected by the US food industry. Your message resounds with the American people. Keep up the good work.

In other words a world how it is supposed to be

God Bless RFKjr MAHA Make America Healthy Again

As a woman and mother, I will be Voting for Trump Like my family's life, safety and Groceries depend on it. Momma Bears out there Join Me.

Team Unity, RFKjr Musk Tulsi Vivek Vance Trump Saving America

We are grateful and honored to have you working with us, sir. Working together, we have a much better chance at draining the swamp. Thank you for your support of President Trump.

Thanks Mr Kennedy. You are saying such incredible things, but familiar for me. In other case I should think I'm crazy. But no, normal people are sounding by devils.

God bless

u r my president!

That's cool.

Thank you for the sacrifice you've made for America

with just your first statement at the trump rally about the profitability of sick kids, you've already started important conversations with everyday citizens that needed to be had. If given real power, I'm optimistic about getting some of the changes we so desperately need.

Mr. Kennedy…..You are an answer to my prayers! We have for so long needed a voice like yours to look out for the well being of American citizens. I like so many others, have thought about the harmful additives, chemicals, etc. that is in our food. But we have no choice but to buy and eat it to feed our families. The organic choices of food are too expensive if you're on a limited income. I cannot wait for you to Make America Healthy Again. Thank you and God Bless

That's like David and Goliath

Ex-District-Health-Board-Worker-Janine-Arabella-Files-Liability-Notice-and-Affidavits-Against-NZ-Government-Now-Owns-NZ-2024-09-12.mp4 - 143,973 kb
By: Live Free Or Die - 12th September 2024
Ex District Health Board Worker
Janine Arabella Files Liability
Notices, Liens & Affidavits
Against the NZ Government!

NOTE: The above video is care of:

Learn how to write and send a conditional acceptance letter. Conditional acceptance letters are common-law contracts between you and CEOs, judges, attorneys, police officers, and "government officials."

Janine Arabella is now the unrebutted Commander In Chief of the Ministry of Health and of New Zealand (who are currently under default within the parameters of Commercial / Maritime Laws.)

As of 19th September 2024, Janine Arabella will be owed $17 trillion by the New Zealand government (corporation); and will be legally able to cancel all mortgages, student debt, tax debts etc in NZ!

Janine Arabella is a brave yet very humble White Hat working under:

  • the guidance of God,
  • a recently retired judge,
  • a number of other professionals,
  • your prayers.

May God bless and keep her.

Ex District Health Board Worker Janine Arabella Files Liability Notices, Liens & Affidavits Against the NZ Government!

Ex District Health Board Worker Janine Arabella Files Liability Notices, Liens & Affidavits Against the NZ Government!

Ex District Health Board Worker Janine Arabella Files Liability Notices, Liens & Affidavits Against the NZ Government!

Going by this fantastic video, Janine Arabella is using Bible Based Common Law and Natural Law (not mankind's fraudulent common law) as her foundation, as she files her Liability Notices / Liens / Affidavits etc in the courts, against many government departments in New Zealand.

She simply used the New Zealand Legal System's Commercial Law back on itself, which is an avenue available for anyone who has been oppressed / has legitimate grievances with government departments within the NZ corporation.

Please take note that corrupt politicians, banks, IRD and many other commercial entities have been using this system themselves - to deceive people into believing that they have to pay invoices that are not always genuine. Legal 'plunder.'

It appears that the NZ Government has to the 19th September 2024 to properly respond, or concede / acquiesce to Janine's terms unconditionally by 'default.'

Wow, using their own system back on them! Love it :)

This is incredible! The fact is we do not even have a lawfully functioning government, or councils or police force in NZ. Thankfully there are White Hats in the military working with YHWH to sort all this shit out.

Download here: Presidential-Debate-Trump-Schools-Harris-No-American-Harmed-After-He-Negotiatied-With-Taliban-2024-09-12.mp4 - 2,791 kb
By: David Foster - 12th September 2024

Presidential Debate
Trump Schools Harris
No American Harmed After He
Negotiatied With Taliban

FACT CHECKING TRUMP: Fact Check TRUE! Holy shit!

You'll never hear this on a mainstream media outlet. Trump Vance 2024!


Meanwhile, Biden snoozing on the beach

And Harris made fun of him about that. When did Harris ever show such leadership in her whole miserable life?

I am 62 yo. I remember a time when NO ONE would dare to touch an American. They took no American hostages because they knew - WE DO NOT NEGOTIATE - they knew, they'd die. I miss THAT America.

This is a leader. It's time to put him back in the white house!

Well........IF this is how Trump did things......then.......with RFK, Jr. at his side........GO BABY GO!!! Trump 2024!

As retired Leo and military I support Trump 100%

This is the sort of thing I never heard about Trump while he was in office. Awesome!

The most wild thing trump said was 20,000 Haitians.

And the media denied it, then ohio sent the national guard and 2.5 million in emergency aid to the region in question

This is honestly one of the most badass political moves ever. Genuine gangster shit

By no means am I a warmonger. That said, as an 11Bravo GRUNT, we had one job, and only one job: To destroy as much of the enemy as fast as we can to force surrender on Our terms!
Just thinking about Trump as Commander In Chief and General Patton as Supreme Allied Commander makes this Grunt crack a smile!

Download here: Biden-Harris-met-with-silence-when-they-enter-room-full-of-firefighters-Donald-Trump-met-with-standing-ovation-2024-09-11.mp4 - 3,805 kb
By: Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives - 11th September 2024

President Biden and Kamala Harris
met with silence when they enter
a room full of firefighters.
President Donald Trump met
with a standing ovation!

BREAKING: Footage has been released showing President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris being met with silence when they enter a room full of firefighters.

Donald Trump walked in behind them and was met with a standing ovation!

Black Sheep American
The working class knows Harris/Biden don't support them!

Everyone hates them for what they've done to this country.


Congress knew this & certified the results anyway.

MSM won't show you this

Patriot Dad
This should tell Everyone exactly how this country feels!

Jeff Moll
The difference between getting voted in v being appointed with no votes.

How popular are you? Not very, when no one cares when you enter versus when Trump enters.

Download here: Colonel-Ricardo-Bosi-speaks-about-the-White-Hats-and-THE-FINAL-PHASE-PLAN-2024-09-10.mp4 - 164,830 kb
By: Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes - 10th September 2024
Colonel Ricardo Bosi speaks
about the White Hats and

"The Final Phase Plan" Colonel Ricardo Bosi.

Finally!! Someone lays it out plain and simple in one video. Its condensed and can be shared with the normies without them having to do research etc.. They can do research after they watch this!
Thank You Ricardo and Jan Halper-Hayes !!!
Fight Fight Fight!


Thank you Colonel Bosi! This was a very good explanation of what has been going on behind the scenes with this war.

Very good. Thanks, Jan.
Ricardo is a great man. I've been watching him for a long time now, and always look forward to what he has to say.

Potent Thanks

Thank you Colonel Ricardo Bosi Q

I hope Riccardo Bosi runs Australia when all this goes down

Thank you for this clarity of the plan. WWG1WGA

Thank you so much Riccardo this has been an amazing video and puts everything into perspective. What a great man you are. Thankyou

God bless Ric and God bless the plan

Beautiful compilation Riccardo
Trump said that 2025 will be a year long celebration
God bless from a green hat

God bless the world.

Fantastic!! I will save this and definitely pass on! Great condensed version of the bigger picture!!

Thank you Col Bosi for clearing the smoke and mirrors so we can know what has happened and how to get where we need to go. God cover us all in the final events !

Thank you Col Bosi for clearing the smoke and mirrors so we can know what has happened and how to get where we need to go. God cover us all in the final events !

Great explanation of the "spectrum" of hats. I've been saying this for a while now but didn't quite have the mnemonics to spell it out.

sounds good, but the "bad guys" are seeing what we see. People resigning etc etc, they are not stupid.. This gives them heads up. So how do you explain this. They will hide/run etc. It's been going for years and years since Trump got in. So there are possibilities that they are resigning and going where they planned, maybe underground or done their job and now nice pay off? The only other explanation is that there are heaps of "white hats" that were "black hats"? It's the only explanation. I guess we will wait and see.

Excellent thank you for putting this up

What if you own your own property now?

I had my unbelieving husband listen to this. All what I been preaching to him for 3 1/2 years. You did it Col. Bosi.

He is a believer. Thank you so much!

So this will never be over in our life time, Then why do so many podcast say we are at the end of this evil. When this man says 30 more years.

Download here: Elon-Musk-Caught-Plotting-With-WEF-To-Eradicate-Sovereignty-Fusion-of-Physical-Digital-and-Biological-2024-09-10.mp4 - 70,691 kb
By: The People's Voice - 10th September 2024
Elon Musk Caught Plotting With
WEF To Eradicate Sovereignty
Fusion of Physical, Digital & Biological

While Elon Musk puts on a public show on X, portraying himself as just one of the people, behind the scenes he's providing global elites with the technology they need to infiltrate our minds - setting the stage for the total control and enslavement of humanity that they crave.

For those who are truly observing the behind-the-scenes developments, Musk's behavior should come as no surprise.

Because in reality, Musk is far from the self-made, independent maverick he claims to be.

I suspect that Elon Musk has either been 'turned' or replaced, by the White Hats - under Executive Order 13818 (Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption Signed: December 20, 2017) etc.

Thus Elon Musk is now Elon Musk 2.0.

This would explain why Elon appears to have made a blatant 180 degree turn from NWO / WEF goals, to assisting White Hats in reclaiming freedom and sovereignty...

Musk never sent anything to Mars. We can't leave Earth. There's a firmament. Musk, like all his fhaggot NASA buddies are Freemasonic fhaggots

i never trusted this charlatan.

Thanks for this little reminder that Musks' integrity is still in question!

Schwab sounds even Faggoter when he speaks French. Fagggot

Elon Musk is wealthy, but he is hardly the richest man. Jacob Rothschild had a net worth of over 5 trillion dollars, more then likely that number is far more then that.

Oh Hell...As though THIS is new news.
He believes in God and yet refuses actual Religion and Worship in Judeo-Christian God and at the same time admitting AI is a portal for evil to enter Earth.
Has no issues with chipping all human beings.
He's always rode both sides of the fence and been LUKEWARM which all know to be those Jesus spits-out with distaste as they are neither hot nor cold.
BILLIONAIRES ARE ALL ATE-UP BY THE UNIPARTY NAZI DEMON WORSHIPING PEDOPHILES, CANNIBALS, VAMPIRES...And, would not be surprised the purchase of land at the Southern Border for Musk to have been deliberate to RUN THE BABIES AND CHILDREN made into Sex Slaves, Slaves for filthy/back-breaking work even for adults and Ritual Torture/Rape/Murder Victims for the Cannibals and Vampires needing their Adrenochrome Fix.

Look at a picture from PayPal times. I'm not sure it's the same guy!

Musk is a brand, he's a2.0.

it's amazing how suprised people are when the most obvious things can no longer be hidden, if Elon wasn't part of the WEF he wouldn't be so Gung ho about brain chips

Question is: how musk will help Trump administration?

