The Punisher treason: noun: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government
White Hats
Embrace the sometimes painful truth of reality
Remain in the blissful ignorance of illusion
If there is no such thing as a CONSPIRACY - why is the word CONSPIRACY in the dictionary?
Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'   Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell
Click here... Stockholm Syndrome is also a result of Governmental / Pharmaceutical / Media Propaganda
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL and Embraces GENOCIDE

The Pandemic is just a DECOY...
Covid Passports, Kill Shots & Depopulation are the goals
DEMOCIDE - one injection at a time! C/o Bill Gates, the WEF, CIA, WHO and your: politicians / doctors / nurses etc...
DEMOCIDE - one injection at a time!
[C/o Bill Gates, the WEF, WHO, UN, CIA, FBI and
your: politicians / doctors / nurses, police etc...]

2023 - July to December
> 2024 January to June   > 2024 July to December
> 2023 January to June   > 2023 July to December
> 2022 January to June . > 2022 July to December
> 2021 January to June   > 2021 July to December
> 2020 and prior    

>> Go to REAL HEALTH TIPS page >>

Document The CHURCH of COVID has created millions of vaxxed members absoutely terrified of 2024 - 31st December 2023
Video NFL Superstar Travis Kelce Receives $20 Million from Pfizer for Shilling the New COVID Clot Shot - 27th December 2023
Document SUMMER OF DIED SUDDENLY - MEN ages 30-39 who died between May to November 2023 - 27th December 2023
Video New Zealand's Greatest Political Lie of the Century!!! Government mandates were REAL! - 24th December 2023
Video Billy Te Kahika's prison sentence for Covid-19 lockdown protest overturned on appeal - 22nd December 2023
Video NZCCI - Launch of the NZ Citizen Covid-19 Inquiry - 19th December 2023
Video UNSAFE AND INEFFECTIVE - The Biggest Lie Ever Sold - 17th December 2023
Video Senior Constable Dan Picknell, Whistleblower and NZ Hero - Letter To NZ Police Commissioner - 13th December 2023
Video Australian Gov't gives Covid vaccine manufacturers blanket indemnity for products that are UNFIT FOR PURPOSE! - 11th December 2023
Document COVID VAX DOSES PLOTTED AGAINST COVID 19 DEATHS - The real data Health New Zealand don't want you to see? - 9th December 2023
Video NZ Government claims that their NZ Government Covid-19 Vaccine Data is Misinformation! - 8th December 2023
Video EXCLUSIVE: New Zealand COVID Lethal Injection Whistleblower Gives First Interview, Drops Huge Truth Bombs! - Alex Jones Show - 6th December 2023
Video Fully Covid-19 vaccinated Montreal Mayor Valerie Plante collapses during press conference - Bonus video of her getting boosted! - 6th December 2023
Video Liz Gunn calls for Jacinda Ardern to be forced to return to NZ, with her passport held and tried for democide - 6th December 2023
Video Steve Kirsch: Covid Vaxx Killed MILLIONS Worldwide! – Leaked Whistleblower Data from New Zealand - 5th December 2023
Document AS THE WHISTLE BLOWER MADNESS SWIRLS... What about all the Kiwi's now living with DAMAGED KIDNEYS? - 5th December 2023
Video Emergency video from Liz Gunn - Police arresting whistleblower for WARNING THE PUBLIC about Covid Vaccine Deaths! - 4th December 2023
Video Excess deaths of young people around the World dying of strokes, heart attacks and other diseases - especially in high vaccine rate countries - 4th December 2023
Video New Zealand Whistleblower's Covid Vaccine Death Data Dashboard For The World! - 3rd December 2023
Document Moderna confirms COVID mRNA Vaccines cause Cancer - Pfizer's mRNA jab for COVID also contaminated with cancer-causing DNA fragments - 2nd December 2023
Video Uncensored: Liz Gunn NZ Government Whistleblower EXPLODES Worldwide!!! Accountability is COMING! - 1st December 2023
Video M.O.A.R (Mother Of All Revelations) - The crucial data On New Zealand's excess deaths from the Covid jabs - 30th November 2023
Video Eulogy for the COVID Kapos - NO AMNESTY FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY! - 28th November 2023
Document Senior Police Constable Dan Picknell reveals: NZ Police Shown Clearly To Let Down People of New Zealand - 26th November 2023
Video Get the jab, get the treats... Win KFC, a stereo, cash, sickness or death... - 24th November 2023
Video Hang on! The U.S. Military just did WHAT to unvaccinated soldiers? They want them back! SERIOUSLY!! - 21st November 2023
Document Office for National Statistics (UK) - the more vaccines and boosters people received, the more they died! - 21st November 2023
Document Pilot Warns of Airline Industry Disaster Due to COVID Vaccines - "He has found official data that back up his claim of impending global catastrophe." - 15th November 2023
Video Charges Dropped Against Albertan Restaurant Owner Jesse Johnson, Who Refused to Discriminate During COVID - 12th November 2023
Video Covid: The Fifth Wave - Get boosted! - Wear a mask! - The Return of Michael Baker - 12th November 2023
Video Fifth wave of COVID-19 prompts call from health officials - NZ Government & Mainstream Media Urge Extreme FEAR! - 12th November 2023
Video Shot Dead The Movie - Covid shot deaths as told by the parents who lost their children - 11th November 2023
Video MUST WATCH: Philippines Government committee votes in favour to launch investigation into over 327,000 unexplained excess deaths between 2021 and 2022 - 8th November 2023
Video You can now get ACC for Covid Vaccine Injuries, as previously NO ONE was able to make an 'informed decision' about the RISKS - 31st October 2023
Video OPERATION M.O.A.R. - The Mother of all Revelations - Tens of thousands of deaths in New Zealand linked to the Covid Jabs - 21st October 2023
Video Pfizer / Moderna shares plummet due to high public resistance to Covid-19 Kill Shots - 18th October 2023
Video "OH SHIT! Pfizer is heading for bankruptcy?! Mega Vaccination Hesitancy" - FRAUD: Pfizer switched vaccines & deceived everyone!- 18th October 2023
Document Secret Deals made in New Zealand for 11,000 Covid-19 Jab Exemptions! - 10th October 2023
Video Song - 5 Times August - There Ain't No Rock and Roll - 7th October 2023
Video Vaccine Inventor REFUSES New Covid Booster! - 5th October 2023
Video Disease X: The Next Pandemic Could Kill 50 Million People | Vantage with Palki Sharma - 3rd October 2023
Video Fully Vaccinated LGBTQ+ Queer NZ PM Chris Hipkins Tests Positive for Covid-19 Days Before the Election! - 2nd October 2023
Video Covid 19 Vaccine Zionist JewJab Injury Compilation - 1st October 2023
Video The 2020 GENOCIDE and how they did it. Perfectly explained in 3 minutes - 30th September 2023
Video It's not a vaccine! It's a permanent GENETIC TOXIN! YOU ARE NO LONGER HOMO SAPIEN! - 30th September 2023
Document How to Collect Anterior Nasal Specimens (Nasopharyngeal) for COVID-19 Testing and Create Slaves - 30th September 2023
Video COVID-19 Vaccine Claimed to be 100% Effective in Preventing Deaths. It was a HUGE Lie! - 27th September 2023
Video Chasing down the doctor who killed his sister with the Covid Bioweapon Vaccine Shot! - 18th September 2023
Document COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout History in New Zealand - What jab (clot shot / kill shot) are we up to now?) - 15th September 2023
Video Dr. David Martin calls for the total destruction of the World Health Organization (WHO) for Crimes Against Humanity & Bio-Terrorism - 13th September 2023
Video THE COVID CLOTS: Why the vaccinated (& unvaxxed) are sick and dying? Microclots... Why were Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine banned? - 13th September 2023
Document Fully Covid vaxxed trans Julie Rei Goldstein mocks the unvaccinated - then succumbs to the Clot Shot Myocarditis - 10th September 2023
Document PFIZER / SOUTH AFRICAN VACCINE CONTRACT REVEALED - Our Government has been lying to us! - 9th September 2023
Video Whoopi Goldberg keeps getting Covid-19 despite all her Covid Vaccines! Then and now - 8th September 2023
Document Thanks for making us a vaccine. We made you a play swing... - 8th September 2023
Video Winston Peters wants an enquiry as to how many people have injuries or died from Covid Vaccines - 8th September 2023
Video Jimmy Dore & Bret Weinstein Nuremberg Violations & How People Were Forced To Take COVID Vaccines - 8th September 2023
Video Chris Hipkins and the Lies of the Labour Party - Liar Liar Pants On Fire! - 6th September 2023
Video Mike Hosking - Chris Hipkins doubles down on his statement that: "Nobody was forced to be vaccinated!" - 5th September 2023
Video COVID tyrants: "Nobody was forced to take the jab" - [Except most of the population!] - 5th September 2023
Document Hipkins: 'There was no compulsory vaccination, people made their own choices' - 4th September 2023
Video New Zealand's PM Hipkins has pushed back on calls for compensation for Covid vaccine injuries, saying "people made their own choices." - 4th September 2023
Video NZ Government COVID-1984 Announcement - Vaccinate against the Labour BS 24/7 Variant - 4th September 2023
Video New Zealand PM Chris Hipkins says there was no compulsory vaccination & that people made their own choices - 4th September 2023
Video Texas BANS Covid Vaccine and Mask Mandates & Restrictions Statewide! - 31st August 2023
Video Pilot tells all. Pilots will not submit to anymore Covid Vaccines as their hearts are all fucked! - 31st August 2023
Video Covid VACCINE injury compilation - 28th August 2023
Document JAG Sentences 10 Clot Shot-Loving Physicians to Hang - [JAG: Army Judge Advocate General's Corps] - 27th August 2023
Video We're doing it again with more Viruses, Mask Mandates, Lockdowns and Deadly Vaccines coming soon! - 27th August 2023
Video This Evil won't end until We END it. If you stood down in 2020, then stand up now! - 20th August 2023
Video Covid-19 mRNA vaccines - Have you ever seen Clots like this? DO NOT WATCH if squeamish! - 16th August 2023
Video Australian Senate Hearing: Vaccines shouldn't cause an autoimmune response against your own healthy cells - 10th August 2023
Video Australian Senate Hearing: Overwhelming evidence. Pfizer / Big Pharma deceived the public and has VOIDED their INDEMNITY! - 10th August 2023
Video Australian Senate Hearing: Moderna can't explain why their vaccine has 3 times more mRNA than Pfizers - 9th August 2023
Video MANDATE MADNESS EXPOSED! Why Australia Needs A Covid-19 Royal Commission - 8th August 2023
Video Big Pharma Denies People Were FORCED To Get The Covid Jab - 8th August 2023
Video The Covid Vaccinated still get Covid! That's Not How Vaccines Are Supposed To Work! - 8th August 2023
Video Pfizer lies to Senator Pauline Hanson and says: "Nobody was forced" to take vaccines in Australia. - 5th August 2023
Document Lawyer and anti-Covid vaccine campaigner Sue Grey found NOT to have breached conduct standards - 4th August 2023
Video Australian senate Hearing: Pfizer can't explain why their Covid Vax causes myocarditis! Senate Hearings on Covid Adverse Events - 4th August 2023
Video Pfizer claims no one was forced to get the Jab! - 4th August 2023
Video The Dark Side Of Hollywood They Try To Hide - Then This Happens - 1st August 2023
Video Australian Comedian Regrets Getting The Covid Vaxx! - 31st July 2023
Video Senior ABC journalist caught on hot mic making 'astonishing' COVID admission - 31st July 2023
Document Covid cover-up: Wuhan lab leak suspicions, Anthony Fauci and how the science was silenced - 28th July 2023
Video Why are they all suddenly getting this? Weird Coincidence Deaths after getting Covid Jabs! - 26th July 2023
Video IceCube Gives One of the Best Answers Ever Why He Didn't Get Jabbed - 26th July 2023
Video Dr. Bryan Ardis - PROTOCOL FOR MANAGING Long Covid / Long Vaxx Snake Venom with Nicotine, Ivermectin etc - 24th July 2023
Video Damning new evidence reveals what leading scientists 'really' thought of COVID origins - 24th July 2023
Video ADVERSE EVENTS EXPLODE FOLLOWING IMMUNISATION - Western Australian Vaccine Safety Surveillance Annual Report 2021 - 14th July 2023
Document WEF - Global Health: Disease X - this is how we should prepare for the next big virus - Satan's genocidal plans revealed - 10th July 2023
Video "CAUSE UNKNOWN" - Why Are People Suddenly Dropping Dead? | CBN NewsWatch - 7th July 2023
Video The Regret of Non Compliant People - Because they refused to get the Covid Jabs - 5th July 2023
Traitors Bill Gates - the traitor behind 5G / Covid-19; and his ultimate plan to vaccinate the World with his 5G / Covid-19 vaccination and AI tracking technology

Certified IDIOT! Imagine A Vaccine So Safe You Have To Be
To Take It! For A Disease So Deadly
You Have To Be Tested To Know You Have It!
Satanic Pharmaceutical System

WARNING re Covid mRNA Injections

You simply CANNOT unvaccinate yourself of these Kill Shots!So you have participated in the GENOCIDE PROGRAMME and injected yourself for your: work / partner / or to 'fit in' socially etc; despite the hundreds of thousands of medical professionals who have been warning the whole World about the dangers of: modifying your RNA / DNA and shutting down your God given immune system!

Now you are filled with Covid 'Vaccination Remorse' (aka Jabber's Remorse) and are totally concerned about suffering extreme 'serious adverse reactions', so you have decided to find a 'wonder pill' as a cure. The reality is, unless you received a 'saline solution' (like many politicians and other key players in this Genocide Programme, or a miracle healing from your Creator God), or have access to a Med Bed, you simply CANNOT UNVACCINATE yourself of these Kill Shots!

[Note: At this stage, scientific studies from the UK and Israel show that the life expectancy for many 'fully vaccinated' recipients is just 3-5 years!]

How Bad is My Batch
Check out your batch code (lot number) for: Moderna - Pfizer - Janssen etc here:

Remedies and protocols (see here) that you take to reduce side effects / pain etc from the injections / shedding / spike proteins etc, will possibly be for the remainder of your life - as all you will be doing is alleviating the symptoms of the inevitable - VAIDS (Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) and eventual DEATH (yes, the Covid injections include the A.I.D.S virus and nano / graphene technology (all patented) - that turns many surviving recipients into patented 5g routers / transhumans / human 2.0.)

So please, take this opportunity to seek the Lord God (Creator of the Heavens and Earth) and make peace with Him. [Note: Globalists, politicians, scientists, doctors and merchants created this mess - so stop blaming the Purebloods and your Creator God!]

No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.

"I have met many people who regretted GETTING the Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine - but I have never met anyone who regretted NOT GETTING the Vaccine!"

has created millions of vaxxed
members absoutely terrified of 2024
31st December 2023
The Church of Covid has created millions of vaxxed members absoutely terrified of 2024

Download here: NFL-Superstar-Travis-Kelce-Receives-20-Million-from-Pfizer-for-Shilling-the-New-COVID-Clot-Shot-2023-12-27.mp4 - 5,481 kb
By: Megyn Kelly and BLUX - 27th December 2023
NFL Superstar Travis Kelce
Receives $20 Million from Pfizer for
Shilling the New COVID Clot Shot

Step into the world of health and sports with 'Travis Kelce Pfizer Commercial (FULL)', presented to you by BLUX. This engaging advertisement features Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, who, amidst swirling rumors about his personal life, has firmly established his role in a significant pharmaceutical partnership.

Kelce, known for his dynamic presence on the field, brings his athletic prowess and charisma to this new venture with Pfizer. In a recent announcement on his Instagram, marked with #PfizerPartner, Kelce launched a full-length video that cleverly encapsulates the concept of 'doing two things at once.'

Throughout the video, viewers are treated to a montage of Kelce effortlessly multitasking - working out, enjoying dinner, and even mowing the lawn, all while catching a football, conducting interviews, or floating in a hot air balloon. This playful take on multitasking aligns perfectly with the message Pfizer aims to convey.

The commercial culminates in a scene where Kelce is in a doctor's office, showcasing two adhesive bandages on his arm – a subtle yet effective nod to the importance of staying up-to-date with vaccinations.

The narrator underscores this by mentioning the convenience of requesting a COVID booster alongside a flu shot, emphasizing the ease and efficiency of managing health needs.

This partnership between Travis Kelce and Pfizer is more than just an advertisement; it's a fusion of sports stardom with healthcare awareness. Kelce's involvement brings a fresh and relatable approach to the conversation around vaccinations, reaching out to a broad audience, including sports fans and the general public.

"two things at once" like getting myocarditis AND a blood clot.

He's welcome to get all the shots he wants, anyone is, but don't force others to do the same.

Vaccines and other drug therapies should not be advertised. These should always, always, always be a decision made with the counselling of one's doctor.

I wouldn't recommend the to ANYONE.

As a long time Chiefs fan, this is EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTING!!!

Pfizer, Bud Light, Taylor Swift. That dude went off the high dive into the woke wading pool. He shouldn't be surprised when he hits bottom real fast, real hard.

Blood on your hands Kelce

I'm always horrified at how pharmaceuticals are advertised and promoted in the USA like it's a MacDonald's Happy Meal that you gotta get quick before they run out.

I often wonder if the general population in USA realises that it's not legal in any other country to advertise drugs like the US does it.

You poor, sad souls... Part of me feels truly sorry for you.

I haven't ever had a Covid vaccine. I haven't ever had Covid.
I haven't had a flu shot since middle school (25 years ago). I can count the times I've gotten sick enough to miss school and work in that time on one hand. I've only had a cold maybe 3 times since then?
I smoke a pack a day. I drink soda and energy drinks every day.

Shouldn't I have been dead like 10 years ago?

Know why I'm not?
Hear me out-

I drink at least a half gallon of milk every day. Have since I was probably 12.
Never broken a bone, never get sick.

Explain that shit, Travis Kelce!

You can have a heart attack while playing football... two things at once!

I was at an airport recently and there was a big sign that said - Warning, taking the covid and flu shot at the same time can cause a stroke. I get home, and they are promoting getting both at the same time everywhere. Wth

He got paid 20 million for this... let that sink in...

You can sell out to pfizer and get a placebo dose ! You know he got the sugar water batch shot !

People are waking up.

Yeah get this shot, that has no 5-10-15-20 year studies. Lol.

Tools of the illuminati.

Men ages 30-39 who died
between May to November 2023

By: Dr. William Makis MD - 27th December 2023

SUMMER OF DIED SUDDENLY - MEN ages 30-39 who died May to November 2023.

186 sudden deaths explored.

What is killing COVID-19 Vaccinated Men at 30-39?

SUMMER OF DIED SUDDENLY - MEN ages 30-39 who died May to November 2023

Free Thinker
"Safe and effective" certainly spring to mind...

Download here: New-Zealands-Greatest-Political-Lie-of-the-Century-Government-mandates-were-REAL-2023-12-24.mp4 - 6,166 kb
By: WhangareiTim - 24th December 2023
New Zealand's Greatest
Political Lie of the Century!!!
Government mandates were REAL!

Self-explanatory really...

Jacinda Ardern and Chris Hipkins LIED about forcing everyone to get the Covid Vaccinations (Clot Shots).

Chris Hipkins: "In terms of the vaccine mandates I acknowledge that it was a challenging time for people; but they made, ultimately made their own choices. There was no, there was no compulsory vaccination - people made their own choices..."

For this single reason alone, I am utterly perplexed as to how Labour received a single vote!

I lost my job of 16 years in the tertiary education sector as we were forced to take the jab or loose the job.

Absolute dictatorship and a criminal act, full stop.

Public officials should be charged world wide.

The compensation should not come from tax payers either. It should come from those who forced the lie.

The people in government illegally forced the jab, the companies who sold the poison, the medical staff who refused to acknowledge it was doing more harm than good and continued to administer the poison.

go to jail chris...and everyone behind you....criminals.

Never forget, never forgive!

It was shocking in NZ, how so many people thought that being openly disdainful towards individual rights during the covid drama was brave and virtuous.....You can see it with Jacinda "don't talk to your neighbours"

Ardern right there.

We can talk about making these people accountable but it will never happen , Politicians know they can virtually do want ever they want and get away with it you just have to look at the Obamas , Clinton's and Biden's to name but a few as an example .

Pfizer and Moderna, Ardern and Hipkis, NZ Labour Party and the United Nations were some of the players in a dudious health game.

don't forget Eleven Thousand bureaucrats nationwide got exemptions from the stroke poke

Thanks Whangarei Tim for insisting on this topic. Today people have a memory span of about a month so next time around there is no recollection and pants drop to the ankles without a second thought.

I have a small retail shop in Whangarei I lost all my savings and got behind in my Tax payments because of the lock downs , even though we could open during level 2 , no one came out , people to afraid so they stayed home , im sure a lot of others are in the same boat , and i still havnt recovered my losses, so again no Xmas break.

Thanks Jusinda

You are right Tim. It finally became obvious to me when the then Govt were not thinking properly. A friend whose dear wife of 27yrs died suddenly from her Cancer he was not allowed to tend Graveside at her burial during the 1st Lockdown in NZ. He requested clarity directly from Jacinda Ardern on the Basis she was the PM and was instructed via the Police that the PM wanted the info passed on to him that if he appeared on the day of the funeral then he would be arrested. He'd traveled to the Cemetary violating the Lockdown only to receive this info in the carpark from Police as a warning & if he attempted to go to his wife's grave they'd arrest him. There was no one else there on the day so it would hardly have mattered!

This was the level of disgusting SHITE that went on in our country.... the Politicization of our Police. Just utterly horrendous & so wrong against Humanity.

Yes, people should be compensated but the Labour Party should pay and not the taxpayers via the government.


Thank you Tim. People were FORCED as the saying goes NO JAB NO JOB....Our beautiful People were put through the ringer and Ardern and her fellow people DID NOT CARE....With love and gratitude Tim..

I hope the Tripartite Government of National, ACT and NZ First WILL hold Jacinda Arden and Chris Hipkins ACCOUNTABLE for the loss ALL New Zealanders faced during the COVID Lockdowns.

Labour needs to be held accountable for their actions against our country, the leadership of labour has failed us - time for real action

Covid-19 deniers and anti-lockdown protesters gathered at the TVNZ building in Auckland to protest the alert level 4 lockdown. Video: Cameron Pitney
Download here: Billy-Te-Kahikas-prison-sentence-for-Covid-19-lockdown-protest-overturned-on-appeal-2023-12-22.mp4 - 18,710 kb
By: - Craig Kapitan and David Fisher - 22nd December 2023
Billy Te Kahika's prison sentence
for Covid-19 lockdown protest
overturned on appeal

One of New Zealand's most outspoken and well-known Covid-19 conspiracy theorists, Billy Te Kahika Jr, will not have to serve a prison sentence for illegally organising and attending a protest in front of TVNZ on the first day of New Zealand's nationwide Delta variant lockdown.

In a decision released this afternoon, High Court at Auckland Justice Neil Campbell upheld the convictions for Te Kahika and co-defendant Vincent Eastwood but overturned their prison sentences, instead ordering both men be convicted and discharged.

"How's that for an early Christmas present?" Te Kahika, otherwise known as Billy TK, told the Herald of today's decision. "I'm a little bit of a stunned mullet."

Te Kahika was already a well-known musician and lay preacher when he rode an undercurrent of discontent on social media over Covid-19 safety measures at the outset of the pandemic. His profile increased during his unsuccessful bid for Parliament in 2020.

He was initially sentenced to four months' imprisonment and Eastwood received a sentence of three months' imprisonment when they appeared in Auckland District Court in March.

Judge Peter Winter noted at the time both men were assessed as having a low risk of re-offending, but he also noted that neither man appeared repentant and he described Te Kahika's involvement as "at the upper end if not the most serious end ... of this type of offending".

"I find that he has exhibited no remorse other than remorse for himself," the judge added. "Nor does it seem he's given any consideration to the sacrifices of other law-abiding citizens [to stop the Delta variant's spread]."

Both men were immediately granted bail while awaiting appeal.

The duo spent three days in court in August 2022 for a judge-alone trial, during which they both gave evidence. Judge Winter found them guilty last December, following a lengthy adjournment so both sides could submit written legal arguments that focused in part on whether the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act allowing freedom of assembly to protest should have superseded the lockdown order.

A senior police officer testified during the trial that Te Kahika called him on the first morning of the August 2021 lockdown to let law enforcement know he was planning a protest of 200 to 300 people outside TVNZ headquarters in central Auckland that day.

"He was advised it was against the health order and he was liable to be arrested," the officer testified. "He told me it was his right to protest."

Te Kahika then posted a series of live videos on Facebook in which he encouraged people to show up to the protest.

In one social media post, Judge Winter noted, Te Kahika "advanced various theories now commonly accepted to be conspiracy theories as his reason for being present in contravention of the level 4 lockdown regulations".

Despite warnings from police, Te Kahika said he was surprised by his arrest because he believed freedom of speech and assembly should have taken precedence over lockdown orders.

Police arrested anti-lockdown protester Vincent Eastwood outside TVNZ in August 2021. Photo / Dean Purcell
Police arrested anti-lockdown protester Vincent Eastwood outside TVNZ in August 2021. Photo / Dean Purcell

Eastwood, an online broadcaster who had been travelling with Te Kahika when the lockdown was announced, also posted on social media encouraging people to turn out for the protest. Video footage played repeatedly during the evidence phase of the trial showed him yelling through a megaphone with an increasingly desperate-sounding tone for fellow protesters to surround him and "protect" him as police approached in an effort to hand him a letter advising him the gathering was illegal.

Violating the Covid-19 Public Health Response Act by attending an illegal gathering carries a maximum punishment of six months' jail and a $4000 fine, while organising such a gathering is punishable only by a fine.

The pair appealed both their convictions and their sentence to the High Court at Auckland in July and have been waiting months for a reserved decision from Justice Campbell.

"I consider that this offending was well short of the most serious of its kind," the High Court judge wrote in his decision. "At most, a starting point of a very short period of imprisonment, in the region of 14 days, would have been appropriate for each of Mr Te Kahika and Mr Eastwood.

"Against his starting point, Mr Te Kahika is entitled to several allowances. He has no prior convictions. More significantly, he has spent much of his life making significant and varied contributions to his community."

When adding in credit for time he spent on restrictive bail conditions, and also considering credit for the one night he spent in custody after his arrest, the most appropriate sentence is a discharge without conviction, he said.

"I add that, even if the adjusted starting point had been a very short sentence of imprisonment, I consider that Judge Winter erred in not considering home detention or some other community-based sentence," Justice Campbell said.

Police arrest anti-lockdown protester Billy Te Kahika outside TVNZ in August 2021. Photo / Dean Purcell
Police arrest anti-lockdown protester Billy Te Kahika outside TVNZ in August 2021. Photo / Dean Purcell

Te Kahika said today he was celebrating his 20th wedding anniversary with his wife Corrin when a call came from his lawyers.

"They told me they had really good news and a little bit of bad news," he said, explaining that once he heard the good news about the quashed sentence, "I didn't really care about the bad news".

"It's just amazing and totally unexpected to have a phone call like that," he said. "My wife just said to me - and the way we see it - is God sees more value for me at this stage being outside of prison."

Te Kahika said he had woken every morning since appealing the District Court sentencing concerned that the phone call sending him to prison would come that day.

"It's been like having some strange monkey on my back," he said, explaining that his main concerns were leaving his wife to raise their children in an isolated rural area and abandoning the 80 people he ministers to. "And also the very clear sense of injustice for the sentencing to jail in the first place."

Te Kahika said the arrest and prosecution had "felt like a political persecution" but the appeal process, and its outcome, had eased that belief. He said a similar feeling had come with the recent Independent Police Conduct Authority finding six instances of excessive force used by police during the Parliament protest.

"It starts to give people a sense of confidence they can start to have trust and confidence in the system," he said.

"We want to see our country heal."

Te Kahika said the experience of being prosecuted had left him wondering at the impact it had on those who did not appeal convictions or sentences and did not have the support he had enjoyed from the community and his whanau, for which he offered thanks.

"As a minister, I would love to find a way to support people through the court process," he said.

In the months between the High Court appeal and today's decision, Te Kahika also went to trial and was sentenced for election fraud during his 2020 run for Parliament as co-leader of the controversial Advance NZ Party.

He again stood in a dock at Auckland District Court yesterday as Judge Kate Davenport ordered a non-custodial sentence of 200 hours of community work and $14,000 in fines.

Craig Kapitan is an Auckland-based journalist covering courts and justice. He joined the Herald in 2021 and has reported on courts since 2002 in three newsrooms in the US and New Zealand.

David Fisher is based in Northland and has worked as a journalist for more than 30 years, winning multiple journalism awards including being twice named Reporter of the Year and being selected as one of a small number of Wolfson Press Fellows to Wolfson College, Cambridge. He first joined the Herald in 2004.

William McGimpsey
Anti-lockdown protester Billy Te Kahika had had his prison sentence overturned on appeal.

Merry Christmas Billy TK!

Not a fan but I always felt he got cancelled by kiwis under the Jacindamania spell, he warned lockdowns and mandates were on the way, she denied it, the public turned on him, next minute it's easier to have him in jail than admit we all got played, I feel like he's owed an apology.

Jonno L
The lickspittle judge who sentenced him to jail should be demoted to the parking fines court.

John Ford
Congratulations, Billy Te Kahika! Make a new album and release it for 2024.

ian_ C_Kinnell
It never should have gone to court anyway

Joelene Hohapata
Merry Christmas Billy and Vinnie!!

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
You are a brave man. Kiwi's must be so proud of you for your valiant stand.

Well done and God bless you sir.

maree mays
Amen been praying for him. Answer to prayer

Awesome news

Lockdowns don't work...he was in the RIGHT!

Download here: NZCCI-Launch-of-the-NZ-Citizen-Covid-19-Inquiry-2023-12-19.mp4 - 72,197 kb
By: Billy Te Kahika - 19th December 2023
NZCCI - Launch of the
NZ Citizen Covid-19 Inquiry

PLEASE SHARE - This is the information message to explain the launch of the New Zealand Citizen Covid-19 Inquiry.

This is an important work - if you wish to know more and be a part of the NZCCI work and get your story counted in the inquiry please email:

We are looking to commence public testimonials in February across New Zealand. We need YOUR help in this work.

Thank you for your courage and support.

Go for it Billy. God bless you and keep you strong. Thank you thank you thank you, from an unjabed 76 year old.

When People of our land (New Zealand) enquire, investigate, and come to our rational conclusion we can in good faith pray to God to defend our Freeland. In other words when we realise and resist with each of our God created souls, we are no longer feeding the beast. Well done Billy I support your investigation.

Excellent presentation. What a gift you are to the truth. Thank you

Thank you for your efforts. My husband and I are right with you on this one. Bring on the enquiry and recompense for the intentional harm done to New Zealand and New Zealanders.

Bring it on Billy...You're a good man...

Good grief, racism here??? This is not about A NAME this is about accountability for a massive set of crimes committed against New Zealanders. This IS the focus - not what people think NZ is called. Pretty soon unless we get ourselves sorted there won't be a New Zealand or an Aotearoa. Things are happening very very quickly and unless the freedom movement gets it's act together and we unite to combat what is coming down the pipeline we will indeed watch our freedoms be reset into the great vision of the UN, WHO & WEF.

I agree re Aotearoa! It IS New Zealand. Apart from that, good work Billy. Go for them.

Amen !!! Dear Billy,...missed you for soo long, beautiful Christmas Gift to us that love you, & beleive In You, Pastor Billy, GodBless you our Dear Man,...

Peace and blessings Billy.

Well done Billy! Right behind you!

Download here: UNSAFE-AND-INEFFECTIVE-The-Biggest-Lie-Ever-Sold-2023-12-17.mp4 - 435,739 kb
By: Aubrey Marcus and filmmaker Ben Stewart - 17th December 2023
The Biggest Lie Ever Sold


In December 2020, major pharmaceutical companies rushed to market with new vaccines meant to curb a global pandemic. Produced with unprecedented speed, based on new formulations of previously problematic mRNA biotechnology, the mainstream media hailed these vaccines as a Godsend.

Governments around the world held them up as a triumph of innovation and insisted they were both safe and effective. We have learned the truth.

Unsafe and Ineffective is the true story of the biggest lie ever sold to the American people.

Thank goodness for skeptism & free will.
I will never take any of these so called ' cures '.
When will they take responsibility for all the deaths, & all the ones still to come.??

"The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense."
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

They're just murderers and psychopaths! Must be defeated, because they're going to do it all over again!

Massive wake up needed! We can make it! They have no power if the global population knows the full truth!

They came to Kill us all !!!

I was paid $250 bucks to take the vaccine. Yeah that's right they bribed me with money. I am OK till I'm not.

rope matters

5 adults in the house
4 vaccinated
4 had Covid, twice
1 took care of the sick
3 have side effects
1 Pureblood

Thank you. I have been trying to warn people about Pharmaceutical Tyranny for 20 years.
I was labeled crazy and forced to take brain disabling neurotoxins for labels created in a boardroom. No Science just Billions in Pharmaceutical Marketing. Yes your Government can and will stick needles of whatever they deem appropriate and profitable into you and your Loved ones against your will. REVOLT!!!

It's true. You can't get it or spread it if you're dead.

I remember listening to Ed Dowd way back in 2021. I never took any vaccine, but I got long covid at some point. I managed to move out of New Jersey to a small town in the middle of the country. I was really upset that un vaxxed people were being vilified. After I left Pennsylvania on the road, I saw fewer and fewer masks on the drivers. A man told me I was a very brave person to be travelling on the roads so far alone. I would do it again if I had to, and now I'm 75!

They literally tried to kill us ... and this documentary is an excellent summation ...

... but this was not about money ...

... it was about power - and religion ...

... the religion of Atheism - and is step-children Globalism, communism, socialism, and population control

... You will know I'm right ...

... when they drop the next one ...

... go after Pfizer and Moderna (that patented the furin protein that enables the spike protein to break into human cells in 2016)

... but the next one will come anyway ...

Just brilliant! Share, share, share, everyone!

I never got the jab, and neither did the smart ones in my family. I'm so sorry for those who did get it.

They literally started CW2.

Download here: Senior-Constable-and-Whistleblower-Dan-Picknell-Letter-To-NZ-Police-Commissioner-2023-12-13.mp4 - 249,118 kb
By: Liz Gunn - 13th December 2023

Senior Constable Dan Picknell, Whistleblower and NZ Hero
Letter To NZ Police Commissioner

In this interview, we speak to Dan Picknell, a former frontline Police Senior Constable who served the People of New Zealand for over 19 years. Dan speaks about his recent letter to police commissioner Andrew Coster. Dan also recounts his experience during the Covid mandates.

Download letters in PDF:

  • Dan's Open Letter: NZ-Police-Dan-Picknell-Open-Letter-2023-10-20.pdf (127 kb) - here
  • Police response letter to Dan's open letter, obtained under OIA: OIA-response-to-Dan-Picknells-Open-letter-2023-12-07 - (635 kb) - here
Download PDF document here...

NZ Police willingly and knowingly participating in GENOCIDE at Wellington - 22nd February 2022
NZ Police willingly and knowingly participating in GENOCIDE at Wellington - 22nd February 2022


Great admiration for this man. I hope more police come on board with him.

People need to wakeup. NZ police are a company registered to NZ companies registry & have weaponised admiralty law. The rothschilds own the police & are also registered with NZCR. Police work for rothschilds politicians.... this was confirmed by Wellington. Andrew Coster was Planted as police commissioner & Jacinda Arderns cousin. Ross Ardern the ex cop is also part of this family cult affair.

Great to see this man talking. $700,000. It's obscene. Nobody is worth that much money! Liz we need an overhaul of pay scales. We are a little country - to pay anyone that much money anywhere here is ridiculous. Imagine how many extra police could be employed if he went and his pay downsized massively.

division of powers is pivotal to democracy. Neither the police nor the judiciary work for "the government". They are independent parts of the government and should arrest and prosecute criminal behavior regardless if the perpetrator is an elected politician.

Dan you display huge integrity,and massive concern for your fellow citizens, I hold you in high esteem for what you have tried so very hard to do for all of us, your commitment to share your knowledge of truth about this deliberate genocidal act against the people of NZ is a display of your true sincerity and courage. I stand with you and pray that many New Zealanders will also stand by you as i also believe the more awake people we have that come together will be the force to be reckoned with. Thank you so very much

well are you with us or them? Lets do this.

Drug companies - the biggest drug cartels.

Great interview there needs to be more honest police Officers like you Dan showing they are not corrupt like Andrew Coster.

simple put Dan picknell in as police commissioner and Liz gunn in as prime Minister! problem solved. thank you 2 from bottom of my heart

Utmost respect for Dan doing the right thing, my sister also left the police because of the stupid mandates.... Kudos to her too ... :)

great interview Liz :) Then truth will out

All the people who he spoke to and refused to investigate are guilty of aiding and abeting a crime
And the clock is ticking for the guilty and the charge will be murder

Firstly Dan picknell my hats off to you, finally a decent cop with a heart and integrity. yes this is all done by design and the way even the commissioner quickly dismisses all of these solid facts really shows there true colors?? simple profit over people??? and the conflicts of interest are astounding. as always liz gunn you are just a God send, followed you since the start, watched all of your interviews and so much love for you liz and respect. been trying to send you many e mails as you gave me your e mail wile back but just don't go through?? (funny that) just want let you no I'm here to help in any way possible and like to give you personally some more money just as a thank you. and finally Andrew coster you are a complete country/ people sell out, cowardly, pathetic, weak piece of sht, rather good people die than expose an evil govt and your self?? all coming out now and you will get yours. much love liz

Download here: Australian-Govt-gives-Covid-vaccine-manufacturers-blanket-indemnity-for-products-that-are-UNFIT-FOR-PURPOSE-2023-12-11.mp4 - 10,960 kb
By: NZ and the MRNA - 11th December 2023

Australian Gov't gives Covid vaccine
manufacturers blanket indemnity
for products that are

Australian Government gives blanket indemnity to all Covid manufacturers, for products that DO NOT prevent getting / spreading the Covid bioweapons or the commn cold...

Manufacturers of products deemed as Covid vaccines are given full indemnity, no matter how many people are vaccine injured or killed. The Australian government is encouraging everyone (except themselves) to be mRNA boosted with experimental products that are 'not fit for purpose', including all livestock and pets!

COVID-19 boosters available for those who haven't died yet.

Barry Duffield
But we, the people who paid for it, can not read the agreement the government entered into with big pharma?! #followthemoney

Those poor people.

Kelly O'Brien
It's very clear that globalists are marching forward with their money-making, carbon depopulation agendas with much haste. All western governments are this corrupt. No way this is in any tax payers best interest. Thank you for sharing.

I'm glad he's not giving up.

Maybe she should be listening to the world Drs that just talked to 17 of the UK parliament people for 2 hours about the harm these jabs are causing.

