The Punisher treason: noun: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government
White Hats
Embrace the sometimes painful truth of reality
Remain in the blissful ignorance of illusion
If there is no such thing as a CONSPIRACY - why is the word CONSPIRACY in the dictionary?
Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'   Without 'Justice' - there is 'JUST US'
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell
Click here... Stockholm Syndrome is also a result of Governmental / Pharmaceutical / Media Propaganda
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL and Embraces GENOCIDE

The Pandemic is just a DECOY...
Covid Passports, Kill Shots & Depopulation are the goals
DEMOCIDE - one injection at a time! C/o Bill Gates, the WEF, CIA, WHO and your: politicians / doctors / nurses etc...
DEMOCIDE - one injection at a time!
[C/o Bill Gates, the WEF, WHO, UN, CIA, FBI and
your: politicians / doctors / nurses, police etc...]

2024 - January to June
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> 2023 January to June   > 2023 July to December
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>> Go to REAL HEALTH TIPS page >>

Video Mainstream Media 7News Australia Airs Groundbreaking Segment Highlighting 144,000+ Covid Vaccine Reactions! - 30th June 2024
Video Former Pro Clot Shot Chris Cumo Reports: Soldier claims COVID vaccine caused heart attacks, stroke - 25th June 2024
Video "You Committed Crimes Against Humanity" - Damon DESTROYS Dr. Fauci on His Pandemic Recommendations - 22nd June 2024
Video Japan: 'Billions of Dying Vaxxed Have Dementia! Perpetrators Must Be Punished' - Insurance not paid to vaxxed! - 20th June 2024
Video Kansas sues Pfizer over COVID-19 vaccine - 19th June 2024
Video Pfizer court case, Kansas - for Willingly and Knowingly Deceiving and Killing the Public - 19th June 2024
Video COVID-19: Michael Baker urges people to get booster jabs as New Zealand grapples with 'concerning' sixth wave - 18th June 2024
Video Multiple US states sue Pfizer for Misleading the Public about Covid 19 Vaccine Risks - 18th June 2024
Video Kansas sues Pfizer alleging it 'misled' the public about safety of COVID vaccine - 18th June 2024
Video Those Responsible Must Face JUSTICE - Upsetting Testimony of Vaccine Injury at Senate Hearing - 17th June 2024
Video Hang on! Bill Gates is now doing WHAT with Bird Flu??? | Redacted w Natali and Clayton Morris - 14th June 2024
Video World Leader Confesses: 'Unvaxxed Were Right, We Tried Poisoning BILLIONS of You' - 13th June 2024
Video Candace Owens SNAPS on Piers Morgan for Wrongly Pushing the COVID Shots - 13th June 2024
Video Top BBC Presenter & Clot Shot Advocate Dr. Michael Mosley Found Dead After Vowing To Expose COVID Vaccines! - 11th June 2024
Video HUGE WIN! 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules Covid Vaccines Are NOT Vaccines! - 11th June 2024
Video The blanket criticisms of Donald Trump's handling of Covid are short-sighted and lack nuance - 10th June 2024
Document Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths - The Telegraph (UK) - Experts call for more research into side effects and possible links to mortality rates - 5th June 2024
Video 'Covid vaccines may have caused rise in excess deaths' - 4th June 2024
Video PM Chris Hipkins LIES: "There was no compulsory vaccine, people made their own choices." Yet it was mandatory / compulsory! - Blast from the past! - 4th June 2024
Video 'Incredibly stupid': Fauci slammed after confessing that masking children and social distancing doesn't work! - 3rd June 2024
Video Hospitals Murdered Patients 'In Cold Blood' To Meet 'Covid Targets,' Whistleblowers Testify - 29th May 2024
Video Pandemic Treaty Shelved For Now - The WHO fails to finalise their dystopian final draft - 29th May 2024
Video CIA Agent Testifies 'We Invented mRNA As a Bioweapon With Gates and WEF' - 28th May 2024
Video New Zealanders still catching Covid-19 even after 7 injections! - 27th May 2024
Video 17 Year Old Aubrynn Grundy had 3 Heart Attacks and Died 2 Months After Second Pfizer Covid Vaccine! - 24th May 2024
Video How safe are we from the new COVID variant FLiRT? Seniors urged to get booster shots! - 24th May 2024
Video Alert for wave of new COVID mutation FLiRT sweeping the country - 6 shot reporter Bruce Paige now has Covid! - 22nd May 2024
Video How UK doctors infected patients with HIV - Doctors and Government Betrayed Us - 21st May 2024
Video "They ALL lied to us and MUST come clean" Former CDC Director on Covid Vaccine Cover-up - 21st May 2024
Video Truth Wins: Vaccine Mandates Unlawful! - Senator Malcolm Roberts - 21st May 2024
Video God Bless Banjo (Nick Patterson) - Who valiantly stood up against Covid-19 tyranny in Australia - 16th May 2024
Document CDC: Immigrant and Refugee Health: Ivermectin is the CDC's drug of choice for parasites - 15th May 2024
Video Whoops! There are Safety Concerns about AstraZeneca's Covid-19 Vaccine [Bioweapon!] - 12th May 2024
Video Centre of Disease Control encourages FEAR and raises concerns about the new "FLiRT" COVID variants - 11th May 2024
Video Judge slams police for using 'unlawful violence' against COVID protesters | 7 News Australia - 11th May 2024
Video Judge Rules Victoria Police Violence 'Unjustified & Unlawful' in Covid Lockdown Protest - 11th May 2024
Video Tyrannical Covid-19 Vaccine Pushers Are Backtracking And Deleting the Evidence - But We Kept The Evidence - 10th May 2024
Video Evil governments complicit in Crimes Against Humanity forcing soldiers to be injected with bioweapons - 9th May 2024
Video Isabel Oakeshott "Regrets" Having Covid Jabs During Pandemic - Bullying the population into having jabs! - 9th May 2024
Video "He will NEVER work, drive, look after our kids again!" - Wife of Vaccine Victim Tells Her Husband's Heartbreaking Story - 9th May 2024
Video As AstraZenca is withdrawn due to vaccine injuries, Society must learn lessons from COVID pandemic and not 'buy into fear' - 9th May 2024
Video Batshit Bonkers Britain - AstraZeneca forced to admit experimental jab causes fatal side effects! - 8th May 2024
Video EPIC Flip-Flop! Chris Cuomo Says He's Vaccine Injured! - 8th May 2024
Video Japan to Ban mRNA as Turbo Cancers Among Vaxxed Skyrocket - Japan now has 400% Excess Deaths Since Covid Vaccines! - 7th May 2024
Video Cancer Vaccine: I Am Legend (2007) Compared To Real Life In 2024! Zombies Ahead??? - 6th May 2024
Video Former CNN Anchor and Pro Covid Kill Shot Promotor Chris Cuomo, Now Suffering from COVID Vaccine Injuries! - 5th May 2024
Video Doctors Ordered To Euthanize MILLIONS of Vaccinated Patients to Cover-Up 'Disturbing' Side Effects - 3rd May 2024
Video Judge SCOLDS dishonest cops as Australian freedom fighter Nick Patterson wins case! - 2nd May 2024
Video Holy SMOKES! AstraZeneca JUST admitted the truth about its COVID vaccine! - 1st May 2024
Video Japan's Most Senior Oncologist Prof. Fukushima Condemns mRNA Vaccines As 'Evil Practices Of Science' - 30th April 2024
Document AstraZeneca just ADMITTED IN COURT that their covid injection can cause a severe blood clot side effect! - 30th April 2024
Video Ed Dowd Reveals Alarming 40% Rise in Death Statistic Following Covid Vaccines, that Nobody is Talking About! - 30th April 2024
Video A Staggering 20% increase in Cardiac Arrests! A rise so steep that Defibrillators are being erected all over Australia! - 30th April 2024
Video Cardiologists Identify COVID-19 Vaccine as Likely Cause of 29 year old Florencia Tarque's Heart Attack Problem - 29th April 2024
Video Top Doctor Ben Tapper Blows the Whistle: 'Chemicals in Vaccines Are Turning Kids Trans' - 28th April 2024
Document COVID-19 Vaccinated Teacher Sherri Moody from Pearland, Texas has hands and feet amputated - 21st April 2024
Video The Vaccine Passport LIE Just COLLAPSED And The WHO Are FURIOUS! Covid Vaccines Don't Work! - 20th April 2024
Video The GREAT LIE is starting to collapse and they can't hide it anymore - Anthony Fauci exposed - 19th April 2024
Video Pfizer Admits mRNA Jabs Contain 'Nanobots' That Permanently Alters DNA - 18th April 2024
Video Pfizer is 'deeply sorry' for ongoing participation in Criminal Activity - 12th April 2024
Video Dr. Peter McCullough: Treating COVID Vax Injuries, Preparing For Disease X, Childhood Vaccines - 9th April 2024
Video COVID Clots Caused by the Vaccines | Full Measure - 9th April 2024
Video "Pfizer LIED About Covid-19 Jabs" | Watchdog Accuses Pfizer of Promoting 'Unlicensed Vaccine' - 8th April 2024
Video Former Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza, needs police protection from vaxx victims... for killing people! - 7th April 2024
Video Top Virologist Warns 'Massive, Massive Tsunami' of mRNA-Vaccinated Deaths on Horizon - 6th April 2024
Document Lockdowns could cause more harm than Covid-19 and there was no evidence that wearing masks was useful - 26th March 2024
Document Japan Bans Covid Shots over Soaring Sudden Deaths - 24th March 2024
Video Top Doctor Details 'Huge Financial Incentives' For Hospitals To Murder Covid Patients with Remdesivir... - 24th March 2024
Document New Zealand: Three District Court judges die in one week: Tributes for Jocelyn Munro, Bernadette Farnan, Philip Recordon - 23rd March 2024
Video Covid's "15 days" turned into years, and the loss of our freedoms increased. Don't Let Them Off The Hook- 20th March 2024
Video Vaccine injured in New Zealand are physically traumatised and then re-traumatised repeatedly at every medical consultation- 14th March 2024
Document Dr Mike Yeadon's Open Letter to the Metropolitan Police about serious crimes per Mark Sexton communication - 11th March 2024
Video Adverse Reactions to Covid Vaccines - Justin and Hailey Bieber, Jamie Foxx, Damar Hamlin - 8th March 2024
Document NZ's new [7th] Covid-19 vaccine rolls out today - Here's what you need to know - 7th March 2024
Video Shocking Toll of COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths Unveiled in South Korea. Record Deaths Occurring Worldwide - Governments Found Guilty of Profiting from the Bioweapon Deaths- 4th March 2024
Video THE SPIKE PROTEIN AND COVID VIRUS IS A LIE - They are bioweapons and toxins - Dr. Jane Ruby & Dr. Lee Merritt - 29th February 2024
Video Dr. Phil serves MASSIVE amounts of Covid truth bombs on Whoopi Goldberg... - 28th February 2024
Video Pauline Hanson vindicated - COVID-19 Jab Mandates Exposed as Unlawful in Queensland - 28th February 2024
Video Mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for Qld police officers and nurses ruled unlawful - 28th February 2024
Video The Australian Senate has acknowledged the EXCESS DEATHS and the need for further inquiry! - 27th February 2024
Document Covid-19 vaccines seem to cut the risk of heart attacks and strokes - and cause blood clots or heart inflammation - 27th February 2024
Video Mandatory COVID vaccines for police and nurses unlawful, says Qld Supreme Court - 27th February 2024
Document Queensland Supreme Court declares Police and Ambulance [Covid] vaccine mandates unlawful - 26th February 2024
Document 'Devastating loss': Beloved Auckland high school principal Paul McKinley DIES SUDDENLY - 26th February 2024
Video What COVID 'Vaccine' Mandates? Australian government allowing businesses to illegally mandate - 23rd February 2024
Video COVID-19 Vaccines Affecting Our Health? | Study Reveals Vaccines Increase Heart, Brain Issues - 23rd February 2024
Video Riccardo Bosi - NEW THREAT EXPOSED! Nanodust Infection and the Risk to the Unvaxed - Plus 5G - Full Facts Revealed - 22nd February 2024
Document A new Covid vaccine [the 7th Kill Shot] to combat newer strains will be ready early next month - 22nd February 2024
Document [Covid Vaccinated] Green MP Efeso Collins DIES SUDDENLY at 49: 'A great man' [He worked hard at vaccinating New Zealand] - 21st February 2024
Document Te Whatu Ora data leak: Vaccinators feel under threat as their names are shared with the whole World - 20th February 2024
Video More Evidence mRNA Shots Can Trigger Dementia - The Silent Disaster of Biowarfare 'PRIONS' infecting humanity - 19th February 2024
Video Nurse speaks out: Emergency Rooms were filled by Covid-19 VACCINATED people - not the unvaccinated - 19th February 2024
Video Surgeon removing strange white fibrous clots from the right jugular vein - post Covid-19 vaccines - 19th February 2024
Video White clots USA, Part 2 - 18th February 2024
Q Australian court rules employers who mandated jab legally liable for injuries - 16th February 2024
Video Pfizer To Rake In Trillions From Murder And Turbo Cancer Deaths, Insider Claims - 14th February 2024
Video The Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine Advertisement | The Reality - 14th February 2024
Document Hastings truck driver who refused Covid jab gets $29,000 payout for wrongful dismissal - 12th February 2024
Video White clots common after Covid mRNA Vaccinations - Dr. John Campbell - 9th February 2024
Video Top Oncologist Blows Whistle on mRNA Fallout: 'We've Never Seen Cancers Behave Like This' - 9th February 2024
Video Liz Gunn, Barry Young & Dan Picknell - On The NZ Covid "Inquiry" - 9th February 2024
Video Liz Gunn speaks to the impacts of the official government Covid "Inquiry" which is not all that it seems. - 9th February 2024
Video Bombshell Study: Dr. Chris Shoemaker - We now have 100% Scientific Proof why the Jabbed are Dying Suddenly - 7th February 2024
Document Covid Vaccinated Sherri Moody 'We chose happiness' - Despite Losing All Her Limbs - 2nd February 2024
Document Australian Man Injured by Pfizer Vaccine Wins 'Landmark' Claim Against Employer - 1st February 2024
Document Too Many Dead - An inquiry into Australia's excess mortality - 1st February 2024
Video Scottish Covid Bereaved lawyer rips into 'shameful' SNP for destroying critical evidence - Care Homes turned into Killing Grounds - 28th January 2024
Video Top Doctor Blows The Whistle, Admits Vaccinated Are Developing Full Blown AIDS - VAIDS - 27th January 2024
Video 'Turbo-AIDS' Set To Kill BILLIONS After 'Disease X' Rollout, Bill Gates Insider Warns - 23rd January 2024
Video Florida's surgeon general recently called for a halt in Covid vaccines due to Covid vaccine injuries - 23rd January 2024
Video Italian Police Unions Sound the Alarm Over Surge in Officer Deaths Post-COVID-19 Vaccinations - 21st January 2024
Video Unvaccinated Novak Djokovic 'raises the bar' in tweet addressing vaccinated critic's death - 21st January 2024
Video The tale of Novak Djokovic's PERSECUTION at the Australian Open takes an INSANE twist - Covid Vaccine Crusader Mike Dickson dies! - 20th January 2024
Document Vaccination injury compensable: employment "a significant contributing cause" to pericarditis (South Australia) - 19th January 2024
Video UK child excess deaths, 8% - 18th January 2024
Video Breaking news: DISEASE X DOES NOT EXIST! - We Have Proof! - 18th January 2024
Video WEF Insider Admits 'Disease X' Will Be Final Solution To Depopulate 6 Billion Souls - 18th January 2024
Document Climate Change Vaccine by Pfizer - "The temperature dropped as soon as I got it!" - 16th January 2024
Document Vaccinated Tonya Marie Johnson developed Blood Clots, Paralysis, stomach / spleen removed, cost hospital $7.5 million, has died! - 14th January 2024
Video Covid-19 vaccinated Cindy Mullins (nurse and mom of 2), opens up after sepsis infection leads to amputation of all 4 limbs - 13th January 2024
Video 'Sort of just appeared': Anthony Fauci admits that the COVID response was not based on science - 12th January 2024
Document NZ Covid Vaccination Status by Vaccine Doses Received - How many New Zealanders have been duped so far? - 12th January 2024
Video NZ's fifth Covid wave wreaks havoc on [fully vaccinated people's] holiday plans | 1News - 10th January 2024
Video Canada - Interior Health drops all COVID-19 rapid tests (RATs) at facilities as not reliable for diagnosis of Covid-19 - 9th January 2024
Video We're being censored, claim victims of AstraZeneca Covid vaccine - GBNews - 7th January 2024
Video Florida Surgeon General calls for halt to COVID-19 vaccine, citing possible cancer risks - 5th January 2024
Traitors Bill Gates - the traitor behind 5G / Covid-19; and his ultimate plan to vaccinate the World with his 5G / Covid-19 vaccination and AI tracking technology

Certified IDIOT! Imagine A Vaccine So Safe You Have To Be
To Take It! For A Disease So Deadly
You Have To Be Tested To Know You Have It!
Satanic Pharmaceutical System

WARNING re Covid mRNA Injections

You simply CANNOT unvaccinate yourself of these Kill Shots!So you have participated in the GENOCIDE PROGRAMME and injected yourself for your: work / partner / or to 'fit in' socially etc; despite the hundreds of thousands of medical professionals who have been warning the whole World about the dangers of: modifying your RNA / DNA and shutting down your God given immune system!

Now you are filled with Covid 'Vaccination Remorse' (aka Jabber's Remorse) and are totally concerned about suffering extreme 'serious adverse reactions', so you have decided to find a 'wonder pill' as a cure. The reality is, unless you received a 'saline solution' (like many politicians and other key players in this Genocide Programme, or a miracle healing from your Creator God), or have access to a Med Bed, you simply CANNOT UNVACCINATE yourself of these Kill Shots!

[Note: At this stage, scientific studies from the UK and Israel show that the life expectancy for many 'fully vaccinated' recipients is just 3-5 years!]

How Bad is My Batch
Check out your batch code (lot number) for: Moderna - Pfizer - Janssen etc here:

Remedies and protocols (see here) that you take to reduce side effects / pain etc from the injections / shedding / spike proteins etc, will possibly be for the remainder of your life - as all you will be doing is alleviating the symptoms of the inevitable - VAIDS (Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) and eventual DEATH (yes, the Covid injections include the A.I.D.S virus and nano / graphene technology (all patented) - that turns many surviving recipients into patented 5g routers / transhumans / human 2.0.)

So please, take this opportunity to seek the Lord God (Creator of the Heavens and Earth) and make peace with Him. [Note: Globalists, politicians, scientists, doctors and merchants created this mess - so stop blaming the Purebloods and your Creator God!]

No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.

"I have met many people who regretted GETTING the Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine - but I have never met anyone who regretted NOT GETTING the Vaccine!"

Download here: Mainstream-Media-7News-Australia-Airs-Groundbreaking-Segment-Highlighting-144000-Covid-Vaccine-Reactions-2024-06-30.mp4 - 54,708 kb
By: Sunfellow On COVID-19 - 30th June 2024
Mainstream Media 7News Australia
Airs Groundbreaking Segment
Highlighting 144,000+

Trending News

JUST IN: Mainstream Media 7News Australia Airs Groundbreaking Segment highlighting COVID Vaccine Reactions "there have been 144,000 adverse reaction reports. But that's a drop in the ocean compared to the number of actual adverse reactions that there are, because a lot of them aren't being reported..."

By Aussie17
June 30, 2024

For the first time ever, Australia's highest rating mainstream media, 7News, has dared to air a segment highlighting COVID-19 vaccine side effects, a topic largely censored over the past three years. The segment, named "After COVID," has brought to light the adverse effects many have suffered in the aftermath of receiving the COVID-19 vaccines, with testimonials from prominent individuals who experienced significant health complications.

The discussion regarding COVID vaccine side effects began with a striking revelation for many mainstream media consumers:

"Now, with vaccinations being rushed through, there was no time to properly test for some of the side effects. We've been discussing that and that led to ongoing health problems for some who got the jab. In fact, over 140,000 people suffered adverse effects related to COVID vaccines. That's according to the Therapeutic Goods Administration. 22,000 of those were classified as serious."

Professor Kerryn Phelps is an Australian medical practitioner, public health advocate, and a celebrity figure in the medical community. With an illustrious career spanning over three decades, she has served not only as a physician but also as a former President of the Australian Medical Association. She emphasized that these numbers are just the tip of the iceberg:

"There is so much to learn. The TGA takes the reports. Apparently, there have been 144,000 adverse reaction reports. But that's a drop in the ocean compared to the number of actual adverse reactions that there are, because a lot of them aren't being reported, because certainly in the early days, they weren't being recognized."

Based on the population of Australia, which is approximately 25.7 million, the 144,000 adverse reaction reports represent approximately 0.56% of the population, equating to about 1 in every 179 people. When considering the 22,000 serious adverse reactions (such as deaths, permanent disabilities, hospitalizations, miscarriages, etc.), this represents approximately 0.086% of the population, or about 1 in every 1,168 people. While I am making a broad assumption that one adverse event affects one person (which is not always the case), these figures still illustrate that a significant number of individuals have experienced adverse reactions. According to Prof. Kerryn Phelps, these numbers are likely underreported.

Both she and her wife, Jackie, suffered debilitating side effects from the Pfizer vaccine. Professor Phelps shared her harrowing experience:

"A week after I had the vaccine, having never had any problems with my heart or my blood pressure, my blood pressure went extremely high, my pulse rate went extremely high. I woke in the night with my heart pounding, being able to hear my pulse in my ears, something called pulsatile tinnitus. I lost some hearing in my left ear. I became very breathless just walking across a room... I had testing for dysautonomia which is a problem of the nervous system and the way it interacts with the heart and the vascular system. And that is one of the recognized side effects of Pfizer."

Her partner Jackie's story was equally, if not more, distressing. Describing her reaction, she said:

"Within five minutes, my head nearly blew off my body. My face went bright red, my vision was impaired, I couldn't hear, my feet went numb, my hands went numb. I had paresthesia all over my body. From that minute, my hair started falling out. For the next three years, it's ruined my life. I've had to have a chairlift put into my house because I can't walk up and down stairs anymore."

Jackie continued to emphasize the severity of the issues:

"It has made me hide away from people because my specialists have said if I catch COVID that'll be the end of me. It's neurological, rheumatological; it's caused ongoing problems for me …So I can't have any more vaccines and I wouldn't go near them with a ten foot barge pole."

It's important to consider the implications of Dr. Phelps and her partner both experiencing serious side effects from the COVID vaccine. The probability of two individuals, both from the same household and one being a prominent doctor, suffering significant adverse reactions calls into question the common belief that such side effects are rare. It suggests that the risk of serious side effects may be more prevalent than initially reported, highlighting potential gaps in the surveillance and reporting processes of vaccine reactions.

As the discussion about COVID vaccine side effects continued, the atmosphere grew tense when an audience member raised a pressing question. One participant from the legal sector, known for tackling government and medical corruption, captured attention with a pointed inquiry:

"I was one of the few people in the legal sector who took on the TGA and the rest of the government establishment for government corruption and medical corruption. My question to you is, as a person who is not vaccinated, who did not take a single COVID-19 vaccine, why isn't there research done three years in now comparing the immune systems of those who got the first dose, the second dose, and the third dose, and the aftermath and latency periods in comparison to how the non-vaccinated are faring? Right now, we have a society that is chronically ill in the winter season, and it is not the unvaccinated."

The host promptly directed the question to Prof. Robert Booy who started defending the vaccines:

"Australia has among the best immunologists in the world and we've won two Nobel prizes. We do take that seriously. We do look at the responses to vaccination. We do look at people who have had no exposure to COVID or vaccination, and their immune systems are compared," explained Prof. Booy. "So you're wrong."

"And as to being healthy, that's great. I'm really pleased for you. But the people who've had COVID who haven't been vaccinated get more severe disease and they're more likely to get long COVID."

Adding to the discussion, Associate Professor Sanjaya Senanayake emphasized the extensive ongoing research despite the widespread rollout of vaccines.

"Once the vaccines get rolled out, and now we've had over 12-13 billion doses given worldwide, the research doesn't stop. We've got to phase three. Let's roll it out. We've got phase four trials, and data is being collected and collected and collected. If we're going to see really rare side effects, we've had 7-10 billion doses to see those, and we haven't heard of anything unusual at this point. We'll keep looking."

However, the exchange took a dramatic turn when another audience member shouted, "(inaudible)…not a controled manner. That's not a test, that's just giving it to everybody!"

I am going to reserve my views on these two establishment professors because Professor Gigi Foster responded really well below. However, I did a quick search on Disclosure Australia to check for any financial conflicts of interest, and here is what I found. Unless he is a different Dr. Robert Booy, I would suggest that 7News look for financial conflicts of interest before inviting people onto a panel who appear to be neutral but are not. (If it is a different Dr. Robert Booy, I apologize in advance.)

It reminded me of the condescending Dr. Daniel Goldstein, whom you can read about here. I think doctors who take money from pharmaceutical companies need to completely recuse themselves from this conversation.

Anyway, Prof. Gigi Foster offered a very good perspective on the situation, highlighting a discrepancy between decision-makers and the general public.

"What we're seeing here is a symptom of a modern problem that we have with people who are often making decisions in positions of authority, trying to do the right thing, I think, are usually very separated from the people on the street. The people on the street are getting their information from sources other than the mainstream news, other than the health head of the department in various states, other than the mainstream peer-reviewed journals. They're getting information from a lot of independent media, from a lot of independent scholars, some of whom are extremely good. I would very strongly recommend that you guys have a look at non-mainstream sources of information. You may discover something."

Anyway, this segment vividly illustrated the fiery debate over vaccine safety and transparency, revealing the deep divisions and varied perspectives that exist within the community. I will post the link to the full segment when it's up.

Another video of lefty's crying about the jab after they pushed it into the people. Enjoy your clotshot. Every one of them had the choice not to take it. I lost EVERYTHING because I refused to comply and get their clotshot. I hear complaints like this and stand proud I'm not a beta cuck mainstream bitch... I NEVER heard about anyone being held down and forced the jab. What I experienced was a bunch of weak beta bitchs trying to force me to bend the knee. I refused. Now curse the evil God you bowed to while I rejoice in mine.

That doctor on the panel says that if the unvaccinated people get the so called virus, he's saying that because they're unvaccinated they will be a lot sicker!!! Well I'm here to tell you he's full of shit because I have had covid and only experienced a mild cold and many people have had the same reactions. I'm one who never believed in this propaganda in the first place because I have done my due diligence researches and knew at the beginning that we were in for a very rocky ride with this psychological operation of lies and corruption… This doctor is very well compensated by big pharmaceutical for what he's saying….he's been bought. A lot of people are.

Easing the asleep into the reality of the Genocide.

the guy from the tga was still pushing the jab and mislead the public, he knows damned well the jab causes long convid. the so called "virus" had never been isolated, thats right never! he is just pushing the jab.

Take a good look at the scum that sold their soul for 30 pieces of gold

so so so so much proof this vaccine is deadly. one example is the Barry Young data. Barry was head analysis for medsafe (govts own medial safety site) came out cause he could see and prove over 35000 sudden deaths from very healthy people with in weeks of there shot??? some with in hours. and when he came out to release this data our evil govt had him arrested by armed defenders and looking at 7 years in prison if he speaks out???? does this alone not say it all?? you fkn weak, pathetic country/ people sell outs

The only way that lie about unvaccinated "getting more severe disease and getting more long covid" holds is if they deliberately misclassify people who have had the shots in the prior 2 weeks as unvaccinated. They told us exactly how they planned to screw us at the start, and then proceded to screw us in exactly that manner.

Don't you just love those bland and psychopathic responses form the High Priests of The Science

he's an example as to why Nobel prize winners are the worst of snake oil salesmen.
no shots here but I did pick up a weird flu bug that matched the symptoms of the omacran variant. over it in 3 days, only took aspirin for the nagging headache, the rest is the usual, juice, water, nutritional foods and good old fashioned saltene crackers. I have not been sick with even a cold for over 2 years. the only people I know who are told they've got "long covid" took at minimum 2 shots, typically Pfizer but some went with Moderna. so your Nobel prize winner is either lying or he isn't worth a shit in the medical field because he doesn't ask questions and just preaches the same narrative we hear from the other "experts". their experts by the way is the beaurocratic unelected officials that don't have a job unless they're government funded via grants and large private donations that come from the oligarchy.

These vaccines were made decades ago because they knew what the plan was going to be which started with the bio weapon to initiate the plandemic and then the jabs which was also a bio weapon!!! These vaccines were part of the psy/op to depopulate the world. Bill Gate's said it in person in a Ted Talk that if everything goes well with the vaccines they were going to be successful in their plan to "reduce the population"….

My sister can't report her vaccine injury, she died of a massive heart attack after her second dose.

Download here: Former-Pro-Clot-Shot-Chris-Cumo-Reports-Soldier-claims-COVID-vaccine-caused-heart-attacks-stroke-2024-06-25.mp4 - 11,895 kb
By: NewsNation - 25th June 2024
Former Pro Clot Shot Chris Cumo Reports:
Soldier claims COVID vaccine
caused heart attacks, stroke

Army National Guard Specialist Karoline Stancik, 24, says she's in $70,000 of medical debt after being hospitalized for heart complications. She suffered three heart attacks and a stroke after receiving the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. According to a new report, the Department of Defense acknowledges that Stancik's diagnosis of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, or "POTS," may have been caused by the vaccine.

Stancik and veterans advocate Jeremy Sorenson join NewsNation's Chris Cuomo to discuss.

#CUOMO #vaccine #covid #KarolineStancik

Pretty sure this is the same guy shaming everybody for NOT getting the jab.

Hey Chris don't forget you pushed for the jab and shamed and ridiculed people for not getting it .

This guy would have had people put in detainment camps. His opinion means less than nothing

Its so strange to hear Cuomo saying these things after what he was saying in 2019-2020.

She was not urged, she was forced to take the jab.

This whole thing is disgusting. Shame on those who shamed others, threatened their jobs, family members shamed other family members.

Chris you and your cronies pushed that poison from day one! Pretending you care now is stomach turning!!!

Didn't him and his buddy over at CNN say hospitals shouldn't treat people unless they took the vaccine

Cuomo is not someone I would want interviewing for this. He is such a hypocrite.

Download here: You-Committed-Crime-Against-Humanity-Damon-DESTROYS-Dr-Fauci-on-His-Pandemic-Recommendations-2024-06-22.mp4 - 3,966 kb
By: Catch Up - 22nd June 2024
"You Committed
Crimes Against Humanity"
Damon DESTROYS Dr. Fauci
on His Pandemic Recommendations

Fauci's discussion with Damon Imani didn't go as well as he thought it would.

Notice: This video is satire.

He's up there with Hitler and Stalin on the death toll.

This man needs to be in prison for the rest of his life. He should've already lost his job.

He is evil an should spend the rest of his life in prison never ever walk free again

He destroyed so many peoples lives! An absolute devil.


What a liar. Why isn't he in jail

Absolutely correct. His a$$ belongs in jail!!!!

All of his money should be given to those who lost jobs, families who lost loved ones due to the Fauci ouchie. And those disabled by said ouchie.

Why isn't this criminal in jail?

Fauci has so much blood on his hands

Saying things that should have been said !!! BRAVO !!

I was cussed at so many times because i refused getting the jab accused of unaliving others! I never got sick with c-19 while so many jabbed did!

He should be in jail yesterday last year and why he is on TV????Ohhh I forgot about that show they all should be in jail TOGETHER Thank you Daman for always showing the true

Good on you Damon. I take my hat off to you for your honesty and guts.

Download here: Japan-Billions-of-Dying-Vaxxed-Have-Dementia-Perpetrators-Must-Be-Punished-Insurance-not-paid-to-vaxxed-2024-06-20.mp4 - 94,426 kb
By: The People's Voice - 20th June 2024
Japan: 'Billions of Dying
Vaxxed Have Dementia!
Perpetrators Must Be Punished'

- Insurance not paid to vaxxed! -

Huge numbers of Japanese are taking to the streets to protest crimes against humanity perpetrated by the World Health Organization and WEF during the pandemic as Japanese scientists continue leading the world in exposing the disastrous health consequences of the vaccine.

While Western scientists operate under the control of Big Pharma coercion, Japanese neuroscientists are alarmed at the explosive surge in dementia cases among COVID vaccinated individuals as a massive study of more than half a million people reveals the vaccine has inflicted early onset dementia on an extraordinary number of people.

The Western mainstream media, funded by Big Pharma and Bill Gates, is desperate to suppress this news, ordering a media blackout across the board. That's why we are determined to bring it to as many people as possible today.





I have already accepted the deaths of everybody I know that were dumb enough to take the shot

ALL members of the WEF must be eliminated from the face of the Earth!

I feel so sorry for all the Japanese who trusted their leaders and got screwed - this is a disgrace - Fauci needs to be hung


No Amnesty For Tyrants And JAB Propagandists! WE WILL NOT FORGIVE! WE WILL NOT FORGET!



I lost my mother late last year to the Darpa jab! Turbo cancer.

Don't give up so easy, there is treatments. Do your own research, first alkaline your body, buy PH strips for testing your urine, must keep at 8.5 PH. Then just add potassium bicarbonate to your drinking water. Look for pure on Amazon. Then do a detox with Zeolite every few weeks. Keep your PH up at all times, viruses can't live in a alkaline body. Ivermectin is great as well to have on hand. Nicotine patches work for defense, most all smoker never got the bug.

Potassium review: I LOVE this product. All it takes is a LITTLE BIT to raise my alkalinity. If I take a 1/4tsp I'm pH goes from a 6 to 7, but if I take 1/2tsp then my pH goes from 6 to 8 which is where I want it, but at that level my body is in a PRIME state for some major detoxing and I get a headache. Its not a bad headache and not painful, it's just....there. If I jump into my sauna I sweat out all the toxins and I'm fine. So the amount I take depends on whether or not I feel like jumping into my sauna for an hour. I am able to take 1/2tsp if I'm about to eat a toxic, highly acidic yummy American meal then the extreme acidity in my Western meal will counteract that extra 1/4tsp potassium bicarbonate that I took and balance itself out to where my pH stays at about a 7.5.

Good Luck, God Bless.

Download here: Kansas-sues-Pfizer-over-COVID-19-vaccine-2024-06-19.mp4 - 7,533 kb
By: FOX31 Denver - 19th June 2024
Kansas sues Pfizer
over COVID-19 vaccine

#FOX31 #Colorado #News

The state of Kansas is suing Pfizer over its manufacturing of the COVID-19 vaccine. FOX31's Talya Cunningham explains what the lawsuit claims.

Don't forget, your local news pushed the HELL out of this and here we are pretending that didn't happen.

Just remember how you were treated when others found out you were not vaccinated..yeah..I do..

I was that pregnant Mom in 2021 that chose not to get vaccinated..... I was treated like scum of the earth and was told i was being so selfish and not thinking about my unborn child. I stayed strong and did not vax.

So thankful i didn't do it.

Remember when people were shaming each other for not getting this sh!t!

My wife was fired from GBMC Hospital as a nurse for not getting this poison while pregnant and breast feeding. I look forward to the outcome of this lawsuit.

Do you still trust the government? I never did.

When I was pregnant in 2022 I wanted to take line dancing just for some easy exercise through my pregnancy. I was told by the person running the class that I couldn't participate without proof of vaccination.

As I was leaving she said, "You really have to think about the health of that baby." I turned around and said, "I know, that's exactly why I'm not vaccinated." And I left and never returned. My son is just about 2 and healthy as a horse.

Who ever bullied and deceived consumers into taking this must be held criminally accountable.

How about the people who lost their jobs because they didn't take this crap!! Smh

The decision to not vax was a no brainer for me.

Download here: Pfizer-court-case-Kansas-for-Willingly-and-Knowingly-Deceiving-and-Killing-the-Public-2024-06-19.mp4 - 36,843 kb
By: Dr. John Campbell - 19th June 2024
Pfizer court case, Kansas - for
Willingly and Knowingly Deceiving
and Killing the Public

Pfizer misled the public that it had a "safe and effective" COVID-19 vaccine. - or download here.

Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine was safe even though it knew its COVID-19 vaccine was connected to serious adverse events, including myocarditis and pericarditis, failed pregnancies, and deaths.

Pfizer concealed this critical safety information from the public.

Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine was effective even though it knew its COVID- 19 vaccine waned over time and did not protect against COVID-19 variants.

Pfizer concealed this critical effectiveness information from the public.

Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine would prevent transmission of COVID-19 even though it knew it never studied the effect of its vaccine on transmission of COVID-19.

To keep the public from learning the truth, Pfizer worked to censor speech on social media that questioned Pfizer's claims about its COVID-19 vaccine.

Pfizer's misrepresentations of a "safe and effective" vaccine resulted in record company revenue of approximately $75 billion from COVID-19 vaccine sales in just two years.

Pfizer's actions and statements relating to its COVID-19 vaccine violated previous consent judgments with the State of Kansas.

Pfizer's actions and statements relating to its COVID-19 vaccine violated the Kansas Consumer Protection Act.

Pfizer must be held accountable for falsely representing the benefits of its COVID- 19 vaccine while concealing and suppressing the truth about its vaccine's safety risks, waning effectiveness, and inability to prevent transmission.

28. Millions of Kansans heard Pfizer's misrepresentations about its COVID-19 vaccine.

29. In May 2021, Pfizer advertised to Kansans on Facebook about its "life-saving vaccines" and its "cures."

30. Pfizer took advantage of Kansans' fear of COVID-19 and desire for safety by offering a "safe and effective" COVID-19 vaccine, while concealing, suppressing, and omitting material information that undermined its safety and effectiveness claims in Kansas.

B. Pfizer used confidentiality agreements to conceal critical data relating to the safety and effectiveness of its COVID-19 vaccine.

57. Pfizer has kept data hidden through confidentiality agreements with governments around the world.

C. Pfizer used an extended study timeline to conceal critical data relating to the safety and effectiveness of its COVID-19 vaccine.

65. Scientists were outraged that they still could not review Pfizer's COVID-19 study data. "Pfizer's pivotal COVID vaccine trial was funded by the company and designed, run, analysed, and authored by Pfizer employees. The company and the contract research organisations that carried out the trial hold all the data."

D. Pfizer used FOIA denial and delay to conceal critical data relating to the safety and effectiveness of its COVID-19 vaccine.

E. Pfizer destroyed the vaccine control group, which will conceal critical data relating to the safety and effectiveness of its COVID-19 vaccine.

86. Pfizer planned to follow COVID-19 vaccine study participants, both vaccine and placebo recipients, for 24 months to monitor the safety and effectiveness of its vaccine.

87. Once the FDA approved Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine through an emergency use authorization in December 2020, Pfizer unblinded the study participants and offered vaccine placebo recipients the option to receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

88. Of the 21,921 vaccine trial participants who received the placebo, more than 20,000 placebo participants decided to receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine as of March 13, 2021.

Wasn't misslead! We were flat out LIED to.

They need to go after Bill Gates as well

Doctors that harassed their patient into getting the shot could be in legal trouble as well.

Incredible damage to the credibility of the medical establishment. All trust is lost. Never again.

Those of us who said NO were right, but NEVER forget how we were treated. Thank you, Dr. John.

I would sue FDA giving the approval as well.
And all the politicians promoting the jab.

I refused to get the jabs after it was mandated and my work complied. I submitted for religious exemption.

Got denied for no good reason. No lawyer would take my case. As a result, I choose to never work in healthcare again.
It's ok though, I've got a much better job by far now, and I really enjoy it a lot.

A neighbour had a heart attack and was admitted to a hospital here in Scotland and was shocked to be told by the surgeon his type heart attack is only seen in vaxxed people he is livid as he felt forced by the gov to comply and save your grannies!!!

Let the reparations and prison sentences commence.

As a Registered Nurse, I could not ethically, morally, or legally administer a new untested pharmaceutical product to anyone because I could not provide my patients with accurate INFORMED CONSENT. Any health professional who did, was (is) COMPLICIT in this crime against humanity. Period.

I was treated from friends, family and the medical professionals like I was insane for not getting the jab. Pressure was applied from every aspect of my life. I feel that was cruel and the medical community should be held accountable.

Download: - 42,603 kb
By: NewsHub - 18th June 2024
COVID-19: Michael Baker urges
people to get booster jabs
as New Zealand grapples with
'concerning' sixth Covid wave

Michael Baker spoke to Lloyd Burr.

New Zealand's sixth wave of COVID-19 cases is largely being driven by people's complacency about the virus, epidemiologist Michael Baker says.

Prof Baker, from the University of Otago, told AM it was a "concerning" wave of infections.

He urged New Zealanders to get booster jabs, noting the Government was still funding them for eligible people.

"The last three waves have been getting bigger - more cases - and I know we're quite complacent about this virus now, but we shouldn't be," Prof Baker told AM host Lloyd Burr.

He said there were many steps people could take to prevent cases from rising.

The number people hospitalised with COVID-19 was 279 as of Sunday, Health New Zealand said.

"Don't ignore this infection," Prof Baker said.

"We're still seeing about 50 people a day admitted to hospital. People are, unfortunately, dying every day from this infection - particularly older people and those with underlying illness."

Michael Baker
Michael Baker. Photo credit: Newshub.

There were 4788 new COVID-19 cases reported in the week to Sunday and 34 people died, Te Whatu Ora data showed.

Of those new cases, 3021 were reinfections.

The seven-day rolling average of cases was 509.

Prof Baker reminded people to get their vaccine boosters.

"Basically, people of all ages are also getting long-term effects - long COVID - and the good news is that the vaccine protects you against both of those outcomes," he said.

Anyone 30 and older is eligible for boosters and high-risk or pregnant people 16-29.

"Really take advantage of that," Prof Baker urged.

Note from


While Dr. Michael Baker may not currently have 'official' charges against him for Crimes Against Humanity (image below), the fact remains that he has charges 'pending'' in courts of 'competent jurisdiction' that will be held in the not to distant future.

There are consequences for willingly and knowingly committing Crimes Against Humanity, to which every complicit: politician / journalist / doctor / nurse / police / employer etc. will have their 'day of reckoning' - and will be judged accordingly.

Matthew 7:2 "For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again..."

Dr. Michael Baker to be tried for Crimes Against Humanity...

Download here: Multiple-US-states-sue-Pfizer-for-Misleading-the-Public-about-Covid-19-Vaccine-Risks-2024-06-18.mp4 - 13,968 kb
By: MrSkypelessons - 18th June 2024
Multiple US states sue Pfizer
for Misleading the Public
about Covid 19 Vaccine Risks


As a person new to English, thank you for these important lessons!

I love your channel, your witty comments & your content subject. Well done mate More needs to be said about such subject. Greetings from America:)

I do really enjoy these videos. Thank you.

Support to everyone who sues pfiser from Melbourne

I really enjoy the grammar lessons!

Download here: Kansas-sues-Pfizer-alleging-it-misled-the-public-about-safety-of-COVID-vaccine-2024-06-18.mp4 - 14,044 kb
By: Fox Business - 18th June 2024
Kansas sues Pfizer
alleging it 'misled' the public
about safety of COVID vaccine

#foxbusiness #thebottomline

Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach says Pfizer 'violated' the Consumer Protection Act on 'The Bottom Line.' #foxbusiness #thebottomline

Sue the people who pushed it. Sue the networks.

Arrest Dr. Fauci.

I still remember Joe Biden pretty much calling anti vaccer's scumbags...I'll remember that when I go to vote for TRUMP 2024!

So how many people DID NOT take the jab raise your hand!??

I spent a lot of effort to get my daughters not to get vaccinated. Now I'm very glad, even with all the dramas it caused at that time...

Every taxpayer has skin in the game.


Prison sentence needed,
money means nothing with the profits they made.

