The Punisher treason: noun: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government
White Hats explained...
Embrace the sometimes painful truth of reality
Remain in the blissful ignorance of illusion
If there is no such thing as a CONSPIRACY - why is the word CONSPIRACY in the dictionary?
Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'   Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell
Click here... Stockholm Syndrome is also a result of Governmental / Pharmaceutical / Media Propaganda
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL and Embraces GENOCIDE

The Pandemic is just a DECOY...
Covid Passports, Kill Shots & Depopulation are the goals
DEMOCIDE - one injection at a time! C/o Bill Gates, the WEF, CIA, WHO and your: politicians / doctors / nurses etc...
DEMOCIDE - one injection at a time!
[C/o Bill Gates, the WEF, WHO, UN, CIA, FBI and
your: politicians / doctors / nurses, police etc...]

2025 - January to June
> 2025 January to June    
> 2024 January to June   > 2024 July to December
> 2023 January to June   > 2023 July to December
> 2022 January to June . > 2022 July to December
> 2021 January to June   > 2021 July to December
> 2020 and prior    

>> Go to REAL HEALTH TIPS page >>

Certified IDIOT! Imagine A Vaccine So Safe You Have To Be
To Take It! For A Disease So Deadly
You Have To Be Tested To Know You Have It!
Satanic Pharmaceutical System

WARNING re Covid mRNA Injections

You simply CANNOT unvaccinate yourself of these Kill Shots!So you have participated in the GENOCIDE PROGRAMME and injected yourself for your: work / partner / or to 'fit in' socially etc; despite the hundreds of thousands of medical professionals who have been warning the whole World about the dangers of: modifying your RNA / DNA and shutting down your God given immune system!

Now you are filled with Covid 'Vaccination Remorse' (aka Jabber's Remorse) and are totally concerned about suffering extreme 'serious adverse reactions', so you have decided to find a 'wonder pill' as a cure. The reality is, unless you received a 'saline solution' (like many politicians and other key players in this Genocide Programme, or a miracle healing from your Creator God), or have access to a Med Bed, you simply CANNOT UNVACCINATE yourself of these Kill Shots!

[Note: At this stage, scientific studies from the UK and Israel show that the life expectancy for many 'fully vaccinated' recipients is just 3-5 years!]

How Bad is My Batch
Check out your batch code (lot number) for: Moderna - Pfizer - Janssen etc here:

Remedies and protocols (see here) that you take to reduce side effects / pain etc from the injections / shedding / spike proteins etc, will possibly be for the remainder of your life - as all you will be doing is alleviating the symptoms of the inevitable - VAIDS (Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) and eventual DEATH (yes, the Covid injections include the A.I.D.S virus and nano / graphene technology (all patented) - that turns many surviving recipients into patented 5g routers / transhumans / human 2.0.)

So please, take this opportunity to seek the Lord God (Creator of the Heavens and Earth) and make peace with Him. [Note: Globalists, politicians, scientists, doctors and merchants created this mess - so stop blaming the Purebloods and your Creator God!]

No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.

"I have met many people who regretted GETTING the Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine - but I have never met anyone who regretted NOT GETTING the Vaccine!"

Are you entitled
to compensation?

By: Janine Arabella, - 26th February 2025

Are you entitled to compensation?

Our system is broken. There is a solution!

Wealthy French businessman died from
the COVID-19 vaccine - but life insurance
company DENIES PAYOUT, citing
voluntary suicide by experimental jab!
By: S.D. Wells, Natural News - 24th February 2025

Tags: badhealth, badmedicine, clot shots, Dangerous Medicine, dirty vaccine, experimental vaccine, immunization, life insurance, mRNA dirty, mRNA suicide, outrage, payout denied, spike protein, suicide, vaccine damage, Vaccine deaths, vaccine suicide

Wealthy French businessman died from the COVID-19 vaccine – but life insurance company DENIES PAYOUT, citing voluntary suicide by experimental jab

  • A wealthy French businessman who died after receiving a COVID vaccine injection will not receive a life insurance payout, as his death is considered a result of participating in a dangerous medical experiment.
  • The judge in the case determined that the side effects of the COVID vaccine were well-known, and the man willingly chose to get vaccinated despite the risks, essentially committing suicide.
  • This case sets a precedent for future lawsuits related to COVID vaccine deaths, as it establishes that those who die after voluntarily receiving an experimental vaccine may not be eligible for life insurance payouts.
  • The American Life Insurance Council has stated that life insurance policies may deny payments if someone dies from a COVID-19 vaccine, as these vaccines are considered experimental drugs, and policyholders should be aware of this risk.

Death from a medical experiment is not covered by most life insurance policies, so a wealthy French businessman who died directly from a COVID clot shot injection gets no payout for his family because he apparently "volunteered" to commit suicide in a dangerous experiment where he got injected with a plandemic China Flu "vaccine."

Even the judge overseeing the case brought by the man's family says that the side effects of the Covid jab are well-known and that there is no way that the man could NOT have known the adverse events that were likely, and that he WILLINGLY chose to get the vaccine, even though most employers around the world fired people for not getting injected with the gene-mutating technology.