Raelene McFadyen
Isn't blanket liability incompatible with scrutinized, accountability investigations to optimse safe products

That blonde hair demon should have to take 10 mrna shots in a row. They should also have to disclose their medical records to prove they've all received them, along with bloodwork to prove they were actually injected.

Senator Katy Gallagher starts scratching at this point:

"Err um I reject that we are using taxpayers money to cause harm..."

I really cannot listen to these criminals anymore. These people are devoid of any compassion, they are ok with hurting people. Just out of these world. There is a vaccine injury compensation scheme, of course the jabs are hurting people.

If safety was so great, they wouldn't need indemnity would they?

Deaths are confidential, bribes are confidential, the agenda behind giving indemnities are not confidential as it's all been laid out quite clearly what govts are trying to impose. Too many know the plans and they suck!

They should be protecting the people not big pharma! Let's pray people are done with all modRNA shots & this platform collapses due to no demand. I sure as hell do not want to turn my kids or pets into modified beings!

jelly & toast
So many more whistle blowers are coming forward, The more we hear the more were afraid, That the world has been tricked, And that the Globalus are trying to kill us. We can no longer trust the people in charge, And still pushing this.

Legal action needs to be taken Immediately.

The real data Health New Zealand
don't want you to see?

By: NZ and the MRNA - 9th December 2023


The real data, Health New Zealand don't want you to see?

New Zealand had 50 'COVID' deaths before the Booster roll-out, then +3,000 AFTER the booster

Did the booster seed the COVID death wave?

NB: All data used in the making of this graph was accessed legally through official Government databases

#nz #mrna #informedconsent #covidaccines #vaccinedeaths

COVID VAX DOSES PLOTTED AGAINST COVID 19 DEATHS - The real data Health New Zealand don't want you to see?

Joy Thompson
It's so obvious what happened but people refuse to see it.
So much harm.

Taste of Rust
There is a five month delay on the Pfizer vaccine till death. There are no coincidences.

John Smythe
Their immune systems are destroyed. Only way to avoid it is to stay on the hamster wheel and keep boosting. They are dependent now.

Vasileios Syranastasis
Deaths labeled as "Covid" is their basic trick to hide deaths FROM vaxxines

Wrong-Way Go-Back
Cull shot !

Wayne Wilson
In the last six months on average over 80% of covid19 deaths were boosted

Download here: NZ-Government-claims-that-their-NZ-Government-Covid-19-Vaccine-Data-is-Misinformation-2023-12-08.mp4 - 7,241 kb
By: Kiwiwayne2 ex Kiwiwayne1 - 8th December 2023

NZ Government claims that their
NZ Government Covid-19 Vaccine
Data is Misinformation!

Where will this go?
Swept under the carpet?

Kiwiwayne2 ex Kiwiwayne1
Yip and the only way to get them is by openly and honestly discussing the data right?

Calling him a misinformation spreader when he claims its stats straight from the web site is not helpful!

Gods Lions
They're trying to change the news cycle with Antifa. it's gone viral worldwide

Come on Winston Peters, it's your time to shine.
We put you back in Parliament.
We aren't saying this is right or wrong but it needs to be investigated. Barry Young's treatment by the Gestapo Police harks back to Adern's/Hipkins Fascist Government.

Where is this Enquiry? they even said Urgent - They arrested Mr Young when his data should have been the kick start to a full frontal open enquiry with independent analysis.

This is what we should be marching for. A New Zealander grossly mistreated for uncovering the truth.

We had and have the right to know the truth. Barry (or or anyone) should not be punished or scaremongered into staying quiet. This is not right on so many levels

Totally. The misinformation of leaked official data ….. fuck I hate the word misinformation

Absolute shocker but I think most of us are not at all surprised. Credit to this guy for speaking up though

Download here: EXCLUSIVE-New-Zealand-COVID-Lethal-Injection-Whistleblower-Gives-First-Interview-Drops-Huge-Truth-Bombs-2023-12-06.mp4 - 272,762 kb
By: The Alex Jones Show - 6th December 2023

Lethal Injection Whistleblower Gives First
Interview, Drops Huge Truth Bombs!

New Zealand COVID whistleblower Barry Young of joins The Alex Jones Show with guest Steve Kirsch of in his first interview following his arrest for spreading public data to the public.

By: Counterspin Media

If you have missed the biggest story in the world at present, let's get you up to speed.

Liz Gunn dropped it on November 30th

Here is her interview with Barry Young, a former Ministry of Health database administrator who has released data that confirms what many of you already know, the jab seems to be killing people at a much higher rate than the Government is reporting:

Counterspin Media has been working to get this information far and wide along side Liz and her team because early on we were witness to the information and agreed that it needed to get into the hands of the experts overseas.

The initial interview went viral, and debate amongst the experts ensued.

Then on Sunday December the 3rd, Barry Young had armed police breakdown his door and arrest him.

The next day (Monday), Barry appeared in court and was not released on bail until Tuesday at 1:00pm.

He was charged with accessing documents for dishonest purposes.

When Barry was released from Remutaka prison, Kelvyn caught up with him and his partner Cathy for a quick chat:

Watch the link here:

Or our Rumble link here:


Furthermore, and less known, is the current situation with former Counterspin Chief Medical Correspondent Shane Chafin, had his pharmacists registration cancelled and is now liable for legal fees of $55,000.00 – all because he, like Barry Young, dared to tell the truth.

Shane Chafin was also the man who confronted former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern in a Northland Press conference, that led to the press conference being shut down by her and moving inside where only the 'accredited media' were allowed access. Basically, if you weren't towing the line and pushing the 'official narrative', then you were excluded. This went viral around the world.

You can watch the video here:

Shane Chafin went on episode 36 of 'Counterspin' with Kelvyn to discuss, among other things, the absolute disregard and contempt that the New Zealand Prime Minister had for facts, evidence, and the New Zealand people.

An excerpt from that episode can be viewed here:

We have constantly been on the front lines since our inception, and we have always delivered 'fact & evidence' based reporting. From day one, we have been attacked on all fronts, yet we have remained steadfast and have refused to bow.

We have endured legal attacks, raids, financial ruin, characters assassination, coordinated media campaigns to discredit and defame, and a whole raft of other actions. Yet we still stand defiant because the people deserve better.

We are so grateful for the support of the people. Despite the rumours, we have no corporate sponsors, foreign backing, or wealthy benefactors. We are funded solely by you, the people.

If you believe Counterspin Media is a valuable resource for New Zealand and indeed the world, please consider donating so our small team can continue to fight for you to bring the truth to air and also fight in our ongoing legal case.

With the COP28 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai, let's remember that it was the Dubai Vaccine hub!!!

"Bad things happen, when good people do nothing." Barry - I agree with this statement. If you 'do nothing', you're a pos, if you know what's happening is wrong, and you keep quiet in order to keep the paycheck flowing nicely... then you are a government goon, and a very bad person. Whistleblowers are awesome, this guy seems decent... however, there are millions of us, that have been showing the truth, with whatever information we happened to have. The simplest truth - shown in graphs and charts, is that fact that the majority of 'cases' (poisonings) happened after the rollout of the poisoned jabs. In my little town, the obituaries became the land of "passed suddenly", and much younger people , just gone. Everyone has access to these obvious truths, but their little zombiefied brains, can't see it.

if you know , and you still-do nothing. I'm sorry, but that's the very definition of evil. These de facto satanists all over the place, continuing to stab these people with poison. Fuck no , am I going to say that some bitch nurse who knows she's harming peopke, but still injects. I'm sorry! No way is it ok. In nursing homes in Canada, it's understood that a wave of death comes about 2 weeks after the c19 injections. The nurses know, their supervisors know, the management knows, the public health authority knows! Are you telling me it's ok, because they don't want the heat? It's still evil you know, when you do it so you can keep driving your BMW.

Barry Young has put everything on the line to get the truth out.

251omega Bill Olson
The Doctors are in a really bad place. They need to come clean and speak out. It's almost too late for them to save themselves. When the people of the world finally learn the horrifying fact that they are WILLING co-conspirators, the Doctors, Nurses and hospital administrator's will be hunted down, and will be very lucky to be killed immediately.

They'll still be killed, but their are some things WORSE than death. The medical profession may not be attacked if they cooperate and expose the plot, but if they are seen by the public to BE CONTINUING THE LIES AND COVER UP THE CRIMES, THEY WON'T STAND A CHANCE. If the public see DOCTORS AS the perpetrators and the source of the crimes's conception, they will be slaughtered. I think that is the current emotion that people are beginning feel, but are trying to suppress. But if the medical folks don't turn in the people who planned these murders(1st degree MURDER, since they doubled-down in spite of facts), The people of Earth will be very fortunate, if ANY medical people survive the people's rage. DOCTORS, YOU are facing life in prison if you talk, or a savagely brutal death at the hands of angry mobs. If you have a family, be warned that anyone even peripherally connected with a doctor, will be killed without regard to justice. When people are driven to vigilante justice, you won't be able to save your friends and family by trying to reason with them. Good Luck!

This just proves that all governments have been corrupted, are complicit in the genocide, and support the depopulation of their own electors, who they pretend to represent. This makes previous genocidal regimes, like Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, look like Sunday School teachers. The Health regime spokesman, with a complicit interviewer, told outrageous lies to blacken Barry Young's character. Obviously the government was spooked that someone was exposing their lies and criminality.

THE VACCINE CULT: of protection;
For all: No vaccines EVER AGAIN... wait, just wait... and watch them lose their minds!$$$.

God or nature has provided mankind, children total immunity based on animal evolution and normal human/animal interactions... no baby needs an injection. Injections are mainly for profit and depopulation.
Injections cause disease... The vaccinated countries have the highest death and disease rates... ??? DUH!

Never put a healthy child in a school where the students are forced vaccinated !

Fully-Covid-19-vaccinated-Montreal-Mayor-Valerie-Plante-collapses-during-press-conference-Bonus-video-of-her-getting-boosted-2023-12-06.mp4 - 4,501 kb
By: Truth Provider - 6th December 2023

Fully Covid-19 vaccinated Montreal
Mayor Valerie Plante collapses
during press conference
Bonus video of her getting boosted!

Dec. 5, 2023. ClotShot Fever? CTV News Montreal reports: "Montreal Mayor Valerie Plante was taking questions when she suddenly went silent and had to sit down on the platform."

Bonus video footage: CITY News: Jun 25, 2021 "Normal is on its way!" Montreal mayor Valerie Plante tweeted Friday after receiving her second vaccine, urging those who haven't made their appointment yet to do so. As of Friday, people who have received two doses can gather inside without a mask.

#montreal #mayor #valérieplante

Suck shit give Trudo all 10 at once.

Another Turdeau dipshit headed for the horizontal slab.

more more more

Download here: Liz-Gunn-calls-for-Jacinda-Ardern-to-be-forced-to-return-to-NZ-with-her-passport-held-and-tried-for-democide-2023-12-06.mp4 - 2,064 kb
By: NancyDrewberry - 6th December 2023
Liz Gunn calls for Jacinda Ardern
to be forced to return to NZ, with
her passport held & tried for democide

Politician and Journalist, Liz Gunn, calls for Jacinda Ardern to be forced to RETURN to NZ with her Passport HELD. "She has broken her Social Contract with the People of NZ she has allowed them to be INJURED, DAMAGED AND KILLED..."

Liz Gunn, Politcal Leader Of NZ Loyal Party, released an interview with whistleblower Barry Young, Lead Data Administrator for the covid response in New Zealand. Barry Young has since been arrested.

Liz Gunn is hiding in a Safehouse.

#liz #gunn #nz

She has broken her Social Contract with the People of NZ she has allowed them to be INJURED, DAMAGED AND KILLED...

Friend of Q
So the peasants are finally waking up and asking the government if they can investigate the government? Akin to asking a murderer to please stop murdering people, at least during the weekend and public holidays! Normies are a very special kind of stupid!

Life without parole listening to baby shark and the titanic on loop whilst being sprayed with water, then pepper sprayed and beaten!
Just the same as she had the protesters treated.
Seems a fair start.

Brent Davis
Every single government has broken the social contract.

We're entirely within our right to not pay taxes.

You're next @JustinTrudeau

The Translator
Translation: Finally someone grows some balls in New Zealand.

Robert J. Thomas
Completely agree. Let her be the first to be held accountable since the case is so strong against her given what the whistleblower has let loose on the internet. She knowingly put her people at risk. She should pay the price.

Exactly how much of NZ is owned by BLACKROCK?

Is Kiwi saver with BLACKROCK?

How much did BLACKROCK profit from covid?

English Peasant
Everyone complicit, around the world, TO THE GUILLOTINE!!!

Yep, she needs to face the people of NZ, pulled through the streets. Shame, shame, shame.

She didn't allow it. She bullied and forcefully coerced the New Zealand people to do it, while she exempted herself from it.

Wayne Cunnington
In light of the NZ whistleblower's house raid, arrest and bail yesterday I believe it is a rather timely call for Ardern's arrest for crimes against her own people by @LizGunn18

Knowing full well the toxicity of the pharma shots she coerced and mandated people to have a covid shot although exempting 11,000 of her friends and colleagues by way of an FOI release recently.

Jacinda is also in a safe house - she's with British Royalty.
I imagine they will protect her at all costs. If they don't their game's up.

Reply Guy
Nothing needs too hide.

It's easy. It's treason.

Group together and begin

Igor Beuker
Nuremberg trials: lock the bitch up for life!

Your call

I listened to Liz Gunn's interview with the whistleblower statistician, and was impressed by the moral element of his decision to speak out as a whistle blower. Reminds me of when Ananda Marga was banned in India because its members in Gov became strong moralists

Kiwi Patriot - MAGA
What's happening to Trudeau?

Tony Cabus (Wist al veel, maar meer nog niet)
If they could arrest Reiner Fuellmich (who did no harm, all on the contrary!!) they can arrest that criminal "women" too!!

Sean Carson
Time to prosecute

Wesley T. Miller
Heads. Spikes. Walls.
Nothing less will do.

johnnie cast
Absolutely SURREAL

Tania Marshall - Psychotherapist Author
There needs to be an investigation

Good we need more of that and the tables might turn

Download here: Steve-Kirsch-Covid-Vaxx-Killed-MILLIONS-Worldwide-Leaked-Whistleblower-Data-from-New-Zealand-2023-12-02.mp4 - 186.720 kb
By: The Jimmy Dore Show - 5th December 2023
Steve Kirsch: Covid Vaxx Killed
MILLIONS Worldwide!
Whistleblower Data from New Zealand

Jimmy Dore interviews Steve Kirsch about the New Zealand whistle-blower and the New Zealand vaccine data.

#stevekirsch #jimmydore #newzealand

The elephant in the room...

No doubt big Pharma, Bill Gates, politicians, medical institutions, MSM etc will say: "Who cares if only 1 person in every 1,000 (or 100) Covid vaccinated have died! We made billions and reduced the World's population, so stop complaining!"

Millions of Dead
Billions of Wounded
Trillions of Profit

I'm from New Zealand, there is an underlying and intense hate for the government bureaucracy and leaders here. Very close to an uprising. We voted the party responsible out, and let's say, no one says "I'm a Labour Party member" in public, in fear of instant and painful retribution.

luckily for me I'm smart enough to think for myself so I never got the clot shot

My Dad died, myocarditis, after 2nd Jab, never reported. I bet thousands never reported, if not millions.

Mom took all boosters, cancer now. It's a lonely world here.

Nuremberg 2.0

Killed millions and still killing in most vaccinated countries, excess mortality sky rocket there, all the official data shows it. Theres no month without excess deaths.

i am so happy I said no! I went kayaking for a cople of hundred days instead - thank you for the truth

Even if a regular citizen don't know the specifics, it should make everyone EXTREMELY skeptical when the govt/corps/media start trying silence voices and opinions and shame people for being skeptical

it's not neglect, if THEY knew what THEY were doing. it's murder.

This data is way beyond a smoking gun. It is evidence of a conspiracy to kill a large portion of mankind.

Who will take this evidence and pursue criminal liabilities?

I didn't need the data. I knew this would happen before the shots were released

Good video. I wonder about the long term effects of this garbage vaccine.

I am perplexed. On the one hand, and for very sound reasons, Jimmy rails against the COVID vaccine and its being forced on workers, but on the other he thinks government healthcare is a good idea. If I am misstating his view, correct me.

We are to depend on lazy, bloated government bureaucrats--the same ones who lie to us every day--for healthcare? Yeah, that will end well. And I can keep my doctor too? Right.

I called this shit on day one. everyone called me a nut job. still waiting for my apology.

Your great leader "Jacinda Ardern" is a Globalists puppet. The Globalists elites belive that human beings are a pollutant on the earth and want to reduce the world population significantly. Bill Gates even gave a speech explaining how the world population can be reduced by a billion and a half through the use of vaccines.

What about all the Kiwi's now living

By: NZ and the MRNA - 5th December 2023


What about all the Kiwi's now living with DAMAGED KIDNEYS?

Look THIS way...

At the outset of the covid vaccine roll out in NZ, the Ministry of Health realised we did not have sufficient "background rate" data, for most of the possible Serious Adverse Events we would see.

The SAFE study was born, to establish this usual (pre covid vaccine) background rate profile.

For acute Kidney Injury, they established that background rate from 2008 to 2019 was:

  • 461.18 per 100,000 person years

An NZ OIA showed us that from January 2021 to December 2021 there were:

  • 58,266 cases of Acute Kidney Injury in NZ

A search of Mortality Watch population data shows that "mean" (average) NZ population for 2021 was:

  • 5,136,085 people

If covid vaccines had ZERO effect on the kidney health of Kiwi's we would have expected to see:

  • 23,686 cases of ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY in 2021

Instead, in 2021:


Based on NZ's own clinical paper data, THERE WERE 34,580 MORE CASES OF ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY than expected or normal.

If we have a truly unbiased media, why have they not explored this story?

Acute Kidney Injury is a KNOWN Serious Adverse Event following covid vaccination.

#nz #mrna #informedconsent #covidvaccines #vaccineinjuries

AS THE WHISTLE BLOWER MADNESS SWIRLS... What about all the Kiwi's now living with DAMAGED KIDNEYS?

Where is Winston Peters? Is he going to keep his pre-election promises this time round?

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
"The citizen is obliged in conscience not to follow the directives of Civil Authorities, when they are contrary to the demands of the moral order, to the fundamental rights of persons, or the teachings of the Gospel. Refusing obedience to Civil Authorities when their demands are contrary to those of an upright conscience, finds its justification in the distinction between serving God and serving the political community."

Vert Der Ferk
They lied to the NZ people, they had zero proof of safe or effective and they to continue lie to the NZ people

Hilbert space clone from an alternate reality
It is interesting that you have brought this to my attention.
When I was told that I had to have urgent surgery...
They would regularly ask me to do kidney and liver tests.

We met people that had total collapse of kidneys (both in the same time) straight after taking the Vs. They had no problems beforehand. Doctors tell them they had them but didn't know about the issues.

Lyndsey, RN
Herpes zoster here- I got shingles 4 months after my booster along with reactivated EBV

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
Where is Winston Peters?
Is he going to keep his pre-election promises this time round?

Do the coof jibbed even care if they've been poisoned?

Vert Der Ferk
They lied to the NZ people, they had zero proof of safe or effective and they to continue lie to the NZ people

Yep my brother in law is now on Dialysis 3 times a week...he had 3 jabs. His next door neighbour also on Dialysis ( what are the odds ?) and also an ex work colleague was diagnosed with AKI in 2021.

Ella Black
Looks like big business sense to start opening dialysis units in NZ doesnt it?

Complete malfeasance. No-one in authority cares, all they want is more money.

Download: Emergency-video-from-Liz-Gunn-Police-arresting-whistleblower-for-WARNING-THE-PUBLIC-about-Covid-Vaccine-Deaths-2023-12-04.mp4 - 40,502 kb
By: New Zealand Loyal - 4th December 2023
Emergency video from Liz Gunn
Police arresting whistleblower for
about Covid Vaccine Deaths!
New Zealand - Liz Gunn says Barry Young (Covid Whistleblower Winston Smith) Was Raided...

To the people of New Zealand.

Liz Gunn has asked me, Logan Courtney, Deputy Leader, to pass on a few messages:

First and foremost, Liz wants everyone to know that she is safe and in a remote location and is uncontactable for the next week.

Please pass Liz's video message onto the world and every person you know through every form of communication from voice to electronic.

Please contact the leaders of the current government; Christopher Luxon, Winston Peters, David Seymour, Shane Reti as well as Mark Mitchell, Minister of Police and ask them to call off the police currently surrounding the two addresses where the whistle blowers reside, also remind them that the world is watching, this is their test of leadership and ask them "are they going to represent international interests like Jacinda Ardern's tyrannical government or will they fulfill their election promises to return NZ to Kiwis?"

Liz is the leader of a political party and a journalist; she was doing her job to stand up for the people of New Zealand. The Police and the health industry, acting in this way - is a political crime.

I want to also remind everyone that Liz is a mother and grandmother, that she has sacrificed everything for New Zealand, working hard to begin New Zealand Loyal for not just our future but all of our children and grand-children's future.

As the old saying goes "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing", so the question is "New Zealand what are you going to do about this injustice", I ask that you stand with these truth bringers and take back your country peacefully by first contacting our leaders, police and media, failing that, please contact the Governor General to intervene.

I thank you in advance New Zealand.

Logan Courtney
New Zealand Loyal

Steve Kirsch
BREAKING: Emergency video from Liz Gunn about the situation in New Zealand. They are arresting the person who wants data transparency. They should be arresting the corrupt members of the New Zealand Ministry of Health who are refusing to look at the data and prove it is safe.

Brave lady standing up for hurt NZders. Come on NZ, stand up and be counted

Ryan Sanderson
The genie is out of the bottle ?????

Excess-deaths-of-young-people-around-the-World-dying-of-stroke-heart-attacks-and-other-diseases-especially-in-high-vaccine-rate-countries-2023-12-04.mp4 - 49,657 kb
By: The Freeman Report - 4th December 2023
Excess deaths of young people
around the World dying of strokes,
heart attacks
and other diseases;
especially in high vaccine rate countries

Follow the Monarchs, Popes and Puppets money trail....

Love your video but it's only roughly half of all NZ data. It is still very conclusive though.

A lot of truth spoken, thanks for sharing

Download here: New-Zealand-Whistleblowers-Covid-Vaccine-Death-Data-Dashboard-For-The-World-2023-12-03.mp4 - 89,163 kb
By: welcometheeagle - 3rd December 2023
New Zealand Whistleblower's
Covid Vaccine Death Data Dashboard
For The World!

The New Zealand whistleblower has been arrested, but he gave me the data the day before arrest! Please share!
Support The Eagle!

Brilliant, well done x

The reason there is only 2 million participants in the data is because this is the pay per jab data Barry was working on and had access to, it's jabs from pharmacies, Drs, all people who got paid per jab, so doesn't include the big jab centres they set up, explaining the missing information. But still a very good data set, hope this explains it.

St Johns in NZ have had an extra 63,000 emergency callouts over the previous 12 months

Psst, pass it on but do it quietly or the Stasi NZ police may break down your door, trash your house and steal all of your tech - Don't be a domestic terrorist!

Fantastic job. What a huge amount of work, and you did a great job of explaining how it all works. Thank you so much!

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
Imagine A Vaccine So Safe
You Have To Be THREATENED To Take It!
For A Disease So Deadly
You Have To Be Tested To Know You Have It!

Moderna confirms COVID
mRNA Vaccines cause Cancer
Pfizer's mRNA jab for COVID also contaminated
with cancer-causing DNA fragments

By: Derek Knauss, - 2nd December 2023

Moderna has admitted its mRNA COVID vaccine causes CANCER after billions of DNA fragments were found in vials of the dangerous injection.

The revelation was made after Dr. Robert Malone recently made an appearance at an "Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines" hearing led by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), at which he revealed how Moderna's patent shows that its (COVID-19) "vaccine" vials contain billions of DNA fragments and other contaminants linked to birth defects and cancer.

Moderna confirms COVID mRNA Vaccines cause Cancer

At the hearing, Dr. Malone spoke about how Moderna acknowledges in its patent that RNA is preferable to DNA in vaccines because of the risks involved, but that the company's mRNA injection, which was administered to tens of millions of people, is contaminated with the latter.

"Moderna has a patent on the use of RNA for vaccines," Dr Malone stated. "And in that, Moderna explicitly acknowledges that RNA is superior to DNA for vaccine purposes because problems, including the possibility of insertional mutagenesis that could lead to the activation of oncogenes or the inactivation of tumour suppressor genes."

"FDA says they're not aware of any concerns, but Moderna, in its own patent, lays out exactly the same concerns that exist about DNA in insertional mutagenesis and genotoxicity."

"So, Moderna knows it - DNA is a contaminant. It is left in because of the way they make it ... they use DNA to make RNA, and then they degrade the DNA, and then they have to purify the degraded DNA away from the RNA, and the process they are using is not that good."

Pfizer's mRNA jab for COVID also contaminated with cancer-causing DNA fragments

Scientists from the United States and Canada were able to get their hands on unopened vials of Moderna's COVID jab, with a clear chain of custody, and sampled them. This is their expertise, just to be clear: they do deep sequencing on samples and relay their findings for the public good.

What they discovered were large numbers of DNA fragments in the RNA preparation, to which they applied standard reconstruction tools to see what the circular plasmid DNAs looked like - none of this was disclosed to the public, by the way.

The documentation suggests that there are certain DNA sequences present in the vials that are normally not allowed in anything that is going to go into humans, "not the least of which is an antibiotic resistance gene," Dr. Malone explained.

"They include these sequences from Simian Virus 40 – not the whole virus, but highly active promoter sequences - which is exactly the thing that the FDA in their older regulations said must be avoided because it confers even more risk for insertional mutagenesis."

It turns out that Pfizer's mRNA injection for COVID contains the same contaminants. Documentation was provided by the company to regulators in the U.S., Europe and Canada. These regulators deleted the little notation about SV40 sequences in an apparent attempt to hide it from the public.

"The FDA didn't take the raw DNA sequences, reconstruct those plasmid maps, and look at them themselves," Dr. Malone clarified. "They just took for granted what Pfizer had given them. And now this is all coming out because of what these researchers found."

High-level people at both Moderna and Pfizer had to have known about this, Dr Malone said, the potential consequences for jab recipients being "anything that is associated with DNA damage, i.e., birth defects and cancer being the most notable ones."

J Smith
What happens next with all these identification on causes for vaccine induced deaths and high rates of cancers etc?

Sue the big pharmas involved, sponsors and promoters? Bring on their complete financial ruin? An end to this nightmare.

I've heard that life insurance companies are not paying out if a person who died got the jabs.

Why should they? Taking and dying from an unapproved experimental drug bio-weapon is suicide.

J Smith [Reply to CharlieSeattle]
Not so, as they were lied to by Big Pharma, politicians, health services, care homes, news media, royalty etc. And, this was all pre-planned over many years. It was intentional genocide of the world's population. Who would have thought there were so many murderers in our society!

J Smith
I should have added, Big Pharma should pay out for damages which can never recompense for what they did.

Modrena and Pfizer didn't make the vaccines. Contractors for the Department of Defense made them, under the military countermeasures laws, which is why FDA has no regulatory authority over these bioweapons. And why the lawsuits get thrown out of court. Malone is happy to mislead everyone so the lawsuits get thrown out and his bosses at the DOD stay happy.

Let the Courts decide whether Big Pharma can rely in immunity. Fraud cannot be covered by any immunity laws.

I heard that big stick rope and lamp post is the cure that's what i hear people saying

Download here: Uncensored-Liz-Gunn-NZ-Government-Whistleblower-EXPLODES-Worldwide-Accountability-is COMING-2023-12-01.mp4 - 171,833 kb
By: Stew Peters Network - 1st December 2023

Uncensored: Liz Gunn
NZ Government Whistleblower
EXPLODES Worldwide!!!

Accountability is COMING!

Journalist Liz Gunn joins Maria Zeee after releasing the most damning data to date on COVID crimes, with NZ Ministry of Health whistleblower data showing the death of New Zealanders directly from the COVID injections in a dataset that can be used by EVERY country to hold the criminals accountable.

Whistleblowers are encouraged to redeem themselves, step up, contact Maria Zeee Uncensored and say something.

genocide 100%

This is a WAR. FIGHT!

Fauci must be held accountable

Let's not forget that babies have been murdered to get working cell lines for these so-called vaccines. The Pfizer and Moderna were not produced in aborted fetal cells as were the AstraZeneca and Johnston and Johnston, but there are 3 places where the Pfizer vaccine, and 4 with the Moderna vaccine, where they used aborted fetal cells as an integral part of developing and testing. So, all these vaccines and many others contribute to the continuation of aborted fetal tissue research. To harvest a viable embryonic kidney to develop a working cell line, sufficiently healthy children old enough to have adequately developed kidneys must be removed from the womb - typically by cesarean section. The child will have their kidneys cut out while still alive. This must take place without anesthesia because it would lessen the viability of the organs, as aborted tissue needs to be fresh to cultivate working cell lines.

It is morally unacceptable to receive C19 aborted tainted injections of cell lines from tortured, murdered babies.

The courts, judges, lawyers are all corrupt, they are working for a criminal cartel called the Bar guild which is a corporation and they give there oath to the Bar guild and do not abide by section 5 of our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution 100/01(UK)


People who are jabbed aren't interested in this information. What's the point in letting them know when they don't want to know?

they will never be held accountable sadly...we've been blowing the whistle on this crap for 3 years ..nothing happens

Simply put, I'm not mRNA injected.

Great show as always Maria! Your program always provides us with very important info. Watching from Texas

Does anyone really believe that something can actually be accomplished before the next lockdowns and mandates?

They have big plans for us, and it doesn't include them being involved in any court cases. They don't have time for that. QUESTION EVERYTHING

One loaded smoking... Gunn
in deed. Indeed TY. Appreciated.

I had a Flu shot, maybe 2016-7, not sure when, but had severe headaches for 3 months straight, with barely any relief! I wonder if what he says in 2018 is "the Flu", if it actually wasn't THE FLU SHOT, because there was a mystery doctor whistleblower who was saying that the "FLU SHOT WAS FULL OF BAD STUFF!

boom! Share this video.

The smoking Gunn!!
True Kiwi battler!!

Download here: Mother-Of-All-Revelations-The-crucial-data-On-New-Zealands-excess-deaths-from-the-Covid-jabs-2023-11-30.mp4 - 297,396 kb
By: FreeNZ Media - 30th November 2023
M.O.A.R (Mother Of All Revelations)
The crucial data On New Zealand's
excess deaths from the Covid jabs

NZ's COVID Vaccine Massacre Exposed

The NZ Government's Complicity in Mass Murder | Article By Kiwi4Justice

Mass murder. A massacre. It is the only description that is worthy of the bombshell evidence from a NZ government whistleblower in Liz Gunn's M.O.A.R (Mother Of All Revelations). It is a tragedy of unthinkable magnitude. The evidence that has now come forward from this whistleblower [Winston Smith aka Barry Young from Health New Zealand], and others, shows us that the NZ government's roll out of the COVID vaccine was not just a crime, it was a massacre. The evidence and implications are inescapable and difficult to comprehend. But what is even more disturbing is that this was no accident. It was, and continues to be, willful mass murder.

The scale of the death and injury for the people of NZ from the COVID-19 vaccine that has now been proven beyond any doubt is challenging to think about. It is devastating confirmation of what so many people in NZ and around the world have been shouting from the rooftops for so long, but who have been ignored and ridiculed by the mainstream media and the government. It is a sad and sorry vindication for those 18,000 Kiwis who set up camp in their tents and cars in front of Parliament in February 2022, who were ignored, demonized, and labelled a 'river of filth' by those who are culpable for this terrible crime.

The NZ Government's Complicity in Mass Murder

When Liz Gunn forwarded me her interview with the whistleblower and his evidence in advance of the M.O.A.R drop to get an 'emotional reality check' on what was coming, I thought I was ready for it. But as a patriotic Kiwi who loves his country it was difficult to mentally and emotionally process what Liz and the whistleblower were showing me. To put the scale of this massacre in some sort of perspective, the number of COVID-19 vaccine deaths in NZ now shown by this evidence is thirteen times the number of NZ deaths at Gallipoli. Gallipoli x 13. From the time the vaccine was rolled out in NZ it has been the equivalent of the Christchurch massacre nearly every single day since. Expert statisticians here in NZ and abroad have studied the data and concluded that the probability of these deaths not being from the COVID-19 vaccine are 100 billion to one.

The NZ Government's Complicity in Mass Murder

In just one particular vaccination centre in Invercargill, 51 people were vaccinated within the space of just two hours. All 51 are now dead. Out of the 837 people who were vaccinated at another vaccination centre, 253 of them are now dead. 30% of everyone who was vaccinated at that centre are now dead. At another vaccination centre, of the 923 people vaccinated there, 276 are now dead. There were numerous vaccination centres around the country that had mortality rates at this sort of level of 30%. This is compared to the normal average mortality rate of just 0.75%, which is what we should be seeing. The data also shows how many fatalities were linked to each individual vaccinator. One vaccinator had a mortality rate of 25%. One in four people that got the vaccine from that vaccinator is now dead. Other vaccinators were similar. Their vaccine batches were literally death batches. These numbers are simply off the scale and impossible to interpret any other way than a vaccine massacre.

The NZ Government's Complicity in Mass Murder

Then there is the huge bias of number of deaths in the South Island versus the North Island. Of the top 20 most deadly vaccination centres in the country, 10 out of those 20 were in Christchurch alone, and two of them (10% of the national total) were in tiny little Gore. Meanwhile only 2 out of 20 were in Auckland where one third of the total population is. This should be statistically impossible by population unless specific vaccine batches were a whole lot more deadly than other batches. This is exactly what the data shows. The data shows a very clear picture of certain vaccine batches being 'death batches', with other batches much less so. This should not happen unless something very strange and very abnormal is occurring with this vaccine. It requires extremely serious investigation.

The NZ Government's Complicity in Mass Murder

The whistleblower has unique access to the data in question. He designed and built the database for the NZ government, specifically for the COVID-19 vaccine. It is official government data and it includes extremely detailed COVID-19 vaccine data for 2.2 million Kiwis. The whistleblower watched in horror over a two-year period as the death data escalated in front of his eyes, until he felt he had to step forward to expose it. For that, NZ must wholeheartedly applaud and thank him for his courage and morality. It is no small thing that he has done coming forward like this. Sadly, being a whistleblower is a very dangerous thing to do in today's world of Deep State corruption and criminality. But what the whistleblower was looking at in front of him on a daily basis was not just faceless numbers and statistics. He was looking at enormous lists of names in certain places and certain times. Names of people who are not here anymore. Names of real people with real families. Human lives, not numbers. It was too much. He says there are just two words for why he had to come forward. Never Again.

The NZ Government's Complicity in Mass Murder

As horrendous as this is, the most devastating point that the people of NZ need to understand is that this enormous number of deaths were not due to a very unfortunate and unforeseen outcome of a well-intentioned government health strategy. No, these deaths were the result of willful complicity in mass murder. These are very difficult words for people to hear, but the evidence is unfortunately incontrovertible. The NZ government had full foreknowledge of what the outcome would be of the COVID-19 vaccine. They had all the information and data well in advance of their massive nationwide roll out of the COVID-19 vaccine. They had clear evidence showing them exactly what would happen if they went ahead. They knew that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine would cause huge numbers of injury and death. They were also advised by both the NZ Justice Department and NZ Medsafe that their proposed vaccine mandates could not be legally justified. They went ahead anyway. They signed their contract with Pfizer, they trumpeted the COVID-19 vaccine to the whole country as ‘safe and effective’, and then they forced it onto the population through their illegitimate, brutal mandates that deliberately split NZ society in two through medical apartheid.

Through an OIA (Official Information Act) request from a doctor in NZ, there is confirmation in writing from NZ Medsafe that they had possession of the initial Pfizer safety data for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine months before the government began their nationwide roll out of the COVID-19 vaccine in mid-2021. That initial Pfizer data showed absolutely devastating outcomes in terms of numbers of serious injury and fatalities. That data was so bad that the FDA (Food and Drug Agency), who had given the official authorization for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, attempted to have it legally concealed from the public for 75 years. Yet despite having this horrific safety data, the NZ government not only told the NZ public that the COVID-19 vaccine was absolutely safe and effective, but they went ahead with the mandates and vaccine passports to effectively force the vaccine onto as many of the NZ population as possible. All done with full knowledge of what the deadly impact would be.

As part of this process, the NZ government signed a contract with Pfizer for the provision and distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine in NZ. We know that in the same contract that Pfizer signed with the South African government (now been made public), Pfizer clearly stated that they could not confirm the long-term safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine, and therefore they required to be legally indemnified against all liability for any injury or death from the vaccine. It is an almost certainty that exactly the same statement was in Pfizer’s contract with the NZ government, and yet the mantra of ‘safe and effective’ was pumped out day after day from the government’s ‘single source of truth’. Quite incredibly, the government’s ‘safe and effective’ message is still being vigorously pushed out across the country even now. Even with all the deadly evidence to the contrary clear for people to see. It would seem they simply don’t care.

In addition to this, during the roll out of the COVID-19 vaccine, the NZ government, and associated agencies, actively prevented NZ doctors and health practitioners across the country from raising their very valid concerns about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine to their patients in order for them to be able to fulfil their Hippocratic Oath of informed consent and ‘do no harm’. Any doctors or health practitioners who attempted to raise concerns or ask questions about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine were threatened with loss of medical license and/or loss of job. In some cases, those threats were implemented. A climate of fear was deliberately created for doctors and health practitioners across NZ to prevent any push back against the mass roll out of the vaccine. This led to the formation of the organization NZDSOS.

This new evidence from the whistleblower also shows a disturbing pattern of basic medical ethics and medical processes being abandoned, with vaccine clinics pushing through patients like a McDonald’s drive through in a ‘dash for cash’. Informed consent is one of the most important aspects of the Hippocratic Oath and ‘first do no harm’. With this data showing patients being rushed through vaccine clinics at rates of sometimes 30 people per hour, where were the conversations with each patient outlining risk factors and personal medical history that could make a person more at risk from the vaccine? When these people were rolling up their sleeves were they being informed that the official Pfizer safety data had lists of adverse reaction covering 9 pages, and that there were 1,223 deaths from the initial trials? This is information that the NZ government had months before the vaccine roll out began. This is not negligence, it is criminal.

As well as the evidence of tens of thousands of deaths that this new whistleblower evidence is now showing us, there is also much additional evidence of the huge scale of injury and death caused in NZ. We have confirmation through Stats NZ of an enormous increase in excess deaths beginning from the time the vaccine campaign began. We also have a huge and historically unprecedented number of serious vaccine injuries registered on the NZ Medsafe database, and we have extremely alarming evidence brought forward from multiple Funeral Directors in NZ in relation to the numbers of deaths, the causes of death, and the horrific symptoms being seen in many of those deaths. It is not only the huge number of deaths that we now know about. The massive number of serious and life changing injuries is also difficult to comprehend. As a minimum it is in the hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders.