This tech is already in our bodies.
Self assembling nanotech that broadcasts a MAC address...

Download here: Dunkin-Donuts-Discriminates-Against-Half-of-USA-and-Will-Not-Advertise-on-Right-Wing-Platforms-2024-09-10.mp4 - 11,585 kb
By: chrisrumble - 10th September 2024
Dunkin Donuts Discriminates
Against Half of USA & Will Not
Advertise on Right Wing Platforms

Dunkin Donuts doesn't want to advertise on Rumble because they think "right wing culture" is too polarizing.

Guess they didn't hear about the Bud Light boycott. Big mistake!

Sounds like we need to do a Bud Light boycott on this company. No more DD for me!

Dunkin you just lost my business. You siding with the Democrats who are evil tells me who and what you are. Your

coffee is way too expensive anyway. I hope you get boycotted.

How ridiculous of Dunkin' Donuts. I haven't been there in 15 years. My daughter worked there on and off for

several years and that's the reason. Don't go back I know what happens in The back that you don't see

Too bad it wasn't Starbucks.

FAFO ! Good for Chris ! Blackout coffee rocks! Ask Dan ! #BonginoArmyForBlackoutCoffee

I would go through the drive thru at Dunkin, when I was totally out of coffee at home. Not anymore, next time I will

just grab coffee at 7-11. I won't ever step foot in starbucks, now the list includes dunkin.

I used to buy a breakfast sandwich and large coffee every day. USED TO.

I tried to give Dunkin Donuts feedback but that requires creating an account.

Goodby Dunkin Donuts. I won't buy your products. I won't even accept your products as a gift.

Dunkin Donuts is own by Inspire Brands that also owns Arby's, Baskin Robins, Sonic, Jimmy John's, Buffalo


Goodby all.

Dunkin Donuts, the gateway drug to metformin

Download here: White-Hats-on-the-March-Holland-Satanists-Under-Arrest-Balmoral-Castle-Crime-Scene-re-Human-Sacrifices-2024-09-06.mp4 - 82,897 kb
By: BENJAMIN FULFORD - 6th September 2024
Benjamin Fulford
White Hats on the March
Holland Satanists Under Arrest
Balmoral Castle Crime Scene re Human Sacrifices

Germany is now buying oil and gas from Russia again, instead of the Rockefellers.

NHK in Japan, which is the National Broadcaster, had a 20 minute program about vaccine damage and how the vaccines are toxic. This is important, this is the Japanese government admitting that the vaccines were murder. It is another sign that the White Hat process against these people is well underway.

Anthony Fauci assumed dead from stuffing toilet paper down his own throat and killing himself. This is going to happen to a lot of people complicit in democide.

Former President of Hungary, Katalin Novak, who basically pardoned 25 paedophiles, was made to resign publicly on TV earlier this year.

Big moves by White Hat military against evil people Globally. Much to happen between now and November 2024.

You will see it not just on the Internet, but also via the New York Times, CNN etc.

CGI blinking Netanyahu in Israel is 'gone.'

Vaccine murder still killing multitudes of children in Gaza!

The wheels are turning and the Whites Hats are on the march. We will win and we will liberate humanity from this Satanic cult.

Trumps Great Capitulation Tour just after taking office, was the beginning of the largest military operation known.

The underground war over the last 8 years has been a silent, spiritual sting operation against the Cabal, with the help of God.

Biden / Obama have never had full control of the military and nuclear suitcase.

White Hats controlling bulk of Global tin mines.

Justin Trudeau is Canada's most hated man and is about to be removed.

Michelle Obama (Big Mike), Jacinda Ardern (Jack) etc are men. Emmanuel Macron's wife Brigitte Macron is purportedly Emmanuel's actual father in drag; and both Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron are members of the Rothschild family!

Benjamin Fulford is hoping that Donald Trump and the White Hats take power BEFORE the FAKE election...

thank you Ben....good news about Canada...from a Canadian

Fauci executed at GITMO in 2022. He had a body double. Dr. Deborah Birx executed on Guam in 2021 at the Naval Station.

There will be no UN.

Good news for Canada

I Hope you have all been getting correct information about GESARA NESARA and how to switch to the Qfs banking before the global currency reset takes place? Dont be a victim of that great reset. Get ready for Gesara Nesara, Swtch into the QFS for your own safety.

Contact Directly, DAVEXRPLion through the link below or send him an email for proper guidelines and information on Medbed, XRPL, QFS, XRPBUYBACK and other humanitarian projects.

Telegram: @XRPL_ion1



Benjamin Fulford is the best intel.

Thanks Benjamin

Awesome Ben. Thank you for keeping us updated!

until sellout Singh pulls the plug, and he won't because of two provincial elections, anything he does is just hot air coming out his lips.

Per the question about why they have men pretending to be be women married to presidents and other powerful figures - it's also part of their religion of Satanism. It's about inverting the Male and Female Principles. This is why they've pushing transgenderism steadily over the last 80 or so years. I pray it reverses and doesn't exist anymore in my reality. It's an abomination.

Many are reporting the migrants are killing and eating pet dogs and cats. Keep careful watch over your pets.

True do is a dead ringer for Castro.

Always look forward to bens weekly updates he makes such good sense of a crazy world.

Germany needs to free Reiner Fullmich who was kidnapped from Mexico and has been illegally held in prison (essentially in solitary confinement) and who has bot been given a fair trial.

Download here: Myron-Fagan-Illuminati-and-the-CFR-One-Of-The-Most-Banned-Recordings-On-Youtube-2024-09-03.mp4 - 44,971 kb
By: Anonymous Official - 3rd September 2024
Myron C. Fagan: Illuminati
& the Council on Foreign Relations
One Of The Most Banned Recordings On Youtube

In a world where every significant event has been meticulously documented centuries in advance, the shocking revelations of Myron C. Fagin come to light through a 1967 recording. Fagin, a renowned Hollywood writer who unearthed dark secrets within the entertainment industry, claims that the world's major events have been orchestrated by an elusive and powerful group. This secretive faction, which he identifies as the Illuminati, has purportedly been manipulating global affairs since its inception in the 18th century. According to Fagin, this clandestine organization has been intricately involved in shaping history through a series of carefully planned events and covert operations.

Fagin's account details how the Illuminati, founded by Adam Weishaupt in the late 1700s, infiltrated various institutions to further its agenda. The Illuminati, he asserts, evolved into the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in the United States after World War I, maintaining its influence under different guises. This transition was designed to mask their ongoing manipulations and to control media narratives. By acquiring control over mass communications and press outlets, Fagin argues that the CFR, as a modern incarnation of the Illuminati, has ensured that the public remains misled and uninformed about the true nature of global conspiracies.

Fagin elaborates on the mechanisms of this grand conspiracy, explaining how key historical events, including major wars and revolutions, were strategically fomented by the Illuminati. The plan, he claims, involved orchestrating conflicts such as World Wars I and II, and using them to advance their ultimate goal of establishing a one-world government. This strategy also included promoting ideological divisions and supporting revolutionary movements to destabilize nations and religions. According to Fagin, these historical manipulations were part of a broader scheme devised by figures like Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini to achieve long-term control over global affairs.

Finally, Fagin warns of an impending cataclysmic upheaval, predicted by the Illuminati's historical documents, aimed at destroying Christianity and atheism simultaneously. This upheaval, he asserts, will pave the way for the establishment of a new world order under the direct influence of the Illuminati's true doctrine. The conspirators' ultimate aim is to create a world in chaos, where the remaining populace, disillusioned and leaderless, will accept a new form of global domination. This dire forecast serves as a chilling reminder of the alleged depths of control and manipulation exercised by the Illuminati throughout history.

Joe Biden and Rockefeller on the presidential plane. And you asked who's running it all.

Joe Biden and Rockefeller on the presidential plane. And you asked who's running it all.

I quit watching TV 9-11 when I saw building 7 still standing through the window behind the BBC reporter who said it had fallen 20 minutes earlier.

It is literally happening before our eyes.

Norman Mattoon Thomas (November 20, 1884 - December 19, 1968 and some of us are old enough to remember him running for President) was a leading American socialist, pacifist, and six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America.
Norman Thomas said this in a 1944 speech:
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of "liberalism," they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." He went on to say: "I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform."

Written in 1957 and truer than ever today.
"When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - When you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - When you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you -
When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice - You may know that your society is doomed."
Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, 1957

Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity. ... In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.
— Antonio Gramsci —
Cultural Marxism, 1915:

I quit watching mainstream media years ago, during the first Trump election to be exact! All a Psyop!

This is not a coincidence. . I remember John F. Kennedy saying something similar to this. Thank you fellow TRUTHFINDERS

Screw the Rothschild's!

Actually Nikola Tesla invented the radio and Marconi stole the diagram. Marconi got the Nobel Peace Prize but it was later established that the original design was property of Tesla.

Evil will come to an end one day.

They should be teaching this in schools

Jesus is king & will destroy all of this when he returns

That's why the Bible tells us to trust no man but God.

I've seen this a couple of other times. This is one of the sources of my greatest nightmares along with 1984 and 2 dozen other world events, articles and texts. Because I always believed they were real, true, and EVIL.

I'm 72; grew up on street full of kids. I spent most of my time outside. I rarely turn on the TV, will watch an occasional movie. I don't buy the local paper or watch MSM. My husband died in 2021, we had been married fifty years. I'm lonely but not alone.

This should be mandatory for every citizen of the world to watch!!

Aside from the obvious things he stated, two things stood out to me. It was less than a week ago that I read about three large banks that owned 82% of all mortgages in America. With goals to eventually own every single home in the country. Rothschild was one of them. The other thing that really struck me is that he said that there is or was a central location in Charleston SC, which is my home town. And if you've lived there, you already know it'd be the absolute last place you'd expect something like that to exist in. Scary times indeed. I'm certainly not a conspiracy theorist, but when it's simply too much to ignore, it's already too late.

Download here: Joe-Bidens-Doctor-Kevin-OConnor-Murdered-at-GITMO-by-Red-Hats-2024-09-03.mp4 - 35,609 kb
By: The Digital Soldier Press - 3rd September 2024
Joe Biden's Doctor
Dr. Kevin O'Connor
Murdered at GITMO by Red Hats


Joe Biden's Doctor Kevin O'Connor Murdered at GITMO by Red Hats.

"Two Months "from this 2024 Election and "Patriots" on Podcasts are now starting to say 2024 Election will be Stolen and it is part of the Plan

Well BullSh!t


Military better come out NOW and tell us The White Hats have Failed

Us Citizens need to make our STAND

I have had enough of BOTH side, maybe even a 3rd Side

My Opinion,,, US CITIZENS need to meet at EACH of our State Capitals in LARGE NUMBERS and very soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Download here: 1000s-of-Bikers-Help-Protect-RFK-and-President-Donald-Trump-2024-08-28.mp4 - 19,587 kb
By: Demons Row - 28th August 2024
1000's of Bikers Help Protect RFK
and President Donald Trump!!

RFK got his Secret Service removed for siding with President Trump. This man must be protected.

Protecting our families...

