The Punisher treason: noun: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government
White Hats
Embrace the sometimes painful truth of reality
Remain in the blissful ignorance of illusion
If there is no such thing as a CONSPIRACY - why is the word CONSPIRACY in the dictionary?
Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'   Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell
Click here... Stockholm Syndrome is also a result of Governmental / Pharmaceutical / Media Propaganda
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL and Embraces GENOCIDE

The Pandemic is just a DECOY...
Covid Passports, Kill Shots & Depopulation are the goals
DEMOCIDE - one injection at a time! C/o Bill Gates, the WEF, CIA, WHO and your: politicians / doctors / nurses etc...
DEMOCIDE - one injection at a time!
[C/o Bill Gates, the WEF, WHO, UN, CIA, FBI and
your: politicians / doctors / nurses, police etc...]

2022 - July to December
> 2024 January to June   > 2024 July to December
> 2023 January to June   > 2023 July to December
> 2022 January to June . > 2022 July to December
> 2021 January to June   > 2021 July to December
> 2020 and prior    

>> Go to REAL HEALTH TIPS page >>

Q The CHURCH of COVID has created millions of vaxxed members absoutely terrified of 2023 - 31st December 2022
Q Frontline workers to receive Jacinda Ardern's COVID-19 Response Award in Recognition of their Crimes Against Humanity and Participation in Genocide - 31st December 2022
Q Final Destination - Fully Vaxxed and Boosted - See you soon! - 28th December 2022
Video Moderna expands UK, Canada and Australia plants to supply 250 million doses of mRNA Covid Death Shots for the next 10 years! - 27th December 2022
Video Crazy man with long tounge says: "GET YOUR GOD DAMN COVID SHOT" - Well K.I.S.S. MY ASS, GENE SIMMONS - 25th December 2022
Video VICTORY! Vax Tyrant Biden Caves, Signs Bill That EVERY US Serviceman Will Cheer - 24th December 2022

Latest Rasmussen Poll Finds 34% Of Americans Injured By Covid Jabs - 22nd December 2022

Video Top doctor says both her and her wife suffered COVID-19 vaccine injuries - Large spectrum of side effects in community - 21st December 2022
Q New Zealand Government Report Admits You May Die or Fall Ill After Pfizer mRNA Vaccination, but Advises People Not to Worry - 20th December 2022
Video Baby Given Vaccinated Blood Infusion Dies Within Days From Blood Clot - Doctors and hospital lie, lie and lie - 19th December 2022
Video Anecdotals "The Movie" - VAERS - Covid Vaccine Damage - 16th December 2022
Video Famous actors suffer adverse effects or die post vaccination - Part 76 - Honestly, who cares anymore? - 14th December 2022
Video Australia: Spike in Heart Attacks! Defibulators EVERYWHERE! Sudden Cardiac Arrest NOW Affecting Everyone! - 12th December 2022
Video UK Health Security Agency encourage all the Santas to get Covid Vaccine Boosted - 10th December 2022
Video The GREAT AWAKENING: Masses Wake up to Vaccine Genocide as Heart Attacks, Miscarriages, Cancers and Deaths Skyrocket - 6th December 2022
Video Japanese Scientist Livered that the Covid Vaccinations are Killing Billions - 3rd December 2022
Video Demand for "Pure Blood" Skyrockets Globally As Critics Dismiss Fears of Covid Vaccinated Tainted Blood - 2nd December 2022
Video It was all a shambles! - Covid Fines to be Scraped and Refunded - 1st December 2022
Video All of NSW Deputy Police Commissioner Gary Worboys (aka Sergeant Wiggums from Simpsons) Covid Fines WITHDRAWN! - 29th November 2022
Video Ice Cube says he lost a US$9 million movie deal after refusing to get Covid-19 vaccine - 24th November 2022
Video Funeral CEO Reveals the Shocking Number of Deaths He's Seeing This Year - 23rd November 2022
Video Whoopi Goldberg and THE VIEW claim masks are flawless - That's Some Grade A Bullshit... - 23rd November 2022
Video Pandemic Amnesty: We must 'never allow' the sort of overreach from the pandemic to happen again - 23rd November 2022
Video People want answers on excess deaths & contracts between Australian Government and Big Pharma - 22nd November 2022
Video COVID Injection Contract Transparency Motion shot down by Labor & Greens - Senator Alex Antic - 22nd November 2022
Video Why isn't SA Health investigating the massive spike in cardiac events in young South Australians? - 21st November 2022
Video World Premiere: Died Suddenly - Documentary - 21st November 2022
Video Fully Vaccinated FDA Vaccine Advisory Committee Member Rev Professor Oveta Fuller DIES UNEXPECTEDLY - 21st November 2022
Video Guy SCHOOLS unvaxxxed people! aka Postcard from The Titanic: "Wish you were here!" - 20th November 2022
Video Climate change strikes again? Or just another Covid vaccinated reporter dying? - 19th November 2022
Video Al Roker Receives The Covid-19 Vaccine On Live Television - How Is He Doing Now? - 18th November 2022
Video No Side Effects from Covid-19 Vaccines Documentary - 17th November 2022
Video Australian Anti-vaxxers are Considered National Security Threats - 16th November 2022
Video BIZARRE Vaxx Theater Performed By Justin Trudeau Getting FAKE Boosted - 14th November 2022
Video Myocarditis cases caused by previous Covid-19 Vaccines now prevent 4th dose recommendation - 14th November 2022
Q DESTRUCTION OF ALL COVID-19 INFORMATION - New COVID-19 Vaccination Information Requirements in Victoria, Australia - 11th November 2022
Q A Cafe in Melbourne, Australia: Apology to the UnVaccinated and Vax-Coerced - 10th November 2022
Video Thousands of Covid-19 Vaccine injuries, hardly anyone compensated - Senate Estimates - 9th November 2022
Video European Parliament: "Pfizer Appears to have Corrupted the Entire Western World" - Europe awakens from a nightmare to the ground truth - 9th November 2022
Video Fifth jab planned for Oz - This should wipe out any remaining dickheads! - 9th November 2022
Video Pandemic Amnesty: They Can Backtrack All They Like. We Will Never Forget - 8th November 2022
Video Pandemic Amnesty: "Shall we forgive and forget?" Dr. Roger Hodkinson: "Absolutely not!!" - 7th November 2022
Video Covid Amnesty? ... (p.s.: and how about helping families suffering from "poison vax" side effects?) - 7th November 2022
Video Don't let Covid criminal amnesty happen - these murderous bastards need to hang! - 7th November 2022
Video JABBING AUSTRALIA: Government Approves of Sports Stars Dropping like Flies, Bells Palsy, Myocarditis, Deaths etc - 5th November 2022
Q Nurse tells lies to keep job and becomes an accomplice in Crimes Against Humanity - Endorsed by Jacinda Ardern - 3rd November 2022
Video Famous Author Julie Powell Killed by Covid-19 Vax Poison "Booster" - 2nd November 2022
Video Leftist Emily Oster Pleads for Covid Amnesty - DESTR0YED! - 2nd November 2022
Video This is really urgent! Our hospitals in New Zealand are about to fail! - 1st November 2022
Video Heads up - If you got the fake vaccine and are not injured - This May Be One Of The Reasons - 31st October 2022
Q Nobody said you would not get Covid if you are vaccinated - OH REALLY? - 31st October 2022
Video Covid-19 Injections Open Doors to Demons through Pharmakeia / Black Magic / Witchcraft - Interview with a demon - 30th Oct 2022
Video Do you believe the vaccine actually saved lives? Life insurance industry is absolutely reeling - 29th October 2022
Video Pfizer To Pay 2.3 Billion - The Biggest Pharmaceutical Scam in History - 28th October 2022
Q Millions of Idiots Wanted for Massive Global Medical Experiment - 27th October 2022
Q Unite Against COVID-19: - Vaccinated businesses losing staff everywhere - Columbus Coffee, Timaru - 27th October 2022
Video Dr. Peter McCullough: The Covid-19 Vaccines are Killing Children - not Covid-19 - 26th October 2022
Video Canadian politician Danielle Smith re Covid restrictions: "We're sorry for destroying your life..." - 25th October 2022
Video WORLD FIRST: ROBOTIC ARMS Assembling Via Nanotech Inside COVID-19 "Vaccines" - Filmed in Real Time - 25th October 2022
Video Katy Perry Malfunctions Whilst Performing (Eye Glitches) - What is the cause? Robotics? Covid Vaccine? - 25th October 2022
Video Fudging statistics to promote the Covid narrative. How an illusion of efficacy can be established for any treatment - 24th October 2022
Video India dumps 100 million Covid vaccine doses; Serum Institute stops Covishield production | WION - 22nd October 2022
Q Australia's huge Covid lies finally exposed - - 22nd October 2022
Video Raw Footage: 160 Children Died In The Philippines Due To Dengue Vaccine Side Effects - 19th October 2022
Q Fully Covid Vaccinated Sean Plunket's The Platform is Not the Resistance! - Jacinda Ardern wanted for Crimes Against Humanity - 16th October 2022
Q 80 Young Canadian Doctors Died Since "Vaccine" Rollout - Dr. Makis Pleads With CMA To Investigate - 16th October 2022
Video Covid Vaccine Deaths & Injuries - Mainstream Media Compilation Australia - 14th October 2022
Video Bodybuilder / Author Doug Brignole mocks anti vaxxers, gets Covid Vaccine and dies suddenly at age 63 - 13th October 2022
Video WELL WELL WELL... How The Tables Turn... So many people got deadly experimental gene therapy injections - for NO REASON! - 13th October 2022
Video J & J Shot "Almost Killed Me," Says French Politician. President Macron & Most of the Gov't Not Vaccinated - 12th October 2022
Video The jabbed are waking up!.. albeit rather late! Scottish man shares his experience - 12th October 2022
Video BREAKING: Vaccine never tested on preventing transmission. This means the COVID passport was based on a big lie. - By Rob Roos, Member of the European Parliament - 11th October 2022
Video COVID enforcers must be held accountable for abuse of power and violence: Rita Panahi - 10th October 2022
Video Covid Vaccine - Strange New Side-Effect - Strange things growing in arteries - The Zombies have officially arrived! - 8th October 2022
Q Experts estimate 20 million are already dead due to COVID Vaccination & over 2 billion injured! - 8th October 2022
Video THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - part 25 / 17 - Covid-19 - Torture Program - 5th October 2022
Q NZ Government Deaths by all Cause Mortality - 5.7% of NZ population dead from mRNA vaccines! - 4th October 2022
Video Why Are All Those People Dying? | Record Excess Deaths In Europe - 3rd October 2022
Video Woman gets Bell's Palsy 2 weeks after Covid Vaccine and would proudly do it again for reasons of insanity - 3rd October 2022
Video X-Files Spartan Virus reveals evil Black Hats tampering with DNA. More of a documentary than science fiction! - 2nd October 2022
Video It's really important that we do not forget the discrimination that we have been through! - 2nd October 2022
Video #2498 Covid Adverse Reaction - 1st October 2022
Video "The Worst Public Health Scandal In History"- 30th September 2022
Video Flu's back from it's holiday? Or is Big Pharma's Twindemic simply Adverse Events from the Covid Injections? Duh! - 29th September 2022
Video Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion... - Conclusion: Covid Vaccines are Harming and Killing Millions - 29th September 2022
Video New Zealand Funeral Director Speaks Out - So Many Covid Vaccine Deaths - 28th September 2022
Video Vaccine Induced (Documentary) - Covid vaccines and lifelong complications - 26th September 2022
Video Vaccinated Man Apologises to the Unvaccinated - Jabbed or not - I am sorry!! - 24th September 2022
Video Is this a 5G kill switch activated on all these people? - They all behave in a similar way before they died... - 23rd September 2022
Q The New Zealand Ministry of Health acknowledges that "Reducing transmission was not an outcome measured in trials of the Pfizer vaccine" - Let the enormity of that quote SINK IN!!! - 10th September 2022
Q Why are New Zealanders 7 x sicker now than in 2019? - Why are people of all ages suddenly dying? - 6th September 2022
Video Graphene Based, 5G Powered, Self Assembling Nano-Particles Forming Bio-Circuitry in Vaxxed - 5th September 2022
Q Mask-Winked Flyer Facts - Did you know? - Voices For Freedom - 4th September 2022
Q Covid vaccine ads found to be misleading - Otago Daily Times, New Zealand - 2nd September 2022
Q Vaccinate Aotearoa - Jabbing Our Way to a Safer New Zealand - Avoid disappointment: Book your next 120 Boosters in bulk - 1st Sept' 2022
Video Presenting: The "Vaccine" Pusher's Faces of Death Sports Edition - Largest Global Vaccination Trial EVER - 29th August 2022
Video A Word to the UNVACCINATED! - I salute the unvaccinated for their bravery against all odds... - They are heros! - 26th August 2022
Q MESSAGE TO THE UNVACCINATED - Certificate of Achievement Awarded to THE UNVACCINATED - 26th August 2022
Video Klaus Schwab, Jacinda Ardern & Justin Trudeau rejoice in reduction of human population through Global vaccine genocide - 26th August 2022
Video Fact check: Are more vaccinated people now dying of COVID-19 than unvaccinated? - YES, but that is a good thing - 25th August 2022
Video Mainstream news in Australia now speaking truth about adverse reactions and deaths from Covid vaccines - August 2022
Video DEATHS SPIKING +16% TO +26% in NEW ZEALAND in Recent Months in Excess of Baseline Average - 20th August 2022
Q New Zealand: Hawke's Bay District Health Board gave $908k in vax incentives! - 18th August 2022
Video SARS-CoV-2 Crisis Actors for more Fake Covid News - August 2022
Video Dr Malhotra on calling for vaccine data transparency: 'The information has evolved considerably' - 17th August 2022
Video Double Vaxxed New Zealanders SEVEN TIMES Sicker this Year than Pre-COVID 2019! - 17th August 2022
Video Fox News - Kennedy: Dr Anthony Fauci is a fraud! - 16th August 2022
Video Democrat megadonor Steve Kirsch says the Covid vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine ever created - 11th August 2022
Q 1 in every 246 Vaccinated People has died within 60 days of Covid-19 Vaccination in England - according to UK Government - 9th August 2022
Q Definition of Insanity - Get Vaxxed - Get Boosted - Get Covid - Repeat - 8th August 2022
Video Father of Child with Myocarditis Records Pharmacist Admit Parents' Aren't Warned About Side Effects - 6th August 2022
Video What Pfizer and the TGA didn't tell you - By: Queensland Senator Gerard Rennick - 4th August 2022
Video Newly-Released Internal Documents Prove Pfizer Knew the Contents of the Shot Would Go Everywhere - 2nd August 2022
Video THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - part 24 / 17 - Covid-19: Mandatory Vaccinations? Time for Action! - 31st July 2022
Q Vaccinator questioned at Covid-19 Vaccination Centre, Northtown Mall, Timaru, New Zealand - What incredible answers! - July 2022
Q If I don't get VACCINATED I am 100% protected against VACCINE SIDE EFFECTS & 99.8% Protected against Covid. That's a GOOD DEAL! - 27th July 2022
Video World leaders say the vaxxed cannot get Covid. They are now catching Covid after being vaccinated - 26th July 2022
Video Prof Michael Baker and Dr Ashley Bloomfield - 'Face masks do not work!' - 23rd July 2022
Video Funeral Director John O'Looney Update - Contracts for mass babies deaths - straight to crematoriums - 22nd July 2022
Video The Vaccine Pitch Meeting - 19th July 2022
Video Mark Steyn - Victims of the Covid Vaccine Special - 14th July 2022
Video Tell Me Lies.. | MSM covering for the main-effects of the jab - 9th July 2022
Video French Population Study Reinforces Cardiovascular Risk Associated with mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines - 9th July 2022
Video Vaccine Amputee Horror: Guitarist Loses Fingers, Riddled With Blood Clots After The Bioweapon Jab Vaccine - 7th July 2022
Q Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss Whistleblower Lawsuit Because Government Was Aware of Fraud - 7th July 2022
Video So many Covid vaccinated people collapsing, twitching and dying - I can't keep up! - Thank you Jacinda Ardern - 7th July 2022
Video Wheeling in the babies! Crowd PLEADS deranged parents to not jab their kids, HORROR SHOW - 6th July 2022
Video MSM FINALLY ADMITS - 4th Jab Could Shut Down Your IMMUNE SYSTEM - 4th July 2022
Video Covid Vaccine Events. They got the eye of the pfizer! - This was deleted from YouTube and TikTok - 2nd July 2022
Video Majority of COVID-19 Deaths Among Australia NSW Residents are Triple & Quadruple Vaccinated - 2nd July 2022
Traitors Bill Gates - the traitor behind 5G / Covid-19; and his ultimate plan to vaccinate the World with his 5G / Covid-19 vaccination and AI tracking technology

Certified IDIOT! Imagine A Vaccine So Safe You Have To Be
To Take It! For A Disease So Deadly
You Have To Be Tested To Know You Have It!
Satanic Pharmaceutical System

WARNING re Covid mRNA Injections

You simply CANNOT unvaccinate yourself of these Kill Shots!So you have participated in the GENOCIDE PROGRAMME and injected yourself for your: work / partner / or to 'fit in' socially etc; despite the hundreds of thousands of medical professionals who have been warning the whole World about the dangers of: modifying your RNA / DNA and shutting down your God given immune system!

Now you are filled with Covid 'Vaccination Remorse' (aka Jabber's Remorse) and are totally concerned about suffering extreme 'serious adverse reactions', so you have decided to find a 'wonder pill' as a cure. The reality is, unless you received a 'saline solution' (like many politicians and other key players in this Genocide Programme, or a miracle healing from your Creator God), or have access to a Med Bed, you simply CANNOT UNVACCINATE yourself of these Kill Shots!

[Note: At this stage, scientific studies from the UK and Israel show that the life expectancy for many 'fully vaccinated' recipients is just 3-5 years!]

How Bad is My Batch
Check out your batch code (lot number) for: Moderna - Pfizer - Janssen etc here:

Remedies and protocols (see here) that you take to reduce side effects / pain etc from the injections / shedding / spike proteins etc, will possibly be for the remainder of your life - as all you will be doing is alleviating the symptoms of the inevitable - VAIDS (Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) and eventual DEATH (yes, the Covid injections include the A.I.D.S virus and nano / graphene technology (all patented) - that turns many surviving recipients into patented 5g routers / transhumans / human 2.0.)

So please, take this opportunity to seek the Lord God (Creator of the Heavens and Earth) and make peace with Him. [Note: Globalists, politicians, scientists, doctors and merchants created this mess - so stop blaming the Purebloods and your Creator God!]

No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.

"I have met many people who regretted GETTING the Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine - but I have never met anyone who regretted NOT GETTING the Vaccine!"

has created millions of vaxxed
members absoutely terrified of 2023
31st December 2022
The Church of Covid has created millions of vaxxed members absoutely terrified of 2023

Frontline workers to receive Jacinda Ardern's
COVID-19 Response Award
in Recognition of their Crimes Against Humanity
and Participation in Genocide
By: - 31st December 2022


Frontline workers to receive Jacinda Ardern's COVID-19 Response Award in Recognition of their Crimes Against Humanity and Participation in GenocideFrontline workers to receive COVID-19 Response Award

The government has confirmed the groups of frontline workers to receive a COVID-19 Response Recognition Award, a specific acknowledgement of the service given by so many to New Zealand during the pandemic, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced today.

"All New Zealanders, at home and abroad, played a part in our successful response to COVID-19, and I thank them for that. But we also want to acknowledge those New Zealanders whose roles were particularly critical," Jacinda Ardern said.

"Earlier this year I announced this award to recognise particular people who contributed to New Zealand's COVID-19 response, with MIQ workers the first confirmed recipients.

"We have subsequently considered other workforces who delivered key parts of the COVID-19 response and as a result further recipients of the award will be the border, testing, contact tracing and vaccination workforces along with the doctors and nurses who cared for patients with COVID-19.

"Their efforts were vital to our national response, and this award is one way we can recognise and thank them for stepping up during our most challenging days.

"Collectively these individuals made an enormous contribution, whether it was through containing and stamping out COVID-19, putting protections in place to keep people safe, or caring for those who caught the virus.

"They stepped up, often at great personal risk and sacrifice, and we owe them a debt of gratitude for carrying that burden on behalf of us all.

"The award has been designed to be in keeping with the likes of military service, and takes the form of a lapel pin with up to 80,000 pins to be given to individuals in the workforce groups identified.

"There will also be an organisational award to recognise the collective efforts of people working for non-governmental organisations that provided social service support as part of the national COVID-19 response.

"Many organisations and iwi provided services that helped people to stay safe and healthy during periods of lockdown or self-isolation, particularly vulnerable and marginalised communities," Jacinda Ardern said.

  • The COVID-19 Response Recognition Award is for sustained and significant service in the following areas:
    • Managed Isolation and Quarantine Facilities (MIQ);
    • International Border workforce;
    • COVID-19 Testing workforce;
    • COVID-19 Contact Tracing workforce;
    • Doctors, Nurses, and healthcare staff caring for patients with COVID-19;
    • COVID-19 Vaccination workforce.
  • The COVID-19 Response Recognition Award has a focus on frontline workers in these workforce groups, and also includes people who provided sustained commitment to these workforces in a direct operational support role.
  • Recognition of the MIQ workforce will include, MIQ facility teams, MIQ regional offices, MIQ head office, transport providers, community groups, iwi partnerships, and private providers. It will also include personnel from New Zealand Police, healthcare staff and the Aviation Security Service (Avsec), and those members of the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) who were deployed to OPERATION PROTECT.
  • Recognition of the Border workforce will include workers from the New Zealand Customs Service, Immigration New Zealand, the Ministry for Primary Industries, healthcare staff, NZDF, Maritime New Zealand and Avsec.
  • Distribution of the individual awards will begin in late January 2023.
  • An image of the award design is attached [below].
Award design

Supplying 'identifiers' to all those complicit in Facilitating Genocide and Treason in New Zealand, is a very tactful move. It makes it so much easier for rounding up everyone who willingly and knowingly participated in Crimes Against Humanity via the rollout of the Covid-19 Experimental Injection Program and accompanying misinformation, coercion and intense discrimination.

Wear these badges with pride and enjoy your short moment of glory; knowing that without your assistance in Facilitating Genocide, Jacinda Ardern's Agenda 2030 goal of reducing the World's population to just 1/2 billion people could not have become a reality.

Jacinda Ardern - Your body - my choice!

Final Destination
Fully Vaxxed and Boosted - See you soon!
28th December 2022

Final Destination - Fully Vaxxed and Boosted - See you soon!

Download: Moderna-expands-UK-Canada-and-Australia-plants-to-supply-250M-doses-of-mRNA-Covid-Death-Shots-for-next-10-years-2022-12-27.mp4 - 14,776 kb
By: Dr. John Campbell - 27th December 2022
Moderna expands UK, Canada & Australia
plants to supply 250M doses of mRNA
Covid Death Shots for next 10 years!

Moderna Chief Executive Stephane Bancel

That capacity that we're building in the UK, that they are committed to buying the product for the next ten years


the details of the strategic partnership between the government and Moderna are commercially sensitive

UK, Prime Minister, Moderna (2020)

Mr. Sunak refused to disclose whether he will profit from a surge in the share price of Moderna

Theleme has a $500m investment in US-based Moderna

Mr. Sunak was a founding partner of Theleme Partners

and one of the executives managing its US office.

He left the firm in 2013

Theleme is registered in the Cayman Islands

(which does not make company records public)

Moderna goes global


New factory in Montreal area, Laval, Que

Mr. Trudeau took part in a groundbreaking ceremony

Completed in 2024 or 2025

mRNA vaccines, 100 million doses per year

Covid, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus

Innovation Minister François-Philippe Champagne

Canada committed to purchase a certain number of vaccines

Part of a seven-year agreement

200+ workforce

Not to leave out Australia

Monash Technology Precinct, Victoria

COVID-19, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

100 million doses per year

mRNA vaccines

Monash Vice-Chancellor, Professor Margaret Gardner

bring together all of the elements of an mRNA innovation ecosystem

that will deliver long-term health and economic benefits for the community

Jolene Burger
I agree Dr.John, we should see EVIDENCE of Safety for continuing with any MRNA vaccines BEFORE it is allowed to be given to the public !!!

Mr. Campbell, you are blazing a trail to the TRUTH .. which is a dangerous route these days. Thank you. thanksdoc

Tuppy Brill
Ok there are 2.6 million of us of which maybe 50% are UK citizens, write to your MP and demand the checks and balances Dr Campbell is listing AND that it is utterly unacceptable that the government should enter into a contract where the financial aspect is hidden - it is not the government's money it is OUR money!

s m
Moderna's Crigler-Najjar treatment was to be their "flagship" product and the evidence for the potential for mRNA. In 2017 this project was scrapped due to it NOT proving safe enough to move onto human trials. This company was facing ruin because of this failure. Covid was a absolute financial miracle for Moderna. What changed so rapidly? How did it prove unsafe... to being forced into hundreds of millions of people in such a short time? This was the basis alone for why I refused the shots for myself and my family. I feel as though there is a lot being held from us.

Sherlie Magers
In my lowly opinion this is criminal, and the evidence we have so far is dodgy, at best! Thank you Dr.Campbell for all you do. Merry Christmas!

We are told absolutely nothing in Canada and we're invited to just roll the hell up and get the messenger genetic therapy. We see on average 50-75 times a day where we're reminded to protect ourselves and other people and be responsible and get the messenger genetic therapy. Pure conditioning. It is incredible the division that is taking place here, it used to be the exact opposite. People were talking and sharing their thoughts about everything. There were scenes in movies mocking the generosity and pacifism of this beautiful land. This seem politically oriented and people are waking up to it. I have never heard so many people talking about politics in the last 25 years. This will most likely increase the percentage of voters. At least it will have triggered that.

Why? Because there's a lot of money to be made selling vaccines, no matter if they work or not. It's all about the money, not people's health. That much should be obvious by now considering all the scandals around these rushed and improperly tested mRNA vaccines.

Russell Alfonso
I love, love, love Dr John's dry sarcasm!!!!

Heiko Weber
Merry Christmas John, thx for all the good work and helping me through all this. Stay save!

Download here: Crazy-man-with-long-tounge-says-GET-YOUR-GOD-DAMN-COVID-SHOT-2022-12-25.mp4 - 2,120 kb
By: TRUTH MEDIA - 25th December 2022
Crazy man with long tounge says:

Moronic Gene Simmons trashed the unvaccinated and compares taking the shot to obeying traffic signals. High IQ, right? Only vaccinated people are allowed on the "KISS cruise." Let's hope Gene and the boys get massive Spike Protein transmission and infection from the vaccinated guests.

#vaccine #covid #bioweapon

Crazy man with long tounge says: 'GET YOUR GOD DAMN COVID SHOT' - Well K.I.S.S. MY ASS, GENE SIMMONS

If you are jabbed and masked, you're protected. What you worried about me for. I prefer natural immunity. So go get your booster and leave me the fuck alone.

Genius, if it's safe and effective, you have nothing to worry about, so stop worrying that you are in danger from the unvaxxxed...

He don't even know this drug is experimental and that all the animals died in the trials because he is a "know it all"...he equates to taking the jab to putting on a seat belt or stopping at a red light. He's a total idiot.

Just because you have been damned by our creator Simmons doesn't mean we want to follow you.
Get over it. You sold your soul and you aint getting it back. May the Lord have mercy on you.

He needs to get another booster.

Get your bimonthly boosters, LOSER!

you know he's a jew as well? must be the "we" hes refering to
fuck off gene
besides..kiss sucks

Shut up has been, do some fuckin research,and quit being a fuckin parrot, dip shit

He must be high. Looks like he drank the kool aid too.

What a goof, who in the hell would want to go to a Kiss concert ??
The music was bad then, I'm sure it's worse now.

Viral Myth
The stats for Israel are here:
One of the most vaccinated countries with one of the highest rates of infections and deaths as a percentage of the population. Please...Genius Gene Simmons, give us your commentary; that is, if your brain isn't too addled to do so.
Coronavirus Cases: 4,756,955
Deaths: 11,988

Make sure you do some cardio on that cruise along with all your vaxxed pals, we'll bring the bodybags for you to the port low IQ retards that do everything you're told. you can call it the spike protein cruise only an unvaxxed moron would want to go on that boat F*cking idiot

one great ad not to take it for sure, not this time satan :)

I will never take another vaccine of any kind. You and your kids can have all of my left overs.

Download here: VICTORY-Vax-Tyrant-Biden-Caves-Signs-Bill-That-EVERY-US-Serviceman-Will-Cheer-2022-12-24.mp4 - 24,503 kb
By: The Next News Network - 24th December 2022
VICTORY! Vax Tyrant Biden Caves
Signs Bill That EVERY US Serviceman Will Cheer

Finally! After months of mandated tyranny, President Biden has reversed the mandate for our brave US servicemen and women. After much public outcry amongst the troops, Biden signed a defense bill removing mandates from our military's regulations.

All of the service men and women who were forced out because of this illegal mandate should be reinstated and receive back pay.

Elizabeth Gonzalez
I am very happy for them. However, us city workers are still out of work.

"My body, my choice!"

"But what about the vaccine mandates?"


Old Lady Farmer
I'm hoping that everyone who lost their jobs, rank, benefits, pensions etc. will be not only reinstated but financially compensated, reimbursed and reparations made..

tom arel
Never should have put that stupid law into the rules along with the idiots signing the big money they gave away today.

Robin Jackson
It's about time .. A Welcome Victory for Our Loved Service Men and Women ..God Bless America

Leanne Frye
They fired NY Court employees too. We never make the news. Thank you for covering. Merry Christmas

Jason Foley
Need to reinstate all the service members that were unjustly discharged. FJBLGB

Robert Pearl
Happy to see this happen,now they can reinstate the ones who had to leave the service with no loss of rank.

Benjamin Lewis
Makes me dizzy to see what the government has gotten away with. And what the citizens are allowing. This is all going to happen again and we don't care about life and humanity enough to stop it.

This could have easily defeated our military from within.

Gerard Beckham
He's just figuring that out! Wow he is going crazy ! And that is a understatement! Oh crazy joe!

Danny Honn
It should NEVER have been mandated to begin with. NO president or congress has the right or power to mandate such stupidity.
I wonder what theyd done if every soldier had told them "HELL NO".

Latest Rasmussen Poll Finds 34%
Of Americans Injured By Covid Jabs
By: Edward Morgan and LJ devon - 22nd December 2022
Latest Rasmussen Poll Finds 34% Of Americans Injured By Covid Jabs

About one third of the population has learned the hard way that the government, the media, and the pharmaceutical companies are pathological liars that seek to control, manipulate, and harm, without any remorse or redress.

Upwards Of 12 Million Americans Seriously Injured By Covid Jabs

The latest poll included 1,000 vaccinated Americans from both aisles of the political spectrum.

The results show that vaccine injuries are not political; they affect Republicans and Democrats equally.

Approximately 7 in 10 American adults said they received at least one dose of a covid-19 vaccine. Of the vaccinated adults, 34 percent reported a minor side effect, four percent were unsure, and seven percent suffered a major side effect.

When the data is extrapolated to the entire U.S. population, it becomes clear that upwards of 12 million people suffered a major side effect from the covid-19 vaccines! Of course, these statistics do not include the most serious side effects - debilitation and death - because the mentally incapacitated and the deceased can't respond to polls.

When the government first rolled out the covid-19 vaccine, the media reassured the public that the jab was safe and effective, that side effects were minor and rare. As more people were manipulated into taking the jab, hundreds of thousands of vaccine injury reports came pouring into the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).

This prompted the media to change their tune. When mass injuries became impossible to ignore, vaccine companies used the media to promote new propaganda, alleging that side effects did happen, but these side effects were normal and only proved that the vaccine was working.

This propaganda was quickly debunked, as more vaccinated individuals succumbed to the infection they were supposed to be protected from. Not only did vaccinated individuals go on to get covid, but millions suffered from various side effects, some debilitating, others deadly.

"People are really being harmed by this," said Rasmussen's head pollster, Mark Mitchell. "It's true. It's out there. People are still trying to cover it up. I think that's a major story."

CDC's V-Safe Data Shows 33.1 Percent Of Vaccine Recipients Suffering From Significant Adverse Event

After fighting against two federal lawsuits that sought transparency on vaccine injury, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) were forced to release their V-safe data, which includes information on vaccine injury in a pool of about 10 million vaccinated Americans.

"The V-safe data shows that 33.1 percent of the people who got the vaccine suffered from a significant adverse event and 7.7 percent had to seek professional medical care," Steve Kirsch reported back on October 5th.

"These are extraordinary numbers," Kirsch declared in his Substack. "They clearly show the vaccines are unsafe, that the CDC deliberately hid this information from the American public, and that the drug companies falsified the data in the trials."

Kirsch quickly recognized that the vaccines were dangerous and would cause mass harm to the population. Kirsch has been warning the public about the dangers associated with the vaccines, but, like the many others who spoke out against the covid jabs, he was defamed, censored, and blacklisted across the corporate media and all the social media platforms.

The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) provided the V-safe data in an easy-to-understand format. ICAN said the data "reveals shocking information that should have caused the CDC to immediately shut down its Covid-19 vaccine program."

The real-life data shows that 782,913 individuals had a major health event following covid-19 vaccination.

A major side effect is one that requires medical attention, ER intervention, and/or hospitalization. Over 25 percent of vaccine recipients also suffered from an adverse event that required them to miss school, work, and other normal day to day activities.

The leader of the coronavirus task force, Dr. Anthony Fauci, continues to promote the vaccine as highly effective, safe, and life-saving despite mountains of evidence to the contrary.

Fauci appears hellbent on defending gross medical misconduct and mass murder, even as grand juries prepare to convene at the state level, investigating vaccine injury, death, and related crimes against humanity.

Download here: Top-doctor-says-both-her-and-her-wife-suffered-COVID-19-vaccine-injuries-Large-spectrum-of-side-effects-2022-12-21.mp4 - 9,488 kb
By: 9 News Australia - 21st December 2022
Top doctor says both her and her wife
suffered COVID-19 vaccine injuries.
Large spectrum of side effects in community

Dr Kerryn Phelps is calling for more research into COVID-19 vaccines after she says she experienced a vaccine injury.

#9News #BreakingNews #NineNewsAustralia #9NewsAUS

John Holmes
Well aint you just precious then!

Red Healer
I'm amazed that the grownups even allowed this truthful reporting to air on nationwide TV! Maybe there is a glitch in the Matrix?

Fred Flintstone
So, now that your important life has been affected, someone ought to do something about it! Well, we have been speaking up from the beginning and your people have mocked, persecuted, sacked us and ruined our lives. I really hope that you enjoy what is brewing in your arteries and what is to come, you piece of shite!

Top doctor? Pro Covid vaccine! Her and her homosexual wife now having adverse effects! Subsequently demands for more research into Covid-19 vaccines; not because of her patients and the public in general having adverse effects, but because she is now having adverse effects. What a narcistic and stupid woman!

Sally Horne
If the average person questions the efficacy of the covid injections / death shots, you are a CONSPIRACY THEORIST!

However, after many mainstream media staff and medical professionals experience adverse effects and deaths from the death shots and question the efficacy of the covid injections / death shots, they are viewed as HEROS!

New Zealand Government Report Admits
You May Die or Fall Ill
After Pfizer mRNA Vaccination,
but Advises People Not to Worry
By: Guy Hatchard - 20th December 2022

Q: How often do people die from the covid vaccine? A: Just once!

Time series analysis of New Zealand data supports a relationship between mRNA vaccination and death that is consistent with a German autopsy study.

On 14th December 2022, Medsafe (NZ Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority) released its 46th report into the safety of Covid vaccines entitled "Adverse events following immunisation with COVID-19 vaccines". The report covered safety signals up to 30th November 2022.

This report contained new advice about the risk of death following mRNA vaccination. Medsafe's assessment began as follows:

"By chance, some people will experience new illnesses or die from a pre-existing condition shortly after vaccination, especially if they are elderly. Therefore, part of our review process includes comparing natural death rates to observed death rates following vaccination, to determine if there are any specific trends or patterns that might indicate a vaccine safety concern."