Now we can see why our hospitals, emergency services, and Funeral Directors across the country have been beyond bursting point the last two years.

In February 2022, the NZ public stood up against this crime against humanity with the largest public protest in NZ history. With 18,000 people camped in their tents and cars in front of NZ Parliament, all 120 sitting MPs signed a joint agreement that no MP would engage with or speak with those protestors. Instead, the protestors were labelled by the government as a 'river of filth' and demonized by mainstream media.

Both the NZ Bill of Rights and the 1947 Nuremberg Code make it a crime to force or coerce a medical procedure onto a person. Not only were the people of NZ forced or coerced into taking this experimental medical procedure, but the NZ government knew full well that this particular medical procedure had deadly and horrific outcomes on a very large scale. The NZ government went to great lengths to make sure the people of NZ were not able to be made aware of that known danger, and they went to even greater lengths to force as many of the NZ public as possible to take it. While at the same time they made themselves exempt from having to take it.

The NZ Government's Complicity in Mass Murder

It doesn't seem possible that this could have happened in the country that I grew up in. This is NZ's darkest hour. But we have to face up to it together with strength and unity, which has always been the bedrock of our country. NZ was brutally and intentionally split apart through medical apartheid and medical tyranny. NZ now must come together as Kiwis united around what we now know. We are all victims of this crime.

This mass killing by the NZ government, and others, was willful. It wasn't an unfortunate accident. 'Two shots for summer' was the shot that will be heard around the world. The enormity of the crime against the people of NZ cannot be overstated. It was a massacre.

12th June 2018 - Q post - MOAR - Are you awake yet?
12th June 2018 - Q post - MOAR - Are you awake yet?

The NZ Government's Complicity in Mass Murder

Why Didn't The Unvaxxed Warn Us?

I am so proud & eternally Grateful to you & Winston for bringing this to the fore-front.. This knowledge will hopefully save millions of more live's in the future..
These corrupt Politicians are hiding the truth..
I did have a video of how Pfizer decided on what Vials had more Bio-weapon than others.. They also staggered the amounts for different Countries & Areas..
My heart breaks for the elderly, they were Murdered in cold Blood.and you know Liz Life Pharmacy is still pushing the zbio- weapon for Sumner, it's.disgusting & Criminal..

Jacinda Ardern has admitted on several occasions that she 'suffers' from IMPOSTER SYNDROME; possibly as a justification for all her fraudulent activities?

Maybe Jacinda Ardern, Chris Hipkins, Bloomfield, Michael Baker, Chris Luxon and all the rest of those evil assholes - were simply suffering from TREASON SYNDROME and GENOCIDE SYNDROME - and are likewise all justified in their megalomaniac minds re lies, fraud, treason and manslaughter?

So Winston Peters claims of the media being bribed ring very true. But no one is mentioning that the bribes were to keep your mouth shut over the safety and efficacy of the vaccine and excess deaths. As if we didnt know the media are entirely compromised and corrupt.

And since covid they have immigrated OVER 1 million immigrants, and they wouldn't allow us kiwis to return home ! hence the issues with rental properties and the price rises AND to hid the true death numbers

This needs to go to Tucker Carlson, Russell Brand , Dr John Campbell and others. It needs to go viral.

Please get this man and data infront of winston peters or someone willing to listen to it

Phillipines launched investigation - excess deaths figures vary between 260k to 360k! (for this year)

Flu vax looks like a culprit in the winter ? My dad had flu shot and it dramatically affected his already declining health due to lung cancer Thank you for this revelation

BRILLIANT Liz, just BRILLIANT. Please pass on my absolute love and respect to Winston for showing up as a warm, kind, caring, courageous and beautiful human with a passion for mankind's possibility and truth. Outstanding. Liz, and congrats to you for everything you've achieved, exposed, revealed and unveiled, in the name of truth. You're a national treasure and a REAL media ROCKSTAR. Much aroha and respect to you both. Tim

Brilliant (a poor choice of a word given its about death) however we had the government BS and the bribed MSM tell us the opposite that the vaccine was 'safe and effective' and 'we saved 20,000 lives (according to a flawed model)' Gunn brings receipts here and from a whistle blower who has a Master in Science degree and worked as the head data analyst for the NZ Government. Cannot get a more slam dunk than this! Lets see how the Government and MSM are going to gaslight this guy!

What a beautiful man!!!

I hope Liz has got this video to Winston Peters today , they are going to be deciding on the WHO treaty and this info is vital. It must be stopped.

WOW proves what we suspected all along and that they were lying to us, so much for Bloomfield's world leading response, such a liar

Thank you both for showing this and showing the world. Stay safe

THANK YOU Liz and Winston. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Our government had access to this data the whole way through. Mass murderers. This is proof.

Well done team. May our Heavenly Father and our Earthly Mother protect you and allow you to carry on shining your light so humanity can come out of the darkness.

Thank you both for speaking out on this devastating travesty! If the NZ Police do not do their job, or in fact our Christian Prime Minister Luxon - do not open a criminal investigation! - then clearly murder in NZ, is a free flow for all.

saying 'THANK YOU' simply does not cut for what you both have done here. My personal heartfelt thank you is minor in comparison to what YOU have brought to the world. My heart breaks for those who have gone, but my heart also breaks for those who did 'what was right' and now will learn the truth. I fortunately was one who saw through the scam at the early stage. God be with you.

Thank you 'Winston' for bravely in coming forward with this data.

wow thanks so much Liz and Winston Smith.

Yes. I'm with you both. No more sensorship, no more corrupt NZ media.
No more corrupted Doctors and medical staff.
No more court corruption of the Police rank and file by their upper level. Step up take the criminal
Investigation needed and asked by the people forward.
It stops here in little old NZ.
Well let's see if Winston Peter's has real back bone. Hes on notice.
We know the cause, we know the reason.

A researcher in the USA has reported off how many that have died from the death jab is over 17,000,000 world wide and still going up

Thank you both so much. Were the other death spikes around the flu jab H1N1 period?

God bless you both xo

Expecting any politician with any actual power to do anything to turn this around is simply not going to happen. The sheep were struck, the flock was scattered & oh how they all ran. Now they sit in fear & shame of themselves & simply cannot dare to stare at these facts & figures. But I hope that they do & I hope it makes them seethe in anger. Anger enough to force accountability!

As for Peters? He is establishment through & through, so do not expect anything from him. The only thing that could have stopped all of this has already had it's day. This was not a bio warfare attack! This was a planned scamdemic & they have seemingly gotten away with it. As they knew they would!

Thank you Winston. You are a truly heroic warrior and I am grateful for you standing up to the tyrants.

And thank you Liz. You continue to lead the battle for truth.

This was so hard to watch. My heart breaks for anyone who was conned into taking this poison. Thank you Liz, Winston and team for pursuing this and making it public.

I want to see heads roll.

Thanks for posting this Liz. The deaths greatly vary as the toxidity of the batches are vastly different.

Batches were traced in America as it was confirmed that certain areas were targeted more than others.

This is purpose direct targeting to kill people as these shots are the depopulation program of the world wide Deep State and Jancinda and her coehorts are directly responsible for murder imo.

Get the evidence to ARC as soon as possible.

Download here: Eulogy-for-the-COVID-Kapos-NO-AMNESTY-FOR-CRIMES-AGAINST-HUMANITY-2023-11-28.mp4 - 20,036 kb
By: Margaret Anna Alice and NaturaDatura@111 - 28th November 2023

Eulogy for the COVID Kapos

With calls for amnesty and literal claims that "mistakes were made" resurfacing, it seems an appropriate time to remind the Covidians and colluders of their behavior and pivotal role in enabling tyranny. This is not intended to rub their noses in their cowardice but rather to inform them that humbly taking responsibility for their words and actions is the only way to heal the relationships they so callously ruptured; restore the freedoms they lazily ceded to the tyrants, philanthropaths, and propagandists; and prevent future rinse-and-repeat atrocities.

Eulogy for the COVID Kapos by Margaret Anna Alice

Eulogy for the COVID Kapos
by Margaret Anna Alice

"The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people that they will have a chance of maltreating someone. Men must be bribed to build up and do good by the offer of an opportunity to hurt and pull down. To be able to destroy with a good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' - this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats." - Aldous Huxley, Introduction (July 24, 1933) to Samuel Butler's Erewhon, Easton Press (1934)

You mocked us.
You blocked us.
You wished for our deaths.

You shamed us.
You blamed us.
You called for our jailing.

You banned us.
You canned us.
You cut off our funds.

You believed.
You decreed.
You complied.
You denied.

You feared.
You sneered.
You cowered.
You lied.

You followed the leader.
You chanted the slogans.

You balked at our questions.
You scoffed at our research.

You thought you were smarter.
You felt you were safer.
You knew you were holier.
You said you were better.

Now you're starting to wonder.
Now you're starting to doubt.
Now you're starting to remember.
Now you're regretting.

You can't undo what you've done to yourself.
You can't undo what you've done to your loved ones.
You can't undo what you've done to us.
You can't undo what you've done to the world.

And now you want a mulligan.
Now you want to forget.
Now you want us to forget.

Even though it's still happening.
Even though we're still suffering.
Even though they're still murdering.

It will never end without acknowledgment.
It will never end without accountability.
It will never end without remorse.
It will never end without justice.

So make your apologies,
  and we may listen.
Make your amends,
  and we may forgive.
Make your peace,
  and we may accept.

Or not.

It all depends
  on you.

Your sincerity.
Your willingness to take responsibility.
Your ability to name your wrongs.
Your actions to rectify what's been done -
  what they've done,
  what you've done,
  what they're trying to do.

How do you know you won't fall for the next one?
How do you know you won't line up for more?
How do you know you won't crumble again?

Who were you then?
Who are you now?
Who will you become?
Why should we trust you?

Can you see it?
Can you say it?
Can you feel it?
Will you stop it?

Anyone who uses their heads and investigates vaccines should realise that they are inferior pharmaceutical products because there are so many unanswered questions - and the questions which have been answered are proof that all vaccines should be prohibited.

The worst part about all the lockdown, mask, and "vaccine" damage is that there was never even a pandemic.

I do not Vax, I do not Mask. I carry every day.. Go fuck yourself


This proves one thing. The majority of people in the world are very gullible, complacent, and naive.


Josef Mengele didn't die, he LIVES in our Hospitals, no less, and at our local MD's Surgeries !!! Stay away from them, if at all possible !!!

Hear Dad's voice getting higher and higher? Wait til his child dies. Someone's gonna flip soon. Anyday now. And it won't be some pharma'd up tranny either. It will be a stone cold sober type who's been shooting all his life.

Just say no.

Zzzzzzzzzionist occupational government ZOG zzzzzzzzzionist occupational government ZOG
zzzzzzzzzionist occupational government ZOG

Senior Police Constable Dan Picknell reveals:
NZ Police Shown Clearly To
Let Down People of New Zealand

By: NZDSOS - 26th November 2023
Senior Police Constable Dan Picknell reveals: NZ Police Shown Clearly To Let Down People of New Zealand

Open Letter Sent to NZ Police

On the 5th of March 2021 Senior Police Constable Dan Picknell, an experienced frontline officer with over 19 years service, raised serious concerns formally with Police Commissioner Andrew Coster about the New Zealand Government's COVID-19 Health Response, highlighting potential criminality and harms to the New Zealand Public as a result.

Subsequently, senior Constable Dan Picknell had numerous interactions with senior police leaders up until his resignation from New Zealand Police in early June 2022 around the concerns raised, as well as the actions of Commissioner Coster and other Police staff.

During this time NZ Police were not willing to investigate or consider any of the issues identified, in particular harms caused by COVID-19 injections, despite over 66,000 New Zealanders having reported adverse reactions to CARM from minor health issues through to serious injury and death. Any other medical product with this level of harm would have been removed in a very short time.

NZDSOS is very familiar with this pattern of obfuscation and denial from NZ Police, having reported many specific cases of sudden death shortly following COVID-19 injections to them, with a request for investigation. Our communications with Police, and all other agencies, can be found here. Emails obtained by us show that senior Police worked hard (and successfully) to shield Commissioner Coster from knowledge of or responsibility for our reports.

However, senior police staff did make disclosures and comments to Senior Constable Dan Picknell. This led him to believe that Police management had lost sight of NZ Police values and obligations to protect the public and investigate possible crimes.

In October 2023 Dan Picknell sent an email to Commissioner Andrew Coster and the other Senior Police managers he had previously been dealing with, bringing attention to new evidence of Pfizer having provided a different COVID-19 immunisation product to New Zealand than the product that was given Provisional Consent by Medsafe thereby committing fraud, and being a potential reason for the mass injury of many of the recipients of this product in New Zealand.

Dan Picknell asked Commissioner Andrew Coster to provide an answer as to whether or not he would now act in accordance with the law and investigate the concerns raised that affect the majority of Kiwis who have been injected with a misrepresented and very dangerous product.

To date no response has been forthcoming so Dan Picknell has released his email as an open letter so the New Zealand public may be privy to his efforts to prevent any further harm to the people of New Zealand, and for the people of New Zealand to ask why Police have not acted when holding knowledge of serious wrongdoing from at least the 5th of March 2021. We are very grateful to Mr. Picknell for his courage, and committment to the New Zealand people.

Of his letter, Dan Picknell states:

Senior Police Constable Dan Picknell: "In releasing the letter below dated October 20, 2023 as an open letter, my intention is to raise awareness to the people of New Zealand to the difficulties I have experienced communicating with Senior New Zealand Police over matters of importance and consequence to all Kiwis. To date despite me sending this letter to Police twice I have had no reply.

Because of this I have no confidence in Commissioner Coster's ability to continue as Commissioner of New Zealand Police. I seek his resignation so that a full and thorough Police investigation and separate independent Public enquiry may be undertaken investigating the concerns I have raised around New Zealand's COVID-19 response, the ensuing harms caused by the response and the actions or lack of, from those entrusted to protect us and ensure the interests of the New Zealand people are the first and foremost priority above all else.

It is my belief that Commissioner Coster has failed to maintain independence from any Minister of the Crown pursuant to section 16(2)(a)(b)(c) of the Policing Act 2008. This belief is strengthened by the Commissioner's lack of response or action to legitimate concerns raised by NZDSOS and by comments Inspector Srhoj made when he visited me on behalf of Commissioner Coster and he told me that Police do not investigate Government.

For me Government is made up of Ministers representing the people, and these Ministers are people like the rest of us who like the rest of us can make poor decisions or be subject to coercion, bribery and or criminal activity. Ministers within Government are not exempt from the rule of law or from the consequences of breaking the law.

In the below letter I have made minor amendment from the original letter to protect individuals privacy around health-related comments that were made directly to me by the individuals. I have left the comments in because it highlights a lack of adherence to Police values within the highest levels of NZ Police to make these comments but still have been not prepared to speak up, investigate or take complaints of harm seriously.

There are many good people within NZ Police doing an often thankless job, I support the good work they do on behalf of us all. I do not support the poor leadership currently displayed within NZ Police."

Download the Open Letter Sent to NZ Police in PDF:

  • NZ-Police-Dan-Picknell-Open-Letter-2023-10-20.pdf (127 kb) - here
Download PDF document here...

Senior Constable Dan Picknell, Whistleblower and National Hero - 17th September 2021
Senior Constable Dan Picknell, Whistleblower and National Hero - 17th September 2021

With the utmost of respect to you Senior Constable Dan Picknell! You are truly a hero and more deserving of being a Police Comissioner than the likes of: Commissioner Coster, Deputy Commissioner Kura, Superintendent Hassan, Inspector Srhoj, Inspector Ruth, Inspector Fergus, Inspector Laurenson etc.

The aforementioned maggots have had ample opportunity to step up to the plate and do the right thing. Unfortunately for them, that window of opportunity has passed; and out of respect to the hundreds of thousands of Gene Therapy injured and deceased - it would be better for them to exhibit at least some form of honor, by individually signing a confession of their willful participation in Crimes Against Humanity - and then take their own lives!

Again, respect and God's richest blessings upon Dan and all within his gates.

Dan Picknell is such a brave, strong man. We need many more like him, prepared to stand up to these evil people supposedly 'leading' our country. I hope no harm comes to him because he's spoken out.

Thanks so much for giving us FAITH in human nature, your courage is admirable, Thank you Dan x Liz Gunn you are amazing, I wish we had someone like you in Australia.

No government should be above the law.

Thank you so much Dan, for making this information public. People need to hear about this. Your integrity and courage is so appreciated.

Thank you Liz and Dan. We will keep standing in the face of this, and we will see it fall over. My thoughts and prayers to all who have been harmed, hurt and killed. Stand strong New Zealand.

Huge respect for you Dan. I wish there were more like you. Many thanks. So many are prepared to put money before integrity.

Deep gratitude to you Dan (and Barry) you are fine examples of real "men" standing up for what is right, against the odds, also losing a job you loved, and all that entails takes enormous courage and I thank you and others out there fighting the good fight. Cheers to you too Liz, you are a warrior woman. NZ should be proud of you all

Peter Lowrie says:
I understand that in an address made to EU MEP's by a doctor he claimed that Pfizer knew ten years prior that their vaccine was ineffective and caused various maladies. Wasn't the purpose of the vaccine to stop one getting sick and/or transmitting the virus? Then I hear claims that it's purpose was to make the virus mutate so one got less sick.

That government is now privy to the plethora of harms the vaccine causes, why is it still pushing it onto us?

Peter says:
We were led to believe what was provided by Pfizer was a vaccine but it was not the usual formula and didn't behave like a vaccine. I was immediately suspicious but television is a very powerful medium . I was fortunate that l didn't have to earn a living to satisfy mortgage demands or keep a family as was the case for many. There clearly is a case to answer as will occur in due course.

sheryn mcmurray says:
the NZ Police are now committed to protecting the Government and the many corporations that they are also a part of, as is the justice department, so until that changes we can expect more of the same of what happened at the Freedom Village protest. There are some really good, caring police personnel, and some downright thugs who have lost sight of their moral compass and what it is to be human

Earle Mason says:
The oath that was taken by members joining the NZ Police 50 years ago was:
To protect life and property, to detect and apprehend criminals, and to keep the Queen's peace (simple and effective).

Lives in NZ (and elsewhere) during this covid 'pandemic'were under direct threat from these vaxines, and serious offences were committed by the continual forcing of these vaxines onto persons who did not want them. Such deaths and serious complaints should have been investigated immediately, as protection of life is the first and formost duty of the Police. Medical personnel also have a duty of care to ensure that persons under their supervision are not subjected to anything that may cause the death of such persons. Failure to perform this duty of care is a very serious criminal offence. Police should have investigated such complaints, and the results of their (initial) enquiry should have been placed directly before the Prime Minister (by the Commissioner). That is the duty of the Police. The Prime Minister then needed to make a proper decision as to whether the vaxine useage would continue. If deaths from the vaxines continued, Police needed to prosecute those who were recklessly ordering and using vaxines that were causing the deaths of NZ citizens. Indiscriminate killing of people with untested and unsafe vaxines cannot be condoned under any circumstances, even in a pandemic (and this was a very minor pandemic). By not protecting the people of NZ in this matter, the NZ Police were in fact failing in their duty to serve and protect. Politicians and doctors who pushed vaxines that were suspected of causing death and injury were also failing in their duty to serve and protect ('at first do no harm' is the start of the Hippocratic Oath). This whole matter needs serious, complete, and very competent investigation, because if nothing is done it could happen all over again.

Kerry Jones says:
Does the Nuremberg Code cover this? To my mind it must. This all must be the biggest crime against humanity ever.

There no place for these people here.

Stephen Gee says:
Thank you for this initiative.

"the ensuing harms caused by the response and the actions or lack of, from those entrusted to protect us and ensure the interests of the New Zealand people are the first and foremost priority above all else."

Yes, I know something about that from bitter first hand experience.
Please watch my interview here and bear in mind that the 'Independent' Police Conduct Authority deemed that my complaint to them about the way police abused me was not worthy of further investigation. For the time being that is the sad NZ we now live in.

Carys Grant says:
Ok So the NZ police behaved very badly
Let's look ahead to the 500 new police and probably a whole new police set up.
Every thing will be reorganised with this new Coalition government .
NZ is looking forward to changes so keep positive. Negativity gets you no where.

Dianne Timu says:
I hope they are not criminals

Otto says:
I got mandated to take it. Refused. Fired. Took a crap pay job for 13 months. My money focused wife got mandated.

Took three. All kinds of turmoil in my house because I didn't & she did. I'm selfish. She vaxed my eldest daughter behind my back with 1 dose of Pfizer because she believed the NZ government bullsh*t. She then spent 12 days in ICU after her booster (coincidence?). But it couldn't have been the vaccine because "the government wouldn't lie to us!" My marriage is still damaged over what was done.

I'm back working at the port job I was mandated out of. I know of 7 people with jab injuries or after jab effects there (mostly heart problems they didn't have before). My nephew, age 14, a very active young man, now has myocarditis.

His parents insured he was jabbed because it was safe, effective and the right thing to do... He will be lucky if he makes it to age 25 now.

I will never trust the New Zealand government ( or any government) again. They could tell me the sky is blue and I will still walk outside to check.

It may take 20 years... We will get justice!

Download here: Get-the-jab-get-the-treats-Win-KFC-a-stereo-cash-sickness-or-death-2023-11-23.mp4 - 32,480 kb
By: Coronavirus Plushie - 24th November 2023
Get the jab, get the treats...
Win KFC, a stereo, cash, sickness or death...

Incentivising Kiwis to get jabbed by offering them cash prizes, food, free tickets for the rugby, and other kinds of 'treats', was a big part of the 16 Oct, 2021 'Super Saturday Vaxathon'.

But many of us watched this in dismay and horror, as we'd known for months how much injury and death the #covid shots were causing.

Now, two years later, Dr. Matt Shelton @nzdsos and Lynda Wharton @HopeRising19 speak out about the many Kiwis who died suddenly or were injured after experiencing "the sweet taste of #Pfizer BioNTech", as @patrickgowernz put it on that 'Vaxathon' day.

@NgataiSonny @NarelleSindos @HarcourtAnna @julianwilcox @Azizle @TaikaWaititi @AshBloomfield @JudithCollinsMP @chrishipkins @jacindaardern @taylahtomokino @EazyAst @oriini_kaipara @lauramcgoldrick @MikePuruNZ @kiaoraclint @JMulliganRNZ @KanoaLloyd @holliejsmith @madeleinesami @MelChanGreen @LauraTupou @Suzy_Cato @OfficerOLearyNZ @SiouxsieW @_chloeswarbrick @lorde

#vaccinedeaths #vaccineinjuries #DiedSuddenly #mRNA #VaxDeaths #VaxInjuries

Bill Gates as Satan

Download here: Hang-on-The-US-Military-just-did-WHAT-to-unvaccinated-soldiers-They-want-them-back-SERIOUSLY-2023-11-21.mp4 - 24,881 kb
By: Redacted News - 21st November 2023
Hang on! The U.S. Military just
did WHAT to unvaccinated soldiers?
They want them back! SERIOUSLY!!

The U.S. Department of Defense is facing a recruiting disaster and just had to walk away with its tail between its legs by begging unvaccinated soldiers to come back. The Pentagon previously discharged soldiers who refused an injection. Now they want them back and they'll even clean up their discharge record. A clean slate!

#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris

I just caught covid for the third time. When buying Paxlovid on the box was printed an expiration date of October 2023. Over top of this EXPIRATION DATE was a sticker with a hand written date on it of 3/ 2024.

When I contacted the pharmacy they said the manufacturer said to update all of their dates on this drug.
The box says outdated and the sticker says it has 5 months life yet.
In the directions it said that Paxlovid has an 87% reduction in severe symptoms and death in the UNVACCINATED.
AND an 80% reduction in severe symptoms and death in The VACCINATED .

I served in the Air Force in the early 90s. I would never recommend anyone join now. I would actually discourage serving an ungrateful and corrupt government.

Anyone that joins the US military right now is utterly insane.

I'm a 26-year Army Combat Veteran and highly encourage that no one joins the service right now! The current leadership can go to hell!

I was forced out as a DoD civilian serving over 19 years. I missed out on my full retirement because I would not take this poison. I worked for USAF and the USSF when forced out. I would rather not be suffering the ill effects this shot may have given me then stick around for my retirement. Disgusting what they did to many of us, civilian, contractor to active duty!

It's disgusting how the government treated and treats our service members…. You should interview the soldier who served in Afghanistan and was ordered to leave behind his gear due to not enough space as they evacuated and now upon finishing his service was charged for the missing equipment…. I can't imagine anyone wanting to serve under the command now serving.

I hope no one is dumb enough to fall for this. The government has no regard for our men and women in the services.

"We tried to ruin your life, but we would like you to come back and risk your life for us". Wow.

Canada did the same. One of our sons lost an 18 year career with no pension. After the 1st forced vaccine he suffered a heart issue that required a surgical procedure, in his mid 30's. He refused the 2nd one and was terminated. There is a law suit, but I don't expect any success with this corrupt government in Turdeauland. Thank you for your tireless work, the truth must prevail

So basically they fired any serviceman with a set of balls…smart move.

Bottom line is every Citizen has the right to just say NO! This needs to be dealt with

There is enough evidence to have those mistreated soldiers file a class action against the ones that black marked their military records. Who in their right mind would even consider re-joining after that disgraceful behaviour.

Office for National Statistics (UK)
The more vaccines and boosters
people received, the more they died!
By: Dr. Stephen Jones - 21st November 2023

Statistics are now available about covid-19 deaths in England. It appears that in the year ending May 31, 2023 only 5% of the deaths happened to those who were unvaccinated. The more vaccines and boosters people received, the more they died. 95% of the covid casualties were from the vaccinated group.

Remember when Biden told us that only unvaccinated people would die of covid?

The caveat here is that hospitals were paid a lot of money to treat covid patients. So many cases of the common flu were attributed to covid in order to gain more government subsidies. Even so, it is of interest to note that unvaccinated people had a far greater survival rate.

The more vaccines and boosters people received, the more they died!

Nonetheless, the Canadian parliament has failed to learn this lesson. Bill C-278 to ban vaccine mandates failed by a vote of 114-205.

Pray that Canada's authoritarian "democracy" will restore freedom to the people. OK, I know that governments never give up power unless they are forced to do so. Pray that God will restore freedom to the people.

Pilot Warns of Airline Industry
Disaster Due to COVID Vaccines
"He has found official data that back up his
claim of impending global catastrophe."

By: Sally Beck, Lioness of Judah Ministry - 15th November 2023
Pilot Warns of Airline Industry Disaster Due to COVID Vaccines

Captain Shane Murdock says the air industry is 'poised on the precipice of disaster.' A pilot for more than 40 years and a qualified air accident investigator, he has found official data that back up his claim of impending global catastrophe.

He adds: 'When correlated, the data indicate there is an enormous problem that is having, and will have, a significant impact on aviation safety worldwide. There is enough evidence to be sending out red flags.'

There have been many tragedies this year. Phil Thomas, a young graduate of the Cadiz, Spain, flight training academy, fell ill and died suddenly in April. There were five pilot incapacitations in March including a British Airways pilot who collapsed and died in Cairo, Egypt not long before he was due to fly.

Pilots are super-fit, so why are so many dying suddenly or collapsing? Cpt Murdock concludes they are suffering severe adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccinations, which has myocarditis (heart inflammation), brain fog, insomnia, blood clots and anaphylaxis as side effects.

He thinks some pilots are ticking timebombs and claims many are not declaring ill-health. He said: 'They are not reporting brain fog, heart flutters and dizzy spells because they don't want to lose their jobs.'

Aviators have comprehensive annual health checks, or six-monthly if they have been ill. Rules state they can pass only with a less than 1 per cent chance of suffering an illness that could incapacitate them.

How are they passing medicals if they are suffering serious adverse reactions? Last year the global aviation regulator, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), changed the electrocardiogram (ECG) markers that measure the 'PR interval.' This is the time it takes for an electrical impulse to travel from one part of heart to another and is an indicator of heart health. The new limit is 50 per cent longer than the previous limit, and means that if a pilot has developed a heart condition, it could slip past.

It was November 15, 2020, when Australian airlines mandated Covid-19 vaccines for 900 pilots, and all air and ground crew. Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna were available in Australia.

Today is the third anniversary of that mandate and Cpt Murdock is one of 12 pilots who refused. He was sacked of course, accused of serious professional misconduct, a charge generally reserved for inappropriate sexual behaviour or reckless and dangerous behaviour.

Mr Murdock, 60, who lives near Sydney, Australia, flew as Captain for Virgin Australia for 20 years, and has held a licence since 1984. He also has an MSc in Aviation Human Factors, the science behind how humans interface with machines. He said: 'Somewhere on the international network daily, you will find a plane has been turned back because of a health emergency. Either a passenger health emergency or crew health emergency.'

When pilots put out a mayday radio call to air traffic control, it is nicknamed a 'squawk.' They use the code 7700 for all mayday calls which are reserved for serious incidents like pilot incapacitation or an uncontained fire on board. Few scenarios warrant a mayday; passengers and crew must face genuine peril.

There has been an unprecedented rise in the numbers of mayday calls as tracked by a bot set up by the X account @GCFlightAlerts. It posts when a pilot squawks 7700 anywhere in the world.

Between 2018, and 2019, the mayday average was 29.1 per cent of all distress calls. During 2022, mayday calls increased by 272 per cent. In the first three months of 2023, the increase was 386 per cent. The graph shows there was an instant, steep increase when the vaccines were mandated to pilots.

The graph shows there was an instant, steep increase when the vaccines were mandated to pilots.

The average age of death in Australia during the pandemic was 85.3 years. The figures did not justify mandating vaccination to healthy, fit, pilots and implementing a no jab, no job policy. It even violated their own guidance: according to FAA rules, no pilot is allowed to take any type of medicine unless it has been approved and in use in the general population for 12 months. Pilots are forbidden to take part in drug trials and all Covid-19 vaccines were allowed under emergency use authorisation. The final phase of the trial finishes this year.

Cpt Murdock also looked at the number of multi-crew licences issued by Australia's regulator, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). They have the authority to impose restrictions on Airline Transport Pilot's Licences (APTL). A multi-crew licence restricts pilots to operating with multiple crew members and is issued when their medical status shows a possibility that they may become incapacitated whilst flying. CASA monitors and administers medical certification and licensing for all Australian pilots. Freedom of information data shows there has been an unprecedented increase of 126 per cent on limitations.

You would think this would prompt a major review by CASA, but they will do nothing while Australia's drug watchdog, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), still endorse Covid-19 vaccination for all. It is a revolving door avoiding responsibility that is familiar to those of us investigating vaccine issues.

Cpt Murdock thinks lack of action can have only one result, and bear in mind we have seen many planes make emergency landings because of pilot incapacitations. He is unequivocal and said: 'Disasters will occur and both aircrew and the traveling public will die unnecessarily.'

Ticking time bombs piloting every plane in the world. Yikes!

This mRNA shot is very new. Using a vaccine created with weakened or dead virus/bacteria is mostly proven over a Century of use. The mRNA shots are clouded in misinformation and poor research results.

It would help if the truth were told.

I know that when I took the mRNA shot I had a terrible stabbing pain at the base of my skull, as well as other side effects.

I noticed that for the first time in history people were kept for 15 minutes after the mRNA shots were administered. Why?

My dear petite mouse, mRNA technology can NEVER work. Period. The End!

Let's review:
Messenger RNA works by entering the ACE receptors on a cell wall. Once inside, the cell replicates the protein as per the instructions and shoves it outside. Bam! Spike protein. Your T-cell sees it and says you're not a human protein, imma gonna eat you. Yummy! Now if it sees anything, such as a virus, with that same protein, it eats it too. Yaa! Immunity!

Interesting fact:
Viruses can't replicate on their own. They highjack cells and use it's machinery to replicate with. But that's OK! T-cells are smart. If they see a cell producing non-human proteins, well, clearly that cell has been highjacked... so that cell gets eaten too. Yummy!

Pop quiz!
What happens when almost every cell in your body is producing spike proteins?

Johnny Dollar
TCW has become popular with Trolls & fake opinions. clearly, you are doing a good job o exposing the truth....

Cat's Meow
The jab is unfit for man or beast.

Paul Barbara
With the possible exception of the Luciferian Globalist Ghouls.

Ian Barlow
Maybe it is fit for purpose - if the purpose was to cause harm and death.

I hope the COVID mongers are satisfied. Proof that I did the right thing by NOT getting the jab is summed up PERFECTLY in this article.

I see that Dr William Makis has taken up Sally Beck's article and commented on it in his substack. See below:

My Take…
"I reported the pilot deaths and incapacitations that are mentioned in this article. I have a very thorough record of pilot incapacitations and deaths inflight for 2023, that I have been tracking on my substack and once we have enough data, I will be releasing comparisons of 2022 and 2023 pilot incapacitations, compared to the pre COVID-19 vaccine years...."

Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of My Knowledge:

Susan Clack
I will share this and warn my frens & fam to skip air travel...but I'll bet nobody will listen...

J. Edward
Agenda30 goals magically met

Charges-Dropped-Against-Albertan-Restaurant-Owner-Jesse-Johnson-Who-Refused-to-Discriminate-During-COVID-2023-11-16.mp4 - 37,452 kb
By: Media Bezirgan - 12th November 2023
Charges Dropped Against Albertan
Restaurant Owner Jesse Johnson, Who
Refused to Discriminate During COVID

The crown has dropped charges against Jesse Johnson (owner of Without Papers Pizza) who was being prosecuted for not closing down his restaurant to unvaccinated people in Calgary, Alberta.

The court hearing that lasted 10 minutes ended with cheers from the crowd after an unexpected decision by the crown to withdraw charges. for more.

This is massive…Jesse is a amazing person.Very proud of him,and the work you do Mr Bezirgan

Thank you for standing strong!!

Awesome stance! Proud to call this man a fellow Canadian.


Download here: Covid-The-Fifth-Wave-Get-boosted-Wear-a-mask-The-Return-of-Michael-Baker-2023-11-13.mp4 - 5,824 kb
By: Coronavirus Plushie - 12th November 2023

Covid: The Fifth Wave
- Get boosted! Wear a mask! -
The Return of Michael Baker

Coming this Christmas...

#COVID: The Fifth Wave - The Return of Michael Baker

A 'fifth wave' of #COVID19 in New Zealand, and @TeWhatuOra is urging the public to get a booster which could increase your chances of getting covid, injure you, or maybe even kill you.

Get boosted!

Wear a mask!

@minhealthnz @NewshubNationNZ @AshBloomfield

#VaccineDeaths #vaccineinjuries

A few, out of over 700 deaths that Dr. Matt Shelton @NZDSOS says need to be properly investigated.

Male, 13.
Rory Nairn, 26.
Female, 32 (got jabbed under duress, to keep her job).
Male, 21.
Female, 16.
Female, 23.
Female, 12.
Male, 12.
Male, 14.
Male, 37.
Male, 21.
Louis Amos, 19.
Male, 23.
Female, 57.
Tongan couple, both died within 12 hours of getting jabbed (leaving behind 5 children).
Male, 29.
Divya Manoj (Divya Simon), 31.
Male, 33.
Female, 39.
Male, 42.
Male, 23.
Male, 24.
Male, 23.
Female, 42 (leaves behind 2 children).
Male, 46.

@chrisluxonmp, @NicolaWillisMP, @JudithCollinsMP, @DrShaneRetiMP, @ChrisPenknz,@NZNationalParty, @dbseymour, @BrookevanVelden, @jamespeshaw, @MaramaDavidson, @chrishipkins, @CarmelSepuloni, @nzlabour, @jamesshaw, @joluxton, @winstonpeters, @MattKingNorth, @DemocracyNZ_org, @Coming, @P_McCulloughMD, @DrAseemMalhotra, @mattletiss7

Geraldine Hocking
You kiwis are always been behind us Aussies, what's going on? You're only at the fifth wave, we are at the eighth wave!
Talk about slow

Israeli TV News has now told the truth about the C19 vaxxines, claiming they are producing extremely high fatality levels relative to unvaxxinated, through complex "immune system erosion"

Leon Gustave Tenzin wangchuk Sergei Stuart!! Eligible for UNLIMITED boosters of 30 or above. So a healthy young 32 year old should take up this offer. They try say maybe more important for actual very old (especially 80 plus ) and/or people who are vulnerable in one way or another But in reality Dr baker wants everyone to take (at least 30 and above)I am sorry but this is truly WRONG and insane on so so SO many levels.

Rick Rock
"Introduced new variants "
To Institute, Initiate,Launch, or otherwise put in place. And here's
me a complete thicko thinking
science dictates virus variants evolve

Not really understanding the point. It's already been proven that these experimental shots do not stop transmission. In fact, they wasn't even tested the stop transmission. Furthermore, 98.8% of those infected recovered. So, this is equivalent to the flu which is a pulmonary virus just like coronavirus. If they just leave the doctors alone and let them do what they do best, we would not have been in this mess in the first place.

Download here: Fifth-wave-of-COVID-19-prompts-call-from-health-officials-Newshub-2023-11-12.mp4 - 12,832 kb
By: Newshub - 12th November 2023
Fifth wave of COVID-19 prompts
call from health officials | Newshub
NZ Government & Mainstream
Media Urge Extreme FEAR!

Health officials are warning a fifth wave of COVID-19 is upon us. Te Whatu Ora is urging the public to get up-to-date booster vaccinations as the rise is likely due to waning immunity and the emergence of new hybrid variants. Zane Small has the latest.

[Comments are turned off in-line with our anti free speech policy.]

NOTE: Currently the New Zealand government, most politicians, health officials and mainstream media are recommending:

  1. getting experimental mRNA boosters and wearing masks regularly for the rest of your life;
  2. believe that poison is good for your health;
  3. call anyone with adverse reactions from Covid-19 Injections a Conspiracy Theorist;
  4. believe that inexpensive, readily available, proven and effective drugs such as Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine are evil;
  5. believe that sunshine, balanced diet, fresh air, natural medicine and faith in God are ineffective and / or illegal;
  6. the government is the single source of all truth - so do not think;
  7. live in perpetual fear for the rest of your life!

Download here: Shot-Dead-The-Movie-Covid-shot-deaths-as-told-by-the-parents-who-lost-their-children-2023-11-11.mp4 - 317,147 kb
By: We The Patriots USA - 11th November 2023

Shot Dead The Movie
Covid shot deaths as told by
the parents who lost their children

This is the movie we wish we didn't have to make. But this is a movie everyone needs to see. For the first time ever, hear the stories of covid shot deaths as told by the parents who lost their children.

Hear from the families brave enough to speak up and admit that the shot killed their children. Hear from the ones who have refused to keep quiet. We all know that there are so many who have sold out to pharma, denying that their loved ones were hurt or killed by the shots. But there is no amount of money or threats that can keep these parents from speaking truth in honor of their children...and so this doesn't happen to one more child.

