The Punisher treason: noun: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government
White Hats
Embrace the sometimes painful truth of reality
Remain in the blissful ignorance of illusion
If there is no such thing as a CONSPIRACY - why is the word CONSPIRACY in the dictionary?
Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'   Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell
Click here... Stockholm Syndrome is also a result of Governmental / Pharmaceutical / Media Propaganda
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL and Embraces GENOCIDE

The Pandemic is just a DECOY...
Covid Passports, Kill Shots & Depopulation are the goals
DEMOCIDE - one injection at a time! C/o Bill Gates, the WEF, CIA, WHO and your: politicians / doctors / nurses etc...
DEMOCIDE - one injection at a time!
[C/o Bill Gates, the WEF, WHO, UN, CIA, FBI and
your: politicians / doctors / nurses, police etc...]

2022 - January to June
> 2024 January to June   > 2024 July to December
> 2023 January to June   > 2023 July to December
> 2022 January to June . > 2022 July to December
> 2021 January to June   > 2021 July to December
> 2020 and prior    

>> Go to REAL HEALTH TIPS page >>

Video UK Undertaker John O'Looney: There is Some Sort of 'White Crap' Growing in People - SADS - 24th June 2022
Video Pfizer Defense Against Vaccine Fraud Case: Federal Contract Status Offers Them LEGAL Immunity - 17th June 2022
Video John Mason MSP mocks people for asking questions about vaccine injuries | Mark Steyn - 17th June 2022
Q What We Learned From Hating the Unvaccinated - By Susan Dunham on [your]NEWS - 16th June 2022
Video Cardiac arrests increased in ages 16-39 in Israel. Is this myocarditis? - 11th June 2022
Video Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla is Glitching Again - 5th June 2022
Video Counterspin Media - Temuka / Timaru - Minimising jab damage and shedding. Institutions and Assumptions - 2nd June 2022
Video Not again! - UK has bought smallpox vaccine for monkeypox - 21st May 2022
Video THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - part 23 / 17 - Whistleblowers about Hospital murders - 17th May 2022
Video Growing proportion of COVID deaths occur among vaccinated - 13th May 2022
Video The Plan - The World Health Organization has a plan for ten years of infectious diseases - 4th May 2022
Video Pfizer can't hide this ANYMORE | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris - 27th April 2022
Video Dropping like flies in Queensland, Australia. Ambulances lining up to get into hospitals with the sick - 25th April 2022
Video Minnesotans share horror stories of alleged COVID-19 vaccine injuries - 23rd April 2022
Video THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - part 22 / 17 - Money & Murder in Hospitals - 14th April 2022
Video News | UK COVID-19 Hospitalizations Skyrocket Among Heavily Vaccinated Population - 14th April 2022
Q Does Covid-19 Contain Genetic Sequences From Snake Venom? - 14th April 2022
Video Addicted To Covid Masks? Maskers Anonymous Can Help - 13th April 2022
Video Whilst you were distracted by Boris's trip to Kyiv, the UK Gov. quietly published data confirming the Fully Vaccinated accounted for 92% of all Covid-19 Deaths in March 2022 - 12th April 2022
Video 1/3 - Dr. Bryan Ardis reveals BOMBSHELL origins of covid, mRNA vaccines & treatments - SNAKE VENOM - 12th April 2022
Q Mass Psychosis and the proliferation of Normies - My government loves me - I've got covid again - Get boosted now... - 12th April 2022
Video Pro-vax Kiwi's struggle for support after rare adverse reaction to COVID vaccine - Treated as an Anti-Vaxxer - 11th April 2022
Video LIVE WORLD PREMIERE: WATCH THE WATER - Satanic elite using snake venom in their Covid-19 virus / vaccine bioweapons - 11th April 2022
Video FDA announces approval of 5th booster shot despite failure, dangers of all previous shots for CCP virus - 6th April 2022
Q I have absolutely no idea why YOU are getting the Covid-19 Jab - 3rd April 2022
Video Comedian Impersonating Politicians and the Mainstream Media: Don't Worry (But Also Yes Worry!) | Ben Gleib - 2nd April 2022
Video Why vaccinated nurses & doctors should be mandated. - because it's the vaccines that are making people sick! - 2nd April 2022
Q Well this is awkward! - '100 Per Cent Fully Vaccinated' 5G Cruise Ship Suffers COVID Outbreak! - 31st March 2022
Video Insider Jodi O'Malley cleared of wrongdoing after revealing "[COVID-19] vaccine is full of shit." - 30th March 2022
Q Restaurants now requiring proof of Ukraine support - 29th March 2022
Q MIB - Covid is over - You love Ukraine now - 29th March 2022
Q When the truth comes out... - 29th March 2022
Video Normies fight to wear 'badge of compliance' (masks), saying "Just get used to wearing them! - 26th March 2022
Video Nurses take on Canadians Prime Minister Justin & Sophie Trudeau re Alleged Jab - Fake Vaccinations Exposed!!! - 22nd March 2022
Q New UK report confirming the Fully Vaccinated now account for 92% of Covid-19 Deaths in England - 16th March 2022
Video mRNA Vaccine Genocide 2021-2022: Testimonies from the Victims and Medical Staff - 14th March 2022
Video The FDA finally release BOMBSHELL Safety Data on Pfizers Covid Vaccines - And it's not good! - 13th March 2022
Video Pfizer is proving that their Covid-19 vaccine is causing deadly adverse effects - 12th March 2022
Video What Mothers Should Know About COVID and COVID-19 Experimental Vaccine for Children - 11th March 2022
Video COVID CRIMES - A WITNESS: DR. RICHARD FLEMING PHD, MD, JD - The Cat is Out of the Bag! - 9th March 2022
Video The Curtain Close on the COVID Theater in Florida - Physicians nationwide on ending COVID theater once and for all - 8th March 2022
Video Autopsy: Post-Vaccination Myocarditis "Primary Cause" of Two Teens' Deaths - 6th March 2022
Video Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough - CDC, Federal Government and Vaccines are Killing the Public via Medical Fraud - 4th March 2022
Video A Letter to Dr Andrew Hill from Dr Tess Lawrie, rebuking him for downplaying Ivermectin - 4th March 2022
Video Ultra-Vaccinated, Locked-Down New Zealand Sees Record Infection Rate - 1st March 2022
Video THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - part 21 / 17 - Biiggest medical scam of all times. About nose swabs and PCR - 26th February 2022
Video Poison Control issues warning about COVID-19 rapid antigen tests - 23rd February 2022
Video The Vaccine Injured with Lynda Wharton of Health Forum NZ | New Zealand Anti-mandate Protest - 23rd February 2022
Video Dr. Sam Bailey - Shedding, Vaccines and Graphene Machines - This is the one that many of you have been waiting for! - 22nd February 2022
Video Dr. Carrie Madej - Nanobots, Transhumanism, Never-Ending Vaccines, HIV, Shedding, & Detox - 19th February 2022
Video Planes are dropping like footballers - Flies sorry - after vaccine roll out - 12th February 2022
Video Australian Gov't have admitted to vaccines containing HIV, as they recall over 50 million doses! - 12th February 2022
Video Why Do Famous Covid Vaccinated Comedians Keep Collapsing?! (comedian K-von shows you) - 11th February 2022
Video Pfizer cumulative analysis post authorisation safety data exposed - 600 deaths within 24-hours! - 6th February 2022
Video Meanwhile in Sydney, Australia. Same funeral director's observations as in the UK - Lots of dead babies - 6th February 2022
Video There was an unexpected 40% increase in 'all cause deaths' in 2021 and increased insurance claims - 3rd February 2022
Video Special Report: Undeclared Nanotech found in New Zealand's Pfizer Jabs - Government on Notice - 1st February 2022
Video COVID-19: Unvaccinated doctor says 'vaccine mandates are wrong' - 31st January 2022
Q Demonize Coughs & Sniffles - Normalized Strokes, Bloot Clots, Neurological Disorders & 'Died Suddenly' - 30th January 2022
Q Transvaccinated T-Shirt - "I identify as someone who is vaccinated - 30th January 2022
Video Jabcinda Ardern Says Get Boosted When it's the Vaxxed that are Spreading Omicron and Viruses - 29th January 2022
Q 10 x Truck Drivers Wanted - Must have a Current Vaccine Passport - must be vaccinated and still able to work - 28th January 2022
Video 9-NEWS - Truth Unmasked - So after 2 years, NOW they tell the truth! - 26th January 2022
Video Worldwide Exclusive: Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots - 26th January 2022
Q Your friends are SHEEP - My friends are LIONS - 24th January 2022
Video Rory Nairn died 12 days after taking Pfizer jab - Rory's Story - 24th January 2022
Q Covid Answers: 1) Simple but wrong, 2) Complex but right - 21st January 2022
Q You Cannot Take It Back Once They Are Jabbed - Voices For Freedom - January 2022
Q Pandemic of the Fully Vaccinated in Australia - COVID-19 WEEKLY SURVEILLANCE IN NSW Epidemiological week 1 - 20th January 2022
Video Texas Doctor Speaks Out After Suspended From Hospital For COVID-19 Views - 20th January 2022
Video Dr. Robert Young paints a horrific picture for the jabbed - Jabbed turn into wireless routers - 18th January 2022
Q 6 children collapse on first day of vaccinating children in New Zealand - vaccinators & media sweep it all under the carpet - 17th Jan 2022
Video Kerry Hurt, 49 Paralysed After having Covid Vaccine / Jab, BBC Reports - 16th January 2022
Video Fully Vaccinated People Hospitalized For Virus Surpass Unvaccinated, in Australia - 14th January 2022
Video COVID-19 Vaccine Collapse Compilation - 7th January 2022
Q Vaccines kill people in three phases - taking as long as a decade for all the vaccine-induced cancer deaths to play out - 6th January 2022
Video Twitter bans prominent US vaccine scientists' account over alleged misinformation - WION | World News - 4th January 2022
Video Full Interview with Dr. Robert Malone - Inventor of mRNA Vaccine - 4th January 2022
Video Fauci: "We're seeing people who are vaccinated and boosted who are getting breakthrough infections" - 3rd January 2022
Video Police ordered to GET OUT by Queensland café owner & Angry Locals - 3rd January 2022
Q If your boss says "Have sex with me or you're fired!" it's considered coercion - but taking 'the shot' is not? - 1st January 2022
Q What Life Felt Like In 2021 - Yes, you are all wrong! - 1st January 2022
Traitors Bill Gates - the traitor behind 5G / Covid-19; and his ultimate plan to vaccinate the World with his 5G / Covid-19 vaccination and AI tracking technology

Certified IDIOT! Imagine A Vaccine So Safe You Have To Be
To Take It! For A Disease So Deadly
You Have To Be Tested To Know You Have It!
Satanic Pharmaceutical System

WARNING re Covid mRNA Injections

You simply CANNOT unvaccinate yourself of these Kill Shots!So you have participated in the GENOCIDE PROGRAMME and injected yourself for your: work / partner / or to 'fit in' socially etc; despite the hundreds of thousands of medical professionals who have been warning the whole World about the dangers of: modifying your RNA / DNA and shutting down your God given immune system!

Now you are filled with Covid 'Vaccination Remorse' (aka Jabber's Remorse) and are totally concerned about suffering extreme 'serious adverse reactions', so you have decided to find a 'wonder pill' as a cure. The reality is, unless you received a 'saline solution' (like many politicians and other key players in this Genocide Programme, or a miracle healing from your Creator God), or have access to a Med Bed, you simply CANNOT UNVACCINATE yourself of these Kill Shots!

[Note: At this stage, scientific studies from the UK and Israel show that the life expectancy for many 'fully vaccinated' recipients is just 3-5 years!]

How Bad is My Batch
Check out your batch code (lot number) for: Moderna - Pfizer - Janssen etc here:

Remedies and protocols (see here) that you take to reduce side effects / pain etc from the injections / shedding / spike proteins etc, will possibly be for the remainder of your life - as all you will be doing is alleviating the symptoms of the inevitable - VAIDS (Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) and eventual DEATH (yes, the Covid injections include the A.I.D.S virus and nano / graphene technology (all patented) - that turns many surviving recipients into patented 5g routers / transhumans / human 2.0.)

So please, take this opportunity to seek the Lord God (Creator of the Heavens and Earth) and make peace with Him. [Note: Globalists, politicians, scientists, doctors and merchants created this mess - so stop blaming the Purebloods and your Creator God!]

No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.

"I have met many people who regretted GETTING the Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine - but I have never met anyone who regretted NOT GETTING the Vaccine!"

Download here: Covid-UK-Undertaker-John-OLooney-There-Is-Some-Sort-Of-White-Crap-Growing-In-People-2022-06-24.mp4 - 89,212 kb
By: srmgin - 24th June 2022
UK Undertaker John O'Looney: There is Some
Sort of 'White Crap' Growing in People - SADS

UK Undertaker John O'Looney:
"We had a guy in today . . . He was 13 years old. Triple jabbed. He had a post mortem. The family asked us to get him embalmed. And when that happens, they remove all the organs and put them in a plastic bag when they've done what they need to do -- take samples, and weigh them, and look at them -- then they put them back in the body cavity and sew him up. So we have to undo that. That, then, gives you considerable access to that body from the inside and you can see all the crap hanging out in the arteries . . . We thought it was blood clots that were killing people. It's not. It's some sort of white crap growing inside people's arteries and it's phenomenal. It was honestly chilling to witness. I pulled it out of every artery this guy had . . . the femoral artery, the radial artery, the carotid artery -- literally, you're pulling it out like spaghetti. It grows inside the artery . . . His aorta was literally jammed-pack full of it! What it is, I really don't know. It is very elastic . . . the bigger it grows, it cuts down the blood supply to everywhere and these people drop down dead."

Is SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) a new name for Covid Vaccine Injury?

hope the elites die a miserable death.............and burn in hell all of them that played this game !!

Damn right we have the numbers and IU will make no bones about it for it isn't me that should be scarted.

fuckers i lost my job ..........hate those bastards

Download: Covid-Pfizer-Defense-Against-Vaccine-Fraud-Case-Federal-Contract-Status-Offers-Them-Legal-Immunity-2022-06-17.mp4 - 33,916 kb
By: TrialSite News - 17th June 2022
Pfizer Defense Against Vaccine Fraud Case:
Federal Contract Status Offers Them LEGAL Immunity

Join The Conversation! |
Pfizer has proposed in their defense in a lawsuit charging them with vaccine study fraud that there cannot be any legal culpability associated with the charged violations associated with certifications to the federal government as part of their contract in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Why? Because a federal contract status offers them immunity from such claims. As part of the whistleblower Brook Jackson's lawsuit against Pfizer, the pharmaceutical company seeks to dismiss the case.

Article Link |

And the Federal Government wonders why much of the public doesn't trust them.

Barbara Warren
Thank you, Trial Site News, for tackling the tough stuff.

I don't think the immunity clause should cover fraud or any other illegal or intentional act of fraud, harm or misleading information regarding the safety of the product.

David Portwood
Thank you, Adrian/TrialSite News! We need to hear these kinds of reports but we so rarely do, as they are routinely censored by most news and social media platforms.

Notice their defense.
It's NOT that the accusations are lies.
It's that they can get away with it because of a liability agreement.

Angel Wings
I can understand to a certain degree why a pharmaceutical company would need immunity, however given that they lied about its efficacy, falsified claims, falsified data and weren't transparent about the potential risks, the courts have a moral duty to the public to deem their immunity NULL and VOID!

Just because you signed documents of immunity doesn't make them legal! If you are willingly putting something on the market that even potentially can hurt someone, you are still liable. Because the person who received the product did NOT agree to this liability waiver!

What We Learned
From Hating the Unvaccinated

By Susan Dunham on [your]NEWS - 16th June 2022

What We Learned From Hating the Unvaccinated

The battlefield is still warm, following Canada's war on the unvaccinated. The mandates have let up, and both sides stumble back into something that looks like the old normal - except that there is a fresh and present injury done to the people we tried to break. And no one wants to talk about it.

Only weeks ago, it was the admitted goal of our own leaders to make life unlivable for the unvaccinated. And as a deputized collective, we force-multiplied that pain, taking the fight into our families, friendships, and workplaces. Today, we face the hard truth that none of it was justified - and, in doing that, uncover a precious lesson.

What We Learned From Hating the Unvaccinated

It was a quick slide from righteousness to cruelty, and however much we might blame our leaders for the push, we're accountable for stepping into the trap despite better judgment.

We knew that waning immunity put vast numbers of the fully vaccinated on par with the shrinking minority of unvaccinated, yet we marked them for special persecution. We said they hadn't "done the right thing" by turning their bodies over to state care - even though we knew that principled opposition to such a thing is priceless in any circumstance. And we truly let ourselves believe that going into another ineffectual lockdown would be their fault, not the fault of toxic policy.

And so it was by the willful ignorance of science, civics, and politics that we squeezed the unvaccinated to the degree that we did.

We invented a new rubric for the good citizen and - failing to be one ourselves - took pleasure in scapegoating anyone who didn't measure up. After months of engineered lockdowns, having someone to blame and to burn simply felt good.

So we cannot hold our heads high, as if believing we had logic, love, or truth on our side while we viciously wished death upon the unvaccinated. The best we can do is sit in the awareness of our rabid inhumanity for having cast so many aside.

Most of us who pilloried the noncompliant did it because it seemed like certain victory, like the unvaccinated would never make it through unbroken. Indeed, the promised new normal looked unbeatable, so we sided with it and made punching bags out of the holdouts.

But betting against them has been a scathing embarrassment for many of us who've now learned that the mandates only had the power we gave them. It was not through quiet compliance that we avoided endless domination by pharmaceutical companies and medical checkpoints at every doorway. It was thanks to the people we tried to tear down.

What We Learned From Hating the Unvaccinated

So for those of us not among the hopeless few that pray for the return of mandates, we might find some inner gratitude for the unvaccinated. We took the bait by hating them, but their perseverance bought us the time to see we were wrong.