RFK got his Secret Service removed for siding with President Trump. This man must be protected. 1000's of Bikers Help Protect President Donald Trump full video here

They took his Secret Service. That's intentional.

Protect Donald Trump and Bobby Kennedy Jr.

Think about how much courage it took for RFK Jr. to turn his back on his family. Huge!

Thank you to all Bikers for protecting Trump & Kennedy. Very grateful.

Don't forget Tulsi Gabbard.
Trump, RFK Jr, and Gabbard, are all fearless individuals.

Former Democrat here. Voting for Trump in 2024. Thank you guys. LET'S GO!

Tens of thousands of bikers vowing to protect Trump and RFK. .....nuff said. This is America!

God bless all bikers for having Donald Trump and Robert Kennedy BACK!

Blessings to the bikers for protecting Robert F. Kennedy and President Donald Trump

Bobby Kennedy Jr. said , there are things far worse than death . Both him and President Trump have put their lives on the line. I'm more optimistic than ever. Pray for these Americans.

Download here: Official-NASA-Documents-Confirm-Plans-for-Mass-Extinction-Event-in-2025-2024-08-27.mp4 - 78,561 kb
By: The People's Voice - 27th August 2024
Official NASA
Documents Confirm Plans for
'Mass Extinction Event' in 2025

Official NASA documents reveal the agency has been preparing for decades to play a leading role in a mass extinction event in 2025 that will lead to the collapse of civilization and the depopulation of the majority of people on planet earth.

During a PowerPoint presentation, NASA's Chief Scientist Dennis Bushnell outlined plans for a devastating series of inside job terror attacks and biological warfare on US soil against US citizens in 2025 as part of the plot to destroy civilization as we know it.

Alarmingly, many of the details outlined in the NASA PowerPoint presentation have already occurred, indicating that the plans for the mass extinction event are well underway.

Please stop calling globalists "elites", they are evils and criminals, not elites!

NASA is 100% Satanic. They are all Devil Worshipers. All of them.

I believe it's the Jews and the Zionist do some research



US agencies are the WORST terrorist and criminal organizations on the Earth!!!

So they're saying in 2025 it's going to be the same attacks like 2020, from Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates ?

that original video is what woke me up many years ago.

That's exactly the World Economic Forum/New World Order Agenda of depopulation by 2030 from 7 billion to 500 million. Why don't those elite eugenics start depopulating themselves first and leave the Earth and stop playing GOD. They started with the plandemic/scamdemic CV-19 which Klaus Schwab wrote a book CV-19 Great Reset. GOD will never let those Dark Force get their way. GOD BLESS US ALL.

Tear down all G5 Towers.

'... the resultant ideal ''sustainable'' population is hence more than 500 million[1980 Georgia Guidestones] but ---- less than one ---- billion.'
Club of Rome [Zurich], BOOK > Goals for Mankind, 1977

Download here: Was-RFK-Jrs-endorsement-of-Donald-Trump-prophesied-by-Kim-Clement-years-ago-from-Aug-29-2009-2024-08-25.mp4 - 17,354 kb
By Abby Trivett - 25th August 2024
Was RFK Jr.'s endorsement of
Donald Trump prophesied by Kim
years ago from Aug. 29, 2009?

Kim Clement Prophecy: The Joining of RFK and Donald Trump.

Was RFK Jr.'s endorsement of Donald Trump prophesied about years ago?

In a Kim Clement prophecy from Aug. 29, 2009, Clement prophesied that there would be a joining together of Democrats and Republicans, and that this was related to the Kennedys.

"And I will take lawmakers from the Midwest, lawmakers from the Northeast, for what has happened with the Kennedys says the Spirit of God, was spoken of. Now, I will join hands between Democrats and Republicans and do an unusual thing, says the Spirit of God," Clement prophesied.

Clement continued the prophecy by discussing how the nation would rise together in unity against the three enemies that are plotting and planning harm for the country.

"They will say what they tried to increase, now they are decreasing. And God says, 'It shall be a sign. Now that the Kennedys have come to this place I spoke about it. That there would be a massive outbreaking and outpouring in the system, in this nation. The political system. The three enemies that shall rise up are already on their way, I will take them, I will set ambushments against them, they will confound themselves, and this nation shall rise above the occasion and come to oneness with God,'" Clement prophesied.

The beginning of this Clement prophecy also talked about enemies who wanted to assassinate and cripple God's people through the power of taxation and evil plotting.

"You are opening up a door in the heavens, hear me, not only this state, but hear me this nation. The three enemies that are inside will endeavor to assassinate, will endeavor to cripple, and will endeavor to steal via the taxes of the people," Clement prophesied.

"There is a wicked system that is being concocted, that is being put together. To take from your hand what is unnecessary. I will cripple it, says the Lord," he continued.

What's particularly interesting about this prophecy is that it was spoken in Chicago, the same location where the DNC was just held. In an exclusive interview with Charisma Media, Donne Clement Petruska, Clement's daughter, explained that the locations of the prophecies he gave often had great significance to them.

Clement has also had other prophecies as well related to the Kennedy family and the symbolism of a Kennedy who would rise up.

"You told me many months ago that the enemy would come and he'd lay his hand and his sword on the Kennedy family," Clement said back on July 27, 2008. "And God I'm praying that you would do something miraculous: May there be a Damascus Road conversion of a kind that will shake this nation...I as a prophet make a declaration upon the Northeast: That the Kennedys will have a flame of fire and a baptism that will come from the Holy Spirit that will shake both Democratic and Republican parties."

Exactly one year earlier Clement also prophesied that God would raise up a man to be like another John F. Kennedy.

"God said a John F. Kennedy that once was to be great, but God said now another as a John F. Kennedy, but with uprightness, with morality and with great strength of leadership, and they shall say, 'It is JFK reincarnated.' And God said, 'I will laugh at your psychics, for the prophet spoke in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, long before it happened, that this shall be a sign to this nation that what took place in the sixties and what was supposed to take place will take place in the teens of the 2000s-of 2015 and 2016."

This word was also spoken in Pennsylvania, the state in which the attempt on Trump's life would take place over a decade later.

As we continue to see these prophecies fulfilled and even more that still must come to pass, we can be on the lookout for what God might be up to next.

Join Charisma Magazine Online to follow everything the Holy Spirit is doing around the world!

Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.

Exactly one year earlier Clement also prophesied that God would raise up a man to be like another John F. Kennedy.

Dr. Dr. Stephen Jones
Here is a 10-minute collage of prophecies from Kim Clement about America and the coming outpouring of the Spirit, as well as of its political figures. He prophesied of the Kennedy family and of the joining of the Democrats and Republicans. This appears to be fulfilled with the joining of RFK, Jr and Donald Trump, which occurred recently.

Download here: Nancy-Pelosi-Murdered-a-Child-in-Horrific-Adrenochrome-Ritual-Calls-Herself-a-Reptilian-2024-08-25.mp4 - 76,729 kb
By: The People's Voice - 25th August 2024
Whistleblower: Nancy Pelosi Murdered
a Child in 'Horrific' Adrenochrome Ritual
- Calls Herself a Reptilian -

Trending News
Nancy Pelosi
elite pedophiles
elite pedophile ring

The political elite in Washington D.C. practice an occult religion that involves the sacrifice of children and the consumption of their blood, according to a young whistleblower who spent years working on Capitol Hill.

According to the whistleblower, these depraved rituals are an open secret in D.C. and form part of a sickening initiation ritual for newcomers to the Hill earmarked for a career involving status, power and wealth.

Although not everyone succeeds in passing the initiation trial, everyone understands the dire consequences of speaking out.

please do more on this subject expose every participant . now Trump announced death penalty for any child trafficking. bring this evil out in to the light.

They also have baby farms where they keep women that r impregnated and have the baby with no birth certificate so there is no trails

I have no doubt Hillary and Huma sliced the face off of a screaming child in the frazzle drip video. Pelosi is equally subhuman.

That's why Nancy was executed a few years ago, those silicone masks are amazing. I've tried to tell my friends and my family about all of the dead people in the masks, they don't outright tell me I'm crazy, but the conversation stops, they give me that look, and another conversation starts, not about what I just told them though, usually about sports or a new movie. I am confident in my beliefs, and nothing will stop that.

Several million children go missing each year worldwide. 800,000 go missing in the US each year.

One of the side effects of adrenochrome is schizophrenia

Now we know where all of the missing children who have come illegally over the border have gone.

We don't call them devil worshippen baby murderen commie Marxist dirtbags for nuthen!!!

These people are both sick & pure evil!!!

She could have named many of those there in the ritual besides Pelosi.

Nothing surprises me, I have been knowing this old hag is evil. She as of now is in her 80s and her best years are behind her and one day she will have to give God account for all of her evilness.

I noticed Newsmax was turning bad, they used to be good.

Great information - ty for the Truth Bombs

Keep in mind what the Scriptures say, The Life is in the Blood. This is not just some cute saying, it is a fact relayed to us by the Holy Spirit. The things that we can't see in the natural, are far more real than the things we can see in the natural.

Download here: Adolf-Hitler-phones-Kamala-Harris-2024-08-24.mp4 - 11,945 kb
By: Hitler Rants Parodies - 24th August 2024
Adolf Hitler phones Kamala Harris

#downfallparodies #hrpdownfallparodies #meme

Adolf Hitler calls Kamala Harris, the current Vice President of the United States, the Democratic nominee and possibly the next President.

Now we know exactly why Hitler committed suicide….

Did she really say data is kept in a cloud in the Sky, ffs

This coming from an ex District attorney that put thousands of people in jail for marijuana and other victimless crimes ,sociopath

The confused look on the faces of his generals was priceless. They looked utterly confused.

word salad is a polite way of saying verbal diarrhea.

The very definition of "selected, not elected".

I never thought I'd feel sorry for Hitler, somehow this managed it.

She won exactly zero delegates in the 2020 primaries...

Download here: Investigators-Tom-Hanks-Facing-Prison-on-Sickening-Pedophilia-and-Murder-Charges-2024-08-23.mp4 - 73,505 kb
By: The People's Voice - 23rd August 2024
Tom Hanks Facing Prison on
'Sickening' Pedophilia & Murder Charges

Trending News
Tom Hanks
Steven Spielberg
elite pedophilia
hollywood pedophiles
Heather O Rourke

Get Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and Fenbendazole here: - use coupon code 'peoplesvoice' for 15% off.

Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg have been hiding their crimes in plain sight for decades according to investigators who have revealed the two entertainment industry elites are set to be thrown under the bus and prosecuted on child rape and murder charges.

Hanks and Spielberg aren't the only two high-level abusers facing the prospect of spending the rest of their lives behind bars as insiders are comng forward to blow the whistle on their crimes.

A whole host of perpetrators, including household names in Hollywood and members of Congress, are currently sweating as the walls close in on them.

They can run, but they can't hide! Justice is coming!

I have no use anymore for TOM HANKS!!!!

I remember i have seen a B roll of Jim Carrey and Tom Hanks for a interview on a show and they didn't knew camera was still running they had slit eyes both of them had there eyes change to slits. Those things aren't human.

