The Punisher treason: noun: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government
White Hats
Embrace the sometimes painful truth of reality
Remain in the blissful ignorance of illusion
If there is no such thing as a CONSPIRACY - why is the word CONSPIRACY in the dictionary?
Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'   Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell
Click here... Stockholm Syndrome is also a result of Governmental / Pharmaceutical / Media Propaganda
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL and Embraces GENOCIDE

The Pandemic is just a DECOY...
Covid Passports, Kill Shots & Depopulation are the goals
DEMOCIDE - one injection at a time! C/o Bill Gates, the WEF, CIA, WHO and your: politicians / doctors / nurses etc...
DEMOCIDE - one injection at a time!
[C/o Bill Gates, the WEF, WHO, UN, CIA, FBI and
your: politicians / doctors / nurses, police etc...]

2024 - July to December
> 2024 January to June   > 2024 July to December
> 2023 January to June   > 2023 July to December
> 2022 January to June . > 2022 July to December
> 2021 January to June   > 2021 July to December
> 2020 and prior    

>> Go to REAL HEALTH TIPS page >>

Video Australian Lawmakers Wake Up and Call for Worldwide mRNA Ban - "WE FUCKED UP!" - 15th October 2024
Q Large UK study shows only vaccinated kids got myocarditis! But the medical community claims it's from COVID! - 10th October 2024
Video Scientific Diagnosis of Dying from Covid and the Vaccine Injured Dying from Natural Causes - Professional Insanity! - 4th October 2024
Video Alex Jones CONFRONTS the Murderous Dr. Francis Collins at the Airport - 23rd September 2024
Video Insider: UK Gov't Hired 'Mercenary Killer Nurses' To 'Involuntarily Euthanize' MILLIONS of COVID Patients! - 22nd September 2024
Video It's All Coming Out! "Thousands Left Disabled" After Covid Vaccines - Bill Gates forecasts another global pandemic - 19th September 2024
Q FDA Approves Vaccine for Mpox. WARNS It May Cause DEATH in Vaccinated and People They Come in Contact With - 18th September 2024
Video FDA Admits Monkeypox-Vaccinated Can Kill Unvaccinated Through 'Close Contact' - 18th September 2024
Q Just One Shot of an Existing Vaccine Could Prevent Mpox Infection - 18th September 2024
Q Other than the government and the drug manufacturers - "Nobody said you wouldn't get COVID if you're vaccinated!" - 14th September 2024
Q Dozens made sick by AstraZeneca Covid vaccines plead with Government for compensation scheme - 14th September 2024
Video This is the reality of your Covid vaccine @JeniferRajkumar - Vaccine Injury! - 13th September 2024
Q Florida Health State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo ADVISES AGAINST the use of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines! - THIS IS HUGE! - 12th September 2024
Video Covid Vaccines / Jabs 5x times more deadly than the virus is! - 9th September 2024
Video Minnie Brown is going to lay charges against Ashley Bloomfield for Treason etc on 13th September 2024 - Others to follow - 6th September 2024
Traitors Covid vaccine campaigner Nigel Latta now has inoperable cancer and less than a year to live! - 5th September 2024
Video Kansas SUES PFIZER For Lying About The Effectiveness of C19 Vaccine! - 4th September 2024
Video Violent Covid-Cops finally GET SMASHED in Court by Lockdown Protester - 3rd September 2024
Video Is the Covid Vaccine Hurting People? Suppression of Ivermectin. With Dr. Sabine Hazan - 2nd September 2024
Video Japan Warns COVID Vaccines Causing Global Population Collapse - 1 Billion+ Already Dead Globally! - 2nd September 2024
Video Peer-reviewed study finds Covid Vaccine linked to Increase in Heart and Brain Disorders - 29th August 2024
Video 10th COVID vaccine approved by FDA for emergency use, but there's no emergency... - 28th August 2024
Video Zuckerberg admits Biden-Harris administration 'pressured' Facebook to censor Americans with Fake News - 27th August 2024
Video DOJ Lawyer Admits FDA War Against Ivermectin was Abuse of Authority, "Millions of Deaths" Resulted - 27th August 2024
Q NZ BigPharma 'enabler' Medsafe: shocking levels of staff absence since the jab roll-out - 26th August 2024
Video Famous influencers are dropping like flies after Covid vaccine rollout: Why? - 25th August 2024
Video No Jab, No Play - No Way! This is an outright violation of human rights! - 20th August 2024
Video "The NHS Has Been A National Religion" Ex NHS Trust Chairman Has Tough Love for UK Health Services - 20th August 2024
Video ABS stats for covid deaths were based on shoddy data & not genuine medical testing! - 13.6.24 - 16th August 2024
Video WHO DECLARES MONKEY POX EMERGENCY: Mass Mail-In Voting Ahead? Global Crisis Could Derail 2024 Election - 16th August 2024
Video Self-Assembling Nanotechnology in the Covid mRNA Vaccines - 15th August 2024
Video Holy SHIT! Shocking New WHO Covid Study Shows Covid Vaccine Saved No One and Killed Millions! - 11th August 2024
Video Do You REGRET Getting THE JAB? - 10th August 2024
Video Hang on! NATO will now enforce LOCKDOWNS and VACCINE mandates? - 10th August 2024
Video Covid vaccine mandates 'were wrong': Dominic Perrottet voices regret as he flees politics - 6th August 2024
Video The Mystery of COVID's Resurgence in the Vaxxed - 5th August 2024
Q The NZ Government proposes legalising the use of FORCE to vaccinate! - 1st August 2024
Q German Media Admits Unvaxxed Are 'Winners,' Demands Government 'Apologize' - 31st July 2024
Q A summary of why the Czech Republic data is so devastating to the "safe and effective" Covid vaccine narrative - 29th July 2024
Video Shocking Increase in U.S Child Mortality after Covid Vaccination Rollout: What's Killing the Kids? - 19th July 2024
Video Fake President Biden Tests Positive For Covid - AGAIN! - What Biden's doctor said about his COVID diagnosis - 18th July 2024
Video Novak Djokovic is a hero. The Project calls people who lined up for the vaccine a bunch of little bitches! - 10th July 2024
Video Wow so The Project now calls those who lined up for the injections "little bitches." - FULL VERSION - 10th July 2024
Video Trump: "Don't be afraid of Covid..." - Never Forget Covid Was About 'Trusting The Science!' - 8th July 2024
Q Covid-Vaxxed Children 4423% More Likely to Die Than Unvaxxed Children - 7th July 2024
Video CELINE DION: ADRENOCHROME WORLD TOUR - Satan Rewards His Own With SPECIAL GIFTS... - 7th July 2024
Video Blast from the past remix: "IF YOU'RE UNVACCINATED THE VIRUS WILL FIND YOU!" - 4th July 2024
Traitors Bill Gates - the traitor behind 5G / Covid-19; and his ultimate plan to vaccinate the World with his 5G / Covid-19 vaccination and AI tracking technology

Certified IDIOT! Imagine A Vaccine So Safe You Have To Be
To Take It! For A Disease So Deadly
You Have To Be Tested To Know You Have It!
Satanic Pharmaceutical System

WARNING re Covid mRNA Injections

You simply CANNOT unvaccinate yourself of these Kill Shots!So you have participated in the GENOCIDE PROGRAMME and injected yourself for your: work / partner / or to 'fit in' socially etc; despite the hundreds of thousands of medical professionals who have been warning the whole World about the dangers of: modifying your RNA / DNA and shutting down your God given immune system!

Now you are filled with Covid 'Vaccination Remorse' (aka Jabber's Remorse) and are totally concerned about suffering extreme 'serious adverse reactions', so you have decided to find a 'wonder pill' as a cure. The reality is, unless you received a 'saline solution' (like many politicians and other key players in this Genocide Programme, or a miracle healing from your Creator God), or have access to a Med Bed, you simply CANNOT UNVACCINATE yourself of these Kill Shots!

[Note: At this stage, scientific studies from the UK and Israel show that the life expectancy for many 'fully vaccinated' recipients is just 3-5 years!]

How Bad is My Batch
Check out your batch code (lot number) for: Moderna - Pfizer - Janssen etc here:

Remedies and protocols (see here) that you take to reduce side effects / pain etc from the injections / shedding / spike proteins etc, will possibly be for the remainder of your life - as all you will be doing is alleviating the symptoms of the inevitable - VAIDS (Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) and eventual DEATH (yes, the Covid injections include the A.I.D.S virus and nano / graphene technology (all patented) - that turns many surviving recipients into patented 5g routers / transhumans / human 2.0.)

So please, take this opportunity to seek the Lord God (Creator of the Heavens and Earth) and make peace with Him. [Note: Globalists, politicians, scientists, doctors and merchants created this mess - so stop blaming the Purebloods and your Creator God!]

No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.

"I have met many people who regretted GETTING the Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine - but I have never met anyone who regretted NOT GETTING the Vaccine!"

Download here: Australian-Lawmakers-Wake-Up-and-Call-for-Worldwide-mRNA-Ban-We-Fucked-Up-2024-10-15.mp4 - 70,289 kb
By: The People's Voice - 15th October 2024
Australian Lawmakers Wake Up
& Call for Worldwide mRNA Ban

Get Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and Fenbendazole here: - use coupon code 'peoplesvoice' for 15% off.

Australian lawmakers and officials are now coming forward in droves, admitting they were misled by Big Pharma and the global elite into enforcing some of the most coercive and draconian vaccine mandates in the world.

With the rising toll of deaths and undeniable evidence of harm, legislators are calling for an urgent inquiry and demanding the immediate suspension of mRNA vaccines globally.

Justice Helen Rofe is accused of concealing her associations with Pfizer and the pharmaceutical industry before ruling in favor of Pfizer

By: Jason Miles

Allegations have surfaced regarding the potential prior affiliations between Judge Helen Rofe QC, a Federal Court judge in Australia, and Pfizer. That we know is true.

According to a complaint filed in March 2024, Justice Rofe is accused of concealing her associations with Pfizer and the pharmaceutical industry before ruling in favor of Pfizer. The complaint highlights that, prior to her judicial appointment, she represented Pfizer in at least five cases between 2003 and 2006. In addition, the complaint specifically mentions the deep involvement of her extended family in the pharmaceutical industry and various biomedical research organizations.

The allegations suggest a failure on her part to disclose potential conflicts of interest, raising concerns about judicial impartiality and calling for an investigation into her conduct.

These issues are under scrutiny, and it remains to be seen how the investigation will proceed and what the outcomes might be. If it is established as fact, it is incumbent upon the parliament to invoke section 72 (ii) of our Constitution and ascertain whether this constitutes misconduct or incapacity.

It sure looks, feels, and smells like it to me.

The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901
News Hub
Sydney Health Law
Mirage News


Say NO to all pharmaceuticals. It's NOT medicine, it's poison.


The Western Australia Premier has told a council in the state's north to "stick to its knitting" after it passed a motion urging state and federal governments to suspend some COVID-19 vaccinations.

The Town of Port Hedland held a special council meeting on Friday and has instructed its chief executive to write to authorities nationwide to immediately stop the use of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

The motion centred on a conspiracy theory about DNA contamination from COVID vaccines.

Premier Roger Cook said the Port Hedland council had gone "off the rails" by spreading the unverified claim.

"The Town of Port Hedland should stick to its knitting," the Premier said.


I think the Firing Squad and Hangings need to be combined.
Put a noose around their neck, then shoot their legs out, and let them hang and bleed until long after dead. Leave them hanging until their bodies falls off their necks from rot!

should have thought of this PRIOR to rolling up your sleeves - obediant stupid

My wife and I learned the truth about the covid-19 bio-weapon passed off as a vaccine long ago and avoided them like a plague. Unfortunately, many of our family members thought we were crazy, with one of my brothers calling me "dangerous", because of my attitude toward the "vaccine". It is painful to see ones own children take the "vaccine" and know that you will out live them!

Enough of emotionalizing. The only hope for Australia and other nations in the same situation is to keep an eye open for, and pray for, the rollout of the Med Beds, an ET technology that may be the only hope for those who succumbed to the fear agenda of the Cabal and took the kill shot. In the US President Trump (you heard that right; he is the recognized CIC by most of our military) indicated that they will be rolled out in the US by the end of this year. I hope that prediction by President Trump is accurate. My brothers and sisters in Australia, keep your eyes open for these Med Beds. What they can do sounds like science fiction, but it is real and generously given to mankind to help us come out of a primitive stage and into a society that will be ready to join in with our kinship within our galaxy. Don't freak out about what I just said; many of those civilizations within our galaxy are our kinship and offspring of our same Heavenly Father.

No such courage from even a single politician here in New Zealand.

Read the book "the Pfizer papers" by Dr wolf, the papers had to be released following a court order, the fda and Pfizer wanted to hide it for 75 years. This shot was designed to depopulate the earth. The proof is there... in Pfizers own papers and email. you can buy the book on amazon

There is still no proof that Covid 19 Virus even exists - it is however a Patented bioweapon. Plenty of proof of that - we knew of that back in 2020

Large UK study shows only
vaccinated kids got myocarditis!
But the medical community
claims it's from COVID!
By: Steve Kirsch ( - 10th October 2024

How can you tell which studies are right and which ones are wrong?

A large study in the UK shows only vaccinated kids got myocarditis. But the medical community claims that the risk is higher from COVID. They can't both be right.

How can you tell which studies are right and which ones are wrong?

Executive summary

My misinformation spreader friends and I have always maintained that nearly all the myocarditis cases and deaths are caused by the COVID shots.

Now, a new large study, not yet published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature, confirms that 100% of the myo/pericarditis cases were in kids who were vaccinated. 100%!!!

This shows that the experts can get completely opposite results on questions of great importance.

How do you decide who is telling you the truth? You have to do your own data collection.

The paper

The paper

There were 1.66M kids in this study; nearly half (49.4%) were unvaccinated; the rest had one or more doses of the Pfizer COVID vaccine.

Not one unvaccinated child was found to have myocarditis or pericarditis.

On the other hand:

Not one unvaccinated child was found to have myocarditis or pericarditis.

Let's do the math!

Let's use the table from the paper (last two rows):

Let's do the math!

The Fisher exact test shows that it is more than 99.9% certain that the myo/pericarditis rates in adolescents are higher in vaccinated kids than unvaccinated kids.

The Fisher exact test shows that it is more than 99.9% certain that the myo/pericarditis rates in adolescents are higher in vaccinated kids than unvaccinated kids.

The gaslighting explanations

It's bizarre reading the community notes on this study in a futile attempt to try to convince you that this is not significant. Seriously?

If COVID causes myocarditis, since we all "know" that the unvaccinated get more COVID (because that's what they tell us), then the unvaccinated should have HUGE rates of myocarditis compared with the vaccinated. But it's the reverse.

Here's one of the community notes:

The study looked to understand the "Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination in children and adolescents". It was not looking at myocarditis and should not be used as a proof point that vaccines are causal."

Yeah, that's right. The study wasn't about myocarditis, that's true.

Now suppose everyone in their study who was vaccinated died within 30 days of the shot. This person would caution you that the study wasn't designed to study that and you should ignore it and get your shot!

What ChatGPT says that the "science" says

The rate of myocarditis after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine is generally lower compared to the rate of myocarditis following a COVID-19 infection itself, particularly in most age groups and across the general population.

Comparison of Myocarditis Rates:

1: COVID-19 Infection:

  • The risk of myocarditis is significantly higher after a COVID-19 infection, especially in young males and in adults across a range of ages.
  • Studies have shown that COVID-19 can cause widespread inflammation affecting the heart.

2: COVID-19 Vaccination:

  • Myocarditis following mRNA vaccination (such as Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna) is rare, and it typically occurs at a higher rate in young males (aged 16-30) after the second dose.
  • However, the absolute incidence remains relatively low, ranging from 10 to 40 cases per million doses depending on the vaccine and population.

3: Comparison by Data:

  • Data from studies conducted in multiple countries show that the risk of myocarditis is around 2-6 times higher following a COVID-19 infection compared to vaccination.
  • A study from the CDC and data from countries like Israel and the UK indicate that while there is a slight increase in myocarditis risk after vaccination, the risk from infection is substantially greater.

How They Know:

  • Researchers use population studies that track the incidence of myocarditis in individuals who have received the vaccine versus those who have been infected with COVID-19.
  • Data sources include national health databases, insurance claim data, and healthcare registries. These studies use statistical methods to adjust for confounding factors and compare rates across different groups.
  • Agencies like the CDC, European Medicines Agency (EMA), and peer-reviewed journals publish these findings based on observed data across millions of people.


  • The risk of myocarditis is higher following a COVID-19 infection than after vaccination, especially among younger people.
  • COVID-19 infection raises myocarditis risk by 2-6 times compared to vaccination, depending on the population and vaccine type.
  • The data is gathered through large-scale epidemiological studies comparing vaccinated versus infected groups across various demographics.

This comparison emphasizes the benefits of vaccination, especially considering the lower overall risk of myocarditis compared to the risk posed by COVID-19 itself.

Let's compare what the researchers found here

There were 12 cases in 47,800 person-years.

We don't know how non-linear this is, so let's assume that it's linear for the first year.

This means if you gave 50,000 kids the shot and followed them for a year, you'd see around 12 cases. So that's basically 1 case per 4,000 kids vaccinated based on the study. I think the rate is much higher than that because I know schools with 400 kids where there are multiple cases of myocarditis.

ChatGPT says vaccine induced myocarditis is really rare: around 1 case per 40,000 kids, but the rate of COVID-caused myocarditis is up to 6X higher.

Which is the truth?


The medical community will ignore this study, even if it does get published.

But in our view, this study is much closer to the true numbers than what the medical community believes.

Given the lack of consistency in numbers found in the medical literature, if you want to know the truth, your best course of action is to gather your own statistics from your friends, family, news reports, and so on.

Let's see what my readers think?

Ely The Truth Patrol
Think about it. Who did you know with myocarditis prior to Covid? How many cases of myocarditis did the average doctor see prior to Covid?

The answer to these questions is rarely! Now I personally know several people who had myocarditis following the Covid jabs. The same is true of doctors.

The Australian government Medicare system confirmed as much in January 2022 with the introduction of a new diagnostic procedure called MRI For Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis.

What I've concluded after the past few years of looking at "studies" that come out in the medical world is that the they can pretty much all be summarized as "garbage in, garbage out". Real science is founded on the concept of reproducibility. For any experiment to be reproducible a tremendous amount of setup and precise data collection to ensure you're actually performing the same experiment. Medical studies are pretty amusing. You essentially have 2 groups with virtually an infinite amount of uncontrolled variables at play. I would even question if you can reliably apply statistical analysis. If two datasets have variables at play that you don't understand (or haven't even considered) and that can have an impact on the experiment then you're effectively comparing apples and oranges. Throw in data collection which is HIGHLY subjective (read> easily manipulated) and your input is "garbage". As well as your output. This isn't to say that studies shouldn't be performed, you can get some good insights with large datasets but it's important to realize the limitations of this type of "experiment".

Its just beyond argument - but when they get their misinformation legislation in we won't be able to say anything.. Aussie is lost I fear..

Devlin Wollstein
Explanation - they just make up numbers... Yep, they bald-faced lie. I remember well the Lancet study that came out showing masks were effective at stopping virus spread when Fauci and the CDC wanted to impose a mandate - even though Fauci had previously publicly admitted that "the science" on masks showed their ineffectiveness for stopping virus spread.. The Lancet study was withdrawn within a fortnight after it was revealed that the study's authors simply fudged and made up their data.

And who could forget the Pfizer "vaccine trials" data showing how "safe and effective" their jab was..... A whistleblower who knew that their data was fudged took them to court and a corrupt judge akin to the Trump cases judges threw her case out before it could gain any real notoriety or publicity. They couldn't hide the truth for long though. A wave of deaths and maimings together with grieving families testifying to the jab being the cause of their loved ones' previously un-suffered conditions showed the whistleblower's trial data observations to be bang on the money. The CDC relied on this trial data to declare the Pfizer jab "safe and effective" and approve it for emergency use - even for kids who were at very low risk of catching covid to begin with.