A We The Patriots USA Original Production
Produced and Directed by Teryn Gregson
Filmed and Edited by Jason and Avery Kabrich of Not Sheep Media

#ShotDead, Covid, vaccine, death, injury, jab, shot, Covid vaccine, myocarditis, neonatal death

United Australia party
And to think our government won't give us a Royal Commission that could give hope or closure to all those affected. The reason? It's simply because they want to protect their political mates.

It's hard to fathom that the government still push the vaccine despite all we know, and that vaccine mandates remain in place, especially for young people wishing to undertake certain courses at university. It's nothing short of criminal.

The movie is informative but emotional and enraging in equal measure.

Thank all of you for watching and sharing. We love everyone of you.

The final scene w/Martins (fulfilling their deceased daughter's bucket list) was filmed beautifully. It broke me.

Their lantern seem to hover over them longer, unlike the others. It was as if, Trista was there & didn't want to leave - not until Dad's gentle nudge & smile.

People have to go to the chair for this m..

This is how propaganda kills the children...
And deafening silence and astounding non-action when it comes to accountability and the utter cynicism when the real manipulative reasons of all this is brought up are beyond boiling ones blood.

For some odd reasons, there are no masses on the streets demanding a change or at least opting out from work collectively for a few days to stop the economy and sending a firm signal. Hard not to see this as "enabling" making way too many culprits...

Wishing healing - if that's even possible - for the families.

I asked Chat GPT to compile a list of individuals who have been prominent in ensuring that COVID gene therapies (also erroneously referred to as "vaccines") have been approved and administered to the public.

An initial list of individuals who should be called to and tried by Nuremberg 2.0:

Lloyd J. Austin III, Mark A. Milley, Gustave F. Perna, John Kirby, Katalin Karikó, Drew Weissman, Ugur Sahin, Özlem Türeci, Stéphane Bancel, Noubar Afeyan, Albert Bourla, Mikael Dolsten, Sean Marett, Kizzmekia S. Corbett, Anthony Fauci, Sarah Gilbert, Adrian Hill, Alex Gorsky, Paul Stoffels, Tal Zaks, Melanie Ivarsson, Juan Andres, Stephen Hoge, John R. Mascola, Peter Marks, Moncef Slaoui, Jerome Adams, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Angela Merkel, Ursula von der Leyen, Bill Gates, Mark Suzman, GAVI Alliance (Seth Berkley, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, José Manuel Barroso), CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) (Richard Hatchett, Jane Halton, Melinda French Gates), FDA Vaccine Advisory Committee (Rochelle Walensky, Stephen Hahn, Peter Marks, Janet Woodcock), Margaret Harris, Monica Gandhi, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Justin Trudeau, Patty Hajdu, Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock, Olaf Scholz, Emmanuel Macron, Olivier Veran, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Rachel Maddow, Adrienne Arsenault, Dr. Theresa Tam, Laura Kuenssberg, Beth Rigby, Christian Drosten, Maybrit Illner, Anne-Sophie Lapix, Jean-Jacques Bourdin.

The list can be much, much longer. There are many more who have been involved in fraudulent clinical trials, deceptive information dissemination, the corrupt emergency approval process, rights-restricting legislation, deceptive campaigns, censorship, and concealing the countless (millions?!) fatalities and the incalculable number of severe side effects.

Grateful for the truth-tellers that stand bravely for truth. May God bless and protect them!!

My heart goes out to all the families who have had loved ones "Shot Dead"! Although I have no children myself, I continue to speak truth and to shout that truth from the roof tops in the hopes even one more family hears it and doesn't have to go through what you are all going through. It is so senseless. I encourage all of you families to listen to a book that I myself have almost finished. It is called Spirit Talker by Shawn Leonard. It was an interesting read and I am still pondering its contents. You may find some interesting information in it and I encourage you to check it out. I was interested in the book originally, not just because of its contents, but because Shawn lived in the same province as I (Alberta Canada) and with him being "close to home" I wanted to support a local writer. I am glad I did as he has given me lots to ponder. Thanks to the makers of this film! Together we will stop the genocide still occurring world wide!

Blessing too all suffering families. Rest in peace to all the victims. You shall not be forgotten.

God bless these poor parents and family members! This was MURDER in every degree! Moderna killed my mom!!! BigPharma killed both of my children's grandmothers in 2021! I WANT TO SEE THEM ALL…(you know what I mean!!!) Sick of these stories!!!

Thanks for sharing these emotional and important stories.

This is hard to watch. I feel sorry for the parents

Beyond sad, such a tragedy. I wait everyday worried about my child that had 4 shots.

Stunning. So sad for these people. So angry at the machine. And, yes, there are literally thousands and thousands and thousands more.

What is needed is a medical examiner that can comment on these deaths. We can see all the medical community ( doctor, nurse, any healthcare provider) telling us what they experience and notice about the effects of the vaccine but a deafening silence from the medical examiners. Are they all threatened from telling the truth?
Cause of death: Unknown
Yeah right!

"Why are people sitting back and letting them do this?" People are so caught up in the contrived giant system and are waiting for the system to tell them what is happening and how to react. Populations are being spoon fed by government and all its awful offshoots, media is the mouth of the government pouring out whatever they are told and the masses swallow it with no question. Trista was a beautiful girl with a wonderful life ahead and it was ripped from her by this unfeeling system.

Download: Philippines-Government-to-launch-investigation-into-over-327000-unexplained-excess-deaths-between-2021-and-2022-2023-11-08.mp4 - 11,079 kb
By: The Canadian Independent - 8th November 2023

Philippines Government committee
votes in favour to launch investigation
into over 327,000 unexplained
excess deaths
between 2021 and 2022.

The House of Representatives of the Philippines has voted in favour of passing a resolution to investigate over 260,000 unexplained excess deaths in 2021 and 67,000 unexplained excess deaths in 2022.

Chairperson Rep. Dan S. Fernandez while explaining the statistical findings to the rest of the committee says he "was shocked" when referring to the number of unexplained excess deaths.

Ross Sundelin
May God above let the truth roll down like a mighty flood to wash away the lies of those who push these kill shots. The truth shall set us free.

That's not good enough. May their LIVES be washed away with the truth.

Philippines latest vital statistics data (released 7th November 2023) reported in my article. It is even worse, probably much worse than Congressman Dan is presenting. There are already 330,000 excess deaths between 2021 (43.2% excess) and 2022 (10.7% excess), in still preliminary data.

Will you initiate a committee that seeks FOI on excess deaths in Canada?I live a block away from a crematorium, they used to light up one day per week, if needed. Now they burn day and night 7 days per week and they are reported to Consumer Protection due to the black smoke they are constantly emitting...

We have 4 schools all uphill of our local crematorium.

How would you see this developing, I finally have the towns mayor here in Gibsons BC pursuing the Consumer Protection for their investigation report.

You-can-now-get-ACC-for-Covid-Vaccine-Injuries-as-previously-NO-ONE-was-able-to-make-an-informed-decision-about-the-RISKS-2023-10-31.mp4 - 116,470 kb
By: Sue Grey - New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party - 31st October 2023

You can now get ACC for
Covid Vaccine Injuries, as previously
NO ONE was able to make an
'informed decision' about the RISKS

New Zealand: Sue Grey sharing some thoughts on the imminent end of the PfizerVax provisional consent on 3rd November 2023, admissions about Myocarditis and Pericarditis in the Risk Management Plan, informed consent the Health and Disabilities Code and the need for a proper public inquiry to start to restore trust in government.

This is what Sue Grey does so well.

This is amazing and **SO IMPORTANT!!!** Thank you so much for sharing this

Moehau Hakopa
I want to know if these vaccinators and these ill practioners are going to be held accountable for these heinous crimes???

Fiona Hansen
Brilliant thanks. Here's hoping justice is coming for many.

Juli Bea
THANK YOU Sue Grey for all of your tenacity, honesty and extremely hard work trying to get the Truth for all Kiwis. YOU are a TRUE HERO and deserve official recognition for everything you do. I would nominate you for New Zealander of the year , in fact Decade, if I could!

Judy Clark
You will need a Judge that won't be swayed first!

New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party
Judy Clark they just need to follow the law

Golden Alexandria
Healthcare NZ terminated my contract, I didn't decline the vax, I asked questions and wanted them to answer.

Rodrigo Nasa
Thank you for everything you do Sue! This country owe you a lot!!

Golden Alexandria
I've been waiting for 16years for investigations with child immunizations and autism.

New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party
Golden Alexandria we need to keep pushing to reclaim health from big Pharma

Marcus Hikoi James
Well researched and particularly well explained thankyou Sue Grey

Shari Landeg
Bring on the class actions! What an absolutely disgraceful time in our human history. Thank you for your tireless work Sue

Amanda Thompson
Thanks Sue!!! Great info. Definitely was not safe and effective was it

Jacquie Stokes
There was never an opportunity to give informed consent. So many lies & cover ups

New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party
Jacquie Stokes I agree. Informed consent is not possible without full disclosure of risks or where there is coercion

Lynne Wylie
Perhaps they could acknowledge the Turbo Cancers , Bloodclots, Brain Bleeds & all the Nurological Problems. Burwood Hospital is full of Gillian Barre (Polio). Thanks Sue

Allan Grant
Bring on criminal accountability !

Alison Heslop
Thanks for your research and sharing

Mary Hobbs
Thank you Sue. There should be criminal charges. And full compensation for those who lost loved ones and for the injured.

Carla Gates
Interesting conversation Sue Grey! Yes an inquiry is a must! Thanks for speaking out on this important information.

Lesha Coyle
Absolutely we need honesty.The people's rights.

Peter Wilson
Sue, I'm wondering if this has any thing to do with the possibility of Rory's second part of Inquest coming out.
Definitely don't trust them one ounce.
Keep up the great work.

Suzie Reyland
Peter Wilson I wasn't aware there was going to be a second part ... would you be able to advise me when that would be ?

Sandi Marie
Even though we're being vindicated I just feel SAD

New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party
Sandi Marie the entire situation is incredibly sad

Jane London
Fabulous news let's hope we can get to the bottom of it

Deborah Hallam
I am so glad Medsafe is finally admitting myocarditis and pericarditis ARE serious risks of the jab.

NZers need to know this to make INFORMED decisions. Thanks Sue.

Linda Knight
Fantastic!! So much thanks to Sue for her hard work. It's not over yet and this has to get out onto mainstream media!!!

Brenda Marshall
Thank you Sue ,full unbiased inquiry need as soon a possible

Pauline Scott
Well done and thank you Sue, sharing everywhere I can.

Jeannie Knott
Bless you sue for all your integrity and dedication

Sheree Morfett
Love it when the truth comes out! Thank you Sue for sharing

Brian Chadwick
Thank you again Sue , the reality if a fair enquiry was conducted would be that our prisons could not cope with the influx of filth . Any people found to have gained financially , should be forced to give that value to the crown under the proceeds of crimes act and forfeiture orders

Liz M Lambert
We need to have commissioners from Australia and we send some to them

New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party
Liz M Lambert yes but commissioner's who spotted the red flags early and had the courage to speak out, not those who ignored them

Lynda Smith Hamlin
Thank you Sue for all your research and concern for us all. We are so grateful

Laurice Steiner
I wonder what kind of compensation acc would give? A pay out? Cover for treatment? As it is hard to get pay outs

New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party
Laurice Steiner the law requires them to cover costs of treatment plus other related costs and 80% of lost wages . There is some possibility of exemplary damages

Margo McCurdy
Big love and thanks Sue for keeping us informed

Ritchie Macpherson
Thank you Sue for the awesome information that you share and for your commitment to the truth. We are truely blessed to have you on our side.

Kathryn Taylor
What would we do without you Sue?! Thank you for all your hard work on behalf of all of us

Serena Signall-Kuka
This is going to be a game changer

Ilka Villarreal
And so many that have died suddenly of heart attacks... What is the compensation for their relatives!!!

Heads should roll after this!!!

New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party
Ilka Villarreal yes we agree as clots are a known adverse effect

Kim Tennant
That's good. But to bad for all those that are dead

Download here: OPERATION-MOAR-The-Mother-of-all-Revelations-2023-10-21.mp4 - 59,055 kb
By: FreeNZ Media - 21st October 2023

The Mother of all Revelations
Tens of thousands of deaths in
New Zealand linked to the Covid Jabs

Liz Gunn follows up on her pre-election M.O.A.R announcement.

After viewing this video, many kiwis will be wondering how this was allowed to happen, were their relatives' victims?, and why it hasn't stopped immediately?

OIA Documents:

- Medsafe-Response-to-your-request-for-official-information2022-01-11.pdf

- Ministry-of-Health-Response-to-your-request-for-official-information-2023-03-15

Andrew Atkin
You're up against a lot of people (hundreds - or even thousands) who are terrified of accountability. First degree manslaughter is not a light prison sentence. They will do whatever it takes to protect themselves. But go you!

The info will come.
In the UK many solid cases were given to police, not a beep.
That would be the most efficient way to never hear from it again.
Once the people know the facts they can't sweep it under the carpet.
They will not be able to walk the streets..

Great message Liz. You are leading our coubtry already. Yes getting Winnie to show his true colors is the bext step. Much love to you from the sunny (wow) green hills of the King Country.

wow i AM NOT SURPRIZED, the cover up is big , seen the videos of new graves down south , so yes blow the top off this scam demic if you can

You wonder how much longer the MSM can keep reporting this stuff without putting two and two together:

"Raechelle Chase sudden death: Tributes flow for Kiwi fitness influencer"

"Top harness racing driver Katie Cox receives shock aggressive cancer diagnosis"

Well done..!! tried to warn people about the Bio- Weapon that was made by Darpa the industrial Military

Complex then on sold it to Pfizer..
This shot has Venom from the Crate Snake.hence why ivermecton was banned because I believe it helped ascertain what was in them..
Thank you-

The corporate owned police will do nothing. The courts will throw it out. The puppets at the top have been compromised. Globally it's the same. Many countries have so much data now of the crimes that have been committed yet nothing changes and no one is being held accountable. Why do you think the citizens have been stripped of their guns in many places? Australia put out the batch data about a year ago. They traced some of the deadliest batches to disability homes. Until the masses wake up, the crimes will continue. It's a depopulation agenda and the controllers aren't going to stop

Thank you very much Liz. Sadly both major political parties in New Zealand are up to the necks in corruption and are selling out of our country to foreign entities for their own personal gain.

how can we do this with the police?

Nuremberg the perps!

Well thank you Liz we finally get to hear what everybody talks about but never does anything about it. It is out all around the world. Every injury that happened over the last two years was related to covid before anybody was vaxed and then when the vaxed got injured there was no one to go to for help, no hospital, no doctor - they just shoved them away into isolation in wards and treated the vaxed injured like criminals. You know they took a shot for the whanau. Proves the whole Govt is Guilty of crimes against humanity....

Time to bring out the gallows necks need to stretch

Download here: Pfizer-Moderna-shares-plummet-due-to-high-public-resistance-to-Covid-19-Kill-Shots-2023-10-18.mp4 - 1,393 kb
By: John Talks - 18th October 2023

Pfizer / Moderna shares plummet
due to high public resistance
to Covid-19 Kill Shots

Everyone who spouted off and virtue signaled about "anti-vaxxers" in the last couple years need to do one of three things: get their booster, admit that they were wrong, or declare themselves anti-vaxxers." Oh and they should apologize for dehumanizing people for demanding informed consent. The desire for informed consent does not make one a conspiracy theorist.

The best part about being a pureblood is not having myocarditis

Please give yourself a round of applause for being jab free and being free of the brainwashed of bigpharma!

People need to realize it was never about covid and only about the vaccine.

I still remember my ex boss telling me that I'm going to have to get vaccinated at some point to work anywhere. That was when I gave my notice and quit due to mandates at my work. Used to work for big Pharma. Still unvaccinated and loving it.

Sadly it doesn't matter to the people who made billions. They still got that cash and will never be prosecuted.

Love the fact YouTube put a blue banner on the top even though the magic word wasn't mentioned once.

They are now analyzing the video text to find all those naughty words so they can post their supposed "facts".

Nobody laughs at this stuff as hard as PureBloods

Vaccaine makers: our vaccines are safe

Also vaccines makers: there may be serious side effects

"Medical science is making such remarkable progress that soon, none of us will be well." - Aldous Huxley

Does my heart good to see the liar's castle crumble after being forced to gaze upon it for years. 2% is hilarious.

Saw a kid earlier today wearing a mask from school I felt so bad for that abused kid.

Download here: OH-SHIT-Pfizer-is-heading-for-bankruptcy-Mega-Vaccination-Hesitancy-2023-10-18.mp4 - 37,640 kb
By: Redacted - 18th October 2023

Pfizer is heading for bankruptcy?!
Mega Vaccination Hesitancy"
FRAUD - Pfizer switched
& deceived everyone!

0:00 Pfizer is heading for bankruptcy
6:44 Pfizer lied to us, committed fraud and switched vaccines!
11:20 Pfizer immunity

Pfizer says that it must conduct layoffs and budget cuts because profits are so low due to what CEO Albert Bourla calls "Covid fatigue." The CDC estimates that only 2% of Americans have received the most recent Covid booster shot. While $70 billion does not seem all that bad for a profit report, consider that Pfizer made over $100 billion last year from Covid products. Could this spell bankruptcy for Pfizer on the heals of recent revelations of accused wrongdoing?

#redacted #claytonmorris #independentjournalists

Transcript - from 7 minutes onwards:

Redacted: "..but is it just that sales are down or is there more trouble for Pfizer?

Well recently British, uh, Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen, sent a letter to Prime Minister Rishi Sunic letting him know that he had evidence that Pfizer did not deliver the vaccine that they delivered clinical trial information about! In fact, uh, he says that Pfizer originally rolled out the vaccine in 2020, uh, showed the FDA clinical trial data and then delivered a different vaccine!

Um, this is something that uh if you watch John Campbell's YouTube channel, he talked about how when he realized, that he had been analyzing all of this vaccine trial data, for his channel and giving his audience an assessment of that vaccine data - and then realizing that he sort of sent them out to get a different vaccine, because he thought that those uh, that that data was promising. He was really upset about the fact that like I was telling somebody something that was wrong and I didn't know it.

Uh watch what uh MP Andrew Bridgen says about this..."

MP Andrew Bridgen: "On the 7th of August this year, I wrote to prime minister Rishi Sunak, with evidence that I received from Dr Josh Guccko of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, which indicated that Pfizer had been enabled by the MHRA, the medicines and healthcare product regulatory agency in the UK, to carry out a bait and switch operation with their vaccine, which meant that the Pfizer vaccine that was tested on 22,000 individuals with 22,000 in a placebo group, was not the same vaccine that was rolled out in the UK and around the world!

The compelling evidence for this is the fact that on the second day of mass vaccination in the UK, the MHRA changed the guidelines, told people they had to stay at the Vaccination Centre for 15 minutes after vaccination. The reason for this remaining at the Vaccination Centre, was the risk of anaphylactic shock. The MHRA hadn't expected anaphylactic shock, because it wasn't shown in the Pfizer trials. You only get anaphylactic shock when there are endotoxins in the vaccines; and you only get endotoxins in the vaccines when they've been cultured up in bacteria such as Eschere coli. That demonstrated that the vaccine that was rolled out around the world, was not manufactured in the same way, or to the same standards, as that vaccine that they'd got medical approval for!

That means that nobody could have given informed consent! They were told that the vaccines were safe, effective and tested; and what they were taking was a completely untested vaccine from Pfizer. I'm still waiting for the prime minister to respond to the 44 pages of evidence I supplied on this matter, which is of crucial importance to the health and well-being of our nation."

FRAUD - Pfizer switched vaccines & deceived everyone!

Can a company that's bankrupt be held responsible for crimes against humanity?

Just know filing for bankruptcy doesn't mean they are going out of business. It's just a way for taxpayers to off their "debts".

From now on, all covid vaccines and medicines should be tested on Fauxi and every board member and shareholder of every pharma company that produces any of them. That would be an excellent clinical trial.

Mum told me when I was little, "never take sweets from strangers", but this is clearly a case of 'never inject useless garbage pushed by known liars and criminals'. We were warned. Never again

Only 2% still getting covid shots leaves me hope for America.

They ought to be put in prison for crimes against humanity.

I don't feel sorry for anyone forcing a bioweapon onto the public.

Would bankruptcy protect them from lawsuits in response to effects of the jab?

Finally, some positive news in the world for a change.

Natalie and Clayton love you guys for telling and defending the truth!

My utmost appreciation goes to the Redacted team for your in-depth research and delivery of a wide range of pertinent topics.

My husband of 20 yrs. Who never drank and only took doctor prescribed medicine was given oxycontin became automatically addicted because it supposedly fills the same receptor sites in the brain as alcoholism (my husband's parents were alcoholics, he never drank in twenty yrs of marriage) became automatically addicted and after fighting it for 4 yrs died by himself in an apt while in the middle of our divorce . Leaving me with much debt, my girls and much grief. To say he was the love of my life and the nicest man I ever knew is an understatement. Seeing who he became on that drug was heartbreaking. That was 2007. Then 2008, pure hell. To say I HATE BIG PHARMA and the SACKLER FAMILY IS AND UNDERSTATEMENT! I wish them hell on earth and even on the otherside.

May all who knew what they were doing have their karma served up with vengenence!

They are already morally bankrupt...

Gotta love Redacted

We absolutely need better procedures in our medicine. As a recently retired medical professional, I've been shocked at how all of Covid was managed. I don't like newborns receiving 6 vacs before going home with no autoimmune system in place yet. Pain meds are important, but we must follow the patient so there is less chance of addiction and cease our bipolar reaction that sends them to the street for fentanyl. There must be audits and a better policing of practices with all vaccines now. The companies have proven themselves unworthy of trust.

Awesome reporting team! Thanks for shining the light of truth through the fog of corruption.

hope anyone invested in the company loses everything

Secret Deals made in New Zealand
for 11,000 Covid-19 Jab Exemptions!
By: theBFD - 10 October 2023

Secret Deals made in New Zealand for 11,000 Covid-19 Jab Exemptions!

I am a surgical specialist in a provincial hospital in New Zealand. I was forced against my will by Ardern, Hipkins and Bloomfield to have three mRNA jabs to keep my job. I have a mortgage and a family to provide for. I left it as late as possible but was told I would lose my job if I did not. After the first and second jabs, I had cardiac arrhythmias, brief sharp chest pains, and breathlessness, and was tired for several months.

Some nights when going to sleep with my resting pulse over 100, I wondered if I would wake up in the morning.

I was coerced into this situation by non-medical tyrants I did not vote for. When I saw my GP about this, he asked if I thought I was anxious!

Three close colleagues have also been similarly affected. One, arguably the best in his field in our area, has left medicine completely and is still being hounded by the Medical Council. Another was stood down until he relented – the stress on his family and department (covering on-call, etc) has been huge. The third was forced to stop work for many months with no income, as he would not be vaccinated and he is still being persecuted over a trivial, trumped-up matter by the Medical Council.

All four of us have endured the ridicule of our unthinking follow-the-script colleagues, some of whom have since had myocarditis and other health problems, and are not quite so critical anymore.

Nurses we worked with have been mandated out of work. Others, forced to be jabbed, have had serious cardiac side effects – these are young healthy mothers.

The DHB system, now TWO systems (Te Whatu Ora) has never been so shambolic, nor run down, as it is right now. A colleague joked the other day:

You turn up to do your operating list; it has fallen apart yet again because

  • There are no beds;
  • There are too few anaesthetists;
  • There are no radiographers;
  • There are no anaesthetic technicians;
  • Any or all of the above.

Except it is not a joke; it is reality.

The people who are meant to support and facilitate the clinical staff, so we can get on and care for patients, have failed in their duty. The Government - Labour - has totally failed. TWO is a mess.

And now, to get to the point of my piece, we have found out from an OIA this week that secret deals were made for 11,000 jab exemptions. I am dumbfounded, shocked... I actually do not have the words for how gutted and betrayed I feel. This is beyond anything. After all the threats, coercion, marginalisation, personal health effects, and being called a conspiracy theorist - to find out the Labour Government conspired with its officials to gaslight us, force us to be jabbed, lie it was safe and fully tested, while all the while quietly letting "their own" off the hook - I finally now can never forgive them.

The further damage this does to the very shaky TWO is yet to be seen, but it will do nothing to strengthen the recovery that must happen. I have nothing but contempt for the people who are meant to run the health system, and now after thirty years of working for them, I feel absolutely no loyalty. I do not see how I can keep working for them after their two-faced betrayal.

And... Labour, Ardern, Hipkins, Bloomfield – you are all revolting.

COVID-19, Election 2023, Health, NZ, NZ Politics, Politics

I don't read or listen to much msm but is this getting much coverage.

Ferris Bueller
No, nor are the main players being asked about it.

Pam Arbitrator
It needs to be shared far and wide.

Claire Paulson
You would think it would, but alas all very silent. Tragic!

Is this is why they are all terrified of NZF asking questions?

Yep and unlike the Chch whitewash they will not be burying the guilty as sin names under the Secrets Act for 30 years.

I would be very surprised if NZF is asking any questions once comfortably back in the parasite den.
I am sure master illusionist has already thought his way through. You know, we need to get country back on track not dwell in the past...

Old Kiwi
Of course they will - there are people on their list that know vax injured people and they are angry. We will not get the country back on track by turning a blind eye to what has been done. You want what happened to occur again?

Kirsten Murfitt is number 11 on NZF list, whether she gets in or not, I can't imagine she will stop asking questions and writing OIA requests.
We need acknowledgements of the harm done and justice.

mark hampson
murfitt will answer to pro-vaxer winnie, the council, patrons, & all the public servants that actually write policy & run govt. NZF is just an appendage of nat/labour & bends with the wind direction. there are REAL 'freedom' parties in nz who will NOT bend on policy- ie leaving the UN, WHO & WEF. we fail to support them at our cost

PersonOfColor: Polychrome
OK. So what analysis of the 11,000 exemptions has been done? Is the information available? Does it support the assertion that these were 'their own'?

If this assertion is proven this is by far the biggest corruption we have seen.

Apparently can't be revealed 'for privacy reasons'.

Privacy = cover up reasons. Had enough of all ther lack of transparency and secret squirrel stuff. It's the cover up.

Old Kiwi
I believe it has already been confirmed these are all in the medical field, some in admin rolls. See latest

Hatchard Report. Whistleblowers from within have given him some info.
Kirsten Murfitt (11th on NZF list) has recently made further OIAs requesting a breakdown of who these people are, ie more detail of the groups they represent. Won't be out before the election. Kirsten has submitted a number of OIAs regarding the Covid Scam over the last couple of years.

If you look at the idiots, I would not be surprised if half of these that were supposedly 'exempt' took the jabs voluntarily.
Or the excuse could be that these were 'blanket' exemptions and were utilized only in a limited number if at all. Who knows. We now know it was all lies and propaganda and some of us knew it from the very start.

The Forgotten Man
I have engaged politely and directly with the Medical Council because I too regard this as a major, unethical, immoral betrayal - especially with the serious, hospitalization-level medical effects in my immediate family.

Last week they (NZMC) claimed not to know anything about it.
This week they're not answering their phones.
Next week I'm going to be on their office doorstep when it opens.

Thank you for caring enough to actually do something about this ………for all those who can't . …and please report back .

The Forgotten
I will report what I hear/see. I'll be recording it because I expect to get either the brush off or attempts made to goad me into something for which they can sanction me further.

I am so, so sorry to read this! I cannot imagine the depths to which you feel you have been betrayed.

What has happened to you, disturbs me greatly.

I know you spent 13-15 years training to be a surgeon. You studied hard, sweated in exams, and willingly sacrificed much to commit your life helping others keep healthy. For you especially as a doctor, to face massive decisions about a new vaccine, to take them, then to realise you have been vaccine injured. To find out that vaccine exemptions were given to colleagues behind your back is contemptable and deeply hurtful.

To some extent the same mistrust, loss and grief is echoed among a lot of us. But your loss is immense. To have heart problems is hugely stressful and as you say life threatening.

To face the realisation that your government and of all people, the man who heads up Health in NZ coerced you to have the vaccines caused you to be unwell is despairingly hideous.

They cannot say they didn't know. They knew alright. They were told. They saw with their own eyes thousands of kiwis in front of them some of whom were suffering vaccine injuries. There were white crosses strung up on Parliament grounds. Other concerned doctors and Cardiologists from around the world, were calling to halt the programme until the vaccine could be further tested. But no.

Thank you for letting us know what's going on for you and how our Health System is crumbling, though it's very worrying. I have no idea whether Winston Peters will be able to insist on a full independent inquiry into the COVID-19 response as he promises? I hope so. I will vote for NZF, as the current 120 there, will not support an inquiry, as they are all complicit.

I salute you. Thank you.

So what you are saying is that like the rest of the population you were expendable, acceptable collateral damage.

But hey Chris said nobody was forcibly vaccinated, they made a choice, right.

Some choice, I suspect that this story still has a long way to go, it maybe intergenerational passed down through the DNA.

Rene de Monchy
As a medical doctor (specialist) standing for the lofty Spirit of Medicine as in Hippocratic oath of First do not harm, and after an almost 50 year medical career I was mandated out from one moment to the next. That was it, and because I followed my conscience. It was hard, yet I feel a free man, and am working again, as a free spirit and can hold my head high.

I am so sorry this has happened to you. I am sorry it's happened to so many people. What upsets me as well, is how easily people can be turned. How could those 11,000 exempted health staff go ahead and accept an exemption, and either lie about it or hide it from their colleagues, who I am sure, they witnessed their great anxiety, distress, fear and more in their colleagues? What sort of people


This tells me THEY KNEW back then the dangers of this damned vaccine.

Download here: 5-Times-August-There-Aint-No-Rock-and-Roll-2023-10-07.mp4 - 32,723 kb
By: Greatest Hits Radio USA - 7th October 2023

5 Times August
There Ain't No Rock and Roll

Nailed it!

I was waiting for someone to stand up for us. Thank you for sharing the song

Love it .. best new song I've heard in decades .. and every line never a truer word

Great that someone out there, in music, is calling out the frauds in Rock+ Roll !!!!!!!! Great work my friend!

POWERFUL, says it ALL. Just wow, beautiful melody, incredible lyrics, and absolutely brilliant video.

Kudos for calling out ALL of the sellout shills! Damn, I'm stunned.

This was beautiful. Thank you so much for this.

One of my new favs. What an amazing song…

This is just great. Share widely. Music can wake people up.

Yep. Feel the same way. We've been duped by people who pretend to be anti-establishment but are really pro-establishment.

An absolute fucking banger.

YES! This is such a great, well written message.

I can't get enough of this song.



Such a great song that tells the truth!

I think someone should start an Anti-Grammy awards... this song/video is so well crafted.

Wow what a very accurate song!! Love it

Download here: Vaccine-Inventor-REFUSES-New-Covid-Booster-2023-10-05.mp4 - 14,556 kb
By: The Jimmy Dore Show - 5th October 2023

Vaccine Inventor
REFUSES New Covid Booster!

Paul Offit, a pediatrician at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia who sits on FDA's own vaccine advisory group, has strongly opposed the broad recommendation for previous boosters and says it makes even less sense now. Offit, who is 72, already had COVID-19 once and is in good health, did not receive the bivalent booster himself and doesn't plan to get the new one.

Guest host Craig "Pasta" Jardula discusses what might seem like a surprising stance from one of the COVID vaccine's biggest professional advocates.


When I saw that the government was giving the drug companies total immunity from lawsuits for the vaccine, I knew I was definitely going to skip the jab.

I pray that all those who were complicit in covering up the fact that the vaxx didn't stop transmission, and also are still covering up the vaxx harm are held to account, and jailed as they're a danger to mankind

Truth-tellers are silenced, while the liars have their voices amplified. A crime against humanity.

My grandpa once told me... Never take candy from a stranger. I applied that logic to the vaccine highway.

My best friend was severely injured from the Moderna shots-she died 5 weeks ago. She wound up in the hospital thin and frail and was given so many meds that she never walked out again. We are living in a nightmare.

Like some of us were saying 3 years ago, when the truth comes out, you cannot unvaccinate yourself

If everybody had the balls to say no in the first place, this crime against humanity could not of happened but unfortunately there are to many people that don't have the capacity to tell when they are being conned by criminals.

I got the first two shots, wish I hadn't. As a socially warm, healthy, fit 67-year-old Californian, who didn't get boosted, I got ostracized and judged for being "dangerous". I know much worse happened in vaccine injuries, deaths, and job losses. I still can't speak freely about this with most friends and family, so watching Jimmy Dore and Dr. John Campbell and a few others has kept me sane in these corrupt, controlling, and crazy times!

Hard to believe that so many people still believe that V policy has public health as a goal.

Pureblooded and proud. I will never get the jab, and I will never trust the government again.

I refused the vaccine and luckily I at 83 haven't caught the disease. My main reason was that I was afraid of the effect on pre.existing conditions. I take Jimmy Dore's advice and take vitamin 3 D every day

Download here: Disease-X-The-Next-Pandemic-Could-Kill-50-Million-People-Vantage-with-Palki-Sharma-2023-10-03.mp4 - 13,470 kb
By: Firstpost - 3rd October 2023

Disease X: The Next Pandemic
Could Kill 50 Million People
Vantage with Palki Sharma

Disease X: The Next Pandemic Could Kill 50 Million People | Vantage with Palki Sharma

Reports say the next big pandemic will be caused by "Disease X". It could be about 20 times worse than the Wuhan Virus pandemic and kill 50 million people. What is this disease?

What are countries doing about it? Palki Sharma brings you the complete report.

#palkisharma #diseasex #vantageonfirstpost

The fact that they, WHO, can say what's coming and how severe it is is telling of who it is coming from! Wickedness.

"Only the thief who sets fire can tell when the next fire will be" ~ Ancient Japanese proverb

We should talk about how to improve our immunity to help fight viruses. Nutrition, sunlight, exercise, etc…

Do you know what can be worse? Stress !!! Stressing people is the worst !!! Being under stress is the worst !!!

There's no business more lucrative than the business of fear. We all know who are the usual suspects but we are all helpless..

Imagine 50 million human will died from a virus that pops out of no where .. May the Sustainer have mercy on mankind . This is pure wickedness.

"And no, Elon Musk has nothing to do with this" Palki is officially the GOAT of news anchoring

During a TED conference, Bill Gates eloquently hinted at the potential for a 2025 pandemic, a blockbuster event set to rival even the wildest Hollywood scripts. I couldn't help but ponder, with Ketu in Virgo, the guardian of health, from November 2023 to June/July 2025, and Saturn's impending struggle in Pisces, it's like the cosmic stage is set for a sensational show. Neptune's swim in Pisces raises intriguing questions, and Rahu's bloat and gloat, along with Pluto's aquatic ambitions in Aquarius, could turn this into a thrilling waterborne bio-epic. So, folks, fasten those seatbelts (seriously), because it's gonna be a bumpy ride! Just remember, WHO's on break, so keep those questions to yourself.

Download here: Fully-Vaccinated-LGBTQ-Plus-Queer-PM-Chris-Hipkins-tests-positive-for-Covid-2023-10-02.mp4 - 5,203 kb
By: Coronavirus Plushie - 2nd October 2023
Fully Vaccinated LGBTQ+ Queer
NZ PM Chris Hipkins, tests positive
for Covid-19 Days Before the Election!

Fully Vaccinated LGBTQ+ Queer NZ PM Chris Hipkins, tests positive for Covid-19 Days Before the Election!

Two weeks out from election day and New Zealand's fully vaxxed, fully boosted Prime Minister Chris Hipkins is self isolating after he tests positive

@chrishipkins @nzlabour #nzpol

Fully Vaccinated LGBTQ+ Queer NZ PM Chris Hipkins, tests positive for Covid-19 Days Before the Election!

Fully Vaccinated LGBTQ+ Queer NZ PM Chris Hipkins, tests positive for Covid-19 Days Before the Election!

SYDNEY, Oct 1 (Reuters) - New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins has tested positive for COVID-19 and will work remotely while isolating, his office said on Sunday, just two weeks before a general election in which his Labour party is struggling.

The positive test will temporarily sideline Hipkins in the campaign for the Oct. 14 election. Labour has been sliding in the opinion polls, with the centre-right National party leading by 31.9% to 26.5% in a recent survey.

Politicians testing 'positive' for Covid is usually code for 'they are now cooperating with the Whitehats / Alliance.'

Expect big changes in Chris Hipkin's life soon. Think Jacinda Ardern, Dan Andrews, Nicola Sturgeon...

BTW, President Trump is still the Commander in Chief.

somehow reminds me of Trudeau's isolation during protests in Ottawa....

Coronavirus Plushie
Yes, of course there is the question of whether he really HAS tested positive (not that Im saying the tests are reliable anyway), and the question of whether he really HAS even had the covid shots!

Bukster Bird
I'll look forward to hearing him say, "thank goodness I was fully vaccinated. It would have been so much worse otherwise"

It's because I didn't get any jabs, he got infected

It's all my fault. Sorry guys

Pretty sure the big leaders didn't take the ClotShots …

Karma really for Mr Booster you can't get Covid if you have been fully vaccinated right

I encourage politicians to take the shot, in fact double up.

Social Skeptic
From the very beginning, logic was never a part of this vaccination program. At first it was fear, then quickly moved to virtue-signalling and we've been stuck there ever since.

The Awakening / Revolution Is NOW
He's such a coward. A disgrace to man and masculinity. I've met 10 year old boys who are literally more manly than #chrishipkins .

Hector Rivera
It's become a gimmick, COVID today is milder than the common cold usually 1-2 days to get over it for most otherwise healthy people. But politicians love to publicly state they're "isolating" for five days... so they don't have to face constituents

Loredana la donna.
On purpose I suspect, so he can claim victimhood when he loses.

Faith Hope Love
I bet he had saline jabs...

Ian Moone
I kind of have my doubts if he ever really had any of the vaccinations. I won't be surprized if he is a pureblood.

Brexit Ron
The only people still scared of Covid are vaccinated against it!

Download here: Covid-19-Vaccine-Zionist-JewJab-Injury-Compilation-2023-10-01.mp4 - 203,076 kb
By: BFK888 - 1st October 2023

Covid 19 Vaccine Zionist
JewJab Injury Compilation

"If they [the Jews] could kill us all, they would gladly do so, aye, and often do it, especially those who profess to be physicians. They know all that is known about medicine in Germany; They can give poison to a man of which he will die in an hour, or in ten or twenty years; they thoroughly understand this art." - Martin Luther

#covid #vaccine #injury

Download here: The-2020-genocide-how-they-did-it-perfectly-explained-in-3-minutes-2023-09-30.mp4 - 22,511 kb
By: Free Your Mind Documentaries - 30th September 2023
& how they did it
Perfectly explained in 3 minutes

The 2020 genocide and how they did it, perfectly explained in 3 minutes

Source: " pureblood"

NOTE: These are not necessarily the beliefs of the uploader. Discernment is required to see the Truth in all of it. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ is the Light that came into the world. There is NO other name by which you can be saved! Repent, be baptized and Born Again!

Sounds like what happened, to me!

I want to hear this daily . AWESOME!

There must be reckoning.
There must be JUSTICE!