George Clooney too

Well that's all true and there are heaps more.

These people are sick AF. They should all be hung and tortured for hurting children.

Pence, too, is a pedophile.

thank you to the news man journalist we just watched for bringing the truth out

We've been being told by 'truthers' that he was already arrested and executed. Changes by the day.

Need to castrate both of them evil a$$holes.

A.I. whistle blower

Hanks and wife have been dead from hanging for years!!! They were very bad beings, wouldn't stop.

Sounds like Seth Rogan... Just sayin..

Hollywood won't cancel themselves. expose and don't support these evil monsters.

Download: Harley-Davidson-Went-Woke-So-I-Destroyed-My-Bike-2024-08-15.mp4 - 68,006 kb
By: Columbia War Machine - 15th August 2024
Harley Davidson Went Woke!
So I Destroyed My Bike!!!

Columbia War Machine brings to you Harley Davidson Went Woke and how we deal with the situation… Columbia War Machine style!!!

#america #guns #guncollection #guncollectors #firearms #shooting #secondamendment #harleydavidson #woke #m134 #minigun #m60 #50cal #m107barrett #mcmillantac50

This was a video for the good people who want to have things be normal again

Good shooting gallery.

Looks like you may have voided your warranty though... :)

I never thought I'd see the day that Harley Davidson would turn it's back on American values.

I work with a non-profit that helps veterans, and it really bothers me seeing people want to spend our tax money on everything except helping our Veterans. Thanks for what you said about our service men and women.

You notice they target the most American companies, and do this intentionally now? Even if it's against the majority of their customers interest

America!!! This is the red line!!! We must stand up for innocent children!!

send the scraps to the main office addressed to the ceo...

I was a proponent of doing this to every Harley long before they went woke.

You guys are absolute legends. Thank you for jumping on board our boycott!

Sad to see a Harley go out this way. But as you said it was necessary. This woke mob needs to be stopped.

Harley Davidson sold out a long time ago when they decided to overproduce motorcycles and destroy the value of their own product. I got friends that buy brand new bikes for $20,000 And you can buy one just like it only 2 or 3 years old for $8k. This has been looming on the horizon for a while, That is why I advocate the purchase of Indian motorcycles. If I was Indians Marketing director I would immediately go for the juggler and expose Harley Davidson as a trader. It is unbelievable to see what has happened to this wonderful country that we've all enjoyed and so many have fought for. I think this is the explanation point on the end there's no turning back now.

Inaction is a weapon of Mass Descruction.

Your anger is righteous, brother!

holy fuck he made the a sequel to the big gay ford truck this is freaking epic sauce

Thank you from the bottom of my Patriotic heart for standing up to evil. Its sad... but had to be done. We have to make a stand for humanity and the children.

By: Redacted - 12th August 2024
"They LIED about it all!"

#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris

If you needed any more evidence that a deep state group of thugs is running the United States government into the ground then look no further than the major developments we've seen over the past 24 hours. We have stunning new details in the plot to assassinate President Trump and further evidence that President Biden is no longer in charge of the White House.

Doing that to Tulsi Gabbard is ABSOLUTELY DISGRACEFUL!

In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.

I believe Tulsi..keep Harris/Walz away from America……NEVER HARRIS

If they don't succeed, they'll try again.

Wake up America Please take our country back!!!

If Trump doesn't become president then we are totally screwed. Hopefully there's a massive investigation into everything in the past 4 years and find out the truth!!

How could you technically think anything different after witnessing the last 3 1/2 years - truthfully???

Thank you redacted for doing what the MSM doesn't do

Evil is in the Whitehouse destroying the world. Evil exists!

Tulsi is a very smart lady , smart enough to dump the dems . More power to her

I am a pioneer woman West Point grad. I have been targeted since 1995. Would you like to interview me?

Well, they tried to crash his plane the other day.

Take 10 people when you VOTE. I'm taking 30. Hideout Harris and Tampon Tim want to destroy America.

NO FRICKEN Way!!! Stay out of RUSSIA!!!!

Just confirming what we all ready knew

Well, if you know anything about the government they don't do anything by mistake....

Download here: Amy-Benjamin-on-Liz-Gunns-disloyal-disolving-and-ghosting-of-the-NZ-Loyal-Party-2024-08-11.mp4 - 50,920 kb
By: The American Spirit with Amy Benjamin - 11th August 2024
Amy Benjamin on Liz Gunn's
'disloyal' disolving and 'ghosting'
of the NZ Loyal Party


  1. 'not to mention the international level' instead of 'much less the international level'
  2. 'disregarded by the Ardern regime' instead of 'regarded by the Ardern regime'
  3. 'John Armstrong' instead of 'John Anderson'
  4. "evil twin sister" instead of "twin evil sister"

Puts things really well in an objective, dispassionate style unique to Amy. The part on "ghosting" is great. And some information we were lacking, such as that she and Dan, as members of the Board, were never consulted. I do hope Amy and Dan (and perhaps Logan - has he been invited?) will be at Saturday's Special General Meeting.

I believe Amy's position expressed above, does present very fairly the true legal and respectful way things should've been handled by Liz. I am astounded as much as anyone that she did not do things in that way. What no one seems to be seeing is that LIZ appears to be going thru a breakdown. She has not acted as everyone could expect her too. She has acted right out of her normal, beautiful character. When someone establishes such a wonderful character + such love for all, not only those agreeing with her but caring so-deeply to save others from the evil; for her to act RIGHT out of character, and destroy the very machine she has built for this purpose, SURELY tells us she needs help. She needs to step away. Sadly, her drive seems to have overcome her normal sense in such matters. Let's not boot her while she is down. Let's see what we can do, to return the flower of our nation back to full stature again. NOBODY IS PERFECT. And when someone is so close to perfect, it understably FLOORS everyone when they blow their whole image, acting contrary to what they've always pursued. WHAT CAN WE DO TO HELP LIZ REGAIN HER COMPOSURE, and APOLOGISE TO THE WHOLE PARTY?

It's good to hear from you again Amy. I thought Liz did some amazing work but I had trouble reconciling why NZ Loyal tried to run candidates where other freedom parties were contesting, particularly in seats where DemocracyNZ already had candidates. Parties in the freedom movement shared similar values but unfortunately some high profile personalities did their best to destroy opponents. It's a difficult one to resolve because the smaller parties needed 5% and saw their opponents as a threat.

The world needed to hear all that you have spoken Amy with precision and systematically regarding the evolution of leadership for new earth. We need to be re-educated on all matters concerning human dignity, community and social ethics. This scenario is divinely arranged to full fill that purpose. All the members and leaders of NZLoyal play a key part in the drama. There are many great heroes in this drama but the crucial part of this play unfolding now are played by the characters Kelvin Alps, Amy Benjamin and Liz Gun for you three are role modelling the way forward. You three have the capacity to show the world how it's done. I champion you to pull it off. Liz has the greatest and most challenging of all roles to play for only she has what it takes to play this part brilliantly and emerge a greater soul than she already was celebrated for being. I believe in Liz. Those who have studied the character of Kalvin over the past 3-4 years trying to discern if he is controlled opposition or 'The real McCoy' will see his loyalty to the people of NZ from this scenario. Blessing to you three at this most critical part in our souls evolution. Thank you from the bottom of my heart

This is great to hear. How can members have their say?

Beautifully said. You are one deeply intelligent and insightful soul!

Has Liz been threatened by sinister forces? Maybe she is acting out of fear. Has anyone been able to contact Liz directly?

Is Liz acting in duress? Has her life or her family's lives been threatened? It seems important to ask these questions.

Thankyou Amy and God bless you : )
The overturning of the Chevron Deference means the Bureaucrats no longer have control coz it was taken back off them. Their Rules etc no longer apply to we the live people who are within the Law NOT the Legal - as Halsburys Law declares that ALL CIVIL COURTS ARE UNLAWFUL. This means they dont apply to us who are living breathing people aka 'man'.
Now all we need to do is ignore the Bureaucrats and live free without the interference of the bureaucrats - the path is now cleared for us to be able to do this.
We the people are within the Law.
Them the bureaucrats are within their own Legal system they have constructed as bureaucrats.
So lets ignore their constructed Acts and Legislations that only bind the bureaucrats - simply coz we can right now.
Lawyers and Judges will need to be re-educated on this new reality and i expect they will be as its already part of the big plan for humanitys future and present.

What a slap in the face for all of us that financed her campaign, marketed the campaign and put hours of work into it. Her reluctance to "join forces" with other similar groups and individuals was always going to weaken her. We also supported her "poor choices of candidates". Never again!!

I have some questions for you Amy . Were you already on the board when you stayed with one of the NZDSOS Drs Sue Grey and myself in house in Takaka at the beginning of Sue's campaign for Westcoast Tasman running under the Outdoors & Freedom Party Banner . Where you there when Liz decided to run a candidate against Sue in Westcoast Tasman, were you part of that decision ?

Download here: Queer-Australian-Politicians-Competing-in-the-Oppression-Olympics-2024-08-09.mp4 - 7,689 kb
By: Pauline Hanson's Please Explain - 9th August 2024
Queer Australian Politicians
Competing in the
Oppression Olympics

Oppression Olympics | Pauline Hanson's Please Explain

"Pour your self a new pronoun today" A big salute to the writers, you're crushing it and we are loving it!

We spent decades saying violence against women was wrong. Now it's an Olympic sport.

A very important ancient Greek quote that resonates more now than ever:
"The most effective way to crumble a society is to breed weak men"

I've watched more Olympics in the one episode than I have since the opening ceremony.

As a Quadriplegic, I declare this video is GOLD GOLD GOLD; glad I have a sense of humour

Thanks Pauline for bringing the plight of men to attention. No one else seems to care.

"gender fluid". That was gold

You showcased the ridiculousness of the uniparty government to a T Pauline.

This channel needs to be on RUMBLE. I am certain these cartoons are being throttled.

Nobody does more to expose clown world than Pauline.....always SO on point!!

The Olympics used to be a great sporting it's a joke. One of the best episodes yet Pauline, thanks.

"Now that the Eternal flames of oppression have been gaslit" : This is GENIUS

There is not enough gold medals on earth to award what this deserves!!!

Download here: Official-Government-Documents-Prove-Brigitte-Macron-is-a-Male-Pedophile-Media-Blackout-2024-08-06.mp4 - 68,992 kb
By: The People's Voice - 6th August 2024
Official Government Documents
Prove Brigitte Macron is a
Male Pedophile - Media Blackout

A strange thing happens to journalists and fact checkers who set out to debunk the claim that Emmanuel Macron's wife Brigitte was actually born male.

These journalists think it's a ridiculous conspiracy theory that will be easy to dismiss and debunk.

Then they quickly realize that they were wrong. Very wrong.

Just as there is a mountain of evidence in the US that Barack Obama's wife Michelle is actually a man named Michael Robinson, there is even more evidence in France that the president is married to a man who seduced him when he was a 14-year-old boy, before transitioning to life as a woman, and operating as the future president's handler.