So - everyone knows that when the globalist left points to "studies" and "data" very very large grains of salt are present. How do you know a globalist self-proclaimed "elite" person of influence is lying? Their lips and/or their keyboard are/is moving.... If I run out of toilet paper this Christmas I have kept the print outs of their "studies", including this one, as emergency relief...

Karl Elshoff
Everyone is looking at the data when they should be looking at the COVID shot.

This was fully exposed by Dr. Byram Bridle on May 27, 2021.

The spike protein produced from the shot is toxic and when it gets into the blood it accumulates in a number of tissues like the spleen, bone marrow, the liver, the adrenal glands, AND for women THE OVARIES...

David Pare
Here's my question. All these people who pretend that myocarditis from the dreaded plague is far more frequent than from the shot - and we know the "protection" from the shot only lasts a few months (why else would there be "boosters" every few months) - are they up-to-date? If not, either they are idiots, or they know the truth and they are lying.

I wanna see Professor Morris's vax card. If he isn't up-to-date, then ... is he lying, or is he just an idiot who wants myo/pericarditis? There isn't a third option.

I wanna see the vax cards of all the pro-vaxxers, just like we were back in 2022. They all better be up-to-date - just like Kamala's election team.

Me Mcc
Did you mention that they counted the people as "unvaccinated" if they didn't take a second jab or if they developed covid between the two shots? How about those who were "out" of the timelines for boosters? I know of one person who supposedly had no underlying issues other than being a little overweight who died with "covid." I know of MANY more who have developed heart issues soon after, developed cancers that were turbo in nature after, had miscarriages after, DIED from heart attacks (3 in their 30's) after, who have strange rashes after - and they haven't had "covid" as far as they know. Three years in and the rashes haven't been controllable, more than 7 of my friends "unexpectedly" died, etc. etc.

mejbcart's Newsletter
the old SARS-CoV-2 was such more lethal, yet, there was never any discussion about heart/cardio issues....As far as I can remember. Cold virus with flu like symptoms, will NOT leave you with elevated D-dimers, white blood clots everywhere or complete hair loss....!!! Does anyone know what causes HAIR LOSS or sepsis including BLACK extremities???

Leslie Beau
Chat GPT is a liar on this topic. My son sounds like ChatGPT.

This is a good example of why I would never trust AI for anything important.

Also, if a "scientific study" comes to a certain result and that result happens to helps an industry make more money, the result should be suspicious until thoroughly proven otherwise. There is a clear pattern of industry bias in the "scientific" community.

Debra Mackney
Covid is a man made bioweapon. The shots are the danger period.

The gain-of-function spike protein is the danger, regardless how you get it. Jabs just cause longer exposure to it.

Download here: Scientific-Diagnosis-of-Dying-from-Covid-and-the-Vaccine-Injured-Dying-from-Natural-Causes-Professional-Insanity-2024-10-04.mp4 - 22,993 kb
By: Wide Awake Media - 4th October 2024
Scientific Diagnosis of Dying from Covid
and the Vaccine Injured Dying from
Natural Causes
- Professional Insanity!

Hilarious cartoon sums up the insanity of the Covid era PERFECTLY.

Download here: Alex-Jones-CONFRONTS-the-Murderous-Dr-Francis-Collins-at-the-Airport-2024-09-23.mp4 - 17,739 kb
By: Liz Churchill - 23rd September 2024
Alex Jones CONFRONTS the
Murderous Dr. Francis Collins
at the Airport

"Hey Mr. Collins... 20 MILLION DEAD,,, you've killed more people than HITLER..." - @RealAlexJones CONFRONTS the Murderous Dr. Francis Collins at the Airport.

Craif Farlinger
These people think they can live normally among us and we'll keep quiet.

Marc Anderson
When good men do something.

Outstanding, these monsters deserve public shame until they are convicted!!

Nine Foot Couch
Shame them, everywhere they go. Use their own tactics against them.

Brandon's Brain
We knew this would happen.

They'll be scurrying around like the pompous idiots they are, while humans who are awake to the evil inflicted upon the world's population via the bioweapon give them a piece of their mind everywhere they go.

They deserve all of it.

this made my day. we need to hound these killers down forever until there is justice

Download here: Insider-UK-Govt-Hired-Mercenary-Killer-Nurses-To-Involuntarily-Euthanize-MILLIONS-of-COVID-Patients-2024-09-22.mp4 - 96,900 kb
By: The People's Voice - 22nd September 2024
Insider: UK Gov't Hired
'Mercenary Killer Nurses'
To 'Involuntarily Euthanize'

According to hospital whistleblowers, sadistic nurses - working anonymously without name tags in hospitals during the pandemic - euthanized millions of patients without the consent of their families. Let's be clear - this was state-sanctioned murder.

What's more alarming is that these mercenary "nurses" have now disappeared without a trace, escaping any form of accountability.

Big Pharma and the elite think they carried out the perfect crime during the pandemic. But we've got news for them. The case is not cold, and we are not going to stop until the truth is exposed and justice is served.

Trending News
involuntary euthanazia
Mercenary nurses

Hospitals we're monetarily incentivized to push the covid diagnosis & treatments. Literally promoting and getting away with murder because they care about money more than human lives. Turned people into dollar signs instead of caring about there physical well being. Absolute fraud.

When do the hangings start?

Bill Gates should prove his point of reducing the population by personal example!

bring out the guillotines

be aware theres something far more sinister lurking on the horizon..namely the who pandemic treaty in fact its coming back much sooner than you think check out the james roguski substack for the details..also go to and scroll down till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty.. be sure to read it carefully to understand just how serious things are....its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world that said dont bother using twitter/youtube/gestapo book who you can be sure will censor/suppress it it currently has over 253000 signatures

I am an RN
I saw that crap first hand

Very good reporting, one thing that you missed is that it was mostly white people that were being targeted, only to be replaced with more immigrants

I am an RN
saw that crap daily
just horrible

Some of these techniques are EXACTLY what they do to the elderly in Assisted Living facilities to kill them off.


Shared / PureBlood smelled thAT shit from the git go,FAFO.

Interesting article, which states "Over 700 foreign nurses embroiled in a fraudulent NHS credentials scheme"

Probably armies of nurses were I ported into UK hospitals to kill as many as possible pretending the killer was 'Covid' - armies of thousands of young men are seen being VIP'd into UK & many other Europran countries & they , unlike normal immigrants/,refugees are violent often towards women, children, men etc ie a crime wave.

But also it seems that British nurses have also been killing people using the killer hospital protocols..A few nurses have told the truth & during the Covid cull of multi millions, USA hospitals were apoarently killing also in the same way - whistleblowers told on Social Media etc. The evil of it all is that many millions worldwide have been murdered in hospitals
but tge exact numbers may never be known. Deevoy says that usually nurses are kind and caring but I have been treated by a few who were nasty, lazy etc ie power trip with vulnerable victims. It is tragic that Deevoyss father was murdered along with tge 40 thou killed by Hancock & Johnson in care homes & millions in UK bua 'jabs'. Millions in each country also have, sometimes severe long term symptoms after 'Covid" ( 'Long Covid" ie not due to jabs but to having had 'Covid') but Deevoy refuses to believe that 'Covid' or 'Long Covid' exist despite the fact that GPs have had to set up 'Covid Clinics for millions of patients of all ages who are suffering severe fatigue, respiratory issues, muscle pain & more.


...and who hired the killer nurses? Better look higher up on the food chain, friends...

Its-All-Coming-Out-Thousands-Left-Disabled-After-Covid-Vaccines-Bill-Gates-forecasts-another-global-pandemic-2024-09-19.mp4 - 30,598 kb
By: GBNews - 19th September 2024
It's All Coming Out!
"Thousands Left Disabled"
After Covid Vaccines - Bill Gates
forecasts another global pandemic

Bev Turner discusses the recent report from the Telegraph on how thousands seek compensation after Covid vaccines 'left them disabled'. Also how Bill Gates forecasts another global pandemic 'likely' within next 25 years in ominous health warning. All of that and more!

#vaccine #pandemic #health

I've never heard of any person unvaccinated regretting their decision.

Hats off to everyone who refused

I almost lost my 25 yr nursing career for refusing to be injected by this filth, so glad I stood my ground but I will NEVER forgive or forget.

And people told me I was being irresponsible for refusing the jab....not even worth saying I told you so because its too sad

Unvaccinated and proud, lost my job for 5 months, couldn't claim income protection insurance, couldn't claim unemployment , the Australian government didn't care if I lived or died . Public treated me like I was the disease , suddenly it was over , no questions asked, I will never trust my government for my safety , I will never trust my government for my well being . My absolute respect to all unvaccinated .

My sis in law who works for the NHS said to me when I told her I wasn't having no experimental drug inside me ' anyone who doesn't take this vacinne shouldnt get any help from the NHS in the future.
I was disgusted at this comment then and I'm still disgusted.

You'll never meet anyone who regrets not taking it,never.

People will forgive you for being wrong, but NEVER for being right!

It was an IQ test which 80% of the population failed
Still waiting for apologies

I regret taking the covid vaccine, the pressure to do so was huge . Massive respect to all that didn't .

Ironically they called you 'massively irresponsible' for asking questions about the jab. They were massively irresponsible for not asking enough questions.

Unvaccinated lost my job became homeless but God gave it all back to me for my obedience.

The best part of being a conspiracy theorist is not having myocarditis.

I feel for you. I am unvaccinated scum. I had friends turn their back on me to this day

Four and a half years on and still not a single politician, bureaucrat, health professional, scientist, journalist, or pharmaceutical executive has been held responsible for the greatest crime against humanity in eighty years.

I lost everything for being honest.

Not taking the covid vaccine is a badge of honour

Not only is Bill Gates not medically qualified, neither is Tedros , the head of the World Health Organisation!

Take it, take it again and take it again, stay at home save granny,
Now it's don't worry about granny she can freeze.

This was a compliance test.
Only the purest and bravest souls will make it through.

FDA Approves Vaccine for Mpox. WARNS It May Cause DEATH
in Vaccinated and People
They Come in Contact With
By: the Defender, - 18th September 2024

Agency Capture › Health Conditions › News


Toxic Exposures

ACAM2000, a vaccine approved last month by the FDA for mpox, comes with a list of "serious complications," including myocarditis, death and fetal death. The FDA's medication guide also warns that people who receive the vaccine may spread it to unvaccinated people, who also risk developing vaccine side effects, including death.

FDA Approves Vaccine for Mpox. WARNS It May Cause DEATH in Vaccinated and People They Come in Contact With

A vaccine approved in August by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for people deemed to be at "high risk" for mpox infection may cause more harm than good, according to the FDA's own medication guide for the product.

ACAM2000 - made by Emergent BioSolutions, a company specializing in vaccines for biochemical warfare threats such as anthrax and smallpox - was approved for smallpox in 2007.

However, on Aug. 29, the FDA issued an expanded supplement approval for ACAM2000's use against mpox.

Since then, social media users have been posting clips of the FDA's ACAM2000 medication guide, which warns the vaccine may cause "serious complications" in both the vaccinated person and those with whom they come into close contact up to 6 weeks after getting the shot.

The vaccine may cause serious complications in both the vaccinated person and those with whom they come into close contact up to 6 weeks after getting the shot.

Karl Jablonowski, Ph.D. - senior research scientist at Children's Health Defense - told The Defender that the FDA's approval of the shot is a "public hazard, not the practice of public health."

"You can call ACAM2000 a 'vaccine,' but its impact on the United States will be as a 'disease,'" Jablonowski said.

He added:

"For instance, the drug's package insert reveals (see Table 3) that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) found roughly 520 per million ACAM2000 recipients contracted myocarditis or pericarditis.

"That is about 1 in 2,000. But elsewhere in the package insert, the FDA acknowledges that - based on additional studies - the risk is actually 5.7 per 1,000 vaccinations.

"That's about 1 in every 175 people. If the 262 million adults in the U.S. received this vaccine, an estimated 1,493,000 would contract the serious adverse reaction of myopericarditis."

Myopericarditis is an umbrella term for myocarditis, inflammation of the heart, and pericarditis, inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart.

Dr. Meryl Nass, an internist and biological warfare expert, told The Defender that the CDC also acknowledged this same figure - myopericarditis in 5.7 per 1,000 primary ACAM2000 vaccinations - during a June 23, 2022, meeting.

"It's a huge number," Nass said. "The fact that the FDA and CDC are acknowledging it means no one should get the vaccine."

She explained:

"Myopericarditis is a life-threatening condition. It lowers your life expectancy.

"Most people are never going to be exposed to mpox or smallpox. Vaccines are typically given to healthy people who are never even going to be exposed, therefore the risk posed by the vaccine needs to be low.

"That's why vaccine safety is critical - even more than drugs, because drugs are given to people who are already sick.

"This risk - 1 in 175 - is higher than all other licensed vaccines for which the CDC acknowledges side effects.

This is the worst."

ACAM2000 can also cause fetal death when taken during pregnancy, the package insert states.

Additionally, the shot contains a "live vaccinia virus" that can be spread to - and possibly cause the death of - people who have close contact with the vaccinated person up to 6 weeks following vaccination, according to the medication guide.

The guide - which the FDA requires to be given to patients before they get the ACAM2000 vaccine - says, "ACAM2000 can cause serious complications in vaccinated individuals and in their close contacts to whom the vaccine virus has spread."

Jablonowski said, "The spread of vaccinia virus is an infliction and an assault, as an unsuspecting person cannot possibly consent."

"For good reasons you would not consent to this vaccine," Jablonowski said, "even if you believed your benefits outweigh your risks, as you become a potential vector of a disease that is damaging to the heart and fatal to both fetus and infant."

Risk of serious complications and death in vaccinated and those exposed to vaccinated individual ACAM2000 is a single-dose vaccine administered using a bifurcated needle that's been dipped into the vaccine solution, according to an Emergent BioSolutions press release.

In its Aug. 30 press release, the FDA stressed that "every person" who receives ACAM2000 is "required" to be given the drug's FDA-approved medication guide.

"A Medication Guide is necessary," the FDA said, "for safe and effective use of the vaccine because it could help prevent serious adverse events and inform the vaccine recipient of serious risks relative to benefit that could affect their decisions to be vaccinated."

The guide lists serious possible complications, including: myocarditis, inflammation of the brain or spinal cord, serious skin infections, spreading the vaccine virus through the blood to other parts of the body and fetal death if taken during pregnancy.

According to the guide, "The risks for serious vaccine side effects are greater for people who:

  • have heart problems or a history of heart problems
  • are taking steroid eye drops or ointment
  • have a weakened immune system
  • have skin problems such as eczema, atopic dermatitis, burns, impetigo, contact dermatitis, chickenpox, shingles, psoriasis, or uncontrolled acne
  • are less than 1 year old
  • are pregnant or become pregnant within 6 weeks after vaccination."

ACAM2000's package insert warns of a longer list of possible serious complications, including:

"Myocarditis and/or pericarditis, encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, encephalopathy, progressive vaccinia (vaccinia necrosum), generalized vaccinia, severe vaccinial skin infections, erythema multiforme major (including Stevens-Johnson syndrome), eczema vaccinatum, accidental eye infection (ocular vaccinia) which can cause ocular complications including keratitis and corneal scarring that may lead to blindness, and fetal death in pregnant women."

The insert also goes into more detail about the risk of death:

"Historically, death following vaccination with live vaccinia virus is a rare event; approximately 1 death per million primary vaccinations and 1 death per 4 million revaccinations have occurred after vaccination with live vaccinia virus.

"Death is most often the result of sudden cardiac death, post-vaccinial encephalitis, progressive vaccinia, or eczema vaccinatum.

"Death has also been reported in unvaccinated contacts accidentally infected by individuals who have been vaccinated."

U.S. stockpile contains more than 100 million doses

The FDA's approval of ACAM2000 for use against mox followed just days after Emergent BioSolutions pledged to donate 50,000 doses to address the mpox outbreak in Africa.

On July 2, the U.S. Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response at the HHS signed a $99.9 million deal with the drugmaker to obtain more ACAM2000 doses this year. Although the exact number of doses was not disclosed, Forbes on Sept. 8 reported that the U.S. currently has over 100 million doses.

HHS did not respond when The Defender asked if these doses are reserved for an emergency smallpox outbreak or are being made available as an mpox vaccine.

The Defender reached out to the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) with the same question but was told by a CDC spokesperson, "We defer to the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) where the National Stockpile is housed."

The CDC website on mpox vaccination states that ACAM2000 "has not been used in the ongoing clade II mpox outbreak that started in 2022″ but "has been made available for use against mpox in the clade II outbreak under an Expanded Access Investigational New Drug (EA-IND) protocol, which requires informed consent along with completing additional forms."

When The Defender asked the CDC to clarify if the agency currently recommends ACAM2000 for mpox, an agency spokesperson said:

"It has not been used for U.S. civilians affected by the clade II global outbreak that began in 2022, and there are no plans to use it broadly during Mpox outbreaks.

"This is because JYNNEOS, the alternate to ACAM2000 in the United States, has fewer side effects."

The Defender asked Emergent BioSolutions what it wants to tell members of the public who may be concerned about risks associated with ACAM2000 but did not receive a response by our deadline.

This article has been updated to clarify that both the FDA and CDC acknowledge that the myopericarditis risk for ACAM2000 is estimated at 5.7 per 1,000 primary vaccinations.

Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., is a reporter and researcher for The Defender based in Fairfield, Iowa.



Genius White
How are the people that are running the @US_FDA not in jail?

Because the people that are running the FDA are running this operation


Isn't this an easy case against the medical establishment for...


It's pre-meditated, because they know it can kill you, and yet they are still recommending it.

I know this also applies to covid vaccines and others.

...but this is really obvious now!

They will try to blame deaths on Covid.

Methylene Blue takes out all viruses in combination with sunlight, vaccines are useless

Download here: FDA-Admits-Monkeypox-Vaccinated-Can-Kill-Unvaccinated-Through-Close-Contact-2024-09-18.mp4 - 12,119 kb
By: Frank Bergman, - 18th September 2024
FDA Admits Monkeypox-
Vaccinated Can Kill Unvaccinated
Through 'Close Contact'
Top Doctor Blows Whistle: Monkeypox
is a Side Effect of Covid 'Vaccines'

FDA Admits Monkeypox-Vaccinated Can Kill Unvaccinated Through Close Contact

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has quietly admitted that people who are unvaccinated for monkeypox could face "serious complications," including "death," if they come into "close contact" with those who have been vaccinated for the virus.

The FDA approved the monkeypox vaccine (ACAM2000) for use on American citizens on August 29.

Yet, the vaccine has already been around for several years as the shot that was first developed to tackle smallpox.

It was originally approved by the FDA in 2007 but was reapproved again for use against monkeypox last month.

However, the injection carries with it a risk of serious side effects, including death.

Alarmingly, those risks are not limited to those who receive the shots as the side effects can also be suffered by unvaccinated people who have "physical contact" with the vaccinated.

In a press release on August 30, the FDA announced:

"…the FDA approved a new indication for ACAM2000 [the vaccine], to include the prevention of mpox [monkeypox] disease in individuals determined to be at high risk for mpox infection.

"ACAM2000 has been approved since 2007 for the prevention of smallpox disease in individuals determined to be at high risk for smallpox infection.

"ACAM2000 is a live replicating vaccinia virus vaccine."

However, the FDA also quietly issued a disturbing warning about the vaccine that was buried in a notice on the federal agency's website.

The FDA's website's medication guide for the vaccine lists multiple serious side effects.

The following is a screenshot from page one of the FDA's guide:

The injection carries with it a risk of serious side effects, including death.

Notably, the side effects of the vaccine, such as myocarditis, appear very similar to those of the Covid mRNA shots.

However, unlike the Covid injections, the FDA admits that the vaccinated are able to afflict the unvaccinated with these serious side effects through contact.

The medication guide notes:

"[The vaccine] can cause serious complications in vaccinated individuals and in their close contacts to whom the vaccine virus has spread."

The monkeypox vaccine's package insert also details serious side effects for those who come into "contact" with the vaccinated.