Wow, no better articulation ever spoken by anyone.

Don't let JEW get away with it.

Download here: It-is-not-a-vaccine-It-is-a-permanent-GENETIC-TOXIN-YOU-ARE-NO-LONGER-HOMO-SAPIEN-2023-09-30.mp4 - 5,116 kb
By: DR JANE RUBY - 30th September 2023
It's not a vaccine!
It's a permanent GENETIC TOXIN!

It's not a vaccine

It's a permanent GENETIC TOXIN




View & subscribe to my work on GMO Food, the Bioweapon, & The Great Reset at

Dr. David Martin
Great summary Jane! Thank you

Jane Moorhouse
Am I right in assuming then that if I had my DNA done now it will be different to that from a blood sample I did for Ancestry UK before I had the vaccine. If so would it be worth trialling and would Ancestry cooperate in the experiment. Will this affect people/blood transfusion

The ancestry DNA tests are a scam, there's a reason they take 12 weeks to come back… It goes to China, it's a dangerous track and trace scheme. Avoid at all costs

They are pharmaceutical waste. God won't allow them to continue, neither will Mother Nature.

George Conant
I begged many people to hold back, to wait and see, to ask for testing results of the new tech. Few listened. They yelled at me, told me I was stupid. They said the vax is tried and true, nothing to worry about. I said wait, it's OK to inject gene editing juices for why? sad

I'm a Sovereign Entity
Nuremberg 2.0 will ensure we build back MUCH better...

How to Collect Anterior Nasal
Specimens (Nasopharyngeal) for
COVID-19 Testing & Create Slaves
By: Melinda Richards - 30th September 2023

Why did they have to put the stick so far up your nose to test for COViD?

Answer (by ZZigZZag):
To make the compliant Covid Slaves more docile by bruising the amygdala.

How to Collect Anterior Nasal Specimens (Nasopharyngeal) for COVID-19 Testing & Create Slaves

How to Collect Anterior Nasal Specimens (Nasopharyngeal) for COVID-19 Testing & Create Slaves

Max Pleming
There is a reason it removes damages a little mucus membrane that there to stop your brain getting infections.........they know exactly why they did/do this mate.

Roger 4 Freedom
nano robots set straight to the brain this way? I know sounds like a conspiracy but yeah WHY ?

Green Fairy
Because it was a sadistic psyop that in all likelihood involved chemicals on the sticks breaking the blood brain barrier.

We haven't seen the long term damage by a long shot yet. Nobody knows what was on those sticks.

Harvesting DNA samples

Jenny Taylor - TheVoiceIsALandGrab
I had it 17 times by force, then developed this weird neck and spinal pain symptoms which I haven't been able to rid myself for 10months..I was told by doctors it's laced with the vaccine for the vaccine hesitant to trick people into dying from the bioweapon..

Geoff Heinricks
An immediately unanswerable question. If if was so virulent it would not have required such prospecting.

And if the virus was remotely as dangerous as they said, all facemasks would have been collected and processed as dangerous medical waste, rather than blowing on the streets.

I had it done before convid to test for whooping cough. Test came back negative. I don't trust any of these tests . . that includes pap smears, mammograms, colonoscopys . . etc. . . If you poke around hard enough you're bound to find something . . and then what?

They're manufactured in China with an ethylene oxide coating, a known carcinogen.

Jon Snow
To break brain barrier, and of the top is cancerogenic gas or poison which side effect can be lost of smell and taste which exactly many people experienced during plandemic and called it it is Covid symptom.

I never subjected myself to one of theses tests, and always wondered why, if the virus was so infectious, a spit sample wasn't adequate. Very bizarre.

The Punisher
Those of us who tried to warn the sheeple about the jab, you did your duty and I say now all who wants to take it let them, for they are the sheep being led to the slaughter, literally

Makes our job much easier ridding the world of zombies, this message isn't unsympathetic or immoral, it's common sense, everyone has a choice and that the choice of ignorance has consequences

If some random government official says to inject yourself with a deadly poison and you feel like it's the right thing to do, then by all means serve your masters

For it's a great thing God gave you free will, but unfortunate that you never accepted his discernment

Once you know, it's too late

Download here: COVID-19-Vaccine-Claimed-to-be-100-Percent-Effective-in-Preventing-Deaths-was-a-HUGE-Lie-2023-09-27.mp4 - 111,158 kb
By: Elon Musk - 27th September 2023
COVID-19 Vaccine Claimed to be
100% Effective in Preventing Deaths
It was a HUGE Lie!

Elon Musk: "Have you heard dis information?"

COVID-19 Vaccine Claimed to be 100% Effective in Preventing Deaths. It was a HUGE Lie!

I feel so sorry for the hundreds of millions of brain washed Normies suffering Cognitive Dissonance & Stockholm Syndrome (result of Governmental / Pharmaceutical / Media Propaganda.)

MASS PSYCHOSIS: How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL and Embraces GENOCIDE!

Elon Musk
My concern was more the outrageous demand that people *must* take the vaccine and multiple boosters to do anything at all. That was messed up.

Until the Supreme Court invalidated Biden's exec order, SpaceX and many other companies would have been forced to fire anyone who refused to get vaccinated!

We would not have done so. I would rather go to prison than fire good people who didn't want to be jabbed.

As for myself, I got original Covid before the vaccine was out (mild cold symptoms) and had to get three vaccines for travel. The third shot almost sent me to hospital.

How many other people out there have symptoms that are actually from the vaccine or Covid treatment, rather than Covid itself?

As for those who didn't take any vaccine, well @DjokerNole just won a record number of grand slams …

It's not like I don't believe in vaccines – I do. However, the cure cannot be potentially worse than the disease. And public debate over efficacy should not be shut down.

There is also great potential for curing many diseases using synthetic mRNA, so let's not throw the baby out with the bath water.

DD Denslow
The COVID vaccine is the most dangerous medical product ever put upon the public.

Every aspect of its marketing was a lie, from big pharma, media, national governments, and bodies like the WHO, all under the guidance of the WEF.

The only conclusion that can be drawn from the last three years, is that it was planned, and the harms caused, deliberate.

One might suspect the worst is still yet to come.

Silenced Survivor - Vax Injured
Have you heard about those of us injured by the vaccines?

Why are we censored?

Like most injured, I've been labeled misinformation and suspended on social media for sharing factual information about my injury, and others, such as Maddie DeGaray, severely injured in Pfizer's 12-15 year-old trial.

In the current culture, it's unacceptable to discuss vaccine injuries and that tone is set by the Government. This is not right!

Twitter and Facebook internal documents show directed censorship of factual information, resulting in harm to the American People.

Cali Sports Mom
Does anyone know what caused more vaccine injuries? The vaccine itself, the booster, or the cumulative effect for those who got multiple vaccines and boosters?

My 15 yo now has dx with T1 diabetes after her immunity was destroyed following the booster shot.

Truth Justice
17,000 SCIENTISTS AND PHYSICIANS: Data shows the Covid Vaccinated are more likely to become infected or have disease or even death if they have been vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated people. It damages your heart, brain, reproductive tissue and lungs.

Glenn Sandström
A bit late too speak now. Where were they 3-4 years ago when I was screeming against all the tyrrany?

Truth Justice
They must be punished for criminally lying to the world which resulted in millions of injuries and deaths worldwide. They deliberately manipulated you, terrorized you and forced you to get an experimental injection that does not stop the transmission.

Download here: Chasing-down-the-doctor-who-killed-his-sister-with-the-Covid-Bioweapon-Vaccine-Shot-2023-09-18.mp4 - 1,638 kb
By: Possumkicker - 18th September 2023
Chasing down the doctor who
killed his sister with the
Covid Bioweapon Vaccine Shot!

Chasing down the doctor who killed his sister with the Covid Bioweapon Vaccine Shot.

#covid-mnra-protein-spikes #death-injury-death #vaccine-shot-jab

Dwight Power
Kill the bastard.

Soon they won't be able to walk the streets

Can't be soon enough! They're taking out everyone who has been outspoken against their WEF, NWO, Luciferian Agenda. Come on White Hats, take control while there's still something to save!

well fucking kill him you idiot

Hi this poor guy's sister died after the bioweapon injection- he was chasing down the doctor (in his car) who killed his sister with the shot.

No he doesn't he has an issue with the Doctor giving therm to people. This video is old

therm is a unit of heat energy.

COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout
History in New Zealand
What jab (kill shot) are we up to now?
By: Are you awake yet? - 15th September 2023
Many Kiwis have hit the major milestone of 6 Covid mRNA Experimental Injections!

Many Kiwis have hit the major milestone of
'6' Covid mRNA Experimental Injections!

Covid-19 Vaccination Rollout History:

In New Zealand, the COVID-19 mRNA gene altering vaccination programme began way back on 20th February 2021.

With the rollout of the very 1st Covid Vaccine concoction, many beguiled Kiwis completely ignored: sound science, common sense and morality - joined the 'team of 5 million' - dutifully rolled up their sleeves and participated in possibly the biggest voluntary genocidal programme ever devised - to depopulate the Earth of useless eaters - as per the protocols of the World Economic Forum, UN, WHO and many secret societies!

Clever Vaccine Strategy:

Thankfully only about 20% of those who received the 1st Covid-19 vaccine injections - had the actual mRNA vaccine ingredients / poisons; the other 80% of arms injected received saline solution injections only. This was a brilliant marketing strategy, as Pfizer and the New Zealand government couldn't have everyone come down sick or die after the very fist vaccine, otherwise there would have been extreme vaccine hesitancy in the future.

With the data now freely available, it has been observed that:

  • 1st jab: only 20% of those injected actually received the mRNA poisons = fewer adverse reactions = higher vaccine uptake rate;
  • 2nd jab: only 50% of those injected actually received the mRNA poisons = reduced adverse reactions = reasonable vaccine uptake rate;
  • 3rd jab (1st booster): 80% of those injected received the mRNA poisons = increased adverse reactions = reduced vaccine uptake rate;
  • 4th jab (2nd booster): 100% of those injected received the mRNA poisons = extreme adverse reactions = extremely reduced vaccine uptake rate;
  • 5th jab (3rd booster): 100% of those injected received the mRNA poisons = extreme adverse reactions = those still partaking in this genocidal program are mainly idiots and / or extremely proud people, who are so embarrassed to be labelled a 'conspiracy theorist' - that they will continue to take the jab for all eternity; or at least until the TV gods tell them that they can stop being so stupid now!

Thankfully most important people like the CEO of Pfizer Albert Bourla (Zionist Jew), PM Justin Trudeau, PM Jacinda Ardern, various Fact Checker staff etc, only received saline injections, as it was / is important that they maintain their health - in order that 'The Goal' is accomplished.

The Goal:

The goal was (and still is) to:

  • terrify the complacent and pliable populace into submitting to perpetual vaccination campaigns, via mainstream media (TV, radio & newspapers);
  • as well as bribe imbeciles with hamburgers, fries and other ridiculous incentives;
  • utilise politically orchestrated misinformation, coercion, fines, threats and menace;
  • with the ultimate goal of vaccinating most New Zealanders until they either die - or become transhuman slaves for the elitists.

Current Achievements:

As of approximately September 2023, New Zealand has now rolled out the 6th Covid Vaccine (aka 4 booster shots.) The good news is that most Covid-19 vaccinated guinea pigs are repeatedly getting 'Covid-19' and are suffering from 'Long Covid' or 'Longhaul Covid' etc.

Excess deaths caused by: Turbo Cancers / Myocarditis / Cause Unknown / Sudden Adult Death Syndrome etc - are at an all time high - and are proof positive that the Covid-19 vaccinations truly do work at shutting down your natural immune system, causing health degradation and a much earlier death.

Suppressing The Vaccination Rollout History:

Originally, governments, big pharma and the mainstream media, used to inform the docile voters and brainwashed minions, which Covid-19 vaccine we were up to, e.g. 2nd vaccine; or 3rd booster etc. However, in the interests of not alarming the sheeple by waking them up, the public are no longer informed about the chronology of the vaccine rollouts (try searching online for any chronology of the vaccine rollout in your country.)

If the gullible public realised that their latest vaccine is now number: #8, or #12, 19, 25, 38, 54, 123, 368, or the 687th Covid-27 vaccine injection etc, they may become guilty of 'thinking' - which, to many megalomaniacs, is construed as a 'thought crime.'


Killing hundreds of millions of people Globally, to possibly save a few people from 'a virus that has provably not been isolated' yet, really is a campaign worth selling your soul for. Kiwis certainly punch above their weight and are to be commended in their personal contribution to a dystopian future of despotism - via their record vaccine injuries and deaths. Well done to all vaccinated Kiwis!

A Bright Future For Big Pharma:

Now that many New Zealanders have been so accepting of any poisonous concoction labelled 'a vaccine', the future is very bright for fraudulent companies such as Pfizer, Moderna etc, as they continue to roll out 'Kill Shots' and 'Clot Shots' - at least until there is no one left...

Bribing imbeciles with hamburgers, fries and other ridiculous incentives

Download here: Dr-David-Martin-calls-for-total-destruction-of-the-WHO-for-Crimes-Against-Humanity-and-Bio-Terrorism-2023-09-13.mp4 - 43,914 kb
By: ClearNFO - 13th September 2023
Dr. David Martin calls for the total destruction
of the World Health Organization (WHO)
for Crimes Against Humanity & Bio-Terrorism

One of the most important videos on the internet.

Dr. David E. Martin calls for the total destruction of the World Health Organization (WHO) for Crimes Against Humanity & Bio-Terrorism.

SDM-S7 PowerPoint (Presentation)
Liberty and Justice in an Era of Pandemics – Ending the WHO Tyranny
Dr. David E. Martin
Chairman, M-CAM International
Batten Fellow, University of Virginia
Mit Deutschen Untertiteln (With German Subtitles)
AUS Dem EU-Parlament in Strasburg

Victoria Capps
One of the most important videos on the Internet…
Dr. David Martin exposes the WHO… the total destruction of WHO will be demanded by Global Humanity

Tim Mason
HOLY JESUS … he's not mincing words AT ALL …. This is very serious…

What a man, bless him.

Let the vacced die

Dr. David Martin is a brilliant whistleblower who has helped us all see the truth. I thank him from the bottom of my heart.

Hang every member of the WHO

After Burner3
Perpetrating the pandemic myth. There was no deadly pathogen.

Criminal racketeering of the global mafia to kill the human population…Dr David Martin lays it out clearly that the WHO must be destroyed.

Rebecca Mistereggen
The doctor who has published the most articles on Covid 19, more than the entire FDA, CDC and NIH combined, discusses that the vaccines don't work for anyone. @P_McCulloughMD

Keith Coley
No one knows more about Peter than Dr. David Martin. David is the modern day Sherlock Holmes who has been tracking all aspects of the Plandemic, especially Peter Daszak.

Dr Martin Names Names. Hello @cafreeland, I am talking to you. So far Dr Martin has proof of @JustinTrudeau and his Deputy PM/Finance Minister being up to their necks in this scam. Also, Mark Carney, Zuckerburg, Gates, and many others. Truly a must watch.

Download here: The-COVID-Clots-Why-the-vaccinated-are-sick-and-dying-Why-were-Ivermectin-and-Hydroxychloroquine-banned-2023-09-13.mp4 - 111,158 kb
By: Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson - 13th September 2023
Why the vaccinated (& unvaxxed)
are sick & dying? Microclots...
Why were Ivermectin and
Hydroxychloroquine banned?

The COVID CLOTS: A Full Measure Town Hall

Full Measure host Sharyl Attkisson is joined by a panel of experts to discuss emerging research and treatments related to COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines.

Sharyl Attkisson: "To be clear, correct me if I'm wrong on any of these things that I'm trying to summarize, Covid, what we call Long Covid, persistent injuries after Covid infection, and what some are now calling Long Vaxx, which are injuries that persist after vaccination or crop up months or years later, they can have similarities, so people may think, I didn't get vaccinated, I don't have the problem, or I did get vaccinated, but I didn't have problems right away. All of these people may be impacted?"

Dr Vaughn's: "Exactly and I think the fundamental pathogen and we'll talk about this probably a lot tonight is the spike protein and in fact what made Covid so dangerous is also what makes the vaccine something that also can cause significant issues; because again the spike protein itself is what's unique, it's what makes the damage and it's what truly is the pathogenic mechanism of this virus and unfortunately, uh, I guess the powers that be chose to use that same spike protein, in fact a pre-conformational form of it, to vaccinate the population with."

Sharyl Attkisson: "So you're getting it either way! You're getting it with a Covid infection; or if you're vaccinated, your body is being told to make this problematic Spike protein?"

Dr Vaughn's: "Exactly..."

Treatment Protocols - FLCCC Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance

Fully Covid vaxxed trans
Julie Rei Goldstein mocks the
unvaccinated - then succumbs
to the Clot Shot Myocarditis
By: Amazon Eve - Let Them Hate Provided They Fear - 10th September 2023


Fully Covid vaxxed trans Julie Rei Goldstein mocks the unvaccinated - then succumbs to the Clot Shot Myocarditis

Fully Covid vaxxed trans Julie Rei Goldstein mocks the unvaccinated - then succumbs to the Clot Shot Myocarditis


Fully Covid vaxxed trans Julie Rei Goldstein mocks the unvaccinated - then succumbs to the Clot Shot Myocarditis

Amazon Eve - Let Them Hate Provided They Fear - 10th September 2023:
"Never gets old does it @JulieRei ?

@transadvocate you too TA.

I remember when you wanted to treat the unvaccinated as second class citizens. How has that turned out?

Julie there isn't a meme you can post that will save you. You stupidly took the bio-weapon jab like a fool and you will more than likely develop a fatal complication. 1:65 will die. 1:35 will develop an adverse side effect.

But as I promised you I will have sympathy for your plight and will pray for you."

Julie Rei Goldstein - 10th September 2023:
"2 1/2 years later and 5 shots in, still going strong. Hoping the next one gets approved soon since cases are going up again and I don't want to be out of commission for a few days."

They're clogging up the hospitals... Maybe we should deny the vaccinated to ease the burden on our healthcare system

well, she is still in the narrative, life didn't teach her much...until the next shot.

Julie Rei Goldstein
You're still on this? Never did that reverse image search, I see.

Amazon Eve - Let Them Hate Provided They Fear
That's an image of you, writings from you of your hubris and your double standards, and the consequences of your actions. Priceless.

You're not clever, there is no switch or reverse image.

Take the loser walk of shame now.

Guess who vanished?
Dear "Julie",
You won gold for most gullible by wearing that useless mask - seriously, the only thing worse than ignorance is willful ignorance. You should switch off your TV, it has damaged your brain

Hello Julie, I am so sorry to hear that you have voluntarily participated in this Global Genocide Vaccination Program.

I sincerely pray that you will quit your idolatry of Big Pharma & channel your energies into fulfilling your true destiny - of becoming a true man of God.

Our Government has been lying to us!
By: Craig Kelly - 9th September 2023

A South African court has ordered that the Pfizer vaccine contract between the SA Government & Pfizer be made public.

And here it is :

It'a reasonable to assume that the terms and conditions in this contract would be very similar for every nation.

Clause 5.5 provides:

"Purchaser [the government] further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known."

So while poltiticans around the world were assuring the public that the vaccines were "safe & effective" - they'd signed a contract acknowledging that the long-term effects & efficacy of the Vaccine were not known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that were not known.

PFIZER / SOUTH AFRICAN VACCINE CONTRACT REVEALED. Our Government has been lying to us!

Our government and politicians lied to the public. No wonder they are so desperate to keep these contracts hidden.

Download the full 46 page PDF document: PFIZER-SOUTH-AFRICAN-VACCINE-CONTRACT-REVEALED-Our-Government-has-been-lying-to-us-2023-09-09-OCRPfizer-1-Redacted.pdf (13,829 kb) here: Download PDF document here...

What stands out for me is that the product "should not be serialized"meaning ? no ability to track manufacturing batches (i.e. no manufacturing controls) and no ability to track side effects from different manufacturing batches.

Take it or lose your job!

Permanent Suspension
If they were telling the world it was "safe and effective", then there should be no need for this language at all because the vaccine is "safe and effective". They put may because will is a promise.

This makes me angry. How can we make them accountable? The evidence sure seems piling up. Enough to start a trial of some sorts.

But by March 2021 they had already claimed the efficacy of the vaccine.

It was a lie.

Aussie Warpath
Mike Yeadon had issued a warning that governments around the world are locked in to buy up to ten injections for every man woman and baby.

Truth Justice
Pfizer deliberately lied and deceived the world. Albert Bourla and all the Top Executives are mass murderers and belong in prison for life with no parole.

Then how could any of them claim "safe and effective"

Except Pfizer DID know. Compelled by FOIA Pfizer published 1,291 adverse effects IT WOULD ADMIT TO in a document released in March, 2022 titled "Pfizer Post Marketing Experience" which should raise eyebrows of medical and research professionals reading that title.

Why? Pharmaceutical or device post marketing is what the FDA terms PHASE IV POST MARKETING TRIALS mandated situationally by the FDA to see how these products work in the real world". They always require informed consent and are voluntary.


I lost my father not long after he received the vaccination, and shortly thereafter, my mother started experiencing a series of health issues. She's now in a much weaker state than before. It's a challenging situation, and I'm aware that many others are also facing similar difficulties. Despite the government's attempts to keep us uninformed, we're not alone in this.
Im not sad, but angry beyond belief....

These vaccines need to be tested!!

So sad seeing all these people around the world being affected in so many ways.

The government fear mongering has to stop..

One love brother.

So sorry to hear about your family.
We lost a few to the poke as well..

Vaibhavi Limaye
India was being forced to sign up and buy on the same terms. We asked for trials. Pfizer refused. We asked for a liability clause in case of adverse reactions. Pfizer refused.
We told them to take a walk.

Matt Heff
Big Big respect for India turning it down.

The vaccinated are clogging up the hospitals... Maybe we should deny the vaccinated to ease the burden on our healthcare system - like they did to us!!

Preston Henshaw
"safe and effective" our governments told us, while we all knew it was rushed and experimental.

Neo Azazel Gotti ARK33
Wow somebody's definitely going to jail for all lies big pharm says and does or will they get away from it

Almost every country in the world was in on it. What makes you think anyone is going to jail?

Dewey Duck
They claimed AN efficacy for the vaccine. It kept being revised lower. The efficacy trial was still ongoing. It was completed in March 2023. If you took the vaccine prior to that date, you were PART of that trial. Buyer beware.

Download here: Whoopi-Goldberg-keeps-getting-Covid-19-despite-all-her-Covid-Vaccines-Then-and-now-2023-09-08.mp4 - 6,942 kb
By: Clown Planet - 8th September 2023

Whoopi Goldberg keeps getting
Covid-19 despite all her Covid Vaccines!
Then and now...

Putting a mask over that mug is always going to benefit the world.

So she's wearing a mask to protect the others over Zoom? What level of insanity are these people operating on?

I highly encourage ALL leftists to hurry up and get your boosters before they run out of the current batch.


Trump won. Thought she was leaving the country

I would never take medical advice from someone who willingly shaves off their own eyebrows.

I am all in 100% for Whoopi Goldberg, wearing a mask into her 90s

She's wearing a mask alone in her room

In twenty years the future generations are not gonna believe this actually happened.

Telling us we have to wear a face diaper while she doesn't. Then in her room ALL BY HERSELF with covid wearing a mask.

Wearing a mask, in her own house, by herself....yeah, you go Whoopi

Woopy is perhaps the most dishonest and insincere person in legacy media right now and that is saying something.

Alone in her room with her mask on camera. Working hard on that virtue signal.

Keep getting boosted Whoopi please

Thanks for making us a vaccine.
We made you a play swing...
By: Bob Moran - 8th September 2023
Thanks for making us a vaccine. We made you a play swing...

Download: Winston-Peters-wants-an-enquiry-as-to-how-many-people-have-injuries-or-died-from-Covid-Vaccines-2023-09-08.mp4 - 94,891 kb
By: New Zealand First - 8th September 2023

Winston Peters wants an enquiry
as to how many people have injuries
or died from Covid Vaccines

New Zealand First leader Winston Peters sits down with Reality Check Radio's Peter Williams for a candid conversation.

Williams: "So you want to know how many people have been injured by the vaccine? How many people may or may not have died from the vaccine? Do you believe that people have been seriously hurt by the vaccine?"

Winston: "I don't believe it, I know it...!"

Peter Williams is a man of integrity. He speaks his truth. One of the very few journalists you can trust.

Good on you Mr Peters, I wish you all the very best. Common sense has never been so valuable. We are all voting for you here.

I am an ex pat Kiwi. I was a Paramedic my wife a Physiotherapist. I saw severe injuries and death from the vaccine. We were both banned and my wife lost her clinic. I will not only vote for this man... if he brings justice I will move my family back home.

Peter Williams is an excellent interviewer, very enjoyable.

Winston's stance on wanting an independent enquiry into the whole vaccine and COVID response has definitely confirmed my party vote

Great to see an experienced trusted journalist actually have an interview and listen to the answers instead of a broadcaster who feeds their ego by talking over top of their guest. This is excellent and clarifies much of NZ First and Winston's policies this election.

God bless both these men. Down with the communists

I will vote Winston again. He may be the last real politician left who does not work for DAVOS.

Winston is on fire in this interview and shows what a force he can be and his worthiness of being back in parliament, even just to raise the dress standard of the place

Great interview. A wealth of knowledge from a brilliant Politician. Certainly got my vote, only sensible way to go.

Really enjoyed this talk between two men who have both lived many of the same experiences when it comes to the political and social changes this country has seen over the last 40 years. And both of them in the public eye at all times during their careers. Respect shown on both sides very unusual.

A very good interview. Impressed with how both kept their Cool. Yes this is a very serious time. I hope the country wakes ups to that fact and exercise their Vote.

Pete …. You're sorely missed as a nightly voice on the msm here in NZ. Great interview

Brilliant conversation from Winnie. Hes still as sharp as ever and imo critical to the next govt. You need the cat amongst the pigeons. The man knows how things work and he knows who the shysters are, and hes not bought. But he needs to find a natural successor for the party as he doesnt have many election left in him.

I grew up in Tauranga. I knew his children and Winston. Winston was always the first person to volunteer for school or cubs. I love his straight talking style. Got my vote.

Donald Shimoda (homo/sapiens)
An apology would be in order then, from Winnie, as he was vocally pro-vax
While he's at it, he could apologise for enabling Cindy in the first place.
Otherwise, he just looks like he's got no moral compass, & is chasing the popular vote on every issue he can muster

Bradley Nathan Coe Free Being
#nzpol #nzfirst #nz the only politician in our country willing to look into this.

Gary S
Will it include releasing the vaccine contract details?

Download: Jimmy-Dore-and-Bret-Weinstein-Nuremberg-Violations-and-How-People-Were-Forced-To-Take-COVID-Vaccines-2023-09-08.mp4 - 14,827 kb
By: LavaFox and The Jimmy Dore Show - 8th September 2023

Jimmy Dore & Bret Weinstein
Nuremberg Violations
And How People Were
Forced To Take COVID Vaccines

#forced #vaccinations #nuremberg

Never Forget!

Operation Homebound. Look it up. I've seen videos of sheriffs deputies holding down mentally handicapped children and adults and vaccinating them in their homes. Elderly in nursing homes. They did force it on people. They murdered people in the hospitals with ventilators.

death of Austerity
South African documents from court have been UNREDACTED stating that the people couldn't have been given informed consent, and the affiliates of Pfizer were given advance indemnity by the government. Therefore the governments are all NAZI, and in violation of Nuremberg.

Download here: Chris-Hipkins-and-the-Lies-of-the-Labour-Party-Liar-Liar-Pants-On-Fire-2023-09-07.mp4 - 80,904 kb
By: FreeNZ Media - New Zealand Loyal - 6th September 2023
Chris Hipkins and the
Lies of the Labour Party
' Liar Liar Pants On Fire!'
"Nobody was forced to be vaccinated..."

Liz Gunn: "It is crucial that New Zealand leave the WEF, the WHO, and the UN after the 2023 election.

No intelligent New Zealander can ignore the blatant lies of these globalist political puppets any longer."

PM Chris Hipkins: 'There was no compulsory vaccination' and that 'People made their own choices'
PM Chris Hipkins: "There was no compulsory vaccination!" and that "People made their own choices!"

Well said Liz, well said!

well said, absolutely right..

Not my Prime Minister… don't recall anybody voting him in…… must have missed that election Klaus…

Unelected snake in the snake pit! That was brutal , our country is in serious trouble that's for sure ! This is all still so raw for so many of us , salt in the wounds , we have endured so much these past few years ! These people are truly a disgrace

Very well said Liz. Thank you for your honesty.

Matthew Wright
Human betrayal,I do wonder if chis got any of his kids jab?time for asking straight questions to everyone even the media needs to be asked the hard questions

You need to have the public behind you, so what is the plan to reform MSM so that the public can be educated as to the truth here?

More mis and disinformation from PM Shitkins & co.

The fact that no one in the: parliament, mainstream media, judiciary, police, army etc are publicly rebuking / charging / arresting these evil charlatans - reveals how widespread this corruption really is.

They have NO HONOR!

And not just stop there. We are ready become fully independent and with our own head of state. We are ready to become a republic.

jj james
It's vital now to get all candidates in the record asking for their connections to these groups
There is also another group you may not be aware of
Parliamentarians for global action it's been going since the 80's

Frank A. Buick
I had a friend who's wife suffers from Huntington's chorea, during the mandates they were informed that to receive home support they had to both be vaccinated. Neither wanted to but felt compelled to, to receive that much needed support. What an absolute travesty.

Ari Stotle
Absolutely. Without question Liz. Every issue NZ is facing pales in significance to an exit from the WHO. There is a reason National, Labour, Greens, ACT, TPM, TOP, NZF, DNZ absolutely refuse to answer their own supporters about why they insist on following the WEF Agenda.

You are what has been missing in Politics for decades, thank you from the bottom of my heart for representing! Your honestly, frankness and balls to truly save our country, puts all other Party's to shame! Never thought I'd say this to a "politician" you have my utmost respect!

Rodney Bailey
Little does he know it, but Hipkins & Aderns lies & subsequent arrogance & psychopathic behavior, only serves to wake more & more Kiwis up & will be their downfall.

Long White Cloud
You criminals are naked for the world to see.

Download here: Mike-Hosking-Chris-Hipkins-doubles-down-on-his-statement-that-Nobody-was-forced-to-be-vaccinated-2023-09-05.mp4 - 1,523 kb
By: Coronavirus Plushie - 5th September 2023
Mike Hosking
Chris Hipkins doubles down
on his statement that: "Nobody
was forced to be vaccinated!"

As someone commented under my video of Hipkins speaking to Hosking:

"The mafia don't force you to pay protection money either. It's your choice."

Sovereign Path
"Your money or your life" - It's your choice. I'm not forcing you to do anything.

The Zeitgeist
LISTEN: Chris Hipkins doubles down on his statement that: "There were no compulsory vaccinations."

Chris Bowditch
I mean yes I tied the person up, attached a giant weight to their legs and threw them in the water. But they made the choice to open their mouth and inhale water - so I mean they drowned themselves!

Fucking shameless.......

It wasn't compulsory, there were just a lot of solid reasons compelling people to arrive at a state of compulsion.

Duncan Roads
Typical WEF-owned politician.

Helen Houghton
We will go out and we will find them

mike mulrooney
Hahahahahahahaha. Tell that to the nurses who lost their jobs. It is very silly and immature to just blatantly lie. Does he want our vote or not. All he had to say was "well it was Jacinda's fault"

A Law
Coercion-the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats. Just like Chippy can't define a woman it seems he is unable to understand the difference between coercion and choice. Only thing those 2 words have in common is they start with a c. Bye labour

Scott Ewing
If people wanted to lose their job, their business, their livelihood, their homes, their family relationships, their (dumb) friends & access to society ~ because they didn't want to be injected with a substance they knew to be unsafe and ineffective

~ then that was their choice.

Download here: COVID-tyrants-Nobody-was-forced-to-take-the-jab-Except-most-of-the-population-2023-09-05.mp4 - 2,369 kb
By: Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis - 5th September 2023

COVID tyrants
"Nobody was forced to take the jab"
[Except most of the population!]

Justin Trudeau - WEF Queer Nazi

Jo Biden forces Americans to get the Kill Shots - then denies it

COVID tyrants - Nobody was forced to take the jab - Except most of the population!

Don't let these scumbags gaslight you. We all lived through the past few years of tyranny. Saying nobody was "forced" to take a shot simply because they didn't physically jab you doesn't mean you weren't forced.

Removing your livelihood and removing you from society is forcing you.

Tracy smith
I knew this even before Dr. Robert Malone made the statement!! They are going to tell you you had a choice. Knowing that they mandated it!!! It does not matter to these evil people. Shameful.

Chidi Uzoechi
People were indirectly forced . Because you needed to be vaccinated to keep your job!

Justin Trudeau is a loathsome, cowardly, degenerate.

Linda Childers6
Oh yes they were!!! Many places of business told their employee's "if you don't take the vaccine, you can't work here."Even nurses in my family were given the ultimatum. They both walked off their jobs as did others.

Honestly listening to these people in our government makes me sick to my stomach like they literally make me ill. I can only handle it for short doses because it's so disgusting and they are so reprehensible to be making the claims that they're making it's all lies

Doctor S.Q.L.
No true! Our job depended on it. No jab no work. Health workers were even asked to take booster shot!

Ken Tait
the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.

Despicable lot... worse yet that so many went along with it all

Good on Pauline for asking. I had to get 2 jabs if I wanted my surgery to go ahead

Daniel C. Evans
They're going to gaslight us before they bully us again.

Abigail Joy
guess they got amnesia from the jab

Conservatives Unite
No, nobody was forced. They were just told you will lose your job if you dont take it, so you won't be able to put food on the table and eventually become homeless. That's not "forcing" to these libs.

Here to ratio liberals
The funny thing is, they'll do it again. Mandate or coerce but afterward say it was our choice. I didn't fall for it the first time and I never will. But their manipulation is forever.

PM Chris Hipkins
'There was no compulsory vaccination,
people made their own choices'
By: DAILY TELEGRAPH NEW ZEALAND - 4th September 2023



Hipkins was answering a question from a reporter about the recently announced NZ First policy of compensating the victims of COVID mandates and lockdowns.

'In terms of the vaccine mandates I acknowledge that it was a challenging time for people, but they ultimately made their own choices. There was no compulsory vaccination, people made their own choices.'

The government's controversial COVID gene therapy mandates were declared in late 2021, requiring workers in education, medical and other fields to provide proof of up-to-date vaccination status in order to maintain their employment and careers.

Hipkins was Minister of Health from July 2020, and Minister for the COVID-19 response from November that year. In the latter role, he oversaw the launch of the government's "My Vaccine Pass" vaccine certificate in November 2021, the national vaccination rollout, and the passage of the COVID-19 Response (Vaccinations) Legislation Act 2021, which provided the legal framework for the Government's vaccine mandate.

Video of Hipkins' claim was shared widely on social media in New Zealand and overseas, where it attracted a lot of comment and criticism, as the mandates had the effect of compulsion for those who could not afford to lose their jobs.

'New Zealand PM is now blaming NZ citizens for taking the mandatory vaccines to keep their jobs and feed their families. These people are sick,' tweeted independent Australian journalist Rukshan Fernando.

'Remember? He clearly doesn't? Is this gaslighting? I get confused…' tweeted kiwi musician Jason Kerrison.


Anonymous September 4, 2023 At 7:13 pm
Yes make your own choice or loose your job and forget about visiting take away's, restaurants, etc….

Anonymous September 4, 2023 At 7:20 pm
What a piece of work, (was going to say something else), makes my blood boil, get jabbed or loose your job, and that is the only reason most of my acquaintances, got it, and what makes it even worse, the bloody jab is useless and in a lot of cases harmful, unreal.

Muz September 4, 2023 At 7:21 pm
What a sick and evil b#####d is someone who would make such a callous and unsympathetic statement as that. Judgement is coming for you chippy.

Anonymous September 4, 2023 At 7:29 pm
coercitive manipulations in all western governments.
Compulsory = government is liable
Otherwise not liable.
They all knew about the deadly effects of the so called vax that is nothing else than a biological weapon.

Follow the work a.o. of david nixon on ( nixonlab) . Because there are seemingly injectable medications also involved with nano tech.
And i am starting to ask myself if the " epidemic" of " trans" is not in some ways the result of experimental stealth treatments/ injections .

Anonymous September 4, 2023 At 7:33 pm
Forget chippy two planes, we now got chippy two face

Anonymous September 4, 2023 At 7:55 pm
Typical Hipkins doublespeak once again.
It's clearly not a "choice" when duress, coercion, threats, blackmail, discrimination and workplace bullying is involved.

Avatar Anonymous September 4, 2023 At 8:30 pm
"That is what it is, so yip yip" – Jacinda Ardern
These sadistic clowns will attempt to gaslight and rewrite history.
It's not going to work obviously.

Anonymous September 4, 2023 At 8:26 pm
He was the guy who said they were going to hunt us down FFS! Look at his eyes – they are black. Evil.

I predict Labour are in for an absolute drubbing this election having alienated so many people. I predict under 20%. How anyone can think they have been a good government is totally beyond me. Forget most open and transparent…..more like most deceitful and divisive govt EVER.

One thing you will have noticed, if they say they are something they are usually the opposite. Kind? More like Cruel. Transparent? More like sneaky. Govern for all? More like in it for themselves.

Vote these corrupt, spineless evil criminals OUT.

My 2 cents September 5, 2023 At 7:37 pm
Yes he needs deliverance…

Anonymous September 4, 2023 At 8:28 pm
I get close to this guy I will do him ****. He deserves to feel pain for those words.

Unquaccinated September 4, 2023 At 8:29 pm
This is the abusive husband who tells you the black eye was your own fault.

Textbook narcissism, proudly brought to you by the WEF.

Don't hold it against him, Chippy was just another cog in the machine, as Luxon will be.

Anonymous September 4, 2023 At 9:23 pm
Chris Hipkins pretending that the most disgraceful violation of human rights in New Zealand's history was somehow 'a choice' is beyond the pale.

I'd be interested to see a real journalist ask Mr Hipkins to explain his understanding of medical ethics and informed consent. It won't happen obviously.

Avatar Johan September 4, 2023 At 9:26 pm
If I punch him in the face it was his choice to get in the way of my fist?

Unquaccinated September 5, 2023 At 8:19 pm
It's like sticking a gun in a bank teller's face, and then claiming at your trial that she CHOSE to put the money in the bag

Anonymous September 5, 2023 At 8:46 pm
Exactly – not your fault if he has slow reflexes

Mark September 4, 2023 At 11:24 pm
Coercion of medical treatment is a crime against humanity under the 1947 Nuremberg protocol.

However, who will prosecute and see that justice is done. The military perhaps? After WW2 it was military tribunals that "got it done".

Harry Jensen September 4, 2023 At 11:47 pm
Anyone taking bets what his last words will be?
"I didn't know," "I was only following orders," "God save the Queen?"
Any takers?