W.H.O. needs to be accountable as well!


This is exactly why My family and I refused to get a vac shot. Best decision ever made.

All the states must sue them and also many countries

God Bless Kansas-you are doing what the corrupt Garland refuses to do

Every person in the World should get vaccine injury money. Every single person.

Unless they're fined billions, they won't care!

Download here: Those-Responsible-Must-Face-JUSTICE-Upsetting-Testimony-of-Vaccine-Injury-at-Senate-Hearing-2024-06-17.mp4 - 25,064 kb
By: Senator Babet - 17th June 2024
Those Responsible Must Face JUSTICE
Upsetting Testimony of
Vaccine Injury at Senate Hearing

Just a few days ago Kara was in Canberra to give us her testimony in our Excess Mortality inquiry.

The United Australia Party will keep pushing this issue until those responsible are held accountable.

This is infuriating to watch, this poor woman obviously was having extreme difficulty just talking. The TGA needs to be held accountable for their treachery to the Australian people. Every Health minister and chief medical officer needs to be held to account, the Governor General who should have stepped in did NOTHING.

Each person in Government and health and employers that pushed for humans to have these vaccines should be criminally charged.

Every politician and media person who spoke the words 'safe and effective' should be held personally liable as well as big pharma. So sad the suffering that is here and with still so much more to come.

Please get that liar Skerritt back and all those that promoted this, convict them, put them in jail and throw away the key.

Thank you Kara - very brave of you to speak out. These politicians NEED to be held accountable for what they did. FULL STOP.

Do not let the perpetrators sleep in peace.

Keep shining a light on this medical disaster, Senator!

Those Responsible Must Face JUSTICE!!!

Absolutely disgusting to all involved and the time taken to help those poisoned by our Govt

It was voluntary - you had the jab, which was perfectly safe, or you starved and were disowned by the government and your family and friends. I feel only pity and anger. Pity for those who have suffered, and anger at the people who created this avoidable tragedy!

Download here: Hang-on-Bill-Gates-is-now-doing-WHAT-with-Bird-Flu-Redacted-2024-06-14.mp4 - 24,086 kb
By: Redacted - 14th June 2024
Hang on! Bill Gates is now
doing WHAT with Bird Flu???
Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris

#independentjournalists #natalimorris #redacted

The U.S. and European Union will order bird flu vaccines from from vaccine manufacturer CSL Seqirus, which is funded and advised by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. What do we even know about bird flu vaccines?

Who else is sick of mass genocide?

Psychopath bill needs to be in jail for murder.

Put Fauci and Gates in jail!

Gates and Fauci need to be held accountable.

The who is a terrorist organization

why are these people not yet in prison for their last crimes against humanity??

The inventor of the PCR test kit, who passed away after announcing that his test kit was not designed to find covid.

His name was kerry Mullis, he was a Nobel Peace prize winner. Never forget his name and his final words

When you make billions doing something once with no consequences, why wouldn't you do it again?

I wasn't worried about bird flu until Gates got involved

Tedros...such a never ending liar.

Do people realise that Tedros is wanted by his homeland of Ethiopia on charges of genocide and that he has been given immunity from international criminal prosecution by the UN?

Download here: World-Leader-Confesses-Unvaxxed-Were-Right-We-Tried-Poisoning-BILLIONS-of-You-2024-06-13.mp4 - 92,079 kb
By: The People's Voice - 13th June 2024
World Leader Confesses:
'Unvaxxed Were Right, We
Tried Poisoning BILLIONS of You'

Get Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and Fenbendazole here: - use coupon code 'peoplesvoice' for 15% off.

- Visit to take back control of the Internet

- Visit our new community forums:

Note from

* Australian Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr. Nick Coatsworth - August 2020 - Forces his "NO JAB / NO JOB" ruling on all Australians;

* Australian Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr. Nick Coatsworth - February 2022 - Call to scrap vaccination 'mandates.'

* Australian Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr. Nick Coatsworth - February 2023 - Covid vaccines, including the fifth dose only gives transient protection - not protection for life. Eventually we are going to have to stop with these recommendations.

* Australian Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr. Nick Coatsworth - March / June 2024 - Admits he never took the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Covid Vaccines; nor does he want to take another vaccine in his life. He also admitted that mandates were wrong, and he wants the people of Australia to forgive him for forcing the Globalist agenda on them!

World leaders are breaking down and admitting what many of us have known for years – the global elite, in cahoots with Big Pharma, were responsible for the most heinous crime against humanity in the history of humankind when they mandated Covid vaccines and destroyed the health of millions of people in the process.

Amid warnings from funeral directors that governments are covering up the true number of deaths in the vaccinated community, and with a huge tsunami of deaths forecast in the near future, should we grant these world leaders the amnesty they are begging for?

Or should we hold them to account and punish them for their crimes?

meanwhile they attended parties, pelosi sneaking around getting her hair done, fauci maskless at a basketball game. 6ft bull shit.
and communities torn apart.
I WAS well liked in my community been here 25 yrs.
not so much anymore. now I realize how many sheep I am surrounded by and its not pretty.
I dont even speak to my neighbors anymore.
one of them puffing away on cigs telling me how concerned they are about their health, wearing a mask in between cigs. pissed me off that she thought I should be masked, in my own home, I told her to go home and dont come back unless she is wearing a hazmat suit. if you worried, then you wear it, leave everyone else alone, and right on the box the mask told you they were not made for that.
bitch wanted me to put a mask on in the store that they were handing out, with bare hands. I refused, now I cant even go into my states entire grocery chain state wide
fuck these people. I dont need or want people like that in my circle.
bow to your Gov God and good luck with that


Nuremberg 2! All involved must be executed!

saying they were too harsh with mandates is too little too late and there needs to be consequences.

How many people have died and suffered?
How many?
And this prick helped push it...

All those criminals should be arrested,prosecuted and capital punishment. Never forget what they have done to humanity.

All I can say to the dimwits is "I told ya so"
No sympathy for anyone that puts their faith and trust in their gov. The only ones I feel for are the children who had no choice.
Jab freeee,Mask freeee.
non compliant.
These dingbats dont know their gov. The gov is not your friend and has been known to use their own people as lab rats through out American history.
Read a book.

nobody has the authority to make u take shit especially ur health,this was about a pandemic. it was a PLAN!

it was to sow Fear! so sad that those who believed instead of using their own brain,

The ICC needs to arrest and charge Gates on down. This was no pandemic and these evil global cult members need to face justice.

Anyone else think it strange that Self-Identifying Elite (Criminals):are suddenly confessing everything....
WITHOUT voicing remorse for anything?

Perhaps a White Hat operation MAY be at work behind the scenes, after all... forcing admission of guilt BEFORE court ordered executions take place....

Rope buffet, hope he's hungry.

The devil worshipen baby murderen commie Marxist dirtbags need executed for mass murder!! Fauci and all his cronies NEED the firing squad!!

They want amnesty as they're preparing to do it again… diabolical parasites??

dont forget the poor elderly left to die alone.
I cant get that vision out of my head of that grandmother thru the glass, crying, holding her families pic.
just wanting to see them and feel their arms around her.
it was a despicable thing for these people to do.
and just like germany, they all now want to say they were 'just following orders'
no bullshit. sick of these dumbasses.
and bless the families that had to suffer losing their elderly loved ones and could not be with them.

Download here: Candace-Owens-SNAPS-on-Piers-Morgan-for-Wrongly-Pushing-the-COVID-Shots-2024-06-13.mp4 - 9,115 kb
By: The Vigilant Fox - 13th June 2024
Candace Owens SNAPS on Piers Morgan
for Wrongly Pushing the COVID Shots

PIERS MORGAN: "Do not take my one clarification about the ability of a vaccine to prevent transmission should not be seen as some great mea culpa [error]."

CANDACE OWENS: "That's a huge mea culpa, Piers. That's a huge, huge mea culpa because that means you want people to go out and get an experimental vaccine in their arms and encourage them not to listen to independent voices that were saying, 'Hold on.' That's a huge mea culpa. People died from the vaccine."

Candace says they lied about:

  • Vaccine deaths
  • Blood clots
  • Miscarriages
  • Menstrual harms
  • Ocular clots (can cause blindness)
  • 6 ft social distancing
  • etc.

"I want to be clear for people watching this," Candance said.

"He [Piers Morgan] is saying, still get it. I'm saying, still don't. Just so you can hear a different opinion. Do not allow the government to put that in your arm. God's system works. The government is not fixing you in any regard."

Piers Morgan is a total fuckwit. No ideas how the fuckhead is still relevant.

I thank god i was raised to never trust the greasy government. I found it shocking how many people forgot that age old rule when the vaccines rolled out.

I love to see that arrogant disingenuous prick get taken down a notch.

Over 700,000 excess deaths in the US due to the jabs and over 17 million world wide. Thanks for Candace for standing up to this bully.

Morgan is a piece of shit and he always has been.
Years ago this turd hacked the phone of a murdered child to try to get a story, he has no morals, no integrity and no shame.

I just look forward to the day this bastard develops a nice juicy turbo cancer like so many of the people fooled by his fat ignorant mouth have.

How can someone still say that the vaccines are harmless ? The RKI files are out, it is not like it is still a conspiracy theory, we can discuss how harmful they exactly were, but there is no doubt that this whole Corona scam was more harmful than life saving.

Candice, you go girl. He is the most despicable person and I can't understand anyone keeping this guy on air. He is still sticking up for the vaccine he never took.

Erin Elizabeth Health Nut News
Thank you. Just watched. Cannot believe he is still in denial and she's right.
I wonder how many people listened to Piers Morgan, and did what he said in our dead now thanks to him.

Tell him, Candace!

stop calling it a vaccine! it's a countermeasure.

Piers is a pretentious windbag for the globalists. He should have ZERO relevance in the US medical and political arena's, and frankly, just zero relevance at all.

Download here: Top-BBC-Presenter-Dr-Michael-Mosley-Found-Dead-After-Vowing-To-Expose-COVID-Vaccines-2024-06-11.mp4 - 41,623 kb
By: The People's Voice - 11th June 2024
Top BBC Presenter & Clot Shot Advocate
Dr. Michael Mosley Found Dead After
Vowing To Expose COVID Vaccines!

Could the death of Dr. Michael Mosley have had anything to do with his work analyzing his own body's response to the Covid vaccines?

The global elite and their useful idiots are scrambling to cover up the crimes against humanity they perpetrated during the Covid plandemic, as the truth emerges and threatens to destroy those who played god and culled the herd.

Protected by the complicit media, these murderers thought they had carried out the perfect crime.

But they made a fatal misjudgment. They underestimated us. There are those among us who cannot be bought out. There are those among us who will fight to the bitter end to expose their lies and serve them with justice.

Whistleblowers are coming forward one by one and try as they might, they will not be able to silence us all.

Protected by the complicit media, these murderers thought they had carried out the perfect crime.

Frequencies within the 5g bandwidth and other frequencies can emulate viral episodes in humans and animals by disrupting cell function causing toxicity to rise in cells until cellular immune systems kick in and cells start releasing exosomes. Exosomes are around 150 nm and can be isolated by a centrifuge and filtering. They take the toxicity out of the cell. They have spike proteins looking a lot like a what we are told is the virus. Ivermectin etc help rid the body of this toxicity also. The 5g rollout started in urban areas and then went out to rural areas after and that's when bird and swine flus started appearing. Introduction of new frequencies into the environment like ground radar in 1916 caused the Spanish flu which started on American military bases. When people started getting cell phones in the 1990s we had a flu season every winter which we didn't have in the 50s 60s 70s or 80s. Flus did crop up when radio and TV transmission started. We do adapt to the frequencies somewhat however duration and intensity play a part in affecting people and animals. This should be explored more in medical circles. Having worked in Telecommunications I know the power of microwave technology.

Moseley was a Vax Nazi taking money from astrazeneca to push the shot. There's a lengthy article in the daily mail of Moseley attacking Nova Djokovic and Vax refusers as delusional and a danger to society!

No doubt he was murdered

be aware the pandemic treaty is NOT dead in the water as so many wrongly think if fact itll be back much sooner than we think

Please wake up, good people. Those "elitist globalists/cabalists" are NOT human. They are Reptilian beings that are pervasive throughout our "realm," and they have been "herding" us just like we herd cattle and sheep for our own selfish designs.

Michael Mosley was about to expose the covid hoax eh ! Get real, him and his wife were big time pushers of the jab. While in Australia in 2019 he told Australians to get the jab when it's available otherwise so many are going to die. He later got jabbed by his wife on the telly and kept on telling his audience to go get it. In one early report he told his wife he wasn't feeling the best and was going back to their accomodation.

Karma got him in the end, he wasn't going to expose anything regarding the covid hoax, show the evidence if that is what you really believe.

You want to "Expose the elite"? Well you won't if you keep using words like Elite, cabal, globalists etc. All big pharma are Israeli and Israeli scientists according to the Jerusalem Post, were working on these bioweapon jabs pre plandemic. Even though the Jewish controlled media showed that the Jews were given jabs first, ironically they have the lowest adverse reaction under 1% and highest fertility worldwide.

Why? They got the placebo shots to convince the goyim worldwide to take their poison shots. According to PubMed, Ashkenazi Jews and Hamish have practically zero absorbance of the spike protein. This is what so called freedom fighting journalists should be discussing not general topics that my 6 year old niece is aware of. Everyone involved the Covid jab rollout is Jewish. They believe that the more gentiles they kill, the faster their messiah aka antichrist will come to rule from Jerusalem.

and not a mention on the news corrupt media workin for the elites and the socialists

Never vow to expose the vaccine. Covertly gather the info and then expose it.....!

Have people not learned anything!? If planning something, do it in secret until you drop the bombshell outright, otherwise they'll all drop dead from freak "accidents" and suicides with double gunshots to the back of the head.

Download here: HUGE-WIN-9th-Circuit-Court-of-Appeals-Rules-Covid-Vaccines-Are-NOT-Vaccines-2024-06-11.mp4 - 41,623 kb
By: Kim Iversen - 11th June 2024
9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules
Covid Vaccines Are NOT Vaccines!

Watch the full show:

On Friday the 9th circuit court of appeals not only reinstated a covid vaccine mandate case that was thrown out by a lower district court but they also called into question whether or not the covid vaccines were actual vaccines...

If you lost your job over the jab, you need to sue, sue the nazis into oblivion!

Turns out being a "denier" was the healthiest thing you could have done.

Is Dr. Fraudski in prison yet???

Truth-tellers are silenced, while the liars have their voices amplified. A crime against humanity.



I've been dodging the jabs like a pro boxer and my heart thanks me.

A judge with common sense and integrity?! There's hope!

Lives were ruined and lost from the mandates. I want Justice.

Even more shocking that they tried to mandate a type of medicine without knowing long terms effects is the fact that a lot of people all over the world participated in bullying on behalf of the state.
So disappointed about that still.

I'm proud of myself for refusing the vaccine and refusing to cave in to tyranny.

I'm still amazed at how many people I know or have known injected an experimental vaccine without investing a single minute to do some cursory research.

Funny thing, they mandated it for me while exempt it for the illegals coming across the border. Anyone care to explain that?

Download here: The-blanket-criticisms-of-Donald-Trumps-handling-of-Covid-are-short-sighted-and-lack-nuance-2024-06-10.mp4 - 5,485 kb
By: Clandestine - 10th June 2024
The blanket criticisms of
Donald Trump's handling of Covid
are short-sighted and lack nuance.
NOTE: The above video is a flashback to Reuters report from 10/06/2020:

Trump hits bullseye despite impossible odds...

Trump has received lots of criticism for his handling of Covid and his unwillingness to fire Fauci - but what exactly could he have done?

At the time, the public and MSM literally worshipped Fauci like a god.

If Trump fired the most senior US Health Official, during a pandemic, the Dems / MSM would have lost their minds, and it would have severely negatively impacted Trump's support, just months out from the 2020 election.

Many of Trump's critics have forgotten just how tense it was back in the summer of 2020. If Trump fired Fauci during that time, the Left would have endless headlines / narratives to blame Trump for the million+ "deaths" of US citizens, and he would have lost reelection for sure.

The Deep State had Trump cornered. He was unable to remove anyone like Fauci or Collins during this period, due to optics. It was truly a genius plan on their part.

And then we look at masks, lockdowns and vaccines. Trump was notoriously anti-mask [ and pro ivermectin / hydroxychloroquine etc] and received loads of hate from the media for it; he was anti-lockdown and left it up to the States; and he was vehemently anti-vaccine mandate. Trump was all about individual choice the entire time, and never wanted to force anything on anyone.

As for vaccine production, what was Trump supposed to do? Trump is a savvy business man and diplomat, but he is not a doctor or scientist. How was Trump, or anyone in his administration, supposed to know better than the highest ranking officials in the US and global health organizations? How are they supposed to know if the vaccines are good or not?

They had no choice but to trust their health officials. Is it Trump's fault that the WHO, CDC, NIH, USAID, etc., are all corrupt?

The majority of the world didn't even know these entities were corrupt until AFTER Covid ended and their lies became apparent. Was Trump supposed to arrest all the corrupt actors of these health organizations, while the public are locked down and severely brainwashed to worship these health organizations? It would have been absolute chaos.

In retrospect, Trump fared very well given the predicament he was in. He was trying to navigate the many layers of this global psyop campaign, in additional to nationwide Soros-funded BLM riots; all while trying to win reelection, immediately after he just got done fending off the 3 year "Russian collusion" psyop…

The blanket criticisms of Trump's handling of Covid are short-sighted and lack nuance.

One Bad Dude
They must all be exposed for the world to understand just how badly the swamp needs to be drained

Erin Brophy - don't forget to laugh..
One of President Trumps first acts during covid was to order emergency stockpiles of hydroxychloroquine to states to treat covid patients... the entire establishment rose up in shrieks to prevent it's distribution, use, and prescription... blue states refused to open monoclonal antibody treatment centers, also ordered by Trump, to treat patients for free, without prescription, and outside of hospital settings... only a few States opened monoclonal centers, Florida being one of them. The first thing Biden did was close the monoclonal centers, and mandate the vaccine. The vaccine rollout happened on Biden's watch, not Trump... the death and injury numbers from the vax were cooked by the CDC and FDA on Biden's watch...

They knew if hydroxychloroquine was used there would be no need for the bioweapon vaccine.

They lied to Trump. He's not a microbiologist… this is a prime example of technocratic corruption.

The ULTRA Craftsman
This is an excellent post because theirs a lot of so called conservatives on here blaming Trump and accusing him of being responsible for all the tyranny, lockdowns, caving to the globalists and being the father of the vaccine which neither is true.

The Democrat governors where the most tyrannical off all and responsible for most of the mandates and lockdowns for the longest period of time

Trump was against it overall

LiseLaSalle@The Trouble With Justice
He was not allowed to fire Fauci. He could simply sideline him. He hired Dr. Atlas and they went after him like gangbangers.

Yup, Trump couldn't have arrested any of the culprits for the simple fact that the DOJ, FBI, CIA media machine and all the #SpiesWhoLie had constructed a control grid around him & his Presidency! Steele Dossier, GOF/case demic, & election interference protected & installed Biden.

Covid vaccines may have helped
fuel rise in excess deaths

By: Sarah Knapton, Science Editor, The Telegraph (UK) - 5th June 2024

Experts call for more research into side effects and possible links to mortality rates.

Covid vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic

Covid vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic

Covid vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic, scientists have suggested.

Researchers from The Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than three million excess deaths since 2020, with the trend continuing despite the rollout of vaccines and containment measures.

They said the "unprecedented" figures "raised serious concerns" and called on governments to fully investigate the underlying causes, including possible vaccine harms.

Writing in the BMJ Public Health, the authors from Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, said: "Although Covid-19 vaccines were provided to guard civilians from suffering morbidity and mortality by the Covid-19 virus, suspected adverse events have been documented as well.

"Both medical professionals and citizens have reported serious injuries and deaths following vaccination to various official databases in the Western World."

They added: "During the pandemic, it was emphasised by politicians and the media on a daily basis that every Covid-19 death mattered and every life deserved protection through containment measures and Covid-19 vaccines. In the aftermath of the pandemic, the same moral should apply."

Tens of millions of people were vaccinated during the pandemic Credit: WPA POOL/GETTY

Tens of millions of people were vaccinated during the pandemic Credit: WPA POOL/GETTY

The study found that across Europe, the US and Australia there had been more than one million excess deaths in 2020, at the height of the pandemic, but also 1.2 million in 2021 and 800,000 and 2022 after measures were implemented.

Researchers said the figure included deaths from Covid-19, but also the "indirect effects of the health strategies to address the virus spread and infection".

They warned that side effects linked to the Covid vaccine had included ischaemic stroke, acute coronary syndrome and brain haemorrhage, cardiovascular diseases, coagulation, haemorrhages, gastrointestinal events and blood clotting.

German researchers have pointed out that the onset of excess mortality in early 2021 in the country coincided with the rollout of vaccines, which the team said "warranted further investigation".

However, more recent data regarding side-effects has not been made available to the public, with countries keeping their own individual databases of harms, which rely on self-reporting by the public and doctors, the experts warned.

Delays to other treatments

Researchers said that it was "likely" that the impact of containment measures, restricted healthcare and socioeconomic upheaval during the pandemic had contributed to deaths, although accepted that was difficult to prove.

Gordon Wishart, chief medical officer at Check4Cancer, and visiting professor of cancer surgery at Anglia Ruskin University, warned repeatedly that delaying cancer diagnosis would lead to deaths.

"It was predicted early in the lockdown period that limited access to healthcare for non-Covid conditions would lead to delays in the diagnosis and treatment of time-critical conditions such as cancer, cardiac disease, diabetes and dementia and that this would lead to excess deaths from these conditions," he said.

NHS England data shows that per 100,000 people the cancer incidence was 521 in the pre-lockdown year, then fell to 456 in 2020-2021, suggesting around 45,000 cancers were missed in the first pandemic year.

The incidence rate rose to 540 per 100,000 the following year suggesting many cancers were diagnosed late, when treatment would be less effective.

Speaking about the potential for vaccine harm, Mr Wishart added: "The authors are correct to point out that many vaccine-related serious adverse events may have been unreported, and point to the fact that the simultaneous onset of excess mortality and Covid vaccination in Germany is worthy of further investigation on its own.

"The paper provides more questions than answers but, it is hard to disagree with their conclusion that further analysis is required to understand the underlying causes of excess mortality to better prepare for the future management of pandemic crises"

"Safe and effective is not a lie." It is two lies!

Kyle Varu
I remember when this was a conspiracy theory

Covid vaccines have killed millions. Fixed it for you.

Rory Martin
This is known as 'soft disclosure' - a well known media strategy when they know the game is up.

Anti Lockdown Alliance (GLOBAL)
When did your science editor first realise?

Yes yes yes we've known this for several years now.

Nomis 169
No kidding? How did you spend Bill Gates' money?

Tori Cats
And doctors are being banned from prescribing ivermectin which helps immensely!!

No way!!! And there was me thinking that they were 'safe & effective'

Anti Lockdown Alliance (GLOBAL)
Could you be any slower to face reality?

This week in No Shit Sherlock

So who are we going to hold accountable for forcing people to take these unproven gene therapies?

Steve Van Herreweghe
Correction *mRNA-bio weapons have created.. and we — the msm — knew about it.

All vaccines are poison

Download here: Covid-vaccines-may-have-caused-rise-in-excess-deaths-2024-06-04.mp4 - 10,409 kb
By: MrSkypelessons - 4th June 2024
'Covid vaccines may have
caused rise in excess deaths'

Download: Chris-Hipkins-LIES-There-was-no-compulsory-vaccine-people-made-their-own-choice-Yet-it-was-mandatory-compulsory-2024-06-04.mp4 - 2,239 kb
By: Lee Malaulau - 4th June 2024
PM Chris Hipkins LIES:
"There was no compulsory vaccine,
people made their own choices."

Yet it was mandatory / compulsory!

Nel Brown

Tania Beazley

Karen Pullein
Liars !!

Download here: Incredibly-stupid-Fauci-slammed-after-confessing-that-masking-children-and-social-distancing-does-not-work-2024-06-03.mp4 - 20,027 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 3rd June 2024
'Incredibly stupid'
Fauci slammed after confessing
that masking children and
social distancing doesn't work!

'Incredibly stupid': Fauci slammed after shocking confession.

Dr Anthony Fauci said he "can't recall" reviewing any studies that supported masking children during the pandemic.

Dr Fauci also confessed he does not know where the six-foot social distancing rule came from.

Republicans shared the transcript of their interview with Dr Fauci from January ahead of his public testimony on Monday.

Many Americans have slammed Dr Fauci on social media platform X.

"Unforgivable" one user wrote.

Another posted, "put him behind bars".

Its a crime that this man isn't behind bars

Crimes Against Humanity

Wow, and we were all called conspiracy theorists when we said this was BS.

Lock up that liar.

The face of evil

The most prolific serial killer in the history of the PLANET!!!

Take his assets, take his money, take his freedom and remove his legacy. Give it back to the people affected the worst as a sign of good faith

I agree this guy should be locked up and I'm serious.

They should put him and those behind him in jail for 20 years ....

Download here: Hospitals-Murdered-Patients-In-Cold-Blood-To-Meet-Covid-Targets-Whistleblowers-Testify-2024-05-27.mp4 - 110,901 kb
By: The People's Voice - 29th May 2024
Hospitals Murdered Patients
'In Cold Blood' To Meet ' Covid Targets,'
Whistleblowers Testify

Trending News
Covid deaths
playing God
jacqui Deevoy
a good death
involuntary euthanasia
COVID enquiry

Big Pharma, governments, and hospitals around the world are scrambling to cover up the crimes they committed during the Covid pandemic, as the truth finally begins catching up with those who took the opportunity to play god and begin culling the herd.

Protected by the mainstream media, these murderers thought they had committed the perfect crime.

But now, eyewitnesses and family members of the dead are providing powerful testimonies in Covid inquiries that have the potential to bring justice to the bereaved and finally wake up the sleeping masses to what really happened during the pandemic.

As body bags continue to mount people around the world are finally waking up to the harsh reality, the mainstream media has never been less relevant.

We are the news now and it's our duty to expose the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the global elite until they are held to account.

I promise not to shed a tear when these killers and there mater's swing on a rope.

I'm so glad I was wise enough to question this vaccine that was developed over night! my work was deemed critical, so travelled around doing my work. I watched thousands of people lining up to take the #clotshot without ever questioning it's ingredients or side affects. I watched people coming out and saying " we are self isolating as if it was a new fashion statement.

I watched the #fakenewsmedia pushing the governments bullshit! I called out my Dr who harassed me with calls and text's for me to get the #deathjab, I asked her 2 questions, 1, WHAT WAS THE INGREDIANTS ? 2, what were the sideaffects? the bitch whore could not answer! I shouted down the phone " FUCK OFF & FUCK YOUR VACCINE" She never made contact again!

I know in my heart that every person that took the #clotshot wishes they too had the strength - the courage and the wisdom I showed to stay true to myself. When are the sheep going to wake up to the fact that their governments want them DEAD?

Fauci, Gates, Soros, Obama, and the entire WEF and WHO are responsible for Covid and they all deserve to be put on the gallows

Wife is a nurse of 32 years, I worked as a Biomed Tech for 22 years "left healthcare last Aug".......the THINGS we witnessed during all that PLANDEMIC, the truth is stranger than fiction. We are both still jab free by the way, and the bullshit we went through because of that, our job was in constant jeopardy but we held out..........we knew we were right about all this mess. Nobody is going to be held accountable for this, and this was an orchestrated and planned out genocide of humanity. The jabbed are dropping like flies and many are having severe health issues, insurance actuaries and healthcare folks are seeing stats NEVER SEEN BEFORE in human history.

REMEDESIVIR & INTUBATION protocol was how they killed the patients in the hostpital in the USA!

Time to name names

"It was murder."

The virus was made for the jab...NOT THE JAB FOR THE VIRUS!

Civil servants are the enemy as they allowed and facilitated this and keep the tyrants in power.

My mother was a victim of big pharmaceutical and the hospital they overdosed her on morphine

Download here: Pandemic-Treaty-Shelved-For-Now-The-WHO-fails-to-finalise-their-dystopian-final-draft-2024-05-29.mp4 - 13,147 kb
By: Senator Alex Antic - 29th May 2024
Pandemic Treaty Shelved For Now
The WHO fails to finalise
their dystopian final draft

The WHO has failed to finalise a final draft for their Pandemic Treaty in time for the current World Health Assembly, meaning the agreement is being shelved for now.

Member nations of the WHO raised concerns about sharing information and technology, but I believe the protests of people around the world have made a difference.

Watch as Peta Credlin and I discuss the latest on the Pandemic Treaty.

Download here: CIA-Agent-Testifies-We-Invented-mRNA-As-a-Bioweapon-With-Gates-and-WEF-2024-05-28.mp4 - 118,610 kb
By: The People's Voice - 28th May 2024
CIA Agent Testifies
'We Invented mRNA As a
Bioweapon With Gates and WEF'

Trending News
CIA Covid
CIA Covid vaccines
Bill Gates

The CIA invented mRNA technology in conjunction with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation, according to the bombshell testimony of CIA agent who admits that Covid vaccines were developed as a bioweapon to control humanity.

According to the agent and leaked top secret documents, the Covid plandemic was a psy-op run by the CIA to frogmarch humanity towards a total surveillance state, and Covid mRNA vaccines were not developed during Operation Warp Speed, but were ready and waiting for deployment for at least 10 years prior to the plandemic.

These revelations are all backed by fully verifiable documents and sources and will spell doom for the elite if we can spread this information to enough people.

As a Marine I can confirm this is NOT bs. All legit. I actually watch a live summit where pandemics were in fact discussed. That was late 2018 before Covid was even spoken about publicly and poof there's covid.

We aren't on here to upset folks or piss anyone off. I simply want ppl to know what's going on. I'm a non vaxer on all fronts. Yet, most of my family are vaxed and are suffering life threatening side effects. It killed my grandmother quickly! My young cousin had blood clots that caused his heart to pump only at 10%. He will never be the same. Caused my mother brain damage, father is ill now too. This STUPID shot is literally killing my family! And there's nothing I can. They were perfectly healthy prior to. I've lost friends who were vaxed as well.

Nuremburg 2.0

As a funeral director i can tell you that only the vaccianted are dying

We all know they had it long before it ever came out. Nuremberg 2.0.


Begins with The Committee of 300 to GCHQ/MI6/GLAXO-Wellcome Trust to DARPA/BARDA/DOD/CIA.
Have your Hierarchy of Evil info a bit messed up.


We need to start organizing Nuremberg 2.0 Tribunals. Like NOW! And those who were "just following orders" will have no amnesty from execution.

I can't express what I really think should be done to these criminal WEF globalist elites but it involves rope.

the highpresence of trolls on your chat is testament to the fact you are directly over the target: bullseye !

How could a document generated in 2014 refer to the virus as Covid 19?

thank you, brother. as always, another great report ! don't take this the wrong way, but i think you are the NEW mainstream media. cheers !!

No forgiveness.

The c19 fear was created FOR the bioweapon they had already created but needed an excuse to use. To think the government were all exempt from it or shot with saline.

Most all my family and friends have been vaxxed and it's disheartening to think they could all die sooner from some crooked side affect. Need to get Nuremberg trials going considering how much we were all deliberately misled. Bring back speedy trials and town square hangings for this special kind of evil.

Download here: New-Zealanders-still-catching-Covid-19-even-after-7-injections-2024-05-27.mp4 - 2,682 kb
By: 1News - 27th May 2024
New Zealanders still catching
even after 7 injections!

NZDSOS - NZ Doctors Speaking Out with Science
So what was a conspiracy two years ago is now being discussed openly on the news.

You can catch Covid if you're jabbed, you can pass it on, and you can have it multiple times (4 in this families case) even after 7 injections.

UkiMathda; Pronouns Bro/Boss
I have a friend 7 times jabbed along with his wife n kids. They always have covid when it comes around and now the youngish wife has some strange illness that is potentially very serious.
Nodules growing on all her glands.
They won't listen to naysayers when it comes to the jab.

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
It has been said that: "Ignorance on fire will always outshine brilliance on ice."

Michael Baker is either a: 1) complete idiot / ignorant; or 2) is an accomplice in Crimes Against Humanity, in particular democide.

I don't understand why there not dead already from the jab

Maria Sederholm @Wordofbeak
Vaccine class action suit filled

Malaysian Muslim Consumers Association initiates case at High court on behalf of eight individuals seeking redress from 25 defendants that include three prime ministers, World Health Organisation and two pharma firms

Maria Sederholm @Wordofbeak
JUST IN: Furious Malaysians Unite in Rage and Prayer Against WHO, Showing Solidarity with Victims of Genetic mRNA
"As a medical doctor, we are so ashamed of the mistake that we have made!"

Carolyn Kennedy
It's a GMO, all 3 Mnra's applied for GMO approval in AUS. Astra Zeneca was approved, Pfizer+Moderna were told by Dr Raj Bhula (head of GMO regulation) to go direct to TGA..its in the courts and has been verified as a GMO in the AUS senate.. All been 100% unlawful.

According to their own official stats you have been able to be hospitalised and die from it, right from the beginning, although you are right no one in the media was able to say this.

We all knew this in oz surely you know how vaccines work by now?

Hagan Ross
saw a clip of that d head Bloomfield saying about disinformation etc. be nice to know some examples ....
Making Sense of the Insanity in #NZ

Michael Baker is stuck behind his conflicted interests. Our media interview him rather than report the constant flow of bad news that's been coming for months.
Evidence of the non-fear of covid and the dwindling popularity of covid vaccines can be seen in this British Heath data.

Not much critical thinking going on here, even after 7 injections!

Jase Rowe
"Sitting ducks" because they've trashed their natural immunity

Wait for all the same people to immediately line up for the bird flu jabs (which are supposedly already being distributed). Round 2 coming up.

Alec Newald
Well more important you will have covid less if you are not jabbed

Khan James
7 vaccinations old mate now identifying as a cup of soup.

Vert Der Ferk
But they still haven't worked out what's causing it, perhaps they should go to the Clevland clinic for answers

Download here: 17-Year-Old-Aubrynn-Grundy-had-3-Heart-Attacks-and-Died-2-Months-After-Second-Pfizer-Covid-Vaccine-2024-05-24.mp4 - 91,954 kb
By: ProgressiveTruthSeekers - 24th May 2024
17 Year Old Aubrynn Grundy had
3 Heart Attacks and Died 2 Months
After Second Pfizer Covid Vaccine!

17 Year Old Aubrynn Grundy Died 2 Months After Second Pfizer Covid Vaccine

17 Year Old Aubrynn Grundy Died 2 Months After Second Pfizer Covid Vaccine


The Children's Health Defense

"She was a girly and hippie kid who loved flowy outfits, music and she really especially loved art," Shanna Carroll told The Defender, describing her daughter Aubrynn Grundy. "She was shy but brave, and she wanted to work in human rights."

Aubrynn, who had no known health issues, died in August 2022, less than two months after her second Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

Her medical records, which her mom shared with The Defender, show that Aubrynn was diagnosed with COVID-19, myocarditis and other heart and lung complications, and she experienced three cardiac events.

Her death certificate listed COVID-19 and multi-organ failure as cause of death, her mother said.

Shanna said that as a socially concerned young person, Aubrynn, like so many members of the general public, was taught and believed that masking and getting vaccinated were ways to protect others.

They lived in Michigan, which had no vaccine mandates for schools. Aubrynn didn't initially get the vaccine.

However, in early 2022, she and her friend Rachel were selected to go on a summer trip called Pilgrimage for Youth. To participate, they were required to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

The program, sponsored by the Odd Fellows, is a competitive program open to 16- and 17-year-olds interested in learning about government, politics and international relations.

It was to be Aubrynn's first and only trip away from home.

The program took the students to major cities in the U.S. and Canada, where they would go to places like Ellis Island and the United Nations. Because they planned to visit cities like New York and Boston and would enter Canada - all places with various vaccine mandates in place to enter some businesses and government spaces the student would visit - vaccines were mandatory for the trip.

In the weeks leading up to the trip, Aubrynn took her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine on June 7, 2022, and the second dose on June 28. Other than some arm soreness, she had no symptoms initially and headed off with her classmates.

The students visited New York and Boston and were on their way to Canada when Aubrynn texted her mom, complaining that she felt weak and sick. Her chaperones tested Aubrynn for COVID-19, and contacted Shanna to let her know that her daughter tested positive.

The next day, Shanna and her family left their Michigan home at 2 A.M. to meet the student group at the Canadian border to pick up Aubrynn, bring her home and put her to bed.

Shanna said Aubrynn was weak and tired but her illness didn't seem out of the ordinary at first. She didn't have a fever, but was trying to hold in her coughs and felt achy. They decided to go to urgent care.

The urgent care facility was only 10 minutes from their house, but by the time they got there, Aubrynn was too weak to walk in and had to be taken in via wheelchair. After an initial triage assessment, they waited in the waiting room for four hours.

Halfway through that time, Aubrynn's father Anthony came in to take over for Shanna who took her fussy toddler home to get ready for his birthday party. A couple of hours later, one of her children told her she needed to check her phone - she had 20 missed calls from Anthony.

"I called him immediately and he was hysterical on the phone, and I knew, I just knew," she said.

Aubrynn had gotten up in the waiting room, asked her father if they called her name yet and collapsed.

Shanna said:

"He said when she fell, he tried to pick her up and he was too weak. So he had to scream for help. Once he realized her eyes were rolling into the back of her head, he immediately screamed. And then another nurse who was walking out who was not part of the intake with her, swooped her up and just took her to the back.

They had started working on her for about 10, 15 minutes before I got there. And when I got there, he said, 'she has a pulse, but it took a little bit to get her there.'"

Aubrynn had suffered her first cardiac arrest. The urgent care team sedated Aubrynn with a number of drugs that Shanna said included Dilaudid (an opioid), fentanyl, morphine and ketamine, before airlifting her to the Children's Hospital in Detroit.

Her medical records indicate she then had two other incidences of cardiac arrest and she continued to experience tachycardia - a fast and irregular heartbeat - in the pediatric intensive care unit.

Shanna said in the hospital, they hooked her up to a ventilator and an ecmo machine, a form of life support that takes over heart and lung function. They invited her family to sit with her.

"And it didn't even look like her," Shanna said. "She was swollen, she had tubes all over her. The tips of her fingers were starting to turn blue. It looked like she had a little bit of frostbite on the tip of her nose."

That blue color, indicating possible gangrene, according to the medical records, slowly extended over her arms and legs.

The doctors didn't provide the family with a diagnosis. They tested her for several different illnesses, Shanna said, "And her infectious disease doctors kept telling me, we don't know. We don't know. We don't know what's happened."

The family was informed that Aubrynn was on palliative care, which is specialized medical care that focuses on providing relief from pain and other symptoms of a serious illness. She was also treated with antibiotics.

But Shanna said she could see that Aubrynn was still in pain. The medical team did what they could to relieve that pain, she said.

When she checked the list of the medications Aubrynn was receiving, most of them were end-of-life drugs, she said.

She also said that she was never informed that they put Aubrynn on a remdesivir protocol, which is noted in the records.

Aubrynn was in the hospital for 20 days before the time came to let her go, because none of the treatments were working. Her mom said she died peacefully, surrounded by people who loved her and listening to her favorite music.

17 Year Old Aubrynn Grundy Died 2 Months After Second Pfizer Covid Vaccine

17 Year Old Aubrynn Grundy Died 2 Months After Second Pfizer Covid Vaccine

they killed her,

Damn all those including Gates and doctor death for this nightmare shot that has killed so many people. They have achieved their purpose of a smaller population and will continue to do so.

bird flu is a sham how do they test fot it? PCR?

Fauci killed her.

I am so sorry for the profound loss of your daughter Ms. Carroll. I also witnessed my teen daughter deceased years before Covid. I understand the primal grief you are enduring. I pray you experience Father's Peace that surpasses all understanding.

You are correct about Remdesivir & the harm associated with such protocols. My father in law was also murdered by the Covid protocols in the hospital. The ventilator is typically worth a $39,000 payout. Each aspect of the protocol pays the hospital… To include the Covid Tests (frauds too), the IV drug drip, Covid Death Certificates ($13,000 typically) & much more. The overall payout to the hospital is typically over $100,000 per murdered patient.

It seems that the evident heart attack & severe health issues had caused hospital administrators to take the opportunity to implement the murderous protocol for profit.

Start a "Go Fund Me" to collect funds to take legal action against the hospital for murdering your precious daughter. I will gladly donate. This outrageous "Serial Killer" protocol needs to be stopped.

Download here: How-safe-are-we-from-the-new-COVID-variant-FLiRT-Seniors-urged-to-get-booster-shots-2024-05-24.mp4 - 17,465 kb
By: KPIX | CBS NEWS BAY AREA - 24th May 2024
How safe are we from the new
COVID variant FLiRT?
Seniors urged to get booster shots!

UCSF Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. Peter Chin-Hong joins to discuss the latest COVID variant Flirt and if boosters are necessary.

I would rather have covid than the booster.

Fear mongering. I just had this as well as my 75yr old Father-in-law. Not a big deal. It felt like a cold. Never been jabbed. My natural immunity fought it off no problem.

Decreasing population is the system requirements of the government. Therefore it will help housing. Think about it.

Should be called the election variant

So it's basically 4 shots your telling ppl to take right.

Who cares

Right before the election, huh? Never would have guessed. I'll make sure to quadruple mask in the shower too.


Safe without the vaccine.

how safe are you from pHARMa state $ponsored propagandising ?

I have had 9 shots plus 15 boosters and i feel fine, my skin is a healthy shade of yellow and im suddenly very interested in voting

By: World Orders Review - 23rd May 2024

#kurgan-report-stumped #pro-vaccine-pushing-mp #order-following-quad-amputee

On Sept 28 2023, Mr Craig Mackinlay, the Conservative MP for South Thanet, went into septic shock. His kidney and liver packed in and blood clots began forming in his extremities. His limbs turned black, his toes and fingers became – as he puts it – "desiccated" and then curled up so they looked as if they belonged to a "mummified pharaoh" or "peat bog man".

If the media can blackout something that serious for a member of parliament, imagine what else could be kept hidden. How many amputations and deaths are we not seeing?

British MP Craig Mackinlay says to GET VACCINATED with a BIOWEAPON now!

British MP Craig Mackinlay says to GET VACCINATED with a BIOWEAPON now!

British MP Craig Mackinlay says to GET VACCINATED with a BIOWEAPON now!

British MP Craig Mackinlay says to GET VACCINATED with a BIOWEAPON now!

Dear MP;
"A man who lies to himself, and believes his own Lies, becomes unable to recognize truth, either in himself or in anyone else, and he ends up losing respect for himself and for others.
When he has no respect for anyone, he can no longer love, and in order to divert himself, having no love in him, he yields to his impulses, indulges in the lowest form of pleasure, and behaves in the end like an animal.
And it all comes from Lying... To others and to yourself."
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881)

DEMOCIDE - one injection at a time! [C/o Bill Gates, the WEF, WHO, UN, CIA, FBI and your: politicians / doctors / nurses, police etc...

I have met many people who regretted GETTING the Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine - but I have never met anyone who regretted NOT GETTING the Vaccine! WHY IS THAT?

There are gigantic forces which move through our world, and if you don't engage in some level of struggle against them, they often notice you, swoop in, and attack, doing enormous damage to you.

The people who KNOW of these forces but never summon the COURAGE to do battle with them - instead choosing to remain as Adult Infants opting for the comfortable path of further embedding themselves in warm, feathered intellectual and emotional nests of ignorance - are fully allowed to choose that path FOR THEMSELVES.... but there are two major rules for such people:

1. They are not entitled to any particular level sympathy nor assistance for the horrific consequences that result from their avoidance.
2. Being "The Body Of Cowards", they are to keep quiet and on-the-sidelines of public discourse, as is a coward's place.