It reveals that the same specific serious side effects can be spread via "shedding" to the unvaxxed.

On page 1 in the "Warnings and Precautions" section, the package insert states:

"[The vaccine] is a live vaccinia virus that can be transmitted to persons who have close contact with the vaccinee and the risks in contacts are the same as those stated for vaccinees."

That section only admits that fetal death is a side effect.

However, the initial "Serious Complications" section of the package insert lists death as a side effect of the monkeypox vaccine.

However, the initial Serious Complications section of the package insert lists death as a side effect of the monkeypox vaccine.

This closer examination of the documentation reveals that the monkeypox-vaccinated can kill unvaccinated people simply through contact.

Alarmingly, these warnings are not being promoted by the FDA but are being buried on the agency's website.

This discovery has emerged following the recent revelation that the FDA doesn't actually have any scientific evidence to prove that the monkeypox virus even exists.

As Slay News recently reported, newly unsealed documents from the FDA were obtained by investigative reporter Christine Massey from a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

According to one document published by Massey, the FDA admits that there is "zero scientific evidence" to prove that the "monkeypox virus" even exists.

The FDA has no records authored by anyone, anywhere to support claims of the virus's existence.

According to Massey, the FDA has no records that:

  1. scientifically prove/provide evidence of the existence of any alleged "monkeypox virus", or

  2. even describe the purification of particles that are alleged to be "monkeypox virus" directly from bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of so-called "hosts", or

  3. describe the purported "genome" of any alleged "monkeypox virus" being found intact in the bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of a so-called "host" (as opposed to fabricated in silico, aka a computer model), or

  4. scientifically demonstrate contagion of the illness/symptoms that are allegedly caused by purported "monkeypox viruses."

This news comes amid increasing warnings about the validity of the official claims about monkeypox.

As Slay News reported earlier, a renowned German doctor has spoken out to warn the public that the monkeypox "outbreak" is a hoax and the "symptoms" are actually side effects of Covid mRNA vaccines.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (video above / translated into English) issued the warning in a new whistleblowing interview with the Austrian outlet AUF1.

He explains that reports of a monkeypox "global emergency" from the World Health Organization (WHO) are part of a fearmongering campaign designed to scare the masses.

Wodarg asserts that globalists are seeking to cover up the negative health impact of Covid shots while trying to profit from testing and treating monkeypox.

"They're scaring us again," Wodarg said of the globalist medical establishment.

"It's a business exploiting the effects of the corona shots they pushed on us.

"They're using corona side-effects to create new schemes and scare us again."

Meanwhile, the share prices of monkeypox vaccine makers have been skyrocketing.

The key to Monkey Pox is knowing that the K is silent!

It's not just Mpox they will use it for the small pox, and we know soon you can bet there fucking losers are going to release the fucking small pox so the asses flock to get jabbed. Normal small pox never killed anyone, and the little girl who died THE VACCINE KILLED HER not the small pox.

Mike Oxlong
Imagine what people who have received the money pox vaccine will experience?

Walter Schreiber
What if they are saying this to hide the truth that billions of people might get this from a certain injection they already got? It's worth thinking about

Just One Shot of an
Existing Vaccine
Could Prevent Mpox Infection

By: Jess Cockerill, Health, - 18th September 2024
Monkeypox Under Microscope

A Mpox (formerly known as monkeypox) is a viral infection that can be prevented with just a single dose of an existing vaccine, a new study finds.

This discovery could help slow the tide of the global mpox outbreak, which was declared a public health emergency of international concern by the World Health Organization back in July 2022.

At the time, the WHO recommended that targeted use of second- or third-generation smallpox vaccines could help, but there has been little clinical or real-world data on the effectiveness of this approach since. Smallpox is a viral illness related to mpox that can be prevented with a vaccine.

New drug and vaccine development can take time and money that could be otherwise spent on rollout, so it's great news that an existing vaccine could be effective at preventing mpox.

Observational studies conducted since the WHO announcement have suggested the modified vaccinia Ankara-Bavarian Nordic (MVA-BN) vaccine could be anywhere from 36 to 86 percent effective for mpox prevention.

The team behind the new study, led by public health physician Christine Navarro from Public Health Ontario and the University of Toronto, acknowledge observational data are prone to bias, which can lead to misleading or inaccurate results.

But in this urgent situation, where mpox infections are once again rising globally, and "the most dangerous" strain yet spreading across Africa, observational findings – where a study relies on an existing intervention to test an hypothesis – can offer much-needed solutions quickly.

So the researchers applied the design principles of randomized trials – the gold standard for testing drug efficacy – to an analysis of observational data. The technique is called target trial emulation, and it can estimate the causal effect of a vaccine while minimizing biases.

The 3,204 MVA-BN vaccinated men in the study, all from Ontario in Canada, had received one dose before exposure to mpox, which reached Ontario sometime between June 2022 and November 2022.

This group was matched to 3,204 men who had not received the vaccine, for comparison. If any of the men in this group became vaccinated during the study period, another unvaccinated man was added – so that nobody was denied access to a vaccine, they were simply studied as controls while they were 'in the queue'.

Across the study period, 71 mpox infections were diagnosed, with 21 of those from the vaccinated group, and 50 from the unvaccinated group.

This sets the estimated effectiveness of a single dose of the vaccine at 58 percent.

They also found MVA-BN was not associated with a reduced rate of mpox infection during the first 14 days post-vaccine, most likely because it was too soon for the body to develop an adequate antibody response.

And while it's no surprise that it would take a while for a vaccine to work its magic, this finding adds further support for the vaccine being the specific cause of reduced mpox infections among the vaccinated cohort.

"Although MVA-BN is approved in Canada as a series of two doses 28 days apart, Ontario initially employed a dose sparing strategy such that vaccine candidates could only receive one dose owing to concerns about limited vaccine supply," the authors write.

A two-dose program was implemented in Ontario at the end of September 2022, but too few participants had received that second dose for the researchers to assess its effectiveness in the current study.

"Our findings strengthen the evidence that MVA-BN is effective at preventing mpox infection and should be made available and accessible to communities at risk," the authors conclude.

This research is published in the British Medical Journal.

Pure Generator
Two weeks to flatten the curve

Orrrrr, just don't go raw doggin' at a freak festival.

I guess these aren't mRNA right

Is anyone getting this poke?
Are health care workers required?

Benjamin Rocinante
Sure! OFFER it to those who are choosing to risk monkeypox

Slew's Acquittal
They think that just because their installed candidate just fell out of a coconut tree, we all did.

Our shot to keep our borders open.
Our shot to explore the world...

Shanna Venus
Yeh? I bet $20 in 6 months it will be another shot. So exactly how many shots is the human body suppose to take monthly now?

Flying Monkey
Will that flatten the curve?

Cyann Bartlett
I'm not practicing anal sex with persons who have open lesions so no need

Mpox MSmox. They have lied before, they will lie again.

Audrey Russo
We've heard it before...

Aaire Voltaire
Great - don't care

Other than the government
and the drug manufacturers -
"Nobody said you wouldn't get
COVID if you're vaccinated!"

By: Afshine Emrani MD FACC - 16th September 2024
Other than the government and the drug manufacturers - Nobody said you wouldn't get COVID if you're vaccinated!

Sam Flagg
Pfizer is fleecing the American taxpayers, and giving kickbacks to the Democrats that have been hard selling the vaccine to the naive public.

They Call Me Pappy
"PREVENT" in Emergency Use App to FDA

Patty Walkup
Lying and then not taking responsibility

Dozens made sick by AstraZeneca
Covid vaccines
plead with Gov't
for compensation scheme
By: Greg Wright, Deputy Business Editor, The Yorkshire Post - 14th September 2024
The following article is from The Yorkshire Post website:

Campaigners are calling on the Government to implement a fair compensation scheme to support people who suffered complications linked to the Vaxzevria Astra Zeneca Covid-19 vaccine.

A group action claim has been launched by Sarah Moore of law firm Leigh Day under section 2 of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 against the pharmaceutical giant, AstraZeneca.

Fifty claimants represented by Ms Moore are pursuing the claim due to injuries allegedly caused by the vaccine manufactured by AstraZeneca UK Limited (AZUK), while 11 are acting on the behalf of a loved one who died following a complication allegedly caused by it.

The claimants say they, or their loved one, suffered Vaccine Induced Immune Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia (VITT) which is a form of Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) as a direct result of the AZUK vaccine.

Kerry Hurt, who suffered a stroke after having the Covid jab in 2021

Kerry Hurt, who suffered a stroke after having the Covid jab in 2021. Her life has been totally changed and she has mobility problems. She is working with law firm Leigh Day to call on the Government to provide fair compensation to people who had a terrible reaction to Covid jab, Osborne Road, Kiveton, Sheffield. Picture taken by Yorkshire Post Photographer Simon Hulme 21st May 2024

Ms Moore is calling for the government to review the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme, which was set up in 1979 as a temporary measure to provide a lump-sum payment to individuals who had become severely disabled as a result of a vaccination recommended by the Government.

Leigh Day said in a statement: "The threshold for the VDPS payment requires the applicant to demonstrate that their injuries have rendered them 60 per cent disabled to qualify for a one-off payment of £120,000. The scheme has been criticised for many years for its inaccessibility and the low and arbitrary figure awarded to individuals and families whose care needs and losses will in some cases run into millions of pounds."

One of Ms Moore's clients, Kerry Hurt said she was fit and healthy before she had the Astrazeneca jab on April 1 2021.

Ms Hurt, who lives in Sheffield, said: "A week later, I had a bad headache and blurry eyes. I had an MRI scan which showed I had a huge blood clot on my brain and a blood clot in my leg. I was blue-lighted to Hallamshire General Hospital where the doctors told me it was due to the vaccine.

"I have been offered £120,000 by the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme but this is nowhere near enough. I have to pay a physio around £1,000 a month and have had to adapt my home. I want a fair compensation package which reflects the fact I will need support for the rest of my life."

Ms Moore added: "Vaccination is a crucial part of any public health policy. However, vaccination programmes only work if people are willing to volunteer for vaccination. That requires people to have confidence not only in the safety of the vaccines, but also in the fact that in the rare event that something goes wrong their families will be looked after."

An AstraZeneca spokesperson said: "Our sympathy goes out to anyone who has lost loved ones or reported health problems. Patient safety is our highest priority. From the body of evidence in clinical trials and real-world data, the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine has continuously been shown to have an acceptable safety profile."

A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said: "This Government is committed to learning lessons through the Covid-19 inquiry. Throughout the pandemic the health system responded quickly to reports of extremely rare cases of complications following vaccination."

The Yorkshire Post - Call for fair payouts over Covid jab...

NZ and the MRNA
I come from Yorkshire.

Back in my homeland of old...

They are publishing TRUTH in provincial newspapers

Truth about all the bodies injured or dead following


Here in NZ

Still a complete media fortress.

Silence. Endless criminal silence

Bronwyn Kerr
This is great, but they're only talking about the AZ which is "allowed" to be demonised now that it is withdrawn

Yes I agree. AZ was the "fall guy" diverting attention away from the mRNA

Ann Clark
The media are not doing their job
Defund the Media

Download here: This-is-the-reality-of-your-Covid-vaccine-Jenifer-Rajkumar-Vaccine-Injury-2024-09-13.mp4 - 1,860 kb
By: Carrie Sakamoto - 13th September 2024
This is the reality of your Covid
vaccine @JeniferRajkumar
Vaccine Injury!

I have a proven Covid 19 vaccine injury. Yet the main stream media labels me misinformation!

Carrie Sakamoto, Alberta, Canada.

I have a proven Covid 19 vaccine injury. Yet the main stream media labels me misinformation! Carrie Sakamoto, Alberta, Canada

I have a proven Covid 19 vaccine injury. Yet the main stream media labels me misinformation! Carrie Sakamoto, Alberta, Canada

I have a proven Covid 19 vaccine injury. Yet the main stream media labels me misinformation! Carrie Sakamoto, Alberta, Canada

Nuala Nichols

They had a choice
To coerce or not coerce
They chose war and terrorism on innocent populations
I choose the death penalty

Covid Was an Act of War against the Human Race
- Dr David Martin

Both the vaccine and the virus carrier were both designed at the same time, within the same six-month window, and both developed off-shore with US technology
- Dr Chris Shoemaker

Once you understand the vaccine wasn't made for the virus, the virus was made for the vaccine, it all makes sense
- Dr Reiner Fuellmich

You are at war
Demographic gigacide is unfolding - extremely bloody... giga... meaning billion
Global gigafamine is unfolding
Europe and America are massive killboxes
Jabs, famine, invasion... through our norther border of Canada
This is going to be an incredible war the likes of which humanity has never seen
- @Michael_Yon
Decorated green beret, Veteran war correspondent

Allen Martin
Thank you SO MUCH for fighting and speaking out! You are saving lives!
Jeffrey Fine
I am sorry you were harmed. There is no excuse for this travesty of justice!
The mass propagandized population has sucked up their fear mongering and this is the result. My heart breaks for all who were killed or harmed by these gene therapy injections

Florida Health State Surgeon
General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo
of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines!

By: Florida Health - 12th September 2024
The following article is from the Florida Health website:
Note from Emphasis added in article below...

Updated Guidance for COVID-19 Boosters for the Fall and Winter 2024–2025 Season

Tallahassee, Fla. – The Florida Department of Health (Department) is reminding health care providers of the importance of remaining up to date with current literature related to COVID-19 vaccines and boosters, and the importance of providing patients with informed consent.

On August 22, 2024, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved and authorized updated versions of mRNA vaccines from Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna. The FDA approved the vaccine for people 12 and older and provided emergency use authorization for children 6 months to 11 years old. The stated target of these boosters is the Omicron variant which is not causing a significant number of infections.

The most recent booster approval was granted in the absence of booster-specific clinical trial data performed in humans. Furthermore, this booster does not protect against the currently dominant strain, accounting for approximately 37% of infections in the United States. There are currently limited data to inform whether these boosters offer any substantial protection against the virus and subsequent circulating variants. Although randomized clinical trials are normally used to approve therapeutics, the federal government has not required COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers to demonstrate their boosters prevent hospitalizations or death from COVID-19 illness.

Additionally, the federal government has failed to provide sufficient data to support the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 boosters, or acknowledge previously demonstrated safety concerns associated with COVID-19 vaccines and boosters, including:

  • prolonged circulation of mRNA and spike protein in some vaccine recipients,

  • increased risk of lower respiratory tract infections, and

  • increased risk of autoimmune disease after vaccination.

Health care providers are encouraged to share information in this guidance in discussions with patients regarding the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and boosters.

Based on the high rate of global immunity and currently available data, the State Surgeon General advises against the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Any provider concerned about the health risks associated with COVID-19 for patients over the age of 65 or with underlying health conditions should prioritize patient access to non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and treatment.

Safety and Efficacy Concerns

Providers and patients should be aware of outstanding mRNA COVID-19 vaccine safety and efficacy concerns:

  • The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines present a risk of subclinical and clinical myocarditis and other cardiovascular conditions among otherwise healthy individuals.

  • The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine may be associated with an increased risk of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).

  • The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine may be associated with an increased risk of autoimmune diseases including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis.

  • Throughout the pandemic, studies across geographic regions found that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are associated with negative effectiveness after four to six months. As efficacy waned, studies showed that COVID-19 vaccinated individuals developed an increased risk for infection.

  • Elevated levels of mRNA and spike protein from the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine persist among some individuals for an indefinite period, which may carry health risks.

  • Potential DNA integration from the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines pose unique and elevated risk to human health and to the integrity of the human genome, including the risk that DNA integrated into sperm or egg gametes could be passed onto offspring of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recipients.

  • There is unknown risk of potential adverse impacts with each additional dose of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine; currently individuals may have received five to seven doses (and counting) of this vaccine over a 3-year period.

Improving habits and overall health help manage and reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity, risk factors for serious illness from COVID-19.

The State Surgeon General and the Department continue to encourage Floridians to prioritize their overall health by:

  • Staying physically active,

  • Minimizing processed foods,

  • Prioritizing vegetables and healthy fats, and Spending time outdoors to support necessary vitamin D levels.

On September 13, 2023, State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo provided guidance against COVID-19 boosters for individuals under 65 and younger. In addition to aforementioned concerns, providers and patients should be aware of outstanding safety and efficacy concerns outlined in the State Surgeon General's previous booster guidance released in September 2023.

Florida Health State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo ADVISES AGAINST the use of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines!

Screenshot of Florida Health website on September 13, 2024

How ironic that the only people speaking up for the vaccine injured - are the unvaccinated!

NZ and the MRNA

For those of you asking if the new Health Directive from the Florida Dept of Health is real....

It is

It's now loaded to their website

Here's the hero who made it happen

Florida Surgeon General Dr Joseph Ladapo

It's real. I'm licensed in Florida and I got the email with their recommendation to not get it

NZ and the MRNA
What kind of political pressures and process do you think he had to navigate his way through, to make these statements...and keep his job?

This man is a hero. I've listened to him speak many times

Download here: Covid-Vaccines-Jabs-5-x-times-more-deadly-than-the-virus-is-2024-09-09.mp4 - 17,354 kb
By: FreeNZ Media - 11th September 2024
Covid Vaccines / Jabs 5x times
more deadly than the virus is!

The cure is worse than the disease...

Thankyou Steve and God bless you for all you do.

My Covid Vaxxed father was diagnosed with turbo cancer and died 3 months later! Temuka RSA had 5 deaths in 2 weeks, when they usually have 5 deaths per year! So many vaccinated acquaintances are now sick, dying or dead. I do not accept that only 5 per 1,000 are killed by the vaccines. I believe it's much higher than that; especially considering that these are time bomb vaccines designed to kill in the near future.

Big heads up and thank you to Donald Trump and his White Hats for Warpspeed, which forced the heinous criminals to speed up their vaccine production, which resulted in many vials being pure saline solution only.

Otherwise the WEF plan to reduce the World's population to .5 billion by 2025 - could have become a reality.

my experience is way different - easier to say who has not been killed or injured - okay exaggeration - but it is more like 3 in 100 not 5 per thousand - i know 2 in their 30's dead and a 23 year old serious stroke - many many heart issues - about 10 - one in a thirty year old - i do not have a big circle of friends - lost a lot over death jabs lol - had a few cut me off

3 in 100 killed or injured?

Can you do something for me? Can you sit down and compile that list of your friends who you know have now suffered premature death at an early age, or injury, since the rollout?

And then see if you can do the same compilation with other friends who are awake and aware, in their circles?

And get back to me :

just death or heart attacks - strokes - other serious injuries ? deaths - brother in law - 70 died in chair - mates bosses son died in bed 30 - mates brother in law - incessant brain bleeds despite being hospitalised aged 70 - barmaid local pub 35 - treble that in heart attacks - strokes - neurological stuff - my client says all his mates early 50's heart attacks - client 30 heart attack - two mates and sister in law late 50's heart attacks - chap at pub serious fainting coughing for months , nearly died from 1 fall - fit as feck 30 year old , plus a weight training dude stopped going out feels so ill - not seen for two years

son's girl friends parents - so fecking ill - coughing guts up , can't go anywhere , the dad diaphragm is so sore / bruised - the mum not as bad - but coughed for months - the local doctors always have - we are short staffed message on - due too staff illness

Download here: Minnie-Brown-is-going-to-sue-Ashley-Bloomfield-for-treason-etc-on-13th-September-Others-to-follow-2024-09-06.mp4 - 143,788 kb
By: Minnie Brown - 6th September 2024
Minnie Brown is going to lay charges
against Ashley Bloomfield for
Treason etc on 13th September 2024
- other treasonous scumbags to follow -

Minnie Brown (Brett William Power) is going to lay charges against Ashley Bloomfield for treason etc at the Wellington High Court (in New Zealand) at 12.00pm on 13th September 2024, with many others to follow - such as the New Zealand Government / Ministry of Health New Zealand etc.

The charge is that Ashley Robin Bloomfield has conspired to deceive the Public of New Zealand by his deliberate actions with the New Zealand Health Department in 2021.