Anonymous September 5, 2023 At 12:01 am
If this vaccine was 'not compulsory' then why was there a requirement to obtain an exemption..or be sacked?
Interestingly, my GP (in his capacity of being my treatment provider) applied for an exemption due to on-going suffering of severe adverse reactions to a previous vaccine (not Covid) 9 years prior..the MOH Covid team declined the exemption!!!
I sat the whole period out at home and lived by the rules, was unable to get a haircut, go out for dinner, attend sporting fixtures or even leave the country to source further Medical advice …and wore a mask everywhere I went…. to protect everyone else ….based on the podium of truth!
For all of those Healthcare staff, Police and Defence force staff, Port workers, teachers, MIQ workers who lost their jobs…a formal apology and offer of reinstatement to their roles is the least that should occur.
This is an absolute disgrace!

Anonymous September 5, 2023 At 9:03 am
Liquidation after a quick tribunal!

Muzza September 5, 2023 At 12:07 am
I read a comment from a Russian woman that lived through Stalin's terror who said 'that if that wasn't bad enough the hardest thing to stomach was the BS the bureaucrats came up with to explain their insanity.'

Chippy and his mates are a bunch of gaslighting, cancel culture little totalitarians pissing in the pocket of the media in lock step with the Greens, ACT and National. As with the US the hubris, delusion and corruption is bi partisan.

KevOB September 5, 2023 At 7:50 am
Hipkins should be ejected from Parliament immediately. He's not even High School grade. Bye Bye Labour.

oaklass September 5, 2023 At 8:16 am
If you think national and the evillux will be any different, have another think.

NZ Loyal Party Voter; so should you! September 5, 2023 At 8:03 am
This is the same DPM who stated as a veiled threat that the Labour Government would "Hunt down those who are NOT vaccinated…" at the daily briefing of lies, deception and deceit. He made this threat several times live on-air!
He, along with the Jabby Witch, stated that it was "mandatory that everyone get their boosters!"
Who will do an audit of Chippie's finances? After all, Jabby left office (or..RAN AWAY to avoid prosecution and the threats of potential inflicted harm) with millions of dollars and went to Massachusetts, the home base of the Wiccan movement, and played with the Harvard University crowd that is steeped with the far-left thinking offspring of the J***** Elite Globalists, the same crowd that insists that we all buy battery-powered vehicles and ride public transport (that was shut-down during the Plandemic) while they jet about in their Citations, Gulfstreams and CRJ's.
Chippie is also self-delusional as we can see in his presentations of himself before the cameras, and will suddenly not remember his endorsement of mandates, policies and quickly-rushed laws.
Fortunately, most have DVD Recorders which did just that as a reminder to him and New Zealand the crimes against humanity and the massive human, civil and medical rights that were violated under both international and New Zealand law!
And don't think that Nazional will be any better; Luxon and Willis are taking their orders from the Elite J3wi$h Globalists ie WEF / WHO / NWO tyrants, and are repeating what they are told to say.
Does any un-jabbed person detect the same dress and show to the public which is just that, with both Luxon and Willis being unable to conjure-up a single individual thought of morality (insisting on illegal vaccines), economic sense (no plans to get away from the Zionist-controlled Reserve Banking System and return the Treasury to the Gold, Silver and Platinum Standard)) and the hype of 'new' taxes before the totally-planned global economic collapse?
Hell- even Jack Tame exposed Nicola Willis for being the ignorant, deceiving, parroting dumb-ass that she truly is, by exposing her ignorance in that she couldn't even define what an internet VPN is on Q&A!
Kudos to Jack Tame, who really exposed how ignorant and out of touch BOTH mainstream political parties really are!
In doing so, Jackie-Boy will probably be thrown under the bus by the Sinclair state-run media here, and will in all likelyhood end-up at Al-Jazeera, BBC, or in Oz.

SickofEmAll September 5, 2023 At 8:23 am
All the politicians, media personalities and medical professionals and others who allowed this to happen should be standing trial for war crimes. To hell with the next election we the people want accountability, It is time politicians feared the people instead of people fearing govt.
This next election needs to send a clear message that if you push this globalist crap here you will never work again and you will without any doubt end up in prison for life.

NZ Loyal Party Voter; so should you! September 5, 2023 At 10:43 am
Absolutely, and there are already laws on the books to deal with these sociopathic psychopaths!
If I remember, those laws are treason, subversion, espionage and international human rights violations!
The voting public will need to closely monitor the polls, and volunteers to become poll workers should do just that, as suggested by Voices for Freedom.
Rest assured that those of us who are combat Veterans are NOT intimidated by the current Labour Government Cabinet, SIS, GCSB or Police Intelligence; if those entities had been doing their jobs initially instead of breaking into the home and harassing a Pro-Firearms Christchurch Protestant Minister as well as Vinny Eastwood and Billy TK , we wouldn't be looking at a high Covid 'vaccine' death rate as forecast by Deagel New Zealand.
Any government entity that is following the orders of this current government is complicit in resurrecting Stalinistic Communism and tyranny against the population, and will at some point be dealt with; problem is; when and if, depending on if the election is stolen away from the minor parties!

BS Aware September 5, 2023 At 12:58 pm
Yes it is way past time for accountability. Jab sin da could hear the drum beats rolling thats why the step down. But her faithful little lapdog was there to take over that evil little boyish grinning goul in the background at most of Jab sin das press releases.The whole censorship of the narrative to the paid off media was to have the people not remembering the true horrors of what really happened in NZ in the Plandemic years. You see the Govt. cant claim innocence here they knew about the shots being deadly because of the sickening payoffs to parents who innocently took their children to be 'vaccinated' only for some of them to die in their arms half an hour later. Talk about brainwashing the people, in WWII the guards in the concentration camps had to wrench children out of the arms of parents so that Dr.Joseph Mengele could experiment on them with all sorts of drugs. In NZ during these Plandemic years parents willigly gave up their children to be virtually murdered. Some of those pay outs were $450k plus to make the parents shut up and go awiay so that the Govt. could keep spruiking their agenda. I hope those parents realise that they also became part of the Infanticide and Genocide for not speaking out at the time. NZ lost its innocence in what happened in these years. But worse than that the shots are not just simply an untested 'experimental vaccine' but a military grade technological bioweapon for a depopulation. This is a whole different ball game. This is a War Crime and therefore a Crime Against Hunanity. The key players in this NZ Labour Govt and some on the right too, need to be prosecuted and incarcerated over these atrocities.

Anonymous September 5, 2023 At 8:59 pm
"NZ lost its innocence" and Jabcinda/Labour/NZparliament are the rapists.

Anonymous September 5, 2023 At 8:26 am
Trudeau said the same thing
Birds of a feather flock together
Might be where chippy got it from?
Maybe he just ran out of gas

Nick Frame September 5, 2023 At 8:33 am
Is it true that the other Chris (National leader) was just as emphatic about everyone getting the jabs? Something i heard about him even saying those who didn't should not continue to receive any benefit payments?

Anonymous September 5, 2023 At 1:24 pm
Worse than that is Luxon once stated that if he wins power he wants to jab every 5 year old before they are allowed to start school. I would not vote for this idiot or his Party Labour or ACT. Better off with NZ First, NZ Loyal and Sue Grays Party. They are the only ones talking any sense at the moment.

Party Vote; NZ Loyal September 5, 2023 At 3:04 pm
Liz Gunn's NZ Loyal and Sue Grey's Outdoors & Freedom Party are the only two now with any credibility.
The New Conservative Party has basically ejected Ted Johnston who wanted the NC's to form-up an umbrella coalition with NZ First, NZ Loyal and the O&FP, but the 'board members and membership did not agree'…so he's out.
I'll be voting for the NZ Loyal Party, as I'm tired of living in a failed Zionist state that is robbing us all of our health, wealth and the lives of our children!
There is a remote chance that this may well be the political coup that breaks the Labour / National / National / Labour cycle.
IF that happens, be prepared for Operation Katipo and UN Troops enforcing the Noahide Law and Talmudic processes on our soil as they reinstate the Globalist political supporters ie Labour & National.
There will then be the possibility of civil conflict, and those of us who are veterans, gang members, and societal outcasts far outnumber the NZDF and the NZ Police. The advice to them is this; IF the minor parties secure the majority of the votes (unless massive fraud occurs), then those agencies mentioned would do well to step down and step aside!!!!

Jacinda September 5, 2023 At 9:25 am
He said they would catch up with those who didn't get the Vax. Don't ever forget that.

Anonymous September 5, 2023 At 1:29 pm
He also said he wants to vax all the 4 and 5 year olds before they can start school. Just another WEF plant.

Anonymous September 6, 2023 At 8:35 am
I think the term was hunt them down.

Anonymous September 5, 2023 At 9:57 am
What a horrible man. Horrible.

Avatar Anonymous September 5, 2023 At 12:47 pm
NZ think hard about this election any partie in parliament at this time needs to be dealt with ,they cannot be trusted we need new parties in parliament that will work for the people . If you vote for Labour or National NZ is doomed and bankrupt,vote for a change.

Anonymous September 5, 2023 At 12:51 pm
Someone should ask Hipcuck what he thinks forced vaccination would look like.

Brewer September 5, 2023 At 2:39 pm
Yes we were forced.
We are all forced to pay the 62.1 billion dollars wasted on lockdown and a useless non-vaccine that has caused more adverse reactions than all vaccines in History - for a virus with an IFR (Infected Fatality Rate) no greater than common 'flu.
We are all forced to suffer the consequent complete breakdown of our formerly adequate Public Health system.
In March of this year I was diagnosed with a life-threatening condition requiring a routine operation. The specialist termed my case urgent. During the last month I have sent four emails to Auckland Hospital requesting an approximate date of admission. There has been no reply. Along the way, many health professionals have told me "the system is broken".
Those responsible should not be walking around free.

Download: NZ-PM-Hipkins-has-pushed-back-on-calls-for-compensation-for-Covid-vaccine-injuries-saying-people-made-their-own-choices-2023-09-04.mp4 - 14,705 kb
By: Frank Chung, - 4th September 2023

New Zealand's PM Hipkins has
pushed back on calls for compensation
for Covid vaccine injuries, saying
"people made their own choices."

New Zealand's Prime Minister has pushed back on calls for compensation for people who were mandated out of their jobs or suffered a Covid vaccine injury, insisting there was "no compulsory vaccination" and that "people made their own choices."

Speaking at a press conference in Auckland on Sunday, Chris Hipkins was asked to comment on New Zealand First leader Winston Peters' election promise to spend what he estimated could be "hundreds of millions" of dollars compensating people who lost their jobs due to Covid vaccine mandates or suffered vaccine injuries.

"Winston Peters wants to compensate people who were mandated out of their jobs and vaccine injured - would Labour support that?" a reporter asked.

Protesters at NZ parliament in February 2022

Protesters at NZ parliament in February 2022. Picture: Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images

Mr Hipkins replied by accusing Mr Peters of "abandoning the older New Zealand demographic that he used to be so keen to court."

"Older New Zealanders have record high rates of vaccination, they're amongst the highest in the world, and Winston Peters seems to be saying that they made the wrong decision in doing that," he said.

The reporter pressed the PM on whether he saw "any kind of value in looking into potential compensation for anyone disadvantaged through Covid, whether they were mandated out of their jobs or injured by the vaccination program."

"There is a process for people who are injured in a medical procedure, there's already processes in place for dealing with that," Mr Hipkins said.

"In terms of the vaccine mandates, I acknowledge that it was a challenging time for people but they ultimately made their own choices. There was no compulsory vaccination, people made their own choices."

Police broke up the demonstration after three days

Police broke up the demonstration after three days. Picture: Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images

Many online slammed the PM's comments.

"Yeah right! People made their own choices in the same way that a person being threatened with a big stick 'makes a choice' to do something," wrote one user on X, formerly known as Twitter.

"New Zealand PM is now blaming NZ citizens for taking the mandatory vaccines to keep their jobs and feed their families. These people are sick," said Australian political commentator Rukshan Fernando.

Independent journalist Maryanne Demasi wrote, "It literally states in the dictionary that a 'mandate' is 'compulsory'. Politicians are trying to change the meaning of words."

At Sunday's press conference, another reporter asked Mr Hipkins whether New Zealand's ongoing Royal Commission of Inquiry into Covid-19 would look into any of those issues, including mandates and vaccine injuries.

Mr Peters has vowed to scrap the current inquiry - announced in December by former PM Jacinda Ardern and headed by Australian epidemiologist Professor Tony Blakely - claiming its terms of reference are too narrow.

The PM admits mandates drove a 'wedge in the community'

The PM admits mandates drove a 'wedge in the community'. Picture: Marty Melville/AFP

"The Royal Commission can look at whatever it wants in regard to the Covid response," Mr Hipkins told reporters.

"Ultimately it's a Royal Commission so it's not my job to direct them. They have a terms of reference which everybody can see and it's certainly not my job to instruct them what they do within that terms of reference."

Mr Hipkins was appointed PM in January after the resignation of Ms Ardern.

In his previous role he served as the country's Covid-19 Response Minister, and in 2021 oversaw the introduction of vaccine mandates in certain occupations including border workers, law enforcement, defence, healthcare, education and hospitality.

"Vaccination remains our strongest and most effective tool to protect against infection and disease, and we need as many workers as possible to be vaccinated to allow sectors to respond to the pandemic and deliver everyday services with as little disruption as possible," he said in an October 11, 2021 press release announcing "mandatory vaccination" for the health and education workforces.

Jacinda Ardern receives her vaccine

Jacinda Ardern receives her vaccine. Picture: Michael Bradley/Getty Images

"While most people working in these sectors are already fully or partially vaccinated we can't leave anything to chance and are making it mandatory. A high rate of vaccinations will help to protect staff from getting sick and passing Covid-19 onto loved ones."

Stopping the spread of Covid was a key justification for mandates and vaccine passports.

The vaccines ultimately failed to prevent transmission, and drugmakers and health officials later said that this was never the intended purpose of the shots.

In February this year, former NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet called for an end to vaccine mandates, telling 2GB radio there was "no evidence" they stopped transmission.

Queensland last week axed vaccine mandates for healthcare workers, two years after the rules were brought in - but the state may still take disciplinary action against those who refused.

The controversial mandates sparked protests in New Zealand, with demonstrators camping outside parliament in February 2022 before being removed by police in violent clashes.

In October 2022, New Zealand scrapped most of its Covid restrictions including border closures and mandates, and revoked its Epidemic Notice, representing a shift from emergency to long-term management of the virus.

Speaking last month as the government scrapped its final remaining Covid restrictions, including masks in hospitals and mandatory seven-day isolation, Mr Hipkins was asked whether he would have "still introduced the mandates knowing what you know now."

NZ scrapped its remaining restrictions last month

NZ scrapped its remaining restrictions last month. Picture: Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images

"I'm very proud of the very high levels of vaccination that we got in New Zealand," he said.

"I acknowledge that the requirement for people to be vaccinated to do some jobs was very difficult for some families, and it did create more of a wedge in the community than I think any of us would like to have seen. I absolutely acknowledge that. But the high level of vaccination that we were able to achieve was one of the main reasons that we didn't see that high mortality rate that they saw in other countries."

Mr Hipkins said New Zealand's high vaccination rate "meant we were able to step down carefully from pandemic response to business as usual and ultimately reach the point that we're now at today."

Health New Zealand still requires certain employees to be vaccinated against Covid, but Health Minister Ayesha Verrall denied it was a mandate saying "that is not the case."

"Te Whatu Ora [Health New Zealand] has implemented a policy for Covid vaccination for new employees as of July but it does not apply to existing employees," she said.

"That's not a mandate. There are a number of conditions … in order to work in a hospital. You do need to be vaccinated for particular roles. A mandate has always been a legal mandate run by the government. For years prior to Covid there have been requirements for healthcare workers to be vaccinated against hepatitis B and other conditions."

New Zealand will hold a general election on October 14, with the ruling Labour Party seeking a third term. The conservative National Party currently leads in the polls.

Download here: NZ-Government-COVID-1984-Announcement-Vaccinate-now-against-the-Labour-BS-24-7-Variant-2023-09-04.mp4 - 34,147 kb
By: Counterspin New Zealand - 4th September 2023

New Zealand Government
COVID-1984 Announcement
Vaccinate against the
Labour BS 24/7 Variant

Download here: NZ-PM-Chris-Hipkins-says-there-was-no-compulsory-vaccination-and-that-people-made-their-own-choices-2023-09-04.mp4 - 13,958 kb
By: Coronavirus Plushie - 4th September 2023

New Zealand PM Chris Hipkins
says there was no compulsory vaccination
and that people made their own choices!

New Zealand PM @chrishipkins says there was no compulsory vaccination and that people made their own choices.

Yeah right! People made their own choices in the same way that a person being threatened with a big stick "makes a choice" to do something.

@P_McCulloughMD, @DrJBhattacharya, @jimmy_dore, @rustyrockets, @JamesMelville, @stkirsch, @nzlabour, @thecoastguy, @winstonpeters, @CarmelSepuloni

Why a domestic NZ COVID 'passport' raises hard questions about discrimination, inequality and coercion.

Why a domestic NZ COVID 'passport' raises hard questions about discrimination, inequality and coercion.

Very soon there will be hundreds of health officials saying: It was your choice, no one made you take it. Dr. Robert Malone.

noun: coercion; plural noun: coercions. The practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.

Yes my husband was forced to see a doctor in a container in the car park of our surgery, he said the man came in virtually in a hasmat suit and he was made to feel awful. I will not forget that in a hurry.

NZDSOS - NZ Doctors Speaking Out with Science
All of the Official Information Act responses show it's not safe, or effective. They still banned us from society. Mandates are still in place in DHB's around the country so medical professionals are still out of work.

I saw the Dr in a car park.
I wish I had got a photo of her in the hazmat suit,shield and masks she wore.
I was grateful she would see me.
When a few weeks later a text was sent it was time for a Pap smear, I declined.
It wouldn't have felt right in the car park

And it goes like this:
But we heard you threaten us.
No you didn't.
We saw you on TV threatening to hunt us down.
No it wasn't me.
We have film footage of you threatening, blackmailing, coercing and bullying us.
No your eyes and ears are wrong.

Hey Hipkins . You told my friend she couldn't see her dad in aged care unless she had the needle 💉. She got it for that reason . Now she's been in hospital with heart problems ! You rotten scoundrel ! You're responsible !

Mr Hipkins should be on trial for crimes against humanity. Along with Jacinda Adern previous PM.

They mandated it not in the best interests of the public but instead to meet the WEF cult, WHO and UN requirements.

"There was no compulsory vaccination; people made their own choices".

I got fired. Was that my choice too?

Don't ever let your conscience get in the way of power at all costs, Chippy. But don't expect anyone to trust you when you're incapable of telling one simple truth either.

liz devine
You are a LIAR @chrishipkins
- stop lying- there was NO choice - I know many forced to get the jab at your expense or they would lose their job or lost their job! So how was this ultimately their choice? EXPLAIN

Fat Farm
It just proves that NZ Politicians are liars. Hopkins has stood by the side of Jacinda spreading misinformation and threatening NZera. Today nzers suffer with failed medical, education ... nzer are suffering

More mis and disinformation from PM Shitkins & co.

The fact that no one in the: parliament, mainstream media, judiciary, police, army etc are publicly rebuking / charging / arresting these evil charlatans - reveals how widespread this corruption really is.

They have NO HONOR!

Sapienism | Functional Medicine & Self-Improvement
Funny how everyone was accused of pressuring people.

Now that I have the balls to speak the truth and have scientific studies to back me up:

Nearly everyone I speak to says they didn't trust it, they only got it because they were forced to.

Well dear @chrishipkins, do you care to explain your apparent duplicity, or are you now just backing out to evade responsibility for mass murder?

Thank You for putting this Gaslighting episode together

PM Chris Hipkins is a morally minuscule & willfully ignorant specimen of a man, with absolutely NO HONOUR.

Leading an army of morally repugnant queers and kiddie fiddlers, as they eagerly elbow their way to the head of the WEF pig trough! God defend NZ from this insanity!

Elisha #PoliticallyHomeless
Coercion involves a set of forceful actions which violate the free will of an individual in order to induce a desired response.

Mandates =coercion

Dr. Lynn Fynn-derella
Liars. There is enough video of a horse face WEF stooge saying otherwise.

Charlotte Mogensen
They're trying to rewrite the story all over the world, but we are many who will never forget

All Out Of Bubble Gum
They made their own choices the way that women sleep or don't sleep with their bosses in order to keep their jobs. Except we prosecute employers for such coercion.

Dave Muralt
What @chrishipkins said is a lie. Pure and simple. He should be ashamed of himself.

It was always going to be their get out, it was only guidance, a choice. At one point I had friends & family telling me just have them you'll never be able to do anything again!! that's how much they believed GVT, many were threatened with losing their jobs. Don't kill granny etc!!

HRH Lady Jayne of Gloucester; Veteran
All we have to do is roll out those Chairman Jacinda's videos to prove him wrong

unacceptable alpha female
Do they really think we'd forget?

He will pay at the polls!

Rory Lane
They know we're coming for them

Patricia Törngren
No Jab, no Job?

Myocarditis Wave. Formerly Silenced. NUREMBERG

What a bunch of lying tyrants. The mandate was only dropped in Sept 2022

Coronavirus Plushie
They were not dropped for many people though, health care workers, for example

Peter Palmer
I know NZ doesn't have a huge population but...jeez he the best you could come up with for PM? Politicians lying is normal. But he's just taking the proverbial!

Coronavirus Plushie
Nobody voted for him, he just took over when Jacinda Ardern stood down

ALS #ReclaimTheRainbow
Shitkins is right. It was a bluff, a stand off. If people held the line entire sectors would've collapsed & it would've been over by morning tea. The tyrants would've backed down with their tails between their legs. 20% of a workforce can't be fired. It wasn't that complicated.

THey CHOse COMPLiance.
He Is CORRect.
DOn't CRy ABOut It NOw YOu VACCINated PEOple.
#VaccineInjuries #vaccineSideEffects #vaccinedeaths

This isn't surprising coming from a man who can't define a woman.

Mr. Hipkins seems to struggle with the Queen's English. There WAS compulsion, by definition.

And… compulsion is coercion, and coercion is force.

NZ did this. HE did this.

Incredulous that some Kiwis watch Hipkins and agree. Unbelievable the delusion that has many in New Zealand under a strange trance.

Elizabeth Walker
Oh sure, and those quarantine camps and arrests were totally voluntary, too.

Definition of gaslighting.
Also definition of tyranny.
Also definition of scumbag
Also definition of who needs Nuremberg 2.0

@chrishipkins is a spinless and penetrated coward, Nuremberg II needs to happen asap!!!

Download here: Texas-BANS-Covid-Vaccine-and-Mask-Mandates-and-Restrictions-Statewide-2023-08-31.mp4 - 15,281 kb
By: The Jimmy Dore Show - 31st August 2023
Texas BANS Covid Vaccine & Mask
Mandates & Restrictions Statewide!


Texas governor Greg Abbott has signed legislation banning any more COVID mandates, whether about vaccines, mask wearing or other such government regulations. Other GOP governors like Ron DeSantis have pledged to follow suit.

Guest host Craig "Pasta" Jardula, along with Jimmy Dore and Americans' Comedian Kurt Metzger, discuss the possibility of government mandates returning during an anticipated fall "surge."

Well done governor Abbott, the people are on your side!

Most people don't understand the severe psychological impact these measures have had on our youth.

We have sacrificed the young for the rich, powerful, elderly & obese.

If you don't say no to narcissists and their authoritarian behavior, the demonic BS will never end.

Do NOT obey tyranny. NO is the strongest word against tyrants and bullies.

As a Texan I'm glad to hear it.

Thank you governor Abbott. Let us hope other governors follow your lead.

Needs to happen nationwide.

South Dakota governor Kristi Noem was the one with guts to ban lockdowns and mask mandates back in 2020. She's a definite VP consideration.

The collective answer is NO! No masks. No endless mRNA shots, no shutdowns. I will breathe freely, move freely, and determine what I will put in my body or not! That is the freaking answer, NO!

Download here: Pilot-tells-all-Pilots-will-not-submit-to-anymore-Covid-Vaccines-as-their-hearts-are-all-fucked-2023-08-31.mp4 - 4,121 kb
By: JarlanaMadeBlade - 31st August 2023

Pilot tells all. Pilots will not
submit to anymore Covid Vaccines
as their hearts are all fucked!

Pilot tells all. A must watch. Pilots will not submit again and their hearts are all fucked. Not that we didn't know that ~ Liberty Talk Canada

"…we took a shot one, we took a shot two, we took the booster one, and at that point, there was enough evidence from the medical examiners that showed there was a heart rhythm that was not there before... the EKGs we had to take every six months were causing problems with pilots being able to pass... the FAA increased the window for the rhythm that the pilots could pass and keep flying... the vaccine has actually done the heart damage..."

Increased incidence of plane crashes since Covid-19 Vaccine rollout!

Above picture is for illustration purposes only.

Do we shoot down the ones spraying poisonous chemicals on us yet?

Nano tech bud! You're not God's child anymore! You think you'd do some serious research on it knowing your heart is now fucked!!?

--Vaccines Definition prior to 2021 read roughly like this: product that will stimulate the immune system to mount a immunisation reaction toward a pathogene.
--Vaccines Definition after 2021 read roughly like this: product that will stimulate the immune system to produce a reaction.
They play with words to cove their asses.
The word ''reaction'' is too broad.
Covid injections did produce ALOT of reactions.... And not the good ones, if you see what I mean.
They will tell you: you had a bad reaction but that doesn't mean the vaccine is not working, the definition is supported/backed by the medical authorities.
These people are not human.
These people should be thrown in active volcanos.

3 days ago
Hero!! even though he's a victim

Great video

Pilots will buckle and submit.....

Older pilots will retire while thousands of pilots from the military will be requisitioned by airline companies

There was enough evidence loooong before that. A nation of fkn idiots!

They would do this to all pilots because that is one sure way to lock everybody down.. No pilots able to fly or at least a good many if people like kill gates is doing his job, its all about the numbers..the devil is in the details is the NUMBERS especially the 6-6-6 one, he loves the hell out of that one this kill gates more pilots, no more people can travel...

Download here: Covid-VACCINE-injury-compilation-2023-08-28.mp4 - 35,157 kb
By: NO FACE MASKS - 28th August 2023
Covid VACCINE injury compilation

Even though MSM will NEVER show these facts, millions of people all over the world have died from the deadly Covid Jabs. Now Covid is re-appearing under another bullshit name so they THEY can inject more millions this FALL with their deadly covid jabs. RIP sheeple. You fully deserve your BOOSTER shots to ensure you "survive" your miserable lives. Goodbye.

#covid #jabs #deadly

Freedom Matters
Why did Trump occasionally say that the Covid Vaccines were safe? Especially after New York Times said in May 18, 2020: "Trump Says He's Taking Hydroxychloroquine, Prompting Warning From Health Experts" Was he pressured to say it because of the establishment? Was it a double pretending to be Trump? I always thought it strange as Donald Trump was previously for 'alternative' medicines and not the Fauci Clot Shots. Was he just saying what the people wanted to hear?

I mute Lib tards
Vax death is a guarantee take it say goodbye

Can you imagine what a brilliant world we could live in if there were no Zionist globalist demons? Imagine. Everything dark, twisted, perverse,corrupt,talmudic & satanic would be gone. May Almighty God get here soon to rid the world of our # 1 enemy from within. JEWS. Loxism = Genocide. Wake up Goyim.

JAG Sentences 10 Clot
Shot-Loving Physicians to Hang
[JAG: Army Judge Advocate General's Corps]
By: Michael Baxter, Real Raw News - 27th August 2023

JAG Sentences 10 Clot Shot-Loving Physicians to Hang

The United States Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps and the Office of Military Commissions on Thursday entered uncharted territory by simultaneously charging, convicting, and sentencing to death 10 Washington State physicians for negligent homicide, engaging in mass medical malpractice resulting in grievous injury or death, and treason against the United States of America, a Camp Blaz adjunct informed Real Raw News.

As reported this month, White Hats within the U.S. military apparatus arrested 100 doctors, alleging their adherence to draconian protocols and personal ambitions endangered patients' lives. In a lengthy affidavit, JAG alleged that the accused berated and belittled vaccine-hesitant patients and threatened to include them on "medical blacklists" unless they complied with CDC guidelines. Ahead of the indictment, JAG investigators masquerading as patients visited vaccine-loving clinics in 12 states, where they, too, were verbally accosted and denied treatment for refusing to show vaccination paperwork or getting in-office jabs. Most of the 100 practiced in Washington State, California, Illinois, New York and Connecticut.

Once apprehended, the diabolical doctors were taken to "intake centers" and interviewed by JAG investigators. Not one expressed remorse for imperilling patients' lives; instead, they pridefully defended their actions, reciting what seemed like a rehearsed mantra: "I followed COVID-19 protocols and CDC guidelines."

Our source said the mass detainment created a considerable quandary, as JAG had neither the time nor resources to individually try 100 doctors charged with nearly identical crimes. The only practical options, he added, were to jointly prosecute the 100 or separate the herd into manageable groups based on the strength of evidence. Thursday's proceedings at Camp Blaz saw 10 of the 100 and a JAG-appointed defense attorney square off against Rear Admiral Johnathon Stephens.

Stephens in April prosecuted JAG's case against CDC Deputy Director for Global Health Howard Zucker. He is also scheduled to jointly prosecute the 165 Fort Drum soldiers who conspired to wage war on Trump supporters.

"We have so many outstanding and incoming indictments; joint tribunals are, you know, for efficiency. Or else we'll be litigating cases long after we've all turned to dust," our source said.

Asked whether JAG considered the ramifications of a joint acquittal theoretically exonerating hundreds of felons who might once again wreak havoc on the citizenry, he said, "We're doing this with ironclad cases. The FEMA criminals from Maui will get tried together, just as the doctors did, and they're all heading to the gallows."

He added that Thursday's success at Camp Blaz proved JAG could convict multiple criminals at once.

Admiral Stephens began the tribunal by introducing (on ZOOM) a 40-year-old Seattle woman who had brought her sick 14-year-old son to their family physician, identified as Defendant #6, in June 2021. The boy had developed conjunctivitis, and his mother wanted antibiotic eye-drops to treat the ailment. Defendant #6 claimed conjunctivitis, or "Covid Eye," was an unpublished symptom of coronavirus and asked if the two were vaccinated. When the mother responded "no," saying she wanted further proof vaccines were safe and effective, Defendant #6 flew into a tyrannical rage and demanded they get tested on the spot or leave the premises, even though mother and son wore masks. They acquiesced to the unreasonable mandate, and a tech violently swabbed their noses. When the rapid antigen tests showed negative, Defendant #6 imposed another demand-immediate vaccinations. They refused and were ejected from the office.

"And what did you do at that point?" Adm. Stephens asked the now-16-year-old boy on the screen.

"My mother drove me to an urgent care center, maybe 15 minutes away," the boy answered.

"And you got treated there?" the Admiral asked.

"No, sir. They wouldn't treat me either," the boy said.

"Really? Were you and your mother given a reason?" asked the Admiral.

"Yes, sir. 'Cause we were unvaccinated and didn't want to get vaccinated. Same as befo__"

"__We were told our names were put on a list," the mother interjected, "and would go to the CDC and State Health Department."

"So, what you're saying - in the 15 minutes it took to drive from point A to point B, your names got put on a universal naughty list," the Admiral said.

"I don't know about universal, sir, and we never saw the list, but I'm pretty sure the office said it was statewide," the boy said.

"It just so happens I do have that list," said Admiral Stephens.

He placed a pile of stapled papers on the table beside the panellists, three Marine officers chosen to determine the physicians' fate. The ten defendants sat handcuffed side-by-side at three rectangular tables pushed together to form a single tabletop. At one end sat a Navy captain whom Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall had assigned the daunting chore of defending the accused, aided by three paralegals who whispered among themselves while shuffling reams of paperwork.

As Adm. Stephens directed the panel's attention to the blacklist, the Defense called for an immediate dismissal of all charges because private doctors, unlike Medicare-compliant hospitals, have leeway to deny treatment to patients.

"Request denied," Adm. Stephens said bluntly. "Defense is aware this isn't just a case of denial-of-service, this is broad conspiracy to deny service to vaccine-hesitant patients."

"I don't have to sit through this," Defendant #6 blurted.

"Control your client. If he wants to speak, he can take the stand today," the Admiral retorted.

Admiral Stephens again addressed the witnesses, their puzzled faces still on the ZOOM call. "We apologize for the outburst. Do you recognize the doctors who denied treatment as being in this courtroom today?"

The young man pointed at Defendant #6 and Defendant #10. His mother attested to the fact.

"The list in front of you, the blacklist, has 750 names, all residents of King and Pierce Counties. The list was kept in real-time and shared electronically with over a hundred offices and clinics. The defendants had access to and could add names to the list. Deny service if not vaccinated or agrees to get vaccinated. JAG finds this perplexing because out of all ten defendants, not even one is vaccinated. We know this because we pulled their blood, evaluated it for Covid antibodies that would be present if vaccinated. Now, you could argue that maybe in one, two, or even three cases, the antibodies dissipated, but not in ten cases—that is a statistical impossibility. What's more, we have 90 more waiting for trial and they aren't vaccinated either," the Admiral explained.

The Navy captain objected because JAG had instructed Adm. Stephens to limit evidence to defendants present in court. Adm. Stephens sustained the objection and asked the panel to disregard his last statement. But the fiery Navy captain continued objecting, saying the Admiral, a lawyer devoid of medical knowledge, couldn't authoritatively comment on matters of virology and immunology.

After dismissing the current witnesses, Adm. Stephens called to the stand Navy Commander Brent Dennings, a virologist at U.S. Naval Hospital Guam, who parroted the Admiral's assessment in medical vernacular.

"Commander Dennings, did you personally evaluate the defendants' bloodwork?" Adm. Stephens asked.

"I did, sir," the commander replied.

"And what conclusion did you reach?" asked the Admiral.

"That none of the defendants had been vaccinated," the commander said.

"Does the defense have any questions for this expert witness?" asked Adm. Stephens.

"No questions," said the Navy captain.

"The witness is excused," said the Admiral, then turned to the panel. "This raises a question we cannot ignore: Why did these physicians insist patients be vaccinated when they were not? We see only three possibilities: They knew COVID was benign, they knew the vaccines were dangerous, or both," said the Admiral.

Over the next three hours, the Admiral held ZOOM calls with six additional witnesses, each of whom had sought treatment for mild maladies from one or more of the defendants and whose testimony mirrored that of the mother and the son. They called the defendants pernicious predators who abused their self-perceived positions of authority to beguile patients. One witness said her doctor, Defendant #4, was foaming at the mouth to get a needle in her arm.

"These witnesses are the lucky ones, lucky that they had sense enough to challenge big medicine and refuse the shots," Adm. Stephens told the panel. "Some people we'd like to hear from can't be here today. They can't be here because they are dead. They are dead because the defendants bullied them to get vaxxed, and they did."

He showed a photograph of a lifeless woman on a gurney being wheeled to the rear of an ambulance and displayed an image of a middle-aged man who died suddenly while spectating a baseball game.

"These were patients of Defendants #1 and #2. No comorbidities. No major health issues before getting vaccinated. Both dropped dead of heart attacks, suddenly, within 7 days of the shot. We know of 65 patients who died suddenly, and they were all patients of the defendants," the Admiral said solemnly.

"Those patients had free will. The defendants didn't hold a gun to their heads," the Navy captain interjected.

"In the strictest sense they did, yes, they did. They violated their Hippocratic Oath to do no harm, they violated doctor-patient confidentiality in broadly disseminating vaccine status via a blacklist, and they ensured that if a patient for whatever reason didn't want the damn shot, that patient would have to travel far and wide to find any medical treatment at all. They toed the CDC line but weren't vaccinated, and each got a liability waiver issued by HHS and the FDA, very similar to waivers given to Big Pharma," Admiral Stephens said.

He distributed copies of the waivers to the panel.

"In short, it holds the defendants harmless and immune to litigation from vaccine side effects," he said. "No, the defendants are not military; they're not government officials, elected or appointed, but did have influence, strong influence, over their patients. What we have here is nothing short of mass medical malpractice, negligent homicide, conspiracy, and treason." the Admiral finished.

The Defense had no valid rebuttal, and the panel requested time--five and a half hours--to reach a decision. Upon returning a guilty verdict and recommending the maximum allowable punishment, Adm. Stephens thanked them for their service and released them from duty.

He did not immediately schedule dates of execution but said hangings would begin within a week.

Download here: We-are-doing-it-again-with-more-Viruses-Mask-Mandates-Lockdowns-and-Deadly-Vaccines-coming-soon-2023-08-27.mp4 - 15,174 kb
By: AwakenWithJP - 27th August 2023
We're doing it again with more
, Mask Mandates, Lockdowns
and Deadly Vaccines coming soon!

Mask Mandates are coming back! And other wonderful news...

Don't comply. Resist.

It's long past time to prosecute these people for Nuremberg code violations.

I didn't comply the first go-round and I'll be obeying equally well this and every time.

I'm ready to start boycotting companies who comply.
Who's with me?

They're doing it again.. and we're refusing.. AGAIN. Stay strong, don't shop where you're not welcome, boycott public schools, and get groceries from your yard!
#homeschool23 #homestead24

So nice to see the Covid "fact check" banners again… That's how you know you've found truth!
#donotcomply #lionsnotsheep

Taking medical advice from Fauxci is like taking health and fitness advice from Whoopi Goldberg.

Be sure to get your 8th booster. The first 7 shots worked so well after all. Haha

THANK YOU ! 1984 was supposed to be a warning not an instruction manual ...
In solidarity with the fighters for peace, love, freedom, justice and truth, we express our feelings with music on our channel.
Greetings from Germany, CLUB OF THE UNCENSORED POETS

The other day at my DR appt the nurse asked if I wanted a booster. Seeing how I never had cardiac conditions until after vax and boosters, I told her hell no! Hey Brandon, mask this! (_I_)

There's a convenient store a block away from where I work. One of the employees is a woman who still to this day always wears a mask and rubber gloves. I couldn't imagine living with that much constant fear that was created and promoted by the powers that be. And now they're ramping it up again. Thank God I live in a red state. Don't be surprised if the "new" covid is far more deadlier that original covid.

This time, we should pretend to care just a little more and make everyone wear goggles to actually prevent the virus from entering our how lab workers really stay safe.

What's actually needed is mass non-compliance.

2020 was the test. The past 3 years they have been fine tuning these variants to do exactly what they want. After all they never stopped doing "research" on it in labs all over the world

Resist! Freedom is so important to me. I shout it at the top of my lungs. Like buying a bunch of cool stuff on sale at Wal-mart and then yelling "FREEDOM!!!!" at everyone when they ask me why I need to borrow more money. Being very LOUD is the secret.