The report comes after months of speculation concerning record levels of excess all cause mortality in New Zealand affecting all ages, currently running at 15% above historical levels.

After dropping the bombshell news, Medsafe goes through an entirely bogus and unscientific process designed to reassure the public that there is nothing to worry about. Medsafe compares the number of deaths reported to CARM (Centre for Adverse Reactions Monitoring) within 21 days of vaccination to the background rate of deaths from natural causes. In doing so, it omits to mention (but does so elsewhere) that CARM reports are voluntary and massively underreported by an estimated factor of 20 times. As a result there is nothing at all reassuring about this safety report.

Are There Other Reasons to Be Concerned? Yes, Many:

1: Medsafe reports, "There have been no deaths reported for the Vaxzevria or Nuvaxovid vaccines." So why are they happening after the Pfizer vaccine?

2: Autopsies are not routinely performed in New Zealand following deaths proximate to vaccination. A recently published German study Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination reports 16% of deaths within 20 days of mRNA vaccination exhibit definitive causal symptoms of acute myocarditis, a known adverse effect of Pfizer Covid vaccination. So why is there no concerted effort here in NZ to investigate by routinely performing autopsies?

3: The Ministry of Health has consistently refused/omitted to record vaccine status on death certificates or make CARM reporting mandatory. This makes it very difficult to scientifically and reliably investigate any causal relationship between mRNA vaccination and death or serious illness. On the 17th December 2021 the director of the Covid immunisation programme wrote to me on behalf of Dr. Ashley Bloomfield, Director General of Health, saying "An accurate measurement of all adverse events is not required".

In the light of today's Medsafe admission, that's damning. Incredibly Dr. Bloomfield has just been appointed the inaugural chair of a new public policy impact institute at the University of Auckland, proposing to translate and apply research into policies that directly impact communities - but he doesn't subscribe to accuracy??? Most people do, especially academics.

4: Medsafe argues that temporal correlation between deaths and vaccination does not prove a causal relationship between them. They, along with epidemiologist Professor Michael Baker, suggest that Covid infection or pre-existing health conditions are more likely to be causally connected to deaths following vaccination. There are in fact other relevant analyses which can determine whether there is a relationship between mRNA vaccination and proximate deaths. Among these, powerful techniques of time series analysis can discover whether deaths are consistently occurring during specific intervals of time after vaccination. This would provide strong support for a causal relationship.

Among the world's nations, New Zealand is in a unique position to undertake this sort of analysis. In 2021 New Zealand had very few Covid infections (almost none) but the majority of the population were vaccinated over a period of eight months. Therefore deaths recorded during much of 2021 in New Zealand cannot be ascribed to any effect of Covid infection.

Preliminary data from 2021 has been analysed to investigate the proposition that mRNA vaccination resulted in deaths. This shows there is a significant (p=0.045) relationship between number of vaccines administered by week and weekly deaths at a lag of one week. In other words, there is a statistically significant increased chance of dying within a few days of vaccination. Download the study here. Despite the preliminary nature of the data in this study, the findings of this study are consistent with the findings of German autopsies. Therefore there should be more rigorous study of stored data to further test these findings.

There are other simple methods to analyse death data. For example taking the date of inoculation for each individual as a notional point in time around which all death data can be assessed for entire cohorts of individuals. This would reveal whether death rates before and after inoculation differ.

5:  The time series analysis does not preclude the possibility that other deaths at longer time intervals after an inoculation date may be occurring as a result of mRNA vaccination. Unprecedented rates of all cause mortality suggest this is likely to be the case. Unfortunately, the New Zealand Ministry of Health is not releasing data on causes of hospitalisation by category of illness. There is evidence we have previously reported based on US defence personal data and insurance statistics, and on UK ONS data, indicating that incidence of neurological disorders, cancers, cardiac events, and strokes have increased.

Medsafe's position on vaccine safety has clearly shifted during the two months since it last published a safety report, but has it realised the importance of more reliable causal assessments? Apparently not. The NZ public is being kept in the dark about vaccine safety as it has been for the last two years. Bland assurances of safety continue without foundation in fact.

Can mRNA Vaccination Be a Trigger Event for Death if You Are Already Sick or Elderly?

The wording of the December 14th Medsafe warning is strange and ambiguous: "..some people will experience new illnesses or die from a pre-existing condition shortly after vaccination, especially if they are elderly". So are the elderly especially liable to die after vaccination because of vaccination or because they are elderly? We aren't told.

Aside from the obviously elevated rates of excess all cause deaths, anecdotal reports from rest home staff suggest this is the case. Emergency vehicles and helicopters are answering more frequent calls. Hospitals are overwhelmed and unable to cope. Whistleblowers among nurses are talking about overflowing cardiac wards. A top UK cardiologist has suggested that the evidence of harm is overwhelming and irrefutable. Funeral home workers in New Zealand and overseas have spoken publicly about strange rubbery clots in arteries which have been confirmed by experienced pathologists in the USA. Statistically improbable increases in life insurance claims data have been noted. Sudden unexplained deaths have a high profile in the media. The message is consistent - something unprecedented and very concerning is going on.

Despite having multiple sources of data and methods of analysis available to it, Medsafe has relied for two years on a single obviously flawed method of comparing CARM data to background rates, despite admitting CARM data is underreported. How strange is that? This deficiency is fatal to Medsafe's claims of safety. It is scientifically unjustifiable and it wouldn't meet publication criteria.

There is no possible justification for omitting to use more reliable forms of causal investigation. Medsafe has avoided public accountability by refusing to debate the issues publicly, omitting publication of key health data, massaging published data, and unforgivably accusing critics of spreading disinformation. These approaches are worthy of a dictatorship - but not a modern democracy.

"Pfizer - putting profit before people"

There is no cure for stupidity...

Download: Baby-Given-Vaccinated-Blood-Infusion-Dies-Within-Days-From-Blood-Clot-Doctors-and-hospital-lie-lie-and-lie-2022-12-19.mp4 - 30,123 kb
By: monwaa - 19th December 2022
Baby Given Vaccinated Blood Infusion
Dies Within Days From Blood Clot
Doctors and hospital lie, lie and lie

Baby Alex died and tyrannical New Zealand government steals infant from family to be given vaccinated blood. The people stand down as our children continue to be sacrificed.

Jean Budden
So sad. Heartless murderers

Sounds like a sad scam.

There is no exuse.

Eat Nutz
So the hospital staff killed their baby. Eye for an eye.

Justin Cooper
Can you provide a source for this story? I'm curious to find out more.

Sharon Power
Murderers with absolutely no accountability., so sad for the family.

keri goncalves
Of course the news won't cover this cover up

The Joker
This poor baby. Rest in peace, little one, and my heart goes out to the parents.

Prosecution for all involved. Punishment is all these animals understand.

Download here: Anecdotals-The-Movie-VAERS-Covid-Vaccine-Damage-2022-12-16.mp4 - 490,826 kb
By: AnecdotalsMovieOfficial - 16th December 2022
Anecdotals "The Movie"
VAERS - Covid Vaccine Damage

While the vaccine debate grows more divided, those with adverse reactions get stuck in the middle. A compassionate exploration of the nuanced vaccine debate.

"Anecdotals," has been made available for free with no ads so that it is easily accessible for everyone. Any support you can give will go towards marketing and expenses from making the movie. (Even the price of a movie ticket would help.)

Contributions can be made at:



Download here: Famous-actors-suffer-adverse-effects-or-die-post-vaccination-Part-76-You-can-all-fuck-off-2022-12-14.mp4 - 39,100 kb
By: Alcyon Pleiades Recommended - 14th December 2022
Famous actors suffer adverse effects
or die post vaccination - Part 76

Famous actors like Sharon Stone, Larissa Manoela, Varun Dhawan, Jessica Simpson, Teddi Mellencamp and many others have been injured by toxic vaccines and some have died. If this is happening with famous actors, how many more nameless people are being affected without receiving media coverage or being counted amongst the statistics?

Please visit our channel Alcyon Pleiades, at the following address: to watch our videos on these subjects.

URGENT! For everyone's sake, share these videos amongst family and friends, since we are in grave danger, being subject to medical and social tyranny, which is striving to destroy humanity.

Peter Pan
Although there are Covid vaxxed people dropping dead Globally, I just don't care about them anymore!

Am I being cold and heartless? Not at all. On the contrary, I have been warning people for 3 years not to get these poisonous kill shots, as the whole exercise was to facilitate GENOCIDE, as per the goals of WEF / Bill gates / Georgia Stones etc.

In effect, I have been warning so many people at 2am in the morning: "Your house is on fire! Save yourself and GET OUT NOW!"

My reward for CARING about my fellow man has been: "You're disturbing my sleep, piss off!" and "You're a conspiracy theorist!" and "The Fauci Fire Brigade says that SCIENCE proves that staying inside and wearing a mask is the best way to survive the fire. So I'm following 'the science', not you!"

I have been mocked, received death threats and heavily discriminated against by my workmates, neighbours and government. And, as Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern, Scott Morrison etc said: "If the lockdowns, masks and vaccines save just one life - 'IT' will all be worth it!" [It being mass suicides, deaths from adverse reactions, business closures, ruined economies and servitude etc.]

So go right ahead and shoot yourself up with poisonous drugs, from disreputable companies, that accept no liability for adverse reactions and deaths / that are bankrolled by megalomaniacs who have openly stated that they want a Global Reset wherein "You will eat bugs / you will own nothing and be happy / and we will reduce the World's population to 1/2 billion people of entitled elites who are looked after by DNA altered transhumans."

Samuel Adams: "If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."

In other words: "FUCK OFF!"

Download here: Bill-Gates-Preps-For-Next-Catastrophic-Contagion-With-DEADLY-VIRUS-SIM-TARGETING-YOUR-KIDS-2022-12-13.mp4 - 33,630 kb
By: The Next News Network - 13th December 2022

Bill Gates' unsettling accuracy in predicting future pandemics is cause for alarm. He not only anticipated the Covid-19 pandemic by participating in "Event 201" -- an global health exercise -- but also conducted a "monkeypox preparedness exercise" that forecasted its emergence to the exact month.

Peter Pan
The unvaxxed are increasingly getting more support from the vaxxed - not by willful consent, but rather - by way of millions of Covid Vaccine injured copses! DEAD PATIENTS DO NOT LIE!

At least they died as compliant slaves and intellectual prostitutes, and averted the dreaded label of 'Conspiracy theorist!'

Tiny Dog
He is the one doing this to all of us. Put him in prison for what he has done to all us. Take his assets to pay for what he has done.

Marilyn Malone
How does a man that stole his co worker's technology and claim it as his own , get to be this Vile and Powerful. this only comes from Evilness! It's time for Justice!

Back in the 90s I had such respect for Bill Gates. Today, I find him to be beneath contempt.

Suzy Gate
Why is this man running free after all his crimes?

paintlady 51
since he seems to be able to predict these pandemics he may be the one creating them.

Lock Bill Gates up!!!

Watch Woman of The Dragon
Arrest them all.

Black Pill
I'm starting to believe these folks that we're dealing with aren't even human. They Live

Steve Leach
Why this man is even breathing still is beyond me

Ben Foot
Time for Gates to be put out to pasture

The Way of Yeshua
The "Gates" of hell shall not prevail against the church

0The Father0
These aren't "predictions" they are plans.

Angela Pagano
If we're fortunate enough, it will get him first. Enough said.

Download here: Australia-Spike-in-Heart-Attacks-Defibulators-EVERYWHERE-Sudden-Cardiac-Arrest-NOW-Affecting-Everyone-2022-12-12.mp4 - 4,628 kb
By: billyjones - 12th December 2022
Australia: Spike in Heart Attacks!
Defibulators EVERYWHERE!
Sudden Cardiac Arrest NOW Affecting Everyone!

What could be causing the spike heart attacks? Hmmmmm.


It would be funny, if it wasn't so fucklng tragic, Save your life today so you can die tomorrow. Still jabed and boosted.

Glad i never fell for the bullshit convid scam never taking anything and i feel fine Baaaahhhh

Guess they will need it.

More bullshit more lies, Australia...... you suck. You never do cpr on damaged hearts. Millions dying from your jabs.... happy Xmas you dumb sheep - goat worshiping Tv fuckers! All 0z msm is misinformation! 7 up at the top, all jew owned and directed of course!! Unplug your Tv's, don't listen to their lies anymore!!
Edited 21 hours ago

Great country Australia, Great company the defibrillator manufacturer.

How many people are going to die via defibrillator?

Get 5 more boosters!

so absurd.....and the sheeple keep going baaaaaaa baaaaa baaaaa.

And the jabbed see nothing wrong with this! Incredible!

they do, they just aren't saying's one of those things everyone knows, but no one wants to talk about it.

what does the left say "silence is violence",well silence is going to kill many more if they dont criticize the joojab

Download here: MASS-VACCINATION-MEDIA-DROPPING-LIKE-FLIES-2022-12-10.mp4 - 74,594 kb
By: TruthSeekerNews1984 - 10th December 2022

Since the beginning of Covid-19, corporate media have been responsible for brainwashing the public to line up for the experimental jab. Due to their role in their mass propaganda, any mention of adverse effects can not be discussed, investigated, and is actively suppressed.. Media pundits who have tried to speak out about their own vaccine issues and risk issues in general, have been silenced. But most have remained silent so they can keep their cooshy high paying job whilst their colleagues drop like flies.

Very scary. Quite obvious that this is bio warfare, and MSM is aiding and abetting.

Pericarditis is a major problem with the vaxx for millions lol , his boss owns his soul and he will perish for not fighting his employer

I'm glad its happening to the media. They pushed this on to the people. Not many of us were able to stand firm and refuse the shots.

Around 04:00, look how that jewess witch has him squirming and apologising after the jews gave him bells palsy.

those rats scrambling to backtrack...
ever noticed how heroes are always different but cowards are exactly the same?

Scumbags. Time for their next booster.

I hope every one of these pieces of shit drop dead from the poison. If these pieces of shit did their jobs this would have been nipped in the bud. How the lowlifes can look in their families eyes is sickening.

Dropping dead is too good for them. They need to linger and suffer and get gaslighted by the system they promoted.

Download here: UK-Health-Security-Agency-encourage-all-the-Santas-to-get-Covid-Vaccine-Boosted-2022-12-10.mp4 - 14,226 kb
By: UK Health Security Agency - @UKHSA - 10th December 2022
UK Health Security Agency encourage
all the Santas to get Covid Vaccine Boosted

Carrots for reindeer ✔
Cozy blanket for sleigh ✔
Gift for Mrs. Claus ✔
Boosted immunity for Christmas ✔

Santa's making sure he's checked off everything on his list before the big day - book now for your #flu & #COVID19 jabs on the NHS app or website

The-GREAT-AWAKENING-Masses-Wake-Up-To-Vaccine-Genocide-As-Heart-Attacks-Miscarriages-Cancers-and-Deaths-Skyrocket-2022-12-06.mp4 - 87,332 kb
By: Stew Peters - 6th December 2022
Masses Wake up to Vaccine Genocide as Heart
Attacks, Miscarriages, Cancers & Deaths Skyrocket

A great awakening is happening all across the planet. It's an awakening to the truth about the pandemic and the fake, deadly "vaccine" they have forced onto the population in order to "treat" it.

We're now over 14 million views for "Died Suddenly" between Rumble and YouTube. People who were tricked or browbeaten into getting the initial set of jabs are ignoring commands to get infinite boosters for the rest of their lives.

Of course, not everybody is really happy about this happening.

William Wallace
You are a very brave woman Dr. Tenpenny, thank you. However, while you say that no one has been manhandled into getting the poisonous jabs, that is not entirely true. The reality is that many vurnerable people Globally like: the mentally disabled, feeble elderly, infants; and in various places non consenting adults have literally had these jabs physically FORCED upon them. There are many reasons as to WHY people received the KILL SHOTS such as: 1) People who believe everything that Big Pharma and the Government say and who volunteered to receive regular experimental injections for life; 2) those who were COERCED into getting the Kill Shots; 3) those who had the Kill Shots forceably injected into them by deception and brute force etc. No matter how we look at this, it is a gross evil and possibly apocalyptic in nature. So please show some more respect for these causualties of war.

The End is Nigh
did you know that the medical system is broken beyond repair....
if you want to do research into the cause of disease and how to prevent it you get no funding, more likely you get assassinated.....
but if you want to use toxic chemicals to poison people you get all the funding you want..........
Big Pharma's chemical warfare on humanity dwarfs the number of victims killed by all world wars and acts of terrorism combined...

This so-called clot shot is actually a pathogen! Definitely definitely definitely a pathogen. I knew there was something wrong with it from the beginning because God let me know it. I told everyone I know not to get it. Only a couple did get it and now they have problems.

It's a joke. America is the least racist country in the world. Where and what other country can a black person become a millionaire or a billionaire like they do in America. I haven't seen any racism at all maybe a small bit and I'm 55 years old. My best friend is black I mean my very best friend is black. But you know what like if there was any racism at all it's blacks against the whites. And that's not much. There is bad people in every single race out there including white. People need to wake up to this and understand that it is just an agenda to separate us while they stick together. By they I mean the elites with it which is causing this. And paid for by the Rockefeller foundation. Wake up people wake up

If the "spike protein" exists they should show it under a microscope. Nobody has.

These docs aren't keeping up with the evidence being found. Materials like graphene aren't just being thrown in for the hell of it. They can't see the bigger picture as being described by people like Kingston, La Quinta, Young etc.

Ha ha ha , I thought #Q wasn't real Stewie..
Where DO YOU THINK......

all yall mad at tenpenny but you should be mad at the people who shot the poison in your arm, the govt that mandated it, the job that threatened to fire you, or the school who denied you admission etc.. sound just like a bunch of jabbed sheeple you were stupid enough to get the shot now yall mad at her and all she has been doing is trying to warn people against the shots,,

Just bought a house, had to pay the bills, have 4 children. TELL US HOW YOU CAN AVOID THIS TENPENNY. My children were forced, they did not want it, but when you just bought a house and have children, there is no choice. I want these people to be sentenced to death. It killed my mom and brother, my daughter got shingles at 33 and my son suffers digestive issues.

She's wrong, people were strong armed, and either they starved to death and lost their jobs or take the jab. Not everyone could say no, screw off tenpenny, they forced the shit on a lot of people.

"Nobody was strong armed to take the shots"




Correction people were strong armed ....the threat of their financial security was at risk don't get the job you don't get to work... so what does she means nobody was strong armed,? you better believe they were..... And that's just one example of how people were coerced into or strong armed into getting the suicide shot....

Download here: Japanese-Scientist-Livered-that-the-Covid-Vaccinations-are-Killing-Billions-2022-12-03.mp4 - 19,124 kb
By: A_Warrior_Calls - 3rd December 2022
Japanese Scientist Livered that the
Covid Vaccinations are Killing Billions

JAPAN - Dr. Masanori Fukushima, emeritus professor at Kyoto University in a session with the Ministry of Health: "The damage caused by vaccines is now a global problem. Half of deaths after vaccination are due to cardiovascular and heart damage. I'm sure you know this all too well. Given the high number of vaccinations and given the wide range of adverse effects, billions of lives could ultimately be in danger. All people who have hypertensive crises are victims of this vaccine. Nearly 2,000 people have died from the vaccine, but in my opinion there are many more"

Video taken from an extraordinary session held on November 25, 2022 in the House of Representatives in Tokyo, with the relatives of the victims, Pr. Fukushima, Pr. Kojima, Pr. Sano in front of the members of the Ministry of Health.

#awarriorcalls #JapaneseScientist #vaccinekill

Japan already has a population problem, since their younger population are not procreating.
So to now have this #poisondeathshot killing away their younger population will be devastating
They're own fault trusting known eugenicist jews...

Canada is desperately trying to FUCK every healthcare worker over in which politicians will be in charge of healthcare. Bill C-36; the government is trying to legalize murder by dictate.

aaaaaaand he still feels compelled to wear a mask. Brave, so brave...

That was my point exactly!
the mask appears to be part of the Japanese society.

Someone explain to these guys VIROLOGY HAS BEEN REFUTED

And they wore their masks....

What a powerful speech. Slowly the truth is getting out across many countries but the governments are now in a stale mate of confusion. They don't know what to do next.
The crime of the century has now been fully committed and the after effects will be enormous. Everyone trust in God.

Thank God they are taking a stand! We truly are in this shit together guys! Stay strong, we're about to see some bad shit on a scale we just can't comprehend. Prayers for those who got this. No mercy for those who pushed it.

They can't even look at him.

Dr. Fukushima nailed it and them.

Why would any Health Ministry investigate their own crime? Good explanation but a pointless Call to Action

5D or Bust
Wait til they learn there was never a pandemic in the first place...that ALL was an evil hoax to get that crap in your arm as soon as possible.

Much respect to these doctors who actually care enough to distribute the honest truth.

Download: Demand-for-Pure-Blood-Skyrockets-Globally-As-Critics-Dismiss-Fears-of-Covid-Vaccinated-Tainted-Blood-2022-12-02.mp4 - 24,396 kb
By: The Next News Network - 2nd December 2022
Demand for "Pure Blood" Skyrockets Globally
As Critics Dismiss Fears of
Covid Vaccinated Tainted Blood

I knew this moment would come. The demand for what some refer to as "Pureblood". And now within 18 nations "Pureblood" banks have been established, meanwhile critics are dismissing people's desire for safe and clean blood transfusions following the roll out of government mandated shots and boosters worldwide. This is one report you won't see anywhere else.

Joanne Hunstiger

Thank you Gary, my daughter was rejected from a summer youth conference because she wouldn't get the jab. She's been bullied and pressured by teachers at church for not wearing the mask. She has been stalwart and immovable in her convictions and I am beyond proud of her.

Jacob Jacob
I was refused entry into stores to buy Christmas gifts for my loved ones, refused entry into stores for not wearing a mask to buy much needed clothes, refused entry for a hair cut, for groceries, swimming pools, restaurants, for nearly two years. I still can't leave my country due to my vaxx status. I sacrificed to keep my body clean, I sacrificed alot and am still sacrificing. Well guess what, I ain't giving my O- away for free no more.

My husband had c-spine surgery and they asked if, in an emergency, would he accept a blood transfusion. I said "only if the donor DID NOT have the 'vaccine'". The doctor is one of us, he laughed and said "you've got it".

Cosmic Carebear
The crazy thing is that my mother was hospitalized in California just a couple months ago and they were conversing about giving her some transfusions, as soon as I heard this I called them right away asking if I could directly donate my blood, because I am a suitable donor for her and know I am clean from drugs and healthy. They actually told me that they already had a supply of blood in hand and dismissed my request. Fortunately, they decided against giving any to her after all.... But it worried me deeply and I didn't understand why they would deny my request since blood like all of our body parts have cell memory and can even transfer the donors mental trauma on to the recipient. It's kinda creepy.

I appreciate this segment on the pure bloods Gary and thank you! I chose to say NO and my career ended. I pray that these institutions be held accountable.

Zebra all day
Congratulations to my fellow pure bloods. Stay strong. Stand on your beliefs.

Paula Bicoy
I questioned this last year. I even checked the Red Cross online. As a RN of 22 yrs I "retired" early at 62. I stayed my course of not vaxxing. Got Covid after 2 yrs after flying to mainland. I got called names, racist after switching to Conservative… lost a boyfriend…but I held the line and will continue to do so.

Casey Howard
I'm a nurse and I work at a nursing home where they tried to make it mandatory for everyone to get vaccinated but when everyone started to quit or threatened to quit, they made it to where if you had a religious or medical reason you could be exempt with the proper paperwork. So I made sure I got my exemption from my pastor for religious exemption, although my pastor also suggested I "just get it". I cried and prayed that they accepted it, being all to ready to walk out and quit if they didn't. Lucky for them they accepted it. Probably because they were in desperate need of nursing staff. Now that Covid has died down some, they've found a way to discriminate the unvaccinated, by making us unvaxxed wear masks and the vaxxed don't have to wear a mask at all. So I rock my chin diaper with pride. I'm one of a few of us that work there.

Emem DL
As I write this (6 Dec) there is a case before the courts in Auckland NZ.
The parents of a baby who needs heart surgery have requested unvaccinated blood for their infant. They are not refusing the surgery only wanting pure blood, with several donors willing to give their unvaccinated blood. The hospital has refused so far and have their lawyers taking it to court. Hope all is going well with little baby Will

Download: It-was-all-a-shambles-Covid-Fines-to-be-Scraped-and-Refunded-2022-12-01.mp4 - 3,561 kb
By: Carl Vernon - 1st December 2022
It was all a shambles!
Covid Fines to be Scraped and Refunded

7 News: "Tens of millions of dollars worth of fines issued during Covid lockdowns will now be excused or refunded, following a stunning admission from the state government, that they were never valid!

The embarrassing capitulation forced by a supreme court challenge, from a small Community Legal Center."

Samantha Lee, Redfern Legal Centre: "Today is an extraordinary day for the people of New South Wales."

7 News: "It followed a Supreme Court challenged by a free Legal Center."

Samantha Lee, Redfern Legal Centre: "Thank goodness for pro bono barristers and for clients that have come forward and taken the risk."

7 News: "One of those clients Rowan Pank..."

Rowan Pank: "Me and my girlfriend were sitting in Sydney Park. A group of police officers came over and fined us."

Scott Johnson, Revenue NSW Fines Commissioner: "I am withdrawing all the fines that are related to those particular offenses."

7 News: "Two offenses quashed tens of millions forgiven or repaid."

Scott Johnson, Revenue NSW Fines Commissioner: "And get a refund back to those people - to do that as quickly as possible."

7 News: "Revenue New South Wales says the remaining 29,000 Covid fines outside of those that have been withdrawn, will still need to be paid. But lawyers argue, every single infringement could yet be ruled invalid!"

Happy Mac
"The citizen is obliged in conscience not to follow the directives of Civil Authorities, when they are contrary to the demands of the moral order, to the fundamental rights of persons, or the teachings of the Gospel. Refusing obedience to Civil Authorities when their demands are contrary to those of an upright conscience, finds its justification in the distinction between serving God and serving the political community."

The fact that people thought this was legal in the first place is mind boggling.

Gary Crispin
The police issuing the fines should be made to hand deliver the refunds and say "We were wrong."

malk chatters
It was obvious from the start that these fines were unlawful.

This isn't enough, the government officials and the police who enforced the fines need to be held criminally accountable for extortion!

Runswithwind z
It must surely follow that every violent arrest was unlawful assault and unlawful detention.

Declan Hoyt
Absolutely mind boggling, how can these people not be in jail?

Pity you can't refund the lives lost because of of all the filthy corruption.

Matt Marino
The "we were just following orders" crowd is slowly realizing they were on the wrong side of history with this one.

David Chase
So when do you arrest/get rid of the tyrants who did all this?
Does the woman who got choke slammed by an Australian policeman because she had a mask exemption get paid for pain, suffering, a violation of her human rights and being unlawfully attacked?

Nuremberg code comes to mind, all involved with arrests and fines should be made accountable

Nola Parker
I am in melbourne, Australia and the extraordinary violence shown at this time was disturbing. We will never get over it.

Kite Communications
This proves the importance of standing your ground and remaining courageous about your convictions

Download: All-of-NSW-Deputy-Police-Commissioner-Gary-Worboys-aka-Sergeant-Wiggums-from-Simpsons-Covid-Fines-WITHDRAWN-2022-11-29.mp4 - 3,030 kb
By: Australians vs. The Agenda - 29th November 2022
All of NSW Deputy Police Commissioner
Gary Worboy's (aka Sergeant Wiggums from Simpsons)
Covid Fines WITHDRAWN!

All of NSW Deputy Police Commissioner Gary Worboy's (aka Sergeant Wiggums from Simpsons) Covid Fines WITHDRAWN!

"A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right, and evil doesn't become good, just because it's accepted by a majority." - Booker T. Washington

Born Free
They were all so proud to be members of the gestapo. I cannot put into words how I feel about police actions over the past couple of years. How brave to arrest someone for leaving their own home, wanting to breathe air unrestricted, protest against irrational mandates. They should all hang their complicit heads in shame.

A Mandate IS NOT a law, a Mandate is merely an ''Advisory'' or ''Guideline''... Therefore any court has NO CHOICE but to dismiss these fines, as no law/s were broken

Corinne Watts
Thanks for posting this. Much appreciated.

Yeah, but will they reimburse people who already paid these BS fines?

Also we still need to know what the medical advice was, and who provided that BS advice.

It's lies all the way down.

Angela Gabriella
They had no authority to issue them in the first place and they're getting challenged and dismissed in court already. Therefore ….

wilo west
" A win for the people "

Ben Carter
Incredibly quick backdown today. Bravo. Clearly it helps if police can't clearly explain a particular state law that's actually been broken by sitting on a park bench.

Ad Astra
& now the tables need to turn & those "let off" need to slam them. What about the worry, pain & suffering caused to all those who've had this hanging over their heads this long? Not. Good. Enough. Appalling, in fact.

Our police, politicians and medical professions need to be personally held to account for everything that has been done against the people of Australia.

Now, to cover up the mess and hope that no-one notices

Police are public servants. They need to remember that. Matter of fact ALL fines written by the police are unlawful, only a magistrate can fine someone and only after he has heard the case.If you dont know your rights you have none.

Dean v
Thank you Anthony and thank you Scott Johnson. I'm sure it's loads more satisfying to do this Plus people's attitudes will inevitably fetch a return similar maybe better ? I have no doubt if the government stops all the green subsidies and let us go hammer and Tong the entrepreneurial spirit will kick in and new technologies will be born faster and actually be viable rather than at the expense of our standards of living and social fabric

That cop needs to do some beat work. That's a heart attack waiting to happen right there.

Download here: Ice-Cube-says-he-lost-aUS-9-million-movie-deal-after-refusing-to-get-Covid-19-vaccine-2022-11-24.mp4 - 3,082 kb
By: Stuff NZ - 24th November 2022
Ice Cube says he lost a US$9 million movie
deal after refusing to get Covid-19 vaccine

Ice Cube gets dropped from Sony Pictures movie because he refused COVID-19 vaccine

Ice Cube will not get the Covid-19 vaccine – not even for US$9 million (NZ$14m).

On a new episode of the Million Dollaz Worth of Game podcast, the rapper and actor revealed on Sunday that he passed up a US$9 million movie deal because he refused to get vaccinated against the coronavirus.

"I turned down a movie because I didn't wanna get the motherfucking jab," Ice Cube said.

"I turned down US$9 million because I didn't want to get the jab. Fuck that jab and fuck y'all for trying to make me get it. I don't know how Hollywood feel about me right now."

Reignite Democracy Australia
He turned down $9 Million dollars late last year!
His bodily autonomy is worth a minimum of $9 Million to him...impressive.
He also slipped in the word 'PLANdemic'

There are still some genuine souls and thinkers left in this world!


wilo west
Turned down
Total Respect boys

Elizabeth Scott
Ice Cube's always been

Download here: Funeral-CEO-Reveals-the-Shocking-Number-of-Deaths-He-is-Seeing-This-Year-2022-11-23.mp4 - 9,766 kb
By: Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov - 23rd November 2022
Funeral CEO Reveals the Shocking
Number of Deaths He's Seeing This Year

Ancient Master
I have a friend that works in pathology who tells me that they are finding more and more unusual growths in the bodies they do research on, in people that have had the Jab. An indisputable fact straight from this states biggest hospital. That alters my conclusion. I have six grandchildren working the medical field, and they ALL advise against the Jab. I'm 87. No Jab for me.

Happy Mac
1) I used to feel so sad each time someone told me that they have received the Covid Snake Bite, and their mind bending justifications for getting jabbed;

2) Then I felt even worse watching so many snake bite victims develop vision / physical deformations / brain / heart / bells palsy / cancer / death etc;

3) But wait, there's more! Many of the 'vaccinated' victims who regressed from healthy to sick, dying or death - swore by the snake bites and vowed that given the chance, they'd do it all over again! Many are / were so grateful to big pharma / our governments and medical establishment for coercing them to take these poisons, as the alternative would have been living a life of absolute FEAR as to 'what might happen if they remained unjabbed?' In essence, they believe that they were 'protected' by the snake bites right up until their premature ailments and death, as was their wish;

4) Now I am learning to rejoice and be happy for the decision of millions of common people to receive regular snake bites. Enjoy your journey.

5) I do not wish to doubt the wisdom of millions of snake bite volunteers, but i wonder why most politicians / WEF leaders - only received saline injections? How bizarre...

My family is 3rd generation funeral director/ mortitions. I'm a florist. I get the opportunity to ask families about their deceased loved ones circumstances every week…what they feel contributed to their death. We have had numerous families tell us their deceased loved ones had no prior medical conditions but found they had suddenly passed in the bed, couch, chair. When we asked what happened many have said they don't know OR a heart attack, though they never were diagnosed with any type of previous heart disease. Many of them have been 30-60yr. old.
We recently had 13 & 24 yr. old males pass suddenly from heart attacks. I have asked many of these families if their loved one was "snake bit" Most of them said yes.
Just an undertakers, daughter's observation.

King of Truth
"The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense." ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

dona izer
Got a call this morning from my daughter in law- her female 47 year old friend just had two stents put in because she had blood clots in her heart. Not plaque. I said it sounds like a side effects of the jab and she said…. Oh no, the doctors didn't mention it was due to her vaccine. I couldn't figure out why she was so reluctant to see the truth- then I realized why! She herself took the jab and is petrified to believe she put herself at risk of death. This is worse than a psycho scary movie !

Greg Youens
My co-worker was healthy a 42 year old. He had a heart attack days after second jab. He survived but had two more in the hospital. Doctors reported it as complications from jab. I've heard similar stories from others.

M D Adams
I am so worried for my nephew in law he WAS a very healthy young (24) year-old man. My niece was pregnant and he could not afford to lose his job so he caved and got the jab he had heart issues and was hospitalized (they even admitted it was a "rare" side-effect) He has not been well since To think that providing for his family likely will be the cause of them not having him breaks my heart.

Lesley Shaw
I have 5 friends who had the jabs. 4 had serious side affects & a 24 year old male just died. His heart stopped! Many other friends chose not to get the shots & they are all fine including myself. It's too awful and obvious

I personally know many people who's loved ones suddenly died so I figured the numbers would be huge. Not counting the medical complications I've witnessed from people who had to get the shot. I realize now with all the obvious proof and research available on this subject that if there's people still rooting for the jab they're making a decision to be ignorant. Thank you Roman and Roman's team

Arlene Muhammad
Every time someone dies it should be noted if they received the Covid-19 vaccine, how many vaccines the deceased received and how many boosters they received, and the pharmaceutical company that made their vaccine. The family should keep these records. Doctors often deliberately won't include that a person received the Covid-19 shots when a patient dies.

Download here: Whoopi-Goldberg-and-THE-VIEW-claim-masks-are-flawless-That-is-Some-Grade-A-Bullshit-2022-11-23.mp4 - 9,766 kb
By: Memology 101 - 23rd November 2022
Whoopi Goldberg and THE VIEW claim masks
are flawless - That's Some Grade A Bullshit...

The hosts of the view claim masks were flawless. Their source? Don't expect one.

Whoopi Goldberg: "You know you can get boosted within an inch of your life, and then the next thing you know, you got Covid again. Good God..."

Crissy Crisss
If she keeps a mask on for the rest of her life, she will be doing humanity a favor

She fully realizes that she was the only one out in public wearing a mask, yet fails to think "huh, maybe it's me who is out of touch with the general population"

Pinkius Piacus
It's a sign of the times when a failed comedian named Whoopi is actually genuinely dispensing medical advice. May God save us all.

I am Just saying
As a microbiologist, trying to stop something as tiny as a virus with a mask is like trying to stop a bullet with a soccer net.

Geez these grifters literally cannot let go of Covid. I don't know any normal person right now that is even thinking about Covid anymore.