It seems right now like the mandates will return, but this time there's hope that more of us will see them for what they are: a rising authoritarianism that has no concern for our wellbeing. If there's an enemy, it's the confidence game of state power and the transparent attempt to tear us apart. Heeding that looks like our best shot at redemption.

Written by Susan Dunham.

Susan Dunham can be found on Instagram and at Susan Dunham on Medium (

Download here: Covid-John-Mason-MSP-mocks-people-for-asking-questions-about-vaccine-injuries-Mark-Steyn-2022-06-17.mp4 - 13,859 kb
By: GBNews - 17th June 2022
John Mason MSP mocks people for asking
questions about vaccine injuries | Mark Steyn

"..later, when someone replied to the people's representative in a sober and substantive way, John Mason MSP again played it for laugh with another three emojis. Look at them, there they are, that's six emojis. That's six times he's rolling on the floor weeping with laughter. Sure you've got myocarditis from the vaccines. You've got blood clots in the brain. You've got guillain-barre syndrome. You've got ramsay hunt syndrome. But he's lying on the carpet clutching his sides, because your injuries are death!

Uh, so bloody hilarious, that laughing is causing him pain..."

Coroner's report - cause of death

Download here: COVID-VACCINE-INJURIES-OVERWHELM-COURTS-2022-06-12.mp4 - 33,598 kb
By: srmgin - 12th June 2022

The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) is overwhelmed and understaffed with the amount of injury claims being filed from the Covid-19 Vaccines. The program is now on life support and is on the verge of collapse.

Download here: Covid-Cardiac-Arrests-Increased-In-ages-16-39-in-Israel-Is-this-myocarditis-2022-06-11.mp4 - 12,982 kb
By: Vejon Health - 11th June 2022
Cardiac arrests increased in ages
16-39 in Israel. Is this myocarditis?

Sharing this important paper on increased cardiovascular events after vaccination roll out in Israel.

Anderson Omo
I refused these vaccines and the more I see, the more I'm confident I made the right choice. I'd rather deal with covid if I get it. The unvaxed seem to have the same symptoms as the vaxed BUT I'm seeing SO many other health issues in the vaxed, such as extreme reactions to colds and flu. Is this a sign of Immune system fatigue on top of unknown long term effects?

Max Boutelle
Against my wishes, my mother, 89 and very healthy/active , had a heart attack less than 24hrs after her 4th Moderna shot. They did a cath, NO BLOCKAGE. Echocardiogram taken in April was good, echo taken after shot showed damage.

Rob Beales
I am 74 and all my life I have always listened to my gut feeling and because the vaccine appeared virtually out of nowhere my gut feeling kicked in again and lead me to refuse the vaccine

Gerry Shaw
Time to start looking at holding the culprits accountable

Gene Kelly
This should be of grave can you justify using such a vaccine to prevent a didease that has about a 0.8% mortality rate?

Tatiana Silva
Thank you so much for sharing this extremely important data. It's extremely important to allow serious and commited scientists/doctors - non corrupted ones - to carry on doing research and studies concerning the. We definetely need an open discussion on the topic.

It took so long to look at this data for the same reason that US workplace safety regulators refused to publish similar data on vaccine adverse events. They publicly stated that such data might encourage vaccine hesitancy.

Graham Thacker
Don't you find it strange that none of the unvaccinated are not complaining about not becoming ill?

Hence the reason I was committed to remaining in the control group during this insane experiment.

Thomas Anton Geurts
Asked my dear Zimbabwean friend yesterday how many shots he had, appears that his young kids had 3 shots. They have no idea.. alot of people in poor country's couldn't do proper research. The results of this huge experiment can't be ignored any longer, nor censored. It has been forced upon many as if there is zero risk involved. Makes me furious and sad.

Download here: Covid-Pfizer-CEO-Albert-Bourla-is-Glitching-Again-2022-06-05.mp4 - 1,084 kb
By: Elusive Truths - 5th June 2022
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla is Glitching Again

all it takes is a single fly and this guy is going full Bullfrog and blowing his cover

Zack Phillips
He's really struggling to keep his inner reptile contained inside of that human skin suit lol

I've notice for a while the aliens are caring less and less if the human suits are fitting right.

Uncle Bishoppe's Kitchen
I collected lizards as pets for a while, frogs and turtles too. They all did that with their throats. This guy is a lizard person.

Mike Hurtle
That's no glitch
He's most likely just telling the lizard reporter the only questions to ask.

Marcus Boswell
I wonder if it has enough awareness to realize that we ALL know it's not human.

Download here: Counterspin-Media-Temuka-Timaru-Minimising-jab-damage-and-shedding-Institutions-and-Assumptions-2022-06-02.mp4 - 391,227 kb
By: Counterspin Media New Zealand - 2nd June 2022

Temuka / Timaru - New Zealand
Minimising jab damage & shedding.
Institutions and Assumptions.

Counterspin's tour bus "The Storm" rolled into the Shearers' Quarters between Temuka and Timaru for another great night with standing room only.

The MC was William Bisset from the Brilin Function Medicine Centre in Christchurch and Timaru. Among other topics William presented his experiences with minimising jab damage and shedding.

Hadleigh Oudemans asked "Is a Sovereign Declaration of Independence Possible?"

And Philip Tomlinson gives his thoughts on "Institutions and Assumptions"

Please help support the bus tour here:

Counterspin Media - Temuka / Timaru - Minimising jab damage and shedding. Institutions and Assumptions

Download here: Covid-Not-again-UK-has-bought-smallpox-vaccine-for-monkeypox-2022-05-21.mp4 - 2,728 kb
By: Carl Vernon - 21st May 2021
Not again!
UK has bought smallpox vaccine for monkeypox

Mikey D
At this point, even if covid teams up with omicron, delta, bravo, charlie and monkeypox to make some sort of Marvel super villain team that takes over the world, I'm still not following another public health order ever again in my life. Their credibility is out the window.

Darren Davidson
How they can read their script without bursting into laughter is beyond me. I'm sure that's reserved for when the cameras are turned off. What a joke!

Brawndo has what plants crave
She sounds like an independent and confident expert who really knows her stuff and would totally not get rattled by any questions.

Michelle Adamchak
"Never let a good tragedy go to waste" - the entire dim party probably.

It's amazing how many names can be assigned to bioweapons.

Wim Eats World
Most truthful thing about "monkey pox" was seen on a friend's fb wall.

Something along the lines of "Monkey pox, remember that the 'k' is silent".

EF Waves
To the sheep: "Fasten your seatbelts, as they will take you again on a ride"

Me giving the hardest eye roll ever and shaking my head thinking "this shit again?"

Download here: THE-SEQUEL-TO-THE-FALL-OF-THE-CABAL-PART-23-of-17-2022-05-17.mp4 - 62,602 kb
By: FallCabal - Janet Ossebaard - 17th May 2022
Part 23 /17: Whistleblowers about Hospital murders...

Covid-19: Part 6 of multiple episodes about the biggest medical scam of all times.
Health Care Worker Whistleblowers about Money & Murder in Hospitals...

By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter
Music: Whitesand, Ashamaluev, Alexander Nakarada

17th May 2022

Plane crash


Safety within professional aviation has vastly improved over the past several decades. This is due in large part to a "Just Safety" culture founded upon open communication and selfdisclosure of errors or negative safety trends. This requires active participation from all flight crew to be effective.

Pilots are trained to be careful analysts of their environment, recognizing risks and actively mitigating. For many, their training and differential risk analysis led to concerns and negative conclusions regarding the compatibility of COVID-19 vaccination with health and flight safety. Not only did many pilots disagree with arbitrary requirements embodied in vaccination mandates, but they also saw risks in the unanswered questions and unjustified speed and pressure behind the vaccine rollouts. They lobbied their airlines and politicians, recommending caution and opposing mandates.

Many pilots also sought guidance from civil aviation regulators. These regulators are ultimately responsible for the safe and secure transport of citizens, yet most if not all actively ignored their own safety recommendations against unproven, unapproved drug use or medical trials for flight crews. Transport Canada, for instance, simply removed this online guidance the week following numerous pointed, written questions on the same.

Once airlines mandated vaccination, many pilots steadfastly refused based on risk and were subsequently put on unpaid leave or outright terminated. Principled professionals were forced out of aviation and the industry lost hundreds of thousands of hours of experience. Now, the global airline industry is heading into a dire staffing crisis. Thousands of other pilots were coerced into vaccination to provide for their families. This has taken a toll on their mental health.

As sobering as all of this is, it merely set the stage for what we are now witnessing: a landscape which should greatly concern airlines and the travelling public. The undersigned pilot advocacy groups, scientists and doctors are hearing daily from vaccine-injured airline pilots. These harms include cardiovascular issues, blood clots, neurological and auditory issues, to name just a few.

Many of our pilots have lost medical certification to fly and may not recover the same. Others are continuing to pilot aircraft while carrying symptoms that should be declared and investigated, creating a human factors hazard of unprecedented breadth. The very foundation of our just safety culture - non-punitive reporting - no longer exists. Pilots have suffered and are suffering medical issues that at least correlate to receiving COVID-19 vaccinations. Their spectrum of symptoms is broad, ranging up to death. Pilots who report their injury face possible loss of licensing, income, and career while receiving little to no support from their unions, and a prosecutorial invective from employing airlines. Many of these airlines believe they indemnified themselves from liability, claiming this in the very same documents that forced "no jab, no job" mandates on their employees.

Evidence of COVID-19 vaccine health risks, clinical trial irregularities and poor practice and insignificant efficacy continues to mount. The Pfizer documents released under FOIA, combined with organizations like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA, USA), Medicines Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA, UK), Health Canada, and the European Medicines Agency's (EMA) regulatory documentation show essential safety and efficacy information has been withheld from the public, and the scope of regulatory oversight and testing requirements is inadequate.

Worse, there appears to be no evidence of aviation regulators, airlines or unions having performed any of their own due diligence into COVID-19 vaccines and the impact on pilot health or performance. This is at complete odds with existing aviation medical standards. Questions exist around competence and possible negligence.

Failure to address this potential medical watershed will make the airlines and unions complicit in a culture shift that has rocked the aviation mantra of "safety first, always." The airlines and unions represented have been encouraged to assist and warned of dire repercussions, repeatedly, by many of the signatories below. To date there has been little meaningful action, and in many cases nothing but stone-walling and silence.

There is a saying in aviation, "If there's doubt, there is no doubt." There is increasing doubt about COVID-19 vaccinations. There should therefore be no further doubt in aviation. Safety must return to the fore.

While not an exhaustive list, the airlines below have pilots on staff who are vaccine injured, and with whom our pilot advocacy groups are in contact:

Jetstar Australia .   . KLM Netherlands
Qantas Australia TUI Netherlands
Virgin Australia Australia American USA
Air Canada Canada Delta USA
Air Transat Canada JetBlue USA
WestJet Canada Southwest USA
Air France France United USA
EasyJet France Frontier USA
HOP France Alaska USA
Lufthansa Germany Spirit USA


Civil aviation authorities such as the Federal Aviation Administration, Transport Canada, UK Civil Aviation Authority, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency and Australia's Civil Aviation Safety Authority must begin fulfilling their regulatory obligations. The crisis in pilot health must be publicly addressed by airlines and representing unions to restore flight safety to what we once knew. The undersigned alliance of aviation and medical professionals represent thousands of pilots at over 30 global airlines, along with over 17,000 physicians and medical scientists, worldwide. We call for the following:

  • Where it exists, mandated COVID-19 vaccination for aviation workers must be discontinued.
  • A permissive environment for self-reporting needs to be reemphasized by regulators and airlines.
  • Thorough and objective aviation medical screenings of pilots and cabin crew need to be a high priority. These must be backed by the regulator and should focus on high prevalence harms which are now showing up in the general public and in our flight crews.
  • Airlines and regulators hold data about sickness and medical certificate suspension, including symptoms and causal reasons. This data should be analysed by independent third parties to establish or rule out COVID-19 vaccination as a possible cause.

Download here: Growing-proportion-of-COVID-deaths-occur-among-vaccinated-2022-05-13.mp4 - 6,294 kb
By: Eyewitness News ABC7NY - 13th May 2022
Growing proportion of COVID
deaths occur among vaccinated

What was once unthinkable - is now a reality.

One million Americans have now died from the coronavirus, according to an announcement made Thursday by President Joe Biden, marking a long-dreaded milestone for an incomprehensible tragedy.

Lauren Glassberg has more on the grim milestone.

#abc7NY #covid #coronavirus

Solution to the bioweapon that is Covid-19? Get more Covid vaccinations!

How to deal with President Trump being the 45th, 46th and 47th US President? Get Covid vaccine boosted!

Bill Gates, Pfizer and all bought and paid for politicians and doctors will praise your name if you'll just keep getting boosted.

We are surround by criminals and idiots!

I'm unvaxxed and haven't had covid in almost two years. Thanks immune system

A dummy coworker of mine lined up for her 4th shot, and says once the new shot comes out, she'll get the fifth. She's 50 and can barely walk now. She was fine before the jabs. There's no cure for stupidity.

A moment of silence for to those who let the government dictate their lives

Never wore a mask, never stayed home and still unvaccinated. I was 100% guaranteed to die because I didn't play along but 3 years later I'm aok

One of the most profound "I told you so" moments in history

Blood clots from the first
Heart attack on the second
Facial Paralysis on the third
Leg amputated on the forth

People are like

Yeah can't wait to get my 5th one
It would have been so much worse if it wasn't for the jab.

I guess the "conspiracy theorists" and "science deniers" were right huh

A moment of silence for all those who played themselves.

I'll still never forgive those who demonized people for not having the 'Jab.'

- ThomasKing

NOT getting the CLOT SHOT (even when my employer was threatening to fire me) was one of the smartest things I've ever done (or NOT done!). I am so glad God gave me COMMON SENSE and the ability to think for myself!!!!

By not taking the jab, I'm 100% safe from side effects and 99% safe from covid.

I noticed everyone who was vaccinated aged 10 faster

Welcome the largest and saddest "I told you so" moment in modern history.

Download: The-Plan-The-World-Health-Organization-has-a-plan-for-ten-years-of-infectious-diseases-2022-05-04.mp4 - 185,618 kb
By: stopworldcontrol - 4th May 2022

THE PLAN - The World Health Organization
has a plan for ten years of infectious diseases

THE PLAN shows the official agenda of the World Health Organization to have ten years of ongoing pandemics, from 2020 to 2030. This is revealed by a WHO virologist, Marion Koopmans. You will also see shocking evidence that the first pandemic was planned and abundantly announced right before it happened. Make sure to watch, and share this everywhere.

More information, and to see all the documents in THE PLAN, go to:

Be aware of the extreme level of hypocrisy that is in these documents. These criminals claim to protect humanity, while in reality they are suppressing and banning all effective treatments for covid, while censoring, firing, arresting and even murdering physicians who are curing covid patients.

F all those evil people. Can't wait until they get what they deserve.

fantastic presentation
God help those who have been blinded by evil

PLANdemic for sure.. These people are sociopaths!

No one has EVER isolated a virus. We have computer images but NO microscopic images of viruses. There is nothing to fear except the bio-weapon jabs. THAT's how you can get infected…NOT…by non-existent "bugs!"

WHO = World Homocide Organization

God help us all.

At 2:30, Freak Charles lives in actual castles built by stealing the wealth of peasants, demands we cut back on our lifestyle. Time to remove the totalitarians from polite society. They belong in prison.

#thegreatreset #climatehoax

One little piece of advice : Share this as much as you can, the info in this one is gold! But do not share it on Youtube haha. My account is now suspended for 1 week... * sigh*

beyond are they still allowed to exist??

they are already getting ready to starve to death millions..sabotaging food warehouses..fires at food plants..stack up..pack up and get ready to fight ..nato forces will be on U.S soil..

It's the glee in their eyes I don't understand why ppl don't see it…
Lord let Your Will Be Done Here On Earth As Is In Heaven

Download here: Covid-Pfizer-can-not-hide-this-ANYMORE-Redacted-with-Natali-and-Clayton-Morris-2022-04-27.mp4 - 29,429 kb
By: Redacted - 27th April 2022
Pfizer can't hide this ANYMORE
Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris

In Pfizer's documents to the SEC, there are troubling revelations. The company says that profitability this year could be impacted by the Covid vaccine's safety, efficacy and the medical community. What does this mean? We break it all down. #pfizer

Beerwolf Viking
I knew something was up as soon as the means to sue was off the table and refused. Me and my Wife have fought this from the beginning and got through without it along with our 3 kids. We all have natural immunity and have endured constant bullying but we have prevailed. We stand as rocks in the storm.

Randy Chester
This whole thing was a no-brainer from day one. I immediately knew it was massive corruption, lies, and criminal activities. And I cannot imagine why everyone else couldn't see what was so perfectly obvious.

Not just Pfizer. We need to hold all vaccine companies accountable. AZ, Moderna, J&J and CDC and WHO that authorized these vaccines.

Tiffany Magee
Pfizer needs to be held accountable. Not fines, jail time.

As soon as Governments gave a company immunity from prosecution should of set alarm bells ringing. Unfortunately most people are sheep going to the slaughter and far too trusting.

Simone PleTon
A MASSIVE "thank you" for exposing this utter corruption.

Sharon Moore
Any doctor willing to administer this poison without demanding ALL information is failing their patients.

Download: Covid-Dropping-like-flies-in-Queensland-Australia-Ambulances-lining-up-to-get-into-hospitals-with-the-sick-2022-04-25.mp4 - 4,105 kb
By: GTV - 25th April 2021
Dropping like flies in Queensland, Australia.
Ambulances lining up to get into hospitals with the sick

Princess Alexandra Hospital has been overwhelmed, with dozens of ambulances forced to line up with patients while waiting for available beds.

Louise Taylor
And it's only going to get worse and is to be expected and I think we know the reason why!

Mark Smith
People were condemned to illness and death when they forced a medical procedure on them. This is criminality at the highest levels.

Its basically rolling the dice is all I am going to say. The people who have put two and two together, please follow your gut and look after yourselves.