The above video touches on the evil inroads of the New World Order / WHO / UN / WEF / Globalist Agenda etc, by creating illegal (and especially unlawful) laws; and for encouraging and enforcing democide etc.

Minnie gives an example of how politicians illegally created henious laws that allow NZ Police (sic) to break into any citizens house, drag the occupants out and forcefully inject them with poison, if they 'suspect' that you have not received Bill Gates mRNA vaccines etc.

Aside from politicians giving traitors such as Ashley Bloomfield and the NZ Police power (sic) to drag people out of their homes and force medical experiments upon them, they have also claimed the right via fraudulent legislation - to seize your computers / phones / vehicles / firearms / money / assets in general / and your house - and call you a terrorist!

Also, if you expose the illegal things (e.g. terrorism) that the government is doing, you will be called a terrorist!

Minnie Brown (Brett Power) can be found here:

Ashley Bloomfield to be summonsed to court to be tried for treason - There will be blood...
Ashley Bloomfield to be summonsed to court to be tried for treason - There will be blood...


  • Copy-of-Brett-William-Powers-affidavit-against-Ashley-Bloomfield-for-conspiring-to-deceive-the-public-of-NZ (166 kb) - 13th September 2024 - here
Download PDF document here...

Minnie Brown

Peni Edwards is with Minnie Brown.

Skip King
Much love. We need to protect this awesome man people

Toni Brooks
Well done to get this far Minnie Brown and Thankyou for all your hard work.
Even if the corrupt courts see him likely walk away at least you got it this far and we know the truth even if / when they do cover it up as per usual ( they do what they want)

Adrian Atkinson
This is what Braveheart (William Wallace) and his people fought for...Because of him Robert the Bruce was inspired to believe that he could lead the people to freedom. This is what we are fighting for now. To expose and stop the tyrants...To bring freedom to our lands...To the world!! For our children!
Don't relax and think that everything will be alright. the noose is being tightened as we speak. Please look up Minnie Brown and see a description of what is happening and what he is trying to do about it. Shalom/Peace!

Peni Edwards

Peni Edwards

Te Pou Muruahi Raukawakawa
Can I jump on with you brother

Nicky Withell-O'Grady
Need to flush parliament and start again from the people

Jane Buckley
Kansas i believe and 5 other states now are lodging court docs against Pfzier, so there will be precedent from that I guess?

Terry Bishara
Did they just present it in writing to all the ministers. Not read it out.

Manda Blondiez
IM SUPRISED FB HASNT DELETED YOUR VIDEO POSTS/LIVES.....GET ON TIKTOK TOO!!! be safe bro, they will try n silence you!!!

Kat Nicol
Exactly!!! Thank you Brett

Leagh Whannen
Good info about Bloomfield.. thankyou.. great work Brett

Bonnie Petrie
Dont forget helen man clarke, set it up

Ta La
I want to come stand with you!!! Next Friday 13th

Donna Slade
Shared this Brett your a legend bro

Tim Benseman
Govt = mind control. We are free. Thank You Brett for your work.

Kat Nicol
So much corruption

Donna Clark
Please shear far and wide peeps this is so important

Joslyn Cameron
You are a true HERO Brett. So pleased i found you again.

Dyanne Hansen
Oh it sure should of been told to people my hind anything that so wrong

Liz M Lambert
Good one Brett

Jane Buckley
We need to demand the contract with Pfizer and a list of the 11,000 who got exemptions that's the start of the accountability trail I reckon

Covid vaccine campaigner
Nigel Latta now has inoperable
cancer & less than a year to live!

By: Winston Kodogo - 5th September 2024

Nigel Latta has inoperable cancer.

He was pretty big on pushing the vaccines, especially with using psychology on kids to get them to take the vax. The increase in sudden deaths & cancer seems to be caused by everything except the experimental gene therapy...

RNZ: Nigel Latta diagnosed with terminal cancer, given less than a year to live
RNZ: Nigel Latta diagnosed with terminal cancer, given less than a year to live

Yes it is terrible what he is going through and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy but he played his role in pushing this on us just as much as the others, he even hosted zooms educating people on how to avoid arguments with us "antivaxxers".

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
The good news for millions of people Globally who were jabbed with mRNA injections, who are dying or already dead from Turbo Cancer / Myocaditis etc, is that they valiantly resisted becoming a Conspiracy Theorist; & helped the WEF goal to reduce the population to just .5 billion.

Irn Boru
I hear you, but this is all down to Ardern, Hipkins, Bloomfield, Hendy, Wiles, Baker, Jackson and others.

They DELIBERATELY set NZers against each other to achieve their high vaccination rates. Divide and rule.

Same with the race card played by Ardern. This is the result.

Whereas I don't agree to wishing harm on people but us the unvaccinated were absolutely vilified even to this day by people like Nigel latta publicly and many others. People are hurt angry and disgusted in the harm it's caused. Would be nice if they apologised

Angelo Nicolson
He was part of the group that treated us like conspiracy theorists, and second class citizens.

The same group that destroyed reputations, companies and families for simply asking questions.

The same people who pushed companies to mandate vaccines.

The same people that predominantly caused our current economy to be in shambles?

The same group that divided a country by fear and hatred.

While I do not wish ill. I will give them the same sympathy that was afforded to the non vaccinated, NONE.

It's people like him who helped the Government injure our people.

Erin Jones
I wonder if Nigel even thinks that the jabs may have caused his cancer? Or will he go to his grave oblivious.
This is a question I have wanted to ask people I know who have gone in the last few years to turbo cancers. But it just never seems appropriate...

Avise Ia Fin
Is it bad to say I don't feel empathy for him?
Maybe it is
But I don't pretend I'm perfect, or even nice at times. The current times have drained me of so much… I'm not going to feel bad for a man that spewed vile and bullied people into vaccinating

Tracey Smith
Sorry to hear that you now have a turbo cancer. Most likely vaccine-induced in your case. My aunt and uncle were addicted to the covid boosters. Both of them died within the last 12 months of turbo cancers.

Wish you the best sir. Glad every day I refused to take the jab.

Download here: Kansas-SUES-PFIZER-For-Lying-About-The-Effectiveness-of-C19-Vaccine-2024-09-04.mp4 - 73,977 kb
By: Kim Iversen - 4th September 2024
For Lying About
The Effectiveness of C19 Vaccine!

Watch the full show:

Kansas Attorney General is suing Pfizer for misleading the public about the effectiveness of the covid-19 vaccine.

They need to sue Dr. Fauci well.

Go Kansas! Good luck with the suit.

They should also sue Bill Gates and the government

Sue the FDA an CDC too!

Phizzer was truly misleading the public and lying

Will my ex husband apologize to me for breaking up our marriage because I wouldn't allow him to vax my children? Will he apologize for calling me a conspiracy theorist and telling me he's sorry for who I have become because I wouldn't take the vax? How many people got divorced over this? I am so sorry for all of those who had their family being broken just because you stood for what was right.

Sue Justin Trudeau for same and violating our rights

Should be 50 states, plus DC and Puerto Rico.

Protect this man!

Politicians were excluded from mandatory jabs.

They should also sue for the use of Remdesivir

I wish they could sue for prison time.

Download here: Violent-Covid-cops-finally-GET-SMASHED-in-Court-by-Lockdown-Protester-2024-09-03.mp4 - 65,567 kb
By: Avi Yemini - 3rd September 2024
Violent Covid-Cops finally
by Lockdown Protester

Victoria Police forced to pay costs as anti-lockdown protester is cleared of serious charges, years after being targeted by authorities for being a political dissident.

The cops that attacked the old woman should be fully charged

What the government did during CoVid was disgraceful.

NEVER forget how the POLICE behaved.

The cop who assaulted the granny should be jailed.

Cop filed false charges- what's the punishment for that?

I can't see how Vic police can ever regain the people's trust ever again. Dan Andrews thugs.

100% respect to all those protesters. 0% to the police


He left his home without permission. What an absolute joke. I hope he sues the Victorian government and wins.

Never forget and never forgive the police brutality against Australian citizens whom they are sworn to protect. The fact that Daniel Andrews used SOG and the Counter Terrorist Unit against peaceful protestors is beyond redemption

The government doesn't want to stop police brutality.

Get sent to jail for breaching bail for not having a mask or being vaccinated versus home invaders, car jackers and machete wielders being released on multiple occasions on bail.

Welcome to Victoriastan.

Download here: Is-the-Covid-Vaccine-Hurting-people-with-Dr-Sabine-Hazan-Suppression-of-Ivermectin-2024-09-02.mp4 - 8,585 kb
By: Jillian Michaels - 2nd September 2024
Is the Covid Vaccine Hurting people?
Suppression of Ivermectin.
With Dr. Sabine Hazan

Dr. Sabine Hazan recently testified in front of Congress about the suppression and censorship of her research on COVID-19 treatments such as Ivermectin, and vitamin protocols which included D, C, and Zinc.

She details her struggles with getting research approved and published, shedding light on the broader issues of scientific integrity and transparency within the medical community. Dr. Hazan emphasized the undue influence of pharmaceutical interests on regulatory processes and the challenges this poses to unbiased, independent research. She advocates for reforms that support scientific freedom and ensures that public health decisions are informed by thorough, impartial scientific inquiry.

Dr. Sabine Hazan is a pioneer in the fields of gastroenterology and microbiome research. She has been doing clinical trials for drug companies over thirty years while also running an extremely successful medical practice.

Best part about being a "conspiracy theorist"... not having myocarditis.

No jab, no myocarditis, no regrets........

Nobody has regret for not taking the Vax

I've never been more proud of myself for standing so strong in the face of great pressure.

An Amish person was asked what the impact of Covid was on his community. He replied "it didn't affect us much at all. We don't have tv." Or myocarditis.

A crime against humanity.

My 42 year old "triathlete" nephew had the J&J jab in March 2021. By June he was hospitalized for severe leg blood clots, heart issues and in August throat cancer. He passed Thanksgiving week.
Crime of the Century!

My wife was walked out of the medical lab she worked at for 22 years because she knew what was up from the start.

Sometimes I wonder if the Health Care "industry " has any idea HOW MUCH CREDIBILITY they lost because of the pandemic and the way it was handled.

No jab for us. Ever.

I'm 66, haven't been to a doc in 40 years, God is my protector ?

I know 3 people that died within days of shot in 2021. All 3 just stood up and fell dead immediately. No explanation. 1 was a 30yr old mother & died in front of her 4 yr old. The others 45 & 62. I refused all shots.

Couldnt risk it. My husband got cancer diagnosis same week as covid shutdown. Getting care was very very difficult. He died 5 months later. I couldnt risk shots when I had kids to take care if & my husband was gone. I hated that the govt & media constantly shamed me, threatened me & made life even harder. Thanks Jillian!!

Download here: Japan-Warns-COVID-Vaccines-Causing-Global-Population-Collapse-1-Billion-Already-Dead-Globally-2024-09-02.mp4 - 66,537 kb
By: The People's Voice - 2nd September 2024
Japan Warns COVID Vaccines
Causing Global Population Collapse
1 Billion+ Already Dead Globally!

Japan has issued a dire warning about the mRNA vaccines that were administered globally in late 2020 and declared "safe and effective." According to Japanese scientists, these vaccines are safely reducing the global population and effectively collapsing populations.

The scientists, among the most respected in the world, also allege that international organizations such as the UN, along with multiple world governments, are involved in a massive cover-up to hide the full extent of this catastrophic loss of life.

According to the scientists, over one billion people have already perished, with many more deaths expected to follow.

Japan's findings are redefining our understanding of the global depopulation crisis and highlighting the urgent need to hold those responsible for crimes against humanity accountable.

Get Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and Fenbendazole here: - use coupon code 'peoplesvoice' for 15% off.


Nicotine will destroy the nanobots in the vaccines and kill the turbo cancers caused by the vaccines.

Nicotine isn't a chemical. It is a nutrient found in tomatoes, potatoes, Egg Plant, and other foods.

homo borg genesis will die off and the people created in God's image will live on

My 96-year-old, tiny, obstinate, retired-nurse, Great Grandma refused to be vaccinated and demanded Ivermectin which her son acquired for her at the beginning of Covid. She had worked in the jungles of Africa in the late 40s and 50's helping to vaccinate African people. When she studied exactly what Covid was, she knew Ivermectin was what she needed and was so angry that the medical world would not report the positive of Ivermectin. She ended up catching covid from a vaccinated relative that was visiting her and refused a hospital. We all thought this would be G.G.'s end. With family keeping a close 24-hour watch G.G. was given Ivermectin for 3 days. She got sick as if with the flu but is now just fine and back to booking around on her walker and ornery as ever. I recommend everyone to have ivermectin for emergency situations! You can get yours by visiting

Attention all Democrats don't forget get your new covid shot and make sure your up to date on your covid booster's as a Matter of fact get two and three covid shots to make sure your vaccinations are current!!!

Aug 15, 2024 "In Japan, Keisuke Takada (the current minister for internal affairs) and his team analyzed a national database for vaccine-related adverse effects. They focused on mRNA COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna. Their comprehensive study, spanning nearly two decades, has identified a significant connection between certain vaccines and heart issues.

"Specifically, conditions like myocarditis and pericarditis are more commonly observed among young men following vaccination."

I lost my mom just a year ago half ago. She was 83. She didn't listen to me to not take the vax. But the tv brainwashed her. She took 4 doses plus booster. Died o pneumonia. I miss her




Download here: Peer-reviewed-study-finds-Covid-Vaccine-linked-to-Increase-In-Heart-And-Brain-Disorders-2024-08-29.mp4 - 14,300 kb
By: TheModernSurvivalist - 29th August 2024
Peer-reviewed study finds
Covid Vaccine linked to Increase
in Heart and Brain Disorders

Not that it's a game or anything but the conspiracy theorists are up 17-0

Have lost 3 people to turbo cancer in the last 14 months. They all shared one thing in common.

My wife and I rejected the treatment even though everyone around us including our government tried convince us to take. Glad we went with our gut.

Before the Covid Jabs, I never heard of so many youngsters dying in their sleep or playing football,

Healthiest person I know - 35 year-old female - had a massive stroke two days post booster. This was over a year ago. She's still learning how to walk again, and hasn't been able to work.

Patient: What's in it?
Doc: I don't know.
Patient: If one doesn't work, why would two or three?
Doc: I don't know.
Patient: Do I still have to wear a mask?
Doc: Yes.
Patient: Does it work?
Doc: No.
Patient: Isn't there a 99% survival rate?
Doc: Yes.
Patient: So why would I ever take it then?
Doc: Bec we make a shit ton of money at your expense and we really don't care about you as much as you think.

Greg Hunter had his yt channel cancelled because he told the truth and tried to warn people.
I'm in my 60's. I had covid and a variant. They lasted 3 or 4 days. Never got the jab.

Is that why people are acting so weird?

Last night my girlfriend told me that the boyfriend of her cousin had a heart attack. The guy is on law school, is reasonably fit and, by the pictures I would guess he is 23 yo. I don't know anything else, but he survived.

And yet many people still push the safety and efficacy of the product. And many more don't make the connection.
And in Quebec, we've had 3 years in a row with 8% to 10% excess mortality, still ongoing.

We all know, but everyone is a coward. The elephant really is in the room.

The irony that the reporter said "spike in heart problems".

The best part of being a "conspiracy theorist" is not suddenly developing myocaditis, T-cell exhaustion, turbo cancer, Bell's palsy, lupis, POTS, autoimmune conditions, transverse myelitis, amyloidosis, chronic vertigo, Guillain-Barré syndrome, tinnitus, paralysis, sharp decrease in platelet levels, increased risk of mental disorders, thrombosis from strange long blood clots that look like white vien worms, vien spiders or grape jelly. On top of that contracting covid repeatedly with every single symptom increased.

Metastasized Cancer. Lymphoma, Pancreatic, Lung and Skin all increasing and Turbo cancers.

Even chain smoking, binge drinking and heavy drug addiction combined would take much longer to do much less damage to a healthy human body. The year elementary school children needed a pediatrician as well as a cardiologist and healthy athletes started collapsing on the field was the year the media should have been asking questions.

Download here: 10th-COVID-vaccine-approved-by-FDA-for-emergency-use-but-there-is-no-emergency-2024-08-29.mp4 - 13,667 kb
By: Rebel News - 29th August 2024
10th COVID vaccine approved
by FDA for emergency use,
but there's no emergency...

#RebelNews | Tell Health Minister Mark Holland to stop pushing COVID shots!

Tamara Ugolini reports how the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a new (10th) COVID-19 vaccine for babies as young as six months old through emergency use authorization - in the absence of an actual emergency - citing unsupported claims it reduces hospitalizations and deaths.

Visit Rebel News for more on this story:

Tell federal health Minister Mark Holland that Health Canada doesn't need to follow the same path as the FDA! Tell the Trudeau Liberals to stop the shots at

Do not comply. My body my choice.

Crime against humanity. Never again

Pure BS. Do not comply!

And most of same sheep will line up for their poison ...again...soooo sad..

0 shots still alive never miss day of work never regret


These people are completely crazy.

A 6 month old baby gets a covid vaccine ? Who would do that to a baby?


An elderly lady in my apartment building was complaining about catching Covid again after getting 8 shots!!! Can't fix stupid!!

Common knowledge that the FDA is funded by pharmaceutical companies. Shouldn't this be considered a conflict of interest?

Hard pass. Again.

And it was tested on some animals, no human trials. Good luck getting people to comply!

Anyone giving this to a six month old baby..... I won't finish the sentence

Download here: Zuckerberg-admits-Biden-Harris-administration-pressured-Facebook-to-censor-Americans-with-fake-News-2024-08-27.mp4 - 9,046 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 27th August 2024
Zuckerberg admits Biden-Harris
administration 'pressured' Facebook
to censor Americans with Fake News

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has vowed to resist White House pressure on censorship, revealing in a damning letter how the Biden administration "repeatedly pressured" Facebook to censor accounts promoting COVID-19 misinformation.

In a Monday letter addressed to House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan, the billionaire said he regrets working with the administration to censor content on his platforms.

"In 2021, senior officials from the Biden Administration, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire, and expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn't agree," Zuckerberg said in the letter.

"Ultimately, it was our decision whether or not to take content down, and we own our decisions, including COVID-19-related changes we made to our enforcement in the wake of this pressure."

In his letter, Zuckerberg recalled that the FBI warned Meta about a potential Russian disinformation operation targeting the Biden family and Burisma ahead of the 2020 election.

As a result, Meta demoted posts alleging corruption involving Joe Biden's family (the Hunter Biden laptop story) while they were being analysed by fact-checkers.

However, Zuckerberg claims the reporting was not Russian disinformation and should not have been demoted.

Zuckerberg noted Meta has since "changed our policies and processes to ensure this doesn't happen again".

"We no longer temporarily demote content in the US while waiting for fact-checkers."

What do you know.. Us conspiracy theorists are proven right.... Again.

Sounds like a threat to democracy

All the rats are leaving the sinking ship

Major corruption. They all need to go to prison.

He wasn't pressured. He's a willing accomplice.

Biden and Harris belong in jail.

When is YouTube going to admit to this? They're doing the same thing.

It isn't a win until people go to prison.

He was probably handsomely rewarded for his deceit also.

yet he still suppresses pro trump posts

I still do not trust him. He is a traitor.

Download here: DOJ-Lawyer-Admits-FDA-War-Against-Ivermectin-was-Abuse-of-Authority-Millions-of-Deaths-Resulted-2024-08-27.mp4 - 57,439 kb
By: ProjectVeritas - 27th August 2024
DOJ Lawyer Admits FDA War Against
was Abuse of Authority:
"Millions of Deaths" Resulted

The attorney from the Department of Justice who defended the Food & Drug Administration in court ADMITTED on undercover camera that the agency's actions were an abuse of authority by the government during its public campaign against Ivermectin to treat COVID-19.

The FDA's "horse medicine" tweets caused a deadly chain reaction - meet Drs Mary Talley Bowden, Robert L. Apter, who were victorious against FDA Medical Tyranny.