To top it all off, because this man made a "choice" to get jabbed in this scamdemic experiment, he essentially COMMITTED SUICIDE, so there will be no life insurance payout, ever. This case will hold precedent for anyone else trying to sue the vaccine manufacturers or life insurance companies for not paying out on policies of those who die (voluntarily) by lethal (Covid) injection.

All Covid shots are considered experiments so if you die by mRNA lethal injection you are said to have committed suicide and cannot collect on a life insurance policy.

Does anyone remember the CDC or FDA declaring that all Covid vaccinations are "experiments?" Was that part of the terminology of "Emergency Use Authorization?" Does it cite the mRNA "vaccine" as an experiment on the package insert warning? Well, that's how the insurance companies and judges say it's documented.

Thinking this only happened in France and won't happen in the USA? Wrong. The American Life Insurance Council says life insurance policies MAY DENY PAYMENT if you DIE from the Covid-19 vaccines because they are experimental drugs. That's right folks. Everyone who thought Big Pharma was out to save them from a pandemic is finding out the hard way that they took a lethal injection in a voluntary experiment that is not covered by any life insurance policies and you should have known this all along.

Check your policy now. Also, watch the embedded video below that shows exactly why all mRNA jabs are considered part of a grand experiment on humans, because the nanoparticle spike protein prions form white rubbery clots in the blood and organs, and are now being removed by surgeons around the globe in an effort to save millions, possibly billions, of injected humans from sure death by heart attack or stroke.

Wealthy French businessman died from the COVID-19 vaccine – but life insurance company DENIES PAYOUT, citing voluntary suicide by experimental jab

Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on new gain-of-function viruses the CDC and WHO release into the "wild" along with the suicide injections they call "vaccines."#mRNAsuicide

I didnt take it. I wasnt able to go any where or do anything. Nobody was forced. It was your choice and all you vaxxed were on board with us unvaxxed being not even able to shop at a grocery store. Now all you guys want us to feel bad. We dont. We told you not to do it. All people kept saying is my job. I wanna travel bla bla bla.

Told u insurance is a scam

Anyone die from the Vaccine shouldn't get paid because it was stupid to take it.

It's funny cause the government told the world you have to take the shots to keep your livelihood and family feed clothed and house gotta get the shot

Download here: WHAT-THE-HELL-HAVE-THEY-DONE-TO-US-Dr-Paul-Offit-Exposes-MASSIVE-Covid-Vaccine-Corruption-Scandal-2025-01-21.mp4 - 33,510 kb
By: Zach Costello - 21st February 2025

Dr Paul Offit Exposes MASSIVE
Covid Vaccine Corruption Scandal

The heated CNN exchange between Dr. Paul Offit and RFK Jr.'s health advisor Calley Means exposed critical issues about pharmaceutical drug safety and public health policies. The discussion highlighted big pharma connections and their influence on Anthony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky, and the CDC's decision-making process during COVID-19. This is critical information and everyone needs to be aware of what the Biden administration knew regarding vaccine safety protocols... I'm Zach Costello.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again and again, the decision to NOT get the COVID vaccine has aged like the finest of wines. DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE!!!

They lost me the minute they started denying natural immunity.

We're in a war between good and evil

I absolutely have no trust in our medical community.

What's shocking is, when you read The Hidden War on Healthcare by Alex Pierce you'll realize how much you've been lied to. That book has some serious knowledge everyone should know.

I'm 74 now and I refused to get tests or get the jab. I also refused to wear a mask. Took a lot of shit for it but was worth every thing they yelled at me. People are nuts.

Fauci for prison! Watching from Zimbabwe!

And they're doing it to 6 week old babies ????

I will never regret not taking the covid vax.

Half of the earth volunteered to destroy their own health. AND PEOPLE GOT RICH.

Coincidentally, I had just graduated from college having studied social psychology. It was evident from the very beginning that this was deliberate societal control. I mean, it's textbook.

Covid vaccine faces ban
for all Americans in radical
U-turn by Trump team

By: Daily - 19th February 2025


Covid vaccines could be suspended for all age groups in America under radical new plans backed by key health figures in the Trump Administration.

Several experts poised for top jobs in US health agencies subscribe to the disputed idea the shots are causing widespread side effects and deaths.

Dr Jay Bhattacharya, who has been nominated to lead the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has backed a petition calling for the mRNA vaccines to be paused and retested, can reveal.

President Donald Trump nominated Kennedy to head the HHS

President Donald Trump nominated Kennedy to head the HHS.
The pair are pictured above at a campaign rally in Arizona in August last year.

He is one of the signatories of the Hope Accord, which claims there is a 'causal link' between the mRNA shots and an alarming rise in excess deaths worldwide. also understands Robert F Kennedy Jr has privately expressed concerns about the vaccines and signalled he is open to axing them if the data supports it.

Other key advisors to Kennedy have promoted conspiratorial views on social media about the Covid vaccines, including that the shots killed more people than they saved.

Dr Aseem Malhotra, a British cardiologist being considered for a health advisory role in Kennedy's new health departments, has called for the jabs to be suspended and and reassessed.

Outside the health agencies, Kash Patel - who has been nominated as FBI director - previously promoted bogus supplements that 'reversed' the supposed damage caused by Covid vaccines.

How a ban would be implemented is still not clear. A total ban would require the FDA withdrawing its approval status for safety or effectiveness reasons.

