The Punisher treason: noun: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government
White Hats
Embrace the sometimes painful truth of reality
Remain in the blissful ignorance of illusion
If there is no such thing as a CONSPIRACY - why is the word CONSPIRACY in the dictionary?
Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'   Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell
Click here... Stockholm Syndrome is also a result of Governmental / Pharmaceutical / Media Propaganda
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL and Embraces GENOCIDE

The Pandemic is just a DECOY...
Covid Passports, Kill Shots & Depopulation are the goals
DEMOCIDE - one injection at a time! C/o Bill Gates, the WEF, CIA, WHO and your: politicians / doctors / nurses etc...
DEMOCIDE - one injection at a time!
[C/o Bill Gates, the WEF, WHO, UN, CIA, FBI and
your: politicians / doctors / nurses, police etc...]

2021 - July to December
> 2024 January to June   > 2024 July to December
> 2023 January to June   > 2023 July to December
> 2022 January to June . > 2022 July to December
> 2021 January to June   > 2021 July to December
> 2020 and prior    

>> Go to REAL HEALTH TIPS page >>

Q The CHURCH of COVID has created millions of vaxxed members absoutely terrified of 2022 - 31st December 2021
Q Homer Simpson - Omicron Booster Shots Were Purchased Before The Variant Existed - 29th December 2021
Video Vaccines, Lies, Bribery, Adverse Reactions, Death - 24th December 2021
Audio Doctor Gives Serious Warnings About Playing Russian Roulette With Poisonous Covid Injections - 24th December 2021
Video Covid Masks and Morgellons - Nano Technology / Slavery / Genocide - 23rd December 2021
Video THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - part 20 / 17 - About Face Masks, Social Distancing, Morgellons and more - 23rd Dec 2021
Video Did WHO Director General Dr. Tedros just say countries are giving boosters to KILL CHILDREN? - 23rd December 2021
Video 6,091 Fully Vaccinated Cruise Passengers Suffer Massive Outbreak; 48 Cases Already - 22nd December 2021
Q Covid Variant / Booster - The Merry Go Round From Hell - How many laps untill they all wake up? - 22nd December 2021
Video The Rantings of a Genocidal Megalomaniac... Jabcinda's Kindergarten / Primary / High School Allegory - JAB EM ALL - 21st December 2021
Q Jacinda Ardern's Definition of 'DOING EVERYTHING POSSIBLE' - Have you done your Due Diligence? - 21st December 2021
Video It's beginning to look a lot like... GENOCIDE - 20th December 2021
Video Why You Need a Second Life Jacket! (aka a 2nd covid injection, and a 3rd, and 4th... 186 injections later...) - 19th December 2021
Video Dr Judy Wilyman presents at Perth Hold The Line Rally - 18th December 2021
Video MILITARY TRIBUNALS COMING! Nuremberg 2.0 & 'The October Horse' - THIS Is How Their Story Ends! - 18th December 2021
Q Confidential Coronial Autopsy Report - Rory James Nairn - Cause of death is acute myocarditis, from Pfizer vaccination - 17th December 2021
Video We knew the TRUTH would come out BUT THIS IS WORSE! Vaccine Causing Death Spike - 16th December 2021
Video Joe Biden: GO GET THE VACCINE, I'M TRYING TO KILL YOU DAMMIT! - 15th November 2021
Video Dr. Anthony Fauci Admits that Covid Vaccines May Actually Make People 'Worse' - It Would Not Be The First Time - 13th December 2021
Video Funeral Director John Parry Speaks Out About COVID VACCINES Killing Vast Numbers of People - 9th December 2021
Video Covid-19 Vaccine Injured - Casey Hodgkinson Interview with Liz Gunn - 8th December 2021
Q The Manufacturer, Government & Doctor are not responsible. - But if UNVACCINATED, you are IRRESPONSIBLE! - 4th December 2021
Video MASSACHUSETTS STATE TROOPERS (Jonathan McClure etc) FIRED for not complying to forced mandates - 2nd December 2021
Video WHY ARE THESE vaccinated PLAYERS COLLAPSING? - 30th November 2021
Video UK PM Boris Johnson - 'Omicron can be spread between people who are double vaccinated' - 28th November 2021
Q New Zealand will move into segregation & discrimination from: 11.59pm, Thursday, 2nd Dec' 2021 - 27th November 2021
Q You Comply Because You Want it to End. But Because of Your Compliance it Will NEVER END! - 27th November 2021
Video Covid: Report reveals increase in risk of heart attack following the mRNA COVID vaccine - 26th November 2021
Video Nurse in Christchurch, New Zealand - Speaks Truth about Adverse Reactions to Covid Vaccinations - 23rd November 2021
Video Finally! Medical Proof the Covid Jab is "Murder" - By: Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc - 22nd November 2021
Video THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - part 19 / 17 - Covid-19: The Midazolam and Morphine Murders - 20th November 2021
Video They said vaccines stopped the transmission of Covid - WELL THEY LIED! - 20th November 2021
Video The Case for Vaccine Passports Has Been Demolished - Vaccines Ineffective - 20th November 2021
Video New Zealand - Christchurch Midwife loses her job for not wanting to receive the Covid-19 Jab - 20th November 2021
Q MINISTRY of HEALTH - "Transmission is more likely to occur from a vaccinated than an unvaccinated individual" - 19th November 2021
Video UNDERCOVER: Testing informed consent at Canada's vaccination clinics - 19th November 2021
Q Covid Treadmill - Just one more jab - one more jab! - one more jab! - one more jab! - 19th November 2021 Experimental Injections
Video Pandemic of the VACCINATED - 75 Athletes Collapse from Heart Failure - 13th November 2021
Video Dr. Mikolaj Raszek: Spike protein inside nucleus enhancing DNA damage? - COVID-19 mRNA vaccines update 18 - 13th November 2021
Video MOH: If you die by accident or murder & have Covid-19, it is recorded as dying from Covid-19 - 12th November 2021
Video The Scheming of Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci to Own America and the World - 9th November 2021
Video The Very Rare Cases of Athletes Dying of Heart Attacks in HUGE Numbers Around the World - 8th November 2021
Video The Aussie Town That Doesn't Want To Get Vaccinated - 4th November 2021
Video Unvaccinated Nurses and Anesthesiologist Escorted from Hospital - 2nd November 2021
Video A chat with Jeannette Brock - ACC advocate working with those injured by the experimental vaccine - 1st November 2021
Video Jason Nelson's Wife Dying 3 Days After Covid Injection - This Needs to Stop NOW - 31st October 2021
Video 40 Reasons why Philip Tomlinson does not want to get the Experimental Injections - 31st October 2021
Video Vaxxed people dropping like flies in Auckland, New Zealand - Are 5G signals activating the vaxx ingredients? - 31st October 2021
Video The narrative is crumbling - 25th October 2021
Video "For the greater good" - are words uttered by dictators and those who desire absolute power - 22nd October 2021
Video SHOCKING: Dr. Carrie Madej Releases FIRST LOOK at Pfizer Vial Contents - Hydra aliens? Nano robots? - 20th October 2021
Video COVID Nasal Swabs Examined by Scientists Reveal DANGER - 19th October 2021
Q Air New Zealand - Get Your CLOT SHOT and Fly With Us - 17th October 2021
Q MEDSAFE - The CV-ISMB do not undertake autopsies for a Causality Assessment - 15th October 2021
Video Covid Experimental Jab: Scientist Discovers HATCHING EGGS, Parasites Birthed After Injection - 15th October 2021
Video Marburg Virus - THIS IS A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH - Bill Gates ready to scare everyone into getting ricin-laced vaccine - 15th October 2021
Video My heart didn't take too kindly to this forced vaccine - "So I got the modern five days ago..." - 13th October 2021
Q 2 weeks to flatten the curve... has turned into 3 shots to feed your family! - 12th October 2021
Q Government reports suggest the Fully Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome - 10th October 2021
Video THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - part 18 / 17 - Covid-19: Part 1 of multiple episodes about biggest medical scam ever - 9th Oct 2021
Video Conservative Rocker Ted Nugent likens vaccinated people to sheep - 6th October 2021
Q Covid Experimental Injection is like a box of chocolates. You Never Know What You Will Get! - 3rd October 2021
Video India govt' declares most populated state officially COVID free - after widespread use of Ivermectin - 2nd October 2021
Video An Urgent Message From: Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. - We have already reached herd immunity! - 2nd October 2021
Video "Jesus... What Happened To Us?" by Five Times August - 1st October 2021
Q Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines - Incredible research - 1st October 2021
Video NSW Government: Cases of Covid Will Occur in Vaccinated People - As No Vaccine is-Perfect - 1st October 2021
Video 'You Sir, Are The One Ignoring Science': Rand Paul Battles Becerra Over COVID-19 Rules - 1st October 2021
Video ALIENS: Dr. Carrie Madej: First U.S. Lab Examines "Vaccine" Vials, HORRIFIC Findings Revealed - 29th September 2021
Q GIANT SPIDERS are Invading the Earth - Why? - 29th September 2021
Q Covid-19 T-Shirt - The Final Variant is Called Communism - 29th September 2021
Video The Covid Vaccine Testimonies Project - The Movie - 28th September 2021
Video Yet Another Vaccine Injury Compilation - Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca etc are killing their customers - 28th September 2021
Video What the Covid Experimental Vaccines Actually Do To You - Incredible summary of the Covid Injection & Genocide - September 2021
Video John Keys - Take away the liberties of the unvaccinated and segregate society - 26th September 2021
Video Doctor Vernon Coleman blows the whistle on the COVID-19 "VACCINE" - 25th September 2021
Video BREAKING: Worldwide Call to STOP VAXX NOW! Doctors, Scientists Reveal Findings - 24th September 2021
Video Funeral Director John O'Looney Confirms What We've Suspected - Stew Peters Show - 23rd September 2021
Video Dr. Vladimir Zelenko - Physician of Presidents - The injection is going to cause 2,000,000,000 deaths - 23rd September 2021
Video World leaders are complicit in GLOBAL GENOCIDE:
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) WARN that Pfizer Vaccines KILL 5 People to Save 1 Life!!! - 17th Sept 2021
Video Man Follows Maskless Woman in Store and Attempts to Shame Her - 17th September 2021
Video 2030 UnMasked - Covid Vaccine Variants - Once you realize the virus was created for the vaccine... - 16th September 2021
Video Nurse Records Conversation as She's Fired for Refusing Vaccine - Do not resign for saying "NO!" to Experimental Injection - 16th Sept 2021
Video Jeff Rense - Vaccine Exemptions That Will Astound You - The Elitist Clause - 15th September 2021
Q ENGLAND - 30,305 people died within 21 days of having a Covid-19 Vaccine during the first 6 months of 2021 - 15th September 2021
Q Fully vaxxed people maybe reclassified as unvaccinated - if they don't take every experimental injection and pill - 13th September 2021
Video Family divided over COVID-19 vaccines following member's death shortly after taking the vaccine - 12th September 2021
Video Nurse talks about using Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 patients - 11th September 2021
Video HEAR OUR VOICES - New Zealanders Sick, Maimed or Killed After the Covid Experimental Injection - 11th September 2021
Video Child Jab Injuries - First Numbers Reported, Serious DANGER! - 10th September 2021
Q The 5-Step COVID 'Vaccine' RISK / BENEFIT ANALYSIS - September 2021
Video Hateful Joe Rogan Is Spreading Misinformation about Covid-19 / Ivermectin & Must Be Stopped! - 8th September 2021
Video FDA Approves the Shot! Take It or be BANNED From Society!! Covid Passport and Tracking - 5th September 2021
Video Vaccine mandates in a year from now - what to expect - 4th September 2021
Video Famous boxer Oscar de la Hoya hospitalized for covid after being fully vaccinated! - 4th September 2021
Video Ivermectin: Doctors Under Investigation for Curing Covid - What They Don't Want You to Know - 31st August 2021
Video Covid Lockdowns - 1pm Press Conference from the New Zealand Wool Press - 29th August 2021
Q Clinical Safety Notice - CSN 404/21 - Australian Paramedics and Healthcare Workers were informed that mRNA Covid Vaccinations had SERIOUS side effects! - 28th August 2021
Video Army Doctor Reveals More Soldiers have died from the Vaccine than died from COVID - 28th August 2021
Q Australia - PM's green light for business to reject unvaxxed - NO SHOT / NO SHOP - path to genocide - 26th August 2021
Video Former Pfizer employee Karen Kingston - Vaxx manufacturers are now trapped by their own success - 25th August 2021
Video 2030 UnMasked - For those Preparing for what's Coming After Covid-19 - Vaccines, Masks, Banking, Great Reset... - 24th August 2021
Video THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - part 17 / 17 - Era of Depopulation - The Truth behind vaccines - 24th August 2021
Video Londonderry GP with 40 years experience speaks out - "These injections are killing people, they're harming people..." - 24th August 2021
Q Centre of Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines Spin of the Day - and today's spin says... - 22nd August 2021
Video You may never trust another celebrity after watching this video - 21st August 2021
Q COVID FACE COVERINGS EXEMPTION - New Zealand Ministry of Health - 21st August 2021
Video Kids Dead after Covid-19 Jab in Australian Stadium. Eye-Popping Interview with Aussie Veteran - 20th August 2021
Video Powerful: The Narrative Is Crumbling. Resist COVID-1984 - Most doctors are against the Depopulation Injection - 19th August 2021
Video COVID-19 - IVERMECTIN and VACCINE Information - Full Feature Documentary - 15th August 2021
Video 233 New Covid Cases Everywhere Around the World in Each Country - Plandemic - Coincidence? - 10th August 2021
Video Pandemic of the Unvaccinated - Big Brother is accusing the UNVACINATED of causing the 'vaccinated' to be sick and die - 8th August 2021
Q If masks work, why the 6 foot rule? If masks and 6 feet rules work, why vaccinate? - 8th August 2021
Video Brisbane Courier Mail shows fake photo with European plugs of Patient X of the Brisbane Delta Cluster - 7th August 2021
Q Letter to most New Zealanders - Ministry of Sickness: Book Your Covid-19 Genocide Vaccine now - 5th August 2021
Video Trumps Doctor Vladimir Zelenko talks to Israeli Politicians & Health Minister about the Poison Death Shot - 5th August 2021
Video MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL - 4th August 2021
Video Finally! Pastors Are Warning The Covid-Jab Is An Abomination To Change What It Means To Be Human - 3rd August 2021
Video MOAB! Dr Jane Ruby Reveals Massive CDC Cover-Ups - Huge Number of Kids Dying From Killer Jab! - 3rd August 2021
Video Anti-Covid Health Pass Protests Turn Violent In France; Police Fire Tear Gas, Water Cannons - 2nd August 2021
Video Satan is Real: CDC - Reactions to Covid Jabs / Vaccines - Compilation - 1st August 2021
Video MASSIVE Global Protests Against Illegal Covid Restrictions - 29th July 2021
Video DEADLY SHOTS! Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID 'Vaccine' - 28th July 2021
Video Inside Covid Injections - The Graphene Dance. Is this what you want inside of you...? - 25th July 2021
Video Israeli lab finds existing drugs that could "cure" Covid - Donald Trump was right all along! - 22nd July 2021
Q Covid Vaccinated - New Symptoms to look out for - This means it's WORKING - 19th July 2021
Video Breaking Discovery - What Covid Injections Do To Your Blood - Doctor Releases Horrific Findings - 16th July 2021
Video US VP Kamala Harris On Getting Vaccinated! Michigan. With snapshots of the vaccinated in the future - 13th July 2021
Q Two "fully vaccinated" cricket players collapse mid-game during international match - 12th July 2021
Video Utah senator demands answers from CDC, FDA after hundreds of vaccine patients suffer 'life-altering' - 10th July 2021
Video Covid-19 is a manufactured illusion. Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich - ..not novel.... no pandemic.... no variants... - 9th July 2021
Video Dr Charles Hoffe MD - July 6 Update on his CV patients in Lytton BC Canada - 6th July 2021
Video BREAKING DISCOVERY! The ACTUAL CONTENTS Inside Pfizer Vials EXPOSED! - 6th July 2021
Video Friar Alexis Bugnolo: The Horrors of COVID-19 "vaccine" - Video banned almost everywhere - 3rd July 2021
Video Mom details 12-year-old daughter's extreme reactions to COVID vaccine, says she's now in wheelchair - 2nd July 2021
Traitors Bill Gates - the traitor behind 5G / Covid-19; and his ultimate plan to vaccinate the World with his 5G / Covid-19 vaccination and AI tracking technology

Certified IDIOT! Imagine A Vaccine So Safe You Have To Be
To Take It! For A Disease So Deadly
You Have To Be Tested To Know You Have It!
Satanic Pharmaceutical System

WARNING re Covid mRNA Injections

You simply CANNOT unvaccinate yourself of these Kill Shots!So you have participated in the GENOCIDE PROGRAMME and injected yourself for your: work / partner / or to 'fit in' socially etc; despite the hundreds of thousands of medical professionals who have been warning the whole World about the dangers of: modifying your RNA / DNA and shutting down your God given immune system!

Now you are filled with Covid 'Vaccination Remorse' (aka Jabber's Remorse) and are totally concerned about suffering extreme 'serious adverse reactions', so you have decided to find a 'wonder pill' as a cure. The reality is, unless you received a 'saline solution' (like many politicians and other key players in this Genocide Programme, or a miracle healing from your Creator God), or have access to a Med Bed, you simply CANNOT UNVACCINATE yourself of these Kill Shots!

[Note: At this stage, scientific studies from the UK and Israel show that the life expectancy for many 'fully vaccinated' recipients is just 3-5 years!]

How Bad is My Batch
Check out your batch code (lot number) for: Moderna - Pfizer - Janssen etc here:

Remedies and protocols (see here) that you take to reduce side effects / pain etc from the injections / shedding / spike proteins etc, will possibly be for the remainder of your life - as all you will be doing is alleviating the symptoms of the inevitable - VAIDS (Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) and eventual DEATH (yes, the Covid injections include the A.I.D.S virus and nano / graphene technology (all patented) - that turns many surviving recipients into patented 5g routers / transhumans / human 2.0.)

So please, take this opportunity to seek the Lord God (Creator of the Heavens and Earth) and make peace with Him. [Note: Globalists, politicians, scientists, doctors and merchants created this mess - so stop blaming the Purebloods and your Creator God!]

No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.

"I have met many people who regretted GETTING the Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine - but I have never met anyone who regretted NOT GETTING the Vaccine!"

has created millions of vaxxed
members absoutely terrified of 2022
31st December 2021
The Church of Covid has created millions of vaxxed members absoutely terrified of 2022

Homer Simpson - Omicron Booster Shots
Were Purchased Before The Variant Existed
29th December 2021

Homer Simpson - Omicron Booster Shots Were Purchased Before The Variant Existed

Gavin Sims
Each shot is different. There is 1 (saline for placebo) 2 mRNA and some shit then 3 mRNA and some serious shit. They can load the boosters with anything they want

Bairy Halls
You're talking sh1te.

Gavin Sims
Sorry but I'm not. Pfizer is either 1-2 or 3. 1 is saline and that is the placebo. You may be lucky. A nurse in the UK has already been live saying she resigned after watching the whole Britishgovernment line up for their jabs and they all received number one.

Download here: Covid-Vaccines-Lies-Bribery-Adverse-Reactions-Death-2021-12-24.mp4 - 11,530 kb
By: NothingWorld - 24th December 2021
Vaccines, Lies, Bribery, Adverse Reactions, Death

Brought to you by:

Download here: Covid-Doctor-Gives-Serious-Warnings-About-Playing-Russian-Roulette-With-Poisonous-Covid-Injections-2021-12-24.m4a - 3,132 kb
By: Unknown Doctor - 24th December 2021
Doctor Gives Serious Warnings About Playing
Russian Roulette With Poisonous Covid Injections


"..what we have noticed and several specialists have noticed throughout this duration of the last 12-13 months, is that, there is definitely, ah, almost a saline ah dilution, as far as ah many of the ampules go - or should I say the vials.

At the end of the day you can imagine the consequences if every vial ah contained this poison. Um you would just have mass deaths across the board and the game would be up. So they have to basically do it on a, on a sort of phasing in process.

If the people that basically had no adverse affects from either their first or their second vaccine, um, to date, my strong recommendation is not to play any longer the Russian Roulette, that you are in fact playing. Er I'm just waiting currently in the United Kingdom, because I have been phased out and gradually pushed further and further back, um gathering everything, getting my ducks in a row as I go along, because it is well known that unless you've had your vaccinations now, all three, you will be deemed no longer medically allowed to treat a patient, which is quite (____?) after 30 years of um devoting your time, your educations on to, helping your fellow man and woman.

So at the end of the day, I've seen people that have had the 1st jab and the 2nd one they were really ill. I've seen people that have had both and they had the 3rd one, and that's when it started. Er, most of the patients that I deal with in general practice currently, because I've stepped back from the emergency setting, um, if I click on to their medical records, I can literally see, on a time frame, an average time frame, with some sort of deleterious affects happen within the human body, from a pathological er perspective. It's usually within a 3 to 6 month window. Um, and it's that you'll notice either from having the 2nd jab, or even from the 3rd - from the booster.

The ones that I have seen that have had the boosters, are normally dead within 3 months! So if you get through the 3 month period, you, and you are not experiencing any effects, you are possibly one of the lucky ones. But please bear in mind that there will probably be a 4th booster and a 5th booster, um, until they get it right. Er, we are talking about people who are ranging from ages of 12, having stroke like symptoms; er, right up to 94 where I had a patient who had a full blown anaphylaxis in front of me. For those who don't know, anaphylaxis is the highest degree of an allergic reaction; and within 15 minutes her entire chest closed up - her peripheral vascular system opened up, so her blood pressure when through the floor, and her lungs closed up so she couldn't get oxygen, and she nearly died. I had to do a full resuscitation on her to keep her alive.

So, this really is a deadly game that you are playing; and I just want to draw everyone's attention to the fact that, this is not a trial vaccine, in fact the clinical trials from Pfizer themselves, and I'm not telling anyone, anything new, that you don't already know, this information is out there. Er people are astounded when I tell them that Astrazeneca is chemically, or the proper name for it is Chadox1-s. The AD as in the Adenovirus; OX as in the Oxford; sorry my daughter is dropping something here; and the CH being the Chimpanzee Adenovirus that they used to actually formulate this vaccine.

Pfizer is mRNA technology, it was never supposed to be used, er particularly in human trials; um, and it is known as a drug, it's not a vaccine, it's a drug, because if you have a Hepatitis Vaccine, you have it once, maybe a booster if you are in health care. If you have a Tetanus Vaccine, you have it every 5 years. MMRs, DPTs, all these other vaccines are a sort of once in your life.

When you have to keep touching something up, or boosting it, er, because it's losing its efficacy, that is called a medication, it's not a vaccine. So like half life of drugs within the human system, like Paracetamol, or Aspirin, or Benzodiazepines, they have what's called a half-life, or the amount of time that they reside in the body. And that's essentially what we are dealing with, with these 'vaccines.' Um, and, I've gone toe to toe with just about every medical professional, and there are two concepts that I want everyone to remember, when it comes to vaccines, is:

  1. There has never been a vaccine that can prevent a virus, or a bacterium, entering a host, unless you wear full protective clothing, like they do in the CDC labs.
  2. Secondly, there is no vaccine that has ever shown efficacy at preventing transmission. A virus will infiltrate the body, replicate and therefore move on. And that is how they spread.

If we could just give a vaccine and that would be the end of it. We would eradicate things forever. We've proven, that even as of recently, Smallpox is still around and so on. This is bio-weapons that are being engineered, to actually reduce the human population. And it's, why on the MHRA in the UK, the negative Adverse Effects for these er conditions, why we've seen 2,000 spontaneous abortions, in maternity patients. Why we have seen 1,000 uncontrolled gynaecological haemorrhages. Why we are seeing teenagers that are otherwise healthy, with pericarditis and myocarditis. It is inhumane.

So absolutely, it is the shortest way I can put it, please DO NOT put this into your body, or anyone that you love."

Download here: Covid-Masks-and-Morgellons-Nano-Technology-Slavery-Genocide-2021-12-23.mp4 - 61,098 kb
By: FallCabal - Janet Ossebaard - 23rd December 2021
Covid Masks and Morgellons
- Nano Technology / Slavery / Genocide -

Suffocation Masks for Dummies, Slaves and Muppets
Guaranteed to:
  • control and subjugate you
  • allow viruses to spread
  • restrict your breathing
  • reduce your health
  • dehumanise you
  • make you anti-social
  • pollute the environment
  • prepare you for slavery
Suffocation Masks for Dummies, Slaves and Muppets

Download here: THE-SEQUEL-TO-THE-FALL-OF-THE-CABAL-PART-20-of-17-2021-12-23.mp4 - 66,111 kb
By: FallCabal - Janet Ossebaard - 23rd December 2021
Part 20 /17: About Face Masks, Social Distancing, Morgellons & more...

Part 20: Covid-19: Part 3 of multiple episodes about the biggest medical scam of all times.
About Face Masks, Social Distancing, Morgellons and much more...

By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter
Music: Alexander Nakarada, Gothic Storm, Foxwinter, Mortifer V., AShamaluev, T. Mutiu, Zakhar Valaha.

Download here: Covid-Did-WHO-Director-General-Dr-Tedros-just-say-countries-are-giving-boosters-to-kill-children-2021-12-23.mp4 - 1,716 kb
By: Pedro O'Neal - 23rd December 2021
Did WHO Director General Dr. Tedros just say
countries are giving boosters to kill children?

Press Conference Dec 2021... I'm not hearing things am I ???


Dr. Tedros: "..while it's emerging now, of its benefits, especially with elderly groups, senior citizens, especially above 65 and above 60.

So if it's going to be used, it's better to focus on those groups who have risk of severe disease and deaths, rather than as we see, some countries are using to give boosters to kill children, which is not right.

Then the equity issue comes here. Instead of boosting a child in high-income countries, it's better to vaccinate the elderly, in countries who have, the elders who have not been vaccinated, even the primary vaccines. So the equity issue should also come into, into play."

Download here: Covid-6091-Fully-Vaccinated-Cruise-Passengers-Suffer-Massive-Outbreak-48-Cases-Already-2021-12-22.mp4 - 41,630 kb
By: Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov - 22nd December 2021
6,091 Fully Vaccinated Cruise Passengers
Suffer Massive Outbreak; 48 Cases Already

For the second time this month, there was an outbreak on a cruise ship - even though all of the crew members (and all of the adult passengers) were fully vaccinated.

John Hazlett
My fiancée was vaccinated and wearing a mask at her job when she caught covid. And yes, she passed it on to me. Sorry, those that say the "Unvaccinated" are the problem, are either fools or liars.