Almost every time I'm out driving I have to yield to an ambulance at least once. The amount of ambulances on the roads with sirens and lights flashing is like nothing I have ever seen before. At first I thought it may be due to confirmation bias but even the "normies" are beginning to notice it now.

Patricia Dun more
The politicians and the health bureaucrats will be congratulating themselves on a job well done. Schwab and Gates will be well pleased too.

Dave Had-Enough
Spoke to my cousin last night - his wife had pain in the guts - called an ambulance ... eventually arrived - off to the PA ... no !!! .... no beds .... off to Redlands .... no staff .... ended up at Logan ..... still at Logan. There is a lot we are not being told. But ... if the Queensland Government are involved it's corrupt.

Edward Small
The Politican's have a lot to Answer and too be held accountable

Same down here in Melbourne - always seeing ambulances with light & sirens when out & about. Helicopters flying overhead almost daily & also hearing them at nighttime, which used to be very rare. Always hearing sirens when out in the backyard.
Dictator Dan still persisting with the No Jab No Job mandate for all workers.
I can go & eat in a restaurant (if I had the money) but am not allowed to work there.
Demented psychopaths intent on punishing the non-compliant.

Download here: Covid-Minnesotans-share-horror-stories-of-alleged-COVID-19-vaccine-injuries-2022-04-23.mp4 - 7,789 kb
By: Alpha News - 23rd April 2022
Minnesotans share horror stories
of alleged COVID-19 vaccine injuries

Several Minnesotans opened up about the impacts and harms of COVID-19 mandates during a press conference this week at the Capitol.

Transcript: Multiple minnesotans are opening up about the harms and impacts against the Covid-19 mandates on Wednesday.

Minnesota GOP House Representatives explained an urgent bill to protect citizens from what they call unconstitutional and medically irresponsible Covid-19 vaccine mandates.

"On April 13 last year, my whole life changed within 30 hours. Within 30 hours, Susanna Noel says her body went from being athletic to constant debilitating pain. Unable to perform even the simplest tasks, my primary doctor filled out the Pfizer paperwork and said my symptoms are from the vaccine. I've yet to hear from Pfizer. This is not a pandemic of the unvaccinated - this is a pandemic of trauma."

After a year, noelle's symptoms have gotten worse.

Kate Zerby says she developed unexplained health conditions after receiving the jab. "I was later found to have heart enlargement and a trial fibrillation that I never had before. An abrupt change that my doctor felt, along with everything I had been dealing with, had to have come from the vaccine and she told me: 'Thank God you didn't get the second one!'"

As for six-year-old Milo Edberg, he hasn't been the same alert and walking child since developing Myocarditis from the Covid shot. Milo's story first featured in Alpha News in January, because the doctors kept pushing me: "Oh he's at high risk. He's at high risk. You need to get this and I wasn't really wanting to get it, because I felt like it came on too quickly. It was made too quickly. We didn't know side effects. But I went against my gut and I told the doctor 'let's do it' and unfortunately it didn't do well for him."

One by one Minnesotans shared the horrific results of doing what they were told was safe and effective. You know whether you're pro-vaxx or anti-vaxx or whatever, we're for health care freedom and we believe that mandates one size fits all should not be the agenda.

Representative Glenn Gruenhagen introduced a bill last month, which in part would protect Minnesotans from being coerced to take what he calls an 'experimental vaccine' and improve health care providers reporting to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Systems or their federal agency. Heads now admit that the vaccine mandates are not protecting Americans from Covid-19.

"According to Covid VAERS reports through April 8, there have been more than 17 thousand reports of adverse events from the jab. In Minnesota alone, I have talked to well over 500 nurses and respiratory therapists. I have three of those that I've talked to, one literally fell apart emotionally on the phone screaming, crying, swearing - (this guy never swears) - of how bad it is and what's going on in these hospitals; that many of these supposed Covid patients are actually Covid vaccine injured patients!"

Several Minnesotans have shared their vaccine injured stories to staff members at Governor Waz's office, but they say there has been no response. alpha news also did not hear back from the governor's office. 17,000 doctors are screaming from the rooftops "This thing, this program, has got to stop! And yet we press on..."

Paula Samec
These injuries are not only alleged, they are absolutely true!

rob mo
Never trusted this from the start. I'm still unvaxed and staying that way.

Thank you for reporting the true stories of the vaccine injured.

This is a crime against humanity.

Crimes against humanity. Those that have done this MUST be held accountable!

marlon brando
Im so sorry for all those affected by this vaccine. This is a crime against humanity

Mike Revendale
This is a crime against humanity. Anyone still pushing that poison should be labeled a public enemy.

Thank you for reporting, the censorship on issues like this has been shameful.

Thank you for reporting "real" news. I saw many of my elderly die AFTER receiving this concoction of evil shot at the independent living facility I work in. May God show no mercy on those involved in this evil plan.

First of all, why would anyone trust the government? 2nd of all, why would you trust ANYONE who is free of liability? 3rd of all why would you trust someone who has had to BRIBE you with food, weed, beer, money, doughnuts, etc? I mean, come on!!

Several Minnesotans opened up about the impacts and harms of COVID-19 mandates during a press conference this week at the Capitol.

Download here: THE-SEQUEL-TO-THE-FALL-OF-THE-CABAL-PART-22-of-17-2022-04-14.mp4 - 53,460 kb
By: FallCabal - Janet Ossebaard - 14th April 2022
Part 22 /17: Money & Murder in Hospitals...

Welcome to one of our most shocking episodes, in which we show you evidence of the deliberate euthanisation of healthy people in hospitals across the world. The motive? Money… huge amounts of 'Covid incentives'. The murder weapon? A combination of the nose swab, too many PCR cycles and thus false positives, the improper use of ventilators, and an overdose of tranquillisers and narcotics. If you want to stay safe, this episode is a must-see! Albeit shocking, the information is vital and may one day save your life or that of a loved one…

By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter
Music: Alexander Nakarada

Download: Covid-News-UK-COVID-19-Hospitalizations-Skyrocket-Among-Heavily-Vaccinated-Population-2022-04-14.mp4 - 13,187 kb
By: TrialSite News - 14th April 2022
News | UK COVID-19 Hospitalizations
Skyrocket Among Heavily Vaccinated Population

Join The Conversation! |
While much of the UK's population now desire to go about life as usual, especially since the government declared times were almost back to normal, unfortunately, the unfolding situation informs a starkly different reality for the heavily vaccinated population. While new SARS-CoV-2 cases seem to be headed toward a more stable reality, this may be only because mass testing is on the way out as SARS-CoV-2-associated deaths increase while hospitalizations have absolutely skyrocketed.

George Poirier
Could it possibly be that the booster shots are BOOSTING the DEATH RATE?

Mah M
I am recently recovering from covid. It was like a very mild cold, of course I was using prophylaxis and my vit d is optimal. My son got that, but felt better a few hours after I started flccc protocol. I was a former physician in my original country so I brought the medications from there. The interesting thing is that my husband who has had 3 shots so far, got the worst symptoms. Fever, chills, headache, cough and.... He was actually dying even after taking meds he had a fever. I and my son are not jabbed. The shot fucks up the immune system.

Happy guilmore
Never had covid. Had jab and had covid 2 months after. Same with my wife who works in the hospitals. We both said we'd never take any boosters ever.

Chris T
So, will we now start seeing more restrictions on the vaxxed and more freedoms for the unvaxxed?

No Turning Back
Early on, Dr. Peter McCullough said "They're going to be so embarrassed when their vaccine doesn't work." It never occurred to us that they'd just say everyone needs repeat boosters.

kk doc
Why aren't we talking about who bears the responsibility of developing and releasing this virus?

FutureGhost Onfire
Those that are juiced around me, are getting sick, I am not juiced, have not even had a sniff. Cancers returning , cancers being discovered,. elderly who are already weak are dying. Sad times are coming. We have been betrayed big time.

Derek Reed
If the scientific community seriously looked at things like IVM and hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D and zinc..then maybe the epidemic could have been contained and erradicated...we'll never know due to the spreaders of misinfo.

Does Covid-19 Contain Genetic
Sequences From Snake Venom?

By: Guy Hatchard - 14th April 2022

Does Covid-19 Contain Genetic Sequences From Snake Venom?

An article in Scientific American back in January 2020 reported:

"Snakes—the Chinese krait and the Chinese cobra—may be the original source of the newly discovered coronavirus that has triggered an outbreak of a deadly infectious respiratory illness in China this winter."

The article originated from a Chinese authored paper published in the Journal of Medical Virology on 22 January 2020 entitled Cross-species transmission of the newly identified coronavirus 2019-nCoV and said:

"Our findings suggest that 2019-nCoV has most similar genetic information with bat coronavirus and most similar codon usage bias with snake."

The essence of the article was the supposition that Covid-19 made its way from snakes to bats and then to the Wuhan wet market, expressed as follows:

"An origin-unknown homologous recombination may have occurred within the spike glycoprotein of the 2019-nCoV….The squared euclidean distance indicates that the 2019-nCoV and snakes from China have the highest similarity in synonymous codon usage bias compared to those of bat, bird, Marmota, human, Manis, and hedgehog"

This idea subsequently gained little traction, because of the improbability of such a train of interspecies transfer, and because public discussion of its conclusions was vigorously suppressed by fact checkers.

The suggestion of the authors to do more research disappeared from view. It has been largely forgotten until now.

Were Some of These Recombined Genetic Sequences From Snakes?

Recent discussion of the origin of the Covid-19 spike protein has suggested that it could be the result of recombinant techniques in the laboratory which joined a number of genetic sequences together as part of research to develop deadly pathogens, and then investigate possible cures.

A paper published in F1000Research entitled "Toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine, and faecal samples from COVID-19 patients" in April 2020 concluded that:

"The presence of toxin-like peptides…suggests a possible association between COVID-19 disease and the release in the body of (oligo-) peptides almost identical to toxic components of venoms from animals… The presence of these peptides opens new scenarios on the aetiology of the COVID-19 clinical symptoms observed up to now, including neurological manifestations."

What are Some of the Neurological Effects of Snake Venom?

A study published in 2002 entitled "Cardiac Involvement in Snake Bite" reports:

"Myocardial involvement is seen on occasions and may rarely contribute to morbidity and mortality. ECG changes are usually transient but when persistent they are attributed to direct myocardial damage due to the toxin."

Other reported neurological effects of snake bite include:

  • pro and anticoagulant activity leading to ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke,
  • muscle paralysis through inhibition of neuromuscular transmission leading to respiratory failure.

All of these neurological, thrombotic, and cardiac effects are similar to reported adverse effects of both Covid infection and mRNA vaccination.

Is Covid-19 a Recombination of a Virus and a Toxin?

mRNA vaccines specifically train the human physiology to produce the suspect spike protein. Did this expose vaccine recipients to a toxin? It appears this might be the case.

In which case, the essential design of the mRNA vaccine would have been a grave error. It was training the physiology to produce a toxin.

These discussions are speculative. We now know that early genetic sequences of Covid-19 appear to have been suppressed by NIH on the instructions of the Wuhan Virology Lab.

Was the genetic similarity between snake genetics and Covid-19 too explosive to admit, whether they came from snakes or not? Certainly, this possibility should have been investigated vigorously.

It might have led to an understanding of the origins of Covid, but more importantly, it might have led to more effective treatments for Covid.

It might also have shed light on the source of the wide range of neurotoxic effects of both Covid and mRNA vaccination.

Whatever the eventual conclusion of further investigative research: biotechnology experimentation to research and develop pathogens and toxins must stop now. It amounts to a ticking time bomb.

Download: Covid-Addicted-To-Covid-Masks-Maskers-Anonymous-Can-Help-2022-04-13.mp4 - 8,827 kb
By: The Babylon Bee - 13th April 2021
Addicted To Covid Masks?
Maskers Anonymous Can Help

Mike is a maskaholic, but today he takes the first step on his road to recovery.

As a professional bank robber I really resent these people. Now when I run masked into a bank people just assume I'm a paranoid nut job. I'm an armed criminal and I demand respect! You ruined my life.

Brandon Helcher
Love how as he's removing masks, the woman next to him puts them on.

George Chadwell
"I felt like a black life, for once I mattered" holy crap I'm dying

David Hoyt
"It gave me a chance to look down on people… to be better than them."

"I felt like a black life" followed by the look from the two black people just about had me falling off the chair laughing

This almost didn't seem like a parody. I could see some jokes here and there, but that confession felt real.

Whilst you were distracted by Boris's trip to
Kyiv, the UK Gov. quietly published data
confirming the Fully Vaccinated accounted for
92% of all Covid-19 Deaths in March 2022

By The Expos - 12th April 2022

Official data published by the UK Health Security Agency confirms the fully vaccinated population accounted for a shocking 92% of all Covid-19 deaths across England throughout March,but what’s even more shocking is that 82% of those deaths were among the triple vaccinated population.

But something even stranger than this is also occurring. Covid-19 is currently on the rise again across the UK, but the data confirms cases, hospitalisations and deaths are only rising among the triple vaccinated population, whereas they are declining significantly among the unvaccinated population.

All governments involved with the World Economic Forum are complicit in Global Genocide!

You have been lied to on a monumental scale over the past two years by your Government, its Scientific Advisers, and the mainstream media. But the biggest lie of all is perhaps that the Covid-19 injections are both safe and effective. Neither of these statements are true. If you want recent evidence of them not being safe then look no further than the recent announcement from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA.)

On the 6th April 2022, the UKHSA released a statement confirming they were launching an urgent investigation due to the detection of higher than usual rate of liver inflammation (hepatitis) among children, and that similar cases were also being assessed in Scotland.

They have already ruled out the common viruses that cause hepatitis, so now they need look no further than the Covid-19 injection that has been unnecessarily offered to children, because Pfizer's own study confirms the Covid-19 mRNA jab accumulates in the liver following vaccination and causes hepatitis.

Maybe you're now thinking that the benefits most likely outweigh the risks? After all, you've been repeatedly fed this lie by your Government, its Scientific Advisers, and the mainstream media. But if you want recent evidence of the Covid-19 injections not being effective then look no further than the latest UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance report, because it shows quite the opposite.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) publish a weekly Covid-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report, and the Week 13 – 2022 report contains data on Covid-19 for the first 4 weeks of March 2022.

Table 11, found on page 41 of the latest report shows the number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status in England between 28th Feb and 27th March 22, and it confirms the vast majority were recorded among the triple vaccinated population.

All governments involved with the World Economic Forum are complicit in Global Genocide!

All governments involved with the World Economic Forum are complicit in Global Genocide!

In all, between 28th Feb and 27th March, there were a total of 1,486,973 Covid-19 cases recorded across England, and the triple vaccinated population accounted for an astounding 1,011,153 of them, whilst the not-vaccinated population accounted for just 258,357 cases.

Overall the vaccinated population accounted for 1,011,153 cases, meaning they accounted for 83% of all Covid-19 cases between 28th Feb and 27th March 22. But something strange is happening here, because in the space of 1 month, cases among the unvaccinated have fallen by 36%, whereas cases among the triple vaccinated have increased by 34%.

The following chart shows the number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status in England a month earlier between 24th Jan and 20th Feb 22, the data has been extracted from the Week 8 – 2022 Vaccine Surveillance Report.

All governments involved with the World Economic Forum are complicit in Global Genocide!

In February there were 404,030 cases among the unvaccinated, but in March this fell to 258,357 cases. Whereas the triple vaccinated suffered 752,126 cases in February, but in March this increased to 1.01 million.

If you thought the vaccine prevented both infection and transmission then you really have had your head buried in the sand and fallen for the lies hook line and sinker, but surely if the vaccine is effective it should at least reduce the risk of infection? The data above suggests it increases the risk of infection, and further data from UKHSA confirms it.

The following chart is taken from page 45 of the Week 13 Vaccine Surveillance Report and it shows the case-rate per 100,000 among the unvaccinated and triple vaccinated. The only age group where the case-rate per 100,000 is lower among the unvaccinated is the under 18's, and about 95% of them are not even eligible for a third dose.

All governments involved with the World Economic Forum are complicit in Global Genocide!

The above data shows that most triple vaccinated adults are actually five times more likely to be infected with Covid-19 than unvaccinated adults.

Can you see now how much you have been lied to?

Table 12, found on page 42 of the latest report shows the number of Covid-19 hospitalisations by vaccination status in England between 28th Feb and 27th March 22, and it confirms the vast majority were again recorded among the triple vaccinated population.

All governments involved with the World Economic Forum are complicit in Global Genocide!

All governments involved with the World Economic Forum are complicit in Global Genocide!

In all, there were 10,326 Covid-19 hospitalisations in England between 28th Feb and 27th March, a 12% increase among the number of hospitalisations recorded through February. The triple vaccinated population accounted for 6,750 of those hospitalisation throughout March, whilst the not-vaccinated population accounted for 2,065 of them, 965 of which were allegedly children.

But this is where the data doesn't make much sense. We know that Omicron is now the dominant variant in England, and we know it causes illness that is of equivalent severity to the common cold. So why is it that the data shows Covid-19 hospitalisations among children are more than double the amount that was being recorded when Delta was the dominant strain?

The following table is taken from Public Health England's 'Covid-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report – Week 36 – 2021', and it shows that between week 32 and week 35 of 2021 (when Delta was the dominant variant) there were just 404 Covid-19 hospitalisations recorded among under 18's in England.

All governments involved with the World Economic Forum are complicit in Global Genocide!

This number of hospitalisations among under 18's is typical for most of the weekly reports, so why on earth are Covid-19 hospitalisations now as high as 965 among children?

We know that children have never been at high risk of suffering severe disease due to Covid-19, and everyone should know by now that a person could be hospitalised with a broken leg and classed as a Covid-19 hospitalisation if they happen to test positive for Covid-19 with a highly questionable test within 28 days of admittance.

But we also know that the UK Government and NHS are attempting to justify Professor Chris Whitty's decision to overrule the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation and offer the Covid-19 vaccine to children over 12, and that even children as young as 5 are now being offered the unsafe and ineffective jab.

Are we witnessing the UKHSA manipulate figures here through mass testing of already hospitalised kids, to give the impression that experimental Covid-19 vaccination would benefit children?