During his first term as president, Trump spearheaded the development of the shots in record time which was widely regarded as a medical breakthrough. [ Bullshit! Warp speed forced the drug manufacturers to use saline in most of the original shots, which was Trump's attempt at saving as many people's lives as possible.]

The mRNA vaccines made by Moderna and Pfizer are estimated to have saved tens of millions of lives globally, including 3million in the US. [ More bullshit!! The Clot Shots have provably killed hundreds of millions of people and maimed untold millions.]

President Trump has been reluctant to take credit for the achievement in recent years, however, for fear of alienating his core voter base which has become skeptical of the shots.

But he has signalled his support of other vaccines, including the polio vaccine - which he praised as the 'greatest thing' and said he was a 'big believer' in.

The Covid vaccines have been linked to a small risk of heart damage and Guillain-Barre syndrome, where the immune system attacks nerves, causing pain, fatigue and numbness. [ "Small risk" - even more bullshit!!]

Data from the US Covid vaccine injury compensation program suggested that 14,000 people had filed claims for injury or death they claimed were caused by the Covid vaccine as of December 2024, out of the 270million Americans who received at least one dose of the vaccine. [ Even more bullshit!! The Daily Mail has not accounted for the millions of claimants Globally who were prevented from filing their claims in the first place; plus the untold millions who just went away and quietly died.]

Dr Paul Offit, a vaccines expert at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, told this highlighted that the vaccines were not dangerous.

He said: 'The vaccines have been given to billions of people at this point, and there were large prospective placebo-controlled studies that didn't show these effects.

'As the vaccines were rolled out, not everyone got them at once... and this staggering would tell you if something is a problem that was not picked up in clinical trials.

'We picked up myocarditis during this... we even picked up Guillain Barre syndrome, which has a rate after vaccination of around eight in a million.

'We would have easily picked up [these excess deaths and purported links to cancer] if true, and we haven't picked this up.' [ Even more bullshit!! It has been proven beyond all doubt that all those figures are completely fictional.]

Dr Jay Bhattacharya, left, has been nominated by Donald Trump to head up the NIH Kash Patel has been nominated to head up the FBI

Dr Jay Bhattacharya, left, has been nominated by Donald Trump to head up the NIH,
while Kash Patel has been nominated to head up the FBI.
Patel has previously promoted supplements to 'reverse' the effects of the Covid vaccine

CDC data showed that 45 percent of adults over 65 years old have got the most recent Covid booster shot, while 23 percent of those over 18 years have received it.

Preliminary data shows about 651 people died from Covid in the week to February 1, below the 939 deaths that were linked to the flu in the same week. [ Even more bullshit!!]

Around 25,000 people were dying from Covid at the peak of the pandemic in November 2020, before the vaccines were rolled out. [ Even more bullshit!! The alleged Covid-19 virus has NEVER been isolated!]

In his new role as head of the Department of Human Services (HHS), Kennedy has power over the CDC panel that decides the immunization schedule for children and adults.

As NIH chief, Dr Bhattacharya could prioritize funding research into vaccines, potentially revealing harms or safety concerns that other agencies could use to ban them.

Two states - Idaho and Montana - have already begun considering legislation to ban the use of the mRNA Covid vaccines.

Lawmakers bringing the rules have raised fears that the vaccines could 'integrate' into human DNA, a conspiracy theory that is not backed by evidence. [ Even more bullshit!! mRNA means Modified RNA, which alters DNA, creating patented Human Beings 2.0.]

The HOPE accord, signed by Dr Bhattacharya, claims there is a 'causal link' between the mRNA shots and an alarming rise in excess deaths worldwide.

During Covid and in the years following the pandemic, hundreds of thousands of more people in the US died than would normally be expected. [ No kidding!]

While many experts have attributed these deaths to cancers, heart disease, undiagnosed Covid and the worsening of health problems missed during lockdowns, the new petition suggests the mRNA vaccines played a role...

States with moves for mRNA vaccine bans

The above shows states with moves for mRNA vaccine bans.
Legislators in Idaho and Montana (purple) have brought forward bans for the vaccines,
while activists say that at the county level bans are being considered in Tennessee,
Iowa and Washington. Florida previously considered banning mRNA vaccines

..It states: 'This new technology was granted emergency use authorisation to address a situation that no longer exists.

'Going forward, the burden of proof falls on those still advocating for these products to compellingly demonstrate that they aren't resulting in net harm.

'Until such evidence is presented, regulators should suspend their use as a matter of standard medical precaution.'

At his senate confirmation hearing, RFK Junior said he didn't know whether Covid vaccines work.

'I don't know,' he told senators, 'we don't have a good surveillance system.'

Del Bigtree, communications director for Kennedy's presidential bid, has previously suggested Covid vaccines are causing excess deaths and leaving people vulnerable to infections.

He said in January last year in an open letter: 'An experimental vaccine with a deadly track record was "warp-speeded" onto the market and mandated for every arm in the country.

'Nearly four years later, excess mortality is at an all-time high. Heart attacks in children are now commonplace.'

He added: 'The vaccine has proven to have negative efficacy, causing people to be more prone to infection than doing nothing at all.' has reached out to the White House and Kennedy's teams for comment.