That cruise ship was the perfect experiment using the most strict measures possible. It shows that no matter what you do, COVID still spreads.

I feel bad for the folks that really believed in the vaccine. What a huge let down.

Patient: Does this provide immunity?
Doctor: Only for the manufacturer.

Corey Chambers
Two weeks to flatten the curve. Two years to flatten the will to resist.

Thornton Xavier
I just don't understand....if you get the vax but can still get COVID and pass it to others...why would I get the vax?

Cliff Cunningham
Funny thing is if there was cruise line for natural immunized people only, there would be no outbreaks.

Covid Variant / Booster
The Merry Go Round From Hell
22nd December 2021

Covid Variant / Booster - Merry Go Round From Hell


Download here: Jacindas-Christmas-Message-Kindergarten-Primary-High-School-JAB-EM-ALL-2021-12-21.mp4 - 109,277 kb
By: Robert Bruce - 21st December 2021
1 dot Jacinda Ardern
The Rantings of a Genocidal Megalomaniac...
PM Jabcinda Ardern - 'Jab em all'

New Zealand's fraudulent Prime Minister Jabcinda Ardern, explains her poisonous vaccination programme as being like: Kindergarten School / Primary School / High School.

Plus her desire to roll out boosters on a regular basis i.e. for life (until everyone becomes a patented trans-human - or dead...)

Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci, Jacinda Ardern, Ashley Bloomfield, Chris Hipkins etc have all said that: 'We are doing EVERYTHING humanly possible to end the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic' - (as long as you only use their 'settled science' of patented bio-warfare weaponised mRNA Covid promoting injections)

Jacinda Ardern's Genocidal Injections

The ingredients / affects list below is dependant upon whether the recipient received:

  1. an actual mRNA injection / killer shot
  2. or a saline type solution.

In many areas of the World, there was a higher percentage of vials in the 1st shot, that contained a saline type solution. Injecting recipients with a saline type solution minimised overall Adverse Effects / Deaths amongst the first wave of the 'vaccinated', thereby creating the illusion that the deadly injections were in all likelihood 'safe.'

This was a brilliant, albeit evil strategy, to insure a brainwashed compliance with all future 'shots' that are to continue - at very short intervals - until at least 2030. This is as per Jacinda Ardern's (WEF, UN, FDA, Klaus Schwab etc) programme of genocide and creating transhumans for slaves from those who survive.

The chance of receiving a saline solution diminished dramatically with successive doses; but that was okay, as much of the population was already hooked into the programme via deception / brainwashing / coercion / pride. Regularly receiving killer shots in the vain hope of getting a saline type solution each time, is akin to playing Russian Roulette with a 6 chamber revolver - containing 5 bullets!

1st Dose is like Kindergarten:

  • Implants nano circuitry and software
  • Lowers innate immunity and antibodies by 20%
  • The spike protein enters the bloodstream
  • Endangering endothelial linings
  • Spike production is highly likely
  • mRNA changes DNA
  • May worsen COVID-19 disease via Antibody Dependant Enhancement
  • Adverse Reactions affects those with comorbidity / elderly / immune compromised
  • Especially affecting the vessels: e.g. blood-clots, stroke, heart. lung, neurological, brain.

2nd Dose is like Primary School:

  • Lowers innate immunity and antibodies by over 50+%
  • Creates further COVID-19 variants via Antibody Dependent Enhancement
  • Rapid increase of spike protein antibodies
  • After entry into the bloodstream, spike protein directly attacks the inner vessel lining
  • Causing damage and leakiness of the blood vessels
  • Revaccinations carry immediate and accumulative dangers
  • Adverse reactions are now likely to be 10 times greater
  • Average reactions occur 2.5 months after vaccination
  • Likely to KILL 50% within 3 years!

3rd Dose is like High School:

  • Booster injection #1
  • Lowers innate immunity and antibodies up to 100%
  • Creates COVID-19 variants via Antibody Dependent Enhancement
  • In the history of vaccines, booster shots are uniquely dangerous
  • Repeated booting will repeatedly boost the intensity of "Self-To-Self" attack
  • Your body attacks its own organs!
  • Leaky vessels from boosting the immune response to the spike protein, will progressively boost "Self-To-Self" immune attack
  • Complement mediated damage to vessel walls
  • The greater the vessel leakage and clotting that subsequently occurs, the more likely that organs being supplied by the affected blood flow will sustain damage
  • From stroke to heart attack to brain vein thrombosis, neurological issues
  • Symptoms and adverse reactions can range from: death, brain fog, headaches, nausea and vomiting
  • The vaccine itself may leak into surrounding organs and tissues; and the cells of those organs will themselves begin to produce spike protein, and will come under attack in the same way as the vessel walls
  • Damage to major organs such as lungs, ovaries, placenta, heart and brain can be expected to ensue, with increasing severity and frequency as booster shots are rolled out
  • Likely to KILL more people kill more people faster than previous 2 shots!

By: Robert Bruce
21st December 2021

Good News for the UNVACCINATED:

Vaccination against COVID-19 is unnecessary. Populations are protected by their immune systems against COVID-19. This applies to the patented biological, weaponised virus SARS-CoV-2 - and all its' variants.

The good news is that humans are more comprehensively protected against SARS-CoV-2 by their own pre-existing innate immune system, than was previously understood. If one follows The FLCCC Alliance i-Mask+ Prevention Early Out Patient Treatment Protocol, then No Vaccine(s) are necessary.

Good News about the I-MASK+ Protocol for COVID-19:

In October 2020, the FLCCC Alliance developed a preventive and early outpatient combination treatment protocol for COVID-19, called I-MASK+. It's centred around Ivermectin, a well-known, FDA-approved anti-parasite drug that has been used successfully for more than four decades - to treat onchocerciasis "river blindness" and other parasitic diseases. It is one of the safest drugs known. It is on the WHO's list of essential medicines; has been given 3.7 billion times around the globe, and has won the Nobel prize for its global and historic impacts in eradicating endemic parasitic infections in many parts of the world. Our re-discovery of a rapidly growing published medical evidence base, demonstrating Ivermectin's unique and highly potent ability to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication and to suppress inflammation, prompted our team to use Ivermectin for prevention and treatment in all stages of COVID-19. Ivermectin is not yet FDA-approved for the treatment of COVID-19, but on Jan 14, 2021, the NIH changed their recommendation for the use of Ivermectin in COVID-19 from "against" to "neutral."

Jabcinda Ardern Says She is Pursuing 'Every Avenue' for a Cure for Covid-19 - But she LIES!!

New Zealand's fake Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, claims that she is doing 'everything' that she can to find a cure for Covid-19 (and for all the variants that arrive after each vaccination!) However, 'everything' ONLY includes; their settled science of using vaccines / mRNA injections, which have been designed to shut down your natural immune system, sterilise everyone and eventually results in DEMOCIDE.

Any useful method of healing and prevention is actively mocked to scorn by the unkind, lying, genocidal megalomaniac Jacinda Ardern, including all those traitors who support her in blatant treason and provable genocide.

Jacinda Ardern's Definition of
Have you done your Due Diligence?
21st December 2021

Definition of 'DOING EVERYTHING POSSIBLE' - Number 1:
includes the CONTROLLED breakdown of health via coercing everyone via thuggery to:

  1. BriberyWearing Masks - which DO NOT stop virus transmission; but rather, accelerates poorer health via restricting essential fresh air;
  2. Social Distancing - treating everyone as sick and forced isolation. Results in ANTI-SOCIAL DISTANCING, loss of identity, loneliness, depression, MASS PSYCHOSIS and for many - SUICIDE - which in New Zealand is now referred to as 'Accidental Death':
  3. Testing - most SARS-CoV-2 testing (e.g. PCR Test etc) is flawed and gives many false positives. Also, the SARS-CoV-2 has not been officially isolated via an autopsy / post mortem Globally, because if it was, it would also be found to be a heavily patented bio-warfare weaponised virus, which means that this vaccination programme is in fact mass GENOCIDE;
  4. Vaccine - Injection #1 [if your batch is not a placebo, which is used for the elite, selected vaccinators etc] - which is not a vaccine in the true sense of the word; but rather, are RNA / DNA alters, designed to: implant nano circuitry & software - lowers innate immunity & antibodies by 20% - the spike protein enters the bloodstream endangering endothelial linings - mRNA changes DNA as you transform into a 'patented transhuman' - worsens COVID-19 disease via Antibody Dependent Enhancement - adverse reactions affects those with comorbidity / elderly / immune compromised - especially affecting the vessels: e.g. blood clots, stroke, heart, lung, neurological, brain and premature death - other;
  5. Vaccine - Injection #2 [if your batch is not a placebo, which is used for the elite, selected vaccinators etc] - lowers innate immunity & antibodies by over 50+% - creates further COVID-19 variants via Antibody Dependent Enhancement - rapid increase of spike protein antibodies - after entry into the bloodstream, spike protein directly attacks the inner vessel lining - causing damage & leakiness of the blood vessels - revaccinations carry immediate & accumulative dangers - adverse reactions are now likely to be 10 times greater - average reactions occur 2.5 months after vaccination - likely to KILL 50% within 3 years!
  6. Booster - Injection #3 [if your batch is not a placebo, which is used for the elite, selected vaccinators etc] - lowers innate immunity & antibodies up to 100% - creates COVID-19 variants via Antibody Dependent Enhancement - in the history of vaccines, booster shots are uniquely dangerous - repeated boosting will repeatedly boost the intensity of "Self-To-Self" attack - your body attacks its own organs! - leaky vessels from boosting the immune response to the spike protein, will progressively boost "Self-To-Self" immune attack - complement mediated damage to vessel walls - the greater the vessel leakage & clotting that subsequently occurs, the more likely that organs being supplied by the affected blood flow will sustain damage - from stroke to heart attack to brain vein thrombosis, neurological issues - symptoms & adverse reactions can range from: death, brain-fog, headaches, nausea & vomiting - the vaccine itself may leak into surrounding organs & tissues; & the cells of those organs will themselves begin to produce spike protein, & will come under attack in the same way as the vessel walls - damage to major organs such as lungs, ovaries, placenta, heart & brain can be expected to ensue, with increasing severity & frequency as booster shots are rolled out - likely to KILL more people faster than previous 2 shots!;
  7. Boosters Forever - boosters create variants, which require a booster, which creates a variant / booster / variant / booster merry-go-round, until the End Game of Agenda 2021 and Agenda 2030 have been achieved, i.e. the World's population is reduced to 500,000,000 for the Globalist elite / Cabal / New World Order. The transhumans who survive this insane medical procedure, will be programmable slaves;
  8. Covid Passport - you are only entitled to a 'Green Pass' and 1st class citizenship / slave if you are fully vaccinated. To be 'fully vaccinated', you must be injected with every injection and current booster that Jabcinda and Co dictate that you MUST have. If for example you have had 2 vaccinations and are subsequently sick and dying, and you dare to decline to have any further injections / boosters, you are then: a) deemed as 'UNVACCINATED' and b) become a 2nd class citizen and c) lose your Green Pass and d) you are classified as a conspiracy theorist! The main purpose is CONTROLLING the masses by removing / restricting our God given right to: privacy / freedom of movement to travel, work, socialise and enjoy life without interference from tyrannical government;
  9. Medical Apartheid - encourage discrimination by creating two classes of people: 1) the injected and 2) those who are pro informed choice;
  10. Fear Mongering - constantly bombard the population with a steady stream of 'fear porn' via the: television, radio, newspapers, social media, universities, schools, phone texts, pop up adverts, apps, letter box drops, posters, government staff, police, councils, courts and all the usual avenues used for terrorising people with enforced propaganda.

Definition of 'DOING EVERYTHING POSSIBLE' - Number 2:
includes the CONTROLED breakdown of health via coercing everyone via thuggery to:

  1. Fresh Air and Exercise - is discouraged with threats and menace;
  2. Community - is discouraged with threats and menace;
  3. Be Kind - is discouraged. Jacinda Ardern's message of: 'Wear masks - social distancing / don't talk to your neighbours - testing - regular vaccinations for life - Covid passport - there are two classes of people - and BE KIND to each other' - is blatantly disingenuous, as it creates cognitive dissonance among the population, resulting in: mental discomfort and trauma that results from holding two conflicting beliefs, values or attitudes;
  4. Wholistic Medicines - is heavily discouraged and censored with threats and menace and loss of medical credentials;
  5. Pharmaceutical Drugs - is severely discouraged, heavily censored and BANNED, with extreme threats, menace, imprisonment and loss of medical credentials. The more safe and effective a pharmaceutical drug turns out to be, e.g. Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) are proven to be extremely effective at eliminating SARS-CoV-2, the more vehement Jabcinda Ardern and her evil Globalist cohorts resort to: EXTREME MOCKING, LIES, MISINFORMATION, THREATS, MENANCE, CENSORING, PERSECUTION and PROSECUTION;
  6. Informed Consent - is discouraged with threats and menace, lies and deception;
  7. Freedom of Choice - is severely discouraged with extreme threats and menace, lies, deception, discrimination and defamation.

  • Jacinda Ardern and Co: Everything BAD for your physical and mental health is recommended and enforced by lies, misinformation, coercion and thuggery;

  • Jacinda Ardern and Co: 'Everything' GOOD for your physical and mental health is vigorously rejected by lies, misinformation, coercion and thuggery.

Are you awake yet?

Guys, watch out for the waterfall!

Conspiracy theory or truth

Download here: Covid-It-is-beginning-to-look-a-lot-like-Genocide-2021-12-20.mp4 - 8,020 kb
By: Spacebusters - 20th December 2021
It's beginning to look a lot like... GENOCIDE

Merry Crimbo from Spacebusters

True but horrible. fucking assholes doing this shit to people and people actually believe they're doing this "in the name of safety", when it's killing people and permanently disabling people and killing babies! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! Don't take those damn shots!!!

Best cobit video so far! Nobody has made such a concise and to the point video yet.

A worthy underline to your coronavirus busting wuflu and 5G series.
All the best mate, have a good'un, you deserve it.

Download here: Covid-Why-You-Need-a-Second-Life-Jacket-2021-12-19.mp4 - 33,727 kb
By: AwakenWithJP - 19th December 2021
Why You Need a Second Life Jacket!
(aka a 2nd covid injection, and a 3rd, and 4th... 186 injections later...)

George Doumanian
Let me guess... Learning how to swim is a conspiracy theory.

Beth Anderson
You forgot that even if you are wearing 2 life jackets and an inner tube, you may still need to pay for a test to prove you aren't drowning

I love this guy. THIS IS ENOUGH!

Karen Rapoport
"Dr. Floatie" This skit was the literal definition of a perfect metaphor

We currently live in a time where AwakenWithJP videos are more truthful than the news

Fiona Zelmann
heh, sick with covid right now. turns out that i don't need a life-jacket because i can swim. but even though i have a natural life-jacket now, i'm still going to be discriminated against by life-jacket mandates

Kathryn Alder
Don't forget the Big Lifejacket lobbyists and politicians that make billions from lifejacket racketeering. Glad to see you keep going with this allegory. It's brilliant.

Download here: Covid-Dr-Judy-Wilyman-presents-at-Perth-Hold-The-Line-Rally-2021-12-18.mp4 - 55,342 kb
By: TonyLambert - 18th December 2021
Dr Judy Wilyman presents at Perth
Hold The Line Rally

Heavily censored information that people really need to know.

Download here: Q-Military-Tribunals-Coming-Nuremberg-2-and-The-October-Horse-This-is-How-Their-Story-Ends-2021-12-18.mp4 - 215,714 kb
By: James Red Pills America - 18th December 2021
Nuremberg 2.0 & 'The October Horse'
THIS Is How Their Story Ends!

ALLOW ME TO INTRODUCE YOU TO PERHAPS THE MOST IMPORTANT VIDEO YOU'LL EVER WATCH THIS YEAR, PACKED WITH THE MOST COMPELLING VIDEO CLIPS YOU WILL EVER SEE TOGETHER IN ONE PLACE, ALL WOVEN INTO AN EYE-BULGING, HEART-POUNDING EXPERIENCE YOU'LL NOT SOON FORGET! Have you heard of the date?! October 15th, 2021 was the date chosen by the Evil Elites to mark the dawn of a new IRON CURTAIN. All around the world the POLITICAL, CORPORATE and RELIGIOUS ELITES have SYNCHRONIZED THE ENFORCEMENT of employment mandates and health passport systems under the guise of public health. It doesn't matter that the narrative for these measures have been thoroughly debunked. The EVIL ELITES will push forward because they're committed now, BUT THIS WILL BE THEIR FINAL UNDOING! NUREMBERG 2.0 IS FAST APPROACHING! This date was not chosen at random. The full significance of this symbolic act can only be understood in the context of the ancient Roman tradition of the 'OCTOBER HORSE'.

I want to be very clear and unequivocal about one thing right up front: THOSE BEHIND THIS GENOCIDAL SCHEME ARE EVIL TO THE CORE and MOST PEOPLE still haven't realized just how evil these SATANIC BEASTS REALLY ARE! But when finally open their brainwashed eyes, IT'S GOING TO BLOW THEIR MINDS! I'm going to describe how this ends in BRUTAL TERMS! I'm not going to pander to the delusional, and I'm not about to sugar coat it for the masses. THIS VIDEO IS NOT FOR THE 'COMPLIANT'; the sheep who line up willingly in the final hour, because their propensity for self delusion seals their fate sooner than they could imagine. But, for those with EYES TO SEE, this will come as a MESSAGE OF HOPE! The elites' timing is off and THIS WILL NOT END WELL FOR THEM because they are creating the precise conditions that will give rise to the MILITARY TRIBUNALS THAT LAY AHEAD!

The elites HAVE DECLARED WAR on the entire population of Earth and they marked it symbolically by choosing October 15th — THE SACRIFICE OF THE OCTOBER HORSE! But in their arrogance they have committed many grievous errors. Their invocations are corrupt and profane. They have transgressed Common Law, International Law and Spiritual law. THE FORCES THEY HAVE AWAKENED CANNOT BE BENT TO THEIR WILL! They will reap no benefit by invoking the Red Horse. Nor will the black horse ride down the path they have planned, the scales do not find in their favor. Rather than gain power, THEY WILL LOSE EVERYTHING, and this EPIC VIDEO Lays out just how it will all fall into place - FOR US! Get ready for one HELL of a ride down this BOTTOMLESS RABBIT HOLE, Patriots, this is one video that you MUST WATCH & SHARE EVERYWHERE, as it reveals the EPIC TAKEDOWN OF SATAN'S ARMY!

Confidential Coronial Autopsy Report
Rory James Nairn - Cause of death is
acute myocarditis, caused by Pfizer vaccination
17th December 2021

Unexpected death of 'cool Kiwi bloke' Rory Nairn under investigation

Hamish McNeilly, 2nd December 2021 (

Inquiries are under way into the sudden death of a Dunedin plumber just months before his planned wedding.

Rory Nairn, 26, was suffering heart palpitations in the days before his death.

Fiancée Ashleigh Wilson, his partner of six years, initially attributed it to the stress of their upcoming March wedding, and the buying and selling of their home.

But early on November 17, Nairn complained of an uncomfortable feeling in his chest and collapsed.

He was unable to be revived by paramedics.

“We had our whole lives ahead of us,” Wilson said.

She described Nairn as a “chilled-out” man, who never complained.

Confidential Coronial Autopsy Report - Rory James Nairn - Cause of death is acute myocarditis, caused by Pfizer vaccination
Rory Nairn died suddenly at home in Dunedin on November 17.

He “was a cool Kiwi bloke really”, she said.

An initial autopsy said the cause of Nairn's death was unknown, with further reports pending.

Wilson believed Nairn died of an adverse cardiac reaction after receiving his first Covid-19 vaccination on November 5.

Confidential Coronial Autopsy Report - Rory James Nairn - Cause of death is acute myocarditis, caused by Pfizer vaccination
Nairn's sister Sarah and fiancée Ashleigh Wilson want to know why he died suddenly.

He experienced heart flutters afterwards, which continued regularly, particularly at night.

Myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, is a rare side effect of Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine, affecting about three in every 100,000 people vaccinated. Most cases are mild and do not require treatment, according to the Heart Foundation. The risk of myocarditis is significantly higher in those who contract Covid-19 while unvaccinated.

However, one death attributed to myocarditis following vaccination has been reported in New Zealand. The woman had other medical issues and the coroner has yet to rule on the cause of her death.

The Ministry of Health’s Covid-19 vaccine and immunisation programme national director, Jo Gibbs, confirmed the Centre for Adverse Reactions Monitoring (CARM) had been informed of Nairn's death.

“Our thoughts are with their family and friends at this incredibly sad time,” said Gibbs who declined to comment further.

Nairn’s death has been referred to Coroner Sue Johnson, who has yet to determine the cause and circumstances of what happened. As the case was referred to CARM, any connection to a Covid-19 vaccination would also be investigated.

Reports made to CARM about a death following vaccination did not mean the vaccine caused the death.

CARM's next vaccine safety report was due to be published on December 8 and would include the period of Nairn's death.

As of November 6, 103 deaths had been reported to CARM after the administration of the Pfizer vaccine in New Zealand.

Following medical assessments by CARM and Medsafe, 47 of those deaths were deemed unlikely to be related to the Covid-19 vaccine, 47 could not be assessed due to insufficient information, and eight cases were still under investigation.

Confidential Coronial Autopsy Report - Rory James Nairn - Cause of death is acute myocarditis, caused by Pfizer vaccination
Nairn and Wilson had planned to get married in March.

Dr Bryan Betty, medical director of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners, said side-effects were “reasonably common” for vaccinations.

They were largely mild, and could include a sore arm, a headache, or mild flu-like symptoms.

There had been some instances of pericarditis – inflammation of the thin layers of tissue that surround the heart – but most affected people “got better after a week or two.”

Betty said unvaccinated people who caught Covid were about 18 times more likely to get myocarditis or pericarditis.

“Although it does happen very rarely, it happens a lot more commonly if you get Covid.”

Wilson said Nairn had no known pre-existing medical conditions, and had led an active life, playing rugby, diving and hunting.

Wilson, who is double vaccinated, was initially overwhelmed by anti-vaccination groups using Nairn's death as a reason not to be vaccinated. “I wanted to believe it wasn't the vaccine.”

But she wanted answers...

Confidential Coronial Autopsy Report - Rory James Nairn - Cause of death is acute myocarditis, caused by Pfizer vaccination

Death in young man confirmed by coroner as Myocarditis from Covid-19 vaccine Coronavirus

Some of you may remember the story of this young guy that had experienced heart issues shortly after his first dose, unfortunately he passed away and his death was under investigation:

His fiance has shared the coroners report confirming cause of death as resulting from the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine:

Experimental Vaccine Testimonials

Follow the herd to chronic sickness...whatblackdog
So sorry for this family. I've been through myocarditis due to the vaccine, but obviously had a better outcome. I wish this poor guy went to the doctor sooner.

Please people, if you have chest pain following vaccination please see a Dr. Mine presented like a heart attack, but I was told symptoms can sometimes be quite mild. With boosters likely to come thick and fast shortly people need to be mindful of these rare side effects, and listen to their bodies.

I had really similar symptoms after my first shot. Tight chest. Would wake up throughout the night short of breath, heart racing. Really freaked me out. So sad to read that some people had it much worse. My heart goes out to the family.

From reading your other comments, your experience sounds incredibly similar to mine! (Mid 30s female, no previous heart issues at all)

October 9th I had my second shot. Went to GP October 19th thinking I might have a kidney infection or something but got sent up to A&E after the GPs ecg recorded my heartrate at over 150. Was diagnosed with myocarditis and even now, 2 months after presenting to hospital, I'm still not back to 100%

I'm really quite angry about the whole thing. I got vaccinated as soon as they let me. I scan and use the tracer app religiously. I've followed all the stupid rules that've been set even when I don't agree with them. But right now, I'm incredibly hesitant to get a booster in April (in fact, if I was told I needed one right now, it'd be an absolute no). And all of a sudden, despite 2 years of following rules I don't necessarily agree with and doing what's been asked of me, I might not be able to continue to have a vaccine passport and will be given the same restrictions as the anti vax brigade. It seems a wee bit unfair really

Man I have tight sharp pains in my chest almost daily. Doctor says there's nothing to worry about, but how will I ever know when there actually is something to worry about?

I experienced Pericarditis after my second vaccine.
I thought I was having a heart attack, Called the ambulance and spend a month on medication experiencing constant chest pain and it hurt to lay down which really sucked.

I haven't mentioned it on any social media because I didn't want to discourage vaccination.

Despite experiencing it, I'm still glad that I got the shot.

BUT saying that, IF you experience any kind of chest pain, it's always better to er on the side of caution and call an ambulance.

Download here: Covid-We-knew-the-TRUTH-would-come-out-BUT-THIS-IS-WORSE-Vaccine-Causing-Death-Spike-2021-12-16.mp4 - 111,494 kb
By: Freddogg63 - 16th December 2021
We knew the TRUTH would come out
Vaccine Causing Death Spike

Senior Pastor Michael McDowell

FINALLY - ITS ALL COME OUT! Covid19 is NOT ONLY a bioweapon- they put HIV/AIDS in it AND its designed to KEEP REPLICATING into over 180+ variants to bypass the Vaccine.... AND mRNA and the spike proteins are designed to damage the body and destroy the autoimmune system.
The MORE MASS vaccinations that are done -
THE MORE that 'Viral Immune Escape' happens.

  • the genetics bioweapons industry backdrop
  • SARS-CoV-2 design and function
  • follow science or money
  • the global and local trends

I'm in Canada, and it blesses my heart to listen to this man reveal the truth.

From one To another! Truth must be revealed!!

I've been convinced from day one that it's been a concerted effort by multiple governments to decrease the over 7 billion global population without resorting to an all out war.

Download here: Joe-Biden-GO-GET-THE-VACCINE-I-AM-TRYING-TO-KILL-YOU-DAMMIT-2021-11-15.mp4 - 27,483 kb
By: SAYNOPE - FREEDOM FIRM - 15th November 2021

Millions of people from the populations around the world have already been killed by the deadly covid 19 vaccines. Even the sport stars are all dropping dead. But our governments are still trying to kill off the population, so they continue to promote the deadly jabs despite the horrific number of deaths they actually know about, but continue to lie to the public.

#covid #vaccines #pandemic

governments are killing humans!


Any negative effects are caused by Glowbull Warming.


People are so fucking stupid! Idiots are the reason we're in this mess!