Poetic justice.

But after July 4th election, he might claw his way back into power.

Remember when they said anyone who refused the clot shot should have all medical treatment denied?

Remember when they wanted us jobless, homeless and dead because we chose remain a pureblood?
This non-gmo retiree is healthy and popping popcorn, watching the shit show play out. Covid was an IQ test.


Mind Stretch
Karma's a bitch!

Well, never too late to learn! Or maybe it is?


do not forget uk nurse campbell when day of retribution comes

God didn't shuffle his feet or hold back his hand on that poser, now did he?

Many of these vaxx lovers are paying the price. We tried to warn you but all you wanted to do was to demonize us.

Lesson learned?

Good luck jacking off now asshole Ha ha ha

My head is upside-down after seeing this, I'm always wondering how deceived my fellow humans are? And I'm floored every time...

People run in herds and the herd can be very dangerous.

Narc Injury
Pffffeizer will make a vaccine for growing new limbs, just like they did with cancer. Just wait and see.

Clowns' world.

How the f does an mp not know what this is? Mind boggling they are all just the scarecrow in the wizard of oz. If he only had a brain.

He'll still get the next jabs though, you watch.

The \/axx doesn't work unless everyone is vaxxinated. LOL
hmmmm Shouldn't the vaxx stop infection full stop.

This is what you call a "feel good drama"

But it also shows the true nature of karma. It shows the humour of the creator.... Sow and he reaped.... Fair is fair....

poor dumb delusional bastard. its a shame, and he probably still wont blame the shots

I think some DO make the connection... some (probably many) do realize they made a mistake. But "realizing" it and "admitting" it are two very different things.

Just like Democrats voting for Biden... they will never make the connection to the destruction their party is causing

There's still hope for new limbs to sprout back. Some reptiles have an ability to grow new limbs when severed. Being the type of politician he was, he may have lucked out and qualified.

Look how worse it would have been without the jabs?

Download: Alert-for-wave-of-new-COVID-mutation-FLiRT-sweeping-the-country-6-shot-reporter-Bruce-Paige-now-has-Covid-2024-05-22.mp4 - 5,674 kb
By: 9 News Australia - 22nd May 2024
Alert for wave of new COVID mutation
FLiRT sweeping the country - 6 shot
reporter Bruce Paige now has Covid!

An alert is being issued as a wave of new mutated COVID is sweeping the country.

Reporter Bruce Paige had 6 Covid Vaccines and thought that he would become bullet proof! But no, he is now very sick and warns us: "Get your boosters - Wear your masks - Wash your hands - All the things we were told when it first hit us! This has really hit me hard. It's a wake up call!"

#9News #BreakingNews #NineNewsAustralia #9NewsAUS

Switched On
That blue pilled reporter Bruce Paige is behaving like an absolute moron. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results!

Download here: How-UK-doctors-infected-patients-with-HIV-Doctors-and-Government-Betrayed-Us-2024-05-21.mp4 - 63,074 kb
By: Channel 4 News (British public broadcast service) - 21st May 2024
How UK doctors infected patients with HIV
Doctors and Government Betrayed Us

The NHS infected blood scandal had already been called the worst treatment disaster in the history of the UK health service.


Today we learned it could largely have been avoided.

The inquiry chair, Sir Brian Langstaff, pointed to the sheer scale of the tragedy, calling it "horrifying".

At least 30,000 people​ were infected with Hepatitis C over the 1970s and 1980s. And 1,300 were infected with HIV, including 380 children. More than 3,000 people are estimated to have died from infections attributed to blood or blood products, many of them haemophiliacs, given tainted blood as part of their treatment.

I am an American and can't understand why the people are satisfied with an apology. Did anyone go to jail?

How can the school that experimented on children still even be open. It should have been shut down and those teachers, administrators, and doctors should have been stripped of their credentials and spent time in prison!

This was no accident. This was done on purpose.

This is why whistleblowers should be protected by law!

Do not ever allow the government to touch your kids without your knowledge. Please

Took them over 40 years to admit this

40 years to get to the truth........DISGUSTING !!!

The UK is a lawless country. My sister who was an NHS nurse was given overdose morphine. She went into a coma. We were deterred from removing to a private hospital. Instead, they added oxycodone the next morning. We pleaded help. The doctors refused and she died at King George hospital in Ilford, UK.

We asked for hospital records. They destroyed everything and lied that our sister was in a coma before she was brought to the hospital. NHS is a death trap. As an American nurse, it was the most inhumane treatment I had ever witnessed. No respect for a patients request. Unfortunately there is immunity for the doctors

The deeper you dive into this scandal the more horrified you become. Shame on the UK government.

No one is jailed? And this is what they called "justice"? Gaslighting at the highest scale. Murder is murder.

Download here: They-ALL-lied-to-us-and-MUST-come-clean-Former-CDC-Director-on-Covid-Vaccine-Cover-up-2024-05-21.mp4 - 46,397 kb
By: Redacted - 21st May 2024
"They ALL lied to us and MUST
come clean"
Former CDC Director
on Covid Vaccine Cover-up

#claytonmorris #redacted #independentjournalists

Don't tell me that we didn't know any better when it comes to the pandemic. We knew better.

Now a former director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that health officials must admit that healthy people were harmed by the Covid vaccine. So why won't they? Here is a run down of everything we knew but were not allowed to know.

All vaccines should be voluntary, not mandatory for school, job etc.

All we had to do was say "NO!"

Sadly, too many people complied to make the tyranny go away; but because of their compliance, the tyranny lingered much longer.

Events 201. They planned the whole thing!

Crimes Against Humanity?

They're criminals.
They must not go unpunished.

I never fell for the covid crap.

I will never blindly follow a doctor again. I will need proof!

"The next administration will experience a surprise outbreak " Fauci 2017

"The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense." ~Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

All our children suffered dramatically, just talk to the children. Two years of education LOST. SHAME SHAME ON THIS GOVERNMENT.

We all would have been better off if we did NOTHING….no jabs, no closures, no mandates, or lockdown….we all would have been better off if we did Nothing!!!!

Download here: Truth-Wins-Covid-Vaccine-Mandates-Unlawful-Senator-Malcolm-Roberts-2024-05-21.mp4 - 3,558 kb
By: Malcolm Roberts - 21st May 2024
Truth Wins
Vaccine Mandates Unlawful!
Senator Malcolm Roberts

I was disappointed in the Minister's response to my questions about the implications of the QLD Supreme Court judgement on the COVID 'vaccine' mandates. I expected more clarity and less deflection from the Minister. These decisions were made by the Liberal, Labor and Greens parties, there can be no avoiding the fallout form their actions across the COVID period.

While the ruling was made on the basis of the human rights act in QLD, identical provisions are in place in Victoria and the ACT, suggesting the decision is not just a QLD issue. The government is arrogantly ignoring the reality of the situation and failing to read the room when it comes to this topic.

People have had enough of high-handed, out of touch government. One Nation is calling for the Royal Commission into our COVID response to be announced right now!

Human RIghts Commissioner should resign immediately.

Not just unlawful, completely illegal. NO excuses.

Let's NOT Forget ALL the LIVES that were DESTROYED by these DISGUSTING People !



Nerdy politicians and unscrupulous big pharma. That's why.

When are they going to jail for murder

Send these evil doers to prison.

So every single person that received a shot should be compensated and those enforcing it should be jailed.

Download here: God-Bless-Banjo-Nick-Patterson-Who-valiantly-stood-up-against-Covid-19-tyranny-in-Australia-2024-05-16.mp4 - 35,279 kb
By: MattFinlay - 16th May 2024
God Bless Banjo (Nick Patterson)
Who valiantly stood up against
Covid-19 tyranny in Australia

music video

"God Bless Banjo" by Ben Antoniadis and Matt Finlay
Inspired by Nick Patterson
Song available for purchase from
Sales will go towards helping Nick continue his fight.

Written and Recorded by Matt Finlay and Ben Antoniadis
Produced, Mixed and Mastered by Matt Finlay

Ben Antoniadis - Vocals, Acoustic Guitar
Matt Finlay - Backing Vocals, hi-strung guitar, percussion, programming
EJ van Geest - Banjo
Emily McGuigan - Backing Vocals

ISRC AU-OXF-24-00006

Copyright Ben Antoniadis and Matt Finlay 2024


Nick Patterson

The Will of God is good! #TheyShallNotPass

Matt ….. fkn brilliant man , great collab with Ben - so good

fkn brilliant

Amazing tribute to a true warrior :)

CDC: Immigrant and Refugee Health
Ivermectin is the
drug of choice for parasites
By: CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - 15th May 2024
The following article is from the CDC website:

Note from

The CDC recommends Ivermectin as the drug of choice for parasites such as:

  • Strongyloidiasis
  • Loa Loa
  • Tapeworm
  • Hookworm
  • Flukes
  • etc
Emphasis added in article below...

CDC: Ivermectin is the drug of choice for parasites

CDC: Immigrant and Refugee Health

Intestinal Parasites

Refugee Health Domestic Guidance


At a glance

The domestic medical screening guidance is for state public health departments and healthcare providers in the United States who conduct the initial medical screening for refugees. These screenings usually occur 30-90 days after the refugee arrives in the United States. This guidance aims to promote and improve refugee health, prevent disease, and familiarize refugees with the U.S. healthcare system.



Strongyloides parasites, other soil-transmitted helminths (STH), and Schistosoma species are some of the most common infections among refugees12. Among refugees resettled in North America, the prevalence of potentially pathogenic parasites ranges from 8% to 86%12. This broad range may be explained by differences in geographic origin, age, previous living and environmental conditions, diet, occupational history, and education level. Although frequently asymptomatic or subclinical, some infections may cause significant morbidity and mortality. Parasites that infect humans represent a complex and broad category of organisms. This clinical guidance provides detailed information regarding the most commonly encountered parasitic infections.

A summary table of current recommendations is included in Table 1. In addition, information on overseas pre-departure intervention programs can be accessed on the CDC Immigrant and Refugee Health website.


Below is a brief summary of salient points about Strongyloides infection in refugees, especially in context of the presumptive treatment with ivermectin. Detailed information about Strongyloides for healthcare providers can be found at the CDC Parasitic Diseases website.


  • Ivermectin is the drug of choice for strongyloidiasis. CDC presumptive overseas ivermectin treatment was initiated in 2005.


  • Prevalence in serosurveys of refugee populations ranges from 25% to 46%, with a particularly high prevalence in Southeast Asian refugees.


  • The most common way of becoming infected with Strongyloides is by contacting soil that is contaminated with Strongyloides larvae. Therefore, activities that increase contact with the soil increase the risk of becoming infected, such as:
    • walking with bare feet
    • contact with human waste or sewage
    • occupations that increase contact with contaminated soil such as farming and coal mining.
  • Most infections are acquired through environmental exposure. Although the typical duration of infection is unknown, chronic, potentially life-long, infection occurs. Prevalence generally increases with age. The risk of acquisition (or transmission) after arrival in the US is negligible.
  • A graphic describing Strongyloides lifecycle and transmission is available from the CDC Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria.

Clinical Information

  • Infection is usually asymptomatic or has vague clinical symptoms.
  • The most common clinical presentation in refugees is an elevated eosinophil count, although lack of eosinophilia does not exclude infection. Common clinical symptoms in refugees include abdominal complaints, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, dry cough, and skin manifestations (e.g., larva currens).
  • Strongyloides autoinfection allows the parasite to persist for decades (e.g., lifelong) if not treated.
    • If not detected upon arrival, average time to diagnosis in the United States is more than 5 years.
  • Hyperinfection syndrome (disseminated strongyloidiasis) is associated with immunosuppression. Although most commonly associated with corticosteroid administration (independent of dose or duration used), hyperinfection syndrome may be caused by other immunosuppressive conditions or agents. Strongyloides hyperinfection syndrome is also associated with co-infection with human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV-1). Hyperinfection may occur decades after last exposure and has mortality rates exceeding 50%.
    • For unclear reasons, Strongyloides hyperinfection syndrome has rarely been reported in children.
  • The natural history of infection is unknown and hence, when present, infection is considered lifelong unless treated.

Presumptive Treatment

  • Most refugees receive overseas pre-departure treatment with ivermectin before departure, unless contraindicated (see Tables 1 and 2). A relative contraindication is confirmed or suspected concomitant infection with Loa loa, because persons with pre-existing Loa loa infection and a high microfilarial load are at risk of complications when treated with ivermectin. For this reason, refugees who have lived in areas endemic to Loa loa do not receive pre-departure presumptive treatment with ivermectin (see Loa loa section below). Additional information on treatment schedules for presumptive parasitic infections is available on the CDC Immigrant and Refugee Health website.
  • Most refugee children weighing more than 15 kilograms receive presumptive treatment with ivermectin before resettlement, unless contraindicated (see Tables 1 and 2). Children weighing 15 kg or less have a lower likelihood of infection and therefore do not receive presumptive treatment.

Post-arrival Management

  • Asymptomatic refugees who did not receive overseas presumptive ivermectin treatment may be presumptively treated at arrival, or screened ("test and treat") if contraindications to presumptive treatment exist or ivermectin is unavailable.
  • A "test and treat" approach for strongyloidiasis should include a Strongyloides IgG serology. Stool ova and parasite testing, similar to STH testing, may also be done in conjunction. Notes on screening:
    • Stool ova and parasite testing lacks sensitivity for Strongyloides infection and should not be used to rule out infection.
    • Other testing modalities are sometimes used but are not widely available, and data on screening are limited (e.g., agar technique, polymerase chain reaction).
    • Strongyloides IgG generally declines with resolution of infection and declines following treatment. The sensitivity and specificity vary according to the test being used, and false negative test results do occur, particularly in high-risk individuals.
    • Refugees who have lived in a Loa loa-endemic country (see below) should be tested for the presence of Loa loa microfilaremia BEFORE being treated with ivermectin.
      • In patients with a high microfilarial Loa loa load, treatment with ivermectin has been associated with fatal encephalopathy. Detailed information on Loa loa can be found on the CDC Filarial Worms website.
    • Infection should be considered in children less than 15 kilograms with signs or symptoms of infection (e.g., elevated absolute eosinophil count).
    • Mothers infected with Strongyloides are known to pass IgG to their infants.
      • The duration of infant Strongyloides IgG positivity from maternal-fetal transmission of immunoglobulins is unknown.
    • Treatment is not 100% effective, and continuation or recurrence of signs and symptoms (e.g., ongoing eosinophilia) should prompt further investigation and may necessitate repeat treatment.

See additional detailed information on Strongyloides...

The rest of the CDC's article on using Ivermectin to treat humans with parasites, can be found here:

Download here: Whoops-There-are-Safety-Concerns-about-AstraZenecas-Covid-19-Vaccine-Bioweapon-2024-05-12.mp4 - 19,693 kb
By: AwakenWithJP - 12th May 2024
Whoops! There are Safety Concerns
about AstraZeneca's
Covid-19 Vaccine [Bioweapon!]
Oh no! Turns out there are safety concerns... Who would have known?

didn't get a jab and got a 500 pound fine for sitting on a beach when the uk government imprisoned us

Remember, it's not a safety concern. It's a feature.

Is it time to shame Chris Cuomo aka Fredo for lying? Or can we laugh at him for being injured?

Jail time. I want trials.

Interesting that a parody skit called "we lie to you news" is actually more truthful than the "real" news.

I'm black. I'm glad I was able to get online using this….whatever this thing is called. Starts with a C?

Download here: Centre-of-Disease-Control-encourages-FEAR-and-raises-concerns-about-the-new-Flirt-COVID-variants-2024-05-11.mp4 - 4,362 kb
By: CBS TEXAS - 11th May 2024
Centre of Disease Control encourages
FEAR and raises concerns about
the new "FLiRT" COVID variants

(CBS NEWS) – More than a third of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. are now estimated to be from a new, fast-growing member of a group of so-called "FLiRT" variants, nicknamed for their small but distinctive changes relative to the JN.1 strain. JN.1 was the variant behind this past winter wave of infections.

excuse me... why did the flu die in 2019..?

Stroke poke scariant

I want the bs variant

Variants? My eye!!!
You mean effects from the shots.

Bull$hit Mr Han Man !

Complete bull!

All lies

I wonder if Dimentia Joe had had his 15th booster, he seems fine...LOL

Lol...their goes the summer cruise line business again. wait for the body bags again. as the people plead for their loved ones life on national TV

Download here: Judge-slams-police-for-using-unlawful-violence-against-COVID-protesters-7-News-Australia-2024-05-11.mp4 - 15,874 kb
By: 7NEWS Australia - 11th May 2024
Judge slams police for using
'unlawful violence' against COVID
protesters | 7 News Australia


A County Court judge has found Victoria Police used unlawful and unjustified violence on anti-lockdown protestors at the height of the Covid pandemic.

In a spectacular turn around, the protesters will have their charges dropped and the police could be facing charges of their own.

Download here: Judge-Rules-Victoria-Police-Violence-Unjustified-and-Unlawful-in-Covid-Lockdown-Protest-2024-05-11.mp4 - 24,784 kb
By: V for Vegemite - 11th May 2024
Judge Rules Victoria Police
Violence 'Unjustified & Unlawful'
in Covid Lockdown Protest

#News #melbourne #freedom #protest #lockdown #covid #victoriapolice #victoria #danielandrews #fightpolicecorruption #nickpatterson

Victoria Police used "unlawful" and "unjustified violence" in a violent attack on freedom fighters during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, a judge has found.

In a stunning decision handed down in the County Court, Judge Liz Gaynor ruled police were the "aggressors" and "employed unjustified and unlawful violence" amid a public protest on 29 May, 2021 that left one man (Nick Patterson) with a dislocated arm.

The judgment has called into question police tactics and prompted calls for prosecutors to consider laying charges against the police involved.

God always backs His people!

The criminal police are going down.

Trust in God.
The Truth destroys their lies.
Let Justice Prevail!!

These Vic cops are fucking dogs and always have been.
Ive had a few run ins with the cunts.

A 'Peace Officer' is a true, Lawful, Common Law Police Officer. They still exist, but are very rare to find.

However, 'Policy Enforcers / Revenue Gatherers' routinely impersonate Police Officers - are simply fraudsters and thugs!

In days of old these lowlifes were called Highwaymen!

Download here: Tyrannical-Covid-19-Vaccine-Pushers-Are-Backtracking-And-Deleting-the-Evidence-But-We-Kept-The-Evidence-2024-05-10.mp4 - 69,136 kb
By: WE GOT A PROBLEM - 10th May 2024
Tyrannical Covid-19 Vaccine Pushers
Are Backtracking & Deleting the
Evidence - But We Kept The Evidence!

Numbers 32:23: ...and be sure your sin will find you out.

"I regret not getting the jab" said no one ever.

"Everyone MUST be injected with experimental bioweapons, unless: you are with an elitist organization i.e. WEF / UN / WHO / NGO / NWO etc - or a politician - or an illegal immigrant."

Most people 'complied' to make the tyranny go away; but it is because of their compliance that the tyranny remained.

If more of the honest, hard working community simple said "NO!" - this democide could never have happened.

How could an unvaccinated person be a threat to a vaccinated person?

As a pureblood I want reparations for the oppression I was subjected to.

Never got jabbed, never got CONVID.

I can't listen to all these cunts

Nobody stopped the unvaccinated boat people

They called us idiots and cowards. But we know who the idiotic cowards were.

This video is proof that the WHO or these idiots can NEVER again be allowed take responsibility over our lives or freedoms.

Blair said I'm an idiot.
I say Blair is a murderer, who needs to be locked away.

Big up to Novak Djokovic. Brains and integrity.

Follow the money. You think these celebs promoted the jab for free?

If it's illegal to give financial advice, then why should it be legal for random people to give medical advice?

Or force you to do something that could end in death or bodily harm?

Download here: Evil-governments-complicit-in-Crimes-Against-Humanity-forcing-soldiers-to-be-injected-with-bioweapons-2024-05-09.mp4 - 11,364 kb
By: Edward Snoden - 9th May 2024
Evil governments complicit in
Crimes Against Humanity forcing
soldiers to be injected
with bioweapons
Big Pharma's biggest customer?

Download here: Isabel-Oakeshott-Regrets-Having-Covid-Jabs-During-Pandemic-Bullying-the-population-into-having-jabs-2024-05-09.mp4 - 18,245 kb
By: TalkTV - 9th May 2024
Isabel Oakeshott "Regrets" Having
Covid Jabs During Pandemic
Bullying the population into having jabs!

#talktv #astrazeneca #covid

Isabel Oakeshott says she "regrets" Covid jabs she had during the pandemic, as AstraZeneca withdraws their vaccine.

The pharmaceutical giant said that it was "incredibly proud" of the vaccine, but that it had been withdrawn due to plummeting demand.

In December 2020, the vaccine became the second Covid-19 jab to be approved for use in the UK and former prime minister Boris Johnson hailed it as a "triumph for British science".

Vaccine makers agreed that it could be manufactured on a "not-for-profit basis for the duration of the pandemic across the world, and in perpetuity to low- and middle-income countries".

Isabel says: "If you corral, coerce, bully the entire population into having jabs on that scale, small statistical rare side effects will have a lot of deaths!"

Even under great pressure, millions of us refused the jab.

I lost my job and old friends for not being jabbed...I don't regret it at all.

So many of us who realised early on what was happening told you all not to take the jabs under any circumstances, but you didn't listen and even ridiculed us as anti-vaxxers

I refused the jab, even under threat of losing my job. My managers got me in a small room and made me feel like a common criminal - I was never going to take it, even being called an anti-vaxer. I'm so proud of myself.

No jabs, no masks, no lockdowns. I'm a walking miracle.

Everyone who coerced people to be vaccinated or locked anyone down for any length of time should now be in prison. That would be justice.

Everybody who shamed others who didnt get the jab should be ashamed.

My whole family unvaccinated. I had to fight hard. real hard. feels good to be a pure blood. Thank you GOD! for passing over my house.

A moment of silence for those who survived the bullying and false accusations for refusing to be guinea pigs.

Download here: He-will-NEVER-work-drive-look-after-our-kids-again-Wife-of-Vaccine-Victim-Tells-Her-Husbands-Heartbreaking-Story-2024-05-09.mp4 - 27,793 kb
By: TalkTV - 9th May 2024
"He will NEVER work, drive,
look after our kids again!"

Wife of Vaccine Victim Tells Her
Husband's Heartbreaking Story

#astrazeneca #vaccine #jab

Kate Scott, the wife of Jamie Scott who suffered a brain injury days after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine, shares her husband's story.

"He will never work again, he can't drive, he can't look after our children independently, he can't go anywhere on his own".

The Covid-19 vaccine developed by Oxford scientists during the pandemic has been withdrawn from the market.

Pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca said that it was "incredibly proud" of the vaccine, but that it had been withdrawn due to plummeting demand.

In December 2020, the vaccine became the second Covid-19 jab to be approved for use in the UK and former prime minister Boris Johnson hailed it as a "triumph for British science".

Who remembers Tony Blair calling unvaxxed people 'idiots'? Where is he now? Never held to account as usual

Remember when people said these stories were conspiracy theories

Where's all the people that said unvaccinated were selfish??....don't be shy!

WE TOLD YOU SO, and we were called conspiracy theorists. We were belittled and ostracized.

Stop saying it's rare, it really isn't

Nobody should forget how completely they shunned and humiliated and insulted ANYONE who even questioned getting the jab at all.

Stay away from anything with MRNA! PERIOD !

The alarm bells were ringing as soon as the Pharmaceutical companies got indemnity "If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, forced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized ... If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance -- you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest " - Ian Watson

As-AstraZenca-is-withdrawn-due-to-vaccine-injuries-Society-must-learn-lessons-from-COVID-pandemic-and-not-buy-into-fear-2024-05-09.mp4 - 20,234 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 9th May 2024
As AstraZenca is withdrawn due to vaccine
, Society must learn lessons from
COVID pandemic and not 'buy into fear'

Sky News Digital Presenter Gabriella Power has warned people to learn the lessons from COVID-19 and not "buy into the fear" spread by organisations during the pandemic.

Pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca is withdrawing its COVID-19 bioweapon / vaccines worldwide amid its ongoing court case against 51 victims.

It follows a court admission on April 30 that Vaxzevria had induced the dangerous side effects of thrombosis – caused by excessive blood clotting – and a rare condition called thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) in some people.

"Although AstraZenca is being discontinued for commercial reasons the news is a reminder of the freedoms that were taken away from us and the way people were treated by politicians – as well as members of society," Ms Power said.

"I think we'd all agree we never want to go back to that dark time of 2020 and 2021 but we need to remember that the fear – that came from the top down that was drilled into us and made many of us do crazy things like stock up on toilet paper – could be thrown back at us but in a different way."

So the manufacturer deems that their product is so defective and deadly, that THEY take it off the market!

In a sane World, the government watchdogs should have stepped in much earlier and pulled the deadly poisons off the shelves.

Shame on all you politicians, doctors and police for enforcing democide!

Now to start arresting these tyrants, and Doctor's.

My body, My choice and I didn't kill anyone while doing it.

NO, society wants JUSTICE for the crimes committed against us.

Msm is complicit with the con.

In a civilized society those political leaders would be horse whipped and jailed.

Main stream media pushed the jab, the world was CONNED

Fear pushed by governments and corporate media. Medical who should have known better, remained silent.

That tyrant should be in jail

What an absolutely mental period this was.... truly disgraceful.

Batshit-Bonkers-Britain-AstraZeneca-forced-to-admit-experimental-jab-causes-fatal-side-effects-2024-05-08.mp4 - 11,918 kb
By: Katie Hopkins OFFICIAL - 8th May 2024
Batshit Bonkers Britain - AstraZeneca
forced to admit experimental
causes fatal side effects!
#astrazeneca #eurovision #comedy

Batshit Bonkers Britain - AstraZeneca forced to admit experimental jab causes fatal side effects!

Next, Pfizer.

Research paid for by taxpayer, profits taken by major pharmaceutical companies, damages paid by taxpayer.... couldn't make it up!

When will the guilty be charged with mass murder and jailed ? ..

I'm a pure blood living in Cyprus. At the time I did my research, was called a shit stirrer and treated quite badly by the vaxed.

We will never forget. EVER. We will never trust medics, medications, dancing bloody nurses or politicians.

We must never comply again. They're so greedy and arrogant they will try again. Use only 2 words, second one OFF.

This was a crime against humanity and everyone who pushed for people to lose jobs and livelihoods over this should be JAILED!

Like Russell Brand said, we paid for the development of the vaccines, but then those companies kept the profits! Now we're going to have to pay the compensation as well? Madness

Since this AstraZeneca issue is important news, there is no sign of it on the BBC.

And let's not forget the Poundland Rod Stewart, Charlie Muggy Mullins, the celebrity plumber and his, "Panademic" war-cry.....

They deserve to be behind bars for all they said regarding the jabs and those of us who saw the truth.
Thanks Katie for being the free speech voice we need

True story from Poland. The director of a private company demanded that all his employees must get jabbed. One of them refused and was fired. His boss died shortly after, and the employee found a better paid job and is enjoying his life.

Download here: EPIC-Flip-Flop-Chris-Cuomo-Says-He-Is-Vaccine-Injured-2024-05-08.mp4 - 38,267 kb
By: The Jimmy Dore Show - 8th May 2024
EPIC Flip-Flop! Chris Cuomo
Says He's Vaccine Injured!


Chris Cuomo used to be among the media's biggest COVID vaccine pushers, frequently appearing alongside fellow CNN host Don Lemon to excoriate the unvaccinated, insisting they shouldn't be allowed to go to the grocery store, to sporting events or really participate in any social gatherings. Except now it turns out that Cuomo himself was injured by the vaxx, and he's singing a very different tune, pledging to get to the bottom of just how harmful these vaccines really were.

Jimmy and Americans' Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the about face from the former CNN host and whether the tide is now turning to the point where other mainstream media representatives can also begin to question the COVID narrative.

I'm unvaccinated and find it hard to feel sorry for these sheeples who didn't question anything but ridiculed everyone who did.

He demonized the people who refused the jabs..

8:25 No Chris, it's not political now, it's criminal now.

We will never forget. There will be no amnesty. Ever.

They somehow managed to demonize coughs, sniffles, and having no symptoms at all, but normalized strokes, blood clots, neurological disorders, and 'died suddenly.'

My life motto: "When the government says I should do something…… I do the opposite!"

It works 100% of the time.

Japan-To-Ban-mRNA-As-Turbo-Cancers-Among-Vaxxed-Skyrocket-Japan-now-has-400-percent-Excess-Deaths-Since-Covid-Vaccines-2024-05-07.mp4 - 116,812 kb
By: The People's Voice - 7th May 2024
Japan to Ban mRNA as Turbo
Among Vaxxed Skyrocket
Japan now has 400% Excess
Since Covid Vaccines!

Trending News
turbo cancer
Masanori Fukushima
Big Pharma
Peter McCullough
Dolores Cahill

Turbo cancers are exploding among the vaccinated according to Japan's leading oncologist who has slammed the mainstream media and Big Pharma in the West for covering up the extent of the medical crisis engulfing the world.

Prof. Emeritus Dr. Masanori Fukushima was ordered by the Japanese government to investigate why excess deaths skyrocketed in Japan in recent years.

His findings were conclusive: mRNA has destroyed immune systems and opened a Pandora's box of autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and infections.

The Professor has a dire warning for those in the West – do not listen to mainstream media and Big Pharma as they are not engaged in science, but rather a eugenics experiment, and they have proven themselves to be enemies of the people.

Arrest Gates for crimes against humanity and Big pharma

Monsters such as Anthony Fauci, Bill gates, Jacinda Ardern etc will all be accusing Prof. Emeritus Dr. Masanori Fukushima of being a Conspiracy Theorist - which in all honesty, is now a badge of honor.

Personally I identify as a Conspiracy theorist and my pronouns are "I Told You So!"

It will be okay Bill Gates is bringing out a vaccine for cancer!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good on Japan for their government standing up for their peoples.

I find it strange that those who will be eliminated (those who got the jab) are the most compliant. This new world order will backfire on the Elite, as those who resisted the jabs are those who will resist THEM. We will make our own new world.

Western populations-and other countries who took part in the experiment-are looking at population collapse. Lawlessness and violence will increase. Famine will be rampant.

This was all planned and intentional…….there is no other rational or scientific explanation. Now…..what are the masses gonna do about this?

Kill Bill

Bill Gates of Hell stood in front of the UN stating the earth needs to lose a few billion people . this is on video see it Bill is a mental patient on the same dangerous level as Biden the Genocide Goon who is running our entire country

They are so fucked. The u.s. is corrupt but there are other countries that will take these evil people to task.

I can't wait.

Why do people still use the term vaccine for these Death Shots? Let's change the terminology here to avoid confusion. It is Death by Injection. They are Death Shots! IMHO, Cheers everyone! Stay safe.

man i am so fucking angry right now, time to spread this far and wide and start public hangings

People need to open their eyes and realize the vaccines are part of the depopulation plan.

... the plan continues it's steady march forward, its been years of New World Govt, New World Plans, New World Dark Agendas being talked about, a lot wriitten off as conspiracy but now it starts to look like it was more an in your face this is what is going to happen, believe or don't believe, we the Global masters do not care...

Thanks for finally revealing the TRUTH - NEXT for those that took the vaccines !

As a resident of Japan, I sure hope this is true. Generally the Japanese reacted in a very level-headed way during the pandemic, but, as a nation of well-behaved people who buy into the (Japanese) social contract, the vast majority of the population dutifully got at least one shot. This does not bode well for the future. I have several friends who tell me their (vaxxed) friends and relatives have recently developed all kinds of weird illnesses.

Download here: Cancer-Vaccine-I-Am-Legend-2007-Compared-To-Real-Life-In-2024-Zombies-Ahead-2024-05-06.mp4 - 8,044 kb
By: Froggy Frog 9000 - 6th May 2024
Cancer Vaccine: I Am Legend (2007)
Compared To Real Life In 2024!
Zombies Ahead???

Zombie movie becoming real life???

Cancer Vaccine: I Am Legend (2007) Compared To 2024: Zombies Ahead???

As an undertaker i see it clearly, this is a biblical crime now, god help us all now.

Keep your shots of all kinds and sorts

This is giving me CHILLS

Dr krippin.. nice name..
The real dr name is?

Dr. Sebi, the herbalist was curing certain cancers along with helping Hiv patients in the 80s & look what they did to him ,Big pharma didn't like how he was curing people with certain herbs & well you know what that lot do if it doesn't benefit there pockets but someone else's, These "Things" like to think they are gods ,smh fkn evil with no heart ,The same dress patterns along with them talking about covid lol a pure joke ,The Vx was the problem ,just like you you'll have to inject everyone lol well that definitely AINT HAPPENING ,can ram their posions ...

Ho shit! We are really F****D now!

Ho shit !! here we go again , watch People playing God , how do we know it won't turn into zombies ?

But I can see the connection

They have a cure for cancer, they just won't release there's too much money at stake.

"Everyone MUST be injected with experimental bioweapons, unless: you are with an elitist organization i.e.

WEF / UN / WHO / NGO / NWO etc - or a politician - or an illegal immigrant."

Most people 'complied' to make the tyranny go away; but it is because of their compliance that the tyranny remained.

If more of the honest, hard working community simple said "NO!" - this democide could never have happened.

Bloody hell the doctor is wearing the same design pattern and colour dress….

Love when they solve the problems they create, a goner is intrinsically cancer free

Also check out The Simpsons for more predictive programming.

That is amazing

You forgot..
By means of biodetection through your devices, you are now programmable down to the dna sequence that is now digitally recorded. Hi cyborgs

Download here: Former-CNN-Anchor-and-Pro-Covid-Kill-Shot-Promotor-Chris-Cuomo-Now-Suffering-from-COVID-Vaccine-Injuries-2024-05-05.mp4 - 43,626 kb
By: ProgressiveTruthSeekers - 5th May 2024
Former CNN Anchor and Pro
Covid Kill Shot Promotor
Chris Cuomo Now Suffering from
COVID Vaccine Injuries!

Former CNN Anchor Chris Cuomo, Who Advocated for the Vaccines, Now Suffering from COVID Vaccine Injuries!

Former CNN anchor and vaccine pusher Chris Cuomo disclosed for the first time that he has been suffering from side effects he attributes to the COVID-19 vaccine.

While Cuomo did not specify the exact nature of his symptoms, he expressed concern about ongoing abnormalities in his and others' health.

This admission came during an in-depth interview with nurse practitioner Sean Barcavage, who was also featured in a New York Times article discussing similar vaccine-related injuries.

Barcavage shared his alarming experience with vaccine side effects that began just minutes after receiving his first dose in 2020. Symptoms included heart palpitations upon standing, numbness, and persistent tingling that quickly spread from his arm to his face and eyes, which got worse after his second dose.

Nurse practitioner Shaun Barcavage noticed trouble within 20 minutes of his first COVID vaccine: numbness and tingling in his arm that spread to face and eyes. And it got worse after he got a second shot. Barcavage is one of many people suffering from severe vaccine side effects years after getting their shots. He tells "CUOMO" he's not looking for a payday, just answers. But instead, he's been shunned and marginalized.

"We know that vaccines can have unintended consequences, a.k.a. side effects… But nobody's really talking about it because they're too afraid of blame, and they just want it to go away," Cuomo said.

"But the problem is people like Sean and me and millions of others who still have weird stuff with their bloodwork and their lives and their feelings physically are not going away," Cuomo added.

"As soon as I was injured - 15, 20 minutes into my first dose - I experienced numbness and tingling up and down my injected arm, which spread over the day to my face and my eyes. I consulted a neurologist who ran some tests and remarked, 'Well, this is all new. We don't know much about it, but the hospital is going to mandate it. You should get a second dose.' Everything in my medical mind and in my bones was telling me, 'No, if you have a reaction to something, don't do it again,'" Barcavage said.

"However, the pressure was immense. Then, three weeks later, I received a second dose, and after that, everything blew up. I went from being a healthy, 100% healthy, fully functioning nurse to a complete downward spiral of health. I developed a myriad of symptoms," he added.

Barcavage expressed his disappointment with the lack of support from various health agencies and from vaccine manufacturers.

"I thought there would be people ready to help me after my injury," he explained. "I reached out to political representatives, the NIH, the CDC, the FDA, but I received no answers. No one wanted to touch it."

With medical professionals in the U.S. offering no assistance, Barcavage took his quest international, sending blood samples to Germany, where he found scientists willing to aid his investigation.

"I sent blood samples to Germany and connected with German scientists who were more willing to help than those in my own country. The tests showed I had developed several autoantibodies, some of which scientists believe are related to this positional tachycardia you mentioned, where my heart rate spikes every time I stand up."

Barcavage expressed his expectation of support from his pro-vaccine colleagues, who he believed would assist him in his time of need. Instead, he encountered a starkly different reality.

"I thought my pro-vaccine colleagues who championed me would lift me up and help me. Instead, they turned around, dismissed, denied, and tried to censor and bury me," Barcavage said.

His situation, he argues, is exacerbated by the political implications of vaccine side effects. "They're afraid that by showing my face, I'll drive vaccine hesitancy. But what they don't realize, and what I have come to realize, is that the censorship and concealment are actually fueling vaccine hesitancy," he added.

Barcavage critiqued the Biden regime's handling of vaccine reactions, suggesting that a more transparent approach acknowledging the novel nature of vaccines and setting up dedicated support programs could have fostered public trust.

"If the government had just said, 'Hey, these are novel vaccines. There will be reactions. Let's set up a program to handle them, establish a fund, and oblige the manufacturers to provide help or research,' I think the citizens would have appreciated that."

Barcavage, along with many Americans, experienced censorship on major social platforms, where his posts were often tagged as misinformation. "When I tried to reach out online, platforms like Facebook and Instagram would tag my messages as misinformation. Yes, that's right. I'm just a desperate person to whom something bad happened, and I'm reaching out and pleading for help," he said.

Cuomo, who was part of the censorship regime, admitted to Barcavage that he is also suffering from side effects he attributes to the COVID-19 vaccine.

"Sean, I can't help you because I'm no clinician. I'm sick myself. But I'm working with people who are working on this, so I'll make sure that we're in touch right after the show, and I'll help any way I can. You may be ahead of me. I'll connect you with my clinicians, and maybe you can share different protocols and things that may help. But I will never stop reporting on this. All I'm doing is just beating the drum for a 9/11-style commission to figure out what worked and what didn't and what questions need to be answered because it's not over," Cuomo said.

The irony and karma here are incredible. The New York Times and Chris Cuomo, who finds himself among those affected, are now acknowledging and reporting issues many have voiced concerns about for the past three years.

It can be recalled Chris Cuomo mocked and insulted anyone who refused to take the experimental vaccine.


YOU SOUND LIKE AN IDIOT! CNN host Chris Cuomo ridicules anti-vaxx restaurant owner who won’t let in vaccinated customers.

This is nuts. Chris Cuomo is injured by the vax too?!!!
Well, welcome to 2024. This untested vaccine is definitely going side ways.
Very pleased my Quality Assurance training told me to hold off and wait.
Best decision of my life not to get this untested product.

That's what happens to those who pushed it, took it when there was no science to prove it was safe.

None of us who refused the jab regret it

This best choice I ever made was to NOT take the jab .

Cuomo covering this is pathetic! He and his brother promoted the heck out of the jab, and ostracized anyone that wasn't!

My husband made the right choice for our family. He said "NO" to the jab.

What makes me mad is the NHS is still pushing the shit

Cuomo has some nerve acting like he wasn't a massive cheerleader for this liquid trash!!!

my sister was fired as a nurse for refusing

evil evil evil

Como was one of the first to call Vaccine safe...

The devil never sleeps ,it's all about money and greed!!!!! Sick world,we live in.

I remember the hateful looks I got walking into stores without a mask. I recall how I felt at work when everyone knew I didn't get the jab. People looked at me like I was a dumbass, who's the wise guy now?

A message for everyone - never trust them again. The cost is too high.

I know 3 people with vax injuries. I have now heard of 5 people suddenly and unexpectedly dying. The lastest one is a man is his forties. I know the family and he leaves little children behind. almost every day I read of an athlete, a celebrity suddenly dying. We need answers. This is NOT normal.

My 23 year old daughter developed severe atopic dermatitis from her scalp to her toes within a few months of getting the vaccine. If you saw her you'd cry! She went from being a bright and happy girl to a depressed, extremely sore, and exhausted version of her former self. It breaks my heart!

Download here: Doctors-Ordered-To-Euthanize-MILLIONS-of-Vaccinated-Patients-to-Cover-Up-Disturbing-Side-Effects-2024-05-03.mp4 - 84,224 kb
By: The People's Voice - 3rd May 2024
Doctors Ordered To Euthanize
MILLIONS of Vaccinated Patients to
Cover-Up 'Disturbing' Side Effects

Trending News
Big Pharma

Big Pharma and the medical industry are desperately scrambling to cover up the full extent of the human tragedy caused by the Covid mRNA vaccines, according to an industry whistleblower who has blown the whistle on what is really happening in hospital corridors.

People have been dying so horrifically and so quickly that doctors have been forced to euthanize them to put them out of their misery, according to the whistleblower who reveals that mainstream media is complicit in covering up the extent of the carnage.

But as the body bags continue to pile up and more and more people around the world wake up to the grisly reality, the mainstream media has never been less relevant.

We are the news now and the people are rising up and demanding justice for the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the global elite.

Want to live a long, healthy life? STAY AWAY FROM DOCTORS!

Arrest these doctors

Viruses are a hoax.

Rachel Madcow is a fhaggot

all in jail please

How convenient for the doctors to be baffled and not "know".

It's time for a RECKONING!!!!

Pulmonary patients in the IC unit need to be exercising ASAP. Whether that is just getting upright in bed, getting out of the bed or whatever is possible. The WHO had forbidden that. Also lung punctions to check for infection of the lungs is an important tool to prevent declining health. Also forbidden. This was mass murder by WHO policy.

They murdered my only brother with Remdesivir. He went to the hospital after testing positive using a CONTAMINATED home test kit. (look this up; millions of "Pilot" home test kits were recalled AFTER the damage was done, contaminated with THREE respiratory infection causing bacteria) His fingers and lips turned blue. He was on 02 for a few weeks, went downhill after first death shot of remdesivir and was intubated. They said he had "covid pneumonia". I asked what kind is that, viral or bacterial. Never got an answer because all were treated exactly the same. Intubated, Rem 1, Rem 2, Fentanyl and Morphine enough to kill an elephant but kept alive by intubation until all organs shut down, hospice, death. My brother suffered unimaginably because the wicked elite wanted to "prove" that the vaccines work. Listen to this!: His wife was jabbed, he wasn't. The Klebsiella bacterial infection which they both got from the test was easily contained by something in the vaccine so it appeared that "the unvaxxed got covid hospitalized and died! Diabolical!!! He died just 5 days before his 62nd b day. Justice is coming but not from this world. It will be GOD who judges the wicked and it will be swift and complete! All judgement will come from Jesus Christ. The sooner the better.

i like your work

My father was euthanized in Anchorage Alaska after his Moderna booster seizures which I believe caused his aspiration which turned into aspirational pneumonia.

"Doctors are baffled", and continue to be so.

Download here: Judge-SCOLDS-dishonest-cops-as-Australian-freedom-fighter-Nick-Patterson-wins-case-2024-05-02.mp4 - 38,244 kb
By: Rebel News - 2nd May 2024
Judge SCOLDS dishonest cops
as Australian freedom fighter
Nick Patterson wins case!


SHARE @OzraeliAvi's full report:

Court rules police evidence inadmissible, in a significant victory for Melbourne's Nick Patterson as prosecution drops its case.

By: Counterspin New Zealand

Following that we delve into the big story across the ditch, where a win against the system should put some wind in the freedom sails.