Johnson & Johnson's 'Ineffective'
cold and flu medication results in
one of NZ's biggest class actions
By: Caron Copek, - 13th February 2025
Johnson & Johnson's 'Ineffective' cold and flu medication results in one of NZ's biggest class actions
If the class action is successful anyone who bought the products since 2005 could be compensated.


  • Large class action against Johnson & Johnson filed in Auckland High Court today.
  • Popular cold and flu medication like Codral tablets are ineffective at treating nasal congestion the US regulator the FDA has found.
  • Lawyer says Kiwis trusted products to work as advertised and were misled.

One of the largest class actions ever in New Zealand's history is being filed over cold and flu medication on Thursday in the Auckland High Court.

The case against pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson alleges the company misled the public by marketing and selling ineffective medicines for around 20 years.

The class action by lawyers at JGA Saddler alleges nasal decongestant sold under the popular brands Codral Cold & Flu, Benadryl and Sudafed PE failed to relieve congestion.

The over-the counter medicine's key ingredient phenylephrine (or PE) is ineffective when taken orally, which may shock buyers of the popular tablets, capsules and syrups.

The class action comes after the US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) proposed an outright ban because it believes the drugs when taken orally don't work.

In November 2024, the US FDA announced it was proposing to remove oral phenylephrine as an active ingredient in over-the-counter cold and flu medications.

Wealthy French businessman died from the COVID-19 vaccine – but life insurance company DENIES PAYOUT, citing voluntary suicide by experimental jab
Rebecca Jancauskas director at JGA Saddler law firm said customers should be able to confidently buy
medicines that work as advertised and when they don't, the company involved should be held accountable.

Lawyer Rebecca Jancauskas said customers expected these products to alleviate common symptoms of colds and flu, such as blocked, runny and stuffed up noses, congestion and sinus pressure.

"New Zealanders have trusted these products to work as advertised and wouldn't have bought them if they knew they were ineffective at treating congestion.

"Johnson & Johnson has manufactured and marketed a medication that decades of evidence have shown doesn't work as claimed, relying on outdated, fallible studies to sell the New Zealand public products that don't do what they say on the packet."

Jancauskas said Kiwis who bought any of the 17 affected products could be a part of the class action.

A class action is a type of court claim which allows people who have suffered similar harm to collectively pursue one claim together in a cost effective manner.

If the action is successful, anyone who bought the products in question since 2005 could be compensated Jancauskas said.

"You can fill out a registration form and tell us the products that you can recall purchasing. Now there's no requirement to have retained a proof of purchase at this stage. All we need is for you to declare the products that you've bought over that period of time."

Kiwis who are interested can register here with Omni Bridgeway which is working with JGA Saddler on the action in a "no win, no pay" basis.

"We expect this will be the largest class action in New Zealand history in terms of the number of affected individuals," Jancauskas said.

Phenylephrine was marketed as a substitute when the decongestant pseudoephedrine, which is effective when taken by mouth, was banned for sale between 2011 and 2024 over concerns it was being used in the manufacture of meth.

That meant that there simply wasn't another alternative for Kiwis to purchase when suffering symptoms of cold and flu sinus issues.

In May last year, pseudoephedrine-based cold and flu medications became available for over-the- counter purchase but a consultation with a pharmacist is required.

Jancauskas said it's expected there are New Zealanders who have bought significant quantities of these products and who are entitled to get their money back.

Products containing PE tend to be more expensive. For example:

A packet of 100 500mg paracetamol tablets sells for around $4 at Chemist Warehouse.

A 48-pack of Codral PE Day and Night which contains 500mg of paracetamol costs around $26 at the same retailer.

Jon Duffy, Chief Executive of Consumer NZ said consumers are especially vulnerable when they are unable to test product claims themselves.

"When it comes to products in the health space, it's critical that consumers can rely on the claims manufacturers make. Companies must be held to account if they are found to breach the Consumer Guarantees and Fair Trading Acts.

Until it can be shown that these products are effective, Consumer NZ recommends people stop using them.

The consumer watchdog encourages anyone impacted to join the class action.

"We're also calling for sales of these products to be halted until the efficacy of the claims can be independently verified," Duffy said.

Johnson & Johnson has been approached for comment.

New Zealanders who have bought any of these 17 products can register the law firm said:

  • Sudafed PE Nasal Decongestant Tablet
  • Sudafed PE Sinus + Pain Relief Day & Night Tablet
  • Sudafed PE Sinus + Pain Relief Tablet
  • Sudafed PE Sinus + Allergy & Pain Relief
  • Sudafed PE Sinus + Anti-inflammatory Pain Relief Tablet
  • Codral Cold & Flu + Mucus Cough Capsule
  • Codral Decongestant Tablet
  • Codral Day & Night Tablet
  • Codral Cold & Flu Tablet
  • Codral Night Tablet
  • Codral Mucus Cough + Cold Liquid
  • Codral Cold & Flu + Mucus Cough Powder
  • Codral Cold & Flu Powder
  • Benadryl PE Chesty Cough & Nasal Congestion Syrup
  • Codral Cold & Flu Sore Throat Tablet
  • Day & Night Cold & Flu + Cough Combination Tablet
  • Benadryl Mucus Relief Plus Decongestant Liquid

Download here: Former-Director-General-of-Health-Dr-Ashley-Bloomfield-confronted-at-Marae-over-COVID-jab-2025-02-06.mp4 - 29,881 kb
By: DAILY TELEGRAPH - 6th February 2025
Former Director-General of
Health Dr. Ashley Bloomfield
confronted at Marae over COVID Jab

Former Director-General of Health Dr. Ashley Bloomfield was confronted by Johnny Dylan who accused him of promoting the COVID-19 vaccine to Maori communities, alleging that it would "mess with the whakapapa".