Liberals are brain damaged - they take a vaccine that was fast tracked by a guy they hate intensely (Trump) and promoted by a super corrupt man who can't string a sentence together (Biden).
Look at the percentages of liberals and conservatives who took the vaccine.

After you shit pants. Also, after every big pharma employee. And after all government employees. Etc.

Definitely something to be said for shitting your pants. I love it!

Download here: Dr-Anthony-Fauci-Admits-That-Covid-Vaccines-May-Actually-Make-People-Worse-2021-12-13.mp4 - 2,693 kb
By: Kyle Becker - 13th December 2021
Dr. Anthony Fauci Admits that Covid Vaccines
May Actually Make People 'Worse':
"It Would Not Be The First Time"

Dr. Anthony Fauci sat down with "Meta" CEO Mark Zuckerberg and finally said out loud what many people have been warning for over a year about the rushed mRNA vaccines: They may actually make the Covid pandemic worse.

Dr. Fauci was commenting on a recent study that showed that the Covid vaccines may actually make a recipient more likely to be reinfected than someone with natural immunity from a prior infection.

"This would not be the first time, if it happened, that a vaccine that looked good in initial safety actually made people worse," Fauci said. "There was the history of the Respiratory Syncitial Virus vaccine in children, which paradoxically made the children worse."

Pause and read that again. Now consider all of the announcements made by "public health experts" that promised the "vaccines" were "100% safe and effective," even for children who are at nearly zero risk.

Dr. Fauci wasn't done yet, though. He went on to state another example that he was directly involved with where a treatment made individuals worse.

"One of the HIV vaccines that we tested several years ago actually made individuals more likely to get infected," Fauci added.

The RSV vaccine's failure was exposed in 2008 by researchers who finally untangled the decades-old mystery.

"In the late 1960s, children in Washington, DC received an RSV vaccine in which the virus was inactivated with formalin," Reuters reported. "Eighty percent of the children given the shot were hospitalized with severe respiratory disease, and two died. Many scientists had thought the formalin was responsible for the vaccine's problems, but the chemical has been used safely in other vaccines."

"The problem, they report this month in the journal Nature Medicine, was that the children's antibodies were not binding strongly enough to the inactivated virus to produce a protective immune response," the report noted. "Instead, the antibodies were dragging the dead virus with them, triggering a massive attack by other arms of the immune system."

It should be noted that in 2019, the NIH admitted that "we are still lacking a safe and effective RSV vaccine." But it somehow developed a "safe and effective" Covid-19 vaccine in a matter of months?

As noted before, the American public has no way of knowing if the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was rigorously tested, because the FDA refuses to fully release the documents for 75 years. A "whistleblower" on the inside of Pfizer's clinical trials has documented many alleged serious issues, including "falsifying data."

The phenomenon that Dr. Fauci is alluding to, "leaky vaccines," has been well-documented. A Penn State University study showed that "leaky" vaccines can cause viruses to become lethal for the unvaccinated.

"Not all vaccines prevent infection," PSU noted. "Some, known as leaky vaccines, prolong host survival or reduce disease symptoms without preventing viral replication and transmission. Although leaky vaccines provide anti-disease benefits to vaccinated individuals, new research by CIDD's Andrew Read, David Kennedy and colleagues at the Avian Oncogenic Virus Group in the United Kingdom, and The University of New England in Australia, has demonstrated that leaky vaccines can make the situation for unvaccinated individuals worse."

"Leaky vaccines work by enhancing host immunity to a particular pathogen, without necessarily blocking or slowing viral replication," the article continues. "The result is that infected but vaccinated individuals have extended survival, allowing highly virulent pathogen that would normally reach an evolutionary dead-end in a dead host, can transmit. The evolutionary consequences of high virulence are thus reduced and these pathogens can be selectively favored as a result of leaky vaccination."

A 2019 article in Healthline discussed the attempt to prevent Marek's disease from spreading among chickens.

"After experiments done in a specialized pathogen-containment facility at The Pirbright Institute in the United Kingdom, the researchers concluded that the vaccines developed to combat Marek's disease were imperfect or leaky," the story notes.

"These vaccines also allow the virulent virus to continue evolving precisely because they allow the vaccinated individuals, and therefore themselves, to survive," said Venugopal Nair, who led the research team.

"These less-than-perfect vaccines create a 'leaky' barrier against the virus," the story continues. "Vaccinated individuals may get sick but have less severe symptoms, but the virus survives long enough to transmit to others, which allows it to survive and spread throughout a population."

"Our research demonstrates that the use of leaky vaccines can promote the evolution of nastier 'hot' viral strains that put unvaccinated individuals at greater risk," Nair said.

A new Harvard study recently showed that the mRNA "vaccines" endorsed by the FDA and CDC are worse than useless at stopping the spread of Covid-19.

The study of 68 nations and 2,947 counties in the United States published in the European Journal of Epidemiology showed that "At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days. In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people."

That is exactly what Becker News had pointed out in September:

As the Covid pandemic continues to defy predictions about when it will finally be 'over,' there is a curious phenomenon taking place across the United States and around the globe: Covid-19 case rates increasing alongside vaccination rates.

The textbook examples of this disturbing trend are the nations of Israel, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Israel is now experiencing its fourth wave, which is being accompanied by another round of 'booster shots.' Israel has 61.5% of all adults "fully vaccinated" (although the use of 'booster shots' throws the term into question.)

Meanwhile, a new independent study corroborates the famous Israeli study from August that shows natural immunity is superior to "vaccinated immunity."

The latest study states that: "Confirmed infection rates increased according to time elapsed since the last immunity-conferring event in all cohorts. For unvaccinated previously infected individuals they increased from 10.5 per 100,000 risk-days for those previously infected 4-6 months ago to 30.2 for those previously infected over a year ago. For individuals receiving a single dose following prior infection they increased from 3.7 per 100,000 person days among those vaccinated in the past two months to 11.6 for those vaccinated over 6 months ago. For vaccinated previously uninfected individuals the rate per 100,000 person days increased from 21.1 for persons vaccinated within the first two months to 88.9 for those vaccinated more than 6 months ago."

Thus, the vaccinated previously uninfected individuals are two-to-three times more likely to be reinfected after six months than unvaccinated previously infected individuals. One of the more useful aspects of this study is that it unpacks the overlap between vaccinated immunity and natural immunity; some research suggests the overlap between the two categories may be as high as 60-70%. Therefore, claims about "vaccinated immunity" may be benefiting from the fact that over half of the United States is estimated to have natural immunity.

The latest remarks from Dr. Fauci suggest that the NIAID chief is not surprised by the abysmal failure of the "vaccines" to stop the spread. Indeed, one wonders if it was all a "part of the plan."

Download here: Funeral-Director-John-Parry-Speaks-Out-About-COVID-VACCINES-Killing-Vast-Numbers-of-People-2021-12-09.mp4 - 39,442 kb
By: @ThePlandemic - 9th December 2021
Funeral Director John Parry Speaks Out
Killing Vast Numbers of People

John Parry, a funeral director at Milton Keynes Funeral Home has commented on the situation when it comes to the bodies that come into the funeral home. Most likely, these deaths were labeled as COVID. As of the 6th December 2021, he has noticed an unnaturally large number of deaths due to heart attack, stroke, and embolism. He said that these were all a direct result of thrombosis in various places all over the body.

Genocide seems to be going along as planned.
my 19 year old got the jab after
Pressure from her university. Bastards.

Download here: Covid-19-Vaccine-Injured-Casey-Hodgkinson-Interview-with-Liz-Gunn-2021-12-08.mp4 - 52,518 kb
By: Liz Gunn - 8th December 2021
Covid-19 Vaccine Injured
Casey Hodgkinson
Interview with Liz Gunn

Casey Hodgkinson talks with Liz Gunn.

Casey was excited to get her first dose of Pfizer.

She has been in a wheelchair since.

Her symptoms have been minimized and denied by the professionals she has seen.

This is her story.

Watch Liz Gunn's full interview with Casey's mum, Anna Hodgkinson, here: Anna Hodgkinson recalls her harrowing...

Please email if you have a similar story.

(Youtube needs me to let you know that correlation does not necessarily mean causation)

This video is not intended to provide assessment, diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice; it also does not constitute the provision of healthcare services. The content provided in this video is for informational and educational purposes only.

Please consult with a physician or healthcare professional regarding any medical or mental health-related diagnosis or treatment. No information in this video should ever be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.

#injury #love #freedom #lizgunn #caseyhodgkinson #newzealandgovernment #northshorehospital #injuredkiwis #trafficlightsystem #SocialIsolation #freedom #love #peace #RealNotRare

British nurse of 43 years about to lose my job because I will not be vaccinated... Watching this is extremely heartbreaking... Bless your heart... I stand firm... Thank you for your bravery and telling your story

It's not only that she has a terrible injury, it is the absolutely criminal way she has been treated by the hospital. I am disgusted and ashamed of New Zealand right now.

Hello from the Netherlands. My name is Dick Ceelen and i would like to embrace this opportunity to not only thank you deeply for sharing your story about what happened to you, but also to hopefully let you know, Casey Hodgkinson, you have my sincere sympathy and i feel deeply deeply sorry for what was

done to you.
I will keep you in my prayers as i pray for your recovery.
You have my respect for being brave enough to come foreward like this and for fighting not only for your own survival, but like you said, for the wellbeing of others too.
Your partner and interviewer deserve lots of credit too for their full and loving support. From where i am i'm going to try to find a way to support you myself financially for your medical expenses.
Casey, you are beautiful in every way possible. Lots of love to you

This is heartbreaking. Sending love and strength to you Casey, you're a strong brave woman. Thank you both for having a voice for so many, this needs to be heard x

Any doctor treats a human like this who is in pain and clearly needs help is abhorrent. She has such a beautiful soul and spirit, thank you to Liz Gunn who listens and interviews compassionately and lovingly.

There are so many that have been harmed by these things and yet politicians and business owners are still pushing it onto these innocent people.

Dear Casey, you're a strong and beautiful soul and human being. I'm so sorry for your injuries and the way you got treated when looking for answers and help. Please know that and all the others that are suffering are in my heart and thoughts and I'm sure in many other kiwi's heart and thoughts too. Sending love and light your way. Also, thank you Liz Gunn for giving Kiwis like Casey a channel for their stories.

Justice for Casey! Justice for the thousands of victims who have suffered injuries from this poison in NZ. Do not stay silent for any longer! Your stories deserve to be heard and shared!

This is one hell of a tear jerker. Anyone who doesn't feel any compassion for this girl is missing something completely crucial to being human. Kindness, compassion, and love. This is what we need to build the new world - free from the corrupt powers 'that be'

Good on you Liz for sharing the truth with such compassion. This entire situation is distressing and the doctors are evil criminals to be treating people like this! Same thing is happening in Australia. Casey is an incredible young woman to still be so cheerful and loving after what she's had to endure. I hope she makes a full recovery, along with everyone else who has been injured by the vs.

The Manufacturer, Government & Doctor are
not Responsible for Adverse Reactions & Death.
..YOU are Deemed as being IRRESPONSIBLE!
4th December 2021

The Manufacturer, Government & Doctor are not Responsible for Adverse Reactions & Death. But if YOU are UNVACCINATED... YOU are Deemed as being IRRESPONSIBLE!

Download here: MASSACHUSETTS-STATE-TROOPERS-Jonathan-McClure-etc-FIRED-for-not-complying-to-forced-mandates-2021-12-02.mp4 - 9,968 kb
By: Voices of History - 2nd December 2021
for not complying to forced mandates

Uploaded on Aug 22, 2024

LEST THEY BE FORGOTTEN - A big thank you to Chet Howard for your support of this video. Please consider donating to help us bring more stories to this channel.

Shame on Massachusetts. I stand with that trooper


All BS this man should not only be reinstated he should be paid for all the time he has lost . If not I hope he files aLawsuit again the state . What a shameful act .

Sickens me to my core. God Bless this Trooper and his family. FJB and his whole administration.

This is what people need to keep remembering and thinking of. This family stood by their values, which got them to where they are. They will win in the end. Thank you.

How many nurses and first responders did they do this exact same thing to, unconstitutional, but our country doesn't seem to care about the constitution and our freedoms

I am a retired police officer in New York so I had no mandate to obey. As fellow seniors, we refused getting the jab and relied on what we had, virus-killing antibodies we were blessed with. There were those friends who scoffed at us, quite a few who were soon affected by the virus. We old grunts had no problems.

Shameful being treated like that.

He's so dangerous that the supervisors and camera crew showed up without bio hazard ppe.
Good for you Trooper for standing up to the SS.

Another fine showing for the Peoples Demecratic Republic of Massachusetts!

These Troopers put their lives on the line for for their state and country. In that vein this Trooper has said no to the tyrants who would push their agenda driven policies that are not tested. This Trooper is the tip of sword in ensuring Americans safety.

We need more people like him. We have to stand up for our freedoms and liberties.

Thank you for sharing. This man is a real American. Lord bless him and his family.

I retired from a different a different state 12 years before all this crap came along. Going through what it takes to earn that badge is vastly longer and harder than the vast majority of people have any idea, so taking away his career for the sake of an unconscionable and unconstitutional mandate, forced upon him and others out of a mixture of unreasonable fear and political opportunism, is a disgusting and unforgivable act. Standing up against the tyrants that forced this on him, even at such a terrible cost, is a mark of the greatest strength of character. God bless him and his family.

Download here: Covid-WHY-ARE-THESE-PLAYERS-COLLAPSING-2021-11-30.mp4 - 17,892 kb
By: hughwizzy - 30th November 2021


John Diamond
It's the needle and everybody knows it ...well done Hugh
Been loads of heart attacks in the crowds too

Barry Murphy
Trevor Sinclair asked was the vaccine responsible and was immediately smeared in media, happening in the stands as well, the fact you actually covered this has earned a new subscriber

Sharon Crawford
It's the jab. Its happening everywhere with athletes. There heart can't take the workout because you know what has effected there heart. This is sad.

Its obvious whats causing these collapses...
Adding insult to injury is that its being suppressed by the mainstream media!
Hugh you are a brave individual, and much respect for covering such issue!!!

Tony Green
I have been watching football for over 50 years and in my time have never seen a player or spectator collapse with heart problems, sorry something is not right here.

Good on you Hugh for having the balls to report on something a lot of people are ignoring. You are a real one!

Same thing is happening in the USA. Sudden death and heart attacks even by healthy High school students.

Download here: Covid-PM-Boris-Johnson-Omicron-can-be-spread-between-people-who-are-double-vaccinated-2021-11-28.mp4 - 1,171 kb
By: NBC News - 28th November 2021
UK PM Boris Johnson - 'Omicron can be spread
between people who are double vaccinated'

Omega Man
500% more deadly? Since the last one had a 99.9999% survival rate, that means the new variant has only a 99.95% survival rate. We are going to need at least 5 boosters for this one

Brax fan
1 month ago
I can imagine Boris reading these speeches out 20 year from now, older, grey, hair messier, telling us about yet another variant!

Brain Activity
Now I understand how lucky you are to live in Florida. Sweden was also one of the European nations that didn't comply with this new world order totalitarianism nonsense.

Camemisha Colvin
But we already seen this part. It's like the movie is repeating itself. The movie sucks.

abdishakur ibrahim maalim Maalim
This new variant is a blessing in disguise for covid19 billionaires.

New Zealand will move into
Segregation & Discrimination from:
11.59pm, Thursday, 2nd December 2021
27th November 2021

New Zealand will move into Segregation & Discrimination from: 11.59pm, Thursday, 2nd December 2021

You Comply Because You Want it to End
But it's Because of Your Compliance
That it Will NEVER END
27th November 2021

You Comply Because You Want it to End. But it's Because of Your Compliance That it Will NEVER END!

Download here: Covid-Report-reveals-increase-in-risk-of-heart-attack-following-the-mRNA-COVID-vaccine-2021-11-26.mp4 - 19,515 kb
By: GBNews - 26th November 2021
Covid: Report reveals increase in risk of heart
attack following the mRNA COVID vaccine

"..seen this abstract publication circulation. I was concerned about it for a number of reasons.

So first and foremost, we have to understand that there's been a shift in understanding of heart disease over the years. That we know now it's a chronic inflammatory condition, that is exacerbated by something called insulin resistance, which talked about on the show before. Which relates to poor lifestyle.

Now what this abstracts has shown, what this research has shown, is that markers associated with increasing the risk of heart attack and probably even progression of underlying heart disease and people have already got some heart disease, has been significantly increased risk from 11% at five years risk of heart attack to 25%! Now that's a huge increase. If this is true, then it's very concerning indeed. But in medicine, in good science, we never rely on one study. We need to replicate these findings.

However, what I will share with you today on GBNews is a few days ago after this was published, somebody from a very prestigious British institution, Cardiology Department researcher, a whistleblower if you like, contacted me to say that the researchers in this department, had found something similar, within the coronary arteries linked to the vaccine, inflammation from imaging studies around the coronary arteries, and they had a meeting and these researchers at the moment have decided they're not going to publish their findings, because they are concerned about losing research money from the drug industry.

Now this person was very upset about it, and I wanted to obviously share this on GBNews today. What I would say is that we then knowing this information, which is very concerning, Stephen Gundry's paper in circulation, and also anecdotal evidence, I mean I have a lot of interaction with the cardiology community across the UK, and anecdotally, I've been getting told by colleagues that they are seeing younger and younger people coming in with heart attacks.

Now what does this mean in terms of the data? We have to put the jigsaw for the pieces together. We know since July there's been almost 10,000 excess non-covid deaths; and most of those, or significant proportion of those, are being driven by circulatory disease in other words heart attack and stroke. There's been a 30% increase in people dying at home; and often these are because of cardiac arrest. Of course this is also something close to my heart because my own father is one of those statistics. He had a cardiac arrest at home July the 26th, so when this figure, these data, since this data has been collected.

So where do we go from here? I think the signal is quite strong. I personally think that this needs investigating. So I think the joint committee of vaccines and immunization should absolutely investigate this. I think that the researchers, I really hope that they take a look in the mirror and realize the ones from where this whistleblowers come from, they realize that they should publish this stuff, because their duty primarily is the patients - not the interests of the drug industry.

And I think the third thing and this has been a discussion that's been ongoing, I think now it's high time that policymakers around the world put an end to the mandates, because I think if this signal is strong and if it's correct, then history will not be on their side and the public will not forgive them for it Alex. So this is very concerning. It needs investigating and hopefully it can be resolved very soon.

I think the other thing to mention as well, we shouldn't ignore the other possibilities of why there's been an increase in heart attacks. So part of the stuff I've done in my research and now over the years is looking at the lifestyle factors that drive heart disease and heart attacks. And the other things that we know have also happened, which also I'm sure, a contributing factor is people's diets got worse in general over lock-down and there was pandemic stress. Chronic psychological stress is a significant risk factor, so if it wasn't for this data that's come out recently, I would have attributed most of these excess deaths from heart disease to those lifestyle factors. Now the vaccine has been thrown into the equation - we can't ignore it."

Download here: Covid-Nurse-in-Christchurch-New-Zealand-Speaks-Truth-about-Adverse-Reactions-2021-11-23.mp4 - 9,275 kb
By: Chantelle Baker - 23rd November 2021
Nurse in Christchurch, New Zealand,
Speaks Truth about Adverse
Reactions to Covid Vaccinations

Debra is a nurse from New Zealand, she has recently been pushed from her role in the CDHB and says that she is concerned Doctors are not wanting to admit there are injuries.

New Zealand hospitals are full of Covid Vaccinated patients having 'CARDIAC - CARDIAC - CARDIAC - CARDIAC - short of breathe - collapses - falls - ADVERSE REACTION - ADVERSE REACTION - ADVERSE REACTION - ADVERSE REACTION - flare ups from their cancer - I guarantee hospitals are full of vaccine damaged...'

Download here: Covid-Finally-Medical-Proof-the-Covid-Jab-is-Murder-Dr-Vernon-Coleman-2021-11-22.mp4 - 7,096 kb
By: Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc - 22nd November 2021
Finally! Medical Proof the Covid Jab is "Murder"


It's the 22nd November 2021 and this is the moment when the jabbing has to stop.

A couple of hours ago Darren Smith, the editor of the excellent The Light Paper, sent me a paper from the medical journal Circulation which proves that the covid-19 jabbing experiment has to stop today. I believe that any doctor or nurse who gives one of the mRNA covid jabs after today will in due course be struck off the appropriate register and arrested.

The journal Circulation is a well-respected publication. It's 71-years-old, its articles are peer reviewed and in one survey it was rated the world's no 1 journal in the cardiac and cardiovascular system category.

I'm going to quote the final sentence of the abstract which appears at the beginning of the article. This is all I, you – or anyone else – needs to know.

"We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy and other vascular events following vaccination."

That's it. That's the death bell for the covid-19 mRNA jabs!

The endothelium is a layer of cells lining blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. T cells are a type of white cell.

We always knew these jabs were experimental. My video in December 2020, just under a year ago, warned about these specific risks. I read out a list of possible adverse events published officially by the American Government.

But now we have the proof of the link.

The mRNA jab is, remember, known not to stop people catching covid. And it is known not to stop people spreading it. I don't believe anyone disputes these facts.

And yet vast numbers of deaths and serious injuries have occurred among people who have been jabbed. Look at the item entitled 'Updated: how many are the vaccines killing?' on my websites.

Now we have the evidence to stop the jabbing programmes.

In the study quoted in Circulation, a total of 566 patients aged 28 to 97 were tested. They were equally divided among men and women.

'At the time of this report,' says the author, 'these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose of vaccine.'

At the very least, the use of these jabs must stop now. Immediately, until more long-term tests are done.

If there were any journalists left in the mainstream media, this news would be lead item on all TV and radio programmes and be on the front pages of all newspapers.

Thank heavens for free speech platforms such as BNT which enables me to bring you this news.

I've said for a year that this jab was an experiment – certain to kill and injure.

We've always known that to experiment on people without their full consent and understanding – after disclosing all the risks and potential side effects – is a crime.

Now the evidence exists that must stop this experiment.

If the covid jab experiment continues after today then we know for absolute sure that this is not a medical treatment, it is a cull.

Please share this video immediately with everyone you know.

Thank you.

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc

We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination

The above snap shot was taken from:


Home > Circulation > Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning

Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, Vascular Biology
Session Title: Damps, Infection and Cardiovascular Metabolism

Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning

Steven R Gundry
Originally published | 8 Nov 2021 | Circulation. 2021;144:A10712

This article has an expression of concern:
Expression of Concern: Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning

Our group has been using the PLUS Cardiac Test (GD Biosciences, Inc, Irvine, CA) a clinically validated measurement of multiple protein biomarkers which generates a score predicting the 5 yr risk (percentage chance) of a new Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS). The score is based on changes from the norm of multiple protein biomarkers including IL-16, a proinflammatory cytokine, soluble Fas, an inducer of apoptosis, and Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF)which serves as a marker for chemotaxis of T-cells into epithelium and cardiac tissue, among other markers. Elevation above the norm increases the PULS score, while decreases below the norm lowers the PULS score.The score has been measured every 3-6 months in our patient population for 8 years. Recently, with the advent of the mRNA COVID 19 vaccines (vac) by Moderna and Pfizer, dramatic changes in the PULS score became apparent in most patients.This report summarizes those results. A total of 566 pts, aged 28 to 97, M:F ratio 1:1 seen in a preventive cardiology practice had a new PULS test drawn from 2 to 10 weeks following the 2nd COVID shot and was compared to the previous PULS score drawn 3 to 5 months previously pre- shot. Baseline IL-16 increased from 35=/-20 above the norm to 82 =/- 75 above the norm post-vac; sFas increased from 22+/- 15 above the norm to 46=/-24 above the norm post-vac; HGF increased from 42+/-12 above the norm to 86+/-31 above the norm post-vac. These changes resulted in an increase of the PULS score from 11% 5 yr ACS risk to 25% 5 yr ACS risk. At the time of this report, these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose of vac. We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.

Download here: THE-SEQUEL-TO-THE-FALL-OF-THE-CABAL-PART-19-of-17-2021-11-20.mp4 - 48,764 kb
By: FallCabal - Janet Ossebaard - 20th November 2021
Part 19 /17: Covid-19: The Midazolam and Morphine Murders

Part 19: Covid-19: The Midazolam and Morphine Murder

The Covid Scam started with social distancing and face masks. Based on scientific fraud, people were led to believe the horrific predictions of incompetent advisors to the government. Millions of people were to die if we didn’t obey! And so… the people obeyed. Families were torn apart, societies were split. Everything that gave joy – singing, dancing, hugging, laughing – was prohibited. Instead, fear ruled the planet and turned it into a dark place. Midazolam and morphine was used to purposefully euthanise many thousands of elderly people in care homes. Hold on to your seat as we prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that our world leaders arranged all of this during the lockdowns, so nobody would notice. Hard to believe? Then follow us… to part 19!

By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter

Music: Alexander Nakarada, AShamaluev

Join our FallCabal Telegram Platform for free daily updates:

Download here: Covid-They-said-vaccines-stopped-the-transmission-of-Covid-WELL-THEY-LIED-2021-11-20.mp4 - 10,683 kb
By: KoaTheGreat - 20th November 2021
They said vaccines stopped the
transmission of Covid - WELL THEY LIED!

The global parasite class sold the vaccines as if they would stop transmission, slow the spread, and be the end of covid-19.

They all lied because their goal is to have the virus spread for as long as possible, to kill as many people as possible (block early treatment), and to spread as much fear as possible.

Because the ultimate goal of the covid-19 response has always been to vastly increase top-down government, authoritarianism, and totalitarianism throughout the world.

They said that the vaccine stopped transmission. Now they are lying and saying that they never say that!

Reminder of what they said and the lies they told.

It's all on record. The misinformation is coming from them. Never forget that.

Download here: Covid-The-Case-for-Vaccine-Passports-Has-Been-Demolished-Vaccines-Ineffective-2021-11-20.mp4 - 7,230 kb
By: Anything Goes - 20th November 2021
The Case for Vaccine Passports Has Been
Demolished - Vaccines Ineffective

Countries all over europe are implementing an expanding vaccine passport scheme in anticipation of imposing further medical apartheid against the unvaccinated. But aside from the litany of moral and legal arguments against vaccine passport schemes, it's now clearly and manifestly provable that they just don't work!

The Spectator has published an article citing official data from Public Health England, which states that for the over 30s, quote the rates of Covid infection per 100,000 people are now higher among the vaxxed than the unvaxed. Again, this is official government data. Here's the graph illustrating precisely what I just said.

The Spectator goes on to report again citing government data, quote: "In the cohorts aged between 40 and 79, infection rates among the vaccinated are more than twice as high as among the unvaccinated." That being established, the case for domestic vaccine passports has been completely demolished.