Wearing a mask to prevent yourself from getting sick is like saying I'm wearing pants to prevent the smell of my fart

"We wore our masks; nobody got sick." What a damned LIE. These people are demons.

Green Yeen
I'm glad she's explaining to us that we should wear masks again while she's not even wearing one

James Flurgle
Whoopi is literally wearing a sweatshirt that says "over it"
But she can't get over it.

Make Reality Sane Again
Year 3 and these people are fighting to keep COVID relevant. Insane.

Andy Cigars
There are people who watch and enjoy this show. That is terrifying.

Download here: We-must-never-allow-the-sort-of-overreach-from-the-pandemic-to-happen-again-2022-11-23.mp4 - 16,775 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 23rd November 2022
Pandemic Amnesty:
We must 'never allow' the sort of
overreach from the pandemic to happen again

Sky News host Chris Kenny says we must "never allow" the sort of overreach that occurred during the pandemic to happen again.

"Some of you want to forgive and forget what the state and federal governments did to us during the pandemic," he said.

"We should never forget."

judith Dickey
What must be pointed out is how willing the cops were to carry out the politicians directives, in fact they enjoyed doing it

How can we forget while we know it really hasn't ended?

keh depermit203477
As bad as Canada with cops standing at the edge of a frozen pond trying to arrest a kid because he was ice skating without a mask. These people are insane.

kerry johns
The insane thing people chose to do to themselves for a paycheque is beyond my comprehension

What a disgrace! These politicians must be held accountable and jailed, disgusting

I wish I lived in a free country
I was making numerous comments publicly back in March 2020 that unless we immediately resisted in large numbers this country was going to a terrible place and the damage would be permanent. I take no pleasure whatsoever in being proven right. Now I'm saying that we need to hold those responsible for these egregious crimes accountable so that it doesn't happen again.

Spike Protein
We won't forget Kenny, don't worry.

Download here: People-want-answers-on-excess-deaths-and-contracts-between-Australian-Government-and-Big-Pharma-2022-11-22.mp4 - 45,787 kb
By: Senator Gerard Rennick - 22nd November 2022
People want answers on
excess deaths & contracts between
Australian Government and Big Pharma

Today I spoke to Sky news about excess deaths.

All cause mortality is the gold standard indicator when it comes to the safety of the vaccines. No ifs no buts.

You would think the media would want to investigate wouldn't you?

To pretend excess deaths is not sending an alarming signal about the safety of the vaccines is just obfuscation plain and simple.

Well done Senator Rennick. Ive been waiting 2 years for someone to talk up this fight. History will remember you fondly.

Lizz Zee
Thank you Senator Rennick, you are doing an amazing job as always. Shame on you Tom, what you're doing is plain obvious. If there was nothing to hide you would let people speak and stop shutting down perfectly legitimate concerns.

Is this an interview or a debate? Sounds like more of a debate to me! And if it is, this condescending sky news bloke needs to state his conflicts of interests at the beginning! Well done Senator Rennick, a true man of the people!

Daniel Nixon
Well done senator. This presenter is full of it. I got covid and I have had worse common colds. They are not being transparent one bit. Great work. This presenter is of with fairies .

Congratulations Senator ?? good to see some truths coming out

Dede Tudor
If this is the way they're going to go about recognizing vaccines injuries.... It's time to look into revoking their indemnification.
Thank you Senator Rennick and all other righteous representatives for putting us back on firm, solid, legal, protected ground.

August Boehm
In that Tom doesn't even know what excess deaths means, shows he has no authority to question your statements. Thank you Senator

fks thn
Thank God for men like Sen Rennick

Brown Hornet
Well done Senator , eventually the "Journalists " who also live on this planet , will work it out .

Catwalk Connection
Thank you Senator .

Andrew Hughes
Absolutely 100% correct, the sad part of that interview was that you only just scratched the surface of this horrific assault. I have personally interviewed 9 people who have been badly injured by the jab. Sadly some of those people are now permanently damaged and I have yet mention the experience they've been through with the medical system.

Georgy Porgy
The fact that this conversation took place on a msm platform is great progress, excruciating as it was. People really are still stonewalling this topic, this country is massively in denial. In a way I don't blame them, can you imagine waking up only to discover you will probably die.

Charlie Toko
Great to see someone in a position to address the elephant in the room. Well done Sir. The truth will always surface thanks to brave people like him.

Download here: COVID-Injection-Contract-Transparency-Motion-shot-down-by-Labor-and-Greens-2022-11-22.mp4 - 19,072 kb
By: Senator Alex Antic - 22nd November 2022
COVID Injection Contract Transparency
Motion shot down by Labor & Greens

UPDATE: Labor and the Greens shoot down my Senate motion seeking access to COVID-19 injection contracts between Big Pharma and the Australian Government.

The self appointed champions of transparency and accountability.

Download here: Why-is-not-SA-Health-investigating-the-massive-spike-in-cardiac-events-in-young-South-Australians-2022-11-21.mp4 - 6,030 kb
By: Senator Alex Antic - 21st November 2022
Why isn't SA Health investigating the massive spike in cardiac events in young South Australians?

In July 2021, cardiac-related presentations in South Australian public hospitals dramatically spiked in those aged 15-44 years!

From January 2018 they remained steady at around 1,100 per month but drastically spiked in July 2021 through November 2021 peaking at 2,172 per month, just as the injections were rolled out!

Watch as I advise the Senate about the shocking data I have obtained through freedom of information from SA Health.

Download here: World-Premiere-Died-Suddenly-Documentary-2022-11-21.mp4 - 406,256 kb
By: Stew Peters Network - 21st November 2022
World Premiere: DIED SUDDENLY
WARNING: Contains graphic footage such as autopsy/s on cadaver/s
pulling long rubbery slugs out of the arteries and veins of vaccinated victims.

Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet.. we never seem to believe them.

The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.

They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.

You should have stated more clearly that the vaxes don't stop transmission. Great documentary though!

"The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense." ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

Here's the problem: The only people watching, are people who already know all this. It would be great if the sheeple would tune in, but hey, they've got the nightly news followed by half a dozen sitcoms, with cheetos and coke.

The shot is genocide. This is a planned World Economic Forum event. All governments are involved. They want to cut the population in half by 2050. How do you think this happens? They are murdering your families, friends, and coworkers. This is all in the bible by the way. The Great Reset to the world is the Tribulation to the Christian. You don't have to be here for this. There is an escape. The church is promised not to endure the hour of temptation that comes upon the whole world and its coming. The CBDC, Vaccine Passport, and Social Credit score is about to launch. That means the church is too. Get on the ark of salvation. You can become a Christian right now.. Accept you are a sinner and need a savior, then repent. Believe in the death burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus on the 3rd day. Confess with you mouth and believe in your heart Jesus is Lord. Commit your life to following Jesus you WILL be saved. Time is almost up, If you are looking for a sign this is it.


Not sure if I should share this to my jabbed family and friends ???
They are ether going to say this is BS or they will freak

Looking forward to this for some time. I remember when I was asking "how is the news going to get out?" before there was a group dedicated to it. A documentary was much needed, thankful for what you do.

Will the war pop off when people realize how badly they were hurt? Distractions have increased over the past year. War, famine, etc. Engineered collapse.

Great reset includes population reset… and it's going to be billions

It's heartbreaking for me to be in a society where people sit around waiting for: Mainstream media, Hollywood, social media, politicians, religious leaders and educators to tell them what to believe, without making an effort to do their own research.

Thank you for putting this together for the American people.

I'm getting out the word to everyone I know!!!!

As much as I agree with the sentiments and facts of this documentary let's me honest. This was a giant IQ test of the masses and this IQ test told us most people simply don't use their noggin. This comment will be very unpopular I'm sure but no one in this country forced people to take the clot shot. No one put a gun to our heads. The excuses range from job security to being able to travel. Like many I was told by my employer that I had to comply or lose my job. I chose my health over my freaking career or paycheck and in the end I won. I used the law and my employers own corporate rules and told them to shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Two years later I'm still employed, never been sick by the "coof" or by the jab and happy that I didn't cave. This is also why as a society we must learn to live within our means, prepare for financial emergencies so when anyone threatens our job security we can show them the middle finger and know we'll be oK, perhaps live frugally but we can subsist.

Wow! I can't believe the stupid sheep still don't see what is happening! I just watched on Stew Peters dot com and I'm watching it again here. This is absolutely nuts.

Thank you for airing this. We all know too many that died.

Share with everyone you know!

Download: Fully-Vaccinated-FDA-Vaccine-Advisory-Committee-Member-Rev-Professor-Oveta-Fuller-DIES-UNEXPECTEDLY-2022-11-21.mp4 - 1,620 kb
By: COVID VAX INJURIES - 21st November 2022
Fully Vaccinated FDA Vaccine Advisory
Committee Member Rev Professor Oveta Fuller
Prominent Virologist and AME itinerant elder Dr. A. Oveta Fuller Dies at Age 67 (November 21, 2022)
NOTE: On 15th June 2022, the Rev Professor Oveta Fuller fully endorsed the following genocide:

FDA advisers vote in favor of authorizing Covid-19 vaccines for children as young as 6 months

(CNN) -- Vaccine advisers to the US Food and Drug Administration voted unanimously on Wednesday in favor of expanding the emergency use authorizations for the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccines to include children as young as 6 months.

All 21 members of the FDA's Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee voted "yes" in response to the question: "Based on the totality of scientific evidence available, do the benefits of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine when administered as a 2-dose series (25 micrograms each dose) outweigh its risks for use in infants and children 6 months through 5 years of age?"

FDA advisers vote in favor of authorizing Moderna Covid-19 vaccine for ages 6-17

And all the committee members voted yes in response to the question: "Based on the totality of scientific evidence available, do the benefits of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine when administered as a 3-dose series (3 micrograms each dose) outweigh its risks for use in infants and children 6 months through 4 years of age?"

The FDA, which typically follows the committee's decisions, will now decide whether to authorize the vaccines for emergency use in the youngest children.

However, shots can't be given until the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's own vaccine advisers have voted on whether to recommend them and CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky has signed off on the recommendation.

The CDC's vaccine advisers are expected to vote Saturday. The White House has said shots could begin as early as next week.

Children younger than 5 are the only age group not currently eligible to be vaccinated against Covid-19. About 17 million kids will become eligible for Covid-19 vaccines once they're authorized for this age group.

"To be able to vote for authorization of two vaccines that will protect children down to 6 months of age against this deadly disease is a very important thing," said committee member Dr. Archana Chatterjee, dean of the Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University.

She compared the day to December 2020, when the first Covid-19 vaccines were authorized for adults and older teens.

'Benefits seem to clearly outweigh the risks'

"The benefits seem to clearly outweigh the risks, particularly for those with young children who may be in kindergarten or in collective child care," committee member Oveta Fuller, an associate professor of microbiology and immunology at the University of Michigan Medical School, said of the Moderna vaccine.

[Sourced from:]

#covid #vaccine #injuries #adverse events #genocide

There arent many seats on the Bill Gates intergalactic Ark, she definitely didn't have her name on one...

we can only hope its 100% fatal and fast working.

The news media can't hide this stuff, for much longer.

One less moron with fancy titles

They are just religious zealots...the religion of bad vax 'science'. Parrots, repeating bullshit

Plastic Patriot
Paid in full.

Let me guess, died of unknown causes....

Either that or suicide. Blood on her hands, she has.

It said she died from a non-Covid related illness.

So... people are the viruses if I understood her right.

Him, it's a TRANNY!

good news. a vax commie died. the longer she lived, she would push for vax upon others. this is good news that she bite the dust

Download here: Guy-SCHOOLS-unvaxxxed-people-aka-Postcard-from-The-Titanic-Wish-you-were-here-2021-09-17.mp4 - 2,418 kb
By: tyler fischer - 20th November 2022 (originally posted 17th September 2021)
Guy SCHOOLS unvaxxxed people!
Aka Postcard from The Titanic: "Wish you were here!"

The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: Wish you were here!

The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: Wish you were here!

Doug Whitney
The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: "Wish you were here!"

May we never forget how "friends" and "family" became so hostile, because they were just following orders (The science)

Carol Morgan
Everybody knows, my medicine won't work unless you take yours.

Surprised the algorithm let this one sneak past lol

Lively Stones 777
The glasses get me every time! Now they want an amnesty for all their BS???!!!! Ridiculous

Dude!!!! I've literally had this conversation with a person it's so sad how confused they are

Josh Knelsen
Anyone just scrolling through the comments looking for the Karen's

Literally saw someone walking down the street wearing a mask today as I drove by. I'm like darlin you the only one here today.

nichelle jones
Sometimes you're so dead on I forget you're acting

Commercialized Hip-hop Is Dead
Today I went to get tested to see if I'm sick.
Tomorrow I'm going to the cemetery to see if I'm dead

Yup. I was once told not to attend a family gathering unless I was vaxed. And they were all vaxed at the time, so....

...this is gold!!! Also quite sad in some ways because it's so true to life.

"If you get the vaccine then my vaccine works more gooder"

Randy Marsh

I have no words, this is perfect.

Johnny D
The way everything boils down to "you're racist" is not even satire at this point; it's reality.

Crus Ader
How many times have I been on the receiving end of a tirade like this?

Download here: Climate-change-strikes-again-Or-just-another-Covid-vaccinated-reporter-dying-2022-11-19.mp4 - 1,876 kb
By: Unlocking Minds - 19th November 2022
Climate change strikes again?
Or just another Covid vaccinated reporter dying?

It just occurred to me live news reports are going to be a thing of the past. 60 second time delay on all "live" reports - coming soon.


Do you have eyes to see?

Not 1 person will have a normal response
Nothing to see here

We need to take a commercial break with today's sponsor, Pfizer.

Florida Man
Who wants to bet she's had 3 vaccines and like 5 boosters

Jack not nimble, jack not quick, jack watches julie fall down sick

What's shocking is Jack's reaction time.

Sven Rickhardson
In a couple years, we're going to have to explain to young folks that this DIDN'T happen all the time, pre-2020.

Justin Case
Fauci cocktails are all the rage in some professions.

Ran Man
Used to be something like this would happen maybe once every few years on live broadcast. Now it's almost weekly.

Derek Kiley
That vacc is doing exactly what they intended it to do

Corinne Watts
Apparently the media company involved wants us to know they don't allow their staff breaks for food and water.....

Beowulf's Revenge
Jack Board is really showcasing his full acting ability in that scene.

Right to Freedom Girl
Phi-zer . . . the gift that keeps on giving. . . .

Download here: Al-Roker-Receives-The-Covid-19-Vaccine-On-Live-Television-How-Is-He-Doing-Now-2022-11-18.mp4 - 875 kb
By: COVID VAXX INJURIES - 18th November 2022
Al Roker Receives The Covid-19 Vaccine On
Live Television - How Is He Doing Now?

Guess he isn't in "The Club" like he thought he was.

Looks like Jessica needs a trial date, nuremberg style

So Al ain't in the Big Club then.
He should have got the memo to get the saline shots.

Al the Croaker.

Think of Happy things Al! Warfarin for the rest of your life!

Negropean took his white Zaddies medicine

They know how to read off of a teleprompter, but that's about all.

Driver Alone in a Stranger World

Give lab grown blood

Did not get the memo, did he?

He will die very soon for having lied to the public while tempting God with his life....

Dont feed the pfizer troll stench

another sheep led to early death

2017_2024 TRIB

Just another DFN who chose to drink the Kool Aide.

Download here: No-Side-Effects-from-Covid-Vaccines-Documentary-2022-11-17.mp4 - 107,284 kb
By: Living in Revelation - 17th November 2022
No Side Effects from Covid-19 Vaccines

This documentary explores different opinions of the vaccine as it relates to covid19. It lends a voice to the other narrative that has been censored from the media. You have a right to question the official narrative. Listen to four credible doctors as they provide their medical opinion surrounding the vaccine. God bless you all.

#nwo #vaccine #covid

Get off your knees, stand up and fight. We all know people who've died and injured. There's hope. Research protocols like IVM and Zinc. Those with the shots and the shedding is real. Excellent documentary. Thank you!

I know nurses who are seeing an increase in deaths now! over their 10-20 years of nursing never seen anything like it before. My information comes from real people who are seeing it first hand!

They knew these injections did not protect anyone, but pushed the lie! They knew these injections do not stop death, but they pushed the lie! They knew these injections will harm millions, but pushed the lie! Governments pushed the lie knowing the truth of these injections! That only leaves us with one reality here. they know the outcome.

Download here: Australian-Anti-vaxxers-are-Considered-National-Security-Threats-2022-11-16.mp4 - 6,911 kb
By: Primod - 16th November 2022
Australian Anti-vaxxers
are Considered National Security Threats

The war against critical thinkers (Anti-vaxxers) intensifies as ASIO list anti-vaxxers as potential national security threats.

Scovid Cafe
So this is where we are it. Those who object to being locked up against their will indefinitely, convicted of no crime, are now considered a national security threat. Consider this statement for a minute, "anti- lockdown".... This is when my heart sinks, the now familiar feeling of utter disbelief, despair and anger kicks in again.

Benny Hutch
Spot on! I got vaccinated because I was forced by work and I've been suffering everyday for over a year now with a chronic heart condition caused from the jab. Now my company is sacking me for being unfit for work. I'm not a anti vaxer I got vaccinated but there needs to be some change

Ron Thomas
"The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people's door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy... but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone." - Author Unknown

Paul Reid
I personally witnessed severe physical harm to a close friend as a result of the jabs - and as the list of harms grows longer and become more well known, people have awakened to the propaganda spread by governments and health "services" ...

Well technically they are a security threat. A threat to authoritarionism.

Emerald Kendell
Well done for uploading this one. Appreciated.

ROWMAX Health, Business and Life with Rowie McEvoy
There will always be very bad people doing very bad things BUT the world will only become a bad place when good people do nothing! Thank you for being one of the very few good people! ????????

Kevin Thomas
Tyranny 101: demonize all who won't vote for your pretense.

Steve Smith
The senate committee should be stamping out this Ideology. Come on Pauline, stand up for us, please.

Lyndel Dunn
Spookily reminiscent of the start of a conflict in the 1930's. They haven't built those 9 "quarantine centres" all around Australia for nothing. Wonder who they could be intended for?

Bob Jones
All the conspiracy theorists ended up being right all along so far

anthony reddy
He's right, the algorithm brought me here. Glad to have found you. Keep up the good work.

Bynoe Bynoe
The best part of being a conspiracy theorist is not having heart issues or Bells Palsy........

Download here: BIZARRE-Vaxx-Theater-Performed-By-Justin-Trudeau-Getting-fake-Boosted-2022-11-14.mp4 - 23,271 kb
By: The Jimmy Dore Show - 14th November 2022
BIZARRE Vaxx Theater Performed
By Justin Trudeau - Getting FAKE Boosted

Tony Manuge
Canada is at 18% compliance with the boosters and I really don't think he will convince anyone at this point. Convoy was a wake up call for a lot of people.

Forgive my fellow Canadians for voting for this guy over and over. They know not what they do.

J j
Guy giving shots is an actor who has never given a shot before as demonstrated by:
1. Did not wash hands prior to injections.
2. Did not wear gloves
3. Did not let alcohol dry at injection site prior to giving injection
4. He would have supplies set up on each side versus walking around with an open needle. Needle safety is paramount.
5. He did not ask any questions about drug allergies or prior reactions to vaccinations.
The above are standard practice by healthcare workers.

Matt Curzon
Masks in Ontario Canada (where I live) is back on as of yesterday.
My 5 year old son spent 40 hours in 1 week in hospital a few months back....the cause? "Severe immune system damage from wearing masks in school" is what our pediatrician told me. The ENTIRE children's ward was full of children with the same issue. I asked the pediatrician if she was going to make that information public, I got a silent stare for a response. NEVER will my son or I ever wear a mask again, we didn't originally except for him while in kindergarten, but the damage Trudeau & the rest of the globalist trash has caused him will not ever be forgotten or forgiven.

My brother got vaccinated to be able to carry on looking after our octogenarian parents.
He passed after he had a booster from a heart attack. I dont like to say it out loud but I think we were taken for fools and it worries me that we were foolish.
RIP brother of mine.

As a Canadian, I take great pride in not getting even one shot. I am this man's opposite, I am pure blood.

Barbara Lansdowne
From Canada he did not get the booster. No pharmasist does this without gloves or using his other hand to find the correct spot. This is definetly theater.

Natasha Watson
The most scariest thing is there were people that believed he actually had a real Jab.

No government apparatus would risk any of its top dogs getting adverse reactions or dying.

None of them are getting the real thing, just like that French politician said recently.

Daniel Doherty
I've never taken a shot like that. The nurse or doctor or pharmacist will always do a thing called landmarking before giving you the shot. This really was theater.

kesh han
If Justine doesn't have any side effects then we can be sure he was given a fake shot.

Ray Wagner
Nobody ever accused him of being good at acting.

You wanna know how we know he didn't get a real shot? He didn't wait 15 minutes before getting up and leaving.

Norm Bittner
I saw a young family with children all masked at the store this weekend- so incredible. I feel sorry for them to some degree.

Download here: Myocarditis-cases-caused-by-previous-Covid-19-Vaccines-now-prevent-4th-dose-recommendation-2022-11-14.mp4 - 37,888 kb
By: Reignite Democracy Australia - 14th November 2022
Myocarditis cases caused by previous
Covid-19 Vaccines
now prevent 4th dose recommendation...


9News anchor: "Advisors on vaccinations says it's unlikely under 30s will be approved for a fourth Covid vaccine. A... [unknown] says the increased risk of myocarditis, means the current vaccine scheduled for younger people, will likely stay as is. Attention is turning to antivirals to tackle the new Omicron wave."

They've admitted that adverse events of myocarditis are too high to recommend 4th dose for under 30s!

How many people had to suffer for you to figure that out?

Doctors like Peter McCullough and vaccinologist like Robert Malone has been saying that almost from the beginning!

You didn't listen and now lives are ruined because of it.

wilo west
This should be a class action lawsuit party against the promoters and the people in charge for many years to come .

William Wallace
How do we get compensation from the lower level perpetrators of this genocide, when they themselves are dead or dying? Higher echelon politicians who received saline solutions - as opposed to the 'kill shot' - cannot give you their money, as all they only have access to 'our' money...

Bill Smail
Hold them to account. Do not forget or forgive.

Winston Smith
They talk as if Myocarditis is nothing to worry about when in reality , it shortens your lifespan.

Em K
So the under 30s are getting allowances but what about those older... is myocardial issues ok for them!!???

Toby Fitzpatrick
That's discrimination !

we tried to warm them.

Ron Geremy

Ted Klampett
and just think, all those pages of side effects of the you know what, those are potential income streams for big pharma.

On TrialSite News chnl, see video titled 'Association between Covid 19 and New Onset Alzheilmer's Disease, with Dr Pamela Davis'



New COVID-19 Vaccination Information
Requirements in Victoria, Australia

By: Law Compliance - 11th November 2022

New COVID-19 Vaccination Information Requirements in Victoria
November 11, 2022 - 12:34 am - Covid-19 (Coronavirus), Employment

Destruction of COVID-19 Information

This article applies to all Victorian employers.

Occupational Health and Safety Amendment (COVID-19 Vaccination Information) Regulations 2022

On 12 July 2022, the Occupational Health and Safety Amendment (COVID-19 Vaccination Information) Regulations 2022 (Vic) (the Amending Regulations) commenced, amending the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 (Vic).

Controlling risks to health and safety

Regulation 21D of the Amending Regulations provides that, in order for employers to perform their duties under Part 3 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic), COVID-19 vaccination information may be collected, used, recorded and held by an employer in relation to specified persons who attend or will be attending a workplace under that employer's control or management, in order to determine and implement reasonably practicable measures to control the risks to health and safety within a workplace.

Furthermore, employers have been authorised to hold, record and use any information collected immediately before the commencement of the Amending Regulations under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 (Vic), for the same purpose.

Despite the above, regulation 21C of the Amending Regulations notes that a pandemic order will prevail over the Amending Regulations to the extent of any inconsistency.

Definition of COVID-19 vaccination information

The Amending Regulations define COVID-19 vaccination information as information about whether a person:

  • has received any dose of a vaccination against COVID-19, and if so, the date on which the person received the dose or if the person has received more than one dose, every date on which the person received those doses; or
  • is unable to receive a dose, or further dose, of a vaccination against COVID-19 due to:
    • a medical contraindication; or
    • an acute medical illness; or
    • the person being under 5 years of age,

and may be:

  • derived from a record kept in the AI register under the Australian Immunisation Register Act 2015 (Cth); or
  • in the form of a letter from a registered medical practitioner; or
  • in the form of a certificate issued by Services Australia that states that the person is unable to receive a dose, or further dose, of a vaccination against COVID-19 due to:
    • a medical contraindication; or
    • an acute medical illness.

Definition of a Specified Person

The Amending Regulations define a specified person, in relation to an employer, as:

  • an employee of the employer; or
  • an independent contractor engaged by the employer; or
  • an employee of an independent contractor engaged by the employer; or
  • a volunteer or a student on placement permitted by the employer to attend a workplace under the management or control of the employer.

Destruction of COVID-19 Information

Regulation 21E and 21F of the Amending Regulations require that COVID-19 vaccination information be destroyed within 30 days after the 12 July 2023 revocation date of the Amending Regulations (the specified destruction date), unless a law of Victoria, the Commonwealth or any other State or Territory requires or permits the information to be kept beyond, or destroyed earlier than, that date.


Employers must ensure that any information collected or utilised under the Amending Regulations is destroyed as required. Furthermore, employers should note their obligations under other health and privacy legislation in relation to the collection and use of personal information, such as the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic), Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic), etc.

In addition, employers must ensure they continue to meet their obligations to consult with employees under Part 4 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic) when determining and implementing measures related to the control of risks and safety within the workplace.

Destruction of COVID-19 Information

How Law Compliance can help:

Want to find out more about what we do and how we can make legal compliance easy for your organisation? Contact us or request a free info pack today.

A Cafe in Melbourne, Australia
Apology to the UnVaccinated
and Vax-Coerced

By: ANR News - 10th November 2022

To the UnVaccinated & Vax-Coerced

Last year we didn't know:

- The injection DOES NOT stop Covid transmission

- It does NOT protect others

Now we know.

We were wrong to exclude you.

#mandates #covid #covidvaccines #nz

A Cafe in Melbourne - Australia Apology to the UnVaccinated and Vax-Coerced

A Cafe in Melbourne - Australia Apology to the UnVaccinated and Vax-Coerced

It would be nice to see more of this.

An apology, however, in some cases will not do.

NZ and the MRNA
An apology actually goes a long way towards healing...

An apology and an undertaking NEVER to be manipulated into segregation ever again

A Melbourne Cafe stumps up with a sorry

jan hellriegel
Sorry seems to be the hardest word ....

Maria McGivern
Actually we did know last year and the year before, but no one would look at the data we were desperately trying to show them.

Jonathan Drake
It's a little hollow when there was never any indication of those things to begin with.

Adding a "we acted out of fear and ignorance without seeking evidence" would complete it.

Ya but no we knew, they just chose to follow what they were told.

Let's hope we never go through this again. It was abusive to say the least. Plenty of businesses did if. Except ours. Whilst not a cafe we didn't jump on the vaccine pass bandwagon & didn't boot people our for not wearing a mask.

Abi Tiki
Not like those people will be going to their door though.
But decent effort.

I'm sitting down at smoko and a fit, healthy 28 year old plumber that I work with is going in to have checks due to 'irregular heartbeat'…
It truly saddens me
I sit here quietly.. what can I say.. we made enough noise and fought the fight for everyone.. but that doesn't help my mate sitting across the table from me now..
I hope that in time there are people held to account.. but that will never right the wrongs, nor will it give those their health back.

Download here: Thousands-of-Covid-19-Vaccine-injuries-hardly-anyone-compensated-Senate-Estimates-2022-11-09.mp4 - 10,408 kb
By: Senator Gerard Rennick - 9th November 2022
Thousands of Covid-19 Vaccine injuries,
hardly anyone compensated - Senate Estimates

Last November it was widely reported that over 10,000 people intended to claim compensation under the governments no-fault indemnity scheme.

At that time (November 2021) 78,000 injuries were reported and the scheme had not been promoted by the government.

By September this year the government reported just over 3,000 claims had been made and less than 50 had been paid out on.

This is despite reported vaccine injuries rising above 135,000.

Over 7,000 people gave up on lodging a claim against the government, not because they weren't injured but because the medical community and the government have gaslighted their injuries. For example if you don't spend a night in hospital you aren't eligible for any compensation.

One constituent provided letters confirming the v caused her injury from her GP, Medical Registrar, 2 Consultant Physician Clinical Immunology and Allergy, 2 Neurologists and 1 Haematologist and was still knocked back.

The woman cannot work and is in immense pain. Her husband has had to quit his job to care for her. They are selling their assets to survive.

The audacity of these bureaucrats and the government to override these specialists and leave victims without help is just ruthless and callous.

As a myocarditis sufferer due to AZ I really appreciate what you're doing.
I really hope the system changes soon. I'm 12months off work and have had to shut my business and sell a car all due to this vaccine. Shame on the government for not recognising real injuries. We are suffering and being left to self finance as they "may change their stance in the future"

Thank You Senator Rennick for your Service to the Australian People and holding these People Accountable.

Thank you Senator Rennick for all you do. I truly wish there were more people like you in the world. Your efforts are appreciated and do not go unnoticed. Thank you.

Thank you for your service to Australia and Australians Sir!

Free Will
The past 3 years has made me hostile and distrusting of state and federal governments. Keep up the good work Senator, we need more people like you in all state governments.

14 hours ago
The politicians behind this poison delivered to the Australian public need to be held accountable then dealt with through the courts..

Thank you Senator

Rohini Hyde
A million thanks for the great work you are doing Sen.Rennick. Evil thrives when the good do nothing. Thanks again for speaking up about this crime against humanity which has affected me personally.

I'm very surprised to hear the Senator mention a claim in which several medical doctors have agreed to state that someone has been vaccine injured. My GP was suspended last year and we've heard doctors speak out that they were threatened with suspension if they said there were or could be any injury/risk from the jab. How is it that doctors can say there was a jab injury while other doctors have been suspended?

Tidda Bear
Thank You Senator Rennick for being the voice of so many Australians. Many are angry with the state and federal Governments during the past 3 years for allowing harm to be inflicted on the people of this land through vax mandates and systemstic lockdowns breaching human rights and various commonwealth laws. It's appalling this has been allowed to happen without upholding the laws and rights of the people.

Download here: European-Parliament-Pfizer-Appears-to-have-Corrupted-the-Entire-Western-World-2022-11-09.mp4 - 20,138 kb
By: Robert W Malone MD, MS - 9th November 2022
European Parliament:
"Pfizer Appears to have
Corrupted the Entire Western World"

Europe awakens from a nightmare to the ground truth

Christine Anderson: A member of the European Parliament. She represents the Alternative for Germany (AfD), which is labelled as a "populist political party" in Germany. AfD is known for its opposition to the European Union, as well as the open border/immigration to Germany policies which the EU mandates. As she does not believe in open borders, Christine Anderson is labelled with such terms as "far-right," and "anti-Islamic." Near as I can tell, these are just more propaganda talking points by Wiki and their ilk.

The short clip above is important because Christine Anderson is getting at an important point, which must be researched. There is evidence that Pfizer and Pfizer's CEO Albert Bourla have corrupted government leaders worldwide. That this corruption is deep and wide.

The people have been lied to. It was a gigantic lie. And on this lie, everything that governments, especially in the Western democracies did to infringe on people's rights, to take away their freedom, to lock them in their homes, imposing curfews, all of this was based on that gigantic lie.

Ursula von der Leyen, EU Commission president is now under a lot of pressure, and rightly so. The people have a right to know what went on in these contracts with her exchange of SMS with CEO Pfizer, Bourla. The people need to know who they can hold responsible and accountable for whatever may have gone on behind the scenes. Things are changing now, their house of cards is tumbling down, and it is doing so rightfully.

And you know what? One more thing though, I am sick and tired of being called a COV-idiot. And I'd much rather be a COV-idiot than being a GOV-idiot, because that's what all these people that blindly trusted their governments turned out to be. And I will say it again, it was never, never, ever about public health, it was never about breaking any waves, it was always about breaking people. But, and that's the good news, they failed. It didn't work. And that I am very proud of, and I'm proud of the people that I am so honored to be allowed to represent. And I will continue to do just that. Thank you very much.

Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen is president of the European Commission since 2019. The European Commission is the leadership of the European Union. It operates as a cabinet government, with 27 members of the Commission headed by the President (now Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen). It includes an administrative body of about 32,000 European civil servants.

Leyen had been secretly communicating with the CEO of Pfizer about the purchase of COVID-19 vaccines via text messages. In early 2022, a journalist requested for copies of these texts and the European commission rejected the request. This has opened the door for widespread speculation of malfeasance and corruption.

European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen said in July that she is no longer in possession of text messages. The EU's ombusman has determined that this is malfeasance.

If the Age of Enlightenment has brought forth anything, it is surely this: Never take anything a government tells you at face value!

Christine Anderson writes on the European Union:

The EU is elitist, aloof and distant from the citizens. With its tentacles, it takes a stranglehold on the sovereignty of the European nations and dictates to the citizens in every detail how they have to behave.

I want an honest and free Europe of free people and not a construct of political elites. I consider putting a stop to these false elites here in Brussels and Strasbourg to be the most urgent task in my political work.

Alan R
Christine Anderson may be the single most admirable MEP bar none. She is honest, a fighter, and does not hold back from making her case emphatically & pointedly, have liked her a TON for many many months since she came to my attention

Margaret Anna Alice
Christine Anderson is the very definition of Badass German ( ??

I first encountered her when she gave Justin Trudeau a walloping for his behavior during the Canadian trucker protests, calling him "a disgrace to any democracy" ( I later nominated her for Bravest Politician in the World ( in my "Letter to the German Bundestag," which includes three speeches by her I encourage everyone to watch.

She is fearlessly taking on the globalists, pharmaceutical companies, and tyranny the world over, so it's no wonder she's being smeared as a far-right extremist.

randall stoehr
What's that old expression about messing with Mama bear? ?? She's all that plus.

I saw that video smacking Trudeau - glorious !

donna kovacevic
Sadly the corrupt journalist and camera people, did not focus on castro jr. face while this ass licking was happening. We the Canadian people loved every minute of it. Much appreciation to the Croatian minister that followed and one other. What a beautiful scene. Thank you. Castro jr hides his mug now as does our Premier of Ontario Dougie, chubby Ford. God Bless WE the people.

RE Nichols
An alternative media is imperative now. I noticed that around the world the MSM is ranting against liars who "misinform" people. They look scared as well as angry.

She's been speaking out for a while now, and much appreciated by the people, I imagine. There seems to be a concerted effort to draw attention away from these globalist climate meetings by all kinds of redirection to 'shiny object' events. Closer to home: If the Republicans are restored to power and do NOT stop the tyranny of the globalists, they're one of the following: complicit, bought-off or cowards. If so, I have NO USE for them. No more excuses. No more stupid 'investigations' that GO NOWHERE and hold no one accountable.

Download here: Fifth-jab-planned-for-Oz-This-should-wipe-out-any-remaining-dickheads-2022-11-09.mp4 - 6,161 kb
By: Carl Vernon - 9th November 2022
Fifth jab planned for Oz
This should wipe out any remaining dickheads!

oh no
No sympathy for anyone injured from this point on, apart from kids forced to take this sh!te

andy jennings
"The problem with Australians is not that so many of them are descended from convicts, but that so many of them are descended from prison officers.". The legendary Clive James.

Anyone who thinks the 5th shot is a good idea should get it immediately. You deserve it

Catwalk Connection
Let's make the Nuremberg Code great again !

My 14 year old son was coerced into taking it so he could play soccer and footy again. Shortly after the second time he started complaining of chest pains. We rushed him to emergency at the Children's where they said he had 'a swollen heart'. I have never been so terrified in my life.

If you think you will be coming near my children again with that stuff you can think again.