Overall, the vaccinated population accounted for 8,261 of the 10,326 Covid hospitalisations, meaning they accounted for 80% of all Covid-19 hospitalisations in England between 28th Feb and 27th March 22.

But something strange is again happening here because in the space of 1 month hospitalisations have fallen by 12% among the unvaccinated but increased by 37% among the triple vaccinated.

The following chart shows the number of Covid-19 hospitalisations by vaccination status in England a month earlier between 24th Jan and 20th Feb 22, the data has been extracted from the Week 8 – 2022 Vaccine Surveillance Report.

All governments involved with the World Economic Forum are complicit in Global Genocide!

In February there were 2,341 hospitalisations among the unvaccinated, but in March this fell to 2,065 hospitalisations. Whereas the triple vaccinated suffered 4,936 hospitalisations in February, but in March this increased to 6,750.

This is the complete opposite of what you would expect from an effective vaccine is it not?

Table 13b, found on page 44 of the latest report shows the number of Covid-19 deaths by vaccination status in England between 28th Feb and 27th March 22, and it confirms yet again the vast majority were recorded among the triple vaccinated population.

All governments involved with the World Economic Forum are complicit in Global Genocide!

All governments involved with the World Economic Forum are complicit in Global Genocide!

In all, there were 4,057 Covid-19 deaths between 28th Feb and 27th March 22, and the triple vaccinated population accounted for 3,054 of them. Whilst the not-vaccinated population accounted for just 321.

Overall, the vaccinated population accounted for 92% of all Covid-19 deaths during these four weeks, with 3,736 recorded deaths. This means the vaccinated population now account for 9.2 in every 10 deaths, and the triple vaccinated population account for 4.1 in every 5 of them.

But what's most concerning here is that things have improved significantly for the not-vaccinated population in March compared to February, whereas they've barely improved at all for the triple vaccinated.

Deaths are actually down all round compared to the previous month, but as we know, deaths lag behind a rise in infections and hospitalisations for obvious reasons, so we will probably find that deaths have increased significantly by the end of April 2022. However, there is still a huge gap in how far deaths have fallen by vaccination status and it is very concerning.

Deaths among the unvaccinated fell by 43% in March from the number recorded in February. But deaths among the triple vaccinated only fell by 2% in March from the number recorded in February.

The following chart shows the number of Covid-19 deaths by vaccination status in England a month earlier between 24th Jan and 20th Feb 22, the data has been extracted from the Week 8 – 2022 Vaccine Surveillance Report.

All governments involved with the World Economic Forum are complicit in Global Genocide!

In February there were 559 deaths among the unvaccinated, but in March this fell to 321 deaths. Whereas the triple vaccinated suffered 3,120 deaths in February, but in March this only fell by 66 to 3,054 deaths.

In all between 28th Feb and 27th March 2022, the unvaccinated accounted for 17% of cases, 20% of hospitalisations and 8% of deaths. But the figures are devastating for the triple vaccinated who accounted for 68% of cases, 65% of hospitalisations, and 75% of all Covid-19 deaths.

All governments involved with the World Economic Forum are complicit in Global Genocide!

These really aren't the kind of figures you would expect to see for a Covid-19 injection claimed to be up to 95% effective against death are they?

So there you have it, whilst you've been distracted by Boris Johnson's trip to Kyiv, Ukraine, the UK Government published a report confirming the fully vaccinated accounted for 92% of all Covid-19 deaths in England throughout March, and that infections and hospitalisations are only currently rising among the triple jabbed. With news like this being swept under the rug by the mainstream media, it makes you wonder what else they will attempt to hide in the coming weeks?

Download: Part-1-Dr-Bryan-Ardis-reveals-BOMBSHELL-origins-of-covid-mRNA-vaccines-and-treatments-SNAKE-VENOM-2022-04-12.mp4 - 132,935 kb
By: Health Ranger Report - 12th April 2021
Part 1/3 - Dr. Bryan Ardis reveals
BOMBSHELL origins of covid, mRNA vaccines
and treatments - SNAKE VENOM

Dr. Ardis says covid jab is made from snake venom.

Mass Psychosis and the
Proliferation of Normies

12th April 2022

Mass Psychosis and the Proliferation of Normies

"My name is Lindsay Normie and I know that the government and media love me.

I've had 3 x experimental Covid Shots so far and I keep getting sick with Covid! But that's okay, as I'll keep getting Covid Shots - as I absolutely trust these strangers with my life - EVEN IF IT KILLS ME!"

Download: Pro-vax-Kiwis-struggle-for-support-after-rare-adverse-reaction-to-COVID-vaccine-Treated-as-Anti-Vaxxer-2022-04-11.mp4 - 14,031 kb
By: Newshub - 11th April 2021
Pro-vax Kiwi's struggle for support after
rare adverse reaction to COVID vaccine
Treated as an Anti Vaxxer

New Zealand has one of the world's highest COVID-19 vaccine uptakes, many Kiwis eager to get jabbed and do their bit for the 'team of five million.' Hayden was one of them - but after his first dose in September, he's been rushed to hospital nine times.

Despite his own adverse reaction, he's far from being anti-vax. Sharing his story with Patrick Gower, he says he just wants support for people like him, who happily got vaccinated, but unfortunately suffered rare side effects.

Comments turned off...

Download: Covid-LIVE-WORLD-PREMIERE-WATCH-THE-WATER-2022-04-11.mp4 - 277,588 kb
By: Stew Peters Network - 11th April 2022
Satanic elite using SNAKE VENOM in
their Covid-19 virus / vaccine bioweapons

The plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread, and did the Satanic elite tell the world about this bioweapon ahead of time? Dr. Bryan Ardis ( has unveiled a shocking connection between this pandemic and the eternal battle of good and evil which began in the Garden of Eden.

In this Stew Peters Network exclusive, Director Stew Peters, award winning filmmaker Nicholas Stumphauzer and Executive Producer Lauren Witzke bring to light a truth satan himself has fought to suppress.

Visit to learn how to protect you and your loved ones during this biological war.

Proteins from the Chinese Krait Snake
Proteins from the Chinese Krait Snake
Proteins from the King Cobra
Proteins from the King Cobra Snake

The weird history of Medical Symbols
The weird history of Medical Symbols

Hope that LAWSUITS starts immediately after!!

This will give a MASSIVE BLOW to the elite that they will not recover from.Time to work and be brave.
We know we are protected.They are not, because God is on our side.

They should show the catholic great hall at the vatican. It is built to look like a snake.

And the medical symbol is a snake wrapped around a staff. They're mocking us

Solve et Coagula--invert reality, tattooed on the inner arms of baphomet, who wears a belt with the Caduceus on it with 2 snakes in a helix, likely symbolizing the human double helix genome. We are in a spiritual battle for the soul of humanity. GOD speed brothers and sisters.

Yes, I'm a nurse and I always wondered where that came from. When I researched it, I was mortified.

Yes!!! But there are two snakes wrapped around it!
50 rumbles

That's a magic wand from Greek Mythology.

@ Jillzy... Actually... I believe, it's more like their mocking God

American Medical Association, the CDC has the outline of people's faces and on either side of them looks like snakes and the World Health Organization.

Kbohach, 9 hours ago
So many lies, deceit and corruption in the Vatican and in the churches. I don't know how the catholic community who were convinced to take the death jab are going to live through this truth. I am catholic, but the Holy Spirit has been guiding me since day 1. Praise God that me and my immediate family knew that the jab was of the evil one. extended family caved in to the fearmongering.

They have been doing right in our face and laughing at us all the time. Time we stand up and put an end to this. We are the 99% and God is on our side!! But we have to stand up!!!

Covid-FDA-announces-approval-of-5th-booster-shot-despite-failure-dangers-of-all-previous-shots-for-CCP-virus-2022-04-06.mp4 - 80,143 kb
By: OAN Newsroom - 6th April 2022
FDA announces approval of 5th booster shot
despite failure, dangers of all previous shots for CCP virus

The Food and Drug Administration is laying out plans for a fifth COVID booster shot, despite growing evidence of harm caused by the vaccines so far. One America's Pearson Sharp has more.

Yet years ago, Anthony Fauci says that the best immunity comes from getting sick and recovering, not vaccines...

I have absolutely no idea why
YOU are getting the Covid-19 Jab
3rd April 2022

I have absolutely no idea why YOU are getting the Covid-19 Jab

Download here: Impersonating-Politicians-and-the-Media-Do-Not-Worry-But-Also-Yes-Worry-Ben-Gleib-2022-04-02.mp4 - 6,375 kb
By: Helium Comedy Studios - 2nd April 2022
Comedian Impersonating
Politicians& the Mainstream Media:

Don't Worry (But Also Yes Worry!) | Ben Gleib

Ben Gleib has all the information on exactly how to handle this pandemic.

Murphy's Law
This is a perfect example of how Fake Prime Minster Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau etc preach their insane Covid (covert) religion.

But what is worse than these treasonous scoundrels are all those idiots who fell for it all! Shame on you.

He raises an excellent point

I'm here from your appearance on Jimmy Dore! Great job! Kurt was right though

Covid-Why-vaccinated-nurses-and-doctors-should-be-mandated-because-it-is-the-vaccines-that-are-making-people-sick-2022-04-02.mp4 - 18,008 kb
By: Vaccine Questions, grant77 - 2nd April 2022
Why vaccinated nurses & doctors should be mandated.
Because it's the vaccines that are making people sick!

On the 31st March 2022 something important happened regarding New Zealand hospitalisation rates. This video updates who's getting Covid and who isn't, and shares hot news about hospitalisation rates that only became apparent yesterday.

1. It has been pointed out that my '0-5 years' figure should have been '0-4 years'. I apologise for this error. However it makes no difference to the sums as the error is automatically corrected for in the 'population difference' figure.

2. You may have noticed my hospitalisation graph is similar to RNZ's 'Estimated variant prevalence in New Zealand' graph (found low down on this page: Please compare the RNZ graph with the hold-slide for this video (which I have just uploaded). As with my graph, their graph puts 'partially vaccinated' above 'unvaccinated' (which is significant), but 'fully vaccinated' and 'boosted' below 'unvaccinated' which is different. The most likely reason for the difference is the RNZ graph does not include the 300,000 or so 'unvaccinated 0-4 year olds' or some 70,000 'unvaccinated people missing from MoH data'.

I remember Ashley Bloomfield said yesterday something about the number of hospitalisations recorded regardless of what they came in to hospital for. I don't recall the whole topic but it did indicate the cases in hospital are NOT based on symptoms of covid as their main illness. (As we suspected.) So covid being assumed as what's causing the patient to be in hospital needs to be clarified and covid being the only cause of death needs to be clarified.

The misuse of that data alone has people afraid and that's disgusting.

How do we get clarification on those sick/dead only from covid in hospital??

Great video. I want to send it to my cynical "in denial" father who happens to be a statistics major and his argument to me whenever I present any facts to him along this theme is that because the popn is ~95% vaxxed you would expect to see roughly 95% of hospital cases be vaxxed people. The fact that on occasion hospitalizations of unvaxxed have been higher than 20% indicates that unvaxxed are 4x more likely to be hospitalized than they should otherwise be (because they should only represent 5% of hospitalizations). Before I send this to him Are you able to please give me a good explanation that will shoot his argument down in flames? Is he right? My gut says no but I don't know how to respond. Thanks

I have been plotting similar data from the UK Health Security Agency since week 36 last year. their data is very similar with muliple age groups having over 4 times the case rate among the vaccinated (3 shots) compared to the unvaccinated. It is getting worse every week. Hospitalizations are also evening out though generally still an advantage to be vaccinated at the moment . Deaths in the UK according to the UKHSA it is definitely better to be vaccinated. the ratio is about 4:1 in favour of the vaccinated

Well this is awkward!
'100 Per Cent Fully Vaccinated'
5G Cruise Ship Suffers COVID Outbreak!
31st March 2022

Well this is awkward! - '100 Per Cent Fully Vaccinated’ 5G Cruise Ship Suffers COVID Outbreak!

Cruise ship the Ruby Princess, which has a fully vaccinated only policy for both staff and passengers, suffered a COVID outbreak before docking in San Francisco.

"100 per cent safe and effective!"

According to its website, Princess Cruises requires people show both proof of full vaccination and evidence of a negative COVID test before boarding the ship.

The company did not say how many people tested positive but said those infected were "isolated and quarantined while monitored and cared for by our shipboard medical team."

"As with all Princess itineraries, this cruise is operated as a vaccinated cruise, as defined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention," the company told the San Francisco Chronicle. "Guests and crew vaccination rates were at 100 percent."

The ship was on a 15-day cruise to the Panama Canal and had docked in San Francisco on Sunday before the outbreak.

Meanwhile, leftist comedian Kathy Griffin took to Twitter to boast about how she was given 8 free COVID tests by CVS after getting her 4th booster shot.

A vaccine so good, you get given 8 free COVID tests after taking a fourth dose of it.

Safe and effective!

Download here: Covid-Insider-Jodi-OMalley-cleared-of-wrongdoing-after-revealing-COVID-19-vaccine-is-full-of-shit-2022-03-30.mp4 - 13,946 kb
By: ProjectVeritas - 30th March 2022
Insider Jodi O'Malley cleared of wrongdoing
after revealing "[COVID-19] vaccine is full of shit."

HHS (Health and Human Services) Whistleblower Jodi O'Malley Cleared of All Wrongdoing by Arizona Board of Nursing

  • Project Veritas HHS Whistleblower, Jodi O'Malley, was cleared of all wrongdoing stemming from last year's undercover videos which showed several coworkers speaking about how the hospital was handling reports of adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • In a hearing on Wednesday, the Arizona Board of Nursing voted against taking punitive action against Ms. O'Malley for her blowing the whistle on HHS' handling of reports of adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • O'Malley, whose nursing license remains active and in good standing, called the vote a "ginormous win" for nurses around the country, adding that "our duty is first and foremost to our patients."

[PHOENIX, AZ – Mar. 30, 2022] Project Veritas HHS whistleblower, Jodi O'Malley, was cleared of all wrongdoing in a vote held Wednesday by the Arizona Board of Nursing. O'Malley's attorney, Mike Yoder, announced the news Wednesday on Twitter adding that her "license remains active and in good standing."

O'Malley, who served as a nurse for the Department of Health and Human Services, came to Project Veritas in September of 2021 to blow the whistle on the agency's handling of reports of adverse effects from the COVID-19 vaccine. Her colleague, Dr. Maria Gonzales, an ER Doctor with HHS, was recorded discussing the uptick in myocarditis cases and how the government continues to "shove it under the mat."

When reached for comment, O'Malley called the vote "a ginormous win" for nurses, which she said are "the heart of the healthcare system."

O'Malley also added a message to others who may be in her position:

The ethical principles and oath we took as nurses should always be upheld even in a pandemic. Don't ever be afraid to "Be Brave and Do Something." Our duty is first and foremost to our patients. Stop giving in to coercion.

Her attorney, Mike Yoder, praised O'Malley for integrity:

Jodi's unwavering commitments to protecting her patients and preserving integrity in the medical profession are beyond compare. The work Project Veritas puts out not only embodies the highest ethical standards of journalism, but it fosters relationships with hardworking Americans who likewise, value doing what's right over doing what's easy. While regrettable, we must start becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable and take action, not cower in fear. That fear of repercussions – whether justifiable or malicious–is what silences Americans every day.

Of course, this victory is especially important to Jodi; but it should also be a victory for all Americans. My hope is that more Americans who discover fraud or wrongdoing will realize that blowing the whistle is not an act of martyrism; it's an act of loyalty to this nation and all individuals who suffer at the hands of corporate and government corruption. This case is proof that protections exist. You can do what's right without losing everything. Speak out, be brave, protect others, and realize our future generations are relying on us.

God bless her! And she is right, evil at the highest level!

Make the Nuremburg codes and trials great again. It's time.

satans Army folks!!! do ya see the Crimes against humanity!?!

Governments and organizations put profit and stock shares over ethics and humanity.

Thank you for reporting on this. I am a survivor of a heart attack from Myocarditis due to one single dose of the Pfizer poison.

Restaurants now requiring
proof of Ukraine support
29th March 2022

Restaurants now requiring proof of Ukraine support

MIB - Covid is over - You love Ukraine now
29th March 2022

MIB - Covid is over - You love Ukraine now

When the truth comes out...
29th March 2022

When the truth comes out...

Download here: Covid-Normies-fight-to-wear-badge-of-compliance-saying-Just-get-used-to-wearing-them-2022-03-26.mp4 - 2,426 kb
By: Carl Vernon - 26th March 2022
Normies fight to wear 'badge of compliance'
(masks), saying "Just get used to wearing them!"

Steven Whitemore
It's just a badge of compliance. They do nothing but tell whoever is in charge of you that they can do anything they want to do to you and YOU WILL OBEY!

John Davis
Authorities world wide want to see how effective their propaganda is by using a visible mark of compliance that has no logic behind it.

Graeme McKay
England ended mandates, Scotland was going to but Nippy decided she couldn't let go yet. I use trains from England to Scotland. I can sit maskless until Gretna when there's a broadcast informing us we now need to wear masks. I've not worn a mask for a month and there's more and more people up here not wearing them. It's good to see.

These narcissists can wear a mask all they want. They need to stop forcing others to. Your own health is your responsibility.

Audie Thacker
"We encourage people to wear masks when you're around people you don't know", said by a woman sitting inside talking to a reporter while she herself is not wearing a mask.

Because wearing a dirty cloth on your face is the number 1 way to ensure you stay healthy.

Download here: Fake-News-Nurses-take-on-Justins-jab-Fake-Vaccinations-2022-02-28.mp4 - 6,960 kb
By: Canadian Girl - 22nd March 2022
Nurses take on Canadians Prime Minister
Justin & Sophie Trudeau re Alleged Jab
Fake Vaccinations Exposed!!!

Enough of the shenanigans!

There is an increasing demand from the public to see ALL PRO COVID VACCINE POLITICIANS and MAINSTREAM MEDIA, given the REAL EXPERIMENTAL COVID VACCINES (non saline) - so that they can also get a taste of the adverse events and premature deaths - just as they illegally imposed upon hundreds of millions of other human beings.