Bloomfield responded to Dylan's comments by exiting the stage. Video of the incident, taken yesterday at Waitangi, circulated widely on social media today.

Former Director-General of Health Dr. Ashley Bloomfield confronted at Marae over COVID Jab

Bloomfield is a scumbag, made people still take the jab even after having covid and and therefore natural immunity which is well known to be far superior to any vax. Justice will come to him, jabby and "dont know what a women is Hipkins" and co, one way or another.
This will bring back memories the dreaded covid is going to hunt you down, what a bunch of clowns.

Those evil clowns are the ones who will get "found". That Bloomfield should get the shot in each eyeball then his neck slit ear to ear.

Helena Nickerson
They should all swing! Every one of them who were in government at the time, because they all colluded with Jabcinda.

Bunny buster
Run Rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run.

Good job...

Bro z on fire

Yeah, bro z on fire. Too right!
They injected, tormented and divided us.
How is that not a crime against Godzone's people?

Good on him for calling him out, didn't take him long to run, little coward, most people know the truth now, I think we are going to see a lot more truth soon

With any luck, the filthy Bloomfield eventually works out that actually he did immese damage to the country and that he feels unsafe to ever walk the streets.

bloomfeild… pffft.
Don't forget the 11,000 MOH and ACC employees that got an exemption. They KNEW of the issues.

aly cook
Go Johnny thank you from all of us !

legend dude legend! they think we dumb


Anonymous February 9, 2025 At 9:33 am
The sole purpose of everything that went down since 2020 was to deliver shots into as many arms as possible and to reinforce corporate/supranational/medical/political tyranny. There was no "COVID" only the fraudulent case based preposterous and self-evident psy-op narrative for the gullible. The ensuing and purposeful legion of death and sickness is the future destiny for any who succumb.
Dr Doomfield (WHO/IHR review c'tee) and Prof Halton (CEPI/BMGF/WEF) have Oceania locked into the WEF/WHO. It will take a truly united nation to reject tyranny. The current dystopian political/media farce that continues to fuel the political/ judicial/institutional charade intended to divide/conquer is designed to ensure that such rejection is not possible.
But welcome to the unintended consequences.

Download here: The-truth-is-out-Trump-was-right-Covid-19-After-5-Years-CIA-Now-Favours-Lab-Leak-Theory-2025-01-28.mp4 - 19,722 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 28th January 2025
'The truth is out - Trump was right'
Covid-19: After 5 Years, CIA
Now Favours Lab Leak Theory!

Sky News host Chris Kenny has discussed the CIA offering a new assessment on the origin of the COVID-19 outbreak.

"We all know that most of the media, most of the politicians, have tried to hide, tried to hide the facts on the issue, for various reasons," Mr Kenny said.

"In the first days of the new Trump administration, the CIA is rectifying that situation."

It wasn't a lab leak it was a lab release

And facebook, " fact checked " millions for saying this.

We don't need the CIA to tell us what we've already known for several years.

Fauchi pardoned by Biden.

It took me three seconds to work out where Covid came from.

Wow!! What a difference in having a real President makes.

There was a patented splicing technique used to create that virus. It was lab created.

Fauci gates

2 weeks ago (edited)
Is the media going to come clean about the vaccines too and the harm they cause and still cause?

What evidence is there that it leaked, and wasn't intentionally released?

It wasn't a LEAK it was a RELEASE.

"Intelligence Agency" I'm a gardener and I've known for years.

Conspiracy theory means truth

These are crimes against humanity and justice needs to be prosecuted with people and countries compensated fully.

Download here: I-am-sick-about-it-CIA-now-claiming-COVID-19-likely-originated-from-a-lab-leak-2025-01-28.mp4 - 14,021 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 28th January 2025
'I'm sick about it'
CIA now claiming COVID-19
likely originated from a lab leak

CIA releases new claims about COVID origins

Comedian Alex Stein has discussed the CIA now claiming COVID-19 likely originated from a lab leak.

"We've had serious respiratory illnesses that have happened in history," Mr Stein told Sky News host Gabriella Power.

"We got bamboozled.

"I'm sick about it."

Put Faucci in jail!!!

Central Intelligence Agency - what an oxymoron!

YouTube owes me 14 accounts and a 56000 subscriber channel held for over 10 years without any strikes for trying to get this info out in 2020 but got banned overnight for stating facts

What? They spent millions and years to find out it came from a chinese lab. Didnt we know this in the first week?

Nuremberg Code comes to mind Faucci ....

Greed through murder! Peoples lives meant nothing!

10% for the big guy and the CIA didn't do anything about that either.

Oh great! We'll be expecting an apology then for everyone who said this from the beginning.

A lie goes around the world before the truth puts it's socks on

My soulmate of 35years died without all of our adult sons and daughters present. Only TWO of our seven children were allowed in the ICU as he passed. I'm still angry about it - nearly four years later.

It's time to sue all those enforcing the unlawful bodily harm or else losing your job.