If that sounds far-fetched and ridiculous, well... that's what the journalists and fact checkers thought too before they became firm believers that Brigitte Macron, the First Lady of France, is a transgender pedophile who lived as a man for 30 years and is now hiding in plain sight.

Trending News
Brigitte Macron
Brigitte trans
Brigitte man
Candace Owens
Natacha Rey
Jean Michel Trogneux

U must belong to secret societies and pass the pedophile exams. I'm not trying to be funny but that's how it works. Sychopathic pedophiles and child sacrifice! They have no feelings

Looks like we need to find Rothschild and smoke them out of their hidey holes. Bunch of inverted inbred snakes need to be hung.

Let Macron sue. The truth can be sorted out in court. He's a barking dog without any bite.

Schumer's wife looks like a man too. Nasty.

holy moly----macrons wife is more manly than obamas wife
next cover serena williams !! that Is a man as well

I met with a guy a month ago that had direct meeting with Obama and Big Mike. I asked if he noticed a bulge in Mikes mid region. He laughed and said no because she was sitting down. He went on to say if she was a woman she was the absolute most masculine woman he has ever seen.

Communists and promoters of perversion have seized the reins of America's library system thanks to a takeover of the American Library Association.

A self-described "Marxist lesbian" named Emily Drabinski has been elected president of this powerful organization. Drabinski crowed about her agenda on Twitter after her election:

"I just cannot believe that a Marxist lesbian who believes that collective power is possible to build and can be wielded for a better world is the president-elect of @ALALibrary."

Drabinski has made it clear that she intends to use her newfound power to destroy capitalism, destroy the family, and subvert Christianity.

She revealed her intentions in an article she wrote entitled "Queering the Catalog: Queer Theory and the Politics of Correction" where she talked about ways to radicalize libraries, introduce children to perversion and attacked the Dewey Decimal System for being too friendly to Christians.

Now that Drabinski has taken power at the ALA, she is seeking to turn America's library system on its head and subvert these important institutions to serve her own deranged ideology.

But you and I have the power to stop the onslaught of communism and perversion in our libraries.

State and governments have the power to withdraw their membership in the American Library Association in protest of their filthy agenda and radical new leadership.

Libraries should be run by their local communities, not by a centralized organization that has been taken over by communists and promoters of the "queer agenda".

Texas, Montana and Missouri have withdrawn their membership from the American Library Association, cutting off their influence and some of their funding.


Trannys been pretending to be wives for a long time, especially among the rulers. Thats how they keep their circles small.

You think HE SHE and Michael are the only ones??? I'd look deeper.

Download here: FINALLY-Maui-Fire-Victims-JUST-Reached-Historic-Settlement-for-Billions-Yet-1200-kids-MISSING-2024-08-06.mp4 - 94,685 kb
By: Hustl - 6th August 2024
FINALLY! Maui Fire Victims
JUST Reached Historic Settlement
for Billions! Yet 1,200 kids MISSING!

#maui #biden #fire

SEO Keywords:

1. Maui
2. Lahaina
3. Maui fire
4. Lahaina fire
5. Hawaii
6. Hawaii fire
7. Oprah Winfrey
8. Jeff Bezos
9. Mark Zuckerberg
10. Blackrock
11. Wildfire
12. Land grab
13. Biden
14. Joe Biden
15. Election
16. Politics
17. Stimulus check
18. Coverup
19. Hawaiian Electric
20. HECO
21. Josh Green
22. Hawaii Governor
23. Peletier
24. Police Chief
25. Hawaii Police Chief

They burned it to the ground on purpose

It's called MURDER!

No it's never enough. People were MURDERED, children have been ripped from their parents, the people are homeless and will forever have to re-live their experiences. This was a Government/NGO man made horrific disaster. They MUST be held accountable


Finally answers - keep doing this - 4 billion doesn't cover for 1k missing kids

Land grabbers are not too happy about this settlement.

They need to tell us where those children are!

Money doesn't undo mass murder

Honestly, why is no one complaining about the children at first it was 2003 children how many are not accounted for?

This is insanity.

FEMA lying pawn should be in prison, not in a $1,000 a night hotel room.

Yes, you guys keep on voting Democrat just keep on voting Democrat - if Trump were in office, he would've definitely taken care of this problem along time ago and that's my opinion. That's why I cannot wait for the Biden administration to get out of office and please get rid of that laughing hyena vice president I'm sick and tired of her with her lies.

The powers that be were hoping all those people unalived, so they wouldn't have to compensate them. The entire reason for the road blockage. They're stealing that land, bottom line!

Blackrock & Vanguard Land Grab assisted by our Government

In my opinion I think this settlement is b*******. The people need to know the truth and be made whole

No amount of money will give the 1000 children back ! I would never give up until someone answers and pays for the children

Enough already, people need to be identified, fired, and prosecuted to the fullest extent.

All the way up to the governor full investigation and jail time for minimum of negligence. Then check into all the corruption who bought out who

Download here: Suspicions-of-voter-fraud-are-now-CONFIRMED-2024-08-05.mp4 - 6,308 kb
By: ProjectVeritas - 5th August 2024
Suspicions of voter fraud
are now CONFIRMED!


Hey, remember when you guys ousted James O'Keefe and then sued him afterward in an attempt to silence him? I remain subscribed to your channel solely to make comments like this.

The minute they started bribing the invaders to come into our country they were buying votes, they just sweetened the deal when they added free Housing, free medical, free phones and $9,000 Visa cards.

The moment the Little ceasars pizza boxes covered all the windows ALL VOTES SHOULD HAVE BEEN DISENFRANCHISED.... & STOPPED... all illegal! Plus the 4:00am white van drop off... liars to cheaters but that's Satan's playbook!

of course it's fraud. like we didn't know this. the more the media says nothing to see the more you know there's something to see

"If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it." - Mark Twain

Download here: Did-the-fake-Joe-Biden-get-on-the-WRONG-PLANE-Last-Night-2024-08-03.mp4 - 2,044 kb
By: Ovation Eddie 2 - 3rd August 2024
Did [the fake] Joe Biden get on the

The fact that Kamala didn't board, and the reactions on people's faces, it sure looks like Joe Biden boarded the wrong plane after last night's event!

And he's running the country

It takes a Joe Biden double getting on to the wrong plane to wake up the Normies. Damn some people are just plane stupid - by choice!

Don't worry, he is NOT running the country.

Why hasn't Jill been around??? Because she doesn't care about him now since he dropped out of race !!! He's on his own now !! No Jill and no Hunter!!!

They think it is funny including Kamala, that is enough to not vote for her. Very scary!!!

unbelievable what the democrats think is ok.

Everyone is laughing at him, he probably thinks he's funny, instead of pathetic.

This is elder abuse, at the hands of evil people... Just can't believe my eyes...

And Harris stood there and watched and let him do it and laughed. Speaks volumes for her doesn't it. Clearly someone dropped the puppet strings.

This is what the democrats voted for.

This administration is such a JOKE

Why won't someone help him? Why do they just stand around & laugh at him?

Embarrassment. Fbi. Cia. Ss. Doj. Obama. Biden. Harris Pelosi. Schumer. Gor. Kerry Newsom Aoc the list goes on for ever.

It's really sad they're parading him around laughing at him letting him make a complete fool of himself knowing he has dementia. These are some really sick and evil people we're dealing with in today's world. God help us.

I'm sorry but enough already he's embarrassing this country! Jill!

Download here: Thousands-of-Bikers-Head-To-President-Donald-Trump-Rallies-MAGA-2024-08-01.mp4 - 35,008 kb
By: Demons Row - 1st August 2024
1000's of Bikers Head To
President Donald Trump Rallies!!

1000's of Bikers Help Protect President Donald Trump!! full video here:

1000s of bikers and their families come together for the love of the United States of America. After President trumps shooting.

#demonsrow #sosetheghost #demonsandoutlaws

I told my clubs President 3 weeks ago when he got shot that our club could protect TRUMP better than the secret service.

I'm a biker and I have always supported President Donald Trump and his beautiful, noble wife Melania.

Keep the greasy side down and shiny side up brothers. God bless the USA.

Respect to the biker community, I wish more Americans loved America the way we do . Freedom isn't free.

I'm not a biker but I agree with the straight out message given not as a politician but as a citizen of this great country.

Let's stand up for what we believe, not what scandalous politician push...

As long as you're American, that's what matters. Not skin color. We all shades of brown. We are God's creation.

Come together as one body, as America!!!

Australia stand with Trump 2024.

Respect to all willing to protect our country and future. Thank you All

Hallelujah, it's 10 x better than SS and Cops

They don't want to relinquish control.

Love and support from Texas - Trump 2024

Let's vote for Donald Trump and JD Vance and Republicans always.

Demon row bikers stepping up!!!!!!!!
God bless each and everyone!
Go in peace my brothers, interact with the public so they can learn that bikers are good people.
Go in peace brothers, go with vigilance and God in your heart...


Let Americans ride - this is for my family who served in Vietnam my farther and all . let's make America great again


I'm a Combat Veteran and I love what you are doing starting this movement. We the people bound by duty to our fellow Americans and have the right by blood as citizens of this great country to stand together and make it right. I support this movement ?

I love that the bikers are willing to support our real President. Thank you.

Trump 2024

We are Americans, let's keep it America. Save America

SAVE OUR COUNTRY and I'm a Christian

Download here: Donald-Trump-Rebukes-Rude-Moderator-At-Start-Of-Q-and-A-At-Black-Journalists-Event-2024-08-01.mp4 - 6,589 kb
By: Forbes Breaking News - 1st August 2024
Donald Trump Rebukes Rude
Moderator At Start Of Q & A
At Black Journalists Event

BREAKING NEWS: Trump Directly Attacks Moderator At Start Of Q & A At Black Journalists Event

At the National Association of Black Journalists event in Chicago, Illinois, former President Trump slammed the moderator's first question.

Existential Gateway
Trump just DESTROYED this rude Bitch in front of EVERYONE!

Trump directly attacks moderator? You mean the moderator attacked Trump with a bunch of lies and distortions and he responded accordingly.

@2:40 She actually brought up Lyndon Johnson as a champion of the black community. He was the most racist POTUS ever !

The media must think people are dumb. Read the headline again and watch the clip. Who is attacking who? Stinks of desperation!

The moderator certainly sounded hostile from the get go. Unprofessional!!!

The moderator attacked Trump. That is not journalism.

Actually that lady was Al Sharpton in disguise

The moderater attacked him first. He just wasnt taking her bs.

The worst part is leftists will eat that journalist's bullshit like it's candy.

Guess she doesn't want to hear what old Joe had to say about blacks...


She attacked him right off the bat, what kind of headline is this? She opens by calling him an liar and racist etc. You have no moral compass to lie in such a headline. He met with Humor and applause. The moderator was extremely out of line but will be applauded by the machine working against America.

Download here: Olympics-Insider-Hundreds-of-Kids-Tortured-and-Killed-During-Satanic-Games-for-Elite-Pedophiles-2024-07-31.mp4 - 95,187 kb
By: The People's Voice - 31st July 2024
Olympics Insider: Hundreds of Kids
Tortured and Killed During
'Satanic' Games for Elite Pedophiles

Hundreds of children have been trafficked to Paris for the deranged pleasure of the global elite who have gathered in the French capital for the quadrennial Luciferian celebration of the Olympic Games.