The Times reports on the results of another study which found quote: "The double jabbed are just as likely to pass on Covid19 as unvaccinated people..."

Download here: Covid-Christchurch-Midwife-loses-her-job-for-not-wanting-to-receive-the-Covid-19-Jab-2021-11-20.mp4 - 61,127 kb
By: Right To Truth - 20th November 2021
Christchurch Midwife loses her job for not
wanting to receive the Covid-19 Jab

An experienced New Zealand Midwife loses her job for not wanting to receive the Covid-19 Jab. Here she talks on stage in front of many thousands of people.

"Transmission is more likely to occur from
a vaccinated than an unvaccinated individual"
19th November 2021

The Ministry of Health wrote the following on page 3 of their report 'Ministry of Health position statement on pre-consultation testing of unvaccinated individuals in healthcare settings':

"When there is high COVID-19 vaccine coverage (i.e., above 80 percent of eligible people are fully vaccinated), transmission is more likely to occur from a vaccinated than an unvaccinated individual.1"

1 As our vaccination numbers increase, we will see fewer cases but more of those cases will be in fully
vaccinated people, meaning it is more likely transmission will occur from a vaccinated individual than an unvaccinated individual."

Download the original Ministry of Health document here:

Download the original Ministry of Health document here: ministry_of_health_position_statement_on_the_management_of_unvaccinated_individuals_in_healthcare_settings-2021-11-19.pdf

  1. Right click on the link above and select "Save Link As..."
  2. Then choose where you wish to download the PDF letter on your computer

MINISTRY of HEALTH - Transmission is more likely to occur from a vaccinated than an unvaccinated individual

Download the original Ministry of Health document here:

Download the original Ministry of Health document here: ministry_of_health_position_statement_on_the_management_of_unvaccinated_individuals_in_healthcare_settings-2021-11-19.pdf

  1. Right click on the link above and select "Save Link As..."

  2. Then choose where you wish to download the PDF letter on your computer

News Alert: On 25th November 2021, the Ministry of Health have now denied public access to this PDF document! Nonetheless, their public document is still downloadable via the link immediately above.

Download here: Covid-UNDERCOVER-Testing-informed-consent-at-Canadas-vaccination-clinics-2021-11-19.mp4 - 192,462 kb
By: Mocha Bezirgan - 19th November 2021
UNDERCOVER: Testing informed
consent at Canada's vaccination clinics
In this Rebel News exclusive, we see what informed consent looks like at COVID vaccination sites in Canada.

On June 30, the federal government of Canada issued an order to print information about "myocarditis" and "pericarditis" onto COVID vaccine labels after reports of heart inflammation exceeded expectations.

Hundreds of thousands of Canadians who belong to the age group most effected have been injected with Moderna's vaccine without knowing the risks of heart inflammation, including those in the Canadian Armed Forces.

Today, Ontarians who belong to that same age group can still get the Moderna vaccine with informed consent.

A "privilege" that was not granted to people who got it before June 30th.

The state-sponsored restrictions on the skeptics of authority range from not being allowed to watch their kid's hockey match to being denied organ transplants. To simply put it, the political scene in Canada is this:

Not forcing you. Just taking away everything until you consent

The voluntary consent of the individual is not only being violated, but it's not even being sought after.

The Nuremberg Code, a set of ethical research principles which was established after Nazi atrocities during the Second World War, demonstrates how vital the voluntary consent of the individual is:

"1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion..."

There are some who say that the Nuremberg Code doesn't apply to covid-19 vaccines, arguing that the Nuremberg Code is meant for clinical trials only, and since the clinical trials have been completed, it cannot be applied.

The clinical trials aren't done yet and we are only discovering the vaccines varying side effects and the duration of their efficacy as we speak.

French public health authorities recently joined the growing list of European nations which do not recommend Moderna's vaccine for people under the age of 30 due to heart inflammation.

In the United Kingdom, AstraZeneca's vaccine is also not being recommended for people under the age of 30 due to blood clots.

On the other hand, the immunity of the vaccine by Pfizer, the company that has paid the largest criminal fine for fraudulent marketing in history, has been discovered to wane after two months or so.

While it may not be clinical, the trials appear to be continuing.

And the fact remains that the producers of the vaccine, the promoters of the vaccine, and the enforcers of the vaccine won't accept any legal responsibility for your safety.

Some people are unfortunately experiencing the consequences of this first hand, consequences such as heart inflammation — especially among young men, who are one of the least vulnerable age groups when it comes to COVID-19 deaths, ICU admissions and hospitalizations.

Distribution of Covid-19 cases - deceased - in Canada

At the end of the day, based on what these vaccine administrators have told us, each individual body could react differently. There is always a risk of developing a heart condition, that we should all be concerned since every day something different comes up, as we approach the second year of "two weeks to flatten the curve."

DISCLAIMER: No Rebel News employees were forced to take a COVID vaccine in the making of this video. We believe in medical privacy and leave that choice to the individual.

Covid Treadmill...
Just one more jab - one more jab! - one more jab!
19th November 2021

Covid Treadmill... Just one more jab - one more jab! - one more jab!

Download here: Covid-Pandemic-of-the-VACCINATED-75-Athletes-Collapse-from-Heart-Failure-2021-11-13.mp4 - 25,545 kb
By: apidta - 13th November 2021
Pandemic of the VACCINATED
75 Athletes Collapse from Heart Failure

The popular weekly news program The Highwire collected 75 recent reports of young athletes who suffered heart attacks since the "vaccine" mandates, many of them during games, and several of these shocking incidents were caught on film. This is an age group that has a 99.986% infection survival rate - having virtually no chance of dying from the alleged "COVID virus."

Download here: Covid-Spike-protein-inside-nucleus-enhancing-DNA-damage-COVID-19-mRNA-vaccines-update-2021-11-13.mp4 - 66,467 kb
By: Merogenomics - 13th November 2021
Dr. Mikolaj Raszek: Spike protein inside nucleus
enhancing DNA damage?
COVID-19 mRNA vaccines update 18

This video discusses new surprise discovery (yet to be confirmed by other scientists) that SARS-CoV-2 full length spike protein can enter human cell nuclei and interfere with fixing of broken DNA damage. Authors of the study propose this might have been evolved in order to prevent genetic recombination required to produce antibody variety to successfully attack the virus. If true, and if this could have important implications for potential negative health outcomes and might require reconfiguration of vaccine design.

Discussed content:

Thank you for the support and comments. It will take loooooong time to get through these so please be patient!

Credentials requested by some:

Thank you for these notes made by a kind and awesome supporter:
00:00 Dr Mikolaj Raszek, Phd from Merogenomics
00:09 The latest widest news in Molecular Microbiology
00:33 WHO? Swedish research shows spike protein enters nucleus in human cells (in vitro)
00:57 this is of course, biologically verboten (*German for STRICTLY FORBIDDEN)
01:04 WHAT? *Discovery* Spike protein inhibits proper fixing of broken DNA
01:18 Specifics: double stranded breaks where both strands are broken
01:33 HOW? *Mechanism 1* suspected interference with BRCA1 gene product's ability to repair DNA
01:48 Consequence: if BRCA1 is mutated though, then you have highest predisposition for Cancer development precisely because BRCA1 gene codes for proteins that fix DNA damage when sheared in half
02:14 Significance: Consequences are so great if true that it should be double checked, verified and reinvestigated
2:42 Call for a lot more studies: Revalidation
2:51 HOW? *Mechanism 2* Spike also interferes with mysterious nuclear protein 53BP1 which may serve to prevent DNA breaks from re-ligating to other DNA sources ensuring 2 chromosomes don't link together that aren't supposed to.
4:21 HOW? *Mechanism 3* Perhaps spike in Nuclei interferes with Immune cells' mechanisms (eg.BRCA1 and 53BP1) and diversity of response to infections.
4:42 *TAKEAWAY* What if Spike protein evolved as a mutagen for DNA – what would implications be for a vaccine that's primary focus was to produce Spike?
5:32 CONTEXT: Recent discovery that Spikes may circulate for months on end in Exosomes to different parts of the body and in theory enter cells well after the point of vaccination as COVID-19 mRNA vaccines update 16 discussed
06:15 CONTEXT: DNA gets 70k lesions/day /cell! But only 25 are double stranded shearing damages
07:25 IMPLICATIONS: So within this context, what are the chances circulating spike proteins could enter and damage DNA and predispose to cancer? In cancer, it takes months for damage to accumulate and cause symptoms. Therefore…
7:45 IMPLICATION: *Vaccine Safety* Are vaccines "SAFE"? What is vaccine "Safety"? Only Time can/will tell.
8:07 IMPLICATION: Yes, Vaccines don't produce dangerous clinical symptoms in the first few months BUT we don't know what they do in very long-term basis so can we call them safe?
8:34 HOW? *Mechanism 4* Vaccines use FULL length of spike protein thus produces whole protein in body. Prior to vaccinations some scientists mentioned that FULL protein length of Spike protein was dangerous
9:16 IMPLICATION: *Antibody Dependent Enhancement or ADE* could occur with use of full length of Spike protein
10:27: AUTHORS' RECOMMENDATION: Not to use full length of spike protein but only the Receptor Binding Domain or RBD portion for vaccines
10:41 Explanation: RBD
11:29: *TAKE AWAY* *Vaccine Safety* This shows how Vaccines are still uncharacterized on what they might be doing at the molecular level once injected in us.
11:52 Spike protein also uncharacterized post-infection (but learning lots now).
12:00 LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE and please *SHARE*

Red Hammer
That from memory was a Swedish study and has been covered in detail by numerous respected speakers. So thank you young man, you are one of the very few angels of the medical fraternity who is willing to go public. These are deeply worrying times and with very grave concerns being expressed by so many now. I long ago questioned the ethics when I saw the experiments being carried out in the D R Congo by a pharmaceutical company and the WHO.
Now I think the WHO has a lot to answer for and not just on these vaccines.

SelvaKanthan SK
Any platform (for humans) which employs Genetic Engineering, has to be Disclosed & Given Time for Safety tests...
Thanks for the update

Another concern: if we make vaccines targeting the receptor binding domain, it would potentially make it easier for the virus to mutate to evade it. Immune escape was discussed prior to the vaccines and we have not addressed most of the concerns, unfortunately.

Justa 5
I love that you refer very specifically to the safety concerns and that it is so wrong to call it safe, we really don't know

Blaze Buds
Good to see more good people speaking up! Some of us have known this for months, we weren't just conspiracy theorists

Great, clear explaination of the issues concerning covid mRNA. Just the science.

Download here: Fake-News-If-you-die-by-accident-or-murder-and-have-Covid-19-it-is-recorded-as-dying-from-Covid-19-2021-11-12.mp4 - 2,454 kb
By: John Talks - 12th November 2021
New Zealand Ministry of Health:
If you die by accident or murder & have Covid-19
it is recorded as dying from Covid-19


"Well Simon today the Ministry of Health added a another death to it's Covid-19 recording.

But also said it was a case subject to a police investigation that's ongoing. Now One News said, One News understands that this is in relation to Operation Metals - a homicide investigation, launched after a man named Robert Hart sustained serious gunshot injuries outside a Newland Motel.

Since his death, health authorities say he tested positive for Covid-19 and One News understands that several people are also isolating. So then you have to ask, how someone who sustained these types of injuries and then died, ends up as part of our covert 19 death tally.

Now the Ministry of Health says that's because under the World Health Organization guidelines, anyone who dies while also having an acute Covid-19 infection, is recorded as part of a nation's death tally. Whatever the cause of death might be!

Since his death, health authorities say he tested positive..."

Randy O
Got shot, died from Covid.
When the meme becomes reality.

Guess there's no murder charge then, right? Since he died of covid? The shooter just needs to self isolate with his gun for a few days because of the exposure.

This has always been the case. When you try to tell people they either think you're exaggerating or just a conspiracy theorist.

We are 100% living in a simulation. This is just hilarious.

Download here: The-Scheming-of-Bill-Gates-and-Anthony-Fauci-to-Own-America-and-the-World-2021-11-09.mp4 - 13,133 kb
By: Mercola - 9th November 2021
The Scheming of Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci
to Own America and the World

This video shows how Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci worked together behind the scenes to gain influence and power over the citizens of America.

To get the complete story, preorder Robert F. Kennedy's new book: The Real Anthony Fauci.

I'm sick of everyone just talking about these evil people. We are hearing daily the same things over and over again but no-one does anything. They should have been arrested a long time ago, because last time i looked genocide was still a crime. Nothing has been done more and more people have died of the jabs (i refuse to call them vaccines) and more will keep on dying. What will it take for justice to be served?
We know exactly what they've done and why they've done it...the evidence piles up daily -- yet they are still walking free...i don't get it. :*

99% of people are still mesmerised.

I'm surprised to be seeing this for the first time since it's many months old. An in depth depiction of the collusion between these two could go on for many hours. Simply reading the names of the people they've killed (with AZT and remdesivir) would go on and on and on :(

Download here: Covid-The-Very-Rare-Cases-of-Athletes-Dying-of-Heart-Attacks-in-HUGE-Numbers-Around-the-World-2021-11-08.mp4 - 9,369 kb
By: NaturaDatura@111 - 8th November 2021
The Very Rare Cases of Athletes
Dying of Heart Attacks
in HUGE Numbers Around the World

The satisfying thing about trying your best to warn the Sheep is when you realize you're a good person for trying and you get to laugh your ass off when they start dying

Mr. Smith
It's a frickin' massacre out there. What other years have we seen an epidemic of athlete collapses, heart condition diagnoses, and even deaths?

DEATH to Tyrants ,, Im 74, ive been telling, yelling DONT Trust the government or the Press for 50 yrs I knew I didnt take this Vax poison Why do you not know, because you NEVER ask or question anything you're told !

Download here: Covid-The-Aussie-Town-That-Doesnt-Want-To-Get-Vaccinated-2021-11-04.mp4 - 20,736 kb
By: The Project - 4th November 2021
The Aussie Town That
Doesn't Want To Get Vaccinated

Moranbah in Queensland has a population of 22,000. Of people aged 15 years and older, only 34% are fully vaccinated, and 51% have received their first dose. But locals are hesitant to join the millions of Aussies getting vaccinated.

Download here: Covid-Unvaccinated-Nurses-and-Anesthesiologist-Escorted-from-Hospitals-2021-11-02.mp4 - 10,262 kb
By: TheDC Shorts - 2nd November 2021
Unvaccinated Nurses and Anesthesiologist
Escorted from Hospital

A nurse working at a Kaiser hospital was allegedly escorted from building because she was unvaccinated.

Download here: Covid-A-chat-with-Jeannette-Brock-ACC-advocate-working-with-the-vaccine-injured-in NZ-2021-11-01.mp4 - 18,088 kb
By: Leighton Baker - 1st November 2021
A chat with Jeannette Brock
ACC advocate working with those
injured by the experimental vaccine

Jeannette Brock is an ACC Law & Legislation Specialist, advising and assisting ACC claimants to get what they are entitled (

Jeannette Brock reflects upon the many people who have had adverse reactions (all kinds of sicknesses, injuries and death) from the Covid Experimental Injections...

Download here: Covid-Jason-Nelsons-Wife-Dying-3-Days-After-Injection-This-Needs-to-stop-NOW-2021-10-31.mp4 - 2,863 kb
By: Zay Righteous Warrior - 31st October 2021
Jason Nelson's Wife Dying 3 Days After
Covid Injection - This Needs to Stop NOW
High fevers. Chills. Extreme Myalgia. Allodynia. Seizure, Apnea. Aphasia

"So pretty much why we're here, is three days ago my wife got the uh Covid Injection, and since then she's been experiencing uh very high fevers; uh chills; extreme body aches; uh, the entire left side of her arm, shoulders and neck uh, have been extremely sore to the touch; um, and from that she went into a full-blown seizure and stopped her breathing.

Called 9-1-1 and we got her to the hospitals, for some reason MRI and CTs are coming up normal. However what you guys just heard is how she's talking. Um, so they are sending her down to the Bay Area somewhere, I don't know where yet, um, to talk to a neurologist, none of your fault, just talk to a doctor down there to see what's going on with her brain and why she can't get her speech back now. Um, so that's all that's going on right now and I'll make another one when everything's up to date."

Richard Marr
I'm sorry this happened to you. Anything a government has to force you to take, can't be good for you.

Pablo Van Cleef
Zay is a righteous warrior and I'd be proud to stand next to him in battle.

Lorna B
I'm praying for this gal, she don't deserve this. stay strong girl!

Paris Fitzgerald
Brother Zay, you're doing the work of the Most High. Your reward is waiting for you in the afterlife.

Zrexer One
That is just terrible. My wife and I remain shot free so far, but at a cost of many 'friends', family a teaching job my wife loved and the ability to go to restaurants and many other venues in Alberta, Canada.
The truth will eventually come out about the devestation caused by the covid shots, but unfortunately not before many more suffer like your wife.
She is in our prayers...

Download here: Covid-40-Reasons-Why-Philip-Tomlinson-does-not-want-to-get-the-Experimental-Injections-2021-10-31.mp4 - 187,980 kb
By: Right To Truth - 31st October 2021
40 Reasons why Philip Tomlinson does
not want to get the Experimental Injections

William and Philip from the Brilin Functional Medicine Centres disucss 40-reasons why they will not get the Covid-19 Vaccination - an experimental Gene-Jab. video by

Download here: Covid-Vaxxed-people-dropping-like-flies-in-Auckland-NZ-after-5G-signals-activate-vaxx-ingredients-2021-10-31.mp4 - 3,013 kb
By: Kiwi Driver - 31st October 2021
Vaxxed people dropping like
flies in Auckland, NZ
Are 5G signals activating the vaxx ingredients?

Many healthy, non Covid Experimental Injected people in Auckland, New Zealand, have recently been reporting various symptoms such as: hearing strange high pitch ringing in their ears / difficulty sleeping / difficulty staying awake / nausea / shortness of breathe.

At the same time, there have been many reports of Covid Injected people collapsing to the ground, in several areas of Auckland.

Be kind - quote from Jacinda Ardern, (fake New Zealand Prime Minister)

Download here: Covid-The-narrative-is-crumbling-2021-10-25.mp4 - 6,271 kb
By: Vital Information - 25th October 2021
The Narrative is Crumbling

Michael Joseph
Holy shit! The inconsistencies from the fact-based scientists is jaw dropping!

Havendale Blvd
This has always been about control, and money, not our well being.

"Stay 6ft apart and wear masks even outdoors, but if you're in a crowd of thousands closely packed together then it's okay not to wear a mask 'cause it's outdoors"

Nick Lilley
Running scared. Do not forget. Do not forgive.

Tedious Maximus
And yet in many countries you will get FINED for not wearing a mask outdoors! The lack of consistency is mind blowing!

Quebec Patriot
its over, its been for a while but there are probably huge bonuses attached to their responsibilities and the monies are just too good to let go

Download here: Covid-For-the-greater-good-2021-10-22.mp4 - 3,830 kb
By: Conservative Momma - 22nd October 2021
"For the greater good"

"This is for the greater good," are words uttered by dictators and those who desire absolute power.

Karl Hulme
Frightening to see the checklist is almost complete.

RiskSeismo Anna
BRILLIANT. I heard this on the radio a few minutes ago. This must go viral.

We need this to go viral. That would actually be for the greater good.

Emerson Stikarofsky
Kudos Mamma, well done! Your lovely yet "programmed" eyes, your deadpan empathy. The styling of your appearance, the background, amazing acting that is so spot on honest.

A modern George Orwell, in our short soundbite boobtube culture style.

Jules InMD
Conservative Momma, your expression in this is diabolical... the hairs on the back of my neck started to go up the longer I watched!

Debi Ward
Mike Gallagher is playing this clip on his radio program this morning. So glad he did as now I have found a kindred spirit! Great video!

James May
You can nail it, Girl. Love your presentations. Keep up the good work. They are beginning to become awakened. Thanks!

Download here: Covid-Shocking-Dr-Carrie-Madej-Releases-First-Look-at-Pfizer-Vial-Contents-2021-10-20.mp4 - 136,150 kb
By: The Stew Peters Show - 20th October 2021
SHOCKING: Dr. Carrie Madej Releases
FIRST LOOK at Pfizer Vial Contents
Hydra Aliens? Nano Robots?

The freshwater hydra is a pretty incredible organism. It's named after a creature from Greek mythology that, any time one of its heads was cut off, it would grow back two more in its place.

Scientists chose that name well. The freshwater hydra is biologically immortal. Its cells never age and as far as we can tell they never die of old age, only from predators or environmental factors. If you cut off a piece of the hydra, it will grow back. If you cut the hydra into many pieces, all of them will grow into a new hydra. And how about if you stick the hydra in a blender, literally chop it into thousands of pieces until it's just a messy soup? Well, if you ball all the pieces back together, they'll merge and become a hydra again.

Not surprisingly, scientists are very interested in the hydra. Our government spends millions of dollars a year researching the

for possible findings in biology, genetics, and medicine. But is it only research that is happening? Or is something more going on?

From the transcript:

"..we had Dr. Kerry Made on this show several weeks ago. Last time she told us about the horrifying things that she saw when she put vials of the Moderna and Johnson and Johnson Covid-19 shots / vaccines under the microscope.

Now she's giving us a first look at the Pfizer vials and she wants to tell us the things that she has seen.

Dr. Kerry Made joins us. Now you sent me some horrific slides and videos. I don't know what any of this is, so I'm going to rely on your expertise to tell us.

Thanks Stu. Yeah I'm happy to help. So I was, I have worked with Project Veritas. An amazing team there and they were able to work with a whistleblower from Pfizer and through chain of custody they brought forth some of the vials. So I have some of my own images, but Pproject Veritas will be, you know, giving their story very soon, which will have so much detail, so much data - so please look for that.

Anyhow I also wanted to show a short video from one of the Johnson Johnson vials that I was able to examine and this what I'm seeing in all of these manufacturers, are synthetic substances, you know, graphene like. Also these nano carbon tubes, the metallic flecks etc. But what I was seeing in this particular Johnson Johnson was a, these round spheres which were not air bubbles. People say that there's no way they were; and over there's many of these rings; and as time went on they would get thinner, thinner, thinner and expand out - and then finally extrude out some gelatinous material. I'm not sure what it was, but different kinds of things were inside these spheres. So they're almost like a delivery structure, that's what they were doing.

Well on one of these spheres, or these rings, there was an organism. It looked like a translucent organism that went around and back and forth. I don't know. At first I thought it was another water parasite, another kind; and then I saw, kept looking at its' movements and then I thought well perhaps it was moving in a more robotic way and we do have the ability for nanobots - very much so.

I don't know if I gave you a reference for that, but there they can put a 1 million nanobots inside one syringe needle. Not the syringe itself, the needle. 1 million. So this is a possibility. So we need to examine this and see what is it exactly. Or is it part organic and part synthetic? It's frightening to know that these are being put inside of human beings and now they want to put them inside little children.

We'd have to stop this right now. These are extreme experimentations. The future of us is in peril / danger, when we're doing something like this. This is not informed consent by any means. They are, you know, trying to use word play and going around our human rights - the Nuremberg Code and definitely extending out this Emergency Use Authorization in the worst way ever, so that's very important to see that video; and then looking at the slides from Pfizer we see the same kind of synthetic things in there also; something called it, looks similar to Tesla Phoresis. That's when these little graphite like black metallic particles start to collapse into strings like a spider web. They do that through any external force. It could be light. It could be a magnetic force. It could be an impulse like a frequency. Anyhow, all these little particles will then collapse and form their own neural network, or their own fibers, or wires; so like they're building infrastructure.

Yeah, like you're taking Lincoln logs and putting them together and making your own new computer, or your motherboard, or your your wires. You can see that happen in real time. This is just, I mean this is absolutely mind-blowing and I'm sitting here looking at you and you're telling me this. It's like i'm watching a seriously bad B movie, a horror / thriller. I mean this is, these images are real. I mean that there's, there's no way to... and look, this is, this is the same. This is like almost, what do you call that when it's a replication...?

..I'm upset. I'm angry. I'm frightened. What would happen? These are parasitic agents being injected into people. I've seen them from multiple different states, multiple different batches, multiple different manufacturers, multiple different times. How much more evidence does anyone need to know that something terribly wrong is going on... you're saying absolutely unequivocally, 100%, as a doctor with your reputation on the line, that there are parasites in these shots?

They appear to be parasites to me and I don't see anything in the ingredient list for any kind of structure that would look like a water parasite in these manufacturers, that is correct..."

Reminds me of the movie.. "Invasion of The Body Snatchers" – Takeover of our bodies by foreign (alien?) matter. Just plain sinister!!! (And people will soon be pointing out the unvaxxed…squealing on them – just like on the movie!)

This is the weirdest time of my life (b. 1965).

So maybe that's why Ivermectin, an anti parasitic drug, works so well. That's also maybe why big pharma wants Ivermectin banned. They WANT us overrun with parasites.

Jacqueline Brinegar
Reply to Lonesoul

I don't believe ivermectin will get rid of a machine parasite. Natures parasite; yes, some (not a miracle drug) everything has it limitations. A machine invader is a totally different beast in itself.

However; it does seem to not like high levels of oxygen from what I have seen. I hope a doctor checks out this possibly too.

I pray for those who took this jab daily, my husband and daughter both took Moderna. I pray a lot more now a days.

Download here: Covid-Nasal-Swabs-Examined-by-Scientists-Reveal-DANGER-2021-10-19.mp4 - 30,389 kb
By: Jim_Crenshaw - 19th October 2021
COVID Nasal Swabs
Examined by Scientists Reveal DANGER

Scientists have been examining the nasal swabs that get shoved up your kids' nose at school all day, and the results will shake your soul. Source: Stew Peters.

More from around the world you may have missed: Physicians Murdering for Money. LIARS. Ivermectin IS APPROVED - PROOF

Air New Zealand
Get Your CLOT SHOT and Fly With Us
17th October 2021

Air New Zealand - Get Your Clot Shot and Fly With Us
Making Mid Air Medical Emergencies Trendy Again

MEDSAFE - The CV-ISMB do not undertake
autopsies for a Causality Assessment
15th October 2021

The COVID-19 Vaccine Independent Safety Monitoring Board (CV-ISMB)

Air New Zealand - Get Your Clot Shot and Fly With Us

Download here: Covid-Jab-Scientist-Discovers-Hatching-Eggs-Parasites-Birthed-After-Injection-2021-10-15.mp4 - 4,628 kb
By: Stew Peters Show - 15th October 2021
Covid Experimental Jab: Scientist Discovers
Hatching Eggs, Parasites Birthed After Injection

This seems really scary. A polish scientist looking into the secret "vaccine" recipe made horrific discoveries! Maybe we know why Ivermectin is working! Get your early treatment protocol NOW, and get right with God!