This would result in an eventual GENOCIDE of most politicians and mainstream media. They will not be missed!

John H
I've been a nurse for 16 years and have seen and given literally hundreds of shots over the years. I have never seen one given like that. What a ridiculous lie!

I'm not even a nurse/doctor and I knew that. Just made sense coz no politicians seem to be collapsing like other people, (that I've heard anyway). Some of us are not as stupid as they'd like us to be

I'm from Croatia, same thing happened few weeks ago with our PM and his photo of taking the shot.
Nurse didn't even remove the cap from the needle.
Stay strong Canada.

Schmidty the Kid
I'm in my first semester of Nursing school. We just learned IM injections last week and even I can spot this nonsense.

No landmarking, no z-line, didn't clean the area prior, improper needle handling. It's like they think people won't notice.

Nancy Heard
I'm also an RN and noticed it is not an IM needle; It's a short subcutaneous one! I totally agree with this RN! How easily fooled do they think we are?!

Leigh Christopherson
Like I said at the time, "Just because you saw Justin Trudeau take the shot, doesn't mean you saw Justin Trudeau take the shot."

The UK Government published a new report
confirming the Fully Vaccinated now account
for 92% of Covid-19 Deaths
in England
By: The Expose - 16th March 2022

While you were focused on Russia's invasion, the UK Government published a new report confirming the Fully Vaccinated now account for 92% of Covid-19 Deaths in England

For three long weeks the mainstream media have chosen to broadcast nothing but unverified press releases from the Ukrainian Government, historic footage of conflict in Palestine and military parades; both passed off as the war in Ukraine, more Government press releases denying the Russian discovery of US funded Bioweapon labs in Ukraine, and ridiculous claims that Putin has gone mad because he is suffering from 'Long Covid.'

All this is being done to invoke fear among the public that World War III is just around the corner, and to make you wrongly blame Putin for the misery that has finally hit home in the form of inflation and tax rises. All thanks to over two years of the Government shaking the "magic money tree" to pay for things such as 'Test and Trace', a ridiculous quantity of experimental Covid-19 injections, and a Furlough scheme. A misery that has now been made ten times worse thanks to the sanctions placed on Russia by your Government.

But while the mainstream media has been hugely successful in making sure you focus on all of the above with their lies and propaganda, other terrible news is going unreported and slipping through the radar. Such as a new UK Government report which confirms the fully vaccinated population now account for 92% of Covid-19 Deaths in England, and shockingly, the vast majority of those deaths are among the triple vaccinated.

UKHSA vaccine surveillance report - 7th February to 6th March 2022

Video claiming to show planes during Russian invasion of Ukraine is actually of 2020 parade rehearsal


The news / Ukraine

Video claiming to show planes during Russian invasion of Ukraine is actually of 2020 parade rehearsal

24 February 2022

What was claimed

A video of military planes flying overhead is footage from the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Our verdict

False. It shows footage of a military parade rehearsal from May 2020.

A video of military planes flying overhead, widely shared on Facebook, is claimed to be footage from the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Spanish fact checking organisation Maldita has revealed the video actually shows a military parade rehearsal near Moscow in May 2020.

The original footage can be viewed on YouTube. Clips of this video claiming to show the invasion of Ukraine also add an air raid siren sound to the footage.

We've written a guide on how to spot misleading videos online.

By Abbas Panjwani

Download: mRNA-Vaccine-Genocide-2021-2022-Testimonies-from-the-Victims-and-Medical-Staff-2022-03-14.mp4 - 211,418 kb
By: Towards The Light - Alternative Media - 14th March 2022
mRNA Vaccine Genocide 2021-2022:
Testimonies from the Victims and Medical Staff

Contributed by Alexandra Bruce:


"mRNA 'Vaccine' Genocide 2021-2022: Testimonies from the Victims and Medical Staff," tells the stories of people around the world who have been injured by the COVID jab.

Their struggle, their pain, their deaths deserve to be acknowledged for what they are — the result of medical malfeasance, regulatory corruption and societal "mass formation" insanity driven by media fearmongering and outright lies.

A common thread in these stories is the consistent dismissal by the medical community. Even in cases where the doctors do suspect a COVID jab injury, they still have no idea how the symptoms are caused or how to treat them, so they just send the victims home. Successful treatments appear to be extremely rare, which adds insult to injury.

The COVID shot is the most dangerous drug in the history of modern medicine, and these dangers were foreseen and predicted by many respected and well-educated doctors and scientists, whose voices were censored.

All-cause mortality by time is the most reliable measure from which we can detect true catastrophic events, and all-cause mortality started spiking AFTER the COVID jabs were rolled out. These increases also correlate to a nation's COVID jab rate.

In france, a young woman opened an Instagram (I think), "where is my cycle" In one week she got 10,000 women who brought their experience: periods that stop; periods that last forever with hemorrhages; a 75 yr old woman gets her periods again... 10000 women contacted her in the 1st week.


had a conversation with someone in the gym, he said that in body building community those who had the shot cant compete due to side effect of mitochondria. also mma athletes as well since i know people at the old boxing club i used to go to who had the clot shot as well cant compete due to mitochondria.

Very sad that most people need to experience horrors like this to wake up from their brainwashing.

people ho take the vaxx will be dead soon

safe and effective........................


It's beyond belief the amount of people with severe adverse reactions who still tell others to take the jab. It's insane these people can't see the truth that they were lied to wake the fuck up sheeple

Download here: Covid-The-FDA-finally-release-BOMBSHELL-Safety-Data-on-Pfizers-Covid-Vaccines-And-it-is-not-good-2022-03-13.mp4 - 32,044 kb
By: AwakenWithJP - 13th March 2022
The FDA finally release BOMBSHELL Safety Data
on Pfizers Covid Vaccines - And it's not good!

Take a stand against censorship. Join my Awakened Warriors Email List -

A new bombshell report on safety data for life jackets (Covid Vaccines) has been released by the Flotation Device Administration (FDA). Watch this video for everything you need to know.

Alexandria Occasional Cortex
Remember kids, the protected needed to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn't protect the protected.

Daniel V
I was ok with life jackets when needed prior to all of this, but the flotation device administration was so criminal in their behavior, they have caused me to never want to wear another life jacket again out of fear of death.

Aaron Abke
This was pure brilliance brother

20 years ago: "You should give up your privacy, you got nothing to hide ?"
Now: "We don't want to release this data. It makes our sugar daddies look bad."

They finally proved the question "if everyone was jumping off a bridge, would you?" The answer we now know is yes, most people will jump off the bridge if told by authorities and their peers to do so. Their command to the peasants will be, "You cannot leave the water unless you jump off the bridge." Those that don't hit the rocks and don't die will look up and say "It's perfectly safe, you can't get out of the water if you don't jump off the bridge!" The ones that did die, they don't get to say anything. The person on the bridge must ponder "How am i going to get out of the water if i don't first jump off the bridge?" The smart man chides him by saying, "Idiot, you're not in the water!" That man is immediately beaten by the authorities for everyone's protection.

Nate R
I really wish I could feel empathy and compassion for "the ignorant ones" but I usually just feel anger. I blame "the ignorant ones" almost as much as the actual perps.

Download here: Covid-Pfizer-is-proving-that-their-Covid-19-vaccine-is-causing-deadly-adverse-effects-2022-03-12.mp4 - 4,934 kb
By: Rick Nicholls - 12th March 2022
Pfizer is proving that their Covid-19 vaccine
is causing deadly adverse effects
A 38 page document recently released describes many different adverse side effects. Why did you and the science table continue to advocate for everyone to get vaccinated if you knew Pfizer is causing deadly adverse effects?

willow woods
Thank you Rick Nicholls. This is all on record, the Ontario gov't will have much more to answer for as Pfizer releases more documentation into the public realm. Keep up the great work.

He couldn't even look at Rick Nicholls in the face with his response.

We have to follow the paper, they should be providing the science THEY are using to come to these conclusions. The proof is in the pudding, the truth can't be hidden

Ryan Harnadek
The science is different in Ontario. What a crock. Thanks for finally standing up for the truth, Rick. That takes balls.

He did not answer the question. He was asked why he decided to advocate for a vaccine with terrible side effects. He was not questioned about the effectiveness of the vaccine, which is what he decided to answer. How can a government be accountable for their actions when they are not even pressed to answer a simple question? It's the chairman's responsibility to ensure that questions are properly answered, and if the reply is out of line with the questions then whoever is responsible for not providing an answer should be fired for being incompetent or dishonest, which are "unacceptable views" in a member of the government.

F andrew
He couldn't even keep a straight face, he knows the truth has come to the light and will have to answer to many people as well as the most high.. thank you Mr. Nicohls for calling them out of their lies... you truly are a man of the people.

Christina Wilson
Thank you for asking hard questions Mr. Nicholls. The misrepresentation around COVID data and severity by age group still goes unanswered. The elderly, immunocompromised and those with multiple comorbidities have always been the at risk demographic who were candidates for the gene therapy drug 'vaccines'. They never should have been mass deployed to the healthy, especially healthy children where the benefits DO NOT outweigh the risks. There still needs to be accountability for the economic destruction and human rights violations that occured. The Great Barrington Declaration was right and should have been debated! Let's not forget the absence and suppression of early treatment. The list goes on.

Download here: Covid-What-Mothers-Should-Know-About-COVID-and-COVID-19-Experimental-Vaccine-for-Children-2022-03-11.mp4 - 32,044 kb
By: National Vaccine Information Center - 11th March 2022
What Mothers Should Know About COVID and
COVID-19 Experimental Vaccine for Children

In this one-hour educational video about COVID and the COVID vaccine for children, Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the non-profit National Vaccine Information Center, gives an illustrated overview of SARS-CoV-2, COVID disease and the COVID vaccine being recommended for children in the U.S. Reviewing scientific evidence and major questions about mRNA COVID vaccine, which is being given to children as young as five years old - with plans pending to target children as young as six months old beginning in the spring of 2022 - she encourages mothers to ask four questions about COVID and COVID vaccine when making an informed decision about vaccination.

The written text of this video is anchored with 300 live linked references on

Download here: Covid-Crimes-A-Witness-Dr-Richard-Fleming-2022-03-09.mp4 - 343,683 kb
By Galleries.Vidflow.Co - 9th March 2022
The Cat is Out of the Bag!

The Cat is Out of the Bag!!!Dr. Richard Fleming gives a sworn testimony and acknowledges that COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and the Vaccines are literally Bioweapons - and so much more...


  • 00:00 - Play from Beginning
  • 00:20 - Oath
  • 00:56 - Credentials -
  • 02:50 - Part 1: Is COVID-19 A Bioweapon?
  • 15:40 - Part 2: The Cover-Up
  • 21:50 - Part 3: Are the Vaccines Effective?
  • 30:13 - Part 4: Are the Vaccines Safe?
  • 37:46 - Part 5: Are the Vaccines Bioweapons?
  • 48:38 - Part 6: Action Plan

Download here: Covid-The-Curtain-Close-on-COVID-Theater-Florida-Governor-Ron-DeSantis-2022-03-08.mp4 - 193,996 kb
By: Governor Ron DeSantis - 8th March 2022
The Curtain Close on the COVID Theater in Florida

Florida Governor DeSantis hosts a roundtable with physicians nationwide on ending COVID theater once and for all.

Please watch the Florida Surgeon General's announcement about recommending against COVID-19 vaccines for children.

Time stamps
10:52: Introductions
38:10: Topic overview
44:10 Discussion begins

B Melis
My heart full thanks to the one doctor who apologized to the Barrington doctors. He has integrity and dignity.

Regina Lively
As St. Augustine said, Truth is like a lion. You don't need to defend it. Let it out and it will defend itself.
Thank you, Governor DeSantis, for letting the lion out!

Jeremy Rhodes
Time stamps
10:52: Introductions
38:10: Topic overview
44:10 Discussion begins

Canada Freedom Convoy 2022 Live
So many friends have recently come back from Florida saying things like: "Wow it was like life was back to normal!! It was beautiful." Thank you Florida for opening the eyes of the people still sleeping.

Bubba J
This panel should have happened two years ago. Those responsible for silencing medical professionals need to be dealt with!

Linda M
Big respect for the emergency doc for admitting he had been wrong about rejecting the Great Barrington Declaration.

Ginny Edmunds
The worst thing was the refusal to allow people to be a part of their own medical care

Jerilyn Bock
Thank you Gov. DeSantis! He's the only governor who's on the right side of history doing an excellent job getting the truth out about the covid debacle, not just for Floridians but for all of us.

Download here: Covid-Autopsy-Post-Vaccination-Myocarditis-Primary-Cause-of-Two-Teens-Deaths-2022-03-06.mp4 - 16,541 kb
By: TrialSite News - 6th March 2022
Autopsy: Post-Vaccination Myocarditis
"Primary Cause" of Two Teens' Deaths

Two teenage boys who, separately, were found dead in their beds three and four days after taking their second doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine likely died from toxic myocarditis, according to a February 15 clinical and autopsy early release study in the Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine of the College of American Pathologists.

Joe T.
I personally know of three people with myocarditis, three women that had miscarriages or stillbirths, a woman with permanent neurological issues, a man that lost his leg from severe rashes all over his body that became infected, a woman that got myocarditis and neurological issues after reluctantly taking the shots to keep her job, and she got so sick that she couldn't work and ended up losing her job anyways!

vicki alm
I can't even imagine the anger and sorrow the family's suffering

"I've never seen anything like it. I played for 17 years. I don't think I saw one person in 17 years have to come off the football pitch with breathing difficulties, clutching their heart, heart problems …
The last year, it's just been unbelievable how many people, not just footballers but sports people in general, tennis players, cricketers, basketball players, just how many are just keeling over. And at some point, surely you have to say this isn't right, this needs to be investigated." - matt le tissier, "on the record," oracle films.

My 14-year-old nephew was hospitalized in the Cardiovascular ICU at a CHOC hospital with Myocarditis after the first dose of Pfizer. He was a healthy, competitive Lacrosse player with no underlying health issues. The drs said that if he'd been competing at the time of the vx, he could have dropped dead.

He's 14!!!

He was one of 8 boys, ages 12-17, in the Cardiovascular ICU at the same time with Myocarditis after receiving the vx.

My kids dr told me NOT to vx my kids. She thought the risk outweighs the reward for young boys/men.

BTW, very coincidental that there's an ad for the "safe and effective" vx right under the headline for this video regarding Myocarditis.

Sure, "safe and effective."

Candy Clews
One neighbour of mine died within 48 hours of this second shot (previously fit and 40). My other neighbour has had a leg amputated due to blood clots, following his first shot (previously fit and 25). My adult daughter, who did not listen to me and got both shots, is now complaining of repeated violent headaches. I feel like I'm living in a horror movie. No one cares. No one is being held accountable.

art greyhorse
Its murder,and there's many more who weren't reported,or covered up,the same thing happened in UK

Download: Dr-Robert-Malone-and-Dr-Peter-McCullough-CDC-Federal-Govt-Vaccines-Killing-Public-via-Medical-Fraud-2022-03-03.mp4 - 68,527 kb
By: The New American - 4th March 2022
Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough
CDC, Federal Government & Vaccines
are Killing the Public via Medical Fraud

Two of the world's top doctors in their fields, Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough, both believe that the COVID pandemic response has been grossly politicized, which resulted in a tragedy of loss of human life.

The core problem is that the government controls healthcare, said Dr. Malone. The politicians dictating doctors on what kind of procedures and medicines to prescribe to their patients is favored by the Big Pharma, insurance companies, and big hospital chains, "but it is absolutely not the kind of medical care American people want," stressed the doctor.

The doctors also touched on the public health agencies such as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) withholding important data on COVID vaccines' safety and efficacy, and COVID infections and hospitalizations rate. That, the doctors said, constitutes a medical fraud, and called on the government insiders to blow the whistle on what is truly going on within the federal government.

Dr. Robert Malone is a holder of the nine original mRNA vaccine patents, which were originally filed in 1989, including both the idea of mRNA vaccines and the original proof of principle experiments and RNA transfection. Dr. Malone has close to 100 peer-reviewed publications which have been cited over 12,000 times.

Dr. Malone can be found at:

Dr. Peter McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, who manages the cardiovascular complications of both the viral infection and the injuries developing after the COVID-19 vaccine.

I really admire these two Doctors so much. They have my total respect and always have for their honesty and because to them this had nothing to do with politics, they were genuinely concerned for people's lives. Coming to the Republican side shows their willingness to just find the best place to get things done in an open honest way. The left have become a brainwashed cult and they really need help. It is so hard to talk to these people about the truth and the real science of covid and the mRNA gene therapy. They just don't want to see it. That is dangerous for everyone. The leftist media and leftist Big tech is dangerous for everyone even lefties.

no one will ever trust a doctor again!

I trust my homeopathic and acupuncturist doctors. My Medicare doctors have driven me away. Not everyone can afford to get away from them. I will not take the experimental injection.

Dr Malone and Dr McCullough Rock!!! The CDC needs to be dissolved. FDA needs to be rebuilt to put Honest Drs. I dont trust Drs anymore.

What goes around comes around, and the mainstream will soon come around.

I truly admire these two courageous doctors and their mission. They are diligently working to expose the truth and bring change to the sick and corrupt medical system.

Download: Real-News-A-Letter-to-Dr-Andrew-Hill-from-Dr-Tess-Lawrie-rebuking-him-for-downplaying-Ivermectin-2022-03-04.mp4 - 112.458 kb
By: Oracle Films - 4th March 2022
A Letter to Dr Andrew Hill from Dr Tess Lawrie,
rebuking him for downplaying Ivermectin

In October 2020 Dr Andrew Hill was tasked to report to the World Health Organisation on the dozens of new studies from around the world suggesting that Ivermectin could be a remarkably safe and effective treatment for COVID-19.