Scar Seven
Its embarrassing living amongst so many sheep

Martin Holmes
I stopped believing there was an end to people's gullibility and stupidity about 2 years ago. They keep proving me right.

It disgusts me what has taken place in these past years... I'll never conform to such evil and corruption, what's even more sad is how indoctrinated we are not as just as a country but as a species as a whole.

It's good to be a pureblood.

I encourage people to get all the vaccinations they want, go freaking hard if that's your buzz and you hate being alive, best of luck!

James Danton
I can't believe this is happening with everything we know.

Bri Smith
Australia has gone completely mad

Richard Love
I'm just waiting to sign up to the class action cases starting for the mental torture and hardships us non vaccinated have been put through. For all the medical and social discrimination we have had to endure for all these years. It's going to be epic….we will never forgive or forget what these animals have done to us.

Download here: Pandemic-Amnesty-They-Can-Backtrack-All-They-Like-We-Will-Never-Forget-2022-11-08.mp4 - 128,019 kb
By: WE GOT A PROBLEM - 8th November 2022
Pandemic Amnesty:
They Can Backtrack All They Like.
We Will Never Forget

The Compilation you have been waiting for.

Never forget what these people did. they can say sorry all they like. we must never forget

My Links

Outro Audio taken from Youtube Audio Library
1812 Overture ( Tchaikovsky )

They Can Backtrack All They Like. We Will Never Forget

I'm so looking forward to all the WEFers / Satanists being tried for treason and facilitating genocide etc.

What a list of names for the executioner: Klaus Swabb, Anthony Fauci, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, George Bush, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau, Tony Blair, John Keys etc.

Hopefully they will all have to receive the very injections themselves as a preliminary punishment; then the executions can begin in due course. Make Nuremburg 2.0 be for real.

Tony Clack
My business was locked down and I lost everything, my business, my home, my job, my income, my savings. At 65 I live in a van with nothing. Hatred towards these parasites is an understatement of how I feel.

This brings back all those feelings of dread I endured, feeling isolated, wife and friends all hypnotised…and then I went on a freedom march and realised there were huge numbers that shared my understanding. This saved my mental health. Just hope these f-ers get their comeuppance . All odious and evil characters

I just can't believe that Esther Rantzen actually said people who are unvaxed should not be given an ambulance and die at home ....we must never forgive or forget all these dreadful stupid people ..NEVER..

Paul Sidaway
As an ex British soldier who visited Belsen concentration camp I often wondered how it came about that the Nazi regime was allowed to get away with murdering so many innocent people. Now in my 50s I understand how.
I'm watching this fantastic post and I am seething with anger and contempt.
My own mother died in July 2020 of COPD. She was in a respiratory unit at a hospital in Kent. Nurses there told me there were no patients with Covid on their wards. On December 31st 2020 my father died in Maidstone Hospital alone, noone from his family was there. He deserved better. They then signed his death certificate off as Covid when he had tested negative. We think he had Leukemia.
So then they roll out the bullshit vaccination program and I resisted this. I've known all along we were being lied to and manipulated.
But for me I've had to eventually had to have this unnecessary jab and this angers me. I needed it to travel. You see my wife is Russian my son is at university in Moscow. My mother in law was taken very ill and I had to travel. No jab no travel to be with family. Bloody disgraceful. Coerced into taking something I do not trust or believe in. I no longer trust or believe in anything this government here tell us. I also see that the vast majority of people here don't have a backbone and are ready to roll over and take it. Snitch on your friends and family. A great social experiment and they got the answers they desired .
Lied straight to our faces and the public believed all and vilified the ones who did not. We have no freedoms in truth and watching this video should tell us all.
Furthermore I know I'm going off the subject but please don't believe all the lies Western propaganda tells you about the war in Ukraine. They are lying to you there too. They have an agenda as they did with Covid.

Cathy Russell
I will never forget the continual pressure, it was terrible. I was even working out of a hiding place in my house in case they came looking for me. I am so very proud to still be a pure blood. I am not a coward, a snowflake or an idiot. I am a critical thinker that did not want to take an experimental drug.

Krista B
I am a pure blood and went back to work for SAP. At the time they weren't making it mandatory, but they asked to submit a yes or no regarding the shot. I completely ignored their request as my status is none of their business. In 2022 they made it mandatory for new hires for a few months, then later lifted the requirement.
I was shunned by family and friends. It gave me insight for the lack of compassion and intelligence of those around me. They showed their true colors.

Kerry Neylan
This should be broadcast in public places throughout the country.

Zed Jayhem
I remember watching the old lady tapping the window the first time, it still absolutely breaks my heart to see how desperate she was to touch her family member and wasn't " allowed" treated worse than criminals

Elisa Rolston
The Canadian truckers changed my perspective on everything. Demonstrations can change minds. The combination of their courage, joyfulness combined with how the media vilified them made me look at everything differently. The media is the biggest problem. Worse than politicians because politicians come and go.

Download here: Pandemic-Amnesty-Shall-we-forgive-and-forget-Dr-Roger-Hodkinson-Absolutely-not-2022-11-07.mp4 - 9,822 kb
By: Just Right Media - 7th November 2022
Pandemic Amnesty: "Shall we forgive & forget?"
Dr. Roger Hodkinson: "Absolutely not!!"

First, do no harm | Dr. Roger Hodkinson

Given the events in the healthcare industry over the past three years one might think that people would be ready to abandon that one characteristic Canadians have come to define themselves - socialized medicine. Instead, we find, regardless of the injuries and deaths directly attributable to it, Canadians cling to this immoral system.

At the top of this failed and disastrous Soviet-era style healthcare system stands the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons - crown agencies created by governments and led by political appointees, some of whom may be doctors, most of whom are not - your usual group of sycophantic Party supporters in it for the prestige and perks.

As our guest, pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson puts it, "Since COVID, because they're manned by woke cubed individuals they have toed the government line meticulously. And so I take the position now that instead of protecting which was their traditional role which they did reasonably well they are now actually killing people. They are co-conspirators with government in state-sanctioned murder - period. Exactly the opposite of what their function used to be."

Dr. Hodkinson, was a Fellow of the College of the American Pathologists until recently when they decided to "get rid" of him for ostensibly spreading "misinformation," the usual Orwellian term used to label anyone with an opinion differing from that of the state.

Dr. Hodkinson continues to fight against the system and is now warning us of the tsunami of deaths to come from compromised immune systems resulting from the disastrous decisions of healthcare bureaucrats.

Completely disillusioned with federal politics he has turned his attention to his own province and is actively promoting the Alberta Prosperity Project - a society that promises to send a message to Ottawa that unless it allows that province to deal in its own way with Constitutionally-granted areas of provincial concern, including healthcare, outright separation from Confederation may result.

I can guarantee the "nurses" and "doctors" who gleefully murdered people because of lack of "care" or the wrong "care" will be held accountable either in this life or the next. I now wonder how many of those so called healthcare workers even gave a crap, ever, before "covid". Maybe they became doctors and nurses for the money and not for the people because whats being done is straight up satanic and they're demons, they are not humans with a soul made in the image of God because God would never condone this evil behaviour. Thank you Dr Hodkinson for everything you're doing to try and save humanity and hold the evil doers to account.

Lorne Thomson
Vaccine hesitancy, a newly created term as a talking point to attack dissenting views.

Lorne Thomson
A friend witnessed the death of a woman just 7 min after a booster. In the pharmacy people were crying and holding each other (behind the counter) . Those lined up to receive the shot stayed in their place ....psychosis no doubt!

Download here: Covid-Amnesty-PS-and-how-about-helping-families-suffering-from-poison-vax-side-effects-2022-11-07.mp4 - 6,161 kb
By: FreeVienna - 7th November 2022
Covid Amnesty?
(P.S.: and how about helping families
suffering from "poison vax" side effects?)

Kari Lake Says NO to Amnesty: "I Want COVID Accountability!"

"They literally masked our beautiful children when they knew that it didn't work. And they kept those children in masks much longer than they needed to be ... I think it's at least worth looking into who made these terrible decisions and holding them accountable civilly or criminally."

"They're afraid because they made decisions that affected our children's lives. They don't want to be held accountable. I want COVID accountability!"

#covid #amnesty #freedom


Download here: You-may-never-trust-another-celebrity-after-watching-this-video-2021-08-21.mp4 - 38,548 kb
By: Leeshotfury - 7th November 2022
Don't let Covid criminal amnesty happen
These murderous bastards need to hang!
[Reposted from 21st August 2021]

UPDATE over 2 million people in America alone have died from the experimental mRNA covid-19 SARS-COV-2 inoculations and the CDC has covered up the data for the past two years. There should be zero prosecutorial amnesty for anyone that knowingly and intentionally participated in the coercion, threats of loosing their employment, forced to be on lockdowns, forced to be inoculated for a drug that has and still has not been given full FDA approval only EUA (Emergency Use Authorization.)

These are crimes against humanity and are a structural violation of the Nuremberg Code.

NO more vaxxines.... EVER! Not for my animals or myself!. Sooooooo grateful to Almighty God that I DID NOT get "tested", jabbed, or boosted!

She yells "they're killing us" while suffocating on a face diaper.

whats O'biden bin Hidin ?
interview these people, you've been poisoned... NO turning back
until you accept the fact the world has been changed at the atomic level, by a coverup. nothing else matters.

What a dumb ass just say No. Fuck You

All lying scumbags!Make them pay,bigtime!

Download: Jabbing-Australia-Government-Approves-of-Sports-Stars-Dropping-like-Flies-Bells-Palsy-Myocarditis-Deaths-etc-2022-11-05.mp4 - 18,574 kb
By: SixthSense - 5th November 2022
Government Approves of Sports Stars Dropping
like Flies, Bells Palsy, Myocarditis, Deaths etc

The following is a media compilation of jab related injuries and sudden deaths, including many well known athletes, celebrities and politicians

#covid #injection #democide

William Wallace
Maybe atheletes could retrain to compete in less demanding games such as twiddlywinks or origami?

Just Cruising
As our governments (WEF, UN, WHO etc) always said in the beginning of the experimental vaccine drive: "If the vaccine saves just one life - it is worth it!"

Someone roaming this Earth must be absolutely estatic that s/he is alive because of the vaccine. The other 2/3rds of the World's population who died or are dying will be so proud of their compliance and ultimate sacrifice for that individual.

But the government, doctors, nurses and police wouldn't lie to us? Would they??

Nurse tells lies to keep job & becomes an
accomplice in Crimes Against Humanity
Fully endorsed by Jacinda Ardern - 3rd November 2022

Nurse tells lies to keep job and becomes an accomplice in Crimes Against Humanity - Endorsed by Jacinda Ardern

Download here: Famous-Author-Julie-Powell-Killed-By-Covid-19-Vax-Poison-Booster-2022-11-02.mp4 - 2,131 kb
By: Bootcamp - 2nd November 2022
Famous Author Julie Powell Killed
by Covid-19 Vax Poison "Booster"

Julie Powell, bestselling author of 'Julie & Julia,' dies at 49

Julie Powell, the bestselling author of "Julie & Julia" who famously documented her yearlong mission to cook every recipe in Julia Child's book "Mastering the Art of French Cooking," died Oct. 26 at her home in Olivebridge, N.Y. She was 49.

The influential food writer's brother-in-law, Ethan Powell, confirmed her death to the Los Angeles Times on Tuesday and said the cause was cardiac arrest caused by a heart arrhythmia, defined by the Mayo Clinic as an irregular heartbeat.

#julie-powell #vaccine #pfizer

Some last words from the famous and fully Covid-19 vaccinated author Julie Powell:

  • Grim reaper2nd October 2022: I would argue that COVID does kill some of the right people. The anti-vaxxers/maskers are dying in legions. But yes. It’s a real shame about Kavanaugh.

  • 21st October 2022: "Fuck me gently with a chainsaw" is one of the all-time great lines.

  • 24th October 2022: I still feel like hell, but we managed to bathe the dog and I just drank some ginger chamomile tea that may soothe my stomach.

  • 26th October 2022: So I woke up with something that's literally Black Hairy Tongue. People, including my doctor, seem to think it's no big deal, and will go away soon, but it certainly is gross.

  • 26th October 2022: Julie Powell dies unexpectedly...

Black Hairy Tongue
Cleveland Clinic: Black hairy tongue sounds awful, but it’s a harmless and fairly common condition. Poor oral hygiene, tobacco use and certain medications are just a few of the things that can cause black hairy tongue. The condition can usually be controlled with improved oral hygiene.

So I woke up with something that's literally Black Hairy Tongue. People, including my doctor, seem to think it's no big deal, and will go away soon, but it certainly is gross. - then I died today...

Julie Powell is for killing non vaxxed people...

Lol, her post is ugly. I guess it is only one side where the ugly comes from. I don't feel bad about her gross black hairy tongue now. She died with a gross tongue, she lived with a gross tongue, and she spat out hateful rhetoric with that same black hairy gross tongue.


I would just keep texting her....
Since she she has her own low power bluetooth vaxx mac address now maybe she can be reached!!

The Kurgan Report
This one is funnier than usual.

Whats with these NPCs and F bombs.

Sebastian M3
The delicate sweetness of contemporary women! Fuck!

Well, at least, they didn't lose their sense of humour...

Download here: Leftist-Emily-Oster-Pleads-for-Covid-Amnesty-DESTR0YED-2022-11-02.mp4 - 2,204 kb
By: MEME THE LEFT - 2nd November 2022
Leftist Emily Oster Pleads for Covid Amnesty...

The Northern Territories Howard Springs Covid Quarantine Camp Facility (and hundreds of other such 'death camps' Globally) offered NO AMNESTY to those who refused to participate in Crimes Against Humanity!!

Are these a good place to put the perpetrators and accomplices, as they await their trial and execution for Crimes Against Humanity?

Northern Territories Howard Springs Covid Quarantine Camp Facility

Ned Kelly
Good luck with a Covid Amnesty. Matthew 7:2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

HR at Trucking NZ
I have read Emily's article on a Covid Amnesty and totally agree with her. As a Human Resources lady for a major trucking company in the South Island of New Zealand, I persuaded most of our truck drivers and staff to get the Covid Vaccines, as I really believed in what The Ministry of Health and Jacinda Ardern said.

Okay, so the jabs didn't work and many people are having adverse events such as loss of eyesight, heart attacks and death - but at least they suffered for the right reason.

On the other hand, there were some selfish staff members who absolutely refused to 'get with the programme' and remained unvaccinated, claiming that it was all a violation on human rights! This appalling attitude upset many of the vaccinated staff members. And to add insult to injury, ironically, we are increasingly dependant upon the unvaccinated truck drivers, due to severe staff shortages.

Personally I feel that the unvaccinated are gloating - for the wrong reasons. Yes they were right about the vaccines being ineffective and dangerous; but civil disobedience should NEVER BE TOLERATED!

Caro C
Not only should Americans who did this be held accountable, but every leader around the world who did this to their people.

Chuck Fina
No quarter will be given for those who wanted to remove us from society.

Not Judge Judy
You're sick Child Minder and should be judged and executed!

Child Minder
I have been heavily involved in child trafficking, paedophilia, murder and cannibalism; and feel that as I have a mental disorder and was born a narcissist, I deserve to have an amnesty as well.

We should ask for some things in return. Like what's in Epstein's notebook, what's on Hunter's laptop, what exactly happened on Jan. 6, what happened with the vegas shooting, what exactly happened at the Pelosi house, how did Nancy get so much money in the first place, how did a talking potato get 81 million votes....

I think we might be able to work a few things out.

Reformed Sauron
The arrogance to not even apologize before asking for amnesty is astonishing. Absolutely not. Never forget what they did.

The pendulum is beginning to swing back against those in power. Of course they want amnesty before they lose that power, then they can relax knowing that no action will be taken against them, absolving them of responsibility.

heavy backpack!
She isn't sorry or repentant about whatever disgusting filth she said, did, endorsed, and celebrated in the slightest. She's absolutely terrified. Well, maybe she shouldn't have been such an unhinged abusive POS for no reason aside from her own bloodlust

Absolutely not. They would not give us amnesty if his positions were switched. There needs to be investigations and there needs to be prison time. This needs to never happen again.

CeO VIDeos
the thing is they were never in the dark. they knew it the whole time. and silenced anyone publicly and permanently who spoke out about these atrocities they sought virtue for committing.

The rabbit hole of this scam won't entirely be known for a long time. The deaths left in the wake of these zealots will be of historical proportions. Let them choke on their blood money they so gladly took to lie and participate in the fraud. People like Emily aren't really sorry; they just want to appear to be on the right side of history when the horror of the scam is finally unveiled.

Steven Ryles
They all need to be held accountable. Doctors,scientists, pharmaceutical companies, and Politicians and The Left.

Bier Nut
Never forget, never forgive, no mercy. Let the guilty pay...

Hung P.
Hell no. The number of lives they destroyed and the hypocrisy they have shown us. They need to be held accountable no matter what.

Hunter Albers
There was literal talk of rounding people up in quarantine camps and now they want amnesty...

They showed us who they were and what they were capable of. None of it was trivial, we will not forget!

Congrats MTL, YT awarded you with their little blue box of truth. It seems to be given out to conservative channels when they are over the target or really damn close on stories that go against the false narrative.

Teddy Jackson
"Destroyed thousands of lives" is a severe understatement.

Stephanie Murray
I for one was never 'in the dark' about Covid, I simply followed the science and switched off the media ! Job done, jab not done.

Tino Benson
Amnesty definition: "an official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offenses." "to pardon (someone) officially often before a trial or conviction" Hilarious how the word they use to evade responsibility only confirms their guilt.

Diane Martel
Nobody asks for amnesty if they've done no wrong.

No forgiveness for those who fanatically attempted to eliminate or impoverish the control group in an experiment.

Mark Jenkins
When I was younger I did naughty things, broke the law and was punished for what I had done. They were stupid things and I was sorry and paid my fines, did community service. I was not given and did not get amnesty, and rightly so. Crimes against humanity are quite a lot more serious than the things that I did! So no amnesty and as others have stated, nothing but Nuremberg trials for the guilty participants!

Download here: This-is-really-urgent-Our-hospitals-are-about-to fail-2022-11-01.mp4 - 19,846 kb
By: Unknown - 1st November 2022
This is really urgent!
Our hospitals in New Zealand are about to fail!

Exhausted doctors

Download here: Heads-up-If-You-Got-the-fake-vaccine-and-are-not-injured-This-May-Be-One-Of-The-Reasons-2022-10-31.mp4 - 3,911 kb
By: Jim Crenshaw - 31st October 2022
Heads up - If you got the fake
vaccine and are not injured
This May Be One Of The Reasons

It is always about politics and money.

Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole, MD, explains why many vaccinated were lucky not to get injured by the dangerous Covid-19 mRNA shots during a panel discussion at the Better Way Conference in Vienna, Austria, September 17, 2022.

The "How Bad is My Batch" website can tell you the strength of the Covid injection that you took simply by typing in your Lot Number at the top left of the page. Apparently several batches were created where one batch could be saline and others way more deadly. "Batch-code" = "Lot Number" which is the number they write on your vaccination card.

Nobody said you would not
get Covid if you are vaccinated
By: TheFreeThoughProject - 31st October 2022
Nobody said you would not get Covid if you are vaccinated - OH REALLY?

Download here: Covid-19-Injections-Open-Doors-to-Demons-through-Pharmakeia-Black-Magic-Witchcraft-2022-10-30.mp4 - 19,486 kb
By: Engineering-Sanity - 30th October 2022
Covid-19 Injections Open Doors to Demons
through Pharmakeia / Black Magic / Witchcraft
Interview with a Demon

Covid jabs were designed to harm people and to hijack their soul. People turned around immediately before their death, because they sensed evil.

We are in a Physical, Mental and Spiritual Battle. Repentance through Yashua / Jesus is the only way out.

Medical Symbol on Baphomets lap

I'm a paranormal investigator and I agree. There is something there. I have abilities. And I have seen things recently things that I haven't seen for over two decades. This issue is being buried in the media, especially when it comes to other "truthers" giving lame excuses for this phenomena of the spin deaths.
The problem with these creatures speaking is they LIE like HELL, leaving one wondering what to believe; that shaking is definitely consistent with a possession.
"Repented" cowards will not make the cut, BTW; notice what's first on this list:
Rev_21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

I noted it was over the right shoulder and up above. It seemed as if the demon went for their throats, sucking the lifeforce out of them. An excellent video although 'Jesus' remains under investigation as far as my journey is concerned.

They see the demons coming for their souls.

Everyone needs to check this out.

Download: Do-you-believe-the-vaccine-actually-saved-lives-Life-insurance-industry-is-absolutely-reeling-2022-10-29.mp4 - 39,781 kb
By: Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance - 29th October 2022
Do you believe the vaccine actually saved lives? Life insurance industry is absolutely reeling

Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Marik share their thoughts on whether or not the COVID-19 vaccines are saving lives.
Beyond transmission, do you think the vaccines saved 1 life?? I don't think so just based on the facts that everything else they've told us has been a lie!!! Additionally, to believe that the vaccine saved lives, don't we also have to believe that everyone who gets Covid dies from it? We know that they don't, so again, we've been fed lies about a vaccine that has sickened, harmed, permanently disabled, and killed innocent people and children, BUT THERE IS NO PROOF THAT IT SAVED 1 LIFE!! NO PROOF!! But there is plenty of proof of the damages and deaths the vaccines caused, and there is plenty of proof of the profits they've made for the greedy, immoral, murderers of the World!! Thanks FLCCC

Is this a rhetorical question ? No, it is a bio weapon that slow kills in a wide variety of mechanisms. The injection contains graphene hydroxide which is lethal to organisms. It is time to bring those guilty to justice and hang them for crimes against humanity.

Download here: Pfizer-To-Pay-Over-2-Billion-Dollar-Fine-The-Biggest-Pharmaceutical-Scam-In-History-2022-10-28.mp4 - 15,852 kb
By: MediQuest - 28th October 2022
Pfizer To Pay 2.3 Billion
The Biggest Pharmaceutical Scam in History

Did you know that on September 2, 2009, the Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in its History - it was Pfizer, who was to Pay about $2.3 Billion for Fraudulent Marketing.

Pfizer forced to pay record $2.3B settlement for widespread drug fraud

Lisa Virella
I've struggled with neurologic and rheumatic disorders since I was like 12 years old. Being that young, I just took whatever medication they threw at me... including neurontin (which is actually an epileptic medication, not a heart medication like stated in this video). I lost about 10 years of my life, drugged up like good'ol doc advised and sicker than I was when I initially went for "treatment". The cycle is vicious. There's no way of knowing if you're sick because of the progression of your disease or if you're sick because the drugs they're giving you are making you sick. As I got older I was determined to get a grasp on my health... and at the very least get a solid answer about my conditions. I went for second opinions... those opinions were a little different than what I originally was told. I continued, going from one specialist to another... each one with a slightly different diagnosis (and sometimes radically different) - each time prescribed a different medication to treat my illnesses. It got me thinking.... are any of them right? I was (and still am today) ridiculed for deciding to take myself off of EVERYTHING that was prescribed to me (including my thyroid medication that I was given for hyperthyroidism... then hypothyroidism... then graves disease... then hashimoto's thyroiditis.... an autoimmune thyroid disorder that has "no cure"). The first few months were terrible... probably my body trying to adjust to life without poisons pumped into me 24/7. I still struggle with MS symptoms, but I'll tell ya... my life is 10000000 times better off all that garbage. Also, I've been off of thyroid medication for 6 years now... a medication that I was told I would have to be on for the rest of my life and my thyroid levels have been perfect. Maybe its a miracle or maybe I'm secretly a witch... curing diseases with risky and outrageous potions like Vitamin D lol. My drawn out story wasn't really necessary... bottom line - Big Pharma exists for ONE reason only... to make huge profits. Further downstream are the glorified drug dealers.. I mean Doctors... They're like car salesmen... they're there to sell you something flashy, unrealistic and unaffordable because you "NEED IT". Don't get suckered. These people should be behind bars.

How did they go from being the least trusted company in the US to making fast-tracked experimental vaccines?

dust Chip
So, a criminal organization is allowed to continue to make drugs but someone who exposed them as criminals, loses their job.

anonglak moonwicha
Now there's a company I want involved in my medical care!! They're sure to behave properly now aren't they?

Wayne Elliott
Alex Jones didn't kill anyone $2.75 Trillion dollars . The fine for pharma is pathetic.

Blessed by Yeshua
Thank you for sharing that. I take one of those medications. I'm going to have to talk to my doctor about that.

FakeComedy and TheAbsurd
It may have been the biggest, but I have a feeling that they managed to dwarf that achievement recently.

Michael Pollard
Peanuts. Not exactly the first time they've been caught out and they will just consider the fine business expenses!

Robert B
It's like robbing a bank for $200,000, and then paying a $200 fine.
(And if you're Alex Jones it works the other way round)

This is pathetic. When the penalty is blow the profits made on their illegal action, it makes their actions, by all other accounts, legal.

Straight to jail and shut them down , that would be true justice

Theses big company still do business with our government despite their criminals activities. Amazing world we live in!

Thank goodness the company learned their lesson and have been honest and above board in all their dealings since. You can trust Ph...r.

Dwayne Mcfall
They don't care about compensation because its always less than they earn. They should be fined much more than they made to stop them ever thinking about it again

old dog new dog
that was 2009. I wonder what it'll be for 2020-now?

Bill Rea
2.3 billion from a company that made TRILLIONS ! A drop in the bucket .

Millions of Idiots Wanted for
Massive Global Medical Experiment
By: Pfizer - 27th October 2022
This is child abuse!!!

Pfizer may have received the largest fine in history for fraud and deception, but that was in the past... Aside from that legal hiccup, Pfizer would now like to expand into GLOBAL GENOCIDE and inject as many idiots and useless eaters as possible.

To participate in this MASS PSYCHOSIS, you must accept the following conditions:

  • The vaccines cause immeasurably more harm than good;
  • The vaccines do not stop the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 (a patented Biowarfare Weapon) and its variants;
  • The vaccine ingredients / poisons will remain undisclosed as long as possible (hopefully forever);
  • The millions of dollars offered to every government to participate in this GLOBAL MEDICAL EXPERIMENT is not a bribe - but rather - is a gift for doing business with us;
  • The manufacturers and all organisations complicit in creating the BIOWARFARE WEAPONS and MEDICAL APARTHEID (e.g. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, United Nations, World Health Organisation, World Economic Forum, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Central Intelligence Agency etc) / governments / doctors / nurses / mainstream media etc - accept no liability for any side effects, adverse reactions, adverse events and deaths that will ensue;
  • If you survive the GLOBAL MEDICAL EXPERIMENT and eventually devolve into a TRANSHUMAN (Human 2.0 / patented GMO slave), you become the property of Pfizer and other interested parties - as your reconfigured DNA contains patented technology e.g. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (patent owners) etc - and thus you have no legal / lawful rights that would usually pertain to actual human beings;
  • When you do suffer adverse events from the experimental injections (this will be sooner rather than later), you agree to indemnify Pfizer and instead direct any blame upon: 1) bats, 2) people who do not wear masks, 3) people who do not participate in the GLOBAL MEDICAL EXPERIMENT, 4) and whoever the Mainstream Media instructs you to blame at the time;
  • As your adverse events manifest and lead to your incapacity and eventual premature death, you will at all times remain positive about your participation in this wonderful GLOBAL MEDICAL EXPERIMENT; and advise people that given the opportunity - you would do it all over again;
  • And finally, you agree that there is no cure for stupidity...

THANK you for your participation in lowering the World's population and for making Pfizer super rich. We are currently experiencing record profits and funeral homes are booming with business as well...

"Pfizer - putting profit before people"

There is no cure for stupidity...

Millions of Idiots Wanted for Massive Global Medical Experiment

Unite Against COVID-19
Vaccinated businesses losing staff everywhere
By: Columbus Coffee, Timaru - 27th October 2022
Unite Against COVID-19 - Vaccinated businesses losing staff everywhere - Columbus Coffee, Timaru

Download here: Dr-Peter-McCullough-The-Covid-19-Vaccines-are-Killing-Children-not-Covid-19-2022-10-26.mp4 - 3,754 kb
By: anrnews - 26th October 2022
Dr. Peter McCullough:
"The Covid-19 Vaccines are Killing Children..."
..not Covid-19

Dr. Peter McCullough : The vaccines are killing children

  • ''It is clear the risks far outweighs any potential benefits of vaccinating children''
  • ''It's is clear that a vaccine is pushed, mandated in fact results in the death of children''
  • ''It is my view as a physician that all vaccine mandates should be immediately dropped and pulled from the market and undergo a very intensive review of safety & efficacy and figure out where the vaccine program has gone wrong''

It is long past time that the government health bureaucrats and politicians that have ignored the evidence and continue to push these experimental mRMA substances to be injected into children can plead for clemency.

We should not rest until they are brought to justice, because through a combination of ignorance, arrogance, stupidity & groupthink - acting as lackeys for Big Pharma - they have aided & abetted the death of children.

An excuse ''I was just following orders'' didn't cut it before and it won't this time.

The Covid-19 Vaccines are Killing Children... not Covid-19!

Download here: Canadian-politician-Danielle-Smith-re-Covid-restrictions-We-are-sorry-for-destroying-your-life-2022-10-28.mp4 - 2,440 kb
By: Carl Vernon - 25th October 2022
Canadian politician Danielle Smith re Covid restrictions:
"We're sorry for destroying your life..."

Reporter: "During your campaign you said that 'not only would you issue an apology to those prosecuted during Covid restrictions, but you would also grant them amnesty.' When can we expect those apologies?"

Premier Danielle Smith: "Um, I can apologize right now. I'm, I'm deeply sorry for anyone who was inappropriately subjected to, er, discrimination, as a result of their vaccine status. I'm deeply sorry, for any government employee that was fired from their job, because of their vaccine status and I welcome them back if they want to come back. As for the amnesty, I have to get some legal advice on that and so, I've already asked my staff to um, to request that advice, so I can see how we would be able to proceed on that. My view has been, that these were political decisions that were made and so I think that they could be political decisions to offer a reversal. But I do want to get some some legal advice on that first."

Johnny Appleseed
CONTEXT. She's apologizing for the government she replaced. She was against it all and won leadership of the party.

The Tweakjunkie
For the folks NOT from Canada, this lady is newly elected (Conservative), she's apologizing for her predecessors.

It's not an apology's that is needed, it's convictions.

Life is ruined because of these punitive rules and mandates. All politicians should go to prison for the mental and physical damage they have inflicted.

Anton Ackermann
We don't want apologies. We want justice.


As an Albertan, I am extremely happy to see someone with courage and a moral backbone. Let's hope these evil people don't have a contingency plan for us serfs.
Prepare ??

No mercy, no apologies needed. Get these politicians out of office that went with any protocol for covid

Bruce Smith
There are a few church pastors in Alberta who were under the heel of the authoritarian boot for merely having their churches open for worship services. They need more remedy than just an apology.

David Allen
simple apologies are not good enough - the fascist decisions imposed had very real consequences for people and anybody who lost their job needs full compensation and those who imposed the nonsense need to be exposed and prosecuted - lessons need to be learnt!

Horde Gaming
Never apologise for the actions of someone else. The right and really only thing to do now is to hold the ones responsible for this including the Canadian PM to account for crimes against humanity, nevermind Canadians.

WORLD-FIRST-ROBOTIC-ARMS-Assembling-Via-Nanotech-Inside-COVID-19-Vaccines-Filmed-in-Real-Time-Dr-Nixon-2022-10-25.mp4 - 121,365 kb
By: mariazeee - 25th October 2022
Assembling Via Nanotech Inside COVID-19
"Vaccines" - Filmed in Real Time - Dr. Nixon

Dr. David Nixon joins us to reveal footage NEVER before seen anywhere in the world - real time footage of the nanotechnology inside the COVID-19 injections assembling robotic arms that guide the nanotechnology development.

It's okay that so many people chose to get the 'Transhuman Injection' so that they didn't look like conspiracy theorists. It's even okay that they got jabbed to be accepted socially.

But it was not okay when so many Covid Church Cultists persecuted / mocked / threatened and discriminated against me and my pureblood friends, just because we exercised our God given right to say NO!

And now you are complaining because you are getting sick and dying (like millions of others Globally); and the doctors and nurses are not helping you, but rather, are being finacially incentivised to end your life according to the dictates of the World Economic Forum etc! Well, GET OVER IT! All that damn whinging and whining as you die makes you sound like, what did you call me, oh yeah that's right - a bloody 'conspiracy theorist'!!!!

People read the ingredients on a cereal box, but refuse to ask what is in the bio weapon injections, that they willingly get. Unreal times to witness such vast stupidity.

My 3 sons were all stupid enough, to take the jab...I'm beside myself, seeing this footage

Well, anyone with a hint of street smarts knows that 'they' wanted us to take these injections like it was literally the end of the world.

Tear down the 5G towers

Alien technology

All I can say is Pureblood for life I will pray for those that were tricked into the jab is crimes committed against humanity they lied people died or have been grievously injured now they will control those poor souls

The Zombie Apocalypse is very near. Be prepared and remember, you have to go for their heads to stop them.

Thank you for bringing these important findings to the public forum. If the governors of the world truly want to help their citizens, then they should start producing and providing "free" ivermectin A.S.A.P. (Make everyone at Big Pharma, the medical institutes, corporations that coerced their employees and the media that promoted fear porn - all who took our taxpayer monies to force people to accept this toxic garbage - pay for it!)

I'm using Chelaforte to detox. it's slow - 3 months perhaps, but I can feel my hand again after it went numb. Thank you Maria!

It would be interesting to repeat in an isolated (no frequencies) to see if it reacts the same. Also to reduce the temps to see the impact. Also to test how to attack/interfere with it…to deconstruct it…

Would an EMP disable it and if you are no where near a cell phone or wifi would it stop building. Does it require the Internet to get the building instructions. Do further vaccines bring in required materials for the next phase of construction and is that why they are requiring yearly vaccinations.

Download here: Katy-Perry-Malfunctions-Whilst-Performing-Eye-Glitches-What-is-the-cause-Robotics-Covid-Vaccine-2022-10-25.mp4 - 3,152 kb
By: BS Media - 25th October 2022
Katy Perry Malfunctions
Whilst Performing (Eye Glitches)
What is the cause? Robotics? Covid Vaccine?

The way her second eye was glitching like that - its impossible. I don't believe its from her lashes, it could be, but I definitely think something is wrong here... TIME FOR MORE BOOSTERS KATY!

Flu Klux Klan
Katy and Justin Bieber should do a duet together to spread awareness about the dangers of experimental vaccines

Sonic TheLibertarian
Little known fact: Katy Perry would not be a malfunctioning vax bot if she had stayed with Russell Brand

I do Acupuncture. If I had a patient with eye issues ,that's one point I would use. But how would she know to use the equivalent of the acupuncture point to help the eye?

Renee DaSinger
This isn't Bell's palsy . Bell's palsy can't be corrected by pressing your face

Ding Bat
The pressing of the side of her head to open her eye is one thing. The fact that it took her that long to realize it's actually shut is more disturbing. These aliens must go!

Follower of Christ
Now her and Bieber can write a pro vax song called "One Eye Opens One Eye Shuts".

That's not bells nor human, please wake up humans

Snoopy Girl
Shape shifter, her hologram is malfunctioning

Katy Perry clone-bot needs a softwear update

Cam Lee
I wonder if she's had a dose of the 'safe and effective'?

Duncan Perry
She needs a booster for sure

WOKE 88 FM - Ice Wall Radio
It is humanly impossible to have one eye closed while blinking the other without the closed eye not moving at all don't believe me go stand in the mirror and try it

Brenda Rodriguez
I got a lazy eyes and this never happens to me. So weird

Download: Fudging-statistics-to-promote-the-Covid-narrative-How-an-illusion-of-efficacy-can-be-established-for-any-treatment-2022-10-24.mp4 - 8,577 kb
By: Norman Fenton - 24th October 2022
Fudging statistics to promote the Covid
narrative. How an illusion of efficacy
can be established for any treatment

(This version fixes errors in previous version =3rd time lucky! But there is still an error at timestamp 4:00 which read as follows: "9 out of 90 (NOT 9 out of 10) of the previously uninfected from the no vaccine group could have been infected in weeks 3 to 4".)