Dr. Jane Ruby joined the show to discuss.

Download here: Covid-Marburg-Virus-THIS-IS-A-MATTER-OF-LIFE-AND-DEATH-2021-10-15.mp4 - 9,010 kb
By: DavidVose - 15th October 2021

"New vaxxes to kill the uninformed

It appears that Bill Gates is getting ready to scare everyone with the Marburg Virus into getting a ricin-laced vaccine. The vaccines are the preferred method of spreading disease. The depopulation program continues..." Dr. Stephen E. Jones

Download here: Covid-My-heart-did-not-take-too-kindly-to-this-forced-vaccine-2021-10-13.mp4 - 3,900 kb
By: Zay wake up 222 G - 13th October 2021
My heart didn't take too kindly to this forced vaccine

Just got my first dose of the covid vaccine and it wasn't my choice. Ii have never felt so forced to do something in my life.

I was kicked off the transplant list for a kidney. Medicare is threatening to drop me as a patient and two doctors have denied me because I was not vaccinated. So now I am and I'm not happy about it.

So I got the Moderna five days ago. Who wants to take a guess of why I'm here?

Coercion under duress is not a "choice".

The BLACKboard
Lord, please heal that young lady quickly including her kidney.

Doctors have a method for admitting when they're wrong:
1.) They wait 100 years.
2.) They tell us, "Doctors were wrong 100 years ago."

health record
So many MDs willing to participate in this deception. I can't imagine EVER trusting another dr again. Hope all turns out ok for this patient

What decent Dr would actually think it would be a good idea for her to get the jab while living with a failed kidney anyways!?

These stories are heartbreaking. Im lost for words,

2 weeks to flatten the curve...
has turned into 3 shots to feed your family!
12th October 2021

2 weeks to flatten the curve... has turned into 3 shots to feed your family!

A comparison of official Government reports
suggest the Fully Vaccinated are developing
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome - AIDS
By: The Expose - 10th October 2021

Latest UK PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report figures on Covid cases show that doubly vaccinated 40-70 year olds have lost 40% of their immune system capability compared to unvaccinated people. Their immune systems are deteriorating at around 5% per week (between 2.7% and 8.7%). If this continues then 30-50 year olds will have 100% immune system degradation, zero viral defence by Christmas and all doubly vaccinated people over 30 will have lost their immune systems by March next year.

By a concerned reader:

The 5 PHE tables below from their excellent Vaccine Surveillance Report, separated by 4 weeks, clearly show the progressive damage that the vaccines are doing to the immune system’s response.

People aged 40-69 have already lost 40% of their immune system capability and are losing it progressively at 3.3% to 6.4% per week.

Table 1: Weekly Decline in doubly vaccinated immune system performance compared to unvaccinated people…

Table 1: Weekly Decline in doubly vaccinated immune system performance compared to unvaccinated people...

Everybody over 30 will have lost 100% of their entire immune capability (for viruses and certain cancers) within 6 months.

30-50 year olds will have lost it by Christmas. These people will then effectively have full blown acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and destroy the NHS.

The vaccine booster shots have to be the same as the vaccines themselves, because it takes forever to do clinical trials and get approval for something different. So if you take a booster shot, these figures show that you are giving yourself an even faster progressive form of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (after a couple of months of effectiveness).

Table 2. COVID-19 cases by vaccination status…

Cases reported by specimen date between week 32 and week 35 2021:

Cases reported by specimen date between week 32 and week 35 2021:
Cases reported by specimen date between week 33 and week 36 2021:
Cases reported by specimen date between week 33 and week 36 2021:
Cases reported by specimen date between week 34 and week 37 2021:
Cases reported by specimen date between week 34 and week 37 2021:
Cases reported by specimen date between week 35 and week 38 2021:
Cases reported by specimen date between week 35 and week 38 2021:
Cases reported by specimen date between week 36 and week 39 2021:
Cases reported by specimen date between week 36 and week 39 2021:
Pfizer originally claimed a 95% efficiency for their vaccine (calculated as in the last column above). The figures above indicate that their figures may well have been correct immediately after vaccination (the younger age groups have had the vaccine for the shortest time). But the figures above also show that the vaccines do NOT merely lose efficiency over time down to zero efficiency, they progressively damage the immune system until a negative efficiency is realised. They presently leave anybody over 30 in a worse position than they were before vaccination For more see here:

Download here: THE-SEQUEL-TO-THE-FALL-OF-THE-CABAL-PART-18-of-17-2021-10-09.mp4 - 63,794 kb
By: FallCabal - Janet Ossebaard - 9th October 2021
Part 18 /17: Covid-19: Part 1 of multiple episodes
about the biggest medical scam of all times.

Part 18: Covid-19: Part 1 of multiple episodes about the biggest medical scam of all times.
By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter
Music: Alexander Nakarada, Beethoven, Kevin Macleod, AShamaluev, Myuu

This is part 18 of God-knows-how-many-parts-in-total. Part 19 will be uploaded as soon as it's ready.
If you liked this part, please consider supporting our work:
We make these documentaries without being paid, so any donation - no matter how small - is most welcome!
This way we can continue giving our work to the world for free, in order to wake up as many people as possible...

Join our FallCabal Telegram Platform for free daily updates:

Download here: Conservative-Rocker-Ted-Nugent-likens-vaccinated-people-to-sheep-2021-10-06.mp4 - 3,048 kb
By: HOLA - 6th October 2021
Conservative Rocker Ted Nugent
likens vaccinated people to sheep

Rock star Ted Nugent describes beating COVID-19, likens vaccinated people to sheep.

Love Ted! Brains & humor!

Alright, I'm not technically against people who got the vaccine (although I don't have it because I don't trust it at all), but this is freaking hilarious!! I can't help but love crazy Uncle Ted

Hey, agreed. Pureblood for life

This is priceless!

Gotta love Nugent!

Cracks me up every time I see this. He does it w such conviction


I agree. 100%.

Love it!

Waaaaay too much truth from the motor city madman. Ted accurately characterized the sheeple. BAAAAAAAA!!!

He needs to write a song about it

He's just the best thing that's ever come out of Michigan. I don't know what else to say.

Lol good one

Ted and Tom McDonald the only Awake entertainers out there .

He's not wrong

I get it Ted, but when people are told they won't be able to go to work or see their loved ones they cave in. In my mom's case the nursing home told my mom she needed the covid-19 vacation to see her brother, she told them they'd be talking to her attorney. Nursing home called back 20mins later saying they were mistaken and she was free to see her brother.

F'ing love uncle Ted!

Well said

LMAO this guy

Covid Experimental Injection
is like a box of chocolates.
You Never Know What You Will Get!
3rd October 2021

Covid Experimental Injection is like a box of chocolates. You Never Know What You Will Get!

Download here: - 112,885 kb
By: One America News Network - 2nd October 2021
India govt' declares most populated
state officially COVID free
after widespread use of Ivermectin

India's most populated state, with 241 million people, has been declared covid-free after widespread use of Ivermectin. Meanwhile, in American news, pharmaceutical stocks are up sharply, as profits dramatically increase…

While the mainstream media condemns the use of ivermectin, the most populated state in India just declared they are officially COVID free after promoting widespread use of the safe, proven medicine. One America's Pearson Sharp has more.

Download here: Covid-An-Urgent-Message-From-Professor-Sucharit-Bhakdi-MD-2021-10-02.mp4 - 48,381 kb
By: Wardo Rants - 2nd October 2021
An Urgent Message From:
Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D.
We have already reached herd immunity!

The information halfway through (12mins 30sec) explains the reason why people are dropping like flies from blood clots, and is a must see.

As an aside to the interview, Dr. Bhakdi emphasised the urgent need to share the following information that has emerged from new scientific literature.

PLEASE take the time to process this presentation. Dr. Bhakdi explains clearly, based on new scientific evidence, why he believes:

  • Your immune system is your best defence against SARS-CoV-2, and indeed all coronaviruses.
  • If you have been infected, even if you experienced no symptoms at all, you are immune to all variants.
  • We have already reached herd immunity.
  • There is no scientific reason to vaccinate against SARS-CoV-2. There is simply no benefit and the rollout must be stopped.

Links to the scientific papers Dr. Bhakdi refers to. Scientific literature references for Dr. Bhakdi's presentation: (v important DK) v. imp. IgG IgA

response to mRNA vacc. +++ (key spike and IgG after vacc) (third IgG response to vaccine paper)

Download here: Jesus-What-Happened-To-Us-by-Five-Times-August-2021-10-01.mp4 - 12,521 kb
By: FiveTimesAugust - 1st October 2021
"Jesus... What Happened To Us?"
by Five Times August

SHARE THIS EVERYWHERE. The original version of this video was marked age-restricted and demonetized by YouTube. I had to remove/replace certain scenes to appease the overlords. It took 11 different edits and uploads to create a version that wouldn't get flagged. This was edit #11!

#Jesus #Censorship #FiveTimesAugust

"Jesus... What Happened To Us?"
written by Bradley James Skistimas

Shut your mouth, get in line
Just behave or pay the fine
They're pulling on your backbone
And taking out your spine

They want you weak, don't speak
Don't question, don't think
Keep staring at your smart phone
Get dumber every week

Now give up your freedom and shush
Oh Jesus, what happened to us?

Leave the church, kill your faith
Judge the skin and learn to hate
Make yourself the enemy
But call yourself a saint

Learn the rules, be a fool
Remove your kid from school
And apologize for everything
Apologize for you

Now give the TV all of your trust
Oh Jesus, what happened to us?

Mark, Jack, Bill, Joe
They'll tell you what you need to know
They give you your permissions
And tell you where to go

Lights, camera, action, edit
We're so pathetic
You believe it 'cause you watched it
You believe it 'cause they said it

Now everybody stay home and rust
Oh Jesus, what happened to us?

We used to stand and fight
We had a voice alright
We had a life worth living
We had a damn worth giving
Now we're watching it fall
That's the truth of it all

So shut your mouth, get in line
Just behave or pay the fine
They're pulling on your backbone
And taking out your spine

They want you weak, don't speak
Don't question, don't think
Keep staring at your smart phone
Get dumber every week

Don't nobody put up a fuss
Oh Jesus, what's happened to us?

Oh Jesus
Jesus, what happened to us?

Music & Lyrics Copyright 2021 Seven Places Music (ASCAP)

I watched this....then rewatched this... I am almost 70 ... my heart breaks to see WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO US!!!!

This needs to be on every radio station!

These guys are freaking epic. Makes me feel less alone. Mitch from Australia.

Sad to say that this song says it all. Watched it 30 times since a friend forwarded it 24hours ago. Dylan would be proud.

This song should have at least a million views and likes.

Hits right into your heart. It's nothing but the truth. And it's a demand to stand up and fight for freedom, liberty and democracy.

This song is incredible. And the video too. Each one of those images, though they go by so quickly, each one tells a story. A story that so many of us have watched on our screens, and many are living through directly. This song gets better each time I listen and watch. The lyrics are perfect. Thank you for creating this. It inspires me and reminds me that we have a lot to fight for. America can overcome this. But sadly, the prerequisite is some suffering in the short term. Hold on folks, it's going to be a bumpy ride...

Man. This song really hits home. It hurts because it is true.

I miss when musicians spoke the truth.....

You are a national treasure. This is what music is supposed to do.

Your remarkable words...voice...touch heart, mind, and soul - TRUTH. Absolutely remarkable song...speaks for millions, globally. I pray you keep voicing out. God help us all.

This song makes me feel stronger but makes me tear up as well. Just found you and sharing all your songs.

Bradley is one of the best songwriters of our time.

God bless and use the message of this powerful song

By far,, this is the greatest song of it's era. No wonder YT is "restricting" it.

Download here: Covid-NSW-Government-Cases-Of-Covid-Will-Occur-In-Vaccinated-People-As-No-Vaccine-Is-Perfect-2021-10-01.mp4 - 709 kb
By: Genenguy HHN - 1st October 2021
NSW Government: Cases of Covid Will Occur
in Vaccinated People - As No Vaccine is Perfect

Dr Kerry Chant (Chief Medical Officer of New South Wales, Australia): "When the majority of the population is vaccinated, the cases of Covid that you see will occur more in vaccinated people; because the fact is no vaccine is perfect!"

Download here: Covid-You-Sir-Are-The-One-Ignoring-Science-Rand-Paul-Battle-Becerra-Over-COVID-19-Rules-2021-10-01.mp4 - 30,233 kb
By: Forbes Breaking News - 1st October 2021
'You Sir, Are The One Ignoring Science':
Rand Paul Battles Becerra Over COVID-19 Rules

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) grilled HHS Sec. Xavier Becerra during a Senate Health Committee hearing on Thursday.

The only product in history whose failure is blamed on those who didn't use it.

Justwatching Utube
"It takes considerable knowledge just to understand the extent of your ignorance"
-Thomas Sowell

Erich Purkiss
This isn't a battle this is a man holding logic vs someone who doesn't care about the consequences. He isn't even listening. Stay safe out there everyone their coming for us

Notice how Bacerra cites no studies, no research, no science. He simply makes a statement based on a call to authority, which is by definition illogical, and often, deceiving.

Troy Drury
When asked if he was a doctor, he didn't just say no. Wow! These people sure are self important.

Download here: Covid-ALIENS-Dr-Carrie-Madej-First-US-Lab-Examines-Vaccine-Vials-HORRIFIC-Findings-Revealed-2021-09-29.mp4 - 95,175 kb
By: Stew Peters Show - 29th September 2021
ALIENS: Dr. Carrie Madej: First U.S. Lab Examines
"Vaccine" Vials, HORRIFIC Findings Revealed

Dr. Carrie Madej joined Stew Peters today and appeared obviously shook up by what she had seen, after examining Moderna and J&J "vaccine" vials. [Animated nano alien / spider like creatures assembling themselves and walking...]

Democrat leaders all over the country have spent the past year trying to force as many people as they can to get vaccinated against COVID-19. In order to make this happen, they've teamed up with the leftist media to try and silence anyone who dares to question what's actually in the vaccines, to begin with.

That's why Dr. Carrie Madej can be described as the leftwing establishment's worst nightmare. She's one of the few people who has actually had the chance to examine what's really in the vaccine vials that are being forced into the arms of millions of people, and she told our very own Stew Peters yesterday that she was nothing short of horrified by what she saw.

Back in July, Madej was brought in by a lab in Georgia to examine a vial of the Moderna vaccine. After placing it on a glass slide and waiting two hours before observing it under a microscope, Madej was horrified to see that "colors appeared which I've never seen anything like… There wasn't a chemical reaction happening. It was a brilliant blue and royal purple and a yellow and sometimes green.

And so there were these colors appearing, I did not know what that was."

By James Samson
September 29, 2021

Animated nano alien / spider like creatures assembling themselves and walking...

are Invading Earth - Why?
29th September 2021
Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why? . LONDON, ENGLAND . Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why?

Maman - giant spider - at Tate Modern in London, England. Artist Louise Bourgeois. Year 2000
Maman - giant spider - at Tate Modern in London, England. Artist Louise Bourgeois. Year 2000

Louise Bourgeois

Maman (Ama)

Like a creature escaped from a dream, or a larger-than-life embodiment of a secret childhood fear, the giant spider Maman (1999) casts a powerful physical and psychological shadow. Over 30 feet high, the mammoth sculpture is one of the most ambitious undertakings in the long career of Louse Bourgeois. Over a vast oeuvre spanning more than sixty years, Bourgeois plumbed the depths of human emotion further and more passionately than perhaps any other artist of her time. In its evocation of the psyche, her work is both universal and deeply personal, with frequent, explicit reference to painful childhood memories of an unfaithful father and a loving but complicit mother.

Meghan Dailey

Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why? . CANADA . Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why?

Maman -giant spider - at the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa. Artist Louise Bourgeois. Year 1999
Maman - giant spider - at the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa. Artist Louise Bourgeois. Year 1999

Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why? . SPAIN . Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why?

Maman -giant spider - at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain. Artist Louise Bourgeois. Year 1999
Maman - giant spider - at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain. Artist Louise Bourgeois. Year 1999

Maman (sculpture)

Maman (1999) is a bronze, stainless steel, and marble sculpture by the artist Louise Bourgeois. The sculpture, which depicts a spider, is among the world's largest, measuring over 30 ft high and over 33 ft wide (927 x 891 x 1024 cm). It includes a sac containing 32 marble eggs and its abdomen and thorax are made of ribbed bronze.

The title is the familiar French word for Mother (akin to Mummy). The sculpture was created in 1999 by Bourgeois as a part of her inaugural commission of The Unilever Series (2000), in the Turbine Hall at London's Tate Modern. This original was created in steel, with an edition of six subsequent castings in bronze.

Bourgeois chose the Modern Art Foundry to cast the sculpture because of its reputation and work.

Philosophy and Meaning:

The sculpture picks up the theme of the arachnid that Bourgeois had first contemplated in a small ink and charcoal drawing in 1947, continuing with her 1996 sculpture Spider. It alludes to the strength of Bourgeois' mother, with metaphors of spinning, weaving, nurture and protection. Her mother, Josephine, was a woman who repaired tapestries in her father's textile restoration workshop in Paris. When Bourgeois was twenty-one, she lost her mother to an unknown illness. A few days after her mother's passing, in front of her father (who did not seem to take his daughter's despair seriously), Louise threw herself into the Bièvre River; he swam to her rescue.

"The Spider is an ode to my mother. She was my best friend. Like a spider, my mother was a weaver. My family was in the business of tapestry restoration, and my mother was in charge of the workshop. Like spiders, my mother was very clever. Spiders are friendly presences that eat mosquitoes. We know that mosquitoes spread diseases and are therefore unwanted. So, spiders are helpful and protective, just like my mother." - Louise Bourgeois

From Wikipedia

Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why? . TOKYO, JAPAN . Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why?

Maman - giant spider - at the Mori Art Musem, Tokyo, Japan. Artist Louise Bourgeois. Year 2000
Maman - giant spider - at the Mori Art Musem, Tokyo, Japan. Artist Louise Bourgeois. Year 2000

Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why? . SOUTH KOREA . Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why?

Maman - giant spider - at Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, South Korea. Artist Louise Bourgeois
Maman - giant spider - at Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, South Korea. Artist Louise Bourgeois

Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why? . ARKANSAS, USA . Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why?

Maman - giant spider - at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, Arkansas, USA. Artist	Louise Bourgeois
Maman - giant spider - at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art,
Bentonville, Arkansas, USA. Artist Louise Bourgeois

Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why? . DOHA, QATAR . Statues of Arachnids are invading the Earth. Why?

Maman - giant spider - at Qatar National Convention Center, Doha, Qatar. Artist Louise Bourgeois
Maman - giant spider - at Qatar National Convention Center, Doha, Qatar. Artist Louise Bourgeois

Covid-19 T-Shirt
- The Final Variant is Called Communism
29th September 2021

Covid-19 T-Shirt - The Final Variant is Called Communism

Download here: Covid-The-Covid-Vaccine-Testimonies-Project-the-movie-2021-09-28.mp4 - 401,341 kb
By: ron9898 - 28th September 2021
The Covid Vaccine Testimonies
Project - The Movie
I love mass genocide!

The Covid Vaccine Testimonies Project was created to provide a platform for all those who were affected after getting the Covid-19 vaccines, and to make sure that their voices are heard, since they are not heard in the Israeli media.

We hope that this project will encourage more and more people to tell their Covid Experimental Injection story.

(2:05) Heart Problems
(19:30) Bleeding and Miscarriages
(25:08) Disease Outbreak
(31:42) Blood Clots
(39:15) Infections and Inflammations
(43:16) Skin Problems
(48:10) Neurological Problems

Download here: Covid-Yet-Another-Vaccine-Injury-Compilation-2021-09-28.mp4 - 77,343 kb
By: AngelikkaSevenScoreThree - 28th September 2021
Yet Another Vaccine Injury Compilation
Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca...
But the Government/s and Drug Companies wouldn't lie to us? Would they?

Why will the Mainstream Media not allow their viewers to see this footage? Why are governments all around the World not allowing us to see this footage?????

This video is not going to be for everybody. It is sad but the truth needs to be revealed as these many stories are obviously not making it out into the general public.

Remember : United We Stand - Divided We Fall : The enemy is common and hates us all equally. Remember this too........ The ProAbortionist(s) in abomination CLAIM My Body My Right.......... so go ahead and Claim your Body RE VAX....... My Body My Right - I Say No to VAX - Vax contains *parasites (*it's what they call aborted fetus matter) and tracking chip

Download here: Covid-AUDIO-Natural-Doctor-What-the-Covid-Experimental-Vaccines-Actually-Do-To-You-2021-09.mp4 - 4,420 kb
By: Natural Doctor - September 2021
What the Covid Experimental
Vaccines Actually Do To You
Incredible summary of the Covid Injection & Genocide

Current Plan:

2 jabs, then 4 booster shots - to completely shut down your immune system and make those who survive fully dependant upon the pharmaceutical companies.

Audio transcript:

"Okay, so I'm a Natural Doctor and I have 1,600 patients - many are vaccinated. Just to give you a little back story about my credibility.

What I've seen so far and what I've learned, is all information from physicians, medical physicians, natural physicians and also immunisation and virology doctors and things like that and then also nurses.

So what I'm about to share with you is the 1st vaccine, the 2nd vaccine and the boosters and what it does to your body. The 1st vaccine, as it goes into your body it has a small amount of saline and then a whole bunch of ingredients that are very catastrophic to your cellular system. What that does to your immune system, which is your bone marrow, your thymus gland, your spleen and all other systems associated with your immune system. It decreases the ability to produce white blood cells by 50% from your 1st vaccine. Then, 8 weeks later, which is white blood cell reproductive system, so your ability to make another generation of white cells is 8 weeks, that's why they set it up 8 weeks later, to hit it again.

So you hit the white blood cell ability while it is down. So now what you do is now we're,.. they decrease the saline in the 2nd one and they increase the harmful ingredients, so now you have a shift in the ingredients. So they decrease the saline and increase - so now there's a shift, and then what they do is that 2nd dose, attacks your ability to make white blood cells by an additional 25%. So now you only have a white blood cell ability, like the ability to make white blood cells, functioning at 25%. So you just wiped out 75% of your military, and the ability to make that military.

Then what they do is the, send in the booster. The booster has 81 strands of foreign bacteria that your cells have never come across; so you don't have the antibodies to fight it. You only have 25% of your white blood cell production to be able to fight it, so it's a losing battle. So then when you starts to happen is you start to get chronic inflammation that goes to the areas that you had, you had predisposition. So if you were someone that has got gut health issues, that's your area that it's going to focus on; and you're going to have inflammation in the gut health.

If it's respiratory, if you have a tumour, or cancer, or if you have say endometriosis, or you have a skin condition, whatever that is, it's going to inflame that area, because now the body has hit the sympathetic nervous system, which is the fight or flight, and the body has, is in a chronic inflammatory state, with a low immunity and then a low immune response.

Then you get your 2nd booster. What the 2nd booster has, it has 8 strands of HIV, and now what that does is it completely shuts off your ability to make white blood cells. And if you Google what that disease is, it is HIV. So now we have people that are walking around with no immune system, no ability to make an immune system, 81 strands of foreign bacteria, and then also 8 strands of foreign HIV, along with all the other harmful ingredients, and then they remove all the saline from the 1st and 2nd booster.

Now, to make matters worse, during this process, 20-30% of the population is going to die, every single series of this process. There's 4 series. They have 3 more boosters that are coming out, and the reason why, is because, once they make you so that your immune system can't make white blood cells anymore, you become, dependant on the boosters to survive, just like someone becomes dependant on insulin.

Big Pharma is looking for people that, either die off, to protect our population control, and those that don't die off, we will have reoccurring customers for life, with the boosters, so that they will be able to maintain income and collect the money back, from all the funding they put in, to make these vaccines in the first place.

So, hope you, hope that was helpful? I hope that you listened to this properly, and, I hope that you take the time to do your own critical thinking and just give it 2-3 years. Every single animal that participated in this study, for any of these vaccines, had a 100% death rate; and I encourage you all to just take a moment, look around you, and, and just wait it out, and let's just see, what, let nature take it's course, and let's just see what happens. Thank you."

Download here: Traitor-John-Keys-take-away-the-liberties-of-the-unvaccinated-and-segregates-society-2021-09-26.mp4 - 79,903 kb
By: 1 News - 26th September 2021
John Keys - Take Away the Liberties of
the Unvaccinated and Segregate Society

John Key backs move to 'take away liberties' to make people get Covid jab.

The former PM suggests a carrot-and-stick approach to vaccines.

Video: "More than 51,000 doses of the vaccine were administered yesterday, bringing the total now to more than 5 million. Almost 1.8 million eligible New Zealanders are now fully vaccinated. It comes as a former prime minister calls for a tougher approach against those choosing not to get the jab..."

Former prime minister John Keys says: "Take away the liberties of the unvaccinated... If you say to young people in particular you can't go to Rhythm and Vines, you can't go to a nightclub, I'm pretty sure you'll find that they'll be less worried about whether their arm is going to be magnetised and actually get to the truth..."

..The former prime minister says: "..mandatory workplace vaccinations need to be considered as part of our strategy..."

Download here: Covid-Doctor-Vernon-Coleman-blows-the-whistle-on-the-COVID-19-VACCINE-2021-09-25.mp4 - 194,978 kb
By: StoneFaithPatriot - 25th September 2021
Doctor Vernon Coleman blows the whistle
on the COVID-19 "VACCINE"


Truthbomber, 6 weeks ago
I'm afraid that at this point everyone that's pushing the vac is aware of How deadly the vac is and they are part of the cabal and are helping them push agenda 21

God bless us all.

Doctors attend annual and semi-annual seminars to keep themselves up to date on the latest medications, treatments, procedures, illnesses, and viruses. I suspect that doctors and their staff have been unwittingly brainwashed unbeknownst to them. I believe that something similar to MK Ultra has been used on the majority a vast majority of doctors, nurses, and other medical specialists in that manner, so they have no idea as to what ti is that they doing.

One highly touted doctor who is recognized and respected by his peers worldwide for the books and journals he has authored, and for his innovations in medicine and various groundbreaking procedures in various fields of medicine. He recently stated in an interview that many doctors that he knows personally and highly respects them for the work that they do in their field of medicine, these doctors have been and ARE doing things to treat COVID patients that they would NEVER do in a million years, and their actions are killing their patients - ALL of their patients. He has seen them and spoken to them and describes their behavior thusly; "It's like they are in a trance. They are functioning almost as if they were machinery." THAT raises questions of MK Ultra brainwashing techniques. The CIA used (and possibly STILL uses) these techniques to program people to carry out various actions that they would normally NEVER do.