FDA = 0 points
Mainstream Media = 0 points
Conspiracy Theorists = 100 points

I will never believe it was a mistake.

The next step, of course, is to investigate which elected officials who pushed the vaccine so hard, or even mandated it, also were invested in Pfizer and other pharmaceuticals just before and all during the "pandemic."

The effect of the FDA's lying will never be overcome mainly because the MSM is complicit and will Not let this case see the light of day. So the last thing the public heard is what they will believe.

Lost my job as a personal trainer for refusing the deadly jab!

PUBLIC HANGING for ALL of the corrupt persons in Government and Media !!!!

Good to see a mini magazine style vid article here compared to your usual raw footage clips. Keep up the good work - we need you!!

who still trusts the MSM?

The press should be exposing this, but they are compromised. Let's take Ukraine's foray into Russia proper. The media played it up when it started, made it seem like Ukraine was about to take Moscow. What have you heard lately? According to Russia, the invaders have largely been slaughtered. Is the media reporting that? With a biased press, we are basically screwed. I had no idea how important they were until Trump and COVID.

NZ BigPharma 'enabler' Medsafe:
shocking levels of staff absence
since the jab roll-out

By: Informed Heart, Ursula Edgington, PhD - 26th August 2024

An OIA reveals devastating rates of staff absence at the NZ Government body that 'authorised' the covid jabs.

First, what is 'Medsafe'?

Medsafe is the New Zealand equivalent of the UK's MHRA. It is the regulator that has become the enabler of BigPharma because BigPharma funds the body and therefore conflicts of interest prevent it from acting as independent. Last week, Medsafe archived its covid era pages. But the evidence will not be swept under the carpet that easily.


It's stated [fake] mission is:

To enhance the health of New Zealanders by regulating medicines and medical devices to maximise safety and benefit.

What 'safety' or 'benefit' did the Pfizer injections provide, I wonder? According to Medsafe staff themselves, it would seem not much. Let me explain….

The structure of this NZ agency - like many such agencies - seems very top-heavy with management. Around 60-70 staff have six managers and an overall Group Manager:

Medsafe Structure: from their website

Medsafe Structure: from their website

The people themselves are unnamed and maybe that will be the subject for another post. However, I've been prompted to add this short (6min) painfully scripted conversation between Chris James, Group Manager Medsafe and [Sir] Dr Ashley Bloomfield from 3rd Feb 2021, after the announcement of the 'approval' by Medsafe of the jab roll-out. Notice at the 3m 35sec mark where Ashley awkwardly looks away/downwards when Chris is blasé about the 'surveillance' of the adverse events that are being reported to them from Pfizers. He knew:

Download here: Dr-Ashley-Bloomfield-and-MedSafes-Chris-James-talk-about-vaccine-approvals-Ministry-of-Health-NZ-2021-02-04.mp4 - 19,818 kb
By: Ministry of Health - Manatu Hauora - 4th February 2021

Dr Ashley Bloomfield and MedSafe's Chris James talk about vaccine approvals | Ministry of Health NZ

On February 3 2021 MedSafe provisionally approved the first vaccine for COVID-19 in New Zealand. Dr Ashley Bloomfield and MedSafe Group Manager Chris James are here to explain how that process works.

Anyway, today, I'm going to summarise some pretty depressing data about staff absences of this relatively small agency during the covid era. So to get some context, to begin, let's outline how the numbers of staff have altered very little over the past five years - from just over 70 [full-time equivalent (FTE)] to just over 78:

NZ Medsafe Staff Numbers

And to also add context to the covid era upheavals, we can see that there was a significant uptick in numbers of permanent staff leaving Medsafe during the covid era:

Staff Leavers at Medsafe

In fact, double the amount of staff (n=16) left Medsafe during 2020/2021, compared to the previous year, and that rate seems to have continued.

To compensate for those who left, more permanent staff were employed since the covid era than before: only 4 permanent staff were employed in 2019/20, compared with 12 in 2020/21 and 24 in 2021/22.

Medsafe staff absence since covid

Now let's turn to the point of this short post today, which is to summarise the Official Information Act Response [Ref H2024046370] which shows a shocking increase in absence from work amongst the Medsafe staff since the covid era. I've created this simple graphic:

Medsafe Staff Leave

We can see above the dramatic increase in staff absences. Comparing 2019/20 with 2021/22 there was a massive 58% increase in sick leave at Medsafe. Even more astonishing is a 635% increase in unpaid leave (indicating staff had already used-up all their sick leave allowance) from just under 39 days in pre-covid era to 285 in 2022/23. It's worth pointing-out that the coercive measures around the 'vaccination' roll-out began in NZ late 2021. Although Medsafe would not have been mandated per se under the 'Vaccination Order', I imagine the staff would have been under pressure to comply with Government policy.

And on this rather tragic note, we can see how bereavement leave increased by 50% between the years of 2019-20 to 2021/22. And despite a decrease in 2022/3, is up again this past year. Overall, things are not looking healthy at New Zealand's healthcare regulator enabler. Here is the raw data incase readers can see any of my mistakes or amendments needed:

Days of Leave...

What is shocking is how the Medsafe Group Manager, Chris James, together with his six managers, each with approx. 10 staff beneath them, can possibly see this amount of staff (unpaid) leave as 'normal'? Is it the 'new normal' in the New Zealand workplace? Well, it certainly tallies with other anecdotal evidence and another post I have published about NZ Transport Agency:

Ongoing Poor Health & Bereavements for New Zealand Dept of Transport Staff

Ursula Edgington, PhD - May 3

Read full story:

Ongoing Poor Health & Bereavements for New Zealand Dept of Transport Staff

Download here: Famous-influencers-are-dropping-like-flies-after-Covid-vaccine-rollout-Why-2024-08-25.mp4 - 12,498 kb
By: EONutrition - 25th August 2024
Famous influencers are
dropping like flies

after Covid vaccine rollout: Why?

In this video I discuss a disturbing trend of social media influencers dying "suddenly and unexpectedly", mostly in their 30s and of heart conditions.

I also discuss troubling statistics regarding turbo cancers, heart diseases in young people, along with recent changes in average life expectancy rates.

00:00 RIP influencers
01:45 Strange pattern
02:10 Troubling statistics
02:35 Double cancer
03:10 Spike in heart diseases
03:45 Life expectancy

The biggest elephant to ever stand in a room is still not being mentioned by mainstream medicine.

As a wise person once said, "You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality".

When global elites talk about mass population reductions - we should take them seriously.

31,000,000 "unexplained" deaths and we're still not allowed to openly talk about the cause.

My mother was forced to take the vaccine as in Canada anyone who is unvaccinated is denied healthcare.
She passed suddenly from a sudden heart attack 12 months later.

"If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized … If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance - you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest." – Ian Watson

Lost all trust in doctors, medicine, pharma, FDA, CDC, politicians, governments, corporations, elite billionaires. Crimes against humanity and we will never forget what you did.

The scariest part is it only takes a few short years for the upcoming generation to forget or be duped into the same thing, again.

Tyranny is when everyone knows the answer but is not allowed to say it.

I lost my job because I refused to get the jab, had to cut back on expenses but I don't worry about blood clots or heart damage so I count it as a win.

Download here: No-Jab-No-Play-No-Way-This-is-an-outright-violation-of-human-rights-2024-08-20.mp4 - 4,134 kb
By: Russell Broadbent MP - 20th August 2024
No Jab, No Play - No Way!
This is an outright violation of human rights!

The past four so-called pandemic years have been a real eye opener for me.

I've seen things I never imagined could happen in Australia – people being fired from their jobs for not taking an experimental injection, my fellow Victorians forced into 262 days of lockdowns, fines for not wearing a mask and vaccine injured Australians abandoned by the very governments that mandated them to be jabbed.

But one of the most heinous revelations was learning that parents of children that do not meet the Department of Health's age appropriate early childhood vaccination schedule are being fined... financially punished by the Australian government.

In short, if a child is not deemed to be 'up-to-date' with this schedule of vaccinations, their parent is not eligible to receive Family Tax Benefit Part A... a payment which is built into the tax system to help parents with the costs of raising children.

While I was aware of the government's No Jab No Play policy - which essentially prohibits unvaccinated children from attending childcare... withholding Family Tax Payments is a step too far!

Leah, the mum of two unvaccinated boys told me that she and her husband had resigned themselves to not being able to access childcare and made their life decisions accordingly.

But what incensed her, was knowing that that they'd missed out on $90,000 in FTB payments which would have been paid over the past 10 years if her children had been vaccinated.

When Leah pointed out to Services Australia that this was a financial punishment, she was told: "No it isn't – it's an incentive for parents to get their children vaccinated".

Well, it is a punishment. It's unconscionable, unjust and it's un-Australian.

In my view, removing a child's right to attend childcare or removing a parent's right to FTB because of a child's vaccination status is an outright violation of human rights.

What happened to the ethical guidelines for doctors that state 'vaccines must be given with informed consent without coercion, manipulation or pressure.'?

This is Australia for goodness sake!

Let me assure you, this story has much further to run, and I won't step away from helping to bring justice to these parents.

I invite anyone who has been discriminated as a result of not having their child vaccinated, to contact me via my website.

That's justice as I see it.

This is criminal and unconstitutional.

Our children are not pharmaceutical companies pin cushions for profit!

Evil has taken over Australia...

Signing a medical consent form under tyranny and coercion is not consent .

Thank you for speaking to this. Please do keep govt accountable. This is a crime against Humanity, whichever way you look at it.

The more l find out about the true reality in my birth country, the more disappointed l become.

Good medicine needs no marketing, neutral medicine needs marketing, but only bad medicine needs to be enforced.

The grubberment is utterly corrupt.

I'm sure ALL Australians would like to see the list of names of those who claimed an exemption during CV

So wonderful to hear a politician speaking the truth and standing up for Australians who choose not to risk a medical procedure.

Download here: The-NHS-Has-Been-A-National-Religion-Ex-NHS-Trust-Chairman-Has-Tough-Love-for-UK-Health-Services-2024-08-20.mp4 - 11,606 kb
By: TalkTV - 20th August 2024
"The NHS Has Been
A National Religion"

Ex NHS Trust Chairman Has
Tough Love for UK Health Services

#covid19 #nhs #vaccine

Julia Hartley-Brewer brings compensation for covid vaccines into the spotlight today, talking to the former NHS Trust Chairman Martin Gower.

Nearly 14,000 people in Britain have applied for compensation for alleged harm caused by Covid vaccines. The symptoms range from strokes to heart attacks to actual death.

Some people have already received payments of around £120,000. Julia and Martin discuss why this problem has arisen in the first place.

They also discuss whether the NHS has become some sort of 'National Religion'.

There isn't a single unvaaxed person who regrets their decision.

Avoid these shots as much as possible...

I worked like hell to get the truth out there about these things , and have and continue to be punished heavily for it .

I still don't regret my decision to not take one.

Only 14k claiming. I wonder how many can't claim

She's got a nerve considering how much she pushed them.

The dead can't put a claim in !!!

Never took any jab

I never clapped for the NHS. I thought it was nonsense at the time. I still think those who did it were bonkers.

All those people who are now claiming would have wanted the non vaxed people in jail 4 years ago

How many people wont even know that they have been harmed by them. The cognitive dissonance is still very strong. Helped along by the gaslighting from most media outlets.

Download here: ABS-stats-for-covid-deaths-were-based-on-shoddy-data-and-not-genuine-medical-testing-2024-08-16.mp4 - 8,848 kb
By: Senator Gerard Rennick - 16th August 2024
ABS stats for covid deaths were
based on shoddy data & not
genuine medical testing! - 13.6.24

#abs #auspol #covid19

Garbage in Garbage out.

"So the ABS's role is to bring deep expertise to the coding of information that's supplied on the death registration certificates ………." YET the vaccine status is not available on the death certificate.

However the ABS has the ability to link the Australian Immunisation Register which has vaccine status with death records and that information has not been analysed by the ABS team.

GR: So then have you got access to the primers used in the PCR tests to determine whether or not someone had Covid versus another form of a virus?

No Senator.

GR: So you're not sure of the accuracy of when someone tested positive to COVID, how accurate the test was?

I'll just hand to Miss Moran to make sure we're providing accurate information."


The good old hand off. The bureaucrats are getting very good at passing off my questions to the next sucker when their lies get exposed.

Long story short, the ABS is deliberately engaged in a cover up of vaccine injuries by refusing to link death data to vaccine status.

They are using the invalidity of the PCR test as a cover for lies by arguing the excess deaths were a result of Covid when in actual fact there was no Covid in the community in 2021.

#auspol #australia #abs #excessdeaths #covid #covid19 #health

Crimes against humanity.

The stumbling in sentences is symbolic of the shaky grasp of reality that they possess. The level of interest in pursuing the truth is zero.

Don't these women care about the health of children. Very unnatural.

Wilfully blind

ABS remove the a and you get BS

Keep at them Senator Rennick you are our only hope of getting the truth out of these pathetic people.Demand a Royal Commission.

You are worth your weight in gold, Senator Rennick!

It's a sad state of affairs

We are ruled over by vicious heartless monsters, who mean us great harm.

Wow. Again, gross incompetence accompanied by incompetent women. I'll keep highlighting this 'Emily's List' tragedy until I'm dead.

A simple NO would have sufficed.

Senator Rennick, thank you for working tirelessly to get to the truth when you have very little assistance or support from so-called experts in their field. We, the Australian people, applaud your efforts.

Download here: WHO-DECLARES-MONKEY-POX-EMERGENCY-Mass-Mail-In-Voting-Ahead-Global-Crisis-Could-Derail-2024-Election-2024-08-16.mp4 - 73,005 kb
By: The Next News Network - 16th August 2024
Mass Mail-In Voting Ahead?
Global Crisis Could Derail 2024 Election

In a shocking turn of events that echoes the early days of COVID-19, the Next News Network brings you an explosive report on the new Mpox outbreak. The World Health Organization has just declared a global health emergency, and cases are skyrocketing across Africa and Europe. But is this really about public health, or is there a more sinister agenda at play?

Our exclusive investigation reveals the startling similarities between this Mpox outbreak and the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. From rapid testing preparations to whispers of potential lockdowns, the playbook seems eerily familiar. But we dig deeper, uncovering a potential link between this sudden health crisis and the upcoming election that will leave you questioning everything.

We expose the rush for Mpox vaccines and the potential economic fallout that could rival the COVID-19 market crash. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Our sources reveal a possible connection between Mpox and mail-in voting that could reshape the entire electoral landscape.

Is this new Mpox strain a genuine threat to humanity, or is it the Deep State's latest tool for control? We break down the facts, challenge the official narrative, and bring you the truth that mainstream media won't touch.

From the origins of this new strain to its potential impact on your daily life, we leave no stone unturned. This isn't just another health scare – it's a wake-up call that could determine the future of our freedoms.

Don't be caught off guard by this potential pandemic 2.0. Arm yourself with the knowledge that could save your life and your liberty. The truth is out there, and we're bringing it directly to you.

F the WHO.

What better way to disrupt American elections

Here come the tyrants, right on cue.

mpox is a homosexual desease not woried about getting it

We didnt listen then.. We damn sure arent listening now


Funny how that lady from the CDC started smiling when she said the word Covid is almost as if she was enjoying this

They, WHO thinks we're all stupid.


We wrestle not against flesh and blood but principality. God raises up king and demotes king. Therefore, only repentance and prayer will win this war. Pray!

Trump MAGA 2024

They r creating this stuff In labs and releasing it.

Download here: Self-Assembling-Nanotechnology-in-the-Covid-mRNA-Vaccines-2024-08-15.mp4 - 9,772 kb
By: EONutrition - 15th August 2024
Self-Assembling Nanotechnology
in the Covid mRNA Vaccines

In this video I discuss signs/evidence of nanotechnology found in $h0ts, and then dig into some scientific research on micro/nano robotics.

00:00 Nanotechnology?
00:37 Problems with study
01:20 Real evidence?
02:10 Nano-robots
03:30 Graphene Oxide
04:00 Controlling humans
04:49 The real purpose of this tech?

Find the full, uncut video on Rumble:

Funny how YouTube allows this content after the fact, but during? It was a "conspiracy theory."


no weapon formed against us shall prosper.

I have lost several family members to this evil agenda. I tried to warn them, but they would not listen. Some have passed away shortly after, and some have gotten severely ill and haven't been the same since. Some have personality changes, extreme personality changes to the point that it's very difficult to be around them anymore. They seem to be full of anger and resentment. I just pray for them; that's all I can do at this point. I believe this is the biggest crime against humanity ever.

Whatever it all is. To infect people with these without their assault, and worse.

People have no clue how deep this vile rabbit hole goes.

'conspiracy theoristS' have said EXACTLY this from day 1 of the 'therapy'

I know, because I am one of them.

I saw everyone's favourite computer/human software expert Bill Gates brag about these, also calling it self-assembling nanotechnology, but when I repeat those words to my family and friends they call me fringe and weird and laugh.

When that "vaccine" came out I refused to get it, lost my job for not getting it.

People called me insane for saying it's a bioweapon using nanotech.

I've seen these in a study from Italy UNDER A 10000 POWER MICROSCOPE and youtube scrubbed it ...THIS IS REAL AND ITS A BIO WEAPON

They put graphene oxide in the shots. The nanotech uses graphene as a power source because it can boost GHz frequencies into the THz range. Also, guess which towers are capable of putting out the right frequencies to power the nanotech? I'll give you a hint, it starts with '5' and ends with 'G'. Not only can they assemble electrical systems inside the body (nanoantennas, etc.), but they can hide pathogens within the lipid nanoparticles. So they can essentially trigger an actual pandemic whenever it's convenient for them.

Download here: Holy-Shit-Shocking-New-WHO-Covid-Study-Shows-Covid-Vaccine-Saved-No-One-and-Killed-Millions-2024-08-11.mp4 - 6,184 kb
By: Redacted - 11th August 2024
Holy SHIT! Shocking New WHO
Covid Study Shows Covid Vaccine
Saved No One and Killed Millions!

#redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris

Holy SHIT! Shocking New Covid Study Changes EVERYTHING We've Been Told | Redacted News

A new study shows something that we already knew: that Covid deaths were over-reported during the pandemic and that the Covid vaccine did not have any apparent benefit in slowing or stopping the pandemic. The authors studied 125 countries and their vaccination programs and and found "no systematic or statistically significant trends showing that vaccination campaigns in 2020 and 2021 reduced all-cause mortality."

"..what they're saying is that they calculated each excess death per injection, including boosters..."

Unvaccinated and alive

The WHO needs to be held accountable for the deaths they have caused.

Trump was right that we should withdraw from WHO.

The media played a big part in it.

An acquaintance has had 2 shots plus at least 4 boosters but is sick and her doctor told her she has long covid - the damage done to her immune system is criminal.

I'm glad I never got the jab!

YouTube warning: "Now DON'T trust the science because this one is actually real science."

Birth to age 18, I had 12 shots. Kids now days will have around 75 shots by age 18! And they are more sick than previous generations. Stop the madness ppl.

So, it's murder. And attempted murder. And premeditated murder.
Still think violence isn't the answer?

Crimes against humanity.

If a rich person said there should be less people in the world, how would they go about it?

Download here: Do-You-REGRET-Getting-THE-JAB-2024-08-10.mp4 - 75,452 kb
By: The Strange Times - 10th August 2024
Getting THE JAB?

There is residual tension in Canada about vaccine mandates and the media's role in conveying information. In this video, I ask people in Burnaby, Canada, if they regret getting - or not getting - the jab, how media narratives influenced their decision, and whether or not they trust the Trudeau Government.

Watch as we hit the streets and dive into these critical questions and explore the diverse perspectives of everyday Canadians.

No one regrets not getting it.

it is a crime against humanity

I'm so glad I don't have that poisonous junk in my body

I lost everything (financial, career, friends and overall trust of ALL levels of leadership) because I refused the shot.

One must stand for SOMETHING or fall for ANYTHING.

So glad I didn't take the toxic shot

I would rather go to jail than take that crap

My mom passed after taking her 3rd dose. I warned her. I told her not to take them. She didn't listen and now she is dust in the wind.
I feel so sad and I will never get over her passing.