But on January 18th 2021, Dr Hill published his findings on a pre-print server. His methods lacked rigour, the review was low quality and the extremely positive findings on ivermectin were contradicted by the conclusion. In the end, Dr Hill advised that "Ivermectin should be validated in larger appropriately controlled randomized trials before the results are sufficient for review by regulatory authorities."

The researcher seeking a global recommendation on Ivermectin had instead recommended against it. A media onslaught against the medicine ensued. What were Dr Hill's reasons for doing so? Were his conclusions justified? Or were external forces influencing his about-face?

One year on, this film recalls exactly what happened from the perspective of somebody that experienced it first hand; Dr Tess Lawrie; also featuring contributions from Dr Pierre Kory and Dr Paul Marik who worked closely with Dr Hill during the same time frame.

⁣If you like what Oracle Films does, you can support us here:

Follow us on Telegram:

Download here: Covid-Ultra-Vaccinated-Locked-Down-New-Zealand-Sees-Record-Infection-Rate-2022-03-01.mp4 - 14,695 kb
By: TrialSite News - 1st March 2022
Ultra-Vaccinated, Locked-Down
New Zealand Sees Record Infection Rate

New Zealand, one of the world's most vaccinated nations, shattered its infection rate record recently as citizens continued to protest the Commonwealth nation's draconian lock-downs and vaccine mandates.

I'm in NZ and I'm one of those 2nd class citizens. I'm not even allowed to get a haircut, go to a restaurant or even volunteer at my local sports club. Even though cov is spreading through everyone regardless of vac status, the mandates remain. Something doesn't quite add up! What's going on? These politicians are insane.

Shayn Hacker
"It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled." – Mark Twain.

Amazing how they cannot see their plan isn't working. Eyes wide shut! May the citizens soon experience freedom again!

Jane H
Well well well.. Isn't it weird how many of those vaxxed people are getting sick. I've been working within Healthcare ever since before this outbreak. I'm not vaxxed and never got sick. My coworkers got sick after twice vaxxed and with booster and here I am, still working closely and never tested positive once.

George Scott
I'm in NZ and unvaccinated. I was an engineering manager and lost my job after 5 years due to the mandates. As mentioned below, can't get a haircut, gym, movies, restaurants, camping at national parks, university, running races, group activities, some medical clinics, and the list goes on… I wish common sense comes back to NZ. I would say I want to stick to my guns but we lost the majority of those too. We have plenty of sheep though.

lol, I'd rather be "vaccine hesitant" than have "vaccine regret" any day

Many people have had their immune system diminished by the lock downs and constant anxiety

Leon B
I'm in New Zealand and I can tell you we don't have the option to elect someone else because every party in our government is pro-vaccine and pro-mandate. Not one has spoken to the tens of thousands of us who've camped on their doorstep over the last 3 weeks. We need something new.

Helen Black
Thank you for mentioning the most taboo subject in New Zealand. There's an unwritten understanding to not mention anything unfavourable about the vaccine, covid-19 regulations and the no jab-no job mandates and it also encompasses studies, social activities, after school activities, can't get driving licence if not vaccinated, God forbid questions vaccine injuries, or stranded Kiwis overseas etc. Anyone who mentions anything that can cause vaccination hesitancy is publicly ridiculed. During the protest outside parliament protesters were talked about as 'river of filth' and ferals by parliamentarians. Jacinda Arden refused to comment when asked whether she though it was alright to call people names.

Download here: THE-SEQUEL-TO-THE-FALL-OF-THE-CABAL-PART-21-of-17-2022-02-26.mp4 - 57,832 kb
By: FallCabal - Janet Ossebaard - 26th February 2022
Part 21 /17: About nose swabs and PCR...

Part 21: Covid-19: Part 4 of multiple episodes about the biggest medical scam of all times. About nose swabs and PCR.

Download here: Covid-Poison-Control-issues-warning-about-COVID-19-rapid-antigen-tests-2022-02-23.mp4 - 5,709 kb
By: NewsNation - 23rd February 2022
Poison Control issues warning about
COVID-19 Rapid Antigen tests | Rush Hour

As homes across the country begin receiving the free at-home COVID-19 antigen tests, a new warning is being issued about a potential hazard.

Rush Hour is a no fluff, no filler newscast hosted by Nichole Berlie that taps into a nationwide network of thousands of journalists to get you up-to-the-minute news from across the country.

NewsNation is your source for fact-based, unbiased news for all America.

Shelley May
For those saying, "just read the direction and use it correctly", the question remains of why use a toxic substance to begin with. These kits aren't intended for use by medical professionals in a controlled setting. The liquid could spill or splash. Pets or wild animals could get in the trash. If you don't know a substance is potentially lethal, you don't know to take extra precautions when handling or disposing of it. Before people knew mercury was dangerous, they would just wipe up the liquid from a broken thermometer with a rag and throw the pieces in the trash.

This is exactly why you can't just moonwalk into anything government issued.

Brianna Morrison
I love how they always follow up with "It's only a small amount." There shouldn't be any amount of poison in something that comes in contact with your body. No matter how small the chance is, it's still a chance that someone will pay the price for.

SeahawksFan 72
Why does this not surprise me? Thanks for the free poison kits federal and state governments!

Yup, always looking out for our best interest. I can't help but be angered especially after questioning if these Nasal swabs can cause health issues/cancer in the future yet imposing workplaces and schools to be tested routinely. If I could, I will file a class action lawsuit.

Download here: Covid-The-Vaccine-Injured-with-Lynda-Wharton-of-Health-Forum-NZ-New-Zealand-Anti-mandate-Protest-2022-02-23.mp4 - 27,467 kb
By: John Mills - 23rd February 2022
The Vaccine Injured with Lynda Wharton of
Health Forum NZ | New Zealand Anti-mandate Protest

At the New Zealand Anti-mandate Protest at Parliament, there is a tent hosted by Health Forum NZ containing pictures and stories of numerous individuals who have sustained injuries due to the vaccine. We explore the tent while listening to Lynda Wharton speaking with the protestors about the work she does and providing details about the injuries recorded in their database.

Health Forum NZ - h

Please do your own research and fact checking.

Thank you very much, John.
What makes me sad is that we still have too many New Zealanders who can't see what's happening right now.

Thank you for showing this. People need to be aware of the dangers of just going along with what someone says to do just cos they're a scientist, a doctor, an officer, a professional. This has been like watching people willingly blindfolding themselves and recklessly running around thinking they're not gonna get hurt

Dean Carter
This is exactly why this was NEVER about health!! Controlling is what it's about!! Thank you for the INFORMATION

Ross Bell
Many thanks to you, John for your very informative and moving clip. It will be helping many people to think twice and take more informed decisions about their bodies. Well done!

Peter Cameron
Thank you for your trouble, effort and sacrifice for trying to warn people of what is really happening.
We are living through some kind of nightmare where our leaders seem possessed by a totalitarian cult.

Sasauge Uchiha
Damn it, I wonder if this could be because of how we don't aspirate before vaccination in nz. Could be that a lot of the jabs are going into blood vessels since they don't check. I'm at a point were if I don't get the jab I'm gonna miss out on my education, I really don't want to get it and not sure how much longer I can hold out.

Thank you for speaking truth unlike the MSM! It doesn't matter how many millions of people worldwide die from COVID - we will not tolerate any adverse reactions no matter how tiny the prevalence may be! Keep fighting for freedom!

Mousey Miller
I keep crying out asking for prayers because, I know our prayers are stronger together so please pray for me. I'm struggling to provide for my two autistic children since losing my job over not getting the vaccine. I have pre existing health condition (Lupus) My husband passed away three years ago, so I'm all alone. Both of my sons are non verbal so things are very difficult for me. I don't know how we are going to make it through this winter. We are facing eviction every month is a struggle. I'm so embarrassed of my situation. BUT NO MATTER WHAT I have Faith that God will provide!

Download here: Covid-Dr-Sam-Bailey-Shedding-Vaccines-and-Graphene-Machines-2022-02-22.mp4 - 141,897 kb
Dr. Sam Bailey - @drsambailey - 22nd February 2022
Dr. Sam Bailey
Shedding, Vaccines and Graphene Machines

This is BIG.
This is the one that many of you have been waiting for!
What has been injected into millions and millions of people? Nanotech? Graphene?
What is the origin of the spike protein and can the injected shed?

I keep hearing people say that these people have no power over us because there is only a hand full of them but thats just not true. The only reasosn they are where they are is because each of them are supported by millions of brain damaged boot lickers.

The thing is Sam, I am not a Dr and I saw this crap for what it was on day one. Dr's should not be excused, they sold out for the $$

Most Doctors have immense egos. I've known a lot of Doctors in my life. As a rule, they are well "educated" in their specific field, but quite ignorant about nearly everything else. Yet they opine with smug arrogance on things about which are almost completely ignorant. In general they seem to have good memories, but they are not any more intelligent than the average populaton.

This "pandemic" has exposed many medical profesionals for the charlatans they are, but they are still in power. Scientifically, we have entered a dark age. You are one of the few lights in the darkness.

It's interesting that they started writing about the GODs on Page 666

Thank you for your great work Dr. Bailey!
God bless you!

Gates ....another who purports to be human!!!

Download here: Covid-Dr-Carrie-Madej-Nanobots-Transhumanism-Never-Ending-Vaccine-HIV-Shedding-Detox-2022-02-19.mp4 - 84,417 kb
By: mariazeee - 19th February 2022
Dr. Carrie Madej - Nanobots, Transhumanism,
Never-Ending Vaccines, HIV, Shedding, & Detox

Dr. Carrie Madej takes us through meetings she previously attended where elite scientists and businesses met to discuss controlling human beings through technology, including punishing them for what they consider to be a "lie." Here's the kicker - they decide what is a lie and what is the truth.

Dr. Madej discusses the plan for transhumanism and integrating humans with AI, explaining how this has been made possible through the COVID-19 injections and the never-ending future cycle of injections planned for humanity.

She also discusses the incoming Social Credit System, HIV, shedding and detox.

You can follow Dr. Madej's work through her website:

3 Whistleblowers Who have given affidavits revealing the data from the Department of Defense that has been collected across the military These are the percentages of increases in the vaccinated population.

  • Heart Attacks 269%
  • Pericarditis 175%
  • Myocarditis 285%
  • Pulmonary Embolisms 467%
  • Cerebral Infarction 393%
  • Bell's Palsy 319%
  • Guillain-Barre 250%
  • Immunodeficiencies 275%
  • Menstrual Irregularity 476%
  • Multiple Sclerosis 487%
  • Miscarriage 306%
  • HIV 590%
  • Chest Pain 1,529%
  • Labored Breathing 905%

Thank you for these stats we need an uprising and take our country back, they are killing our military with these bullshit vaccines something gonna happen soon I feel it..

very enlightening, boils down to the age-old battle between good and evil, GOD and satan

Download here: Planes-are-dropping-like-footballers-Flies-sorry-after-vaccine-roll-out-2022-02-12.mp4 - 10,350 kb
By: B4UR1 Media - 12th February 2022
Planes are dropping like footballers...
..Flies sorry - after vaccine roll out

Small one pilot planes , busses and cars following the vaccine roll out

Great post! Who is singing the music in the video?

An old friend i lost to the covid lies, singing needle of death

Frank Ploegman
Wow! Great work of making this compilation. I found another one that I think was not mentioned in your video, but I could be mistaken:

Small plane crash in western Nebraska kills two
Crashed: November 2, 2021...

Fresh off the press:
Helicopter crashes into ocean just feet from Miami Beach shore
Crashed: Feb 19, 2022...

Jabbed Arteries/Veins All Plugged Up!

One small plane for man; a whole shit load of them crashing after a vaccine for mankind.

Download here: Covid-Australian-Govt-admitted-to-vaccines-containing-HIV-As-they-recall-over-50-million-doses-2022-02-12.mp4 - 15,879 kb
By: Learn Something New Today - 12th February 2022
Australian Gov't have admitted to vaccines
containing HIV, as they recall over 50 million doses!

Scott Morrison (the Prime Minister of Australia) has admitted to vaccines containing HIV, as they recall back over 50 million doses! But they say there's nothing to worry about.. WHAT?

Download here: Covid-Why-Do-Famous-Covid-Vaccinated-Comedians-Keep-Collapsing-comedian-K-von-shows-you-2022-02-11.mp4 - 84,417 kb
By: KvonComedy - 11th February 2022
Why Do Famous Covid Vaccinated Comedians
Keep Collapsing?! (comedian K-von shows you)

What do Bob Saget & Heather MacDonald have in common? Use your head & try to figure it out.

She didn't fall …she was PUSHED by Jesus!

Come see my "Stand Up" comedy tour. It's fun and different than the above

Rob Razzano
The part I think amazes me the most is this unyielding trust some people have in government given their history.

Nilda Chelfe
The fact that she brought up the name of Jesus while bragging how fine she is after the shots and then, lightning struck. Poetic Justice.

Wesley Byrd
The best ad anyone of us could ask for against the vax, thank you Heather McDonald for your perfect timing!!

Dad's Channel
My friend, 53 years old, who kept himself away from everyone during this so called pandemic, was fairly healthy, I'd say. He would talk to us from the top of the stairs whilst we stood outside at the open front door we went to drop presents and have a 10 minute chat with them before xmas. He'd had his shots and approx 3 weeks before Xmas 2021 had his booster...he died on boxing day 2021. They kept him longer than usual before doing an autopsy and then ruled it to be heart problems! 'First thing I asked when he died was "approx when did he have his booster?" There are far too many coincidences like this for it not to be linked to the vaccine.

Angel Moore
I would feel bad for her if she weren't one of the people who thinks that the unvaccinated should lose their jobs and be denied medical care. Hopefully this will be a wake up call to her and others like her who have shamed and shunned the rest of us.

Download here: Covid-Meanwhile-in-Sydney-Australia-same-funeral-directors-observations-as-in-the-UK-2022-02-06.mp4 - 3,190 kb
By: Medical Travelling - 6th February 2022
Meanwhile in Sydney, Australia. Same
funeral director's observations as in the UK
Lots of dead babies and young men!

Download here: Covid-Pfizer-cumulative-analysis-post-authorisation-safety-data-exposed-600-deaths-within-24-hours-2022-02-06.mp4 - 200,578 kb
By: The William Bisset Report - 6th February 2022
Pfizer cumulative analysis post authorisation
safety data exposed - 600 deaths within 24-hours!

The William Bisset Report: HORRIFIC Pfizer Data Unlocked by 80 Year Old Academic.

A Timaru, New Zealand, based 80 year old mathematician, tells of his findings into Pfizer data that was legally forced to be released, which included 600 deaths within 24 hours - along with a host of other inconsistencies.

In his working life, Philip has moved in close to a dozen different academic directions. His journey has embraced successful lawcourt work as an expert in mathematics and computer technology. In this video his past work lecturing in data organisation and control, opens up what we could call Pfizer’s previously tightly drawn dark curtains.

Click here for more information and treatment options.

Download here: There-was-an-unexpected-40-percent-increase-in-all-cause-deaths-in-2021-and-increased-insurances-claims-2022-02-03.mp4 - 18,752 kb
By: KUSI News - 3rd February 2022
There was an unexpected 40% increase in 'all
cause deaths' in 2021 and increased insurance claims

Suffer In Silence
Quite sure Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J could help answer this mystery.

Phillip stroll
Her Twitter account has been suspended. Which means she was 100% telling the truth. The only reason to silence someone is because you fear the truth.

The rise in deaths should be investigated not censored. Agree !

General disarray
We all know exactly what's going on, there's no mystery for those of us with eyes to see and ears to hear.

Laura Pfeifer
We are in a terrible place, where we can't even look at data freely, or converse freely. This can't end well. Im so glad this doctor is strong enough to talk about this. What would become of us if these people weren't brave? Thanks.

This woman should be honored. She's a decent human being. Bless you ma'am.

This woman knows exactly what is going on. She said as much as she could without getting canceled.

Download: Law-Special-Report-Undeclared-Nanotech-found-in-New-Zealands-Pfizer-Jabs-Government-on-Notice-2022-02-01.mp4 - 149,534 kb
By: Counterspin New Zealand - 1st February 2022
Special Report:
Undeclared Nanotech found in
New Zealand's Pfizer Jabs

- Government on Notice -

Bombshell evidence of nanotech particulates in the Pfizer Comirnaty injection have been found by NZ scientists and has resulted in the government being put on notice.

After being denied a meeting with the Director General of Health and other health officials, the information was presented to a Health Select Committee through lawyer Sue Grey where again attempts were made to stop the information from being presented.

Dr Matthew Shelton talks to Sue Grey about the findings and Donna Pokere-Phillips, a Maori Minister of the People outside of parliament, discusses being part of the event and what the findings mean and why she the agrees that the government is now on notice for crimes against humanity.

The fact that the injection includes such ingredients should be of concern to all New Zealanders. Share this far and wide.

If you want to support our work:

Nanotech in the shots? - from

For those who just want the short story: Here's the picture of one drop of New Zealand's Pfizer COMIRNATY "vaccine" under a cover slip, after it was inadvertently heated lightly, and viewed the same day through dark field microscopy at low magnification, projected onto a TV monitor.

Here’s the picture of one drop of New Zealand’s Pfizer COMIRNATY vaccine under a cover slip, after it was inadvertently heated lightly, and viewed the same day through dark field microscopy at low magnification, projected onto a TV monitor

These images below are after a new computer with decent graphics was purchased along with software for the camera.

Nanotech in the shots

Nanotech in the shots

Magnification increased on the image below - look closely.

Nanotech in the shots

Nanotech in the shots

The long story goes like this:

I am a physician in good standing, having a background in mathematics and physics from university, then specialized beyond internal medicine after residency. I've had extensive phase contrast microscopy experience.

People who were injured by the Pfizer jab started showing up in my practice. At this time in 2021, I didn't have a microscope.

Several doctors had come forward in other countries to report strange observations. Dr. Zandre Botha from South Africa showed the uniform strange round circles. La Quinta Columna showed what appeared to be microchips and other formations. Two other doctors talked about parasites and of all things, hydras!

This is not my first rodeo. Having previously experienced how those of us that critically look at the vaccine situation are heavily infiltrated by persons wishing to divert and control the narrative, I thought, "What is real?", "What is put forth in order to lead questioners to look like fools?"