States should be able to go after Fauci.

Trump is doing great so far.

CIA funded

I notice people who got the jab stay sick for weeks even months.

Most people with a brain figured that out right at the beginning.

Download: The-Covid-Virus-Pandemic-Lie-Exposed-Senator-Malcolm-Roberts-Podcast-with-Dr-David-Martin-and-Dr-Phillip-Altman-2025-02-18.mp4 - 991,261 kb
By: senatormalcolmroberts - 18th February 2025
The Covid Virus /
Pandemic Lie Exposed

Senator Malcolm Roberts Podcast with
Dr David Martin and Dr Phillip Altman

Ever wonder how we ended up where we are today, both as a nation and in the West? Curious about what the future holds?

In today's show, we're diving deep into the last 60 years to make sense of the present and uncover what's ahead.

We all have stories about the contradictions, the government lies, and the misinformation surrounding COVID - from exaggerated fears to the low severity of the virus, all amplified by propaganda.

To help us navigate this, we've got an expert who can explain it all: Dr. David Martin.

With unmatched experience in medicine, healthcare, national governance, finance, research, and industry, Dr. Martin is one of the most qualified voices to shed light on the truth. He'll be sharing his knowledge and offering a platform for facts over ideologies.

A data-driven expert, David has been uncovering the truth since the anthrax scare. He's not interested in opinions, just the facts.

Joining me in this discussion is Dr. Philip Altman, an Australian pharmacologist with a deep knowledge of Big Pharma. With 40 years of experience, Dr. Altman has seen it all.

Tune in for a powerful conversation.

Fabulous INTERVIEW I SHARED it EVERYWHERE! Dr. David Martin and His Wife Kim have been TRUE and Loving Humanitarians and HEROS

Thank you, good sirs.
I've been following Dr Martin since 2020.
It's great to hear him sum everything up - as well as knock out irrefutable facts.
Certainly, no person of integrity in an official capacity can ignore this collation, and not pursue it to the fullest extent of the law.

I hope Dr. Altman feel better!! OXOX

Excellent podcast guys. Great work

Thank you again for spreading Dr. Martin's knowledge!!

This is the clarification needed to see clearly through all the smoke and mirrors. Data-driven and unmatched experience from real and honest experts. When Dr. David Martin speaks, LISTEN! The Australian pharmacologist adds much to this discussion as a pharmacologist. Appreciated and shared.

One of the best interviews I have seen in regard to the total criminality of what has gone before us, and I have seen a lot...

..Thank you very much gentleman, this is going far and wide! Keep up the good work!

Download here: SHOCKING-Mark-Zuckerberg-Makes-a-U-Turn-and-Removes-All-Censorship-on-Facebook-2025-01-08.mp4 - 8,562 kb
By: Aussie17 - 8th January 2025
SHOCKING: Mark Zuckerberg
Makes a U-Turn and Removes
All Censorship on Facebook!

Make mRNA vaccines Dangerous Again on Facebook!

Hey everyone,

Mark Zuckerberg, announced that Facebook will be removing all censorship mechanisms that previously restricted free expression. For someone like me and many of you who have faced the brunt of Facebook's censorship, this feels like a massive win.

Let me take you back a bit. A few years ago, I began sharing information on Facebook about the potential harms of mRNA vaccines. I believed that this was vital information for my friends and family, and I wanted to contribute to a broader dialogue on health and safety. To my dismay, Facebook removed my posts, labeling them as misinformation. It was frustrating to feel silenced on a platform that was supposed to be a space for free expression.

Fast forward to today, and it feels like we're entering a new era just 12 days before Trump's inauguration.

Coincidentally, Mark Zuckerberg announced this change less than 24 hours after Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Children's Health Defense requested the U.S. Supreme Court to hear their censorship lawsuit against Facebook, possibly signaling a shift in approach.

According to Mark Zuckerberg's announcement, they're overhauling Facebook's approach to content moderation by ditching fact checkers and instead implementing a community notes system, similar to Twitter's. This change aims to reduce political bias and restore balance, allowing more voices to be heard. This sounds like the beginning of a fairer space where different ideas and perspectives won't be shut down just because they deviate from the mainstream.

After getting censored on Facebook, I simply created a brand new account sometime last year but I stopped posting any contents. I might begin to do so again. Please feel free to connect with me here.

While Facebook previously banned discussions on the potential harms of mRNA vaccines, there exists a stark hypocrisy highlighted by Mark Zuckerberg's own words from a leaked audio recording (16 June 2020). In that recording, he expressed, "I share some caution on this because we just don't know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people's DNA and RNA..." This internal acknowledgment of uncertainty starkly contrasts with the public stance of censorship. It underscores a disconnect between internal insights and external policies.

With 10 independent lab tests now confirming the presence of DNA contaminants in Pfizer's mRNA vaccines, we are nearing a clearer understanding of whether DNA integration has occurred.

BREAKING NEWS: Another Lab Test Confirms DNA Contamination in Pfizer Vaccine, Authorities Remain Silent - Aussie17 3rd January 2025

Although there is still much work being conducted behind the scenes, many scientists are now eagerly racing to contribute their findings to this unfolding research, especially with the new administration coming in. Many of them want to prove that they are on the right side now because of government funding. You see, science goes where the money goes.