Never took even one! I'm a nurse and daily working with covid positive patients for 4 years now with zero mask or gowns used (by choice) and once in 2021 I had a fever for 10 hours. No regrets and no one in my family has caught it from me!!

No shot. Never tested.
My Body, MY Choice.

The vaxxed shed on the unvaxxed

Never got it.
No regrets whatsoever.

Sad. How can there be so many people with no critical thinking. OBEY Sheep!
That guy with his autoimmune disease and weak immune system just made it worst. Now he has No immune system.

2 people I know died from blood clots 7 to 10 days after the jab. One was 44. The other was 50, a twin.

His twin didn't get it.

Download here: Hang-on-NATO-will-now-enforce-LOCKDOWNS-and-VACCINE-mandates-2024-08-10.mp4 - 25,724 kb
By: Redacted - 10th August 2024
Hang on! NATO will
now enforce LOCKDOWNS
and VACCINE mandates?

#independentjournalists #natalimorris #redacted

Will NATO have to bring in soldiers to enforce lockdowns and vaccine mandates? That is what Dr. Peter Hotez, U.N. spokesperson and dystopic mad scientist, suggested recently. He said he is working with the World Health Organization on this idea. Does this mean we'll be administered vaccines at gunpoint or what?

Him saying "anti vaccine aggression" is one of the most Orwellian statements I've ever heard.

The US should have ended the UN 60 years ago!

Nato has no jurisdiction over MY MEDICAL DECISIONS.

This guy is extremely dangerous.

NATO couldn't fight it's way out of a wet paper bag. Unvaxxed and Proud of it!

This is like the rapist calling the victim the aggressor

Dismantle NATO

"The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense." ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

Forcing people to take any medical procedure against their will is absolutely against human rights!

Meanwhile I saw an ABC show asking "Why are Millennials dying from so many different forms of cancers"

My nephew had 2 Pfizer vaccine's and 4 months later he suffered a fatal heart attack. 36 years old. RIP Danny

Download here: Covid-vaccine-mandates-were-wrong-Dominic-Perrottet-voices-regret-as-he-flees-politics-2024-08-06.mp4 - 5,754 kb
By: Guardian Australia - 6th August 2024
Covid vaccine mandates
'were wrong': Dominic Perrottet
voices regret as he flees politics


The former premier of New South Wales Dominic Perrottet has announced his resignation from parliament after more than a decade in state politics.

The Liberal member for Epping told parliament: 'Vaccines saved lives. But ultimately mandates were wrong.' Perrottet said he would be moving with his family of nine – he has seven children with his wife Helen – to Washington DC to be the US head of corporate and external relations at the mining company BHP

Download here: The-Mystery-of-COVIDs-Resurgence-in-the-Vaxxed-2024-08-05.mp4 - 35,769 kb
By: Vejon Health - 5th August 2024
The Mystery of COVID's
Resurgence in the Vaxxed

#covid #medicine #research

In this eye-opening video, we delve into the SHOCKING truth about COVID-19 circulating within vaccinated regions in 2024. As the world continues to grapple with the pandemic's unpredictable nature, many are left wondering: why is COVID still a concern for those who have received their vaccines?

Join us as we explore the mystery of COVID's resurgence in the vaccinated population, examining the latest research, expert opinions, and real-life stories that reveal unexpected outcomes.

Stay informed and engaged as we unpack the complexities of vaccine efficacy, immunity, and public health in today's climate. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more insightful content on COVID-19 and health updates.

Tune in now to uncover the truth that everyone needs to know!

The Indomitable Covid Virus...

Because I didn't take the safe and effective, I have so far remained safe and uneffected

Do not roll up your sleeve, no matter what they bring next, do not roll up your sleeve.

I am not a lab rat, guinea pig, or sheeple. I am a pure blood

I'm a 60 year old unvaccinated man. Never had covid. Yet all around me people are sick and getting covid for the 3rd or 4th time. Best decision ever!!

I had a working session with a co-worker this past Thursday; we met over Zoom. While we were working on our assignment, she told me she was sick with COVID and that she had a horrible aftertaste in her mouth due to Paxlovid, apparently a side effect of the drug. She was also achy and feverish, the usual COVID symptoms.
She is vaccinated and boosted several times over. Yet she still got COVID and was sick. But she actually convinced herself that had she not been vaccinated, it would have been so much worse, that she would have been many times sicker. She told me so while we were on the call.

My point is, people will lie to themselves, will gaslight themselves. This world event seems to have infected minds as well as bodies.

My unvaxxed husband and I went to a party beginning of July. The day after the party all of the fully vaxxed attendees got covid. My little family never got it. They tried to blame it on us. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have gotten it the next day from anyone at the party. And pretty sure the 2 family's that got it, got it at the same time but from other places. These are people with at least 7 shots. We have had none. And haven't had covid in our home in 2 years.

My sister, her boyfriend, my wife , my son, and I are unvaccinated. None of us have had problems with covid.

You know what's crazy, it's surging in summer, when vitamin D is plentiful and when people are generally the healthiest.

This was predicted by Geert Vanden Bossche 3 years ago. No surprise to me at all.


By: Lioness of Judah Ministry - 4th August 2024

Arizona granted former governor, Doug Ducey, the authority to create, operate and maintain concentration camps.

FEMA Concentration Camps

By Dave Hodges August 2, 2024

This article is a reference point, containing links to the seemingly outrageous claims made in 3 videos to be posted to this site regarding medical martial law which are actually defacto concentration camps (i.e. medical martial law)

Alleged CV-19 victims, were transported, in Arkansas, to what I would call a FEMA medical martial law facility. This is not an isolated incident. Arizona granted former governor, Doug Ducey, the authority to create, operate and maintain concentration camps. The camps are allegedly for a deadly pathogen from which quarantine is determined to needed. Yet, it is the governor that makes that determination, not a health board nor the State Legislature. This is the create of a medical martial law dictatorship. It follows the HHS guidelines for ESF#8-14. Celeste Solum and myself have done an interview on this precise issue.

Presently in Airzona and I presume in your state, as well, the state can imprison you for "suspected" symptoms and they can forcibly vaccinate / force other treatment upon a person or persons. In short, governors are granting themselves the authority to have complete control over your freedom, your body and even your life.

Excerpts from Arizona statue are listed below relative to the topic at hand. My responses to individual parts of this tyranny are listed in the documented in bold print.

Arizona Revised Statutes Title 36. Public Health and Safety § 36-787. Public health authority during state of emergency or state of war emergency

B. In addition to the authority provided in subsection A of this section, during a state of emergency or state of war emergency, the governor, in consultation with the director of the department of health services, may issue orders that:

  1. Mandate medical examinations for exposed persons.
  2. Ration medicine and vaccines.
  3. Provide for transportation of medical support personnel and ill and exposed persons.
  4. Provide for procurement of medicines and vaccines.

C. In addition to the authority provided in subsections A and B, during a state of emergency or state of war emergency in which there is an occurrence or the imminent threat of smallpox, plague, viral hemorrhagic fevers or a highly contagious and highly fatal disease with transmission characteristics similar to smallpox, the governor, in consultation with the director of the department of health services, may issue orders that:

  1. Mandate treatment or vaccination of persons who are diagnosed with illness resulting from exposure or who are reasonably believed to have been exposed or who may reasonably be expected to be exposed.

You don't have to be exposed, the Governor's people only say you might be exposed before being taken to a FEMA medical martial law camp. Further, there is no exception listed for people who may have a pre-existing medical condition that would contraindicate any treatment.

2. Isolate and quarantine persons.

This is precisely what I wrote about in the fall of 2014. This follows under the guidelines of ESF#8. Please look at what I found in 2014 when ebola was the imminent threat.

Look at the participating partners in the "hospital" detainment centers in the EFS #8 document. This list is very revealing as to the intended purpose of these camps.

Complicit Support Agencies

Sometimes, it is not what a person says that is important, it is what they do not say. In the above list of Ebola detainment centers, I don't see the CDC or the National Institute of Health listed. Nor do I see any legitimate medical organizations.

I don't even see the presence of any "volunteer" medical organizations such as Doctors Without Borders. Does anyone else find it disturbing that the transport of very sick people will be conducted and the end point is devoid of any medical treatment organizations and/or facilities?

These camps are death camps.

There is not one shred of evidence that these camps are intended to treat or even make comfortable people who will contract Ebola or be exposed to Ebola.

The most disturbing thing is that these camps will be death camps for relatively healthy people.

If you are a person who is unlucky enough to be discovered to have asthma or merely be temporarily suffering from congestion in one's lungs from allergies or a simple cold, you could find yourself on one of the Federally approved ambulance services (bus, train, plane) and headed to your final destination.

Arizona Revised Statutes Title 36. Public Health and Safety § 36-788. Isolation and quarantine during a state of emergency or state of war emergency

B. The department or local health authority may, during the state of emergency or state of war emergency declared by the governor, do the following:

  1. Establish and maintain places of isolation and quarantine, which may include the residence of the person quarantined.
  2. Require isolation or quarantine of any person by the least restrictive means necessary to protect the public health. The department or local health authority shall use all reasonable means to prevent the transmission of disease among the isolated or quarantined persons.

C. The department, a county health department or a public health services district shall ensure, to the extent possible, that the premises in which a person is isolated or quarantined is maintained in a safe and hygienic manner and is designed to minimize the likelihood of further transmission of disease or other harm to a person subject to isolation or quarantine. Adequate food, clothing, medication and other necessities, competent medical care and means of communicating with those in and outside these settings shall be made available.

D. A person subject to isolation or quarantine shall comply with the department's or local health authority's rules and orders, shall not go beyond the isolation or quarantine premises and shall not come in contact with any person not subject to isolation or quarantine other than a physician or other health care provider, department or local health authority or person authorized to enter an isolation or quarantine premises by the department or local health authority.

E. Other than a person authorized by the department or local health authority, a person shall not enter an isolation or quarantine premises.  If, by reason of an unauthorized entry into an isolation or quarantine premises, the person poses a danger to public health, the department, or local health authority may place the person in isolation or quarantine pursuant to this section or §36-789.

F. The department, or local health authority must terminate isolation or quarantine of a person if it determines that the isolation or quarantine is no longer necessary to protect the public health.

To sum up this portion of this unconstitutional law, self-granting dictatorship, the person does not even have to have been diagnosed with a dangerous pathogen. They simply "could be" exposed.

They are clearly transported to a third party site of an undetermined nature. Family may not visit. Their medications will be controlled.

And as we witnessed in ARS 36-787, there is no established authority to provide diagnosis. It is so open-ended that we must consider the fact that this could be misused as a potential abuse for political persecution.

Arizona Revised Statutes Title 36. Public Health and Safety § 36-789. Due process for isolation and quarantine during a state of emergency or state of war emergency

A. The department, or local health authority may isolate or quarantine a person or group of persons through a written directive without first obtaining a written order from the court if any delay in the isolation or quarantine of the person would pose an immediate and serious threat to the public health.

It is quite obvious that this carries the authority of Stalinist Russia or the Gestapo of Nazi Germany. You will have no rights. No courts are involved, no appeal can be made until the sentence is executed.

B. Within ten days after issuing the written directive, or when any delay in the isolation or quarantine of a person or group of persons will not pose an immediate and serious threat to the public health, the department or local health authority shall file a petition for a court order authorizing the initial or continued isolation or quarantine of a person or group of persons.

Citizens will be declared "guilty" after they are jailed. This has "political prisoner" written all over this document.

H. Before an isolation or quarantine order expires, the department or local health authority may move to continue the isolation or quarantine for an additional period not to exceed thirty days. The court shall grant the motion if, by a preponderance of the evidence, isolation or quarantine is shown to be reasonably necessary to protect the public health.

Please note that it is important to consider what is NOT being said here. Is the person going to be afforded an attorney to represent their interest? It certainly does ot appear to be the case. If so, this makes the court the rubber stamp for the dictatorial authority of the Governor.

L. A record of the proceedings pursuant to this section shall be made and retained. If, because of a state of emergency or state of war emergency declared pursuant to §36-787 , parties cannot personally appear before the court, the proceedings may be conducted by the authorized representatives of the parties and held by any means that allows all parties to fully participate.

Please note that the citizen is not even guaranteed to attend the trial that determines their freedom or incarceration. Please ask the question, who are "authorized representatives"? How can it be guaranteed that this authorized representatives are approved by the person that is incarcerated and being adjudicated AFTER THE FACT!!!

M. The court shall appoint counsel at state expense to represent a person or group of persons who is subject to isolation or quarantine pursuant to this article and who is not otherwise represented by counsel. Representation by appointed counsel continues throughout the duration of the isolation or quarantine of the person or group of persons. The department or local health authority must provide adequate means of communication between the isolated or quarantined persons and their counsel.

Finally, the statute addresses counsel, but the conditions are so nebulous that one cannot guarantee that the 5th Amendment rights of due process are being followed. Remember, the person has already been locked up for at least 10 days at this point. This looks like window dressing to disguise the fact that there are not citizen, civil liberty protections in place.

Arizona Revised Statutes Title 36. Public Health and Safety § 36-790. Privileges and immunities

B. A person or health care provider undertaking any activity required by this article, including reporting, participating in quarantine or isolation procedures, is immune from civil or criminal liability if the person or health care provider acted in good faith. Actions required by this article are presumed to be in good faith.

C. The immunities prescribed in §26-314 are applicable to §§36-787 , 36-788 and 36-789 .

Why would the state grant unconditional, blanket immunity for the actions of people connected with this unconstitutional process if they were not breaking any laws or doing anything wrong?

This last section tells everyone what they need to know about this process. As Celeste Solum and myself have been saying, this is medical martial law and can be used against anyone, at any time and for any reason including, political, religious, age discrimination, race or any other defining characteristic that does not meet with the governing authority.

Finally, it should be noted that there is no oversight on the actions fo the governor. He/she acts with impunity, answers to nobody and has no accountability.

The NZ Government
proposes legalising the use of
FORCE to vaccinate!

By: Jonathan Engler / Jonathan's Substack - 1st August 2024

One of those "surely not" things, which turns out to be true.

I spotted the below image tweeted here:

The NZ Government proposes legalising the use of FORCE to vaccinate!

Surely such a (self-regarding) liberal enlightened nation which (so they claim) respects the rights of the individual so highly could not stoop this low, I thought.

So I checked it out. This is the doc, downloadable from here or from the PDF under the pic:

The NZ Government proposes legalising the use of FORCE to vaccinate!

Go to page 125 as numbered in the bottom right hand corner (page 133 of the PDF), and it's all there in black and white:

The NZ Government proposes legalising the use of FORCE to vaccinate!

If anyone can think of any reasons why such things will be limited to this tiny country, I am all ears.

Till then, this just goes to show they're not giving up, and nor should we.

At this point it is worth remembering that to some extent what is written into laws is actually of secondary importance - the main reason why governments got people to do whatever they wanted during the fake pandemic was that people simply complied and never said no, mainly because they were so fearful as a result of powerful, sustained and globally coordinated propaganda.

It is notable that whether legal systems were Constitutional (eg USA), Common Law (UK, Australia, NZ), codified (Europe), or Dictatorial made no difference. Laws didn't matter that much, and they won't matter next time either since governments have now learned that when people are afraid (which they are now experts at inducing), they will jettison all previously-held notions of ethics, morality and respect for proper legal due process.

That's why the discussions over the WHO Treaty / IHR Amendments are really just a distraction...

..If you really want to prevent a rerun of the covid era, start educating your friends and relatives as to how vested interests staged a fake pandemic. Every single aspect of the "Covid" narrative is fake. There was no pandemic...

German Media Admits
Unvaxxed Are 'Winners,'
Demands Government 'Apologize'

By: Frank Bergman, SLAY News - 31st July 2024

German Media Admits Unvaxxed Are 'Winners,' Demands Government 'Apologize'

A major corporate media outlet in Germany has just declared that people who refused to take Covid mRNA shots during and after the pandemic are "the winners."

During a bombshell segment on German legacy media outlet Welt, the panel argued that the government owes the public an apology for claiming Covid was a "pandemic of the unvaccinated."

Prominent German reporter Hans-Ulrich Jorges said the unvaccinated were "the winners" because they refused to comply with the government's mass vaccination agenda.

Jorges called for public apologies from key government officials who perpetuated the narrative that the pandemic was solely a "pandemic of the unvaccinated."

He began the discussion by reflecting on the pandemic era.

The journalists described the Covid pandemic as a challenging time marked by confusion and fear.

However, he then declared that those who refused to submit to government and media pressure to get vaccinated have now been proved correct.

"The winners for me are the unvaccinated during the Covid times" he proclaimed.

"They have now been proved right.

"And there's nothing left to argue about that."

He cited the bombshell revelations from the unredacted crisis team protocols from the Robert Koch Institute.

"It was officially determined by them that the statement, 'the pandemic is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,' is not correct," Jorges highlighted.

"Literally not correct," he emphasized.

Underscoring the severe implications of these false claims, Jorges noted the injustices faced by the unvaccinated.

"There was this 2G rule, that only vaccinated and recovered people could move around freely," he lamented.

"The unvaccinated were not allowed to go to the cinema, theater, concert, or restaurant.

"They couldn't do anything except work, even though they had to get tested every day."

For many, these infringements were not just inconvenient but they stripped the public of their personal freedoms and dignity.

In a powerful call for accountability, Jorges named powerful government officials and prominent figures.

He argued that they should come forward and apologize to the German people.

"There are all those who championed the phrase 'pandemic of the unvaccinated,'" Jorges noted.

"Mr. Spahn, the Health Minister. Mr. Soder, Mr. Lauterbach, Mr. Ramelow from the Left Party.

"And, hear this, the Federal President, Mr. Steinmeier, also propagated this," he stated.

The reporter expressed disbelief and disappointment in these leaders' actions.

"And they have been insulted and berated in such a way that one can only be ashamed of it in retrospect," he asserted.

Jorges continued by demanding direct action against those responsible.

"I think they should now publicly apologize for it," he said.

"I want to see someone stand up, have the courage, and say, 'I was wrong back then, I'm sorry, now I see what has happened to many people because of this, I apologize.'"

He cited Spahn's earlier statement: "We will have to forgive a lot at the end of the pandemic."

Jorges argued that Spahn should be the first to act and ask for forgiveness.

A summary of why the Czech
Republic data is so devastating
to the "safe and effective"
Covid vaccine narrative

By: Steve Kirsch - 29th July 2024

Gold-standard data + simple analysis methodology + a huge safety signal (30% increased mortality) + 7 confirmatory studies --> regulatory oversight epic fail.

Czech Republic
Czech Republic

Executive summary

I've written about the Czech Republic record level data earlier and you can find the links to all the articles in that article. This is a summary article covering the main points.

The reasons this data is so important include:

  1. Large, gold standard official government database
  2. Simple methodology (1 year mortality rate after the shots).
  3. If the vaccines were safe, the mortality rate of a each age cohort should be independent of vaccine brand injected. But it isn't.
  4. The Moderna shots caused a 30% higher all-cause mortality during COVID and non-COVID periods.
  5. Confirmation from 7 other data analyses showing Moderna is the more deadly vaccine
  6. Lack of a viable alternative explanation of the higher mortality for Moderna. The only hypothesis that fits is that the vaccine increased all-cause mortality by 30%.
  7. This is a problem because vaccines are supposed to decrease all-cause mortality.
  8. Huge regulatory failure: no regulator on Earth bothered to look for any post-marketing safety signals.
  9. No regulator has ever published a 1 year mortality rate by brand in 5 year age brackets. They don't even do the analysis internally.
  10. This epic failure in safety monitoring suggests other vaccines are similarly unsafe
  11. This data demonstrates yet again the value of making public health data public worldwide. Yet today, not a single public official is calling for data transparency. The public should demand that lawmakers answer the question: "How many more people have to die before we have data transparency of record-level public health data?"

Bottom line: Keeping record-level public health data secret for all vaccines likely resulted in well over 10M deaths worldwide from these shots. That's right: governments worldwide killed their own citizens due to their failure to look at the data they collected post-rollout.