Because of my previous extensive microscopy experience, learning to use a dark field microscope didn't take a huge amount of education. I took a 12 week course on live blood analysis using the most sophisticated dark field microscope and camera, that my money could buy. It magnifies up to 4000x.

After having a close look at the blood of dozens of vaccine injured people, patients started asking me about certain round and square bright yellow formations in their capillary blood as seen on the screen.

After having a close look at the blood of dozens of vaccine injured people, patients started asking me about certain round and square bright yellow formations in their capillary blood as seen on the screen

After having a close look at the blood of dozens of vaccine injured people, patients started asking me about certain round and square bright yellow formations in their capillary blood as seen on the screen

After having a close look at the blood of dozens of vaccine injured people, patients started asking me about certain round and square bright yellow formations in their capillary blood as seen on the screen

Nothing in the textbooks identified such things, and various people doing similar work, suggested that they might be crystals or some sort of slide or cover slip anomaly. At first, I just told the patients that it wasn't important—possibly uric acid or something like that.

Then several "empty" vials of Pfizer COMIRNATY vaccine were obtained. I trust the source of the shots 100%. The vials were from recent leftover vaccine after the shots had been given.

On a Friday in December, alone in my office, I took the vials out, thawed, and examined them. I drew up all the contents (just a few drops in each one) from each vial into a 3cc syringe with a 16G needle and put one drop of it on a slide with a cover slip, and another slide with a drop of vaccine mixed with a drop of human blood and put a cover slip on it.

The images that follow are from the different slides and were taken immediately after the slides were made...

I love tyranny!The above is only a part of the original and very exhaustive research. Needless to say, it just keeps getting worse.

Whatever you do, please DO NOT get the government sanctioned Covid Injections! It's GENOCIDE!

After having a close look at the blood of dozens of vaccine injured people, patients started asking me about certain round and square bright yellow formations in their capillary blood as seen on the screen

Download here: COVID-19-Unvaccinated-doctor-says-vaccine-mandates-are-wrong-2022-01-31.mp4 - 11,063 kb
By: Sky News - 31st January 2022
COVID-19: Unvaccinated doctor
says 'vaccine mandates are wrong'

Dr Steve James, who confronted the Health Secretary regarding COVID vaccinations, says NHS staff "do not want to be coerced" into getting a vaccine and making them mandatory is "wrong".

The Government is considering scrapping the vaccine mandate for NHS staff, due to concerns the sector could be left with a massive staffing crisis.

Dianne C
I love this doctor for standing up and giving his professional and honest opinion.
We need more like him.
People deserve to hear both sides and be able to make up their own minds.
The "vaccine" should be a choice and only a choice.

Tha Dude
I can't even describe the relief and joy I feel hearing a medical professional be publicly reasonable

How dare they to call him selfish. He is a doctor saving lives for years, been there through whole pandemic and this is their appreciation ? His body his decision. Well done standing your ground doctor James

Protect this doctor at all costs! He knows what he's talking about.

Cash kitty
She really thought she had him but he was far too intelligent for her. Bravo doctor

Imagine a newscaster trying to tell a DOCTOR someone who went through years of medical school about what's right and what's not.

Kay Burley has a very nasty attitude... questioning the doctor as though he was a criminal. How dare she, after being caught breaking lockdown rules. Her hypocrisy is disgustingly selfish.

Cynthia Solomon
These doctors are the opposite of selfish. They are demonstrating courage, integrity and discernment that has been notably absent from regulators and media. I applaud them and support them 100%. The decision to end the mandate is a victory for the public and for the nation.

Nathalie Detragiache
This woman is quite clearly well versed in the global narrative, but unfortunately, unable to think for herself. Bravo to this doctor for standing up to these scientifically unfounded mandates. Wish there were more like him!

yvonne mitchell
This doctor is a hero and should be commended for speaking the truth, standing up for the NHS and keeping calm when faced with such aggression. The only reason he can do this is because he knows what he is talking about and can cut through the BS with ease. Exposure is coming.

Demonize Coughs & Sniffles
Normalized Strokes, Bloot Clots,
Neurological Disorders & 'Died Suddenly'
30th January 2022

Demonize Coughs & Sniffles - Normalized Strokes, Bloot Clots, Neurological Disorders & Died Suddenly

Transvaccinated T-Shirt
I identify as someone who is vaccinated
30th January 2022

Transvaccinated T-Shirt - I identify as someone who is vaccinated

Download here: Jabcinda-Ardern-Says-Get-Boosted-When-Its-The-Vaxxed-That-Are-Spreading-Omicron-And-Viruses-2022-01-29.mp4 - 7,466 kb
By: Unknown - 29th January 2022
Jabcinda Ardern Says Get Boosted
When it's the Vaxxed that
are Spreading Omicron and Viruses
1 dot Jacinda Ardern

10 x Truck Drivers Wanted
Must have a Current Vaccine Passport
28th January 2022

10 x Truck Drivers Wanted - Must have current Vaccine Passport - must be vaccinated and still able to work

Download here: Covid-9-NEWS-Truth-Unmasked-So-after-2-years-NOW-they-tell-the-truth-2022-01-26.mp4 - 12,021 kb
By: steve - Aussie Sovereign Patriot - 26th January 2022
9-NEWS - Truth Unmasked
So after 2 years, NOW they tell the truth!

Carolyn Crawford
Can somebody show this to the delightful people who are mandating this for going out in public and even for kids above grade 3 when they start school in a week

People and health professionals have been saying this all along!!
It's amazing how the government and media can change facts to suit their agendas.

Justin Roselt
Most of us knew this from day one. Your jocks can't stop a fart and you thought a mask would work. It's never been about safety. It's a subconscious reminder someone else has control of you.

Donovan Scott
Can somebody show this to the police bearing people up for not wearing masks in Victoria ?!?

The amount of gaslighting from the governments and 'experts' is truly astounding.

Download here: Covid-Worldwide-Exclusive-Embalmers-Find-Veins-Arteries-Filled-with-Never-Before-Seen-Rubbery-Clots-2022-01-26.mp4 - 181,880 kb
By: Stew Peters Show - 26th January 2022
Worldwide Exclusive:
Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries
Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots

In this worldwide exclusive, Dr. Jane Ruby meets with board-certified Embalmer and funeral Director, Richard Hirschman who reveals, for the first time ever, arteries and veins filled with unnatural blood clot combinations with strange fibrous materials that are completely filling the vascular system. Many of the victims reportedly died of heart attacks and strokes. Mr. Hirschman reports that he found resistance when he tried to embalm these jabbed patients, and then found these strange materials and pulled them from the large vessels of the bodies. He also reported that he has gone from seeing 50% of his embalmed cases with these types of blockages rise to almost 80%.

This is so sad and disturbing. How many of us have loved ones potentially filled with these long clots?

donnatugs, 4 hours ago
My entire family has gotten all 3 shots and are waiting to get the 4th. They think I'm crazy for not getting them. :'(

Stay strong! We're all going thru this too. You're not alone. So sad

Oh you sound like me. All my family except one nephew have gotten the vaccines. Me and my nephew tried to get them not to, but they chose to and didn't want to hear anymore from us. We just have to leave them in the Lords hands. My heart aches for them, and I pray for all of us.

Yes, I even sent them the VAERS data, videos, and articles and they STILL ran out to get "vaccinated". It broke my heart.

I know. My very liberal gay son who lives in the woke portland communist society, convinced my wife (we're elderly) to get two shots, and then the booster later. I'm pissed and angry and feel helpless. Am hoping shit doesn't happen to her.

I am sorry. I wish I knew what to say to help her. She needs to go see a doctor and show him this video. That is all I know to do.

Your friends are SHEEP
My friends are LIONS
24th January 2022

Your friends are SHEEP - My friends are LIONS

Download here: Covid-Rory-Nairn-died-12-days-after-taking-Pfizer-jab-Rorys-Story-2022-01-24.mp4 - 184,763 kb
By: Counterspin New Zealand - 24th January 2022
Rory Nairn died 12 days after
taking Pfizer jab - Rory's Story

Rory Nairn took the Pfizer jab on the 5th of November 2021.

12 days later, on the 17th of November, Rory passed away tragically on the bathroom floor.

Ashleigh Wilson, his fiancée, stood helplessly by, unable to save him.

They had just bought their dream home, were due to be married on March 26th, 2022, and had planned to start a family.

This is Rory's story, as told by Ashleigh.

It's a heartbreaking tale, of a young couple, with a bright future ahead, that was stolen from them.

Whilst Ashleigh continues to grieve, she refuses to allow Rory's death to be in vain, as she fights for informed consent & an end to vaccine mandates.

Rory's Story first appeared in Counterspin Media Episode 50: "Will Fiancé's Death Awaken Jacinda Ardern? - Featuring Rory's Story" with an introduction from Ashleigh and discussions with guests. View here:

5 minutes ago
Our healthcare system is about to experience a tsunami! Potential side effects of jabs include chronic inflammation, because the vaccine continuously stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies. Other concerns include the possible integration of plasmid DNA into the body's host genome, resulting in mutations, problems with DNA replication, triggering of autoimmune responses, and activation of cancer-causing genes. Alternative COVID cures EXIST. Ivermectin is one of them. While Ivermectin is very effective curing COVID symptoms, it has also been shown to eliminate certain cancers. Do not get the poison jab. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can!

Covid Answers:
1) Simple but wrong, 2) Complex but right
21st January 2022

Covid Answers: 1) Simple but wrong, 2) Complex but right

You Cannot Take It Back
Once They Are Jabbed
Voices For Freedom
January 2022

You Cannot Take It Back Once They Are Jabbed - Voices For Freedom

You Cannot Take It Back Once They Are Jabbed - Voices For Freedom

Pandemic of the Fully Vaccinated in Australia
20th January 2022

Pandemic of the Fully Vaccinated in Australia

COVID-19 WEEKLY SURVEILLANCE IN NSW Epidemiological week 1, ending 8 January 2022 - from page 26.

Covid Cases by Vaccination Status in NSW, Australia

Download here: Covid-Texas-Doctor-Speaks-Out-After-Suspended-From-Hospital-For-COVID-19-Views-2022-01-20.mp4 - 9,293 kb
By: Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov - 20th January 2022
Texas Doctor Speaks Out After Suspended
From Hospital For COVID-19 Views

The Texas doctor, Mary Bowden, was suspended from Houston Methodist Hospital after sharing her views on COVID-19 on her social media accounts.

WD Foster
The fact that she was up there and said all that without referring to notes or a script is impressive. Lady obviously knows her stuff.

White Devil
Good for her. At least one doctor is not going to violate the path that she took. We need more doctors like this.

Sandy Starfish
God bless her, she really cares about what they are doing to us.

Women like these is what we need in America now more than ever.

Lukas D.
She's a hero, just like Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter A. McCullough and all the brave people who had the courage to come forward and tell the truth! They're honest people with morals, not like Fauci and company!

Daniel Penn
Proud of you doc. Takes a lot of bravery these days.

A Davies
This Lady was moving her body side to side to address the world not just a few in front of her
Thank you for your words

Justin Ruth
She is a true American and a "REAL" doctor. Before all do no harm…

Download here: Covid-Dr-Robert-Young-paints-a-horrific-picture-for-the-jabbed-2022-01-18.mp4 - 14,369 kb
By: pureblood - 18th January 2022
Dr. Robert Young paints
a horrific picture for the jabbed

"Nanoparticles So Tiny They Shut Down Your Consciousness."

6 children collapse on first day of
vaccinating children in New Zealand!
Vaccinators & media sweep it all under the carpet
17th January 2022

Children collapse on first day of vaccinating children in New Zealand! Vaccinators & media sweep it all under the carpet

Children collapse on first day of vaccinating children in New Zealand! Vaccinators & media sweep it all under the carpet

Protestor van at child New Zealand child vaccination centre

Voices For Freedom protestors at child New Zealand child vaccination centre

Download here: Kerry-Hurt-49-Paralysed-After-having-Covid-Vaccine-Jab-BBC-Reports-2022-01-16.mp4 - 32,487 kb
By: Owutale:Uncensored News - 16th January 2022
Kerry Hurt, 49 Paralysed
After having Covid Vaccine / Jab
BBC Reports

Thankfully Trump's Warpspeed meant most vials were rushed out as straight saline, instead of the mRNA Vaccines as planned by WEF / WHO / Bill gates etc.

Thus only multi millions were maimed and killed - rather than 'billions' as per the Agenda 2020 planning.

Download here: Covid-Fully-Vaccinated-People-Hospitalized-For-Virus-Surpass-Unvaccinated-in-Australia-2022-01-14.mp4 - 20,951 kb
By: Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov - 14th January 2022
Fully Vaccinated People Hospitalized For
Virus Surpass Unvaccinated, in Australia

I recently got sick from a group of fully vaccinated people, but it wasn't as serious compared to the vaccinated group that I got it from. They had it really bad.

miles clark
We have a friend that is trapped in London and cannot fly back ( fully vacced with bost) because she tested + Covid,and since she has been there in the last 3 weeks she has been tested 3 times, and each time you get a test they count you as a new case, so 3 new cases, now you know why the data is bogus.

Bonginkosi Motloung
To my unvaccinated sisters and brothers. Stay. STRONG. You not alone.

Patient: Does this provide immunity?
Doctor: Only for the manufacturer.

Emergency rooms have a lot of young people with chest pains. Many nurses and doctors don't want to get the jab for a reason.

This trend of not going to the hospital specifically because of COVID but being "accidentally" diagnosed because tests are mandatory in the facilities has happened since the begining. It's only that now they admit it, maybe because they are trying hard to prove va x benefits and this works in their favor. Thanks for your work

Download here: Covid-19-Vaccine-Collapse-Compilation-2022-01-07.mp4 - 22,156 kb
By: ProgressiveTruthSeekers - 7th January 2022
COVID-19 Vaccine Collapse Compilation

COVID-19 Vaccine Collapse Compilation

Are An Alarming Number of Athletes Collapsing and Many Died After Getting the COVID Vaccines

We have a list of links to cases of athletes who were injured or died. All of them are recent. The number of them seems excessive, all from heart complications.

Note: dates appear mixed (day.month.year and month/day/year) but they are all June to October 2021.

4.6.21, Italy, 29 years old
Italy: The 29-year-old ex-professional Giuseppe Perrino collapses during a charity game for his dead brother and dies.

7.6.21, Germany 38 years old
The table tennis professional Michael Schneider dies suddenly and unexpectedly.

12.6.21, Denmark, 29 years old
The footballer Christian Eriksen collapses lifelessly during a European Championship game – he can be revived if he needs a pacemaker for the rest of his life.

22.6.21, Hungary, 18 years old
Footballer Viktor Marcell Hegedüs died while warming up for training in Hungary.

14.07.21, Netherlands, 31 years old,
Olympic speed skating champion Kjelt Nuis, seriously ill after vaccination, with heart problems in hospital.

16/07/21, Egypt
Footballer Imad Bayumi died during a friendly match in Egypt.

07/22/21, Germany, 36 years old
On July 22nd, SV Olympia Schlanstedt and Germania from Kroppenstedt met. During the game Schlanstedts player Nicky Dalibor collapsed and had to be reanimated on the field .

07/23/21, Germany, 27 years old
Tim B. from SV Hamberge (Schleswig-Holstein) collapses after returning from a soccer tournament and dies.

07/24/21, Germany
A player from TuS Hoberge-Uerentrup (Bielefeld) collapses on the field with cardiac arrest.

07/31/21, Netherlands, 19 years old
The 19-year-old handball player Whitnée Abriska died of cardiac arrest just before a flight.

02.08.21, Belgium, 18 years old
Rune Coghe (18) from Eendracht Hoglede (Belgium) suffers a heart attack during game

02.08.21, Austria, 18 years
chronicle: 18-year-old unnamed player in Burgenland (Austria) collapses on the playing field and can be saved thanks to the use of a helicopter.

08/06/21, Germany
district league player of the SpVgg. Oelde II has to be revived by his opponent .

14.08.21, Belgium, 37 years old
The only 37-year-old former French professional footballer Franck Berrier died of several heart attacks while playing tennis .

08/15/21 Germany
goalkeeping coach of SV Niederpöring suffers heart attack after training .

8/16/21 France 24 years
Bordeaux pro Samuel Kalu breaks during a Ligue 1 game with cardiac arrest together

18.08.21, Belgium, 25 years old
Belgian soccer player Jente Van Genechten (25) suffers cardiac arrest in the early stages of a cup game .

21.08.21, Turkey, 31 years old
Fabrice N'Sakala (31) from Besiktas Istanbul collapses on the field without interference from the opponent and has to be taken to hospital

22.08.21, Italy, 29 years old
Pedro Obiang from the Italian first division club Sassuolo Calcio after Covid vaccination with myocarditis in hospital .

22.08.21, Venezuela, 30 years
Venezuelan national marathon champion Alexaida Guedez dies of a heart attack during a 5,000 meter run.

24.08.21, Luxembourg, 29 years old
José dos Reis, a player from Red Black Pfaffenthal (Luxembourg) collapses on the field and has to be resuscitated.

08/29/21, Germany
In the C-League Dillenburg ( Central Hesse) a player from Hirzenhain collapses , the game is canceled.

05.09.21, France, 16 years old
Diego Ferchaud (16 years old) from ASPTT Caen suffers a cardiac arrest in a U-18 league match in Saint-Lô.

06.09.21, Austria The
player of ASV Baden (Lower Austria) collapses on the field and has to be reanimated .

09/06/21, Italy, 16 years old
16-year-old unnamed football player in Bergamo suffers cardiac arrest

06.09.21, Belgium, 27 years old
Belgian amateur soccer player Jens De Smet (27) from Maldegem suffers a heart attack during the game and dies in hospital.

06.09.21, Italy, 13 years
13-year-old soccer player from the Janus Nova club from Saccolongo (Italy) collapses on the field with cardiac arrest

07.09.21, Great Britain, 17 years
old 17 year old soccer player Dylan Rich dies of a double heart attack during a game in England .