Dignitaries, politicians, celebrities and royalty have flown in from all around the world, not to watch men and women run around a track or throw a javelin, but so they can take part behind closed doors in the most depraved and sickening occult rituals in the elite's four-year calendar.

While the mainstream media is obsessed with the events taking place in the pool, the track, and on gymnastics mats, the pedophile elite are more interested in taking part in what they call "The Most Dangerous Game," or more simply, "The Hunt."

Trending News
Olympics opening ceremony
2024 Olympics
Paris Olympics
Dangerous Game
Lady Gaga

The Hunt on The Simpsons...


The day the truth is fully in the sun, the mothers of the world will tear these people apart until their bones are all that's left

What a bunch of freaks!

Sick bastards

Thanks, People's Choice. Your work is excellent and important.

Adrenochrome comes from the adrenals not the Pineal which sit on top of the kidneys...the more fear the victim has produces more for these Monsters.. Correct me if I'm wrong

If they know these 'child hunting games' are being done why isn't anyone stopping them!!!!!

Would prefer hearing about a VIABLE and CREDIBLE LAW ENFORCER following Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits and eredicating them from Earth on sight while on the hunt. The only punishment fitting this heinous evil is as directed in The Holy Bible with the Millstones.

Literal demons from the underworld!

be aware theres a petition at your faith stop christian mockery at the paris olympics..its a worldwide pettition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide on all currently has over 242000 signatures and YOU can helpit to get many more firstly by signing it also by resharing it widely worldwide with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same

About time red, blue and green dots were focused between the eyes of all these vile depraved sick putrid bastards

Thank you for bringing this disgusting stuff out.


Download here: Abrain-not-suitable-for-Normies-A-Pharmaceutical-Commercial-Parody-2024-07-23.mp4 - 2,458 kb
By: Nick Peterson - 23rd July 2024
Abrain - (not suitable for 'Normies')
A Pharmaceutical Commercial Parody

Abrain is meant for everyday use. Do not try Abrain if you're allergic to Abrain. For more information, visit

Abrain. A pharmaceutical commercial parody.

I laugh because it's funny, I cry because it's real.

‚Individual results may vary'

I love that Abrain is the brand name and they put the generic name Cerebrum underneath.

O.M.G. this is genius.

As they say, some people are so open minded their brains fall out. Those folk need Abrain!

So so so appropriate for the Age of Stupid we currently live in. I often joke that like Rip Van Wrinkle I feel like I fell asleep and woke up in a different time, only where he woke up 20 years in the future I woke up and discovered I was living in a Far Side cartoon. This is seriously clever, seriously funny, and seriously true. Great job!


After what's happened with the current Administration this past week, I welcome this fresh air of COMMON SENSE!!!

Absolute comedy gold!

This is the best use of social media i have yet encountered. Great work!!

That my dude was ingenious

Holy cow Nick!!!! You're out of control, Buddy!!! That is PAST funny!!! I laugh at those commercials, you just beat them all!! BEST EVER!!!!

Which of the many Joe Biden
doubles would you vote for in the
2024 US Presidential Election?
By: The Stooges from within The White House & Castle Rock Studios - 21st July 2024
Which of the many Joe Biden doubles would you vote for in the 2024 US Presidential Election?

Which of the many Joe Biden doubles would you vote for in the 2024 US Presidential Election?

Do you feel spoilt for choice?

Or do you feel ripped off due to the blatant fraud / treason that has been committed upon the American citizens?

Janine-Arabella-filing-her-Wellington-Statement-National-Debt-Now-Paid-Off-Govt-Complici-in-Crimes-Against-Humanity-2024-07-19.mp4 - 16,798 kb
By: NowFreedomForAll - 19th July 2024
Janine Arabella filing
her Wellington Statement

* National Debt Now Paid Off!
* Gov't Complicit in Crimes Against Humanity

Janine of the House of Arabella filing her Wellington Statement at The Beehive, Wellington, NZ, confirming that:

  1. the National Debt has now been Paid Off, which frees up every man, woman and child in New Zealand;
  2. Also, heads of Health NZ and Government corporations have consented by DEFAULT to her claims that the NZ Government are complicit in Crimes Against Humanity;
  3. Janine is now in a position to take of Health NZ.

I provided the means to pay off the national debt on 19 July 2024 and they refused to honour, so instead I have cancelled the debt over every man, woman, boy and girl living in our land as it was never our debt. The update is coming soon folks xx.

LOVE THIS! Great job!!!

Wow, thank you dear Jennine : ) On the 28th of November my teen son and I left New Zealand because of the impossible situation we got into due to the vaxx and lockdowns. We are still overseas, healthy but broke, and we are not sure what to do. Apart from praying for you, is there anything else we could do?

In front of where I put my tent up at the freedom village, Janine. You are Brilliant! thank you again, Commander.

Absolutely incredible Janine! Thank you for your courage and determination. I am forever grateful for your service

Thank you thank you thank you Janine

Am in awe. Thank you Janine.

Fantastic well done

You're amazing I love following you. Be safe

Wow Janine, I only found your videos through someone's comment on another video on Cap' Kyle's channel, first time hearing this ... great news indeed. Not sure 100% of what that means but good on you for being a patriot for New Zealand. Love it xox

Download here: - 17,209 kb
By: Chris Tobin, THE TIMARU HERALD, Stuff - 19th July 2024
Kevin Anngow
Trump's greatest supporter, staying
true in Timaru, New Zealand

Kevin Anngow, Timaru's biggest Trump supporter

It's cost him friendships and seen him labelled a 'loony', but Timaru's greatest Trump supporter is standing by his man, and says the assassination attempt has sealed the deal.

"It will be a landslide victory now," says Kevin Anngow, 68, a father of six, retired rest home worker and avid Trump supporter.

Anngow said he was coming out of church on Sunday when he received a phone call from his sister telling him a lone gunman had attempted to kill Trump at Butler, Pennsylvania.

"I thought it might happen and I was always ready for it."

He said he was enormously relieved the gunman's bullet only grazed Trump's ear.

"Otherwise it would have been chaos in America, even civil war."

Kevin Anngow is Timaru's most passionate Donald Trump supporter.
Kevin Anngow is Timaru's most passionate Donald Trump supporter.
AIMAN AMERUL MUNER / The Timaru Herald

For a couple of years now, Anngow has proudly displayed his support for the former US president, his home a shrine to Donald Trump with flags, signs and other memorabilia.

His commitment to the former president and current presidential candidate was so great, his home could be called Timaru's Trump House.

A large pro Trump flag has billowed from the Catherine St property since the last American election.

One version was stolen, and the replacement was taken down for a time, but a Trump flag, now fading, had billowed outside for two years, installed high enough so potential thieves could not reach it.

Kevin Anngow's Trump House in Timaru.
Kevin Anngow's Trump House in Timaru.
AIMAN AMERUL MUNER / The Timaru Herald

"People have come and knocked on the door and given me new flags," Anngow said.

At nighttime, passing traffic can often see the latest Trump news flickering on a large television screen in the front room at Anngow's.

"I listen to all his statements and speeches as he goes around America."

A former New Zealand representative bowler, Anngow said he knew many people in the indoor bowls community all over the country, but things changed once he started supporting Trump.

"I lost a lot of friends; they ridiculed me and gave me s...."

Why such fervent support for an American politician who raises the hackles of his detractors and is supported with a passion by others?

"Because if we have Trump in power, what happens in America affects the world," Anngow said.

Kevin Anngow, holding his Trump mask, said he was not surprised that an attempt was made on Donald Trump’s life.
Kevin Anngow, holding his Trump mask, said he was not surprised that an attempt was made on Donald Trump’s life.
AIMAN AMERUL MUNER / The Timaru Herald

Anngow believes the world would be a safer and more stable place with Trump as president.

"Between 2016 and 2020 (with Trump in office) there were no wars. Now the world has gone to s... with Ukraine and Israel, the economy and the American border.

"Trump is a modern day David; he's a man for the moment. People used to say he was a loony, a loudmouth clown.

"They're backing down now."

In Timaru, not all of them.

Anngow said an 80-year-old woman had expressed her feelings, about Trump, to him by giving him the middle finger.

He said he had found people over 70 can be the most vehemently opposed to Trump.

Kevin Anngow said he gets mixed reactions to wearing his Trump t-shirts in public.
Kevin Anngow said he gets mixed reactions to wearing his Trump t-shirts in public.
AIMAN AMERUL MUNER / The Timaru Herald

Wearing pro-Trump T-shirts in public, which Anngow does, also draws a mixed reaction.

"Some say, 'good on ya', and others don't like it. They call me an idiot and say why dress up like that?"

If not for a trespass notice on his gate, Anngow thinks more people would react positively to his pro-Trump stand.

"It's to keep the clowns off my property," he said of the sign.

Among his Trump paraphernalia is a garden gnome, a mask mounted in front of the house, and a five ounce silver coin depicting the ex-president.

His Trump flags hang alongside a Crusaders flag and a NZ Loyal Party placard. There's a 'Not Guilty' sign, in reference to the former president's court battles, and a picture of Jesus in the window - for a touch of originality.

Among the Trump displays at Kevin Anngow's home is a garden gnome.
Among the Trump displays at Kevin Anngow's home is a garden gnome.
AIMAN AMERUL MUNER / The Timaru Herald

"It was a Christmas present from my son to my mother (now deceased)."

Anngow also carries his pro-Trump message on the back of his car.

Jacob Anngow said his father's non-conformist, unconventional approach comes from believing in freedom of choice and freedom of speech, having the right to express his views, even publicly in spite of a possible backlash.

"Whether you agree with my old man or not, he's not two faced," Jacob Anngow said.

"Sometimes people will toot support when they go past."

Kevin Anngow, with his Trump mask, said he was not surprised that an attempt was made on Donald Trump's life.
Kevin Anngow, with his Trump mask, said he was not surprised that an attempt was made on Donald Trump's life.
AIMAN AMERUL MUNER / The Timaru Herald

Anngow Snr said he knows nothing about Trump's vice-presidential nominee, J. D. Vance, but is confident the Ohio senator will prove the correct choice.

And he thinks Michelle Obama will eventually take Biden's place for the Democrat Party.

But in Anngow's mind, there's only one name in the presidential race: the man who escaped a would-be assassin's bullet - Trump.

"I saw him with his fist in the air (after the shooting). That image will go down in history."

- The Timaru Herald

Download here: Left-Wing-Democrats-and-Sociopaths-Incite-Insurrection-Violence-Murder-and-Treason-2024-07-17.mp4 - 14,709 kb
By: Caldron Pool - 17th July 2024
Left Wing Democrats and Sociopaths
Incite Insurrection, Violence,
Murder and Treason

What did they think would happen?

Society in decay.