Consider for a moment the shooters in the majority of the many mass shootings that have happened in the U.S.A. over the years. They all seem to be in a trance, as if they are brainwashed. Something triggers them to do what they do. Now that our public education system is KNOWN to be programming children with a hatred of capitalism and the U.S.A., and a strong affinity for socialism, how much of a stretch is it to believe that a majority of them were programmed right in their school classrooms to become deeply involved in BLM, ANTIFA, and other similar organizations, then riot in the streets. Possible.

Download here: Covid-19-BREAKING-Worldwide-Call-to-STOP-VAXX-NOW-Doctors-Scientists-Reveal-Findings-2021-09-24.mp4 - 79,903 kb
By: Stew Peters Show - 24th September 2021
BREAKING: Worldwide Call to STOP
Doctors, Scientists Reveal Findings

Dr. Jane Ruby joined Stew Peters to break information about a group of hundreds of global doctors and scientists that have delivered findings to the worldwide media, and have issued a chilling warning!

Clark_Elite, 1 day ago
It's true, I've been warning of this before Covid-19 was even heard of.. Its been planned for 11 years

If you follow the patents on the virus AND the vaccines, his has been in the works for twenty years

Did you realize what you said?... They put patents on a manmade virus meant to infect people, in other words, it's a planned bio-weapon protected by patents to make them much money, both the Covid-19 virus and the so-called vaccines...

If you understand what any virus is. It is NOT an organism. It is a programmed organic device that requires "living" cells from an organism to reproduce and damage more living cells. They don't eat, they don't poop. Even a single cell organism and parasite do these basic things.

It was always about the vaccine. It is the virus. No one will ever inject me with anything ever again. I will never use western medicine again. Sorry but ACM and aromatherapy are way better and far more effective. Oh and cheaper

I remember seeing friends of mine posting on Facebook about a future with mandatory vaccines being used to control us. That was years ago.

Download here: Covid-Funeral-Director-John-OLooney-Confirms-What-We-Have-Suspected-2021-09-23.mp4 - 62,067 kb
By: Stew Peters Show - 23rd September 2021
Funeral Director John O'Looney Confirms
What We've Suspected - Stew Peters Show

John O'Looney has seen deaths from the beginning, and what he has seen as an undertaker supports what many of us have suspected.

Funeral Director John O'Looney Confirms What We've Suspected - Stew Peters Show

Download here: Covid-Dr-Vladimir-Zelenko-Physician-of-Presidents-The-injection-is-going-to-cause-2-billion-deaths-2021-09-23.mp4 - 2,841 kb
By: THEWATCHTOWERS - 23rd September 2021
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko - Physician of Presidents
The injection is going to cause 2,000,000,000 deaths

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko takes a BIG RISK by telling all!

....."This is a level of malfeasance and malevolence that we have not seen probably in the history of humanity"..... except when the Bolsheviks took control of Russia and Ukraine in 1920's to 40's....

This is worse, cause we are talking global

This man is such a hero. My heart breaks for him that no one listens - further proof that they will push their evil agenda until most of us are dead.

Gods blessing upon you dr Zelenko

Thanks to Dr Zelenko. This brave doc saved so many lives. God will bless him.

The goal is getting rid of natural humans oh clueless ones. They want patented chimeras they own, a dumbed down antenna driven cyborg.
They are culling the herd, as the herd culls other beings we share the planet with. If humanity followed their herbivore design and were vegan, none of this would be happening.

I fully agree with you...
"There will always be battlefields while there are slaughter houses" - Author Unknown...
People erroneously think they can target shoot at animals and birds and be free from karmic burdens...

World leaders are complicit in Global Genocide!

Download here: Covid-19-US-FDA-Warn-That-Pfizer-Vaccine-Kills-5-people-to-Save-1-Life-2021-09-17.mp4 - 6,391 kb
By: U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) - 17th September 2021

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
WARN that Pfizer Vaccines
Kill 5 People to Save 1 Life!!!

Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee - 9/17/2021

Join us for a Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee meeting to discuss Pfizer-BioNTech's supplemental Biologics License Application for administration of a third dose, or "booster" dose, of the COVID-19 vaccine, Comirnaty, in individuals 16 years of age and older.

[Note: The above section of the 8:09:40 long Virtual Meeting video, was taken from the 4:20:23 mark and onwards.]

At 4:20:31 on the original FDA Virtual Meeting video, FDA member Steve Kirsch (the Executive Director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund) said: "Pfizer vaccine kills more people than it saves."

FDA member Steve Kirsch, Executive Director COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund said: 'Pfizer vaccine kills more people than it saves.'

Traitors such as: Presidents / Prime Ministers / Health Officials (*see below) are FULLY AWARE that these EXPERIMENTAL DRUGS are KILLING more people than the original heavily patented biological warfare weapon, which is falsely called the SARS-COV-2 virus. This is why the SARS-COV-2 virus has never been isolated by any laboratory Globally; for if it was isolated, they will find that this is actually a heavily patented biological warfare weapon - that was 'designed' to KILL PEOPLE. Further, the ownership of the patents traces back to Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci etc.

* Traitors complicit in this GENOCIDE are: Anthony Fauci - Nancy Pelosi - Joe Biden - Barack Obama - Bill Gates - Hillary Clinton - George H. W. Bush - Bill Clinton - George Soros - George W. Bush - Robert Mueller - John McCain USA - World Health Organisation - United Nations - Queen Elizabeth II - Prince Charles - Prince Andrew - John Howard - Bob Hawk - Paul Keating - Jacinda Ardern - Ashley Bloomfield - John Key - Helen Clark etc

Transcript from FDA Virtual Meeting @ 4:20:23 onwards:
(original video:

"Thank you Dr. Freeman. The next speaker is Mr Steve Kirsch."

"Hi, I'm Steve Kersh. I'm Executive Director of the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund.

I have no conflicts.

Uh, advance to slide number four with the elephant. I'm going to focus my remarks today on the elephant in the room that nobody likes to talk about - that the vaccines kill more people than they save.

Today we focus almost exclusively on Covid death saves and vaccine efficacy, because we were led to believe that the vaccines are perfectly safe. But this is simply not true. For example there were four times as many heart attacks in the treatment group in the Pfizer six-month trial report; that wasn't bad luck. The error shows heart attacks happened 71 times more often following these vaccines, compared to any other vaccine. In all, 20 people died who got the drug, 14 died who got the placebo. Few people noticed that. If the net all caused mortality from the vaccines is negative, vaccines boosters and mandates are all nonsensical. This is the case today.

Death rates, um, let's slide number seven, advance uh to the number seven, in lower, a part. This shows that the all cause death light rate in three cases, only the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) numbers are statistically significant; but the other numbers are troubling. Even if the vaccines have 100 protection, it still means we killed two people to save one life.

Four experts did analyses using completely different non US data sources and all of them came up with approximately the same number of excess vaccine related deaths. About 411 deaths per million doses. That translates into 150,000 people have died!

The next slide would be slide number 11. Uh, the nursing home. Now the real numbers confirm that we kill more than we save and I will, uh, I would love everyone to look at the Israel Ministry of Health data on the 90-plus year olds, where we went to, we went from a 94.4% vaccinated group to 82.9% vaccinated in the last four months. In the most optimistic scenario it means that 50% of the vaccinated people died and 0% of unvaccinated people died. Unless you can explain that to the American public, you cannot approve the boosters.

Slide number 16 please. Myocarditis. Uh, the paper just posted yesterday on Med Archive entitled mRNA Covid-19 Vaccination Development of CMR confirmed Myocarditis, shows that the Myocarditis risk was one in a thousand and that's an overall age range from 16, uh, 18 to 65 mean age of 33. It is not inconsistent with what the VAERS shows.

Next slide would be slide number 18 - gaming of the trial. It's pretty clear that the Pfizer trial results were gained. It's statistically impossible for protocol violation to be five times higher in the treatment group. Why hasn't this been investigated?

Slide number 19. Um, Maddie de Gray was, was 12 when she enrolled in the Pfizer phase 3 trial for kids. Now she's paralyzed for life. It wasn't recorded by - in the Pfizer results. I told Janet Woodcock there was no investigation. Please tell us why this was not - why this fraud was not investigated?

And finally, um, slide number 20 please. Um, early treatments are much better alternative to boosters. The proof is that in Israel - cases are at an all time high. In India, Uttar Pradesh is now Covid-19 free, as of today! Almost NOBODY there is vaccinated.

Thank you."

"Okay, thank you, uh..."

Download here: Covid-19-Man-Follows-Maskless-Woman-In-Store-And-Attempts-To-Shame-Her-2021-09-17.mp4 - 19,415 kb
By: TheDC Shorts - 17th September 2021
Man Follows Maskless Woman
in Store and Attempts to Shame Her

The man, wearing a 'vaccinated' badge, tries to shame the woman and calls her a "bad American."

Paul Legge
I'm glad others actually stepped up to defend that first woman. People are out of control.

Anna Fitzpatrick
He looks like the kind of man excited over boosters every 4 months.

Guess he is allergic to getting knocked out, that's why he runs around picking on women and not men.

Tristy Price
These people are behaving like they are brain damaged, Trying to start fights with strangers,Bullying other people and harassing them it's ridiculous

Respect to the people for defending the woman being harrassed in Target.

Ryan Brown
these people would line up single file for the firing squad if they were told to do so.

Download here: Covid-2030-UnMasked-Covid-Vaccine-Variants-2021-09-16.mp4 - 108,748 kb
By: 2030 Unmasked - - 16th September 2021
2030 UnMasked - Covid Vaccine Variants

A segment from the 2030 UnMasked Documentary describing the origin of the virus and where the variants are coming from. Once you realize the virus was created for the vaccine - everything else makes more sense.

Download here: Covid-19-Law-Nurse-Records-Conversation-As-Shes-Fired-For-Refusing-Vaccine-2021-09-16.mp4 - 6,748 kb
By: TheDC Shorts - 16th September 2021
Nurse Records Conversation as
She's Fired for Refusing Vaccine

Unvaccinated nurses show up to work, Kentucky, USA


Nurse: "Are we terminated? Is that what you said?"


Nurse: "You said we're terminated. did you say that we were terminated?"

"Your access has been denied..."

Nurse: "Are we terminated?

"Yes you are."

Nurse: "Okay, so you're firing us?"

"You are off payroll effective..."

Nurse: "You firing us?"

"I will not answer your specific questions. I have told you what I'm doing..."

Nurse: "But i have not quit. So am I being fired?"

"You are being terminated."

The footage then shows other nurses experiences...

The fact that they wouldn't give them termination letters is telling.

Roger Doodle
"You guys did have a choose." Holding a gun up to someone's head and telling them to get vaccinated or I'll shoot you is NOT a choice. That is a Mafia Boss. This is getting disgusting!

How's everyone feeling about all the unity this pathetic administration is bringing to the table?. Orange Man bad though. Allegedly 80 million legitimate votes? Not a chance

Daniel Luevanos
"This doesn't have to get ugly" old bat talkin like shes seen a situation get ugly for real lmao wait till someone takes the blame out on her for messing with other people's money and livelihood I've seen people do some craazy shit when they get desperate

michael roberts
When they came for the nurses, you weren't a nurse...and when they come for you, there will be nobody to help/stand for YOU.

Scott Hellmann
Last year's heroes are now treated as this year's criminals. This is absolutely disgusting... We all need to stand up to this monstrosity just like this nurse.

Download here: Covid-Jeff-Rense-Vaccine-Exemptions-That-Will-Astound-You-2021-09-15.mp4 - 6,510 kb
By: TruthVault - 15th September 2021
Jeff Rense
Vaccine Exemptions That Will Astound You

Audio Transcript:

"The groups that have been exempted from getting the vaccines. All of Congress, plus all the Congressional Staff, House and Senate. That's a lot of people.

  • 6,000 White House employees all exempted
  • 2,500 Pfizer employees exempted
  • 1,500 Moderna employees
  • 120,000 Johnson and Johnson employees all exempted
  • 15,000 CDC (Centre of Disease Control) employees
  • 14,000 FDA (Federal Drug Administration) employees exempted
  • 8,000,000 Chinese students in this country (USA) 8,000,000! How many of them are PLA, CCP? 85-90% that's how many. I can tell you that. Exempted. Here's another one:
  • 2,000,000 illegal invaders exempted. They don't have to get the shot
  • 500,000 homeless people

Now what is going on here? Let me throw another one in. This is going to be the cherry on top. At least 500,000 homeless tent and street people are exempted. So they, whoever is planning this, want these people to survive and to take a significant role in the numbers of potential survivors; and those who are in the cities, 500,000 homeless and street people; and again I'll repeat, some are there of no fault of their own, I get that. Many are completely at the bottom of the food chain and they're not to be vaccinated.

If the vaccine worked, which it doesn't, they would be protecting these people - but they're not. The vaccine is a failure.

The vaccines is a coming mass genocide. Politicians and pharmaceutical companies want no part of the coming kill off..."

"The rest of us, must get injected or lose our job"

ENGLAND - 30,305 people died within 21 days
of having a Covid-19 Vaccine during the
first 6 months of 2021 according to ONS data

By: The Expose - 15th September 2021

Official Office for National Statistics data has inadvertently revealed that 30,305 people have died within twenty-one days of having a Covid-19 vaccine in England during the first 6 months of 2021.

Dozens of freedom of information requests have been made to Public Health England (PHE) over the past few months requesting to know how many people have died within 28 days of having a Covid-19 vaccine, but each and every time PHE have claimed they do "not hold the information requested."

Public Health Scotland last published the figures on the 23rd June 2021 in their 'Covid-19 Statistical Report' in which they revealed 5,522 people had died within 28 days of having a Covid-19 vaccine between December 8th 2020 and June 11th 2021 in Scotland.

Public Health Scotland - 5,522 people died within 28 days of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine in Scotland...

PHS were also able to reveal the numbers by brand of vaccine and date of occurrence in a published spreadsheet found here. The spreadsheet shows that:

  • 1,877 people died with 28 days of having the Pfizer mRNA jab;
  • 3,643 people died within 28 days of having the AstraZeneca viral vector jab;
  • and 2 people died within 28 days of having the Moderna mRNA jab.

The reason people have been requesting to know the number of people to have died within 28 days of having a Covid-19 vaccine is because these are the exact same parameters that have been used to count alleged Covid-19 deaths for the majority of the alleged pandemic.

Deaths are counted as Covid-19 if they occur within 28 days of a positive test, however, in the beginning they were actually counting deaths as Covid-19 if they occurred within 60 days of a positive test.

But it would seem PHE have been able to elude the requests made for the number of people who have died after having the Covid-19 jab thanks to a technicality. That technicality being the number of days used in their request, because we have discovered that they do hold the data on the number of people to have died after having a Covid-19 injection.

But it isn't the number of people who have died within 28 days, it is instead the number of people who have died within 21 days of having a Covid-19 vaccine, and the figures have just been published inadvertently by the Office for National Statistics.

A report published by the ONS on September 13th 2021 was a clear attempt to dupe the public into believing the majority of Covid-19 deaths are occurring among the unvaccinated population. But the date parameters used in their report include a huge swathe of deaths that occurred during the second alleged wave of Covid-19 in January 2021, when barely anybody was vaccinated.

The cut off point was also the 2nd July 2021, meaning deaths that have occurred during the summer third wave that we are currently experiencing have not been included.

Graph taken from the UK Governments Covid-19 Dashboard

As you can see from the above graph taken from the UK Governments Covid-19 Dashboard the vast majority of Covid-19 deaths during the period used in the ONS report occurred during the second wave when the vaccine programme had only just begun, so of course the vast majority of deaths occurred among the unvaccinated population.

However, if ONS had decided to cover the third wave that we are currently experiencing then you would have seen that 75% of people who have died with Covid-19 were in fact vaccinated, and just 25% of people who have died were not vaccinated.

Table 5 of Public Health England's 'Vaccine Surveillance Report'

Table 5 of Public Health England's 'Vaccine Surveillance Report' found here, shows that between August 9th and September 5th 2021 there were 600 Covid-19 deaths among the unvaccinated population, 97 deaths among the partly vaccinated population, and 1,659 deaths among the fully vaccinated population.

So as you can see the vast majority of deaths during this current wave of Covid-19 are occurring among the vaccinated population, but of course ONS didn't want you to know that so they left it out. But we bet they didn't plan on revealing the number of people who have died within 21 days of having a Covid-19 vaccine like they have...

Fully Vaxxed People Maybe Reclassified as
Unvaccinated - if They Don't Take Every
Experimental Injection and Pill

13th September 2021

By: Andrew Torba, CEO,

Many of the people who received either one or two shots are beginning to wake up. They were told by the "experts" that they just needed to get the shot and things would get back to normal. Things are far from normal and now they are being told that they will likely need to get multiple booster shots and even a pill to treat Covid-19.

Thankfully, many of them are taking a stand and fighting back.

On September 10th it was reported that a New York hospital is going to pause baby deliveries after a "spate of resignations" by maternity unit workers who refused to inject an experimental substance into their bodies.

Over the weekend I received a direct message from a NASA engineer who informed me that "almost all the engineers here have all banded together and are forcing NASA admin to fire them (both vaccinated and unvaccinated alike). NASA is on a hiring freeze, so firing all these folks would essentially kill the Artemis mission."

Many people believed they were "fully vaccinated" after two shots. They trusted the system. They believed things would get "back to normal." They took the shots, often reluctantly, with these things in mind and they are quickly finding out that they've been lied to.

Now they are preparing to be labeled "unvaccinated" again if they refuse to get yet another shot. Look on the bright side: Moderna's shares jumped 5% on news that they revealed a new single shot booster.

Meanwhile tens of millions of Americans face being fired, kicked out of school, removed from our Military, refused medical care, and more for having faith in the immune system God gave them to overcome a virus with a 99%+ survival rate for the overwhelming majority of the population.

This all comes after Pseudo-President Joe Biden declared war on 80 million (or likely way more) Americans who refused to participate in the biggest lab rat experiment in human history.

I've been writing about concepts like the need for a parallel economy, a parallel internet, and a parallel society throughout all of 2021. But what does that actually look like?

We are about to find out.

If you've already been vaccinated you can join those of us who have not been by refusing to get any of these booster shots. At some point enough of us need to say enough is enough. The way this is going to work is even if you've received two shots already they are going to group you in with us "unvaccinated" people because without the booster you will no longer be "fully vaccinated." So you might as well unite with the rest of us and start building something new.

All of the best, most talented, and smartest people are critical thinkers. They are builders. Doers. They are quickly leaving the existing system. What will be left is low quality talent. The "yes" men people who will shut up, do what they are told, and get their 15th booster shot to keep their job. My heart goes out to these people, but you all know exactly the type I'm talking about.

The existing system will begin to collapse under a sea of "vaccinated" talent shortages, incompetence, and woke political nonsense.

Hospitals won't (and already can't) find much needed nursing talent. NASA missions will be aborted. Schools won't be able to find teachers. Businesses who are already having trouble filling open positions will be forced to compete with businesses who don't pry into your healthcare privacy. You can't just cut off 80 million people and not expect your business and country to suffer.

The society of obedient regime sheep will chug along for a while, but inevitably it will succumb under the weight of market forces from a growing new parallel society.

Companies without mandates will perform better and get all of the best talent. Doctors will start private practices. Families will begin to homeschool their children. Blue states and major cities will see a mass exodus unlike anything in American history.

All we have to do is say no and start building a new society for ourselves. We need to take control of our own destiny here and do what needs to be done to protect our families and preserve our values and indeed our own humanity.

I believe that God has a plan, as He always does, for what is unfolding on a global scale today. Now more than ever we must keep the faith and do as Christians have always done: survive and thrive. Do you think it was "easy" for the Pilgrims to set out for a new land and start building from scratch? Of course not, but they did it and ended up building the greatest country in the history of the world. Do you think it was "easy" for first century Christians to spread the Gospel? Of course not, but today billions of Christians know that Christ is on the throne because of their work and sacrifice.

In a lot of ways we are the modern Pilgrims of our time, seeking religious freedom and sovereignty to escape the rule of a tyrannical elite who hate us. Their blood runs in our veins, the spirit of their plight is in our hearts, and most importantly their God is our God.

We can and must do this. Force their hand. Band together with other like minded people at your school and work to say: "No, we will not comply." Then start your pilgrimage to a new parallel society where Jesus is King, family values matter, and freedom rings.

To God Be The Glory,

Andrew Torba
Only Jesus Saves

Download here: Covid-19-Family-divided-over-COVID-19-vaccines-following-members-death-shortly-after-taking-the-vaccine-2021-09-12.mp4 - 8,416 kb
By: SABC News - 12th September 2021

Family Divided over COVID-19 Vaccines
Following Member's DEATH
Shortly After Taking the Vaccine

A Pretoria family finds themselves divided on the issue of vaccines after a loved one died shortly after taking the vaccine.

The Mother has been vaccinated but her daughter is left doubtful after her grandfather's sudden death

Health Experts say people with severe underlying causes or those who have COVID-19 when vaccinated might have serious reactions. But have reassured the public that Vaccines are safe.

They say global figures show that more than 99% of COVID-19 deaths are unvaccinated people.

Keobakile Mahura
I'm surprised youtube allowed this story to even enjoy 10 minutes on their platform, but it won't last, this is what they don't want people to hear.

Zozibini Ngqula
Thanks SABC for the confirmation

Lethebela Phala
The silence of Doctors on this trials is too loud

Colin Zungu
Somebody had a courage to bring us this story. There are people who still believe in unbiased truth. Those who propagate lies will regret it sooner or later. Funny part no one will ever be held liable.

Jason Georgiades
I will sue any company that tries to force vaccines.

Shotta Zulu
Yeah that part. Keep yall death mix in a bottle

Jordan Thomas
I will never take a experimental product from anything that has a 99% survival rate! Sorry I don't want to be part of your "blind belief in authority" cult.

Indiana Joe
So they're still divided? Must not have liked him too much.

Download here: Covid-19-Nurse-talks-about-using-Ivermectin-to-treat-COVID-19-patients-2021-09-11.mp4 - 9,709 kb
By: FOX 26 Houston - 11th September 2021
Nurse talks about using
Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 patients

FOX 26 Anchor Rashi Vats spoke with one nurse who is prescribing Ivermectin to treat patients with COVID-19.

Pauly D
Funny how the vaccines got FDA approval so quickly then, when someone realized how much more profitable it would be to begin vaccinating children under 12, it was suddenly "approved" for children under 12. I trust the pharmaceutical companies and the government less than I trust a Taco Bell fart.

I applaud this woman for actually doing her JOB......GOD BLESS

Carlos Lopez
"Controversy" , Do not make me laugh....The A.M.A. wants a high body count to keep the crisis alive. It will allow for mail in voting and prolong the $$$ flow to Hospitals.

Slo Mo
Well done to her to put herself at risk of being vilified. A courageous woman.

Daniel Plainview
So… other counties can complete studies, but the FDA can't pull it off in the 18 months in the midst of the pandemic? That seems… odd, wouldn't you say?

Christine McLean
"Treat the deadly virus?" Is she referring to covid - the virus that had a 99% survival rate?

Download here: Covid-19-Hear-Our-Voices-New-Zealanders-sick-maimed-killed-after-Covid-Experimental-Drug-2021-09-11.mp4 - 68,074 kb
By: Ned Kelly - 11th September 2021

New Zealanders Sick, Maimed & Killed
After Covid Experimental Drug

Jacinda Ardern and Ashley Bloomfield - messengers of death

Heidi Jensen-Warren
We are hearing stories every day, two degrees of separation. Basically soon everybody in the country will know a relative or friend negatively affected by the jab. Or have to attend their funeral. So bloody sad. The Whole of NZ needs to hear these stories.

Judi Oliver
Thank you so much for putting this together. I cried all the way through. All of these good souls now gone. I believe the decent medical people in hospitals and frontline clinics need to speak up with their concerns. Speak out to us the public, not to their bosses who are obviously covering all of this up. Which is a crime. My heart goes out to each and every family member and friend who struggles with the terrible waste of this happening. Ardern really must resign.

Hamish Dodds-McIntosh
Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences. Stay vigilant people.

Rebecca Briggs
After watching the conference in the states where victims got to speak I've been waiting for this here in New Zealand. For those with weird and horrible symptoms you are not alone, many, many have those same reactions.

Thank you for sharing, we have to speak up, as much as it can hurt, as much as it creates backlash. We must stand in our power and sovereignty and most importantly do not give in to divide. No fear, just truth (love)

People I directly know of in N Z - Pfizer - 4 deaths, 2 heart attacks, 1 stroke and serious illness. Astrazenica [ family in Australia ] 1 blind, 1 heart attack others seriously ill. This madness has to stop!

anne cameron
We need to unite as one . Every single person. We cannot stay home and let this happen in front of us

Download here: Covid-19-Child-Jab-Injuries-First-Numbers-Reported-Serious-DANGER-2021-09-10.mp4 - 48,129 kb
By: Stew Peters Show - 10th September 2021

Child Jab Injuries
First Numbers Reported, Serious DANGER!

Dr. Jane Ruby joined the Stew Peters Show to report on the first look we are getting at numbers of children experiencing adverse events as a result of the dangerous inoculation being called a "COVID Vaccine."

They've divided us to conquer us. Until the MSM (Mainstream Media) is taken down, half the population will not believe. Until the medical profession is taken down, half the public will not see the lie! These heavily programmed people are too caught up in political theatre; worship their news anchors and would die before believing their Dr would break their Oath of Do No Harm!

Time to go after ALL OF THOSE that continue to recommend and administer these DEATH / INJURY SHOTS. Cut-off the head of the snake, because it is well established that idiots will justify this insanity based on "my doctor says it is safe and effective." This injection is proven to be neither.

The 5-Step COVID 'Vaccine'

September 2021


Download here: Real-News-Covid-19-Hateful-Joe-Rogan-Is-Spreading-Misinformation-and-Must-Be-Stopped-2021-09-08.mp4 - 52,130 kb
By: AwakenWithJP - 8th September 2021

Hateful Joe Rogan Is Spreading Misinformation
about Covid-19 / Ivermectin & Must Be Stopped!

Hateful Joe Rogan Is Spreading Misinformation and Must Be Stopped! You'll learn everything you need to know about the recent Joe Rogan controversy. Joe's COVID Experience, CNN's Ivermectin Claims.

emf 303
Calling ivermectin a horse dewormer is like calling penicillin a chicken antibiotic.