In determining the efficacy of a medical intervention (such as a drug or vaccine) to stop a particular disease or virus it is typical to assume that the treatment needs time to work before a person is classified as 'treated.' For example, a person vaccinated against a virus may be classified as 'unvaccinated' until 2 weeks after getting the vaccination. This simple animation with a hypothetical example shows that, with such a classification, a placebo (i.e. no effect) vaccination can be shown to be highly effective.

See also this article for more context and note that this applies to observational studies rather than randomized controlled trials

Michael Wain
Norman Fenton is a man of impressive character and courage.

Derek Jennings
Don't worry about the odd minor error that does not significantly affect the point that you got across well in the previous incarnations of this video. But as a mathematician I understand how many of us can be a bit OCD and hate to leave anything that is less than perfect. Obviously, this does not apply to all as some following the narrative were happy to overlook major flaws in their arguments. If only those people had been as conscientious as you!

Excellent example of how to fudge the stats... I wonder if there are any recent examples of this?

I've linked this video to educate family and haters alike to explain how we've all been duped. Thank you Norman for doing your part. Now I will do mine.

That yellow box in the bottom right corner is an incredible addition to the first version of the video. Just appalling that this sort of thing is achievable through pure moving around of numbers and a simple sample bias of "unvaccinated people tend to "test and then report their results" more often than the vaccinated".

Anglo Svizzera
Can you also explain the difference between "relative risk reduction" and "absolute risk reduction", because from what I've read, it's the ARR we need to know and not the RRR that drug companies put out to sell their wares?

Mark Harding
In the instance where a waiting period is required for some treatment, you would think that the correct way to approach it would be to discard all data from the treatment and control group for the waiting period. After that period has elapsed you can start looking at the effects in both groups.

In the previously conducted study, surely their data would include the date of administration of the treatment or placebo and the date of testing positive for the disease. That would make it easy to filter this data (assuming the underlying data of the study is available, as it should be for any reputable study).

The issues of differential testing would be more difficult to correct. Ideally, the investigator should not know whether the test dubber received the treatment or placebo to eliminate observer bias. But in an observational study, that's usually not possible. They could have ensured the same testing regime for both groups. Not doing so would be a significant methodological flaw.

I suspect that there is little to no desire (on the part of the original study authors or their backers) to look back at the data and correct these errors, regardless of how easy that would be to do. They likely know what they would find and if they don't look, they can pretend ignorance.

Paul A.
@Norman ... the correct text and the associated verbal narration by Prof. Fenton at timestamp 4:00 SHOULD read as follows:

"9 out of 90 of the previously uninfected from the no vaccine group could have been infected in weeks 3 to 4".

Presently the text and the narration state "9 out of 10"

These paradoxes are very well known and used in the studies. That's why the outcome so often depends on what is the desired outcome in the first place. Without verifiable raw data the value of what they present is basically zero. But try asking for the complete data of the first real world study from Israel that was doing exactly what is described here (and no safety data, of course, since it would be incompatible with the method used). They'll tell you they can't share the data because of privacy issues.

Brilliant illustration as usual. Very educational and simple to digest.

Rory Teal
Bill Gates favourite book was How To LIE With Statistics.

J devil
I've been telling people this is how they did it. Now I can show them. Thank you for this.

Philosopher Serfs
Excellent once again Norman, thanks ever so much. I don't know whether to laugh or cry it's just so absurd... I did actually scour the hospital data in NI last year to find out if they were testing the vaccinated and unvaccinated to equal degrees... and there was no clear answer, the policy had changed at least once and different hospitals may or may not have been doing it.

This did not stop there being headlines such as "X% of those in hospital in NI are unvaccinated"... but without knowing the rate of testing on the two groups the percentage is meaningless isn't it?

Keep it up Norman, people are starting to listen and ask questions.

Melly Mel
Thank you for simplifying it for those of us who need a refresher on statistics!
We appreciate you!

Gonna need to watch this one at least twice

denise mooney
You do a tremendous job of explaining this and it is greatly appreciated

Dominic Moorhouse
Well done. Minor typo at 3.32: I think you meant in capitals: "What if there are more vaccinated, say 500, than UNvaccinated"

Dano JC
Wonderful video, I was aware of this at the get go. The numbers at closer inspection didn't add up, here in Canada, I think the general public is more thick than other countries.

Citizen of Reality
Excellent presentation, thank you.

Download here: India-dumps-100-million-Covid-vaccine-doses-Serum-Institute-stops-Covishield-production-WION-2022-10-22.mp4 - 4,996 kb
By: WION - 22nd October 2022
India dumps 100 million Covid vaccine doses
Serum Institute stops Covishield production

The Serum Institute of India has dumped about 100 million doses of Covid vaccines after they expired. The company said that it has stopped the production due to low demand.

Karen Smith
India is one of the only nations to actually LEARN from watching the data on these vaccines. Very wise people.

Mugzy B
Throwing 100 million doses away? No ones taking the shots? This is great news! Every shot thrown away is a life saved

David Lee
People with common sense throw away rubbish. Clever Indians.

Buddha's Disciple

Ivan McAllister
Tremendous move. All other countries should follow their lead. And dump gates with it.

Chainsaw Surgeon
The US won't throw it away they will just add it to the hundreds of ingredients that we already have in our processed foods. Not kidding.

Josefina Rodríguez

Song Sabai
Ivermectim is cheap as roti and you don't have to worry about adverse reaction.

google user
Great news, finally!! Hope there will be no such mandates in future.

Living Life to the Fullest
INDIA has got the message!!!!

_ GrandEarth
I admire how India responded and managed the COVID plandemic. I was there for a three-week business trip and people don't wear masks generally.

Australia's huge Covid lies finally exposed
By: Joe Hildebrand, - 22nd October 2022

More than two and a half years after Covid-19 first came to Australia, the truth has finally emerged and the lies have been exposed.

Australia's huge Covid lies finally exposed

The thing about the truth is that it always comes out. It may take years, decades or even centuries but reality has a way of asserting itself. Lies inevitably fall apart.

And so more than two and a half years after Covid-19 first came to Australian shores the truth has finally emerged about our various governments' response to it and the lies have been exposed.

  • Lockdowns were wrong.
  • School closures were wrong.
  • Border closures were wrong.
  • Poor people were hurt the most.

These are the findings of the first and so-far only full inquiry into Australia's response to Covid, an independent review funded by three major philanthropic organisation and headed by Peter Shergold, previously the most senior public servant in the country and now Western Sydney University chancellor - an eminent and highly qualified mind deeply respected on both sides of politics.

They are unequivocal, they are damning and they are almost word for word exactly what I and a few other brave souls have been saying from the very beginning of the pandemic.

As I have been shouting from every platform I can since 2020, the most egregious act was that committed against our children - the mass shutdown of schools on the basis of no evidence whatsoever. To their eternal shame, state premiers and chief health officers were both complicit in this.

Australia went hard on mandates of all sorts. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Jeremy Piper
Australia went hard on mandates of all sorts. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Jeremy Piper

It left almost all citizens worse off. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Jeremy Piper
It left almost all citizens worse off. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Jeremy Piper

They were wrong and they caused untold damage that will be immeasurable and long-lasting. The inquiry makes this crystal clear.

"Schools should have stayed open," the almost 100-page report found, stressing "it was wrong to close entire school systems, particularly once new information indicated that schools were not high-transmission environments".

Moreover the school closures were "likely to have significant adverse impacts on children's outcomes in education, social development and mental and physical health".

And again: "For children and parents (particularly women), we failed to get the balance right between protecting health and imposing long-term costs on education, mental health, the economy and workforce outcomes."

Even now, mask mandates remain in some settings. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Nicki Connolly
Even now, mask mandates remain in some settings. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Nicki Connolly

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk puts on her mask during a press conference in January 2022. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Dan Peled
Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk puts on her mask
during a press conference in January 2022. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Dan Peled

In regards to lockdowns and border closures and other restrictions it found they were effectively inhumane and should only have ever been used as a “last resort” - not the trigger-happy response of state and territory governments, for which they were cheered on by their acolytes.

“Rules were too often formulated and enforced in ways that lacked fairness and compassion. Such overreach undermined public trust and confidence in the institutions that are vital to effective crisis response.”

As The Australian newspaper reported, the review was exhaustive, consulting some 200 health experts, public servants, epidemiologists, unions, community groups, businesses and economists, receiving more than 160 submissions and comprising 3000 hours of research, policy and data analysis.

And as the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age reported, it was poorer communities who were hardest hit, especially by the school closures.

A lone woman wearing a protective face mask walks through a quiet Opera Bar in front of the Sydney Harbour Bridge in March 2020.
A lone woman wearing a protective face mask walks through a quiet Opera Bar in front of the Sydney Harbour Bridge in March 2020.

The papers cited a Mitchell Institute study finding that one in five children in lower socio-economic postcodes did not have access to a laptop or computer at home and a survey of NSW teachers in 2020 found that only 18 per cent of teachers in low socio-economic status schools had confidence that their students were learning well from remote classes.

And the SMH also reported in 2020 - as I have often cited - that more than 3000 students simply disappeared out of public schools in NSW after the first shutdown.

A groundbreaking Daily Telegraph expose this month revealed 7000 NSW students, overwhelmingly from disadvantaged cohorts, who were not enrolled at any school.

University of Melbourne academic Professor Jim Watterston told the paper these were among 50,000 school-aged children in Australia who are "not recorded anywhere" and that the issue had worsened through Covid.

This is nothing short of a national disgrace and yet we were warned about it. Indeed, to put fury ahead of modesty, I warned about it. On television, on radio, in print and online.

Constantly, repeatedly, publicly - with the evidence right there, at the time, on my side. And yet I, and anyone else who dared question the lockdown-shutdown orthodoxy, was dismissed, abused, harassed and condemned - be it by the dead-eyed cultists of the #IstandwithDan movement or the Chief Health Officer of Victoria himself who gave his assent to these devastating school closures in the first place while allowing hotel quarantine to collapse under his watch.

Still, at least he found enough time to tweet.

These are the sort of people who like to talk about being "on the right side of history" and now history has caught up with them. They were wrong, dead wrong.

Not just the decision makers who awarded themselves close to messianic status - with powers to match - but the frothing mobs that cheered them on. They were wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong all along.

And yet anyone who disagreed with them was hounded with such ferocity that many have abandoned social media altogether. So what are the consequences for those who caused so much harm and fuelled the economic and social crisis we are now facing while savagely attacking anyone who questioned them?

Already they are crawling sideways, changing their tune or shrinking from public view. The usual Twitter warriors seem oddly subdued.

But history will remember them and history will judge them and history will not be on their side.

Because now the truth is here. Not out there, but right here, right now.

And the truth always wins.

Download here: Raw-Footage-160-Children-Died-In-The-Philippines-Due-To-Dengue-Vaccine-Side-Effects-2022-10-19.mp4 - 8,397 kb
By: COVID VAX INJURIES - 19th October 2022
Raw Footage: 160 Children Died In The
Philippines Due To Dengue Vaccine Side Effects

This is horrific. Please share. All vaccines are now kill shots.

#covid #vaccine #injuries


It helps reverse the 'vaccine' and lowers the risk of blood coagulation.


Why are they still wearing masks? Child deaths are caused by the brainwashing of the parents

Vaccines are Bill Gates population reduction plan. He's admitted that publicly.

Driver Alone in a Stranger World
I know this.
This was under the term of Benigno Aquino III aka Noynoy Aquino, he is also responsible for fraud , corruption, death of children via Dengvaxia, Maguindanao Massacre, SAF 44 massacre, and other heinous crimes as he allowed all kinds of evil plague Philippines, this was into trial that time suing the pharmaceutical company who owns Dengvaxia for vaccinating children with untested vaccine

This is what happens if you let a puppet of UN control a country


drjjasonjoy, plz educate your citizens. I have filipino citizens here that still believe that the corona virus is real. Plz educate your fellow citizens to the TRUTH.

Disgusting !

Covid and for that matter no virus has ever been isolated and proven to exist only the Satanic governments, media and institutions push their lying narrative, unfortunately the parents have become a weapon to their children through their wilful ignorance placing their children in harms way who relied on them to keep them safe.

What do they mean they can't prove it was the vaccines? Yes you can because there is no covid or you would be able to prove there's a covid virus but no one has came forward with a sample yet now have they ?

Fully Covid Vaccinated Sean Plunket's
The Platform is Not the Resistance!
By: theBFD, Mark Hubbard - 19th October 2022
Fully Covid Vaccinated Sean Plunket's The Platform is Not the Resistance!

I ran my own blog, Life Behind the Iron Drape, until 2015 when I stopped as I was merely repeating myself. So while still up, that blog is little read, and there is something I want to say.

Sean Plunket's The Platform is not the resistance.

Plunket has no understanding of the significance of the most important event since World War II: the Covid pandemic.

Going into Covid I put my medical and biometric information into the Oxford University Covid Calculator, and it returned my likelihood of no problems from Covid (Alpha strain) as 99.9887%. That's not something for me to have been overly worried about; I certainly wouldn't have changed how I lived my life over it.

Around the same time, I listened to a three-hour interview with award-winning Australian vaccine maker, Professor Nikolai Petrovsky, on the reckless programme of Covid vaccine development by Pfizer (Moderna, etc) which broke all the safety codes of the scientific process. Pfizer unblinded the control group to produce an experimental technology with no long-term safety data. The interview was hilarious but all the more frightening, given what then happened: the coerced vaccination of entire populations with it.

Jacinda Ardern wanted for Crimes Against Humanity
Jacinda Ardern wanted for Crimes Against Humanity

I didn't take the so-called vaccine as the risk versus reward was ludicrous, and it made no rational sense in my situation.

The vulnerable who probably should have considered the risk of the hastily put together 'vaccine' were already known by Pfizer. They were a minority - the elderly, mainly - but Pfizer kept that fact and their limited trial data from panicking governments while binding them into contracts that only the gullible, a government of school teachers, would have entered. Governments were played, beautifully. Pfizer had no liability for harm. Pfizer's coffers filled with cash.

But this is not about the vaccine. This is also not about how the mainstream media enabled a wall of misinformation over Covid. The mortality from the virus itself, the efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine, and Covid policy. This they did by their demolition of free speech and the use of cancel culture against every medical professional who had a different opinion; professionals every bit as qualified as those advising government.

This piece is limited to my disappointment with Sean Plunket's new media platform, named The Platform, which advertises itself as "The resistance". The resistance is supposedly from the biased shallow journalism of Stuff, NZ Herald, TVNZ, RNZ, etc, as exemplified in Paula Penfold's Fire and Fury propagandist, but trite, mockumentary.

In The Platform, I was hoping we had our own GB News as an antidote to the evil - and the consequences of having no free press are evil - of our MSM. But we don't. Outside of the few shows granted to Rodney Hide, whom I notice no longer gets air time, we have anything but the resistance.

If you are the unvaccinated, furious about what has happened over the last two years, don't ring The Platform: you're wasting your time.

Plunket can't get over himself enough to listen to anyone or anything other than his own bias on Covid, and his need to belittle and crush you, your knowledge, and your lived experience. After each demolition he will pass this off as ribald humour: it's not. It's cancelling on the level his supposed foes are up to.

The Platform is not giving light to alternate, rational points of view when its morning presenter only allows alternate views on for seconds. This includes the morning I heard a doctor who had been de-registered ring him, and on 'outing themselves' against his bias, was crushed under odious, bullying bile. That's dictatorial: the furthest remove from the tolerance The Platform professes on its home page and also from basic, open journalistic enquiry.

But that's still not my point, which is this: a number of times I have heard Plunket opine as to why we unvaccinated, and the many vaccine injured, continue to bug him and his show, why don't we all "just move on".

I would like to tell Plunket why. The fact that he and the MSM don't understand this central point is another marker of the demise of a professional, objective fourth estate.

When Covid hit, those badly made videos from China circulated, and our Western governments panicked and were captured by vested pharmaceutical interests. It was all so crazy I don't understand what happened other than Dr Robert Malone's premise of mass formation psychosis.

Importantly, in the blink of an eye, our Labour Government arrogantly granted itself emergency powers - as did liberal governments around the West - against which there was no protest from populations (the little that there was, was extinguished by brutal police power) nor was there opposition within Parliament from our supposed representatives in the Opposition, including from David Seymour and ACT.

Those emergency powers were then used to conduct the wholesale abolishment of our basic rights, including freedom of movement, the right to autonomy over our own bodies via the mandates, the annihilation of free speech, the cancellation of all dissent. Essentially we had a gulag in New Zealand in which we ended up with facts actively destroyed by the self-proclaimed single pulpit of truth: our Orwellian Government - enabled by the mainstream media.

This horror that unfolded was breathtaking in the width, breadth and length of its destruction of the legal infrastructure and conventions of a formerly free society.

And as I'm typing this, 18 October 2022, when for all of us, other than Wiles, Baker and Jackson, the so-called pandemic is over, we're trying to recover our normal lives and an economy, I'm listening to Ryan Bridge on AM news state that Ardern's Government is planning to legislate even more restrictive Covid powers for themselves... Unbelievable.

That's the point.

We went from supposed free societies to gulags with no individual rights (at all) on a Prime Minister's speech, as governments commenced the biggest criminal act in history: the forced - and it was forced, we must not let 'them' rewrite what they did - vaccination of populations with an unsafe drug.

Pharmaceutical companies that made huge profits were given clearance from all liability for harm for a drug which bypassed all safety protocols. They were allowed to release a vaccine which should have taken seven to twelve years to develop, to come to market in less than one year, and into people's arms in mass vaccination centres after the government deliberately destroyed the sacrosanct doctor/patient relationship. They did that by making doctors fearful of losing their registrations, and with that out went informed consent.

New Zealand's Bill of Rights has been a farce from its enactment, as it is not only ignored, but never referenced by legislation, and now we find we never had rights at all. It turns out that we only had freedoms in the form of indulgences doled out by government which could and can be taken away at will. That's not a free country. This is not a free country.

The medical facts are now coming to light confirming how Covid was not a mortal pandemic we needed emergency powers for and that the vaccines didn't prevent transmission, as admitted by a Pfizer executive in the European Parliament last week. This admission revealed the job mandates and lockdowns by the government as pointless, and worse, revealed that the government knew the truth and lied to us.

Wiles, Hendy, Jackson, Baker wanted for Crimes Against Humanity
Wiles, Hendy, Jackson, Baker wanted for Crimes Against Humanity

Wiles, Hendy, Jackson, Baker, our so-called experts knew this but chose to lie to us to ensure we took the jab. Get vaccinated for others was a lie. Get vaccinated or you'll kill granny, was emotive blackmail and a lie perpetrated by the so-called 'kind' who were granted unholy state power over our lives, backed up by the full force of our police.

What happened during the time of Covid is important as it was the biggest criminal act by supposedly liberal governments against their people in history.

It was the first time we have seen the coerced vaccination of populations with a recklessly developed drug that broke all the normal scientific safety controls.

It was the first time that authoritarian governments used an emergency to lock us down and abolish our freedoms.

It was the first time that we were stupid enough to put up with it and it was the first time that the MSM were on the side of the tyrants, not acting as the defenders of objective, nonpartisan truth and inquiry.

That Plunket hasn't got the journalistic wherewithal to get the above points is incredible, and beyond disappointing to those of us who thought we finally did have a resistance in the media (as with GB News for the lucky Brits).

From time to time The Platform has an interview with Island documentary maker, and GB News presenter, Neil Oliver (via a personal friendship I think with afternoon presenter Leanne Malcolm). But I've never heard their discussion touch on all matters Covid as I suspect Plunket is too wary of that.

He should take himself onto YouTube and listen, really listen, to Oliver, because Neil has figured it out. Neil truly is the resistance to the unbridled power of out-of-control government and he knows how derelict media are, and why governments must have their powers curbed.

80 Young Canadian Doctors
Died Since "Vaccine" Rollout
Dr. Makis Pleads With CMA To Investigate
By: Joe Hildebrand, - 22nd October 2022
80 Young Canadian Doctors Died Since Vaccine Rollout

80 young Canadian doctors have died since the Covid-19 "vaccines" were given "warp-speed" emergency authorization without any long-term safety or efficacy data. The short-term data submitted to approving regulatory health agencies around the world have been exposed to be corrupt, rife with fraudulent data manipulation and poor laboratory management, patient safety concerns, and data integrity issues exposed by whistleblower Brook Jackson at the Ventavia-run Pfizer phase III trial site.

Dr. William Makis, MD (watch our interview here on 32 Canadian doctor deaths or see video below), has been investigating and raising alarm bells since the rollout of Covid-19 "vaccines" in Dec. 2020. Dr. Makis defines "a young doctor" as someone up to 70-years-old, given most physicians practice into their 60's and 70's and are generally healthy individuals.

Dr. Makis penned another letter for the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) presidents, Dr. Alika Lafontaine and Dr. Katharine Smart, October 15, 2022, raising concerns about the "sudden deaths" of 80 young Canadian doctors since the rollout of the COVID-19 "Vaccines" and vaccine mandates. His first letter to the CMA regarding 32 deaths young doctor deaths temporally related to the vaccine rollout went ignored.

Read Dr. Makis letter:

Dr. William Makis pleads with Canadian Medical Association to Investigate in open letter.

Download here: Covid-Vaccine-Deaths-and-Injuries-Mainstream-Media-Compilation-Australia-2022-10-14.mp4 - 4,256 kb
By: Beardy0033 - 14th October 2022
Covid Vaccine Deaths & Injuries
Mainstream Media Compilation Australia

#covid #vaccine #genocide

Download: Bodybuilder-Author-Doug-Brignole-mocks-anti-vaxxers-gets-Covid-Vaccine-and-dies-suddenly-at-age-63-2022-10-13.mp4 - 1,902 kb
By: bootcamp - 13th October 2022
Bodybuilder / Author Doug Brignole
mocks anti vaxxers,
gets Covid Vaccine
dies suddenly at age 63

Doug Brignole: "I have enough confidence in the vaccine, based on my research, to get it done. Those of you who think the vaccine kills people can use me as a test. If I die, you were right. If I don't die, and have no ill effects, you were wrong, and should admit it (at least to yourselves). Better yet, you should admit that you were misled, and tell the world who misled you, so other people can benefit by avoiding those fear mongers."

Bodybuilder / Author Doug Brignole mocks anti vaxxers, gets Covid Vaccine and dies suddenly at age 63

Obituary - Doug Brignole was a good man who did not believe in conspiracies, but rather, taught by example to trust ALL POLITICIANS and DRUG MANUFACTURERS - believe EVERYTHING they say and DO AS THEY SAY.
Obituary: Doug Brignole was a good man who did not believe in conspiracies, but rather, taught by example

Bodybuilder / author Doug Brignole dies suddenly at 63
Guess he proved us right again. at 63
He wrote we can use him as a test if Covid Shot works or not if he died.
ROI means "return on investment" - learn to use concept w important decision making and avoid what many are finding out: The promise of government and corporate institutions is meaningless at the least and deadly at its worst.

problem is you're dead so won't hear my laughing at you....

"If I die, you were right"....... the vaccine is the coal mine..... & he was our canary..

he deserves it... all those that supported vaccination deserve .. they the one that destroyed the lives of unvaccinated ... karma is a bitch

No one deserved it, he was mislead like millions of others.

Live Free Or Die
Better stop asking for money...

Barbells for brains.

Brignole's business partner reported on YT today that they still don't have an official cause of death, but he said he will share it when they know

Live Free Or Die
Jabbed, nabbed, cold slabbed, toe tagged, & plastic bagged...Long Live Science...

Why the elite just pretend to take the death jab.
Their punishment should be all jabs and boosters on the same day (RIP)

Lighter Thief
Flu shots in the other arm ftw!!

Live Free Or Die
Jab to the Slab...yeah I gotta admit I was right and you were wrong...R.I.P. Sucker...

Jabbed, nabbed, cold slabbed, toe tagged, & plastic bagged

ego maniac schmuck.

We were right and you were dead wrong guy.

He never meant to help our side....yet he helped our side.....we have Angels helping us!


What was the date of the posts this man made regarding the vax? He passed away in October this year, but I am curious as to how long it took for the death shot to kill him.

On his Facebook page he photographed himself getting the first of his first two vaccinations on April 5, 2021.

Thanks so much. Looks like it was the second one that got him.

Download: How-The-Tables-Turn-So-many-people-got-deadly-experimental-gene-therapy-injections-for-NO-REASON-2022-10-13.mp4 - 9,251 kb
By: Australians vs. The Agenda - 13th October 2022
2 dot Jacinda Ardern
WELL WELL WELL... How The Tables Turn...
So many people got
GENE THERAPY injections
- for NO REASON!
Pfizer did not know whether the Covid vaccine stopped transmission before rollout!

The following is from: Mark Steyn | European Union Covid Committee question Pfizers directors:

Mark Steyn, GB News:
" appears that this lady from Pfizer is now saying at the time they introduced this, they never had any evidence that it would stop transmission of the virus. So where did all these governments get the idea to tell us you can't go anywhere if you're unvaccinated?"

Robert Roos, Member of the European Parliament (MEP):
"That is exactly what I was looking for, because I've been searching for this answer for two years now; and because it had such an impact on people's life, I really wanted to know. And well, yeah, where is this coming from? It seems to be this information from our government. So, well, this is really something that the people who are responsible for this, in my opinion, the impact was huge on people's lives, I think these people should be held responsible."

Mark Steyn, GB News:
"Well we've heard all this talk, I mean as I'm sure you know and and you've been exposed to it as well, that if you question anything you're told by the government, people say you're not following the science! The lady from Pfizer basically just told you that there's no science behind any of these statements; that when people say you can't go into a restaurant and have a cup of coffee if you're unvaccinated, that, that's just something that a government made up out of it, basically pulled it out of its own bottom and inflicted it on on society!"

Robert Roos, Member of the European Parliament (MEP):
"Yes, exactly. Follow the signs and we still see that on, on, all the social media, if you make a post about, I mean this Covid committee, so I try to uh, to, to inform people by uh, showing them the questions and the answers, we do not really get, real answers, but this was exceptional and a very important one, um, but if you make a post, um, about Covid, and about real questions, um about covet and about real questions you asked, you immediately get a sign beneath your post, about Covid, discovered warning. They also removed me, I was canceled from LinkedIn by exposing just simple questions, so it's still going on and um especially that it was, that there is no scientific basis for this narrative, I think it's um, yeah, well it's, it for me, it was uh really surprising that I received this answer. But it's, it's very necessary that it has come out. We should never have any Covid Passport again based on on this so-called science..."

So many people got DEADLY EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY injections - for NO REASON!

We need a New Zealand version of this

The disingenuous Socialist Jacinda Ardern knew this all along, prefering to uphold the genocidel whims of the WEF, as opposed to protecting her constituents. This is simply called TREASON!

Heads of the government MUST ROLL FOR THE LIES WE WERE TOLD !!!!!!

As soon as I found out that they couldn't be held liable for any injuries or damages I knew it was bogus.

A dangerous combination of ideology, psychopathy, arrogance and ignorance.

Catwalk Connection
Lock this TRAITOR up for good !

Dave C.
How everyone could not see this is just incredible.

Dylan Magdalin
I feel sorry for people who were scared into getting jabbed but that's as far as it goes. Adults are capable of making adult decisions. The children however, that is a sad story

"We had to really move at the speed of science." Lady, this was the speed of socialist politics, not the speed of science.

I mean anyone with half a brain knew this already. How could its efficacy and safety be tested in such a minimal amount of time?

But of course, we were all called crazy conspiracy theorists for even asking the question.

Timothy Mcswain
The death penalty for all those that are involved in this horrendous crime against humanity!!

fred verkool
All those who drank the tea because they were scared, now are scared because they drank it.

Aileen Welch
All it takes is one rational person to ask a valid question.

It was eventually going to be exposed and my vigilance and strength paid off now heads must roll!

Crone of Arc
The "turbo" button on old game controllers was actually supposed to be labled "SCIENCE"

Critical mass approaches. Run cockroaches...RUN.

Michael Bannerman
Royal Commission required now, with terms of reference drafted by the Victorian Liberal Democrats.

I just remember all the media and government people saying, "Its 100% safe and it definitely protects you! If you get the vaccine, you wont need to worry about getting sick, and you wont need to wear a mask anymore!" only for those very people to start getting sick anyway and to say that people still need to wear masks. And then it all getting memory holed, over and over again.

Download here: JJ-shot-Almost-Killed-Me-Says-French-Politician-President-Macron-and-Most-of-the-Govt-Not-Vaccinated-2022-10-12.mp4 - 7,448 kb
By: Bright Light News - 12th October 2022
J & J Shot "Almost Killed Me," Says
French Politician. President Macron
& Most of the Gov't Not Vaccinated

Jean Lassalle, a former French presidential candidate and long-time politician, alleged that the Johnson and Johnson Covid-19 vaccine almost killed him and, more shockingly, that Macron and most of the French govt, as well as Vladimir Putin, have never been vaccinated for Covid-19. Each seemingly were injected in a campaign to "push everyone to get vaccinated."

#jean #lassalle #macron

Mark Alan Pearce
French MP who got the Covid vax developed heart problems and required surgery to keep him alive.

He says: "What I did NOT KNOW was that Mr Macron was not vaccinated. I did not know that most of the members of the government were not."

Litecoin Bull | The News Before The News!
we tried to warn, and now proven right.

the deaths coming will be horrific. and people got tricked.

Susan K
'Conspiracy theorists' knew. 200-300 mbrs of Congress & families got treatment for covid thru the Frontline Doctors' org. They were given the proper protocols, not one required a hospital stay. All sat back & watched ppl suffer & let the reputations of those protocols burn down.

Deryl Lynn #EndCorruptionInPolitics
Yet Andrew Bridgen did have the vax . Are we talking just the cabinet do you think ?

everybody else was taking Hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin

I don't believe any of the @wef
were actually "vaccinated".

That should raise alarm.

I don't believe @BillGates
or his family are vaccinated.

Remember Bill Gates wants to control population using vaccines, his actual words.

Anonymous Virologist PhD
What's the basis for this claim that Macron & most the government were not vaccinated other than this guys remarks?

Cate Sedgwick
Claimed by some (including a nurse & some politically connected) that politicians & various 'high flyers' never had the Covid #mRNA vax or faked it with saline. If true, what a scam to say the least. Proof is needed. It is a fact that eg politicians were exempt from mandates.

C'est la vie
Did anyone actually think that these people had been vaccinated? No. That's just for the peasants.

stephen marchant
Just like all MP's in the UK Parliament that were exempted!
The US Congress!!!

L Sutherland
No government minister in any country was vaccinated, it was all theatre when the did their TV stint getting the jab

Paula McMinn
Probably few in the US government are vaccinated either. Nor were Pfizer employees. What a sick world we live in.

Evidence that Macron is not vaccinated?

Michael Goldstein
Blood tests for Spike Protein, will reveal the truth!

Bill Molenhof
SEE?? What have we been saying for the past 18 months or more? Did the ELITES even receive the jab?
HELL NO! Because they knew in advance it was a BioWeapon! DOD/DARPA Military Operation.
Screw-up on a Global Scale. And those responsible made… Show more
Think while its still legal

Nuremberg 2. The sequel coming soon. The amount of evidence suggests Democide. Know this, big pharma has single handedly woke people up to the fact that governments are not working for the people. Meet the new masters of Parliament.

Download here: The-jabbed-are-waking-up-albeit-rather-late-PROFANITY-WARNING-2022-10-12.mp4 - 6,428 kb
By: SixthSense - 12th October 2022
The jabbed are waking up!.. albeit rather late!
Scottish man shares his experience

#covid #injection #democide

Download here: Rob-Roos-Member-of-the-European-Parliament-Vaccine-never-tested-on-preventing-transmission-2022-10-11.mp4 - 6,999 kb
By: Rob Roos Member of the European Parliament - 11th October 2022

Vaccine never tested on preventing transmission.
This means the COVID passport was based on a big lie.

Margaret Dhaubhadel
My my, so this revelation is finally coming out into the open, but they all need holding to account and fines, prison etc they should be made to pay for what they have done.

Jessica Rojas
It's been out since the trial data dumps and whistblowers already revealed this information but nobody wanted to listen.

Margaret Dhaubhadel
KEEP RE-TWEETING until they get the message.

She laughs as if what they have done means nothing

Pierre Haffeux
She laughs because they got tens of billions of dollars with the vaccine, and because she knows there can't be legal risk for them, and because they will continue...

Vaccines never stop transmission.

Download here: COVID-enforcers-must-be-held-accountable-for-abuse-of-power-and-violence-2022-10-10.mp4 - 10,845 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 10th October 2022
COVID enforcers must be held accountable
for abuse of power and violence: Rita Panahi

Sky News host Rita Panahi says there needs to be a "reckoning" for the Victorian police as they try to rebuild their image following Melbourne's lockdowns and protests.

"Victoria Police is again trying to rebuild their image after enthusiastically serving as Dan Andrews covid enforcers for two years," she said

"Where they terrorised pregnant women for Facebook posts, harassed little old ladies on park benches and shot scores of protesters with non-lethal rounds."

Ms Panahi said, "Chief Shane Patton says he is bruised by the work his force had to do during COVID lockdowns".

"PR campaigns and sob stories about feeling bruised from police command are no substitute for accountability," Ms Panahi said

Bob Smith
Victoria is corrupt and Andrews doesn't care for laws or rules . He said himself you are selfish if you want human rights.

I was a police officer for 28 years in the Seattle area in Washington state. What I watched the Australian officers due to their citizens was absolutely appalling. I'm so sickened by the Australian Police. Typically were all brothers from around the world in law enforcement but I wouldn't have one of them in my home.

I was a cop for several years including through the lockdown in the US. This disgusted me to no end and I would have quit before ever following an order remotely like this. Australian authorities all the way up to the PM who authorized this naziesque behavior need to be completely stripped of power for good. Possibly even jailed.

I'm speechless at what one human will do to another "because of orders." This isn't new in human history but it's so grievous to see. I know that in the deep recesses of their soul they have shame and guilt for they know that they have treated others in a way they themselves would never want to be treated.

Bruce Kastel
"Gross Overreach" is too generous a term. It is frightening to realize how easily authorities can be triggered world-wide into an unparalleled frenzie. Now that their true character has been revealed we must continue to shed light on them in hope of correcting their behavior before the next triggering event occurs.

I am shocked & saddened. I loved living in Melbourne, but I'm also very thankful I left in 2015 & didn't have to go through what went on there, absolutely disgusting the way they treated people.

Maitre Mark
It was sickening to watch all that again... and sickening how some people agreed with it at the time.

Mina de Haan-Martena
From Holland (Netherlands): Never forget who did this to us. The day will come that they have to pay. Not only in Australia but World Wide! Don't ever give up your Freedom! Stay strong dear people, my heart is with you.

john inBkk
Never to be forgiven,
and never to be forgotten

Download here: Covid-Vaccine-Strange-New-Side-Effect-2022-10-08.mp4 - 14,768 kb
By: WhiteyMcWhiteness - 8th October 2022
Covid Vaccine - Strange New Side-Effect
The Zombies have officially arrived!
WARNING: People turning, turning then falling to their death...

A man at a railway station turns, turns and turns; then staggers and falls under a train and is run over!

2:20: a man at a railway station turns, turns and turns; then staggers and falls under a train and is run over!

4:32: strange things growing in people's arteries.

#covid #zombies

Just A Man
Why are so many people turning and dying Globally? Why are there so many 1 vehicle accidents with dead drivers? Why are so many vaccinated people sick with Covid and dying or already dead? Why are so many unvaccinated people getting Covid and recovering so fast? Why do most politicians get saline injections instead of mRNA injections like the rest of us? The government and pharmaceutical companies wouldn't lie to us - would they?


Robert Bruce
So many politicians, mainstream media, police and medical staff who 'complied' to keep their jobs or worse, to receive genocide benefits, need to be given doses of this evil poison in order that they too can die a miserable death.

Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Is it confirmed that this footage is indeed recent?

Yes, I recorded it myself. (from the TV)

Kill The Kurgeon
I mind Folks Banging their Pans on a Thursday night for the NHS :D They should have Been Banging their Heeds

so when are we going to rise?

There is no COVID vaccine.

The very word vaccine means poison. There is a case to be made for inoculation because at least that utilises the body's natural defense mechanisms but injecting shite directly into your blood bypasses nearly all natural defense.
Injecting something deliberately designed to bypass ALL lines of defense and fool the body into manufacturing more shite is absolute insanity.

I noticed in all the CCTV footage of these poor people acting so strangely before they collapse,nearly all are holding cell phones. Connection to 5G perhaps?

Experts estimate 20 million
are already dead due to
COVID Vaccination
& over 2 billion injured!
By: Edward Morgan of Prepare For Change - 8th October 2022

Experts estimate 20 million are already dead due to COVID Vaccination & over 2 billion injured!

Peeling back the layers of deception and obfuscation reveals a shocking truth that may not be all that shocking to our informed readers: Covid-19 "vaccines" are injuring and killing far more people than the government is letting on.

Estimates compiled from pieced-together data suggest that as many as 20 million people worldwide have died so far from the shots, while another 2.2 billion have suffered injuries – and we are only just getting started.

Add the EUDRA and VAERS adverse event data on deaths and "events" together, multiply by an under-reporting factor of 40, globalize the EU+US one-eighth share of 12.5 billion global doses.

VAERS (take only the US data) 13,972 deaths and 854,084 adverse reactions to 5 August 2022

VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 8/5/2022 – VAERS Analysis

EUDRA (ignore the headline and scoot to the first image on the landing page) 46,999 deaths and 4,731,833 injuries

76,789 Deaths 6,089,773 Injuries Reported in U.S. and European Databases Following COVID-19 Vaccines - Vaccine Impact

Number of US injections = around 600m (increased to 608 million in the last few weeks)

CDC COVID Data Tracker: Vaccinations in the US

Number of EU injections = around 900m (increased to 915 million in the last few weeks)

Number of global injections = around 12 billion (increased to 12.5 billion in the last few weeks)

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations – Our World in Data

The Lazarus Report showing less than one in 100 vaccination injuries are reported – see page 6 of 7 that states:

"..fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of "problem" drugs and vaccines that endanger public health."

Electronic Support for Public Health-Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP:VAERS) (

Using a one in 100 under-reporting factor (URF) would make the injections horribly deadly and injurious (1.4 million deaths and 85 million injuries for the 600 million doses administered).

A more recent attempt at estimating the URF is around 40, here:

Determining the VAERS Under-Reporting Multiplier (

So, EU+US deaths = 13,972 + 46,999 = 60,971 deaths

and EU+US injuries = 854,084 + 6,089,773 = 6,943,857 (multiple per person, half of which are "serious").

Multiply by 40 for URF and then by 8 to "globalize"

Global deaths are around 19.5 million SO FAR and global injuries are around 2.2 billion.

In the coming months and years, these figures will balloon even higher as lingering spike proteins progressively damage the bodies of the "fully vaccinated," leaving them prone not only to every illness that comes along (autoimmune disease) but also to deadly clots (i.e., myocarditis and pericarditis).

It requires a bit of digging to come up with the aforementioned figures as governments work overtime to keep all pertinent data hidden, or at least confusing. The way post-injection injuries and deaths are calculated varies from country to country and even from municipality to municipality, making it difficult to come up with accurate numbers.

The safety and effectiveness claims for the shots are also highly skewed, one way being how "cases" of the Fauci Flu are determined. All throughout the alleged pandemic, illnesses and deaths were falsely attributed to the "virus" so that later the injections could be framed as the "cure."

In 2020 before the official launch of the vaccines, the annualized rate of covid "cases" was around 70 million - and keep in mind that the official definition of a "case" is still just as murky today as it was at the beginning of the "pandemic".

Following the launch of Operation Warp Speed in the USA, the annualized number of Covid cases increased nearly fivefold to 330 million. The annualized mortality rate also increased from 1.7 million pre-Operation Warp Speed to 2.9 million post-Operation Warp Speed.

This is significant because it shows that the shots are not "saving lives" as is still being claimed. The opposite is actually true as many more people are getting sick and dying in the injection era.

"Rather than a 95% (or 91% in the trials) reduction in cases and deaths, there has been a 370% INCREASE in the annualized case rate," writes Peter Halligan on his Substack. "Annualized Deaths have INCREASED by 180%."

Halligan looked at data in the government's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) to come up with the 20 million dead and 2.2 billion injured figures. Since VAERS only captures a very small percentage of actual vaccine-related adverse events, Halligan extrapolated true figure estimates using multiplication.

The "butcher's bill from the battlefield," as he calls it, points to these figures being far more accurate than anything the government or Big Pharma are admitting. And were these figures to spread widely across the population, there would surely be a whole lot of angry folks with a lot of questions for the powers that be.

Download here: THE-SEQUEL-TO-THE-FALL-OF-THE-CABAL-PART-25-of-17-2022-10-05.mp4 - 78,445 kb
By: FallCabal - Janet Ossebaard - 5th October 2022
Part 25 /17: Covid-19 - Torture Program

Covid-19 was not a killer virus. The MSM was the real virus. When the CDC, NHS, and other ‘health care’ organisations did a recount of the amount of deaths truly connected to Covid-19, it turned out to be nothing more than a mild flue. How did the authorities brainwash the people into believing their lies? By means of an effective torture program, as confirmed by Amnesty International and others. Eight ways to effectively torture people into obedience had been let loose on the population. Most people succumbed. Don’t miss this episode in order to understand how the human mind works and how it could ever get to this point.

Part 25: this is the eighth episode about Covid-19, the biggest medical scam of all times.
By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter

Music: Alexander Nakarada, Scott Buckley, AShamaluev

NZ Government Deaths by all Cause Mortality
5.7% of NZ population dead from mRNA vaccines!

By: - 4th October 2022

Deaths by all Cause Mortality for New Zealand
4 October 2022 at 14:44

All cause mortality in NZ up to August 2022.

Opening this data would solve the problem of…

Why there has been circa 220,000 deaths this year. Normal would be 1% of the population 50,000.

Why worldometer is now showing NZ's population to be 4,910,249, whereas in March 2022 it was 5,127,100 (NZ Statistics). That is a drop of 216,851.

Normally there would be a net gain of around 50,000.

So this loss is troubling. I have calculated net loss against a predicted (normal) gain is around 5.7%.

I think most of these deaths are related to the so called vaccines. We have been expecting based on our research and what is actually happening in the rest of the world is mass deaths relating to the experimental mRNA "vaccines", via ADE or VAIDS. ADE is Antibody Dependent Enhancement, which was a hidden risk from the Pfizer trials (ie no one was told of the 8,800 reported adverse side effects), as documented in the Pfizer Document Dump. Also this monitoring data shows that 5.7% of the trial participants died. Now I do not believe in co-incidences, but this excess deaths we are seeing is also 5.7%. These are deaths within 90 days of the first "vaccine".

Opening this data would solve this problem by…

Being able to counter the loss - using effective (by research) preventative measures - and widespread Bio Nano Tech Detox treatments.

Karyn: Not due to migration at all. The numbers are of actual deaths, not a count of population growth or reduction. Totally separate statistics.

Karl Barkley
If these figure are correct then there's a Serious Problem "Houston"
as pre 2019 NZ Annual DEATH RATE had been around 30000 - 33000 per year for several years ! I'd heard recently a Figure of 20% Increase in Annual DEATH RATE which would put it at 6600 More per year which would be 33000 Normal + 6600 (20% Extra) = 39600 New annual Death Rate
Far lower than this Report so WOW where are they storing these extra Bodies ???

The flu didn't vanish, it was re-branded as Cvd. The 2018 flu was a coronavirus too. Anyone that had traces of that one tested positive on pcr which can't differentiate between flu or any of the many coronaviruses. The whole thing was a marketing scam to get everyone to participate in the new so called vax that's actually a gene therapy. Don't forget that Bill Gates promised to reduce world population by using new vaccines. And that's exactly what's now happening.

Nick Tansley
To Stace, who says many deaths were not officially delegated as a covid COD. I would point out that in NZ one person was murdered with a bullet to the brain and officially counted as a covid death because he either tested positive before or after the bullet. So I don't think we can rely on honest numbers eh. P.S. a vaccine should last more than 90 days. Normally at least 5 years or a lifetime. 3 months? Don't be stupid.

Simon Poynton
Thank you.
Many seem obsessed with How can this be? Data misinterpreted, Data is the Unvaccinated, Data is inaccurate!
But countries have banned the vaccines, no trial vaccines, a so called medicine, NEVER used before, man made, nanotechnology and rearranging cell structures.
But reality is reality and young people in particular, are dying VACCINATED.
Myocarditis is is been recorded in YOUNG PEOPLE in record numbers, VACCINATED.
And then there is COVID FLU peoples being held TOGETHER in Isolation, particularly the Elderly and this is well recorded BAD HEALTH CARE and are dying, as the VACCINE does not stop people with predispositions, medically, from getting the COVID/Flu.
Its one of those tragedies, that only time will ONE DAY reveal the actual TRUTH on this OBVIOUS upsurge in Death numbers.
It took years for the Thalidomide Tragedy, a vaccine, to be held to account for the damage done, and be banned.
Sure many, MOST have rocked on with the Vaccine used, and that is excellent. But too many have not. And it was just a BAD FLU, that fresh air, not isolation, good health care practices, normal, would have managed, and well proven.
Oh well.

Kirk Patrick
One America shows All Cause Mortality spiked by three standard deviations in 2021, meaning it's 99.97% unlikely to have happened by chance. Something (besides Covid) caused it (that would have shown in 2020). What happened in 2021 that was different? And for those of you who have the audacity to suggest Covid killed 5.7% of people despite vaccination, know that Covid is 99.7% survivable. You are off by a factor of 20, just like your 2000% Covid death count numbers were grossly inflated.

Many thank for the data, we totally agree with all you have said.

Thank you for this! It took me many pages of Google to find it, everything else says Covid.

I agree. We need to see full data sets.

Australia is seeing a huge rise in all cause mortality, and across countries we are seeing heavily vaxxed with higher mortality than countries that didn't force people (particularly the working class) into getting jabbed.

I hope the govts around the world are happy. The truth will come out. It's just a matter if people want to accept it. So far the propaganda is still working, and people don't want to open their eyes.

NZ Government Deaths by all Cause Mortality - 5.7% of NZ population dead from mRNA vaccines!
The above information was extracted from the New Zealand Government website:

Download here: Why-Are-All-Those-People-Dying-Record-Excess-Deaths-In-Europe-2022-10-03.mp4 - 121,365 kb
By: Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen - 3rd October 2022
Why Are All Those People Dying?
Record Excess Deaths In Europe

Excess mortality in post Covid Europe is increasing at an alarming rate. We now have record excess deaths. What is going on here?

Inquisitive Chimp
I think a congratulations is due to everyone who stood their ground despite the bullying and psy ops of the last two and a half years. Well done to everyone!

Cody Kapcsos
Here in Alberta, Canada unknown cause of death is now the number one cause of death. I am screaming inside trying not to lash out at people denying everything that's going on.

Ivan The Nuke
One of the most surprising and disheartening things about this for me has been how easily and willingly so many people have been to accept and believe obvious propaganda. Not questioning, no thought, just blind obedience because their 'media' and their 'team' say it is so.

Rural Escapes Portugal
I just discovered my 35 year old cousin in Sweden had blood clots and now has heart problems since having the poison. So many people unnecessarily suffering. I tried to warn them but my pleas and posts fell on deaf ears. I can't believe people are not joining the dots.
Tack Björn

Favio Dezi
I'm from Spain, here excess mortality is absolutely insane, almost 37% but as you said people don't want to remember, they don't want to think about what happened, a lot of people are still in complete denial coming up with explanations for those deaths that make no sense at all... anything but admitting that maybe we were right after all. Maybe trying to forget is their brain's defense system to avoid going crazy if they understood what they did to themselves, but doing so they're indeed destined to repeat the same patterns.

R Robi
I spoke to a nurse yesterday that talked about her patients that got the snakebite... five people died almost immediately, another five shortly there after… I believe she meant weeks later. After 30 years of nursing she is out. This is one story out of so many I hear in my business.

Just Greg
I work for a large US airline , mostly all jabbed due to mandates . We are averaging about 8 deaths a month at this point . That's what we would normally have in a year . Our obit page on the company website is one of real sadness , so many people I've known a long time are gone now .

Hey I'm from The Netherlands and was a nursing student. In my elderly home where I did my training 40% of the elderly died after their first shot. That was insane because I just went on pregnancy leave and when I wanted to go back so many of my patients died. Some were very good health wise and not so much mentally but could do things alone. The people you didn't expect like strong hard elderly passed away… just insane.

john doe
This just now showed up in my feed. I would like to congratulate everyone who was strong enough to withstand the psychological warfare you were put under and the enormous pressure put under to take this shot. You are the heros. You are the strong. Congratulations for living through the biggest psyop war in the history of man kind.
Well done Pure Bloods!!! Stay salty , stay strapped !

Download: Woman-gets-Bells-Palsy-2-weeks-after-Covid-vaccine-and-would-proudly-do-it-again-for-reasons-of-insanity-2022-10-03.mp4 - 3,681 kb
By: Carl Vernon - 3rd October 2022
Woman gets Bell's Palsy 2 weeks
after Covid Vaccine and would proudly
do it again for reasons of insanity

Q's Primal Accuracy
It's UNBELIEVABLE!! She acknowledges the reasons for her condition, yet would do it again. This is conformity and obedience at it's best. We're truly DOOMED with people like this.

I've never even entertained the option of getting this vaccine. The very thought never seemed anything less than absurd.

Edith Smith
What's really scary is there are MILLIONS out there "just like her "...physically and mentally.

As an un-poked, Canadian I can just shake my head, because these are the type of people that wanted Purebloods like myself locked out of society, because we refused to risk our lives for a government sponsored virtue-signal. At least she still has her virtue. It's obviously more important than her face... Since she said she'd do it again.

Sue Evans
That is one of the most disturbing, and incredibly sad cases of a person in self denial that I have ever seen. She would rather continue to stand by her decision to have an extremely harmful jab, than admit it was the wrong decision, or that she got fooled. Truly weird mentality.

Well done mate , it's absolutely shocking just how much people have been mind controlled. This woman is not happy how things have turned out for her , yet she still chants the official mantras that have been implanted in the subconscious mind of the controlled masses . I genuinely feel sorry for her .

CommieTube Censorship Squad
So glad that I, like many of us, never fell for the complete and utter bollox that kicked off 2 years ago!

Furyan Wolf
I'd almost feel bad for em if they were just uninformed midwit NPCs who got lulled into a sense of safety and trusted the people that were meant to take care of them. I have zero sympathy for people that don't learn from their mistakes and refuse to open their eyes though.

Let me tell you how much sympathy i have for these people, ZERO.

Cladio Sanchez
It's like she comes so close to realizing something is wrong, but she doesn't know what because she hasn't been TOLD what to think yet.

RWN Real World News
I've travelled around China and Vietnam and never saw communism, until I realized that it was the fear of loosing their face from the eyes of their relatives or public opinion about their family. Just like it happened when communism arrived to western countries 2 years ago.

Download here: X-Files-Spartan-Virus-reveals-evil-Black-Hats-tampering-with-DNA-More-of-a-documentary-than-science-fiction-10-02-2022.mp4 - 9,176 kb
By: illuminatibot - 2nd October 2022
X-Files Spartan Virus reveals evil
Black Hats tampering with DNA
More of a documentary...
..than science fiction!

Alderman Joe
Not just only tampering with your DNA but your whole life will be gone forever!

Creationism 101
Did they just explain exactly how they're gonna depopulate us?

John Wells
They always give us clues as to what is planned next.

Based Opinions
Hmmm. Imagine if there was something that happened worldwide and they forced everyone to take a vaccine.
Nahhhh. That's science fiction stuff.

Mark Sorelle
Wow, I forgot about all of these episodes. Scary premonitions from the past coming to life and playing out in real time.

Predicted the future 1991 to 2002. Amazing.

Download here: It-is-really-important-that-we-do-not-forget-the-discrimination-that-we-have-been-through-2022-10-02.mp4 - 14,018 kb
By: Unknown - 2nd October 2022
It's really important that we do not forget
the discrimination that we have been through!

Note how easily these people quickly justified denying a sector of the community their God given rights - all over a fake pandemic!

It is blatant DISCRIMINATION when injected people deny non-injected people goods and services and classify them as second class citizens!

Just because a government justifies discrimination during a Global Genocide Programme, it does not make it ethical or right. If a government can turn on one sector of the community, it can likewise turn on the other too...

Shame on all you self righteous injected nutters who gloated about your short lived privileged status; as society is now filling up with millions of vaccine related sicknesses, injuries and deaths!

There appears to be three classes of people today:

  1. Vaccinated People - who proudly claim to be 1st class citizens;
  2. Unvaccinated People - who are treated as 2nd class citizens by: politicians, hospitals, doctors, mainstream media and much of the vaccinated society;
  3. Vaccine Injured People - who are a quickly emerging group of people, that are mostly rejected by the government, hospitals, doctors and many other vaccinated people!

Group 3 (Vaccine Injured People) are a very peculiar group, as despite being fully vaccinated - they are shunned by many of their vaccinated peers, often due to the extreme embarrassment caused by their Covid Vaccine (sic) Adverse Reactions!

Unfortunately for most people in Group 1 above, they too will inevitably transition to Group 3 as well within months - to a few short years time... Such is the result of genocide.

Unvaxxed Lives Matter

Download here: Covid-Adverse-Reaction-No-2498-2022-10-01.mp4 - 45,032 kb
By: effets secondaires - 1st October 2022
#2498 Covid Adverse Reaction

The poor lass!

According to the World Economic Forum / United Nations / World Health Organisation etc, this is an acceptable offering to their gods of science.

Download here: The-Worst-Public-Health-Scandal-In-History-2022-09-30.mp4 - 76,541 kb
By: Eucharisteo8 - 30th September 2022
"The Worst Public Health Scandal In History"

"The Worst Public Health Scandal in Our History."

Those are the words that open this video by Dr. Jan Maisel. Dr, Maisel is a Pediatrics Specialist and has over 42 years of experience in the medical field. 

The video then continues with a representation of vaccine injury stories that are occurring all over the world.

Bri Dressen is the co-founder of ReAct19, an organization made up of tens of thousands of the covid vaccine injured. She was injured in the clinical trials.

Bri is the last person who speaks in this video. Her message needs to be heard.

Please note that the stories reflected in this video represent all of the various covid vaccine manufacturers.

In addition, there has been a recently released documentary on the vaccine injured. It is the best I've seen thus far. It chronicles the tragedy the injured have faced, daily. Watch it here:

You can find thousands more stories here:

Also, please view the following video that contains current data on the frequency of Myo and pericarditis - it is absolutely critical that men and parents know this information:

If you are injured, or if you are a medical professional, journalist, educator, or lawmaker, please check out this short video that reviews all that REACT19 offers to see how you can get help, or bring help and awareness to others.



Through the React19 CARE-fund we help patients gain access to receive financial assistance, which is funded entirely through the generosity of independent donors. 100% of the donation goes into the hands of the vaccine-injured for medical expenses. If you're in the position to make a difference in someone's life, please consider donating to our CARE-fund by texting REACT to 50155 or visit

Dr. Maisel's remarks were originally made in an interview on VSRF on August 5, 2022.


I WANT people to be arrested and put in JAIL for LIFE. WTF are they waiting for?

Sadly, it is too late and the billions have taken this death shot. If only people stood united against this, but they won't. Busy being distracted by celebs, the royal family and the fake war.

Flus-back-from-its-holiday-Or-is-Big-Pharmas-Twindemic-simply-Adverse-Events-from-the-Covid-Injections-Duh-2022-09-29.mp4 - 7,732 kb
By: Carl Vernon - 29th September 2022
Flu's back from it's holiday?
Or is Big Pharma's Twindemic simply Adverse
Events from the Covid Injections? Duh!

Pervert Rico Joe
Lets all take a moment to welcome back the flu from its "2 year sabbatical".

Rose Red
NO, we have NOT just had the worst flue season ever. A great number of 40 something year olds are dying in their sleep, or from heart issues. That's what's happening in Australia.

Is cardiac failure after the 3rd or 4th procedure considered "the flu"?

Monster McBoo
Only time in my adult life I got the flu, was when I got the Covid injection as a condition of employment, and it literally nearly killed me. Thankfully, I don't remember much of it because I was delirious for a good while before I lost consciousness but I do remember the triage nurse's eyes bugging when she took my temperature, and I do remember being in terrible pain all over my entire body and wondering if I would make it or not. I was out of work for two full weeks and it took me a few months to get back up to speed, physically and mentally. Never again! They can stick their needles up their own behinds! Also, medical PTSD is very real, even for a mentally strong individual. Let's remember to be kind to people who have had to learn the hard way. There are a lot of wounded sheep painfully waking up to the real horrors of what has been done to all of us. ??

Jim H.
Now that every sniffle isn't being classified as Covid, things are back to normal.

Push Against the Zeitgeist
I think we need to fact check those last figures. I'm in Australia and that's the first I've heard about this. In fact no one I know has had flu this season and no news reports here about any of this.
I think what they want you to take away from this is "Stay home, keep your kids from school and be afraid, be very afraid" (as usual)!!

Kelly Moore
I wonder why people's immune systems aren't working all of a sudden ??

Jerry Jones
You cant improve your immune system by isolating it from all threats. If it never has to fight off anything, it won't be strong enough if something comes along.

S. T.
In Canada, every year before 2020 = 10-50 thousand deaths from flu.
2020 -2022= 0 flu cases, 27 and then 20 000 deaths from covid.
Somebody should be able to do this math.

Jan Clifford
Well that's news to us who live in Australia! I'm sure the media would have spread the fear if this was the case!!!!

Download here: Safe-and-Effective-A-Second-Opinion-Conclusion-Covid-Vaccines-are-Harming-and-Killing-Millions-2022-09-29.mp4 - 265,162 kb
By: Oracle Films - 29th September 2022
Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion...
Conclusion: Covid Vaccines are Harming and Killing Millions

Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion (2022) | Oracle Films | News Uncut

If you'd like to see more independent projects like this happen in the future, or you feel inclined, you can donate to us here:

Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioural scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in suppressing free and open debate on the subject.

Congratulations to everyone who made it through the biggest stress test ever. Society, acquaintances, coworkers, even friends and family members have treated the unvaccinated in an absolutely terrible way, and they don't even know how to apologize. The unvaccinated were made scapegoats for all this and we became lower class citizens. I wouldn't have thought that something like this could happen. Fortunately, the truth always comes out eventually.

P.S. I believe that this video will be removed from Youtube quickly, because the narrative says that nothing can be questioned or criticized.

Andrew Thomas
Huge thanks to Mark Sharman, and to all of my brave, kind, loving and wonderful brothers and sisters on this planet, who stand strong together over these unbelievable years.

As an ICU nurse, I have had patients tell me - sobbing - they believed their hospitalization was due to the shots … they were told by doctors it couldn't be related. How many people are out there just like this?
Thanks for giving these people a voice, we appreciate you!

If you are embarrassed or afraid to share this video with your friends, at least share this somewhere. For example, even to an anonymous forum in your country. And remember to give the video a thumbs up. Every share of the video helps to reach a larger mass of people and we need every person in the change. We finally need to talk honestly about vaccines. Many people have had to suffer and the negative side of vaccines also deserves space in the media. We can't just keep quiet and pretend there's no problem when so many people are suffering.

Andrew G
This documentary should be shown on every TV station in the world with subtitles where necessary. It will, of course, be totally ignored by the legacy media, but they have become utterly irrelevant over the past couple of years anyway. This is a far superior production than anything else I have yet seen; and excellently presented by John Bowe. Thank you and well done to all.

Thank you all for your hard work Oracle Films and John for getting this out to the public. So many lives lost and ruined. This has torn families apart.

There is not a single day that goes by where I am not grateful for standing my ground and not having a jab. The number of people I personally know who have been injured as a result of the covid vaccines still shocks me. I will stand and fight for all of you. Sending all my love and solidarity to those affected. Thank you Oracle Films, for continuing your powerful work. I hope this stays up long enough on YouTube to help and inform as many people as possible. Better still I hope YT proves us all wrong and does not censor or remove this film. I live in hope.

Download here: New-Zealand-Funeral-Director-Speaks-Out-So-Many-Covid-Vaccine-Deaths-2022-09-28.mp4 - 43,662 kb
By: Aussie Fighter - 28th September 2022
New Zealand Funeral Director Speaks Out
So Many Covid Vaccine Deaths

New Zealand Funeral Director Speaks Out

"Brenton Faithful is my name, almost 41 years as a funeral director."

"I've watched adverse effects through patients... It's very obviously they've died within two weeks of receiving the vaccination."

"This isn't a one off case this is the majority of cases that have come through our facility."

Q: "Have you seen many where the death certificate is just unequivocal cause of death COVID-19?"

A: "No."

So Many Covid Vaccine Deaths

sad. so many people are yelling murder, yet the genocide continues.
They will not listen. My dad died TWICE. He died from the Vaccination, brought back to life by his pace maker, brought to the hospital and finished off with Remdisivir.

Please know, all hospitals in Canada are committing mass genocide. They do not care about your age, your religion, your sex or your color of skin, if you are unhealthy, vaccinated or unvaccinated, they will use a flawed PCR test in order to falsely test you positive for Covid and then treat you intravenously with the Literal Catalyzed snake venom.


All media is complicit with the fear porn and the government and establishment wiped away all accountability in justice against any injuries or deaths associated with the medical procedures called Vaccinations and Treatment specifically outlined by the Canadian Health Authority to cause death.

Make no mistake, this is GLOBAL. Medazolam, similar to Remdisivir is used in Europe. And anyone with half a brain should consider doing your research on what is in the Vaccines. Don't stop at a ingredient list, look up the Patents. If you are still alive after taking it, you are a ticking time bomb. There are militarized radio waves which can activate the ingredients to naturalize your death. The technology has been quickly installed while you all were in quarantine 2020 and can be deployed using constructive wave interference and your phones location service. 5G is the technology that can be weaponized to trigger the nanotech.

Don't believe me, do your research. All the ingredients are banned from YouTube and any mention of this on Facebook or Twitter will get you banned, deleted and threatened.

A system that suppresses information to bring light to this IS IN FACT COMPLICIT IN THE CRIME AS AN ACCESSORY. Nuremburg 2.0 and Hangings, Firing squads and lethal injections are needed to put the many guilty who took payouts or architects of this genocide.

The globalist and criminal political class are guilty of murder

Download here: Vaccine-Induced-Documentary-Covid-vaccines-and-lifelong-complications-2022-09-26.mp4 - 66,938 kb
By: Fearless Nation - 26th September 2022
Vaccine Induced (Documentary)
Covid vaccines and lifelong complications.

The story of Shaun Mulldoon's journey from trusting Covid vaccines to a near-death experience with lifelong complications.
Source: Vaccine Induced

We are all explorers trying to find ourselves...
Some people around you will not understand your journey.
They don't need to; it's not for them.

#vaccine #plandemic #covid

Shinrin Yoku

this is a horror story. seriously.
thank god i dont live in communist country no more.

The Prime Minister of Canada, Dr. Tam, the head of the WHO, Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, all the Premiers of the Provinces of Canada, all the Health Ministers of the Provinces, the doctors who actively promoted, without question, the vaccine 'jabs' that prevent nothing but can kill, and the College of Physicians and Surgeons who chastised the doctors who spoke up against the vaccines...should all be held accountable for the deaths of so many people.

Covid protocols have also been part of the M.A.I.D. and EOL drugs for the elderly and sick who end up in the ER and even Hospice. The people involved in this 'death by protocols' should be held accountable.

Justin Trudeau wants all the young people of Canada to keep taking the booster 'jabs' of these 'experimental' prevent nothing vaccinations...not enough young people have died while participating in their sports...and not enough young people have been maimed with adverse effects... such as myocarditis.

Why would the Prime Minister of the country want our young students to die or be maimed with adverse conditions like…myocarditis? I would bet his children and his family are not vaccinated with an 'experimental' vaccine that prevents nothing but can 'kill' people…including all these doctors who are dying 'suddenly'. Healthy people!

He's Canadian what choice did he have? He should've done his research.

A well produced documentary... meaningful metrics to influence those learning... what "we" already know. I have always doubted ALLOPATHIC medical practice, have live most of my life embracing NATUROPATHY and have lived better without the "aging adult population" range of harmful medications, all of which have side effects (which do not work for me)

The self sacrifice, my choice to take '09 H1N1 jbb, which got me, changed my life, GBS / MS / Polio like neural "issues" (controlling my arms and legs) has slowly gotten worse over time. A myriad of medical ~quack~ diagnosis [ fibromyalgia ] when FFS the nerves linings are slowly being attacked. Neuropathy, numbness and tingling *the experts struggle to figure it out*

Fast Forward to now? with wildly *experimental* program in play...
With risks of 1P36 gene deletion, and prospects of Prions / misfolded proteins, IS the most frightening. Mind you I am NOT MARGINALIZING, fibrinogen gone mad / clotting. The elimination of the prefrontal cortex... IS SO PROFOUND to me. And we are seeing this happen, as there is a marked shift in the nature of those multiple dosed.

I had to get a flu shot in 2016 or 17. It messed me up too. Stomach issues for years, heart palpitations and racing, dizziness. I am 5 years out. Quit the job Dec.2020. Never going to take another flu shot. These people are psychopaths and don't give a crap about you, me or any other human being.

Today I am grieving. After taking the Moderna jab, my beautiful daughter is losing her foot due to blood clots. Surgery is today. I explained the risk, explained imformed consent. explained dangers of vaccines, with no human trials, explained flu vs covid, explained man made vacc vs man made covid. She promised me, she would not take the vaacine. She did. She did not listen instead listen to a ER nurse. How many lives has this demonic vaccine ruined?

Download here: Vaccinated-Man-Apologises-to-the-Unvaccinated-2022-09-24.mp4 - 11,780 kb
By: Reignite Democracy Australia - 24th September 2022
Vaccinated Man Apologises to the Unvaccinated
Jabbed or not - I am sorry!!

Jabbed or not...#ImSorry

I have no idea who this man is, but I am responding to what he did...I AM ALSO SORRY.

My video is after his.

If this inspires you, why not make your own video and post it...

Use the hashtags #ImSorry and #MendTheDivide

Big Eye
To all the jabbed, my heart breaks for what some of you are going through physically or what you and your children may go through.

Lee Court
Kudos to this guy for recognising that they were lied to.

This. This is the best thing ever. We don't get to point the finger of blame at others so we can wash our hands and play victim.
Its not until every individual takes personal responsibility for this shitfight that it can end.
While i remain unjabbed, I now know we all let it happen. We all did our best. We all did what we thought was safest, no matter which side we are on.
I'm sorry too. I'm sorry I judged. I'm sorry for the loss we've all suffered on every level. I'm sorry for my anger and refusal to listen.
I'm sorry for the vaxed who were lied to, forced, threatened, cooerced and emotionally blackmailed into it.
I take full responsibility for my choices good and bad.
There is no failure, only learning.
Stay safe everyone. Much love.

a great video and message.Big respect to the Big man,that takes courage and wisdom and he is a great example to us all.It is time to get together and realise who our real enemies are.Peace

Mend the divide. This is the direction we need to go

Nic Gordic
Division will always cause harm! As far as I'm concerned, that man who said sorry is my brother! I'll be praying for his protection and well being.

Robyn Gibbs
The last 2 years has confirmed to me the pettiness and ignorance of my family ... I am unjabbed...

Download: Is-this-a-5G-kill-switch-activated-on-all-these-people-They-all-behave-in-a-similar-way-before-they-died-2022-09-23.mp4 - 5,050 kb
By: Puretrauma357 - 23rd September 2022
Is this a 5G kill switch activated on all these people?
They all behave in a similar way before they died...
Does the 5G activate something in the Covid injections?

Look at the kill switch activated on all these people….they all behave in a similar way before they died and it's like something was activated on them….

It actually goes a little deeper.
They deny the creation.
They destroy the creation.
It is also an attack on our soul.
The brainwashing we've had is part of that too.
If the people knew this, the Satanists wouldn't stand a chance

Is this a 5G kill switch activated on all these people?

Between the vaXX and the directed energy weapons from the 5G towers to the smartphones it's all connected. In my neck of the woods they are giving out Obama phones all over. The thing is you have to show I.D. to get it. So the person is linked to that smartphone and the radiation weapons too.
Even the Telecom's now are basically giving away plans but here's the kicker: you need to show I.D. for a prepaid phone now. Hard to get burner phones these days unless you know someone.
We all need to dump the smartphones. I know they linked everything to these devices from mail to video appointments where people can't work in some cases without one. But we really don't need them. Ask yourself were we better before the smartphones and 5g or worse?
Did you know Israel developed the 5G technology and sold it to China to mass produce it to the world? You need to go on the deep web to find these uncensored results..

It's the fake vaccine, control by cell phone signal

That's my thought exactly. Targeted by the VaXX using directed energy weapons or unvaxxD using the Obama phone linked to I.D. or Carrier as a GPS.
All on Cell phones

By: KingStreetNews - 22nd September 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies.[3,6,57] We have witnessed a long list of unprecedented intrusions into medical practice, including attacks on medical experts, destruction of medical careers among doctors refusing to participate in killing their patients and a massive regimentation of health care, led by non-qualified individuals with enormous wealth, power and influence.

For the first time in American history a president, governors, mayors, hospital administrators and federal bureaucrats are determining medical treatments based not on accurate scientifically based or even experience based information, but rather to force the acceptance of special forms of care and "prevention"—including remdesivir, use of respirators and ultimately a series of essentially untested messenger RNA vaccines. For the first time in history medical treatment, protocols are not being formulated based on the experience of the physicians treating the largest number of patients successfully, but rather individuals and bureaucracies that have never treated a single patient—including Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, EcoHealth Alliance, the CDC, WHO, state public health officers and hospital administrators.[23,38]

The media (TV, newspapers, magazines, etc), medical societies, state medical boards and the owners of social media have appointed themselves to be the sole source of information concerning this so-called "pandemic". Websites have been removed, highly credentialed and experienced clinical doctors and scientific experts in the field of infectious diseases have been demonized, careers have been destroyed and all dissenting information has been labeled "misinformation" and "dangerous lies", even when sourced from top experts in the fields of virology, infectious diseases

My heart truly breaks for you and the millions & millions that have suffered or even died, not because of COVID, but because of the "Vaccine". Ya'll trusted the medical, pharmaceutical & Government establishment. That's always a DANGEROUS cocktail!! Question everything especially when they try to FORCE people into doing something. Because it is never in YOUR best interests!

Salute too you! For speaking up and telling the truth! That's all people need! I hope you can continue too recover! Glad you have family amd friends who support you too!

May she heal from the damage inflicted open her. I feel for her.
When fear is being served up every day on your tv, that is when you need your critical thinking caps on the most.
My son and I are the only ones in my family who did not get the vaccine, simply because it has not been tested, ever. I am not a test subject.
I would never work for anyone who would force me to get a medical treatment I did not need.

I'm sorry! I feel for you. Do not be upset with yourself though! The bastards gave you no choice. We are supposed to be able to trust these institutions to tell the truth at the very least. Please do as much research as you can. The recent 1 hour documentary out of the UK is good, and if we all try to share information, and raise awareness, humanity may have a chance of surviving this attack. Forget legacy media!! They are the enemy. This is a spiritual, information war. Humanity is under attack, and don't even know it! The horrifying events, like the shootings, 9-11, school shootings, Covid, stolen elections, and now, the mid term election reports are falloff more fraud, and mysterious anomalies! It's all designed to demoralize, and break the will and spirit of humanity!
Bill Gates stated that the "next pandemic, will definitely wake us up"! Think about that, and what it implies! It's impossible to forecast natural occurring "pandemics"! You can figure out the rest easily. Why isn't someone questioning this lunatic? He should be infront of congress, or even, a competent investigation, live streamed for the whole world, questioning all the key players involved with covid! We the People, are acting like idiots. No one has made any attempt to to find the answers to the obvious questions. For example, why are they insisting the public, especially children, take an injection that has ZERO benefit regarding the "virus", but rather, it has killed or seriously injured millions upon millions of people? They are exterminating humanity.