The public should demand that the record-level data be made publicly available for all vaccines in all countries and states so this can never happen again. Otherwise, it will.


  1. Unimpeachable public health data. This is gold-standard government data obtained under FOIA. It doesn't get any better than this. This is ground truth data that has never been publicly revealed before for any vaccine ever. Privacy was assured because the date of birth was not disclosed
  2. Simple unbiased methodology. We simply calculated the Mortality rate for each 5 year age range for each brand from the time of the shot. If the shots were safe, the mortality rates over 1 year for people who got their shots in the same period of time who were born in the same 5 year age range should be nearly identical. We calculate a mortality rate ratio of MR of Moderna / MR of Pfizer. The result is 1.3 over a wide range of ages and time periods investigated.
  3. Clear results: Moderna increases all-cause mortality by 30%. The data showed very clearly that the Moderna vaccine increases the recipient's all-cause mortality by at least 30% above Pfizer (the control). This happens for deaths that happened in both COVID and non-COVID periods. Even if we assume Pfizer doesn't increase all-cause mortality (ACM) at all (even though we know it does from other research, but this is the most conservative assumption), then Moderna is a kill shot. It's clear from this data that the Moderna shot is unsafe and should be stopped immediately.
  4. No viable alternative hypothesis that explains the data. Nobody can make a credible argument for anything other than the conclusions in #2. All the attempts to debunk the analysis fail. You'd have to believe that despite any evidence of a systemic bias, that pretty much everyone over 40 who was injected was assigned the Moderna brand whenever they were exactly 30% more likely to die within 12 months. If you flipped a coin 110 times and got heads every time, most people would conclude it's an unfair coin. You can make an argument that it's a fair coin and you just got unlucky, but that hypothesis is unlikely. This is the situation here. There were 110 different data points with sufficient counts to make a determination of the Mortality Rate Ratio (MRR) and Moderna was more deadly in 110/110 opportunities.
  5. Epic fail of the regulators worldwide to detect HUGE safety signals. The regulators, public health authorities, and medical community all had access to their own data and could have easily examined it and found the signal. It took me less than 2 days to find the signal. Yet all these experts chose not to look at their own data.
  6. The regulators didn't notice such a huge safety signal for Moderna. This opens up the very real possibility that Pfizer is unsafe too and that other vaccines are unsafe as well. This research has exposed a huge flaw in vaccine safety monitoring. We have to re-examine how so many scientific studies could miss such a huge safety signal and adopt a methodology that reliably reports safety information.
  7. Accountability. There needs to be accountability so this never happens again. Moderna should be taken off the market and required to compensate people who have been harmed or killed. The CDC and FDA regulators in charge should be replaced by doctors and experts who correctly called out the vaccines as being unsafe. Instead of taking away their license to practice medicine, we should be promoting these people to positions of responsibility in the regulatory agencies.
  8. Head in the sand mentality. Even after I pointed out the data and what it showed, only one public health official in the world is now examining their data using the methods I pointed out to confirm the safety signal. All the rest are ignoring the signal.

So in short, we have at least one very deadly vaccine with a huge signal that is impossible to miss and a level of incompetence for safety monitoring by regulators that is unprecedented.

Furthermore, the medical community isn't upset by:

  1. the lack of data transparency (all countries and states should publish the public health data)
  2. the lack of safety analysis posted by regulators and health authorities.

They aren't asking any questions, and they aren't demanding any changes (such as data transparency for public health data). This is a serious problem that lawmakers worldwide should investigate.

Where to find the data

I've posted the data, code, and analysis results on my github:

What the data shows

I want to show you 2 graphs that were produced by Henjin who is an independent data scientist who believes that the COVID vaccines are safe and effective.

For each graph, I will tell you what the graph means.

What the data shows

This is a graph of age-standardized mortality rates (ASMR) over time for people who got a Pfizer first dose vs. a Moderna first dose.

Note that virtually all people didn't switch brands on the second shot since they were told not to. So the graph is effectively a brand comparison. If we plotted "pure brands" (i.e., got the same dose for 1 and 2), the plot would be very similar.

Observe the following from the graph:

  1. No matter what month you look, Moderna is more deadly than Pfizer.
  2. The "gap" is consistent, no matter when you look (high or low COVID periods). That's a huge problem since if the vaccines were safe and effective, they should be on top of each other during non-COVID and only slightly separate during COVID (if one was more protective than the other). The gap during non-COVID periods means the Moderna vaccine has at least a 30% higher ACM than baseline ACM. That is a train wreck requiring immediate revocation in any sane society.
  3. When comorbidities are highest (start of rollout) or lowest (everyone else is added to the mix diluting the comorbidity effect), the separation between the vaccine mortality curves remains constant which means it likely wasn't caused by comorbidities: there is no correlation between comorbidities and MR
  4. The gap size between the M and P shots didn't widen or narrow during COVID periods meaning both vaccines had the same protection against COVID death (which appears to be ZERO) since the VA study showed the COVID shots didn't impact probability of being hospitalized.
  5. People who get vaccinated have increased mortality from the time from the first shot in 2021 compared to the unvaccinated (background death rate) which is falling. For example, compare the mortality rates in summer 2021 to summer 2022. So this can't be explained by socioeconomic status (SES) because the healthier SES group (who presumably got Pfizer) should have maintained their health difference over time if this were a safe vaccine. They shouldn't lose ground to the unvaccinated. There is a healthy vaccinee effect, but it only lasts 3 weeks; after that, you hit baseline mortality if the vaccine is safe. In the COVID vaccines, we see mortality climb which is consistent with vaccine injuries.
  6. Moderna had higher mortality even though it had up to 3X higher dose. This suggests more mRNA means more deaths and that's exactly what Pfizer found in their studies which is why Pfizer is just 30 mcg per shot.
  7. If you look at the unvaccinated line, you will see that as soon as you decide to get vaccinated, you have half the mortality of the unvaxxed! This mortality benefit happens before any shot (including a saline shot) is delivered. There are 3 reasons for this: HVE (temporal and long term) and under counting of the unvaccinated. This is an artifact and not real. If it were real, people would opt to get vaccinated every day and be immortal. And kids with 72 vaccine shots would be nearly immortal. But note how the unvaccinated die less over time, but the vaccinated die more over time (slope up). That shouldn't happen once the groups are segmented. But this is another whole article. Also, this is precisely why this method (comparing brands) is so valuable: because the ONLY systemic difference between the cohorts who opted for vaccination is the brand they got. But there are huge differences between vaxxed and unvaxxed that almost all researchers do not appreciate and cannot adjust for. This is why studies claim the COVID vaccines save lives when they are actually increasing all-cause mortality. Think about it… if the mortality difference were real, then nearly all your friends who died would be unvaccinated. Take a look at Jay Bonnar's story, for example.

    Also, if the vaccine saved lives and reduced ACM, we'd see ACM drop on the time series charts. At no time does mortality drop after you got the shot. Read that again. The mortality of people who got the shot always goes up. So if you think the shots are "working" and reducing your mortality, why does the mortality go the "wrong way" in the time series (charts available on my github).

My second favorite chart is the Triangle plot of Moderna/Pfizer MRR by month of shot (y-axis) and month of death (x-axis).

Triangle plot of Moderna/Pfizer MRR by month of shot

Mortality triangle plot. X axis is month of death, y-axis is month of shot. Value in each cell is age standardized relative mortality rate. >1 means Moderna is deadlier. In all lines, when there is sufficient data to be above the noise, (from July onwards the numbers are not statistically significant - see below) Moderna is more deadly.

The triangle diagram is like the first graph in that it shows mortality over time, but this time the x-axis is the month of death so we can fairly compute whether there was an effect for every unique combination of vax data and death date.

This shows that whenever there is sufficient data (lots of shots given), no matter when you die, the age-standardized MRR is around 1.3, give or take. That is very consistent. So this is the same gap we saw above, but now you can see that the time you got the shot or the time you died made any difference.

The consistency of the data is devastating. Moderna had 110 contests where it could have been better and it lost all 110. This is not random.

My third chart is from my "masked professional epidemiologist" friend (masked = identity withheld or he will lose his job).

Czech data

This is a survival analysis for those who waited and got their first shot in 2022.

Note that this gives them less than one year to die whereas the unvaxxed have all of 2022 to die. However, survival analysis accounts for the difference. Bottom line: if everything is safe, the curves should be on top of each other.

But the Pfizer curve is to the left of the unvaccinated curve.

This is consistent with the hypothesis that Pfizer is an unsafe. And you can see how uniform the horizontal displacement is.

This is consistent with the hypothesis that Pfizer is an unsafe

Pfizer hazard ratio (HR): 1.34, 95% CI: 1.25 to 1.43, P < 2x10^-16.

So it's a mean 34% increase in all-cause mortality (and we're 95% confident the real value is between a 25% increase and a 43% increase).

So isn't it interesting how a vaccine which appears to reduce all-cause mortality (vs. unvaccinated) by a factor of 2 in 2021, increases all-cause mortality vs. the unvaccinated in 2022?

The most likely scenario is that in 2021 there was huge selection bias (the healthiest of the healthy) got vaccinated first. By 2022, we're looking at the marginally healthier than normal people getting the shot and here the mortality of the vaccine overcomes the mortality difference created by the selection bias.

Key observations from the Czech Republic data

  1. The 1 year Mortality Rate Ratio (MRR) of Moderna/Pfizer was consistently at or around 1.3. Download the time series spreadsheet with summary data here...
  2. The observation window (52 weeks) didn't matter. You could choose shorter or longer time periods.
  3. The age didn't matter.
  4. The time of vaccination didn't matter.
  5. The ratio was the same during times of high COVID and no COVID.
  6. We computed the MRR from the time-series data for shots 1 to 3 for each 5 year age group over 5 time periods and we found remarkable consistency in the numbers, all hovering around 1.3X.
  7. The 1.3 ratio exactly matched the 1.3X higher deaths per shot from the VAERS data in a study carefully done by Denis Rancourt.
  8. The MRR went the wrong way. If the vax active ingredient saved lives, Moderna should have lower mortality due to a 3X higher active ingredient.
  9. Pfizer used a 30 mcg/dose because they found that higher doses produced unacceptably high side effects.
  10. All the evidence we have is consistent with Moderna having a 30% increase in all-cause mortality.
  11. All the attacks fell flat. No one has proposed an alternate hypothesis that can explain the data; not even close.

Confirmatory data (8 independent analyses)

Confirmatory data

  1. EUDRA stats (European version of VAERS) shows Moderna is over 2X more deadly than Pfizer (above):
  2. UK Yellow card system: 1.5X higher adverse events per dose for Moderna.
  3. My VAERS analysis: 1.3X higher mortality for Moderna
  4. V-safe data: Ratio of serious adverse events Moderna/Pfizer normalized per shot= (1.618/1.444)*1.58= 1.8X (See my VAERS analysis for the source of the 1.58 factor; see the ICANN site for the Pfizer and Moderna numbers). Note: A 1.8X higher SAE ratio is a train wreck. How do the health authorities explain this if Moderna is safe? They don't because nobody is asking them (and they won't answer anyway).
  5. Fraiman study: 1.5X higher serious adverse events for Moderna in the gold-standard trials randomized control trials
  6. Rancourt VAERS study: 1.3X higher deaths per dose for Moderna
  7. Dose of mRNA: >1.5X higher for Moderna
  8. Pfizer FDA materials: 100 mcg of mRNA was tested, but found to be too toxic to use. Note: Moderna uses 100 mcg of mRNA. Do you think it can be safe for Moderna but not for Pfizer??

In addition, in Seychelles, where Angela Wulbrecht is currently, they normally have around 700 deaths every year. Nearly everyone on the islands got the shots. Starting right after the COVID vaccines were rolled out, all-cause mortality increased by 30% overall. This is a huge increase that couldn't be caused by statistical fluctuation (1.8e-14 chance of that). Today, nobody is getting any more shots and they aren't even available because of lack of demand.

The health authorities are investigating the cause. They are keeping the data hidden from the public in the meantime.

Could Pfizer have been safe and it was just Moderna that was unsafe?

No, not at all. Pfizer was unsafe as well.

Take a look at Jay Bonnar's story, for example. If Pfizer were safe, the probability of that story ever happening to anyone in the US is 5.6e-22 which is about as close to impossible as you can get. And this was not the only story like that as you'll see from that article.

Confirmation of these results by others

  1. Clare Craig: Moderna was more deadly than Pfizer
  2. Clare Craig: Why I am backing Steve Kirsch on the Czech data / The attackers are wrong
  3. Clare Craig: Double checking the claims about Moderna
  4. Joel Smalley: Analysis of the Important Czech COVID "Vaccine" Mortality Data / Corroboration of the general conclusion of proof that these "vaccines" are not safe, they are deadly.
  5. Jessica Rose: The Czech mortality data - is Moderna deathier than Pfizer? My own very preliminary analysis.

The most extensive work on confirming the Czech Republic data has been done by Karl Jablonowski, Ph.D and Brian Hooker, PhD who are in the process of writing this up for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

I talked to Karl earlier today and he 100% agrees that this data is devastating and is not aware of any alternate explanations.

Many more are in the works. This is going to be a tsunami of support.


The Czech Republic official record level data shows, without any doubt, that the Moderna vaccine should be immediately pulled from the market as too unsafe to be used.

If Moderna can explain away these results as consistent with "safe" they should be allowed to do so. If they cannot, their vaccine must be pulled immediately. It's as simple as that.

Unfortunately, we don't have any honest regulators anywhere in the world, do we?

Unfortunately, nobody really wants to look at the Czech data because it would expose huge problems in the drug regulators like the FDA, CDC, EMA, etc, all public health officials (except Joe Ladapo), global organization like the WHO, and it would decimate confidence in the medical community, mainstream media, and lawmakers worldwide who are (with rare exceptions) ignoring this issue because it makes them look bad.

They all said nothing while millions died and even today refuse to look at this data.

AFAIK, the only trustable public health official in the whole world is Joe Ladapo, Surgeon General of Florida. The rest just go along with the narrative without asking any questions. This is deplorable.

For example, in Santa Clara County where I live, the County Supervisors trust the Public Health Department and County Executive James Williams refuses to hold the Public Health Department accountable for public safety.

When you point out their own official data shows the vaccines are hurting people, all these officials refuse to take any action whatsoever and stop responding to you. They just let people die.

Please share this article widely.

Download here: Shocking-Increase-in-US-Child-Mortality-after-Covid-Vaccination-Rollout-What-is-Killing-the-Kids-2024-07-19.mp4 - 11,331 kb
By: EONutrition - 19th July 2024
Shocking Increase in U.S Child Mortality
after Covid Vaccination Rollout:
What's Killing the Kids?

In this video I discuss the shockingly high rate of child & adolescent mortality in the United states, and we examine what might be causing it.

When the V came out, a friend of mine quit her job at the hospital because children were having heart attacks and they were not telling people. Fast forward to a few years later, they come out with IWK sick kid commercials about how it's normal for kids to have heart attacks and they now have a code at the hospital like it's always been a thing. The gaslighting is beyond..

I work in neonatal ICU. Post vax, we've seen a mass increase in premature babies, babies with cardiac conditions, and deaths. Pre vax, we were losing about 1 neonate every 2 - 4 weeks, now we're losing on average 1÷3 neonates per week. I would like to see a study done into how many of the mothers have had the vax. I believe there's a correlation. One of our mothers went blind after it.... she was in her early 30s. Pffftttt... safe and effective.

I'm so glad I didn't vaccinate my son with the Covid vax, despite the push every single time I took him to the Dr.

It's sad how easily society is deceived.

This is a tough line to walk and stay on YouTube. But this issue is the single biggest issue affecting population health. And you're not allowed to talk about it...

Met a girl in Walmart last week, I mentioned the unmentionable and miscarriages..... She stopped me in my tracks and said, "I am one person, and I know 4 women, two with single pregnancies and two with twins. They were all jabbed. They all lost their babies to miscarriages. She stressed the fact that she is but ONE person who knows of 4 women losing their babies, however she did say they went on to have full term after the fact, but still, you have to wonder about the safe and effective.

What could it be....I mean it's a complete mystery...

My child is V-a-c-c-i-n-e injured and we had to stop V-a-c-c-i-n-a-t-i-n-g at 6 months old.
Now my little one is healthier because we don't V-a-c-c-i-n-a-t-e anymore.
We will never V-a-c-c-i-n-a-t-e again.

I'm 73 and took control of my health close to 40 yrs ago. Medicare wants yo to get a health check up every year and my doctor doesn't want to see me as she knows I probably won't follow her recommendations and I'm not good for any $$$$$$. One of the best ideas I have ever heard came from a guy who was approaching 100 and was asked for some tips. "Stay far away from anyone whose name is prefaced with a DR."

Download here: Fake-President-Biden-Tests-Positive-For-Covid-AGAIN-What-Bidens-doctor-said-about-his-COVID-diagnosis-2024-07-18.mp4 - 6,184 kb
By: Face the Nation - 18th July 2024
Fake President Biden
Tests Positive For Covid - AGAIN!
What Biden's doctor said about his COVID diagnosis

The White House confirmed Wednesday that President Biden tested positive for COVID-19 and has mild symptoms. Senior White House correspondent Weijia Jiang, who's traveling with the president, brings us the latest details on Mr. Biden's diagnosis.

Didn't Biden get all his vaxxes and boosters? He should be immune for the rest of his life. I remember when he claimed that no one would get covid if they got the jab. This seems to be the third time that Biden has tested positive.

Not a mask in sight.

Same Doctor Who said he wasn't up to the debate because he had a little cold yeah right not falling for people

Wait I thought he was vaccinated?

Has anyone noticed that the comments section is turned off when Biden/Harris are asking for campaign contributions?

Did he catch it from Schumer after he told him to step down?

That's convenient…the exit door has just been opened

But wait a minute didn't he take all 5 rounds of the "safe and effective" vaccines and vaccine boosters? But "you CAN'T get it and spread it if you got the vaccines" he said! So what happened did he just not get the mandated vaccines or where they just not "effective" at all?

B.S. Biden needs to stop talking so the party decided he needs to be kept away from microphones. Notice, no one around him has on a facemask, including Biden.

Can't be covid, he himself said last March that covid was no more!

Why would the President risk infecting others by not masking?

How convenient, almost one day after he said he would only step down for a medical issue...


By: Aaron Siri - 10th July 2024

The world's leading vaccinologist, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, and company have just capitulated...

Wow. After decades of Dr. Stanley Plotkin and his vaccinologist disciples insisting vaccines are the most well studied products on the planet, they just penned an article admitting precisely the opposite.

They just admitted vaccines are not properly studied - neither pre-licensure nor post-licensure. They admitted, for example, "prelicensure clinical trials have limited sample sizes [and] follow-up durations" and that "there are not resources earmarked for postauthorization safety studies."


That is an incredible reversal. But let me provide context so nobody is fooled at what they are clearly up to:

For decades, the medical community insisted vaccines are the most thoroughly studied product ever; for example, Dr. Paul Offit said, "I think we should be proud of vaccines as arguably the safest, best tested things we put in our body."

For decades, parents of vaccine injured children, vaccine injured adults, and other stakeholders contested these claims only to be shunned and attacked by the medical community and health agencies.

In 2018, I had the unprecedented opportunity to depose the architect of our vaccination program and the Godfather of Vaccinology, Dr. Plotkin, and lay bare the evidence that showed what these authors are now finally admitting about the utter lack of vaccine safety trials and studies. See

After this deposition is made public, Dr. Plotkin goes on a tirade, making demands that FDA add "missing information on safety and efficacy" in vaccine package inserts and that CDC exclude harms from its Vaccine Information Sheets, "lobbying the Gates Foundation to support pro-vaccine organizations," working to have WHO list vaccine hesitancy as a global threat, lobbying AAP, IDSA and PIDS to "support training of witnesses" to support vaccine safety, etc. See

The problem is, it doesn't work. It doesn't work because, at bottom, there are no proper safety studies. So, there is no safety data to add to the FDA package inserts, and hiding harms by removing them from CDC inserts doesn't make them go away. Parents and other adults don't simply stop believing what they have seen with their own eyes because CDC, WHO, the Gates Foundations, etc., won't acknowledge them, or worse, they attack them.