Nick Patterson, a champion Australian MMA fighter, has achieved what many thought was impossible - he fought the law, and won!

Facing the worlds most extreme lockdowns, Australians were fortunate to have someone brave enough like Nick to take the state on as he simply exorcised his God given rights during a time where it was dangerous to do so.

Nick fought to keep his gym open, defended his friends and organised many pushbacks against the covid tyranny. As a consequence he has had four cases to answer to and recently he was vindicated in one such case when the judge ruled that evidence presented by the police was inadmissible in court, and ruling that Victoria police used unlawful tactics & unjustifiable violence against protestors. This could see police being charged.

For the past four years, he has faced prosecution by corrupt authorities due to his vocal stance against official narratives. Despite these challenges, Nick remains steadfast in his mission, amplifying his message through platforms like his Telegram channel, Fight Corrupt Police.

At his core, Nick Patterson embodies resilience, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to fighting for what is right, making him a powerful voice for change in his community and beyond.

Find Nick on Telegram:

Australian Peacemakers:

Police appear to be guilty of battery of multiple people

Sue the pants off these police and have them charged with assault

The fact that there was a prosecutor willing to defend this is absolutely disgusting

Great news - now sue the police force !

Everyone needs chest cams to protect from many people being hired as police these days. We need to defend ourselves.

Never forget what they did to us NEVER !

Now Sue for damages

Dishonest cops need very serious consequences, not scolding.

Now ask the MSN for an on air apology for all the fake lies they said about you Nick

The police evidence was a story of fiction... pure fiction.
Congratulations on your win.

Imagine what these officers do when there are no cameras.
Always film the police.

He is so lucky the judge was not corrupt.

"Scolding', what a joke, they need jail and financial consequences.

Download here: Holy-SMOKES-AstraZeneca-JUST-admitted-the-truth-about-its-COVID-vaccine-2024-05-01.mp4 - 37,000 kb
By: Redacted - 1st May 2024
Holy SMOKES! AstraZeneca
JUST admitted the truth
about its COVID vaccine!

#claytonmorris #redacted #independentjournalists

AstraZeneca was forced to admit that its Covid vaccine can cause deadly blood clotting. The pharmaceutical company did not disclose this out of good will. Oh no. They admitted this because they are being sued.

Remember all the people that shunned you and called you conspiracy theorists for not taking the jab.

I am unvaccinated and proud of it. Hit like if you are too!!!

They may have called me a conspiracy theorist, but i called them lab rats.

The fact that the vaccines had side effects does not anger me.....the fact that we were not ALLOWED to even discuss this...that angers me and that is solely Democrat caused.

The clot shot. 30 year Emergency RN got fired for refusing shot. Best decision of my life.

We unvaccinated faced probably the most discrimination, segregation & organized public hatred we may ever see in our entire lives. And we are still here. And we were right. Keep your heads up my people.

Faucci in his deposition told Congress 194 Times "I don't Know or I don't Recall" 194 TIMES

the fact that tax payers will pay for this is one of the most absurd things ive heard this year. unreal

I identify as a conspiracy theorist, and my pronouns are: TOLD/YOU/SO

Download here: Japans-Most-Senior-Oncologist-Prof-Fukushima-Condemns-mRNA-Vaccines-As-Evil-Practices-Of-Science-2024-04-30.mp4 - 72,228 kb
By: Sunfellow On COVID-19 - 30th April 2024

Japan's Most Senior Oncologist
Prof. Fukushima Condemns mRNA
Vaccines as 'Evil Practices of Science'

From aussie17 @_aussie17, April 28, 2024:

Japan's Most Senior Oncologist, Prof. Fukushima Condemns mRNA Vaccines as 'Evil Practices of Science'


I am the most senior medical oncologist in Japan. I was the first to open a cancer outpatient clinic at Kyoto University, and before that, in Kyoto University, in 2020, I was the head of a section at the Aichi Cancer Center, all positions were at the Aichi Cancer Center Hospital. I established the first course in pharmacoepidemiology at Kyoto University in Japan.


People are saying about what's being called "turbo cancer," a type previously unseen by doctors, characterized by its incredibly fast speed. By the time it's discovered, it is already in stage four, advanced cancer, and such cases are starting to sporadically appear in consultations. Thus, doctors began sharing information about these extraordinary cases that are different from before. So, this has gradually become the situation since last year or the year before that. Indeed, doctors have been sensing from the field that something unusual related to cancer may be happening. They were feeling it on the ground.


Moreover, the results of our analysis show, surprisingly, that specific types of cancer, in relation to the vaccination, seem to be experiencing excess mortality. Firstly, cancers such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, thyroid cancer, and then statistically, esophageal and lung cancer. These are, and another one is prostate cancer in men. Such cancers are specifically observing excess mortality. This phenomenon cannot be simply explained by disruptions such as early screenings being unavailable due to the pandemic, or lost opportunities for treatment.


It's as if we've opened Pandora's box and are now encountering all sorts of diseases. We're facing them.

Autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and infections. All of these, including rare and difficult diseases, even those rare conditions are happening. Even diseases unheard of are being encountered by ordinary doctors.


This isn't science; it's more akin to faith, hysteria, or even cult behavior, in my opinion. Opposing vaccines doesn't make one a heretic like Galileo; it's become like being treated as a complete outcast. That's the situation. This is madness.


We really must take these damages seriously and address them earnestly. Any efforts to dismiss these damages as if they didn't happen are, frankly, the work of evil. This is a quintessential example of the evil practice of science.


Therefore this vaccine was from the beginning based on misconception, misconduct, and evil practices of science, totally defective, founded on misconceptions, leading to a totally false production, a false product, I believe.


We must confront this directly again and shine the light of science on it, so the WHO should lead a comprehensive outcome research on this gene vaccine used on humanity on a large scale for the first time, and all countries should cooperate with it. We should never again use such vaccines. This is a shame for humanity. It's a disgrace!

Source video:


Prof. Masanori Fukushima is Professor Emeritus of the University of Kyoto, Director of the Translational

Research Center for Medical Innovation, and the Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation

President of the Foundation of Learning Health Society Institute, former Director of the Outpatient

Oncology unit of Kyoto University Hospital. He is the author of over 290 scientific publications. He is involved in understanding adverse reactions from mRNA vaccines in the Japanese population. In particular, he demonstrated that in Japan there was significant excess mortality for all cancers and for some specific types of cancer (including leukemia and cancer ovarian, prostate, lip/oral/pharyngeal, pancreas, and breast) after mass vaccination with the 3rd dose.

The veil of truth between Science and $cience is slowly being lifted.
For those who have been forced to watch the crimes against humanity that took place over the last four years, in real time, it has been excruciatingly painful.
It severs the heart and injures the soul.

Thank you for speaking out. Better late than never as they say...

So very well articulated. A definite watch/read/share

thanks for this, a most compelling message by a most reputable speaker bringing a bright light to darkness.
in my opinion, the plandemic was but a part of the billionaire globalists' depopulation plans. so is global war.

Thank you so much. This needs to stop, they are clearly dangerous and need to be investigated independently never to be used again.

Thank you so much to this wonderful man , speaking out on this appalling situation, this should have been investigated immediately, instead we have a wall of silence. My thoughrs and prayers go out to those affected

Thank you for speaking out.
We need many more people doing the same.
Slowly the world will hear the truth and not allow this to ever happen again.

@9:40 '...clinging to what passed as knowledge before is Religion not Science'

Never forget… the poster child boy in israel for the covid 19 shot, was 6 when they injected him to sell it to parents. He died at 8 in the bathtub of a heart attack.
Never forget….

Glad to know that Japan has been awaking (for long)! Scholars & professionals have come out boldly in the limelight of the public so as to declare their perspectives with clinical/ empirical experiences plus studies.

People of the whole world need an answer! We can no longer afford a huge error in such a large scale like this (globally plus almost mandatorily by exchanging the rights to work/ study) again. Enough is too enough.


AstraZeneca just ADMITTED IN
COURT that their covid injection can
cause a severe blood clot side effect!

By: PeterSweden - 30th April 2024
AstraZeneca just ADMITTED IN COURT that their covid injection can cause a severe blood clot side effect!


AstraZeneca just ADMITTED IN COURT that their covid injection can cause a severe blood clot side effect.

This is absolutely huge news.

They are now being sued in a class action lawsuit from victims that have suffered after being lied to by the "experts" about "safe and effective", with lawyers saying that the AstraZeneca injection is DEFECTIVE.

It is in this lawsuit that AstraZeneca admitted that their covid injection "can, in very rare cases, cause TTS".

There we have it - The TRUTH is FINALLY beginning to come out after all these years!

What is TTS?

It is short for Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome.

Those are very long and fancy words, but essentially what it means is that a person gets BOTH blood clots and low blood platelet counts.

Meaning that people can get both blood clots AND internal bleeding at the same time.

The consequences.

This admission from the pharmaceutical company means that victims could get a massive legal payout. The first lawsuit was started by Jamie Scott, a father of two who was left with a permanent brain injury after getting the AstraZeneca injection.

"We need an apology, fair compensation for our family and other families who have been affected. We have the truth on our side, and we are not going to give up" said Kate Scott, the wife of the victim.

In total, 51 cases have now been lodged in Britain and victims and relatives are seeking damages worth £100 million.

But the government has promised to pay for the pharmaceutical giant's legal bills. So if they lose, the government will step in and pay - Using tax payers money of course.

This is because of an indemnity deal that AstraZeneca made with the government during covid.

Meanwhile, just days ago, AstraZeneca reported revenue of over £10 BILLION in the first quarter of 2024.

Big Pharma is making Big Profit.

In fact, this TTS is nothing new. In Italy, several doctors and medical staff were under investigation by the public prosecutor after an 18 year old girl died after getting AstraZeneca.

And the European Medicines Agency said already in April 2021 that blood clots combined with low blood platelets should be listed as a very rare side effect of the AstraZeneca injection. So this has been known for a long time.

The question is, why weren't people more informed about this? As far as I can remember, the mainstream media has not done a very good job of informing people of these side effects.

The narrative was always that the it was SAFE and EFFECTIVE, yet they knew that they were not.

Please SHARE this everywhere - The truth is finally coming out...

Snap shot from Google on 1st May 2024: AstraZeneca just ADMITTED IN COURT

The politicians who fuck kids told me the shots were safe!

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
The vaccine related deaths so far are only the first fruits of things to come.

A tsunami of Covid Vaccine Bio Weapon related deaths is now being unleashed upon an ignorant / gullible / trusting Global population - that is of Biblical proportions.

Compliance = servitude!

David Pyper
In BC where I live, I demand #accountability from our unelected Public Health Officer and from our elected Minister of Health, both of whom assured British Columbians the jabs were safe and effective.

Mr. Leo
Absolutely nuts

Glad I never even thought about getting the jab. A lot of people came to me and asked if they should get the vaccine since I am in healthcare. I shook my head no every single time and would never ever change my mind

Alex Cavalcanti
What about the ´experts' and authorities who forced people to take the experimental jab? They should be held accountable as well.

Download: Ed-Dowd-Reveals-Alarming-40-Percent-Rise-in-Death-Statistic-Following-Covid-Vaccines-that-Nobody-is-Talking-About-2024-04-30.mp4 - 3,029 kb
By: The Vigilant Fox - 30th April 2024
Ed Dowd Reveals Alarming 40% Rise
in Death Statistic Following Covid
Vaccines, that Nobody is Talking About!

Ed Dowd Reveals Alarming Death Statistic That Nobody Is Talking About

Why are so many young people dying?

The mainstream media reports that shoveling in cold weather, sunbathing, etc. could be causing people to drop dead.

But there's an alarming data point they're silent on.

Life Insurance CEO Scott Davidson reported in January 2022 that death rates among working-aged people between the ages of 18 and 64 were "up 40 percent over what they were pre-pandemic."

Davidson compared a 10 percent rise in deaths to a once-in-200-year flood.

But a 40 percent rise, as Ed Dowd notes, is "off the charts."

Davidson also mentioned that the bulk of these excess deaths among the 18 to 64 age group in 2021 were non-COVID deaths.

"The majority of those deaths happened in quarter number three and four of... 2021. What does that mean? When did the mandate start? Quarter number three and four, 2021," pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole has previously stated.

Andrew Tate (Fake x Paraody)
the media will tell you it's because of climate change

The Vigilant Fox
Quite embarrassing. And they'll use it as a pretext to declare a "climate emergency."

NEW. UK Oncologist Professor Dagleish, with over 40 X years clinical experience says "WE MUST STOP" using mRNA due to overwhelming concerns

A 19 year old young lady that was getting married to my son's friend Saturday-

Died in her sleep Thursday
Healthy when she went to sleep
Cat still by her side

Everyone's quietly saying what we all think

David Dickson
Not just the shots. COVID protocols from lockdowns on WORLDWIDE meant people died. Those very protocols, alive and well today and driven by stealth, are still killing countless people. Time to call the whole thing out.

Download: A-Staggering-20-percent-increase-in-Cardiac-Arrests-A-rise-so-steep-that-Defibrillators-are-being-erected-all-over-Australia-2024-04-30.mp4 - 7,175 kb
By: RISEMELBOURNE - 30th April 2024
A Staggering 20% increase in
Cardiac Arrests! A rise so steep
that Defibrillators are being
erected all over Australia!

A Staggering 20% increase in Cardiac Arrests!

A rise so steep that Defibrillators are being erected all over the place. Experts are completely baffled as to why, but they guarantee it's "Anything else, except of course the Vaxx!"

Jussy fan
What could have caused a 900% rise in myocarditis / pericarditis in Guernsey in 2021?

900% and no government emergency into investigation?!…

Every 400 meters.. are we expecting people to start dropping on every street corner or are they just riling up those that do not believe the govt with a juicy contract for their business mates..

Government did this do us. They all should be in jail for crimes against humanity.

Melbourne getting what it deserves for siding with politicians, police, medical industrial complex and media at near every turn in 20/21/22.

Neal Hamilton
There's that neurolinguistic programming again !
Starts out claiming an increase over five years, instantly puts the Vax out of peoples minds, and then later many will ignore that the increase is actually only since 2022.

Very schocking, very sad, ALL THE EXPERTS BAFFELED? Or do some have an idea what the CAUSE could be? What changed?

What is an "at risk community"? They said the defibs are going to at risk communities. How are the communities different? I can tell you. CHECK YOUR BATCH NUMBERS. There's a reason they didn't seperate them. It's an experimental trial and now they can watch entire "communities"

Amy Biggs
We who really know what is going on must be aware where defibrillators are as we will end up being the ones trying to save them.

Andrew Anderson
We who have done our research know full well whats causing this but yet again they still push the jab and MSM won't call it out

It was from the Vaccine. Fit young guy at work suffered myocarditis after shots.

So they mention hotspot areas and the fellow mentions stress from being locked up. But wasn't the whole of Victoria locked up. Why these areas?

It would be interesting to see which batches they got in those hotspot areas?

someone somewhere will come up with 'climatitis' soon.

They installed those defibs right around the time of the first vax roll out 2021.

See in the UK they have now admitted to the side effects

Cardiologists Identify COVID-19
Vaccine as Likely Cause of
29 year old Florencia Tarque's
Heart Attack Problem

By: The Gateway Pundit - 29th April 2024

"Attention: Cardiologists are now saying my heart problem is more than likely a result of the COVID vaccine," she wrote on Facebook.

Cardiologists Identify COVID-19 Vaccine as Likely Cause of 29 year old Florencia Tarque's Heart Attack Problem

This article originally appeared on The Gateway Pundit and was republished with permission.

Guest post by Jim Hoft

Medical professionals are beginning to take a closer look at the potential adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines, particularly following a series of health complications among younger adults.

Florencia Tarque, a 29-year-old Director of International Recruiting at Puulse Marketing, has come forward with a personal health crisis that her cardiologists suggest may be linked to her COVID-19 vaccination.

"Attention: Cardiologists are now saying my heart problem is more than likely a result of the COVID vaccine," she wrote on Facebook.

Tarque, an athlete who has maintained a lifestyle centered around wellness, experienced a shocking medical scare earlier this month when she was admitted to the hospital after three electrocardiograms (EKGs) indicated signs of a heart attack.

Despite the alarming EKG results, an angiogram performed urgently revealed no blockages, leaving both Tarque and her medical team baffled. It was later determined that she had developed myopericarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle and surrounding tissue.

Florencia Tarque's wrist following her angiogram procedure. Tarque describes the process as painful, having been awake throughout.

The image above shows the wrist of Florencia Tarque following her angiogram procedure.
Tarque describes the process as painful, having been awake throughout. (Credit: Florencia Tarque/Facebook)

Tarque expressed her frustration and anger in a series of social media posts, particularly emphasizing the mandatory nature of the vaccination for her job and travel commitments.

"I'm angry because tons of 20-something-year-old athletes now have heart problems," she said, reflecting a concern that has been echoed in various communities across the globe.

In a follow-up post, Tarque disclosed that an MRI confirmed she had indeed suffered a heart attack, despite the lack of coronary blockages or other typical indicators of such an event.

"Angiogram showed no blockage or coronary problem the day I had my heart attack. Three EKGs showed heart attack. Week later my MRI confirmed heart attack," she said.

"29 years old, played sports my whole life. No health issues. WTF," she wrote, encapsulating her shock and disbelief.

There are many similar cases to Tarque. Functional medicine practitioner Jon Mitchell commented, "I have many clients who have had a lot of random health stuff pop up after getting the shot. Autoimmune, clotting throughout the body, brain abnormalities, cardiac issues, iron deficiency, etc. Some docs are acknowledging it, but very few are speaking up. It's infuriating."

The majority of the so-called healthcare experts continue to assert the benefits of COVID-19 vaccines in preventing severe illness, hospitalization, and death due to the virus far outweigh the risks of side effects.

Copyright 2024 The Gateway Pundit

Download here: Top-Doctor-Ben-Tapper-Blows-the-Whistle-Chemicals-in-Vaccines-Are-Turning-Kids-Trans-2024-04-28.mp4 - 101,701 kb
By: The People's Voice - 28th April 2024
Top Doctor Ben Tapper Blows
the Whistle: 'Chemicals in Vaccines
Are Turning Kids Trans'

Trending News
trans agenda
alex jones
Dr. Ben Tapper
Agenda 2030

Have you ever stopped and asked yourself why there are suddenly so many trans people, and in particular, very young trans kids?

It seems like every liberal celebrity in America is in possession of at least one transgender child in 2024. But the answer is more than just fashion.

There is a war being waged against our children, according to a leading doctor, and aborted fetal cells in vaccines are turning children transgender as part of a wider plot to destabilize society, nuke the nuclear family, and irreparably damage our kids.

Alex Jones had it right years ago. Atrizine in the water, in minute amounts, can change boy frogs into girl frogs. Now add in childhood jabbs (72 doses of 16 different kinds at least), the crap in food and no wonder our children are in trouble. Doritos cannot be sold in Europe due to all the crap in them.
Three recent studies prove unvaxed kids are way healthier than vaccinated ones.

Turning them transhuman...but the tranny craze came before the poison jab. The demons have been pushing this tranny stuff for over 10 years now...and the current trannies definitely groom children into their filthy, demon world.

FUCK the Government, Big Pharma, and the Media. This whole world and it's systems were bought and sold a long time ago.

I knew it!!! I've told others of my suspicions! The process of eliminating the DNA in the fetal tissue used in vaccines usually or almost always blows apart the DNA! That is NOT always does blow apart the DNA in the tissue. If one single fetal cell from fetal tissue is XY or XX and survives and is injected into the opposite sex child it can result in malfunctioning of the individual. So scary.

Mercury in vaccines lowers testosterone in boys.

EDC's Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, hormone manipulation, even HCG sterilisation like in Africa Bill & Melinda Gates Fnd, UNESCO etc. etc. decades ago.

Wow. Thank you, as always.

"It's time to stop asking why they're doing this to us and time to ask 'Why are we letting them?' Everything we're going through at the moment is a test to see how far the system can push us. Never forget their crimes, because they're planning to do them all again soon, and worse." - Sean of TPV

"Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of men, and deny equal privileges to others." - Benjamin Rush


Why are these psychopaths not held accountable, we have fact after fact about all this and absolutely nothing is done about it. Gates and the rest of them should face the death penalty for their Crimes against Humanity.

I suspected as much. I watch an interview with The Medical Rebel and a microbiologist who was working in a team. They were researching what was in the COVID jabs. I didn't remember the exact numbers, but they looked at a couple of hundred at least. Every single vax contained only male DNA and nothing else.

In another presentation given by a biologist, he found that frogs turned homosexual, transsexual, or asexual after they were exposed to the chemical Atrazine; it's an herbicide used on corn crops.

PLEASE STOP calling the globalists...'elites'!!! They are NOT ELITE!!! They are SEWER SCUM. Filth like that matter how much money they have stolen from us NOT deserve to be referred to as anything other than sewer scum.
They do not value our children and grandchildren, that's for US to do.

If a doctor gets silenced and his social media accounts deleted he is spot on right.

COVID-19 Vaccinated Teacher
Sherri Moody from Pearland, Texas
has hands and feet amputated

By: Dr. William Makis MD - 21st April 2024

Pearland, TX - Sherri and David Moody are both COVID-19 Vaccinated Teachers in Texas. Sherri was admitted to hospital with dehydration which turned into a life-threatening condition that included pneumonia, sepsis, and ultimately septic shock.

COVID-19 Vaccinated Teacher Sherri Moody from Pearland, Texas has hands and feet amputated

By: Ben Thompson

Husband watched wife's 'feet and hands die' after routine operation led to them being amputated.

The horrifying incident unfolded after a seemingly minor cold.

A man watched as his wife's 'feet and hands' died, resulting in them all being amputated, following a 'routine' infection and what she thought was a mild cold.

Sherri Moody, from Texas, began feeling like she had a cold in April 2023 and didn't worry too much about it.

However, the 51-year-old took herself to the hospital after she woke up one night and was struggling to breathe.

Doctors found that the teacher was suffering with double pneumonia, which they said had been brought on by streptococcus, the bacteria that causes strep throat.

As a result of this, her body went into septic shock, seeing her blood pressure drop dramatically.

Sherri's husband David admitted: "I had to Google what sepsis was. I had no idea. We're pretty healthy people.

"I recognized real quick that we were in a severe situation. I was scared to pieces."

Because Sherri was taking arthritis medication, her body already a weakened ability to fight off infection.

Her husband likened her health battle as 'going to war with no soldiers'.

Sherri was put into a medically induced coma by doctors, as they treated her with drugs they hoped would bring circulation back to her organs.

However, this lead to circulation leaving her arms and legs.

David watched on in horror as his wife's limbs died before his very eyes.

He recalled: "They were black and mummified."

COVID-19 Vaccinated Teacher Sherri Moody from Pearland, Texas has hands and feet amputated

Although Sherri's life was saved, her limbs could not be - and they were amputated below the knee and shoulder.

Sherri was, of course, incredibly upset when she was first told the news - but she is now making an effort to live a happy life.

David is now her full-time carer.

On her outlook on life, Sherri said: "I just choose to be happy. It's not to say that I don't have a breakdown every now and then and just cry a little bit. I don't let it last long."

Her husband has been left amazed by her attitude, and admits he's had more difficulties than her.

David said: "She is just amazing. I've had more struggles. Both of us together talk about our blessings. We talk about the things that are going right in our day, in our lives."

Septic shock, which can be caused by common infections, affects around 750,000 Americans every year.

Roughly 30 percent of patients with the condition die.

A GoFundMe has been set up for the couple, which has so far raised more than $88,000.
Featured Image Credit: Facebook/Dave Moody/GoFundMe

COVID-19 Vaccinated Teacher Sherri Moody from Pearland, Texas has hands and feet amputated

Sherri Moody is an absolutely remarkable woman!

As a brave recipient of experimental bio-weapon mRNA vaccinations (which inevitably led to her becoming yet another amputee) - Sherri has remained so incredibly positive, despite such debilitating setbacks in her life!

The human spirit is truly profound!

Hundreds of millions of people eagerly lined up for their mRNA Clot Shots; and as reports of adverse reactions and deaths poured in with increasing frequency, many jabbed people simply accepted the dire consequences of democide via mass medication, in the belief that somehow, their ultimate sacrifice was for the benefit of all mankind!

Erstwhile, hundreds of thousands of politicians, drug manufacturers, doctors and the Mainstream Media, have viewed the public's acceptance of democide as EXTREME GULLIBILITY - as opposed to bravery!

Sherri may have embraced adverse reactions to bio-weapons; but personally, I believe that this exhibition of treason and colossal scale murder - are Crimes Against Humanity - punishable by death.

Download here: The-Vaccine-Passport-LIE-Just-COLLAPSED-And-The-WHO-Are-FURIOUS-Covid-Vaccines-Do-Not-Work-2024-04-20.mp4 - 41,378 kb
By: Russell Brand - 20th April 2024
The Vaccine Passport LIE Just
Covid Vaccines Don't Work!
As the WHO's leading vaccine expert admits in court that vaccine passports may have been a scam due to the fact that the vaccines did not stop transmission, were vaccine passports just one part of an axis that allowed for increased regulations and government control, as well as gigantic profits from the big government donors, the pharmaceutical industry?

I still cannot believe the number of intelligent people who proved to be dumb.

Some of us knew this was all a lie from the start.

It was not a mistake.
It was not an error.
It was a trial run.

Still haven't heard an apology from people who badmouthed those who choose not to be jabbed with an unknown biological agent.

Why would my very healthy wife of 36 years, that was forced to be fully vaccinated in order to keep her healthcare job, Die of a sudden heart attack ? ? Rest In Peace Susanne.

The WHO must be disbanded and defunded in its entirety, along with the WEF and UN.

I was not allowed to say goodbye to my dying father because I was unvaxxed. I will NEVER forgive or forget.

I declined all the Covid vaccines, and in the UK they still send me offers to take it for free! I keep declining even though I'm now 75, btw I also don't take the Flu vaccine offered, I've never had covid, yet many friends who were vaccinated tell how they've had it several times, but... "it would have been so much worse if I hadn't been vaccinated"... Jeez what can you say to these people?

I live in Canada. They shut down my business of 20 years because I fed an unvaccinated man a pizza. The unscientific & immoral vaccine passport was the catalyst for the Trucker Convoy and the Coutts Border Blockade. Recently the vaccine passport and all covid mandates were ruled ILLEGAL in my province of Alberta. The only place in the world where that has happened. I am suing my government and our health gestapo Alberta Health Services for the unlawful closure of my restaurant and I am expected top win. For all those out there who are demoralized and have given hope I urge you to stay strong and keep the faith, time will expose the criminals responsible for these reprehensible crimes. Three things cannot be hidden forever, the sun, the moon and the truth.

Download here: The-GREAT-LIE-is-starting-to-collapse-and-they-can-not-hide-it-anymore-Anthony-Fauci-exposed-2024-04-19.mp4 - 22,333 kb
By: Redacted - 19th April 2024
The GREAT LIE is starting to collapse
and they can't hide it anymore
Anthony Fauci exposed -

#claytonmorris #redacted #independentjournalists

Dr. Phil isn't buying the Covid narrative any longer. Admitting that Covid policy was not based on science is no longer conspiracy. And yet Dr. Anthony Fauci was given an award this week for his "commitment to evidence-based decision making."

You know we can't let that one go.

Best actor award for ' CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ', goes to Dr. Anthony Fauci, congratulations.

He belongs in prison for life!!!

Arrest Fauci

How many people lost their jobs because they would not get vaccinated???
How many people were forced to be vaccinated to keep their jobs???
Compensation please???
Damages please???

Cheers to all the sturdy hard ass legends who remained unvaccinated throughout all that nonsense

He deserves jail.

They don't care that we know, and none will go to prison. This is just how corrupt it has become.

Wearing a face cover can cause bacterial pneumonia.

Download here: Pfizer-Admits-mRNA-Jabs-Contain-Nanobots-That-Permanently-Alters-DNA-2024-04-18.mp4 - 114,444 kb
By: The People's Voice - 18th April 2024
Pfizer Admits
mRNA Jabs Contain 'Nanobots'
That Permanently Alters DNA

Independent researchers have been warning for years that Covid mRNA vaccines contain secret ingredients and now we have confirmation of the claim.

A deep dive into Pfizer's murky history reveals they partnered with an Israeli to develop programmable nanorobots to be injected into people to alter their DNA, issue them with an IP address, and connect them to the internet.

This may sound like wild science fiction, but when you see the stone cold evidence that we have coming up for you, it will be clear that what sounded like a horror movie suddenly looks like a living nightmare for the vaccinated.

Trending News
Bill Gates
Albert Bourla

Everyone involved in the creation and spread of covid and the poison vaccines should face prosecution and the death penalty.

This is a criminal act

any virus that has a patent# is man made. look what's being revealed about the AIDS virus.
It was in the small pox vaccine. It lay dormant and then was activated. The reason why it started in Africa is that's where Gates and the WHO started innocculating people first.

I used to do papers on this stuff in school 10 years ago along with monsonto and stuff and yeah no one ever listened or cared. Any scientist knows. It was no secret but was held in check. Then COVID came and they just pretended everything was new

.....and the normies STILL sleep on and on and on.....

"Vaccines are magic. They can *GULP! BIG SWALLOW* save lives"

That pedo faggot Bill Gates is probably applying universal law when he says that they are magic. Like he's telling us that they are literally satanic witchcraft (ALL witchcraft is satanic. Even "white" magic).

One year after my friend's death, a Bluetooth signal was coming from her grave.

Real Conspiracy Theorists Believe:
-> The government cares about them.
-> The media would never mislead or lie to them.
-> The pharmaceutical industry that makes billions off sickness wants to cure them.

Round these psychopath serial killers up for public hanging

National Nanotechnology Initiative
An official website of the United States government.

Quote, Nano4EARTH is a call to action to mobilize stakeholders in addressing barriers to widespread adoption of nanoscale solutions to the climate change crisis. [aka agenda21 co2 hoax!]

All of this is perfectly true.

This has been in medical scholastics for over a decade. Most students are already aware of WBAN

Time for Faucii to go to hell, it's coming....

Every single person I know who has been vaccinated got covid. I never did and I did not take the jab! this Mrna vaccine is NOT A VACCINE. There is no natural virus called covid there is no bug called covid. Its a man made artificial thing from the china wuhan lab. the Mrna goes into your DNA ....don't believe a single word the pundits tell you. Look at the blood clots autopsy doctors are finding. Look at all the people who died AFTER getting the jab! The US Government will NEVER TELL THE TRUTH TO US!

Download here: Pfizer-is-deeply-sorry-for-ongoing-participation-in-Criminal-Activity-2024-04-12.mp4 - 33,475 kb
By: Dr. John Campbell - 12th April 2024
Pfizer is 'deeply sorry' for ongoing
participation in Criminal Activity

Pfizer, bringing discredit to pharmaceutical industry

Senior executives used social media to promote an "unlicensed" Covid vaccine.

Pfizer found to have breached the regulatory code five times,

Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA)

Pharmaceutical watchdog, relates to a complaint about a message posted on twitter

November 2020 by senior Pfizer employees.

the complainant alleged that it turned out that such misbehaviour was even more widespread than they had thought, extended right to the top of their UK operation and was apparently continuing to this very day.

The Panel noted Pfizer's submission that on further investigation into this complaint four other Pfizer UK colleagues, including another senior colleague in the UK organisation, had re-tweeted the same post.

The Panel queried whether a social media platform, such as Twitter was the appropriate forum to share such information.

The Panel noted the tweet contained limited information regarding the efficacy of the vaccine candidate with no safety information provided.

On the balance of probabilities, it was likely that the Pfizer UK employee's connections would include UK members of the public as well as UK health professionals.

The Panel noted that the tweet clearly referred to the outcome of the Pfizer and BioNTech's vaccine being developed to protect against COVID-19.

The Panel noted that Clause 3.1 prohibited the promotion of a medicine prior to the grant of its marketing authorisation.

They must not mislead either directly or by implication, by distortion, exaggeration or undue emphasis.

Material must be sufficiently complete to enable the recipient to form their own opinion of the therapeutic value of the medicine.

It must not be stated that a product has no adverse reactions, toxic hazards or risks of addiction or dependency. The Panel noted the tweet made no reference to adverse events and was therefore concerned that important safety information relating to the vaccine candidate was not provided and ruled a breach of Clause 7.9 of the 2019 Code as acknowledged by Pfizer.

The Panel noted Pfizer stated that the senior employee whose re-tweet was the subject of this complaint had completed the social media training module in October 2019.

Activity which was clearly outside of company policy had not been taken down or deleted.

'Unlicensed medicine proactively disseminated'

"unlicensed medicine being proactively disseminated on Twitter to health professions and members of the public in the UK".

Pfizer UK spokesman:

"fully recognises and accepts the issues highlighted by this PMCPA ruling",

"deeply sorry".


'Accidental and unintentional'

Sixth time Pfizer has been reprimanded by the regulator over its promotion of the Covid-19 vaccine.

Ben Kingsley, UsForThem

"It's astonishing how many times Pfizer's senior executives have been found guilty of serious regulatory offences – in this case including the most serious offence of all under the UK Code of Practice.

"Yet the consequences for Pfizer and the individuals concerned continue to be derisory. This hopeless system of regulation for a multi-billion dollar life and death industry has become a sham, in dire need of reform."

Deeply guilty of mass murder

Deeply sorry, yeah after they were exposed. They should all be in jail.

Companies run by psychopaths don't actually feel remotely remorseful!

I'm glad that at least the UK media is mentioning this because the US media hasn't said a word.

Deeply sorry, deeply sinister and they should be deeply in jail

Don't forget Bill Gate who funded, promoted and made Billions of dollars off of it!

Thief is "deeply sorry" for robbing the bank, but won't give back the money. He's not THAT deeply sorry!

And people thought I was mad for questioning the vaccine

Crimes against humanity! Jail time!

Why is this drug still being pushed on vulnerable patients then???? Government and NHS guilty of criminal acts

"We're deeply sorry.", they said, as they were laughing all the way to the bank.

Download here: Dr-Peter-McCullough-Treating-COVID-Vax-Injuries-Preparing-For-Disease-X-Childhood-Vaccines-2024-04-09.mp4 - 95,006 kb
By: Sunfellow On COVID-19 - 9th April 2024
Dr. Peter McCullough:
Treating COVID Vax Injuries, Preparing
For Disease X, Childhood Vaccines

Disease X, Detoxification From Sars-Cov-2 Infection And Covid-19 Vaccination, What's Next

Dr. McCullough with Joni Lamb on Table Talk
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
April 9, 2024

I had the honor to appear again on "Table Talk" hosted by Joni Lamb and a group of concerned mothers and grandmothers. Please enjoy this 20 minute segment where I was asked about Disease X, McCullough Protocol Base Spike Detoxification, and what will happen next in our healthcare system as both workers and the public navigate the post-pandemic period.

Dr. Peter McCullough is a RockStar...HERO

Thank you, Dr. McCullough

Wow I just love Dr MacCollough he has been such a beast during the Pandemic and you just know that he is passionate about what he is saying and the studies he has done himself and others.


I am so over this, we know the next one is going to get our notice, so I would say it won't be covid as most don't believe it anymore. I know of people especially cancer at the moment, people are not mentally the same, I know that. I think people will act the same way again, unfortunately.

I have asked for over two years for someone to provide me with documented proof that the mRNA jabs:
1. Prevented even ONE infection
2. Prevented even ONE transmission
3. Prevented even ONE hospitalization
4. Prevented even ONE death

...I'm still waiting...

A doctor at a public hospital in Everett, Washington in 2021 refused to prescribe ivermectin and turned my critically ill loved one away (who refused the mRNA injection), telling him to return to the hospital if he couldn't breathe. My loved one died at his home a couple days later. This same hospital also refused entry by anyone if they did not have proof of "vaccination" and they had armed guards at the entrance. We should never let this evil tyranny (forced separation of family, people dying in isolation, forced medical procedures) in hospitals happen again. God bless Dr. McCullough abundantly for speaking out.

bill gates is not done killing people - the Vax is meant to kill your ass off.

Download here: COVID-Clots-Caused-by-the-Vaccines-Full-Measure-2024-04-09.mp4 - 26,406 kb
By: Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson - 9th April 2024
COVID Clots Caused
by the Vaccines | Full Measure

For whatever reason, America's health officials haven't seemed publicly interested in answering a crucial question: How many illnesses and deaths can be attributed to COVID versus the vaccines or some combination?

Today, we look at shocking and graphic evidence that independent researchers are trying to make sense of, in the absence of helpful guidance from the usual authorities: a mysterious fibrous material being discovered in the veins and arteries of the dead. A caution: some of the images in our report are graphic.

Embalmers are suddenly finding strange fibrous clots in bodies they treat

Download here: Pfizer-LIED-About-Covid-19-Jabs-Watchdog-Accuses-Pfizer-Of-Promoting-Unlicensed-Vaccine-2024-04-08.mp4 - 15,188 kb
By: TalkTV - 8th April 2024
"Pfizer LIED About Covid-19 Jabs"
Watchdog Accuses Pfizer
of Promoting 'Unlicensed Vaccine'

The UK's pharmaceutical watchdog has accused Pfizer of damaging the industry's reputation by using social media to promote an "unlicensed" Covid vaccine.

Pfizer has breached the regulatory code five times, including making misleading claims, failing to uphold high standards, and promoting unlicensed medicines.

The ruling by the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA) follows a complaint about a message posted on social media in November 2020 by senior Pfizer employees.

The complaint raised concerns about Pfizer's improper use of social media to promote their Covid vaccine in violation of regulations.

This behavior was found to be more widespread than initially believed and extended to the highest levels of Pfizer's UK operation.

Dr David Bull and Dr Renee Hoenderkamp speak with doctor and Professor of oncology Angus Dalgleish.

#news #breakingnews #covid19 #covid #vaccine #health #pfizer #talktv #talkradio

It's disgusting what happened. I also blame 80% of the public too for acting like sheep and demonizing the unvaccinated. This was never a 'choice'.

I still hate all those celebrities that pushed this lie.

Never forget all the news media platforms and their reporters who pushed this

This wasn't negligence. This was deliberate.

What has happened is criminal.

They lied people died

Never forget they said it was safe for pregnant women without one test.

Kudos to the 19-million wide-awake Brits who did not feel the need to roll their sleeves up.


Smelled a Rat when governments gave the drug companies were given legal indemnity

Jail time and seizure of personal funds

Andrew Brigden was right. Restore his whip and appologise.

Download here: Former-Italian-Health-Minister-Roberto-Speranza-needs-police-protection-from-vaxx-victims-for-killing-people-2024-04-07.mp4 - 8,608 kb
By: Reese Report - 7th April 2024
Former Italian Health Minister
Roberto Speranza, needs police
protection from vaxx victims...
..for killing people!

Former Italian health minister, Roberto Speranza is under investigation for homicide after emails revealed that he knew the COVID #Vaccine was killing people

He also told local health authorities to conceal deaths and serious injuries in order to keep the vaccination program going.

Roberto Speranza can no longer walk in the streets by himself in Italy. He is permanently accompanied by police / security and a crowd screaming "Assassino!" (Murderer!)

GROK: it appears that Roberto Speranza, the former Italian health minister, is under investigation for allegations of covering up vaccine deaths and injuries during the COVID-19 pandemic. This information comes from various sources, including social media posts and news articles, which suggest that Speranza has been accused of enforcing vaccinations and then covering up the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines. The allegations include that he can no longer move without police protection due to angry Italians shouting "murderer" at him. However, it's important to note that these are claims and allegations, and as of now, there is no official confirmation that Speranza has been formally charged with any crimes related to the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Viorel Caza
Why is this happening only in Italy? What about the corrupt officials who created all of these?

Manlio Delogu
Unfortunatly the "Tribunale dei Ministri" has dismiss the case, sying he didn't do anything wrong. They protect themselves through the immunity. This is going to end very badly because everybody is really pissed

1) asset forfeiture
2) death penalties

Rubin McLeod
Let's keep this going in more countries.

Bradley Dean
We want justice now.

Download here: Top-Virologist-Warns-Massive-Massive-Tsunami-of-mRNA-Vaccinated-Deaths-on-Horizon-2024-04-06.mp4 - 84,031 kb
By: The People's Voice - 6th April 2024
Top Virologist Warns
'Massive, Massive Tsunami' of
mRNA-Vaccinated Deaths on Horizon

90% of the 'useless eaters' to be culled!

A "massive tsunami" of death and disease is about to decimate the global mRNA-vaccinated population according to top virologist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, who warns that the spike protein is a ticking time bomb programmed to explode.

If there was ever a virologist we should listen to, it's Dr. Bossche, whose CV includes roles as a senior officer in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and senior program manager for the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (or GAVI).

The Belgian virologist is a real high-level insider who could not continue working for the elite in good conscience. Now, he's blowing the whistle about his former colleagues and their secrets and what he says about the elites' plans for humanity could not be more disturbing.

Trending News
covid deaths
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche
Dr Bossche
Bill Gates

My family thought I was crazy and got mad at me for not taking the poison. I knew it was a bioweapon.

Just like the plandemic. These people are sick.

The ones who pushed this, should be stoned just like he said.

Hence the mega push for WW3 ...all planned long time ago.

Yeah, the Controlled Opposition PRO 'Virus' Gatekeeper 'The People's Voice' Keep Pushing 'Viruses'!

No 'Virus' has EVER been scientifically 'isolated' and does NOT Exists! Documented and Confirmed!

- Dis-'eases' are Poisoning!
- 'Viruses' are simply excretions of a toxic cell.
- 'Viruses' happen when the Cell is poisoned.
- We are all being poisoned slowly daily.
- Your body are a self-healing machine who detox and heal itself.
- You are what you drink, eat and think and what you are 'exposed' to (EMF, 4/5G, WIFI etc)

Who else got vaccinated but has since opened their eyes and now regrets it? I was working at a hospital and they told me I would lose my job if I didn't get it, that's why I got it. Then they did a U-turn and said actually everyone can keep their jobs if they didn't get it once everyone got it lol

All those responsible will face the consequences of their evil satanic actions… Mark my words

I want to see the so called global elite, swinging from the Gallows

Lockdowns could cause
more harm than Covid-19

& there was no evidence
that wearing masks was useful
By: David Averre, DailyMail - 26th March 2024

Lockdowns could cause more harm than Covid-19 and there was no evidence that wearing masks was useful, German health body admitted during coronavirus pandemic, released documents show.

  • The Robert Koch Institute warned in December 2020 lockdowns were harmful
  • Researchers also said they had no evidence that masks prevented virus spread
  • But health chiefs and Germany's government ignored the researchers' advice

Germany's top public health agency knew that Covid lockdowns could be more damaging than the virus itself as early as December 2020 and said mask mandates were not backed by evidence, it has been revealed.

Newly published documents from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) show its researchers explicitly warned that their analysis showed lockdowns in Africa showed 'an expected rise in child mortality'.

'The consequences of the lockdowns are in parts more severe than the virus itself,' the December 2020 report said, with another document dated to October 2020 suggesting that there was 'no evidence' to support that FFP2 medical masks could prevent the spread of Covid.

But the findings were never made public, despite researchers clearly advocating for the open communication of their research in meeting minutes, with the German government choosing to pursue legislation their own researchers advised against.

The revelations come after a two-year legal battle between the RKI and German magazine Multipolar, which ultimately won the court case to publish documents that were heavily redacted by the health agency.

Multipolar has since launched another legal claim in an attempt to secure full access to the unredacted documents, which may conceal a trove of Covid policy recommendations that the RKI and the German government opted not to share with the public.

The saga now threatens to trigger a fallout in the German government, with Bundestag Vice President Wolfgang Kubicki telling German media: 'The protocols of the RKI crisis team, some of which have now been released, raise considerable doubts as to whether the political measures to deal with the corona pandemic were really taken on a scientific basis.'