Download here: This-Evil-wont-end-until-We-END-it-If-you-stood-down-in-2020-then-stand-up-now-2023-08-20.mp4 - 4,668 kb
By: Epstein's Sheet - 20th August 2023
This Evil won't end until We END it
If you stood down in 2020,
then stand up now!

The WEF is lurking in the shadows, and SHAKING the fabric of society as we know it... Their sinister plan to strip away home ownership, our freedoms and make us mere peasants in their grand scheme.

Barbara Corcoran, a $200 million real estate investor shares her take on the market and the BEST way to defend yourself among all this madness...

#Trudeau #kevinoleary #HousingCrisis

Michelle #FJB
No fuking way!! They can throw me in jail but if we all stand together this time they won't have enough of them to house all of us!

El Beardo
Sad reality is that most will follow like sheep once again if this happens

ï¸The Justice Team
That is why they are mostly all dead and we are still alive.
Pure Bloods, Blue Bloods, Ultra MAGA!
The Critically Thinking American Patriots.
Throw any name you want at me.
It bounces and boomerangs.

We were hurt by officials on the power trip from hell over the Covid vax.
Take nothing from the government without rock solid proof it's safe, AND it works.
Look to countries like Denmark and the UK who've stopped recommending this for those under 50.

Point Blank Trading
I'm not bowing down to shit. Didn't get the vaccine the first time and won't get it in my lifetime. If that means I can't go to concerts, football games or travel, so be it.

Download here: Covid-19-mRNA-vaccines-Have-you-ever-seen-Clots-like-this-DO-NOT-WATCH-if-squeamish-2023-08-16.mp4 - 13,345 kb
By: Vejon Health - 16th August 2023

Covid-19 mRNA vaccines
Have you ever seen Clots like this?
DO NOT WATCH if squeamish!

Clip from a recent discussion about the unusual clots that are being seen by embalmers across the world.

Towards the end of the video, the embalmer shows some examples of abnormal clots noted after the procedure. Not for the faint hearted.

Dr Shankara Chetty (Family Physician)
Dr Rory Donnellan (Pathologist)
Richard Hirschman (Embalmer)

From a scientific perspective, it is essential to understand the mechanism of these clots and ensure there are no risks in life.

Timecodes for full presentation:

0:00 Intro
03:00 Overview of blood clotting (Dr Donnellan)
07:40 How is embalming done? (Richard Hirschman)
09:13 Thoughts on cause of clots (Dr Chetty)
11:05 International responses on Embalmers clots
12:40 Thoughts from Dr Donnellan on the patterns
15:30 What were the embalmers initial thoughts (Richard Hirschman)
17:00 Why would pathologists not notice these clots (Dr Donnellan)
21:10 Could the clots be elsewhere in the body? (Dr Chetty)
24:50 What do the clots look like (NOT for the Squeamish!)
28:32 Observations from live blood work (Dr Chetty)
33:50 Where did the idea of snake venom come from?
38:18 Characteristics of patients with clots
40:20 Why should the vaccine be a consideration?
44:30 Why is there so little interest in these clots? (Richard Hirschman)
48:20 Is it reasonable for Public Health to censor this information?
54:34 Looking for patterns with clots
57:50 Awareness needs to continue

"The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense." ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

I have met many people who regretted GETTING the Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine - but I have never met anyone who regretted NOT GETTING the Vaccine! - WHY IS THAT?

Thanks for showcasing this. Its a shame some people are still refusing to say that anything wrong is

I find it impossible to believe that nobody else is mentioning this ! Is there an average age range of people that these clots appear to be found in ? No mention by the Science community/ Governments ? Thankyou again Dr. MacMillan for caring more than the rest of the medical world apparently and getting this out there !

Thank you for informing the public about these abnormal clots. I had 3 loved ones die in the last 2 years. All were jabbed. Doctors did not want to perform autopsy. Suspicious.

My lady was given an ultimatum. Either take the vaccine or lose her teaching position. She has had nothing but health problems since her second Moderna shot. Five minutes after her booster, she was admitted to the ER for heart palpitations. We have known each other since 1996. She was always perfectly healthy. Now she has cronic fatigue, allergies, Athsma, a persistent rash, and needs an Albuterol nebulizer twica a day, and has two inhalers. She reported the symptoms to the CDC with no response. We are beyond frustrated. Edit: I wanted to also add that the prescription for her eyeglasses has changed twice in the last year. Shes 46

I'd be shit scared if i took these shots...this is exactly why i didn't . I knew something was very wrong.

My Mother died 6 months ago - the funeral director advised against draining the blood (to enable formaldehyde to be used as preservative) due to this phenomena - so it has been in the public domain for some time yet main stream media is not reporting it.

Dr. McMillan, again, thank you so much for discussing this topic. The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care website contains the following statement: "Some of the mRNA vaccines being developed include the use of a material called a hydrogel, which might help disperse the vaccine slowly into our cells." With a little digging, I also found: "Hydrogels have two main regimes of mechanical properties: rubber elasticity and viscoelasticity." This is rather frightening!

This really is two year old news.
These facts were brought to light soon into the jib jab saga as it unfolded.
UK embalmers were immediately sharing their unique experience and findings back then !

It's incredible that authorities are ignoring this evidence. Thanks for your work Doctor. Aussie Bob

I feel so bad for the people that were so scared of getting grandma sick. I have always been a "tinfoil hat" kinda person myself. I warned everyone I talked to not to be tricked by fear. If it is from the government, there are side effects attached to it. And this was from world wide government. So, that was an absolute hell no for me. I wish more people would have listened to logic and reason instead of fear and threats.


Download: Australian-Senate-Hearing-Vaccines-should-not-cause-an-autoimmune-response-against-your-own-healthy-cells-2023-08-10.mp4 - 8,978 kb
By: Senator Gerard Rennick - 10th August 2023
Australian Senate Hearing
Vaccines shouldn't cause an autoimmune
response against your own healthy cells

The TGA finally admit myocarditis is an autoimmune response which means the vaccine causes autoimmune issues. Given biodistribution studies showed vaccine lipids entered all body organs this means all organs are at risk of autoimmune responses.

No wonder Pfizer didn't test for autoimmune responses in their trials!

Is it just me or do others struggle to remember any mention of Covid causing myocarditis before the vaccine rollout.

I seem to recall the initial hysteria was around Covid causing cytokine storms and respiratory problems with lots of pictures of people (young people at that) lying in bed with a ventilator struggling to breathe. Not pictures of people clutching hearts.

Furthermore and I'm annoyed I didn't ask this question how do health authorities know that people who had Covid didn't actually get myocarditis from the vaccine given most of the adult population was vaccinated.

It's all to convenient to blame myocarditis on Covid, yet the authorities never tested the distribution and degradation of the vaccine spike protein so how can they rule out the vaccine having caused myocarditis for those who caught Covid.

Let's not forget the vaccine was codon optimised to increase the expression of spike protein, and the lipids were designed to enter all cells not just those with an ACE receptor. Given these enhancements increased the potency of the vaccine, I fail to see how the vaccine isn't more toxic and dangerous than the virus.

Finally, the TGA claim only 2 in 100,000 doses cause myocarditis from the vaccine. This is rubbish. That would mean only 1,200 people in Australia have myocarditis. I myself have spoken to hundreds of people who got it after the vaccine.

Thank you Senator Rennick for your persistence and determination to establish the Truth...

Morality and Truth are on your side, Senator.

Phenomenal stuff Senator. Thank you for your persistence and unbelievable leadership in the current global climate,

Myocarditis from covid: "bad!"
Myocarditis from vaccines: "who cares?!"

Keep exposing their lies Thank you Senator Rennick

Thank you Senator Rennick! Praying for you. We are grateful that you speak out bravely to expose the horrid truth that the criminals keep lying. It is heartbreaking that these shots are still being pushed and mandated in many areas.

Well done Senator Rennick - catch them out.

Senator Rennick giving respectability back to the word Senator.

Download: Senate-Hearing-Overwhelming-evidence-Pfizer-Big-Pharma-deceived-the-public-and-has-VOIDED-their-INDEMNITY-2023-08-10.mp4 - 25,057 kb
By: Senator Gerard Rennick - 10th August 2023
Australian Senate Hearing
Overwhelming evidence.
Pfizer / Big Pharma deceived the public
and has VOIDED their INDEMNITY!

Yesterday I spoke in favour of removing indemnity for pharmaceutical companies.

The moment you remove risk you can guarantee shortcuts will be taken. And that's exactly what happened with Pfizer.

Pfizer took shortcuts in both testing for safety and efficacy.

They also lied to cover up injuries and the efficacy of the jab in stopping transmission and infection.

Governments are meant to protect people not corporations. They need to be held to account.

Bravo Senator, keep exposing these criminals who harmed the whole country.

FIRSTLY: Pfizer / Big Pharma has willingly and knowingly supplied - under false pretences - faulty products that are NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE; resulting in literally maiming and killing hundreds of millions of people across the Globe;

SECONDLY: Pfizer / Big Pharma has not provided a FULL DISCLOSURE of their product/s, wherein governments and recipients can make A FULLY INFORMED DECISION whether to partake in the massive Covid Medical Experiment or not;

THIRDLY: Accordingly, any indemnities between Pfizer / Big Pharma and their customers are automatically forfeited, as the 'contracts' were obtained via blatant fraud and deception;

FOURTHLY: This gives governments a limited opportunity to shift the blame from themselves to the origin of the FRAUD i.e: Pfizer / Big Pharma etc, for any litigation and claims for punitive damages from the millions of vaccine injured 'customers.'

Thus the tide has turned and the last of the rats are quickly fleeing the ship, as the blame game for facilitating a 'slow Holocaust / Global Genocide' is now well under way!

Thank you Senator Rennick for speaking the truth. Anyone who is not supportive of this bill is complicit in the evil that has been perpetrated upon the people.

Wonderful speach Senator Rennick!

Thank you Senator for always standing up and fighting for the people.

We speak in favour of you and the other handful of strong senators that speak truth over LIES and GREED. Thank you

Thank you Senator Rennick. Even though I'm not in Australia I appreciate the hard work you do. No one in Canada seems to bring up these issues and it's sad.

Well done senator. You're a champion.

Thank you Senator Rennick! You speak the truth! You speak for the people! You, sir, are a Godsend!

Senator Rennick is FANTASTIC!!!
He is a Hero BIG TIME!!!!!!

Great job senator, need more people like you around the world to speak out for us all

Thank you so much Senator. You are the greatest politician of all time!

It might be time to round up all the traitors and hold them to account.
We know who they are and we have overwhelming evidence. Time for transparency and justice.

An impactful speech, Senator Rennick. As an Australian I am disgusted that the chamber was almost empty and the rest of the parliament, bar a few, wilfully have their heads in the sand. You are doing the job you were elected to do. You should be proud of your commitment.

Senator thank you for your tireless effort to bring this to light

You are a national hero Senator.

Thank you for your work, senator. Much needed, and appreciated. God bless you, greetings from Italy.

Download here: Australian-Senate-Moderna-can-not-explain-why-their-vaccine-has-3-times-more-mRNA-than-Pfizers-2023-08-09.mp4 - 8,594 kb
By: Senator Gerard Rennick - 9th August 2023
Australian Senate Hearing
Moderna can't explain why their vaccine
has 3 times more mRNA than Pfizers

The mRNA in Moderna's vaccine is three times heavier than the mRNA in Pfizer's vaccine!
Furthermore the mRNA sequence between the two is also different.


Either there's a right amount or a wrong amount of mRNA and a right sequence or a wrong sequence of mRNA.

The fact that Moderna and Pfizer are using different vaccines but claim to make the same spike protein tells you one, if not both are playing games with your health here!

Furthermore there is nothing speculative about asking why the vaccine causes myocarditis.

It's called "Do no harm."

Genuine medical professionals would never speculate as to the side effect of a medical treatment.

As a fellow-Aussie I am fiercely proud of you and your efforts in chipping away at these drug pushers, Senator Rennick!

If only people did their jobs as honestly and truthfully as Sen.Rennick.

Hats off to you Senator Rennick.
You could qualify as a true medical scientist. Amazing stuff. You did your homework. I would vote you as my representative any day.

Thank you, Senator, you serve our country so well!

Senator Rennick, Australia would be a much better place if you were PM. Keep up the great work

I just love listening to Senator Rennick's questioning! He is a national treasure and strongly for the people of Australia!

Go Strong Senator Rennick, you are doing a very good job

Thank you for your continual service Senator

Well done Senator your fantastic work has been noted and reported on the world stage, Redacted is cheering your questioning proudly like Australians

The whole world thanks you for you excellent work, senator!

They can run but they can't hide!
Great job Senator Rennick

I can't express how pleased I am to hear Senator Rennick grill these guys. Keep holding feet to fire Senator

Download here: Mandate-Madness-Exposed-Why-Australia-Needs-A-Covid-19-Royal-Commission-2023-08-08.mp4 - 10,140 kb
By: Pauline Hanson's Please Explain - 8th August 2023
Why Australia Needs A
Covid-19 Royal Commission

Let us have a referendum on whether we Australians feel we were forced to be vaccinated. If the majority say yes then all those that forced this on us need to be punished. Then make a constitutional change whereby we can never be forced to take a medication again, without our personal permission.

I'm still happily un vaxxed, thank you Senator Hanson for your continuous hard work

Misleading the general Australian public is a serious crime.

There are criminals in public life who need to to spend time in jail to pay for the ruined lives they are responsible for.

We know a royal commission is a scam. We need a Grand Jury Pauline. Take it to we the people

I haven't had any and was the best choice i ever made. I'm genuinely sorry to those who were forced. I truly am. I was lucky enough to not be put in that position. My heart goes out to you all.

Forget the Royal Commission we need Australia trials. And and those convicted and found guilty should be going straight to the Commonwealth Gallows for treason. No exceptions

It's disgusting. If anyone wonders why there is now a lack of trust in Government, in Police and Law Enforcement, in Medical Professionals.

Maybe we should have a class action against state premiers?

Still an unvaxxed Australian Citizen here. What we need is for both the Media and the Government to pull their heads in and stop fekkin lying to us when it suits them

Jab or job mandates are nothing short of coercion which is a felony equivalent to assault or rape which seems particularly appropriate under the circumstances. What I find equally distressing is that the same people (the police) who are charged with enforcing the laws (laws, not mandates) were the same ones who zealously forced you to submit to the abuse. If you let them get away with it you can be reasonably certain they'll do it again.

I was forced, it was get vaxxed or lose job. At my specific work place, I was allocated the job of telling the workers, "if you're not vaccinated by the morning don't bother coming to work", before they left for the day, it was horrible

No not me or my kids we ALL said no!! Federal Gov workers were exempt!! That's when I knew this was rigged.

He answered from a very strict perception.. from the company viewpoint, they didn't force anyone. And pushed blame to Governments, etc.

Politicians didn't loose their jobs for not complying.

Rest in peace young footballers Dallas Keogh-Frankling , Antonio Loiacono and Nick Lowden !
Enough said !!!

It should be a given that something as big as this event warrants a Royal Commission.

Justice delayed... Is Justice denied.

Somewhere in the comments section I saw someone mentioned "a grand jury" instead of a Royal Commission.
This is the the way forward, I think. Royal Commissions just cost the taxpayer millions with no real result. A grand jury, however, is the way to send these pricks to jail.

When will all these traitors be round up and held to account that's all I'm concerned about.

Download here: Big-Pharma-Denies-People-Were-FORCED-To-Get-The-Covid-Jab-in-Australia-2023-08-08.mp4 - 14,852 kb
By: Pauline Hanson's Please Explain - 8th August 2023
Big Pharma Denies People Were
FORCED To Get The Covid Jab

I'm a pilot. I was forced under threat of dismissal.
Go Pauline!

Why aren't more Australians voting for one nation?? I have switched from libs to one nation and will continue to vote for her.

This is the most disgusting abuse of Australians in our history.
Those responsible need to be publicly held to account and punished for their actions.

Thankyou for standing for the blatant obvious truth.

I was 'stood down' by my employer, due to not following vaccine mandates, on 25/10/2021 and my employer is still standing by the vaccine mandate even though the pandemic has been declared over. It's a sad world!

we love Pauline, One day she will run this country

Now! Thats Why I will vote for this lady, any given Day. We are With You, PAULINE !!

I was refused life saving brain surgery until I had vaxxes. that is forced and coercion.

I'm retired and do not work. My wife and i were reluctant to get vaccinated because the vaccine had not been satisfactorily proven to be safe. My wife (60) was told by her employer to continue working she should have the vax so we jointly agreed to both do it so she can keep her job. One week following our second jab, my wife experienced two seizures requiring ICU admittance. I thought she was going to die. A year and a half later she has ongoing digestive problems which she didn't have before the vax. I had no ill effects. We were lied to bigtime. All of us. Robert NZ.

Well Australia, now you know who to vote for in the next election if you want common sense. Stop voting for the major parties, we need to change this, and we are the people to do it. VOTE ONE NATION OR UAP

How about a public commission into it, considering that our public servants aren't willing.
What is the old saying. If you want something done right, do it yourself
Yes or No

That bloke seriously makes my blood boil. Thank you Senator Hanson

Those responsible must be tried and jailed for crimes against humanity.

Thank you Pauline. The word is Blackmail, and is one of the reasons why I did not comply with the discriminatory agenda and lost my job.

Download here: The-Covid-Vaccinated-still-get-Covid-That-is-Not-How-Vaccines-Are-Supposed-To-Work-2023-08-08.mp4 - 3,210 kb
By: The Jimmy Dore Show - 8th August 2023
The Covid Vaccinated still get Covid!
That's Not How Vaccines
Are Supposed To Work!


The first Polio vaccine's negative side effects were so rampant that vaccine hesitancy was born.

My heart swells with pride!

Even the sheeple know they have made a huge mistake.

Covid lies ARE funny! Thanks Jimmy!

Has there ever been a time when we blamed the failure of a VACCINE on those who didn't take it?

I lost my job for declining the vaccine.
As a single mom, it has been tough on me. My husband passed years ago. I still miss him dearly. Both of my sons are autistic. I'm overwhelmed. Father God hear my prayers. Since covid I've been struggling to support my children and myself but my faith in GOD is strong! I lost my job for declining the vaccine. I've been struggling since. I declined because of my health conditions lupus, and heart disease. I tried to get my job back at Forsyth hospital but they are still wanting vaccinated people over the unvaccinated. I'm now waitressing Im thankful to be working but I'm not making nearly enough to get by. BUT! Even as I constantly struggle to pay my rent. And I constantly struggle to provide groceries for my children! I'm choosing to keep faith. Walking with faith is the most important thing us christian's must do. So as I struggle I Thank you Heavenly Father and I thank you Yeshua I will keep faith! Amen!

Jimmy's pollio walk is pretty funny

Way too many people are suffering from cognitive dissonance (along with jab side effects) from the Big Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex.

I've seen this multiple times...and I'm still cracking up

Soooo funny and TRUE!!

This is one of, if not the funniest routine that Jimmy has ever done

Exactly. The NeuroLinguistic Programming worked so well on the masses.

I am 78 and had the polio vaccine in approximately 1958. All my life since I have had a chronic fatigue/ pain type of illness. Coincidence?
Did I take the wonderful covid jab, not on your Nelly.

RFK all the way

I'm a type 1 diabetic (compromised immune system) and I'm one of the only ppl in my family not to get vaxed. And I'm also the only one in my fam who hasn't gotten COVID yet (knock on wood). But hey at least its suppose too lessen the symptoms huh?

Not wanting to buy a Pinto doesn't make someone anti-car by default

It means make a safer car

Download here: Pfizer-lies-to-Senator-Pauline-Hanson-and-says-Nobody-was-forced-to-take-vaccines-in-Australia-2023-08-05.mp4 - 7,131 kb
By: Rukshan Fernando - 5th August 2023
Pfizer lies to Senator Pauline Hanson
and says: "Nobody was forced'
to take vaccines in Australia

Pfizer told an Australian Senate hearing that "Nobody was forced to have the vaccine", does that statement hold up to the reality faced by millions of people in Australia?

Let's take a look at what "nobody was forced" really looked like.

Bonus take from Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla at the end acknowledging the effectiveness of punitive mandates.

Pauline Hanson is the only politician fighting for the rights of the everyday Australian. I hope she has a long life in politics and keeps exposing the corruption , lies and BS of the puppet government we have in power.

Pauline is the last politician to have any credibility, honesty and integrity. May God bless her for the tireless work she does for ordinary Australians.

not forced, blackmailed with our jobs

When Dictator Dan, the Hunchback of Spring Street, challenged us to wait it out , it was possibly his best motivational speech ever.
There was absolutely no way in hell that myself, my wife and two adult sons were ever going to comply with anything that parasite said.
It was hard and it cost three of us our jobs but we never gave into that spiteful, vindictive, narcissistic excuse for a human being.

No, nobody busted through our front doors, held us down and jabbed us, but that is not what Pauline was arguing. A tiny minority of Australians resisted the campaign but certain people were given no practical alternative. Refusal proved to be prohibitively expensive to those that needed to comply in order to keep their jobs. Beyond this, they threatened all of us with restricted freedom of movement and association even if it did turn out to be only temporary. After years of waiting to get back to normal, many could not hold out any longer. They even talked about restricting our access to health care for refusing. They publicly shamed vaccine hesitant people. When fear did not work, they did everything they could to punish and vilify the last remaining hold outs. They did a lot of damage to our society.

Everyone seems to forget the most important part about this, that we weren't allowed out of our homes until a certain percentage were vaccinated, then further we were not allowed outside a certain radius until a certain percentage were vaccinated. This is coercion, the very definition. I will never forget about this as long as I live, and I will set this right in decades to come.

Who was the Scottish man for Pfizer saying nobody was forced to have a vaccine ??? Pauline you never cease to amaze me with your courage.

I was a teacher for 17 years and I lost my job as a leading teacher because I refused to get vaccinated. I have only gone back as a casual once they lifted the mandates but there are still many jobs I can't apply for because they still require up to date vaccines. What a joke! By the way, I still have not had Covid and most people I know have been vaccinated and have had Covid at least twice.

It's past time Australians woke up and took back their country

No one is "forced" to breathe. It is up to the individual. Thanks Pauline. A true hero.

God these people who pushed this need to rot in jail

Thanks Rukshan. Please show this to the face of these corrupt politicians.

Its about time Pauline Hanson is credited for what she has AND IS doing for Australia & us Australians. I've been a big supporter of hers for many years. Gotten ridiculed myself for it too!

Lawyer and anti-Covid vaccine
campaigner Sue Grey found NOT to
have breached conduct standards
By: Stuff, Gabrielle McCulloch - 4th August 2023

Lawyer Sue Grey found not to have breached conduct standards.
Lawyer Sue Grey found not to have breached conduct standards.

Well known Lawyer Sue Grey has not breached conduct standards, a tribunal has found.

Grey, known for her campaign against the Covid-19 vaccination roll-out and mask mandate, has faced charges of misconduct and unsatisfactory conduct before the Lawyers and Conveyancers Disciplinary Tribunal on Monday.

The charges stem from an investigation by the Nelson Standards Committee, following a number of complaints made against the lawyer.

The decision, released on Friday, found that while Grey's action reflected "poorly on her judgement and appreciation of the position she holds", her freedom of expression must be protected.

"We do not consider, when balanced against the right to free speech, that the remaining charge could be made out to the standard of unsatisfactory conduct," the ruling said.

Grey said she was happy with the decision.

"Freedom of political speech is really important - and although you're a lawyer, you can still wear different hats in other areas of your life," she said.

The complaints were originally made in 2021, and Grey said she was pleased to have the matter resolved.

"I'm very grateful to the lawyer Disciplinary Tribunal for a quick decision," she said.

Complainants pointed to Grey's social media posts that claimed the Covid vaccine was the direct cause of deaths.

Many of those posts couldn't be linked directly to Grey, as a number of administers made posts under her name.

The tribunal also noted that none of those complainants were clients of Grey.

"It is Ms Grey's case that all of these statements were made in her capacity as a politician, or as an individual citizen, and none of them formed part of her role as a lawyer.

"There is no complaint before the Tribunal about her conduct in court or conduct as counsel for any client," the ruling said.

Sue Grey gather with anti-vaccine and anti-mandate protesters gather on the lawns of the Beehive Parliament grounds in Wellington.
Sue Grey gather with anti-vaccine and anti-mandate protesters gather on the lawns of the Beehive Parliament grounds in Wellington.

Tribunal said that lawyers must, with in limit, must "not be fearful of saying unpopular things."

However, the tribunal also pointed out that lawyers have an obligation to be "careful and measured" in their language.

"Had posts made in Ms Grey's name been better managed or approved by her, it would have prevented the linking of the more extreme statements to her personally," it said.

Grey's charges of misconduct and unsatisfactory conduct were struck out.

Jacinda Ardern: We will continue to be your single source of truth!
GetStuffedNews: Ex New Zealand Dictator Jacinda Ardern is extremely disappointed with the courts ruling, and vows to limit freedom of speech for all New Zealanders to the best of her ability, even if it means praying even harder to her favourite god Satan...

NZDSOS - NZ Doctors Speaking Out with Science
They really are. We are so happy to hear they Sue Grey was found not to have breached any standards.

"We do not consider, when balanced against the right to free speech, that the remaining charge could be made out to the standard of unsatisfactory conduct," the ruling said.

Thank goodness the charges were chucked out!

Brilliant! That's a win for us.

Maria McGivern
I'm so glad.

Rodney Bailey
Well done Sue. Another trumped up charge dismissed (excuse the pun)

there were plenty in Wellington talking to us & doing a lot more than Winston Peters who waltzed in with media & security & waltzed out again. Sue Grey, Liz Gunn, Leighton Baker & Matt King were there doing a lot more than Winston did. They weren't bad mouthing those there 5 minutes earlier

Dono Harm
An incredible, strong woman who acts admirably at all times. Sue Grey is a hero and will be remembered for her bravery and courage during this time.

Anne K Frazer
Fantastic, we need more Sue Grey's in the world, speaking the truth about COVID "vaccines" #suegreyhero #vaccinewarriors
Lawyer did not breach standards with vaccine comments, tribunal says

Trulye Aghaste
Yep, but most legal professionals have brought it into disrepute. Where were they when the government rode roughshod over people's fundamental rights? Sue Grey is/will be on the right side of history. Most of the legal profession, along with the media, won't.

A Law
It was a witch hunt. I'm pleased for Sue Grey. While I don't agree with everything she says I absolutely defend her right to say them. The Pfizer injection was a new and experimental medication that should never have been labelled a vaccine. Nobody should have been coerced either

Download here: Pfizer-cannot-explain-why-their-Covid-Vax-causes-myocarditis-Senate-Covid-Adverse-Events-Hearings-2023-08-04.mp4 - 7,709 kb
By: Senator Gerard Rennick - 4th August 2023
Australian Senate Hearing
Pfizer can't explain why their
Covid Vax causes myocarditis!
Senate Hearings on Covid Adverse Events

Last night the Senate finally got to question Pfizer as to the effectiveness of the Covid vaccine.

It was disappointing that they would not acknowledge the lack of testing they performed prior to the rollout, nor could they explain why it damages heart muscle.
If they can't explain the biological mechanism as to why it causes damage to the heart then they can't guarantee it doesn't cause other injuries.

Despite all of this they continue to claim the vaccine is safe and effective without qualifying the risks.

#auspol #australia #tga


Senator Gerard Rennick forced Pfizer to admit that they didn't understand the mechanism by which the vaccine causes myocarditis & pericarditis.

So much for trusting the science.

Bill White
Every one of these people, who were involved in the production, distribution and coercion of hundreds of millions of people to take and in many cases, being forced to take this poison needs to be arrested, prosecuted and IF convicted by a competent international court, then, executed as were the Nazis.

I love you Senator Rennick. Thank you for being so brave.

Senator you expose their ignorance & lies by asking the right questions. You will not accept their BS. You are fighting the good fight. You deserve wider recognition.

These are fair and valid points the Senator has questioned these men. They respond with little relevance and rather long winded and irrelevant answers.

Thank God, someone is prepared to ask tough questions, and thankfully with a sound knowledge and and not ignorance behind these inquiries.
How do we we keep you, Senator Rennick in your current position for the next electoral cycle?

It's not the answers you get but the questions you ask & Senator you could not have been any clearer! Their deflection is proof of the shame that their vaccine was. Well done Senator

Thank you Senator,
We need this type of rigor here in Ireland and everywhere

I love and admire your dogged determination Senator Rennick.

Keep doing what you're doing senator

My 17 year old son was diagnosed with myocarditis When we went to the heart specialist the entire waiting room was full of's disgusting and upsetting as a father to watch these animals avoid answering basic questions..

Senator Rennick, you're a champion. For what it's worth, many of us share your exasperation, frustration and anger.
These people are total muppets.

Thank you Senator Rennick for being one of the few to hold their feet to the fire. Keep up the good work, really appreciated.

Download here: Pfizer-claims-no-one-was-forced-to-get-the-Jab-2023-08-04.mp4 - 2,269 kb
By: Pauline Hanson's Please Explain - 4th August 2023
Pfizer claims no one
was forced to get the Jab!

It is time charges were laid against these globalists.

As a nurse in aged care I can confirm it was ABSOLUTELY forced upon the industry.

It's not unusual for dangerous criminals to deny they are dangerous criminals. It's part of their criminal psychology. It's what they do. That's what makes them so dangerous and why average citizens should be protected from them.

Thank you Senator Hanson quite correct thousands of Australians lost their jobs because they were FORCED!

Good on you Pauline, Stay on these scumbags

he's right… were given a choice….comply or you'll lose your job, your livelihood, you're mental well being, your reputation, your house, your dignity, pretty much everything. but you were never "forced". let's hope this guy gets caught with the wrong person in a dark alley one day.

Obviously he has no idea what "forced" means. At least the Italians had the sense to carry out justice against Mussolini.

Yes people weren't "forced" but only took it under extreme duress from government and employers.

I suppose it depends on how you define "forced." No one was caught and held down and vaccinated, true. But the Australian Immunisation Handbook requires that there is no coercion allowed. Taking the vaccine or losing your job IS coercion, and as such not allowed in Australia. Using the word forced leaves wiggle room.

Coerced, manipulated, blackmailed, extorted, pressured, bullied, harassed, abused, but oh no, definitely not forced.

Thank you Senator Hanson, we know the truth

The criminals will deny until their Nuremberg tribunal. If they acknowledged it would be like saying we breached the Nuremberg code. They won't do that. They protect each other.

People were forced to take it to feed their families and to keep a roof over their head.
How much more damn forced can they be?

That's like saying you weren't forced to stay with your abusive partner

Download here: The-Dark-Side-Of-Hollywood-They-Try-To-Hide-Then-This-Happens-2023-08-01.mp4 - 50,122 kb
By: The Gospel of Christ - 1st August 2023

The Dark Side Of Hollywood
They Try To Hide...
..Then This Happens

The dark side of Hollywood they try to hide - then this happens.

I was shocked to hear what they try to hide from the world and what happens next shocks the whole world. Hollywood is trying to silence the truth.

With Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, Justin Bieber, Hailey Bieber, Jamie Foxx, Tory Kelly, Bronny James (Lebron James's son), Damar Damar Hamlin, CNN, Inside Edition, Denzel Washington.

With John MacArthur on the truth.

With John Henry and the Gospel of Christ.

God Loves you...
He sent His Son Jesus Christ...
To die for you and I at the cross...
He carried our sins so that we might be saved...
From the wrath of God and have eternal life...
If you don't know Jesus then what are you waiting for...

To be banned from Oprah is a badge of honor!!

All that is done in the dark SHALL COME TO LIGHT

Good for Ice Cube for standing up for what he believes in! True O.G.

"If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed." (Mark Twain)

"People will forgive you for being wrong, but they will never forgive you for being right, especially when events prove you right while proving them wrong" -Thomas Sowell -

They mocked us, threatened us, called us insane, shunned us, banned us from their compaany, ridiculed us, bullied us, took away our rights , challenged our human integrity, scorned our dignity, threatened our jobs and our children and our finances, and now they want our sympathy ?
I do feel sorry for them, poor sad creatures, what a bed they made.

Kudos to that pharmacist for actually admitting the truth. You can tell he'd been morally wrestling with the issue for quite a while by the time she interviewed him.

As someone who was laughed at, branded a conspiracy theorist and threatened with losing my job but resisted it all I would normally find great pleasure in saying I told you so but i can't take pleasure in so many people's lives being destroyed or taken for profit for the worlds biggest criminals!

My family thought my husband and I were crazy for refusing. They threatened both our jobs, but still, we refused. God was with us. We both still have our jobs and no shot.

We all know that this started happening after many people were coerced into doing a certain thing two years ago. I thank God that I was woken up in 2004 so that I was wise enough to not be coerced into doing that thing a couple of years ago.

Download here: Australian-Comedian-Regrets-Getting-The-Covid-Vaxx-2023-07-31.mp4 - 8,252 kb
By: The Jimmy Dore Show - 31st July 2023
Australian Comedian
Regrets Getting The Covid Vaxx!

Australian comedian James Donald Forbes McCann went viral with a video from a recent set where the comic expressed remorse about getting vaccinated. McCann noted in a comedic fashion that his quickness to vaccinate suggests he would have been a "good German" during the World War II era.

Jimmy and Americans' Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the dearth of comedians expressing similar sentiments about caving to public pressure to get vaccinated.


I'm unvaccinated... but I worry about my vaxed family members.

This is the definition of excellent comedy. Difficult truth wrapped in a package of humour.

I don't know anybody who took the jab and is happy about it AND I don't know anybody that didn't take the jab and regretted not getting it.

I got kicked out of a restaurant about 2 years ago because I didn't want to wear a mask. I was meeting my roommates mom for the first time and didn't want to cause a scene, so I left without a fuss. On my way home I was passing a bar and figured why not it looks dead so stumbled on in. I ordered a drink and everything was peachy until the one other guy sitting all the way at the opposite side of the bar asked me who the hell i thought I was because I wasn't wearing a mask. I kinda froze up and asked like what or excuse me and he proceeds to throw his shitty burger at me from like 15 ft away. At this point I'm in shock, he's calling me deranged but he's 40 years older than me cursing me out and throwing food at me lol. THEN the bartender walks back out from the kitchen and asks me to leave saying I'm upsetting his regulars. I looked him in the eye and said "you realize you're kicking out one of you' only 2 customers right? How much longer do you think this place is going to last?" And it wasn't people like me doing this to his business, it was people like the old dude throwing a fit. 2 weeks later I drive by and there is a for sale sign out front. good riddance

I am proud to be a member of the unvaxed who stood in solidarity with the members of the third world who were denied access to it, while standing against government overreach. We did more for freedom than most soldiers.

I've yet to meet a person who regrets not getting the vax.

My best friend died of two rare autoimmune diseases that usually only affects elderly women, and I had an aortic aneurysm that almost killed me. Both 40 years old and vaccinated…definitely regret it

As an 'crunchy' introvert with mild social anxiety who is anti-establishment and a 'conspiracy theorist', the last 4 years have actually been a breeze.

That comic just explained how so many were pressured to obey because they couldnt be away from social events that mean nothing actually.

My body. my choice. Its amazing how many women suddenly didn't give a damn about that principle, proving how full of sh!t they are.

When i refused to get the vax I had someone tell me, " I am worried about having to raise your children if you die. " I also had a crazy friend that called me everyday for a week and I finally lied. I said yep, I went to Walgreens and got it. It was a wild time. It needs to be talked about.

Download here: Senior-ABC-journalist-caught-on-hot-mic-making-astonishing-COVID-admission-2023-07-31.mp4 - 39,434 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 31st July 2023
Senior ABC journalist caught on hot mic
making 'astonishing' COVID admission

A senior ABC journalist has been caught making an "astonishing admission" about the public broadcaster's failure to investigate the origins of COVID-19, Sky News host Sharri Markson reports.

The comments were caught by microphones set up for the AUSMIN press conference with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on Saturday afternoon.

ABC foreign affairs reporter Stephen Dziedzic admits he probably didn't look at the lab leak theory "dispassionately enough."

Anyone who challenges the covid belief orthodoxy you are just labeled "crazy" out of hand.

This is exactly why we cannot let the government or a government agency determine what is true and what is not true. Misinformation and disinformation is how we sift information, debate and discover truth for ourselves.

The ABC is no longer fit for purpose. Defund the ABC.

Anyone who calls you "unhinged" for doing proper research, has a petty, closed mind. Sad the lack of proper journalists around these days. Nobody thinks for themselves any more.

ABC must be disbanded.

When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, we are ruled by criminals. Edward Snowden

I stand by my previous comments. Every family and person owes you Sharri and your team at Sky News a debt of gratitude. Thank you again and why has the government stopped coverage of covid? Do they know something that should be made public? Their silence and lack of concern should be questioned. Best wishes Jason from Melbourne Victoria.

It's absolutely mind numbing how uninformed these people are … journalists they call themselves…. I did a day's research early on and was was onto it immediately… we pay for these fools is the kick in the head
"China, it comes from China!" Never a sentence truly spoken by Trump.

I am sick of the lies of media.

Well done Shari. Your dedication to this is gradually scraping the truth off the narrative.

The abc journos don't hold a candle to Sharri. Good work.

The words "ABC" and "journalist" should NEVER be used in the same sentence.

Sharri, YOU are a True Journalist. One of Oz's best. Mind you, (sorry) there is not much competition for your crown. The MSM has a dearth of good, dispassionate, well-researching reporters in Oz. Thank goodness for the back-up media.

Covid cover-up: Wuhan lab leak suspicions, Anthony Fauci and
how the science was silenced
By: The - Exclusive by Sharri Markson - 28th July 2023
Dr Anthony Fauci: This was a reputational risk to him and his ­institute, says Dr Robert Kadlec, Fauci's boss
Dr Anthony Fauci: "This was a reputational risk to him and his ­institute," says Dr Robert Kadlec, Fauci's boss.

America's top infectious diseases adviser, Anthony Fauci, deliberately decided to downplay suspicions from scientists that Covid-19 came from a laboratory to protect his reputation and deflect from the risky coronavirus research his agency had funded, according to his boss, one of the most senior US health officials during the pandemic.

In an exclusive interview, Robert Kadlec - former assistant secretary for preparedness and response at the US Department of Health - told The Weekend Australian that he, Dr Fauci and National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins privately discussed how to "turn down the temperature" on accusations against China in the early days of the pandemic while they were trying to encourage Beijing to co-operate and share a sample of the virus.

But the senior US health official - who worked for George W. Bush and Donald Trump and went on to lead American efforts to develop a Covid-19 vaccine - said Dr Fauci mostly kept his knowledge of virologists' concerns about a lab leak from Wuhan to himself.

The Weekend Australian revealed in 2021 that the National Institutes of Health and other US agencies funded 65 scientific projects at the Wuhan Institute of Virology over the past decade, many involving risky research on bat coronaviruses.

'Vaccine ­research was the proximate cause'

Dr Kadlec's comments give the closest insight to date on how Dr Fauci - who led coronavirus policy for two presidents and influenced the worldwide approach to the pandemic - handled the link between Covid-19 and China. They came as US congressional investigations in the past month revealed how scientists worked to silence concerns about a lab leak.