That brings us to the present in which Plotkin and his disciples realize they can't cast voodoo on the public. They can't hide the truth. So, their only option is to try and co-op the truth they have lied about for decades by now admitting that the studies to show vaccines are safe do not exist. But in making that admission, they conveniently fail to admit that for decades they lied, gaslit, defrauded (and I don't use that word lightly) the public by claiming that vaccines are probably the most thoroughly safety tested products on the planet and that people should rest assured, no stone on vaccine safety was left unturned.

Thus, in their article just published, they pretend they never lied about vaccine safety. They pretend they are now just pointing out vaccine safety has never really been conducted, as if that was not known to them before.

Don't be fooled. Their real agenda is plain, and it is not to study vaccine safety, but rather to confirm that which they already believe. This is crystal clear from the fact that, while their article admits the studies have not been done, they write in the same breath that serious vaccine harms are "rare." But if the studies have not been done, how do they know that? The answer is, they don't, and they don't care to know the truth. Their goal is to protect the products they have spent their careers defending and worshipping and that have brought them fame and riches.

They also ignore the mountain of studies and data which already exist that clearly show serious vaccine harms. Just take a moment to review the large body of science around one of the adjuvants used in vaccines which multiple studies show can cause serious harm. See

Finally, just look at their proposed solution. After making the a priori conclusion that harms are "rare," ignoring all the existing studies showing harm, these folk have the audacity to want to raid the federal vaccine injury compensation fund to presumably pay themselves and their compatriots hundreds of millions of dollars to conduct the studies that would, no doubt, seek to confirm their prior conclusion that vaccine harms are "rare," while ignoring the studies that already show serious harm.

So, with that in mind, and sorry for the long wind-up, here are the things they admit in this article for maybe the very first time:

"[T]he widespread vaccine hesitancy observed during the Covid-19 pandemic suggests that the public is no longer satisfied with the traditional safety goal of simply detecting and quantifying the associated risks after a vaccine has been authorized for use."

Comment: The parents of vaccine injured children, vaccine injured adults, and others were never "satisfied" with seeking to assess "risks after a vaccine has been authorized."

"Postauthorization studies are needed to fully characterize the safety profile of a new vaccine, since prelicensure clinical trials have limited sample sizes, follow up durations, and population heterogeneity."

Comment: Let me translate: the clinical trials relied upon to license childhood vaccines are useless with regard to safety since they virtually never have a placebo control, typically review safety for days or weeks after injection, and often have far too few participants to measure anything of value, just see; amazingly, I just had a dispute with a Plotkin disciple not long ago in which they were clearly still not ready to admit the above truth

"It is critical to examine adverse events following immunization (AEFIs) that have not been detected in clinical trials, to ascertain whether they are causally or coincidentally related to vaccination."

Comment: No shit and you have been claiming for decades this was being done!

"When they are caused by vaccines (vaccine adverse reactions), the risk attributable to vaccination and the biologic mechanism must be ascertained. That science becomes the basis for developing safer vaccines, if possible, and for determining contraindications to vaccination and the compensation that should be offered for AEFIs."

Comment: Again, no shit, and you have also been claiming for decades this was being done!

"Currently in the United States, when the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends a new routine vaccine, the only automatic statutory resource allocations that follow are for vaccine procurement by Vaccines for Children (VFC) and for the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Although the ACIP acknowledges the need, there are currently no resources earmarked for postauthorization safety studies beyond annual appropriations, which must be approved by Congress each year."

Comment: Again, no shit! But nice of you to finally admit it after decades of gaslighting.

"Progress in vaccine-safety science has understandably been slow — often depending on epidemiologic evidence that is delayed or is inadequate to support causal conclusions and on an understanding of biologic mechanisms that is incomplete — which has adversely affected vaccine acceptance."

Comment: More gaslighting because had a proper clinical trial been conducted pre-licensure, we would know the safety before it is unleashed on babies and we wouldn't need to rely on confounded-biased-conflicted-post-authorization "epidemiological" studies you now want to conduct which you make clear you only suggest because you want to avoid "public concern and consequent decreases in immunization coverage," not because you actually care about safety.

"In 234 reviews of various vaccines and health outcomes conducted from 1991 to 2012, the IOM found inadequate evidence to prove or disprove causation in 179 (76%) of the relationships it explored, illustrating the need for more rigorous science."

Comment: Again, no shit, and I would appreciate if you would please properly cite to the ICAN white paper from 2017 from which you have plainly lifted this point

"Identifying the biologic mechanisms of adverse reactions - how and in whom they occur - is critical for developing safer vaccines, preventing adverse reactions by expanding contraindications, and equitably compensating vaccinees for true adverse reactions."

Comment: Shameless to pretend you have not for decades ignored or attacked those calling for these studies while pretending a mountain of such studies showing the foregoing don't already exist.

"[T]he budget for vaccine-safety monitoring at the CDC (which is responsible for the majority of U.S. federal efforts) has remained stagnant … at about $20 million per year" which they write is an "inadequate level of funding."

Comment: Again, shameless to pretend parent groups have not been yelling about this issue for decades only to be ignored and attacked.

"The public [now] also wants public health authorities to mitigate and prevent rare but serious adverse events - which no longer seem rare when vaccines are given to millions or billions of people."

Comment: They have always been given to millions or billions of people, and the studies showing the harms they cause are not rare and they already exist, but you don't really care about that reality as vaccine safety is not really the goal.

If they are really interested in the truth about what injuries vaccines cause and the rate at which these injuries occur, then they should welcome convening a bipartisan panel which could first review all the very concerning studies and hard data that already exists on this topic (often by scientists not on pharma's dole) and we could design additional studies together and have them run in the open so everybody has to live with the result.

(Among other reasons to demand the study be conducted in the open is that I have witnessed firsthand what happens when a study comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated children in large multi-million person datasets, using historical insurance data, showed vaccinated children had multiple times the rate of numerous chronic diseases - the study gets buried hence the need to do it in the open.)

Plotkin and company should welcome studies which can show vaccines have not contributed to the rise in chronic childhood disease (many of which are immune mediated diseases) from 12% of children in the early 1980s (when CDC recommended 7 routine childhood injections) to over 50% of children now (when CDC recommends over 90 routine childhood injections).

And I think they do welcome such studies if they can assure that the outcome would show vaccines do not cause these harms. Alas, the reality is that (as they know) studies showing vaccines contribute to this rise already exist. But their goal, in any event, is not to really study safety. Rather it is to prove their prior assumption that vaccines are safe and harms are "rare." This approach is how they designed VAERS, V-SAFE, VSD, and every other "safety" system.

As is transparent from their article, the only reason they even pretend to care about vaccine safety is that they want to avoid reduction in vaccine uptake - not actually assure safety.

That all said, if they are really well-meaning, I would welcome collaborating. To be fair, I will email all four of them to request a meeting to review existing science and design studies mutually agreed upon. If they are really interested in vaccine safety, they should welcome that (I have no hard feelings despite their attacks on me and I hope they can rise above any hard feelings they have for the sake of protecting children). Most importantly, I'm willing to live with the results of those studies. Are they?

Download here: Novak-Djokovic-is-a-hero-The-Project-calls-people-who-lined-up-for-the-vaccine-a-bunch-of-little-bitches-2024-07-10.mp4 - 4,928 kb
By: Australians vs. The Agenda - 10th July 2024
Novak Djokovic is a hero!
The Project calls people who lined up
for the vaccine a bunch of little bitches!

Dan & his health minister should be in jail

The team on The Project are exhibiting themselves like lobotomized minions, with the conscience of a demon.

Wait the same project who PROMOTED the jab in the first places

The Project should be renamed The Hypocrites!!

Novak is a man of conviction. He missed out on championships due to his stance. Full respect. Too little too late from Australian media

Seriously, they pushed it hard. Hypocrites all of them.

So I'm a hero now? The mixed messaging is why most people have brain damage.

There's a lot more than just him that said no.

THE Project, the Australian version of the View.

The sheer hide of these A-Grade hypocrites is beyond belief?

The Project ???? Ahhhhhhhh ...... no sorry. A shitshow.

And still no one has faced any consequences.

Kate Langbroek is right, Novak stood up for what he believed in whilst alot of other people got on their knees.

A majority of Australians either shamed others or remained silent in the face of it happening.

It was the most diasppointed I've felt in us as Australians in my lifetime.

Imagine being vaccinated LMAO

Isn't the project the same show that pushed the vac

Never lined up and never will.

Hang on a sec, this same show (like every other at the time) was HATING on all unj@bbed people and especially Novak at the time he was not allowed to play in the A.O. here in Melbourne. Do they think we have forgotten? It's ok, us unj@bbed people have really great recall...
Novak is brilliant and I was so embarrassed of this country when he was treated so unfairly.

Download here: The-Project-calls-people-who-lined-up-for-the-vaccine-a-bunch-of-little-bitches-Full-Version-2024-07-10.mp4 - 3,567 kb
By: Dave Oneegs Aussie chat - 10th July 2024
Wow so The Project now calls
those who lined up for
the injections "little bitches."
[Full version]

I don't know who this tv robot in the red dress is... but is this all part of the humiliation ritual for the Australian people?

We have gone from "do your part" and "we are all in this together" to... "You all just lined up like little bitches and got injected with a mystery potion."

Wow... Good times!

Download here: Trump-Do-not-be-afraid-of-Covid-Never-Forget-Covid-Was-About-Trusting-The-Science-2024-07-08.mp4 - 29,017 kb
By: Good Luck America - 8th July 2024
Trump: "Don't be afraid of Covid."
Never Forget Covid
Was About 'Trusting The Science!'

Fact Checked!

But when it comes to answering "what is a woman" then science doesn't matter

For all who refused to play along, or stand on the dotted line, rejected the vaccines, laughed at the people freaking out in the stores, Etc. Etc. And walked away healthy. WELL PLAYED.

It's always "Trust the Science" until you show them actual science. Then you're a conspiracy theorist.

Total global hysteria and idiocy. Stephen Colbert and his dancing syringes- how can anyone even watch him after that?

Next: "Propaganda is science based"

Covid was about seeing who will get on the boxcar by themselves.

They were getting a count of how many sheep were around.

My favorite were the morons wearing masks while driving around in their car by themselves.

I'm still pissed. Are you? Elections have consequences…

Then we laugh at how absurd the thinking was of those in the Middle Ages.

Listen to the Science? The problem is the only science they were giving us was the Political Science from the Political Correctness Committee.

This is an ongoing crime in progress.

It was a test run in compliance. "Trust the science" AKA accept what ever lie the guy paying the scientist wants you to believe.

Covid-Vaxxed Children
4423% More Likely to Die
Than Unvaxxed Children

By: Frank Bergman, Slay News - 7th July 2024

Covid-Vaxxed Children 4423% More Likely to Die Than Unvaxxed Children

Alarming official government statistics have revealed that children who received Covid mRNA shots are at a massively elevated risk of dying.

The shocking figures were revealed in a UK government report which quietly confirmed that the Covid injections have been killing children at an unprecedented rate.

The admission was buried in an official report compiled using data from the UK government's Office for National Statistics (ONS).

The data shows that children who received the shots are 4423%/45x more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated children.

Additionally, vaxxed children are 13,633%/137x more likely to die of COVID-19 than those who didn't receive an mRNA injection.

The stunning figures were revealed in recently published ONS data regarding deaths by vaccination status in England.

The latest dataset from the ONS is titled "Deaths by Vaccination Status, England, 1 January 2021 to 31 May 2022."

The official data can be accessed on the ONS website here and downloaded here.

Table 6 of the dataset contains data on deaths involving COVID-19, deaths not involving Covid, and all-cause deaths by age group in England between January 1, 2021, and May 31, 2022.

It also includes the number of deaths among children aged 10 to 14 and teenagers aged 15 to 19 by vaccination status.

However, the ONS fails to provide the death rate per 100,000 person-years among children or teenagers.

The agency has provided this information for all other adult age groups in every other table contained in the dataset.

Unfortunately for the UK government, the ONS has failed to disguise the horrific mortality rates among Covid-vaccinated children.

Nevertheless, the ONS still provides enough information to calculate the mortality rates.

The data from the ONS includes the number of deaths and the number of person-years among each vaccination group.

Therefore, to calculate the mortality rates by vaccination status, dividing each vaccination group's "person-years" by 100,000 and then dividing the number of deaths among each vaccination group by the answer to the previous equation gives the correct figures.

e.g. Unvaccinated 2,881,265 Person-years / 100,000 = 28.81 Unvaccinated Covid-19 Deaths (9) / 28.81 = 0.3 Deaths per 100,000 person-years

According to the figures provided by the ONS, the following two charts show the mortality rates by vaccination status per 100,000 person-years among children aged 10 to 14 in England for the period January 1, 2021 to May 31, 2022.

Full article here:

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
No wonder the pro kiddy fiddling / queer movement brigade (Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern, Scott Morrison, Boris Johnson, Joe Biden, Klaus Schwab etc) were so keen to 'vaccinate' everyone, including children. The vaccines truly are effective - if sickness, misery and death is the ultimate goal!

Only the hysterical sheep vaxxed their kids. The sad part is they were doing it to give themselves a false sense of safety, not to protect their children.

Some scary scary stuff

Vincent Au
This is why Fauci belongs in jail

safe & effective that's 2 lies.

Steven Miller, MD, PhD
100% effective? More like 100% failure. A world of mandates. Forced shutdowns, destructive. Trillions wasted. This was forced on us by a criminal class of politicians and profiteers, not science.

Download here: CELINE-DION-ADRENOCHROME-WORLD-TOUR-Satan-Rewards-His-Own-With-SPECIAL-GIFTS-2024-07-07.mp4 - 54,494 kb
By: Free Your Mind Videos - 7th July 2024
Satan Rewards His Own With SPECIAL GIFTS...

I create videos purely for entertainment and to help people understand the bigger picture of uncovering the truth. It is important for individuals to do their own research. Follow me on RUMBLE:

Thank you for watching, God bless, and I love you all!!!

Celine Dion enjoying the benefits of Adrenochrome withdrawel and Covid mRNA Vaccinations

Celine Dion enjoying the benefits of Adrenochrome withdrawel and Covid mRNA Vaccinations

Celine Dion enjoying the benefits of Adrenochrome withdrawel and Covid mRNA Vaccinations

Celine Dion enjoying the benefits of Adrenochrome withdrawel and Covid mRNA Vaccinations


Didn't she suffer from that stiff as stone condition a while ago? Due to Adrenochrome

Great lip singer

sad really is, to think that had believed what they were doing was right or maybe they didn't I don't know. her eyes scream of terror. I wonder if she's seeing the special place in hell that she's going to before she moves on under the demons that are taking her down to hell are sitting there in front of her cuz she looks like she is petrified with fear. hurt children the way these people have and that's exactly where you will end up someday. I believe if anything she realizes she may have messed up and it's too late good riddance

She has reaped what she has sown, I have no sympathy for the child rapist, blood drinking satanist, Hell will be horrible, she will think for eternity of what horrors she did to children!!! The millstone is her eternal reward!

Download here: Blast-from-the-past-remix-If-you-are-unvaccinated-the-virus-will-find-you-2024-07-04.mp4 - 7,119 kb
By: MilkBarTV - 4th July 2024
Blast from the past remix:

Data Privacy
All that official misinformation.

All that official disinformation.

Yet, they didn't get cancelled.
They haven't been censored off the public airways, have they?

There's been no justice.

Coah Collin
It's so funny because it turns out that the virus actually finds people who have been vaccinated, and it seems finds them again and again and again.

Epstein's Sheet
Still waiting 4 years later for it find me. I haven't exactly been an elusive target either. No mask, handshakes and giving ZERO f about it.

Dr. Dawn Michael
I knew they were lying and fought so hard against them, but so many others around me gave into to the evil propaganda and took the vaccine.

Frank Grimes Jr.
I am unvaccinated, haven't changed any of my life habits, and still have no idea if I have ever gotten covid. I did get sick once during the covid era but it was a minor cold like any other and I didn't test for covid because I don't have mental health issues.

Angela Becker
i'm an unvaccinated 50-year-old type 1 diabetic I got three different strains of Covid and they were like a mild cold to me. Of course I took Ivermectin, vitamin D, C and I eat well and take very good care of myself and I'm not overweight.

sabine hazan md
Right now it is finding the vaccinated like Pearl Jam...

Angela Becker
i'm an unvaccinated 50-year-old type 1 diabetic I got three different strains of Covid and they were like a mild cold to me. Of course I took Ivermectin, vitamin D, C and I eat well and take very good care of myself and I'm not overweight.

The covid Vaccines only provide immunity for the manufacturer!

John Gambino
I took 12mg of ivermectin 3 x a day for 5 days and was cured

Don't Give Meghan The Mic
This is pathetic. These people should all be ashamed of themselves….but they aren't.

Kristen Lamb
They all need to be in JAIL. Actually the opposite is true and they knew it. Those with the jab were far more likely to contract the virus when they encountered it naturally with deadlier outcomes.

Page Footer...
[Everything below this line is repeated on most pages]

We are fighting a spiritual war
10th August 2024
Paris Olympics - We are fighting a spiritual war!
Revelation 18:2 "And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

Hard Times Create Strong Men...
Hard Times Create Strong Men - Strong Men Create Good Times - Good Times Create Weak Men - Weak Men Create Hard Times.

Some people wouldn't know
tyranny if it bit them on the ass!
Some people wouldn't know tyranny if it bit them on the ass!

Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!
Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!

This is a question that stupid
people & traitors cannot answer:
Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?
This is a question that stupid people & traitors cannot answer: Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!
30th June 2023
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!

Being awake isn't cool. It means having to dumb down 98% of your conversations every day, so you don't sound like a lunatic.

Attitude to monsters after putting up with their shit since late 2019...

Plan F - The Fuck Off plan!

When people you don't even know hate you, That's when you know you're the best.

mRNA jabs are doing the job
slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!
30th June 2023
mRNA jabs are doing the job slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!

20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities
It's called GENOCIDE!
13th June 2023
20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities - It's called GENOCIDE!

"A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030"
It's called GENOCIDE!
12th May 2023
A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030 - It's called GENOCIDE!

World Economic Forum - Committed to Enslaving the Whole World

Nothing says "Trust the Science"
like asking for the data
to be hidden for 75 years!
18th March 2023
Nothing says Trust the Science like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years! Shhhhh....

Superheroes bow down to the
Big Pharma / Businessmen / Doctors
11th February 2023
It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT
26th November 2022
Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT

The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get
jabbed is like sending a post card from
the Titanic saying: "Wish you were here!"
20th November 2022
The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: Wish you were here!

Ten Stages of Genocide
As taught by WEFers Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau etc - August 2022

Ten Stages of Genocide

The Good Reset
Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's,
Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

28th July 2022
The Good Reset - Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's, Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

Covid Variant / Booster
The Merry Go Round From Hell
22nd December 2021

Covid Variant / Booster - Merry Go Round From Hell

Experimental Injections
Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel
13th November 2021

Experimental Injections - Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel

Death is coming for you stupid!

I am fully Vaccinated and Boostered, and just tested positive for Covid-19. I am grateful for the protection my vaccines continue to provide.

The 5-Step COVID 'Vaccine' RISK / BENEFIT ANALYSIS - September 2021

Trump's swamp draining service

When the population understands this picture, it will change everything.

"You can fool all the people some of the time.
You can fool some of the people all the time.
But you cannot fool all the people all the time!"

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Attributed to Edmund Burke. Also by John F. Kennedy in a speech in 1961.

The Great Cow Analogy

Donald J. Trump - They should never have touched the children!
'They should never have touched the children!'
Donald J. Trump - President of the United States of America

'They should never have touched the children!!' President Donald J. Trump

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Abortion: Modern Day Child Sacrifice
Psalms 106:37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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If someone accuses you of wearing a tinfoil hat...,
remind them that it's better than wearing a blindfold!

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