Go to Dr. Jane Ruby on Rumble and see the November interview with Dr. Ardis. He knows what was in the vials. Treatment too.

They aren't finished by a long shot.

If anyone is contact with this nurse please have her call Thomas Renz at

Love to you

They lied and people died!!

The New Zealand Ministry of Health:
"Reducing transmission was not an outcome
measured in trials of the Pfizer vaccine"
[Let the enormity of that quote SINK IN!!!] - 10th September 2022
The New Zealand Ministry of Health: 'Reducing transmission was not an outcome measured in trials of the Pfizer vaccine'

Why are New Zealanders
7 x sicker now than in 2019?
By: Q Foods, Geraldine, New Zealand - 6th September 2022

  • Why are New Zealanders 7 x sicker now than in 2019?
  • Why do we now have S.A.D.S? (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome)
  • Why are people of all ages suddenly dying?
  • Why cannot doctors explain it?
  • They can no longer blame a virus, so what is happening?
  • What have the majority of people chosen, or been pressured into, since 2020?
Overwhelmed funeral homes...
Overwhelmed funeral homes...

Download here: Graphene-Based-5G-Powered-Self-Assembling-Nano-Particles-Forming-Bio-Circuitry-in-Vaxxed-2022-09-05.mp4 - 10,948 kb
By: LavaFox - 5th September 2022
Graphene Based, 5G Powered, Self Assembling
Nano-Particles Forming Bio-Circuitry in Vaxxed

La Quinta Columna: Bio-Manipulation of the human host.
These guys have been right too many times to ignore.

#nanotech #covid #vaccines

Mask-Winked Flyer Facts
Did you know?
By: Voices For Freedom - 4th September 2022
Mask-Winked Flyer Facts - Did you know? - Voices For Freedom

Mask-Winked Flyer Facts - Did you know? - Voices For Freedom

Covid vaccine ads found to be misleading
By: Otago Daily Times, New Zealand - 2nd September 2022

Covid vaccine ads found to be misleading. Otago Daily Times, New Zealand

The nation's newly branded health agency [Health New Zealand - previously District Health Board] has been ordered to remove, or fix misleading advertisements about Covid-19 vaccination. Photo: Getty Images

The nation's newly branded health authority [Health New Zealand] has been ordered to remove or fix a misleading advertisement about vaccination against Covid-19 that ran across multiple media platforms.

The Advertising Standards Authority complaints board received 44 complaints against Te Whatu Ora/Health New Zealand's Vaccinate for Life advertisements which ran across television, print and on billboards and mobile phones.

In a statement to Open Justice, the health agency's National Immunisation Programme has apologised for any confusion or concern caused by the advertisements, which concluded in July.

The programme's director, Astrid Koornneef, said while it was disappointed with the decision, it accepted the authority's ruling, which related to one element of a wider vaccination campaign.

The complaints said the advertisement, in its various forms, was misleading because of the wording: "Protect them for life. Immunise against Covid-19". Respondents argued there was no life-long protection from a Covid-19 vaccine.

Some were also concerned that the use of the word "immunise" was misleading, based on how the vaccine worked, but this was not supported by the complaints board.

Most board members agreed the ads themselves did give the wrong impression, and upheld four complaints against the television advertisement, 29 complaints over the print version, and 11 complaints over the billboard and mobile phone version.

They agreed the likely consumer takeaway from the advertisement was that the Covid-19 vaccine offered life-long protection.

The Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand (Ministry of Health - Manatu Hauora) television advertisement promoted immunisation for children, which featured the New Zealand Government and the Ministry of Health - Manatu Hauora logos.

In considering this complaint the board referred to an earlier decision regarding a longer television ad, which it didn't find fault with, because it was designed to encourage parents and caregivers to take steps to protect children in their care, and did not directly reference Covid-19.

Covid vaccine ads found to be misleading. Otago Daily Times, New Zealand

The use of the word "immunise" in a series of advertisements was found not to be misleading. Photo: Getty

The health authority defended its ad during the complaints process, and said the phrase "Protect them for life. Immunise", was developed to have a dual meaning.

It said the word "life" could be "the time between being born and death, or the experience of being alive".

Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand said the tagline "Protect them for life. Immunise", referred to the immunisation programme as a whole-of-life programme.

It said the campaign was developed to cover the concept of childhood immunisations and was not specific to a single vaccine, but provided overarching messaging, for example for MMR, polio, Covid-19, HPV or whooping cough vaccines.

In making its decision the complaints board took on board the exceptional circumstances of the rapidly evolving nature of the Covid-19 pandemic.

It confirmed it would take a higher-level approach in assessing the advertising, based on the principles in the Advertising Standards Code, being the requirements for "social responsibility and truthful presentation in responsible advertising".

While some of the board members did not think the television ad was misleading, most said it had not been prepared and placed with a due sense of social responsibility to consumers and to society, considering context, medium, audience and product.

The complaints board was unanimous in its view that the message in the billboard and mobile phone ads was likely to mislead or confuse consumers, because it contained only the lines "Protect them for life", "Immunise" and the call to action to vaccinate against Covid-19.

The board said the advertisement did not have the wider context of television advertisements which showed children being protected by parents or caregivers in different aspects of their lives.

The bulk of the complaints were against the print version of the advertisement.

The decision to uphold them was backed by the News Publishers Association, but it also noted earlier complaints about the same statement were not upheld.

The board said in addressing concerns about use of the word "immunise", and whether it was misleading, the likely consumer takeout would be that the vaccine was intended to teach an individual's immune system to recognise an infectious disease so that when exposed to that disease the immune system can fight it off.

The complaints board did not consider this element of the complaint to be misleading.

In all cases it ordered the advertisement to be removed, or not used again in its current form.

Koornneef told Open Justice that Te Whatu Ora took its commitment to responsible advertising very seriously.

She said there was no intent to mislead or confuse the public through the advertisements, which included some "very specific protection-focused vaccination messaging".

Koornneef said comments by the Advertising Standards Authority and been taken on board and would be valuable in helping to shape future campaign messaging.

"We will also continue to develop advertising campaigns and other initiatives that seek to challenge, inform, and encourage audiences, while promoting the greater protection of our tamariki through the full suite of life-saving vaccinations available.

"This has never been more important, particularly as child immunisation rates continue to fall across the globe, and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic continues to be felt," Koornneef said.
NZ Herald

Vaccinate Aotearoa
Jabbing Our Way to a Safer New Zealand
Avoid disappointment: Book your next 120 Boosters in bulk!

By: The New Zealand Ministry of Sickness - 1st September 2022

Vaccinate Aotearoa - Jabbing Our Way to a Safer New Zealand

By: Black Diamond - 31st August 2022

Secret video of senate meeting with head of TGA Brendan Murphy telling Parliament to not tell the public of their own vaccine effects coverup; and that the vaccine kills people and they have no recourse from it - because the government granted big pharma immunity from prosecution and compensation payouts. This is so Nuremberg trial 2.0, with modern day Nazi style experimentation on live humans, without being informed about any risks.

01. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

Good girl God bless her

Steven Seagull
Your dead Jacki! Belittling us pure bloods and pushing the vax! Fuck you! Your gonna fry!

What are we waiting for? Start the hanging!

And the pucks that run our congress can take those billions of dollars they have allocated to Ukraine to hide their criminal deeds over there and keep all that money right here at home to take care of the vaxx injured people they are responsible for harming.

The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite. Thomas Jefferson

Download here: Fox-News-ALARMING-ADVERSE-REACTIONS-FROM-COVID-VAX-2022-08-30.mp4 - 4,118 kb
By: DarknessToLight.111 - 30th August 2022
Fox News:




ACTS 5:29
But Peter and the apostles answered, "We must obey God rather than men.

#adverseeffects #bioweapon #genocide

Wonder why Cucker is being given instructions to finally offer this limited hangout. Why now?

They can't hide ANYMORE so they are forced to come out

But they knew it would come to this two years ago. It's simply the next page in the script.

Hell, they knew 10-20 years ago.

When he wore a bowtie and worked for MSNBC it was clear what he is. Now he's cozied up to the cuckservatives all snakelike.

Funny how these MSM teleprompter reading actors can reinvent themselves -- like Matt Damon being in a new movie -- and people still fall for it. As if Tucker is not only the star of the show but writes his own scripts. It's so retarded.

Download here: The-Vaccine-Pushers-Faces-of-Death-Sports-Edition-Largest-Global-Vaccination-Trial-EVER-2022-08-29.mp4 - 112,142 kb
By: LavaFox - 29th August 2022
Presenting: The
"Vaccine" Pusher's Faces of Death Sports Edition
Largest Global Vaccination Trial EVER

Prepare to be sickened.
#vaccine #adverse #reactions

Message-To-The-UNVACCINATED-I-salute-the-unvaccinated-for-their-bravery-against-all-odds-2022-08-26.mp4 - 4,562 kb
By: WakeUpCanadaNews - 26th August 2022
I salute the unvaccinated for
their bravery against all odds...


"Even if I were pollinated and fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressure I have ever seen, even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors.

People who were capable of such personality, courage and critical ability are undoubtedly the best of humanity. They are everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, states and ideas. They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wants to have in its ranks. They are the parents that every child wants to have and the children that every parent dreams of having. They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes.

They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were the only ones.

Banned from their families' tables at Christmas, they never saw anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, had no more money … but they didn't care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal and humiliation … but they kept going.

Never before in humanity has there been such a "casting", now we know who are the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed.

That's you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, astronauts and geniuses could not withstand.

You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark."


You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark

Certificate of Achievement

MESSAGE TO THE UNVACCINATED - Certificate of Achievement Awarded to THE UNVACCINATED

Klaus-Schwab-Jacinda-Ardern-Justin-Trudeau-rejoice-in-reduction-of-human-population-through-Global-vaccine-genocide-2022-08-26.mp4 - 284,492 kb
By: The Wake Up Project (Covid-19) - 26th August 2022
Klaus Schwab, Jacinda Ardern & Justin Trudeau
rejoice in reduction of human population
through Global Vaccine Genocide

Premeditated murder rolled out in real time.

CIA, WEF, politicians, government staff, doctors, nurses, business owners, human resources, tyrants in general and the average idiot, have worked tirelessly together to enforce tyrynacal Crimes Against Humanity; resulting in Covid patent owner Bill and Melinda Gates etc making mega profits from their Global genocide programme.

Every sick fucking doctor and nurse knows this is happening. Anyone of them that is not speaking out is scum of the earth. They all need to be convicted of murder and executed.

"they think we're stupid"
They think the millions of people who took the jab are stupid and so do I.

I hope this video is contagious

I wonder if it hits asians harder, or if they are just so any more people, or if they got worse vaccines.

Thanks 4 this very good upload, shared!

I know some staunch pro-vaxx people who are suddenly dealing with problems. Parents are sick, waking up with coughing fits, such a sad way to go being the first sheep to the slaughterhouse

Fact-check-Are-more-vaccinated-people-now-dying-of-COVID-19-than-unvaccinated-YES-but-that-is-a-good-thing-2022-08-25.mp4 - 10,590 kb
By: CBS 17 - 25th August 2022
Fact check: Are more vaccinated people now
dying of COVID-19 than unvaccinated?
YES - but that is a good thing!

Dr. Webber: "The majority of older people in particular because of their risk for Covid are vaccinated. So it's not surprising if the majority of the people are vaccinated, even if the vaccines are working, the majority of deaths WILL BE in people who are vaccinated."

Dr. Webber also compares those Covid deaths amongst the vaccinated elderly to car wrecks...

b taylor
To all my unvaxxed brethren out there: HOLD THE LINE!

I love how age groups now matter because it suits their narrative

Let me see if I got this straight.
Your explanation is: the most heavily targeted demographic for this vaccine are elderly and still dropping dead because of an ineffective vaccine, thus the chart showing the vaccinated elderly demographic deaths are more than for unvaccinated is misleading.
Did I get that right?

Dio Amorim
Never vaccinated, never sick

'Janine Small, a senior executive at pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, has stated that the company did not know whether the vaccine prevented transmission of covid-19 before it was rolled out globally. Small made the comments during her testimony at the European Union Parliament this week while being questioned by Netherlands MEP Rob Roos.'

Nick Somebody
Let's take a moment for everyone who still driving around with a mask on by themselves alone in a car

Lori Poirier - Realtor
Anytime I see "fact checked" I know it's a lie coming next.

R'illest Talk
This is proof that elders like Betty White and Hank Aaron would still be alive if they hadn't gotten it.

State sanctioned immune system destruction is a safe and effective means to protect your family against severe overpopulation and climate change.

Mad Mel
I never imagined that my tinfoil hat would save my life.

Hug a Tree
Unbelievable! Did anyone understand any of this spin salad, other than don't forget to get your booster?!!!

Crimes against humanity!

Glad i never got vaxxed

Kawehi Onalani
Gaslighting at its best

Andy Spirig
The real question would be how the chart would look like if you compare the vaxxed to the unvaxxed in the same age group. That would really clear the debate. But there's a reason why they don't show you that. Isn't it so?

Download: Mainstream-news-in-Australia-now-speaking-truth-about-adverse-reactions-and-deaths-from-Covid-vaccines-2022-08.mp4 - 11,744 kb
By: Australian News - August 2022
Mainstream news in Australia now speaking
truth about adverse reactions and deaths
from Covid vaccines

Download: Deaths-Spiking-16-26-percent-In-New-Zealand-in-Recent-Months-in-Excess-of-Baseline-Average-2022-08-20.mp4 - 13,131 kb
By BestNews Here - 20th August 2022
in NEW ZEALAND in Recent Months
in Excess of Baseline Average

New Zealand
Hawke's Bay District Health Board
gave $908k in vax incentives!
By: - 18th August 2022

Hawke's Bay one of biggest-spending health boards on gifts to encourage residents to join ranks of Covid-vaccinated.

The Fairy God nurse Valerie Harris blesses Lovey Gillies of Napier at a vaccination clinic on Super Saturday.
The Fairy God nurse Valerie Harris blesses Lovey Gillies of Napier at a vaccination clinic on Super Saturday.

Hawke's Bay was one of the biggest-spending district health boards in the country on gifts to encourage residents to vaccinate against Covid-19.

Swathes of freebies - including overseas holidays, e-bikes and mobile phones - were given out at various nationwide events from March 2021 to June this year in a bid to boost immunity and curb the spread of the virus.

Figures obtained by the Northern Advocate under the Official Information Act show at least $4.6 million was spent nationwide on free items to encourage eligible residents to vaccinate [sic] - including $908,000 in Hawke's Bay alone.

Not surprisingly due to its greater population, three Auckland DHBs topped the list of big spenders, with Waitematā, Auckland and Counties Manukau clocking up $1.5m on vaccination initiatives.

Northland DHB came in second, having spent $913,900, despite still having the lowest vaccination rates in the country.

Hawke's Bay District Health Board was third.

Covid-19 spokeswoman for Te Whatu Ora Te Matau a Mā ui Hawke's Bay - formerly Hawke's Bay DHB - Allison Stevenson said the incentives were aimed at better protecting communities from Covid-19 by reaching pockets of the population yet to get their first or second dose.

It continued its incentive programmes even after the nationwide Super Saturday campaign in order to target harder-to-reach populations, she said.

"Vaccination incentives covered special clinics, music, food and gift cards for receiving vaccination and spot prizes. The incentive programme ran smoothly, with uptake figures higher on incentive days."

Hawke's Bay achieved its 90 per cent double-dosed national target on December 31, 2021.

"The vaccine rollout was not possible without a large dedicated workforce both in the clinical and non-clinical space working hard behind the scene and within vaccine clinics," Stevenson said.

"The DHB together with community health providers, iwi, councils and leaders all worked tirelessly to reach people, no matter where they lived to help our region to get across the 90 per cent double-dose finish line at that time."

The spending of other district health boards varied wildly, with some shelling out hundreds of thousands of dollars, some spending tens of thousands of dollars, to frugal DHBs down south that spent a mere $5000 or even zero dollars.

National Party health spokesman Shane Reti has questioned the overall effectiveness of the funds spent in Northland, which did not meet the 90 per cent double-dose target.

Southern District Health Board was the most frugal of them all.

Interim district director Hamish Brown said the policy of the Health New Zealand Southern Covid-19 Vaccination Programme "has been to not offer the public incentives to be vaccinated."

"The programme's resources have been focused on the setting up of community clinics and outreach activity to eliminate access barriers to the vaccination.

"On occasion, the community clinics offered manaaki, after the vaccination, and this was often sponsored by the community."

By: billyjones - 18th August 2022

"..ever since the poisonous toxins (Covid Vaccines), have been rolled out, kids dropping like flies and having heart attacks..."


We've got them everywhere where I live in South Wales. I think they put them there to make it seem like heart conditions are normal and they're looking after us so well.

fuck that

I don't understand why they would try to save kids after injecting them with poison unless it's about the defib companies making lots of money too.

CONVENIENTLY RIGHT AFTER THE "VACCINATION" Department for Education promises to give every state school in England a defibrillator before the summer of 2023

They're in playgrounds in Australia too. They're everywhere. Six months ago my good mate had a heart attack (two days after being injected) and he died on the road out front of his house. We performed CPR until the ambulance arrived. And would you fuckn believe it, neither the ambulance or the police had a fuckn defibrillator. By the time one of us had ran to the playground and got a defibrillator, it was fuckn too late.
Edited 4 months ago

She's The Black Sheep
I am so sorry...


Download here: Fake-News-SARS-CoV2-Crisis-Actors-for-more-Fake-Covid-News-2022-08.mp4 - 1,047 kb
By: Unknown - August 2022
SARS-CoV-2 Crisis Actors
for more Fake Covid News

Download: Dr-Malhotra-on-calling-for-vaccine-data-transparency-The-information-has-evolved-considerably-2022-08-17.mp4 - 11,744 kb
By: GBNews - 17th August 2022
Dr Malhotra on calling for vaccine data transparency:
'The information has evolved considerably'

'Everything we had to go on at the beginning was based upon that figure which was exaggerated in terms of its benefits... the information has evolved since then, considerably.'

Dr Aseem Malhotra joins Mark Steyn to discuss why he's calling for greater vaccine data transparency.

michelle brandon
Any doctor that wants to hang on to a shred of credibility needs to step forward now or risk being on the wrong side of history. Thanks to Dr Malhotra for being honest and courageous.

Well done GBN for this excellent interview. Dr Aseem is one of the doctors we need on checks and balances panel, challenging government and pharma .

The fact that they are STILL trying to jab people with this sh$t is deplorable. These people need to be thrown in a very deep hole.

Nicola Mudie
Thankyou for continuing to speak TRUTH.

Maz G
Many doctors spoke out about the dangers of these mRNA therapies but they were all ignored and cancelled!..they are the only doctors I will listen to in future!

Irene C
I am not a doctor, I am not a virologist. I am a mathematician .
But in 2020, when this terrible crime began , I intuitively sensed that I should not have got jabbed.
After that I searched and read a lot of difficult for understanding scientific biological and virological articles and realised that I was right.
But unfortunately both of my sons (successful programmers) didn't listen to me and got triple jabbed - being forced by media and their friends and colleagues. Then I also realised that unfortunately my authority was not that powerful than propaganda of jabs which was forced and brainwashed peoples minds by all TV or radio stations, except GBN.
Thank you guys.
You are a little island of hope.
That propaganda of jabs destroyed many families and friendships.
My case is one of them.
I feel guilty for being unable to persuade my dear sons to not get jabbed by these dangerous under-explored injections

Download: Double-Vaxxed-New-Zealanders-SEVEN-TIMES-Sicker-this-Year-than-Pre-COVID-2019-2022-08-17.mp4 - 12,970 kb
By: The Gateway Pundit - 17th August 2022
Double Vaxxed New Zealanders SEVEN TIMES
Sicker this Year than Pre-COVID 2019!

New Zealand health officials are seeing double the number of people feeling cough, fever, illness this year over last and the country is SEVEN TIMES sicker than in 2019 before the pandemic!

Sean Adl-Tabatabai
Fully Jabbed New Zealanders SEVEN TIMES Sicker This Year than Pre-COVID

Fully jabbed New Zealanders are seven times sicker than they were pre-Pandemic, health officials have warned.

Last year the far-left tyrannical Prime Minister of New Zealand told citizens not to visit or talk to their friends and family after one case of COVID was detected. reports: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern enacted the most draconian restrictions in the world last year.

Now the country has SEVEN TIMES the sickness they had in 2019.

Will Jacinda Ardern ever be held accountable?

VAIDS vaccine auto immune deficiency syndrome

The vaccines are making you people sick. You're idiots for taking the population reducing vaccine!!!!!

cruck, 1 day ago
Vaccinated people are catching Covid at a rate WAY higher than unvaccinated too. Yet these idiots still say, "thank god I got the vaccine or it would have been much worse." I guess it's true, you can't fix stupid.

You did this to yourselves seems like damn no immunity at all

Jesus Christ people it's the vaxx!!! You're sicker because of the vaxx!! Wake the hell up!!!

No surprise. We shouldn't be messing with our natural immune system or our DNA.

The Vaccines do not work and are making people sicker.

The jabs are poison

They learned nothing at all. Masking up and keeping a distance.... Sure pal.

I did not take the jab and neither did my wife and kids. we all got covid and got over it with our ammunity systems in about 3 or 4 days. Natural ammunity is far better than the jab.

Download here: Anthony-Fauci-Kennedy-Dr-Fauci-is-a-fraud-2022-08-16.mp4 - 19,640 kb
By: Fox Business - 16th August 2022
Kennedy: Dr Anthony Fauci is a fraud!
Fox Business host Kennedy and panelists discuss National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease director Dr. Anthony Fauci bragging that he symbolizes 'integrity' and 'truth.' #foxbusiness #kennedy

Billie Kellems
He belongs in prison, and now!!

Renee Workman
I love Kennedy & how many Americans are waking up to the truth!

TC Murray
Fauci needs to be held accountable for this BS.

Leah Hernandez
Finally somebody that had the guts to expose this evil fraud

Brad Stephens
Fauci is a monster, and Kennedy ROCKS.

Geoffrey Brockmeier
It boggles my mind anyone would trust a decades-long bureaucrat.

Jan Cramp
He's is nauseating and despicable. He didn't lose his livelihood like we did. His ego is disgusting.

Download: Democrat-megadonor-Steve-Kirsch-says-the-Covid-vaccine-is-the-most-dangerous-vaccine-ever-created-2022-08-11.mp4 - 67,029 kb
By: Fox News - 11th August 2022
Democrat megadonor Steve Kirsch says the Covid
vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine ever created

Democrat megadonor explains why he's fed up.

Steve Kirsch says hundreds of thousands of Americans have been killed by COVID-19 vaccines and speaks out against the Democratic Party on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'

1 in every 246 Vaccinated People has died
within 60 days of Covid-19 Vaccination in
England - according to UK Government

By: THE EXPOSE - 9th August 2022

The UK Government has revealed that 1 in every 246 people vaccinated against Covid-19 in England has died within 60 days of receiving a dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.
Number of deaths within 60 days of Covid-19 vaccination in England

To justify Draconian restrictions in the name of Covid-19, the UK Government with the help of the bought and paid for mainstream media, publicised the number of alleged deaths within 28 days and 60 days of testing "positive" for Covid-19.

This questionable method of counting Covid-19 deaths led to dozens of Freedom of Information requests being made to various Government institutions requesting to know the number of people who had died within 28 days of Covid-19 vaccination.

However, for months on end, Government institutions have insisted that they do not hold this information. Each and every single time a FOI request was made, the response received was as follows –

Number of deaths within 60 days of Covid-19 vaccination in England

But all of the Government institutions have been lying to you, because one Government institution known as the Office for National Statistics does hold that information, and they have finally published it, and it makes for grim reading.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the UK's largest independent producer of official statistics and the recognised national statistical institute of the UK. It is responsible for collecting and publishing statistics related to the economy, population and society at national, regional and local levels.

On the 6th July 2022, just hours before Boris Johnson announced he was resigning as Prime Minister of the UK, the ONS published its latest dataset on deaths in England by vaccination status, which can be found here, and it contains a whole host of horrifying data.

For instance, it reveals that over the past year, 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths were among the vaccinated population (See here). It also shows that in April and May 2022, 94% of Covid-19 deaths were among the vaccinated population; 90% of which were among the triple vaccinated (See here).

But the most horrifying statistics of all to be found in the data are that mortality rates per 100,000 are the lowest among the unvaccinated in each and every single age group in England (See here).

This may go some way as to explaining why the figures also reveal that 1 in every 246 people vaccinated against Covid-19 in England has sadly died within 60 days of receiving a dose of the Covid-19 injection.

Table 9 of the dataset contains figures on 'Whole period counts of all registered deaths grouped by how many weeks after vaccination the deaths occurred; for deaths involving COVID-19 and deaths not involving COVID-19, deaths occurring between 1 January 2021 and 31 May 2022, England'.

Here's a snapshot of how the ONS presents the data –

Number of deaths within 60 days of Covid-19 vaccination in England

As you can see, the ONS still don't make it easy for us by revealing the overall number of deaths, but with some patience and simple maths we can easily find this out ourselves.

The following chart shows the overall number of deaths within 28 days of Covid-19 vaccination in England between 1st Jan 2021 and 31st May 2022 –

Number of deaths within 60 days of Covid-19 vaccination in England
According to the Office for National Statistics between 1st Jan 21 and 31st March 22, a total of 7,965 people died with Covid-19 within 28 days of vaccination, and a total of 62,177 people died of any other cause within 28 days of vaccination. This means that in all, 70,142 people died within 28 days of Covid-19 vaccination between January 2021 and May 2022.
Read the rest of the article here...

Definition of Insanity
8th August 2022

Definition of Insanity - Get Vaxxed - Get Boosted - Get Covid - Repeat

By: XANDREWX - 8th August 2022

Father-of-Child-with-Myocarditis-Records-Pharmacist-Admit-Parents-Are-not-Warned-About-Side-Effects-2022-08-06.mp4 - 10,717 kb
By: HealthImpactNews - 6th August 2022
Father of Child with Myocarditis
Records Pharmacist Admit
Parents' Aren't Warned About Side Effects

A recording of a phone call between an irate father and a pharmacist who injected his 7-year-old son with a COVID-19 vaccine after his wife brought him to the pharmacy behind his back, and is now allegedly in the hospital due to myocarditis, has been circulating in the alternative media today.

The father and his family apparently live in New Zealand, while his work originates in New York, and what is remarkable about the call is that the father asks the pharmacist if parents are warned about the risks to myocarditis and heart disease before giving the COVID-19 shots to children, and the pharmacist replies:

“We might scare the parents, and they don’t want to get their child vaccinated.”

Complete Transcript

Father: Are you a pharmacist?

Pharmacist: Yes, how can I help?

Father: Yeah. Hey, I’ve got a question. My wife, against my wishes, brought my seven-year-old son a few days ago for a COVID jab, and he’s now in the hospital with myocarditis. And I was obviously not very happy with you guys or with my wife. She told me that she was not told that was a potential side effect. So why wouldn’t you have told her that?

Pharmacist: Okay — sorry. So it’s quite a rare side effect as well.

Father: No, it’s not. No, it’s not because I’ve been doing research; it’s common. In the US, there’s tens of thousands of them [myocarditis cases] reported to the CDC site. So why are you not telling parents this?

Pharmacist: We might scare the parents, and they don’t want to get their child vaccinated.

Father: So you don’t want to scare the parents with something that is actually happening, that’s happened to my kid? Are you out of your mind? Are you out of your mind? You don’t want to scare them? You need to give them the right information so they can make a proper decision! What is wrong with you? You don’t want to scare them. I’m recording this conversation as well, and this is going to a lawyer next. Thank you for admitting that. So why don’t you tell them? When someone comes in there and says, “Hey, what can go wrong?” What do you say? “Sore arm”? Have you seen the amount of dead people? Have you seen it?

Pharmacist: Has your wife asked before giving consent to give [the child the shot]?

Father: She asked what the side effects are!

Pharmacist: She asked? I’m not sure because I wasn’t there.

Father: It doesn’t matter! You’re supposed to tell people this can happen. So you know what the prognosis is? You know what it is? Possible death within five years. 20% of people with myocarditis die! It is a permanent, damaged heart. It is not temporary! He’s facing a heart transplant because of you! Because you didn’t want to scare her! You know no kids have died from COVID, not a single healthy kid, and you’re giving this stuff out, and you’re not warning people? What is wrong with you?

Pharmacist: So there are information online that you can look up —

Father: No! No! You gave the shot. When someone comes in there and asks what the side effects are, you don’t NOT say because it might scare them from the shot. What is wrong with you?

Pharmacist: So the benefit of getting a vaccination is — solely giving a vaccination because the benefits outweigh the risks.

Father: No, it isn’t! Do you know I’m looking at a Johns Hopkins study? There have been 400 people under 18 die in the United States. 330 million people. Not one of them was healthy. They had cancer, leukemia, obesity, something wrong with them. Not one kid has died or ended up in the hospital. So the benefits are ZERO to my kid! Why did you not tell them? It’s up to you to tell them. Then we make a decision. Not you! You tell us, “Okay, it’s rare, but it happens. You didn’t tell her that, did you?

Pharmacist: I’m not sure. I wasn’t the vaccinator —

Father: You said you’re not doing it. So when the next kid walks in there with a mother for a shot, are you going to tell them, “Hey, I just got a call from someone; their kid’s heart is destroyed. Keep that in mind; that can happen.” Are you going to tell them that? Are you?

Pharmacist: I cannot answer you that.

Father: Well, why can’t you because it’s going to go in a court, and you’ll answer it. You just admitted that you don’t tell people because you don’t want to scare them. It’s recorded; I’ve recorded everything.

Pharmacist: Sorry, I wasn’t the pharmacist that did the vaccination.

Father: It doesn’t matter; you just said it! You just said that you don’t tell people.

Pharmacist: I don’t know what the situation is, so I don’t know what she told in the vaccination error. I’m not sure. I cannot speak on behalf of the pharmacist that vaccinated.

Father: You just told me you don’t tell people because you might scare them. I have it on a recording. You want me to play it back? Every call — because I’m in finance — every call is recorded. Every email I sent is recorded. Every message I sent must be recorded because I work out of New York, and I live in New Zealand. It’s all recorded because the SFC requires it. You are recorded. So you’re telling people — you’re not telling them they could get damaged, so in case you scare them from taking a shot that can kill them, right? Is that correct? Are you brain dead? What is wrong with you?

Pharmacist: Sorry, I don’t think we should con — continue this conversation.

Father: No, we should because are you going to tell people this is a risk when they come through there? My kid’s screwed! You screwed him. What about everyone else? What are you going to do? You ruined a life! It’s on you for the rest of your life. This kid is screwed because of you because your policy there is to not tell people that these vaccines are dangerous and deadly. Have you seen all the people dying in their sleep? Hundreds of them? Have you seen yesterday? An NFL first-round draft pick, 24 [years old] died? An NBA first-round draft pick died four days ago, dead after the shot. Are you seeing that? Are you sitting there in your bubble collecting your 50 bucks every shot you give, you murderer? So what are you going to do? Are you going to tell parents? Are you going to say, “Look, this is what can happen; it’s not a sore shoulder”? That’s usual, but they can ruin their lives. How do you feel about that you’re ruining lives? Are you going to tell them or not? Are you going to continue to do this?

Pharmacist: Um — that’s not the decision that I make.

Father: It isn’t? So you’re just going to tell people, “Oh, nothing can go wrong,” and more kids are going to end up in the hospital with ruined hearts, right? That’s the plan? Because you can’t make that decision. And you’d hate for them not to take the shot, eh? Because then you don’t get your 50 bucks, do you?

Pharmacist: So we always ask consent for the parent before we do the vaccinations.

Father: Yeah, but you don’t tell them what can go wrong! Of course, you asked consent. The parent came there with that kid. It’s obvious consent. Why are you not telling them what can go wrong? I’m sure they’re asking. But you’re like, “Oh, no. Nothing goes wrong. Just a sore shoulder.” Right? You don’t tell them that the crazy guy called you and said his kid’s life is ruined because of what you did a few days ago. Do you or will you? You are sick! You are sick! You are twisted. You are evil. You’re a monster. You’re wrecking lives. You’re killing babies. You’re killing children. You’re killing mothers. You’re disgusting. Totally disgusting. Do you not see that? You need to at least tell them “This can go wrong,” because when you don’t, this happens! Don’t you see that?

The next part is very expletive. I do not agree with the name-calling here, but I do understand the frustration from the parent.

Father: Are you so fucking stupid? You fucking murdering bitch! Fuck! And you’re going to continue to do it! “Oh, I don’t make that.” You fucking moron. You are fucking sick in the brain. You are fucking mentally retarded.

EXCELLENT VIDEO!! I am a pharmacist who refused to participate in this FRAUD. I lost my job. I refused the shot myself. This woman is a LIAR and a MURDERER. I told everyone I could and they MOCKED ME. Many are now dead or disabled. They avoid me at all costs and still deny it was the shot that did it. UNBELIEVABLE.

Prophet Shaun Weavers - Jesus Taxi 2022
It's Pride that usually gets in the way.
Yes they did do this.

Download here: What-Pfizer-and-the-TGA-did-not-tell-you-2022-08-04.mp4 - 19,190 kb
By: Senator Gerard Rennick - 4th August 2022
What Pfizer and the TGA didn't tell you

In the Australian Senate, on the 2nd August, I spoke about the biochemistry surrounding the vaccine and how little it is understood.

I had only 10 minutes to deliver my speech so I was a bit rushed - I needed much longer.

Regardless, it goes without saying that Pfizer and the TGA need to be much more honest and transparent as to just how little testing was done on what is a completely novel drug.

Marty Thompson
Thanks mate. You're the only one who not only understands the science, but is brave enough to tackle the narrative. This is the biggest fraud in human history.

Geoff Cohen
It's disgusting that the chamber is empty, almost like no one is wanting to listen.
Senator you are the best, we need more like you.

Mike Fox
I never had the vaccine despite being 82 years of age. It was developed all too fast for me.
About time someone had the courage to explain the facts. You're a legend sir.

Igor Igorski
Good morning Senator, thanks for speaking up for Australian people. I am happy that politicians like you still exists. Thanks for speaking the truth.

Ron Ding
Senator Rennick, you are a wonderful person with integrity and courage. May God be with you and your family.

Greg Starkey
The easiest to digest critical analysis of the MRNA vaccines I've heard from anyone.

Clint Franklin
When a man speaks like that.... You know humanity has beautiful people in it! Keep it up!

Download: Newly-Released-Internal-Documents-Prove-Pfizer-Knew-the-Contents-of-the-Shot-Would-Go-Everywhere-2022-08-02.mp4 - 17,805 kb
By: The Vigilant Fox - 2nd August 2022
Newly-Released Internal Documents
Prove Pfizer Knew
the Contents of the Shot Would Go Everywhere

Dr. Naomi Wolf: "The spokesmodels, the CDC, the people who targeted me, the Great Barrington declaration, signatories, and so on for telling the truth — they knew this, and they lied! At the same time, saying, 'Oh, it's no problem. It gets excreted. It gets metabolized.'"

In other words, the phony vaccine was intentionally made into a bioweapon and was purposely injected into people to cause intentional harm and deaths, for the purpose of committing a genocidal depopulation program.

Download here: THE-SEQUEL-TO-THE-FALL-OF-THE-CABAL-PART-24-of-17-2022-07-31.mp4 - 56,387 kb
By: FallCabal - Janet Ossebaard - 31st July 2022
Part 24 /17: Covid-19: Mandatory Vaccinations? Time for Action!