Demonstrators hold placards featuring (L-R) German Chancellor Angela Merkel, SPD politician Karl Lauterbach and the head of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) Lothar Wieler with the inscription guilty during a protest against measures imposed by the German government to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus, on November 18, 2020
Demonstrators hold placards featuring (L-R) German Chancellor Angela Merkel, SPD politician Karl Lauterbach and the head of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) Lothar Wieler with the inscription 'guilty' during a protest against measures imposed by the German government to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus, on November 18, 2020
Protestors seen holding placards that say medical freedom during a demonstration against vaccine mandates in the UK,
Protestors seen holding placards that say 'medical freedom' during a demonstration against vaccine mandates in the UK.
The newly released documents showed RKI researchers found no evidence that masks were effective at preventing the spread of Covid.
The newly released documents showed RKI researchers found 'no evidence' that masks were effective at preventing the spread of Covid.
Anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine groups jointly protested against the restrictions imposed by the British government
Anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine groups jointly protested against the restrictions imposed by the British government
Vice President of Germany's Bundestag has called on the Federal Minister of Health, Karl Lauterbach (pictured) to make public the findings of RKI researchers and the internal discussions behind the government's policy decisions in Covid
Vice President of Germany's Bundestag has called on the Federal Minister of Health, Karl Lauterbach (pictured) to make public the findings of RKI researchers and the internal discussions behind the government's policy decisions in Covid

Seven in ten scientists say ministers failed to consider the long-term damage of lockdowns during the Covid pandemic.

Kubicki told German outlet Bild that 'the top of the RKI, of all people, followed the political guidelines of the respective federal government and thus provided the necessary scientific facade for Corona policy.'

He also called on Germany's Federal Minister of Health, Karl Lauterbach, to 'present all protocols to the public without redactions in order to create complete transparency about the internal discussions and the basis for decisions.

'If Karl Lauterbach does not follow my request, as a parliamentarian I will work to persuade him to make this disclosure so that the clarification can finally be satisfied.'

Meanwhile, the former leader of Germany's Christian Democratic Union party Armin Laschet has declared the RKI must go public with its findings.

Speaking with German broadcaster ZDF, the parliamentarian said: 'We have to disclose everything.

'You can see how differentiated the discussions were at the RKI back then and how little of this diversity of opinion ultimately found its way into concrete policy,' he continued, recalling how debates over Covid policy became 'moralised'.

'Either you are for one measure or you are a Corona denier. But there was a lot in between,' he concluded.

Meanwhile, a minute from an RKI meeting in January 2021 expressed concerns with the viability of the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine, with researchers warning its use 'should be discussed' because the jab was 'not as perfect'.

That same jab - that was offered to millions in the UK - was later discontinued and not offered as a booster after reports surfaced of people developing blood clots in combination with low platelet levels.

The shocking revelations come as public health experts in the UK slammed the government's Covid inquiry for 'bias', claiming it has failed to investigate the harmful impact of lockdown on British society.

More than 50 scholars and academics from some of the UK's top universities wrote to inquiry chairman Baroness Heather Hallett earlier this month urging her to 'address its apparent biases, assumptions and impartiality'.

They accuse the inquiry of 'not living up to its mission to evaluate the mistakes made during the pandemic', including whether measures such as lockdowns and restrictions on mass gatherings were 'appropriate'.

More than 50 scholars and academics from some of the UKs top universities have written to inquiry chairman Baroness Heather Hallett urging her to address its apparent biases, assumptions and impartiality. Pictured: Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson in 2021
More than 50 scholars and academics from some of the UK's top universities have written to inquiry chairman Baroness Heather Hallett urging her to 'address its apparent biases, assumptions and impartiality'. Pictured: Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson in 2021
Chairperson Baroness Heather Hallett leaves the UK Covid-19 Inquiry hearing at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC)
Chairperson Baroness Heather Hallett leaves the UK Covid-19 Inquiry hearing at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC)
Matt Hancock, Former UK Health Secretary leaves the inquiry UK COVID-19 Inquiry, London, UK - 01 Dec 2023
Matt Hancock, Former UK Health Secretary leaves the inquiry UK COVID-19 Inquiry, London, UK - 01 Dec 2023

Letter co-author Dr Kevin Bardosh, director of think-tank Collateral Global, accused the inquiry of handing 'softball' questions to architects of government policy, while 'grilling' witnesses who were opposed to mass restrictions on public freedoms.

He told the Mail: 'The inquiry is not seriously questioning their (scientific advisers') assessments around the justification for their policies.

'The inquiry is not interested in whether these policy decisions were good for the country, and that seems a mistake.'

The terms of reference setting out the scope of the inquiry were established by the Government following public pressure for an inquiry.

But Dr Bardosh accused Hugo Keith KC, lead counsel to the inquiry, of being more 'obsessed with reading out swear words in private WhatsApp messages than getting to the substance' of decision-making.

He said: 'He seems to be concerned a lot with political theatre and having these 'gotcha' moments.'

Cancer specialist Professor Karol Sikora, who signed the letter, described the inquiry as 'completely useless'.

He added: 'It is structured to assess blame and not the scientific basis of the decision making. That's the difference between lawyers and scientists.

'The decisions made during the pandemic were clearly wrong - 'how' wrong has to be a scientific assessment.

'The current framework for the current inquiry is a legal one - totally unsuited to addressing the key questions'.

But Dr Bardosh accused Hugo Keith KC, lead counsel to the inquiry, of being more obsessed with reading out swear words in private WhatsApp messages than getting to the substance of decision-making. Pictured: A sign near the entrance of the Covid Inquiry
But Dr Bardosh accused Hugo Keith KC, lead counsel to the inquiry, of being more 'obsessed with reading out swear words in private WhatsApp messages than getting to the substance' of decision-making. Pictured: A sign near the entrance of the Covid Inquiry
Cancer specialist Professor Karol Sikora, who signed the letter, described the inquiry as completely useless. Pictured: Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
Cancer specialist Professor Karol Sikora, who signed the letter, described the inquiry as 'completely useless'. Pictured: Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

'We're not interested in WhatsApp gossip. We have to learn from the past - it's not about the apportioning of blame but simply how to do better next time.'

The inquiry began hearing evidence in June last year, with testimony from the likes of prime minister Rishi Sunak, Covid-era premier Boris Johnson, and ex-health secretary Matt Hancock, as well as a host of the most senior scientific and medical advisers to the Government.

The bill for the inquiry has already topped £78 million up to the end of last year, according to its latest financial report.

In its letter, the group said: 'The inquiry originated in legal petitions brought by bereaved family groups'. Yet there has been little opportunity for petitions to be brought by those who have suffered from the negative effects of pandemic policy decisions.

'This is preventing a more holistic assessment of impacts on population health and wellbeing. This lack of neutrality appears to have led to biassed reasoning and predetermined conclusions, for example, to lockdown faster next time.'

It said the inquiry, which is due to run until 2026, has 'adopted a legal format that prevents a systematic evaluation of the evidence by biomedical and social scientists on the harms of restrictions to the British public' and is instead 'focused on who did or said what, rather than asking fundamental scientific questions'.

It said the probe 'appears unsuited to the task' of investigating 'the interplay between harms, benefits and best practice' in order to prepare for the next pandemic.

An inquiry spokesman said: 'The Inquiry was established in June 2022 and is entirely independent'.

Baroness Hallett, chair of the Inquiry, has said repeatedly that she will not reach any conclusions until she has considered all of the evidence; that includes the written evidence.

'The Inquiry does not act on assumptions and has called expert witnesses who question the use of lockdowns and other interventions, as well as experts who advised on the imposition of lockdowns.

'The Inquiry will consider important issues such as the impact of lockdowns, key scientific and policy questions as well as population health and wellbeing in forthcoming modules. Our modular approach is clearly set out on our website and we will report during the lifespan of the Inquiry, with the first report scheduled for this summer.'

Japan Bans Covid Shots
over Soaring Sudden Deaths

By: PREPARE FOR CHANGE, Edward Morgan - 24th March 2024

Japan Bans Covid Shots over Soaring Sudden Deaths

NOTE: There is some debate about the authenticity of this news article...

Japan has just banned Covid mRNA shots for public use and called on other nations to follow suit after an official government study tied the injections to the nation's soaring sudden deaths.

Like many other countries around the world, Japan has been battling a crisis of skyrocketing sudden and unexpected deaths since 2021.

The issue has become so dire in Japan that the country is now facing population collapse as more citizens are dying than are being born.

New studies in Japan have now linked the soaring deaths to Covid injections.

However, the latest study has sent shock waves through the global scientific community as it shows that dangerous contaminations in shots are not only affecting those who have received injections.

Scientists have found that Covid mRNA vaccines have now contaminated Japan's blood transfusion stock due to vaccinated people giving blood.

The risks associated with Covid shots are now being transferred to other unvaccinated people through blood transfusions.

Receiving blood transfusion from COVID-19-vaccinated individuals poses a severe medical risk to unvaccinated recipients since numerous adverse events are being reported among vaccinated people worldwide, the Japanese study found.

The preprint review, published on March 15, examined whether receiving blood from COVID-19- vaccinated individuals is safe or poses a health risk.

Many nations have reported that mRNA vaccine usage has resulted in "post-vaccination thrombosis and subsequent cardiovascular damage, as well as a wide variety of diseases involving all organs and systems, including the nervous system," it said.

Repeated vaccinations can make people more vulnerable to COVID-19, it said.

The authors wrote that if the blood contains spike proteins, it becomes necessary to remove them before administration, and no such technology is currently available.

Contrary to earlier expectations, genes and proteins from genetic vaccines have been found to persist in the blood of vaccine recipients for "prolonged periods of time."

In addition, "a variety of adverse events resulting from genetic vaccines are now being reported worldwide."

This includes a wide range of diseases related to blood and blood vessels.

Some studies have reported that the spike protein in the mRNA vaccines is neurotoxic and capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier, the review stated.

"Thus, there is no longer any doubt that the spike protein used as an antigen in genetic vaccines is itself toxic."

Moreover, people who have taken multiple shots of mRNA vaccines can have several exposures to the same antigen within a small time frame, which may lead to them being "imprinted with a preferential immune response to that antigen."

This has resulted in COVID-19 vaccine recipients becoming "more susceptible to contracting COVID-19."

Given such concerns, medical professionals should be aware of the "various risks associated with blood transfusions using blood products derived from people who have suffered from long COVID and from genetic vaccine recipients, including those who have received mRNA vaccines."

The impact of such genetic vaccines on blood products as well as the actual damage caused by them are currently unknown, the authors wrote.

"In order to avoid these risks and prevent further expansion of blood contamination and complication of the situation, we strongly request that the vaccination campaign using genetic vaccines be suspended and that a harm–benefit assessment be carried out as early as possible."

Repeated vaccination of genetic vaccines can also end up causing "alterations in immune function" among recipients.

This raises the risk of serious illnesses due to opportunistic infections or pathogenic viruses, which would not have been an issue if the immune system were normal, the review said.

"Therefore, from the perspective of traditional containment of infectious diseases, greater caution is required in the collection of blood from genetic vaccine recipients and the subsequent handling of blood products, as well as during solid organ transplantation and even surgical procedures in order to avoid the risk of accidental blood-borne infection," it stated.

The study found that unvaccinated people were suffering from heart attacks, strokes, block clots, and sudden deaths after receiving transfusions.

The review was funded by members of the Japanese Society for Vaccine-related Complications and the Volunteer Medical Association.

The authors did not declare any conflict of interest.

Download here: Top-Doctor-Details-Huge-Financial-Incentives-For-Hospitals-To-Murder-Covid-Patients-2024-03-24.mp4 - 92,801 kb
By: The People's Voice - 24th March 2024
Top Doctor Details
'Huge Financial Incentives'
For Hospitals To Murder Covid
Patients with Remdesivir...

- Visit to take back control of the Internet

Stella Paul: "..commonalities is that they isolate you from your family, they give you Remdesivir, and they use the shut down of your kidneys that causes, and the retention fluids to say you can't handle food and water now; and they starve and dehydrate these people. It's horrible! These people are starving and dehydrating. You're sick with Covid; they're not treating the Covid. You're getting nothing for Covid. You're being poisoned with Remdesivir and have no nutrition in you..."

The vast majority of Covid patients who died in hospital were murdered by medical staff who received "massive financial incentives" to implement lethal procedures, according to the bombshell testimony of a world-renowned doctor.

Covid patients were worth more dead than alive to hospitals thanks to the twisted priorities of Big Pharma and the global elite who were desperate to cull the sick and infirm and terrorize the masses into accepting the experimental mRNA vaccines.

Yes, the same mRNA vaccines that a smirking and chuckling Barack Obama just admitted have now – three years after they were approved by the FDA – been tested on billions of human guinea pigs worldwide.

Exactly how they MURDERED MY DADDY, one week B4 lock down. These MF WILL DIE FOR WHAT THEY DID. BASTARDS

People regularly claim that me saying exactly that, that people didn't just die in hospitals, that they were murdered in hospitals, is just me repeating things I read on Facebook. No! I don't even have a Facebook!

Common sense is what told me those people were murdered!!!


Pay back is a bitch

Remdesivir kills patients so they did not die because of covid.
But yeah they needed to kill people to create a plandemic.


They killed people with the FLU, who panicked and thought they had covid, and went to the hospital. They were put on another Anthony Fauci drug called Remdesvir, it filled their lungs with fluid, then put on a ventilator which blew their lungs out and died!

Keep in mind during the plandemic. All the nurses and doctors doing complicated choreographed dance routines and posting them online.
So they sure weren't busy saving us all from the deadly plandemic.

It was obvious from the start, I cant understand how people didnt see through it right away... so watching murder and genocide since 2019 has been awful for us all who see... lets hope more wake up soon... medical field has been doing it for a long time now.l. vaccines are killers and they know it... all vaccines.

You know they cant find ONE SINGLE CHILD who is autistic who is unvaccinated... that just one part of the story.... wake up!!!

The depopulatioin cult only want us to die they are like the cult that takes poison but not the leader of the cult. If they really believe there are to many people on this world why do they not take there own lives and why do they all have children. They only want to kill us for there utopia.

New Zealand
Three District Court judges die in
one week
: Tributes for Jocelyn Munro,
Bernadette Farnan, Philip Recordon
By: Ben Leahy of NZ Herald - 23rd March 2024
Former Auckland District Court judge Philip Recordon died on Thursday

Former Auckland District Court judge Philip Recordon died on Thursday. Photo: Supplied/Bradley Ambrose

Three New Zealand judges have passed away within a week, and colleagues have praised the trio for their humble and hard-working contributions to law and order in New Zealand.

Rotorua acting warranted judge Jocelyn Munro, 73, died on Monday, Invercargill judge Bernadette Farnan, 67, died on Wednesday and former Auckland judge Philip Recordon, 75, died on Thursday.

The three District Court judges worked in a wide range of areas, from general court and jury trials to family court.

Chief District Court Judge Heemi Taumaunu said it was "an immensely sad week".

Former judge Recordon served in the Manukau District Court, with his last judgment being in March last year.

He was sworn in as a judge in 2003.

Taumaunu had previously paid tribute to Recordon as someone who strove to ensure all who came to court seeking justice were treated in a respectful, fair and just manner.

He was remembered by judges, staff, lawyers and others at Manukau District Court on Thursday with a karakia and waiata (prayer and song).

Chief District Court Judge Heemi Taumaunu

Chief District Court Judge Heemi Taumaunu. Photo: RNZ / Dan Cook

Munro, who served at Rotorua District Court, was praised as "greatly admired and respected".

She was sworn in in 2015.

"She was known for her warm and empathetic approach to her work in the court and her loss will be sorely felt," Taumaunu said.

Farnan's Invercargill colleague Judge Russell Walker said she had been a powerhouse whose workload was the stuff of legends, but that she was also humble and kind.

Taumaunu said all three had served their communities well.

Chief Justice Dame Helen Winkelmann said the trio were valued colleagues.

"Each was a faithful servant of a society and country they loved. They will be greatly missed."

This story was originally published by the NZ Herald.

Jocelyn Munro

Officials who pushed these dangerous experimental drugs are murderers!

Daily Telegraph New Zealand
Legal community is reeling following the deaths of three respected judges within a single week.

Pamela Taylor
Three New Zealand judges have passed away within a week.

All of the NZ Judges & Lawyers were expected to be Jabbed with the BIOWEAPON so it may or may not be due to that.

Also, NZ Judges tend to be older.

Napololeon Busch

All vaccinated I am guessing as you had to if you worked for the government. Sad. RIP

And the Teachers?
Truck Drivers?
Emergency medics?
Armed Forces?
But no Government Officials!

I guess they wanted to make one article for all instead of 3 separate ones, however whose decision was to this? They have not said the causes as well.

I wonder when they will 'click' and use the legal system for good, not bad

Why all of a sudden is their Vx status not trumpeted from the rooftops

Goldie-formly known as covidjustice-hairyballsarde
With the type of judgements getting handed down, I'm not going to weep a single tear.

they were all early vaccinated I bet

Oh dear.
How sad.
Never mind.

Download here: Covids-15-days-turned-into-years-and-the-loss-of-our-freedoms-increased-Do-Not-Let-Them-Off-The-Hook-2024-03-20.mp4 - 16,817 kb
By: John Stossel - 20th March 2024
Covid's "15 days" turned into years,
& the loss of our freedoms increased.
Don't Let Them Off The Hook

4 years ago, we were told we had "15 days to slow the spread."

Covid's "15 days" turned into years, and the loss of our freedoms increased. It's important we don't forget what happened.

Politicians destroyed jobs and increased costs.

They made bad things worse with arbitrary rules, and on top of that, government probably killed people with its endless red tape.

Let's remember politicians' incompetence and their insatiable wish to gain power over us. Let's never give them power like that again.

Protesting wasn't allowed unless you were with BLM.

Seriously. America would be a much better place if the current media didn't exist.

The World We Live In (Michael Ellner)

"Doctors destroy health,
lawyers destroy justice,
psychiatrists destroy minds,
scientists destroy truth,
major media destroys information,
religions destroy spirituality and
governments destroy freedom."

"Whenever I feel badly about myself I remember that 3 trillion dollars worth of propaganda didn't work on me"

Four years later not one single person has been held accountable...

4 years later. Not a single person has been held accountable.

It wasn't about saving lives, it was about controlling people.

This brought back the nightmare. Just unbelievable. The worst part was not the politicians, but the people who complied and became enforcers.

Remember when the mayor of New York declared protesting to be an essential activity as long as it was a Black Lives Matter protest?

When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you're being ruled by criminals.

It's not just incompetence, it was intentional.

Unfortunately Rand Paul is the only one holding anyone of these clowns accountable.

It was shocking and extremely disappointing at how many people just folded up and obeyed these nonsensical orders. That never even worked as intended.

Download: Vaccine-injured-in-NZ-are-physically-traumatised-and-then-re-traumatised-repeatedly-at-every-medical-consultation-2024-03-14.mp4 - 5,718 kb
By: NZ and the MRNA - 14th March 2024
Vaccine injured in New Zealand
are physically traumatised & then
re-traumatised repeatedly at
every medical consultation


(**bad language warning**)

Our health care system in NZ, is in CRISIS

But not in the way you are used to hearing about.

The woman in the video below (who I will not name this time), gave me permission to post it.

I have had an ongoing relationship with her for almost 3 years, through our work at The Health Forum NZ.

She was seriously injured by two Pfizer Covid vaccines that she took in October 2021.

She has extreme "dysautonomia" - Nervous system damage that began shortly after her injections.

She lives with chronic pain, such that she has been prescribed morphine for "at home" emergency use.

Her GP has acknowledged (in writing) that she has:


Yesterday she attended a long awaited appointment with a Neurologist at Dunedin Hospital.

The video was filmed in her car straight after the appointment.

The way Covid vaccine patients are treated by the health care systems in New Zealand is frequently


Vaccine injured are physically traumatised and then re-traumatised repeatedly at every medical consultation.

What has happened to kindness, empathy, compassion and understanding in our health care system?



The Reids
I love her authenticity

NZ and the MRNA
me too. This woman is a hero

Love and compassion.
This woman is only asking for help from the very experts in a profession that pledges to protect all of life and do no harm.

Tan Smith
Sadly it's the same in Australia, the recording of part of my specialist appointment is clear in here.. this was November 21 when they were trying to force me to have another jab and an admission they knew back then of the damage

Adverse report
not so very sorry

John Ford
NZ's apathy towards the lives it wants to destroy is making me furious.

Liam Cosgrove
Principal scientist at Pfizer, Kanwall Gill in 2021:

"We had no idea how it's going to look like. MRNA vaccines have been there for 50 years, but nothing went to clinical trial because MRNA have been known to have side effects."

I'm sorry. We had the same issues after DTaP. All you needed was a previous issue with anxiety and they quickly dismissed any other symptoms. Hospital cardiologist was an arrogant fcuk too. This is why I warned people... I knew how it would go.

The gaslighting is horrific.

The evidence is CLEAR now regarding the bio weapon, I would like to suggest that those healthcare individuals in NZ who injected the poisons into their fellow humans and are deliberately ignoring the damage they have caused, to wake up, because the people know what you have done.

Dr Mike Yeadon's Open Letter
to the Metropolitan Police
about serious crimes
per Mark Sexton communication
By: AUSSIE17 - 11th March 2024

Dr Mike Yeadon's Open Letter to the Metropolitan Police about serious crimes per Mark Sexton communication

Date: On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 22:56

Subject: Fw: Dr Mike Yeadon: Introductory statement about serious crimes per Mark Sexton communication

To: <> Cc: Mark Sexton

Dear Ben Bates,

I have been asked by former policeman, Mark Sexton (copied) to introduce myself to you & to indicate the fields in which I have unequivocal evidence of criminal activity.

Let me begin my outlining my credentials to have realised that the areas I will outline were incorrect in the first place.

My name is Dr Mike Yeadon. I am the most senior, former "big pharma" & biotech research executive speaking out about several serious crimes in relation to what I call the "Covid era".

My original training was in Biochemistry & Toxicology, in which I was awarded the strongest first class joint honours degree that the School of Biomedical Sciences had ever awarded at the time (1985, University of Surrey).

Part of my undergraduate training involved research placements at the Chemical Defence Establishment, Porton Down, Wiltshire, where I was a small cog in the long term development of injected antidotes for nerve gas poisoning to protect British troops. I also worked at the then Central Laboratory of the Forensic Sciences Service, Aldermaston, Berkshire, adjacent to the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment. While with the Forensic Science Service, I received training on several precision analytical methods including mass spectrometry, then a highly technically complex method.

As far as I recall, I had security clearance for both establishments. Porton Down, then as now, is a top security facility with an international reputation.

My PhD, in the field of Pharmacology was "On the effect of opiates on respiratory function" (1988) and this was sponsored by the MOD.

After securing my PhD, which gave me a sound training in several additional subdisciplines of biology, chemistry & drug metabolism, I joined the pharmaceutical industry.

I spent 24years with "big pharma", starting at Wellcome Research Laboratories, where I briefly worked alongside a Dr Patrick Vallance (who became Chief Scientific Advisor to the British Government).

For the longest period, I was in charge of Pfizer's global research in the field of Allergic & Respiratory Disease Therapeutics. I left Pfizer in 2011, having reached the level of Vice President, because the company had decided to exit their large R&D base in Kent. The parting was cordial. Before leaving, I sought to find new homes for the portfolio of exploratory medicines I had helped create & was gratified that Mylan U.K. Ltd, the world's second largest generics company, acquired much of my former portfolio soon after I had left.

I later founded & lead as CEO a highly successful biotechnology company, Ziarco Pharma Ltd. Pfizer and four other venture capital firms were investors in my company, which was acquired by Novartis Pharmaceuticals, in 2017.

My accomplishments are considered by some to have been unusual. So much so that a former Pfizer board member & previously worldwide head of R&D, Dr John LaMattina, wrote up my last venture in Forbes, a leading business magazine (February 2017).

In summary, I have had a very strong training in multiple disciplines and over 30 years leadership experience in the field of inventing and testing new medicines for respiratory illnesses. I have an excellent analytical background and I can claim to be at least the equal of anyone advising the government in science.

I have no history of "conspiracy theory" or political campaigns or protests. I don't believe I made a single public comment on anything prior to 2020.

My accomplishments in applied biomedical sciences qualify me to be taken seriously.

I ask that the evidence I marshall is evaluated thoroughly. I am confident in my assessments, which have been tested by dozens of others, internationally well known scientists and doctors.

I have filed numerous legal statements as affidavits used in court proceedings in several countries.

I'm going to introduce just two topics at this point. To cover everything would be simply too overwhelming to read, let alone absorb & understand at a single sitting. I'm simply going to make statements. I'm not going to attempt to prove them in this short communication. Rest assured I have done so however, on dozens of occasions. I've given upwards of 250 full length interviews.

I must warn the reader that even this deliberately limited information is going to be shocking, if you hadn't already realised that something without precedent in the world was going on. Please also note that ordinary searching on the internet, often colloquially as "googling", is not going to find many of the sources upon which I have drawn. The major search engines have been manipulated such that the results exclude material troubling to the authorities.

The two areas are:

  1. The claimed pandemic.

  2. The injections, purporting to be vaccines.

The main claims are stark.

1. Put simply, there has been no pandemic. There was the normal range of illnesses in the early part of 2020 as in any other year. What was different about 2020 was that all governments, lead by the WHO, engaged in coordinated lying to their citizens. This continues to this day. Everyone was told there was a pandemic was coming. The illusion was created by deliberate misuse of a clinical diagnostic test called PCR. The heart of this entire deception is the incorrect belief that PCR is nearly flawless and so a positive result means that a person "had covid". There is no such disease. Not one symptom is unique to the claimed new disease. A positive test was called "a case". Anybody dying within a few weeks of a positive test was declared "a covid death". All that was needed was to roll out such tests rapidly in early 2020 & the carefully planned result, an apparent "pandemic" was created. Government & media lies was initially all it took to maintain the illusion.

Crucially, the epidemiological evidence shows that there was no additional illness or deaths compared with the same period in any other year. Numerous scientific papers and authors will present their evidence on this point, including university professors qualified in epidemiology.

The WHO played their part in the crime, by declaring a "public health emergency of international concern", or a "pandemic". Immediately after WHO's fraudulent declaration, changes in medical procedures were imposed everywhere. These changes caused the deaths that were held up to the citizens as proof that we were in a pandemic. We have a long list of witnesses to these changes being inappropriate and often fatal. Notice my PhD was on the effects of opiates, like morphine, on respiration. I knew that what was being prescribed was definitely inappropriate.

So, no pandemic. Only the deliberate illusion of one. This was accompanied by changes in medical practise that would predictably result in large numbers of deaths in hospitals, care homes and the community. No one will fail to appreciate the severity of the charges here.

I cannot be sure the motivation for this deception was. But the effects of it has been to severely damage the economies of scores of countries, with financial transfers counted in trillions of pounds, from the poorest & the taxpayers to the wealthiest elites. Civil society has also been severely disrupted and has never been allowed to begin to heal.

Other, less speculative motivations became apparent as 2020 wore on & this brings us to my second, shocking charge.

2.The materials that are being called "covid1U vaccines" are obviously not vaccines. Note, there has been no pandemic.

My entire career has been in the field of designing and testing new arrangements of atoms to create what we hope will be new potential medicines. In addition to bringing about desired changes in the body, the main concern is to avoid unwanted effects, in other words, toxicity or harms.

My training in mechanistic toxicology was repeatedly useful in helping teams foresee, avoid or understand such problems.

So I understand deeply how to design molecules and also how to interrogate them for their prospects to bring about desired effects and crucially to discern risks of harms. I don't think it's too great a claim to say that there isn't anyone better qualified than I am to do this in relation to these novel treatments.

I'm going to go directly to the charges.

These injections have been carefully designed to intentionally cause toxicity in those injected with them.

I can detect at least three, separate features of these injections which would be expected to injure, to kill or to reduce fertility in survivors. These are not mistakes. Each are so obviously deliberate to anyone who has a history of involvement in rational drug design for new medicines.

At least two features are common to every injection purporting to be a "covid vaccine". First, the mRNA nature of the major products. Second, the lipid nanoparticle nature of the formulations in which they are encapsulated.

The mRNA is genetic code for a chosen protein. Regardless of what the protein is, once the human body is caused to express it, it will be recognized as foreign and attacked by their own immune system. Depending on details we cannot know, just by looking at the glass vials, some people will be injured as a result of this lethal autoimmune attack. Others will be killed, the time taken to die & their suffering before they die will vary. It'll look like the normal range of illnesses. There will simply be more of them.

Because of the lipid nano particle formulation, some of the injected materials will accumulate in the ovaries (possibly also the testicles). This homing property in reproductive tissue has been known about for more than a decade. The effect will be a lowering of fertility affecting every stage of reproduction.

I can bring detailed rationales for each of these claims as well as several others.

I also have an usual piece of evidence, given the crimes I claim have been committed. I had worked out part of this assault before any purported vaccine had received its fraudulent authorization.

Having done so, with another author, I wrote an open letter to the European Medicines Authority in early December 2020, which is attached below. In it, we warn of the harms which we anticipated. It has been more than upsetting to watch them come true, the last taking a year, the adverse effects on fertility.

All-causes mortality is elevated almost everywhere in the world that these products have been widely used and live births sharply reduced.

I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you in considerable detail about these and other charges.

I will publish this letter on my Telegram site, where 20,000 followers will no doubt be interested to learn what the Met Police does with this information. If I may be so bold, I would invite you to think about how you plan to describe your next actions to your family and, if you have them, your children and grandchildren.

With best wishes and thank you for your attention.
Dr Mike Yeadon

A17 Comments: Dr. Mike Yeadon is a former colleague from the pharmaceutical industry, and he speaks genuinely. While we don't agree on every issue (i.e. whether there is a pandemic / definition of a pandemic etc etc), maybe someday we will resolve it at our own time.

Similarly, my relationship with Prof. Gabriel Oon, is also that of a friend despite our differing opinions on the Chinese vaccine; we hope to reconcile our viewpoints someday, but he is also genuine.

We all fight against the common enemy.

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6-12

Believe it or not, most people, including my family members, have disagreements over many things, but we learn to live with it. I don't call them controlled opposition or "limited hangouts." I haven't met someone with whom I personally agree 100% of the time. But if you have, good on ya!

Signing off for now!

PS: Please join Mike's Telegram Group at There are many fake groups purporting to be Mike's, but here is the clip from Mike himself, verifying this group...

Download here: Adverse-Reactions-to-Covid-Vaccines-Justin-and-Hailey-Bieber-Jamie-Foxx-Damar-Hamlin-2024-03-08.mp4 - 33,433 kb
By: Mike (Joyful Exile) - 8th March 2024
Adverse Reactions to Covid Vaccines
Justin and Hailey Bieber,
Jamie Foxx, Damar Hamlin.

Commentary on and clips from Voddie Baucham, John MacArthur, Justin Bieber, Jamie Foxx, Damar Hamlin, CNN, Candace Owens, Andy Stanley, and Hailey Bieber.

Hi, I'm Mike, a husband, father of three (so far), software engineer, deacon, and exile who makes videos, builds apps, and creates content to communicate biblical truth to the world.

Would you consider joining me in my mission by simply subscribing and watching these videos until the end, to help the algorithm recommend biblical truth to more people? Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Let's battle for God's glory and kingdom together.

I refuse to "Trust the science", from people who don't even know what a woman is.

No one who is unvaccinated regrets their decision.

I lost my job as a therapist in a nursing home because I refused to get poisoned. Best decision ever!!

I was silenced for not taking it, now people are silenced for regretting taking it.! We should shout it loud and clear, expose the devil.

I am proudly unvaccinated! Never submitted to the pressure, and refused to bow down to the government.

Americans must never forget what our government did to us.

In Canada they refused us to put to ground my grand father that died alone in his senior home. They refused us to have a Christian mess for his funeral. F Trudeau.

I have an autoimmune disease, as well as two of my adult children. My doctor said DO NOT get the shot because it has not been properly tested, and they do not know what it will do. I am a house wife, so for me it doesn't matter. My son is a paramedic and our doctor told him the same. His job said get the jab or you are fired. He had a note from the doctor and he was told it doesn't matter. He refused and told them, "Fine, fire me then and I will see you in court." Amazingly, he did not get fired and two week later, he got a raise. Recently, I had to have surgery and ended up back in the hospital via ambulance because of my condition. (Thank God my son was home) They kept asking me if I was vaxed. I told them no and they asked why. When I explained why, the ER doctor said that I had a smart doctor and stay with them as long as I can. He said that there are few free thinkers out there these days. There is reason why the Government didn't have family physicians administer the shots! I also know people who work in hospitals and I was told that they pretended to get it....that told me everything I needed to know!

NZ's new [7th] Covid-19
vaccine rolls out today
Here's what you need to know

By: Jamie Morton, - 7th March 2024
From today, Kiwis aged over 30 will be able to access Pfizer's updated XBB.1.5 vaccine. Photo / Sylvie
From today, Kiwis aged over 30 will be able to access Pfizer's updated XBB.1.5 vaccine. Photo / Sylvie Whinray

From today, Kiwis over 30 will be able to access the latest [7th] Covid-19 vaccine. How does it work and what makes it better than the last one? Science reporter Jamie Morton explains.

What makes this vaccine different?

By training our bodies on how to make the "spike protein" the coronavirus uses to hack into our cells – and then stimulating an immune response against it – the new vaccine works much in the same way Pfizer's previous Covid-19 shots have.

But because that spike protein changes as the virus morphs to dodge our defences, vaccines need to be updated to combat the latest strains.

Whereas the most recent shot rolled out here targeted both the "original" virus and the Omicron subvariants behind 2022's winter wave, the one available from today is more closely matched to the XBB.1.5 strain.

"It means the immune system is solely focused on responding to this slightly morphed variant," University of Auckland vaccinologist Associate Professor Helen Petousis-Harris said.

Responsible for many Covid-19 cases last year, this strain has itself since been largely squeezed out of circulation by the surprisingly dominant JN.1 - but most of what's spreading today is descended from or closely related to XBB.1.5.

How effective is it?

Given the vaccine has been in use for less than a year – NZ is behind many other countries in deploying it – "real-world" data on how well it works is limited.

But early studies show promising results, especially when it comes to the vaccine's main job: preventing severe sickness.

One from Denmark indicated it reduced the risk of hospitalisation among older people by 76 per cent, compared with those who hadn't been boosted in the short-term.

Another focused on older people and carried out in the Netherlands suggested it to be similarly effective at keeping people out of hospital and intensive care.

Among younger people, Petousis-Harris said, there was evidence indicating it could more than halve Covid-related visits to the doctor.

"It can also reduce transmission, because recently vaccinated people shed less infectious virus compared with people who have not been recently vaccinated."

For those worried about Long Covid, vaccinations received over time reduced the risk, said the Immunisation Advisory Centre's medical adviser, Dr Joan Ingram
For those worried about Long Covid, vaccinations received over time reduced the risk,
said the Immunisation Advisory Centre's medical adviser, Dr Joan Ingram.

"This is called a dose-response relationship: one dose of vaccine reduces risk by 21 per cent, two doses reduce risk by 59 per cent, and three-plus doses reduce risk by 73 per cent, according to a Swedish study that followed nearly 600,000 patients through [autumn in] 2022."

Can everyone get it?

As with the last vaccine, Te Whatu Ora has restricted free eligibility to Kiwis aged over 30, with exceptions for high-risk people aged over 12, and those who are pregnant and older than 16.

"The risk of severe disease is low in healthy people under 30 years of age," Ingram said.

Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand national public health service national director, Dr Nick Chamberlain, said the Government wasn't looking at changes to access.

"If we were to consider changes to the eligibility criteria, we'd consult publicly to ensure feedback from the healthcare sector and the community is considered before making a decision."

Chamberlain said the vaccine was "especially recommended" to more vulnerable groups, including over-65-year-olds, Maori and Pasifika people aged over 50, and those severely immunocompromised.

When's the best time to get it?

For most of us, it's a good idea to get the vaccine if it's been at least six months since your last boost – or infection.

"If you had a Christmas dose of Covid, then you'd perhaps be looking at the middle of the year as the best time to get boosted," Petousis-Harris said.

In a population now well-exposed to the virus, she said most Kiwis would now have "hybrid immunity" - or background protection conferred from both the vaccine and infection.

But Te Whatu Ora data suggested there were still hundreds of thousands of people who hadn't bothered to seek another jab since their first booster – and could benefit from a dose better suited to what's spreading now.

"Though it's not easy to do comparisons these days, generally speaking, vaccines have been shown to be a little better at boosting immunity than infection itself," Petousis-Harris said.

How can I get it?

If not through your local GP clinic or pharmacy, you can get the new vaccine by booking online at, or phoning 0800 28 29 26 on weekdays.

Jamie Morton is a specialist in science and environmental reporting. He joined the Herald in 2011 and writes about everything from conservation and climate change to natural hazards and new technology.

mRNA jabs are doing the job slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust

Kiwi Truth Seeker
Both my neighbours sadly, if you don't believe in it and how dangerous it is, they say you have gone down a rabbit hole! Their words.

Pfizer pushing the same nonsense world wide.

embrace empathy
Hell no. I'm injured from 2nd jab. It has attacked my nerves and I'm on daily pain med to enable me to work

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
Drawing upon the readily available statistics and data to date, we are looking at roughly 100 million deaths per year Globally - as a direct result of receiving the Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines.

The NZ Herald are again complicit in Crimes Against Humanity for so eagerly promoting this 7th Kill Shot.

Interference from agencies (governments / doctors / media etc) who have received bribes to 'play down' this atrocious democide, are increasingly having difficulty hiding their culpability in their blatant participation in Crimes Against humanity.

Download here: Shocking-Toll-of-COVID-19-Vaccine-Deaths-Unveiled-in-South-Korea-Record-Deaths-Occurring-Worldwide-2024-03-04.mp4 - 5,718 kb
By: WaynePalmer - 4th March 2024

Shocking Toll of COVID-19 Vaccine
Deaths Unveiled in South Korea.
Record Deaths Occurring Worldwide
Governments Found Guilty of
Profiting from the Bioweapon Deaths

Shocking Toll of COVID-19 Vaccines Unveiled in South Korea's Press Conference: Estimated 27,000 Dead and many more Injured Due to the "vaccine" now known as a bioweapon.

"Due to side effects, there have been around 2,700 deaths and about 19,000 severe cases."

"These are official statistics, but the actual numbers are said to be more than 10x higher!"

By Aussie17
March 4, 2024

In a heartfelt press conference, voices from South Korea's civil community rang out, calling for immediate action to address the tragic aftermath faced by families of COVID-19 vaccine victims. Cho Su-kyung, chairman of the Life Recovery Citizens' Group Coalition, and Kim Doo-kyung, chairman of the COVID-19 Vaccine Victim Family Association, shed light on a grave issue: the severe side effects caused by hastily approved COVID experimental gene therapy.

Cho Su-kyung revealed disturbing figures, stating, "Due to vaccine side effects, there have been around 2,700 deaths and about 19,000 severe cases." She further warned, "These are official statistics, but the actual numbers are said to be more than ten times higher." This staggering revelation points to a potential underreporting crisis, with the real impact possibly affecting tens of thousands of South Koreans.

Given that 96% of South Korea's population of 51.7 million has been vaccinated, these official figures -- if indeed far below the actual counts -- paint a grim picture of vaccine safety and oversight. With an estimated 27,000 deaths potentially linked to vaccine side effects, this equates to roughly 1 death for every 1,915 vaccinated individuals, a rate that for many raises significant concerns about the risks associated with these vaccines.

Historically, vaccines have been recalled or restricted for far fewer adverse events. For instance, the rotavirus vaccine Rotashield was withdrawn from the U.S. market in 1999 less than a year after its approval due to an association with intussusception, a rare form of bowel obstruction, occurring at a rate of 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 30,000 vaccinated infants. The scale of reported and estimated harm in the case of COVID-19 "DNA contaminated gene therapy" disguised as vaccines in South Korea, as outlined by the conference speakers, dwarfs such precedent, questioning the threshold for action.

Cho Su-kyung criticized the lack of proper clinical testing before the vaccines' rollout, highlighting a breach of trust: "Trusting the government, they were vaccinated with vaccines that hadn't been properly tested in clinical trials, losing family members and depleting their savings on treatment costs for severe cases, shedding tears of blood every day." The call for accountability is clear, with Cho Su-kyung urging South Korea to follow the lead of countries like France and Germany, which employ a more humane approach to vaccine injury compensation.

Kim Doo-kyung added to the outcry, shedding light on the forced nature of the vaccination campaign despite the unconfirmed safety of the vaccines, which resulted in significant harm while the government downplayed the side effects.

The response from government bodies, like the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA), has been less than satisfactory, with accusations of deceptive practices and a lack of true investigative intent into the vaccine's adverse outcomes. The call to action is not just for accountability but also for a reevaluation of how vaccine safety and compensation are handled, urging a departure from experimental vaccine administration without thorough vetting and consent.

As South Korea stands at a crossroads, the statements from Cho Su-kyung and Kim Doo-kyung resonate as a demand for change -- a plea for the nation to rethink its approach to public health, vaccine safety, and the sanctity of human life. The bipartisan support for legislative action is not only a matter of political will but a test of the nation's commitment to its citizens' well-being and rights.


The ongoing COVID-19 nonsense here in the United States exists solely and exclusively because our governments have failed to use the correct treatment. They used so-called "vaccines" when Japan has just proven, in less than ONE MONTH, that Ivermectin can wipe out the disease. IVM was awarded the Nobel prize for medicine in 2015. One of the 3 most important drugs in human history: Aspirin, Penicillin, and Ivermectin. If you want to get Ivermectin you can visit

You have to know that all who took the vaccines were either frightened to death to catch The flu or they were such liars that they believed it was safe and effective , the biggest lie. For my own family members it is plainly punishment for the things I had been warning them about for years. this jesus doesn't like betrayal. Too many who took the vaccine claimed to be Christian and were liars. Unfortunate.

Download: THE-SPIKE-PROTEIN-AND-COVID-VIRUS-IS-A-LIE-They-are-bioweapons-and-toxins-2024-02-29.mp4 - 82,064 kb
By: Free Your Mind Documentaries - 29th February 2024


They are bioweapons and toxins
Dr. Jane Ruby & Dr. Lee Merritt

THE SPIKE PROTEIN IS A LIE - Dr. Jane Ruby & Dr. Lee Merritt.

BOMBSHELL: Just like the SARS Cov 2 virus has never been isolated in its whole and pure form from an ill individual, the synthetic spike protein has never been proven to exist according to frontline physician, Dr. Lee Merritt.

And therefore, treatments claiming to remove them are suspect. GUEST: Dr. Lee Merritt:

thanks for this interview. As a holistic health practitioner, I see parasites, particularly worms, especially drac. med. in all COVID detoxes and all clients with cancer. Hence, Fenbendazole & Ivermectin are so effective.

So the Rhife machine was able to emit a frequency that killed off parasites. H. Clark had a mini zapper that also killed parasites with 10 mz . I was stage 4 colon cancer and used this as treatment along with energy and food! Currently I found an iteracare that penetrates the body along with the zapper a quarts I'm using on horses to irradiate Epm which medication run into thousands caused by a protazoa from possums.


Thanks for posting this excellent, thought-provoking discussion.

I wonder how much glyphosate is in the beer I'm drinking?

great show. to add to the great comments check out go to the blog, this is joe tippens telling his story on how he beat stage 4 cancer. he used fenbendazole and other things.

Finally, someone relating parasites to cancer & many other dis- eases.

Download here: Dr-Phil-serves-MASSIVE-amounts-of-Covid-truth-bombs-on-Whoopi-Goldberg-2024-02-28.mp4 - 5,718 kb
By: Clown Planet - 28th February 2024

Dr. Phil serves MASSIVE
amounts of Covid truth bombs
on Whoopi Goldberg...