Download here: Katie-Hopkins-in-NYC-after-Trump-Assassination-attempt-Trump-is-blacker-than-me-2024-07-16.mp4 - 10,827 kb
By: Katie Hopkins OFFICIAL - 16th July 2024
Katie Hopkins in NYC after
Trump Assassination attempt:
a big black dude from Chicago just
told me, 'Trump is blacker than me'

Katie is more American than the liberals.

God Bless

We should put this woman up as the new White House press secretary! Those press conferences would

be FIRE!

He was beyond brave while alex baldwin was sobbing like a little girl in court.

It is so good to hear a British citizen speaking common sense. Thank you.

Never knew you are a former officer in the British army.
Respect to you ma'am.

Blacks For Trump = A Giant Leap

Hopkins has always been a supporter of Trump. Never waivered in her support of the most patriotic

President in modern US history.

Well said Katie . Katie Hopkins is more Patriotic to America than many American women or men for that


Saw this line in another video's comment section... thought it apropos:
"2 impeachments, 4 indictments, 91 criminal counts, 34 felony convictions, a mugshot, 3 baby mommas, a

dime of a wife, and an assassination attempt. Guy has more street cred than any rapper alive."

To those black guys from Chicago, if you're watching, rock on !!
You are all Americans, stand together, stand strong.

BREAKING: IT'S OVER! Trump Classified Documents Case DISMISSED

Download: Leaked-Secret-Service-Video-Proves-Trump-Assassination-Attempt-Was-Inside-Job-Shooter-spotted-on-slightly-sloped-roof-2024-07-15.mp4 - 73.995 kb
By: The People's Voice - 15th July 2024
Leaked Secret Service Video
Proves Trump Assassination
Attempt Was Inside Job
Shooter spotted on slightly sloped roof

Trending News
Trump assassination
Trump rally
Secret Service
Inside Job
Kimberly Cheatle
Thomas Matthew Crooks

The plan to defeat Trump using lawfare is failing spectacularly, and the global elite are now initiating Plan B, also known as the plot to remove President Donald Trump from the November election by any means necessary.

Shortly after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, eyewitness accounts and video evidence reveal that the Secret Service were given "stand down" orders to allow the rooftop shooter to carry out the hit.

These are desperate times for the global elite and the inside job assassination attempt on Saturday is just the beginning. Things are about to get very crazy, very fast.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know who's behind this attempted assassination. Just how many and who were involved

'BIDEN's Deep State TREASON'... or is old Joe simply the fall guy..?
Who's really in charge..? Are SATANIC GLOBALIST'S and their minions Hussein, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennan, Clapper.. just to name a few... the HEAD of this snake...
Who has the most to loose if Trump wins again..?
Logical thinking..

Why didn't the secret service take out the shooter BEFORE he shot President Trump?

So fat ugly disgustng woman who heads SS was put there BY BIDEN?????

The Secret Service is compromised. We've known this since they found cocaine in the White House (one of the most secure building on the planet) and couldn't figure out who it came from. We've known this since fake agents infiltrated the Secret Service. We've known this since a liberal woman became the director of the Secret Service. We also know this because the Secret Service snipers waited till the guy was done firing before returning fire. We know this because they were warned more than TWENTY SIX MINUTES in advance of the first shot that there was a gunman on the roof. Trump needs to fire them all and hire some Navy Seals or Marines who actually love our country and not these dirty pigs who are more concerned with how many females they employ! The Secret Service is now a disgrace! Hang your heads in shame you D.E.I. PIGS!!!

Click bait or not. Biden did say & has since apologised: "I have one job, and that's to beat Donald Trump. I'm absolutely certain I'm the best person to be able to do that. So, we're done talking about the debate, it's time to put Trump in a bullseye..." So should Biden not be charged with causing this?

The secret service sniper on the red barn had the shooter in his sight for three minutes and was ordered not to shoot but did and was sacked for not obeying orders.
Former U.S. Special Forces sniper explains why the shooting of Donald Trump was a "planned and coordinated attack", orchestrated "inside our government".
"There's absolutely no way possible that that kid was able to get up there and take those shots at the president without a lot of internal help."

Thomas Crooks was a patsy

Melania Trumps' letter re the
attempted assassination of her
husband President Donald Trump

By: MELANIA TRUMP - 14th July 2024

Melania Trump
July 14, 2024

I am thinking of you, now, my fellow Americans.

We have always been a unique union. America, the fabric of our gentle nation is tattered, but our courage and common sense must ascend and bring us back together as one.

When I watched that violent bullet strike my husband, Donald, I realized my life, and Barron's life, were on the brink of devastating change. I am grateful to the brave secret service agents and law enforcement officials who risked their own lives to protect my husband.

To the families of the innocent victims who are now suffering from this heinous act, I humbly offer my sincerest sympathy. Your need to summon your inner strength for such a terrible reason saddens me.

A monster who recognized my husband as an inhuman political machine attempted to ring out Donald's passion - his laughter, ingenuity, love of music, and inspiration. The core facets of my husband's life - his human side - were buried below the political machine. Donald, the generous and caring man who I have been with through the best of times and the worst of times.

Let us not forget that differing opinions, policy, and political games are inferior to love. Our personal, structural, and life commitment - until death - is at serious risk. Political concepts are simple when compared to us, human beings.

We are all humans, and fundamentally, instinctively, we want to help one another. American politics are only one vehicle that can uplift our communities. Love, compassion, kindness and empathy are necessities.

And let us remember that when the time comes to look beyond the left and the right, beyond the red and the blue, we all come from families with the passion to fight for a better life together, while we are here, in this earthly realm.

Dawn is here again. Let us reunite. Now.

This morning, ascend above the hate, the vitriol, and the simple-minded ideas that ignite violence. We all want a world where respect is paramount, family is first, and love transcends. We can realize this world again. Each of us must demand to get it back. We must insist that respect fills the cornerstone of our relationships again.

I am thinking of you, my fellow Americans.

The winds of change have arrived. For those of you who cry in support, I thank you. I commend those of you who have reached out beyond the political divide – thank you for remembering that every single politician is a man or a woman with a loving family.

Download Melania Trump's letter in JPG:

  • Page 1: Melania-Trumps-letter-re-the-attempted-assassination-of-her-husband-Donald-Trump-2024-07-14-p1.jpg (139 kb) - here

  • Page 2: Melania-Trumps-letter-re-the-attempted-assassination-of-her-husband-Donald-Trump-2024-07-14-p2.jpg (61 kb) - here
Download JPG document here...

Melania Trumps' letter re the attempted assassination of her husband President Donald Trump

God bless and protect President Donald Trump.

Melania Trumps' letter re the attempted assassination of her husband President Donald Trump

General Mike Flynn
for this wonderful and strong statement of love for your husband, your family and our country.

Apple Lamps
Beautiful statement, Melania. America is praying for your family stronger than ever before.

Robert The Builder
Divine intervention
Prayers for TRUMP

You have an amazing husband who has consistently put his life on the line for this country. I know you're proud of him, as well you should be. In the words of some I've seen on social media, he took a bullet for this country! Thank you for giving him to this country. He's the only one who can save us. @realDonaldTrump

Amit Shah (Parody)
This man is made of something else. He never stops fighting for our country.

Melania, you are a beautiful woman, mother & wife.

You, Donald & all your children do not deserve all this insane hostility which you've been subjected to of late.

The Deep State's behavior reminds me of an old saying: "Does a thief rejoice when caught?"

God bless you all.

Gunther Eagleman
Thank you Melania! Look forward to you coming back as First Lady

Download here: The-Reckoning-Is-Here-Trumps-Military-Tribunal-For-Political-Foes-Bombshell-Rocks-America-2024-07-04.mp4 - 26,687 kb
By: The Next News Network - 4th July 2024
The Reckoning Is Here:
Trump's Military Tribunal
Bombshell Rocks America.

Jail time for Biden, Harris etc

Brace yourselves, patriots. Trump's latest bombshell has Washington elites shaking in their boots. The former president is calling for military tribunals and jail time for top elected officials, including Biden, Harris, and even some Republicans. This isn't just politics as usual – it's a declaration of war against the deep state.

Our exclusive report dives deep into Trump's plan for retribution against those he claims have betrayed America. We've got the inside scoop on who's in the crosshairs and why. From Liz Cheney to Mitch McConnell, no one is safe from Trump's wrath. But is this justice or a dangerous escalation?

Our team breaks down the legal implications and what it could mean for the future of our republic. We'll show you the shocking social media posts that have DC in an uproar and analyze the potential fallout. Don't miss our final thought on why this matters to every American.

This isn't just about Trump – it's about the very soul of our nation. Tune in now for the full story that the mainstream media doesn't want you to see.

The people that hid the J6 footage, are the same people who told you the elections were fair!

At what stage of the game do you play the TRUMP card? Q

After all the baloney they did to Trump they deserve Military Tribunals.

It's way past time for these Traitors to be held accountable.

The more they go after Trump the more I know Trump is the man we need.

What goes around comes around democrats!!!

We the people want our Constitutional Republic back!

And let it be TELEVISED!!!! WE THE PEOPLE need to see JUSTICE!

Go, Trump, go!!! It's about time justice will prevail!!!

God bless President Trump! Justice is coming!

Who else is gonna vote for the guy who gave up his wealth for his country and not for the guy who gave up his country for his wealth!

Please keep President Trump and his family in your prayer daily.

Let's remember we're talking about treason. These are the things these people committed end of story.

God bless President Trump! Justice is coming!

No, he's not doing it because they're political opponents, he's doing it because they're traitors! Thank you, President Trump. 2024

After all the baloney they did to Trump they deserve Military Tribunals.

Who else is gonna vote for the guy who gave up his wealth for his country and not for the guy who gave up his country for his wealth!

I Support President Donald J. Trump. He has been the Target for eight years.

Let's be clear. This isn't revenge, this is Justice. It's about time.

This is great news: Trump 2024...

It's way past time for these Traitors to be held accountable.

I'm voting for President Trump

Drain the swamp President Trump. Im sick of our government!!

President Trump needs to clean up the government enough of this

Trump 2024 for President

Donald J. Trump America's President!

Download here: What-The-HELL-Is-Going-On-Boy-Visited-By-Anti-Terrorism-Police-Over-Gender-Views-2024-07-03.mp4 - 36,045 kb
By: TalkTV - 3rd July 2024
"What The HELL Is Going On?"
Boy Visited By Anti-Terrorism
Police Over Gender Views

A 12-year-old was referred to the anti-terrorism police for posting a video on TikTok saying he 'stands against non-binary and trans'.

Harry Miller founder of Fair Cop joins Talk's Kevin O'Sullivan to discuss this further.

Click here for more from Talk

If you need any help visit:

#talk #police


it`s all out there now. all their evil deeds will be uncovered ... just like Michael Obama

these bastards at the top are mostly all evil scum of the earth who lick and kiss arse to get where they are ..
It will be a long long way to fall when our Saviour returns

Well, now I understand why the Paris Olympics was full of transgenders.

we are certainly in the end times , HE is coming soon... amen

Brother Trev

Its blatant bloody war. We got here because too many liberal assholes DID NOTHING!