Reflecting on this period, Mark later admitted that while some content initially labeled as misinformation "ended up being more debatable or true,". This admission proves that the government's narrative on COVID-19 was not always aligned with emerging discussions and truths. Many people who challenged or debated these narratives found their perspectives later validated.

On top of removing censorship on Facebook, Mark has also has added three new members to Meta's board of directors, including UFC president Dana White, aligning itself more closely with incoming president Donald Trump. Perhaps Mark is simply joining the winning team, but who knows?

Anyway, it looks like it's time to wake up the normies who are still on Facebook. Did you know that Facebook's user base is more than five times larger than Twitter's?

  • Facebook: 3.1 billion monthly active users
  • Twitter (X): 611 million monthly active users

Let's "Make mRNA Dangerous Again" on Facebook!

I will start posting once I have a substantial list of friends and followers!

Signing off for now, A17

#markzuckerberg #meta #internet

Mark Zuckerberg and Mutant Lizard People

Diario AS
Mark Zuckerberg's company argues that it "went too far" in content moderation due to "social and political pressure" and will adopt the rating system used by X on Instagram and Facebook.

Marc Fuckerberg. Too late mate the horse has already bolted.

Timothy Burchett
I'll never go back on that psychopaths page....he cost millions their lives...

If you look at Trump's appointments you find they are all swamp creatures, the usual DC criminal cockroaches are being pardoned and appointed in his administration.

I advise caution. The Zuckerberg announcement just looks like more theatre, optics, confidence building and public relations advertising for the new president. These people have access to much more evidence and data than we can ever see - they really know what the "pandemic" is about, they are not naïve, well meaning, mistaken, or our friends. They are part of the security apparatus of the Deep State.

jacquelyn sauriol
Fuck that Borg.

It's about time. Many people died and got injured from those injections though due to the censorship of truth.

Even though this is a great change it's too late for the people who have died.

The government's would be absolutely hating this, especially Oz. They hate social media, maybe Trump needs to have a chat with whichever pm will be in.

What a hoot. He's worried about being made irrelevant.

Kathleen Taylor
The Trump effect?

Netra Halperin
I like that he is moving his headquarters to Texas, to get less 'woke' people on the team. (probably better tax status there too).

April 1st already?

Err - can't be trusted.

Zuckerberg has been doing Ju-jitsu, Rogan called it. He said the training would make him embrace more conservative values. He even predicted we see Zuck lean right.

Man just called the entire Biden admin out lmao

Zuck has officially joined the cool club

This Dude is just switching to the side who he feels is the most powerful. I don't trust him one bit!

Oh Mark,you don't give a crap about what's right.

I wasnt buying his shit, until he said the team is leaving woke califonia and moving to texas.
He might just be doing a good thing finally.

I was like total BS Zuker until he stated they will move to Texas

If he doesn't compete with X, he'll be bankrupt.

Will we be able to share news articles in Canada again.. All of it is blocked.. This news video is blocked, I found it on youtube which so far I can share.

Zuck bends a knee. Welcome to 2025!

I wish ZUCKERBERG would read >>>>>>> John 14:6.

Since when was Meta an American company? Aren't they based in Ireland? Also, head of Meta censorship, Mrs Sweet, is married to high ranking CIA operative. Pretty sure that holds more weight than community notes. Lol

Witness-Statement-Message-to-all-Australian-Police-Officers-to-Come-Forward-re-Crimes-Against-Humanity-via-Covid-Laws-2025-01-01.mp4 - 1,128,752 kb
By: GlobalTruthNetwork - 1st January 2025
Witness Statement
Message to all Australian Police
to Come Forward re Crimes
Against Humanity
via Covid Laws

Morrison, Hunt, Butler, Skerret, sutton, spurrier, Gunner, McGowen, Marshal, and many more, guilty of Murder, and attempted murder.
They all knew, and were paid to say nothing.

Still cannot work out here in Melbourne without 2-3 Covid injections.
Potentially Largest Crime Since Adam Ate In The Garden
We will not rest until the perpetrators at every level ie Local Council CEO, Pharmacist, Church Minister & Rabbi, Employer, Police, Chief Medical Officers, Prime Ministers, Legislators, TGA, ASIO, US DOD, etc etc are implicated and held to account.

If you are expecting the truth to come from a process through the Australian police you are wasting your time.

They are as corrupt as any organisation in the country.

Thank you for all your work to bring the truth to the Australian people and the world

I'm a teacher in VIC. I could type an essay of the bullying I faced in the "education" system as a result of not getting jabbed. Instead I'm going to write about the jab injured I know. My grandma had just turned 80 and then took the first two pfizer jabs and suddenly ended up with stage 4 ovarian cancer. She died within 6 months.

There's no history of cancer on that side of the family. My brother ended up with pericarditis two days after his pfizer booster shot. He's since thankfully made a full recovery so far. A former colleague ended up with myocaridtiis after the pfizer booster shot. She has never been the same and has since retired a few years early.

A year 10 student died suddenly in may of 2023. I know he had at least two injections but couldn't confirm if he had any more. Another colleagues father died of a heart attack 2 weeks post pfizer booster. He was fit and healthy for his age (early 70's) and also served Australia during the Vietnam War. I personally know others who ended up with chronic fatgiue, menstrual cycle problems, achne, shingles and I know of people who've had turbo cancers, including a few under the age of 30. It's disgraceful that this has happened, I think what's even worse than the huge crime is the apathy, ignorance and cowardice across our society.