Not the biggest fan of Dr Phil but he's completely spot on here

That's the last time Phil will be on The View.

The liberals are always out of time,when they can't win an argument.

Remember No jab No job.
We must never forget WHO coerced and emotionally blackmailed the children for use as shields, to temporarily and marginally "protect" adults.
Thou shall not use pregnant women as Granny shields.
Risking the young to "save" the old is rotten to the core.

Notice the disrespect Whoopi shot at Dr. Phil, when she called him Phil, when he said something she disagreed with.

Woppi is such a monster, a complete psychopath

Florida kept schools open?? School children were not dying from COVID. Thank you DeSantis for fighting to keep our schools and businesses open

Don't let the facts get in the way of your decision. FJB.

The absolute look on Whoopi Goldberg's face after he said all that is definitely worth seeing again anything that puts her in her place is fine by me

They stopped living their lives and started watching people living their lives.

Download here: Pauline-Hanson-vindicated-COVID-Jab-Mandates-Exposed-as-Unlawful-in-Queensland-2024-02-28.mp4 - 8,093 kb
By: Pauline Hanson's Please Explain - 28th February 2024

Pauline Hanson vindicated
COVID Jab Mandates Exposed
as Unlawful in Queensalnd

I wish the entire country were intelligent enough to support Pauline, not just the 10% of us.

Hopefully the internal border closures get deemed unlawful too. That was an absolute joke.


Never ever forget or forgive! These government officials, politicians should be held fully accountable.

Yep go Pauline , unlawful and so is vaccinating babies.

Pauline is found right again and again.

Should be illegal to mandate against all workers and university students that were forced to get it or be dismissed or blocked from being allowed on campus.

It was a disgraceful act, and their faces have all vanished from sight. Go Pauline Hanson

As this was unlawful federally why isn't Albo reinstating our police and nurses who are currently unemployed yet he is importing police from UK and nurses from India? This should be stopped by parliament

Download here: Mandatory-COVID-19-vaccination-for-Qld-police-officers-and-nurses-ruled-unlawful-2024-02-28.mp4 - 14,988 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 28th February 2024

Mandatory COVID-19 vaccination
for Qld police officers and nurses
ruled unlawful

The Queensland Supreme Court has found mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for police officers and nurses was unlawful and in breach of their human rights.

The ruling has been described as a huge legal victory for front-line workers who lost their jobs over their refusal to be vaccinated.

Dozens of police officers and healthcare workers have been vindicated in a 115-page judgment.

Justice Glenn Martin remarked dissatisfaction with the Police Commissioner lacking proper consideration for the human rights of her employees.

74 court cases were financed by billionaire Clive Palmer who called for celebration after the court's decisions, calling it the "first precedent of the Western world".

Health care workers deserve justice

And good on Clive Palmer .. and now tell us what truly happened about all those HCQ doses he bought for Australia?

Crimes Against Humanity

So what about every one else?
Anyone who forced their staff should be held accountable.

1 hour ago
Absolute disgrace, shame on you Australia & the world

Sure,they can compensate workers who lost their jobs for refusing the jabs,but what about all those who begrudgingly took the jabs rather than losing their jobs? The police commissioner and health commissioner should be banned from holding any high level position again!

Well done Clive and UAP! Voting ON and UAP at the top, LabGreen and Libs last.


They were always unlawful. Section 51.23a of the Australian Constitutional Guarantee, no forced medical procedures or mandates.

Unlawful for Everyone!

Pauline Hanson had a great speech in parliament about this.
How many people would have not wanted the jabby but were forced to?

Download here: The-Australian-Senate-has-acknowledged-the-EXCESS-DEATHS-and-the-need-for-further-inquiry-2024-02-27.mp4 - 15,120 kb
By: Senator Babet - 27th February 2024

The Australian Senate has acknowledged
and the need for further inquiry!

The Australian Senate has acknowledged excess deaths and the need for further inquiry!

Thank you to everyone who voted with me.

As far as I am aware this is the first time any parliament in the world has officially voted on and acknowledged we have a problem with excess deaths.

The UNITED AUSTRALIA PARTY will keep fighting for the truth.

95% of the Canberra bureaucrats should be held liable

And to all the dirty, sleazy corrupt politicians that voted AGAINST this in parliament, you will NOT get away.

This is wonderful news, Senator Babet!
Well done for not giving up on this hugely important matter.
Very telling that Labor and the Greens voted 'no'. They have no place being in our leadership.

Thank you Senator Babet. You have restored some faith in me of government.

30 Labor/Greens votes to NOT look into excess deaths is of grave concern. This is not a partisan issue, it's the lives of Australians.

No explanations anymore, WE WANT ARRESTS TO BE MADE. Plain & simple

Thank you Ralph Babet, you're a champion for the people

Thank you Senator Babet and all Senators who supported this enquiry. Shame on those disgraceful individuals who voted against! Hoping justice and truth prevail…in honour of all who lost their lives and those who continue to suffer.

It is truly disgusting that the labour party and the greens all voted AGAINST this motion. WTF !

Covid-19 vaccines seem to cut the
risk of heart attacks and strokes
and cause blood clots or heart inflammation
By NewScientist, Clare Wilson - 27th February 2024
Many covid-19 vaccines occasionally cause side effects such as blood clots or heart inflammation, but, overall, they appear to be beneficial in preventing heart and circulatory conditions.

Many covid-19 vaccines occasionally cause side effects such as blood clots or heart inflammation...
The main covid-19 vaccines seem to have a net positive effect on our heart health - Fly View Productions/Getty Images

Many covid-19 vaccines appear to reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other blood clot conditions for at least six months, according to a study of the health of about 46 million people amid the coronavirus pandemic. This is despite them causing rare side effects that affect the heart and blood clotting system.

The net benefit to heart conditions most probably happens because the vaccines protect against severe covid-19, which itself can cause heart attacks,...

Chris Lewin
"Rare side effects" my arse! People are dropping dead everywhere from these bloody bio weapons!

Iit's democide, plain and simple!

Download here: Mandatory-COVID-vaccines-for-police-and-nurses-unlawful-says-Qld-Supreme-Court-2024-02-27.mp4 - 18,138 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 27th February 2024

Mandatory COVID vaccines for
police and nurses unlawful,
says Qld Supreme Court

The Queensland Supreme Court has found mandatory COVID vaccination for police officers and nurses was unlawful and in breach of their human rights.

Dozens of police officers and health workers have been vindicated in a 115-page judgement handed down on Tuesday by Justice Glenn Martin.

He found the departing Queensland Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll was unlawful under the Human Rights Act when she issued a mandatory vaccination order in December 2021.

A similar finding was made against Queensland Health Director John Wakefield - that his department's equivalent vaccination policy was of "no effect" and paramedics couldn't be forced to have the injection.

Today's finding is in response to legal action taken by 74 government workers opposing vaccinations.

The government is yet to respond to today's historic ruling.

It's illegal to make it mandatory for anyone. At anytime. Period.

The real reason the QLD police commissioner resigned!

time to send these drug pushers to prison.

The Pharmaceutical companies and Governments who pushed this should now be gaoled and forced to pay compensation.

Jail time for those who pushed it?

As per usual, normal people said this from day one. Conspiracy theorists we are called

We lost faith in doctors forever. We will never forget.

Hate to say "i told you so", but i was pepper sprayed for protesting against this b.s

The termination letter for my RN wife working for QLD Health stated that while the mandate breached her human rights, it was for the "common good". Whenever you see that phrase, know you are dealing with tyrants.

So why just for Nurses and Police? It should have been ILLEGAL FOR ALL HUMAN BEINGS ....Even this makes me angry....We are all HUMANS and should be treated the same ...What right did Politicians have to exempt themselves from these EXPERIMENTS!!!!!

Queensland Supreme Court
declares Police and Ambulance
[Covid] vaccine mandates unlawful

By Rebel News - 26th February 2024

In a landmark ruling, the Queensland Supreme Court has declared the Covid-19 vaccine mandates for police and ambulance staff to be unlawful under the Human Rights Act.

Queensland Supreme Court declares Police and Ambulance [Covid] vaccine mandates unlawful

In a significant win for unvaccinated police and ambulance staff in Queensland, the Supreme Court has ruled that the vaccine mandates introduced by the Queensland Police Service during the Covid-19 pandemic were unlawful.

The ruling, which declared the mandates to be in breach of the Human Rights Act, comes after 38 Queensland Police staff, including 16 officers, were reportedly sacked for refusing to get vaccinated.

At the time of the report, nine officers remained suspended as they awaited the Supreme Court decision on the challenge to the vaccine mandate.

The number of Queensland Police Service members suspended due to noncompliance with the vaccine mandate was 201, comprising 116 police officers and 85 staff members.

Commissioner Katarina Carroll had introduced the vaccine directive in 2021, citing the 'heightened exposure to Covid-19 faced by frontline officers.'

However, the Supreme Court ruling has now overturned the lawfulness of these mandates, providing relief to those who had refused to get vaccinated and were facing disciplinary action.

The ruling, which declared the directives to be unlawful under the Human Rights Act, brings an end to the disciplinary action against the suspended officers and staff members.

It also marks a significant victory for the individuals who challenged the lawfulness of the harsh vaccine mandates in the courts.

The decision highlights the importance of upholding human rights standards, especially during times of emergency such as the Covid-19 pandemic.

This ruling sets a precedent for similar challenges to vaccine mandates in other industries and reaffirms the significance of upholding the rights of individuals, particularly in relation to their healthcare decisions.

Bruce Atchison
I'm glad to see that more and more of these unfair mandates are being found to violate human rights.

Government is there to serve us. Their job is NOT to nanny us.

James Jones
We now need to see justice done and jail ALL those involved with mandates.

Shaun Deer
Jail all those who ignored the lack of safety and research, ignored the early data, bullied people, forced mandates, locked down the population when the Africans did it right,and so on and so on...but my friends etc still remain silent tho thinking I was looney they can feck offf now

Noel Reid
We've had a similar decision in NZ in respect of our Defence Force!

Jacqueline Crawford
Bravo Queensland

Janeen Vosper
This is brilliant. The walls are now starting to fall.

Stephanie Formosa
It is good to see these rulings come through. Now they just have to prove how dangerous the vaccine was and charge all those who let it be used to lower the numbers in the human race.

Shay Casiano
Dan Andrews to jail when...

'Devastating loss' - Beloved
Auckland high school principal

By: Benjamin Plummer, NewstalkZB - 26th February 2024

Paul McKinley dies suddenly

A high school community on Auckland's North Shore is mourning the sudden death of its principal.

In a message sent to parents on Sunday evening, Glenfield College announced the death of Paul McKinley, who had been in the top role since 2017.

"It is with much sadness that we inform you of the sudden passing of our beloved principal, Mr Paul McKinley," said board of trustees presiding member Donna Kahaki.

"Out of respect the college will be not be running a class timetable as usual on Monday 26th February.

"The school will remain open tomorrow for students that require support and guidance, with a counselling team and year-level deans available.

Paul McKinley dies suddenly

"Our love and thoughts are with Paul's family at this very sad time," Kahaki said.

McKinley took up the role of principal at Glenfield College in 2017, after previously holding senior and deputy headmaster roles at Westlake Boys' High School as well as being appointed associate principal of Mount Albert Grammar School.

Auckland councillor Richard Hills took to social media to offer his condolences to McKinley's family, who "shared him" with the North Shore community.

"I caught up with Paul often, he was a great man, had such passion for our school and local area," wrote Hills.

"He really cared about young people and their future, he had so much more to give."

Hills said the news was an "extremely sad end to an extremely sad week" following the death of former Green MP Efeso Collins on Wednesday.

"Please hug your loved ones tonight and tomorrow and enjoy every moment," Hills wrote.

Paul McKinley dies suddenly

Northcote MP Dan Bidois also paid tribute to the local principal online, saying: "Paul was a fantastic leader in our community with a strong sense of purpose and genuine desire to make a positive impact on others. My heart goes out to Paul's family, all the GC students, staff and community at this very sad time. He will be sorely missed."

Kaipatiki Local Board chairperson John Gillon shared the tragic news on Facebook, offering his condolences to McKinley's family.

The Herald has approached Glenfield College for further comment.

Benjamin Plummer is an Auckland-based reporter who covers breaking news. He has worked for the Herald since 2022.

Penny Marie
And we mustn't speculate. But we must ask why we've been seeing a trend and losing people who have not been presenting with illness. We must demand answers. Because we're all losing people and grieving

They'll start dropping like flies this year. The jabbed up should be putting their affairs in order.

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
MASS PSYCHOSIS is happening in real life.

Since the Covid-19 Vaccine rollout, people have been dropping dead in record numbers.

While the complicit government & mainstream media continually lie to the public, the sheeple will just keep dying.


Another died suddenly coincidence, nothing to see here

Second one this month
Paeariki Mataroa-Johnson, 51, died unexpectedly in the early hours of Monday morning. The exact cause of death is yet to be determined, her family says.

omg shocking. What is going on with the principals. This is fourth principal I've seen today.

I can't believe that "dies suddenly " is now just an accepted way to die. No one questions, investigates, autopsies? Have people lost their sanity too? All sudden deaths should have autopsies!!!

No doubt he took the clot shot, this is pretty much the norm now.

Napoleon Busch
How many more by week's end... Totally normal - No need to investigate

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
Like so many others, he probably died of Cause Unknown.

I've seen several ambulances zooming around today chasing Cause Unknown.

I think I saw Cause Unknown lurking around a chemist earlier. Looked very suspicious.

Pfizer - putting profit before people.

MASS PSYCHOSIS is happening in real life.

Download here: What-COVID-Vaccine-Mandates-Australian-government-allowing-businesses-to-illegally-mandate-2024-02-23.mp4 - 7,481 kb
By: Malcolm Roberts - 23rd February 2024

What COVID 'Vaccine' Mandates?
Australian government allowing
businesses to illegally mandate

We're told in the media that 'vaccine' mandates are over, yet my office hears from many Australians who are refused employment or threatened with being sacked from their jobs unless they take two, sometimes three jabs. What is the current guidance on mandates in the health sector? Department of Health has no particular view and says it can be the employer's individual decision - there is no national policy or vaccine mandate in place. The Minister has not heard of anyone, including nurses, being sacked recently.

The terms of reference inquiry for a potential COVID Royal Commission involved witnesses who gave this testimony. Despite an alarming shortage of nurses and other healthcare workers, skilled and willing staff are being rejected for their decision based on informed consent. We hear from many healthcare workers and others from across Australia who are still faced with the 'no jab, no job' discrimination to this day.

This looks very much like the rule of "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" is being applied by the Minister and the health department. Until they take responsibility and offer a position around employers' choices over applying mandates there will continue to be a 'free for all' on the use of coercion and discrimination to the detriment of individuals and our health care services.

I am so sick and tired of this organised dishonesty. Keep going Senator Roberts and thank you.

The silence was deafening. The muppets were all looking at everybody else. Pathetic, sad reality. Keep at them Senator.

P.M still allowing this criminal act ... disgraceful.

I lost my job in NSW Sept 2021working as an admin in a hospital, and unless I have at 2 vaccines I cannot resume
work along with nurses and paramedics so therefore mandates are still in place. Everyday we are living under great stress, we will never forgive and forget what our Government and TGA have done to mandate these vaccines!!

Some think this is incompetence but its not. It's deliberate obfuscation and lies. About the only thing the Public Service does well.

The pathetic responses to Mr Rennick makes my blood boil. Infuriating.


Get these WEF/WHO criminals behind bars, now.

Download here: COVID-19-Vaccines-Affecting-Our-Health-Study-Reveals-Vaccines-Increase-Heart-Brain-Issues-2024-02-23.mp4 - 8,841 kb
By: MIRROR NOW - 23rd February 2024

COVID-19 Vaccines Affecting
Our Health? | Study Reveals
Vaccines Increase Heart, Brain Issues

Covid-19 Vaccines Affecting Our Heath?: A UK woman has filed a lawsuit against AstraZeneca company's COVID-19 vaccine. Kam Miller alleged that her husband died due to a "rare reaction" of AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine. The UK government has stopped ordering the AstraZeneca vaccine since 2022.

Here's what the study on COVID-19 vaccine reveals (video above...)

#covid19 #vaccined #astrazeneca #pfizer #moderna #worldhealthorganisation #covid19vaccine #latestnews #englishnews #mirrornow #mrnoriginals #mirrornoworiginals

my family and church friends called me selfish with no love for others. They rejected me, but my mega disabled son and I are vaxxed free. God gave me the strength even though we spent almost a month in hospital.

A tragedy……..I still wonder every day why people willingly did this while the rest of us had our guts screaming NO!

ZERO vaccine here

Fear is temporary. Regret is forever.

This must be taken to court as the biggest crime against humanity

Myself, wife who was born with a heart condition and 2 daughters in their early 20s never had any of the jabs or wore masks etc, covid was never an issue, several of my friends and family that did take the jabs now have heart and other health issues requiring ongoing treatment and 3 of them hospitalised with blood clots, they also complain of constantly getting colds and other viruses, also 2 people in my village had heart attacks within a few weeks of first jab, both under 50 years old. My main reason for not getting the jabs is that something just didn't sit right with me after a few weeks into the so called pandemic, could see most of it was propaganda to create the fear for mass compliance....

Sunik stood up in the house and said the jabs were perfectly safe ..2 weeks ago ! I bet his family did not have one !!

And those who reported about their negative effects were silenced or called conspiracy theorists, even losing jobs. Who will compensate those?

I wasn't let down by the government, they did what I expected, I knew they were up to no good. I was let down by my fellow citizens that fell for it and took no steps to research or question the narrative or the product they got injected with......

They say side effects are rare...BS ...everyone who took it has some issue

Download: Riccardo-Bosi-NEW-THREAT-EXPOSED-Nanodust-Infection-and-the-Risk-to-the-Unvaxed-Full-Facts-Revealed-2024-02-22.mp4 - 885,030 kb
By: JUST ONE FOCUS - TRUTH - 22nd February 2024
Riccardo Bosi
Nanodust Infection & the Risk
to the Unvaxed
- Plus 5G
Full Facts Revealed

THE GENOCIDE CONTINUES! Join Gideon Jacobs and Riccardo Bosi as they discuss the recently discovered threat of Nanodust Infection and the Risk to the Unvaxed.

A new Covid vaccine
[the 7th Kill Shot]
to combat newer strains
will be ready early next month

By: NZCity - 22nd February 2024

The XBB jab [the 7th bio-weapon Covid-19 injection rollout] will be available from March 7, for those aged 30 and over, 16-year-olds and over who are pregnant, and people aged 12 and over who are at particular risk.

Health NZ's Doctor Nick Chamberlain says jabs need to be given at least six months apart - and the same period after being infected.

They can be given immediately to unvaccinated eligible people.

>> More Health & Safety News Subscribe to NZCity's Health & Safety articles
© 2024 Newstalk ZB, NZCity

RNZ: Covid-19 vaccine jab #7 that targets new strains available next month.

Covid-19 vaccine that targets new strains available next month.

A Covid-19 vaccine that can fight newer strains of the virus will be rolled out from next month.

Pharmac's director of pharmaceuticals Geraldine MacGibbon said the drug funding agency had approved the transition to the updated Covid-19 vaccine for the XBB.1.5 strain from 7 March.

"We've secured stock of the XBB Covid-19 vaccine and are pleased to have it available for New Zealanders. The XBB vaccine is more effective against more recent subvariants of Covid-19 in New Zealand."

If you refuse this 7th jab, and any of the other 6 shots, then going by the NWO, WEF, most politicians, doctors and police, you are a Conspiracy Theorist!

[Covid Vaccinated]
Green MP Efeso Collins
'A great man'
[He worked hard at vaccinating New Zealand]

By 1News Reporters - 21st February 2024
Green MP Efeso Collins DIES SUDDENLY at 49: 'A great man' [He worked hard at vaccinating New Zealand]
Green Party MP Efeso Collins has died aged 49. (Source: 1News)

Green MP Efeso Collins, 49, has died after collapsing at a charity event this morning.

Emergency services rushed to treat the first-term MP after he collapsed.

He was participating in a charity event for ChildFund in Auckland's Britomart when the incident occurred.

Staff at the scene were visibly emotional and crying as medical work appeared to stop on Collins.

An organiser told 1News Collins had died: "A great man has died doing something for the community.

"He seemed in such good spirits, and it was all very quick... It's devastating that this has happened but I think he's died doing something for a good cause."

Collins was reportedly in high spirits and joking just moments before he collapsed. In a statement, police confirmed the death.

"Police assisted Hato Hone St John staff after a man suffered a medical event at Te Komititanga, off lower Queen Street," a spokesperson said. "Sadly, despite medical assistance we can confirm the man has died at the scene.

"Our thoughts are with those affected by the incident this morning."

Staff and emergency services later gathered around the body outside Britomart for prayer and remembrance led by community advocate Dave Letele. A marquee was set up around the body before it was taken away at about 10.15am...

13th OCTOBER 2021

In remberance of Efeso Collins, a mighty Covid-19 Vaccine Crusader:

Covid-19: Vaxathon 'a call to action' - Efeso Collins

A South Auckland councillor says Saturday's 'Vaxathon' is a "call to action" to get people their Covid-19 shots.

In remberance of Efeso Collins, a mighty Covid-19 Vaccine Crusader
Auckland councillor Efeso Collins Photo: Supplied/ Local Democracy Reporting - Justin Latif

Aotearoa is set to host its first-ever 'Vaxathon' - a nationwide event aimed at boosting vaccination numbers by around 100,000.

Manukau ward councillor Efeso Collins said he was excited about the event, but also hoped it was a little less like the Telethon of old and perhaps a lot more like TikTok of today.

He told Morning Report he had seen huge turnout at vaccination events across South Auckland and he was hoping Saturday saw good numbers too...

It's not a vaccine. It's not therapy. It's not a cure. It's a biological weapon to kill you!

Te Whatu Ora data leak:
Vaccinators feel under threat
as their names are shared
with the whole World

By: RNZ - 20th February 2024

New Zealand / Health

Te Whatu Ora data leak: Vaccinators feel under threat

Rowan Quinn, Health Correspondent

At least 12,000 people had their names released in last year's breach.
At least 12,000 people had their names released in last year's breach. File photo. Photo: PEAKSTOCK / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY

Vaccinators whose names were published on a US website after a Te Whatu Ora data leak are feeling nervous and under threat, says a nurses' union.

Te Whatu Ora has been notifying at least 12,000 people - mostly vaccinators - who had their names released in last year's breach.

The Nurses Organisation kaiwhakahaere Kerri Nuku said several nurses had been in touch after getting a call.

"[They're] nervous that their information's out there in the world and somewhat feeling threatened. They were doing the best job possible and it's turned on them so they're feeling vulnerable and really let down," she said.

Te Whatu Ora said most of them had only their names published.

But Nuku said that was enough to make them worry.

The husband of one nurse had received an abusive message about his wife because she was a vaccinator, Nuku said.

It could be a coincidence, but it did show that those kind of threats were out there, she said.

"It highlights the anxiety and the situation that these nurses are feeling at the moment."

Nuku said many nurses who had received a call from Te Whatu Ora had in turn been calling fellow vaccinators to warn them they may be on the list.

Te Whatu Ora had apologised for the breach and said it was working on making its systems better so a similar incident could not happen again.

Chief executive Margie Apa said last week the victims of the leak had been doing their best to keep the country safe.

Support would be in place for any of the who needed it, she said.

Barry Young, a former Te Whatu Ora employee, has been charged over the leak.

William Wallace
You would think that all the vaccinators would be PROUD to have their names known to the whole World.

Oh, unless they were participating in Crimes Against Humanity - now that would certainly have them worried!

Download: More-Evidence-mRNA-Shots-Can-Trigger-Dementia-The-Silent-Disaster-of-Biowarfare-prions-infecting-humanity-2024-02-19.mp4 - 122,521 kb
By: Health Alliance Australia - 19th February 2024

More Evidence mRNA
Shots Can Trigger Dementia

The Silent Disaster of
Biowarfare prions infecting humanity

If the spike protein of both the infection and the jab is an engineered prion, a result of bio-warfare research and development, then this has grave implications for humanity, because these weaponized prions are far more dangerous than viruses. The most commonly known prion disease is CJD or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, which is a spongiform encephalopathy where the brain becomes spongy, wastes away and ultimately leads to a horrible death. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are other neurodegenerative diseases associated with prions.

In this episode he discusses how there was a co-ordinated effort from the very beginning of the Wuhan outbreak, at the highest levels of NIH to suppress the priogenic nature of SARS-cov-2. He reveals that mRNA technology used in the COVID jabs causes frame shifting that leads to prions being produced, and transfected and as a result of prions being released into the environment, we now have a situation where these lab engineered toxins are being absorbed by living things, potentially leading to a host of disease from neurological to heart disease and cancer in anyone infected. He discusses mRNA technology and how recent published research has revealed that mRNA jabs can lead to frame shifting of the DNA but also the formation of harmful pathogenic proteins. This finding is significant and concerning.

Prion disease explains the mechanism for phenomena of "silent hypoxia", the formation of fibrous, white clots, the sudden deaths of athletes, turbo CJD, turbo cancer, amyloidosis, neurological diseases, long covid being brain inflammation.

Dr McCairn goes on to say, that the emergence of these proteins, suggest a possible link between the vaccines mRNA technology and it's unintended consequences. The output according to the author, pinpointed both the "unknown proteins but also the presence of the potential prion region." It is a problematic, troubling observation should it be accurate, given the inherent risks linked to prion diseases, and the implication for neurological health. Also does the use of pseudouridine in the mRNA vaccines, which were delivered at a massive scale raise the prospect of a "broad impact of any unintended protein creation across different vaccine batches and formations?"

This is a huge finding that the "jabs" are releasing prions that lead to disease not just in the recipient but also contaminate the environment and ability to transfect other people.

In our interview with Dr Kevin McCairn he says, "Misfolded proteins caused by prions can impact every level organ and tissue system in the body, bioaccumulate and are resistant to degradation, thereby building up in the environment, is that we do not need the like for like peptide to cause the misfolding in the next one, for the cascade to occur, in this instance we have cross seeding epitomes, that no longer need the whole protein, only certain segments to be digested and released to then come into susceptible proteins in the body, to misfold and then the process starts a chain reaction." We also discuss the staged assault on humanity, potential treatments, evolutionary pressure, and where the road may lead.

Dr McCairn cautions that we are in a "highly controlled, information eco-system", where there is censorship, narrative and counter narrative control, behavioral control and advanced neuro-psychological techniques.

He has been highly censored and has had to restart his social media accounts.

By: Dr. Joseph Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Mounting research suggests a serious side effect of the COVID mRNA jabs could be dementia, and the prions that cause it may be contagious
  • Frameshifting, as we now know occurs in the COVID shots, can induce prion production and lead to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)
  • Sid Belzberg's website, which collected data on neurological side effects post-jab, found a notably high incidence of diagnosed CJD cases, suggesting an alarming trend
  • A series of articles highlight biases in clinical trials and observational studies, suggesting COVID-19 vaccines' safety and effectiveness have been massively overstated
  • The Global COVID Vaccine Safety Project study - funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - reveals significant side effects, including myocarditis, pericarditis, and blood clots, underscoring the need for reevaluation of COVID vaccine risks and benefits

Today, there's even more evidence to support Seneff's theory. In August 2022, tech entrepreneur Sid Belzberg wrote2 about, a website he'd set up to collect data on the neurological side effects of the jabs. (This site is no longer live.)

Within a few months, the site had received about 15,000 hits and gathered 60 reports from people who got the jab and suffered neurological deficits shortly thereafter, including six cases of diagnosed CJD.

  • "Normally this disease affects 1 in a 1,000,000 people," Belzberg wrote.3 "To get 6 cases you would need 6,000,000 hits to the site assuming everyone reports. The chances of getting 1 case in 15,000 hits is 1 in 66. To see 6 cases in 1 group of 15,000 is 1/66^6 or 1 in 82,000,000,000, or 20 times more likely to win a Powerball lottery! ...
  • To reiterate, CJD is an exceptionally rare disease that is now a known and established severe adverse reaction (SAE) from the DEATHVAX™. Injecting this slow kill bioweapon can cause ailments that are about as likely to develop in the real word as getting struck by lightning twice. The proof is now irrefutable."

Mike Yeadon and Sucharit Bhakdi have been warning about prions since day 1.

The politicians who fuck kids told me the shots were safe!

And old acquaintance just passed away from CJD last week. Her husband said it was like 26 days of a monster destroying his lovely wife.

My husband who had always been healthy and pretty robust, developed Parkinson's during this period. It was not a slow developement. I noticed rapid changes in gait, facial expression, he developed essential tremors and sleep issues. I had an inkling and suspicion of the cause, but it was just so unbelieveable. This interview pretty much confirms my fears.

My childhood friend was sharing holiday pictures on Facebook in March of 2021, nice wife, kids, great job, etc. By July he was dead, CJD (prion disease). I spoke to his wife about what happened, She said he lost his eyesight out of nowhere, then became enraged in anger, within a few weeks couldn't walk and was dead in 7 weeks. She said nobody knew what was wrong with him until one doctor pinpointed CJD and she was thankful they at least knew what it was. She claimed that he did not get 'vaccinated' but as he worked for a very large technology company I believe he may have got a jab or two and not said anything. She said CJD is one per million. What is it now I wonder? Is it possible that others have the same disease which took his life in 7 weeks, and it can progress in others over a timeline in years?

Phew, what a time to be living in!
It is one thing to read about terrible events in history, it is an entirely different experience living in such a terrible, humanity defining event.

Excellent prion explanation by Kevin W. McCairn, PhD.

these vaccines are not just mRNA, they also contain DNA

Been following Kev since January 2020. This is by far the most succinct and disturbing explanation of what has occurred and what awaits us......

I appreciate how sweetly Kevin interacted with his little. Truly lovely. Most people doing interviews are so harsh.

So, being there are no mitigations for this prion disease, any survivors will have been in isolation for four years already in bunkers, in cryo, whatever.
Remember all the underground booms a few years back?

Thank you Genie Rose Ana, for helping to get this very important information to a wider audience... greatly appreciated.

Excellent interview.

Prions was the most likely Disease X which is the recent reference by the wicked witches of the West.

Reference and research into Prions and the original work by Stanley B Prusiner in 1997 and has generally been suppressed over time since then. ???

Download here: Nurse-speaks-out-Emergency-Rooms-were-filled-by-Covid-19-VACCINATED-people--not-the-unvaccinated-2024-02-19.mp4 - 8,303 kb
By: NZ and the MRNA - 19th February 2024

Nurse speaks out:
Emergency Rooms were filled by
Covid-19 VACCINATED people
- not the unvaccinated...


American Emergency Room nurse speaks out...

Her ER was quiet throughout the first year of covid.

As soon as the covid injections were rolled out they became the busiest they have ever been.

Massive ramping of:

  • strokes
  • blood clots
  • palpitations
  • numbness
  • paralysis

Sophia Dahl
COVID ER Nurse Speaks Out: 'It Was Not Covid That Was Making People Sick'!!

The media lied about who was really taking up hospital beds in 2021!!

Remember when the mainstream media sold the lie that hospitals were inundated with unvaxxed COVID patients!!

According to ER nurse Anna Housworth, COVID wasn't the problem in 2021 - it was the Covid vaccines!

"We had gone a year with COVID and an ER that remained completely empty until the vax started coming out," Housworth explained!!

As she reveals on #CHDTV, once the COVID Vaccines rolled out, the ER filled up with patients suffering from strokes, blood clots, heart palpitations, numbness, paralysis + more!!

Watch Nurse Anna's FULL interview with the CHD bus on #CHDTV!!

Sad times for sure. God help us all. God save us all from the evil narcissists

How can we ever trust the medical system again? You can't.

Michael Croft
We had a clue with the dancing NHS staff videos...

Hospitals were basically empty I was in hospital 5 the entire time we never got covid only a few were there and no staff hardly the beds were empty in all 5 hospitals in Oklahoma it was a hoax

Paws for Thought
Brave nurse.

Download here: Surgeon-removing-strange-white-fibrous-clots-from-the-right-jugular-vein-post-Covid-19-vaccines-2024-02-19.mp4 - 5,272 kb
By: Richard Hirschman - 19th February 2024
Surgeon removing strange white
fibrous clots
from the right jugular
vein - post Covid-19 vaccines

This is a video of me removing one of the strange white fibrous clots, from the right jugular vein. The person who was recording it is Nicky King, who is also an embalmer. I didn't notice it until I lifted the vessel up. I could feel it inside the vein. I only show this because people still don't believe it and ask for video evidence. What's causing this? I can't say for sure, but I didn't start seeing this until early 2021.

Unfortunately, I still find strange clotting in several bodies that I embalm.

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
Cause Unknown? Climate Change? Allergic reaction to Donald Trump? One of Putin's vaccines? Hmmm...

At least we know it cannot be from the Covid vaccines, as the poison manufacturers, who accept no liability with their untested poisons, say that the Kill Shots are totally safe.

My husband passed away from one of those in his right leg started up high in his thigh, in his femoral artery and it extended all the way down to his ankle. Blood thinner Eliquis was used causing clot break off traveling to his lung killing him! Jan. 27, 2022. He was covid vaxxed

Erin Elizabeth Health Nut News
Rest in peace in advance to all the people who got the shot who will still keep dying from it. We've got millions more to go. So grateful I didn't get the damn thing. Rest in peace to my own family members in advance. They've refused to listen.

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
My workmates during 2020-2022: "Conspiracy theorist! Anti vaxxer! Science denier! Coward! Trouble maker! 2nd class citizen! Tin foil hat wearer! People like you need to be taken out the back and SHOT!"

Lately: "Why didn't you WARN ME that the jabs are deadly??"

Me: "Fuck off!"

Now we're seeing WHY they put that clause in there saying IF anything DOES happen, the manufacturers can't be held liable for injuries or deaths.
They KNEW this would happen and did it anyway.
Junk filler killing people. Wow!

This is 1 side affect of the COVID Vaccines #StopTheShots

Why is it that this is not being studied, why? Is this being censored and covered up? Why? We deserve answers. Not just to be shared on social media or documentaries. Why isn't this taken more seriously? It's been 3 years!!!!! We deserve answers.…

The Vigilant Fox
It's terrifying to hear that you're still seeing this three years after the rollout of the COVID-19 "vaccination" program.

Has the frequency of these strange, white clots gone down at all since 2021? If so, by how much?

Sean Baskerville
Thanks for your work. Based on findings as of now, people need to understand that it's fair to say that 20%+ of all deaths in vaccinated countries are from these clogs/clots. That's a lot of dead people.

Someone's gonna have to explain to me how my little sister ended up with fibrous clots throughout her infarcted liver, lungs and heart before she died a little over a year ago. And they're gonna have to explain it with better evidence than I have collected regarding mRNA…

Download here: White-clots-USA-Part-2-2024-02-18.mp4 - 15,303 kb
By: Dr. John Campbell - 18th February 2024

White clots USA, Part 2

First seen early 2021. Discussion with Mr. Richard Hirschman.

My question is, how have they managed to silence coroners across the western world to the point where the entire medical community is completely ignoring new clots that have never been seen before. The silence is horrific....

My wife who was pregnant at the time lost her job because she didn't take them. It doesn't look like anything will be done in court.. but one of the best decisions we made.

Keep speaking the the truth even if people think you're nuts, the truth will always come out eventually.

I had a mini stroke (TIA) a few days ago and I went to the hospital for it. Make certain that you tell the nurse when you sign a consent form for treatment that it does not include COVID vaccination. Otherwise, they'll give it to you while you are under sedation. They'll say, "you signed the consent form for treatment". Just make sure that the jab isn't part of what you are consenting to. I said that I will not consent to vaccination of any kind, and she literally put the form into a paper shredder, and print out another one. I am unvaccinated and I made it clear that I'd rather die than get vaccinated.

As a father of three children who were 16 and 18 (twins) at the beginning of this crime against humanity, I constantly thank God for the gift of discernment he blessed me with. Nobody in our household of 5 participated in this insanity.

A coworker - his mid 30's wife had been in remission from cancer for a few years. Took the jabs, cancer came back "aggressively" and she now has a few weeks to live. Thank you PPPPhizer!

A healthy 20 year old young man near me had a heart attack while moving furniture at a location about a 15 minute drive to the hospital. The vehicle they were using was traveling back to the old place at the time so they called an ambulance and it took 25-30 minutes to get to him. He died on the way to the hospital so all the fuss from the community regarding this is about how long it took the to get to him and not the fact that a healthy 20 year old had a heart attack and died

My God! What have these monsters done with this poison jab to humanity! What a disgrace!

Australian court rules
employers who mandated jab
legally liable for injuries

By: Jen Hodgson, Western Standard, Canada - 16th February 2024
Australian court rules employers who mandated jab legally liable for injuries - Russell Sumner
Australian court rules employers who mandated jab legally liable for injuries - Russell Sumner

A South Australian court has ordered employers who mandated COVID-19 vaccines for their employees will be held legally liable for injuries caused by the jab.

The Employment Tribunal ordered compensation for SA government employee Daniel Shepherd, 44, who developed pericarditis after being mandated to have a third dose of the vaccine in February 2022, per ABC News.

The SA government mandated under the Emergency Management Act in January 2022 that certain workers were required to get a booster to keep their jobs.

Shepherd, former child and youth support worker with the Department for Child Protection (DCP), has been off work since March 2022, save for a two-month part-time period doing administrative work.

He made a claim for vaccine-related injury workers compensation, but was rejected - however the court ruled in his favour when he appealed. The Court of Appeal ruled he is entitled to workers compensation for the vaccine injury, including weekly income support and medical payments.

Despite DCP arguing it should be excluded from liability due to Shepherd's injury being a result of the Emergency Management Act directive, Tribunal Judge Mark Calligeros ruled the vax mandate and DCP were "both significant contributing causes" of his injury.

"Mr Shepherd was required to have a third dose of the vaccine to continue performing duties and be paid," he said. "The vaccine mandate would not have applied to him had he not been employed by DCP and working in a healthcare setting."

"The connection between employment and the injury is a strong one given I have found that Mr Shepherd would not have had a third dose of the vaccine if he had not been required to in order to continue working," said Calligeros.

"It is not surprising that some people who receive a dose of COVID-19 vaccine will sustain injury as a result," said Calligeros. "The state required Mr. Shepherd to be vaccinated to continue working in a healthcare setting, because it sought to protect and reduce the risk of infection to the public and general and those members of the public receiving healthcare services in particular."

"It would be ironic and unjust if Mr Shepherd was denied financial and medical support by complying with the state's desire to preserve public health," the judge added.

Tribunal documents detail Shepherd's medical reaction to his first COVID-19 vaccine in August 2021, including aching joints, cold and flu symptoms, and minor chest pain. After his second dose, similar symptoms were recorded.

At the time of his first two shots, Shepherd worked for Baptist Care SA, which did not mandate (but did encourage) the COVID-19 shots.

In February 2022, Shepherd had his booster shot. The next day, he had severe chest pain. The pain grew steadily worse for two weeks, at which point the pain was so "unbearable" he thought he was having a heart attack and was taken by ambulance to Ashford Hospital.

Cardiologists diagnosed him with post-vaccine pericarditis which Health Canada describes as "inflammation of the lining around the outside of the heart," a "rare reaction reported following vaccination with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines."

A SA government spokesman said the court's decision will be "considered," as would the Emergencies Act.

"This decision means that if a state government employee is required to become vaccinated as part of their job and they fall within the very small cohort of people who experience an adverse reaction to a vaccine, any injury they experience may be covered by workers compensation laws," the spokesman said, per ABC. "That is consistent with ordinary principles of workers compensation, which ensure that workers are given appropriate support for injuries which arise from their employment.

"The government will consider the court's decision and obtain advice on any implications for the effectiveness of the Emergency Management Act," the spokesman added.

Government Employee
South Australia
COVID-19 Vaccines
Workers compensation
mandated COVID-19 vaccines
child and youth support worker
vaccine-related injury

H. Skip Robinson
"A very small cohort" of those who have been injured, "may" receive compensation. Just wait until we see how long that line is.

The fact the Governments and legacy media are doing their darndest to keep this under wraps is a dead giveaway.

One group has estimated worldwide 17 million dead. We can only imagine how many injured and what that cost will be? The VA is already covering all those affected and with a 97% vax rate, you know those costs are going to continue to rise. This could bankrupt the western world and we're pretty much already bankrupt, relying on printed money to stay afloat. I don't know if any of the G7 countries are really solvent and all are in massive debt.

"Cardiologists diagnosed him with post-vaccine pericarditis which Health Canada describes as "inflammation of the lining around the outside of the heart," a "rare reaction reported following vaccination with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines." Hmmm. NOT SO Rare anymore, Now the Goverments trying to suppress the continually increasing Myocarditis and increasing Pericarditis cases from the news. The clot shot is no longer promoted nor utilised in many countries and increasing States are removing it from use.



Wise Old Lady
Discussion about the covid shots is still taboo here in Canada. The best recourse is a class action lawsuit.

Craig R
Rare. Not so rare anymore. Becoming a pretty common result from these jabs. These are just the reactions they can prove there are a bunch more side affects that need to be proven associated with these poison shots.

Woodrow George
A good news story. Same thing needs to happen here in Canada.

One Pissed Off Millennial
Holy moly!!

That's how governments got away with it

One Pissed Off Millennial
Blame it on the plebs...

Secret agent 007
It'll snowball now

One Pissed Off Millennial
I'm waiting for the fat lady to sing...

Barbara Forrest
Govt taking no responsibility for their mandated vaccine.

Download here: Pfizer-To-Rake-In-Trillions-From-Murder-and-Turbo-Cancer-Deaths-Insider-Claims-2024-02-14.mp4 - 68,870 kb
By: The People's Voice - 14th February 2024
Pfizer To Rake In Trillions From
Murder & Turbo Cancer Deaths
Insider Claims

Trending News
turbo cancer
Albert Bourla
globalist elite

Turbo cancer is set to claim the lives of hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people in the next few years, according to a Pfizer insider who warns that everybody vaccinated with mRNA is a walking, talking time bomb waiting to explode.

According to the insider, the Covid pandemic and the mRNA roll out was an operation with decades of planning, with the express purpose of injuring people, maiming, and killing vast numbers of people deliberately.

But it gets even worse. The mRNA roll out is only in its infancy. The sick and twisted ghouls responsible for the massive spike in turbo cancers are now set to reap massive financial benefits by forcing the entire world to get vaccinated against the problem they caused in the first place.

The globalist elite are using the pharmaceutical industry to carry out the greatest crime against humanity in history, and as usual they are determined to hide their wicked agenda in plain sight.

vaccines have been the biggest crime against humanity and there are no viruses. No virologist has ever isolated a virus. No one has seen one in nature. Nothing is contagious. Follow Dr Sam Bailey, Tom Cowen and Andrew Kaufman.

We the People should demand from our Congress to repeal the law granting big pharma and their CEOs immunity from prosecution for marketing drugs and vaccines that are determined to be UNSAFE, INEFFECTIVE and with DEADLY ADVERSE EFFECTS.

Gonna kill billions as planned. Why ppl didnt get this is beyond me
You are right with date according to animal trails. By 2026.

Time to burn down pharma, AMA, CDC, FDA, WHO, CIA, FBI etc. public arrests quick trials and hangings. redtriad
Anybody who continues to accept these vaccines needs to be sectioned . It should by now be obvious to the most diehard sheep what is going on here . Look back through history , governments make sure it is always the ordinary man and woman who dies , never the rich or our so called leaders , they always find a way to kill us , and make money at the same time .

They are diabolical.

Global Fascism - these are the new Nazis - Biden, Clinton, Bush, Fauci, Gates, Soros, Ardern...