In fact, many 'kind' and 'lovely' people, including 'Christians', have said to me "Do not speak of child trafficking, cannibalism, Satanism and political corruption, as it contaminates your soul. Leave it to God to deal with - otherwise you are a sinner by beholding such evil."

Well, we have to eat don't we? Does Jesus put the food in our mouth? No.

Likewise there are circumstances wherein we must: Isaiah 58:1 Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.

And damn the consequences.

The boy is right. Its fact.

So he's considered a terrorist, but Hamas isn't considered a terrorist group. This is such a backwards world.

Punished for not conforming to Trans ideology! We must not allow this to happen! Stand up against this wickedness!

To arrest a 12yr old for speaking the truth is terrorism

Punished for being normal

He's not a 'strange kid' - he's just clever and mature.

The kid is absolutely right.

This is insane! The boy is biologically 100% correct.

Download here: You-have-been-lied-to-about-why-Pauline-Hanson-went-to-prison-Innocent-people-getting-full-cavity-searches-2024-07-03.mp4 - 18,875 kb
By: Aussie Fan Channel - 3rd July 2024
You've been lied to about why
Pauline Hanson went to prison
Innocent people getting full cavity searches!

#aussiefanchannel #politicalnews #politics

Have Your Say on the Aussie Fan Channel

#paulinehanson #news #politics #aussiefanchannel #politicalnews

We ask the real questions on various issues and news stories. Our videos are designed to not only be educational, but to allow our viewers the opportunity to engage with other members and to give them a platform for expressing their views in the comments section.

We hope you enjoy the content. Please Like, Subscribe and Share.

Pauline is a bigger and stronger person than any politician in this country.

Howard should be in jail for war crimes.

So proud of Pauline Hanson. She has gone through hell for her neighbors.

Then there is the politically motivated Port Arthur Massacre, wherein a left handed moron who was at a cafe down the road, was accused of being the professional, right handed shooter/s who shot up civilians in a military style execution. John Howard then has phosphorous grenades used to destroy / tamper with all the evidence; and sequestered all films / photos / footage taken, so that all evidence could be destroyed.

Nonetheless, as the survivors of Port Arthur said when they saw martin Bryant on TV "Who is that? He isn't the shooter..."

Following a full cavity search, the 33rd degree Mason John Howard should be tried for treason, Crimes Against Humanity and permanently assisted onto the next realm accordingly.

She went to prison as punishment for standing up for Australia and real Australians and not selling us out to international corporations and foreign entities.

Pauline Hanson for PM - vote one nation

If every Australian Loved this Country & its People's wishes for the future as much a Pauline Hanson does, she'd be our next PM

We can't be free without free speech

Pauline Hanson is my prime minister. A true leader in Australia

I and my family and friends have always voted for you Pauline and always will

Pauline for Prime Minister. A true Patriotic Australian! Australian Culture, Australian Flag! One Nation!

Hope to God she sues the pants off those morons who put her through hell.

Pauline Hanson for Prime Minister. She has more guts & sense than the last few Prime Ministers. Albo is the worst of them all.

Pauline got it spot on! Freedom of speech needs to be protected.

Whatever Trump is going through, Pauline went through first. One day I hope Pauline is remembered as a great Australian.

Vote One Nation

Fantastic speech Senator Pauline you have always had my vote

Strong Lady we need people like her in parliament

Well done Pauline 100% right. Where will we be without freedom of speech.Keep on fighting

We sure do. They jailed Pauline for speaking the truth because they didn't want the truth known...One Nation all the way...

Download here: It-is-OK-babies-explain-how-they-are-murdered-and-used-in-medical-experiments-2024-07-03.mp4 - 18,238 kb
By: Choice42 - 3rd July 2024
It's OK
Babies explain how they are murdered
and used in medical experiments

What you see will shock you...

More info:

Aborted fetal parts

What a powerful video! Absolutely heartbreaking the times we live in. Praying this video goes far and wide.

A vote for Joe is a vote for this.

What kind of monsters have we become? God help us.

"Thus God said, "What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood cries out to Me from the ground."


This is terrible!! Wake up CHURCH!!! GET ACTIVE!!!!

Shocking. As individuals and as a nation, we must repent of Child Sacrifice. And turn back to God.

I am a 67 year old man, father and granfather. This just made me cry.. Its not ok,, its just sick. These sick so called scientists will one day have to stand and account for their lives in front of God. At least these little innocents whose lives were abruptly taken will get a place in eternity with Jesus

The blood of the innocent cries out to the Lord.

Everyone needs to see this. Not only are we doing this to the unborn, but we are putting this into our born children's bodies. We can't say "We didn't know" any longer.

It all must end.

Absolutely disgusting what we are doing RIGHT NOW in the world. "What can I do? I'm just one person..." said one billion Christians...

I don't wish nor want babies to be the sacraficial lambs just for my health. It isn't worth it.

I was sobbing in my work office watching this. We can't repent enough of our apathy.

In a world where babies are systematically dehumanized, it is so important to "humanize" them, and help us to see just how tragic it is. So terribly sad.

Brutal, crying. Hopefully youtube won't shut this down. Glory to Christ, abolish child sacrifice.

It's not OK. There's Hell to pay.

It was never okay. This could have been any one of us. We have to give voice to the voiceless.

Forgive us Father.

How absolutely barbaric. What have we become?

Have mercy on us, LORD!

Download here: Bidens-Family-Admit-Elite-Replaced-The-Real-Joe-Biden-Years-Ago-With-Doubles-2024-07-02.mp4 - 88,809 kb
By: The People's Voice - 2nd July 2024
Biden's Family Admit Elite
Replaced The 'Real' Joe Biden
Years Ago - With Doubles!

Hunter Biden Bomshell: "My Dad Joe Is a Pedophile."

Joe Biden's granddaughter said Joe Biden died in 2019 and has been played by actors ever since!

Is Joe Biden just another compromised pedophile selected by the globalist elite to serve as a puppet president - or is there something even darker and more dangerous going on?

Biden's debate performance last week was the stuff of nightmares for liberals, with prominent Democrats joined by leftist media outlets calling for Biden to exit the presidential race.

Now members of Biden's own family are admitting that the real Joe Biden is not the man making decisions at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office.

A series of damning videos featuring Biden glitching have raised serious questions about his health and whether he is being represented in public by actors and in videos by AI.

At this point we have to ask, is there anything real about Joseph R. Biden - or is the Biden presidency the biggest con job in history?

Do NOT feel sorry for Joe. NEVER EVER feel sorry for pedophiles

Just proves what I have known for over 20 years. The whole political system is just theater.

There's that rumor about how Joseph Robinette Biden died in Girmo, Cuba in 2018. Allegedly you can go on and verify for yourself. Nothing would surprise me at this point! Our world is fake and gay.

Christ is King

Joe Biden died years ago. This is either a double or a clone

Ya just gotta laugh! What a freak show!!!

I've been saying this for years. I think the real Joe disappeared by sometime around 2012. Old pictures and video totally give it away. But nobody can see it.

LMAO - of course that's NOT Biden. WE ALL KNOW

... the person who showed up for that rally in NC was not the sick pale and feeble old man that was at a debate just the night before, I will not ever believe that the person who more often than not calls a lid on his WH activities at 10am most days, who can barely pull a lawn chair on the beach was the person who was full of energy in NC for a rally, this is just another in your face example of Biden theater

He didn't pass away, he was executed at Gitmo. So was his son Hunter, and the Obamas- Barack and Mike.

From the begining we have known about Joe's many doubles trying to pull the wool over our eyes. It was so obvious, much like the fake moon landing or 911.

I've proven more than 3 y. ago, that Jo Bai Den is NOT Joe Biden.
FYI The are CLONING People from the 1930 - FACT!

Isn't that criminal??

Joe doesn't have a twin.

All coming out slowly but ,it's coming. Iv know things a long time ago,when I was 18,my father told me quite a lot, which I thought he was mad, now through the years what iv seen he's definitely knew his stuff, I dont know how,but id say hes smiling as I believe him now.

Biden funeral was his inauguration!!!!!! Check the uniforms and insignia plus big guns!!!

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[Everything below this line is repeated on most pages]

We are fighting a spiritual war
10th August 2024
Paris Olympics - We are fighting a spiritual war!
Revelation 18:2 "And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

Hard Times Create Strong Men...
Hard Times Create Strong Men - Strong Men Create Good Times - Good Times Create Weak Men - Weak Men Create Hard Times.

Some people wouldn't know
tyranny if it bit them on the ass!
Some people wouldn't know tyranny if it bit them on the ass!

Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!
Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!

This is a question that stupid
people & traitors cannot answer:
Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?
This is a question that stupid people & traitors cannot answer: Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!
30th June 2023
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!

Being awake isn't cool. It means having to dumb down 98% of your conversations every day, so you don't sound like a lunatic.

Attitude to monsters after putting up with their shit since late 2019...

Plan F - The Fuck Off plan!

When people you don't even know hate you, That's when you know you're the best.

mRNA jabs are doing the job
slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!
30th June 2023
mRNA jabs are doing the job slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!

20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities
It's called GENOCIDE!
13th June 2023
20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities - It's called GENOCIDE!

"A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030"
It's called GENOCIDE!
12th May 2023
A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030 - It's called GENOCIDE!

World Economic Forum - Committed to Enslaving the Whole World

Nothing says "Trust the Science"
like asking for the data
to be hidden for 75 years!
18th March 2023
Nothing says Trust the Science like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years! Shhhhh....

Superheroes bow down to the
Big Pharma / Businessmen / Doctors
11th February 2023
It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT
26th November 2022
Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT

The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get
jabbed is like sending a post card from
the Titanic saying: "Wish you were here!"
20th November 2022
The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: Wish you were here!

Ten Stages of Genocide
As taught by WEFers Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau etc - August 2022

Ten Stages of Genocide

The Good Reset
Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's,
Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

28th July 2022
The Good Reset - Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's, Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

Covid Variant / Booster
The Merry Go Round From Hell
22nd December 2021

Covid Variant / Booster - Merry Go Round From Hell

Experimental Injections
Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel
13th November 2021

Experimental Injections - Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel

Death is coming for you stupid!

I am fully Vaccinated and Boostered, and just tested positive for Covid-19. I am grateful for the protection my vaccines continue to provide.

The 5-Step COVID 'Vaccine' RISK / BENEFIT ANALYSIS - September 2021

Trump's swamp draining service

When the population understands this picture, it will change everything.

"You can fool all the people some of the time.
You can fool some of the people all the time.
But you cannot fool all the people all the time!"

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Attributed to Edmund Burke. Also by John F. Kennedy in a speech in 1961.

The Great Cow Analogy

Donald J. Trump - They should never have touched the children!
'They should never have touched the children!'
Donald J. Trump - President of the United States of America

'They should never have touched the children!!' President Donald J. Trump

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Abortion: Modern Day Child Sacrifice
Psalms 106:37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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If someone accuses you of wearing a tinfoil hat...,
remind them that it's better than wearing a blindfold!

Q - Apr 17 2020 - We are ready. [Set 1] Mission good. Q Q
"Where We Go One, We Go All"
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Q President John F. Kennedy