09.09.21, Germany
player from Birati Club Münster suffers in a regional league game against FC Nordkirchen II Eriksen fate: collapse with cardiac arrest. Game is canceled

09/10/21, Germany, 24 years old
Lucas Surek (24) from BFC Chemie Leipzig suffers from myocarditis .

09/11/21, France, 49 years old
Ain / France: Frédéric Lartillot succumbs to a heart attack after a friendly match in the locker room

09/11/21, Italy, 45 years old
Andrea Astolfi, sporting director of Calcio Orsago (Italy) suffers a fulminant heart attack after returning from training and dies at the age of 45 without any previous illness

09/11/21, Denmark, 22 years old
Abou Ali (22) collapses with cardiac arrest during a two-tier game in Denmark

09/11/21, Netherlands, 19 years old
The ice hockey player Sebastiaan Bos passed away suddenly and unexpectedly .

09/12/21, Austria, 40 years old
A half marathon runner collapsed during the race and died a little later.

9/13/21, Germany
Anil Usta from VfB Schwelm (Ennepetal) breaks on the field with heart problems together

09/13/21, France 33 years old
Dimitri Liénard from FC Strasbourg collapses with heart problems in a Ligue 1 game .

09/14/21, USA 37 years old
Ex-NFL professional Parys Haralson dies suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of 37 .

18.09.21, Germany 25 years old
Kingsley Coman (25) from FC Bayern Munich had an operation on the heart after an arrhythmia.

18.09.21, Canada 25 years old
Canadian university football player Francis Perron passed away shortly after a match .

19.09.21, France 19 years old
19 year old FC Nantes soccer player suffers cardiac arrest during training

19.09.21, Germany
volleyball trainer Dirk Splisteser from SG Traktor Divitz collapses dead on the sidelines

21.09.21, Augsburg
assistant referee of a Kreisliga Augsburg game in Emersacker , collapses with heart problems

09/21/21, Germany
At the women's World Cup qualifier between Germany and Serbia in Chemnitz, the English linesman Helen Byrne with heart problems has to be carried off the pitch

09/27/21, Germany Game abandoned
due to cardiac arrest of the referee in a game of Lauber SV (Donauwörth district)

27.09.21, Italy, 20 years old
Young rider suffers a heart attack at the end of a tournament .

9/28/21, Germany, 17 years
17-year-old soccer player of the JSG High Hagen has reanimated in Hannoversch Munden during game be

09.28.21, Italy, 53 years
53-year-old football coach Antonello Campus breaks in Sicily during practice with his youth team together dead

09/28/21, USA, 16 years old,
twice vaccinated teenager collapses while playing soccer and dies a little later.

09/29/21, Germany
Team leader Dietmar Gladow from Thalheim (Bitterfeld) suffers a fatal heart attack before the game

9/29/21, USA
A high school football player collapsed during practice and died in the hospital.

09/30/21, Germany
A player collapsed during the A 2 regional league game between SV Hoßkirch and TSV Sigmaringendorf. He suffered cardiac arrest and had to be resuscitated .

1.10.21, Germany, 15 years
young goalkeeper Bruno Stein from FC An der Fahner Höhe in Gräfentonna, Thuringia , died at the age of 15 .

October 3, 21, Austria, 64 years old
former goalkeeper coach and most recently talent scout Ernst Scherr died suddenly and unexpectedly .

4.10.21, Germany, 42 years old
Alexander Siegfried from VfB Moschendorf suddenly and unexpectedly collapsed and died.

7.10.21, Italy, 17 years old
A 17-year-old athlete from Colverde collapses while training with cardiac arrest .

8.10.21, France, 49 years old
SC Massay player suffers a fatal heart attack during the game .

9.10.21, Mexico
Caddy Alberto Olguin collapses on the golf course after a heart attack. It is said to be the second death of its kind within a short period of time.

9.10.21, England, 29 years old
Shrewsbury professional striker Ryan Bowman has to be treated with a defibrillator after half an hour of play with extreme heart problems.

10.10.21, Italy, 18 year old
soccer player suddenly faints on the field, is reanimated by his teammate .

10/10/21, France, 40 years old
A Saint-James player suffers a heart attack after warming up .

10.10.21, Italy, 59 years old
A long-distance runner from Biella dies of heart failure during a race.

10.10.2021, Germany
In the match between Wacker Mecklenbeck and Fortuna Freudenberg in the Women's Westphalia League , a player collapses shortly before the end without any opposing influence.

12.10.21 Germany, 25 years
goalkeeper of HC TuRa Bergkamen, Lukas Bommer, dies suddenly and unexpectedly .

13.10.21, Mexico, 16 years old
The student Hector Manuel Mendoza dies of a heart attack while training .

14.10.21, Brazil, 18 years old
The young professional footballer Fellipe de Jesus Moreira suffered a double heart attack and is fighting for his life.

14.10.21, Italy, 27 years old
The multiple cycling champion Gianni Moscon has to undergo an operation because of severe cardiac arrhythmias .

14.10.21, Italy, 53 years old
An AH footballer suffers a heart attack while training .

15.10.21, USA, 14 years old
The 14-year-old soccer player Ava Azzopardi collapsed on the pitch and is now fighting for her life in an artificial coma.

16.10.21, France, 54 years old
AH player Christophe Ramassamy died of a heart attack during a match .

17.10.21, France, 41 years old
A soccer player collapsed on the field and died , apparently due to cardiac arrest.

27.10.21, Austria, 26 years old
The Ghanaian Raphael Dwamena collapsed with severe heart problems . He was wearing a defibrillator before the incident.

28.10.21, Germany,
Hertha BSC co-trainer Selim Levent dies suddenly and unexpectedly while on vacation .

28.10.21, USA, 12 years
The 12-year-old Jayson Kidd collapsed during basketball practice and later died.

30.10.21, Spain, 33-year-old
striker Kun Agüero from FC Barcelona had to be replaced in a game due to heart problems . He is now in the hospital for examinations.

Vaccines kill people in three phases
- taking as long as a decade for all the
vaccine-induced cancer deaths to play out
6th January 2022

Although we’ve all seen people literally keel over dead from vaccine-induced heart attacks, most people who are on track to die from covid vaccines don’t die right away. There are three phases of covid vaccine mortality, described in this chart below:

Vaccines kill people in three phases - taking as long as a decade for all the vaccine-induced cancer deaths to play out

Remember that according to Dr. Ryan Cole, a Mayo Clinic trained, board-certified anatomic pathologist, 62% of patients injected with mRNA vaccines show micro blood clots...

Micro blood clotting is an early sign of vascular damage and heart damage. People receiving covid vaccines are often diagnosed with myocarditis, which has a 56% fatality rate over five years.

A study published by the American Heart Association — then widely censored by Big Tech — found that mRNA covid vaccines greatly increased the risk of vascular inflammation and therefore heart attacks and other vascular events. The risk of heart attack alone increased by 127% in a group of 500 patients, according to this one study.

As explains:

A new study suggests the mRNA injections produced by both Pfizer and Moderna are raising inflammatory blood markers used to estimate the risk of a person suffering a heart attack.

Dr Aseem Malhotra, a consultant cardiologist, points out that in the UK there have been 10,000 excess non-Covid deaths — many of which were due to heart attack and stroke.

A few days after these ominous results came out, a whistleblower and researcher from a different group contacted Dr Aseem Malhotra to say that in imaging studies they have found inflammation in the coronary arteries after vaccination. But they decided not to publish this yet because they are afraid of losing future grant money from the drug industry. The whistleblower was quite upset about this.

Dr. Charles Hoffe (Canada) is also reporting substantial increases in blood clotting among mRNA vaccine takers. Via LifeSiteNews:

The core problem he has seen are microscopic clots in his patients' tiniest capillaries. He said, "Blood clots occurring at a capillary level. This has never before been seen. This is not a rare disease. This is an absolutely new phenomenon."

Most importantly, he has emphasized these micro-clots are too small to show up on CT scans, MRI, and other conventional tests, such as angiograms, and can only be detected using the D-dimer blood test, a standard test that indicates whether blood clots are being actively formed somewhere within a person's vascular system.

Using the latter, he found that 62 percent of his patients injected with an mRNA shot were positive for clotting, not a small fraction that can be easily dismissed.

Download here: Fake-News-Twitter-bans-prominent-US-vaccine-scientists-account-over-alleged-misinformation-2022-01-04.mp4 - 7,993 kb
By: WION - 4th January 2022
Twitter bans prominent US vaccine scientists'
account over alleged misinformation
Dr. Robert Malone warns about the harmful effects from the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines

When it comes to social media platforms, free speech and the spread of misinformation and fake news are divided, by a thin line. Many fail to understand the difference, and sometimes even the social media platforms themselves have no clue as to what are facts and what are essentially fake news. This is a controversy in which Twitter now seems to be mired.

Dr. Robert Malone on Wikipedia
The Chief Architect of mRNA platform technology is blowing the whistle on the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. And if he is correct, we are all in grave danger – and 16,000 of his fellow scientists agree with him.

"I think I may be the only one that has been involved deeply in the development of this tech that doesn't have a financial stake in it..." explained Dr. Robert Malone in an interview with podcast personality Joe Rogan. "(I'm speaking out) because what's happening is not right. It's destroying my profession; it's destroying the practice of medicine worldwide; it's destroying public health in medicine. I am a vaccinologist. I spent 30 years developing vaccines... I am personally offended by watching my discipline get destroyed for no good reason at all..."

You know something is seriously wrong when experts are being silenced.

Adeimous Ragnarok
Imagine being a legitimate Scientist and being silenced by ppl.who are literally not Scientists

Irma Auret
This means he told the truth!

Dustin Neely
In a sea of lies telling the truth is a revolutionary act! God bless Dr. Malone.

joe 360
Well done WION. This is how news should be reported.

Anthony Mirabile
People should boycott all social media platforms in 2022.

b kay
Cancel Twitter! Disgusting censorship.

Download here: Covid-Full-Interview-with-Dr-Robert-Malone-Inventor-of-mRNA-Vaccine-2022-01-04.mp4 - 20,951 kb
By: Dana Loesch - 4th January 2022
Full Interview with Dr. Robert Malone
Inventor of mRNA Vaccine

Shirley A. Rix Trusty
Wonderful interview with Dr Malone, a must watch

DebbieTom Dodson
We never sacrifice our children we protect Them at all cost No matter what

Shane Jones
Dr malone is the main man . He should be in charge

Maria Anne
A must watch is his interview with joe rogan on spotify -
3hrs long and worth every minute !

Doedie Koen
This is not false -we have also human rights..

Teresa Prestia
Dr Robert Malone you are champion for speaking the truth great interview.

Tudy Jordan
Great interview with Dr Malone. More people should listen to his truth than Dr Faucis lies!!!

Elizabeth Ann
Glad to see you interview Dr. Malone - Probably the most sought out interview right now; "ran out of time"

Daryl Reuschel
Thanks for the real truth. Happy New Year to you and your family

Fulvio Di Blasi
recover quickly, Dana! Here's praying for you!

Beth Jones Barnes
Thank you for continuing to share truth!

Bryan Hodson
Lol Facebook fact checkers dinged me for sharing saying I posted false information on my timeline. Lol it's not my information. And turns out fact checkers are OPINION. Go home Facebook/Meta, you're drunk.

JC Smit
Thank you Dr. Malone. We stand behind you.

Jodi Skoien-Tucker
Any Reports on how many children or teens have developed Dysautonomia, Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome?

Helen Roditis
This is a consciousness crisis.

Matt S Curzon
Already shared... & was tagged for misinformation by people SEVERELY less qualified to speak/judge on the matter

Pat Curran
This man who tell's the truth has been banned over every site,must be hitting the right nerve,governments don't like people like him because they want to carry on with the world reset.

Download: Anthony-Fauci-We-are-seeing-people-who-are-vaccinated-and-boosted-who-are-getting-breakthrough-infections-2022-01-03.mp4 - 1,481 kb
By: John Talks - 3rd January 2022
Dr. Anthony Fauci:
"We're seeing people who are vaccinated and
boosted who are getting breakthrough infections"

Ryan Burns
The people with 13 boosters will be blamed for endangering those with 14

Dreist Studios
Getting my 6th booster tomorrow!!! Half my body is numb and my eyes don't close anymore but at least I'm protected against the unprotected

Never has a short clip summed up how stupid this entire thing is; thank you.

Beat Met
Remember, he's not actually a practicing physician, he's a bureaucrat. He's more knowledgeable about directing funding for large bureaucracies than treating infectious diseases.

Christina Wilkinson
He is laughing his head off knowing that he can say whatever nonsense he wants and for some reason half the world will take heed. Hilarious hey

Felix Jackson
This guy has lost touch with reality,not to mention integrity,truth,science,empathy and reason.

Tim Whale
How this man is walking around free and not in prison is any sane person's guess.

He's contradicted himself many times on this matter in the past, but that's gotta be his personal, best record as far has how long it took him!

Download here: Law-Police-ordered-to-GET-OUT-by-Queensland-cafe-owner-and-Angry-Locals-2022-01-03.mp4 - 104,365 kb
By: Milika*Creative*ARTS - 3rd January 2022
Police ordered to GET OUT by
Queensland cafe owner & Angry Locals

To STAND, and know your right. Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie

Aussie Cossack You Tube:

Local man kicks police out of his cafe The Vintage Apron in Capalaba Central, Queensland. Excellent work by bystanders and members of the public who flocked to his assistance. Great work team Australia! A Win to the People! #WinToThePeople #FilmThePolice
Lets all leave them a 5 Star Google Review - Tell them the Cossack sent you:

James Larkin
As bad as it's been here in the US with mandates, and it's been bad! I've been watching your Country. The tyranny brought on to Australia's citizens by their so-called elected officials cannot go unpunished! They have completely lost their way! Keep fighting Australia and hold them accountable! Americans support Australians and their fight for Freedom!

kevw mobile
It's time to stand up and against tyranny. Love to see the customers stand up.

Captain Canuck
I wish more of my countrymen would stand up to police tyranny.The faster we do the faster this bs ends.

Shane Baird
This is what we all need to do. No more compliance.

Gary Schaaf
The people in Australia needs to resist and do not ever comply.

Edward Murphy
This was a beautiful thing to watch! Everyone uniting together to protect a fellow brother's place of business.

Jennifer Lynn Lyon
Law enforcement has no idea how much trouble their really in. Fight back Australia!

William Wilson
This is B.S. all the government's are trying to do this. I'm glad to see common sense people standing their ground!

If your boss says "Have sex with me or you're fired!" it's considered coercion - but taking 'the shot' is not?
1st January 2022

If your boss says "Have sex with me or you're fired!" it's considered coercion - but taking 'the shot' is not?

What Life Felt Like In 2021
Yes, you are all wrong!

By: Unknown - 1st January 2022

What Life Felt Like In 2021. Yes, you are all wrong!

Page Footer...
[Everything below this line is repeated on most pages]

We are fighting a spiritual war
10th August 2024
Paris Olympics - We are fighting a spiritual war!
Revelation 18:2 "And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

Hard Times Create Strong Men...
Hard Times Create Strong Men - Strong Men Create Good Times - Good Times Create Weak Men - Weak Men Create Hard Times.

Some people wouldn't know
tyranny if it bit them on the ass!
Some people wouldn't know tyranny if it bit them on the ass!

Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!
Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!

This is a question that stupid
people & traitors cannot answer:
Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?
This is a question that stupid people & traitors cannot answer: Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!
30th June 2023
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!

Being awake isn't cool. It means having to dumb down 98% of your conversations every day, so you don't sound like a lunatic.

Attitude to monsters after putting up with their shit since late 2019...

Plan F - The Fuck Off plan!

When people you don't even know hate you, That's when you know you're the best.

mRNA jabs are doing the job
slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!
30th June 2023
mRNA jabs are doing the job slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!

20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities
It's called GENOCIDE!
13th June 2023
20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities - It's called GENOCIDE!

"A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030"
It's called GENOCIDE!
12th May 2023
A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030 - It's called GENOCIDE!

World Economic Forum - Committed to Enslaving the Whole World

Nothing says "Trust the Science"
like asking for the data
to be hidden for 75 years!
18th March 2023
Nothing says Trust the Science like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years! Shhhhh....

Superheroes bow down to the
Big Pharma / Businessmen / Doctors
11th February 2023
It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT
26th November 2022
Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT

The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get
jabbed is like sending a post card from
the Titanic saying: "Wish you were here!"
20th November 2022
The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: Wish you were here!

Ten Stages of Genocide
As taught by WEFers Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau etc - August 2022

Ten Stages of Genocide

The Good Reset
Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's,
Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

28th July 2022
The Good Reset - Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's, Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

Covid Variant / Booster
The Merry Go Round From Hell
22nd December 2021

Covid Variant / Booster - Merry Go Round From Hell

Experimental Injections
Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel
13th November 2021

Experimental Injections - Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel

Death is coming for you stupid!

I am fully Vaccinated and Boostered, and just tested positive for Covid-19. I am grateful for the protection my vaccines continue to provide.

The 5-Step COVID 'Vaccine' RISK / BENEFIT ANALYSIS - September 2021

Trump's swamp draining service

When the population understands this picture, it will change everything.

"You can fool all the people some of the time.
You can fool some of the people all the time.
But you cannot fool all the people all the time!"

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Attributed to Edmund Burke. Also by John F. Kennedy in a speech in 1961.

The Great Cow Analogy

Donald J. Trump - They should never have touched the children!
'They should never have touched the children!'
Donald J. Trump - President of the United States of America

'They should never have touched the children!!' President Donald J. Trump

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Abortion: Modern Day Child Sacrifice
Psalms 106:37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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Banned Videos - Education instead of Indoctrination - Better than Google
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Rumble is your rights management video platform. Host, distribute and monetize all your professional, social and viral video.  

If someone accuses you of wearing a tinfoil hat...,
remind them that it's better than wearing a blindfold!

Q - Apr 17 2020 - We are ready. [Set 1] Mission good. Q Q
"Where We Go One, We Go All"
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Q President John F. Kennedy