Download here: The-Pfizer-Covid-19-Vaccine-Advertisement-The-Reality-2024-01-14.mp4 - 23,871 kb
By: The Ironwood Table - 14th February 2024

The Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine
Advertisement | The Reality

Health & Fitness
Super Bowl ad
vaccine injury
react 19

Well makes me wonder how much money the big drug companies and dirty politicians made.

I am so sick of this covid aka great reset nonsense. But I undertake as a duty to inform people about facts about cheaply, effectively and qucikly curing this so called virus symptoms. Search for c19 ivermectin on your search engine. On that website you will find as of right now there are 142 studies. 93 of them are peer reviewed about curing covid19 with ivermectin. These are undeniable evidences. You can get your ivermectin by visiting

I would love to see if the jab pushers took the shots. I am sorry for the victims I will keep fighting until these drug companies go bust.

and the government hides this and wants you to take another shot

Hastings truck driver who refused
Covid jab gets $29,000 payout
for wrongful dismissal

By: Ric Stevens, NZ Herald - 12th February 2024
Hastings truck driver who refused Covid jab gets $29,000 payout for wrongful dismissal
Wayne Basher was a line haul driver between Hastings and Putaruru. Photo / Josiah Farrow - Unsplash

NZ Herald - Open Justice

A line-haul truck driver who was sacked for not getting vaccinated against Covid-19 has been awarded nearly $29,000 for unjustified dismissal.

Wayne John Basher has been awarded $15,000 in compensation for humiliation, loss of dignity and injury to his feelings, and $13,967 for three months of lost wages.

Basher had been working for Big Chill Distribution Ltd since 2011 and won company awards for being a top driver multiple times.

At the time of his dismissal he was based at Big Chill's Hastings depot, driving between there and Putaruru, between Te Awamutu and Rotorua, and occasionally Palmerston North. Most of his work time was spent in his cab alone.

Basher told the Employment Relations Authority he was unjustifiably dismissed because Big Chill did not follow a fair and reasonable process before letting him go, and had coerced its staff into getting vaccinated during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Basher was dismissed on January 24, 2022 for not getting vaccinated under Big Chill's internal vaccination policy.

This was the day after the entirety of New Zealand was placed on the "red" alert setting under the "traffic light" Covid management system, as the Omicron strain was spreading through the community.

Big Chill, part of the Freightways business, which employs more than 5000 people, consulted its workers on a vaccination policy in 2021 and encouraged vaccination with $75 payments and a lottery for fully vaccinated staff.

It announced in December 2021 it was introducing mandatory vaccination for all roles.

Basher refused to be vaccinated. He had argued he did not meet customers on a regular basis and the depots he worked at were large enough to ensure he could maintain adequate distances of separation when he was present.

Big Chill told the Employment Relations Authority it was "substantively justified" in dismissing Basher because he was required to be vaccinated to carry out his role under its policy.

But Basher said Big Chill was unjustified in introducing a vaccination policy. He says his role was wrongly assessed as being covered by the policy because no proper individual risk assessment was carried out.

He also said that even if driver roles were covered by the vaccination policy, Big Chill did not consider the way he carried out his role or workarounds he could make, and therefore "did not exhaust all other reasonable alternatives" that would allow him to keep his job.

Authority member Natasha Szeto said Big Chill either declined or ignored a request to provide Basher with more information around the health and safety risk assessment for its drivers to justify its assessment of his role as "high-risk".

She said that was "not a step that a fair and reasonable employer could take".

She said Big Chill could also have considered carrying out an individual risk assessment for Basher's role, particularly because he was one of few cases of unvaccinated workers.

"Given the downstream consequences on Mr Basher's employment, I consider a fair and reasonable employer could have genuinely engaged with him on the risk assessment, even in the context of a business that was continuing to respond to the impacts of a global pandemic," Szeto said.

She said Big Chill could also have offered Basher leave as an alternative to dismissal.

"I have found that Big Chill did not follow a fair and reasonable process in terms of the risk assessment for Mr Basher's role, nor did it consider leave as a reasonable alternative to termination," Szeto said.

"It follows that Big Chill unjustifiably dismissed Mr Basher from his employment."

Szeto found in Big Chill's favour on two other grounds, saying the company did not breach Basher's individual employment agreement, and did not breach its obligation of good faith to him in regard to the privacy of his personal medical information.

Ric Stevens spent many years working for the former New Zealand Press Association news agency, including as a political reporter at Parliament, before holding senior positions at various daily newspapers.

He joined NZME's Open Justice team in 2022 and is based in Hawke's Bay.

Download here: White-clots-common-after-Covid-mRNA-Vaccinations-Dr-John-Campbell-2024-02-09.mp4 - 80,377 kb
By: Dr. John Campbell - 9th February 2024
White clots common after
Covid mRNA Vaccinations

With Major Tom Haviland

No one regrets not getting that jab.

So many vaccinated people don't want to talk about these issues. I suspect it's just too terrifying.

Well, it was worth letting go my 8 year career, living off of peanuts for a couple years and getting denied at job interviews back then for not taking the jab. Survived it all, and my blood is flowing nicely!

My girlfriend suddenly died of blood clots (pulmonary saddle embolism) in January this year. She was only 49 and perfectly healthy. Because of her job in healthcare she was obliged to take all the covid shots and boosters. If it can be proved there is a causal connection between the shots and the formation of these clots we are talking about genocide on a global scale.

6 months after the jab I suffered massive heart failure, died twice on the operating table, lost both my feet, 3 fingers on my primary hand & underwent triple bypass surgery. All due to strange clotting all over my body. I survived only because I was already on blood thinners & was in great shape for 62yo. Not one medical professional in Vancouver Canada will even discuss the vax as possibly contributing. I feel this is a crime against humanity that will never see a Nuremberg. In Canada they are still jabbing children as young as 6mths, the Horror!

December 2021. I was abroad for exchange studies. I was alone, in a strange country, wasn't allowed in student dorms or in campus without the jab, just with the test that cost an absurd amount of money. Soon I wouldn't be allowed in many public spaces either.
The next day there would be a vax campaign in the neighbourhood where I was staying. Everyone, EVERYONE I knew was pressuring me to get the vax.
I had decided to but had a really bad feeling and couldn't sleep the night before the day.
I followed my gut, decided not to take it, and the next day I cancelled my exchange studies and booked my flight home.
Haven't taken a single jab, no regrets.

For the first 2 years I was really angry I got kicked out of the Hospital after working almost 10 years with them. I faced countless attacks, discrimination at work, people literally trying to fight me arguing that I don't know what i'm talking about.

I can't speak 100% as to what is happening right now but the more info I do obtain makes me almost grin and think everything I went through was due to insight and a reasonable ability to question things.

Download here: Top-Oncologist-Blows-Whistle-on-mRNA-Fallout-We-Have-Never-Seen-Cancers-Behave-Like-This-2024-02-09.mp4 - 89,859 kb
By: The People's Voice - 9th February 2024
Top Oncologist Blows Whistle
on mRNA Fallout: 'We've Never
Seen Cancers Behave Like This'

Trending News
turbo cancer
Wiliam Makis
Dr Makis
covid jabs
died suddenly
King Charles

Rare cancers are exploding in number around the world and behaving in aggressive and unpredictable ways never before seen, according leading oncologist Dr. William Makis who says that some of his young and healthy patients have died "days or even hours" after diagnosis.

Dr. Makis has diagnosed 20,000 cancer patients in his long and distinguished medical career and says he and his colleagues have never seen anything like this. After all his decades as an oncologist, he feels like a kindergartner when looking at these strange tumors.

He has to hide the fear in his voice as vaccinated and boosted patients look at him in desperation. All the other oncologists he knows feel the same way. But as Dr. Makis explains, his colleagues are not in a position to speak out and risk their livelihoods – and even their lives.

Deliberate murderers. By the way all vaccines, including flu and others. I never will take one, or go to another doctor.

Can't give details, but my best friend is dying of "Turbo Cancer" at this moment. Less than two months from a small lump to hospice. Two Modernas did the trick. Heartbreaking!

Had dinner last night with 38 yo neighbor (farmer). He is dying of an aggressive colon cancer which has spread to his liver, stomach, spine. His oncologist says 6 months.
She also said she has never seen young men with such aggressive cancers.

hang fauci
death to china

These Covid shot influencers chose profit over health now are paying the price.

Add the rise in blood clots as exposed by dr John Campbell.

Have read reports online that King Charles 3 Is among the executed for adrenochrome trafficking
And that this, his "disappearance" from public view is just a preparation for an announced change of leadership in the U.K...

We shall see...

For sure - the p.r. Is be a way to lure people
to take the next fake anti Cancer injection...!
(Never mind that natural cures to cancer have been EFFECTIVELY suppressed by the Rockefeller / Rothschild cabal !!)

Perhaps we will also see
the passing reign of the anti Christ in our time....
The doing of evil is increasingly, outrageously, bold !!!!!

the creator of the death jabs and the higher ups in the medical professions do not take the poison. Should say a lot to blind patients

Download here: Barry-Young-and-Dan-Picknell-On-The-NZ-Covid-Inquiry-2024-02-09.mp4 - 60,316 kb
By: FreeNZ Media - 9th February 2024
Liz Gunn, Barry Young & Dan
Picknell - On The NZ Covid "Inquiry"

In this update with Barry Young and former policeman Dan Picknell, we speak on Barry's ongoing court case post the release of the anonymised govt data, as well as the recent covid inquiry put forward by Winston Peters.

Barry's next court appearance will be in Wellington on February 23rd at 10am. Your support on the day is welcomed.

To support NZ Loyal by buying a t-shirt:

To contribute directly to whistleblower Barry Young's Legal Fund -

Barry Young
Dan Picknell
New Zealand
Covid Inquiry
Vaccine Data

Thanks for the update. Please keep them coming, we need to really inundate this enquiry with submissions and totally embarrass our pusillanimous, pathetic ruling class. Maybe even force the smarmy media to report some truth for a change.

The trouble is that your services are run by Freemasons.

Is anyone actually surprised not just with the covid inquiry whitewash (by design/intent), but that Winston would yet again trample upon the deluded faithful that thought he'd make a meaningful difference in this regard? I mean, c'mon.

Download: Liz-Gunn-speaks-to-the-impacts-of-the-official-government-Covid-Inquiry-which-is-not-all-that-it-seems-2024-02-09.mp4 - 53,264 kb
By: FreeNZ Media - 9th February 2024
Liz Gunn speaks to the impacts of the
official government Covid "Inquiry"
which is not all that it seems.

New Zeland Loyal's Liz Gunn speaks to the impacts of the official government Covid "Inquiry" which is not all that it seems.


For a long time now, people have been sounding the alarm about the risks associated with the so-called Covid-19 vaccines.

A mountain of evidence exists that prove that alarm is justified.

None is more telling than the Barry Young excess deaths data from the Ministry of Health, as well as the documents from Pfizer itself, the very company that did not want to release their pre-trial clinical and other associated safety data for seventy five years.

In some countries, that length of time is reserved for state secrets classification only.

If not for a US court ordering Pfizer to release that data over a 10-month period, many would be none the wiser as to the fraud that has taken place.

Let's cut to the chase.

People are being harmed and killed by these jabs on a very large scale.

Those who have not currently experienced an adverse reaction seem to be living on borrowed time.

Kiwis in growing numbers are now asking why nothing is being done, while others have pinned their hopes on the much-vaunted New Zealand First Covid inquiry, which Winston Peters and his candidates used to lure in too trusting voters willing to ignore his past record on broken election promises.

Prior to the election, we stated that any inquiry implemented by a government of which New Zealand First was a part would see narrow terms of reference that would not deal with jab injury and deaths.

We stated this time and time again.

We received an incredible amount of online hate and extensive trolling, but we knew we would be proven right and that the loudest amongst those detractors would fall silent.

It seems we were, and now they have.

You see, the confidential Pfizer contract signed by the New Zealand government included specific language that prevents the company, that's Pfizer, its manufacturers, distributors, agents and all other associated entities from being called into disrepute.

And if that's not bad enough, the contract also states quite clearly that Pfizer makes clear that the safety and long-term effects of their product are currently unknown.

How do we know that, given the secretive New Zealand government, under Labour, never made public to us, the New Zealand people, their confidential purchasing agreement with Pfizer?

Well, we know this because we've seen the South African contract and several others that all contain the same problematic clauses that seem to be standardised throughout them all.

The Labour government lied when they pushed the "safe and effective" narrative.

The jab was not proven safe by Pfizer and all of you who are jabbed and who tell similar stories of being repeatedly ill throughout last winter can testify that the jabs you took were not effective to stop those sicknesses you had.

As a result, the Labour-Green government liars stand guilty of manslaughter at the very least.

This includes Jacinda Ardern and Ashley Bloomfield, two criminals who openly underlined their corruption by awarding themselves a dame-hood and a knighthood, respectively.

They should be in jail, awaiting trial.

The same goes with all those behind the scenes who promoted and administered the jabs in full knowledge that they were not safe for Kiwis.

There's a very long list of people who should be arrested but who instead are roaming freely currently and enjoying their ill-gotten gains.

Add to this the sorry recent record of the New Zealand police.

They have lost any moral authority to enforce our laws because they've aided and abetted these crimes against you all.

Equally shocking and sad is that the courts have avoided ruling in favour of anyone that brought evidence of the jabs being unsafe, so are also incapable of passing judgement upon any other.

In fact, what we have, even with this new lot, is a rogue, corrupt, internationally-aligned criminal organisation masquerading as a government.

And as such, they do not have the authority nor the mandate to act in our stead.

We are indeed in turbulent times.

It's a war we are in, a war on many fronts.

Those who should be stepping up to protect us instead step back and cower.

Real men are few and far between now.

Once upon a time when their families were threatened, real Kiwi men would speak out and stand up to fight to protect their families.

Now they sit idly watching family members unexpectedly die suddenly and they buy into the media lie that everyone is baffled as to the cause of death.

To keep the people passive, distractions are offered to neutralise any organised resistance.

Self-appointed leaders are compromised to ensure frustration and anger is redirected, like those who lead groundswell, federated farmers and the farmers' union, despite the fact that their very livelihoods and their lands are marked for destruction and WEF (World Economic Forum) puppet takeover.

Just compare our farmers with those in Germany, France, Italy, Romania.

In fact, many European countries have farmers, brave men, who are roiling with anger over the ridiculous climate con regulations that are ruining their farming futures.

Look up footage of them and their heroism and their unified determination to stop the nonsense.

You will never see in-depth exposure of this vast overseas farming fightback in our squalid and sold-out mainstream media in New Zealand.

Our farmers are remaining passive and quiet.

In our recent election, many Kiwis pinned their hopes on New Zealand First and their bribe of a full Covid inquiry.

Any Kiwis with intelligence to see through the political lies can now see this inquiry will amount to nothing more than a great earner for the consultants who for the most part may well be retired or serving judges and lawyers.

The fix is in, the result inevitable.

Lessons learned and what they can do better the next time they seek to destroy our lives.

That's all that will be concluded from this piece of empty political theatre called the New Zealand Covid Inquiry.

You need to understand there was no pandemic, there never was.

The only pandemic created was at the point of the needle that you were told was for your safety and was supposedly properly researched and effective.

Those who forced it on us knew this was a lie.

The whistleblower Barry Young's data is not even being considered in the Covid inquiry.


What does that data show?

Well it shows among much else over 36,000 Kiwi deaths with a connection to those who have been jabbed.

It's your data, it's fully anonymised, zero privacy is breached.

It shows excess deaths in New Zealand.

Why would Winston not be willing to meet with Barry Young and find out more about this Ministry of Health data that he built?

Winston, would you answer this challenge to talk online with Barry Young and Steve Kirsch in America about the clear safety signals that this Ministry of Health data throws up?

Would you be willing to demand that the Ministry of Health let all Kiwis see our own data that they claim shows the jab is safe?

The Ministry of Health should be doing that instead of looking to lock up the brave whistleblower Barry Young for up to seven years.

The world is watching this Barry Young case, so this government will not be able to get away with allowing corruption or attempted censorship of the truth.

And let's remember that the MOAR data from Barry Young does not even include the countless numbers of injured Kiwis.

As Andrew Bridgen, the brave and admirable UK independent politician says, "the MOAR data of Barry Young aligns in the percentages of excess deaths with the UK data on the same."

Several world databases now tell the same sad story of death and harm.

And they all indicate the same dreadful trend.

What are we seeing in the bigger picture?

The world is being reorganised into a state that suits and serves just a few.

Let's call them the parasites, not the elites, while the many, us, are seen as surplus to requirements.

Please look up Agenda 2030 on the World Economic Forum site.

We are seeing the results of that evil WEF agenda playing out now in real time.

Where are our men?

Who will save us and our children?

It clearly won't be Winston.

If you must fight to stop this, then fight.

We need you.

We need each other.

We must call out the political liars and those groups that keep herding us into their lies.

We must demand that they stop answering to the globalists, whatever their payments may have been.

We need our unified voice to demand their loyalty to us, not to globalism or to its ugly and evil version of communist inspired tyranny.

Thanks Liz. I couldn't argue with anything you said, nor would I want to. It's truly bizarre how few people seem to care deeply enough to even share this information. There must be something in these nefarious injections that dulls the senses and makes people apathetic and disinterested in seeking remedy or recourse. Like drugged zombies only caring about their own personal life struggles, just trying to make the most of their lives with little sympathy for others around them and what they might be facing

Jacinder Ardern, The Dear Leader... I've never hated a politician before, but I truly loathe that evil woman.

" Any single man must judge for himself whether
circumstances warrant obedience or resistance
to the commands of the civil magistrate;
We are all qualified, entitled, and morally
obliged to evaluate the conduct of our rulers " - John Locke

Hi Liz, I watched your video on youtube. But by the time I went to make a comment, they had already removed your video for violating their bullshit! It all makes me so angry, even more so when they remove your voice. I can only imagine how you feel. As for Winston Peters? I knew what a POS he was when I was still living in NZ 20 yeas ago. Thank you Liz, and much respect to you for your dedication to truth, from over the ditch.

Same in Australia, Canada, US, UK all the 5 Eyes.

Thankyou for your heart and your truth Liz, brilliant presentation

Winston is an establishment puppet, anyone who can't see this is blind. I can't believe people put faith in him to get this done, it was so obvious nothing proper would eventuate

I thankyou Liz for not stopping and getting the truth out there and to Barry Young thankyou for all are have done bringing to light the covid poison jab, I never took the jab and never will I was mandated out of my job in health care but hay all good, I have family that took the jab and I pray for them because I know something will happen to them, I look after people now that have been vaccine injured. Winston has sold out to the globalists I do not trust any politician in that beehive. They do not work for the people and the same goes for our police force and ministry of health. I was a registered nurse and I learned that it takes 12 to 15 years to make a safe and effective vaccine and Phizer made one in 9 months yeah right not safe not effective but a weapon to kill people that is a bioweapon. A lot of people need to be held to account for what they have done. Thankyou Barry you are a true hero. We now live in a world that is upside down you speak the truth you are arrested you commit crimes you are all good god help us.

My 96-year-old, tiny, obstinate, retired-nurse, Great Grandma refused to be vaccinated and demanded Ivermectin which her son acquired for her at the beginning of Covid. She had worked in the jungles of Africa in the late 40s and 50's helping to vaccinate African people. When she studied exactly what Covid was, she knew Ivermectin was what she needed and was so angry that the medical world would not report the positive of Ivermectin. She ended up catching covid from a vaccinated relative that was visiting her and refused a hospital. We all thought this would be G.G.'s end. With family keeping a close 24-hour watch G.G. was given Ivermectin for 3 days. She got sick as if with the flu but is now just fine and back to booking around on her walker and ornery as ever. I recommend everyone to have ivermectin for emergency situations! You can get yours by visiting

Every prosecuting attorney on Earth needs to read the stunning 82-page legal document: "COVID-19 Grand Jury Petition"...

Download here:

If there are any professional medical/science people left in NZ they need to be formulating their own Royal Commission as has just happened down under. A former Royal Commissioner was also involved it laying it all out. Its all kryptonite to M$M and politicians so they keep tight lipped with their best poker face. They did the 'pat yourself on the back' here recently to all involved in CV as well and gave them orders of Oz. All countries follow the same Globalist rules/plans now, since Covid started really. The trick is to have a few rebel pollies on side though to get it into parliament. Truth is power.

Download: Bombshell-Study-Dr-Chris-Shoemaker-We-now-have-100-percent-Scientific-Proof-why-the-Jabbed-are-Dying-Suddenly-2024-02-07.mp4 - 241,055 kb
By: Waking the World Up - 7th February 2024

Bombshell Study: Dr. Chris Shoemaker
We now have 100% Scientific Proof
why the Jabbed are Dying Suddenly

Dr. Chris Shoemaker with Jim Ferguson.

Hearts are having to work MUCH harder for people who have had two Covid-19 Jabs or more.

A September 2023 published study in which multiple major study centers from around the world participating in comparing non-vaccinated hearts to those who have been vaccinated - what they found was astounding -- a 47% INCREASE effort going on in the Cardiac Cells of vaccinated people compared to unvaccinated people .

They found that this elevation persisted for at least SIX Months.

Was this study Valid?

YES. They took 5,000 patients worldwide and they meticulously (screened) got this down to 1,000 so this would be a valid, verifiable study in which 700 were double jabbed and 300 were non-jabbed. This was a legitimate elevation and strain on the heart muscle.

It was confirmed with P Value <.0001.

The Unvaxxed had no elevation in cardiac effort for the next six months.

Now we have a scientific reason why people are dying suddenly 6 months to a year after the shots.

"This terrible, nefarious thing, in which lots are different one place to another, that's a plan. They didn't accidentally make one lot worse than the other. It was purposely done. It didn't happen by accident!"

The development of these controversial vaccines is now linked to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Department of Defense. Furthermore, a shocking 33% of the substances used in these COVID vaccines are purported to be DNA-altering elements, having permanent effects on the bodies of those inoculated.

The global rise in cases of Myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle, has been tied to these vaccine developments, pointing to a massive health crisis. These revelations call into question the safety, ethics, and motivations behind the global vaccination drive, sparking urgent calls for accountability and transparency.

Dr. Shoemaker
Scientific Proof why Vaccinated are Dying Suddenly
Heart Attacks
Athletes Dying Suddenly
Died Suddenly
Jim Ferguson
Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Heart Test
Cardiac Test
Elevated Cardiac Effort

That's exactly it, unfortunately so many thought this information was conspiracy theories and no amount of noise would convince them otherwise. God knows those of us that did our research knew how bad this was.

Made by "bad humans" for sure but good humans were - and still are - just standing by, doing nothing, in disbelief or just asleep, DELIBERATELY..
I was sacked and all my colleagues - ALL with clinical knowledge that we were being fed BS - stood by and did nothing. I don't know if i should keep trying to wake them up

anyone who takes another shot has a death wish

The truth is simple!
There is no virus!
There is no contagion!

Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!

It's a kill shot

Purposefully harmful….exactly right…

Just last week the unelected Prime Minister of Britain, Rishi Sunak, stood in Parliiament and lied to the Nation saying the jabs were safe and effective, JUST LAST WEEK!!!

Watching re run maybe now the lawyer's will pull their head out of their ass and start representing people

I refused to get the jab and still do. I don't trust a government that told a bunch of poor black men they wanted to inject them to treat them for STD's back in the 30's. Instead they actually injected them with STD's so they could study the results. It was called the Tuskeegee Experiment.

Bill Gates name keeps coming up.

Wow thank you so much for sharing this vital information to share share . thank you from Australia

Absolutely crazy. Pray for all of you victims of this poison jab

Very important that this gets disseminated to all Canadians and people around the world!

Dr. Lee Merritt said back in 2020 the mRNA jab was one part of a bio weapon. the Covid 19 "virus" was released ONLY to get the mRNA into the bodies of the people of the world. The jab was the primer, the natural virus was the trigger.

In 2001 my husband and I watched a documentary about what just happened with this Covid-19. It was a female doctor who left the USA, feared for her life but wanted to warn the world what they were planning!

She spoke about that they were making a deadly formula to be injected and how they were going about it to make people accept to take this injection by their free will. She said, it is not deadly in every bottle, as they are clever! Some are and some only makes people suffer illness that is bad enough and will need medication, some only H2O. The other danger was it changed people's brains...lowered their intelligence!

I never thought I would be alive when this happened ....but when I heard we were being forced to take this jab, or lose our jobs, it came back to me! So I lost my job! Still the hospital keeps pushing staff to have it, despite the mandate is over and despite seeing so many people died, even famous people, sport people, young and healthy or some got seriously ill from it. It is for sure, their way to get rid of depopulate down to 90% as Bill Gate tells us!

Download here: Covid-Vaccinated-Sherri-Moody-We-chose-happiness-Despite-Losing-All-Her-Limbs-2024-02-02.mp4 - 14,260 kb
By: KPRC 2 Click2Houston - 2nd February 2024
Covid Vaccinated Sherri Moody
'We chose happiness'
Despite Losing All Her Limbs
'We chose happiness': Former Deer Park teacher loses limbs, but navigates life's challenges with...

Wow how in the world did she get septic shock?

i know her and many other are suffering the same fate, because of taking the Vaccine

Sherri Moody is being touted as an incredibly brave poster child for Pfizer's 'Vaccinate the World campaign!'

If only more people would stop complaining about their adverse reactions to the mRNA bio-weapons, Big Pharma, the politicians and your doctor - will all be able to receive their big payouts with much less guilt.

Id rather not wake up with this situation. Horrendous

Australian Man Injured by
Pfizer Vaccine Wins 'Landmark'
Claim Against Employer

By: John-Michael Dumais, the Defender: CHILDREN'S HEALTH DEFENCE NEWS & VIEWS - 1st February 2024

Daniel Shepherd, who developed pericarditis after his employer required him to take Pfizer's COVID-19 booster, took his case to an employment tribunal, which ordered Shepherd's employer to pay worker's compensation benefits and reimburse him for medical expenses.

Australian Man Injured by Pfizer Vaccine Wins 'Landmark' Claim Against Employer

An Australian man who was injured after being forced to take the COVID-19 vaccine to keep his job will receive worker's compensation benefits and medical expense reimbursement, a South Australian Employment Tribunal ruled on Jan. 15.

Daniel Shepherd, a 44-year-old father, was employed as a youth worker at Baptist Care South Australia in 2021 when he took two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, to comply with his employer's mandate, according to Daily Mail.

Both jabs made him feel unwell but did not cause severe or debilitating symptoms.

Later the same year, Shepherd took a new job with the Department for Child Protection. In January 2022, his new employer required him to get a COVID-19 booster shot to keep his job.

On Feb. 25, 2022, a day after he was given the Pfizer mRNA booster, Shepherd developed severe chest pains.

The symptoms worsened until March 11, 2022, when fearing he was suffering a heart attack, he was rushed to a hospital where he was diagnosed with post-vaccine pericarditis.

"It felt like someone had their knee right in my chest," Shepherd told 9News.

A potentially life-threatening condition, pericarditis is characterized by inflammation of the pericardium, the sac-like membrane surrounding the heart.

Shepherd's injury was severe enough to limit him to a few months of part-time administrative work. His symptoms persist to this day.

"Even today with just mild exertion [I get] chest pains and then it's followed by fatigue, like severe fatigue," he said.

During the legal proceedings, representatives of the Department for Child Protection acknowledged the injury was caused by the mRNA vaccine, but argued that because the mandate was a legal government directive, it was excluded from worker's compensation liability under the South Australia Emergency Management Act.

But Judge Mark Calligeros, deputy president of the South Australia Employment Tribunal, disagreed. "It would be astonishing if parliament intended that an employee of the state, injured adhering to an EM (Emergency Management) Act direction, was to be precluded from receiving workers compensation."

"I am not satisfied that parliament intended to deny compensation to employees of the state injured by heeding a vaccination mandate designed to protect the health and welfare of citizens," he said in the ruling.

Calligeros said it would be "ironic and unjust" for the state to deny Shepherd financial and medical support when he was only "complying with the state's desire to preserve public health."

The judge ordered that Shepherd receive weekly income support payments and reimbursement of medical expenses. Under South Australian law, that means the Department for Child Protection is liable for the costs.

Many still 'struggling to get compensated'

Sydney human rights lawyer Peter Fam told journalist Rebekah Barnett the ruling was "a good decision" and an important precedent for holding employers accountable for injuries sustained as a result of workplace COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

Under Australian worker's compensation law, an employer is liable only if the workplace is "a significant contributing cause of the injury" and taking the vaccine must be "sufficiently related to his work and his employment," Fam said.

Shepherd's case was more unambiguous than many others seeking similar redress, Dr. Rado Faletic told Barnett, because two cardiologists were willing to confirm Shepherd's injury was caused by the vaccine.

Fam agreed, saying that compensation for less common diagnoses would be challenging "because there's still a lot of fear with doctors and medical professionals in admitting causation."

Faletic, a vaccine-injured scientist and the co-founder and director of COVERSE, an Australian COVID-19 vaccine injury support charity, said he was encouraged by the ruling. However, he added, "When it comes to people with unacknowledged diagnoses or unclear diagnoses, this is where people are struggling to get compensated."

Lamenting the plight of many Australians who have been fighting in the courts, Faletic said they often receive "paltry compensation offers" that fail to cover their legal costs or employment losses.

The strategy of seeking justice through the worker's compensation program is "the only remaining recourse," Faletic said. But the program's requirements are "way too narrow," paying less than 5% of the more than 3,000 claims submitted in its first 18 months.

Barnett, author of the Substack "Dystopian Down Under," told The Defender the Shepherd ruling was a landmark win.

"When it comes to COVID vaccine mandate cases, the ruling rarely goes in the employee's favor," she said.

Barnett pointed to an article by "Dr. Ah Kahn Syed" (pseudonym) on "Arkmedic's blog" Substack criticizing Australia's Fair Work Commission as "captured" and "a tool of the state."

Syed cited examples of nepotism, favoritism, bullying, denial of Freedom of Information Act requests, coercion of employees, lack of independence and other evidence supporting his claims of the commission's "unfair" practices.

"What is happening in the 'post-pandemic' society is entirely enabled by the 'greater good' concept," Syed wrote, "where your bodily autonomy is irrelevant whilst 'the needs of society' are more important."

Barnett shared the example of the five Sydney Trains employees, who were initially awarded back pay by the Fair Work Commission after being wrongly told to stand down for 10 months for failing to comply with their employer's COVID-19 vaccination policy.

"Sydney Trains appealed, and the decision was overturned," she said.

On the positive side, New South Wales (NSW) teacher Diane Dawking won her case for psychological injury related tothe NSW Department of Education's rollout of the vaccine mandate, Barnett said.

But most other vaccine-injured Australians are not so lucky, Barnett said. "Anecdotally, most don't have the resources or energy to fight it out in the courts, so they either accept lowball offers or just give up," she said.

Class action suits underway

With the difficulties getting reparation from the courts and Fair Work Commission, some Australians are turning to class action suits, according to Barnett.

One such suit was filed in the Federal Court of Australia in April 2023 by Dr. Melissa McCann against the Therapeutic Goods Administration (roughly equivalent to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration) for "negligence and misfeasance in public office" in its failure to properly approve and monitor the COVID-19 vaccines, resulting in harms to Australians. The class action suit is still taking on members.

Barnett told The Defender:

"Even though there have been over 1,000 deaths and almost 140,000 adverse events reported to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in relation to the COVID vaccines, the TGA maintains that adverse events are rare, that reports are not necessarily causally linked, and that only 14 Australians have died as a result of vaccination.

"Yet, the TGA has also admitted that it does not assess all adverse event reports to determine causality, so how can it know the extent of COVID vaccine harm in Australia? It can't, and it doesn't."

Another COVID-19 class action lawsuit currently in development targets Pfizer and Moderna directly, and will attempt to show their products meet the Australian definition of genetically modified organisms, for which the plaintiffs allege the companies failed to apply for the proper licenses.

It's becoming "less taboo" for Australians to discuss stories about vaccine injuries, Barnett said, citing as evidence the mainstream media's coverage of the Shepherd story, which was also picked up by MSN Australia. Canberra Daily even ran Barnett's Substack article.

"That said, I notice that unless people have experienced Covid vaccine injury - either themselves, or in their family or close network - they remain fairly unconcerned by it and believe injuries and deaths to be exceedingly rare," she said.

I am so happy for Mr Shepherd. He was blessed to have his case decided by an honest Judge of sound mind!

Yes but too bad for the 40,000 + vaccine induced myocarditis deaths, for a fake vax that doesn't work, other than making trillions for the industrial medical complex, i.e. money to buy off politicians, & the FDA CDC etc. and grease the palms of TV & media advertising! Satan must be very proud of his boys!

This whole situation is so criminal!!!

Looking forward to hearing more lawsuits in favor of forced employees

The only reason any MSM in Australia is reporting this now is because stories like this will keep piling up and, before they are called out for suppressing big news, they would rather try to get citizens to start trusting them again. But don't worry. Next pandemic they will go back to bending over and serving their masters. MSM is dead. Don't ever ever ever listen to nor read their new stories which only prolongs any shred of relevance they may have left..

They destroy hearts with that shot. Hearts are life.

Angry Voter
Financially destroy every company that mandated the shot.

Peter van der Stam
1000 or 14, is not worth to think (according to the governments)
Shame on them.

1000 or 14, what? 40 thousand + have died from the worthless clot shot and millions harmed!

Anyone that mandated or encouraged the mandating of the covid shots should be brought up on charges under the Nuremberg Treaty as these shots were experimental and should have never been forced on anyone. Way past time for Nuremberg second set of trials to start with Fauci being the first charged.

Too Many Dead
An inquiry into
Australia's excess mortality

By: Australian Medical Professionals' Socety (AMPS) - 1st February 2024
Too Many Dead: An inquiry into Australia's excess mortality

Too Many Dead: An inquiry into Australia's excess mortality

Download here:

Ethical doctors and scientists investigate what is killing so many Australians

Australians are dying at disturbing rates, beginning in 2021. Political and medical authorities continue to ignore this. The Australian Senate voted against holding an inquiry into this excess mortality, but independent, committed Australian medical people have conducted an investigation.

This book shows that even the inadequate pharmacovigilance systems of global regulators reveal alarming numbers of adverse events, disability and death. Australia is in the midst of a health crisis, and this analysis indicates it is iatrogenic. Too many people are dead and harmed. Australians deserve accountability, transparency and justice.  

Purchasing this book supports AMPS in its mission to end medical censorship and restore medical ethics.

This book is freely downloadable but a donation to help cover the costs involved and to assist us to provide free hard copies to our medical and political authorities would be greatly appreciated. Any excess funds support our medico-legal fighting fund and future campaign actions.

It may at first seem an extraordinary thing to say, but the fact is that Australia is currently experiencing a prolonged elevated rate of death across all age groups. An examination of the official figures shows rates in the vicinity of 12-17% above baseline averages, rates never seen since wartime. They leapt up in early 2021 and continue at unusual levels to this day.

In response to the globally declared COVID-19 pandemic, Australian medical and political authorities enforced unscientific and profoundly unethical public health measures such as extended lockdowns, border closures, school closures, forced masking and mandated novel vaccines still clearly in the experimental phase of development.

There is no credible evidence that the non-pharmaceutical or pharmaceutical public health interventions enforced reduced mortality and kept people "safe".

The unprecedented excess deaths being seen in Australia are also being seen globally, with many countries witnessing disturbing trends in death from all causes, the majority of which are not attributable to COVID-19.

The scale of death suggests we are in the midst of an actual disaster. The fact that it appears silent alters nothing. Too many extra Australians are dying and yet almost none of our public health officials, politicians or medical colleges and associations seem interested in finding out why. We seem to be confronted by administrative wilful blindness. Failure of the authorities to seek answers in fact shows a reckless disregard for the lives of Australians. It is past time for us to demand an answer to what is causing these deaths and how to stop them. If the government really cares about keeping people "safe" why is there such a refusal to inquire?

Senator Ralph Babet put forward two motions in the Senate seeking acknowledgement and an investigation into Australia's concerning excess death data. On March 23rd, 2023 he proposed a select committee of inquiry.

Senator Babet pursuant to notice of motion not objected to as a formal motion, moved a general business notice of motion no. 194 -

  • That a select committee, to be known as the Select Committee on Australia's Excess Mortality, be established to inquire into and report on (this issue)….

But the motion was defeated 35 to 4. Then again, regarding the Australian Bureau of Statistics Mortality date, on March 24th, 2023, a motion was moved by Senator Babet asking that the Senate acknowledge:

  • There has been a concerning number of excess deaths in Australia in 2021 and 2022, as evidenced by recent all-cause provisional mortality data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and
  • There is a need for further inquiry and scrutiny as to the reasons for these excess deaths, including why dementia and diabetes have seen significant increases in recent years.

The motion was defeated 30 to 29.

Since it appears those who have been entrusted to serve and protect the people refuse to fulfil their duty to seek answers, the Australian Medical Professionals' Society will do so. AMPS, as an association of medical professionals dedicated to ethical evidence-based healthcare, is undertaking an inquiry that no one else will address. It is our duty as health professionals to make our patient's health and safety our first priority. AMPS will be holding an inquiry into Australia's excess mortality on Wednesday, October 18th in Parliament House, Canberra. We have called for submissions from national and international experts as well as from the TGA, ATAGI and the Department of Health.

The number of dying Australians constitutes an unfolding catastrophe and we owe it to all those dead Australians and their grieving families and friends to investigate what is killing people at such an alarming rate. Failing to seek answers is negligent and far beyond disrespectful.

The results of this inquiry will be made available to all Australians. The published report will be provided to all stakeholders, medical regulatory and political authorities, and to medical colleges and associations.

Presenters & Inquiry Contributors:

Dr Aseem Malhotra
Dr Phillip Altman
Professor Norman Fenton
Dr Jeyanthi Kunadhasan
Tore Gulbrandsen
Dr Astrid Lefringhausen
Dr Andrew Madry
Ed Dowd
Clare Pain
Dr Jessica Rose
Dr Wilson Sy
Dr Clare Craig
Dr Joseph Fraiman
Kevin McKernan
Dr Monique O'Connor
Dr Geoff Pain

Scottish-Covid-Bereaved-lawyer-rips-into-shameful-SNP-for-destroying-critical-evidence-Care-Homes-turned-into-Killing-Grounds-2024-02-28.mp4 - 6,291 kb
By: The Scottish Sun - 28th January 2024
Scottish Covid Bereaved lawyer
rips into 'shameful' SNP
for destroying critical evidence
Care Homes turned into Killing Grounds

#scotland #politics #humzaYousaf

Scottish Covid Bereaved group lawyer, Aamer Anwar ripped into the Scottish government outside the the UK Covid-19 Inquiry, where Humza Yousaf had been giving evidence.

Mr Anwar said: 'WhatsApps, whilst announcing an external review to the handling of WhatsApps by the government.

The covid bereaved regard the first minister's statement as too little and too late.

The damage has been done, the evidence has been destroyed and today was nothing more than a shameful 11th hour scrambling to sort out a mess created by his government and predecessors.

Critical evidence was destroyed on an industrial scale.

My clients are angry at the circling of the wagons around Nicola Sturgeon, which has meant that the focus is not been on the thousands who died from Covid.

It's time that the first Minister, Hamza Yusuf, stop acting like a cheerleader for his former boss Nicola Sturgeon.

He has failed to take control.

His government has been dragged into disclosing evidence to the public inquiry on a slow drip feed WhatsApp during the critical period of the pandemic.

For the first eight months of 2020 between Les Lloyd, the chief of staff, and Nicola Sturgeon prior to September 1st 2020 no longer exist.

How very convenient the Scottish Covid Bere fought for this inquiry in December.

Families who lost loved ones during the Covid-19 pandemic have said they were "scunnered" with First Minister Humza Yousaf's evidence to the inquiry on Thursday and said it had given them "no answers".

The First Minister gave evidence to the UK Covid-19 inquiry on Thursday where he made an "unreserved apology" to families over the Scottish Government's handling of WhatsApp messages exchanged throughout the pandemic.

If only people realised what has really happened here, the real truth is more sinister than people will ever want to admit.

Jail them all.

I wear my tin hat with pride. These tyrants should be jailed for complete and utter dereliction of duty.

We were locked in our homes for no reason and they killed thousands in care homes. Never forget never forgive

Justice for the vaccine injured. I stand with you all.

The truth always rises to the top. Their day will come. RIP to all the victims of The Great Deception.

Not good enough. Criminal charges need brought to bear. Sturgeon and Freeman should be serving time.

The important question is how many are dying and injured from the experimental biological jabbing projects?

The Covid in my eyes was like an undercover WW3 bringing the world to its knees (SHUT DOWN) economically and financially without dropping one bomb!

Trying to hide the fact the whole thing was a big con.

biggest cover up in history

This is BS…it's electronic, nothing is destroyed, just takes time to recover which the police should be doing right NOW!!

I wonder how will Robert the Bruce, William Wallace and Rabbie Burns will think of Scotland right now.

Scotland deserves better.

Download here: Top-Doctor-Blows-The-Whistle-Admits-Vaccinated-Are-Developing-Full-Blown-AIDS-VAIDS-2024-01-27.mp4 - 74,244 kb
By: The People's Voice - 27th January 2024
Top Doctor Blows The Whistle,
Admits Vaccinated Are Developing
Full Blown AIDS - VAIDS
  • AIDS: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
  • VAIDS: Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

A world renowned cardiologist and epidemiologist has blown the whistle, revealing that staggering numbers of vaccinated people around the world are now being diagnosed HIV positive.

During a recent interview, Dr. Peter McCullough warned that a grand total of nine peer-reviewed studies have recently warned that the experimental Covid mRNA vaccines are causing a huge spike in the number of positive HIV tests in heavily vaccinated countries around the world.

But McCullough clarified that the jabs do not give people HIV – the situation for the vaccinated is actually worse than even that.

As McCullough explained, the positive HIV diagnoses are actually caused by the vaccinated suffering extreme immunodeficiency.

You would think the mainstream media would accept this is a sign there is something very wrong with the Covid mRNA roll-out. But rather than report on the nine peer-reviewed medical research articles, which were all published in prestigious journals, the mainstream media is attempting to sweep the information about mRNA under the carpet and continue the great cover up of this crime against humanity.

Trending News
Dr. Peter McCullough

Download here: Turbo-AIDS-Set-To-Kill-BILLIONS-After-Disease-X-Rollout-Bill-Gates-Insider-Warns-2024-01-23.mp4 - 82,707 kb
By: The People's Voice - 23rd January 2024

'Turbo-AIDS' Set To Kill BILLIONS
After 'Disease X' Rollout!
Bill Gates Insider Warns

The global elite are using the World Economic Forum in Davos to boast about a range of new vaccines that they claim will allow them to change the world.

The timing could not be more suspicious, with so-called Disease X stalking the planet, while the elite working on a new vaccine for a disease that apparently doesn't exist.

If the Covid pandemic taught us anything, it's that new vaccines must be scrutinized closely, and the global elite are determined to depopulate the world.

Bill Gates' new HIV vaccine has AIDS as a possible side-effect which raises the question – is Disease X just VAIDS dressed up in fancy new clothes?

*** Also footage on Pfizer's henious crimes and criminality; as well as how Anthony Fauci has been creating drugs and diseases to reduce the World's population. ***

Trending News
Turbo aids
disease X
Bill Gates
Davos 2024
World Economic Forum
HIV vaccine

Arrest Fauci and Gates for genocidal crimes against humanity.

Billy goats (gates of hell) needs "Turbo aid" of getting the he11 off of this planet!
Better yet the ugly sob needs a rope or a bullet!
(preferably after torturing the ugly satan-worshiping pos for...let's say for 66 hrs and 6 minutes!)

That Fauci is still walking free is all the evidence you need to see that evil reign supreme.