"I think Tony Fauci was trying to protect his institution and his own reputation from the possibility that his agency was funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology researchers who, beyond the scope of the grants received from the National Institutes of Health, may have been working with People's Liberation Army researchers on defensive coronavirus vaccines," Dr Kadlec said.

"I think it's evident from his later released emails (obtained via Freedom of Information requests) that he had more sense of what his institute had funded at that moment. This was a reputational risk to him and his institute and certainly he probably sided with the international scientists that believed that false or unsubstantiated accusations could have a chilling effect on scientific collaboration between the western world and China."

Dr Robert Kadlec, right, and Dr Fauci testify before a Senate Health Committee hearing on the US response to Covid on Capitol Hill on March 3, 2020
Dr Robert Kadlec, right, and Dr Fauci testify before a Senate Health Committee hearing
on the US response to Covid on Capitol Hill on March 3, 2020.

Dr Kadlec, in his first ever media interview, added: "We think vaccine research resulted in the pandemic - that vaccine research was the proximate cause."

In an extraordinary admission, Dr Kadlec said they decided to try to encourage a group of leading international scientists to calm down speculation on the origins of the virus.

The scientists held a phone call on February 1, 2020, in which they discussed concerns that SARS-CoV-2 looked like it may have been genetically engineered.

"When we talked about this in advance of that call, he (Fauci) would just try and see if he could get the scientists to take the temperature down, turn the rhetoric down. to at least find, we're going to look into this but we don't know," Dr Kadlec said.

As both Mr Bush's biodefence adviser and Mr Trump's assistant health secretary for preparedness, Dr Kadlec has decades of experience in fighting public health crises. He created Operation Warp Speed, the plan to accelerate the development of a Covid-19 ­vaccine, and is credited for leading the push to vaccinate Americans. In 2018, he warned Congress the US was ill-prepared for a pandemic.

'Turn the temperature down'

Dr Kadlec's personal approach was to ask the National Academy of Sciences in late January 2020, to formally examine the sequence of SARS-CoV-2, to understand its origin. But publicly, he felt it was important to achieve co-operation from China from a public health perspective. Beijing had not yet shared a sample of the virus, critical for developing an effective vaccine.

"We decided to engage our national experts to look at this, the National Academy of Sciences," he said. "It would take time to figure out what was going on. We were trying to prevent people from saying this was a bioweapon when we didn't really know. That was my intent. It was Dr Fauci's idea to see if he could get international scientists to examine the origins in a similar fashion. The object was to prevent speculation and turn the temperature down. There was something that could be said to turn the temperature of rhetoric down and avoid the wild speculation, of a bioweapon, that had already started at that point in time."

That phone call was at the instigation of Dr Fauci after he spoke with scientist Kristian Andersen who expressed concern that SARS-Cov-2 may have been genetically engineered, because of its unusual features. In an email, Dr Andersen said "some of the features (potentially) look engineered" and several leading virologists "all find the genome inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory."

Dr Kadlec said Dr Fauci kept these suspicions, privately expressed by leading virologists that the virus had been engineered in a laboratory, mostly to himself.

The full extent of those suspicions is now laid bare in emails subpoenaed by US congress and published in recent weeks. In those emails, some scientists discussed the "shit show" that would eventuate if anyone serious accused China of, even accidentally, starting the pandemic. They also discussed the impact such an accusation would have on scientific research and international relations. But, publicly, they insisted the possibility of an inadvertent laboratory leak was a conspiracy and authored a paper published in Nature Medicine, that argued SARS-Cov-2 was almost certainly a natural virus. Dr Kadlec acknowledges the power of that paper, titled the Proximal Origins of SARS-CoV-2, as becoming the official word that a laboratory leak was a conspiracy theory.

"Their paper did result in casting the die for what would then be the international scientific response going forward," he said.

"I found it really odd that in light of the now revealed private musings of some of the scientists indicated the sequence looked unusual, that the authors decided to draft a letter as an opinion piece.

Many people were confused or mistaken by what they wrote as more of a peer-reviewed paper."

Wuhan 'fingerprints'

Dr Kadlec accused the scientists of having personal agendas that might have influenced their decision to author a paper that suggested a laboratory leak was a conspiracy theory. "Their initial opinion was likely shaded by their personal professional equities or the belief that what was going on in the US - statements by political leaders - could be problematic for world relations for China but also their professional interests in science," he said.

Dr Kadlec alluded to the febrile political atmosphere in the US under Mr Trump as a likely influence on the scientists, although the scientists' deliberations began in late January, and the former president did not make any public comment about a potential laboratory origin of Covid-19 until April.

The P4 laboratory on the campus of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China
The P4 laboratory on the campus of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

The authors of the Proximal Origins paper have argued in the media and congressional hearings that later virus research had led them to scotch their first fears of a lab leak - and to conclude instead that the origins of Covid-19 were zoonotic: i.e. the virus had been passed from animal to human, possibly via a Wuhan wet market.

However, new emails and posts over the Slack messaging platform that have surfaced in recent weeks pinpoint the moment this group began steering world attention away from the Wuhan lab. It was not months, or even weeks, but within days and hours of their realisation that the virus may contain "fingerprints" that connected it to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The scientists are facing allegations that they embarked on a campaign of subterfuge that has rocked Washington.

'Blueprint for Covid-19'

Dr Kadlec has now spent a year and a half formally investigating the origins of the pandemic, putting together an A and B team to gather evidence for both a natural and laboratory origin respectively.

Gain-of-function research was banned by the Obama administration but lifted during the Trump era. Dr Kadlec says this was at the behest of the NIH. "Francis Collins and Fauci both had a similar world view which was scientists know best and there should be few restrictions on research," he said.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology and EcoHealth Alliance drew up a proposal for grant funding for coronavirus research, which international scientists now believe could be the "blueprint" of Covid-19. Dr Kadlec chaired a committee to authorise whether gain-of-function could proceed. The proposal from the Wuhan institute was bouncing around US Government agencies, in search of funding, but it never went through his committee. "It shows you the fallibility or vulnerability of the oversight system," he said.

Dr Fauci has denied his agency funded gain-of-function research, but Dr Kadlec said this wasn't true. "It's evident NIH supported research that has the potential for, and it at least one case resulted in gain of function," he said.

Covid cover-up: Wuhan lab leak suspicions, Anthony Fauci and how the science was silenced

Download here: Why-are-they-all-suddenly-getting-this-Weird-Coincidence-Deaths-after-getting-Covid-Jabs-2023-07-26.mp4 - 13,297 kb
By: Decoy Voice - 26th July 2023
Why are they all suddenly getting this?
Weird Coincidence Deaths
after getting Covid Jabs!

LeBron James' son Bronny James recently had a cardiac arrest during a basketball practice at USC. This is after Tori Kelly lost consciousness and blood clots were discovered near her vital organs. After soccer announcer Shaka Hislop suddenly lost consciousness on air. And after the NFL's Cleveland Brown's wide receiver Marquise Goodwin also went out with blood clots.

"Vaccines are totally safe... oh and we need immunity from prosecution." That told me everything I needed to hear.

A friend's brother in law is/was a very healthy person. Never smoked, rarely drinks alcohol, always working out, eats only healthy food and is in his early 30s. Very happy full of life person. His wife talked him into getting the clot shots. He was very hesitant. Within a week, he was in the hospital loaded with blood clots. Chest pains, severe pain in his legs. Now, he is a wreck. In and out of the hospital for these issues. Can no longer work out, barely can work and now suffering from depression because of his condition. Big pharma and ANYBODY that promoted this crap are criminals!

They should also be liable for restitution to everyone who didn't get a shot and suffered emotional, mental and physical abuse for it.

I'm a nurse and I didn't take or give any of these shots. I tried to tell people it was bad news, not tested enough, experimental, but I was called "stupid" and told I should "know better". Luckily my parents and my two sons and daughter in law that all took it seem to be okay, but I don't know what the future brings. My parents are 77 and 79. The only thing I notice is that they are very tired a lot. It really makes me sad to see everybody having all these problems now. I don't care what they called me. I just hope people remember this the next time our stupid government tries to shove something on us. There will be a next time. I'm quite sure of it.

I always remember these words my sister said to me prior to her passing, " she said I wish I never took that shot". Those words will stick with me until I'm off this earth. I sat by her bedside for exactly 7 days why she lay on life support never to regain consciousness. I will say this and continue to say it that "JAB" took my sister.

Here in the UK, quite soon after the shots rollout, there were a good number of football matches suspended due to medical emergencies in the crowd. I've followed football for 30+ years and had never seen this happen before, let alone with such frequency. Then in January 2022 no fewer than FOUR matches on ONE day in the EFL were halted due to medical emergencies. Media response? Yup, you guessed it - it's totally normal, this has always happened, it's just that we're more compassionate now and stop games when something like this happens, that's all. You only notice it because we're kinder than we were. People used to clap-out at the footie all the time but you never noticed. Now you notice because we're so much kinder than we were and we stop the games so that they can have their cardiac arrest in peace. Mystery solved.

Never forget these people were advocating to imprison you for refusing to take their poison.

Both of my parents got colds over and over again after their shots. My aunt's breast cancer came back a few months after her latest shot. My mother got cancer 6 months after her 3rd shot. For years I told them all about the strong evidence of high risks with getting the jab, the conflict of interest from regulatory agencies captured by the pharmaceutical industry, the legal immunity for jab manufacturers, the discovery of moderna-patented gene sequences from viruses detected before the pandemic. I was only ever attacked or ignored.

It's hard not to come away from the last few years without the impression that most people are practically farm animals, and deserve what they get.

I was friends with a 21 year old kid who, like most, had no history which is also hard to tell at that young age. He died in October of 2021 from a stroke. I was ready to quit nursing school and enter a new field but my employer let exemptions happen because there was about 1/3 of the employees that filed for it. Big pharma has taken the lives of many and continues to do so.

A month ago in my small town, we had a 20 year old woman with a daughter just suddenly pass away from having blood clots go to her heart. It makes you think.

The younger sister of a member in my military unit was a 28 year old mountain climber. She dropped and was rushed to the hospital. Blood clots necessitated eventual amputation of her left leg, and she went into a coma. The blood clots eventually caused a heart attack. And it was much the same back circumstances of all those cases mentioned in the video.

It's interesting that the " experts " don't know what's causing the increase in these health issues but they know what's not causing them .

The fact you're not allowed to question it and they refuse to even acknowledge it speaks volumes in my opinion. My uncle died from blood clots a little over a year ago and he got the shot and a booster, I honestly never really considered that it might have caused it because he wasn't exactly a healthy person but I wonder more and more every day now.

Download here: IceCube-Gives-One-of-the-Best-Answers-Ever-Why-He-Did-Not-Get-Jabbed-2023-07-26.mp4 - 11,658 kb
By: VigilantFox - 26th July 2023
IceCube Gives One of the Best Answers
Ever Why He Didn't Get Jabbed

@IceCube Gives One of the Best Answers Ever Why He Didn't Get Jabbed

"There's no repercussions if they're wrong. But I get all the repercussions if they're wrong."

@icecube also added that he didn't want to cave into pressure and be an example for his kids.

"I wanted to be an example for my kids, really make sure they wouldn't take it either — show them that I want to stand on my convictions and that I was willing to lose $9 million and more because we've probably lost more since then."

asked @icecube "Do you know anyone who was injured by the vaccine?"

@IceCube answered, "I do. And they suffer every day. And it's hard to watch."

Download here: Dr-Bryan-Ardis-Protocol-for-managing-Long-Covid-Long-Vaxx-Snake-Venom-Nicotine-Ivermectin-etc-2023-07-24.mp4 - 205,591 kb
By: Stew Peters Network - 24th July 2023

Dr. Bryan Ardis
Long Covid / Long Vaxx Snake Venom
with Nicotine, Ivermectin etc

Signs and symptoms of long COVID or adverse symptoms to the COVID vaccine.

COVID-19 is known to affect virtually every body system, including:

  • Lungs
  • Brain
  • Heart
  • Blood
  • Kidneys
  • Liver

There are many different signs and symptoms of long COVID or the COVID vaccine.

The most common symptoms include:

Breathing (respiratory symptoms)

  • breathlessness
  • cough
  • lung function abnormalities

Heart and circulation (cardiovasular symptoms)

  • fatigue
  • chest tightness
  • chest pain
  • red flushed face and body
  • heartbeats that can become noticeable
  • heart palpitations
  • inflammation of the heart muscle
  • myocarditis
  • pericarditis
  • tachycarditis
  • postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome [PoTS]
  • arrhythmia
  • clots

Ear, nose and throat symptoms

  • loss of taste and/or smell
  • ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • earache
  • sore throat
  • dizziness

Skin (dermatological symptoms)

  • skin rashes
  • skin lesions
  • shingles
  • hair loss

Brain (neurological symptoms)

  • fatigue
  • dizziness when standing up (lightheadedness)
  • brain fog
  • loss of concentration
  • memory issues (cognitive impairment)
  • headache
  • broken sleep
  • insomnia
  • pins and needles, and numbness (peripheral neuropathy symptoms)
  • sudden confusion (delirium) particularly in older people
  • difficulties moving around (mobility impairment)
  • difficulties with or changes to your sight (visual disturbance)
  • Loss of taste or smell

Digestive system (gastrointestinal symptoms)

  • abdominal pain
  • acid reflux
  • feeling sick (nausea)
  • constipation
  • diarrhoea
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • weight loss and reduced appetite
  • diabetes
  • acute kidney injury

Joints and muscles (musculoskeletal symptoms)

  • muscle and joint pain

Mental health (psychological symptoms)

  • change in mood
  • symptoms of depression for example low mood, poor sleep, lack of concentration and feeling helpless
  • symptoms of anxiety for example feeling on edge, excessive worry and difficulties sleeping
  • symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD
  • symptoms of OCD

Click to download larger image

Page 5 of 11 of How To Use Nicotine Protocol

Download Protocols in PDF:

  • The Dr. Ardis Show - How To Use Nicotine Protocol (4,695 kb) - here
Download PDF document here...

Page 4 of 11 - COVID-19 and COVID-19 Vaccine Shedding Disease and Death Protection Protocol

Download Protocols in PDF:

  • Dr. Bryan Ardis COVID-19 and COVID-19 Vaccine Shedding Disease and Death Protection Protocol (4,847 kb) - October 2023 - here
Download PDF document here...

Download here: Damning-new-evidence-reveals-what-leading-scientists-really-thought-of-COVID-origins-2023-07-24.mp4 - 11,658 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 24th July 2023
Damning new evidence reveals
what leading scientists 'really'
thought of COVID origins

Sky News host Sharri Markson says damning new evidence shows scientists and leading government officials who said COVID-19 came from a wet market actually suspected the virus was engineered in a lab.

"The private correspondence shows how the group of international scientists, including from Australia, colluded to insist COVID-19 had a natural origin," Ms Markson said.

Well done Sharri. Thank you for exhibiting such courage in exposing this genocide.

We need tribunals. 'Apologies' for crimes against humanity? What a sick joke.

I'm a former scientist, left grad school to go into business. It's shameful that these people cooperated with this. They have destroyed public trust in the scientific endeavor, which I loved and thought to be one of the crowning achievements of humanity. Destroyed by the hubris of a few horrible people.

You can't "follow the science" when the science is corrupt. Challenging science should NEVER be censored.

Thank you Sharri. We should all remember that Sharri was courageously describing this from early 2020 - while most other journalists were cowering in the corner.

If by apologies and retractions you mean trials and executions, yes, you are correct.

By far and away the worst crime against humanity in world history.

Their contempt for regular people is disgusting. They freak out when people question them, yet they knowingly, willingly and even more disturbingly, comfortably lie to our faces all the time.

I still remember when we weren't even allowed to speculate about possibility of lab leaks on many platforms, including Youtube.

Any scientist or government official involved should be publicly discredited by their individual boards / universities or affiliates. Government actors should be investigated and face serious consequences. In addition, any science/medical journals publishing this defective "research" should be ostracized by the science community.

It's becoming harder and harder to find organizations that aren't corrupt. Sad times we're living in.

It's never felt to good to be called a conspiracy theorist. Turns out you're just defined from all the bullshit they try and force down your throat.

This deception warrants long prison sentences not apolgies!

The cover up by scientists, government, news/mass media and social media is horrific.

It really wasn't a revelation to any critical thinker. The "arose naturally" narrative was transparently lacking in credibility from day 1.

Sad part is even if you showed people this, a lot of them are entrenched in their political opinions that they will completely ignore this. They have completely surrendered their minds to the machine.

We need a new set of Nuremberg level trials. Everyone involved with the creation, the escape and everyone involved with the cover up need to be brought before a judge, tried, and held accountable.

No one will ever be held accountable for this global cover up.

Sharri is a true journalist. A rarity in this day an age

Download: Adverse-Events-Explode-Following-Immunisation-Western-Australian-Vaccine-Safety-Surveillance-Annual-Report-2021-2023-07-14.mp4 - 34,808 kb
By: Dr. John Campbell - 14th July 2023

Western Australian Vaccine Safety Surveillance Annual Report 2021

Dr. John Campbell: "If I had known this prior, there is no way I would have accepted this vaccine. These rates of adverse reactions is way too high, for me, and for any sensible-thinking person"

Report describes adverse events following immunisation (AEFI)

Reported to Western Australian Vaccine Safety Surveillance (WAVSS) system for vaccinations received in 2021.

The format of this Annual Report differs, to enable description of the impact of the program.

COVID-19 vaccination started in February 2021.

In 2021, Western Australia, 5,756,723 vaccine doses were administered, up from 2,071,167 in 2020. Of this amount, 3,948,673 were COVID-19 vaccines.

In 2021, a significant increase in reports of AEFI. 10,726 individual AEFI reports in 2021, up from 270 in 2020. (200 reports from Influenza and routine vaccinations in 2021)

Of these AEFI, (adverse events following immunisation) 10,428 (97%) occurred after a COVID-19 vaccine

Similar volume of reports in the rest of Australia (as reported by the Therapeutic Goods Administration)

In Western Australia, total AEFI rate following a COVID-19 vaccine was 264.1 per 100,000 doses.

26.41 per 10 thousand
2.641 per thousand

Non covid vaccinations, WA, 2021.

11.1 events per 100,000 doses

Comparison with US in 2021 Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

148.3 per 100,000 doses

Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca)

306.1 per 100,000 doses

Comirnaty (Pfizer)

244.8 per 100,000 doses
(US, 122 per 100,000)

Spikevax (Moderna)

281.4 per 100,000 doses
(US, 187 per 100,000)

Why the difference?

This likely reflects differences in the sensitivity of passive adverse event reporting systems between the two jurisdictions. Some of the important AEFI that have been specifically monitored.

TGA-coordinated national surveillance vaccine safety program:

  • Anaphylaxis
  • Thrombosis with thrombocytopaenia syndrome (TTS)
  • Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
  • Guillain-Barre´ syndrome (GBS)
  • Myocarditis
  • Pericarditis
  • Myopericarditis
  • Chest pain
  • Deep venous thrombosis
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Bell's palsy

In 2021, 1,125 appointments made at the adult vaccine safety clinic at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, up from seven in 2020.

439 appointments made at the Perth Children's Hospital specialist immunisation clinic, up from 214 in 2020.

Shocking official adverse event reports from the Western Australian Vaccine Safety Surveillance – Report 2021!

ADVERSE EVENTS EXPLODE FOLLOWING IMMUNISATION - Western Australian Vaccine Safety Surveillance Annual Report 2021

FIRSTLY: factor in that around 80% of the general public in most countries received only a 100% saline solution via the first Covid-19 Vaccine, to increase consumer confidence / sales - by having minimal Adverse Reactions and Deaths.

50% of the 2nd vaccine rollout was saline; about 20% of the 3rd vaccine (1st booster) was saline; and about 0% of the 4th vaccine (2nd booster) was saline. Important people who were in on this genocide, received 100% saline injections.

SECONDLY: factor in that most medical / government Adverse Reaction Reporting Agencies only recorded a SMALL percentage of actual Adverse Reactions / Events / Deaths.

THIRDLY: factor in that the Covid-19 biowarfare weapon was designed to bring in the Covid mRNA vaccines etc, which were designed to kill all useless eaters over a 1-10 year period, and at this stage we are only 3 years into the programme. There are MANY more deaths already happening and yet to occur.

SUMMARY: The real numbers of Adverse Events and Deaths is actually MUCH HIGHER!

Thanks to Bill gates, Anthony Fauci, Klaus Schwab, Jacinda Ardern etc, this is truly a Biblical event!

As an unvaccinated "tinfoil-hat wearing nutter", it's tough to watch people try and figure out what's happened to people and the world since 2020. And the worst is yet to come too.

I am an Australian who declined the vaccine & so my government employment in mental health was terminated, I now am self-employed, poor but very healthy. I have no regrets. I have followed Dr John Campbell's journey of discovery of the pro's & con's of the covid vaccinations & applaud his honesty & his drive to continually present the truth as it becomes available. Well done sir, please dont stop.

I had worked for the NSW public service for 40 years when they brought in a vaccine mandate for my job. I refused to take it, and was eventually fired as a result. Have never for a moment regretted my decision.

I'm from Perth in Western Australia... Our hospitals were overflowing in late 2021 and early 2022, yet we had no community Covid spread here as we were locked off from the rest of Australia and the world. The government made no admissions it was from the vaccines, but continued on with the vaccine mandates for 75% of the working population, while excluding those who weren't vaccinated from working, buying alcohol, going to sports events and entering to restaurants/bars

Thank you so much for your work, John. Thankfully, all of my close family listened to my husband and me when deciding on what to do regarding the COVID vaccines - and thus remain unvaccinated and fit and healthy. Our daughter is pregnant with our third grandchild and had her first appointment with her midwife yesterday. I was shocked to see the advice from the NHS for pregnant women is STILL to get the COVID vaccine. This was written clearly on the pregnancy pack she received from the midwife. When on earth will our medical practitioners acknowledge the increasing evidence of the harms done by this medical procedure?

Hospitals here in Australia are NOT interested in recording anything about or open to attributing anything at ALL to COVID VACCINATIONS. My daughter was rushed to hospital 2 days after receiving a 2nd vaccination, mandated by her employer, the government, with a blood clot. Their ONLY concern was to reassure her that it had NOTHING to do with her recent vaccination. Her incident WOULD NOT of been recorded as a symptom or side effect of the covid vaccinations. I'm more than disgusted with our GOVERNMENT and our HEALTH SYSTEM in general. Zero trust resides in my heart.

I am a 60 year old male - diabetic for 30 years - I retired from the Chicago Police Dept instead of a forced mandate to get the vaccine - I am so happy I decided NOT TO BE VACCINATED!

I live in Western Australia and I can confirm the under-reporting is massive. In the first few months of 2021 in my work place alone, a school of about 30 staff, there were 6 people either directly or a close relative, got pericarditis. Most said the TGA would not record it as an adverse event; two persisted and got it recorded and were given exemptions. Many of their doctors were complicit and tried to claim it was a coincidence.

As a West Australian I can say that doctors were discouraged to report adverse events and were reprimanded if they reported too many.
The red flag system in Australia took about 45mins to report and doctors were not paid to do so.

We can't change the past, but I hope and pray we will all be more willing to stand our ground and refuse any more vaccines like these. If enough stand together, they will fail..

As an Australian, I am embarrassed for our citizens and irate at our Government officials for forcing this onto the general public. So many lives lost and damaged... this cannot go unnoticed and is unforgivable...

Thank you WA & Dr Campbell ……
And the politicians responsible for committing this crime against humanity, have all silently disappeared …..

WEF - Global Health:
Disease X - this is how we should
prepare for the next big virus
By: Andrea Willige, World Economic Forum - 10th July 2023
Satan's genocidal plans revealed!
[ added context]

WEF - Global Health: Disease X - this is how we should prepare for the next big virus - Satan's genocidal plans revealed

  • The world needs to be better prepared to tackle a future pandemic, Kate Kelland of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, tells Radio Davos.

  • By mapping viruses with the potential to become the next pandemic, the global health community and governments can be more responsive the next time.

  • Global collaboration and adequate funding are needed to improve pandemic preparedness and ensure fast action to keep a viral outbreak at bay.

"You can get a long way towards being able to produce something that will target a novel virus before that virus even emerges."

This is how Kate Kelland described the sleuthing work needed to prevent another pandemic of the scale and impact of COVID-19 to Robin Pomeroy on the World Economic Forum's Radio Davos podcast.

A former Global Health correspondent at Reuters, she is now Chief Scientific Writer at the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), and author of the book Disease X - The 100 Days Mission To End Pandemics.

CEPI is a non-profit organization that funds research and development of vaccines against diseases that could potentially become epidemics or pandemics. With the World Economic Forum as one of its founding members, CEPI seed-funded three successful COVID-19 vaccines, including the widely known AstraZeneca and Moderna injections. The organization also works on a range of diseases that could become the next pandemic to spread.

Kelland explained: "It's a virus that we don't know yet, but we do know is out there, and we do know has the potential to spill over from an animal population potentially into humans, perhaps mutate or adapt itself and then begin spreading and killing people faster than we can contain it."

What learnings can we take away from the COVID-19 pandemic when it comes to pandemic preparedness?

If the COVID-19 pandemic hit us unprepared, there is every reason to prevent the next disease from doing the same.

Yet, research has shown that the world is still not adequately prepared for a new pandemic.

"It's about how we learn from what we got right and what we got wrong in the past, including in the most recent past, of course, but also with previous pandemics and outbreaks of disease. This includes the 1918 flu and the 2009 swine flu [ also man made] epidemic, for example," explained Kelland.

She added that, while COVID-19 was a novel disease, it came from a family of viruses that had already been studied by the global health community. Coronaviruses include severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) – which created a global health scare in 2003 – Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and a number of pathogens that cause the common cold.

"So, while we'd never seen this particular virus before, we knew a lot of its family members. We therefore actually had gained quite a lot of knowledge about the sorts of characteristics that this virus had."

Scientists who had been working on SARS and MERS vaccines had already got key information on the characteristics of coronaviruses and how to target vaccines at them.

More bullshit from Satan's ambassadors!

How can we avoid a pandemic of the scale of COVID-19 happening again? [ By executing the lot of you at WEF, WHO, UN etc!]

Kelland pointed out that, by extension, carrying out research and vaccine development for known viral "families" that could impact humans - of which there are 25 - would give humanity a decided advantage over the next disease.

"We're not talking about 25 viral threats. We're talking about 250 to 300 viral threats," she told Radio Davos. "It is a big number, but it is finite. So, it's not this kind of unfathomable amount of work. It is a vast amount of work, but it does have an endpoint, and it is doable." [ Bollocks!]

To put us on the front foot, CEPI advocates for a global vaccine library, the One World Vaccine Library. The purpose of this library is to build knowledge about potential Disease X candidates, undertake preparatory scientific work and make the resulting information available when a new virus emerges.

"The idea is that the world should divide up that work. It's not something that can be done by one institution or one scientific group," Kelland explained.

"When all of that homework has been done, we will possibly be quite a few steps ahead of any new virus before it emerges. And if we get that done across all of those families, then we're kind of almost ready for anything that these viral families can throw at us." [ Bollocks!]

How can a global pandemic treaty help deal with a novel virus outbreak?

To facilitate the global collaboration and scientific work required to prepare for a future pandemic, Kelland highlighted the need for a global pandemic accord as envisaged by the WHO.

"What that treaty needs to do is set up a framework that allows us to be a couple of steps ahead. So on financing, for instance, there should be a pandemic fund already set up and populated with actual money before these situations come about. There should already be agreements about how knowledge and alerts should be shared."

These are all learnings from the COVID-19 pandemic, when the COVAX vaccine-sharing facility had to be created "on the fly", with no structures and no funding in place. With a global pandemic accord and a pandemic fund in place, Kelland pointed out, stakeholders would be able to react much faster.

What skills do we need to develop to handle the next pandemic better?

Accelerating the response to a new pandemic threat will also rely on a new skillset for the key stakeholders in the global health community and beyond.

"There are a number of traits, characteristics and skills that we, as a world, have to develop to be able to be ready for whatever the viral world can throw at us. And those are things like preparing to be scared," Kelland told Radio Davos.

Rather than disregarding a viral threat as it emerges, being concerned and acting quickly will be vital to preventing it from escalating the way COVID-19 did.

"You have to sometimes take decisions when you have a very limited view on what's going on. But then global health leaders and political leaders, have to be able to take what we call low-regret decisions," says Kelland. This may mean pulling back if a decision proves wrong in retrospect or actions have been taken too quickly. However, it's critical for decision-makers to take risks because "if you delay, you will almost certainly be too late."

Again, preparation plays a big part here, she added, both when it comes to funding and in terms of decision-makers being guided by experts.

How do we ensure that we handle the next pandemic better? [ By being tried for Crimes Against Humanity followed by execution!]

Kate Kelland's book closes on a fictional scenario of a Disease X outbreak and how it is handled.

"Some of the vaccine development projects go wrong. Some of the populations are unhappy. [ Unhappy with genocide!] Some places have to go into lockdown for a short amount of time. [ Incarcerating civilians!] But because these decisions are being made swiftly and the people making them understand that taking risks is part of surviving these things and getting through it quicker and ultimately having a better outcome, those failures or those difficulties are overcome."
THESIS   =   Problem - CREATE the Problem - Bill Gate's / WEF Disease X
ANTITHESIS   =   Reaction - OFFER Solution - De-population Injections / COVID-19 Passport etc
SYNTHESIS   =   Convergence - HERD public into SOLUTION - Enforced Tyranny, Communism & Genocide

Download here: PLEASE-WATCH-YOUR-STEP-AROUND-THE-DEAD-VAXX-GUY-2023-07-09.mp4 - 4,081 kb
By: Possumkicker - 9th July 2023


#covid-shot-injuries #death-mnra-injury #vaccine-vax-jab-19-covid19

Maybe they can sell his body parts, that's big business in China .

Personally I can't wait for all the vaccinated idiots to die off

Heartless psychopaths. I wouldn't touch him (due to shedding) but I would call the authorities immediately and wouldn't just act like nothing happened. People are not wise if they touch someone and don't know if they are contagious; however, at least have some concern to get the person immediate medical attention, from professionals. The cashier never stopped ringing up the merchandise. They are a callous people in my personal experience.

Not sure if it's actually true, but I've heard that there if you do help a stranger or call the authorities to get help for a stranger, the medical expenses are billed to you. Fucked up system.

Life is cheap.

And getting cheaper

fucking insect drones, no-one goes to check or even try to help in whatever way

devoid of empathy in their one party system.

& no one is not glorifying deranged west for noticing how fucked up east is.

Download here: Cause-Unknown-Why-Are-People-Suddenly-Dropping-Dead-CBN-NewsWatch-2023-07-07.mp4 - 75,337 kb
By: CBN NewsWatch - 7th July 2023
Why Are People Suddenly Dropping Dead?

Edward Dowd, author of "Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022," talks about why he believes there's a link between the Covid vaccine and the surge of sudden deaths among healthy working-age people.

CBN News. Because Truth Matter

#cbnnews #christian #christianity

We all know why. This needs to be addressed publicly. People need to be prosecuted for they did. A lot of people.

I was a very healthy 51 year old male working a physical job every day, hiking, kayaking, walked everyday and had no major health issues. Now, after getting 2 shots of the vaccine, I can't walk more than 5 minutes without horrible back and leg pain, gained 50 pounds, sleep apnea, asthma, GERD, arthritis, high blood pressure, depression, IBS, vestibular insufficiency and polyneuropathy, all happening within 1 year. No way i'll ever be convinced it wasn't a direct result of the vaccine.

Dear CBN, please don't change, ever. Faith-filled believers like me are rooting hard for you!

"The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense." ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

I was a senior in high school class of 2023 this year and 2 people in my school died unexpectedly during this school year. 1 was a staff and the other was a senior student, like me. Both their deaths were unknown, they both died in their bedroom and no one knows the real reason why they suddenly died. I've seen the senior boy in a Cub Foods market, he smiled at me and I smiled back, not knowing that'll be the last time I ever saw him again. He was a good kid and had just began his life with his girlfriend. After his death I saw his girlfriend crying on a counselor's shoulder, it must've been hard for her to experience the death of a loved one at such a young age. Condolence to all those who have lost their loved ones and I hope whatever that is killing these people unexpectedly comes forefront and is recognized by the world.

Once again people who knew the poke was bad were right. Everyone who was forced out of jobs and who suffered loss and heavily criticized for not taking it should be compensated.

A news station actually reporting news worthy stories. Wow I'm shocked. Thank You it's refreshing.

I thank God for protecting me from the vaccine. I turned down a job that required me to be vaccinated, and I needed the money. I was behind on bills, but something didn't sit right with me regarding the vaccine. God opened other doors for me financially. Now here we are present day saying "oops" regarding the vaccine.

I can't believe I just watched an entire video of CBN news. And it was entirely relevant.
Thank you, CBN.

1.5 months after taking my second shot, my immune system has gone mental. Lots of symptoms started to settle in my body that I never had before. One year of going door to door to a bunch of doctors, I found out I have MS. Nobody knows what triggered it. And no, it's not hereditary.

When i saw my doctor and she asked did i get the shot , or did i want to , i just about shouted i dont want that poison! She stopped asking. Ive been diagnosed twice yet never had any symptoms or been sick with anything ! My eldest son took it to keep his job , as did so many others , God help them all

I'm not surprised! They are on a quest to decrease humanity. We need to unite as humans

Good to hear that people are fighting for the truth to expose the reason behind the excess deaths

My co-worker of 23 years, passed away a week ago, he hasn't been sick and it was so unexpected, he was 58 yrs. old; too young to die. He complained of a migraine on Monday morning and took off work. We attempted to call him for a day, then finally his 84 yr. old mother, that lives w/him, and barely speaks English, answered his phone and let us know that when she went in to check on him Wednesday morning, when he hadn't gotten up, he was cold and dead....... He took all of the Covid vaccines and boosters. We are devastated that he's gone too soon, so suddenly!

My son was diagnosed with Brain cancer at the age of 18 after being vaccinated for COVID-19

My beautiful fiancé, 38 years old, daily runner, lifelong organic eater, no illnesses, no medications, died of a heart attack in her sleep after our 3rd covid vaccine. She had no symptoms, we were careful and never caught covid. I love her and miss her every moment of every day. We were just starting for a baby.

Excellent Reporting, especially on unprecedented 40% Sudden Death Increase! Thanks!

Download here: The-Regret-of-Non-Compliant-People-Who-refused-to-get-the-Covid-Jabs-2023-07-05.mp4 - 15,332 kb
By: AwakenWithJP - 5th July 2023
The Regret of Non Compliant People
Because they refused to get the Covid Jabs

Just dont forget those poor babies and young children who had NO CHOICE. My heart goes out to them.

The doctor's name alone is worthy of a thumbs-up.

Shout out to all of my fellow crazy people who managed to see through the giant evil guilt trip and not have

themselves experimented on!

My doctor actually congratulated me for not getting vaxxed.

His exact words were "you are one of the good ones".
This is why he's my doctor of choice now.

My family and I are upholding a long-standing American tradition of never doing what we're told to do.

Happy Independence Day everybody.

"Im just a doctor, im not Bill Gates or anything" LOL. my favorite line in the skit.

As a former RN this is f**king hilarious. I am proud to be non-compliant!

My doctor said, "You're right to ask questions. I'll answer any that I can. If I don't know, I'll tell you I don't

know. In the end, it's your decision." If only more doctors had taken this approach.

There is a reason why they want an entire population full of weak, tired, and ill/disabled people that are

completely dependent on their system. Don't let them win.

"In our society the opposite of courage is not cowardice- it's compliance."
- Rollo May

Page Footer...
[Everything below this line is repeated on most pages]

We are fighting a spiritual war
10th August 2024
Paris Olympics - We are fighting a spiritual war!
Revelation 18:2 "And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

Hard Times Create Strong Men...
Hard Times Create Strong Men - Strong Men Create Good Times - Good Times Create Weak Men - Weak Men Create Hard Times.

Some people wouldn't know
tyranny if it bit them on the ass!
Some people wouldn't know tyranny if it bit them on the ass!

Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!
Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!

This is a question that stupid
people & traitors cannot answer:
Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?
This is a question that stupid people & traitors cannot answer: Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!
30th June 2023
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!

Being awake isn't cool. It means having to dumb down 98% of your conversations every day, so you don't sound like a lunatic.

Attitude to monsters after putting up with their shit since late 2019...

Plan F - The Fuck Off plan!

When people you don't even know hate you, That's when you know you're the best.

mRNA jabs are doing the job
slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!
30th June 2023
mRNA jabs are doing the job slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!

20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities
It's called GENOCIDE!
13th June 2023
20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities - It's called GENOCIDE!

"A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030"
It's called GENOCIDE!
12th May 2023
A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030 - It's called GENOCIDE!

World Economic Forum - Committed to Enslaving the Whole World

Nothing says "Trust the Science"
like asking for the data
to be hidden for 75 years!
18th March 2023
Nothing says Trust the Science like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years! Shhhhh....

Superheroes bow down to the
Big Pharma / Businessmen / Doctors
11th February 2023
It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT
26th November 2022
Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT

The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get
jabbed is like sending a post card from
the Titanic saying: "Wish you were here!"
20th November 2022
The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: Wish you were here!

Ten Stages of Genocide
As taught by WEFers Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau etc - August 2022

Ten Stages of Genocide

The Good Reset
Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's,
Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

28th July 2022
The Good Reset - Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's, Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

Covid Variant / Booster
The Merry Go Round From Hell
22nd December 2021

Covid Variant / Booster - Merry Go Round From Hell

Experimental Injections
Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel
13th November 2021

Experimental Injections - Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel

Death is coming for you stupid!

I am fully Vaccinated and Boostered, and just tested positive for Covid-19. I am grateful for the protection my vaccines continue to provide.

The 5-Step COVID 'Vaccine' RISK / BENEFIT ANALYSIS - September 2021

Trump's swamp draining service

When the population understands this picture, it will change everything.

"You can fool all the people some of the time.
You can fool some of the people all the time.
But you cannot fool all the people all the time!"

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Attributed to Edmund Burke. Also by John F. Kennedy in a speech in 1961.

The Great Cow Analogy

Donald J. Trump - They should never have touched the children!
'They should never have touched the children!'
Donald J. Trump - President of the United States of America

'They should never have touched the children!!' President Donald J. Trump

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Abortion: Modern Day Child Sacrifice
Psalms 106:37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Freedom of Information Alternatives to YouTube
Banned Videos - Education instead of Indoctrination - Better than Google
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Rumble is your rights management video platform. Host, distribute and monetize all your professional, social and viral video.  

If someone accuses you of wearing a tinfoil hat...,
remind them that it's better than wearing a blindfold!

Q - Apr 17 2020 - We are ready. [Set 1] Mission good. Q Q
"Where We Go One, We Go All"
Disclaimer: The historical information on this website is for research purposes only
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Q President John F. Kennedy