What can you do to beat the 1%? Enjoy this proactive episode in which we show you the true effect of mass demonstrations, signed petitions, and setting up groups of warriors who are not afraid to write or call those who do not serve the best interest of the 99%. The outcome of the above mentioned methods of action may surprise you! Furthermore, we show you why Ivermectine and HCQ had to be made illegal. That was the only way to push the mandatory vaccination narrative into effect. How? Why? What's the connection with the Nuremberg Code and Article 32 of the 4th Geneva Convention? Why is this of vital importance to know? Watch this episode several times, so you know what to say when confronted with mandatory hospitalization, lethal hospital procedures and/or mandatory vaccinations!

Music: Alexander Nakarada, Scott Buckley, MaxkoMusic, Keys of Moon, Savfk

Vaccinator questioned at Covid-19 Vaccination
Centre, Northtown Mall, Timaru, New Zealand
July 2022
Millions are playing Russian roulette with mRNA Covid-19 vaccines
Millions are playing Russian roulette with mRNA Covid-19 vaccines

To Whom it May Concern:

Sometime in July 2022, I stopped into the Covid-19 Vaccination Centre at Northtown Mall, Timaru, to ask the staff some questions about the Covid-19 vaccines. The following conversation actually happened:

William: "Hello."

Lone woman vaccinator standing behind the desk: "Welcome. Are you here for the Covid vaccine?"

William: "No. Actually, I have some questions about the vaccine and thought that maybe you could help?"

Woman vaccinator smiling: "Certainly. What would you like to know?"

William: "About 8 months ago, this clinic and the other Covid vaccine clinic across the hallway, used to be absolutely packed with people lining up to get their Covid vaccines."

Vaccinator: "Yes that is correct."

William: "Eventually the other clinic closed and this one remained very busy. But lately, there do not seem to be many people coming in here anymore either?"

Vaccinator: "Yes."

William: "I've heard from medical professionals from within the industry, who said that the first Covid injection rollout contained about 80% saline solution; and so only 20% of the customers actually received the real mRNA Covid injections - which minimised the effects of adverse reactions with the initial recipients and created trust for the vaccine, as most people had no side effects at all due to most jabs containing only saline solution."

Vaccinator: "Yes, that is correct..."

William: "And with the second Covid injection, about 50% of the vials had saline solution; while the remaining 50% contained the actual mRNA vaccine. So although there were more immediate adverse reactions this time round, most people still had confidence in the vaccines and that's why the vaccine centres were still very busy?"

Vaccinator smiling: "Yes. But what is your question?"

William: "With the third vaccine or 'Booster Shot' being 20% saline injections and 80% mRNA vaccines, many more people, like my workmates, were having adverse reactions like heart / brain / eyesight / death etc. With such an increase in vaccine related sickness and deaths, do you think that that may have been a contributing factor as to why there are not many people getting Covid jabs any longer?"

Vaccinator: "That is correct. Is there anything else that I can help you with?"

William: "Yes there is. I am just wondering how it will affect you personally, if even less people want the future Covid injections that the government has lined up for us all? What will you do for work?"

Vaccinator smiling as she turned and pointed: "Oh I'll be absolutely fine - because we also have the flu vaccine here as well; and the government is going to be rolling out a number of other vaccines in the future too - for other diseases..."

William: "So it looks like you will be very busy vaccinating people then? Wonderful! Thank you for answering all of my questions..."

Vaccinator: "You are most welcome. Have a nice day."

No, I never hit her!

Although I was angry at how the narcissistic bitch was only concerned about her financial welfare and didn't show any compassion towards my sick and dying workmates, I was very polite and friendly towards her, so that she would answer my questions and confirm what other medical experts have purported.

On other occasions I have gone in and spoken to staff and questioned how they can sleep at night knowing that they are participating in genocide for penury reward. Those women were really angry at me...

Yours faithfully,


If I don't get VACCINATED I am 100%
protected against VACCINE SIDE EFFECTS
& 99.8% Protected against Covid.
That's a GOOD DEAL!

27th July 2022

If I don't get VACCINATED I am 100% protected against VACCINE SIDE EFFECTS & 99.8% Protected against Covid. That's a GOOD DEAL!

Download: World-leaders-say-the-vaxxed-cannot-get-Covid-Now-they-are-catching-Covid-after-being-vaccinated-2022-07-26.mp4 - 10,334 kb
By: GBNews - 26th July 2022
World leaders say the vaxxed cannot get Covid
Now catching Covid after being vaccinated

Nigel Farage reacts to world leaders catching Covid after campaigning for the jab

linda cleveland
Nigel we are paying all this to the EU because our leaders don't have the backbone to say enough is enough . Heartily sick of a government who is willing to give the taxpayers money away when this country is virtually sliding down the toilet .

Ralph Reilly
People are actually claiming no one ever said they protect against infection. They're claiming they were only ever to reduce symptoms. Tell that to my triple jabbed gf who was in bed for 8 days while I was recovered after 12 hours.

Andy NJ W
Yep it's bollocks but the crazy people still believe.

Knight 2000
A message from gods knights, remember a lie can never BE! THE TRUTH IS THE TRUTH!

moksha shaw
Alot of people should be in jail..

Carol Connors
No Booster...No Clot Shot...We need you Nigel...we love you. No more shots!!!!!!


Download here: Covid-Prof-Michael-Baker-and-Dr-Ashley-Bloomfield-Face-masks-do-not-work-20220723.mp4 - 6,829 kb
By: Unknown - 23rd July 2022
Prof Michael Baker and Dr Ashley Bloomfield
- 'Face masks do not work!' -

PM Jacinda Ardern, MP Chris Hipkins and virologist Chris Smith also agree that face masks do not prevent you from spreading viruses. But - that they are a great tool for CONTROLLING the common people.

Download here: Funeral-Director-John-OLooney-Update-Contracts-for-mass-babies-deaths-straight-to-crematoriums-2022-07-25.mp4 - 35,778 kb
By: WTF is Going On - 22nd July 2022
Funeral Director John O'Looney Update
Contracts for mass babies deaths
- straight to crematoriums -

Funeral Director John O'Looney talks about the contracts for babies deaths - straight to crematoria, is UK hiding the truth about the huge increase of newborn baby deaths by setting up contracts directly with crematoriums and cutting out funeral directors to hide the tragic news from the public.

Download: Covid-LAB-CONFIRMATION-OF-THE-LIE-THERE-IS-NO-COVID-19-THERE-IS-NO-VIRUS-2022-07-21.mp4 - 7,955 kb
By: Jim_Crenshaw - 21st July 2022

Testing lab confirms that there is No Virus, no covid19 and that Monkey Pox comes directly from the fake vaccine. COVID19 Never Existed. It was all a LIE.

Good for you for standing your ground and not lying for the CDC by calling it SARS COV 2, when you found absolutely no evidence of it.
I wish more people would be honest and stand up against these "giants" that are destroying our country and the world with their political agenda that is completely against the "common man".


You want the truth! This was never about a virus. This is depopulation/genocide on a global scale. Satanic NWO/WEFs plandemic -

Evidence and proof positive that covid does not exist! All of this has been a psychological operation by traitors, committing high crimes against the peoples of the world and this NATION! They have worked on peoples fears and lack of knowledge regarding these issues. It's time to make lots of arrests and hold a lot of people in high places responsible for their numerous crimes against humanity! We need our sheriffs and authorities who have not been corrupted to step up and enlist volunteers to aid them in their pursuit of those responsible for these many criminal acts! Everyone involved in this planned genocide must be held fully accountable and arrested at the earliest opportunity! None of them must be allowed to escape or find any refuge for their crimes and abuses of the people. I'd say start at the top and work your way down towards the bottom lackeys!

This lady needs to be protected at all cost. She and her crew are worth gold.

If you think you have Covid, ask your doctor to show you EXACTLY how he knows it is POSITIVELY a case of covid. If he can prove this, there is a 1 million dollar reward waiting for anyone who can isolate and identify a virus as covid. And question the type of test you have been given that gives you a POSITIVE test result.
Also read Jon Rappaport's work on this for a much clearer understanding than you have presently. Read Kary Mullis' testimony about the PCR Tests - his invention. Then, do your homework on Graphene Oxide. You took the jab? You one dead man!

Download here: Covid-Banned-video-The-Vaccine-Pitch-Meeting-2022-07-19.mp4 - 21,175 kb
By: The American Journal - 19th July 2022 The Vaccine Pitch Meeting

Harrison Smith follows up his viral Covid Pitch Meeting skit with another bombshell pitch!

"Sometimes they just DIE RIGHT THERE at the injection site, but we're NOT SURE that's CAUSED by the vaccines..."? Not sure???! Holy Mother of God! Yes, that is no hyperbole here but THAT is how STUPID the Satanists think YOU are while they are ONLY ACTING "stupid" to attempt to excuse themselves from their LIABILITY for MURDER. It's ALL an ACT on their part for you to play along with like the Dumb Ass they think you are.

Amazing video! Well done Harrison!

"Wow, what a coincidence."

Good job Harrison I did not even realize it was you on the other side lol. SHARED using the share button on twitter.
EVERYONE NEEDS TO SHARE more Infowars stuff everywhere.

Oh man the part about the sister requiring the shot for her wedding--"She works for me now!" That hit a spot because I've seen so many people take the jab all because of some brainwashed family member. Folks if your friends or family is requiring the death jab for some event just ditch the event. Let them have 2 people at their wedding, FFS!

I've watched this one a few times since last night. Showed it to a co worker who got a good laugh from it. He took the jab, because the workplace (before I started) was going to make it unbearable for unjabbed. Mandatory daily testing etc.. so he caved and got it. I don't blame people like that, but I do wish they had more moral integrity to stand up for their real beliefs.

He claims he won't get anymore and even acknowledges that the shots he does have are worn out long by now... but we will see what he does when push comes to shove again this autumn.

Download here: Covid-Mark-Steyn-Victims-of-the-Covid-Vaccine-Special-2022-07-14.mp4 - 381,278 kb
By: GBNews - 14th July 2022
Mark Steyn - Victims of the Covid Vaccine Special

Welcome to tonight's show. If you watch other TV stations; if you listen to other radio stations; if you go on social media - the people in this room with me tonight do not exist! In fact, as you can say see they're real; they're flesh and blood; they are your fellow citizens and they represent hundreds of thousands of other people in every corner of these islands; and millions more around the globe.

Yet if they post on twitter; if they post on facebook; they are labeled as misleading as disinformation and as fake news. These people are not in the least bit fake, they are victims of the Covid Vaccines. Some of them have lost husbands; have lost parents; have lost children - to these vaccines. Others among us are now chronically injured; they can't work; they can't drive; they're faced with the prospect of having to sell their homes in order to pay medical bills. They're real and they have been shamefully treated.

Uh not only by the state, and by that I don't just mean the Queen's ministers, but her very majesty herself told these people that we should all take the vaccine. Then we have the media, who have just ignored this story. I don't just mean the pom-pom girls of Good Morning Britain that you would expect to be content to serve as propagandists, but the so-called butch boys like Kevin O'sullivan to his shame at talk radio who dismissed these people as yesterday's news.

Uh they're not yesterday's news, they're very much today's news. If you don't follow the news, I don't blame you, because on the Covid Vaccine stuff it's getting worse. In the United States they're jabbing six-month-old babies. In Australia, the New South Wales health minister is berating the double vaccinated uh for being insufficiently enthusiastic about getting a third jab in the arm. In Canada, Justin Trudeau has said that you have to get jabbed in order to enjoy life as a citizen of a free society, you have to get jabbed every nine months.

These people are the consequences of one of the worst public policies anywhere on earth, in modern times; and we are going to tell their stories that's coming up on tonight's show right after the headlines.

Juan Tooth
It's incredible that governments are still peddling this vile drug. Even pumping infants. Thanks Mark for the great work you do.

Jenny Mc Laughlin
This needs to be shared far and wide - these people need to be respected and heard. Thank you Mark Steyn

Simon c
Well done Mark and GB news for making more people aware of this tragic scandal

dan trey
a one size fits all policy goes against the very nature of the human being as, every individual being is different..this innoculation experiment was always going to bare horrific results..they knew this from the getgo..all those involved with this disgraceful sham must be brought to trial and punished accordingly as per the nuremberg code..thank you heart goes out to all who have suffered through these crimes against humanity..i wish everyone all the best.

Vicki Pauley
So pleased to see these brave people being given the airtime they so desperately need. Well done Mark, and all the team at GB News. Let's hope more folk come forward now and share their story

Paulo X
¡BRAVO! You guys are leading worldwide towards this issues with the injections. This will indeed help to shift the narrative. THANK YOU!!!

Mandy Riley
Thank you Mark, this show made me cry. It's appalling how these people are being treated.

Excellent report on a shamefully underreported, and important, issue. Kudos to Mark for being bold enough to do this report.

Download here: Fake-News-Tell-Me-Lies-MSM-covering-for-the-main-effects-of-the-jab-2022-07-09.mp4 - 4,657 kb
By: Carter Heavy Industries - 9th July 2022
Tell Me Lies..
MSM covering for the main-effects of the jab

MSM (Mainstream Media) telling us lies covering for the effects of the shot - Fleetwood Mac's 'Tell me lies.'
All headlines are real, used only once, and published after the scamdemic started.

Share, re-upload.

#vaccines #sideeffects #msm



These fucking demons need to face the wall for what they're doing.

I got your link off max igan too....well done mate....shared everywhere

Max Igan showed this clip...I'm subscribing!! Well done.

Excellent vidya fren!

Be brave, post this on LinkedIn, especially if you have a senior role. It will absolutely drive the quad jabbed, corporate drones bonkers!

a day ago
Just Sum Guy

That "Tell Me Lies" music-vid illustrating the fake-excuses MSM are using to cover up the damage caused by the injections...I had to laugh at the article that said: ~ "Over-Masturbation May Cause Heart Attacks"...Shit!...if that's the case...I should've carked it years ago...

Download: Covid-Vaccine-Events-They-got-the-eye-of-the-pfizer-This-was-deleted-from-YouTube-and-TikTok-2022-07-02.mp4 - 50,847 kb
By: TrialSite News - 9th July 2022
French Population Study Reinforces Cardiovascular
Risk Associated with mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines

Join The Conversation! |
Recently, a team of researchers from France's National Health Insurance program launched a population-wide study to investigate the risks of myocarditis and pericarditis due to COVID-19 vaccination. Tapping into a suite of nationwide hospital discharge and vaccine databases, the group analyzed 1,612 cases of myocarditis and 1,613 cases of pericarditis identified in the European nation from May 12, 2021, to October 31, 2021. Conducting a retrospective matched case-control series studies, the team discovered the risk for both myocarditis and pericarditis spiked the first week after vaccination. The increase in these cardiovascular-based adverse events increased even further after the second dose. Comparing both Pfizer/BioNTech (BNT162b2) and Moderna (mRNA-1273) mRNA vaccines, the study results, peer-reviewed and published in the journal Nature, indicate both mRNA vaccines introduce greater risk for myocarditis with the Moderna vaccine as compared to the Pfizer-BioNTech product.

Farin Shore
Sometimes i get nostalgic about the good old days when studies were done BEFORE meds were authorized for use on the public, rather than after the meds are distributed publicly

Felix Moyo Edonmi
The full extent of the adverse effects of the jab will become apparent as time unfolds. Since we were not patient enough to understand this, we will understand it fully when we become patients.

George Ray
There is no such thing as mild myocarditis or pericarditis. You may get over it now, but the fact you had it will take several years of your life expectancy.

Thank you for your continued efforts to provide clear and honest information.

Tony Farrugia
i have a family member who had a blood clot and stroke after the second pfizer vaccine and also a friend who developed myocarditis after the booster

Bob Mester
It would be good to have a discussion of how the vaccines do this. It obviously seems like escaped spike protein is causing these conditions but it could be something else. I have not read an investigation of what in the vaccine causes this damage.

Personal Freedom
But Sanjay Gupta said heart issues are common in young people and you can easily and safely recover at home when your heart turns into a useless sponge

Download here: Vaxx-Amputee-Horror-Guitarist-Loses-Fingers-Riddled-With-Blood-Clots-After-The-Bioweapon-Jab-2022-07-07.mp4 - 83,933 kb
By: Stew Peters Network - 7th July 2022
Vaccine Amputee Horror:
Guitarist Loses Fingers, Riddled
With Blood Clots After
The Bioweapon Jab Vaccine

Jeff Diamond tells Stew Peters that he has been going through absolute HELL since taking the deadly clot shot last year!

Jeff Diamond described having eight fingers amputated and losing his singing voice after developing blood clots about a week after getting the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. He got the vaccine only because he'd been performing at an event in Atlanta, and didn't want to risk infecting his mother.

"I was taking care of my mother, and that's the only reason I got the shot in the first place," Diamond said.

When Diamond awoke from the coma, he also found himself intubated, which impaired his singing voice.

With his kidneys barely functioning and his balance thrown off by all the medications he was prescribed, Diamond lay in the hospital for another three weeks until he was able to go into a nursing home.

While in the nursing home for six weeks, Diamond's feeding tube burst open and he was rushed to an emergency room. "Blood was gushing out of my stomach," he told Robert F. Kennedy Jr., with The Defender Podcast. It "almost killed me."

A doctor in Minneapolis saved his life, but Diamond told Kennedy he's been "in pain with these fingers ever since." Diamond was fitted with prosthetic fingers, but while "they may look great," he said, "they're not working out for playing the guitar."

Diamond's singing voice has "bounced back a bit," he said, but not all the way.

And it's "all from, I believe, the Johnson & Johnson shot," Diamond said.

Asked if doctors acknowledged a link between the vaccine and his injuries, Diamond said all but one were non-committal.

Now, a year after he was injured, Diamond said he's taking things day by day, and hopes to someday play guitar again.

More importantly, though, he wants to get the word out about what happened to him.

"What happened to me... I don't want to see this happen to anybody else," Diamond said. "I think it's a crime... People have got to be held accountable."

Georgia guidestones maybe gone but the plan marches on.

I will never understand why him and others who took this poison didn't think it was smart to do research FIRST. I'm no brain surgeon but I knew enough to look into it when I heard it was experimental and it was pushed out after 2 months. I thank God for my decision.

I know someone that may loose her fingers also she had two Moderna shots. they just started to turn black,and like they were rotting away. she is fighting different auto immune diseases. She had RA, before she got the shots. I believe the shots caused this going on with her fingers now.

the media is to blame, they push it in every way they know how

never vaxxed.
no more than the slighest sore throat or sniffle lasting no more than a day each in the last 2 1/2 years.
will NEVER BE VAXXED EVER AGAIN unless all of Big Pharma senior staff are executed and their companies totally dismantled

Stu you are one outstanding citizen

My friends sister got a flesh eating bacteria and has lost a few toes. She refuses to believe it's because of the clot shot

I mean. He WAS warned... But he loved his job and way of life more than the TRUTH.

It's so hard for me to have any sympathy for these people. Especially in this day of online information.

that's a crying shame.. bless him for speaking out

People are like sheep...they would jump off bridges if the media tells them to. I'm glad he learned his lesson regarding the shot, but he paid a price.

Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss
Whistleblower Lawsuit Because
Government Was Aware of Fraud

By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. - 7th July 2022

Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss Whistleblower Lawsuit Because Government Was Aware of Fraud

In an interview with The Defender, the lawyer representing whistleblower Brook Jackson said Pfizer is arguing the court should dismiss Jackson's lawsuit alleging fraud in Pfizer's COVID-19 clinical trials because the U.S. government knew about the wrongdoings but continued to do business with the vaccine maker.

Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss Whistleblower Lawsuit Because Government Was Aware of Fraud

A lawsuit filed by whistleblower Brook Jackson alleging Pfizer and two of its contractors manipulated data and committed other acts of fraud during Pfizer's COVID-19 clinical trials is paused following a motion by the defendants to dismiss the case.

In an interview with The Defender, Jackson's lawyer said Pfizer argued the lawsuit, which was filed under the False Claims Act, should be dismissed because the U.S. government knew of the wrongdoings in the clinical trials but continued to do business with the vaccine maker.

Under the False Claims Act, whistleblowers can be rewarded for confidentially disclosing fraud that results in a financial loss to the federal government.

However, a 2016 U.S. Supreme Court decision that expanded the scope of a legal principle known as "materiality" resulted in a series of federal court decisions in which fraud cases brought under the False Claims Act were dismissed.

As interpreted by the Supreme Court, if the government continued paying a contractor despite the contractor's fraudulent activity, the fraud was not considered "material" to the contract.

Pfizer is a federal contractor because it signed multiple contracts with the U.S. government to provide COVID-19 vaccines and Paxlovid, a pill used to treat the virus.

"Pfizer claims they can get away with fraud as long as the government would write them a check despite knowing about the fraud," attorney Robert Barnes said.

The other two defendants in the case are Ventavia Research Group, which conducted vaccine trials on behalf of Pfizer, and ICON PLC, also a Pfizer contractor.

In an attempt to strengthen the False Claims Act's anti-retaliation provisions and install new safeguards against industry-level blacklisting of whistleblowers seeking employment, Congress in July 2021 introduced the False Claims Amendments Act of 2021.

In December 2021, Pfizer hired a well-connected lobbyist, Hazen Marshall, and the law firm Williams & Jensen to lobby against the bill.

Pfizer previously was heavily fined in connection with the False Claims Act. As part of a 2009 settlement, the company paid $2.3 billion in fines - the largest healthcare fraud settlement in the history of the U.S. Department of Justice - stemming from allegations of illegal marketing of off-label products not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

"Pfizer, one of the most criminally fined drug companies in the world, wants to weaken the laws that hold them accountable," Barnes told The Defender.

Congress has taken no action on the False Claims Amendments Act since November 2021, when the bill was added to the Senate's legislative calendar.

Barnes said the outcome of Jackson's case against Pfizer is significant not just for his client, but also for the American public.

"This case will determine if Big Pharma can rip off the American people using a dangerous drug that harms millions without any legal remedy because they claim the government was in on the scam."

Jackson was a regional director for Ventavia for a brief period in 2020 but was fired after she notified the FDA about issues with Pfizer's vaccine trials.

After she was fired, she gave The BMJ a cache of internal company documents, photos and recordings highlighting the alleged wrongdoing by Ventavia.

The documents she provided contained evidence of falsified data, blind trial failures and awareness on the part of at least one Ventavia executive that members of the company's staff were "falsifying data."

Jackson's documents also provided evidence of administrators who had "no training" or medical certifications, or who provided "very little oversight" during the trials.

Jackson filed her complaint in August 2021, in the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Texas, Beaumont Division, alleging Pfizer, Ventavia and ICON "deliberately withheld crucial information from the United States that calls the safety and efficacy of their vaccine into question."

A district court judge in February unsealed Jackson's complaint, which included 400 pages of exhibits.

According to the complaint, Jackson, who had more than 15 years of experience working with clinical trials, "repeatedly informed her superiors of poor laboratory management, patient safety concerns and data integrity issues" during the approximately two weeks she was employed by Ventavia.

"Brook [Jackson] brought a Qui Tam action and a retaliatory discharge case against Pfizer and others for fraud on the people concerning Pfizer's false certifications to the U.S. Department of Defense about the safety and efficacy of their COVID-19 vaccine," Barnes said.

A Qui Tam case refers to a provision under the False Claims Act that allows individuals and entities with evidence of fraud against federal programs or contracts to sue the wrongdoer on behalf of the U.S. government.

"She was part of the clinical trials, witnessed extraordinary malfeasance, blew the whistle, and was quickly fired after she blew the whistle."

Barnes said his legal team will in August file its opposition brief to Pfizer's motion to dismiss, and the judge may rule on the motion to dismiss by fall 2022.

Download here: Covid-So-many-Covid-vaccinated-people-collapsing-and-twitching-and-dying-I-cannot-keep-up-2022-07-07.mp4 - 11,331 kb
By: MithChronicler - 7th July 2022
So many Covid vaccinated people collapsing,
twitching & dying - I can't keep up! June, 2022

MithChronicler: It's crazy how I have to stop myself from including every clip that there is available of Covid vaccinated people collapsing and twitching and dying on camera. There's just too many of them! I could make a compilation that goes on for hours!

Here's a sampling of these incidents that just recently took place. June, 2022

Credit for various clips: COVID vax injuries...

Warning: satire ahead

Jacinda Ardern and the Great Reset

Jacinda Ardern: I'm working through the World Economic Forum to bring the World population down to less than .5 billion, by using man made viruses and poisonous vaccines.

Yep, it's genocide; and yep, I love killing babies. It is all simply part of the Great Reset and our Agenda 2030!

Warning: satire above

Another really good compilation Mith

This is all the proof we need to know . . . the COVID vaccine is killing people!!! If you have not had the shot yet . . . DO NOT GET IT! It can't be said enough . . . there is a small number of groups of elites, those with so much money, the only thing left for them to want is POWER! What kind of power? The kind of power to control There is no greater power than to make 'someone' do what you want them to do . . . all the while the 'someone' thinks they are doing what they themselves want to do!

"By means of ever more effective methods of mind-manipulation, the democracies will change their nature; the quaint old forms - elections, parliaments, Supreme Courts, and all the rest - will remain.
The underlying substance will be a new kind of totalitarianism. All the traditional names, all the hallowed slogans will remain exactly what they were in the good old days. Democracy and Freedom will be the theme of every broadcast and editorial. Meanwhile the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite soldiers, policemen, thought-manufacturers and mind-manipulators will quietly run the show as they see fit."
by Aldous Huxley (author of Brave New World) born 26 July 1894 - died 22 November 1963

Looks like Demonic Possession. The Vatican has opened its doors for its annual exorcism course amid increasing demand among some of the world's Catholic communities.

I see this as soul purification so don't worry, when we get to awakened age there will not be any brainless zombie left. So this is a test who will fall for Satan, his temptations and fears.

Exceptionally heart breaking to watch was the distressed little girl.....
It's time to build back better Rome's Colosseum for throwing the satanic criminal perpetrators to the lions, as an ideal and justifiable punishment !

BBD Logicality
These people clearly shouldn't have been gardening, soil is extremely dangerous you know ;)
Hope you are well Mitch-C! Great to see you consistently on the cyber battlefield for lack of better term.

These EVIL FUCKING BASTARDS. How are any of these people that perpetrated this HOAX and GENOCIDE still breathing?

Download: Covid-Wheeling-in-the-babies-Crowd-PLEADS-deranged-parents-to-not-jab-their-kids-HORROR-SHOW-2022-07-06.mp4 - 13,950 kb
By: Mith Chronicler - 6th July 2022
Wheeling in the babies! Crowd PLEADS deranged
parents to not jab their kids, HORROR SHOW

Several clips and angles -
There's a lot of emotion here. Awakened people pleading then scorning delusional parents to not inject their children with these deadly vaccines. The deranged parents ignore them.
It's like these people are under some sort of a spell. They CANNOT see or hear the truth NO MATTER HOW it's presented to them!

Plus, this guy (Sean Cage) dug up the documentation pertaining to the CDC's inability to isolate the "virus." Right here folks. In black and white.

[Even the CDC admits that the virus doesn't exist. (in this video.)]

#childabuse #vaccine #covid

Moloch demands there innocence and stupid will never learn until there heart is gone and there soul devoured willingly upon the alter of evil.

for those who do this know that i have no sympathy for you are blind fools incapable of concept and thought....... of which was sold for your "Peace and Saftey"

Mith Chronicler
Its disgusting. Good to hear from you again Brother.

sometimes i go quiet because im in observation mode and god boris has been a busy boy trying to get as quickly removed from power as possible its taken up most of my time.

offering up their babies to Ba'al....may those parents rot in hell

well technically Ba'al likes his virgin teens yet Moloch the owl god likes them babies so i guess all those drag queens worship ba'al the pedo god lol

im one minute in cant watch anymore. bawling my eyes out
we need the ebs now

Like lambs to slaughter

Download here: MSM-FINALLY-ADMITS-4th-Jab-Could-Shut-Down-Your-IMMUNE-SYSTEM-2022-07-04.mp4 - 9,628 kb
By: M&M News UK - 4th July 2022
Could Shut Down Your IMMUNE SYSTEM

Mainstream media finally admit the 4th Jab could shut down your IMMUNE SYSTEM


So who will be charged fof mass murder?

It's AIDs!

Lets Bo Grandon
Stupid bitch

That's why there is lots of AIDS posts on Facebook now.

Watch the subtle backpedaling as they try and cover their asses. I see it, you see it, but your average GMA audience will not be able to see it.

Just think: these motherfuckers are getting paid millions of dollars to sit in front of a camera and tell horrific lies. Why aren't they dragged into the street???

"this phenomenon known as TOLERANCE" lmfao

Antibody-dependent enhancement

Where is the crazed gunman when you need them?

Fuk that blonde bitch still apologizing for the shit shot. It NEVER had any benefit. Just the endgame of a very wicked and diabolical scam.

Well put. Covering their asses now that the damage has been done.

Download: Covid-Vaccine-Events-They-got-the-eye-of-the-pfizer-This-was-deleted-from-YouTube-and-TikTok-2022-07-02.mp4 - 9,320 kb
By: ben3g - 2nd July 2022
Covid Vaccine Events. They got the eye of the pfizer!
This was deleted from YouTube and TikTok

Am I correct in beleiving that more women took this thing than men?..because the videos seem to suggest that...Theyre like 95% women in the injury videos.

The all seeing flickering eye of providence. The last time i had an eye like that was in the 90's after too many yoks

Trust the Science.

The elites are starting to crack down more and more on anybody that has anything negative to say about their mrna death shots and they don't care what the public thanks about it.

wonder if they were at the end applauding their demise, very funny though.

It is not funny, it is tragic; it is devastating. There is no difference between what you have seen and some letting cnut from the government into your house and shooting you dead there and then.

Download: Covid-Majority-of-COVID-19-Deaths-Among-Australia-NSW-Residents-are-Triple-qnd-Quadruple-Vaccinated-2022-07-02.mp4 - 41,612 kb
By: TrialSite News - 2nd July 2022
Majority of COVID-19 Deaths Among
Australia NSW Residents
are Triple & Quadruple Vaccinated

Join The Conversation! |
Despite 95%+ full vaccination of adult populations in Australia, TrialSite has continued to report on surges in new COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. It is a disturbing situation that the mainstream press either completely ignores or summarily embraces as a context to promote further vaccination as the only answer. But is this an evidence-based approach to the problem? TrialSite reported that in the first 14 weeks of 2022, Australian fatalities due to COVID-19 were double that of 2020 and 2021 combined, despite near universal vaccination. By January 2022, TrialSite updated the global audience that in Australian states including New South Wales or "NSW," the new increasingly Omicron-based cases were surging. TrialSite reviewed the latest data. Now, with a surge in B.4 and B.5 Omicron subvariants which more evade vaccine induced antibodies, a disturbing number of deaths are reported daily. What's the level of protection the vaccines are affording to the population of NSW now that these subvariants circulate through this southeastern part of Australia?

Mousey Miller
Im so glad someone is telling the truth!
I'm still struggling putting groceries in the refrigerator, and paying bills. I'm a single mother. I lost my job because I declined the vaccine. I declined because of my pre existing health condition (Lupus) and Heart disease. I was denied my medical/religious exemption from Forsyth Hospital here in the U.S. My husband passed away three years ago, Im all alone. Both of my sons are autistic. Every month is a struggle, a battle to not end up on the streets. I share my story all over to bring awareness of what mandates are doing, not just to myself but to many other families. I've been put down and mocked because of my circumstances it truly hurts me because I'm already depressed. BUT even after all these things. I STILL HAVE FAITH GOD WILL PROVIDE. It's a new month and I don't have enough to pay my rent but EVEN as I face homelessness with two young children. I know our Heavenly Father will provide. Thank you Jesus. I BELIEVE FAITH OVER FEAR!

Jackie Chan
It's crazy how they blame the ones that don't get the jab. Natural immunity is stronger

Let's stop blaming the "variants" and start properly blaming the vaccines.

Kay Nagle
This kind of information has been available all along but, hidden and hard to find. Congratulations for reporting it. Why do people live in fear instead of being informed?

poppett martin
Pleeease do a video with stats for Victoria!
To me, the reported number of fully inoculated adults is hilarious. The majority of inoculated were coerced to participate in the trial due to working mandates, however there is a high number of businesses that can't find workers that qualify for employment and they are deterred from hiring anyone from the control group (those who are not inoculated) due to the threat of hefty fines. The stats reported are beyond questionable. They fudge the figures to enhance the mass formation psychosis effect through the mainstream media. It's quite repulsive.

We should be studying how to strengthen our own immune systems instead of just trying to find new products.

Toning Tony
I'm 50+
I'm unjabbed
I'm healthy
I'm working
And most importantly,
I'm still very much alive with no plan on changing my life.

John Bull
Not to mention the rise in heart attacks and strokes.

I had Covid last weekend, 2 days of headaches, eye aches, cold shivers and loss of appetite. Not really worth the hassle of vaccine after vaccine after vaccine. i was ill for 2.5 days, and then over it. Doesn't affect your breathing or your chest, it's just like a sinus infection crossed with a bad hangover, that's it.

Page Footer...
[Everything below this line is repeated on most pages]

We are fighting a spiritual war
10th August 2024
Paris Olympics - We are fighting a spiritual war!
Revelation 18:2 "And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

Hard Times Create Strong Men...
Hard Times Create Strong Men - Strong Men Create Good Times - Good Times Create Weak Men - Weak Men Create Hard Times.

Some people wouldn't know
tyranny if it bit them on the ass!
Some people wouldn't know tyranny if it bit them on the ass!

Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!
Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!

This is a question that stupid
people & traitors cannot answer:
Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?
This is a question that stupid people & traitors cannot answer: Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!
30th June 2023
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!

Being awake isn't cool. It means having to dumb down 98% of your conversations every day, so you don't sound like a lunatic.

Attitude to monsters after putting up with their shit since late 2019...

Plan F - The Fuck Off plan!

When people you don't even know hate you, That's when you know you're the best.

mRNA jabs are doing the job
slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!
30th June 2023
mRNA jabs are doing the job slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!

20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities
It's called GENOCIDE!
13th June 2023
20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities - It's called GENOCIDE!

"A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030"
It's called GENOCIDE!
12th May 2023
A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030 - It's called GENOCIDE!

World Economic Forum - Committed to Enslaving the Whole World

Nothing says "Trust the Science"
like asking for the data
to be hidden for 75 years!
18th March 2023
Nothing says Trust the Science like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years! Shhhhh....

Superheroes bow down to the
Big Pharma / Businessmen / Doctors
11th February 2023
It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT
26th November 2022
Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT

The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get
jabbed is like sending a post card from
the Titanic saying: "Wish you were here!"
20th November 2022
The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: Wish you were here!

Ten Stages of Genocide
As taught by WEFers Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau etc - August 2022

Ten Stages of Genocide

The Good Reset
Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's,
Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

28th July 2022
The Good Reset - Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's, Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

Covid Variant / Booster
The Merry Go Round From Hell
22nd December 2021

Covid Variant / Booster - Merry Go Round From Hell

Experimental Injections
Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel
13th November 2021

Experimental Injections - Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel

Death is coming for you stupid!

I am fully Vaccinated and Boostered, and just tested positive for Covid-19. I am grateful for the protection my vaccines continue to provide.

The 5-Step COVID 'Vaccine' RISK / BENEFIT ANALYSIS - September 2021

Trump's swamp draining service

When the population understands this picture, it will change everything.

"You can fool all the people some of the time.
You can fool some of the people all the time.
But you cannot fool all the people all the time!"

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Attributed to Edmund Burke. Also by John F. Kennedy in a speech in 1961.

The Great Cow Analogy

Donald J. Trump - They should never have touched the children!
'They should never have touched the children!'
Donald J. Trump - President of the United States of America

'They should never have touched the children!!' President Donald J. Trump

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Abortion: Modern Day Child Sacrifice
Psalms 106:37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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If someone accuses you of wearing a tinfoil hat...,
remind them that it's better than wearing a blindfold!

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