What a horror show... Gates has gotten away with so many crimes for so long that he feels he can do anything now. No one seems to stop this Monster... So. Kill us all Bill !!

Such evil masterminds in our world today.

Thanks for connecting the dots between one of the first bioweapons released on our own population by the US government's military Department of the Defense. Albeit the gay community was easy fodder for homophobic psychopaths. ActUP! was really the gay liberation movement's last gasp before being captured by US neoliberal deep state operatives.

Bill Gates is neither a doctor nor a scientist, just a nerd with money, to influence the unethical Global community

Ohhhh, the BIG Big Scary.

The mother WEFfers are stinkin' scared of We The People.

The stink of Desperation. Pathetic.

Isn't there an arrest warrant active against Gates in India?

We need to see evil gates get one of each vaccines he invested in. I'm sure his family are excluded from all jabs.


Why not shut down the BioChem level 4 Labs who are producing very exotic viruses as war weapons?

Covid is a MAN MADE VIRUS - IT CAME OUT OF WUHAN LAB EXPERIMENTS. We would not have exotic virus's if we did not have these labs. Gates is an IT guy....electrical...what qualifies him to be involved with our health care? If he wasn't supporting experiments with viruses we would not need vaccines. Humanity has survived thousands of years without Davos and Bill Gates. Notice he never talks about improving the food delivery chains....he just want to vaccinate people why? to genocide 2 billion people that is this demon's goal. KEEP YOUR GUNS!

WEF is a disease. Fire & lead is the cure. They R just modern day NAZI'S. They need to be exterminated once & forever. Every member hung by the neck until dead. No quarter.

Download here: Floridas-surgeon-general-recently-called-for-a-halt-in-Covid-vaccines-due-to-Covid-vaccine-injuries-2024-01-23.mp4 - 23,137 kb
By: Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson - 23rd January 2024
Florida's surgeon general recently
called for a halt in Covid vaccines
due to Covid vaccine injuries

Vaccine Trials | Full Measure

Florida's surgeon general recently called for a halt in Covid vaccines due to safety questions, while the federal government continues to heavily promote them for adults and kids alike. Today we begin with a little-told story about Covid vaccine injuries. It's the story of Maddie, one of the children who took part in Pfizer's vaccine study on children. It's a remarkable account of what happened when Maddie got very, very sick, leading to accusations that Pfizer, the FDA, and the study leaders tried to bury her case.

Download: Italian-Police-Unions-Sound-the-Alarm-Over-Surge-in-Officer-Deaths-Post-COVID-19-Vaccination-2024-01-21.mp4 - 67,578 kb
By: Aussie17 & Hot_Topic - 21st January 2024
Italian Police Unions Sound the
Alarm Over Surge in Officer Deaths
Post-COVID-19 Vaccinations

On January 20, 2024, journalist and TV presenter Karina Michelin shed light on a concerning situation within the Italian Police Union (OSA). The union has urgently appealed to the authorities, flagging a worrying occurrence of illnesses and sudden deaths within its ranks. These incidents have sparked grave concerns regarding a potential link to the COVID-19 vaccinations. With a firm resolve, the OSA is calling for transparency and an exhaustive inquiry into these mysterious and unsettling developments.

In a recent statement, the Union disclosed a surge in health-related issues post-vaccination, marked by a mysterious rise in mortality rates among seemingly healthy officers. The rising death toll has rattled the police force, raising questions and commanding action.

"Here we have young colleagues, 29, 34, 40 years old – but people who were well. In the last month, from December 15th until today, I became aware of seven police officers who died suddenly. In the last year, we are almost at 50, if not more." Antonio Porto, Secretary-General of the Italian Police Union, emphasized.

These startling numbers come amidst an absence of official data, pressing the Union to demand comprehensive records from the General Directorate. The OSA has formally reached out to the Ministry of the Interior for a precise account of the deaths, pointing out an "exponential increase in sudden deaths from diseases among state police officers."

This concern isn't isolated. The penitentiary police are also sounding the alarm. Aldo Di Giacomo, Secretary-General of the Penitentiary Police Union, shared equally alarming numbers during an appearance on the Italian program "Fori dal Coro."

"In the last 13 months, we had 41 penitentiary police officers who died of sudden deaths, with a 200% increase compared to previous years," Di Giacomo reported. "But these data on these sudden deaths worry us, and not a little."

The Italian Police Unions are now confronting a deeply concerning trend, pressing the authorities for an investigation to uncover the truth behind these incidents.

As the Unions await a response from the government, the need for action has never been clearer.

Transparency, data, and the welfare of the officers are at the forefront of this urgent inquiry. The Italian police serve and protect the public - now they seek protection and answers for their own ranks.

Signing off for now

vaccination injured
corona virus
bill gates

Medical clinics and hospitals in USA are denying life-saving Ivermectin medicine even with court orders.

Big Pharma doing all that they can to push the vaxx and inoculate us while effective and cheap COVID cures exist. There turns out to be censorship that we have never seen before for those who are looking for these treatments. We say over and over again that indepenedent researchers found Ivermectin safe and very effective for these Flu-Corona symptoms. If you want to get Ivermectin you can visit

safe and effective right?

If you wrote the names of all the dead police officers on a cricket bat and smacked each persons face at the CDC and FDA 50 times for each death.. they would still tell you it's not the vaccine.

NOW the unions care? They're probably worried about collecting less member dues.

Absolutely devastating.

"The silence is deafening".

Well, due to the epidemic of "bafflement" even the Canadian hospital physicians couldn't help themselves, all succumbing to the Darwin Award. Perhaps the Italian police are smarter? We can live in faint hope.

Their colleagues DownUnder haven't a prayer.

Here in New Zealand Voices for Freedom (VFF) and supporters fought long and hard to gain exemptions to COVID Vaccinations. The biggest success was the NZ Government granting this to the NZ Police and Armed Forces. Ironic may be the word for what transpired later at the Parliament Ground where the Demonstrators were brutally attacked by the Police when resisting eviction.

I would like to know how many of the force used this gift we gave them and how many may have died .

See You tube for the full documentary RIVER OF FREEDOM . It was top of the Movie Theatre list for weeks!

Vaccine mandate order overturned for Police and Defence Force

Jacques Uze
How awful. Thank you for writing this.

Download: Unvaccinated-Novak-Djokovic-raises-the-bar-in-tweet-addressing-vaccinated-critics-death-2024-01-21.mp4 - 9,828 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 21st January 2024
Unvaccinated Novak Djokovic
'raises the bar' in tweet addressing
vaccinated critic's death

Tennis star Novak Djokovic recently "raised the bar" in a tweet addressing one of his "biggest" critics' recent death, Sky News host James Macpherson says.

"One of Novak's biggest critics, sports journalist Mike Dickson, tragically collapsed and died while covering the tennis last week," Mr Macpherson said.

"He called Novak 'a deplorable, a fanatic, a dangerous quack' – he wrote 'Novak's reputation had been trashed beyond repair.'"

Mr Novak left a message on Twitter reading: 'Condolences to Mike Dickson's family. Rest in peace.'

The Serbian tennis star's critics have "never" been so gracious toward him and the champion continues to "raise the bar" both on, and off the court, Mr Macpherson said.

3 years ago and today Djokovic is G.O.A.T.
He stood up against tyranny when the Australian people had lost their balls.

Mr Novak Djokovic is a man who believes in himself and sticks to his convictions...a true leader and not a follower!!!

Novak is a living legend! Glad to be living in this area where hero's with integrity are rare and then there's Novak standing up for his rights and ours, even that ungrateful sheep's rights in the stand.

Novak faught alone against whole world and won. Greatest human alive.

Que falta de respeto. Unos cobardes que no se atreven a decirlo a la cara. Y se esconden entre otros, como siempre. What a lack of respect. Some cowards who don't dare say it to his face. And they hide among others, as always.

I'm from Serbia. Novak is our National Hero. What Australian Deep State has done to Novak 2 years ago is unforgivable and we, people of Serbia hope Australians are waking up...

Novak isn't Australian.
As far as I'm Concerned he is an Australian Champion
For the Australian People.

People do not learn. Novak is special.

Nothing but respect for Novak

I respect the hell out of the guy.. With all the money and connections he has he could of easily got a doctor to falsify that he got the jab but he stuck to his principles even though he knew he wouldn't be able to play many tournaments, losing the ability to play for trophies which matters for a players legacy and not to mention money he lost which was probably over a million dollars. People got the jab because they were scared about not being able to go to a Cafe

Novax is an Australian hero - RESPECT

Novak is a treasure. A modern day hero for human rights and a gift to tennis. While austrailia and it's political dictatorship and authoritarian rule over tennis are a disgrace to itself and to sports and freedom! . .

Thank you Nole, you are a true believer in freedom and the right to choose, way beyond the scope of tennis/sports.

Download: Novak-Djokovics-PERSECUTION-at-the-Australian-Open-takes-an-INSANE-twist-Covid-Vaccine-Crusader-Mike-Dickson-dies-2024-01-20.mp4 - 10,430 kb
By: Australians vs. The Agenda - 20th January 2024
The tale of Novak Djokovic's
PERSECUTION at the Australian
Open takes an INSANE twist - Covid
Vaccine Crusader Mike Dickson dies!

Let's all act surprised.

Covid Vaccine Crusader Mike Dickson dies!

Covid Vaccine Crusader Mike Dickson dies!

Covid Vaccine Crusader Mike Dickson dies!

WHO - Covid Kill Shots really work, if Genocide is your goal!

NEW: 59-year old sports reporter Mike Dickson, who despised tennis star Novak Djokovic for not getting vaccinated, suddenly dies while covering the Australian Open.

Holy shit.

Dickson, who constantly shamed Djokovic for not getting vaccinated, collapsed and died according to a statement.

"We are devastated to announce that our wonderful husband and Dad, Mike, has collapsed and died while in Melbourne for the Aus Open," the statement read.

"Novak Djokovic could ruin his chances of becoming the GOAT by refusing to take the vaccine… it is a strange hill to die on for a player who is so desperate to be loved," was one of the many anti-Djokovic headlines Dickson wrote.

At the moment, it is unclear what exactly caused Dickson's death.


One thing we do have is 100% certainly that Djokovic has not died suddenly nor have heart ailments or blockages that might be caused by the vaccines.
And that was always Djokovic's point.
And that does NOT make Djokovic evil.
Why were people offended by that?

It's "unclear", but sudden deaths are all pointing to one new variable.

One thing is for sure: Reporters shouldn't lecture professional athletes about their health.

They know what they're doing.

That's sad. Also sad: The public vitriol directed towards the unvaccinated during the abominable Covid pandemic response.

The mRNA "vaccines" don't stop the spread. Thus, it's none of anyone's damn business if someone takes them or not. It's a personal health choice.

What a disgraceful time in Australia's history.

Not only is he the greatest tennis player to pick up a racquet, he's also a great man who has principles and is willing to stand by them. That's rare these days.

History will show that Novak will not only become the most successful men's players to lift a racket but that he was also a man of deep conviction and principle.

What happened with novak was a real eye opener for me, the amount of bullying and manipulation was disgusting.

As an Australian, I hope he wins this years (2024) Australian Open!

The best thing about being a crazy conspiracy theorist is no myocarditis

I'm Australian and I was embarrassed at the sheepole who hadn't done their medical research and criticised Djokovic. He is amazing for keeping strong and not following the narrative!

To say that Novak is desperate to be loved is the exact opposite of his actions. He took a stand knowing that he would get backlash. That is not what people do who are desperate to be loved by the public.

Novax, the undisputable GOAT on and off the court. Thank you Australians Vs. The Agenda for the most powerful 96-second video.

The treatment Novak received , and still receives from some blissfully ignorant Australians was and is shameful.
Turned out he was correct all along , and some who swallowed the unjustified fabricated fear and took the injection , are sadly no longer alive to see Novak's redemption.

What a great guy. Couldve easily got a fake pass most probably and still didn't. Respect.

Vaccination injury compensable
Employment "a significant contributing
to pericarditis (South Australia)
By: CCH Pinpoint - 19th January 2024

Vaccine injury compensation scheme

[The following article is from:]

A youth worker who developed pericarditis after his third COVID-19 vaccination will receive weekly compensation and medical expenses, having convinced the South Australian Employment Tribunal that his injury was work-related.

The youth worker, Mr Shepherd, worked in a residential care setting for the Department for Child Protection. A "Major Emergency" concerning the pandemic had been declared under the Emergency Management Act 2004 (EM Act), and Mr Shepherd was required under 2 directions issued under the EM Act to receive a third (booster) dose of the COVID-19 vaccine within a specified 4 month period to engage in his work and duties. A letter from his employer also required him to provide evidence of his third dose, and he and his supervisor exchanged texts about the Department's direction.

Since developing post vaccine pericarditis after the third dose, Mr Shepherd had only worked for a few months in a part-time administrative capacity. The employer admitted the pericarditis was caused by the third booster vaccination. However, it denied liability for workers compensation, arguing that it was the lawful State Government vaccination directive that relevantly caused the injury rather than his employment.

Alternatively, it argued that liability was excluded under the EM Act (s 32A).

The Tribunal rejected the employer's causation argument, that his injury arose as a result of both the vaccination mandate and his employment. A compensable injury need only be "a significant contributing cause" to his injury rather than its only or most significant cause (Return to Work Act 2014 (SA), s 7). The Tribunal also rejected the legislative exclusion defence, because the EM Act (s 32A) does not unmistakably and unambiguously defeat an otherwise valid workers compensation claim, which would be required to override provisions of another Act which are well known and understood. The second reading speech of the EM Bill suggested the liabilities s 32A sought to avoid were unforeseen and novel rather than a well-known and established liability like workers compensation.

The Tribunal concluded that the rejection of Mr Shepherd's claim should be set aside and the employer be ordered to pay weekly compensation and medical expenses, with the parties to submit draft orders to that effect.

Source: Shepherd v The State of South Australia (in right of the Department for Child Protection) [2024] SAET 2, 15 January 2024.

To compare this outcome to other vaccination cases, see the comparative table at 1-190 -

Vaccination injury compensable. Employment "a significant contributing cause" to pericarditis (South Australia)

NZ and the MRNA

The South Australian Employment Tribunal rules that employers are responsible for compensating employees who acquire vaccine injuries from work directives.

A significant precedent for the injured who have been wrongfully denied workers compensation

Young man who developed Pericarditis from his employment mandate, will now be paid ONGOING WEEKLY COMPENSATION AND MEDICAL EXPENSES BY EMPLOYER

This is a potential precedent setting ruling that should have NZ employers in a massive sweat

Phillip Davey
The government forced the enforcement of covid mandates on employees
So I'll be forwarding that on to the government they forced employer's to enforce it on employees

Reefer Madness
This was pushed on me for my business to keep its contract, the big corporations pushed it down onto smaller companies to communicate it out to any contractors working on their project. They knew it was risky legally to enforce it so tried to have the smaller players enforce it and take on the liability. Luckily i knew it would not be audited in any way as they understood the legal risks and they were essentially being bullied by companies with more money and better lawyers. The only benefit is that if this happens again the government will get a lot more pushback from companies due to rulings like this.

Frank davis
So "employment" not the experimental shot they were forced to get is what's causing heart problems.

Got it.

Sadly it is by design. The WEF knew that people would look to hold those responsible to account. Hence the 2 weeks of meetings Adern had with Pfizer's lawyers prior to mandate. Adern was quite willing to indemnify Pfizer from prosecution for murder. With your money.

Download here: UK-Child-excess-deaths-8-percent-2024-01-18.mp4 - 10,430 kb
By: Dr. John Campbell - 18th January 2024
UK child excess deaths, 8%

Full speech from Dr. Johnson

This is a very important debate and I will try to make my speech as short as possible. I congratulate the hon. Member for North West Leicestershire on raising this issue and on his determination to highlight the challenges that we are facing. On the one hand, we might have expected that the pandemic would shorten the lives of a number of our more frail citizens and thus have expected a fall in deaths post-pandemic, and we saw that. The ONS reported roughly 608,000 deaths in England and Wales in 2020, 586,000 in 2021, and 577,000 in 2022—that was higher than 2019 when there were about 531,000 deaths, so that does warrant further inspection. We expect a fluctuation year on year, and we also expect

Toggle showing location of Column 221WH
the total number of deaths to increase year on year as the population increases and ages. We therefore look at the five-year average, and currently we are using 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021 and 2022 because of the outliers in 2020. Even then, it is unlikely that we will be exactly at the average, and we would expect some years to be higher or lower.

The ONS monthly mortality analysis shows that, in 2022, there were 32,000 more deaths than the five-year average, and in January to July 2023, there were 21,809 more. That equates to an annualised figure of around 37,000, but the figures appear to stop in July 2023. Would the Minister advise as to why the data series has been discontinued? It would be helpful if it were not. However, those are raw numbers and we must be cautious because, as the population ages and increases, so will the number of deaths. The ONS therefore uses the age-standard mortality rate, which has fluctuated month on month but is actually down for both 2022 and 2023 when compared with the five-year average. Overall, when adjusted for age and population size, the number of deaths is not excessive, given what we would expect.

We need to look further at the trends on age and the causes of death to see a fuller picture. Others will no doubt speak of rising cardiovascular disease in men, the late presentation of cancers or the rise in liver disease, but as a consultant paediatrician, I would like to focus on children. The National Child Mortality

Database collates data on children's deaths from nought to 18. Its latest bulletin from March 2023 shows that there were sadly 3,743 deaths to the end of that month, which is an increase of 8% on the previous year. Would the Minister comment on what investigation she is doing into the cause of that increased mortality and what is being done to prevent further deaths? The purpose of the child death overview panel is to investigate those deaths, but the average investigation is taking 392 days, with less than half completed in 12 months and a significant fall in the number being completed in 12 months. What is the Minister doing to improve that process?

One particularly distressing feature of child death data is that suicide or deliberate self-harm was a primary cause of death of children between 10 and 17 years, and looking at the data, it is getting much worse with children between 10 and 14. I understand that the Government are aware of those figures and are investing in mental health for children and improving online safety. I would be grateful if the Minister elaborated further on the steps they are taking to support children and prevent further tragedies.

Direct link to parliament TV,

Link to Hansard full transcript,

Our 28 yr old son has three friends whose new born babies have died unexpectedly within one week of birth. That's in Austria where they made life hell for those who wouldn't get the "jab". This is unforgivable.

I will never forgive them coercing parents to get children 'Jabbed'. That Is a crime and should punished.

Thank you, Dr. John.

There just aren't words to express my rage at what we did, and are still doing here in the US, to our kids.

They are going against the innocent. Protect your children at all cost. Thank you Dr. Campbell for keeping us well informed.

These excess deaths are an example of crimes against humanity. Thank you dr Campbell

Parents still vaccinating their children ? What are they waiting for ? a moratorium ? hard to believe people cannot figure out what is going on. It is tragic on so many levels.

I lost my youngest to suicide in April of 22. He was the only one of my children to take the special government-recommended treatments and became very depressed shorly after. This is a known and reported effect of the treatment, but is rarely discussed.

Thank you Mr Campbell. You are followed and loved by many of us Americans. We watched you wake up to the non sense. We know you practiced medicine and had full trust in the medical system. We watched you in real time realize things are not as we were being told. You do wonderful work that we all need. Thank you sir.

Thank you, and please continue your efforts to bring light to the excess deaths. It is bad enough that we lost so many elderly people, but losing a young child has to be one of the most devasting things a family can experience.

My daughter's a medical receptionist and only yesterday she came home horrified to see the delivery of Covid vaccines for children, this has to stop!

Download here: Breaking-news-DISEASE-X-DOES-NOT-EXIST-we-Have-Proof-2024-01-18.mp4 - 21,478 kb
By: MustangMedic - 18th January 2024
Breaking news:
We Have Proof!

#breakingnews #diseasex

Note from The extremely dangerous DISEASE X, which is 20 times more dangerous than the original Covid-19 bio-weapon (despite being unknown and nonexistent) - is a 'concept' - a 'placeholder' - waiting for a new bio-weapon to be manufactured with a subsequent bio-weapon vaccine.

Don't be alarmed or take it personally though, as it's just business as usual for the Satanists and self styled elite!

God is in total control

Defund WEF, WHO and US, cdc. Tax the Gates Foundation.

Thank you brother I haven't got a shot for over 15 years because I am 70 years old and I speak the word of God over my life, 1st John 4:4. He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world, Isaiah 54:17. No weapon formed against me shall prosper,

If the last 3 years hasn't woken you up, nothing can save you. Keep taking your boosters! For the rest of us, a revolution is coming!!!

Nothing says they are behind it more then calling it before it happens

Disease "X" is freedom of speech.
Wef's biggest #1 concern is mis-information.

I can't believe how many people still dont get what's happening.There is no getting through to some ....

Thank you, MM. I was freaking out last night after I listened to a podcast talking about it.

Thank you for debunking this.

I will not ever believe them because I see what they have been doing for over a hundred years.

We never wore a mask ,never took a jab ,never social distanced ,ignored all lockdowns and we'll do the same again

Hey big guy. So glad your back. Sure did miss you. Not sure how long you've been back but darn glad you showed back up on my radar. Only one ever that showed all those busses back 3 years ago. Stay safe and i look forward to all your vlogs. God bless

When the 1st pandemic happened.. I was IMMEDIATELY SPEAKING OUT AGAINST IT.

But I woke up in 2009. Was homeless from 2013-2018. So I KNOW what's up!

I used to live in the PNW but I left that area at end of 2019. I now live in the center of the country. Small town.


Download here: WEF-Insider-Admits-Disease-X-Will-Be-Final-Solution-To-Depopulate-6-Billion-Souls-2024-01-18.mp4 - 73,231 kb
By: The People's Voice - 18th January 2024
WEF Insider Admits 'Disease X'
Will Be Final Solution
To Depopulate 6 Billion Souls

The World Economic Forum starts this week in Davos where Klaus Schwab and his unelected bureaucrats will give center stage to a virus that the elite are warning will kill twenty times more people than Covid.

The WEF and the Bill Gates funded World Health Organization are joining forces to prime "Disease X" in their final push for the Pandemic Treaty which will strip the nations of the world of their sovereignty and officially sign then up to the New World Order's global government.

For those who have been paying attention, the emergence of Disease X closely mirrors the shadowy origins of the Covid plandemic, with Bill Gates and the WHO holding tabletop exercises, the mainstream media disseminating fake news, and Klaus Schwab pontificating about casualties.

The similarities are so uncanny that we have to stop and ask, is Disease X the "pandemic that will get everyone's attention" that Bill Gates and his ex-wife gleefully warned us about?

Trending News
Disease X
Bill Gates
World Economic Forum
Klaus Schwab

Bill Gates wants Death Panels on every street corner.

Chinese portable crematoriums in high demand... Chinese portable crematoriums in high demand...

Bill Gates wants Death Panels set up to more quickly exterminate unwanted humans. The Chinese are now supplying Mobile Crematoriums for more efficiently ridding the Earth of unwanted humans. Yet the average 'normie' just watches on and says nothing, at least until their arse hits the flames!!

Disease X is merely a cover for the massive uptick in deaths coming from the Jabs in the first place. THAT, is what is coming...

I'd rather take my chances with the disease than add a jab into me. Nothing coming from WEF Clowns and sidekicks is any good.

No such virus exists! Don't fall for their garbage - its all about the injections!!

Please START with Klaus - WE WILL NOT COMPLY

Disease X is just another scare tactic to overthrow another presidential election .

Go watch Mustang Medic! "Disease X" DOES NOT EXIST! It has never existed and it never will.
And really people, if the sheeple fall for this crap again...I will not mourn, and honestly, I won't even be mad. Everyone has had time to hear the truth. No more feeling sorry for the stupid.

If the WEF Davos meeting is nuked.. we can eliminate all this crap real easy.

To quote a very wise man.
"We gotta chase those crazy bald heads..outa town"

I DO NOT F'ING UNDERSTAND WHY OUR GOV'T IS DOING THE BIDDING OF THESE NON-ELECTED EVIL SOCIOPATHS. i mean really.... wtf has happened to this country that we allow any FOREIGN group or entity to dictate OUR policies??!! The whole damn country and the world for that matter has gone absolutely MAD!! The WEF DEMONS need to STFU. Every country has it's own gov't/leaders we don't want/need this SATANIC CULT trying to tell anybody how to live. They ALL need to be EPSTEINED or arrested and taken to GITMO for Crimes Against Humanity.

We await the visual of all their legs hanging from a noose!

it worked once it will be pushing a new vax and the other 3 theyre pushing now,TV lies people die

Climate Change Vaccine by Pfizer
"The temperature dropped as soon as I got it!"
By: Miss Anthropist 2.0 - 16th January 2024
Climate Change Vaccine by Pfizer

Hurry and get it now - while stocks last!

You know some people would actually be stupid enough to have one, right?

Trust the government, MSM, doctors, pastors, Satan...

Trust the government, MSM, doctors, pastors, Satan...

Trust the government, MSM, doctors, pastors, Satan...

You will need two, then boosters to top up the damage done, just like the c19 shots. Then you are either sterilized or will die of cancer, cardiac arrest or stroke to lower your risk to the climate. It's $cience

It works. You take it, you drop dead. No more emissions from you.

Tampa E
Some people? How about LEGIONS of people? Sigh.

Andrew Henfrey
People haven't figured out the carbon there wanting to reduce is us

Real Fishing Life
They would be lined up like good little sheep, going around the corner!

Paul The Runner
Yep, the same people who still wear masks whilst out walking in fresh air!

Persona non grata
They will combine it into one massive jab for Flu, Covid, Climate and Disease X and still have to wear a double mask

Vaccinated Tonya Marie Johnson
developed Blood Clots, Paralysis,
stomach / spleen removed,
cost hospital $7.5 million, has died!

By: Jack Straw - 14th January 2024

Vaccinated Tonya Marie Johnson developed Blood Clots, Paralysis, stomach / spleen removed, cost hospital $7.5 million, has died!

A Nevada woman who fought for her life for two years in the hospital after receiving a Covid-19 vaccine has died, leaving behind $7.5 million in hospital bills that bankrupted her family.

The woman's teenage son says, "Tonya Marie Johnson was a 57-year-old woman who worked for the State of Nevada and "was ordered" to get the vaccine. After the vaccine, she spent the next two years fighting for her life with an unknown illness in the hospital - she was paralyzed from the waist down, developed blood clots in her legs and lungs, required complete removal of her stomach and spleen, and dropped to just 70 pounds." Unfortunately, she passed away.

The son said his mother's hospital stay cost $7.5 million, and although insurance covered most of it, the rest bankrupted the family.

Dr. Robert Malone: Very soon there will be hundreds of health officials saying 'it was your choice, no one made you take it.

mRNA jabs are doing the job slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone even knows it's a Holocaust 2.0!

Sheeple don't listen to Conspiracy Theorists - until it's too late!

Scott Lannie
The level of evil on this Earth is beyond description.

BOANERGES - the sons of thunder
As Anthony Fauci, Bill gates, Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern etc would respond: "As long as the Covid vaccination stopped Tonya Marie Johnson from 'getting Covid' - the vaccine worked!"

RIP Tonya, may Justice SOON be served on those evil villains!

Deviant Fox
The company who made the vaccine should be picking up the bill and compensating the family. It is a shame this happened. My condolences go out to the family.

Not only the money. THE SUFFERING!

So sorry for this poor woman. That family needs some good lawyers!

So very sad.
My mom also died after getting the first vax.
She was in the hospital the entire time.. died on the 60th day.

Karrie Stone
Crimes against humanity

The medical establishment has transformed itself into a money laundering scheme aimed at harming it's patients and extracting as much money from them as possible while performing medieval practices that pad their own pockets

The amount of suffering they are directly causing is astounding. All the more so because no one says anything

A quote comes to mind
The opposite of courage is not cowardice, it's conformance

Download: Covid-19-vaccinated-nurse-and-mom-of-2-opens-up-after-sepsis-infection-leads-to-amputation-of-all-4-limbs-2024-01-13.mp4 - 5,753 kb
By: Good Morning America - 13th January 2024
Covid-19 vaccinated Cindy Mullins
(nurse & mom of 2), opens up
after sepsis infection leads
to amputation of all 4 limbs!
What started as a kidney stone removal procedure quickly led Cindy Mullins down an unimaginable path. In spite of her health hardships, she says she is at peace and grateful to be alive.

Covid-19 vaccinated Cindy Mullins (nurse & mom of 2), opens up after sepsis infection leads to amputation of all 4 limbs!

Cindy Mullins is an extremely brave and positive woman. Thankfully Cindy was fully vaccinated with mRNA technology, and is reaping the benefits of her choice.

Imagine how much worse her life would have been, if it were not for the protection afforded her by multiple mRNA injections!

It's infuriating that after screwing her up that much, they demand any money. They should be sued for multiple times that much ASAP

Sepsis is the leading cause of death and injury in hospitals since the CovID era started. Why is that? My own brother was killed by 'hospital protocols' when he went to the ER for an inflamed prostate and contracted sepsis as a result of malpractice. Why is this going on and why is nobody talking about it? You take your life in your hands when you go to hospital for so-called "healthcare".

cheri maday
Think: AIDS
5B+ of nearly 8B globally enforced, coerced, PSYOPS'd, chose - choose these bioweapon injections, which do destroy 'natural immunity' - no discrimination.
And suffering...'suddenly'
*Cindy Mullins - 41 yrs - USA
*Long-Time Nurse
*December 31, 2023
*Cindy's legs were amputated after she suffered from an infected Kidney Stone, and her arms are next...due to unstoppable Sepsis.

Oh this one is a horribly sad story.

Rolfe Michaels
5 weeks after my moms FIRST c19 kill shot she was life flighted to a larger hospital 2+ hrs drive away.

Father gave me POA desicion making while he traveled, only 1 family mem was allowed in hosp/24hrs.

Ecoli that led to a kidney stone, DR said kid stone would win the state fair!

David Archer
Are nurses now heroes or villains? They were the ones who should have stopped the shots within the first month. Some did quit to protest but not enough. Nurses are the biggest segment in a union work force. I don't know how history would remember them. Probably as cowards.

cheri maday
I consider the majority of nurses - at least those who 'knew' - as despicable cowards.
Especially for not leaking out the 'truth'.
History will not shine kindly upon 'those' aforementioned.

Horrific, guess we will find out if it is true: "Sometimes it's best to quit while you are a head". Do Not Comply - no boosters either.

Sadly most will Never, connect the Dots ...

Infected kidney stone???? Sepsis? Whoa. Rare diseases are no longer rare since 2021. Poor woman...

Download here: Sort-of-just-appeared-Anthony-Fauci-admits-that-the-COVID-response-was-not-based-on-science-2024-01-12.mp4 - 9,150 kb
By: Sky News Australia - 12th January 2024
'Sort of just appeared'
Anthony Fauci admits that the COVID
response was not based on science

Dr Anthony Fauci has admitted the social distancing laws forced on Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic "sort of just appeared".

The revelation came this Wednesday during a closed-door interview with the House Select Committee on Coronavirus Pandemic.

In the committee hearing, Fauci would also admit the lab leak hypothesis, which was regularly suppressed, was not a conspiracy theory.

The committee, headed by Brad Wenstrup, is investigating government officials' actions, including Fauci's, during the pandemic.

The investigation looked at officials who suppressed questions surrounding the origins of COVID-19 from the lab leak in Wuhan, China.

Now its time to charge him with crimes against humanity

If there was any true justice in America, this mass murderer would have faced real consequences for his bloody actions.

Now he needs to be charged for what he's done.

yeah, there werent any laws. they were called mandates and were pushed by unelected officials

Funny how us conspiracy theorists are right again.

Just can't trust government.


This is one real bad dude hiding in plain sight

Arrest him already!

We must never forget WHO coerced the children for use as shields to temporarily and marginally "protect" adults.
Thou shall not use pregnant women as Granny shields.

NZ Covid Vaccination Status
by Vaccine Doses Received

How many New Zealanders have been duped so far?
By: Health New Zealand - 12th January 2024

The following statistics are from:

Total Unvaccinated (no experimental injections):

  • No doses: 957,131 (18.16%)

Totals Vaccinated (with experimental injections):

  • 1st dose: 166,615 (3.16%)
  • 2nd dose: 1,372,751 (26.05%)
  • 3rd dose [1st booster]: 1,745,059 (33.12%)
  • 4th dose [2nd booster]: 365,619 (6.94%)
  • 5th dose [3rd booster]: 662,025 (12.56%)
  • 6th dose [4th booster]: statistics are currently still being compiled...


  • 7th to 200th+ doses [5th booster through to the 198th+ boosters]:

The rollout for these booster shots are still being organised.

It is envisaged that Disease X and other laboratory made biowarfare diseases / data manipulations / propaganda / lies - will be manufactured to help 'persuade' and coerce people to continue in this mammoth psychological operation to participate in voluntary euthanasia; whether it be via injections / patches / wafer under tongue / water supply / food supply etc.

NZ Covid Vaccination Status by Vaccine Doses Received

Voluntary euthanasia by lethal injection, fear, ignorance and coercion

NZ Covid Vaccination Status by Vaccine Doses Received

A million people unvaccinated

They don't want you to know that

They want us to think we are on our own

We are not. We have an army

NZ and the MRNA
In New Zealand a good proportion of that million are children. Parents were forced to vaccinate themselves through workplace mandates, or to continue their lives with vaccine passes. Not so much pressure for their small children, and many remain "unvaccinated"

Martin Vizner
The most interesting number in my books is the 1 dose people - 166 thousand! I think these are the mostly injured people. Why would you get one AND then decided to lose your job and rights UNLESS you had very good reason to stop.

Why is nobody getting dose 3, 4 and 5 I thought everyone was trusti ng the experts

...if 5 doses = fully vaccinated then 87% of New Zealanders are now ANTI-VAXXERS

Ps big congratulations to the 18.16% for resisting the costliest and most committed psyop operation in human history; keep speaking out & keep spreading the word

regret even getting one but grateful i wasn't dumb enough to get another 4, still detoxing the first one

Download here: NZs-fifth-Covid-wave-wreaks-havoc-on-fully-vaccinated-peoples-holiday-plans-1-News-2024-01-10.mp4 - 14,852 kb
By: 1News - 10th January 2024
NZ's fifth Covid wave wreaks
havoc on [fully vaccinated
holiday plans | 1News

Latest data shows more than 30,000 people tested positive in the past month, with many more infections likely to have gone unreported.

[Note: 1News has turned off comments in-line with their anti freedom of speech policy.]

Download: Canada-Interior-Health-drops-all-COVID-19-rapid-tests-RATs-at-facilities-as-not-reliable-for-diagnosis-of-Covid-19-2024-01-09.mp4 - 4,502 kb
By: Global News - 9th January 2024

Interior Health drops all COVID-19
rapid tests (RATs) at facilities as not
reliable for diagnosis of Covid-19

Millions of COVID-19 rapid tests have been put to use - - since they first became available back in February 2022. But now, one of the province's health authorities says those tests aren't accurate enough for a clinical diagnosis.

Interior Health (IH) has completely withdrawn its COVID-19 rapid antigen tests (RAT) from its facilities.

This is according to an internal memo obtained by Global News.

"(The rapid tests) are not reliable for diagnosis of COVID-19," the memo stated.

"As such COVID-19 RAT testing can no longer be used to direct clinical care or infection prevention and control measures, and must be discontinued immediately in Interior Health affiliated emergency rooms, hospitals, long-term care facilities (and) outpatient settings."

Interior Health (IH) said on Nov. 21, 2023, the BCCDC and Provincial Laboratory Medicine services issued a memo stating that the BCCDC oversight of COVID-19 RAT has been withdrawn.

Interior Health (IH) this afternoon (Jan. 9) issued a social media reaction to an internal memo related to COVID-19 testing that is circulating on social media (pictured).

COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Testing (RAT) are not reliable for diagnosis of COVID-19....

The Jan. 8 memo to "all clinical staff and medical providers, infection prevention and control practitioners, medical health officers and emergency network" is about the discontinuation of COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Testing (RAT) in Interior Health.

The memo opens: "COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Testing (RAT) are not reliable for diagnosis of COVID-19.

On Nov. 21, 2023, the BCCDC and Provincial Laboratory Medicine services issued a memo stating that the BCCDC oversight of COVID-19 RAT has been withdrawn. As such, COVID-19 testing can no longer be used to direct clinical care or infection prevention and control measures, and must be discontinued immediately in Interior health affiliated emergency rooms, hospitals, long-term care facilities or outpatient settings."

Additionally, the memo notes health care workers no longer require COVID-19 RAT testing to direct a return -to-work process.

The memo says a required action for health care workers is to immediately discard COVID-19 RAT kits...

COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Testing (RAT) are not reliable for diagnosis of COVID-19...

Jo Blow
Next they'll be telling us Covid-19 vaccines aren't vaccines and don't stop you catching Covid-19, nor stop the spread of Covid-19!

Oh I forgot, they did that already!!!

Download here: We-are-being-censored-claim-victims-of-AstraZeneca-Covid-vaccine-2024-01-07.mp4 - 6,178 kb
By: GBNews - 7th January 2024
We're being censored, claim victims
of AstraZeneca Covid vaccine

We're being censored, claim victims of AstraZeneca Covid vaccine.

Simon Evans, Steve N Allen and Lewis Schaffer react to a headline in the Sunday Telegraph.

This scandal is on par with the Post Office scandal. We are in a war of good against evil, pure and simple. I pray good wins.

The only ones, living without regret, are the unjabbed
Never forget - Never forgive

Humanity never needed a jab for a bug with an almost 100% survival rate.

17 million deaths worldwide since the introduction of the medicine, Professor Dr Denis Rancourt.

No surprise there, it's all censored if it doesn't fit the narrative

I can confidently report that it is still being repressed.

It's a stitch up from above the Govt, through the Govt and the Media

Australia- we have Fire fighters that are still not allowed to work, even with bushfire season happening now.

Even though there is vaccine injuries (heart issues) for these young men/women....they can't work. The main media won't report on their flight with our Fire Department.

Obviously it needs an ITV drama to be made… mainstream journalism has been a failure in rooting out the truth

I'm constantly on shadow ban on Facebook. Its rare that YouTube post my comments. Any comments about covid, Ulez, climate rubbish, electric cars.... kiss hood bye to any form of opinion. That's fascism in a nutshell

Download here: Florida-Surgeon-General-calls-for-halt-to-COVID-19-vaccine-citing-possible-cancer-risks-2024-01-05.mp4 - 5,542 kb
By: FOX 35 Orlando - 5th January 2024
Florida Surgeon General calls for
halt to COVID-19 vaccine,
citing possible cancer risks
Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo has called for a halt to the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine citing possible health risks that he claims the FDA has not yet looked into.

I was the only one at my workplace who refused the vax and almost got fired for it. Hats off to this brave man for speaking the truth and bringing it to light.

To all those who stood strong and did not give in, SALUTE! Stay Strong folks, including those who were forced to get the jab, may prayers be with you all.

Hats off to those of us that refused the jab. My immediate family including myself said no from the beginning

I was pregnant and the Dr insisted on every visit that I take the vaccine ! I am so thankful that I listened to my husband when he showed me the side effects, i had another life to account for and I almost listened to my gynaecologist and took the vaccine ,

Isn't it wonderful to hear from a person who has an ethical and moral obligation to humanity!!!

I was fired for not taking the shot, lost my pension, health insurance and was denied unemployment.

Literally left for dead for not taking this bio weapon. I want justice.

Salute to all of us who were screaming this back in 2020 and didn't get vaccinated. Y'all are the real ones.

Thank God for the doctor speaking up. I stood on my faith and refused the vaccine.

I'm so glad me or no one in my family took the vaccine. We were all laid off. Went into debt, suffered a lot but we are still alive and in good health. Most of us did get Covid. No one had to be hospitalized. A year later two people ( mother and daughter) did get it again but the symptoms were very mild this time around.

I'm still glad we didn't get it.

Employers who stated "to fire employees who will not get vaccinated" shall be held accountable!!!!

OMG. In 2020 I LITERALLY said that I'm not gonna take a vaccine that has not been tested and researched. It was SO rushed and even vaccinated people were still getting sick.
Im so glad I didn't get it!! And I feel so validated!!

I'm surprised this even made it to the news. No more freedom of speech allowed. Protect this dude at all costs

Page Footer...
[Everything below this line is repeated on most pages]

We are fighting a spiritual war
10th August 2024
Paris Olympics - We are fighting a spiritual war!
Revelation 18:2 "And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

Hard Times Create Strong Men...
Hard Times Create Strong Men - Strong Men Create Good Times - Good Times Create Weak Men - Weak Men Create Hard Times.

Some people wouldn't know
tyranny if it bit them on the ass!
Some people wouldn't know tyranny if it bit them on the ass!

Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!
Doctors - Putting Profit and their Job Before People!

This is a question that stupid
people & traitors cannot answer:
Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?
This is a question that stupid people & traitors cannot answer: Q: Where did Influenza go in 2020 & 2021?

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!
30th June 2023
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus WHO leader, Liar and Genocidist!

Being awake isn't cool. It means having to dumb down 98% of your conversations every day, so you don't sound like a lunatic.

Attitude to monsters after putting up with their shit since late 2019...

Plan F - The Fuck Off plan!

When people you don't even know hate you, That's when you know you're the best.

mRNA jabs are doing the job
slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!
30th June 2023
mRNA jabs are doing the job slowly and quietly. Hardly anyone knows it is a holocaust!

20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities
It's called GENOCIDE!
13th June 2023
20 - 10 - 5 - 1 Minute Cities - It's called GENOCIDE!

"A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030"
It's called GENOCIDE!
12th May 2023
A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030 - It's called GENOCIDE!

World Economic Forum - Committed to Enslaving the Whole World

Nothing says "Trust the Science"
like asking for the data
to be hidden for 75 years!
18th March 2023
Nothing says Trust the Science like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years! Shhhhh....

Superheroes bow down to the
Big Pharma / Businessmen / Doctors
11th February 2023
It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

It is a lot easier to tell yourself that you are a hero, than it is to realize that you have been complicit in the biggest fraud in history! MEDICAL APARTHEID and GENOCIDE!

Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT
26th November 2022
Break free of all the WEF / Political /Media BULLSHIT

The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get
jabbed is like sending a post card from
the Titanic saying: "Wish you were here!"
20th November 2022
The jabbed telling the unjabbed to get jabbed is like sending a post card from the Titanic saying: Wish you were here!

Ten Stages of Genocide
As taught by WEFers Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau etc - August 2022

Ten Stages of Genocide

The Good Reset
Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's,
Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

28th July 2022
The Good Reset - Not Satan's, Klaus Schwab's, Jacinda Ardern's, Justin Trudeau's etc Great Reset

Covid Variant / Booster
The Merry Go Round From Hell
22nd December 2021

Covid Variant / Booster - Merry Go Round From Hell

Experimental Injections
Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel
13th November 2021

Experimental Injections - Multiple Dose Infinite Carousel

Death is coming for you stupid!

I am fully Vaccinated and Boostered, and just tested positive for Covid-19. I am grateful for the protection my vaccines continue to provide.

The 5-Step COVID 'Vaccine' RISK / BENEFIT ANALYSIS - September 2021

Trump's swamp draining service

When the population understands this picture, it will change everything.

"You can fool all the people some of the time.
You can fool some of the people all the time.
But you cannot fool all the people all the time!"

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Attributed to Edmund Burke. Also by John F. Kennedy in a speech in 1961.

The Great Cow Analogy

Donald J. Trump - They should never have touched the children!
'They should never have touched the children!'
Donald J. Trump - President of the United States of America

'They should never have touched the children!!' President Donald J. Trump

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Abortion: Modern Day Child Sacrifice
Psalms 106:37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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If someone accuses you of wearing a tinfoil hat...,
remind them that it's better than wearing a blindfold!

Q - Apr 17 2020 - We are ready. [Set 1] Mission good. Q Q
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Q President John F. Kennedy