The truth will come out and people will be charged with serious offences like negligent manslaughter

Fantastic work. Well done guys.

Absolutely shocking information. Truth finally comes out. The people responsible must be held accountable for this tragedy. It seems eugenics is behind these crimes. Crimes against humanity. So many lies and propoganda from our government and mainstream media. Shame on you all. So damn sad. Trust has and effective...really????

The chain of errors is too many to be just plain old gross incompetence and gross criminal negligence.

Realistically, those who have "just followed orders" MUST be made to reveal who put them up to it, then those higher ups need to be forced to reveal. Go as far up the chain of command as possible. I suspect it will be only 5 or 6 such levels of chain of command before it is revealed that Federal MPs bowed down to foreign powers, in violation of 44i of the Constitution. This then opens a can of worms in terms of compensation under section 46. Remember, 100 pounds was the equivalent of 6 ounces of gold or a quarter of a backbencher's annual salary per DAY they sat in treason. It was invalid MPs that watered down the penalty, violating the Constitution.

Since the crimes are the most egregious you can imagine and human rights flagrantly violated, those involved automatically lose their human rights. There will be no tactic that is out of bounds to get that information. Old taboos will be out the window. Those that refuse to divulge who put them up to it or lie will bear the full wrath of the People who have suffered the ultimate betrayal. Silence will NOT be an option.
There is a limit to how long the coverup can continue-the truth will eventually emerge and the calculated and deliberate lies to cover malfeasance will give certainty to their guilt leaving no hope for mercy. Those that call for mercy upon those that have committed multiple crimes against humanity will find themselves tarnished with their treason. These fools will find that mercy has its limits.
The first step we can all take is to remember which so-called leaders and their political parties rode the bandwagon of trampling down human rights. Didn't take long for them to abuse power. Only a fool would vote for them again. Take note of which brave political figures stood up against tyranny-they are the true leaders. It is ONLY those that stood up to defend YOUR rights that are worthy of your vote.

Thank you!

thank you at last a concise statement from the people, it cannot be denied

Page Footer...
[Everything below this line is repeated on most pages]

We are fighting a spiritual war
10th August 2024
Paris Olympics - We are fighting a spiritual war!
Revelation 18:2 "And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

Hard Times Create Strong Men...
Hard Times Create Strong Men - Strong Men Create Good Times - Good Times Create Weak Men - Weak Men Create Hard Times.

Some people wouldn't know
tyranny if it bit them on the ass!
Some people wouldn't know tyranny if it bit them on the ass!

Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!
Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!

This is a question that stupid
people & traitors cannot answer:
Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?
This is a question that stupid people & traitors cannot answer: Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!
30th June 2023
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!

Being awake isn't cool. It means having to dumb down 98% of your conversations every day, so you don't sound like a lunatic.

Attitude to monsters after putting up with their shit since late 2019...

Plan F - The Fuck Off plan!

When people you don't even know hate you, That's when you know you're the best.

mRNA jabs are doing the job
slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!
30th June 2023
mRNA jabs are doing the job slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!

20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities
It's called GENOCIDE!
13th June 2023
20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities - It's called GENOCIDE!

"A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030"
It's called GENOCIDE!
12th May 2023
A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030 - It's called GENOCIDE!

World Economic Forum - Committed to Enslaving the Whole World

Nothing says "Trust the Science"
like asking for the data
to be hidden for 75 years!
18th March 2023
Nothing says Trust the Science like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years! Shhhhh....

Superheroes bow down to the
Big Pharma / Businessmen / Doctors
11th February 2023
It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT
26th November 2022
Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT

The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get
jabbed is like sending a post card from
the Titanic saying: "Wish you were here!"
20th November 2022
The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: Wish you were here!

Ten Stages of Genocide
As taught by WEFers Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau etc - August 2022

Ten Stages of Genocide

The Good Reset
Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's,
Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

28th July 2022
The Good Reset - Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's, Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

Covid Variant / Booster
The Merry Go Round From Hell
22nd December 2021

Covid Variant / Booster - Merry Go Round From Hell

Experimental Injections
Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel
13th November 2021

Experimental Injections - Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel

Death is coming for you stupid!

I am fully Vaccinated and Boostered, and just tested positive for Covid-19. I am grateful for the protection my vaccines continue to provide.

The 5-Step COVID 'Vaccine' RISK / BENEFIT ANALYSIS - September 2021

Trump's swamp draining service

When the population understands this picture, it will change everything.

"You can fool all the people some of the time.
You can fool some of the people all the time.
But you cannot fool all the people all the time!"

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Attributed to Edmund Burke. Also by John F. Kennedy in a speech in 1961.

The Great Cow Analogy

Donald J. Trump - They should never have touched the children!
'They should never have touched the children!'
Donald J. Trump - President of the United States of America

'They should never have touched the children!!' President Donald J. Trump

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Abortion: Modern Day Child Sacrifice
Psalms 106:37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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If someone accuses you of wearing a tinfoil hat...,
remind them that it's better than wearing a blindfold!

Q - Apr 17 2020 - We are ready. [Set 1] Mission good. Q Q
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Q President John F. Kennedy