High Intensity Health
How dare he share the 'unproven' solutions he took to kick the crap out of C*19 in just four days, what an a-hole?!? If only he could still be hospitalized like Oscar De La Hoya

The thing is ivermectin has won Nobel prizes because of how good it is. It was called a miracle drug. Lol. It wasn't originally made to be used for horses. It just works.

Matt H
If there was no such thing as tv, internet, would anyone seriously be able to tell there was a pandemic?

AverageCountryGirl Nikki
"Getting over a sickness with treatments we don't profit off of, is PROBABLY also causing climate change"

COVID - Control - Oppress - Victimize - Isolate - Divide

Download here: Covid-19-FDA-Approves-the-Shot-Take-It-or-be-BANNED-From-Society-Covid-Passport-2021-09-05.mp4 - 7,149 kb
By: AwakenWithJP - 5th September 2021

FDA Approves the Shot! Take It or be BANNED
From Society!! Covid Passport and Tracking

Pentagon developing microchip that detects Covid-19.

Happy Mac
It Is Dangerous to Be Right When the Government Is Wrong

If the science cannot be questioned then it's not science - it is propaganda

The Great Reject
There are people all over the world protesting against this madness. So funny how the media ignores it completely. We are not alone!

Pro Me The US
Living in a dystopian nightmare has made this difficult to laugh at. JP is still nailing it.

Louisville Lady
I love the "We Lie To You" news… that's how CNN should advertise

Everything Is Fine
"It is voluntary" - brainlets. Giving a criminal my wallet at barrel length is also voluntary

FDA Approves the Shot! Take It or be BANNED

Download here: Covid-19-Vaccine-mandates-in-a-year-from-now-2021-09-04.mp4 - 14,151 kb
By: tyler fischer - 4th September 2021
Vaccine Mandates in a Year From Now
- What to Expect -

All of my vids are self funded. Help support my content:
Acted/Written/Directed/Edited: Tyler Fischer
Acting & punch up jokes: Jonathan Randal
Filmed by: Alex Adams

If this doesn't show how ridiculous all this stuff is I don't know what will…

Cassady Campbell
This was gold

"Do all lives matter?"
This was brilliant!

Adair Buckner
People aren't educated on the "Foot in the door" tactic. If this regime succeeds this skit is dead on. There will be no end in sight

Malcolm Nicoll
"All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force."
- George Orwell

Download here: Covid-19-Famous-Boxer-Oscar-de-la-Hoya-hospitalized-for-covid-after-being-fully-vaccinated-2021-09-04.mp4 - 7,149 kb
By: Oscar de la Hoya - 4th September 2021

Famous boxer Oscar de la Hoya hospitalized
for covid after being fully vaccinated!

Oscar de la Hoya on Twitter: "Wanted you to hear directly from me that despite being fully vaccinated, I have contracted Covid and am not going to be able to fight next weekend. Preparing for this comeback has been everything to me over the last months, & I want to thank everyone for their tremendous support."

Oscar de la Hoya on Twitter video: "What are the chances of me getting Covid? I've been taking care of myself and this really really really kicked my ass," the boxer said.

Famous boxer Oscar de la Hoya hospitalized

Download here: Real-Health-Tips-Ivermectin-Doctors-Under-Investigation-for-Curing-Covid-2021-08-31.mp4 - 22,632 kb
By: The David Knight Show - RoundTableReport - 31st August 2021

Ivermectin: Doctors Under Investigation
for Curing Covid
What They Don't Want You to Know

Doctor cures 531 COVID cases with Ivermectin - punished. Japanese health authority accuses Merck of cutting Ivermectin supplies. Walmart is telling pharmacists to pressure doctors if they prescribe it - next they'll ban it.

The government of South Africa also blocked Ivermectin in the beginning of 2021, so we go for the real deal and bought 200ml from a farmer, and yes, this horse paste do work, I have used it for a serious flu virus I picked up and I was 100% 48 hrs later. The question is not if Ivermectin work or not, but if the covid-19 virus really exist.

IVERMECTIN is anti parasitic.
And the wrongly called "vaccine" has Graphene Oxide and parasites on it.

Of course they won't want that.

Usually things that are good for you are either banned or overpriced

Download here: Covid-Lockdowns-1pm-Press-Conference-from-the-New-Zealand-Wool-Press-2021-08-29.mp4 - 6,082 kb
By: Catherine Miller - 29th August 2021
Covid Lockdowns
1pm Press Conference from the
New Zealand Wool Press

Riana Brown
Brilliant! Have already shared

Maureen Cribb
Haha love it sis ....blessings

Deane Howden
Lol! "for those ewes who are considering lambing, go hard and go early..." hilarious, love it. Slow the speaking rate slightly, add in a comment or two about mask use and physical distancing for added effect Love to see more of this.

Ejay Potae
Love it!

Yimfong Tang
Love it. You are so kind

Emily Coppard
Brilliant Catherine Miller, I needed a good laugh.

Clinical Safety Notice
- CSN 404/21 -
28th August 2021

Australian Paramedics & Healthcare Workers were informed that mRNA Covid Vaccinations had SERIOUS side effects!

Despite Australian healthcare workers being privy to this vital information since 28th August 2021, most doctors, paramedics, nurses and healthcare workers in general chose NOT to warn their patients of potential side effects, which has resulted in the maiming and death of hundreds of thousands (and possibly millions) of Australians!

Clinical Safety Notice - CSN 404/21 - Healthcare Workers were informed that mRNA Covid Vaccinations had SERIOUS side effects!

The White Rabbit Podcast - 29th September 2024
Guidelines being given to Australian Paramedics since "2021"!!!!!!! CONFIRMING Harms from mRNA vaccination & what to expect

Dr Woof - 29th September 2024
ER departments saw the carnage during mass booster pushes. Any doctors/nurses who spoke out were fired and gag orders were put in place.
The medical profession is full of gutless self serving weasels and indoctrinated useful idiots. All it would have taken is a large group to stand & say enough - they wouldn't have dared fired a mass.

Humanspective - 29th September 2024
The TGA knows but think it's normal for 7 and 9 year old to have heart attacks

Overcoming Babylon - 29th September 2024
Instructions about how to treat the genocide victims. This is literally an instruction guideline concerning the murder of innocent people.

Wildstream, Circling The Square - 29th september 2024
I am disgusted, that they just went along with it.
and they are not revolting, demanding accountability, their employer rolled them, and incriminated them,
penetrating their oath/soul. debased them, they had to live & work the lie.
They need to revolt, not rock the boat, revolt. lawful is essential, but revolt.
these are mass murder criminal deeds, repentance, the only way, the quicker the adults take back accountability, the better off we all be.

Download here: Covid-Army-Doctor-Reveals-More-Soldiers-have-died-from-the-Vaccine-than-died-from-COVID-2021-08-28.mp4 - 3,771 kb
By: DarrenB - 28th August 2021
Army Doctor Reveals More Soldiers have
died from the Vaccine than died from COVID

Those traitors are killing America's mighty military. Fucking sickening....

This is fukking ludicrous ... America killing their own military because it has been co opted by communist leaning imbeciles. Fix this now America. Grow some balls like your courageous Founding Fathers had and remove these criminals from positions of power

I love Lee Merritt. She's awesome.

You would think that our military generals would stop this!

Australia - PM's Green Light for Business
to Reject Unvaxxed - NO SHOT / NO SHOP

26th August 2021

Australia - PM's green light for business to reject unvaxxed - NO SHOT / NO SHOP - path to genocide

Australia - PM's green light for business to reject unvaxxed - NO SHOT / NO SHOP - path to genocide

Download: Covid-19-Former-Pfizer-employee-Karen-Kingston-Vaxx-manufacturers-are-now-trapped-by-their-own-success-2021-08-25.mp4 - 74,016 kb
By: The Stew Peters Show - 25th August 2021

Former Pfizer employee and biotech analyst,
Karen Kingston - Vaxx manufacturers
are now trapped by their own success

EXCLUSIVE BOMBSHELL! Stew Peters talks with former Pfizer employee and biotech analyst, Karen Kingston. Kingston reveals what the FDA approval really means, and why it's "game over" for the vaccine manufacturer, and for the inoculation.

There is a global RISING UP occurring, and citizens are resisting, demonstrating unified non-compliance, in Australia, the UK and here in the United States. National File Senior Reporter Patrick Howley joins Stew to discuss.

It's a RACE TO THE FINISH! Globalist tyrants are ramping up in the push for inoculations, reducing the age to 5, masking, mandates, lockdowns and more Orwellian tactics because they know they're CAUGHT! DeAnna Lorraine is a best-selling author, and she joins Stew Peters today.

Financial Expert, fiduciary, Carlos Cortez joins Stew to predict a big-time market "rug-pull", insisting that the market is another false flag meant for deception.

  • Do we have evidence Pfizer has not come clean over what is in the vials? Yes. The VAERS database shows an incredible diversity of AEs. How do we explain heart inflammation in young children, which might shorten their lives, or congestive heart failure immediately? Or how pregnant woman can kill their babies through breastfeeding, who have thrombocytopenia or thrombosis? Others have zero side effects whereas some have dead arm within 12 hours and can attach magnets to their bodies? None of this makes sense. The normal rate of miscarriage is 20%, but now it's 80% in some women. How do we explain acute respiratory distress or CNS disorders such as Guillain-Barré syndrome? Normally, when a product comes out, there may be a serious AE that appears, such as heart inflammation, which means the product is recalled just because of that single symptom. The DIVERSITY of these AEs is not consistent with a consistent product.

  • Pfizer does not have a website up: A website is ALWAYS ready to go long before a new product is launched after approval. So you'd expect one such as '' complete with marketing slogans and package insert information. That there isn't one is a red flag. It suggests that Pfizer knows they're going to be held accountable for intentionally harming people with the product AS THE MANUFACTURER. What they don't want is charges being brought against them AS THE MARKETER. Providing they don't put marketing materials out there, they'll avoid a whole slew of multi-billion dollar lawsuits. Right now, they are not a marketer, so who is? Public health agencies (FDA, CDC, NIH) and the MSM. These have been the marketers to date. They have been the propagandists misleading the public.

  • Has Pfizer violated criminal laws? Yes. As a manufacturer, they have not reported all the serious AEs and deaths through particular reporting channels available to them to the FDA. This is intentionally misinforming the FDA and the American people, so criminal charges will be filed. They do have 2 weeks to come clean as to the ingredients. A lot of information has been withheld until now, which can be construed as intentionally misleading people.

Dr. Stephen E. Jones: The FDA approved the mRNA genetic experiment on August 23, 2021 and gave them 14 days to provide a complete list of ingredients being used in the jab. This forces them to admit whether or not their experiment includes graphene oxide, as well as Adverse Event Symptoms (AES).

FDA approval also takes these companies out of the "emergency" category and makes them liable and subject to lawsuits. Now that millions of people have already received the jab, those adversely affected will have grounds to sue Big Pharma for using them as guinea pigs.

We have been told that FDA approval means government can now force us to take their jab. The opposite is the case. It is being removed from an "emergency measure" back into the "normal" process, where constitutional rights have to be respected.

Download here: Covid-2030-UnMasked-For-those-Preparing-for-whats-Coming-After-Covid-19-2021-08-24.mp4 - 299,110 kb
By: 2030 Unmasked - - 24th August 2021
2030 UnMasked - For those Preparing
for what's Coming After Covid-19

2030 UnMasked is a documentary revealing the connection between Covid-19, Vaccines, Masks, the Banking System, and the upcoming "Great Reset".

This documentary is for anyone realizing something is wrong in the world. Especially for those "just waking up". It's uncomfortable to learn that so many things you've been told are untrue and this documentary is intended to help make sense of WHY so many things are happening, HOW they are happening, and also WHAT you can do about it.

We can't obey our way out of tyranny.

Mass disobedience is the best way to move forward and helping as many people become AWARE is one of the first places to start.

This 2-Hour "2030 Unmasked" independent documentary offers an exceptional attempt to make sense out of today's complex and clandestine forces. The content offered, here. will never appear on mainstream news, big tech social media platforms, nor standard academia. Consider this a must-see and must-share content.

Download here: THE-SEQUEL-TO-THE-FALL-OF-THE-CABAL-PART-17-of-17-2021-08-24.mp4 - 43,450 kb
By: FallCabal - Janet Ossebaard - 24th August 2021
Part 17 /17: The Era of Depopulation...

Part 17: The Era of Depopulation… The Truth behind vaccines.

By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter

Music: Alexander Nakarada, Ryan Grech

This is part 17 of God-knows-how-many-parts-in-total. Part 18 will be uploaded as soon as it's ready.

If you liked this part, please consider supporting our work:

We make these documentaries without being paid, so any donation - no matter how small - is most welcome!

This way we can continue giving our work to the world for free, in order to wake up as many people as possible...

Join our FallCabal Telegram Platform for free daily updates:

Download here: Covid-19-Londonderry-GP-with-40-years-experience-speaks-out-These-injections-are-killing-people-2021-08-24.mp4 - 61,699 kb
By: - 24th August 2021

Londonderry GP with 40 years
Experience Speaks Out

GP: "..These injections are killing people, they're harming people, they are not preventing sickness and they are not about health. I have not written the playbook for what is going on, but I know that it is malevelant and I know that it must be stopped. And if we don't stop it, who is going to? Thank you."

Centre of Disease Control (CDC)
Guidelines Spin of the Day

22nd August 2021

Centre of Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines Spin of the Day - and today's spin says...

Download here: You-may-never-trust-another-celebrity-after-watching-this-video-2021-08-21.mp4 - 38,548 kb
By: SAYNOPE - 21st August 2021
You may never trust another celebrity
after watching this video

Hundreds of thousands of innocent people of all age groups have died or been severely injured for life after listening to the advice of Hollywood celebrities, talk show hosts and politicians regarding the vaccine for covid 19. Should they be held liable for murder? Should they be held liable for aiding and abetting mass murder around the world from the deaths relating to the covid 19 vaccination? Should the CDC & the FDA been tried for murder? Should Dr Fauci & Bill Gates be tried for murder?

The old woman at the end I pray that she lives forever!!!

Why don't they at least give these people that took the killer vaccines methadone and help them with the pain???

These damned so called celebrities need to be tortured to death with their own vaccines!
They are the lying scumbag slaves to big pharma! Their greed will be their undoing!!!

I never trusted any damned actors in the first place!!!

all the people of this world need to know the suffering of these victims,and the others who have lost loved ones .and we must demand or exact justice from these murderers.there is no way they didnt know.

We need to jab all of Hollywood,music,sports

Very disappointed to see Ricky Gervais in that bunch. I thought he was smarter and better than that.

Why, because he made a few jokes on celebs? No disrespect but this is the problem. Shit shouldn't hit the fan before ppl wake up. By that time it's almost always too late. Americans don't even know their domestic enemies which is sad.

It's not poor minorities. It's the puppets. George Carlin is one of them and he tells you straight up.

The Lord Jesus Christ is knocking at your door. Open the door to His salvation. The words are not important. He knows your heart. It's simple. Pray- Dear Jesus, I am a sinner in need of a Savior. I am sorry what what I have done. Please come into my heart right now. I want to give my heart to you. Thank you, Jesus. Amen. Find a Bible-believing church to fellowship with believers.

Thank you. Completely admire your Descriptive caption piece also. Have retweeted it on my channel

Bunch of cunts. Watched 4 minutes and I can't watch any more.

Time to 'Burn Down the Mission' so to speak. Why are there any Pfizer buildings still standing? Where's the heros?

Only a jackass would listen to anything a celebrity says. They're paid liars. And they don't lose sleep. Believe that!

Graphene oxide in the jab, its very toxic and magnatises the body, although the body can excrete it in time, if your lucky enough to survive all the other shite from the jab.

Graphene is the battery needed to energies the self-dissembling Nano-particles.

How did the like button get covered? I like this

Perhaps the origins of the deaths in China were from the injections they're calling a vaccine... if so, what if it was known & they needed to run the 24/7 fearporn across the airwaves to indoctrinate the people to beLIEve such as they portrayed it to be a killer virus when it was actually the flu & was included in the flu shots, which is mainly given to the elderly, which could possibly lead to number of deaths they needed to keep their death ticker going for a year?

New Zealand Ministry of Health
21st August 2021
COVID FACE COVERINGS EXEMPTION - New Zealand Ministry of Health

Download by right clicking the Covid Face Coverings Exemption card / image above and click 'Save as..."

Who does not need to wear a face covering
(updated 18 August 2021)

The following is from:

Face coverings do not need to be worn:

  • by children under 12
  • by students on school buses
  • on ferry services carrying passengers between the North and South islands
  • on pre-booked public transport services within an Alert Level 1 area — bus or train services that collect your contact details before they depart, and allocate you a seat
  • on a boat or ship that has no enclosed space for passengers, for example jet boat tours
  • on charter or group tours
  • on private flights
  • by drivers, pilots, staff or crew of the service if they are in a space completely separated from passengers, for example pilots in a cockpit or train drivers in a train cab.

You also do not need to wear face coverings if:

  • it is unsafe, for example if wearing one means a driver cannot safely operate the vehicle
  • there is an emergency
  • you have a physical or mental health illness or condition or disability that makes wearing a face covering unsuitable
  • you need to prove your identity
  • you need to communicate with someone who is Deaf or hard of hearing
  • you need to take medicine
  • you need to eat or drink, if eating or drinking is usually allowed
  • it is not required by law.

Drivers and transport operators will not stop people without face coverings from boarding public transport. This is because some people will have legitimate reasons for not wearing a face covering. 

Where possible, drivers will be encouraging passengers to wear a face covering.

Exemption card for face coverings

We know that some people who have a disability or health condition may not be able to wear a face covering safely or comfortably. If you cannot wear one, you can get an exemption card. You can show your exemption card when needed, for example to a bus driver.

You do not need to have an exemption card, but you may feel more comfortable showing something official to confirm you cannot wear a face covering.

Get an exemption card

You can download a card from the Disabled Persons Assembly NZ, or contact them on 04 801 9100 or at

Download exemption card for face coverings (or as above...)


The following is from:

Face mask / covering exemptions

-Easy Read information about what to do if you cannot wear a face mask: Easy Read PDF

-Watch NZSL video on exemption cards

It is now mandatory to wear face masks/coverings on public transport, on flights, and if you are a customer or an employee involving customer contact such as at a supermarket, pharmacy or petrol station.

If you have a disability or health condition and you can't wear a face covering safely or comfortably, you are exempt from wearing one.

Some people may feel more comfortable showing something official that says they don't have to wear a face covering, so the Ministry of Health have designed an exemption card that people can print out or save onto their phones.

If anyone asks why you are not wearing a face covering, you can show them the card. You don't need to show this card to public transport operators like bus drivers, but you can if you want to.

This card has been developed by the Ministry of Health specifically for those who cannot wear face coverings safely or comfortably due to a disability or health condition. The use of this card is self-regulated and decided upon by the individual. However, the Ministry of Health encourage people to do the right thing and only use this Exemption Card if you need to.

If you have a disability or health condition and you can't wear a face covering safely or comfortably and would like an exemption card sent to you, please email

The exemption card is available as PDF and jpeg versions which can be printed in credit card size, A5 or A4, or simply downloaded onto your phone. There is also a physical wallet-sized version of the card. If you would like the physical version sent to you, please let us know your postal address.

Covid-19-Exclusive-Footage-Kids-Dead-After-Jab-in-Australia-Interview-With-Aussie-Veteran-2021-08-20.mp4 - 181,755 kb
By: Stew Peters Show - 20th August 2021

Kids Dead After Covid Jab in Australian Stadium
Eye-Popping Interview With Aussie Veteran

Rumble — EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE! - Stew Peters spoke with Royal Australian Air Force Veteran, Alan Hennessy, who bravely came forward to paint the picture of what's really going on in the land down under.

Alan confirmed that several children are dead after being inoculated, when 24,000 kids were ushered into a sports arena to take the jab in the absence of any adults.

The horrific Nazi-like ushering of masses of helpless youths is the furtherance of proof that Australia is the prototype for the New World Order.

Australian Doctors are not allowed to say anything against the "best available evidence" i.e. the official Government line of vaccinations and lockdowns, as deemed by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency. If a Doctor goes outside this (in any way e.g. social media) e.g. questioning vaccinations or lockdowns, they could be open to "investigation and possible regulatory action":

Then they all need to down tools and get out there in numbers to protest, they cant arrest everyone at once if sufficient numbers partake! It has now reached the stage where drastic action must be taken, or live with this prison like life/tyrrany for the rest of your days, yours and your children, childrens children!! What are we leaving for them to have to face once wer'e gone?

Yes. Many here have been de-registered or suspended if someone doubts them in going against the government narrative.

They are ONLY allowed to promote what the government says. It's messed up!

That is sad. I live somewhere where they were voluntarily doing that at school and kept my kid home.

To hell with these murderers. They won't be killing my kids.

When the Biden administration openly admits to working with social media to ban comments made by should have sent chills through every American! This is communist tyranny! The brazen way they admitted it, shows their contempt for our constitutional rights! It it wasn't enough to wake Americans up...I don't know what will! The conspiracy "theories" are now fact!

we all have to fight this it will only get worse and worse until it gets to be too late to do anything . I would rather die fighting than die like a zombie after they trigger what ever is in that injection

Download here: Covid-19-Powerful-The-Narrative-Is-Crumbling-Resist-COVID-1984-2021-08-19.mp4 - 48,266 kb
By: KanekoaTheGreat - 19th August 2021

Powerful: The Narrative Is Crumbling.
Resist COVID-1984

A call to action and alert from a series of experts and professionals from around the world.

Most doctors are against the Experimental Drug / Depopulation Injection; but when they speak out, they lose their practitioners licence and / or are arrested.

This needs to happen in the United States! There are many of us, the majority, that feel the same as you Australia! Time to make a stand USA! Whatever happened to the USA leading by example? Other countries are now rising up before we do. IT'S NOW OR NEVER! Fight the election theft and fight these tyrannical "vaccine" mandates!

You are 100% right! This has to happen in America and soon! Are we gonna wait until they're force vaxxing our children by the thousands like they're doing in Australia?? We have GOT to stand up!

Stop complying. All of you. Every, last, one of you. The herd has all the control, all it has ever lacked is the will and the unity to wield it.

Have to be willing to walk away from your job and everything....if you remember anne frank was hidden by people who would of suffered the same fate as her when they were caught...

Stop complying

I agree, it will end when people stop complying. Something else that may work has been started by Lin Wood. Called Strike Back for Freedom. Starting Sept 11th, we as a massive group of patriots will stop spending our money at major stores, stop using fuel, etc. You can go to for more information. Tell everybody you know!

Download here: COVID-19-IVERMECTIN-and-VACCINE-Information-Full-Feature-Documentary-2021-08-15.mp4 - 508,506 kb
By: JoshPaulGaming - 15th August 2021

Information - Full Feature Documentary

To get Ivermectin, go to the FLCCC website at Look at the top in the middle of the page for the button that says "Ivermectin" and scroll down on the drop down menu and select "How to get Ivermectin." You can also go to and sign up for an appointment and get it that way.

Covid-19-233-New-Covid-CasesEverywhere-Around-the-World-in-Each-Country-PLANDEMIC-2021-08-10.mp4 - 7,758 kb
By: Exposing Corruption - 10th August 2021

233 New Covid Cases Everywhere Around the
World in Each Country - Plandemic - Coincidence?

  1. 2020/05/18 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Arizona, USA
  2. 2020/08/28 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Eloy, Arizona, USA
  3. 2020/10/05 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Kansas, USA
  4. 2020/10/15 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in San Bernardino County, California, USA
  5. 2020/11/05 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Cyprus
  6. 2020/11/11 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in New Hampshire, USA
  7. 2020/11/13 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Assam, India
  8. 2020/12/18 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Amarillo, Texas, USA
  9. 2021/01/16 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in North Dakota, USA
  10. 2021/02/16 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Sarasota-Manatee, Florida, USA
  11. 2021/04/13 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Singapore
  12. 2021/04/22 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Mississippi, USA
  13. 2021/05/10 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in San Diego, USA
  14. 2021/05/11 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Idaho, USA
  15. 2021/05/13 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Saskatchewan
  16. 2021/05/20 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Iowa, USA
  17. 2021/05/23 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Latvia
  18. 2021/05/25 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in West Viginia, USA
  19. 2021/05/27 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Manila, Philippines
  20. 2021/06/16 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Kentuky, USA
  21. 2021/06/21 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Puducherry
  22. 2021/06/23 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Oregon, USA
  23. 2021/06/27 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Mizoram, India
  24. 2021/07/23 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Hawaii, USA
  25. 2021/07/23 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Lithuania
  26. 2021/07/25 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Tajkistan
  27. 2021/07/29 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Trinidad and Tobago
  28. 2021/07/29 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Alberta, Canada
  29. 2021/08/02 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Winnebago County, Wisconsin, USA
  30. 2021/08/04 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in NSW, Australia
  31. 2021/08/07 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Croatia
  32. 2021/08/14 - 233 new Covid-19 cases in Hawaii, USA
  33. etc...

Download: Covid-19-Pandemic-of-the-Unvaccinated-2021-08-08.mp4 - 54,186 kb
By: Data Dumper - 8th August 2021

Pandemic of the Unvaccinated

Big Brother is accusing the UNVACINATED of causing the 'vaccinated' to be sick and die.

If masks work, why the 6 foot rule?
If masks & the 6 feet rules work, why vaccinate?

8th August 2021

If masks work, why the 6 foot rule? If masks and the 6 feet rules work, why vaccinate?

Fake-News-Brisbane-Courier-Mail-shows-fake-photo-with-European-plugs-of-Patient-X-of-the-Brisbane-Delta-Cluster-2021-08-07.mp4 - 581 kb
By: Brisbane Courier Mail - 7th August 2021

Brisbane Courier Mail
shows fake photo with European plugs
of Patient X of the Brisbane Delta Cluster

Letter to most New Zealanders
Ministry of Sickness: Book Your
Covid-19 Genocide Vaccine now

New Zealand Ministry of Health - 5th August 2021
Letter to most New Zealanders - Ministry of Sickness: Book Your Covid-19 Genocide Vaccine now

Letter to most New Zealanders - Ministry of Sickness: Book Your Covid-19 Genocide Vaccine now

Letter to most New Zealanders - Ministry of Sickness: Book Your Covid-19 Genocide Vaccine now

Download: Covid-19-Trumps-Doctor-Vladimir-Zelenko-talks-to-Israeli-Politicians-and-Health-Minister-about-the-Poison-Death-Shot-2021-08-05.mp4 - 44,290 kb
By: nunyabids345345 - 5th August 2021
Trumps' Doctor Vladimir Zelenko talks to
Israeli Politicians and Health Minister
about the Poison Death Shot

Dr. Zelensky explains the "poison death shot"

Dr. Zelensky is a very prominent doctor whose patients include presidents and famous men from around the world. He tells us that this is World War III and is the biggest threat to humanity in history.

Here he explains this to three Jewish rabbis from the state of Israel. The background concern is that 80 percent of Israeli Jews have gotten the shot, and now they are being plagued with the so-called "Delta variant," caused by the first shots.

No one can dispute this doctor's credentials and knowledge. Yet he deals with death threats daily, he says, for reporting the truth of the danger of the so-called "vaccine."

He is confusing the creation of the virus with the so called vaccine at 23 min. The virus doesn't seem to have been isolated in the US as of yet. It may have existed in Wuhan. I can't prove it. The so called vaccine has graphine and whatever poisons in it that are causing those who receive the shots to have the spike proteins form in their bodies.

Thank you for speaking out

This is so interesting!

Awesome! I want everyone To know how important it is to know TRUTH!!!

So weird that Israel of all places wasn't skeptical of the jab, after everything they have gone through.

I have a feeling....they were not given a choice.

Thank you you are a hero, Shout it from every mountain.

I like how he calls it what it is a "poison death shot" it is not a vaccine it does not vaccinate, it is a bio-weapon.

so good & so powerful!

Download here: Mass-Psychosis-How-an-Entire-Population-Becomes-Mentally-Ill-2021-08-04.mp4 - 65,270 kb
By: After Skool - 4th August 2021
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire
Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL
and Embraces GENOCIDE...

This video was made in collaboration with Academy of Ideas. They create videos explaining the ideas of history's great thinkers in order to help supply the world with more knowledge, to empower the individual, and to promote freedom. Please check out their youtube channel for more brilliant content. or visit their website to learn more

In this video we are going to explore the most dangerous of all psychic epidemics, the mass psychosis. A mass psychosis is an epidemic of madness and it occurs when a large portion of a society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions. Such a phenomenon is not a thing of fiction. Two examples of mass psychoses are the American and European witch hunts 16th and 17th centuries and the rise of totalitarianism in the 20th century.

This video will aim to answer questions surrounding mass psychosis: What is it? How does is start? Has it happened before? Are we experiencing one right now? And if so, how can the stages of a mass psychosis be reversed?

This video took a tremendous amount of work. It truly is a labor of love and if you appreciate this video and want to help support the creation of more videos, please consider supporting After Skool on Patreon -

For more information on Mass Psychosis, click here

Download: Covid-19-Pastors-Are-Warning-The-Covid-Jab-Is-An-Abomination-To-Change-What-It-Means-To-Be-Human-2021-08-03.mp4 - 11,225 kb
By: SonOfEnos - 3rd August 2021

Finally! Pastors Are Warning
The Covid-Jab Is An Abomination
To Change What It Means To Be Human

It's heartening to see that Shepherds are finally doing their duty and warning their church about the monstrous abomination that Big-Pharma is inflicting on humanity. This is something that will be passed down to future generations, provided the jabbed are able to have children, or even survive at all after letting the Cult of Scientism "change what it means to be human."

This is a battle between good and evil, and WE ARE AT WAR!

This is too disturbing.

Servidora De Jesus
I will no longer trust in any vaccine!



Days of Noah are here.

Actually cross-breeding humans with quadiped animals is officially a thing. Even a politician in Australia who used to be a Lt.Col in the military mentioned this as a recent development.

Download here: Covid-19-Dr-Jane-Ruby-Reveals-Massive-CDC-Cover-Ups-Huge-Number-of-Kids-Dying-From-Killer-Jab-2021-08-03.mp4 - 111,718 kb
By: Stew Peters Show - 3rd August 2021
MOAB! Dr Jane Ruby Reveals Massive CDC
Cover-Ups: Does Delta Variant Come From
Being Vaxxed?! 'Door-To-Door Jab Squads'?!
Huge Number of Kids Dying From Killer Jab!
Unbelievable Video!

You will NOT believe your ears or your eyes as you watch this BREAKING & DAMNING interview with Dr. Jane Ruby. She reveals a MASSIVE CDC COVER-UP, using date FROM THE CDC's VERY OWN WEBSITE, no less! BOOM! And the Evil Elite Globalists, with the aid of the Complicit Cohorts, the Demonic Democrats, the Removed-From-God RINOs and the Fake News Mockingbird Media are hiding the TRUTHS from you, starting with the very REAL possibility that the Delta Variant is not really the 'stronger version' of the COVID-19 virus.

Rather, the 'Delta Variant' is actually just 'what happens when you get vaccinated'..! SAY WHAAAAAT?!?! That's right, it's not the 'variant virus' that it's being spun to be, but a SIDE EFFECT of getting the KILLER JAB! And if THAT wasn't enough of a BOMBSHELL for you, just wait till you hear how many of OUR CHILDREN ARE DYING and NEARLY DYING all because of the EVIL KILLER CONCOCTION being SHOVED DOWN OUR THROATS! Patriots, the facts are clear: DO NOT GET THE KILLER JAB and make DARN sure you keep your kids out of their harm's way! You have been warned! PLEASE SHARE this video as far and as wide as you can! You will NOT want to miss this EPIC EPISODE!

Download: Covid-19-Anti-Covid-Health-Pass-Protests-Turn-Violent-In-France-Police-Fire-Tear-Gas-Water-Cannons-2021-08-02.mp4 - 12,000 kb
By: CRUX - 2nd August 2021
Anti-Covid Health Pass Protests Turn Violent
In France; Police Fire Tear Gas, Water Cannons

Thousands of demonstrators protested in Paris against a mandatory Covid health pass for entry to public venues. Around 3,000 security forces were deployed around the French capital for the third weekend of protests against the pass. The police had to fire tear gas & use water cannons at some violent protesters. Thousands of French citizens took to the streets calling the new mandate a 'health dictatorship.'

Download here: Covid-Satan-is-Real-CDC-Reactions-to-Covid-Jabs-Vaccines-2021-08-01.mp4 - 13,293 kb
By: Liberum Arbitrium - 1st August 2021
Satan is Real: CDC
Reactions to Covid Jabs / Vaccines - Compilation

More people tend to spend more time researching a car purchase, a tv purchase, a cell phone purchase, a pair of shoes purchase etc. Than they spend time researching over covid 19 and the non vaccine vaccines.

They will show less trust in the auto mechanic than they will over the person about to stick a needle in their arm with an experimental injection.... Let that sink in folks.

who's at fault here? DO SOME FUCKING RESEARCH PEOPLE!!!

Stop blaming the victims not enough prisons

My brother got the second shot, two days later he had a massive stroke. The man will never be the same again!

Thank God for natural selection.

Fucked up man. Lot of these people are good people just don't understand the deception. The music is kind of shitty to be honest.


People have lost their survival instinct. They carrying on sitting there waiting for their jab while people around them are falling down and convulsing from the jab. Even real sheep at the slaughter house put up more of a fight.

It's being used as a warning to wake people up to GENOCIDE.

Incredible how all the people waiting just remain sitting there as one of their number flops around on the floor.

Download here: Real-News-Covid-19-MASSIVE-Global-Protests-Against-Covid-Restrictions-2021-07-29.mp4 - 38,926 kb
By: America Uncovered - 29th July 2021

MASSIVE Global Protests
Against Illegal Covid Restrictions

Protests against policies related to the coronavirus pandemic are happening all over the world, and for all different reasons. It turns out that it's not just Americans who like their freedom! Some say these protests are counterproductive, while others see it as their last resort.

America Uncovered
There's a good chance YouTube might delete this episode. We need your help! Share this video and support our work on!

Karl Hulme
Last Saturday there were 175 freedom rallies throughout the world, mostly not covered by MSM.

Libertas - Goddess of Liberty

2020: Anyone who says that vaccine passes are coming is a conspiracy theorist!

2021: Anyone who opposes vaccine passes is a conspiracy theorist!

Suddenly all these politicians around the world care about our health... They doing it for us, they saving lives!

William Holmes
When a politician tells you you're selfish, listen up, they know what selfishness is

Download here: Covid-19-DEADLY-SHOTS-Former-Pfizer-Employee-Confirms-Poison-in-COVID-Vaccine-2021-07-28.mp4 - 150,413 kb
By: Stew Peters Show - 28th July 2021
DEADLY SHOTS! Former Pfizer Employee
Confirms Poison in COVID 'Vaccine'

EXCLUSIVE! Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, came forward with indisputable documentation that should be shared with the ENTIRE WORLD!

The inoculation being referred to as 'COVID Vaccines' is a poisonous death sentence, and nobody should subject themselves to the shots.

Download here: Covid-19-The-Graphene-Dance-is-this-what-you-want-inside-of-you-2021-07-25.mp4 - 1,104 kb
By: Bramige_Banks - 25th July 2021
Inside Covid Injections - The Graphene Dance.
Is this what you want inside of you...?

We bring to your attention this important interview with Ricardo Delgado Martin, Founder and Director of Quinta Columna. Ricardo is responsible for coordinating the Spanish research team's analysis of the impacts of graphene oxide nano-particles contained in the vial of the mRNA vaccine.

The results of their analysis by electron microscopy and spectroscopy are far-reaching. Graphene oxide is a toxin which triggers thrombi and blood coagulation. It also has an impact on the immune system. Graphene oxide accumulated in the lungs can have devastating impacts.

The results of the Spanish study suggest, yet to be fully confirmed, that the recorded vaccine related deaths and "adverse events" (e.g. published in the US by the CDC and in the EU) are attributable to the presence of graphene oxide nano-particles contained in the Covid-19 Vaccine vial.

Download here: Covid-19-Israeli-lab-finds-existing-drugs-that-could-cure-Covid-2021-07-22.mp4 - 8,316 kb
By: ILTV Israel News - 22nd July 2021

Israeli lab finds existing
drugs that could "cure" Covid
Donald Trump was right all along!

Since the start of the #covid pandemic, scientists have been hard at work trying to either treat or #vaccinate against the still-spreading virus. But what if existing drugs already hold the key? This question has been asked many times, and now #Israeli researchers may have an #answer.

Squirrel Tail Survival
But now how will the worlds governments scare us to obedience if there's a cure?

Draco Domitor
It's called Ivermectin, and it already exists. If people would get treated early, all this hospitalization non-sense would be negated.

Morten Bendiksen
You can only rush experimental expensive drugs, not safe cheap ones.

Edward Newman
Pfizer investors will kill this study.

Trucker Bates
I take Vitamin C, D and Zinc daily. Also Ivermectin is something that can be useful.

Leslie M
Ivermectin has already undergone clinical trials. Crazy world.

Penny Gaye
There have been existing (and inexpensive, I might add) drugs to treat it all along. The doctors talking about it keep getting silenced and threatened, politicians are banning those treatments. It's absolute insanity what's going on right before our eyes.

19th July 2021


New Symptoms to look out for
- This means it's WORKING -
19th July 2021

Covid Vaccinated - New Symptoms to look out for - This means it's WORKING

Download here: Covid-19-Breaking-Discovery-What-Covid-Injections-Do-To-Your-Blood-Doctor-Releases-Horrific-Findings-2021-07-16.mp4 - 27,970 kb
By: - 16th July 2021

Download here: US-VP-Kamala-Harris-On-Getting-Vaccinated-Michigan-With-snapshots-of-the-vaccinated-in-the-future-2021-07-13.mp4 - 15,960 kb
By: Unknown - 13th July 2021
US VP Kamala Harris
On Getting Vaccinated! Michigan.
With snapshots of the vaccinated in the future...
Kamala Harris visited Michigan, where she held an event discussing Covid-19 vaccination rates.

She never got a real shot

This is the woman who thinks rural peasants don't know how to photocopy.

she's a total flake and fake

The Evil Kackle is unmistakable. She didn't mention the second or third shot. Hmm.

she's a clown.... the worst VP ever!

Ya, you got a saline shot... you should be glad because you are still alive and with no adverse events.

She LAUGHS because of her INCOMPETENCE!!

Two "fully vaccinated" cricket players collapse
mid-game during international match
12th July 2021

Two fully vaccinated cricket players collapse mid-game during international match

Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccines" strike again, this time at the T20 International where two "fully vaccinated" West Indies women cricketers collapsed on the field mid-game.

Chinelle Henry and Chedean Nation both fell to the ground at different times during the match against Pakistan, which took place just three days after most of the West Indies women's team proudly announced on Twitter that they had gotten injected.

"Over 30 West Indies Women and management staff are now fully vaccinated against COVID-19 with a few more scheduled to receive their 2nd dose!" Windies Cricket tweeted on June 29.

"WI are Vaccinated [sic] and ready to face Pakistan Women! #vaccinatedontprocrastinate #vaccinesaveslives."

The jabs failed, of course, resulting in Henry and Nation collapsing to the ground and convulsing just three days later. A medical team had to be brought in to help them, and one was carried off the field on a stretcher.

The game was about to resume when the second one collapsed as well, prompting confusion and hysteria over what was happening.

"Jack, actually we're getting word that there's a second West Indies player down," one of the announcers was heard saying.

"Just got word that there's a second player down. Not sure with what, but it seems there's a second player who's somehow collapsed in the West Indies team and there's a second stretcher coming. That's remarkable. I've never seen anything like this. What's happening?"

Another announcer then responded back jokingly with, "Is there something in the air? I don't know. This is unusual."

Fauci Flu shots are destroying people's health

Video footage of the two incidents quickly went viral on social media as people speculated about the cause of the two collapses. Many failed to make the connection between the injections three days prior and these sudden emergency medical incidents right in the middle of the game.

Both incidents took place within 10 minutes of each other, with the mainstream media declaring that the cause was "unknown." Both women had to be rushed to the hospital for emergency care, and are now said to be in "stable" condition.

"Match between Pakistan and West Indies women cricketers continues," tweeted Qadir Khawaja.

"Suddenly West Indies women cricketer fainted and collapsed. She was shifted to a nearby hospital. Hopefully she will recover soon."

Henry and Nation obviously suffered severe adverse reactions from their injections, and may have even contracted a "variant" from them – though the establishment will never admit the truth.

These are some of the fittest women in the world who would otherwise be the last to collapse during a normal match. The fact that they experienced deadly side effects just three days after doing their part to "flatten the curve" speaks volumes about the death sentence that is Chinese Virus injections.

In a similar incident, a 16-year-old boy who had just been partially "vaccinated" for the Fauci Flu suffered cardiac arrest while lifting weights at the gym.

The boy had just received his first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech injection when he similarly collapsed and had to be rushed to the hospital. Unlike Henry and Nation, the boy remains in critical condition at an intensive care unit (ICU).

"Isn't 'denial' the first stage of grief? Or are these folks just dense?" asked one Free West Media commenter about the commentators at the cricket match who were flabbergasted by the disturbing display.

"You think this is something, just wait a few more years," wrote another, warning about what is soon to come. "This experiment is just getting started."

More related news stories about Chinese Virus injections can be found at

Sources for this article include:


Download: Covid-Utah-senator-demands-answers-from-CDC-FDA-after-hundreds-of-vaccine-patients-suffer-life-altering-2021-07-10.mp4 - 8,823 kb
By: abc4utah - 10th July 2021
Utah senator demands answers from CDC,
FDA after hundreds of
vaccine patients suffer 'life-altering'

A Utah woman and Utah senator are teaming up to get some answers after a group claims they've experienced life-altering injuries that they believe are from the COVID-19 vaccine.

becca Lavelle
My 11 year old niece died hours after the vax. Her mother was told nope, not from the vax. She was perfectly healthy before. She was buried on Friday and my heart is broken, our family is broken.
Now her mum just lost her job for not taking the vax. I've lost mine too because I won't take the 3rd shot. They have destroyed our lives and then victim shaming from strangers who think they know it all is beyond what we can handle right now. I shouldn't have watched this

MR Hyde 070
"It is hard to imagine a more stupid, or more dangerous way of making decisions; than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong"
-Thomas Sowell

I know a doctor whos husband is/was a firefighter. He got the booster and immediately started having tremors in his arms. He was taken directly to the ER where he continued to get worse. Now he is unable to work and walks with a walker. His wife is afraid to say anything about it for fear of losing the only income they have left. This world is disgusting.

Hamburger and a Shake
With a less than 1% mortally rate for "COVID ". Why would anyone take the shot? I feel very sorry for her and will pray for her

Raji Nevin
There are thousands and thousands of people who have been seriously injured. This woman has testified over and over and over - and so have others. They are being ignored. This is real. People need to wake up.

Lisa Lamb
If I had her symptoms...I would absolutely never tell anyone that the vaccines are safe & save lives & that everyone should get one.

LeeAnne Hazel
This is why everyone needs to have the freedom to make these choices for themselves.

Instead of "drawing the short straw" I ended up taking my chances and battling it with my own immunities. I don't regret the decision one bit.

If I had gone through what this woman has gone through, I wouldn't still sing the praise of vaccines like she is.

Randie Darnel
She's not alone and I've experienced side affects. Someone has to be held accountable for what has happened to many of us

Candida Wojcik
I had a friend who passed away only 6 weeks after being vaccinated and she had no health issues prior to the vaccine. Praying for all.

Download here: Covid-19-A-Manufactured-Illusion-Dr-David-Martin-with-Reiner-Fuellmich-2021-07-09.mp4 - 149,635 kb
By: GGT - 9th July 2021
Covid-19 is a Manufactured Illusion.
Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich
..not novel.... no pandemic.... no variants...
..if short of time go to 15min mark...

..not novel.... no pandemic.... no variants... a campaign of coercion & terror to address a stated objective.

Dr David Martin, SG!! Who can tell us what the Vaxxed can do about this synthetic recombinant chimera protein? "There was no novel Coronavirus. Check of gene sequence vs all patent records showed not novel since 1999! There are 120 patented pieces of evidence showing total fallacy of claim 'novel'!"

God's Kingdom Ministries
The most important and relevant video I have ever posted. This is the most important and astounding video that I have ever seen which shows the origins of the so-called "novel" (i.e. "new") coronavirus. In view of the fact that the government is now planning to make the so-called "vaccine" mandatory, I strongly recommend that you watch it, even if it often uses very technical and scientific language. You don't need to remember the patent numbers or all the dates, but just listening to it will give you an overall view of how this bioweapon was developed in the last 20 years and patented long before the so-called "outbreak" in December of 2019. This, I believe, is the heart of the present war, which many call Armageddon. We must reshape our understanding of Armageddon in Revelation 16, because the exposure of these Babylonian sorcerers is what will bring down Goliath in the next few months.

Download here: Covid-19-PROFESSOR-BHAKDI-COVID-SHOTS-ARE-GOING-TO-MAKE-THE-BODY-ATTACK-ITSELF-2021-07-08.mp4 - 14,695 kb

Dr. Bhakdi: "We have never seen this before, however, the vision is so horrible and so awful and terrifying that I myself I don't even want to know what happens next."

The Doctor emphasised the urgent need to share the following information that has emerged from new scientific literature.

Doesn't even touch on the graphing oxide nanoparticles in the non-mRMA vaxxes.

How true, very sad. Additionally some life and health insurance policies are not covering post experimental vaxx care.

It's time to pray for the Vaxed. Those of us that chose not to Vax must not lose our humanity. We must not point our fingers & behave as the Vaxed have acted towards us. We must have compassion, empathy & offer support. We are all part of the same family. They are going to need us in the future & we must be there to help. We must also vow to hold those responsible for this catastrophe accountable. This must NEVER happen again. If you are responsible for this catastrophe, know that we will be coming for you! You can count on it, we will never, ever give up!

Download here: Covid-19-Dr-Charles-Hoffe-MD-July-6-Update-on-his-CV-patients-in-Lytton-BC-Canada-2021-07-06.mp4 - 8,003 kb
By: Justice League iRL - 6th July 2021
Dr Charles Hoffe MD - July 6 Update
on his CV patients in Lytton BC Canada

Full Interview:

Dr. Charles Hoffe's medical practice and patient data were destroyed in the Lytton BC Fire over the last two weeks, when the city saw record high temperatures.

Blue Lotus
This is so messed up. We need to assist this guy, financially and spiritually

Brandy Nikole
This this doctor is a wonderful man he has helped my daughter out so much when we lived in Lytton with her mental health it was bad he was there to counsel myself and my daughter through that he has done nothing but help and care for the people of Lytton. He deserves to be recognized for his compassion.

My Doctor for 30 years - God Bless you. Be strong and of good courage.

k m
Lesson—- save data in Trees.

The trees didn't burn in Lytton but the buildings did ....

Normal in a crazy world.

Thank you Dr Hoffe, I am so sorry to hear that you are going through such a difficult time. Stay strong, we are behind you.

There is now a doctor on Denman Island trying to tell the truth about the vacks. I hope Denman Island doesn't burn next.....

miss Cndnwoman
Sharing far and wide Dr Hoffe we will help. We all love you and just know this isn't over ,you will survive this and your family as well. I'm so sorry. Pastor Angus is here working on our house in Ashcroft for our landlady

Download here: Covid-19-BREAKING-DISCOVERY-The-ACTUAL-CONTENTS-Inside-Pfizer-Vials-EXPOSED-2021-07-06.mp4 - 92,999 kb
By: Wes Rhinier - 6th July 2021
CONTENTS Inside Pfizer Vials EXPOSED!

This is a crime against humanity.

Download here: Covid-19-Friar-Alexis-Bugnolo-The-Horrors-of-COVID-19-vaccine-Video-banned-almost-everywhere-2021-07-03.mp4 - 22,809 kb
By: Scenery On The Road To Tyranny - Free Range Slave - 3rd July 2021

Friar Alexis Bugnolo: The Horrors of COVID-19
"vaccine" - Video banned almost everywhere

Those making the vaccines know these vaccines will kill you, they know science, they're not stupid.

When you spend billions of dollars to build a factory to produce vaccines, you have enough scientists to know that antibody priming will kill you.

We have to face the reality of what's going on, that this is the intention.

Download here: - 228,079 kb
By: Fox News - 2nd July 2021

Mom details 12-year-old daughter's
extreme reactions to COVID vaccine,
says she's now in wheelchair

Stephanie De Garay shares story with Tucker Carlson

An Ohio mother is speaking out about her 12-year-old daughter suffering extreme reactions and nearly dying after volunteering for the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine trial.

Stephanie De Garay told "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Thursday that after reaching out to multiple physicians they claimed her daughter, Maddie De Garay, couldn't have become gravely ill from the vaccine.

"The only diagnosis we've gotten for her is that it's conversion disorder or functional neurologic symptom disorder, and they are blaming it on anxiety," De Garay told Tucker Carlson. "Ironically, she did not have anxiety before the vaccine."


De Garay explained that after receiving the second coronavirus vaccine dose, her daughter started developing severe abdominal and chest pains. Maddie described the severity of the pain to her mother as "it feels like my heart is being ripped out through my neck."

The Ohio mother added her daughter experienced additional symptoms that included gastroparesis, nausea, vomiting, erratic blood pressure, heart rate, and memory loss.

"She still cannot digest food. She has a…tube to get her nutrition," De Garay said to Carlson. "She also couldn't walk at one point, then she could…I don't understand why and [physicians] are not looking into she's back in a wheelchair and she can't hold her neck up. Her neck pulls back."

Carlson asked whether any officials from the Biden administration or representatives from Pfizer company have reached out to the family.

"No, they have not," she answered.


"The response with the person that's leading the vaccine trial has been atrocious," she said. "We wanted to know what symptoms were reported and we couldn't even get an answer on that. It was just that 'we report to Pfizer and they report to the FDA.' That's all we got."

After her heartbreaking experience, the Ohio mother said she's still "pro-vaccine, but also pro-informed consent." De Garay mentioned she's speaking out because she feels like everyone should be fully aware of this tragic incident and added the situation is being "pushed down and hidden."

Page Footer...
[Everything below this line is repeated on most pages]

We are fighting a spiritual war
10th August 2024
Paris Olympics - We are fighting a spiritual war!
Revelation 18:2 "And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

Hard Times Create Strong Men...
Hard Times Create Strong Men - Strong Men Create Good Times - Good Times Create Weak Men - Weak Men Create Hard Times.

Some people wouldn't know
tyranny if it bit them on the ass!
Some people wouldn't know tyranny if it bit them on the ass!

Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!
Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!

This is a question that stupid
people & traitors cannot answer:
Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?
This is a question that stupid people & traitors cannot answer: Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!
30th June 2023
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!

Being awake isn't cool. It means having to dumb down 98% of your conversations every day, so you don't sound like a lunatic.

Attitude to monsters after putting up with their shit since late 2019...

Plan F - The Fuck Off plan!

When people you don't even know hate you, That's when you know you're the best.

mRNA jabs are doing the job
slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!
30th June 2023
mRNA jabs are doing the job slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!

20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities
It's called GENOCIDE!
13th June 2023
20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities - It's called GENOCIDE!

"A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030"
It's called GENOCIDE!
12th May 2023
A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030 - It's called GENOCIDE!

World Economic Forum - Committed to Enslaving the Whole World

Nothing says "Trust the Science"
like asking for the data
to be hidden for 75 years!
18th March 2023
Nothing says Trust the Science like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years! Shhhhh....

Superheroes bow down to the
Big Pharma / Businessmen / Doctors
11th February 2023
It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT
26th November 2022
Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT

The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get
jabbed is like sending a post card from
the Titanic saying: "Wish you were here!"
20th November 2022
The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: Wish you were here!

Ten Stages of Genocide
As taught by WEFers Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau etc - August 2022

Ten Stages of Genocide

The Good Reset
Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's,
Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

28th July 2022
The Good Reset - Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's, Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

Covid Variant / Booster
The Merry Go Round From Hell
22nd December 2021

Covid Variant / Booster - Merry Go Round From Hell

Experimental Injections
Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel
13th November 2021

Experimental Injections - Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel

Death is coming for you stupid!

I am fully Vaccinated and Boostered, and just tested positive for Covid-19. I am grateful for the protection my vaccines continue to provide.

The 5-Step COVID 'Vaccine' RISK / BENEFIT ANALYSIS - September 2021

Trump's swamp draining service

When the population understands this picture, it will change everything.

"You can fool all the people some of the time.
You can fool some of the people all the time.
But you cannot fool all the people all the time!"

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Attributed to Edmund Burke. Also by John F. Kennedy in a speech in 1961.

The Great Cow Analogy

Donald J. Trump - They should never have touched the children!
'They should never have touched the children!'
Donald J. Trump - President of the United States of America

'They should never have touched the children!!' President Donald J. Trump

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Abortion: Modern Day Child Sacrifice
Psalms 106:37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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If someone accuses you of wearing a tinfoil hat...,
remind them that it's better than wearing a blindfold!

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